#Gorilla Glass 5
gadgetguruarena · 11 months
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I am so fucking obsessed with this show *silence follows as no one is surprised*
One of my favorite things is Barrys attitude about Zoom before and after their first fight
Before was “I’ve already fought my nightmare, the reverse flash.” And him being fairly nonchalant. You can even see it in their first interaction directly before the fight— Barry’s confident, cocky even; everything changes after the fight.
Because afterwards “Zoom destroyed me.” (An actual quote from Gorilla warfare) then he was obsessed with beating Zoom as much as if not more than he was with Thawne. Barry literally had flashbacks when trying to run— and it was all solved with one fucking pep talk
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pis3update · 3 months
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Gorilla Glass Phones by Dandelion Sprout
"The smartphones that were introduced in The Sims 3: University Life have a tendency to slip, fall and crack if the Sim even looked at their phones funny, resulting in pretty ugly cracking patterns that phones would've been expected to not get particularly often, and which'd look almost scarily ugly when a Sim would post a manual blog post. This gamemod fixes all of that. This gamemod sets up a 3-approach system to prevent phones from cracking: • (When the phone has cracked but the player doesn't want to repair it out of spite) The images and layers that enforce the crack patterns have simply been removed altogether. I feel particularly proud of this part of the gamemod. • (When the phone has cracked but the player doesn't want to spend §150) The repair price has now been set to §0. • (When the phone is entirely intact) The chances of the phone dropping during "Stream Video" or "Browse Web" is now 0%, having previously been an unfairly high 5% during each action.
...continued on MTS."
More Info + Download @ MTS.
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butteredfrogs · 1 year
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i've been really enjoying all of the cas challenges recently, and i've been playing a bunch of animal crossing, so i thought why not combine the two and come up with my own little cas challenge! i hope you guys enjoy and feel free to tag me or use the hastag #createavillager so i can see all of your lovely sims
link to a random number generator!
🍃rolls below the cut🍃
Species (1-35, roll once)
1- alligator
2- anteater
3- bear
4- bird
5- bull
6- cat
7- chicken
8- cow
9- cub
10- deer
11- dog
12- duck
13- egle
14- elephant
15- frog
16- goat
17- gorilla
18- hamster
19- hippo
20- horse
21- kangaroo
22- koala
23- lion
24- monkey
25- mouse
26- octopus
27- ostrich
28- penguin
29- pig
30- rabbit
31- rhino
32- sheep
33- squirrel
34- tiger
35- wolf
Personality (1-8, roll once)
1- normal
2- lazy
3- sisterly
4- cranky
5- jock
6- peppy
7- smug
8- your pick
Colour(s) (1-12, roll as many times as you like)
1- white
2- purple
3- pink
4- red
5- orange
6- yellow
7- green
8- blue
9- cyan
10- brown
11- black
12- grey
Random details (1-23, roll as many times as you like)
1- vitiligo
2- scar(s)
3- freckles
4- glasses
5- bright/bold makeup
6- no makeup
7- hetrochromia
8- thick eyebrows
9- thin eyebrows
10- no eyebrows
11- hat/some sort of head accessory
12- hair tied up
13- short hair
14- medium hair
15- long hair
16- bangs
17- acne
18- birthmark
19- jewellery
20- no jewellery
21- long nails
22- short nails
23- body hair
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summertrianglee · 1 month
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[Image ID:
yo what's her number hahah eeyow! [fuckboy lipbite]: nightseeker 4, dragoon 2, arbalist 4, alchemist with short brown hair and glasses, hexer with short brown hair, necromancer 1
peak character design: medic 5, war magus 2, war magus 5, sovereign 2, sovereign 3, sovereign 4, buccaneer 1, buccaneer 3, medic (eo4) 1, both wanderers, fencer 2, pugilist 4, rover 4, vampire 1, gunner 5, survivalist 5, dark hunter 3, sovereign 5, farmer 4
gas: ronin 5, dark hunter (blonde with red whip), medic 2 (mediko), medic masc redhead, highlander 1 and 2, gladiator 4, gladiator 5, twintailed hoplite, ninja 5, old man monk, farmer 5, shogun 5, nightseeker w the middle part, runemaster 4, fencer 3 (blue hair), dragoon 4, harbinger 3, harbinger 4, necromancer 3, fencer 4
its cute!!! or cool!!!: the blonde survivalists, protector 4, dark hunter 1, medic the masc one with glasses, blonde medic, blonde alchemist (masc), troubadour with orange hair, ronin 1 2 and 4, war magus 2, war magus 3, beast 5 (gorilla), hoplite 1, ninja 2, monk 1, monk 4, zodiac 2, zodiac 3, zodiac 5, arbalist 5, farmer 3, shogun 2, landsknecht (eo4) 3, fortress 2, medic (eo4) 3, the girl arcanists, bushi 1, bushi 4, imperial 3, imperial 4, celestrian race portrait 1 (masc), dragoon 3, pugilists 1 2 and 3, harbinger 1 and 2, warlock 2, rover 1, all masuraos, shaman 3 and 4, botanist 1, hero 1 and 2, beast 3 and 4
it's literally fine: landsknechts 1 3 and 2, survivalist (the masc one who isn't blond), protector 1 2 and 3, black hair alchemist, blonde alchemist (fem), white hair troubadour, both male hexers, jack frost gunner, beast 1 and 2, sniper with short brown hair, landsknecht (red hair), hoplite with the bob, buccaneer 2, ninja 1, ninja 4, monk 5, farmer 1, farmer 2, shogun 1 3 and 4, landsknecht (eo4) 1 2 and 4, fortress 1 and 4, sniper 2, both fem eo4 medics, runemaster 2, bushi 2, imperials 1 and 2, earthlain race portraits, fem celestrian race portrait, brouni race portraits, fencer 1, dragoon 1, warlock 4, rover 2, botanists 2 3 and 4, 2 portraits from mystery dungeon 2 that i dont know
he's onto something, but... but...: gladiator 2, hoplite 5, buccaneer 5, yggdroid 4, dark hunter 5
i dont dislike it but i have Problems with it: war magus 4, zodiac 4, wildlings 1 4 and 3, arbalist 1, yggdroids 1 2 3 and 5, dancer 4, troubadour 5, dancers 1 and 3, bushi 3, vampire 2, arbalist 2
my guilt has a strict "no uggos" policy.: landsknecht 5, troubadour 4, protector 5, ronin 3, gunner 4, gunner (black coat), both masc gladiators, hoplit 3, ninja 3, zodiac 1, arbalist 3, nightseeker with fluffy hair, fortress 3, both masc snipers, sniper 4, both masc runemasters, gunner (green coat), both masc arcanists, both therian race portraits, both masc warlocks, necromancer 4, rover 3, shamans 2 and 1
JAILLLLLL: dark hunter 2 (fem w pink hair), alchemist 5, troubadour 2, hexers 2 and 5, sovereign 1, buccaneer 4, monk 2, wildling 2, wildling 5, nightseeker 2, dancer 2, necromancer 2, heroes 3 and 4
hi story character: flavio, raquna, bertrand, simon, arthur, frederica, chloe, highlander, fafnir knight, arianna
/.End ID]
my large evil tierlist go
notes about bias:
i havent played 1 classic at all, i have played a bit of eo2 classic
i havent played either mystery dungeon
i have played through eo3 multiple times (my favorite), eo4 once, eo5 almost done
no thought given to alt colors unless i remembered them. most of these portraits im really only looking at fully while making this tierlist. Feel free to change my mind with good alt colors
just because i dont like some of these doesnt mean i dont like it when other people use it. it's okay when it's your ocs i just wouldnt use the portrait myself
notes about my rankings:
yggdroids are my favorite class bc fuck yes robots, but i wish their designs were better.
dark hunter 5 is so cute, despite the ranking i would play her
most of the problems tier is that yk the designs play into weird stereotypes (wildling and dancer/troubadour) but the first 2 i just dont like blondes, and the bushi just made me laugh the anime boy cut is too funny...
the tiers are unordered. my all time favorite class portrait EVER is [drumroll please...] arbalist 4 alt color.
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mstornadox · 7 months
Watching Death and Other Details is like watching a really long video demonstrating change blindness mashed up with The Glass Onion and The Imposters, with a dash of The Talented Mr. Ripley and a big scoop of Agatha Christie. The geographic settings and time period clues (and fashions!) are deliberately vague, even in the ads for the show. I thought it would be set in the 1920s. When the show began, I revised it to the 1950s. And then a kid shows up live-streaming on his phone. There is an English estate somehow located in Seattle, Washington. Rufus’s accent is not consistent. So many British actors speaking with a flat 1950’s American accent.
After watching 5 episodes, I have embraced the aesthetic and am along for the ride.
I am low-key hoping that a person in a gorilla suit will randomly walk through a scene.
However. I’m crossing my fingers that it sticks the landing like The Glass Onion instead of becoming The Imposters. The latter’s cast and crew seemed to have a lot of fun making it, but it sure sucked to be in the audience.
If it sucks, I’ll just have to revisit a murder mystery about a ship that is excellent—A Restless Truth by Freya Marske.
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heloflor · 7 months
Was thinking a bit about how “The Devil’s Playhouse” has a lot more comedy than people make it out to be, and while especially thinking about “The Penal Zone” I realized this episode is actually very very very very gay. Like, I’m pretty sure it’s the Telltale episode with the highest amount of gay moments (205 is second on this list, what with Sam getting catcalled by a moleman, Max flirting with Mr. Reaperphone, the whole bachelor party, Peppers etc).
I think what I really like about those moments is that it’s a great example of normalization. The characters are incredibly casual about it, talking about gay relationships the exact same way one would talk about straight relationships, it’s really neat to see! Especially considering that this game was made in 2010, a whooping 5 years before gay marriage was legal in the whole US. It's crazy and great how much they were able to get away with!
