#Government ban
justnownews · 20 days
Government Imposes Strict Ban on Social Media Use by Civil Servants
Islamabad: The government has imposed a significant ban on the use of social media by civil servants, prohibiting them from using any media platforms without explicit permission. This new regulation was communicated through an official directive from the Establishment Division, instructing federal secretaries and other relevant authorities to ensure strict compliance.According to the directive,…
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politijohn · 1 year
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Make them pay
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No this is so funny they will literally say anything.
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lazy-cat-corner · 1 year
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Hello, hey, hi down here! This tiktok ban concerns you too because it’s not a “tiktok ban” congress is pushing, it’s CENSORSHIP! You know? That thing you guys post about here every day?
You don’t think your cute little fics are next or anything deemed “inappropriate?” Think again. They will have the right to control your access anytime for any reason.
“Oh but I’m not American, it’s not my problem.” Plenty of countries are already expressing interest in similar policies! If America gets this, you better believe you’re next and it’ll be an even easier fight! This matters! Banning of any material online will ALWAYS be your problem. Because if it’s tiktok, you think they’re gonna let Discord go? Twitch? Reddit? One by one they’ll remove any competition or threat to Facebook Meta.
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beauty-funny-trippy · 27 days
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The difference between Democrats and Republicans:
Gus Walz, at age 17, saw his Dad, Tim Walz, up on stage, ready to accept his party's nomination for vice president. Gus was so overwhelmed with emotions that he gave his father a standing ovation as he wept. Gus made no attempt to hide or hinder his great joy, pride and love he has for his father.
Democrats celebrated Gus' reaction as a wonderful expression of the close-knit family values in the Walz household. Republicans, however, chose to publicly mock and ridicule the teenager, who is a special needs kid.
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Kyle Rittenhouse, at age 17, heard about a Black Lives Matter protest regarding a police shooting in Wisconsin and drove all the way from his home in Illinois with a military-style semi-automatic rifle (the kind often used in mass shootings) to confront the protesters.
As he was threatening people with his assault rifle, brave BLM protesters tried to disarm the gunman. Kyle Rittenhouse killed two unarmed men that night, and by claiming self-defense —he got away with it.
Now, Rittenhouse is a celebrated speaker at Republican events, describing him as a "hero to millions." They give him standing ovations while chanting his name.
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To review: Republicans tried to humiliate a teenager with disabilities because he openly expressed the love he has for his family. But, they praise another teenager for shooting to death two unarmed people who would be alive today if Kyle had just left his f*cking assault rifle at home.
The deranged, upside-down "values" of Trump's Republican Party are not just weird, not just perverse —they're dangerous.
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tinyfantasminha · 23 days
Why is the muskrat trying to ban brazil?
short answer:
Brazilian Surpreme Court: Hey so your site/app has literally contents of csem, nazism, racism, transphobia, hate speech, gore and political misinformation which are all, you know, a violation against the law (as it should fucking be) and we can't allow that
Because of this Musk has been beefing and making AI memes about the brazilian supreme court minister and in a tantrum fit he closed off ALL operating twitter offices in brazil, so now the site/app is quite literally abandoned in the country. There's no moderation team. There's no one to regulate or control or receive any reports of criminal activity. There is no legal representative to answer to all of that. Musk outright REFUSED to appoint a legal rep in the country bc he's acting like a spoiled child. Since a legal rep is a requirement for any platform to work and do business, it has to be shut down
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troythecatfish · 6 months
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arctic-hands · 2 years
I hate tiktok but the United States government freaking out about having a "spy balloon" in your phone is hilarious given that the U.S. government/military used an Islamic religious app to spy on Muslim Americans, and you can be there are more out there spying on Americans on behalf of our own government
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archive-pl · 5 months
So they just came right out and said it...
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It was never about data harvesting. They think its fine when American companies infringe on our privacy (facebook/meta). It was about being able to control the narrative.
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politijohn · 1 year
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Happy Pride Month! Another L for the bigots!
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lost-and-created · 6 months
Consider the following:
The treatment of the unhoused/poor, including making being unhoused a crime.
The rising inability to afford housing, groceries, and utilities, even with full-time jobs that pay more than the minimum wage.
The genocide occuring in Palestine and the use of US funded weapons to commit it.
Rising rates of Neo-Nazis, antisemitism, and islamophobia.
The beating of a trans, Native American child at a public school, which resulted in death, being praised by an active senator who called trans people filth, when addressing the issue (Rest in Peace, Nex).
Trans people increasingly having their rights, especially to healthcare, taken.
Women increasingly having their rights to healthcare taken.
The migrants who are fleeing their home countries, leading them to the US-Mexico border, are being met with police violence, razor wire, and detention centers that have been reported to separate and "lose" children, as well as treat those within its walls with cruel amounts of negligence.
The subways of New York becoming flooded with cops and National Guard, making it a police state checkpoint for anyone that enters.
