#Gorilla Glass 5
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vmantras · 9 days ago
Nothing Phone (3a) & Phone (3a) Pro – The Most In-Depth Review
The Nothing Phone (3a) and Phone (3a) Pro continue Nothing’s vision of delivering a unique, premium smartphone experience at a mid-range price. With its signature transparent design, Glyph interface improvements, and AI-powered camera enhancements, the Phone (3a) series aims to compete with the likes of Samsung Galaxy A series, Pixel 7a, and OnePlus Nord 4. Let’s break down every aspect of these…
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gadgetguruarena · 1 year ago
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I am so fucking obsessed with this show *silence follows as no one is surprised*
One of my favorite things is Barrys attitude about Zoom before and after their first fight
Before was “I’ve already fought my nightmare, the reverse flash.” And him being fairly nonchalant. You can even see it in their first interaction directly before the fight— Barry’s confident, cocky even; everything changes after the fight.
Because afterwards “Zoom destroyed me.” (An actual quote from Gorilla warfare) then he was obsessed with beating Zoom as much as if not more than he was with Thawne. Barry literally had flashbacks when trying to run— and it was all solved with one fucking pep talk
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pis3update · 9 months ago
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Gorilla Glass Phones by Dandelion Sprout
"The smartphones that were introduced in The Sims 3: University Life have a tendency to slip, fall and crack if the Sim even looked at their phones funny, resulting in pretty ugly cracking patterns that phones would've been expected to not get particularly often, and which'd look almost scarily ugly when a Sim would post a manual blog post. This gamemod fixes all of that. This gamemod sets up a 3-approach system to prevent phones from cracking: • (When the phone has cracked but the player doesn't want to repair it out of spite) The images and layers that enforce the crack patterns have simply been removed altogether. I feel particularly proud of this part of the gamemod. • (When the phone has cracked but the player doesn't want to spend §150) The repair price has now been set to §0. • (When the phone is entirely intact) The chances of the phone dropping during "Stream Video" or "Browse Web" is now 0%, having previously been an unfairly high 5% during each action.
...continued on MTS."
More Info + Download @ MTS.
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butteredfrogs · 2 years ago
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i've been really enjoying all of the cas challenges recently, and i've been playing a bunch of animal crossing, so i thought why not combine the two and come up with my own little cas challenge! i hope you guys enjoy and feel free to tag me or use the hastag #createavillager so i can see all of your lovely sims
link to a random number generator!
🍃rolls below the cut🍃
Species (1-35, roll once)
1- alligator
2- anteater
3- bear
4- bird
5- bull
6- cat
7- chicken
8- cow
9- cub
10- deer
11- dog
12- duck
13- egle
14- elephant
15- frog
16- goat
17- gorilla
18- hamster
19- hippo
20- horse
21- kangaroo
22- koala
23- lion
24- monkey
25- mouse
26- octopus
27- ostrich
28- penguin
29- pig
30- rabbit
31- rhino
32- sheep
33- squirrel
34- tiger
35- wolf
Personality (1-8, roll once)
1- normal
2- lazy
3- sisterly
4- cranky
5- jock
6- peppy
7- smug
8- your pick
Colour(s) (1-12, roll as many times as you like)
1- white
2- purple
3- pink
4- red
5- orange
6- yellow
7- green
8- blue
9- cyan
10- brown
11- black
12- grey
Random details (1-23, roll as many times as you like)
1- vitiligo
2- scar(s)
3- freckles
4- glasses
5- bright/bold makeup
6- no makeup
7- hetrochromia
8- thick eyebrows
9- thin eyebrows
10- no eyebrows
11- hat/some sort of head accessory
12- hair tied up
13- short hair
14- medium hair
15- long hair
16- bangs
17- acne
18- birthmark
19- jewellery
20- no jewellery
21- long nails
22- short nails
23- body hair
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fairytales-and-folklore · 2 months ago
A Little Less Seventies, A Little More Modern AU
That 70's Show » Jackie x Hyde
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Title: A Little Less Seventies, A Little More Modern AU
Author: fairytalesandfolklore
Fandom: That 70's Show (Masterlist)
Relationship: Jackie Burkhart x Steven Hyde
AO3 Rating: Teen & Up (a complete collection of author's notes, inspiration credits, content warnings and tags can be found on AO3)
Summary: A modern AU where the characters from That 70's Show grew up in the 90's and early 2000's instead.