(Screenshots of all these moments with timestamps (and quotes) under the cut. To have as little pics as possible, only a small section of each dialogue is taken. And to have a limit of two screenshots per pic max, some dialogues that are cut in two parts in-game have the second part pasted under the first. The timestamps puts you at the beginning of each conversation. All footage from NapalmX717 with the screenshots in chronological order of this video)
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Max: “What can I say, Sam? Alien ships love to abduct me. It’s not my fault I look so probe-able.” (9:44)
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Sam: “Nice work, little buddy! Make sure you wait three days to call, or he’ll thing you’re desperate.” (11:47)
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Max: “Well, he IS pretty charismatic, Sam. And he’s from space, which is a plus. But you’re the only hairy, overweight, domineering control freak I need, Sam.” (20:38)
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Sam: “I don’t need to go to another planet for a methane rich environment, as long as I’ve got you, pal.”
Max: “That’s really sweet and obvious, Sam.” (22:46)
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Skun-ka’pe: “Perfect! Just the one I wanted to see ha ha ha ha!”
Sam: “Keep the hands where we can see ‘em, pal.” (23:36)
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Max: “We could just give ourselves tongue-baths, like cats and flight attendants do!” (30:57)
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Sam: “Why do we have jumper cables? Neither of us knows how to use them.”
Max: “It’s simple, Sam: the RED cable goes on the RIGHT nipple, the BLACK cable clamps to the…” (34:42)
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Max: “Oh boy! Now I can finally set up my 24-hours adults-only naked bunny chat line.” (34:58)
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Sam: “Toys...Toys… we must prepare… the toys….”
Max: “Well, that’s just a typical Friday night for YOU, Sam.” (36:45)
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Flint Paper: “Oh. Well yeah, that could be it. I was thinking it was you, Sam!”
Max: “You think you know a guy. I’m not angry, Sam, just very disappointed.” (1:03:49)
(For context they’re talking about who might be Girl Stinky’s secret admirer)
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Max: “I can’t lie to Flint Paper, Sam!” (1:05:20)
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Max: “What kind of pretend mother would I be if I didn’t worry about our imaginary baby?” (1:10:31)
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Momma Bosco: “Oh, it’s not all bad. I’m getting better at apparating. And now I don’t leave a trail of ectoplasmic slime behind every time I leave the room.”
Max: “That’s better than Sam can say.” (1:23:13)
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Sam: “I’m not gonna rest until I find the guy who killed my partner!” (1:43:13)
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Max: “Wow. I feel really very close to you now, Agent Superball.” (1:45:33)
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Sam: “I don’t like the thought of you teleporting off without me, Max.” (1:46:33)
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Max: “Sam, this is all so sudden! I… I don’t know what to say!” (2:07:10)
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Sam: “I think one of us should try to smash through that window with his rock-hard, melon-sized head.”
Max: “And I think one of us should try the door, unless he wants to spend the rest of the day picking plate glass out of his partner’s fluffy white nether regions.” (2:17:00)
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Girl Stinky: “Sam and Max? Don’t tell me Skun-ka’pe wants YOU guys to be his love slaves, too?” (2:24:48)
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Girl Stinky: “Eww. He wishes. He’s SO not my type. You only have to date an evil gorilla once to learn never to make THAT mistake again.”
Max: “We’ve all been there, girlfriend.” (2:25:07)
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Girl Stinky: “Gee, it sounds like YOU two should go out with him. Would you like me to give you guys some privacy?” (2:27:33)
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Max: “You’re my best friend, Sam! I know you’d take a bullet for me!” (2:31:02)
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Sam: “You keep coming up with creepy disaster scenarios that always end with you eating me, Max. It’s getting annoying.”
Max: “If you don’t like it, then stop looking so damn tasty.” (2:38:11)
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Max: “Think of something quick, Sam. I don’t like the way he’s undressing me with his eyes.” (2:53:22)
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Accidentally meeting Wade.
Gender Neutral, x reader, fluff, cannon typical language, violence and crimes.
The sun rains down harshly over the desert landscape of sandy shores. Working for Trevor Philips Industries has its perks here and there. But the damn sun isn’t one. It’s hotter than a gorillas ass out there and still you’re walking your sweaty ass down to Trevor’s trailer to drop off the monthly income from your “investments”. Inside of a duffel bag you had mountains of cash. Not that you’d get more than a few hundreds from it. Sweat dripping off your forehead you finally saw his beat up truck outside his trailer.
You’d only been working with him for a month, only seen him face to face once. It was horrifying, still it beat working that stupid Burger Shot job. After rubbing your hands on your shirt to rid at least some of the sweat from your palms you reached out to knock on the door. However before you could it swung open smacking you harshly in the face. Knocking you back into the grimy sofa. A soft worried voice slipped out from behind the door.
“Uhh T-Trevor, I think I hit a ghost!” Whoever it was you didn’t recognize the voice. The southern twang and heavy lisp was distinctly not your psychotic Canadian employer. Though as the door slowly moved you could see this man, roughly 26 years old, around 6 feet tall. With ash blonde dreadlocks and enough facial piercings to effectively make airports even more of a nightmare. He wasn’t even paying any attention towards you, mainly looking back at what you could only assume was Trevor.
“Umm Hi? I haven’t met you yet have I? You must be a friend of Trevor’s I imagine?” You question rubbing your head to relieve at least some of the pain.
“Oh shit a person!” He turned to face you as he laid his eyes on you his jaw dropped. “H-hi m’names Wade..” he smiled holding out a hand as Trevor shoved him out of the way, and promptly into the railing.
“Out of the fucking way.” Trevor huffed “ahh Y/n good to see you.” His voice practically burned your ears. “you have the money? Because if not we are going to have a few issues.”
You scramble to sit up holding out the duffel bag. “Yep it’s all right here.” He roughly takes the bag inside letting the door close in your face
“Wait here while I count. If I find out you so much as stepped off this porch you’re dead.” He shouted leaving you with one very flustered Wade.
“Oh, you know Trevor already then! He’s.. Uhmmm.. Trevor. I-I guess” Wade sputtered fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. “Trevor don’t like to tell me when people are gonna come over.” He sat back against the railing “He and Ron don’t let me outta the house often. It’s nice to meet someone.”
You couldn’t help but feel bad for him. Trevor was mean to him, just in the 5 minutes you were here so far. He’s been nearly shoved over a railing and then fully ignored. You smiled moving to stand beside him. As you did he ran his palm up over his nose wiping whatever he managed to collect on his pants. “I don’t really have anything going on later.. maybe I could convince them to let me take you out of the house.” You mentioned.
“REALLY?” He gasped quickly quieting down as Trevor bangs on the glass. “Sorry Trevor, I’d really like that.. if you can convince him. I heard him call you Y/n is that your name?”
“Yep you’re right.” You chuckled “But yeah I’ll do my best to convince him.”
The End (for now)
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hart-on-my-sleeve · 2 months
I clipped out the best portions of the commentary for 3 16, but it was also hard not to clip every time Jimmy speaks so um. Welcome to Jimmy being abused by Gorilla for 5 minutes and thirty seconds. :'D
Transcript below:
Gorilla: You wrote the longest title in the history of country western music.  Jimmy: What was that, Gorilla? Gorilla: I Got Hair On My Ears And My Glasses Are Slipping Down But I Can Still See Through You, Baby. Jimmy: Cute, real cute.  Gorilla: Was that one of yours? Jimmy: Of course it wasn’t one of my records, man!
Gorilla: Unlike some of your fellows, they look for openings like that.  Jimmy: You better believe it. Kick ‘em when they’re up, kick ‘em when they’re down, baby. That’s the Hart Foundations’ motto. 
Jimmy: You have got an open invitation, Gorilla, always to come to Memphis Tennessee - My hometown, Honky Tonk’s home town because everybody knows right now Honky Land USA is going up by the seconds that we talk, baby. They’re building a big monument for Honky Tonk Man. I’ll even send our special plane - The Honky Tonk Marie - to pick you up, baby.  Gorilla: How about Peggy Sue? Can you send her to pick me up? Jimmy: WELL. Well. Peggy Sue has got a lot of things to do down there. We’ve got the Honky Land USA restaurant that we’re having Honky Burgers.  Gorilla: Oh Please -  Jimmy: Yanno a lot of kids too, they scream at Honky man and say he uh, wears grill(?) cream. It’s not grill cream, we use Honky Cream on his hair. 
Jimmy: Well I’ll tell ya, he might be one for one when this match is over with cuz it looks like ol’ SD is in a lotta trouble tonight, baby! Gorilla: It would have to be one for two. He’s O’ for one now.  Jimmy: If he’s O’ for one now, that would be one for one wouldn't it? Wouldn’t he win one and lose one, Gorilla? Gorilla: No.  Jimmy: Whaddaya mean no?! Gorilla: It’d be one win for two matches. One for two.  Jimmy: SEE!! angy noises  Gorilla: How do they count down there in Memphis anyway? Jimmy: *in the most dejected tone* ………………we count by honky numbers…. Gorilla: I guess so…
Gorilla: Talkin’ about guys that are overweight, the Anvil seems to be resemble that- Jimmy: *high pitched screm* OOOuhggH! There you go again!!! You better get off the Anvil’s case! Ima tell you somethin’ Gorilla, you’re gonna be in a lot of trouble cuz Ima tell ya, Ima tell the Anvil when I see him again- Gorilla: How can I be in trouble? 
Jimmy: That first punch that SD threw was below the Mason Dixon line, baby, that was a little bit below the belt, Gorilla.  (A/N: Oh so the Mason Dixon line thing is actually a thing he says. HM. Unfortunately the only other place I’ve heard him say this so far is uh… well not WWF lol.)
