#Graffiti Artist near me
artchimes · 2 months
Looking to add a vibrant splash of urban energy to your space? Stop searching for "graffiti artist near me" – Art Chimes is here to bring your vision to life! We connect you with Delhi's most talented graffiti artists, ensuring you get a masterpiece that perfectly complements your style and space.
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brandchimes · 4 months
In the pursuit of turning ordinary spaces into extraordinary visual experiences, look no further than Brand Chimes — your local hub for top-notch Wall Art Painters, Mural Painters, and Graffiti Artists. Unveil the magic right at your doorstep as we bring creativity, passion, and a touch of urban flair to your surroundings.
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spiderfunkz · 1 year
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𖦹 ˖ ࣪ artist!gf headcanons
— characters : earth 1610!miles morales, gwen stacy, pavitr prabhakar, hobie brown.
— a/n : more atsv headcanons bc they r currently rotting my brain. again, these are just my opinions on what i think atsv characters would be like if their gf is an artist :) also this is not proofread oops
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✶ miles morales :
lovessssss drawing with you and making sketches of each other!! anniversaries would be so cute where you two exchange the you've made drawings. oh!! he'll ask you out on dates where he takes you to his 'secret spot' near the subway and draws your ideas as graffiti art.
he would be so impressed every time he sees your sketch book and compliments you every time by saying how lovely it is and how it should be put in a museum. he would also love learning new art techniques with you and learning your art style.
✶ gwen stacy :
lots and lots of 'whoas' and 'omgs' when she sees you draw. also loves looking at your new art and asking you a butt load of questions, "how long did this take you?" - "how did you even do this? it's so pretty it's unreal." - "i bet you could draw with a crayon and still make it beautiful."
you would have your sketchbook filled with drawings of her, maybe when she's smiling, playing the drums, in her spider-suit, or just her laughing (exactly like that one scene with mile's sketchbook).
✶ pavitr prabhakar :
would be in awe watching you do your work, not saying anything and just admiring you because he doesn't want to disturb you & would literally make a :O face when you show your finished art pieces.
he would be ur number one supporter and showers you with compliments when you finish a piece & he would literally be speechless if you show him all of your art pieces and drawings - "i love that one, ooh and that, and that! i love all of your drawings they are all incredible." AAA he would also love to learn how to draw with you, learning new techniques and styles (i feel like he would be a quick learner and you two would be such a cute duo).
✶ hobie brown :
would definitely say "paint me like one of your french girls!" while posing dramatically in front of you & would volunteer as a model for your art pieces.
towers over you while you draw and takes a peak at your sketchbook while saying something that'll 100% distract you and make you flustered - "that looks really good darling, how did i end up with such a talented girlfriend like you?". his apartment walls would be filled with your drawings because he just loves them so much.
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risewriter · 2 months
ROTTMNT: Grafitti
Mikey stands in front of one of the sewer walls with spray paint in hand. Though, it's one of the few surfaces left he can release his creativity on. Painting near the lair is ''dangerous'' and ''could lead unwanted guests''.
Even when the box shelled turtle pleaded with ''I could draw arrows in the opposite direction?'' He got send away by both Splinter and Raphael. So, what he is about to make must be his best work yet.
Michael thinks and thinks, scratching the back of his head with his painted fingers.
''I already made a Raph, Donnie, April, me and even Splinter! Not to mention I drew Leo waaay too many times.'' With a sigh, Mikey plops on the concrete.
''Well, this isn't like you, Michael.''
A familiar snarky comment strikes Mikey from behind. The orange turtle's head turns.
''Donnie? What are you doing here?''
Donatello's eyes dart away. ''I'm just.. collecting samples for some.. friends.''
''Mhm, so, what you're actually sayin' is that you're collecting me, because there's only cookable things in the house and everyone is hungry.''
''Perhaps..'' Donnie then darts to the wall. ''Anywho, what are you creating this time? It's not like you to leave any surface empty for longer than 2 minutes.''
''I don't know.. I'm out of ideas.''
''Out of ideas? You? Never thought I'd see the day.'' Donnie smirks, but didn't get the backlash he usually gets from his little brother. ''Can't you just.. doodle anything on the wall?''
''No! It has to be meaningful! It's the last wall far enough from the lair to paint on..''
''Hm, I see.'' Glancing down at his depressed brother, Donnie takes hold of one of the spray cans. ''I don't have as much.. artistic skill as you do. However, doesn't meaning equal fun? Science equals meaning to me, so..'' He then hands the paint over to Mikey. ''Doesn't that mean that you can also just have fun?''
Michael's eyes light up as he takes the spray can in hand.
''I guess you're right!'' As the spark of joy returns to him, Mikey also hands Donnie a different spray can. ''And you know what would make this more fun? Doing graffiti together!''
Reluctantly, Donatello grabs the can. ''You do know I can't draw, let alone graffiti, right?''
''Doesn't matter! As long as we're having fun!'' Mikey pets his brother on the back.
Donnie cracks a little smile, using the red paint on the big canvas in front of him.
''Alright, but I'm making lots of explosions!''
Credit for idea to @lightningjo58 ! 🐢 🧡 💜
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lkoh · 9 months
Summary: Maybe seeing a two doves really is good luck even though you don't see the real ones.
Character: Taesan x you
Warning: Just grammar and my writing again lmao. Lia from Itzy makes and appearance, it's not well written.
A/N: topiary is bushes that is cut into different shapes and designs ,tagger are graffiti artist
"Cute boy 3 o'clock" Lia said sipping her frappe.
You turned around as quickly as possible but couldn't find the cute boy, she slapped you in the arm throwing daggers at you.
"What was that for?" you winced "You know you slap pretty hard for a person with a small hand" you add rubbing your arm.
She roll her eyes "You want more!" she exclaimed holding her tiny fist your way, you just grin sheepishly, giggling"
"Well where is the cute guy?" you asked looking around not to be too obvious, which you obviously failed
"Don't you know where 3 o'clock is?" she scoffed "Also why did you turned around like that earlier, gosh" she sigh heavily, eye brows knitting together.
You just laugh at her reaction "I was afraid I would miss him, you know" you pop a candy in your mouth.
"Seriously like this I'm worried that you won't ever find a boyfriend, babygirl" she states dramatically putting her arm in your shoulder which makes you roll your eyes.
"I will get one if I want to ,I just don't want one right now" you shurgged, popping a gummy in your mouth, she look at you one eyebrow raised.
She took one gummy from your packet, her frappe already finsihed and tossed in the dustbin.
"You can't even flirt" you hushed her "Ah ah ah, it's not that I can't it's just I don't want to" you say just to tease her.
"Oh my god what is with you and not wanting to today, girl you don't flirt at all even your brother knows that" she flops in the bench both of you were sitting in.
You laughed at her reaction "Your so annoying you know that" she says " I know" you shrug and sit back.
You and Lia your bestfriend are sitting in the park drinking and eating, and we'll just enjoying your free time together. It's a sunny saturday perfect for a date so you two decided to meet up since it's been so long since your last bestie date.
"Remember when you weren't able to read a clock" Lia laugh thinking back to the past
"I was 13 Lia" you roll your eyes "Not every 13 teen were able to read a clock" you leaned your head against her shoulder.
" Well I could read it when I was 13 also you do know that we don't know eachother when we were 13 right?" she shakes her head "wait so-"
You shush her not wanting to hear more she humms and both of you stay silent for awhile. The silence was broken by Lia's phone ringing, you stopped leaning in her shoulder and open another pack of candy.
"Oh shit, it's Haechan" Lia says which make you graoned "You always have to ditch me because of your boyfriend" you whined
"You play games with Haechan and literally forget me the girlfriend, so you can't complain babygurl" she quickly takes the phone and skiddle off to somewhere in the park.
You sigh taking a look around the park, things have changed a bit since your last visit here. More trees, the bushes are cut neatly, more people come here since it's renovated before it was renovated you always felt a bit creep out by it but Lia loves the vibes it gave off.
Your favourite part in the park is the bushes that is cut like two doves in the middle of the park, it's so pretty and it looks lovely it kinda makes you at ease eveytime.
You decide to walk around when you get a text from Lia that she has to go due to an emergency and says that she'll treat you the next time you guys meet, you hold your phone hoping it won't slip breathing in the fresh air, enjoying the fresh environment.
You were standing near the two dove topiary just spectating the surroundings and humming a soft tune to yourself when you hear a voice saying "Wanna know what two doves indicate?"
You turned around to see a boy with black hair, a headphone in his neck with a soft sweatshirt and a pair of baggy jeans, your stunned actually almost forgetting how to speak.
You finally snap back to reality and give your best smile "Sure" he looks at you for awhile and turn back to the topiary , you does the same.
"Well, it's usually a sign of good luck in love and relationship department like if your single or anything it probably means love is gonna come your way." you look at him with surprised "That's sweet and nice" you reply.
It might also have you delulu
"I'm Taesan by the way" he hold out his hands for you to shake, you shake his hands and smile.
Your trying your best to give a pretty smile hoping it's pretty enough to enchant him (lmao).
"Welp I'm single" you laugh, he look at you weirdly eyebrow raised with a shocked expression.
The thing you just said finally process in your brain and you went to a panic mode.
And you thought your phone would've slipped
"What?" he laughed, gosh his laugh ,his smile, he look so handsome and cute when he smiles you could just put him in your pocket that is if you have one.
"What?" you asked back nervous acting nonchalant "I mean my name is Y/N" you try to laugh it off hoping that he won't bring it up at all and act like nothing happened.
You look around avoiding his eyes at all cost, he tilt his head and look at you amused.
"Your not asking or anything but I'm also single" he chuckles, your face flushed red.
How you wish you could just dig a hole right now.
"Oh right great!" you tuck your hair behind your ear something you always do when you feel embarassed or shy
Both of you stand there for a while, unable to deal with the awkward atmosphere you asked him if he want a candy and he agree so right now both of you are in the place where you and Lia sat earlier.
"This is so yummy" he says, feeling his cheeks with a candy.
"Your cheeks looks like it's about to pop" you giggle.
"What do you usually in particular?" you asked curiousity feeling you, trying to look chill.
"Well I skate from time to time, I'm a tagger I also sing kinda" he shrug, looking forward you look at him questioningly.
"Tagger?" you squint your eyes "Oh I'm a graffiti artist I can't exactly say I am one but yea, you know it's kinda like a hobby"you hum.
"That's cool so your like a street boy, huh?" he laughs lightly " I don't know, well let's hear about you?" he sit facing you his head on his elbow.
