#Grand Marshal of the Palace
captainknell · 11 months
Happy birthday General Duroc! October 25, 1772
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microcosme11 · 2 years
Description of Duroc’s character
The next morning, I was with the Duke of Frioul (Duroc); we talked about the successes at the beginning of the campaign, and we expressed great regret at the loss of Marshal Bessières. I will never forget the last words of this conversation: “This is going on too long,” he said, “We will all be killed.” A few days later he was fatally struck by a stray cannonball, as the Duke of Istria had been. He lived for a few hours, taking with him the consolation of having witnessed the deep sorrow of the Emperor, who only left him after his urgent pleading. I place among the most important losses Napoleon could have, that of the Grand Marshal, Duke of Frioul. He was barely forty years old when he perished. His figure was fine and not without elegance: his face was animated with bright and fresh colors: his countenance was grave, austere, even icy, when he listened to a person against whom he was prejudiced, but pleasant and gentle in the opposite case. In general, he was an observer because he was cold and serious. He naturally had the tact of propriety, and absolutely refused to do anything he thought would harm that. Discretion and firmness were the first elements of his character. He established the order of his service in a fixed, positive and invariable manner: reserved, due to the advantage of his position, to his personal qualities, and, to his immense credit, he never took pride in it; he lived for devotion: all other considerations disappeared. He was familiar with the smallest and most elevated details of the palace's civil and military administration: his work was always clear, always easy. Rigid observer of the regulations he had adopted for the emperor, he knew how to demand of others the same observance, and never compromised with negligence and forgetfulness. He loved the arts, he honored talent; and although he could have surrendered himself without fear to his wise and enlightened taste, he was directed only by the relation which the productions of genius could have with the glory of the emperor. Access to his apartments, always difficult, was never so for famous men who could contribute to the splendor of Napoleon's reign. Nobody has better known the tastes and character of this prince than himself, and exercised over him a more marked and sustained influence: the peculiar thing was that the emperor himself recognized this influence and did not seek to escape it. The just mind and sagacity of the Duke of Frioul always prevented him from clashing head-on with Napoleon's first actions, which were sometimes too quick and too hasty; a few hours later he would divert the effects. His aim was always to preserve useful and devoted subjects: he wished to make the emperor loved and to reinforce public opinion; but perhaps he disdained a little too much on his own account to make a title for himself recognized by those whom he obliged in return, and who often ignored him. One constant truth is that Napoleon never held a secret from him, while he kept secrets from everyone, even from the Prince of Neufchâtel [Berthier]. Duroc was the conscience of Napoleon, who explained to him his reasons for discontent like a litigant desirous of obtaining the suffrage of his judge. This arrangement did as much honor to one as to the other.
Mémoires anecdotiques sur l'interieur de Palais de Napoléon V.2, by Bausset-Roquefort
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armagnac-army · 6 months
OOC: The Napoleonic Askblog/Roleplay Scene Directory
Here's an Out Of Character post listing the blogs I'm aware of in the Napoleonic RPF Roleplay Scene! It's OOC because Lannes would want to make sarcastic remarks with typos.
If you want (or don't want) your blog on this list, message me and whether you want a main/other blog associated with your name or whether you want to be anonymised! Also happy to include non-Frenchmen and Frev folks.
Doubles or multiple versions of people are welcome, this is a varied afterlife. We all have our different ideas for what this afterlife is like as well.
Feel free to reblog or link to this!
And now we have a OOC discord server to chat about all of this! Feel free to join if you'd like!
The Marshalate
armagnac-army - Jean Lannes, Duke of Montebello - played by cadmusfly
murillo-enthusiast - Jean-de-Dieu Soult, Duke of Dalmatia, and ADCs - played by cadmusfly
@le-brave-des-braves - Michel Ney, Prince of the Moskva, Duke of Elchingen, and ADCs - played by @neylo
@your-dandy-king - Joachim Murat, King of Naples - played by @phatburd
@chicksncash - André Masséna, Prince of Essling, Duke of Rivoli, and others - played by @chickenmadam also playing as his ADC, with appearances from Marshal Augereau, the Cuirassier Generals d'Hautpoul and Nansouty, and the Horse Grenadier General Lepic
@your-staff-wizard - Louis-Alexandre Berthier, Prince of Neuchâtel and Valangin, Prince of Wagram - played by @chickenmadam, as above
@perdicinae-observer - Louis-Nicolas Davout, Prince of Eckmühl, Duke of Auerstaedt - played by @mbenguin
@bow-and-talon - Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr, Marquis of Gouvion-Saint-Cyr
@france-hater - Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, or Karl XIV Johan of Sweden, played by @deathzgf also includes the Duke of Wellington and Prince Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration
@simple-giant-ed - Édouard Mortier, Duke of Treviso, played by @isa-ko
@bayard-de-la-garde - Jean-Baptiste Bessières, Duke of Istria
@le-bayard-polonaise - Prince Józef Poniatowski of Poland
@oudinot-still-alive - Nicolas Charles Oudinot duc de Reggio, played by @spaceravioli2
@beausoleil-de-bellune - Claude-Victor Perrin, Duke of Belluno
@commandant-des-traitres - Auguste de Marmont, Duke of Ragusa
The Grande Armée
@general-junot - Jean-Andoche Junot, Duke of Abrantes - played by @promises-of-paradise
@askgeraudduroc - Géraud Duroc, Duke of Frioul, Grand-Marshal of the Palace - played by @sillybumblebeegirl, also with cameos from Marshal Bessières shared with your-dandy-king
@trauma-and-truffles - Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey, Surgeon to Napoleon and the Imperial Guard - played by @hoppityhopster23 who also plays his modern assistant
@generaldesaix - Louis Charles Antoine Desaix de Veygoux, most likely would have been a marshal if he lived - played by @usergreenpixel
@messenger-of-the-battlefield - Marcellin Marbot, aide-de-camp of maréchal Lannes - played by @a-system-of-nerds (Inactive)
@le-dieu-mars - Jean-Baptiste Kleber, General - played by @chickenmadam
@puddinglesablonniere, Charles-Étienne César Gudin de La Sablonnière, Gemeral of Davout's Corps
@francoislejeunes, Baron Louis-François Lejeune, ADC to Berthier, Artist and Engineer
@troboi1806, Jacques de Trobriand, ADC to Marshal Davout
@cynics-and-cynology, Captain Elzéar Blaze
The Bonaparte Family
@carolinemurat - Caroline Murat née Buonaparte, Queen of Naples - played by @usergreenpixel
@alexanderfanboy - Napoleon Bonaparte, The Big Cheese
@frencheaglet - Napoleon II, also known as Franz, Duke of Reichstadt, played by @usergreenpixel
@rosie-of-beauharnais - Rose Beauharnais, also known as Josephine Bonaparte, once Empress of the French
