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PRIMA PAGINA De Morgen di Oggi sabato, 28 settembre 2024
#PrimaPagina#demorgen quotidiano#giornale#primepagine#frontpage#nazionali#internazionali#news#inedicola#oggi labels#onze#date#acteur#aron#wade#concrete#euthanasie#leven#methoden#maffia#twee#gratis#president#nummer#anoa#open
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TERPERCAYA!! 0811-3225-8899, Pelatihan Digital Marketing Bank NGANJUK, Pelatihan Digital Marketing Class NGANJUK
pelatihan digital marketing agency, pelatihan digital marketing courses, pelatihan digital marketing strategy, pelatihan digital marketing jobs, pelatihan digital marketing affiliate product, pelatihan digital marketing affiliate programs, pelatihan digital marketing business, pelatihan digital marketing company, pelatihan digital marketing di tiktok, pelatihan digital marketing ecommerce pelatihan digital marketing manager, pelatihan digital marketing online tiktok, pelatihan digital marketing online shop, pelatihan digital marketing property Fokus Manfaat: • Kuasai dunia digital marketing dan tingkatkan karir Anda! • Pelajari strategi terkini dari praktisi berpengalaman. • Raih peluang kerja menjanjikan di industri digital. Fokus Keunggulan: • Kurikulum terlengkap dan up-to-date. • Metode pelatihan interaktif dan praktis. • Trainer berpengalaman dan berkualitas. Pendek & Menarik: • Upgrade skill Anda! Ikuti pelatihan Digital Marketing sekarang! • Wujudkan mimpi Anda menjadi pakar digital marketing! • Langkah awal menuju karir gemilang di era digital. Dengan CTA (Call to Action): • Daftar sekarang dan dapatkan diskon spesial! • Hubungi kami untuk konsultasi gratis! 0811-3225-8899 pelatihan digital marketing course NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing agency NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing job description NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing strategy NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing bootcamp NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing agency jakarta NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing agency indonesia NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing agency adalah NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing analyst NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing and strategy specialist adalah NGANJUK pelatihan advantages of digital marketing NGANJUK, pelatihan affiliate digital marketing NGANJUK, pelatihan a career in digital marketing NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing bank NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing class NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing cv NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing course free NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing career NGANJUK, pelatihan contoh digital marketing NGANJUK, pelatihan cv digital marketing NGANJUK pelatihan coursera digital marketing NGANJUK, pelatihan career in digital marketing NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing degree NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing drive NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing di indonesia NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing dan branding NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing dalam pengembangan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing ecommerce NGANJUK, pelatihan digital marketing example NGANJUK #digitalmarketing, #digitalmarketing9372, #digitalmarketing9ja, #digitalmarketing901, #digitalmarketing974,
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It’s always a good day for something free!
Free Mini readings coming soon, as part of The Cat And Raven’s Summer Celebration.
Stay tuned! 😇😁🐈⬛🐦⬛
#free#gratis#stay tuned#coming soon#mini readings#psychic#psychic medium#psychic readings#tarot#tarot reading#crystal ball#oracle#tiktok#facebook#instagram#tumblr#date#time#online#empaths#intuitive#mediumship#messages#loved ones#heaven#namaste#blessings#see you soon#social media#the cat and raven
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The 100% Good Twine SugarCube Guide!
The 100% Good Twine SugarCube Guide is a coding guide for the SugarCube format of Twine. It is meant as an alternative to the SugarCube documentation, with further explanations, interactive examples, and organised by difficulty. The goal of this guide is to make the learning curve for new SugarCube user less steep, and provide a comprehensive and wide look over the format.
The Guide is compartmentalised in (currently) four categories:
THE BASICS or the absolute basics to start with SugarCube. No need for extra knowledge. Just the base needed to make something.
THE BASICS + adding interactivity, and creating a fully rounded IF game May require a bit of CSS knowledge (formatting rules)
INTERMEDIATE MODE adding more customisation and complex code Will probably require some CSS knowledge, and maybe some JavaScript
ADVANCE USE the most complex macros and APIs Will surely require some JavaScript/jQuery knowledge
Note: The Advanced Use includes all the APIs, macros, and methods not covered by the previous categories. This includes code requiring very advance knowledge of JavaScript/jQuery to be used properly.