Gorilla: How about the bird man, Koko? He dances. Jimmy: Hah, come ON! Come on man, the bird man - He’s a square, he’s a nerd, man. 
Gorilla: Just a minute ago you said the referee was doing a great job - now you’re on his case. Jimmy: Now waitaminute - you’re the one who’s saying he’s doing a great job. I didn't say he was doing a great job. 
Jimmy: That’s right, you can call me the Colonel, you can call me the Mouth of the South, Gorilla, as long as ya call me somethin’, baby.  (A/N: WhAT?!?!)
Jimmy: I can be anything I wanna be! What do you mean what right do I have to be a Colonel? Gorilla: I tell ya, you could never be a big guy, i tell ya that.  Jimmy: Well maybe not that either. I only weigh 159 pounds, Gorilla. But yanno, like i said before, I’m a little bit tougher than you think I am, Gorilla. 
Jimmy: Well yanno, that’s your opinion. Gorilla: No, that’s the opinion of a lotta people!
Jimmy: Well, you know what, I knew that you’d probably grab the thing and try to run off with it and take it away from me that’s why I didn’t bring it out here.  Gorilla: I wouldn’t have run off with it.  Jimmy: I know, you’dda probably try to break it. >:I Gorilla: Youdda been wearin’ it! Jimmy: *angry laugh* Cute, real cute, Gorilla. 
Jimmy: This karate, this kung fu, this jujitsu- whatever it is, it’s illegal in wrestling.  Gorilla: Why? Because none of your guys do it? Jimmy: *high pitched squeaking* We can do it if we wanna do it, Gorilla.
Gorilla: Certainly would make an interesting combo. Jimmy: Yeah, the Laurel and Hardy of professional wrestling. (A/N: The way he says Laurel was just cute... stfu.)
Gorilla: How long has it been, Mouth? Jimmy: Well yanno, time flies by when you’re having fun- Gorilla: Couple of years now? 2 3 4 years? Jimmy: It's been about 2 and a half years, Gorilla.  Gorilla: About 2 years too long I think.  Jimmy: CUTE CUTE. REAL CUTE. 
Gorilla: Kicked right where the ramus of the mandible articulates with the mandibula fossil of the temporal bone.  Jimmy: -_- Can you repeat that one time? Gorilla: Well you get kicked right behind the ears is where it happens.  Jimmy: thank you. 
Gorilla: Got some tattoos on him as well, McDonald does. Mightta been in the Navy perhaps? Merchant marines? Or just seemed like a good idea some Saturday Night? Jimmy: Well maybe it’s a little of both- Gorilla: You got any tattoos? Jimmy: Of course I don’t have any tattoos. It’s too painful to get a tattoo put on ya. You think I’m that crazy?!
Jimmy: He’s telling the referee right now, the guy pulled his trunks - which he did. Now tell me you didn’t see it. Gorilla: I did not see it.  Jimmy: I knew you were gonna say that! Gorilla: Well you told me to say I did not see it. Didn’t you say ‘tell me I did not see that’? Jimmy: You know Gorilla, you’re getting me so confused out here. It’s no wonder why I’m eatin’ my fingernails down to my elbows, man. 
Jimmy: *laughs giddily* I love it, I love it!! 
Gorilla: Who was it that said that “Man has to know his capabilities?” Jimmy: I think I heard it somewhere, I don’t know who said it.  Gorilla: It was Clint Eastwood. (Drop kick, he nailed him with it!)  Jimmy: You mean Dirty Harry himself, huh.  Gorilla: Yes. The mayor, no less.  Jimmy: *mocking, not impressed* Ooh. 
Jimmy: Telephone, telegraph, and tele-Gorilla Monsoon. You think I’m actually gonna tell you? Gorilla: You don’t know, do you. Jimmy: NO whaddaya mean- maybe I do know!! Maybe I don’t know! But I’m not gonna tell you either way, Gorilla!!
Jimmy: But it’s also illegal, iddinit Gorilla? Gorilla: No it isn’t. You have a 5 count after you make the tag to get outta there. Jimmy: But he had a 7 count or 8 count on it, man!  Gorilla: Oh you have a stopwatch? Jimmy: I coulda gone out and got a pizza!
Jimmy: Yanno, Spivey is a pretty big boi.  Gorilla: He certainly is. Hate to have to pay for his groceries.  Jimmy: *giggles*
Jimmy: 5-6- 7- see 7 count right there!  Gorilla: You started at 5! Jimmy: WhaDAYA mean I started at 5, Gorilla! Gorilla: You’re supposed to start at 1! Jimmy: I did start at one!!! See you’re just not listening to me, man.  Gorilla: You’re right there, I’m trying not to.  Jimmy: Yanno you’re gonna be sorry one day, Gorilla, you’ve insulted me for the last time. baby.  Gorilla: No, you’re mistaken, I’ve got a lot more insults comin’ at your- directed your way. 
Gorilla: 5- 6- 7- 8- 9-10-11! Look at that! Almost a 20 count for him to get outta the ring! Jimmy: *sassy* But you started on 10. Gorilla: I started on 5 like you did. 
Jimmy: Yanno, it’s not my fault that I wasn’t big enough to be a professional wrassler.  Gorilla: You coulda been one of the great midget wrestlers.  Jimmy: Whaddaya mean midget wrestlers!!!
Jimmy: Yanno Gorilla, you're talking about wrestling though - I’ll tell you what I would like to do one day really. I would like to challenge Moolah for the Woman’s Heavyweight Championship belt.  Gorilla: She’d clean your clock for you, for sure.  Jimmy: There is no way. The only thing holding her up is her varicose veins. You know, I know it, and the people know it, baby.
Jimmy: Well see that shows how stupid Spivey really is, man. No wonder he can’t get a partner. No one wants to be with somebody that dumb.  (This is just after Mike leaves too… hm.)
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sunshineraindrops · 1 year
My TS4 CAS CC/Mods Part 1
Hello to whoever's reading this! I'm prettty new to TS4 and i've been loving CCs and mods lately. I figured out that I should at least make like a masterlist to have everything collated in one place where I can continuously update it.
So here are some great stuffs that I found! Would be great if you guys could share some of your fav cc/mods as well. Thanks!
Feels like summer by Arethabee
Girls girls girls by Arethabee
Komfy by Arethabee
Long Scarf by Gorilla X3
Nuit Jewelry by Oydis
Stellar Earrings by Anessasims
Necklace 10 by Bobur3
Bare Hoop Earrings by Christopher 067
Butterfly Feeling Set by LeahLillith
Libellule and Papillon Glasses Duo
Y2K Headphones by Simgirlz
Female Top/Skirt/Pants/Dress/Set:
Ella Default Bra + Panty by ellcrze
Jessica Dress by Kumikya
Hot Girl Summer by Arethabee
Feels like summer by Arethabee
Girls girls girls by Arethabee
AxA Alt by aharris00britney
The Slasher by greenllamas
Random Set 5 by Miro
Riley Cardigan by Oakiyo
Sydney Top by Oakiyo
Sweather Weather by Oakiyo x QICC
Urban Eco Mini Set by simcelebrity00
Strap and Layered Dress by Sudal&Sims
Sadness Fairycore Sweater by Babyetears
Paradise Trousers by AdrienPastel
Levitation Dress by AdrienPastel
Milena Outfit by babyetears
Puffer with mini dress by Babyetears
Fall Breeze Dress by Blacklily
Bliss Dress by Christopher067
Grigio Girls Lace Top by Cubersims
Bell Bottom Jeans by Euno
Butterfly Frill Dress & Top by Euno
Daisy Dress by Gisheld
Zip Hoodie/Sally Skirt by Korkassims
Long Tube Skirt by Luxy Sims
Yelena Set by Madlen
Energy Set by Miiko
Leslie Set by Maxis Match
Holly Pants by pixeluniverse
Sulani Swimwear by Renorasims
Midnight Out by Serenity
Euphoria by Serenity
Naomi Matching Set by Simpliciaty
Mauve Swimsuit by sundialsims
Wave Bikini by Trillyke
Simsa Star by Trillyke
Taffy Dress by TwistedCat
Cutout Tops by TwistedCat
Rainy day by Trillyke
Male Top/Pants/etc.
Softe Part 2 Underwear replacement by grimcookies
Basic Sweather by Gorilla
April 2022 Collection by QICC
PRADA Nylon Pocket T-shirt Set by RonaSims
SP34 Sweatshirt Conversion by AdrienPastel
Aquarius Collection by nucrests
Blue Moon Puffer Jacket Set by nucrests
Hot Cropped T-Shirt by Plbsims
Sloppy Tuck Jersey by Cement
Ethan jacket by MarySims
cerulean by boonstow
CC Pack - Feb 2021 by darte77
Denim on Denim Look by marsmerizingsims
[Continuously updating - more to come!]
Part 2, Part 3
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gadgetguruarena · 11 months
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commitchanges · 7 months
As technology progresses, and as machines become more ergonomic, I can't help but feel that we've lost our appreciation for the beauty of creation, and the respect towards the immense forces at play in these machines.
I visited the railway museum today and had the thought while waddling between steam locomotives; titanic masses of steel, wrought to serve the will of man after hundreds and thousands of collective hours of fabrication alone. Wild machines in which were used to tame the forces of nature, but yet still possessed the bestial will common to all of gods creations.
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Mechanical joints, intricate pipes, infinite rivets, laid bare for one to see. These commanded wonder for the dedication of man. Relentless power harnessed from nature commanded respect for the power of machine.
The engineer operates the machine through primitive interfaces.
Opening and closing valves of the creature's circulatory system.