After creating an account for him, despite his many protests, Jackie gets upset when Hyde won't change his Facebook status to In A Relationship. Hyde says that it's just because he's lazy, and doesn't like labels, and bores Jackie to tears with a rant about cheapening the relationship by broadcasting it on social media, and how hashtags are corrupting his generation.  He eventually compromises by changing his profile photo to one of them kissing under the mistletoe at last year's Christmas party. Worth it for the adorable smile that spreads across Jackie's face.
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1. Hyde hates smartphones. As far as he's concerned, his basic little off-brand flip phone is more than enough. Sure, it's kinda mucked up from sticker residue, and one of the speakers only works if you turn it on its side, and it's being held together by a combination of duct tape and gorilla glue, and it's a bit broken and bent along the edges and scratched to all hell, but hey, it's his little piece of shit phone, and he's kinda grown attached to it. The way he sees it, as long as he can still call someone to come pick him up if his car ever breaks down, or send them a quick text to let them know about a party happening later that night, then he's golden, because that's pretty much all a phone is good for. 
2. That is, until Jackie buys him his first iPhone. Which he promptly drops, two weeks later, in the middle of Eric's driveway. The screen is done for, a series of cracks spiderwebbing out across all four corners, sad little lights blinking feebly from behind the shattered glass. The gang spends a good twenty minutes staring down at it in abject horror. Kelso loses his shit and laughs until he passes out. Donna writes him a eulogy. After that, he doesn't take his phone anywhere without its brand new, super bulky, all-encompassing (hot pink and glittery) Otterbox case.
3. A few days after everyone had relentlessly pestered him to download the app, Hyde concludes that Snapchat is only meant for two things: receiving naughty yet tasteful half-naked photos from your ridiculously hot girlfriend, and sending close-ups of your drunken, hairy ass to your unsuspecting friends, who will definitely need a serious dose of brain bleach after they make the mistake of clicking that annoying little red dot.
4. Jackie buys Hyde an iPod for Christmas one year, and despite her constant badgering, he refuses to get a case for it. But that's only because, after the incident with the iPhone that she will never, ever let him forget for as long as he lives, he babies the fuck out of it. Three years in, and it doesn't have a single scratch. He's quite proud.
5. To Hyde, pop is the death of music, and boy bands make him want to set himself on fire. And no, of course he doesn't merely roll his eyes and battle back a smile whenever Jackie turns up the radio in her car and sings along (badly, so very, very badly) to whatever song she's currently obsessed with.
6. Which reminds him. One time, Jackie played Bye Bye Bye on repeat for a month straight, and Hyde nearly threw her laptop out the window. He has to admit, though, she looks pretty damn fine sleeping next to him in her old N*SYNC concert t-shirt.
7. Jackie is constantly complaining that Hyde is stuck in the 90's, and won't hesitate to use the phrase nineties trash when describing him. Ironic, seeing as how she never fails to go into full-on fangirl mode every time a Spice Girls song plays on the radio, or a Powerpuff Girls rerun airs on Cartoon Network. (Hyde likes Buttercup the best.)
8. Hyde is pretty sure that Furbies are the devil incarnate, a fact that's only proven further the day he finds one buried under a pile of clothes at the bottom of Jackie's closet. Its batteries have long since corroded, and when it speaks, it sounds like an 80-year-old chainsmoker. The damn thing battles him all the way down the garbage disposal.
9. Jackie loves Taylor Swift.
And Starbucks.
And Uggs.
Kill him now.
ETA: her obsession with yoga pants and form-fitting leggings is perfectly fine by him, though.
10. Jackie's usual Starbucks order is so ridiculously complicated that Hyde is pretty sure half the shit she's rattling off to the barista isn't even a real language. Non-fat skinny decaf soy vegan chai latte mocha frap…what the actual fuck? He memorizes it eventually anyway, and surprises her with a…a venti, he thinks they're called…at the end of one of her shifts.
11. Hyde is fairly certain that Jackie would go on a murderous rampage if Starbucks ever ran out of pumpkin spice lattes. (Cue Eric whispering basssssssiiiiiiic whenever she walks in clutching a coffee cup decorated with autumn leaves and smiling pumpkins.)
12. It's tradition for the gang to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas every year on Halloween. It is absolutely not tradition for Hyde and Jackie to dress up as Jack and Sally for the couples' costume contest at the school dance. He doesn't care how short Jackie's dress is, how cool her makeup looks, or how great he might look in that pinstripe suit she'd bought him just for the occasion, he still hates it with a burning passion. He finally stops bitching about it after they win first place, though.
