#Governor Tweet
This is not even a comprehensive list of all the vile things trump has said about people. For him and Vance and other right wingers to say it's rhetoric from the left causing violence is almost laughable. I can still hear his "Fight, Fight, Fight" rhetoric with a raised fist just some weeks ago. Who remembers his 'Liberate Michigan' and 'Liberate Virginia' tweets and not long after plots were uncovered that involved kidnapping the governors of both those states. Child please.
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msclaritea · 6 months
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Yo! The fucking crying from the Gender Ideology Cult on Twitter has been fucking nonstop since the backlash against X Men 97. How many more ways do we need to be told the modem LGBTQ is acting like a cult, and an especially well-financed one. Thanks for the reminder that Levar Burton is yet ANOTHER one of their tools.
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cctinsleybaxter · 1 year
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How is this a footnote
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miggylol · 1 month
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[ID: A tweet and accompanying graphic. The tweet by Nathan J Robinson reads: "The Wall Street Journal editorial board tried to list all of Walz's terrible radical liberal policies and ended up making him sound fantastic"
The accompanying graphic is a screencapture of part of the Wall Street Journal article. It reads:
Funding "the North Star Promise Program, which provides free college for students with a family income under $80,000," including illegal immigrants.
Creating a state system for paid family and medical leave, capped at a combined 20 weeks a year and funded by a 0.88% payroll tax.
Mandating that public utilities generate 80% carbon-free electricity by 2030, ramping up to 100% by 2040. He's a fervent believer in "climate action."
Subsidizing electric vehicles by "requiring EV charging infrastructure within or adjacent to new commercial and multi-family buildings," as the Governor's office bragged.
Passing one of the nation's most permissive abortion statues that has essentially no limits and no age consideration for minors.
Declaring Minnesota to be a "trans refuge," with a law saying that the state will ignore a "court order for the removal of a child issued in another state because the child's parent or guardian assisted the child in receiving gender-affirming care in this state."
Establishing automatic voter registration and letting Minnesotans sign up for a permanent absentee ballot option.
End ID.]
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sweatermuppet · 6 months
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this is a real tweet from the governor of new hampshire
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Erin Reed at Erin In The Morning:
On Friday night, Jacksonville residents took to the Main Street Bridge to celebrate Pride Month. Just weeks prior, Governor Ron DeSantis’ administration and the Florida Department of Transportation issued an edict banning rainbow-colored lighting on bridges during Pride Month, mandating that all such lighting be replaced with red, white, and blue, the colors of the American flag. Residents, however, were undeterred. They carried flashlights and rainbow gels, took their positions, and proceeded to light up the bridge themselves. Weeks ago, Manatee County Commission Chairman Mike Rahn objected to Pride lighting on bridges in Florida. Many bridges in the state, such as the Skyway Bridge in Tampa and the Acosta Bridge in Jacksonville, have been lit up in rainbow colors in previous years. This year, however, Rahn attempted to stop such lights from going up on the Skyway Bridge, formally objecting to the lighting. He expressed that the decision did not lie with him, passing the blame to Governor DeSantis. Rahn stated, “I do not have the authority to override the governor of the state of Florida. However, in my opinion, the lighting of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge is an FDOT matter and should not be left to the individual counties.”
In response, Jared Perdue of the Florida Department of Transportation declared that this year, bridges would be lit up in red, white, and blue all summer. This decision bars Pride lighting, Juneteenth lighting, and many other special lighting days on bridges in Florida. Perdue stated in a tweet, “As Floridians prepare for Freedom Summer, Florida's bridges will follow suit, illuminating in red, white, and blue from Memorial Day through Labor Day! Thanks to the leadership of Governor Ron DeSantis, Florida continues to be the freest state in the nation.” The use of the word "freedom" while taking away the choice to light up bridges for Pride Month struck Matthew McCallister, who organized the bridge lighting event on Friday night, as "Orwellian." In an interview with News 4 Jax, McCallister responded to the rainbow Pride light ban, saying, “The timing of that is really strange. The idea that we are going to celebrate freedom by giving you absolutely no choices seems Orwellian, honestly.”