"Well there isn't much about me. I'm still in college, I have a dog named Mila. I like to sing but I'm not good at it" you snickered at your own answer "it's not interesting like yours"
He grins "I think it's interesting. I'm still in college too- do you come here everyday?"
"Which college? Used to but not anymore" he hums nodding his head
"The one near Linda's café" you make an ohh turning his way excitedly
"Me too. Me too, I go there" you exclaimed with a high pitch voice, he laughs and smiles "We'll see eachother again then"
Suddenly embarassed by how you replied, you face forward again and chuckle a bit awkwardly
Both of you pack your stuffs, getting ready to head off. Your bag already in your arm, both of you bid good bye but not even after four steps Taesan called you, you turned back wondering what's wrong.
"Yea?" You stop in your tracks full body facing him which he does the same. "I didn't get your number, even though we are in the same college there's a chance we might not meet" right.
Your reaction is probably bland but your screaming and tumbling inside.
You say your phone number which he typed on his phone " That's it" you smile he softly say yes and look at you with bright dazzling eyes.
"You'll probably forget to text me after you get back but-" he cut you off "I wouldn't! seriously I don't usually ask people for their number, you might be the first" he blush.
He says might be but it's still enough to make your cheeks go red and your heart pumping vigorously.
"I'll take your words" both of your grins and finally bid good bye.
You stay in the park for a while after he is gone processing what happened not too long ago then you finally head off feeling good and fluttery.
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Right Place, Wrong Person (RPWP)
Release date: 24 May 2024
Official page
Pre-order notice
Promotion schedule
Photo Sketch
The whole project has been teased through the mysterious rpwprpwprpwp Instagram account, where pictures were regularly posted, often featuring RM.
A poster campaign in several cities around the world also advertised the project (see this tweet from Geffen Records for example). The poster features White cat with pink bow by Doris Carroll.
The main art of the album was made by Martin Groch (cr.).
Right People, Wrong Place
out of love
Domodachi (feat. Little Simz)
? (Interlude)
Around the world in a day (feat. Moses Sumney)
ㅠㅠ (Credit Roll)
Come back to me
You can find lyrics and their translation ni English for the whole album on the BTS-trans website, here.
The woman singign at the beginning of "LOST!" is Jclef, an artist who is in the sam music collective as eaeon, with whom RM worked several times before (src).
Concept Photo
Concept Photo 1
Concept Photo 2
Concept Photo 3
The first concept was shot by Wing Shya (src) in Seoul, the second one by Takahiro Mizushima in Tokyo, and the third one by Rosie Marks in London (Instagram post #1, #2).
The exterior shots were snapped by the Thames, near the Tower Bridge, see this map for exact locations.
The cat's name is Newt and he has an Instagram.
Come back to me
Release date: 10 May 2024
Poster (Instagram exclusive poster)
MV teaser
MV Photo Sketch
The MV was directed by Lee Sung Jin (src), creator of the series Beef, which was possibly referenced in Jung Kook's "Seven" MV (src).
Release date: 24 May 2024
MV Photo Sketch
Behind-the-scenes: Ioana Tudorache (climbing scene), Natallia Bulynia (blond TV host, #1, #2, #3, #4), Audrey Kang (overconfident persona, MV reaction, Day 1, Day 1.5, Day 2, Day 2.2, Day 2.4, Day 2.6, Day 2.8, Day 3, Day 3.2, Day 3.4)
The MV was filmed by a local team in Romania in Buftea (src). You can find more details about the production in this video from Euronews Romania (4:08 to 4:47).
The show
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The name is in reference to all the American evening TV shows, like The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon which is probably the inspiration for the title The Lost! Show starring RM.
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The text on the hosts' mugs says 남준 한에 (inside Namjoon, src).
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The stage, also featured in the Poster, is a labyrinth with no connected exits. You go in and out through the same opening.
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In this setting, RM appears disguised as the only two women we see: the anchor and the director.
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During the climbing scene, we see what's below the show stage. There are carton boxes and two trophies on the left, while it's suitcases and an abacus on the right.
The elevator
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From this point, RM is accompanied by four personas: an overconfident one (played by Audrey Kang), an anxious one (played by Hee Sin (second Instagram post)), a jaded one (played by Stephany Yujin Hong (second Instagram post)) and an innocent one (played by David H Lee).
The elevator has lots of details, notably graffiti:
Lost in several languages: Pierdut (Romanian), perdu (French), lost, 로스트 (lost again but written in Hangul), 길을 잃... (Korean, possibly 길을 잃었 땅에서, based on the lyrics but it's hard to confirm)
BTS-related words: BTS (written in a heart), 남주니 ♡3♡ (Namjoonie), 金南俊 (RM's name in hanja, src)
산얀 바보 (San Yawn is a silly guy)
천재 석준 왔다감 (genius Seokjun is here, note that the "genius" is written differently than the rest)
Care, urs (hard to confirm those two but urs is bear in Romanian, so it could stand for "care bear", src)
まち (town in Japanese)
ghost (a reference to the lyrics)
わすれちゃ (forgetting/I forgot in Japanese)
There are also several details on the buttons.
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The numbers are arranged randomly (note that the clock visible in the credits also has randomly arranged numbers) and the destination names are mostly jokes:
12 5232 22
42 (42 is famously known in pop-culture for being the answer to the Universe, a nod to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
화장실 (washroom)
Pierdut (lost in Romanian)
We can note that there's a smiley on buttons 81 and 73. And there are two dots on button 98, then three on button 150. There's also a heart on button 3.
The offices
At 03:41, the persona played by David H Lee uses an extinctor directly on his face... after being the one who emptied the water tank on his face.
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Release date: 28 May 2024
The MV was filmed in London:
the street parts are at Franklyn Rd (src)
the tunnel parts are at the Greenwich foot tunnel (src)
the closed road is Northwall Rd, along the Olympic Velodrome (src)
See this map for exact locations.
As the Army Film Club account pointed out, all the effects in the video are practical. They used mirrors and see-through objects, as confirmed by line producer Mia Foo in an Instagram story (archive).
'Nuts' Live Video
Release date: 30 May 2024
Release date : 31 May 2024
ㅠㅠ (Credit Roll)
Release date : 10 June 2024
Fans noticed that the release date for this MV was exactly one year apart from RM's enlistment end.
Articles, interviews, and performances
Rolling Stone Japan: "BTS・RMの「チームプレイ」を考察、韓国のオルタナティブな才能がソロ傑作に集った意義" (Considering BTS and RM's "team play", the significance of South Korea's alternative talents coming together for a solo masterpiece) (eng trans)
Teen Vogue: "RM Right Place, Wrong Person Album Review: BTS Leader Defies Expectations"
Weverse magazine: "RM writes place"
Weverse magazine: "The alternative artists RM collaborated with on Right Place, Wrong Person"
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
Young American - Part 1^
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Y/N get's offered the opportunity of a lifetime, an apprenticeship at English Graffiti, world renowned tattoo artist, Eddie Chan's first American shop. However, an unnerving rivalry brews between her and one of Eddie's old apprentices and best artists, Harry Styles.
WC: 10k+
Fic Casting
Y/N had been waiting ages for an opportunity to get a tattooing gun in her hand and become a tattoo apprentice. Since she was a young teen she knew she wanted to tattoo. This interest and passion had been born from her aunt Julie who was heavily tattooed. And while she was considered the black sheep in her family, she had always been special to Y/N and her favorite aunt. She always told Y/N that one day she wanted to be tattooed by her and hopefully soon that dream would be coming true.
Y/N had gone to a tattoo convention to sell some of her prints and designs to artists or shops and also with the hope to get her foot in the door of the industry as an apprentice. It was hard to network while needing to just be stationed at her table for the three days of the convention, so she hadn't really had much luck yet. It was nearing the end of the final day of the convention and she was just doodling on a notebook when someone approached her table and asked about her art and when she glanced up to see her visitor she almost had a heart attack when she recognized the man before her. That was Eddie Chan, a very prominent tattoo artist, one she actually followed on social media for many years. She swallowed down the starstruck feeling that was practically paralyzing her and chatted with him and answered all of his questions. 
Eddie was so kind and on top of that, he really liked her art and even asked to see her portfolio. Y/N pulled it out of her tote bag and handed it over, allowing him to skim through the pages. If his facial expression were anything to go by in that moment, it seemed to be that he liked her work. He then asked her where she was working and she explained that she was currently working part-time as a design consultant for an interior design firm. And then he asked the fateful question, "So are you interested in tattooing?" And she could've sworn her eyes teared up as she nodded in confirmation.
He then explained that he was actually at the convention scouting talent because he was opening up a shop in L.A. with an all-star team. He shared with her that he wanted to have an apprentice there because there would be plenty of great and established artists to learn from. Eddie was Chinese-British and he lived in and had his shop in London, so hearing that he was expanding to L.A. was almost fateful. He got her contact information and promised he would call her soon. And a few days later he did and asked her if she wanted to visit the location of the new shop and to bring her portfolio, which of course she agreed to. The shop was beautiful and nearly finished. She even got to meet another artist he had hired, Aurelia Vega, a legend all on her own. They all started talking about her apprenticeship and what that would look like if she accepted. Y/N learned then that the shop would officially be opening in a month, which gave her plenty of time to ease out of her current job and get to be the shop apprentice full-time. And after a few hours she was heading out of the shop with Eddie at her side.
"Thank you for this opportunity, Eddie." She gushed and he smiled.
"Look, I wouldn't be standing where I am if someone hadn't given me an opportunity. You're an incredible artist and I'm sure you'll fit in well with the team we're going to have here." He assured her.
Y/N had been at English Graffiti for two months now and was doing incredibly well in her apprenticeship at the the shop. She had been shadowing, drawing, and being taught so many techniques and strategies from Eddie himself which was a dream scenario all on it’s own. He continued to be so kind, encouraging, and patient with her, though he assured her that it was no biggie because she was a natural. And the truth was finally having that tattooing gun in her hand did feel so natural. She felt alive as she got a shot at pursing her passion. And not only was being involved in any way great, but the team Eddie had assembled was really great. 
There were three full-time artists, Gerardo, Vy, and the guy coming from London, Harry. Aurelia, who went by Auree, also tattooed but would assume the role of shop manager once Harry got in. She was close to Eddie's age and she had hurt her arm in a car accident and couldn't tattoo as long or as frequently as she used to, so the managing aspect of things was right up her alley. They also had an assistant manager/receptionist who was in charge of bookings, deposits, and all of the front of the house stuff, her name was Rosa. Meanwhile Harry arrived, Eddie was helping run everything, essentially doing Auree's job and training Y/N. The new guy, Harry, was relocating from the U.K. and would be joining them the next week. Apparently he'd apprenticed under Eddie as well and was his top artist at his U.K. shop. Y/N was excited to work with and learn from this guy. When she checked out his page she was more than impressed, it seemed there was nothing he couldn't do. He definitely had talent and a myriad of skills and styles down, so she was eager to work with him and learn from him as much as possible.