Shoveling coal directly into its flaming belly.
Looking ahead by leaning out the side of the cabin.
This is a beast of a machine where the human is both the most important component, but paradoxically an afterthought.
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Now I'm not saying that this is comfortable or preferred by any means. I'd take the present day mech piloting paradigm of air conditioned lounge room over this any time. But with this ergonomic and minimalist design, we've also began to lose respect for The Machine.
Respect for The Machine isn't just a thing I made up here. As part of employee training, JR West used to require certain employees to crouch in a service ditch as a Shinkansen passed over head at over 300kph. Objectively terrifying, but also extremely effective at allowing one to feel the power of a 400m long 700ton aluminum tube traveling up to half the speed of sound.
The lack of respect for The Machine can be seen in how we go about our day to day. For those of us who drive, we hop into finely tuned machines consisting of thousands of moving pieces, and we take it for granted that we expect it to work. We use magical black rectangles which allow us to talk to the other side of the planet in milliseconds. And behind the sleek, streamlined veil, is a delicate ballet of electrons and metal, with not even a slight demand for attention or appreciation.
This effortlessness of use of technologies, coupled with design language comparable to Orwellian Newspeak results in us, as humans, struggling to viscerally understand the power and complexity of our own creations. Our lizard brain is just not capable of it.
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Technology used to command your attention. Computers used to scream before connecting to the internet. Cameras used to hiss, tick and click. Telephones used to require at least three humans in the right place to operate. All these things are now abstracted and automated away for ease of use, and hidden away for ease of mind, and so; we take it for granted. As a result, the lizard brain thinks technology is simple. But now, one must peel back the Corning® Gorilla® Glass 5 to see the same arcane wizardry, artfully crammed into a portable rectangle. The culmination of human ingenuity.
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Something about this disrespect for technology feels analogous to approaching wild animals without caution; like touching an irukandji jellyfish. Like the seamless and harmless looking jellyfish, magical technologies like Tesla Full Self-Driving lure us to approach it without caution. We place our lives in its its flawed, mechanical hands, and when it fails, we are met with it being "intended to be used only with a fully attentive driver".
OECD published a study in 2016 with regards to the international job-related skills. Of which they found that 69% (nice) were only capable of very simple tasks on a computer; and this is just computer literacy! Completely ignoring whether or not the person has an understanding of how a computer functions. This, I would personally would say, is very concerning given how integrated into our lives technology is becoming.
Minimalist design language not only leads us to be unaware of the hidden complexity, but also being uninterested. Unable to fathom the miracle of microscopic connections and diodes that lie milliliters below the the sleek glass exterior. None of the complexity to appreciate the craftsmanship. None of the teeth that the lizard brain would perceive as dangerous.
In the 80's, science communication was at the very least, a critical criteria in the decisions made in the pursuit of science. That whether or not it was to be Big Bird on the Challenger space shuttle, or some other educational figure. Where computers laid their internals bare to let you know "I'm serious business". There's something about it which gives you an appreciation for the complexity.
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I think it's the same lack of appreciation which leads people recklessly to AI art. To self driving cars. To touching the irukanji jellyfish.
Undervaluing the process. Pursuing only the results. Unaware of the terms and conditions of service. Leading us to casually make dangerous decisions.
Ultimately, we are all weird apes with weird quirks; gifted with the double edged sword of creation. We swing it where we want, creating whatever we like. However, we have the ability to manipulate our environment beyond what our lizard brains evolved to understand. Thus, if we are going to create beyond the lizard brain's understanding, we should perhaps invest in understanding it instead.
All in all, technological advancement is inevitable. Accessibility of technology to the masses is good. But, we spent all this time and effort, tricking rocks into doing math; building our Tower of Babel. It's odd that we're not investing in some buttresses as well.
This writeup was inspired in part by @gallusrostromegalus and a conversation I had with @shitmynamewastoolong
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 9 months
Hi 🍋 you asked for 5 😉 Some others for you to answer though 9, 10, 27 and 35 for end of year meme please 💗
I DID DARE YOU, DIDN’T I?? Okay selfie can be found UNDER THE CUT
9. What was your favorite article of clothing this year? Post a pic if possible?
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For getting fancy my cute little flowery dress. Otherwise the t-shirt I got at the Beck show this summer, or my Avalanches Music Makes Me High t-shirt (the flower is wearing headphones!!!!!!!!!)
10. What song sums up this year for you?
Whyyyyy would you ask me this 😂
Gorilla by Little Simz was my most played song! I listened to that album on repeat all year and I finally got to see her in person this year, which was an extremely surreal experience, so I’m going to go with that one!
12. What was your favorite movie of the year?
I do not watch very many movies (@ladytessa74 👀) but I did get drunk at Barbie!! And @carlos-in-glasses helped me pick out my pink outfit 😂 So I quite enjoyed that experience!!
35. Who was important to you this year but wasn’t important last year?
I guess I would have to say all my friends that I made here on tumblr!! Outside of friendships, there are some radio DJs that I have really come to love listening to that I hadn’t necessarily checked out before this year.
End of Year Asks
5. Post your favorite selfie.
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badchildofthefamily · 2 years
SAMUEL SEO x READER (fluff+funny+NSFW at end...maybe...)
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The first time you two went for a movie date was Chaotic.
You were not the one who accept the word 'no' without choosing violence.(Samuel know this very well since your relationship started)
He goes double on cigarettes, liquor and maybe some more headache medication the moment you decided to spend time with him or either when you leave after.
You GET what you WANT.
So when you asked him for a movie date, he felt his headache coming back to bother him just like you're doing right now, to the point he even had to wear his glasses back to do the paperwork,(a formality), yujin left him with.
"come on Boobie-man— im sorry babe—,shit,,,i mean honey~" you messed up.
He just raised an eyebrow on the nicknames you like to call him but right now you are in his office so you have to behave to save at least what is left as his reputation, but he's used to them by now,
He just felt the cringe on the honey part you said with that sore throat of yours.
"as you can see I can't today, maybe ask again after 50 years or so." He said with a neutral face signing the documents.
You shouted at his response shaking the whole building.
"keep you voice low you baby gorilla" he said getting annoyed.
You still can't believe that he rejected your offer to spend time together, staring at him as standing opposite to his desk both hands on them like you lose millions of shares, getting red from anger on your man and his name for you tho you at least like the word baby.
You know that when he's in his office, doing his work, you can't convince him to do anything else besides doing the damn work.
But you just got a 2 day leave because you were missing him so much that you mixed a lose motion pills in your manager's coffee and now he's in hospital, informing the office and letting you all go home with a 2 day holiday.(you crazy-💀).
So...here you are, in your handsome man's office, pouting and sulking while sitting on his desk, right on his paperwork, trying to get his attention.
He knows all your tactics too well in just months, he knows that either you did something to your manager to get leave, or you just burnt your whole office down cause you hate going to work but have to cause you can't just starve your cats, so option 2 is not the one, so he just assumed that you really did something to your manager, but he's not in the mood to ask, like I said he knows you too well.
" get off form the desk you illiterate animal"
"fuck you man slut"
He doesn't get offended by you cause he thinks you're cute when you cuss.( Secretly he know what people call him behind him but he doesn't give a fuck about it, he just feel his ego going up cause he knows he's a hot man).
"you can go by yourself"
"I can't you know it's a special couple movie offer , so you have to come with me, and look I'm free for 2 days—"
"I know you poisoned your manager because you were bored and 'missing me" he said with a unamusing face.
You felt a chill like a child is caught red handed after doing something naughty.
"hehe but i swear he's an asshole and so rude to everyone so I have to take matters in my own hand and i really missed you and I'm not lying.👉👈😚
"..... let me think about it-"
" shut up idiot I just said I'll think about it" he dead paned.
"*uuhhhhhhhh" he signed, rubbing his temple and nose bridge tiredly.
Your eyes widened with his response.
"yeah you punk, now go grab your stuff we'll leave in within 5 minutes"
"ok I'll stop I'll just go get my things" you said in a apologetic way and made your way to the couch where you made a mess with your stuff, collecting it, with merry skipping steps you hop over to him and snake your arm on his biseps (damn..) giving him the most brightest smile.
He just sighed again with your behaviour but tolerate it enough cause you've also helped him a lot wether it be saving him from an boring conversation in social gatherings or stuff so he'll let your childish stupid things pass.
But seeing you smiling like that had his heart skip beats,( he thinks he'll have to go for a heart checkup sometimes 💀).
Arriving at his place was not the thing you had in your mind.
"..... Samuel...."
"yes honeyyy"
You also get nausea when he's this sweet cause you know his true nature.
"why are we here.?"
" for a stupid romantic movie you stupid"
He just causally unbuttoned his shirt and all, and sit comfortably on the huge sofa( you can't convince me that he isn't manspreading 💀)(also keyword:- tired)
You can't drool on this scene cause you know his time is strictly limited and getting some alone time with him is also rare so you won't wanna miss this opportunity or waste any time.
The starting part was fun but boring at the same time, but you both just casually talked and slowly, eating some snacks.
You both chocked on your drinks when a really spicy scene came, leaving just you to hide your blush, but Samuel was too fast to your reaction and smirked.
" what? It's just some hot scene and you know it's not true, they're acting" he said, still smirking.
"SHUT UP"(ノ`///Д///´)ノ
You hide your face even more.
"come on...." He said, acting annoyed but he's actually enjoying the view.
Your blush got even more worse.
"if you don't keep your hands down, I'll leave."
He said grabbing your hands from your face trying to look.
Now he's enjoying and determined to have you both watch the spicy smut scenes more
"what you hiding for??"