13. Jackie should not be this good at Halo. Seriously. Took her all of three days to beat his kill : death ratio. Still, at least he gets the last laugh every time she presses the wrong button, shoots orange instead of blue, and winds up in an endless loop in Portal, though.
14. Donna and Jackie are pretty much convinced that the only reason the boys watch Game Of Thrones is for the sex scenes. That is, until they realize it's got dragons and badass queens in it. Jackie dresses up like Daenerys for Halloween that year, walks around saying, "You know nothing, Steven Hyde," and won't stop referring to Donna as a wildling.
15. Hyde complains about Firefly and Futurama getting cancelled. Eric has a toy model of Serenity on display in his bedroom that Kelso has broken twice. Fez starts saying, "Bite my shiny metal ass," on the regular. Donna smacks Eric and Hyde in the back of the head every time they call her Leela.
16. Jackie gets extremely disappointed whenever she takes a Which Character From Friends Are You? quiz on Buzzfeed, and doesn't get Rachel.
17. Eric calls everyone who disappoints him a muggle. Jackie glares daggers at Eric every time he refers to her as Voldemort. Hyde still has no idea what the hell a Hufflepuff is.
18. Eric changes the wifi password at least once a week just to fuck with Hyde. He finally stops the day Hyde figures out how to hack into their network and changes the name to Eric Forman's Personal Porn Hub.
19. One time, a debate about how to properly pronounce the word GIF turns into an all-out war, rife with peanut butter smack cam pranks and gift-wrapped cars, which only ends when Red threatens to put a foot in all of their asses. No matter the decade, some things never change.
20. MTV broke Hyde's heart the day they stopped being an actual music channel, and started broadcasting stupid teenage dramas instead. But Jackie adores Teen Wolf, and if curling up beside her and streaming the newest episode will make her happy, then he's willing to suck it up and deal with an hour of cheesy dialogue and excessive shirtlessness. (But if you ever tell anyone that he cried when Allison Argent died, he'll kick your ass.)
21. Hyde binge-watches his way through eleven seasons of Supernatural. Dean Winchester is pretty much his fictional idol, and Eric and Kelso are always fighting over who gets to be Sam (even though Kelso still doesn't get why Hyde keeps calling him Moose.) His shirt collection is comprised almost entirely of plaid flannels now (which Jackie routinely steals and wears as pajamas) and he's been saving up for the past year to buy his own '67 Chevy Impala. Sometimes, Jackie watches it with him, but only because she thinks Jensen Ackles is hot. Mostly, she just curls into his side and steals his popcorn, watches through the gaps between her fingers and buries her face into his chest during the scary parts. Then she claims she has to stay the night, because she's too frightened to drive home and fall asleep by herself. Hyde takes absolutely no issue with this.
22. Jackie Burkhart is the queen of Instagram. At least, that's what she calls herself. There is photographic evidence of nearly every meal she eats, every Starbucks drink she orders, every piece of jewelry, every new pair of shoes, every outfit of the day, every close-up of her pristine cat eye winged eyeliner that's "so sharp it could kill a man," highlighting the flecks of gold in her eyes. 
(And the selfies. Oh my god, the selfies. If Hyde hears the word "selfie" one more time, he's gonna lose his goddamn mind.) 
But mostly, among the digital scrapbook of shopping sprees and poolside or beach-bound humble-brags, there are photos of her and Hyde. Tons of them. Granted, he isn't smiling in the majority of them, and the ones where he is smiling are candid and out of focus. But as much as he makes fun of her for it, as much as he'll pout and protest every time there's a camera phone shoved in his face, he'll never push her away when she wants to take another picture, because…honestly? It's actually kind of nice having someone who cares enough to want to keep taking them. That, and the fact that she's more than willing to show him off to her 2k followers is kind of flattering.
23. The worst day of Hyde's life is the day that Jackie discovers Pinterest. He knows there's a wedding board on there somewhere. He just chooses to ignore it.
24. After creating an account for him, despite his many protests, Jackie gets upset when Hyde won't change his Facebook status to In A Relationship. Hyde says that it's just because he's lazy, and doesn't like labels, and bores Jackie to tears with a rant about cheapening the relationship by broadcasting it on social media, and how hashtags are corrupting his generation. He eventually compromises by changing his profile photo to one of them kissing under the mistletoe at last year's Christmas party. Worth it for the adorable smile that spreads across Jackie's face.