Each category explains many aspects of the format, tailored to a specific level of the user. More simpler explanations and examples are available in earlier chapters, compared to the later ones.
If something is unclear, you found a mistake, you would like more examples in the guide, or would like a feature covered, let me know!
The Guide currently covers all macros (as of SugarCube v.2.37.3), all functions and methods, and APIs. It touches upon the use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery, when relevant. It also discusses aspects of accessibility.
The Guides also provides a list of further resources, for the different coding languages.
The Guide is available in a downloadable form for offline view:
HTML file that can be opened in Twine
.tw file that can be opened in Twine
source code, separating the chapters, .js and .css files
Twine® is an “an open-source tool for telling interactive, non-linear stories” originally created by Chris Klimas maintained in several different repositories (Twinery.org). Twine is also a registered trademark of the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
SugarCube is a free (gratis and libre) coding format for Twine/Twee created and maintained by TME.
As of this release (v2.0.0), it is up to date with the version 2.37.3. If you are looking for the guide covering SugarCube 2.36.1, you can find it on my GitHub.
Note: the Guide is now complete. There won't be further substantial updates.
#the 100% Good Twine SugarCube Guide#template#templates#guide#coding in twine#twine#coding#HTML#JavaScript#CSS#macros#interactive fiction#sugarcube#interactive games#k thanks. i don't need any more reminders that sugarcube update and that I NEED TO UPDATE MY RESOURCES#i KNOW#manonamora
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La potenza impegnata per uso domestico è, di solito, 3 kWe. Un condominio di 100 famiglie impegna complessivamente una potenza di 300 kWe, che in un giorno (24 ore) diventano 7200 kWh, in un anno diventano 2628000 kWh (2628 MWh).
Se volessimo ricarica un'auto elettrica con batteria di capacità pari a 90 kWh, teorizzando un rendimento di ricarica dell'85%, avremmo di bisogno di 37.5 ore. Volendo ridurre i tempi di ricarica a poco più di 1 ora, avremmo di bisogno di una potenza impegnata di 105 kWe. Ma 105 kWe sono pari a più della metà del condominio e il tutto per una sola auto.
Facciamo finta che nel condominio di 100 famiglie tutti abbiano un'auto elettrica con batteria della capacità citata e il condominio ottiene il via libera per 100 stazioni di ricarica "media" da 105 kWe.
La potenza impegnata è pari a 105000 kWe, ovvero 105 MWe, ovvero 105 MWh di energia, ovvero quasi la potenza di un reattore nucleare modulare (SMR) come il Liong One cinese da 125 MWe!
Giusto per fare comprendere la proporzione, con 105 MWe si alimenta una città (senza industrie, naturalmente) di 35 mila abitanti! Adesso provate ad immaginare una città con, almeno, la metà del parco auto circolante di tipo elettrico e tante stazioni di ricarica dalla potenza di, almeno, 105 kWe.
Milano, inteso come Comune, conta su 1.4 milioni di abitanti, e con il 50% di 1807123 parco auto, le vetture elettriche sarebbero 903561. Volendo considerare che tutte le auto vengano ricaricate con colonnine rapide da ipotetici 105 kWe (in realtà si stanno diffondendo, insieme a quelle da 200 e oltre kWe, ma sono pochissime, la stragrande maggioranza sono da 36 kWe, ma noi agiamo ipoteticamente per consentire una ricarica in poco più di 1 ora), la potenza impegnata sarebbe di 948739605 kWe, pari a 94873,905 MWe, pari a 94,873905 GWe di potenza elettrica effettiva! Per giuste proporzioni, un reattore nucleare coreano APR-1400, dello stesso modello costruito in 4 unità negli Emirati Arabi Uniti, eroga una potenza massima netta di 1400 MWe, ovvero 1,4 GWe, e ne sarebbero necessari ben 68!
Qualcuno potrebbe obiettare: "Non è detto che tutte le auto si connettano contemporaneamente per la ricarica". Vero, ma la statistica dimostra, che la ricarica viene tendenzialmente effettuata nelle ore serali/notturne presso il proprio domicilio (in Italia per chi può permetterselo, in Germania e negli Stati Uniti è la prassi), più raramente presso le colonnine dislocate nei punti di ricarica urbani avviene di giorno. La statistica stessa ci viene incontro informandoci che ci sarà almeno una volta al giorno un momento in cui le auto possono essere collegate tutte insieme per la ricarica, e quella potenza va coperta, pena un inesorabile crollo delle linee e un prolungatissimo black-out che porterebbe dietro di sé, non la Lombardia, non l'Italia, ma l'Europa intera, date le interconnessioni transfrontaliere.