Police being able to justify the murder of a Black, autistic teenager, in front of his family.
However, the US government has deemed TikTok to be the largest threat to the nation and is the issue that they can all, collectively, agree on. Certainly can't be because it's been the main place for younger people to find current news that isn't gripped by corporate media. Can't be because it's a place for people to find information on the continued boycotts, divestments, and protests that are currently occurring and costing corporations millions of dollars, effecting how much those corporations can lobby their representatives. Can't be because it is the place people often go to when mainstream media refuses to cover the big stories that would otherwise be pushed under the rug. Can't be because our representatives, the people that we put in charge of making our voices heard, are sick of hearing what we have to say about their actions within and outside of their offices. Must just be because TikTok has a parent company in China (while the US servers and data are run through US based company, Oracle) and that it's a dangerous threat.
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
"After a year of the statewide fee on single-use plastic bags, the Eco-Cycle recycling center in Boulder estimates between 1.5 billion and 1.8 billion fewer plastic bags were used in Colorado in 2023.
The center anticipates a greater reduction in use in 2024 as businesses phase out the use of single-use plastic bags in most cases.
Eco-Cycle calculated its estimate by taking the number of plastic bags each American uses per year on average — 365, according to National Geographic— and factoring Colorado’s population, along with reduction estimates from several local communities.
Randy Moorman, Eco-Cycle’s director of policy and community campaigns, said the reduction is crucial because single-use plastic bags are the number one contaminant found in Colorado’s rivers and streams. They also are not able to be fully recycled and instead have to be “down-cycled” into other products...
Businesses in Colorado have until June to use whatever single-use plastic bags they already have while still collecting the 10-cent fee. The collected fees are divided between the business and the local government to fund green initiatives. Denver, for example, has collected $5 million for its special revenue fund since its fee was implemented in 2021.
Becky Goyton, an education coordinator with Denver’s Office of Climate Action, Sustainability, and Resiliency, said the money has funded many environmental initiatives, including the purchase of reusable bags for residents and sustainable products for small businesses. Unlike most budgetary matters, Goyton celebrates the decline in revenue to the fund.
“Having some revenue to do some great projects and reinvest in the community is wonderful, but it’s not our goal,” Goyton said. “Our goal is to see that fee go down and that revenue go down because that means more people are bringing their own bag and less disposable bags are being put out into the community.”
In addition to single-use plastic bags, Colorado businesses are also required to phase out Styrofoam containers this year. Like with plastic bags, businesses are permitted to use already-purchased Styrofoam products but cannot obtain any more."
-via ABC Denver7, January 11, 2024
And further progress just kicked in at the beginning of this year:
"[On January 1, 2024], the next phase of Colorado's plastic bag ban takes effect. The next step for HB21-1162 is that stores will no longer have plastic bags at all. They will only offer recyclable paper bags which will still be 10 cents each. Stores that already have stock of plastic bags already, can use those up before making the transition...
Businesses that don't comply can face up to $500 in fines for a second violation and up to $1,000 in fines for a third and subsequent violation."
-via ABC Denver 7, December 25, 2023
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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mollysunder · 16 days
For now, it's about 50/50 for whether or not these mysterious people that were included in the new trailer are members of the Gloriously Evolved. For fun, I'm going to break down why these people might be entirely unrelated to Viktor.
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First, their bodies are clearly inlaid with gold, which does not replace their flesh. In the brief scene we get of these people the gold works as a conduit between their melodies and the magic around them. Meanwhile hexcore has entirely transformed Viktor's hand and leg into metal.
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We know that Viktor's entire hand and leg have turned completely into metal because not only do his limbs make metal clinking noises and conduct electricity, but the animators on Bridging the Rift confirm it.
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I've also seen some mention that the markings on the faces of these unknown characters represent Viktor's touch when he "healed" them. Upon closer inspection each character does have a five markings on their face, but they're detailed runes rather than Viktor's hand print, implying this may be related to a more intricate ritual rather than Viktor simply laying his hand on them and transforming them with the hexcore.
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Really, these people have magic more similar to Mel Medarda. Mel is the one who appears to wear magical gold embedded in her skin to serve as protection magic. What Mel is doing with magic is likely far more simple compared to these people, but it's in the same vein. And that may be the entire point.
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Viktor and his cult are the outliers. Whatever Viktor has done in season 1, and what he will continue to do in season 2 is a divergence (possibly perversion) of how magic should work/be treated in the rest of Runeterra, which makes sense! Viktor literally said he doesn't know what he's doing, he just keeps going.
What's likely happening in this scene is that some sect of mages, maybe they're acolytes of the mage that saved Jayce have become aware of the magical shenanigans in PnZ... and it's bad.
Then again, I haven't seen the leaks. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think this is all worth pointing out. (This is not a solicitation to tell what happens in the leaks).
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