Unfortunately, you were not that stronge against him, he locked your hands in his, pulled you on his lap and made you watch, even if you try to close your eyes, he just kiss on your neck to have you riled up and try to bite him but he Dodges them and laugh.............
In the end you both be making out right on the couch and you'll be passed out till next morning, all sore😅😉
@x-xsunlightx-x here, sorry I forgot to answer with your ask,😅😅
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celosindion · 1 year
Washington knife.
type: one shot
Pairing: Cole Cassidy x m!reader (Cowboys >>>)
Warning: struggle, pain, loss of consciousness, weakness, aches, healing, support, first aid, rest, spending time with a crush, mentions of injuries,
Summary: The fight in Sector Zero doesn't end well for you. You return to the base badly injured, but despite the pain, some man is terribly worried about you
words - 1921
signs/characters - 10600
sentences - 201
How did you get here? Since when are you here? How long have you known these people? How long have you been an Overwatch member? Your only answer... is that you've been here with them since you were a child.
You remember nothing but the Overwatch base and its members. You've only heard stories from the oldest members that you were a homeless orphan of great power. The heroes during the mission took pity on you and provided help. They took you with them. Since then, you've trained with them, developed, learned, and practiced the control of your power. These people were like family to you. You kind of adored them, but you still felt a longing for something you'd never experience again. Your own family. You won't have a father who asks you to help with some knitting, you won't have a mother who asks you to bring groceries home, you won't have siblings with whom you would argue over trifles.
Still, you were grateful for your current family. These people have taught you that even if you hit rock bottom, you have to pick yourself up and bounce back. They taught you to be a tough man who can take care of himself, not to mourn losses, because such losses can devastate a person mentally as well as physically.
But what was your power? Well, you can control the air, the wind in every way. You can shoot streaks of wind at your opponent so strong and sharp that they can even kill them. Your friends laugh that you are the missing second lord of the wind, Aang's brother.
But it wasn't the laughter that changed you... It only took one battle...
You felt your mind drifting away. All sounds stopped reaching your ears. You stopped having any awareness, you weren't sure if you were falling asleep, if the method of meditation that Hanzo gave you was working. You didn't even remember how you posed to meditate, you couldn't even feel your limbs.
- Y/N! - You were snapped out of your meditation by a low voice that you knew very well. Anyone who has ever worked at an Overwatch facility would recognize that voice. Winston.
You lazily opened your eyes and looked at the scientist. You felt sleepy. So you did fall asleep. You really need to work on this method.
- Yes, Winston? - You slowly got up off the mat and straightened up. You slowly began to stretch your muscles and limbs. The gorilla pushed his glasses up his nose and walked heavily over to you. He sighed and looked at you with worried eyes. Something happened and he wasn't happy about it. It's common knowledge that if Winston is worried about something, it's wrong.
- Sector Zero. - He paused for a moment, as if considering the right choice of words. - Secto Zero attacked Washington. The number of opponents is huge. We need everyone. You too. - He paused looking at you. He, as well as you, knew that you were not yet experienced. Yes, you've been on a few missions before, but they were less important.
You nodded. This is your 5 minutes now! After your confirmation, the gorilla left the room and went to prepare the plane and gather the other members. Your tight turtleneck and sweatpants have been replaced with a special suit. It was gray with gold stripes. After getting dressed, you quickly left.
You went to the hangar where all the planes and other vehicles were. You were right, there was the rest. Your outing party included Mei, Treacer, Mercy, Winston, Lucio, Brigitte, Cassidy and Reinhardt. Cole immediately winked at you. There was a slight smile on his lips. You gave them a quick smile. You got on the plane. So it's going to be a big fight.
During the flight the weather changed dramatically. The sunny sky was replaced by thick, dark storm clouds. Perfect for this occasion. You had your eyes closed. You listened to the conversations of people from the team and the roar of the plane's engines.
You opened your eyes as soon as you heard a grunt. Your eyes met dark cowboy irises. He gave you a reassuring smile and nodded. - It'll be fine, dove.
You nodded and replied quickly. - Of course it will. We will win. As always. - The man just snorted and put the unlit cigar in his mouth. You and Cole had a strange bond. You were close, you practically never parted, and yet you were afraid to get close to each other in this one particular way.
-Just take care of yourself, little swallow. - He added more quietly. You just nodded your head in agreement. Some of you at Overwatch said you were flirting with each other. You frolic at night, but it wasn't true. Maybe you just didn't want to get close to each other because you were afraid of the other person's opinion?
- We're going to land! - The pilot's voice came over the speakers. It's time to get ready. You turned your head so that the bones in your neck snapped. You did the same with your arms and back. As soon as you landed, you got up and waited for the hatch to open so you could exit the plane.
The hatch opened and you stepped out. Nothing happened to meet you. Not a single robot. You started looking around. Maybe it was a false alarm?
- Something's not right here. - Said worried Mei.
- Yes... Something is wrong here. - You answered.
However, you didn't have to wait long. An army of robots emerged from the building opposite. You were in the big square. The robots started firing, and you did not owe. You engaged in combat. Everyone was focused on a common task. Stop Zero Sector.
You didn't do well. The robots kept coming, and you were only a handful. The fact that it started raining didn't help either.
Still, for your first serious fight, you did great. You pushed back attackers, crushed them with a blast of air, even managed to cut a few in half!
Sometimes you glanced at others. You helped them sometimes. In time, you ran into Cole. You destroyed the robot that was about to attack him, and Cassidy destroyed the one that was about to attack you.
- You're doing well, candy! - He laughed. Of course, old Cole.
- You too, old man! For an old bastard, you haven't rusted! - At your words, he laughed loudly.
- Yes, sure, sure. Never mind, take care rookie! See you later! - And with that you split up again.
You fought bravely and fiercely for a while until you heard a loud scream.
You immediately turned your head to look for the source of the sound. And you found. It was a little girl, scared, huddled in the corner of the bench. One of the robots was approaching her. Seeing this scene brought back memories to you. You were small when you lost your parents in the fight, you wandered the streets alone, people spurned you because of your power. However, in one of the fights, it was Overwatch that took you in. Anger welled up in you. You will not let the same or anything else happen to this girl now. Air swirls formed around your hands, your eyes faded. You let out a horribly loud scream and threw your hands out in front of you. Great gusts of air scattered all the robots in front far away. It all took a moment, but it felt like an eternity.
You dropped your hands and walked over to the girl. She looked at you with wide eyes, breathing heavily. You accidentally choked her with some air. - Hey, hey. Easy now. You're in no danger, little one. You raised your hands in a reassuring gesture.
- My name is Y/N. Y/N L/N. - You smiled slightly which she returned. The moment was cut short by Cole's terrified scream.
- Y/N watch out!
All you did was turn around. All you saw was a robot swinging a large blade. After that, you just felt a lot of pain. You looked down and saw a torn costume and underneath it a wound stretching from the chest to the left hip. All you heard was the muffled scream of the girl you saved. The cold air and raindrops touched the ribs and insides exposed by the wound. the rain mixed with blood began to run down your belly and legs until it formed a large bloodstain beneath you.
You started feeling weak. You didn't know if it was because of the wound or from the wound itself. Your vision began to blur. You've been losing too much blood in a short time.
Your legs gave out under you, you didn't even have the strength to raise your arms. So this is how you're going to die? Killed on your first major mission? Will you leave everyone like this? Will you leave Mei with whom you were promised to Mochi? Will you leave Mercy who was like an aunt or mother to you? Will you leave the Cole Cassidy you loved so much? Maybe you need to. Maybe it had to happen.
The last thing you felt was your head hitting the hard floor of the square.
-Y/N? Y/N! - Muffled voices began to reach your ears. You laboriously opened your eyes. The blurred world began to return to normal. You've regained your focus. You propped yourself up on your elbows, but a slender hand pushed you back onto the bed.
- Don't get up yet, big guy. You're too weak. - You recognized Mercy's voice. She was leaning over you. She was checking your vital signs on the machines. - You gave us quite a scare.
- How long was I unconscious? - You managed to ask. Your throat was so dry you bet it was nothing but desert. You swallowed and coughed.
- You've been sleeping for exactly four weeks.
- What about the girl? - You asked. At your question, Mercy laughed and gave a pitying look.
- Really? You slept four weeks and you're asking this?
- What about her. - You didn't give up. You had to find out if that little soul was okay.
- She's safe, don't worry. You have water here, by the way. - The woman handed you a glass of water, which you drank greedily. You handed her the cup back with a soft sigh. -By the way, there's a gentleman who, as soon as he hears you waking up, can't wait to talk to you. - She gave you a knowing smile and left. You just rolled your eyes. While you were waiting for your new guest, you lifted the heavy quilt. The sight you saw... You gasped. From the middle of your chest to your hips, there was metal in the colors of your costume.
- Shit...
- Y/N? - A voice suddenly rang out. Your cowboy.
- Now I'm like you old man. - You laughed slightly. Your throat still hurts a bit. Cole sat down on the stool next to your bed and laughed softly.
- You know.. You scared us. Everyone. Me too... - You immediately noticed tears gathering in Cassidy's eyes, ready to cascade down his handsome face.
- Don't be afraid cowboy anymore. I'm safe.
- Y/N I... I was so scared that I lost you... Dove... I love you. - The last sentence escaped hoarsely from his mouth. He was exhausted, and it didn't help that he was probably stressed out about it all. But now you are with him.
- Yes, I love you too, old man... We have to catch up.
I FINISHED! I tried my best to write it. I think I could have done it :)
Please don't copy my works!
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hornyhermitry · 9 months
Roppongi Nights
Rated: NSFW, 18+
Characters: Takeomi Akashi x Ran Haitani
Word Count: 6114
Summary: When Takeomi is thrown out of his friend Wakasa's bar due to lack of funds, he ends up in a Roppongi night club and has an unexpected encounter.