Ammesso che i cittadini si "accontentino" di ricaricare le proprie auto alla potenza massima di 3 kWe, sarebbero comunque necessari 2710683 kWe, 2710,683 MWe, 2,710683 GWe di potenza per ricaricare, in un tempo stimato di 38 ore circa, il 50% delle auto di Milano, quindi 2 reattori nucleari APR-1400.
Qualcuno afferma di volere ricaricare le auto elettriche, di giorno e con i pannelli FV. Torniamo all'esempio delle colonnine da 105 kWe, tanto il sole è gratis, giusto? I pannelli FV in condizioni standard hanno un rendimento del 13% (in termini largamente benevoli, perché raramente si arriva a superare il 10% reale...). Il 13% di rendimento è considerato come valore massimo in condizioni di perfetta perpendicolarità del pannello FV rispetto all'irraggiamento solare, alla temperatura di 25°C e al livello del mare. La variazione dell'angolo incidente, della temperatura e della pressione atmosferica riducono sensibilmente il rendimento effettivo...
Considerata la costante solare K = 1 kW * m-2, 1 metroquadrato di pannello FV erogherà una potenza massima di 130 Watt...
Per ottenere una potenza massima di uscita pari a 2,710683 GWe saranno necessari 20851407,692 m*-2 di pannelli fotovoltaici... credo le proporzioni, adesso, siano ben chiare! Continuare a fare conversazione su questi numeri, credo, sia inutile. Al netto degli impatti ambientali per la produzione delle batterie, dei pannelli FV, della loro installazione sul suolo, anche e solo parlare di elettrificare anche una parte del parco circolante di una città come Milano, figuriamoci del mondo intero, sia un qualcosa di improponibile, al netto, che senza reattori nucleari, la ricarica potrebbe essere assicurata per non più di 5,479 ore/giorno in media di irradiazione solare annue in Italia... Meditare, gente, meditare...
F. Arnò.
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fam…. wow, what a year.
in the summer, i went to karlie’s birthday show, and on the way back i stopped through santa monica and pacific palisades just to soak in the rich kid ambiance, and well, no, actually, i wanted to check out jennifer meyer! because, well, idk. inspiration struck. it’s such a fun kaylorverse brand! and i thought, if enamored enough, i might be convinced into buying a tiny heart ring or charm or something, but they had just gotten in one of something recently and when i saw it i immediately knew i would be talked into it.
…so i picked up this tiny necklace from jen meyer. for obvious reasons.. i couldn’t help it! it spoke to me!!
fast forward to a handful of weeks later and taylor is… wearing evil eye jewelry! several pieces! more than several pieces!! even an evil eye stud!! and i come to deduce later on that the first time she wore the bracelet was the day before karlie’s birthday concert. which is a true coincidence that i love, because, it’s the day @taylorrepdetective and i happened to arrive in LA. and so today, reflecting on the eye theory as i do, i was thinking today about how my life changed shape, because of all of these things.
for april 18th is, as you may know, eye theory day! the day @swift-79 and i finalized and i posted the og eye theory post, back in 2019. also known as the eyepocalypse, discovereye, the start of many things.
today marks the four five year anniversary. it’s pretty wild that we’re still kickin it five years in! and it’s become a sort of tradition for me where i like to post a little something personal in honor of the day. so allow me to continue this one gratis.
second part of my story is that a little over a year ago now, i went to opening night of the eras tour with @theprologues and the day after the concert, on my way back, i stopped through scottsdale and walked through all the boutique shops and souvenir shops and picked up a trinket. a ring that called out to me, for…obvious reasons.
i mean, how could i not?? to commemorate a wonderful trip to meet a dear friend, and for all the eye theory things that happened on opening night!
and it’s been a year since then and i’m one of those people that just doesn’t take jewelry off, so it’s been on my finger for all this time. it was a snug fit, and silver, so it both wasn’t coming off easily and wouldn’t be leaving a green ring on my hand or anything, so i have kept it there. for a little over a year now.