Eddie had been working intensely and closely with Y/N, taking advantage of the fact that he was around to train her properly. The others had also offered support and some suggestions along the way, but Eddie was doing the most work with her before he headed back to London to manage his main shop. Before he left he wanted to see her work on real clients if possible; she had tattooed many oranges, grapefruits, and silicone mats, she'd even given herself a little tattoo, but she had never tattooed anyone else and regardless of her enthusiasm, she was a bit nervous to get into this next stage.
The week of Eddie's departure Y/N scrambled around to find people who were willing to let her practice on them and in exchange they'd get a free tattoo and thankfully, she was able to find two people who were interested in small to medium sized pieces that she had designed. Needless to say, Eddie was impressed with her affinity for working with the clients. He noticed it right off the bat with the first one; she was gentle but easygoing and was great at making people feel comfortable. Her second and final client had the more complicated design, despite it being the black and gray piece, but she was feeling pretty good about it. And when Eddie came to check out her work he was ecstatic with it.
"That's fucking good." He hummed as he inspected the finished tattoo inked into the client's thigh, also a tricky place to tattoo, "Auree, come look at this." He called out. She came over and inspected the work closely as well.
"Damn. You're a natural, girl!" She said with a grin and Y/N was over the moon.
"Don't forget to take a picture and add it to your portfolio." Eddie reminded, "Mate, do you mind if I snap a pic for our Apprentice highlight on instagram?" He asked the client who of course said he didn't mind. "Good work, Y/N." Eddie said with a big smile after snapping the picture and heading off to let her wrap up the appointment.
Both clients were really happy with the tattoos they got and left her a good tip, which she got to keep for herself. At the end of the day she stayed behind a bit later, as was customary, to tidy up and to take inventory as it was the end of the month. She thought she was alone, but then Aurelia came into their inventory closet.
"Almost done?" She asked.
"Yeah, just about." Y/N responded as she ticked off a few boxes and jotted down on the page that they needed to get paper-towels before the week was out.
"You did really well today." Auree said again and Y/N bit her lip in excitement.
"Really?" She asked and Auree nodded.
"Yeah, especially for today being your first time with clients. It couldn't have gone better." She assured and Y/N chuckled.
"Thank you, Auree. That means so much.”
"Of course, hon! But I will tell you, you tattoo so similarly to Harry, the new artist coming tomorrow?" Y/N nodded as she recalled, "I think that he'd be a good person to shadow and stick to for the remainder of your apprenticeship, both Eddie and I agreed. He apprenticed under Eddie too." She shared.
"Yeah, so I heard!” Y/N hummed.
"Yes, he's very versatile, but he's literally the king of the black and gray in London. He's got an eye for making things pop and come alive even in the muted tones. He's just such a cool and talented guy. You're gonna love him." She said with excitement.
"Oh my god, I can't wait!"
“Yeah, so I would suggest you study up on his work a bit more tonight just so that you can be a bit more familiar with it and we’ll properly introduce you two at some point tomorrow.” She suggested and Y/N nodded, “Well, I'm going to head out, but I'll see you tomorrow!" Auree said and Y/N thanked her before hearing the back door close and lock.
Now she was really excited for this guys to come aboard and learn even more from him. When she got home she spent hours looking through his page and hashtags with his name on them on instagram. She watched YouTube videos and was very excited to meet this famous Harry Styles. He seemed cool and he was so talented, she was impressed by him and couldn't wait to work with him and see him in action. He was definitely someone who she now looked up to.
The following morning Y/N showed up at 8:00am, her usual time, and she was surprised to discover that someone was already in the shop. She could hear some things being moved around as she set her things down in the employee’s lounge. She was thinking that it was probably Eddie, packing up some of his things. She walked into the studio area quietly and was met with a tall, thin man. He had a bright pink beanie on his head and a baggy t-shirt with some loose-fitting jeans and dirty Vans. There were a few plastic boxes and totes on the tattooing chair and counter at his station. She cleared her throat and he turned quickly.
"Good morning, I'm Y/N, the apprentice." She said with a smile. It widened when she saw it was him, Harry Styles! She was about to speak up again, telling him how excited she was to finally meet him when he beat her to it.
"I'm Harry the new artist." He said in a sort of flat tone, "Is there a reason my station wasn't prepped last night?" He asked her and she wanted to frown but kept her composure.
"Ummm, I prep the stations in the morning, not the night before." She explained herself.
"Well, it's morning and the stations still aren't prepped or sterilized I'm assuming, so..." he trailed off and she immediately felt irritated with him. She wanted to tell him that she had sterilized the stations the night before and that she had arrived two and a half hours early precisely to prep all the stations and the shop before opening, but she bit her tongue and took a deep breath before responding.
"I'll get on it right away." She assured and hurried over to the disinfectant cart and grabbed some wipes and the disinfectant spray and got to wiping down and then spraying all of the surfaces - even if she had done it the night before, "Do you want me to clean your station?" She asked him as she came up to his station. She wanted to check with him in case he didn't want her touching his things or maybe he had already done it and was just giving her a hard time.
"Of course, just move the boxes." He instructed before walking off and then she heard the backdoor shut. She scoffed and moved his stuff to the ground, wiped and sprayed the counter and his chair before going back to the cart and grabbing a clean rag and wiping down the first station and so forth. She was on the station before his when he came back in and sighed. "Why did you just put my things on the ground?" He asked her, an irritated tone saturating his expression and voice.
"Ummm, you asked me to wipe down your station." She said.
"Yeah, but not to put my stuff on the ground." He huffed in annoyance and placed the things back on the counter and sighed yet again, "Why's it wet?" He asked her with a furrow in his brow.
"Because I haven't wiped it yet?" She spoke to him like it was obvious now, not really caring to hide her irritation towards him this time.
"I was gone for five minutes and you weren't able to wipe down a counter? Jesus..." he mumbled and she hated the way she felt her throat knotting up and her eyes starting to get glossy. 
Y/N was so disappointed with how he was acting towards her when he didn't even know her. Her illusions of them getting along great and him becoming her mentor were gone. More than that, she felt her disappointment morphing into anger because really, from the moment she said hello to him he was already being a dick and she didn't do anything to make him upset.
“Well, you’ve clearly never bothered to read the back of the disinfectant bottles. It needs to sit for a few minutes to do its job properly. If you want to half ass the cleaning of your station you can do it yourself." She snapped and dropped the rag onto his counter and hurried out. 
Harry was flabbergasted. The last thing he heard was the heavy back door slam before it was silent all around. Harry felt his insides boiling with anger, who the fuck did this chick think she was talking to him like that? He wanted to follow her and ask her what her problem was, but he decided to just wipe down her mess and finish unpacking his things. 
Y/N had stepped outside to take a few deep breaths and fan at her eyes to avoid the tears she felt coming on and once she was calm enough again she decided that she needed to apologize to him. If he said something to Eddie or Aurelia they would surely let her go. With this new panic now festering inside of her she hurried inside and into the studio and Harry spared her a menacing glance before continuing with unpacking his boxes.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you. It was unprofessional." She said and he stayed quiet, "I've been here a few months now and I can assure you that I always do my job and I do it well. It may take some time for me to learn how you like things, but I'm willing to learn. Like I said, Ive been here for a few months and everyone else is really pleased with how I do things, so-" she was interrupted by his scoff.
"You've been here a few months, have you? You’ve just got loads of experience." He said sarcastically, not even bothering to spare her a look, “Look. Just finish prepping and stay out of my way and I won't mention your little strop to Eddie." He said and she bit her lip nervously.
"O-OK, thank you." She stammered and he didn't answer her so she just got to work again.
Y/N got through her tasks around 9am and then went to practice on silicone from the briefs and concepts Eddie would give her as homework. It was interesting that he never gave her designs to copy, just ideas. But he told her it was supposed to help her convey non-physical things through the art, help her find her style for these things, and collaborate better with clients, and it was true. Harry didn't say anything to her again while they were alone. When everyone else started filtering in closer to10am he started to look more cheerful and was greeting everyone as if the very sun shone out of his ass. It was incredible. Right at 10am Eddie came in with a box of donuts and a bright smile adorning his face.
"Morning team!" He greeted excitedly and everyone called out their greeting to him as they continued chatting and catching up, "Brought some donuts, I'll put 'em in the lounge." He announced and people started flocking over. 
In just a few minutes the smell of coffee was permeating the air in the lounge and Y/N was waiting in the line for the donuts. She grabbed a plain glazed one and quickly scurried off to the side where one of the other artists, Gerardo, stood. He was friendly with her, so sweet and welcoming from the moment she arrived. He was a newer artist to the field and understood the pressure and anxiety of getting on the same level as these veteran and experienced artists. He was always willing to help or give her tips and listen to her when she had a particularly rough time with something, so she definitely leaned towards him a bit more.
"Hey, G." She smiled and he returned the friendly gesture, bearing his teeth in a bright smile.
"Hey, Y/N! How's your morning going so far?" He asked her as she leaned on the wall beside him. She skipped out on the part of Harry being a total ass to her and just said it was good so far. She was about to ask him how his morning had been going when Eddie called for everyone's attention.
"Yo!" He exclaimed and everyone glanced over to him, "First order of business, I want to formally introduce you guys to Harry, he's the newest addition to the team. We've worked together for nearly ten years?" He asked looking to Harry who nodded with a smile, "Fuck, I'm getting old..." he mumbled and everyone chuckled, "I know Auree has met him before, but to the rest of you he's a new face. But he's a really incredible artist! H can handle anything you put in front of him, I fucking swear it. He's also an ace lad and I'm really excited that he agreed to relocate for this gig. Thanks mate." He said to Harry once again as everyone clapped a bit as Harry mumbled something to Eddie lowly as they hugged briefly.