25. One time, Jackie gets a hold of Hyde's phone, scrolls through his contacts, and changes her name to Future Wifey. Five years later, he still hasn't changed it back. Granted, it doesn't need to say future anymore.
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summertrianglee · 7 months ago
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[Image ID:
yo what's her number hahah eeyow! [fuckboy lipbite]: nightseeker 4, dragoon 2, arbalist 4, alchemist with short brown hair and glasses, hexer with short brown hair, necromancer 1
peak character design: medic 5, war magus 2, war magus 5, sovereign 2, sovereign 3, sovereign 4, buccaneer 1, buccaneer 3, medic (eo4) 1, both wanderers, fencer 2, pugilist 4, rover 4, vampire 1, gunner 5, survivalist 5, dark hunter 3, sovereign 5, farmer 4
gas: ronin 5, dark hunter (blonde with red whip), medic 2 (mediko), medic masc redhead, highlander 1 and 2, gladiator 4, gladiator 5, twintailed hoplite, ninja 5, old man monk, farmer 5, shogun 5, nightseeker w the middle part, runemaster 4, fencer 3 (blue hair), dragoon 4, harbinger 3, harbinger 4, necromancer 3, fencer 4
its cute!!! or cool!!!: the blonde survivalists, protector 4, dark hunter 1, medic the masc one with glasses, blonde medic, blonde alchemist (masc), troubadour with orange hair, ronin 1 2 and 4, war magus 2, war magus 3, beast 5 (gorilla), hoplite 1, ninja 2, monk 1, monk 4, zodiac 2, zodiac 3, zodiac 5, arbalist 5, farmer 3, shogun 2, landsknecht (eo4) 3, fortress 2, medic (eo4) 3, the girl arcanists, bushi 1, bushi 4, imperial 3, imperial 4, celestrian race portrait 1 (masc), dragoon 3, pugilists 1 2 and 3, harbinger 1 and 2, warlock 2, rover 1, all masuraos, shaman 3 and 4, botanist 1, hero 1 and 2, beast 3 and 4
it's literally fine: landsknechts 1 3 and 2, survivalist (the masc one who isn't blond), protector 1 2 and 3, black hair alchemist, blonde alchemist (fem), white hair troubadour, both male hexers, jack frost gunner, beast 1 and 2, sniper with short brown hair, landsknecht (red hair), hoplite with the bob, buccaneer 2, ninja 1, ninja 4, monk 5, farmer 1, farmer 2, shogun 1 3 and 4, landsknecht (eo4) 1 2 and 4, fortress 1 and 4, sniper 2, both fem eo4 medics, runemaster 2, bushi 2, imperials 1 and 2, earthlain race portraits, fem celestrian race portrait, brouni race portraits, fencer 1, dragoon 1, warlock 4, rover 2, botanists 2 3 and 4, 2 portraits from mystery dungeon 2 that i dont know
he's onto something, but... but...: gladiator 2, hoplite 5, buccaneer 5, yggdroid 4, dark hunter 5
i dont dislike it but i have Problems with it: war magus 4, zodiac 4, wildlings 1 4 and 3, arbalist 1, yggdroids 1 2 3 and 5, dancer 4, troubadour 5, dancers 1 and 3, bushi 3, vampire 2, arbalist 2
my guilt has a strict "no uggos" policy.: landsknecht 5, troubadour 4, protector 5, ronin 3, gunner 4, gunner (black coat), both masc gladiators, hoplit 3, ninja 3, zodiac 1, arbalist 3, nightseeker with fluffy hair, fortress 3, both masc snipers, sniper 4, both masc runemasters, gunner (green coat), both masc arcanists, both therian race portraits, both masc warlocks, necromancer 4, rover 3, shamans 2 and 1
JAILLLLLL: dark hunter 2 (fem w pink hair), alchemist 5, troubadour 2, hexers 2 and 5, sovereign 1, buccaneer 4, monk 2, wildling 2, wildling 5, nightseeker 2, dancer 2, necromancer 2, heroes 3 and 4
hi story character: flavio, raquna, bertrand, simon, arthur, frederica, chloe, highlander, fafnir knight, arianna
/.End ID]
my large evil tierlist go
notes about bias:
i havent played 1 classic at all, i have played a bit of eo2 classic
i havent played either mystery dungeon
i have played through eo3 multiple times (my favorite), eo4 once, eo5 almost done
no thought given to alt colors unless i remembered them. most of these portraits im really only looking at fully while making this tierlist. Feel free to change my mind with good alt colors
just because i dont like some of these doesnt mean i dont like it when other people use it. it's okay when it's your ocs i just wouldnt use the portrait myself
notes about my rankings:
yggdroids are my favorite class bc fuck yes robots, but i wish their designs were better.