@le-fils - Eugène Beauharnais, Prince of the Empire, Bonaparte's stepson, played by @josefavomjaaga
@jbonapartes - Jérôme Bonaparte, King of Westphalia, Prince of Montfort
@napoleon-bonapartee - Napoleon Bonaparte, The Head Honcho
Other Notable Personages
@askjackiedavid - Jacques Louis David, neoclassical painter - played by @sillybumblebeegirl
@lazarecarnot - Lazare Carnot, mathematician, military officer, politician and a leading member of the Committee of Public Safety
Not French
@the-blessed-emperor - Tsar Alexander I (Inactive)
@loyal-without-flattery - General Aleksey Andreevich Arakcheev, who runs His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery (Inactive)
@misha-wants-to-go-home - Count Mikhail Andreyevich Miloradovich, played by @spaceravioli2
@catherinesucks - Tsar Paul I of Russia, father of Alexander I
@ask-tsaralexander - Tsar Alexander I, played by @goddammitjosef
@the1ronduke - Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, played by @spaceravioli2
@banasstre - Banastre Tarleton, Major-General
@pakenham-kitty - Catherine Wellesley, Duchess of Wellington
@headlessgenius - Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes, Painter and proud Spaniard
Original Characters and Friends
@the-adventures-of-lydia-brown - Lydia Brown, a jack of all trades and problem solver finding herself in this strange realm with all these dead Frenchmen
Hopster, trauma-and-truffles's modern time travelling assistant
Madam DuQuay, ADC who takes no nonsense, helping out chicksncash, your-staff-wizard and le-dieu-mars
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empiredesimparte · 4 months
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Live broadcast of ‘Le Sacre de Napoléon V’ on the national channel Francesim 2, hosted by Stéphane Bernard
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(Herald) Their Most August and Most Glorious Imperial Majesties, Emperor Napoleon V and Empress Charlotte of the French!
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(Stéphane Bernard) You have just heard the herald. With solemnity, he announces the entrance of Their Majesties into the cathedral. The Grand Marshal accompanies Their Majesties. Meanwhile, the imperial family gathers in the choir of Notre-Dame.
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(Stéphane Bernard) On the left, we can see the Master of Ceremonies, and on the right stands the palace usher. They will play a role in the Emperor's procession, as we will have the opportunity to witness.
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⚜ Le Sacre de Napoléon V | N°8 | Francesim, Paris, 28 Thermidor An 230
The imperial cortege arrives at Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris. The coronation ceremony is about to begin. It was broadcast live on television by Stéphane Bernard, the famous journalist for the crowned heads in Francesim.
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
⚜ Traduction française
(Héraut d'armes) Leurs Très Augustes et Très Glorieuses Majestés Impériales, l'Empereur Napoléon V et l'Impératrice Charlotte des Français !
(Stéphane Bernard) Vous venez d'écouter le héraut d'armes. Avec solennité, il annonce l'entrée de Leurs Majestés à l'intérieur de la cathédrale.
(Stéphane Bernard) Le Grand Maréchal accompagne Leurs Majestés avec tout le sérieux protocolaire requis. Pendant ce temps, la famille impériale se rassemble dans le choeur de Notre-Dame pour marquer le début de cette cérémonie historique.
(Stéphane Bernard) À gauche, nous pouvons apercevoir le maître des cérémonies, tandis qu'à droite, se tient l'huissier du palais. Ils joueront un rôle central dans le cortège de l'Empereur, comme nous aurons l'occasion de le constater.
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handfuloftime · 4 months
A number of surgeons attended Duroc after his fatal wounding, including François Ribes and Alexandre-Urbain Yvan. Dominique-Jean Larrey also saw him a few hours before his death, and recorded their brief conversation in his journal. He also recounted their meeting in two of his published memoirs, and it's interesting to look at all three side by side.
First, in his journal of 1813, held in the Wellcome Collection (my transcription):
Interview with the Grand Marshal of the Palace Duke of Frioul - mortally wounded by a cannonball, he was laid in a [illegible] cottage near where he had received the fatal blow. He sent for me immediately and did not stop asking for me. I had still not rejoined the general staff however I arrived and [illegible]. He was drowsing and his eyelids were closed. I gently approached his deathbed and took his left hand with care to take his pulse and judge the condition he was in. "What is that hand that touches me and does me so much good?" he said in a trembling and plaintive voice. He opened his eyes and recognized me. "Ha! I was sure of it. It's you, my dear Larrey. I've wanted you for a while now and have waited for you impatiently. You see the state I'm in. You can't fix me up this time. But give me something that will let me end the horrible torments I'm suffering. Render me this service of a true friend. Don't let me suffer any more, my dear Larrey, I'm counting on you." My heart seized. My senses fled. I couldn't muster a single word, my tears couldn't fall and I felt my strength vanish. My friend Ribes who was nearby, took me and led me away from that awful spectacle. A new motion of drowsiness [illegible] the eyelids of my illustrious and too unlucky friend - he clutched my hand for the second time at the same instant and without a doubt his soul bade me an eternal farewell. What a sad day for me - It's one of the greatest losses I could have experienced [illegible] - the general's shade will undoubtedly pass to the abode of my two other great friends.
Then in his 1817 Mémoires de chirurgie militaire et campagnes, which gives only a short summary of the event:
On my arrival at headquarters, a short trip from Hainaut, I learned the sad news of the deaths of Generals Kirgener and Bruyeres, and the mortal injury of Marshal Duroc, Duke of Frioul. This general had asked for me several times, and was extremely impatient to see me. He had been put in a cottage belonging to one of the inhabitants of the village where he had been wounded. On entering this cottage, where I found the marshal stretched out on a pile of straw and still dressed in his uniform, I was seized with the fear of seeing that he had been struck a mortal blow. My sinister presentiment came true only too soon. Only with difficulty could he articulate a few words. The effects of his wound could be seen through the trappings that covered him, and his face was marked with a deathly pallor. He had had the wall of his lower belly carried away by a large ball, the intestines torn at several points and thrust through the abdomen. I realized, with the greatest sorrow, that all the aid of our art couldn't save him from the near and inevitable death that awaited him. Indeed, a few hours later, this general officer, one of my honorable companions in Egypt, concluded his career. His name and those of Desaix and Lannes are deeply graven in my heart in recognition of the friendship that these illustrious warriors, raised to the highest honors, always kept for me.