Really happy to hear that some Florida cities told Ron DeSantis “up yours” to his anti-LGBTQ+ ways. 🏳️‍🌈
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It’s fascinating how little the US at large knew about Walz before this week, but at the same time… it makes sense. He wasn’t their governor. They haven’t seen the incredible work he’s done first-hand, and they haven’t had years to appreciate his authentic charm.
He’s never been a politician who sought out the limelight - everything Minnesota has done in this historic year of progressive legislation and policy has been relatively quiet. He’s not on the road jockeying for the latest sound byte on CNN or some podcast - he’s working to implement the policies people want. He’s tweeting about Mountain Dew. He’s at the state fair eating fried food and talking to his constituents. This is the governor we know. A man who cares deeply about the work he does and the people he represents, not the fame, not the clicks.
He’s genuine. Minnesotans know that. Now it’s time to sell that to the rest of the country.
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pasquines · 2 years
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qupritsuvwix · 2 years
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
LGBTQ+ organizations and allies are celebrating Michigan for becoming the first state in three years to pass comprehensive anti-discrimination protections for sexual orientation and gender identity. The legislation, which now heads to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) to be signed into law, finally passed after decades of court battles and hold-ups from Republican legislators.
The bill passed in a 64-45 vote in the Democrat-led House on Wednesday. It amends the state’s 1976 Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA) to include LGBTQ+ people among its protected groups. The law forbids discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodation within businesses, government buildings, and educational facilities on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, familial status, marital status — and now, LGBTQ+ identity.
Democrats had tried introducing various LGBTQ+ non-discrimination measures over the last 40 years, according to the bill’s gay sponsor Sen. Jeremy Moss (D). However, the attempts were repeatedly voted down by Republican-led legislatures. Last January, Democrats took control of the full legislature for the first time in nearly 40 years, finally giving them the chance to pass the protections.
In July 2022, Michigan’s Supreme Court issued a landmark 5–2 ruling that ELCRA already forbade discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity as forms of discrimination based on sex and gender. This followed a 2020 Michigan Court of Claims ruling that said ELCRA didn’t ban anti-gay discrimination as well as a 2018 vote by Michigan’s Civil Rights Commission interpreting ELCRA as protecting LGBTQ+ people from religious-based discrimination...
When the House voted to pass the historic bill on Wednesday, a crowd in the House gallery broke into applause, Bridge Michigan reported. Republican House members had tried adding amendments that would’ve carved out exceptions for religious people to continue discriminating against LGBTQ+ people. None of these amendments passed into the final bill.
Gov. [Whitmer] has signaled that she will soon sign the bill into law. In a Wednesday tweet, she noted the observation of International Women’s Day and wrote, “I’m celebrating trans women who have continuously led the way, despite constant threats to their lives and liberty. I’m proud that we’re finally in a position to expand the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to protect LGBTQ+ Michiganders. Let’s get it done!”
-via LGBTQ Nation, 3/9/23
Note: If it's not clear from the language, this is basically a done deal--the bill signing IS ABSOLUTELY GOING TO HAPPEN.
As scary as things are right now, there are so many of us fighting to protect ourselves, our communities, and the queer and trans people around us.
This comes only a day after Minnesota's governor signed a landmark executive order that guarantees the right to gender-affirming care and prevents the state from complying with any other states' attempts to interfere. via them.us, 3/9/23
There is hope, and there are so many people fighting for us.
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taikeero-lecoredier · 16 days
Sadly, both AB1949 and SB976 passed and are now on their way to the governors desk.
We need him to veto them so they dont become Law.
If you havent Heard of the danger of those bills for the Internet , this post explain it thoroughly :
- Post doing a deep explanation on those bills here
I CANNOT emphasize enough how these would have a global effect on the Internet given that most websites and apps originates from California and not all of them could afford either following those bills or moving states.
Now, as the bills are on their way to the governor, we need Californian citizens to voice their oppositions to those bills to the Governor Gavin Newsome HERE
(Non California peeps, we are urging you to share this as well!!! )
Please keep in mind that calling with phone is much,much more efficient.