Takeomi waved the folded paper money in front of the man’s face. “I’m here to have a good time, nothing more, nothing less.” The muscular thug clad in a very traditional black suit looked the former Black Dragon executive up and down and then stepped aside to let him in. The loud bass from inside was already greeting Takeomi warmly, stirring up anticipation in his body, when he walked past the wardrobe. He nodded to the wrinkly old geezer peeking out the little window and his tired eyes quickly adjusted to the dimmed lights inside. He could smell the main room already before entering it. The light smell of the fog machine, its clouds wafting over the stage and settling down in half-drunk glasses of drinks that had lost their carbonation a long time ago.
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Roppongi Nights
Blinking neon lights lit up the dark alley greeting Takeomi when he stepped out of the stuffy establishment. Cigarette stub between his right middle and ring finger, the man in his late 20s rubbed his face and groaned.
He hated it when Wakasa treated him like that. Time and time again he’d have him kicked out of his club as soon as he was a few drinks in and running low on cash. He wasn’t sure when this had become a common thing to happen - it hadn’t always been like this. Wakasa used to encourage him to crash at one of his hostess bars and catch up over a few drinks there. There were always plenty of girls and sometimes Wakasa would call over a few new hires to get acquainted with their expected duties. But somehow…
Takeomi took a drag of his cigarette and used his hand to comb back his slick hair. Somehow, somewhere down the line the drinks had become more and the catching up had become less. Irritated at the little piece of soft plastic shifting out from between his fingers when he rubbed his eye socket, he flicked the cigarette away - only for it to fly against the club bouncer’s collar.
The orange stub quickly burned through the violet satin shirt he was sporting.
“Ah, shit man, I’m-” Takeomi quickly nodded his head apologetically “I’m sorry, it wasn’t on pur-” he threw up his hands in an attempt to calm down the gorilla approaching him with big strides but it was no use. The much bigger man grabbed him by the collar and pulled him in close enough for Takeomi to smell the sake and Tonkotsu sauce on his breath.
“Stop causing trouble for Imaushi-san, A k a s h i .” He spat the last word into his face and shoved him onto the boardwalk. “He doesn’t need your kind here, you’re upsetting paying customers. Get lost.”
Flipping the guy off, Takeomi grunted and then shoved his hands into his pockets as he turned his back away from the LEDs signaling “SHIROI NEKO - GALS GALORE”.
It was only 8PM and he was already well into it.
He had started drinking early today. Earlier than he usually would on a Thursday night but he’d already been up at 5 in the morning to be on his way to Haneda Airport in order to catch an old business partner over a coffee before they left the country for a while.
Ever since Black Dragon had been disbanded, Takeomi was struggling to get by. At this point he was hoping for someone to invest in the underground fighting ring he had been thinking about. It made sense for him to approach old contacts about it, considering his old alias “God of War”, but it wasn’t as easy to convince people of a market for that as it was for girls or drugs. Takeomi wasn’t too keen on actively dealing in either of the two. Many people would consider him a man with rotten morals, and they probably weren’t entirely wrong about that, but there was some code of honor he stuck to. And thinking about his younger siblings, the thought of roping young people into addiction or sex work himself didn’t sit right with him.
Grounded by the familiar buzz of the alcohol he had already downed tonight, the scar-faced man aimlessly wandered about searching for another strip club to wind down with a few more drinks and a pretty little thing grinding against his lap.
He was not a stumbling drunkard by any means, but the half unbuttoned shirt paired with his tattooed chest peeking out and the huge scar running down from his forehead to just next to his lips made people generously avoid him and step out of his way still. Some of them whispered to each other as they passed.
Not that he minded. He was a delinquent and a drop-out, he was already too involved with crime syndicates to ever make a life as a salaryman or even blue collar worker, but he hesitated to fully commit to crime some of the others had done. Shinichiro had taken the good money that Black Dragon had made in its last breaths to buy a small store space and was working on setting up a bike repair shop. Wakasa had already been involved with the local Yakuza when they had met for the first time. He was running multiple bars and had lots of guys roaming the streets to recruit women into adult entertainment. And Benkei helped him convince some competitors to step off their turf as if he had been waiting to do just that his whole life. Absentmindedly looking up while his fingers fumbled to get a cigarette out of the crumpled up pack in his hands after some time walking around, Takeomi noticed a little violet arrow pointing up a narrow staircase leading up to a first floor entrance plastered with labels reading “18+” “ADULT ONLY” “DANCE” and suggestive black cutouts on faded red signs as high as the whole store.
Jogging up the stairs, Takeomi stuck the cigarette into the corner of his mouth and nodded towards the bouncer, stretching his neck to subtly flash his ink at him .
“Evening, Onii-San. We good?” Arm above his head, he pushed the bar’s half-length veil out of his face and was already halfway through the barrier when the stern man put a hand on his shoulder and leaned in close.
“We don’t appreciate trouble here. You go in, you are discreet about what you see and do, you pay, you leave.”
Takeomi’s eyebrows shot up and the wide grin pushed up the long facial scar as he bit into the cigarette filter. “Who do you take me for?”
Not waiting for the response, Takeomi pulled the folded paper money held together by a metal clip out of his shirt pocket and waved it in front of the man’s face. “I’m here to have a good time, nothing more, nothing less.”
The muscular thug clad in a very traditional black suit looked the former Black Dragon executive up and down a last time and then stepped aside to let him in.
The loud bass from inside greeted Takeomi warmly, stirred up anticipation in his body when he walked past the wardrobe. He nodded to the wrinkly old geezer peeking out the little window and his tired eyes quickly adjusted to the dimmed lights inside.
He could smell the main room already before entering it.
The old and new smoke that lingered between the walls and mixed with the stale sweat guys carried under their shirts and in their pants after a long day of work and also that of oiled up overly perfumed dancers that lazily ran down between their thighs and shimmered in the flickering spotlights giving the movement of their limbs a magical quality. And the light smell of the fog machine, its clouds wafting over the stage and settling down in half-drunk glasses of drinks that had lost their carbonation a long time ago.
It wasn’t a big room and most of the small round tables were already taken, a longer one fitting 6 was half-taken up by a group of 3 youngsters awkwardly looking around in such an out-of-place way that had Takeomi doubt they were old enough to be here.
They reminded him of the first time he had snuck into a strip club with Shinichiro. The two of them had been so piss-drunk, when they tried to go to a private booth with one of the dancers, Shin had fallen flat on his ass, dragging the slightly older boy down in the process.
It ended with them being kicked out under a lot of shrieks from the ladies. A crooked smile disappeared as quickly as it had shown up on his face. Takeomi leaned over the counter and signaled for the barman to get him a lemon chu-hi. He missed the days of hanging out with his old friend, but that son of a bitch only had eyes for his little brother anymore and taught him everything about gangs and bikes there was to know, so he could one day take up the torch. Tchk. Dragging kids into this.
With a hollow clink sound, a glass of chu-hi appeared in front of him. Exchanging glances over the steep price too common for this kind of establishment, Takeomi stuffed his money bills back into his shirt pocket and went looking for a place to sit down.
The stage ran all through the center of the room and split it in half. A few sofas were placed in front of it, inviting especially thirsty customers to take a rest and watch the show up close. Music and lights were going wild, but there was no one at the stage right now. A quick glance at the watch and the advertisement hanging behind the bar told Takeomi the next show was due to start in a few minutes.
Just in time for a prime spot then , the former Black Dragon executive thought to himself and slumped onto one of the sofas right in front of the center-stage.
Cranking his neck and shaking out the stiffness from staring at the ground while walking, he fished out his money again and started to count. The bass was slowing down to a seductive thumping already and he was keen on making sure he had enough cash on him to enjoy the joy.
10,000… 15,000… 25,000 His big thumb brushed through the Yen bills stuffed between the two ends of the clip. Snatching the ashtray closer to his end of the table, Takeomi put his pack of cigarettes down next to it, pulled his slightly disheveled shirt into place again, shifted the glass around and made himself comfortable.
As he lit a new cigarette, the lights went out and the bass stopped. A group of businessmen whose ties indicated they already were a few drinks into the night pushed past him and sat down to his left. Somewhere behind him an animator was talking into a cheap microphone. Leaning back over the sofa’s neck rest, Takeomi glanced around and noticed a little crowd was gathering behind him. With a raised brow he lazily turned his head and watched a bunch of old guys with visible beer bellies scurry to the seats to his right while seemingly arguing over whether the drinks were self-service or to be brought by a waitress - a quarrel that was quickly solved by a scarcely dressed hostess guiding them to their seats and taking their drink order.
Fog was already being pushed onto the stage from various sides again, turning it into a mystical sea of promises for the dancer to emerge from.
The announcer spoke a few more words that the speakers strategically placed around the room blasted towards the crowd, but Takeomi did not catch much of it, nor did he care for it.
With an especially loud blast, another cloud of fog slushed onto the stage, pushing older wafts down around the edges and then the show began.
Red, pink and purple spotlights frantically jumped over the thick clouds blocking the view, the bass came back hammering the rhythm of sex through the crowd’s bodies and under plenty of whistles and cheers, the lady of the night emerged from the fog.
Shiny black heels were pushing through the shimmering clouds and revealed long and slender legs as pale and smooth as almond milk. Takeomi’s glance took in the elegant feet and bony ankles confidently walking towards him and he could feel the tugging in his loins when his gaze wandered up those sinful slim thighs.
Just like the snake tempting Eve in paradise, a black snake-like tattoo wrapped itself around those slender legs and disappeared in that forbidden area made for him to explore but just barely covered by the shortest and most teasing pleated skirt imaginable to mankind. Takeomi gulped at the sight and leaned forward to flick some ash into the ashtray before him, his eyes wandering further up the dancer’s body winding and squatting only inches away right in front of him.