"Second order of business,” Eddie continued, "as many of you know, Y/N is our apprentice at the shop and she's being doing a bang up job around here for the last several months. I think we’ve all seen how anything you give her she will get it done efficiently and exceptionally.” He said and everyone gave her little whoops of encouragement as she shook her head a bit bashfully, “Y/N, you’ve been a lot of help around here as we get the shop settled and I think I can speak for all of us when I say we're thankful for your help and hard work." He said and everyone gave her a little cheer again as she smiled timidly, "I think you all know by now that Y/N did her first tattoos on clients yesterday…” Eddie reminded and once again, her coworkers cheered her on, “And well, she fucking smashed it. Did really exceptional work! Probably some of the best work I've ever seen from a first time artist!" He said and Gerardo elbowed her playfully as she shook her head as everyone whooped and as she looked around she caught Harry's gaze on hers, he didn't seem amused at all, "She did so fucking good that I received emails from both of her clients outlining what a great experience they had and how excited they were to hopefully get tattooed by her again.” Eddie shared.
"Oh my god, really?" She asked and Eddie nodded with a big smile.
"You did really well, Y/N. And after reading their stellar feedback I've decided that you can assist with walk-ins." Her mouth dropped open in shock.
"No way!" She exclaimed and he chuckled.
"You earned it! We can work out the details in a bit, but you've proved yourself." He said. And everyone clapped for her once more, praising her great work.
"Thank you." She responded meekly and then she bit her lip to suppress the huge smile threatening to split wide across her face.
"Those were the two biggest things I wanted to leave you all with. I will be leaving for London tonight, so tomorrow this is Auree's ship to run." Eddie finished and they all cheered again, encouraging Auree this time, “Honestly, I don't think I've ever felt more confident or at peace leaving something. I trust each and every one of you with this shop. You guys are going to kick ass." He said with confidence.
After a few more excited cheers and hollers everyone headed off to their stations and Y/N was following Eddie back to the office where he worked out the details of how her walk-ins would work. Apparently the walk-ins would be split 70/30 between her and Harry as he had no clientele in the area yet. Harry had first dibs because he was already an established artist, but once he had built up his customer base they would mostly fall on her shoulders. Eddie did outline that if clients specifically asked for her then that walk-in would go to her, but for the most part they should be fielded to Harry. She could understand that, he had moved transatlantically for this job and needed the money and also his tattoos would bring in money. She couldn't charge until her apprenticeship was finished, so anything she'd be doing would be "on the house" and if she got tipped enough she could put some of that towards the materials she used, but not every client tipped enough for that. Either way, this was a win for her and she couldn't wait to tell her aunt and her friends.
Working with Harry proved to be a pain. She initially chalked up his bad attitude to jet lag. But after a few days he was still being a jerk to her, so maybe he was really upset by her snapping at him or was hazing her a bit? So she apologized once again and tried to start fresh with him but he simply brushed her off and his bad attitude towards her persisted. After a couple weeks she just decided to keep her head down and compartmentalize the hurt and frustration. It was a huge bummer that he had some vendetta against her that she didn’t understand, but she was determined to make the most out of this new opportunity she was given, as he was determined to be a dick to her.
So even with Harry practically cursing her existence, Y/N was over the moon being able to work with clients. In her first week on walk-ins she had been able to tattoo four people. And during her second week three, and now, on this third week of her new role it was barely Wednesday and she was already on her fourth tattoo of the week! But this time it was different because the walk-ins coming in so far had been asking for her. Yes, Harry was an incredibly talented artist, but so was she and hers were free? It was kind of a no-brainer. She even had to give a few over to Harry and upon seeing his work the clients didn't always mind paying up. But for some reason, to Harry this had sparked a sort of competitive streak in him and he was upset that she was getting so much attention and clientele as an apprentice. This confused Y/N because out of of everyone, he should've understood because when Eddie took him on as an apprentice he was just 17 years old and shortly after he turned 18 Eddie got him started actually tattooing on clients and the same thing happened to him! Moreover, whether he or she tattooed, it was a win for the shop in her eyes! So she was having a hard time understanding and even trying to rationalize his frustration towards her.
Harry was simply jealous, though he’d rather die than ever have to admit that to anyone. Because why would someone as incredibly talented as him be jealous of an apprentice? When he started out right at 18 people saw his skill and knew he was doing it for free to gain experience and he was tattooing up to ten times a week! A great tattoo artist was a great tattoo artist regardless of time, time just made them get better. And he knew he was one of those special people that just took off. But it irked him so much that Y/N was heading there even faster than he was. He had never seen anything like it, it was impressive - another thing he’d choose death over admitting it aloud. He hadn't really gotten a chance to observe her while she worked, but something she was doing was working really well for her, she was like a siren of tattooing. So yeah, he was jealous that an apprentice was getting even more attention than he, an established and reputable artist was.
It was now Thursday of her third week tattooing walk-ins, but she was currently covering the front because Rosa was out sick. She glanced up from the sketch on her iPad when a client walked through the door.
"Welcome, do you have an appointment for today?" She asked with a friendly smile.
"No, I but I was wondering if Y/N was available for a walk-in?" The man asked and she perked up.
“Oh! I'm Y/N! Nice to meet you…?” She asked extending her hand to the man, waiting for his name.
"Ian." He said shaking her hand.
"Ian, thanks for coming in. If you give me a few minutes to find someone to cover I can take a look at what you're wanting to get done, alright?" He nodded and informed her he would pull up his reference photo with a big smile and she excused herself for a moment to head back to the studio and see who wasn't with a client. To her chagrin the only one sitting on his bum sketching at their station was Harry so she tentatively approached him, but he somehow already knew it was her.
"What is it?” He asked monotonously.
"Ummm, a walk-in just came in and asked for me. Can you cover the front for a bit?” She asked him and he sighed and silently stood up and headed off towards the reception area and Y/N followed behind him silently. The only sound was coming from the little beaded curtain serving as the door between the front of the house and the tattooing studio,"Thanks, Harry." She said to him with a smile when he plopped down on the stool behind the register and she scooted a bit further down the counter with the client to keep the register area clear.
"Alright Ian, m’all yours!” She said charmingly and he chuckled, “What were you looking to get done today?" She asked with an easy smile and he handed over his phone.
"I've been wanting this piece done for a long time. It would be my first tattoo." He said as she looked over the reference image with wide eyes. It was a giant Japanese style dragon that wrapped around someone’s whole leg. "I just like the pose of that dragon, you can do it as a Chinese or Japanese dragon, whatever your preferred style and whatnot. And instead of the cherry blossoms I wanted some clouds like these." He said reaching over the screen and sliding it to another photo, "And I’d want it in black and gray.” He finished sharing his concept with a smile.
"Wow, that's really sick, Ian. You want it to wrap around your leg like that too?" Y/N asked and Ian confirmed with a nod. 
Upon hearing that Harry perked up, he was about to cut in and remind her that she wasn't allowed to work on big pieces like that yet.
“God, I really do love this piece but unfortunately as an apprentice I'm just not allowed to work on pieces of this magnitude yet. Especially if they're going to take multiple sessions to complete." She explained and Ian immediately frowned.
"Really? That's B.S. I've seen the tattoos you've done on other people and let me tell you, you don't tattoo like an apprentice!" He said and she giggled.
"Thanks, I appreciate that, but them's the rules." She said with a shrug. "I mean if you're really set on starting this piece as soon as possible Harry here is a phenomenal artist. King of black and gray back in London, or something like that, right Harry?" She asked glancing over to him in question with a friendly smile. He looked to her with a bit of shock but nodded.
"Ummm, yeah, that's it." He confirmed and she smiled at Ian now.
"You'd be in really good hands with him. What do you say?” She asked him, enticing him to consider the alternative.
Quite frankly, Harry was shocked that she had even recommended him. All they'd done the last few weeks were have squabbles, glare at each other, or give each other the silent treatment. He must admit that he was the aggressor in most of these unpleasant exchanges, but if the tables were turned he would do something petty like not recommend someone else to do the tattoo. It was extremely professional of her to set aside her personal feelings for him and really play up his work as a professional. And he got excited for a moment because it had been quite hard to build up clientele so far. In the past few weeks he'd only done one large-ish piece and a project like this would be exactly what he needed to get on the map in L.A.
"Ummm, I'm sure he's amazing. All the artists here are! I was looking at the instagram page before coming in! But I really want to get it done by you." Ian said and her eyebrows arched up, "I kind of have this feeling that you're going to blow up and it would be an honor to have you do my first tattoo and also for me to have one of your first big pieces." He said and she smiled kindly at him and was about to speak when Harry butted in.
"Well that's not possible at this time, mate. Like you heard, she's only an apprentice and she's not allowed to do that yet." Harry responded quite harshly, it made her frown. But he felt his body boiling with jealousy, he could've sworn his head would explode. Y/N was now desperate to soften the unnecessary blow Harry had just delivered to this potential client.
"Oh Ian, I truly appreciate your belief in me to pull something of that magnitude off but Harry is right, that won't be possible today. I really am sorry." She said and he sighed in slight disappointment but smiled none the less.
"Alright, I understand. Well it was worth a try to get in with you." He said and she smiled.
"I could still tattoo you. Do something on a smaller scale for you if you'd like?" She offered and he shook his head.
"Nah, it's alright this one means a lot to me. I'm willing to wait until you're able to tattoo at this scale if you've got like a waiting list or something? I’d like to join it?" He asked and Harry was completely shocked as he heard this. Y/N was too. Her jaw dropped to the ground and she then looked to Harry for some guidance.
"Just take his bleeding contact information, Y/N." He said dryly and she nodded a bit frazzled still, "Jesus..." He mumbled lowly enough that only she could hear as she hurried over to the register and grabbed a sticky note and pen. She wasn't sure why, but his reaction really put a damper on this monumental moment for her. This was huge. He was so unsupportive and rude, it really affected her morale.
"You know, Ian you are the first on my list and I'd be honored to have you be one of my first official tattoos!" She brightened up despite how she felt inside now, "I'm not really sure how long my apprenticeship'll last, but it means a lot that you're willing to wait." She said and he went on and on about how it wasn't an issue and that he was really thrilled for this. She still asked him to email her the inspiration pictures so that she could start practicing the drawing portion and they could start working out some ideas and he was more than willing to do that. After another few minutes and the promise of getting a call when her apprenticeship was over, Ian was leaving with a big smile and a wave goodbye. Once the front door shut she folded up the bright orange sticky note and put it in her back pocket. Harry then stood from the stool and brushed past her silently.
"This morning the bin under my station wasn't emptied out by the way.” He said before he left her.
"Oh, the custodian empties the trash. Must've forgotten, I can leave a note." She said to him and he turned to her with furrowed brows.
"Well if you notice it then just take it out, OK? S'not that hard, is it Y/N?" He asked her.
"Yeah, OK." She responded softly.