You can also send faxes with Faxzero
Here are scripts you can use as arguments : (text/alt version below the read more )
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Than you for reading. Even if youre not from California, please spread the word anyway ! Make posts,tweets,etc
AB 1949
Hello, my name is (INSERT NAME HERE) and I'm one of the Senator's constituents from (INSERT CITY HERE). I'm calling to urge the Senator to vote NO on AB 1949, the amendment to the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2020. While this bill's intent is to prevent the sharing and sale of minor's information under the age of 18, the method it would intend to do so by is written far too broadly for it to be safely and reasonably implemented.
While this bill retains a safer standard of the business requiring actual knowledge of a consumer being under the age of 18 to be held liable for the sharing or sale of personal information, its wording is still too broad to exclude a default usage of age verification by online businesses in order to protect themselves from liability. Taking measures such as age verification, age assurance, or other data collection and analysis to determine the age of users. Even though measures like this have been proven to be vulnerable to data breaches no matter how secure they proclaim to be. Such as this year's largest discovered breach of AU10TIX, which supplies age verification to companies like TikTok, X, Uber, LinkedIn, Paypal, and many others.
As it stands, this bill is far too broad in its wording and enforcement of its age-specific measures to be considered a safe piece of legislation. Which is why I urge the Senator to vote in opposition to this measure.
Vote NO on AB 1949.
SB 976
Hello, my name is (INSERT NAME HERE) and I'm one of the Assembly member's constituents from (INSERT CITY HERE). I'm calling to urge the Assembly member to vote NO on SB 976, the Protecting Our Kids from Social Media Addiction Act. Although this bill has intent to protect the mental and emotional health of California's youth, the method this bill would intend to use could be counterproductive to that goal, or even endanger them further.
One of this bill's primary measures includes requiring verifiable parental consent to allow websites to display “addictive” feeds to minor users. However, the ways “verify” the identity and age of a responsible parent are often invasive and dangerous. Especially since these methods have proven repeatedly to be vulnerable to data breaches that can leak sensitive information to bad actors. Such as this year's largest discovered breach of AU10TIX, which supplies age verification to companies like TikTok, X, Uber, LinkedIn, Paypal, and many others. To determine if this is necessary at all would also require collecting even more data on minors and non-minors alike to determine who would even require these measures to be set in place. Especially when it would have control over someone's access to a website or application based on the time of day, as this bill would require in order to “reasonably determine” the user is not a minor.
The vagueness of this bill's text at all is dangerous as well. The broad-spectrum definition it gives of “addictive internet-based service or application” could cause an unintended censorship effect where minors and adults alike could be blocked from accessing information purely because some part of a website or application uses a “feed” which could arguably fit the bill's definition of “addictive”
With all of this in mind, I urge the Assembly member to vote in opposition of this measure to protect the privacy and safety of California's minors and adults alike.
Vote NO on SB 976.
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qqueenofhades · 1 month
Shapiro posted a very gracious statement supporting the Harris-Walz ticket and implying that it was partially his decision to fulfill his term as governor(whether this is wholly true or not is mostly irrelevant) and committing to campaigning hard for them in PA for the next 90 days. Dare I say, the dems are...in array?
Look, I like him (I hung onto his tweets in 2020 when he was Pennsylvania AG and the Republicans were trying all their fuckery, which he slapped down with verve and style) and I think he could be a great candidate in the future, but... not this year. Israel/Gaza is just too flammable an issue, especially with the young voters who are re-energized with Kamala, and it would have been very treacherous to jeopardize that. As I said, we can argue about whether it's fair or not, but politics are not fair, etc., and we needed to do the thing that has the best choice of defeating Trump and keeping the party as (amazingly!) united as it's been since Biden's exit and Harris' ascent. And that is 100% Walz.