The way those delicately curved hips swayed left and right with the music, the way the strobes danced over the immaculate and tender skin squishing at the hips and then stretching again in front of his eyes, Takeomi could not help but imagine burying himself in the heat waiting between those inked thighs.
Glass of chu-hi in hand and taking a sip, he raised his gaze and took in how far that black snake wound around the soft curves at the girl’s hips, her waist, snuck up her ribcage and -
A coughing fit shook the man so violently he sputtered his drink all over his shirt when he realized he was definitely not looking at female breasts. And that barely contained bulge jiggling in the satin thong every shake of the hips flashed at him from under the tiny skirt was definitely not a vagina.
Neither was the guy whose crotch was less than a few inches away from his face a stranger to him.
Quickly discarding the initial shock he wiped off his hands on his pants, got a grip on himself and met the dancer’s smug stare with a lopsided grin and cocked his head to the side.
“Didn’t know you like whoring yourself out for money, big Haitani.”
The tall beauty on the stage shifted from squatting mid-bounce onto kneeling on all fours and leaned forward to hum into the curve of Takeomi’s neck, the bratty twin braids brushing against his collarbone.
“Didn’t know you like crossdressers, Akashi.”
Loud whistles cut through the fluorescent lights and someone repeatedly hit the table with an ashtray.
“Get that little ass back to grinding that pole.” someone yelled from the other end of the room.
“We’re here for a show fag, get to it.”
The last shout caused Takeomi to turn his head and push himself up from his seat, but Ran halted him mid-motion with a hand on his chest and turned to look at the group himself.
Batting his lavender eyes seductively, Ran spoke with a low voice.
“Want me to show you what a fag I am?”
The man in his late 40s scoffed and gestured aggressively. “Why are you giving that twat a private show, what’s so special about him!?”
Lowering his head so far his steady breath gently pushed the fog out of his way, the tall and handsomely curved man on all fours snaked his body over to the older salaryman, never breaking eye contact. It could have been the alcohol, but the flush appeared on chubby cheeks so fast after Ran’s body was moving towards the guy, there was little doubt the older Haitani brother was the one who caused it.
Ignoring the sign reading “no touching”, spidery fingers crawled over the man’s thighs and Ran’s big palm brushed over the sweaty crotch and up to his navel.
The flickering spotlights danced in his eyes and the skimpily-clad boy opened his mouth to lick his fingers, raised his hips and spread his legs further. Takeomi and the instigator had two very different views on the man in his early 20s stretched out on his knees between them.
There was a sizable dick held in place by that thong covered by a skirt barely worth the name, balls spilling out playfully over the sides. Ran’s smooth and shapely thighs were more attractive than most women’s, the former gang vice president had no problem admitting to himself.
The chubster’s chest heaved up and down under heavy breathing under the spell of watching the eldest Haitani push the fingers that had just massaged his crotch deep into his mouth. Coated in spit and strings connecting his bottom lip and his fingertips, he pulled his hand back revealing a long wet middle finger and spat in the guy’s face crooning seductively.
“Call me a fag again you fat fucking faggot and I’ll fuck you up the ass so far with your mom’s dick prosthetic you’ll think Christmas Eve came early.”
After a last gentle pat against the guy’s cheek, Ran pulled his arched body up into standing position in one elegant move and strutted back to the pole that had been hidden in the generous smoke show.
Takeomi wanted more and he was determined to get it tonight.
From the corner of his eye Ran caught Takeomi winking at him with a couple of bills in hand just as he was bending over at the waist and ran his hands teasingly up his sides and along the titillating ink when he came back up. With a subtle head tilt and sipping from his drink, the former Black Dragon vice beckoned him over and the younger man wrapped one leg firmly around the metal bar, spinning around with a lasciviously arched spine. When he swung past him, he pointed at a discreet door a few meters behind the visitor, who turned around and got the hint.
Takeomi briefly dropped by the bar to get a new drink as well as cash out on a bottle of champagne. Within seconds of the barkeep pressing a button, a cute girl dressed in frilly lingerie, slightly younger than the Haitani - and on second glance not a girl either - took up the bottle, grabbed Takeomi by the wrist and led him over to the secluded space behind the nondescript door. Bending over in front of him to place the tablet with glasses on the small round table in front of a black velvet sofa, the young boy spoke with a surprisingly light girlish voice when he ran Takeomi through the rules. 30 minutes at most or he’ll have to get another bottle, no touching allowed unless explicitly stated, sexual services beyond a dance have to be paid upfront and no haggling, condoms, lube and oil are in the little compartment under the table.
“There’s a little sink behind the furthest pillar in case you wanna take a quick sponge bath, but …” The waiter threw a glance over his shoulder and stood upright again. A flirtatious smile showed up on his face. “You do smell really good. Call me if you need dessert later.”
Raising both brows while lighting a cigarette kept safe between both hands, Takeomi bit on the filter. “I’m not in the habit of being into ladyboys.”
The light rose-coloured frills around his tiny waist wiggled when the young man stopped for a last wink back at Takeomi before he left the secluded room. “It’s crossdressers, actually. And… that’s what they all say, uncle.”
The playful expression on his face died the moment he pushed through the barrier and nearly bumped into the much taller man striding into the room as if he owned the place.
Takeomi chuckled to himself. Ran Haitani probably did own this place.
Legs spread wide, he leaned back and rested his arm over the sofa. Watching the confident but underplayed strut as Ran walked towards him, Takeomi could not help but notice the natural air of grace and danger that surrounded the long-haired man like a feline predator.
“Those are real bills, right Akashi? You’re not trying to rip me off on my own turf?”
Exhaling smoke and leaning forward to grab the champagne bottle, Takeomi mustered the teasing man in front of him.
“They are real.”
He poured the two of them two flutes of the sparkling alcohol and extended one to Ran.
“Are your services?”
Grabbing the thin stand at the bottom of the slim glass, Ran closed the distance between himself and the older man and stood between his legs. He looked down his nose as he took a sip and smiled discreetly when he noticed how unabashedly the man took in the sight of his half-naked body and the semi hard on growing underneath Takeomi’s pants.
“Very much so.”
One of his crooked eyebrows raised, the scar-faced man placed the hand holding his cigarette on the outside of Ran’s thigh and brushed his thumb over the black twine winding along his side and under the tiny skirt.
“You gonna let me shoot a load into that pretty little ass of yours?”
His finger slid under the strap holding Ran’s thong on his hip and he flicked it against his skin. Ran’s smile grew more visible but he did not twitch and followed Takeomi’s glance scanning his light abs, his slim waist and playing with the little cloth covering his crotch.
“I take it you enjoyed the private show earlier, old man.”
Takeomi scoffed and slapped Ran’s ass half-heartedly. “Who’re you calling old man? I’m not even 30.”
Something the experienced gang executive wasn’t prepared for happened. Ran’s eyes narrowed and he licked his lips. “You sure look like it.”
Disbelief shook the former Black Dragon member’s face but before he could fly off the handle, Ran put his glass down, leaned over and put one big, graceful hand on the man’s thigh, the other one started to unbuckle his belt.
Braids again tickling against his skin, Ran whispered into Takeomi’s ear.
“I’m into older men anyway, Akashi. Fuck me and the dance is free.”
The hand resting on his thigh slid up and joined the other one at his crotch pulling the belt open and unzipping his pants. Reaching around Ran’s bent hip, Takeomi stubbed the cigarette out on the ashtray and put his hands on the slender man’s sides when he leaned back again. Ran’s long bony fingers did what they did best and massaged light grunts out the man under him who bucked into his touch. The intimate purr had him tense up and groan for more. Thumbs brushing along the inked ribcage, Takeomi grounded himself against the slender man pushing against his body and grunted when he found pierced nipples under the cropped shirt and that hardened under his fingers.
Truth be told, if it wasn’t for the cock between his legs, the big Haitani might be one of the most desirable women Takeomi had had on his lap so far. And he’d spread the love among the lot of them over the last few years.
One of his hands roamed onto Ran’s and he pushed the nimble fingers away from between his thighs, away from his hard cock aching to be taken care of. The other hand grabbed the back of the braided head and pulled his neck into an arch.
“First you dance for me.”
Violet eyes curled into slits and Ran’s hands left Takeomi’s body. Elegant fingers now twirled his twin braids and he knelt down between Takeomi’s slim hairy legs with a pouting expression comically unbefitting his manly long face and pronounced cheekbones.
“How would you like me, aniki~?”
He was playing a stupid little game with him, but with that dainty bone structure, the mysterious lilac eyes framed by hair as black as both their hearts, he was also beautiful. Between his legs rested a nymph with a body as delicately curved and fierce as the stroke of a brush on silk.
The full-body tattoo winding from his shoulders to his ankles accentuated the natural form of his body. His skin was like satin. What a perfect illusion he was, the cropped fishnet top loosely hanging over his midriff and that lewd skirt just barely touching his thighs.
It bothered Takeomi how the braids put the older Haitani’s muscular shoulders on full display and the dimmed light deepened the shadows his toned muscles cast over his body.
“Get rid of those braids and turn around.”
Nothing else needed saying, Ran simply complied, violet gaze locked onto bronze one. He rested his head on Takeomi’s thigh and started pulling the first braid apart. Takeomi did not like that grin flashing across his face when he looked up at him.
The devilish nature of the arrogant prick between his legs clawed its way out to the surface.
“I could also get a pink wig if that is more to your liking.”
The older man scoffed.
“When you’re done, turn around and get on my lap.”
Haitani Ran took his time unbraiding his hair.