"Don't forget that you're still just an apprentice here, Y/N. You think because one loser with some cliche tattoo idea thinks you're the next big thing that you're suddenly too good for everything else that has to get done around here?" He asked her angrily and she turned away from him, he was being ridiculous. She had no idea why he was being such a dick out of nowhere, "Hey, don't ignore me. Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He demanded and she sighed and turned towards him again, "Know your fucking place." He snarled. The air between them grew eerily tense and then he saw a look in her eyes that almost made him apologize to her. Her eyes quickly diverted from his and he watched as her throat bobbed and she bit on the inside of her cheek and she just nodded.
"OK." She nearly whispered before turning back to the register. 
Harry bit on his lip as he just took her in for a moment. She was so tense and she suddenly appeared so small and he just shook it off before he could allow himself to feel bad and walked away.
As soon as he was gone Y/N's tears started to fall, she felt so utterly defeated. She had no idea what she had ever done to him to make him be so hostile towards her, but it was reaching a point that she couldn't handle anymore. Before she could even think about it she reached into her back pocket and blindly tossed the sticky note with Ian's information under the counter where the trash can was. She fanned at her eyes for a moment to stop the tears before someone came in, but she wasn't that fortunate.
"Oh my god, Y/N are you alright?" Auree suddenly asked as she came and rubbed at her shoulder and Y/N sniffled and nodded.
"M'sorry. I'm just on my period and have really bad cramps and I'm super emotional." She fibbed and Auree frowned.
"Oh hon, I get that. Look there's just a couple hours left in the day, why don't you head home early, get some rest." She suggested.
"Are you sure?”
"Yeah, of course. Besides, I don't think sobbing apprentice is a good look for us." She joked and Y/N sputtered on her tears as she chuckled and Auree giggled along."We'll see you tomorrow, OK?" She said and Y/N nodded.
"Thanks, Auree.”
"Of course. I'll get someone to cover." She assured her and with that Auree headed back into the studio and Y/N grabbed her tote bag from the coat hook hanging behind the counter and slipped out of the front door.
"Hey Styles, can you cover the front for the rest of the day? I've got a 5pm coming in." Auree asked, grabbing his attention.
"Where's Y/N?" He asked right away.
"She wasn't feeling well so I told her to go home." Auree said and Harry swallowed thickly and  just nodded.
He grabbed his sketch pad and pencil before he silently made his way over to reception area. He was settling himself in when his pencil rolled off of the counter and under the reception counter. He groaned in annoyance and got off of the stool and stooped below the counter to look for his pencil and he saw it stopped right against the trash can and beside it was a crumbled, neon orange sticky note, like the one he had seen Y/N fold up and put in her pocket not even ten minutes before. He grabbed his pencil and the paper as well. Harry bit his lip as he started to pull apart the little scrap of paper and just as he suspected, there in her too perfect penmanship was inked the name Ian Greene and his phone number and email right below it. That made a sinking feeling appear in his stomach and for his chest to kind of feel heavy. He had been really mean to her, hadn't he? So much so that he made her feel inadequate enough that she didn't even want to tattoo this guy anymore. For a second he let the remorse take a hold of him, but then he just shook it off and stuffed the note in his own back pocket. She needed to toughen up.
Y/N was all cried out. Her aunt even offered to order her favorite take out to cheer her up, but she wasn't up for dinner. She didn't tell her what really happened, she didn't want her to make a big deal out of what Harry had said to her. Being an apprentice at Eddie Chan's shop was a once in a lifetime opportunity. If she let this go she would probably never get another shot like this again. But on the other hand, she was miserable now that Harry had come on board, he treated her like she was beneath him, like she was the enemy. In his eyes she couldn't do anything right, he always found something to harp on her about, something to criticize, something to piss her off. She was just disappointed by his behavior and the longer she dwelled on their interaction that afternoon, the more she thought about quitting. 
She considered complaining about it to Auree, but the shop needed a full time artist more than an apprentice, so the logical step would be for her to part ways with English Graffiti. And as she laid in bed, staring at her ceiling she decided that she would give this option some very serious thought. She was just about to turn her Netflix on when her phone started ringing and she saw it was Gerardo FaceTiming her. She cleared her throat and sniffled before she picked up.
"Hey!" He said cheerfully, it looked like he was outside the shop, "Have you been crying?" He asked her with concern.
"I'm fine, G. What's up?”
"Nothing. I just overheard Auree say you weren't feeling too good so I wanted to check in on you." He said.
"Oh, that's sweet of you. But really I am feeling better now." She said as he settled himself into his car.
"Alright, Just being a good friend." He said and she smiled.
"Well, I appreciate it." She responded.
"Look, I know that starting out can be difficult. We can talk about it, if you want, whatever is going on." He offered and she really just wanted to get it off of her chest to someone who understood. And maybe G would just let her vent and not tell anyone anything.
"I do want to talk about it. I think you'd understand." She said.
"Well, I was about to just pick up some dinner, but if you want to meet me somewhere we can eat, have a few drinks?" He offered.
"I would but I'm too lazy to drive." She whined and he chuckled.
"I'll come get you." He offered and she sighed, "It'll be fun…” He sung and she smiled.
"Fine. I'll send you my address, OK?”
"Sounds good." He said before they hung up. 
She Didn't bother with doing herself up too much. She just put on some mascara and her glasses before throwing on some shorts and a t-shirt on. After about 15 minutes she was getting a text from him that he was outside. She called out to her aunt that she would be home late and hurried out to his car.
"Hey!" He greeted happily as she settled into the front seat.
"Hi." She smiled.
"So what's good around here?" He asked her and soon they chose a place and he took off. They talked about the rest of the work day as they waited to be seated and soon enough they were scooting onto some high-chairs of a local gastropub and he was watching her look over the drinks menu, "So are you going to tell me what's actually wrong?" He asked and she sighed.
"I need a drink for that." She said and he chuckled.
"Fine." He mumbled. Soon enough they had both ordered their drinks and he asked her again what was wrong and she sighed. He saw that suddenly her smiley demeanor was gone and she looked conflicted and sad.
"G, I'm ummm- I'm thinking of quitting the apprenticeship." She said and once again her lip was quivering because even the idea of quitting was so painful. She had worked her ass off for this, the amount of rejection she had faced from even small-time artists for then to be acknowledged and taught by someone as renowned as Eddie? It was truly heartbreaking.
"Oh my god, why?! You can't quit!" He immediately protested and she sniffled.
"I know how insane I would have to be to give up on this opportunity, but I just can't do it anymore, G." She said and he frowned and reached for her hand and she took it and squeezed, she didn't want to cry in front of all of these people.
"Can't take what?" He asked her gently.
"Promise you won't say anything? Because I don't want to make trouble and I don't want to appear ungrateful or like I'm being a baby to anyone." She said and he nodded, "I can't work with Harry anymore. He is the biggest asshole I have ever met. I have never felt so undermined and demoralized in my life. He treats me like absolute shit! And the worst part is that I really was looking forward to learning from him. Auree and Eddie were both excited to have me meet him and get to shadow him, but literally from the first day I met him he was a dick to me and..." and so she went off and told him about all of the petty remarks and micro-aggressions and finally what had led her to leave early that day, "-and he literally looked at me and told me to know my place." She sniffled as she dabbed under her eyes with her napkin as the tears inevitably fell.
"No fucking way..." G sighed with a frown and she nodded.
"That was the last straw. Like I feel so discouraged and I don't even want to tattoo in front of him ever again. Like I don't want to see his stupid face or hear his fucking voice!" She vented her frustration.
"I just don't get it... after you tried to get him an appointment for such a big and complex piece he goes and talks you down? Plus being rude to the client? What a dick." G huffed and Y/N nodded.
"I know... like I know that having him there is important and far more logical than having me there, but like Eddie believed in me and brought me on! That has to count for something, no? Like out of everyone there he should understand what it's like because he also apprenticed under Eddie! I just don't understand his beef with me.”
"Maybe he's just jealous that an apprentice is getting more clientele than he is.”
"Well that's not my fault either..." she said and G sighed, "But anyway, please don't tell Auree or anyone else and don't be weird with Harry, I don't want to make him more angry. I just need to figure out if I can manage this or not.”
"Yeah, of course. But you know that I'm always here for you and really, if you get to the point where you want to leave please tell me. I have homies who are also really successful and well known in this industry and I would more than gladly put a good word in for you. You've got real talent, Y/N. I would hate to see you give up on it." He said and she nodded with a small smile.
The next morning Y/N showed up a bit earlier to set up since Rosa was still out and she also needed to handle the front of the house. She was just about done prepping the stations when Harry came in. He had his headphones on and he spared her a look and despite the rage she felt as their eyes met she just offered him a half-smile before she finished setting up the final station. He liked to come early, so she now got his station done first so that he wouldn't have a reason to talk to her. She then walked past him to get to the drawing station and she noticed that his trash can was hidden between his counter and a big snake plant that served as the border between the drawing/stenciling stations and the tattooing station. Once again, his trash was not emptied out. It probably bugged him at his feet and so he'd move it, but the custodian couldn't see it there, she barely saw it.
Despite her irritation with Harry she was going to do her job and try her best not to piss him off any further. He couldn't hate her forever, especially when she was being cooperative with him. So she made her way over and crouched down and he glanced over to see her reaching for his trash can and picking it up. He watched her face and saw there wasn't a fussy look on it nor did she glare in his direction as she stood with the bin in hand and headed towards the back exit of the shop where the dumpster was. 
Harry just sighed and gnawed on his bottom lip as he continued sketching out some designs for a consultation he had to do later in the morning. Shortly after she returned with a new liner in the bin and she set it down exactly where he had left it before.
Harry continued feeling bad and it was growing worse. She hadn't ever really done anything to him. She hadn't ever been rude with him (unless he started it) or treated him poorly. He always gave her grief about how she'd prep his station even after she had learned how he liked things and did them that way, and now this. Going as far as doing something that was not her responsibility without so much as as complaint?
Surely, that hadn't been him when he apprenticed. He whined to just about anyone who would listen about how annoying the prepping and cleaning bits were, because for his first year with Eddie that's all he did. He knew from experience that it was tedious and grueling work at times, so that fact that he had not once heard her complain about it made him respect her just a little bit more. Around 9am more people started coming in and he took off his headphones, he had worn them thinking that Y/N would try to confront him about what he had said to her the day prior, but she didn't seem all that combative today. The vibe he was getting from her was weird, to be quite honest. He strolled into the kitchen and found G making some coffee.
"Morning, G. How's it going?" Harry asked with a smile and G just glanced over at him quickly.
"M'fine thanks." He said plainly. This was odd because usually G was the very friendly energetic one and he always sparked up conversations with everyone.