And finally his 1841 Relation médicale de campagnes et voyages de 1815 à 1840, which, while still cleaned up for an audience, gets a bit closer to the anguish (and the dying man's desperation) in his journal:
General Duroc (Michel), Duke of Frioul, Grand Marshal of the Palace of Napoleon, was my intimate friend and my companion in Egypt. I saved his life by the attentive and fortunate care that I gave him for a very serious wound in the right thigh, made by the explosion of a shell at the siege of Saint Jean d'Acre (see my Egyptian Campaign); I was not so lucky for the last wound he received at the end of the battle of Wurschen, in May 1813. A cannonball, fired with full force from the enemy camp, after passing through the body of General Kirgener, shaved General Duroc's belly from right to left; his clothes were torn, a large portion of the skin of his abdomen carried away, and many circumvolutions of the small intestine pierced. This interesting wounded man was nearly in his last moments, when I arrived at the cottage where he had been left. "I've waited for you very impatiently, my dear Larrey," this unfortunate General cried, once he saw me; "You can render me the last service of a friend: I feel that my wound is beyond the resources of your art, but put an end, I beg you, to the horrible torments to which I've been subjected for thirty hours, and you will have my tenderest and last farewells." He expired a few hours later. This interview was for me one of the cruelest moments of my life. The Emperor, who had visited the Marshal some hours before me, lost his most faithful friend, his surest counselor, and one of his wisest and most intrepid warriors.
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trauma-and-truffles · 6 months
After the Cake Incident with Marshal Lannes, My assistant, Mlle. Hopster has been telling me to make a blog myself. I finally gave into her pestering.
I'll probably make a better introduction at a later date, as by then I'll have a better gist of Tumblr.
I am Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey, Surgeon to Emperor Napoleons Imperial Guard. Feel free to ask whatever you like.
( This blog is run by @hoppityhopster23) (Disclaimers: This blog does not provide professional medical Advice, nor am i a professional historian. I'm just well read about the history of medicine and enjoy reading about Larrey) ------------------
Tags: Responses from the the Baron - answers to any asks.
Conversations with the assistant - Conversations with my time traveler assistant. shes the one who convinced me to create this. shes also young, sometimes foolish, and likes to give people bad ideas.
Portraits of the Doctor - Images of me.
Comments from the Assistant - self explanatory
Fellow Soldiers and marshals, etc (personal notes below):
Marshals Other Military Staff Royals Other
@armagnac-army - My Dear Friend Lannes, Marshal of France, Prince of Siewierz, and Duke of Montebello.
@murillo-enthusiast - Jean-de-Dieu Soult, Marshal of France and Duke of Dalmatia. (I'm pretty sure he just tolerates me.)
@le-brave-des-braves - Michel Ney, Marshal of France, Prince de la Moskowa, and Duke of Elchingen. (He's very helpful, And I am grateful.)
@your-dandy-king - Joachim Murat, Marshal of France and King of Naples.
@chicksncash - Andre Massena; Marshal of France,  Duke of Rivoli, and Prince of Essling.
@your-staff-wizard - Louis-Alexandre Berthier, Marshal of France, Prince of Neuchatel, Valangin and Wagram, and technically my boss.
@perdicinae-observer - Louis Nicolas Davout, Prince of Eckmühl, Duke of Auerstadt.
@bow-and-talon - Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr, Marquis of Gouvion-Saint-Cyr, and a man I respect for giving the us Medical staff needed in life.
@general-junot -  Duke of Abrantes, and General of the French army.
@askgeraudduroc - Also My good friend, Grand Marshal of the palace, Duke of Frioul, and head of the Emperors household.
@generaldesaix - One of my closest Friends. Unfortunately we didn't have a lot of time together in life. nut now we do.
@messenger-of-the-battlefield - Marcellin Marbot, an aide to an assortment of Marshals, and a man I met a few times in life.
@askjackiedavid - Jacques Louis David, neoclassical painter.
@carolinemurat - Caroline Murat, Queen of Naples, and sister of the Emperor.
@alexanderfanboy - Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France.
@rosie-of-beauharnais - Josephine, the Empress of France.
@the-blessed-emperor - Alexander I, Tsar of Russia.
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thugnificent714 · 13 days
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1st Reserve Apartment
Consisting of rooms 290-301 (located in the south western corner of the inner courtyard), these rooms were occupied by Grand Duchess Maria Nicholaevna, daughter of Nicholas I and sister of Alexander II, and her husband Maximilian de Bauharnais, 3rd Duke of Leuchtenburg, grandson of Napoleon and Josehphine. The coupled lived in these rooms for only 5 years after which they moved into Maria's new palace, the Mariinsky Palace, in 1844. On December 17,1837 a fire broken out in the Field Marshal's Hall and burned for 3 days. The palace was rebuilt by 1838 and Maria and Maxililian were the first to occupy these rooms following the renovation.
Room 300
Room 301 was an anteroom through which you gained entry into room 300, Maria's Small Study.
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Room 299 Maria's Dressing Room
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Room 298 Bedroom
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Room 297 Duke's Dressing Room
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Room 296 Maria's Study
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Room 295 Yellow Drawing Room
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Room 294 Large Drawing Room
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Room 293 Duke's Salon
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Room 292 Duke's Drawing Room
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Room 291 Duke's Study
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Room 290 Duke's Valet Room
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adelemadouce · 3 months
Orchids in Winter
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The next morning, I was woken up by Camille. "Madame, it's me! The Grand Marshal has sent a note to say that you are already in the palace!" Camille's cheeks glowed red under her white bonnet. She took off her cloak and stepped out of her overshoes. "Monsieur Duchâtel is very upset, he asked me if I knew why you didn't come home!" I yawned, stood up, took the nightcap off my head and began to pull the papillotes out of my hair. "What did you tell him?" Camille shrugged her shoulders. "Well, what did I say? That you were warming the Emperor's bed!" I slapped her butt. "You did not!" She laughed. "No. But Monsieur triumphantly announced to us all that the Emperor whispered something in your ear yesterday!" I sighed. "...and of course this is a world-shattering event for Duchâtel!" Camille filled the wash basin with hot water while I sat in the small cabinet and emptied my bladder. Afterwards she washed me with rose soap. Camille brushed my teeth and polished my nails. I felt refreshed and put on my silk panthalons. "Go, have breakfast now...he'll be here soon!" Camille looked at my naked breasts. "I hope the Emperor enjoys his breakfast!" What a cheeky thing she was! But that's also why I loved Camille.