Likewise, Walz has more experience than Shapiro (who is only in his first term as PA governor and has a lot to do to protect the state from crazy PA Republicans), and that is another strike against the Trump-Vance looney tunes ticket of inexperience. Plus this is the best of both worlds: park Shapiro in Pennsylvania where he is very popular and where the Democrats obviously need to win, but turn the Midwestern Dad of Doom loose on JD Vance's fake hillbilly ass and be the driver of more effective Democratic messaging than we have seen in literally years (seriously, can anyone else remember a more united message since "Hope" in 2008 with Obama?) We avoid the pitfalls with young voters that would come rightly or wrongly with putting Shapiro on the ticket, especially with bad-faith actors desperate to maximize any hint of more DEMS IN DISARRAY. So yes. I think all of us are kicking ourselves because we are so not used to it, but whatever it is, I desperately want more.
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cidnangarlond · 4 months
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Small update! The NCGOP is apparently pretty surprised at this outpouring of people who are rallying against the mask ban. Keep putting pressure on the governor and our representatives! Second tweet has a link to reps to contact and here is a Google doc with a script of what to say in your email or phone call!
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mckitterick · 1 year
Kansas Republicans vote to inspect children's genitals
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[ ID: Davis_Hammet tweets: BREAKING: Kansas Republicans have successfully overridden the Governor veto to now authorize genital inspections of children in order for kids to play sports. A very dark & disturbing day.
tlecaque retweets: I think they underestimate how violent and completely justified the parental response will be to attempts to enforce this. /ID ]
do these creepers not realize they're villains?
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The parody site posted a fake article that claimed Brooks was booed off stage by Texas country fans upset that Brooks supports diversity. It won’t on to say that Brooks called the imaginary fans assholes. Abbott was in such a hurry to hate on the lgbt and Brooks that he tweeted the article .
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wumblr · 2 months
The number of commercial-scale Bitcoin mining operations in the U.S. has increased sharply over the last few years; there are now at least 137. Similar medical complaints have been registered near facilities in Arkansas and North Dakota. And the Bitcoin mining industry is urgently trying to push bills through state legislatures, including in Indiana and Missouri, which would exempt Bitcoin mines from local zoning or noise ordinances. In May, Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt signed a “Bitcoin Rights” bill to protect miners and prevent any future attempts to ban the industry. Much of the American Bitcoin mining industry can now be found in Texas, home to giant power plants, lax regulation, and crypto-friendly politicians. In October 2021, Governor Greg Abbott hosted the lobbying group Texas Blockchain Council at the governor’s mansion. The group insisted that their industry would help the state’s overtaxed energy grid; that during energy crises, miners would be one of the few energy customers able to shut off upon request, provided that they were paid in exchange. After meeting with the lobbyists, Abbott tweeted that Texas would soon be the “#1 [state] for blockchain & cryptocurrency.” Technically there is federal mandate to regulate noise, which stems from the 1972 Noise Control Act—but it was essentially de-funded during the Reagan administration. This leaves noise regulation up to states, cities, and counties. New York City, for instance, has a noise code which officially caps restaurant music and air conditioning at 42 decibels (as measured within a nearby residence). Texas’s 85 decibels, in contrast, is by far the loudest state limit in the nation, says Les Blomberg, the executive director of the nonprofit Noise Pollution Clearinghouse. “It is a level that protects noise polluters, not the noise polluted,” he says. The residents of Granbury feel they’ve been lied to. In 2023, the site’s previous operators, US Bitcoin Corp, constructed a wall around the mine almost 2,000 feet long and claimed that they had “solved the concern.” But Shirley says that the complaints from the community about the sound actually increased when the wall was nearing completion last fall. Since Marathon bought the facility outright in December, its hash rate, or computational power expended, has doubled. Any statewide legislation is sure to hit significant headwinds, because the very idea of regulation runs contrary to many Texans’ political beliefs. “As constitutional conservatives, they have taken our core values and used that against us,” says Demetra Conrad, a city council member in the nearby town of Glen Rose. In the week before this article’s publication, two more Granbury residents suffered from acute health crises. The first was Tom Weeks. “This whole thing is an eye opener for me into profit over people,” Weeks says in a phone call from the ICU. The second person affected was the five-year-old Indigo Rosenkranz. Her mother, Sarah, was terrified and now feels she has no choice but to get a second mortgage to move away from the mine. “A second one would really be a lot,” she says. “God will provide, though. He always sees us through.”
shocking! texans suffer from deregulation and ineffective walls
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