"Did you do anything fun after work?" Harry asked just to try and keep the conversation going and at this G turned towards him.
"Yeah actually, grabbed some dinner with Y/N." He said and Harry nodded and rolled his lips together before answering.
"That's cool. At least she's feeling better." Harry said and G just hummed before walking out of the lounge. Harry sighed as he went to make his own coffee. He just knew Y/N had said something to him about what had happened the day before and now G was upset with him. Fucking, Y/N.
"Y/N, I'm sorry but I was a dick to Harry." G said softly as he came through the beaded curtain and to the waiting area and Y/N sighed as she leaned on the counter.
"I'm sorry. I got one look at his face and I got angry." He explained, "Told him we went to dinner." He disclosed.
"Ughhh, fuck. It's fine, don't worry about it." She said and he apologized again, but then left her the coffee he had made for himself as a peace offering.
G actually had a really big appointment today and so she wouldn't be seeing him for most of the day and Vy was almost back to back all day. Aurelia was out supply shopping and Harry had a consultation scheduled for 11:30. She checked in G and Vy's appointments and they got started on their stuff and at around 11:35am Harry wandered out to front.
"Your client hasn't shown yet." She informed him, already knowing what he was coming for.
"Have they called or emailed?" He asked her.
"Nope, sorry." She said and he sighed.
"Fuck me..." he mumbled about to head back.
"Harry, you can have all the walk-ins, I don't feel like tattooing today." She said and he turned back to look at her, she wasn't even looking at him, she just continued doodling on her iPad.
"Why not?" He asked coming back closer.
"I just don't." She said.
"Well yesterday you were practically shitting yourself over that guy's tattoo and you'll never be able to tattoo him unless you get the practice." He said, baiting her and she smiled softly, still focused on her sketch.
"Oh I don't know if I'd want to tattoo that loser, as you so kindly put it, anyway." She said and he rolled his eyes and reached into his back pocket for the sticky note with the guy's contact info, he had every intention of just slipping it in somewhere discretely for her to find.
"Is that why you threw this away yesterday?" He asked slamming down the creased up paper over her iPad. She frowned and was about to respond when the phone rang and she reached for it.
"English Graffiti, this is Y/N how can I help you?" She spoke into the receiver their eyes still locked on each others in anger, "Oh hi, Jennifer." She said and Harry's eyes widened a bit, that was his 11:30, "Oh, well the consultation is just that, you don't have to decide today or even put a deposit down unless you-" the woman cut her off and she stayed quiet, "Are you sure? Ummm, OK. I'll be sure to let him know. Yeah, have a good one, bye." She said and hung up the phone, "She changed her mind about the tattoo." Y/N said and she saw his jaw clench, "Maybe you should keep this and try to convince Ian to let you tattoo him, seems like you could use the clients." She said smugly and she could see him trembling with anger.
"Fuck you." He gritted out as he left the sticky note before he stormed off towards the studio.
"If you're not going to call him should I just send you the walk-ins?" She called after him and he didn't respond and she smirked to herself in satisfaction. After about 15 minutes of feeling on the summit of success that feeling soon faded and made her feel bad.
He was the only person who knew about Ian, despite being a dick about it at the moment he saw the note in the trash or wherever it fell and didn't just leave it there. He intended to give it to her and that was at least a little bit nice of him. And as she thought about him she considered that maybe he was being such a prick because he was under severe amounts of stress and pressure. He had moved from another country for this job and had only been doing walk-ins here and there. For an artists of his caliber it was probably really discouraging and frustrating. 
When she had searched him up she saw that he was typically booked up months in advance and now he couldn't even land a single client. Maybe G was right and he was jealous of her to some extent? She sighed as she realized that revenge was not as sweet as people made it out to be. No one was due to be coming in until 2pm for Vy. So she stood from the stool at the register and went to lock the front door and left a sticky note reading "BACK IN 10!" That was visible if someone tried to look in. She then headed back and saw that Harry wasn't at his station and she walked back towards the lounge and the bathroom and they were both empty. So she then pushed her way out of the back exit and looked around and saw him sitting against the building wall and when he saw it was her he shot her a dirty look.
"Can you fuck off?" He asked her angrily and she sighed as she approached him.
"Please, Jesus... just leave me alone, Y/N. I'm not in the mood." He grumped.
"I just wanted to apologize to you for what I said. That was really low and uncalled for." She said as she looked in his eyes. Harry felt that it wasn't uncalled for, he had been such an ass to her that she didn't even want to tattoo, he deserved it. "I can't begin to imagine how frustrating it must be for you to go from being booked out months in advance to just... struggling to figure things out here. Seriously, I don't feel like tattooing, you can have all the walk-ins. At least that way you make money and the shop makes money too." She said and he scoffed.
"I don't need you to feel sorry for me." He said and she shook her head.
"It's not that, I'm just saying that I understand that this is probably frustrating for you because this is literally your livelihood and I'm still doing this for free. So if you get the walk-ins it's a win for you and a win for the shop, that's all." She explained and he stayed quiet, "So do you want to take the walk-ins or what?" She asked him and he just looked at her.
"Why don't you want to tattoo?" He questioned and she sighed.
"I already told you, I don't feel like it, Harry." She responded.
"Is it because of me?" He asked and her eyes didn't waiver from his as she responded.
"It's cute that you think you affect me that much." She said flatly before walking back towards the back door, "I'm giving you the walk-ins, OK?" She called out before heading inside again and he let out a dry laugh. He was the apprentice’s charity case. Nice.
Y/N was a nice person and for some reason he had really honed in on her and made her miserable and despite that she still came out and apologized to him for finally snapping and saying something just as hurtful to him as he had said and done to her since he arrived. The entire time she kept her head down, stuck it out, and finally it seemed that he was wearing her down. She was right, he was frustrated and stressed and discouraged. He was literally starting to wonder if he had made a mistake in leaving London for L.A., even starting up things had never been this hard for him and it was... scary. He sat out there for a good half an hour before Vy popped out and let him know that a walk-in had come in and so he took a few deep breaths before heading inside and getting to work. 
That day he ended up seeing about 8 people, all tattoos were small and simple things. However, the shop minimum was $120, with Eddie's name tied to this shop they were on the higher-end of tattoo shops and charged a big pricey with good reason. His was actually the last tattoo of the night, a matching friends tattoo for two young women, he could hear them gushing about it and asking Y/N to take photos for them up front as he cleaned up his station, soon he heard the front door open and close before the loud latch of the lock. After a few moments Y/N was coming to the back with her tote.
"Here Harry, the girls left these for you." She said and Harry turned around and she placed $40 in his hand and a post-it note with one of the girls' number and he rolled his eyes with a chuckle and put the $40 in his pocket and crumbled the sticky note before tossing it in the trash and she laughed softly, "Told her you wouldn't go for it…"
"And how would you know that?" He asked.
"Because you're too much of a professional." She said and he hummed.
She then went over to the disinfectant cart and grabbed the wipes and spray and went over the chairs and counters. Harry moved his things to the light-up desk where he was working on a stencil without her having to ask. As the disinfectant cooked on the surfaces for a bit she grabbed the broom and started sweeping. He could imagine that she was exhausted, first to arrive and last to leave, but once again, he noticed that she didn't show her exhaustion, or whine or complain about anything or even mention that she was tired as she picked up whatever little garbage she swept up and then proceeded to wipe down the counters and chairs. She finished before him and after putting things away she grabbed her bag.
"Good night!" She called out to him and wasn't phased when she didn't get a response. But she was surprised to hear him rush up behind her as everything went dark and he hurried ahead of her to open up the back door for her and they both stepped out into the parking lot. She locked up with her keys, feeling a bit odd about him lingering beside her. When she looked up to him he was looking at her a bit expectantly.
"Why don't you want to tattoo?" He asked her again and she sighed and started heading to her car, "Hey, you're really fucking good, you know that right?" He asked and she kept walking as she unlocked her car, "Hey, Y/N-" He said grabbing her arm and she spun around with a perplexed look on her face.
"What Harry?" She asked through a sigh.
"I know I've been...hard on you, but-" he said and she guffawed.
"Hard on me?" She scoffed incredulously, "Try a fucking nightmare, a jerk, a prick, a complete douche, a complete asshole, a-“
"OK Jesus, I get it!" He interrupted loudly.
"No, I don't think you do. I never did anything to you and from the moment you met me you started acting this way and why? I don't know and quite frankly I don't care to hear your excuses for it, Harry." She said and he frowned, "Why don't I want to tattoo? I'll tell you why." She said, "I'm so mentally drained from trying to deal with you and whatever vendetta you have against me every fucking day that I can't even think creatively anymore!" She admitted as her eyes started welling up, "And I get this whole "haze the new person" thing that people do and shit and I could deal with something like that but when Auree told me you'd be joining the team I looked you up and I was so excited to work with you! I was looking forward to shadowing you and learning from someone as talented as you. Someone who had gotten to where they are via the same trajectory I was on and man, what a fucking disappointment you turned out to be." She said sadly and his heart sunk and a large and uncomfortable lump formed in his throat.
”I have never felt so humiliated and belittled by another person in my entire life." she sniffled, "And it sucks because this is my dream. I have worked and struggled for years to even land an apprenticeship and you know what? I am so miserable here and I hate it." She said sadly and there was silence for a moment as she sighed, "I'm thinking about quitting." She admitted in a solemn tone as their eyes met, "And yes, Harry. It's all because of you." Her voice cracked and she kept walking. He swallowed down the lump in his throat and went up to her as she got into her car.
"Please leave me alone." She said as she shut the door and turned on her car. He knocked on her window a few times.
"Hey, c'mon, I really thought we were getting somewhere today!" He said and she rolled her window down.
"You really thought that just because I can put myself in your shoes and be nice to you?" she asked him like he was an idiot, "You're fucking delusional, Harry. I'm simply being professional despite how I feel about you. Even if I'm barley being paid to be here and don't have years of experience, this is where I'm working and I'm through playing this stupid fucking game with you. I don't want anything to do with you-“
"Y/N, you're too good to quit tattooing." He interrupted her.
"I fucking know that, you asshole! I'm not thinking of quitting because you make me insecure about my abilities! Who the fuck do you think you are? I'm thinking of quitting because I deserve better than this." She said and Harry was frozen, "I'll see you tomorrow." She said and rolled up her window before driving off.
Now Harry felt even more like shit about himself and during this entire conversation he couldn't even find it in himself to apologize to her. She was right, all he would do was make another excuse and avoiding getting to the root of the issue. It made him feel like shit that she, for a brief time, looked up to him and had the intent of learning from him. She was so talented and had an envious work ethic. He somehow needed to make this right.