I was brushing my long curls when I heard the scratching at the door. I went to open it and let in a storm! At first I was shocked by the Emperor's pale face, distorted with anger. I knew immediately that something was wrong and found my half-naked body inappropriate. But because my long hair covered my naked breast I didn't think to reach for a piece of clothing. The Emperor passed by me, already dressed, wearing his escarpins but no uniform. He sat down on the bed, looked at me and yelled: "I should have fucked you all night instead hoping to lie in that old goat's cold bed!" I approached him and raised my hands in despair: "Sire...please...you mustn't speak so loudly!" The Emperor looked at me with piercing eyes. I had never seen him so threatening! But I immediately felt that none of this was directed at me. "I want to scream even louder...and I don't care who hears it!" When he noticed my shaking, he calmed down. He folded his arms over his chest and pressed his lips together. After a while he said in a moderate tone: "Last night I went down to the Empress. She received me at the very last step and snapped (the Emperor imitated Joséphine's voice): 'Ahh well, Monsieur...was she at least pretty?'" A dangerous spark glowed in his eyes. "She thought I came from a woman!" He raised his head and added loudly: "After I've fucked a pretty girl, I won't even visit my wife anymore! The Empress should know that!" He only used this choice of words when he was very, very angry. Then his expression changed again. He looked sad. He timidly took my hand and pulled me to him, then he buried his face on my belly and put his arms around my waist. "Why is she tormenting me like this? Her jealousy is destroying everything!" It hurt me to see him suffer. I caressed his face, bent down and kissed him. "My love...my poor darling!" I knew my words comforted him. He pulled me onto his lap. "I don't know how much longer this is going to go on. She drives me to the limit!" I kissed him again and said: "Perhaps the Empress just needs a change! It will be good if she goes to Malmaison for a few days. And then the New Year will begin and there will be new hope for happiness!" The Emperor smiled weakly. He looked up at me. "You sweet angel! You're still protecting her...yes, maybe you're right!" We kissed. Again, very longingly. "How much time do we have left?" he asked. I looked at the little clock. "Ten minutes!" I answered. "Do you want to..., Adèle?" I nodded immediately and stood up. When the Emperor saw how quickly I took off my panthalons, he jumped up from the bed, grabbed my arm and pushed me to the dresser. His hands firmly gripped my buttocks, he lifted me onto the dresser, I opened my legs and felt him penetrate me up to the base! In those ten minutes he took me to paradise... Oh, I was also very pleased that I (and my dresser!) had managed to calm him down again. Before he left me, he took my panthalons and pointed to the seam in the crotch. "Do me a favor and unpick that seam!" He pressed the silk pants into my hand, kissed me and left.
At about half past ten I entered the Empress's chambers. Églée and a few other ladies were already there. The Empress was still getting ready. "Come on, Adèle, tell me...what did he whisper to you?" Églée giggled and pinched my side. "...that the Emperor and I can do it better than you and your Michel!" She had no idea that this was the truth. Églée laughed out loud. "You liar!" She put her arm around my shoulders. "Come on, tell me..." One of the red ladies appeared. She was one of the Empress's wardrobe maids. There were four ladies, they all wore a kind of livery, red dresses. "The Empress wishes to see Madame Duchâtel," said the red lady. My heart was pounding. Églée let go of me. "Now you have to tell her!" I walked towards the red lady and followed her into Her Majesty's dressing room. It was foggy and cloudy outside, soft grey light came through the windows, that's why many candles had been lit in the Empress's chambers. In this golden light, everything looked even more beautiful; the precious white furniture, the cream-coloured velvet curtains with thousands of little golden bees, long-stemmed white roses with white peacock feathers, white ermine furs on thick Aubusson carpets. And the large painting of the First Consul... In the middle of the room I sank into a deep, graceful curtsy. Joséphine's pugs came running up to me, whining. I stroked them. The Empress herself stood in front of a Psyche, which was a large oval mirror, and admired her dress in it. She saw me in the mirror. "Adèle, my dear child!" Aunt Joséphine came to me, I stood up and she kissed me on both cheeks. She looked beautiful, but her eyes clearly showed that she had cried a lot. "Your Majesty!" I gave her my best smile. "How are you, Adèle? How are your little ones...? Sit down and tell me everything!" I went to a small canapée, then suddenly I saw Hortense and Émilie sitting at a small desk. Before I sat down I greeted princess Louis with a small curtsy. Hortense looked at me for a long time; she herself was very pale. It was said that she had not yet fully recovered from giving birth. The ladies were dressed for travelling. I was also surprised that none of the powder puffs were present.
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In addition to the red ladies, there were also the black ladies. They all buzzed around the Empress. I was served a cup of tea while the Empress sat in an armchair not far from me and had little leather boots put on. I dutifully told her about Tanguy and my little Napoléon, who had started teething and was therefore having trouble sleeping at night. "This is a very trying time for a young mother," she said sympathetically. "And your husband? Are you happy with him, Adèle?" The question came so unexpectedly that I didn't immediately know what to say. Hortense looked at me curiously. "He's a good father...the family is very important to him," I finally said. And I knew it didn't sound very convincing. Joséphine smiled. "That's not what I meant..." She looked at a gold ring she was wearing. "...do you love your husband, Adèle? He's a lot older than you...how old are you again?" I lowered my eyes. "Twenty-two, Madame!" The Empress nodded slightly. I saw a moist shimmer in her eyes. "They say at court that you have many admirers... there is a club of admirers of yours. Is that true, Adèle?" I looked at my hands and shook my head. "I don't know anything about it, Madame! I don't even know most of the people at court." The Empress tilted her head and looked at me intently. "You don't know any of the gentlemen who wanted to dance with you yesterday and who were turned away by the Grand Marshal? You don't know any of these gentlemen,...Adèle?" My heart was pounding so much that I had trouble breathing. I looked at the Empress in distress. "No!...I mean yes,...yes! Your Majesty, I know these gentlemen! I danced with General de Berckheim recently at the Hôtel Théllusson!" Joséphine stood up, I saw that she was crying. "Why were they not allowed to dance with you?...who forbade it?...what did the Emperor tell you, Adèle? Why do you never look at the Emperor when he is here? What do you feel for him, Adèle?...do you love him?" Her voice rose. "...Adèle...do you love the Emperor?" I looked at Joséphine with my mouth open, my whole body trembling. "Of course I love him! We all love him, Madame, he is our Souverain!" Hortense jumped up from her chair and came to my side. "Maman, stop doing that! She's almost dying of fear!" The princess sat down next to me and placed her hand protectively on my arm. The Empress began to sob loudly. "But I'm dying of fear too...and no one feels sorry for me! She knows exactly what I mean...Adèle knows exactly! And I treated her like my daughter...and she does this to me!" Joséphine pressed a handkerchief to her mouth and closed her eyes, crying. At that moment the door opened and the Emperor appeared. In full regalia, high riding boots, grey coat, black bicorn hat, and riding crop on his wrist. He looked at us and said loudly: "I want to speak to the Empress! Everyone else out!" Joséphine immediately threw herself at him, while I scurried out of the room with Émilie and the red and black ladies. The Emperor held back Princess Louis, and I was just glad when the door closed behind me.