but the other day someone was asking me about it. and i was like oh, i got this in arizona and so i went to adjust it to show it off because the center stone was off to the side and when i twisted it i noticed a mark on my finger, an indent, for having worn it so long.. and i sorta laughed to myself because, you know, there is an indentation. in the shape of an eye.
so i decided to take the thing off for a sec and let my finger breathe and so i take off the ring and notice— the shape of the ring has changed.
what once was centered, has now fully to morphed and warped the right side. 🙈🙈 c’est la vie.
i only write this out to say that, it had me thinking. about all the fun we had for this fourth fifth (!) turn around the theory, all the dear friends i have met, all the tour outfits, the accessories and merch?!… all of the little connections we have made over this… thing 😆 it had me thinking about how there are always going to be these fun little moments in life where the universe winks at you and, and how if you can manage it, it’s a charmed way to live, really. reminded me of the time i lost karlie’s gem on my swarovski evil eye bracelet at rep tour tokyo! that is to say, when the going gets tough, it can still be fun. if you work to give yourself permission. as one might say…there are cathedrals everywhere for those with the eyes to see 🥴
it didn’t really occur to me until this week just how close the release date is to the eye theory anniversareye ☺️ and i’m not sure what this countdown is for but it’s running out so close to when the op was posted five years ago so i decided to post around now :) not to say any of it was anything more than accidental. but hey, laughter is the best medicine, is it not?
so omnom, i say! omnom!
and so today, on ts11 album release eve,
i implore all of you (and myself) to open our hearts juuust a crack,
and keep on the lookout for the gold nuggets that are going to be there. assume taylor will perjure herself a bit during this trial, relax, allow yourself the enjoy what we get, like nobody else truly can.
and so eye enter into evidence…
literally a bajillion things let’s be real like oh my god
our tarnished post of eyes, my indentations, shaped like…occulations,
our talismans and charms.
the tap, tap, tap of me selecting bert memes, my veins of bloodshot pink.
all’s fair in love and…
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Ukrainian journalist Viktoria Roshchyna has died in Russian captivity, the Ukrainian authorities confirmed on Thursday. She was 27.
Roshchyna was captured by Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) agents while reporting from Russian-occupied territory in August 2023.
According to Petro Yatsenko, the head of Ukraine’s Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War, the circumstances of Roshchyna’s death are still unclear. Earlier, Ukrainian lawmaker Yaroslav Yurchyshyn reported that the Russian authorities had informed the journalist’s family that she died while being transferred between prisons, though he later deleted the post.
Andriy Yusov, the spokesman for Ukraine’s Main Intelligence Directorate, told the Ukrainian outlet Suspilne that Roshchyna was included on the list for an upcoming prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine. Yatsenko later confirmed this to Hromadske, adding, “The fact that she was transferred from Taganrog to Moscow was a stage of her preparation for release.”
Update: Later on Thursday, the Ukrainian news outlet Grati reported that Roshchyna’s father received a letter from the Russian Defense Ministry dated October 2, 2024, stating that the journalist died on September 19. It also said that her body will be handed over to the Ukrainian authorities “as part of an exchange of bodies of detained individuals.” The letter didn’t mention the circumstances or cause of her death.
Roshchyna’s arrest last year was her second time being captured by Russian forces. In March 2022, FSB agents arrested her in Russian-occupied territory and kept her in custody for 10 days. During her detention, the agency forced Roshchyna to record a video saying she had no complaints about her prison conditions and that Russian forces had “saved her life.” The second time she was arrested, nine months passed before the Russian authorities confirmed to Roshchyna’s family that she was in their custody.
Roshchyna worked as a freelance reporter for various outlets including Ukrainska Pravda, Radio Svoboda, and Hromadske, where she used to be on staff. She received the International Women’s Media Foundation’s Courage in Journalism Award in 2022.
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Am observat ceva foarte interesant la TVR.
Ăia folosesc AI pentru anumite imagini. Nu la modul deepfake și alte câcaturi de genu', da' au folosit AI unde puteau folosi imagini Stock sau imagini desenate de artiști adevărați, vii, adică de oameni.
Pentru un exemplu, vă rog să vă uitați la imaginile date înainte sau după reclame, alea de Crăciun, tematice, care par ca din basme. Alea sunt cu AI făcute.
Eu renunț la viață. Pe bune, nu mai pot. Dacă până și TVR o ajuns în mania asta cu AI-ul, eu nu mai am ce căta pe lumea asta în calitate de artist. Iar eu altceva nu știu să fiu.