dark hunter 5 is so cute, despite the ranking i would play her
most of the problems tier is that yk the designs play into weird stereotypes (wildling and dancer/troubadour) but the first 2 i just dont like blondes, and the bushi just made me laugh the anime boy cut is too funny...
the tiers are unordered. my all time favorite class portrait EVER is [drumroll please...] arbalist 4 alt color.
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gta-v-drabbles-and-such · 2 years ago
Accidentally meeting Wade.
Gender Neutral, x reader, fluff, cannon typical language, violence and crimes.
The sun rains down harshly over the desert landscape of sandy shores. Working for Trevor Philips Industries has its perks here and there. But the damn sun isn’t one. It’s hotter than a gorillas ass out there and still you’re walking your sweaty ass down to Trevor’s trailer to drop off the monthly income from your “investments”. Inside of a duffel bag you had mountains of cash. Not that you’d get more than a few hundreds from it. Sweat dripping off your forehead you finally saw his beat up truck outside his trailer.
You’d only been working with him for a month, only seen him face to face once. It was horrifying, still it beat working that stupid Burger Shot job. After rubbing your hands on your shirt to rid at least some of the sweat from your palms you reached out to knock on the door. However before you could it swung open smacking you harshly in the face. Knocking you back into the grimy sofa. A soft worried voice slipped out from behind the door.
“Uhh T-Trevor, I think I hit a ghost!” Whoever it was you didn’t recognize the voice. The southern twang and heavy lisp was distinctly not your psychotic Canadian employer. Though as the door slowly moved you could see this man, roughly 26 years old, around 6 feet tall. With ash blonde dreadlocks and enough facial piercings to effectively make airports even more of a nightmare. He wasn’t even paying any attention towards you, mainly looking back at what you could only assume was Trevor.
“Umm Hi? I haven’t met you yet have I? You must be a friend of Trevor’s I imagine?” You question rubbing your head to relieve at least some of the pain.
“Oh shit a person!” He turned to face you as he laid his eyes on you his jaw dropped. “H-hi m’names Wade..” he smiled holding out a hand as Trevor shoved him out of the way, and promptly into the railing.
“Out of the fucking way.” Trevor huffed “ahh Y/n good to see you.” His voice practically burned your ears. “you have the money? Because if not we are going to have a few issues.”
You scramble to sit up holding out the duffel bag. “Yep it’s all right here.” He roughly takes the bag inside letting the door close in your face
“Wait here while I count. If I find out you so much as stepped off this porch you’re dead.” He shouted leaving you with one very flustered Wade.
“Oh, you know Trevor already then! He’s.. Uhmmm.. Trevor. I-I guess” Wade sputtered fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. “Trevor don’t like to tell me when people are gonna come over.” He sat back against the railing “He and Ron don’t let me outta the house often. It’s nice to meet someone.”
You couldn’t help but feel bad for him. Trevor was mean to him, just in the 5 minutes you were here so far. He’s been nearly shoved over a railing and then fully ignored. You smiled moving to stand beside him. As you did he ran his palm up over his nose wiping whatever he managed to collect on his pants. “I don’t really have anything going on later.. maybe I could convince them to let me take you out of the house.” You mentioned.
“REALLY?” He gasped quickly quieting down as Trevor bangs on the glass. “Sorry Trevor, I’d really like that.. if you can convince him. I heard him call you Y/n is that your name?”
“Yep you’re right.” You chuckled “But yeah I’ll do my best to convince him.”
The End (for now)
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hart-on-my-sleeve · 8 months ago
I clipped out the best portions of the commentary for 3 16, but it was also hard not to clip every time Jimmy speaks so um. Welcome to Jimmy being abused by Gorilla for 5 minutes and thirty seconds. :'D
Transcript below:
Gorilla: You wrote the longest title in the history of country western music.  Jimmy: What was that, Gorilla? Gorilla: I Got Hair On My Ears And My Glasses Are Slipping Down But I Can Still See Through You, Baby. Jimmy: Cute, real cute.  Gorilla: Was that one of yours? Jimmy: Of course it wasn’t one of my records, man!