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The wardrobe women disappeared immediately. I stayed behind with Émilie. Églée came over to us. "Is there another crisis? Why? What did the Empress say?" Neither I nor Émilie responded to Églée. We looked at the door. But this time it remained quiet behind it. There was no sound. We stood there, completely silent, and waited. My knees were still shaking. I wished I could get far away from this place. Unfortunately, my stomach started to growl, because I hadn't eaten anything that morning. Émilie had to laugh when she heard it. Then the door opened and Hortense appeared. She closed the door behind her, put her hand on her forehead and came towards us. "God is merciful to us...they are just reconciling!" We looked at Hortense with excitement. "The Empress seems to have finally come to her senses. She made a terrible mistake yesterday. She thought the Emperor was with a woman, so she made a scene. But he wasn't with any woman! So now he's giving her a choice - either she ends her jealousy or he ends their marriage!" Hortense nodded. "I welcome any consistent behavior from the Emperor, because not only he suffers from Maman's jealousy, but all of us!" Églée said what we were all thinking. "She loves him!" Hortense did not contradict her. "Of course she loves him...he loves her too! But he hates this love...his heart puts him in chains! He would much rather be free of her...then he could finally have children. Children of his own! And the rest of us would all be free too..." Hortense seemed to be the truly unhappy woman at this court, and not Joséphine! "...besides, the Emperor has assured Maman for the umpteenth time that there will be no mistresses at his court! There is nothing he detests more than being associated with the habits of the Kings of France! To encourage reconciliation, the Emperor is prepared to accompany Maman to Malmaison!"
At first I felt a pang in my heart when I heard that he wanted to be with the Empress, but at the same time there was a relief that the truth remained veiled. "Adèle, the Empress will apologize to you when she returns from Malmaison. You are not at all to blame, we all know that. And Maman too! The Emperor told her that he wanted to make an example of his aides-de-camp when he forbade them to dance with you. He does not tolerate anything like 'admirer clubs'; his officers should always concentrate on their duties and not on courtly banter!" She sighed. "Unfortunately, the Emperor is a philistine!" But Églée was not satisfied with all the explanations. "...and what did he whisper to Adèle?" I looked at her. "I don't know! The music was loud...and he was mumbling something. The best thing, Églée, is to ask him yourself!" She was finally satisfied. I turned to the Princess Louis: "Your Imperial Highness, would it be permissible for me to go home? To my children..." I wanted to disappear, just get away from this palace!
...he went to Malmaison with his wife. With his wife!!!
Hortense nodded. "Yes, go home, Adèle, you've suffered enough!" She looked at the faces of the other ladies. "The fun begins for us now, off to Malmaison! Two days of cultivated boredom...and I'm sure we'll all feel sorry for the poor plants. They suffered sooo terribly from the frost!" An ironic smile spread across Hortense's face. "I just hope there's enough champaigne for us! Then the two days will pass quickly!"
When I arrived home with Camille, another unpleasant surprise awaited me. The entrance of our house was a sea of flowers! Duchâtel came to meet me, waving his handkerchief. "Finally, Adèle...I'm waiting impatiently! Look at the attention you're getting! All of Paris is delighted with you since the Emperor has been so gallantly devoted to you!" I pulled little greeting cards out of the bouquets. Read aloud: "Talleyrand Périgord,... Cambacérès... Cobenzl... Fouché...Fouché??" I looked at Duchâtel and said determined: "Send all of this back! I will not accept any of it! I do not know these people and do not want to have anything to do with them!" Duchâtel was horrified. "But Adèle,...you can't ignore these attentions!" I left him standing with his handkerchief in this sea of flowers. "Send everything back...or give it to the poor!"
I really had enough. With heavy steps, tired and sad, I went upstairs to my children. I had a huge breakfast brought to me and went to bed. In the evening Camille came to me with a billet. "Madame, this has just come for you from Malmaison!" I looked at the little billet, opened the imperial seal and read: "Ma douce Adèle! Mon cœur n'appartient qu' à toi! À toi seul! N."
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your-dandy-king · 7 months
Updated 30 April 2024
Greetings my loyal subjects and, ahem, others!
It is I, your Dandy King, Joachim Murat! I have finally decided to make -- what is this called again -- a blog for myself. Isn't it lovely? Lannes seemed to be having so much fun, I just couldn't sit by. Even Soult is enjoying this far more than he lets on. I think you call it FOMO, these days, right?
Anyhow, I've decided to change my mind and opened my inbox for your questions and queries. I was, I admit, a little uncertain of this place when I first arrived but, by the by, but I shall deal with it as it comes! Please drop your questions into "The Royal Inbox." I cannot guarantee I can or will answer everything, but I will try.
I will be making my appearances on the blogs of my friends and colleagues as well, so I shall be seeing you around. Ta!
Here's a handy guide to some of those friends, colleagues, and more.