În fine, bag pula în ea de țară și de televiziune, puteți să-mi luați cablul de la TV, nu mă supăr, vi-l dau pe gratis chiar, că eu oricum nu mă uit.
Dacă nu mai postez nimic pentru 1 lună sau 2, puteți presupune că m-au asasinat cei de la TVR. Spor în viață, Crăciun Fericit și An Nou fainoșag.
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Hello, I would like to start off with BYHTD. This is a very long message, so i apologise right now.
Never have i been so afraid of just knowing there might be a second part to a fic before. No afraid as in fear, but afraid as in the anticipation of adrenaline when you reach the highest point of a rollercoaster and you know it's abt to go down.
I gobbled up all the asks and everything to do with this fic. I'm so sO NOT normal.. and this level of hyper fixation is extremely new to me. I mean it. This one made me switch my cellphone off, had me deep breathing, muttering small 'damn', 'shit' 'fuckk' at random times during the day.
I've re-read it a couple times now and it just keeps pulling me in. I personally do NOT enjoy angst/ pining, etc. Not without assurance that the ending will be 'happy'. Yet this one. It's like when one first starts to get a taste for good wine, you know. For someone who absolutely detests the sad parts of a story, has even SKIPPED them in so many fics I've read before (not proud of it, but the heart wants what it wants), I am surprised to see that the parts that i specifically go back to are the ones where the reader is especially hurting/jealous. Like the realisation that they're both into other women but not reader. It hurts good. I was not this person. The story changed me. HOW DID YOU DO THAT!?
FINALLY, to My question. What would happen if reader just sort of... Gives up in the sense of wanting a romantic partner altogether? As in she just accepts that she's not going to get a good partner, and since all of her partners turn out to be 'evil' (given stsg frame them, etc) she decides to move on to 'self love/care'?
Imo, what if she wallows for a long time and the yearning gets to her. She realises what's happening and decides to participate on her own terms. So much so, that she does a 180 in her approach, and takes away what they hold most dear (her complete attention on them) and give them what they most fear (a stone cold facade that is borderline too sweet, too nonchalant, showing them that their antics have saturated the reader to the extent she's no longer affected). She just starts (outwardly) shifting her focus onto her work, etc. Like a sudden workaholic, who's gymming a lot too, suddenly.
I imagine them going in more aggressive, taking about their sexcapades more openly and all, but reader just... starts smiling and laughing with them. Even specifically mentions one of her 'friends' is interested in joining stsg, if they'd be interested. "She seems like your type. She saw you guys in my birthday pictured, and hasn't stopped talking about both of you. I can set y'all up on a date or something, since you're looking to spice stuff up... so yeah. lemme know."
All smiles and 'genuinely' looking out for them. And the whole times she's thinking... I'm gonna be an equally bad nightmare to you, I'm going to play according to MY rules and I'm not playing 'your' game. We're all playing mine now.
That's it. I'm glad I could voice it out because i haven't been at rest ever since I had these thoughts shimmering in my head.
I just want the reader to still have her pride intact, regardless of how the story goes. (I only just came to this realisation after I wrote this long-ass message)
Thank you for reading, I cherish you and your writing with my all my sanity and conscientiousness.
jdklsdhgfs i got this ask (and several others!) before posting the part two so let me just say!!! thank you so much for enjoying my work this much!
you, amongst several other anons, were so encouraging sending me asks like this. i had the "film them for onlyfans content" idea before this ask was even sent in, but it was SO fun to hear people talk about what they'd like to see next.
that being said, i hope it lived up to your expectations sjfhklgshdfg honestly i was kind of worried for a while that the next part i wrote might not live up to the first. but you gotta just for got it sometimes, you know?
but it is SO. gratifying. to think that this is how the fic feels from a reader's POV. as a writer i pour over these words and ideas SO MANY TIMES,, especially something like this part two which i worked on across a few weeks, it starts to feel stale, and i second-guess myself. hearing how much suspense you were in makes me feel like what i wrote actually was as emotionally impactful as i thought it was, and it's so rewarding to hear <3
honestly though if it makes you feel better, i also can struggle to get through a lot of super angsty stuff. there are particular kinds of angst that i can really feast on, but a lot of it can be a struggle to read through. i straight up skip the "hurt no comfort" tag most of the time, like for me a lot of the purpose of angst is the comfort or comeuppance.