Strand by strand his fingertips patiently unwound the hair neatly tied together. When he finally was done, he pushed it over his shoulder and loose waves of darkness interspersed with light fell against his back. Black and blonde streaks that framed his pale face and gave it a much softer shape than before. Takeomi brushed over them and was intrigued by how soft they were compared to his own. Before the erection twitching noticeably for attention could bother him any further, Ran cut the games and got up in one swift motion.
Fuck, how beautiful he was.
Hands resting on the knees of the man with slicked back and skunk-striped hair, the dancer lowered his hips bit by bit onto his lap with every sway of his body and the music. Takeomi’s hands explored the tall beauty’s gentle curves while Ran’s barely covered ass ghosted Takeomi’s crotch.
The slow, heavy music he had entirely drowned out during the past few minutes faded back into his focus guided by the soft swings of the younger man’s milky body.
Teasingly grinding his bare ass against the scar-faced man’s hard-on, the feel of that surprisingly big cock between his cheeks worked up Ran’s own desire.
The growing erection pushing up the little skirt curtain did not go unnoticed by the restless hands kneading and tugging at his smooth skin.
An excited prickling feeling surged through Takeomi’s body and he mumbled into Ran’s ear. Not waiting for a reply, his big hands cupped the soft ass-cheeks that bumped against his cock and spread them. Patiently but persistently pushing his tip against the tiny hole he bit into Ran’s ear, dick twitching at the little moan he drew out from him.
“Get it.”
Massaging Ran’s ass-checks still grinding against his dick, Takeomi’s middle fingers also tugged at Ran’s asshole. Ran bent over to fumble out the lube from under the table, moaning at how the older man didn’t stop spreading and teasing him. Snapping the lid open with a squeaky plastic sound he reached around his back and squeezed some of it onto the senior delinquent’s fingers.
The friction of Ran’s whole body weight pushing his ass against his dick in the process made something in the ex vice leader snap. He impatiently rubbed the lube between Ran’s cheeks and pushed a long finger into him, within mere seconds more followed. Two fingers, three, he was pumping his digits into the squirming body on top of him and then shoved Ran off his lap onto the small table.
Ran stabilized himself with his hands on the glass surface that was cool against his own hard on and reflected the dim ceiling lights.
Already anticipating what was to come now, he heard Takeomi’s pants rustle and the belt fall to the floor with a clinking sound.
Ran was as tall as Takeomi, taller even in his stiletto heels, but when the scar-faced man grabbed hold of the skirt around his slim waist and crunched it up between his fists, to pull his ass closer, Takeomi’s hands seemed like shovels digging into his fragile body.
Roppongi’s most famous delinquent did not get a chance to turn around and look at the man behind him.
Without skipping a beat, Takeomi pushed his hard dick into him and made him moan. Keeping his hips right where he wanted them, he fucked the man into the table without any care. Bent over like a bitch, shaved all over, long legs ending in glistening black stiletto heels and winding under his thrusts with heavy pants, Ran Haitani might as well have been a regular whore and not the boogeyman of Roppongi. Takeomi roughly thrust into him and enjoyed seeing him struggle with the sweaty skin spanning his belly sticking to the surface and the nipple piercings clinking against the glass.
The view onto the elder Haitani made his balls tighten. He couldn’t see his face, all there was to see was a sea of dark silky hair spilling over the table and framing the writhing body as one with the ink painting his curves. Spurred on by his imagination of Ran’s face with eyes fluttering closed when he rolled his own hips into him, Takeomi sucked in a deep breath.
“Is this why you can summon 100 men with just one shout?”
Now it was Ran’s turn to scoff and turn his head.
Before he could come back with a smart remark, a heavy hand deliberately slapped his ass.
“Shout then.”
Takeomi pushed deep into him and hit just the spot.
A loud moan left Ran’s lips and the older man watched him try to tip-toe and press his knees together whining for more.
The view was even better now. With the saucily dressed man slightly twisted, half-way lying on the side Takeomi could see his face while he rutted into him. It was reddened, his lips swollen and dry from panting and he caught a glimpse of the man’s every breath fogging up the glass surface underneath. His gaze wandered lower and he could see Ran’s dick trapped between his belly and the glass surface as well, eagerly twitching under the thrusts.
An odd thought about definitely not wanting to put his siblings into a line of work like this crossed his mind and Takeomi hoped in passing that his little brother did not have the same tendencies as this rotten shithead under him. That comment about the wig had stuck with him.
Thrown out of the heat of the moment, the man in his late 20s pulled out, careful not to stain his own pants hanging around his knees and dropped onto the sofa behind. Palming his dick with his left, he snapped his fingers a few times with the right to draw attention.
Dismissively wagging his head, he signaled for Ran to come over to the sofa and finish him there.
Catching a breath Takeomi lit a cigarette and took a sip from the champagne. The fact his ass sweat was seeping into the black velvet was no concern to him, he was glad his cock got a final breather in before the grand finale because damn, he had been pent up already when he had gotten kicked out of Wakasa’s club.
The other man got up, but later than Takeomi would have expected. Puffing on his cigarette he wondered if that cocky bitch had been serious earlier and was really into getting fucked by older men. Had they been here in private, he’d have been pretty damn sure Ran looked a bit let down and on edge.
The skirt had fully turned into a crumpled up belt resting on his hips. His cock had broken free from the satin thong and was bobbing along every time the stiletto heels dug into the floor. The cropped fishnet top was crumpled up around his right nipple and a few nets were torn and his long hair was damp and stuck to his neck and cheeks. His usually immaculately neutral face devoid of any real emotion was flushed and he was swallowing visibly while walking over.
A pity he had not been wearing any make-up or lipstick, smeared red around his mouth would have been the perfect look for this slut, the old chunibyo thought.
“Nearly had me there, aniki.” There was that purr from the androgynous beauty again that he hoped to feel against his length very soon. Much to Takeomi’s surprise, Ran had no shame in confessing his state and took a good look at him during his own refill on champagne.
“Few more thrusts and I’d have written your name on the table with my cum.”
First he lowered himself onto the naked thigh covered in thin black hairs and slowly stroked the senior gang member’s hard-on with a calm hand. Takeomi leaned against the curve of his neck and said something to which Ran shook his head. Pleased with that reply, Takeomi caressed his cheek and lips and then pushed the former Tenjiku executive off his thigh.
Then Ran knelt on the floor in front of him and started lapping the lube and the precum off Takeomi’s dick like it was candy.
In turn, Takeomi grabbed a fistful of Ran’s hair and yanked his head back so he could get a good view of Ran swallowing it down and licking his lips clean. The sight of that wet open mouth built pressure in Takeomi’s groins that needed to be taken care of fast and Ran was fully aware of it. He wrapped his swollen lips around Takeomi’s cock and moved deep down his shaft. His hands disappeared between his own legs. The tight wet suction Ran’s mouth worked on his cock sent Takeomi reeling and he groaned, pushing Ran deep enough for his nose to touch his pubes.
“Fuck, Haitani, don’t stop.”
Takeomi grit his teeth and tensed up to hold out just a little bit longer as his length stretched out Ran’s throat with long, deep thrusts.
He tried, but he couldn’t take it any longer. The sudden raspy murmur of Ran’s voice vibrating around his cock sent him over the edge.
“Come for me, Akashi.”
The pressure that had been building in his balls and winding up his loins spilled out of him accompanied by a hoarse groan. Still balls deep in Ran’s mouth, he shot sticky ropes of cum down his throat.
Panting for breath, and holding Ran’s head in place rougher than necessary, he suddenly noticed the jerking motions between his feet. Takeomi yanked Ran off his dick, and caught him jacking himself off. He grabbed his wrist to pull it away and looked into his clouded purple eyes but it was already too late. Pierced nipples hard and pointing at him, hips bucking towards the man between whose legs he knelt, Ran’s spine arched back violently and his load spilled over his stomach and thighs and onto the floor with a loud whimper.
Takeomi also noticed the fully burned down cigarette stub still between his fingers and the ashes scattered on Ran’s back.
Right. Why did he light up a cigarette mid sex again? Oh well. They had staff here to take care of that.
After a quick glance at the mess that Ran Haitani currently was, flushed, half-naked and slumped over the little table to do a line of coke, he got up. Fanning some air onto his skin with his open shirt, the slick-haired man walked over to the sink at the back of the room for a quick wash. It had been a strange night. The last place he’d have expected to end up tonight or any other day of the year was in Roppongi’s very own Ran Haitani. Both his ass and his mouth.
He grimaced to himself with raised eyebrows thinking how he wouldn’t suck a dick that’s been in his ass. Kids these days. Turning off the water tap and drying his hands, Takeomi grinned and lit up a cigarette. What a silly thought. He wouldn’t suck a dick full stop. But a hole was a hole. That much was true.
A tall lithe body pushed past him and stood at the other side of the sink.
“You gonna come again, old man?”
Again Takeomi suddenly noticed the music reaching his ears now but not while they had been busy. He had forgotten about it for quite some time. Now the bass was helping him steady his breath back to normal. Blinking under the smoke wafting into his eyes, Takeomi glanced at the bi-coloured hair that had fallen into Ran’s face aside and leaned over the sink.
“What happens here stays here.”
With that he stuffed 30,000 Yen into the waistband of Ran’s skirt and left.
Takeomi went to the wardrobe first, to pick up his jacket, but it wasn’t here. Damn. He must have left it back at Shiroi Neko. There was still an open discussion to be had with Wakasa about the way he treated a friend coming to his establishments. In hindsight he was lucky that he had all his valuables on him and nothing in his jacket pockets. He nodded to the old geezer again on his way out and noticed the blinking sign above his head advertising “Roppongi’s hottest this way”.
It made him wonder.
There were two Haitani brothers, weren’t there?
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