@armagnac-army: Jean Lannes, Duke of Montebello, my buddy Gascon, the Greatest Gascon, that sheep guy
@askgeraudduroc: Geraud Christophe Michel Duroc, Grand Marshal of the Palace, beloved, Duke of Frioul, and Jean-Baptiste Bessières, also beloved, Duke of Istria, hunnybunkins
@le-brave-des-braves: Michel Ney, Duke of Elchingen, that ginger cannonball, do not taunt happy fun Ney
@murillo-enthusiast: Jean de Dieu Soult, Duke of Dalmatia, don't call him Nicolas, master of baked goods, has nothing to do with spotted dogs
@general-junot: Jean Andoche Junot, Duke of Abrantes, unhinged homewrecker
@chicksncash: André Masséna, Duke of Rivoli, Dear Child of Five-Fingered Discounts
@your-staff-wizard: Louis-Alexandre Berthier, Prince of Neuchatel, eternity's paper pusher
@trauma-and-truffles: Dominique-Jean Larrey, who knew that a doctor is still useful when you're dead
@askjackiedavid: Jacques Louis David, painter, mostly harmless
@carolinemurat: Caroline Murat, loving wife and beloved partner, the Queen of Naples
@generaldesaix: Louis Desaix, the prankster of the Grand Armée
@messenger-of-the-battlefield: Marceillin Marbot, one of Lannes' ADCs with uh, interesting perspectives
@perdicinae-observer: Louis-Nicolas Davout, Duke of Auerstadt, the Iron Marshal
@frencheaglet: Napoleon II, the boy!
@alexanderfanboy: 🤨
Jean-Baptiste Bessières occasionally wanders over from @askgeraudduroc, and his text will appear in green. Like this!
This is a joke RP account run by @phatburd for one of Napoleon's marshals and brother-in-law, Joachim Murat. He's not the only Murat out there in Tumblr RP land, and (I think) he peacefully co-exists with them all. All of them are simply facets and mirrors of Joachim Murat, and he loves nothing better to have more of himself around. We are all Murat.
This blog should be considered a 0% source of historical accuracy.
OOC Ramble 30 April 2024: On our Discord server @askgeraudduroc brought up voice claims for our RPs of various Napoleonic figures. Tiny Media's take on Murat earwormed me awhile back, probably due to having grown up in the American South. So in my head, Murat's been speaking with a Texan drawl this whole time.
Historically, Bessières had the same accent as Murat, just not quite as thick, so I've been hearing Bessie in my head with a not-as-thick Texas accent. 👀
I don't like writing in dialect, however, and I've been avoiding it due to not wanting to break immersion but with @askgeraudduroc's blessing, I'm going to drop in a few more Texan-isms into their dialogue. And "Hunnybunnkins." That's my Murat's pet name for Bessie. Is he going to Calle Bessie "Hunnybunnkins"? You betcha!
User icon art by @cadmusfly: Murat striking a Barbie pose on his trusty horse!
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the-paintrist · 6 months
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Jacques Augustin Catherine Pajou - Louis-Alexandre Berthier, Prince de Neufchâtel et de Wagram, maréchal de France - 1808
oil on canvas, height: 215 cm (84.6 in); width: 133 cm (52.3 in)
Palace of Versailles
Louis-Alexandre Berthier (20 November 1753 – 1 June 1815), Prince of Neuchâtel and Valangin, Prince of Wagram, was a French military commander who served during the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. He was twice Minister of War of France and was made a Marshal of the Empire in 1804. Berthier served as chief of staff to Napoleon Bonaparte from his first Italian campaign in 1796 until his first abdication in 1814. The operational efficiency of the Grande Armée owed much to his considerable administrative and organizational skills.
Born into a military family, Berthier served in the American Revolutionary War and survived suspicion of monarchism during the Reign of Terror before a rapid rise in the ranks of the French Revolutionary Army. Although a key supporter of the coup against the Directory that gave Napoleon supreme power, and present for his greatest victories, Berthier strongly opposed the progressive stretching of lines of communication during the Russian campaign. Allowed to retire by the restored Bourbon regime, he died of unnatural causes shortly before the Battle of Waterloo. Berthier's reputation as a superb operational organiser remains strong among current historians.
Jacques-Augustin-Catherine Pajou (27 August 1766, Paris - 28 November 1828, Paris) was a French painter in the Classical style.
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graceofromanovs · 11 months
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Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna, the youngest child and only daughter of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia and his German-born wife Grand Duchess Maria Pavlova (née Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin), was born on 29 January (O.S. 17) 1882 in Saint Petersburg. She was christened on 12 March in the Grand Palace Church of Catherine Palace, Tsarskoe Selo. Her godparents were:
ALEXANDER III, EMPEROR OF RUSSIA - her paternal uncle, who had succeeded the Russian throne just a year prior, was named as one of her godparents. He was highly reactionary in domestic affairs and reversed some of the liberal reforms of his father, Alexander II. He was present at his niece's christening.
FREDERICK FRANCIS II, GRAND DUKE OF MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN - her maternal grandfather was another of her godparents. A Romanov by descent (being a great-grandson of Tsar Paul), he held the rank of Prussian general and was also a Russian General Field Marshal.
MARIE, GRAND DUCHESS CONSORT OF MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN - her step-grandmother was also named as her godparent. The third wife of Frederick Francis II, whose marriage produced four children, including Prince Hendrik, consort of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands and father of Queen Juliana.
GRAND DUCHESS CATHERINE MIKHAILOVNA OF RUSSIA - A first cousin of her grandfather, Catherine was one of the two godparents present at her christening. She was the wife of Duke Georg August of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, and a great philanthropist and many of the organisations she supported and helped to create still operate today.
ALEXANDRINE, GRAND DUCHESS OF MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN - her maternal great-grandmother, a Prussian-born princess was also her godparent. She was a sister of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna-consort of Nicholas I-who was Elena's great-grandmother on her father’s side. In 1822, she married Paul Frederick, Hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (himself, a grandson of Russian Tsar Paul). Their marriage was generally considered unhappy, he was a military man who had little time for or interest in his wife and family. Alexandrine, by contrast, was a devoted mother who tenderly raised her children and actively cultivated their cultural pursuits. 
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ingek73 · 5 months
King Charles looked for heroes to honour – and picked William, Kate and Camilla. Laugh? Cry? You choose
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Can we really say Britain has a modernised monarchy when archaic titles are being handed out as if it were 1348, not 2024
Wed 24 Apr 2024 13.11 CESTS
I wonder if I should award myself an honour, something grand-sounding. How about Most Excellent Keeper of the Belfry? It has a nice ring about it, even if I have done nothing to deserve it. That latter consideration is of course no bar to our fossilised royal family who have this week breezily been giving themselves ludicrous sounding honours as if this were 1724, not 2024.