but anyways... among the many theorizations for what reader could do, this is definitely on the more realistic side. gojo and geto have no good way of sabotaging your self-care and emotionally manipulating you much further than they already have.
the whole point of BYHTD is that they're reaching the limits of what they can do to you emotionally. there's just not a lot left to do without confessing.
i think the real problem with this route is, though it's an emotionally satisfying journey for the reader, i would struggle to create drama and yandere behavior like the original fic would call for. this is more a continuation that would focus on emotional growth and stuff.
even with the reader trying to play it cool and set them up with others. when you're manipulating someone, what you usually want is a reaction, and if the reader has feelings for them, still, well, they're really not better off than they were before.
it could be fun from satoru and suguru's povs as they try to sabotage your self care and slowly lose their minds more and more, but as a writer i shine more with emotional outbursts, or extremely fucked up yandere behavior (however dramatic/subtle it may be).
who knows though. maybe therapy is in the cards somewhere,,, SOMEONE here is going to have to change,, although to be fair. maybe not for the better >.>
but!!! i think i did do a good job keeping the reader's dignity!!! i absolutely feel you there like. on one hand there is value in putting the reader through hell, but personally i almost always need them to come out on the other side. i can be very stubborn with my grudges and i generally don't write readers who forget that they were wronged.
anyways!!! you are forgiven for the long ask, really, don't worry about it! i am always happy to talk about my work (although sometimes i have to stop so i can... actually work XD) - and i hope, whoever you are, you've enjoyed the next part that came out <3
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Some time ago her stepfather lost all of their money after he tried to run a Ponzi scheme, tried to recruit the Sheikh and got caught. What little remained was taken in fines after he was sent to jail and now she's stranded in a far away land without money for a ticket home. But luckily the Sheikh offered to front her the money for a ticket if she worked as a Maid at his palace for a month. That was three months ago but with cost of living being so much lower here (and all her bed and board provided gratis) and with literally no job prospects back home she's stuck around. It wasn't as if the work was that hard, the uniform was actually quite flattering and the pastry chef had taken her on three dates. Even though women were second class citizens here she almost feels more at home than she did where she came from. She still expects to go home eventually but for now she is content...
(AI art made with Stable Diffusion)
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Does anyone want to go on a date with my roommate he’s tall and handsome and rich and he works for a cosmetics retailer and will give you his gratis
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TERPERCAYA!! 0811-3225-8899, Pelatihan Digital Marketing Agency Adalah BOJONEGORO, Pelatihan Digital Marketing Analyst BOJONEGORO
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Blog Ternama Togel2Win Telah Dirilis Panduan dan Link Resmi
Dengan perkembangan dunia digital yang begitu pesat, kehadiran platform online semakin mendominasi berbagai bidang, termasuk di dunia permainan. Salah satu yang terbaru dan dinanti-nantikan adalah rilisnya blog ternama Togel2Win , sebuah portal yang memberikan informasi, tips, dan panduan seputar permainan togel. Situs ini telah resmi dirilis dan bisa diakses melalui link togel2win.com.co, menawarkan beragam konten menarik untuk penggemar permainan angka ini.
Menyambut Kehadiran Blog Togel2Win
Togel2Win hadir sebagai sumber informasi yang kredibel bagi pemain togel yang mencari panduan serta informasi akurat seputar dunia permainan ini. Blog ini tak hanya memberikan panduan bagi pemula, tetapi juga trik dan strategi bagi pemain yang sudah berpengalaman. Di era digital saat ini, Togel2Win berusaha memberikan layanan terbaik kepada penggunanya, menyajikan informasi terbaru dengan akses yang mudah melalui link resmi mereka.
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Salah satu alasan utama mengapa Togel2Win mendapat banyak perhatian adalah beragamnya fitur yang ditawarkan. Blog ini dirancang dengan antarmuka yang ramah pengguna dan mudah diakses, baik melalui perangkat mobile maupun desktop. Pengguna dapat menikmati berbagai artikel panduan, ulasan permainan, serta prediksi angka yang bisa membantu mereka meraih kemenangan. Selain itu, blog ini juga menyediakan fitur komunitas yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk berdiskusi dan berbagi pengalaman satu sama lain.