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artchimes · 3 months
Wall Artist near me
Transform your walls into personalized works of art with our Wall Artists. At Art Chimes, we believe in the power of wall art to enhance and enrich any environment. Our nearby artists collaborate closely with you to understand your vision, infusing creativity and style into every brushstroke.
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brandchimes · 11 months
Wall Painting Artist near me
Transform your space into a captivating work of art with the expertise of top-tier wall painting artists near you. Whether you're seeking to revitalize your home, office, or commercial establishment, our talented and skilled local artists are ready to breathe life into your walls.
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I think banksy isn't a particularly great person in regards to what he has shown me about art and design stuff. Like, sure he made it to the top from being a street artist/graffitist, cool as shit, love to see a guy winning. Less of a fan of the bit where he started pretty much just making cool looking stuff for rich people and not being a graffitist.
This isn't me saying he shouldn't have changed or progressed; good for him, etc. I am saying his work has became gentrified. See, Banksy was a graffitist, like that guy that lives near you that draws dicks on bins or the one that did a really good spray of a cartoon character at your local skatepark. Now, that is illegal, even in most skateparks, and i wouldn't care about that if it wasn't the reason for my first issue.
So, if you get seen graffiti-ing you get arrested or whatever, even if you're on a public wall where people are allowed to, because nobody knows that those are a thing half the time and assume you're a criminal (not that I'd care if you were). After you make your shit its not over still because now you get chucked into this lot of people that are considered vandals because they dared to draw something on a wall, you're now in the same lot of people that smash up bus stops for no reason, isn't that fair?
Now, banksy is banksy so he doesn't get that same treatment. He gets praised for it, and his work get protected, unlike most graffiti. So now just he is allowed to graffiti shit, him and his team, apparently there are a few of him now. But at least that's the end of it, at least he's just some guy that is allowed to graffiti because he transcended the law, good on him.
Anyway, its not just that, number 2 is he is gentrification incarnate. People started protecting the areas his work was on and selling it and shit (I don't quite remember the details of that, but apparently people tried to sell the walls themselves)
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(From my stupid fucking friend, luv u bby)
So he's a lil bit corporate, but that can't be on prupose right? Like, you wouldn't just make artwork that vaguely gestures toward having some kind of meaning whilst not addressing said thing that the meaning should address, right? You wouldn't use vagueness as a means of making something palatable to corporate fucks whilst also removing any depth to it, right?
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Banksy come on man.
I can imagin that bouquet as a pepsi can and it has more meaning there. The satire, underlying message, just a bit of the funny.
The vagueness of it all really serves as a nice mask for it. This came from a thing that says "Banksy advocates for peace" what peace? Where? In regards to what? That looks like a rioter; it seems like the government pissed people off a bit too much and the rioter is reacting adequately. The headlining plus the image make it seem like Banksy is calling rioter out for being violent, but I'll put it down to the headline being a headline. Here's another:
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See now because I know my deal with recycling and stuff I can say this is about microplastics and how melting plastic for recycling isn't great still because of the fumes and shit, and I think that's great. But let's be real here, what is it actually saying? Its probably more along the lines of "man, things are kinda bad, but this kid has childlike wonder so he doesn't notice. You are the kid and you don't see the bad" or something like that.
But maybe its not and maybe he's being genuine. Maybe plastic being thrown into our atmosphere is a big deal to him. I want to see it as that, so I'm gonna, I think.
Don't those fences look a bit oddly placed though? Round the sides of the graffiti, them ones... well that leads me onto an entirely new point.
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What is graffiti?
According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language one definition is "a form of vandalism involving painting, text or images in public spaces"
So the crime thing from the start, yeah whatever, you already mentioned that dipshit.
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So what the fuck is this headline then? Is banksy's art not graffiti? When does it become socially acceptable art? Isn't it a thing in graffiti that we're aware nothing is permanent so that's why people draw over others' shit? Why can't we play by his rules and draw too? That doesn't seem fair.
You know, I've saw things about banksy's work getting done in an alley once, there was a layer of plastic added onto it so that people wouldn't vandalise the vandalism. Apparently passing graffiti artists would piss on it as they went by. Again, apparently, I cannot find where I saw that but its incredibly funny.
But note that headline, "Banksy Art in Folkestone Vandalised by Graffiti." Where is the cut off point here? Why is that one art and the other is graffiti? Why does Banksy's get called art and the others get called vandalism? To clarify, Banksy's work, because of how known and unknown he and his team are, is called art, without question from news sources and headlines and shit. Yes, I do remember there was initially a whole thing about him just being some guy, but now he's celebrated for it, and that's what I'm drawing attention to here.
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Even the BBC addresses it, his work is something that should be considered vandalism but isn't. Someone liked it, then rich people started picking up on it and now people have tried selling walls because of it.
So maybe this isn't so much a comment on Banksy...
Arguably, to me at least, this is more of a comment on the audience his work has garnered. Do I think his work is bad? No, actually. In fact, even if the symbolism or imagery means little to me in some places, I'd argue they're really good, I know what I'm thinking of when I think of his work and for such a reason, they stick. The colour usage is fine, the stencils used are probably ones he cut himself, he's home-made. It's all not that bad.
The issue is simply the audience it has gained. A large proportion of it are people that hate graffiti but love banksy, a graffiti artist; already you can see the issue. Most of them are little rich weirdos that love graffiti as long as its up to a certain standard and isn't on their property, then they can have it phoographed and put on a canvas in their house, on their wall, in their property... you can see the point I'm getting at with the sort of people I see enjoying his work.
I do think his work wouldn't garner the same audience if it weren't the way it were. The rioter with a bouquet for example; you can see it as a call for peace, which is incredibly shallow and is blaming somebody that has been dicked over by the system, as many people would, especially with the piece being out there in public for everyone; you can alternatively make the comparison the bouquet throwing mirrors the throwing of flowers n shit at the end if races, a congratulation for being remembered as a tyrant or whatever. But because the piece, to my knowledge, has not had much meaning applied to it explicitly, by banksy, then the public makes the meaning, and the public has decided its a call for peace.
Simply put, banksy is not necessarily a bad artist but the audience that decides on the worth of his work aren't great in discerning a message from art. We know war is bad, we know our government is fucking us, but I'm sure you can come up with something more creative than that.
Fucking sick that Banksy got where he is, he somehow beat the law and is loved for it, came up from nothing, and is still pretty much unknown. Love that for him. I just think his audience could use some work.
Oh yeah and he's from Bristol which is unacceptable.
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raphwshere · 1 year
jefferson morales, father of two. (its actually one but he doesnt know thats atm) (this is a character analysis) (its long)
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so in the beginning of the movie, its clear that jefferson isnt entirely sure how to interact with miles given the way they interact, specifically in the i love you scene at visions. the drive isnt much better either but the i love you scene. he doesnt approve of miles' incredibly mild vandalism, which like, he is a cop. were gonna ignore that though cause uh, its my post. point is, in the beginning of the film, jefferson doesnt know what to do with miles at all, they love eachother but theres a rift. (this rift is likely caused in part by miles' attachment to aaron but that is for another day)
anyways, i dont have all the screenshots and even if i did, a large amount of the development im about to reference is offscreen. also theres a picture limit.
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sometime after he issued the apb for spidey he probably spoke to rio, who probably wouldve helped him process enough to get to the point hes at when he shows up at the miles' dorm for his talk, which because miles was tied up ended up being more of a speech. something about aarons death made him realize that keeping his thoughts about miles and his hope for him locked up could only end badly. he spends to whole movie reaching out to miles, here is where he actually manages a genuine connection. hes just lost his brother, and for all they didnt get along near then end theyre family. jefferson doesnt want to lose miles, thats what this is about. not entirely, but enough.
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more time passes, i imagine another talk with rio and some wicked introspection, then hes at the collider. he sees wilson fisk beating up the new spiderman, wilson fisk the philanthropist. throughout the movie its hammered into the audience that between all the spideys, one of the few things they all have in common is that they get back up, the characters know this to. what else is he supposed to do here but say "get up spiderman"?
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when they get out of fisk tower, the first thing miles does is call jefferson, heres where i really reccomend you just rewatch the scene buti i will talk about it after this. once spidey shows up, we see that jefferson is mildly uncomfortable and unsure how to react in his presence, its not hard to understand, hes gone from thinking spiderman killed his brother to knowing that he didnt. that and the fact that he saw him save the city and probably the world first hand has the obvious potential to make one uncomfortable.
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miles however, is entirely comfortable with talking to him, even going so far as to hug him, mitigating most, if not all, of jeffersons discomfort. now heres the thing, he doesnt know this spiderman, wedont even know if he new peters spiderman. miles has been spidey for a very short time and for most of it hes been wanted. but not only does jefferson allow himself to be hugged, he hugs back. of course from his end its sorta awkward, but still. heres another hug from them just cause i can.
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jefferson has always wanted to support miles, we know that from his speech in the dorm, but the way he specifically finds a way to connect with miles though graffiti is different. its fairly safe to assume that part of the reason he specifically went to graffiti is because before aaron died miles did art with him. while there isnt really any evidence jefferson knew specifically what aaron and miles got up to its not a stretch really, he and aaron did graffiti when they were younger and miles is very artistically inclined. id also like to take the time to point out how palpable the relief on their faces is during the call. just cause.
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idk where this came from tbh. father-son relationships are very specifically important to me. also this was not written in order but i did rewite the non analyzing parts. this wasnt even supposed to be an analysis but here we are :D im open to criticism btw :)
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lvciddreamt · 2 months
open: m/f/nb!
plot: an impromptu road trip leads to spooky shenanigans??
muse: maite carreiro, bubbly college dropout and graffiti artist with more than a little bit of trauma to work through
“did you feel that?” maite slammed on the brakes, turning to give the other a wide-eyed stare. “i think we just — ran over something.” her hands tensed on the wheel. she hadn’t seen anything on the road, but then again, her van’s headlights were as ancient as the rest of it, and the night was near pitch-black without the light of the moon. “don’t look at me like that, i know i felt a bump!”
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dysco-lymonade · 1 year
29 for ankle monitor au please? I really love this au and they're so adorable together 🥺
29. Visiting their home for the first time
Heads up that none of this story is linear. Sorry if that gets confusing.
Lexa walks awkwardly down the sidewalk next to Clarke. Is this a date? Surely not. She just asked if Lexa wanted to walk her home. They’d been idly chatting about a new show they both wanted to watch, and the conversation ran until it was time for Clarke to clock out.