Camilla is now, as of yesterday, the Grand Master of the Order of the British Empire. What empire, you might ask? Rockall was Ronnie Barker’s pithy response, and that was about 40 years ago.
Kate is now a Companion of Honour, an award reserved for those who have excelled in the world of the arts, medicines, or science. Is this perhaps for creative doctoring of photographs?
The Duchess of Gloucester – there’s a household name – has been made a Member of the Order of the Garter, an Order created by the king in 1348 to reward his court favourites (while, incidentally, beyond the palace walls, much of the population was dying from the Black Death).
William has not missed out either (even if Harry has). The Prince of Wales is now Great Master of the Order of the Bath. Well it won’t wash.
The honours in themselves are absurd, and make the mythical Ruritania look like a beacon of modernity. So much for the spin from the palace that the monarchy was going to be modernised under Charles. Perhaps the latest medals are to be made from recycled precious metals?
Even more absurd, if that is possible, is the notion that the royal family can with a straight face award medals to themselves.
Take the Royal Family Order. This is awarded to female members of the royal family simply for being female. And for being a member of the royal family. Not a terribly high bar if you happen to be female and are born or marry into the family.
Then there are the military honours and decorations. Charles himself has accumulated dozens of medals, enough almost to sink one of the battleships under his command as a five star admiral. Oh, and he is also a five star general in the army and a five star air chief marshal in the RAF.
What stupendous military service or acts of bravery have led to this avalanche of medals? Well, he did captain a coastal minesweeper several decades ago for a short period. And he has only crashed a plane once.
The royals in fact have amassed between them over 100 military medals and decorations, and for what? Prince Edward, the Royal Honorary Colonel of the Royal Wessex Yeomanry, has never seen active service and even dropped out of his Royal Marines course because he couldn’t hack it.
Prince Andrew, to be fair, did merit his South Atlantic medal for service in the Falklands War. But did anyone stop to question whether it was a good idea, in 2011, when he was mired in accusations relating to his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein and serious questions were being asked about his self-serving activities as the UK’s trade ambassador, that he should be awarded the Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, a highly prestigious award in the archaic hierarchy of these things.
This latest set of nepotistic awards makes the royal family look ridiculous, arrogant and breezily self-serving. It also illustrates graphically how our monarchy is still an imperial one, wedded to a distant past and totally out of touch with modern Britain.
Moreover, giving themselves high honours like loose change when they have done nothing to deserve them serves to cheapen the value of the honours received by those who do deserve them. What is your one medal for outstanding bravery worth when Charles can pin dozens to his chest?
The whole honours system, started in 1348, has been about patronage. This easy corruption of the ideal of merit so graphically and repeatedly shown by the royals in their own favour is consequently mirrored further down the ladder, as prime ministers hand out life peerages and knighthoods to their mates, and to those who have given their party large amounts of money.
A proper honours system which allows society to recognise outstanding achievement is very worthwhile. But we don’t have it. Those who deserve and receive honours are lost in the trivial, the corrupt and the absurd.
I am reminded of an old television advert whose punchline was: “Award yourself the CDM – Cadbury’s Dairy Milk.”
Norman Baker was the Liberal Democrat MP for Lewes from 1997 to 2015
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empirearchives · 1 year
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Vest of Géraud Duroc, Grand Marshal of the Palace / Gilet dit du grand maréchal du palais
According to tradition, this vest was worn by General Duroc during the coronation of Emperor Napoleon.
In silver laminated, bordered by golden embroidery, with a palm tree pattern. Buttons covered with embroidered laminated. Back and lining in white canvas and soue.
Early 19th century, France
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empiredesimparte · 4 months
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Live broadcast of ‘Le Sacre de Napoléon V’ on the national channel Francesim 2, hosted by Stéphane Bernard
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(Another journalist) The procession ascends the cathedral and reaches the choir. (Stéphane Bernard) Indeed, at the head of the procession, you'll notice the palace usher. He's closely followed by the heralds-at-arms, the Master of Ceremonies, the Grand Marshal, and most notably, by Prince Murat, who carries the Empress's crown.
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(Stéphane Bernard) Here comes the Empress's procession, following behind the crown. She is surrounded by the women of the imperial family: Madame Mère, Madame Hortense, and the daughters of Prince Imperial Henri. In addition to the imperial mantle, the Empress wears the crown of Marie-Louise of Austria. (Another journalist) Why is the Empress already wearing a crown? (Stéphane Bernard) It's truly unprecedented, yes. During the ceremony, there's a moment dedicated to what we call the "regalia"… In truth, I'll tell you, this term wasn't really used back then. We talked more about ornaments or royal insignia. Deciphering all these symbols live… It's not easy, but… I would say that the Empress seems to be indicating that it's through her marriage that she acquired imperial dignity. As a result, today, she receives another crown: that of Francesim.
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(Stéphane Bernard) His Holiness, Pope Gregorius XIX, takes his place near the imperial canopy, facing Their Majesties.
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(Stéphane Bernard) And here comes the imperial procession advancing to the majestic sound of trumpets! Leading the way is the Grand Chamberlain, accompanied by the marshals of Francesim. He bears the cruciferous orb.
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(Stéphane Bernard) Behind the Orb, Emperor Napoleon V advances in his Grand Habit de Sacre: a purple coat adorned with ermine fur. The laurel wreath of the Roman emperors rests on his head. The Emperor holds in his hands the scepters of Justice and of Charles V, and at his waist, rests the sword of Charlemagne, known as Joyeuse.
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(Stéphane Bernard) His Majesty is surrounded by Their Imperial Highnesses, Prince Imperial Henri, and his son, Prince Philippe of Francesim. The procession is closed by the State counselors and members of the government.
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⚜ Le Sacre de Napoléon V | N°9 | Francesim, Paris, 28 Thermidor An 230
The coronation ceremony begins in the choir of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral. It was broadcast live on television by Stéphane Bernard, the famous journalist for the crowned heads in Francesim.
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⚜ Traduction fran��aise
(Autre journaliste) Le cortège de l'Empereur remonte la cathédrale et rejoint le chœur. (Stéphane Bernard) Effectivement, en tête de cortège, vous remarquez l'huissier du palais. Il est suivi de près par les hérauts d'armes, le Maître de Cérémonie, le Grand Maréchal, et surtout, par le prince Murat qui porte la couronne de l'Impératrice. Car il s'agit aussi du sacre de l'impératrice.