Gorilla: Unlike some of your fellows, they look for openings like that.  Jimmy: You better believe it. Kick ‘em when they’re up, kick ‘em when they’re down, baby. That’s the Hart Foundations’ motto. 
Jimmy: You have got an open invitation, Gorilla, always to come to Memphis Tennessee - My hometown, Honky Tonk’s home town because everybody knows right now Honky Land USA is going up by the seconds that we talk, baby. They’re building a big monument for Honky Tonk Man. I’ll even send our special plane - The Honky Tonk Marie - to pick you up, baby.  Gorilla: How about Peggy Sue? Can you send her to pick me up? Jimmy: WELL. Well. Peggy Sue has got a lot of things to do down there. We’ve got the Honky Land USA restaurant that we’re having Honky Burgers.  Gorilla: Oh Please -  Jimmy: Yanno a lot of kids too, they scream at Honky man and say he uh, wears grill(?) cream. It’s not grill cream, we use Honky Cream on his hair. 
Jimmy: Well I’ll tell ya, he might be one for one when this match is over with cuz it looks like ol’ SD is in a lotta trouble tonight, baby! Gorilla: It would have to be one for two. He’s O’ for one now.  Jimmy: If he’s O’ for one now, that would be one for one wouldn't it? Wouldn’t he win one and lose one, Gorilla? Gorilla: No.  Jimmy: Whaddaya mean no?! Gorilla: It’d be one win for two matches. One for two.  Jimmy: SEE!! angy noises  Gorilla: How do they count down there in Memphis anyway? Jimmy: *in the most dejected tone* ………………we count by honky numbers…. Gorilla: I guess so…
Gorilla: Talkin’ about guys that are overweight, the Anvil seems to be resemble that- Jimmy: *high pitched screm* OOOuhggH! There you go again!!! You better get off the Anvil’s case! Ima tell you somethin’ Gorilla, you’re gonna be in a lot of trouble cuz Ima tell ya, Ima tell the Anvil when I see him again- Gorilla: How can I be in trouble? 
Jimmy: That first punch that SD threw was below the Mason Dixon line, baby, that was a little bit below the belt, Gorilla.  (A/N: Oh so the Mason Dixon line thing is actually a thing he says. HM. Unfortunately the only other place I’ve heard him say this so far is uh… well not WWF lol.)
Gorilla: How about the bird man, Koko? He dances. Jimmy: Hah, come ON! Come on man, the bird man - He’s a square, he’s a nerd, man. 
Gorilla: Just a minute ago you said the referee was doing a great job - now you’re on his case. Jimmy: Now waitaminute - you’re the one who’s saying he’s doing a great job. I didn't say he was doing a great job. 
Jimmy: That’s right, you can call me the Colonel, you can call me the Mouth of the South, Gorilla, as long as ya call me somethin’, baby.  (A/N: WhAT?!?!)
Jimmy: I can be anything I wanna be! What do you mean what right do I have to be a Colonel? Gorilla: I tell ya, you could never be a big guy, i tell ya that.  Jimmy: Well maybe not that either. I only weigh 159 pounds, Gorilla. But yanno, like i said before, I’m a little bit tougher than you think I am, Gorilla. 
Jimmy: Well yanno, that’s your opinion. Gorilla: No, that’s the opinion of a lotta people!
Jimmy: Well, you know what, I knew that you’d probably grab the thing and try to run off with it and take it away from me that’s why I didn’t bring it out here.  Gorilla: I wouldn’t have run off with it.  Jimmy: I know, you’dda probably try to break it. >:I Gorilla: Youdda been wearin’ it! Jimmy: *angry laugh* Cute, real cute, Gorilla. 
Jimmy: This karate, this kung fu, this jujitsu- whatever it is, it’s illegal in wrestling.  Gorilla: Why? Because none of your guys do it? Jimmy: *high pitched squeaking* We can do it if we wanna do it, Gorilla.
Gorilla: Certainly would make an interesting combo. Jimmy: Yeah, the Laurel and Hardy of professional wrestling. (A/N: The way he says Laurel was just cute... stfu.)
Gorilla: How long has it been, Mouth? Jimmy: Well yanno, time flies by when you’re having fun- Gorilla: Couple of years now? 2 3 4 years? Jimmy: It's been about 2 and a half years, Gorilla.  Gorilla: About 2 years too long I think.  Jimmy: CUTE CUTE. REAL CUTE. 