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Sebagai platform yang menyasar penggemar permainan togel, Togel2Win memastikan semua informasi yang disajikan di blog ini dapat diandalkan dan terverifikasi. Mulai dari statistik permainan, hasil undian, hingga bocoran prediksi angka, semuanya ditulis oleh penulis yang berpengalaman di bidangnya. Ini memberikan rasa aman dan nyaman bagi pengguna yang ingin menjadikan blog ini sebagai panduan utama dalam bermain togel.
Strategi dan Tips Bermain yang Efektif
Togel2Win bukan hanya sekadar blog biasa, tetapi juga tempat di mana pemain dapat menemukan berbagai strategi dan tips untuk meningkatkan peluang kemenangan mereka. Artikel-artikel yang tersedia mencakup berbagai topik, mulai dari cara memahami pola permainan hingga teknik-teknik khusus yang bisa diterapkan. Dengan adanya strategi yang disusun secara mendalam, Togel2Win menjadi sumber referensi bagi mereka yang ingin memperbesar peluang menang.
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Keamanan dalam mengakses blog adalah prioritas utama Togel2Win. Pengguna dapat merasa tenang karena blog ini telah dilengkapi dengan sistem keamanan yang kuat untuk melindungi data pribadi mereka. Selain itu, proses pendaftaran untuk mengakses fitur-fitur khusus juga mudah dan cepat, tanpa memerlukan langkah-langkah rumit. Pengguna dapat langsung menikmati berbagai konten yang tersedia tanpa harus khawatir tentang keamanan data mereka.
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Togel2Win tidak hanya memberikan informasi dan panduan, tetapi juga menghadirkan dukungan penuh kepada pengguna yang membutuhkan bantuan. Tim layanan pelanggan siap membantu pengguna yang mengalami kesulitan atau memiliki pertanyaan seputar blog. Dengan dukungan ini, Togel2Win memastikan pengalaman pengguna selalu positif dan memuaskan. Setiap pertanyaan akan dijawab dengan cepat dan tepat, memberikan rasa nyaman bagi penggunanya.
Akses Mudah Melalui Link Resmi
Untuk mengakses blog Togel2Win, pengguna hanya perlu mengunjungi link resmi togel2win.com.co. Dari situ, mereka dapat menikmati berbagai artikel dan fitur yang disediakan secara gratis. Dengan tampilan yang modern dan responsif, blog ini dapat diakses kapan saja dan di mana saja, memberikan kemudahan bagi para pemain togel yang ingin selalu up-to-date dengan informasi terbaru.
Kehadiran blog Togel2Win menjadi angin segar bagi para penggemar togel di seluruh Indonesia dan bahkan Asia. Dengan beragam fitur unggulan, informasi terpercaya, serta akses yang mudah, Togel2Win memastikan setiap pemain mendapatkan pengalaman terbaik dalam bermain togel. Segera kunjungi togel2win.com.co dan temukan berbagai konten menarik yang bisa membantu Anda meraih kemenangan!
Berikut Blog Dan Heylink Togle2win.GG
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Wieso die TV Big Date von Mido ihren Namen trägt, ist unschwer zu erkennen. Ebenso unverkennbar ist ihr cooler Vintage-Look. Mehr davon? Bitte:
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25 aprile: ingressi gratis nei musei statali
Il 25 aprile 2024, in concomitanza con le celebrazioni della Festa della Liberazione, i musei e i parchi archeologici statali saranno aperti gratuitamente ai visitatori. Alle 12 prime domeniche del mese in cui è possibile accedere gratuitamente ai luoghi della cultura statali, vengono aggiunte anche in questo 2024 altre tre date a ingresso libero il 25 aprile. il 2 giugno e il 4 novembre. Museo…
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#25 aprile#antonietta bandelloni#art#artblogger#arte#artinfluencer#bellezza#english#Michelangelo Buonarroti
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Viatge a Londres
· Lloc molt turístic.
· Té molts museus
· Monuments molt macos
· Els museus són gratis
Què puc fer?
· Anar al Big Ben
· Visitar el Museu Britanic
· Anar a la galeria nacional
· Anar al Tower Bridge
· Visitar museu de Historia Natural
· Anar al express Harry Potter
· Anar a la botiga de m & m
· Anar a la botiga de lego
Millors dates:
Maig i septmebre
Millors allotjaments:
The Ritz London
The Kensington Hotel
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