The blonde’s hand has brushed against hers twice now during the stroll, Lexa’s response was to shove both hands into her hoodie pocket.
Keeping her eyes straight ahead, she doesn’t realize that Clarke stopped walking until she feels a hand grasping around her elbow, bringing her to a halt. She spins around, and damn near right into Clarke.
“Easy there.” Clarke teases, gripping her arm just a smidge tighter. “This is me.” She nods her head towards the brick building beside them.
“Oh, alright. Have a good night, Clarke.” Lexa moves to continue on to her own home, deciding to walk the same direction they were heading. Her house is ten blocks in the opposite, but Clarke doesn’t need to know how far out of her way she’s gone just to spend time with her.
“Hey, wait a minute.” Clarke hesitates for a moment and looks up at the apartment again. “I think my roommate is out tonight.”
All Lexa can do is stand and stare dumbly, blinking a couple of times. Okay, so is this a date?
“Oh?” Award winning response, as always. It’s a surprise Clarke even wants to be her friend.
“You wanna come up?” It’s the quirk of a dark blonde eyebrow that has Lexa losing the last bit of her cool.
“To your place?”
“Yeah I thought you could help me with my case.”
“I’m kidding, you dork. Come have a beer with me. We can watch the first episode together.”
“You want to hang out?”
All Lexa gets in response is an exasperated huff of, “Come on.” And a tug on her arm before Clarke drops it and moseys over to the door.
The walk to Clarke’s second floor apartment is spent in silence. The building is nothing special, just a mid-century brick house split into four apartments, all white walls and dark wooden doors.
When they step inside, though, all Lexa can see is chaos.
“Sorry about the mess, Raven is a workaholic and I’m… well, I don’t have much of an excuse.” Clarke hangs her keys on a hook next to the door, dropping her bag right smack in the middle of the entryway floor.
“No. No, it’s… it’s you. It’s very you.” Taking in her surroundings, Lexa spies an entire wall covered in what appears to be a graffiti style mural of the Polis skyline. There are spray paint cans lying all over the floor on top of a stained bedsheet. “Your landlord lets you paint?”
“I wouldn’t say that, necessarily.” Clarke smirks, accentuating that perfect fucking beauty mark above her lip. “They don’t come around much.”
“That must be nice.” Lexa thinks about her landlord, and their bi-weekly pest inspections, which was a selling point when she decided to rent there for grad school. She can’t imagine having a home like this pass any type of inspection. It’s not dirty, it’s perfectly messy in a perfectly Clarke way. “Your roommate doesn’t mind?”
“Oh, Raven? No. She fully supports my artistic endeavors. I’m not sure I should tell you this, counselor,” Clarke sends Lexa a cheeky wink. “But she’s usually my getaway driver after I spruce up the old buildings.”
“And by spruce up, you mean…”
“Vandalize, with my artistic genius. Yes.”
“Lucky for you, I’m not a lawyer yet.” Eyes roaming over to the kitchen, Lexa notices that it’s spotless. “No art anywhere else?”
Clarke sends her another signature smirk, “There’s more in my bedroom. You can see that later, if you play your cards right.”
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k00293721 · 9 months
Radius (26/09/2023) Pt.2
I was feeling lost again on what exactly I wanted to do. I know I want to relate it to the colourful graffiti amidst the grey city but wasn't sure how to actually incorporate that into a piece or an idea. Not that it necessarily has to be graffiti, honestly just something to show the somewhat chaotic nature of the people in the city even when the city itself is quite dull and uniform. So whilst I was thinking I did a little sketch of some pipes near Arthur's Quay. The colours weren't exactly the same mind you (because I didn't have them all).
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I decided to research artists that could inspire me. I had an interest in vibrant colours and psychedelic effects and was able to find some that actually helped me create some ideas which I will explore soon.
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Overall feeling slightly more confident now that I have some artist references and a somewhat clear idea of what I might do. Though I want to get a few opinions before I actually pursue the idea (Stay tuned!!!)
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quiet-art-kid · 11 months
The grades I think I would get if I was in the pirate training program
Bbad spelling: 10/10 I would fucking ace that class. My spelling is so horrible that in fourth grade I was put in the “special class” for spelling. I can’t spell their properly for fuck’s sake, I always misspell it as thier. 
Basic burglary: 6/10 I think I’d be pretty good at stealing and even better at gaslighting the victims like “Where is your bracelet? I haven’t seen it. No, you didn’t put it on today. Oh, this? This was a gift from my cousin. Why does it have your name? It's a hand me down duh, my cousin has the same name as you. If you’re that upset about losing your bracelet, I can help you look for it, because I’m just that nice.”
Baseball: 0/10 I will activate my quiet, nerd, introvert cloak of invisibility (standing so still that adults forget I exist)  during all sports. It’s worked before, it will work again. 
Beginner Burping: 2/10 I could do it, just not very well.
Boarding an enemy ship: 1.5/10 - 6/10 This one sounds like it requires a lot of stamina and depending on if I’m in a more manic or depressive episode my grade would fluctuate.  
Dragon training: 1/10 I would have a bunch of fun debating my dragon about the meaning of life and free will. I would not train the dragon, I would educate them. My dragon would be able to do quadratics and tell you why true democracy can never work on a large scale, but would not be able to catch fish.
Frightening foreigners: 5/10 I can be scary when I want to be, however my brand of frightening is…different from the vikings. It would also require quite a bit of effort, half the time I’d just end up being a resting bitch face nihilist. 
Hammer throwing: 1.5 /10 I have been working out regularly, so I could probably pick up the hammer and toss it like ½ a foot in front of me, but not much more. 
Herding reindeer on dragonback: 3.5/10 I would be so-so at it (a bit below because I don’t love getting near large animals) 
Herding sheep: 4/10 I feel like sheep would be easier to get closer to. 
Hunting-With-Bows-and-Arrows-on-Skis: 1/10 I’m a shit archer but not a terrible skier (which would be the only thing saving me from a 0/10) 
Pointless graffiti: 8/10 I would get 2 points taken off for accidentally creating moving and meaningful graffiti. 
Robbery: 4.5/10: I am good at stealth and plans, but I can be clumsy. 
Senseless Violence: 5/10 I am not normally a violent person, but if need be I won’t hesitate to throw hands. My older brother would fight with me when we were kids for fun. I also have anger issues. 
Shipbuilding: 4/10 I would not follow the instructions but through sheer luck, determination, and will power would get a working boat, that is simultaneously an artistic masterpiece. 
Shouting: 1.5/10 I literally can’t raise my voice nine times out of ten because of my trauma. I’d also probably start crying in the middle of class. 
Spitting: 0/10 I’m not even trying on this one. 
Sword Fighting: 4/10 I’d be average at it (just slightly below)
Sword Fighting at Sea: 3/10 I’d be even worse due to the rockiness of the boat. 
Advanced rudery: 7/10 I …watch way too much r/roast me. 
Weaponry: 2/10 I’m not sure what this class entails but I doubt I’d be good at it. 
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urfavouritegirlie · 11 months
Chapter 5
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(Part 5)
Maya's POV
We continued walking down a tunnel of darkness until we reach the end. "Well.....what now?"
"I got it." He reaches out for something and pulls on it. The whole place lights up. It looks like a large room for electrical power or sum stuff. Aaron puts his bag down and his boombox. He pulls out a mixtape from his pocket and puts it in the stereo. He presses play. He started playing his rap mixtape as I start looking around.
"Maya, come over here."
He gets a bunch of spray paint from his massive bag. Theres all types of colours and shades. I approach him and he hands me a can. Pink
"What you want me to hold it for you?"
"Nah, paint somthin."
"I can't paint. I'm not an artist."
"I ain't no artist neither but I know how to paint. You know the graffiti down your street and behind the school?"
"That was me."
Aint no way. That stuff was dope. A bunch of words in bubble writing. Skulls, ghosts and even the grim reaper. I had seen them with the initial A.D at the bottom corner. Now I know it was my boo the did that.
"You did that. That's dope. I didn't know. You have to teach me."
He chuckled for a bit. He came up behind me. Held the back of my hand that had the spray paint. He out his finger on top of mine to press the spray paint. We start of easy. A simple heart. It's cute.
I was getting more confident by the time. I was using different colours and spraying different shape while my mans was doing his own thing on the other side. I turn my head to look at him and he's so focused. He look hmmm..... you know... mmmmmm. He looks so good being concentrated. I look at my work and its hearts, flowers and stuff. I'm done so I just sit on a stool and watch him work.
“Like what you see?”
He notices that I’m staring. Staring hard.
“Yes I do.”
He slowly turns to face and approach me. I stay seated. Now I'm gradually looking up at him. He's a tall guy so his crotch area is provocatively close to my face. He gives me this look. I stand up but I'm not where near as tall as him. He still looks down at me. A soft touch comes across my cheek down to my chin. He leans down and presses a gentle kiss on my lips. Then another and another. I lift myself up on my tiptoes and wrap my arms around his neck. He completes the puzzle by wrapping his own around my waist. The room gets hot in a cozy way.
It escalates to his lips on my neck. He knows my weak points. I would've fallen if his strong arm didn't have a grip on me. My feet are off the floor now wrapped around him.
Then he stops. Both of us out of breath. We make eye contact.
"You know how I moved out and moved into my own place?"
I raise my eyebrow. "Mhmm."
"I want you to move in with me."
If I wasn't breathless before. I sure was now. He moved in a week ago. I would've hopped on his idea but....
"Are you sure, don't you think I should ask my parents first. You know it's gonna take a while before they actually allow me to, especially my dad. Besides, ain't it too soon. You just moved in."
"I asked for you and they gave me their permission. Although your dad did interrogate me and give me the eye but its cool. It's just a matter of you grabbing your stuff and being with me."
I squeal and hug him with so much force that he falls backwards. Words cannot express how ecstatic I am. Now I sit on top of him. I look up and take notice of his art work. It's a big colourful butterfly with my name in graffiti writing on top. I smile as I look down at him. He has this stupid grin on his face.
"You like it?"
"I love it."
"Lemme take some pictures."
He pulls out a Polaroid camera and takes some photos of our art work. The he turns to me while smiling. I ain't even know he had pointed at me. I catch him and smear pain on his face. He immediately retaliates and puts paint on me too. He sets it down and we take a selfie.
We admire it more then he packs up his stuff. Once he's done he calls me to go. He flicks off the light and then we leave the subway. We climb the stairs back to civilisation. I look at the sky in shock. The sun was rising. It looks around 4am.
"Imma kill you. I HAVE WORK IN 4 HOURS."
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