(Stéphane Bernard) Voici le cortège de l'Impératrice, qui marche derrière la couronne. Elle est entourée des femmes de la famille impériale : Madame Mère, Madame Hortense, et les filles du prince impérial Henri. En plus du manteau impérial, l'impératrice porte la couronne de Marie-Louise d'Autriche. (Autre journaliste) Pourquoi l'impératrice porte-t-elle déjà une couronne ? (Stéphane Bernard) C'est vraiment inédit oui. Pendant la cérémonie, il y a un moment dédié à ce qu'on appelle les "regalia"... En vérité, je vous le dis, ce terme n'était pas vraiment utilisé à l'époque. On parlait plutôt d'ornements ou d'insignes royaux. Décrypter tous ces symboles en direct... N'est pas facile, mais... Je dirais que l'impératrice semble signifier que c'est par son mariage qu'elle a acquis la dignité impériale. De ce fait, aujourd'hui, elle reçoit une autre couronne : celle de Francesim.
(Stéphane Bernard) Sa Sainteté, le Pape Gregorius XIX, prend place près du dais impérial, en face de Leurs Majestés.
(Stéphane Bernard) Et voici le cortège impérial qui avance au son majestueux des trompettes ! En tête, le Grand Chambellan, accompagné des maréchaux de Francesim. Il porte l'orbe crucigère. Derrière l'Orbe, l'Empereur Napoléon V avançant dans son Grand Habit de Sacre : un manteau pourpre orné de fourrure d'hermine. La couronne de lauriers des empereurs romains repose sur sa tête. L'Empereur tient dans ses mains les sceptres de la Justice et de Charles V, et à sa taille, repose l'épée de Charlemagne, nommée Joyeuse.
(Stéphane Bernard) Sa Majesté est entouré par Leurs Altesses Impériales, le prince impérial Henri, et son fils, le prince Philippe de Francesim. Le cortège est fermé par les conseillers d'Etat et les membres du gouvernement.
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velnat004 · 5 months
thinking about Roman having a momentary connection to his mother when he knocked off Marshall unconscious, he realises why she murdered her sister-in-law
-he never knew the reason why Anais mauled his aunt, he only knows that she did and was executed shortly after
-the mark's getting to him, as the aches in his body were getting stronger each day in the winter palace, and the possibility of him dying by the anchor was getting stronger each passing hour
-and there are thousands of people that expect him to be everywhere at once (if he doesn't get annihilated by the anchor of course), the nobles are eager to nitpick each word he utters, after all, they want the inquisition gone, they need ammunition.
-and now his less than favourite decides to pay a visit amidst all this chaos.
-just like how Anais was caught alone by Paulette [the sister-in-law that was found eaten alive by the Bann's mistress], Roman got cornered by Marshall. The palace was too big to watch every corner. If that wasn't the case, the whole qunari invasion wouldn't occur in the first place
-not that he needed privacy to insult Roman, but being able to catch his bastard cousin alone only felt more justifiable, Marshall was away from the consequences
-he taunts him, this time he emphasizes Roman's inquisitor title, to Marshall he never earned this grand title, and now the very same thing that Roman was celebrated for was killing him from the inside
-Roman's in a less than ideal condition, and as Marshall finishes his sentence, there's a minute of silence and glaring daggers
-that is, before Roman smacks him to the ground with his healthy hand, collapsing him to the floor.
-at each slap he delivers, Roman's howling like a wounded animal. Like how a war hound would howl when it was wounded.
-his cries were not left unheard of course, the guards were already on their way when Marshall was smacked and collapsed at the floor
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handfuloftime · 1 year
Le Constitutionnel, May 6, 1847
The anniversary mass that is celebrated every year at the Invalides, since the Emperor’s remains were laid to rest there, attracted a crowd even greater than usual this year. It was known that there would be laid to rest, in the vaults reserved for them to the right and left of the entrance to the imperial tomb, the remains of the grand marshals of the palace, Duroc and Bertrand. We wrote the day before yesterday of the arrival in Paris of the body of General Bertrand, and the modest reception--too modest perhaps--that took place, for which no one even ordered a squadron of troops. The situation remained the same today; not a soldier in the army was called upon to bear arms to render a final tribute to the remains of such great military exemplars. A squadron of invalids, armed with pikes with the funeral flame, alone performed the duty; but all the able-bodied men belonging to the hôtel had hastened to surround the two catafalques. On the one of the left were the remains of Duroc; on the one on the right, those of Bertrand. The son of the latter was placed on that side; the relatives of Marshal Duroc, on the other side.
Around them pressed a crowd comprised of officers of every rank, men of every station, who adhered to the cult of imperial memory. There could be seen Generals Gourgaud, Fabvier, Pailloux, the marquis de Cramayel, the count de Rambuteau, the duke of Padua, the duke of Vicenza, MM. de Tracy and de Beaumont (Somme), M. de Ségur, Colonel Chapuis, surrounded by officers from the 4th legion of the National Guard.
In the upper galleries were ladies in great numbers, and among them the princess Mathilde, niece of the emperor, and ladies belonging to the families of the two marshals of the palace.
After the mass, which was celebrated with the accompaniment of military music, the two coffins were lowered into the vaults designated to receive them and above which had been engraved the names of Duroc and Bertrand. Duroc, who was the first to be interred, was placed in the vault to the left of the entrance to the imperial sepulcher, and Bertrand in the vault to the right. When the body of the Emperor has been placed in the tomb, Duroc will be found on his right and Bertrand on his left. The two coffins were carried into the vaults about a meter deep by non-commissioned officers.
General Fabvier gave this brief oration at the moment when the remains of Duroc were placed in the vault:
“Gentlemen, it is not beneath these vaults that shelter so many valiant defenders of France that I come to speak to you of the services, wounds, and brilliant actions of Duroc. Like them, he was intrepid, devoted, disinterested, modest. I will say to you just one thing; it will suffice for his glory: Napoleon, disarmed by those he wished to defend, intended to return to private life; he asked to end his career under the name of Colonel Duroc. Such was the magnificent, imperishable monument that Napoleon’s tender heart raised to Duroc’s memory, to his own.
Dear and venerable veterans, when you go to find your leader, tell him that his glory increases and grows more refined every day; that this very ceremony is a tribute we pay to his loving heart in bringing nearer to him two faithful friends.”
Marshal Oudinot, despite his eighty years and twenty-eight wounds, came down from his rooms, supported by his friends, to cast the holy water over the coffins of his old companions in arms.
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