Gorilla: Kicked right where the ramus of the mandible articulates with the mandibula fossil of the temporal bone.  Jimmy: -_- Can you repeat that one time? Gorilla: Well you get kicked right behind the ears is where it happens.  Jimmy: thank you. 
Gorilla: Got some tattoos on him as well, McDonald does. Mightta been in the Navy perhaps? Merchant marines? Or just seemed like a good idea some Saturday Night? Jimmy: Well maybe it’s a little of both- Gorilla: You got any tattoos? Jimmy: Of course I don’t have any tattoos. It’s too painful to get a tattoo put on ya. You think I’m that crazy?!
Jimmy: He’s telling the referee right now, the guy pulled his trunks - which he did. Now tell me you didn’t see it. Gorilla: I did not see it.  Jimmy: I knew you were gonna say that! Gorilla: Well you told me to say I did not see it. Didn’t you say ‘tell me I did not see that’? Jimmy: You know Gorilla, you’re getting me so confused out here. It’s no wonder why I’m eatin’ my fingernails down to my elbows, man. 
Jimmy: *laughs giddily* I love it, I love it!! 
Gorilla: Who was it that said that “Man has to know his capabilities?” Jimmy: I think I heard it somewhere, I don’t know who said it.  Gorilla: It was Clint Eastwood. (Drop kick, he nailed him with it!)  Jimmy: You mean Dirty Harry himself, huh.  Gorilla: Yes. The mayor, no less.  Jimmy: *mocking, not impressed* Ooh. 
Jimmy: Telephone, telegraph, and tele-Gorilla Monsoon. You think I’m actually gonna tell you? Gorilla: You don’t know, do you. Jimmy: NO whaddaya mean- maybe I do know!! Maybe I don’t know! But I’m not gonna tell you either way, Gorilla!!
Jimmy: But it’s also illegal, iddinit Gorilla? Gorilla: No it isn’t. You have a 5 count after you make the tag to get outta there. Jimmy: But he had a 7 count or 8 count on it, man!  Gorilla: Oh you have a stopwatch? Jimmy: I coulda gone out and got a pizza!
Jimmy: Yanno, Spivey is a pretty big boi.  Gorilla: He certainly is. Hate to have to pay for his groceries.  Jimmy: *giggles*
Jimmy: 5-6- 7- see 7 count right there!  Gorilla: You started at 5! Jimmy: WhaDAYA mean I started at 5, Gorilla! Gorilla: You’re supposed to start at 1! Jimmy: I did start at one!!! See you’re just not listening to me, man.  Gorilla: You’re right there, I’m trying not to.  Jimmy: Yanno you’re gonna be sorry one day, Gorilla, you’ve insulted me for the last time. baby.  Gorilla: No, you’re mistaken, I’ve got a lot more insults comin’ at your- directed your way. 
Gorilla: 5- 6- 7- 8- 9-10-11! Look at that! Almost a 20 count for him to get outta the ring! Jimmy: *sassy* But you started on 10. Gorilla: I started on 5 like you did. 
Jimmy: Yanno, it’s not my fault that I wasn’t big enough to be a professional wrassler.  Gorilla: You coulda been one of the great midget wrestlers.  Jimmy: Whaddaya mean midget wrestlers!!!
Jimmy: Yanno Gorilla, you're talking about wrestling though - I’ll tell you what I would like to do one day really. I would like to challenge Moolah for the Woman’s Heavyweight Championship belt.  Gorilla: She’d clean your clock for you, for sure.  Jimmy: There is no way. The only thing holding her up is her varicose veins. You know, I know it, and the people know it, baby.
Jimmy: Well see that shows how stupid Spivey really is, man. No wonder he can’t get a partner. No one wants to be with somebody that dumb.  (This is just after Mike leaves too… hm.)
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sunshineraindrops · 1 year ago
My TS4 CAS CC/Mods Part 1
Hello to whoever's reading this! I'm prettty new to TS4 and i've been loving CCs and mods lately. I figured out that I should at least make like a masterlist to have everything collated in one place where I can continuously update it.
So here are some great stuffs that I found! Would be great if you guys could share some of your fav cc/mods as well. Thanks!
Feels like summer by Arethabee
Girls girls girls by Arethabee
Komfy by Arethabee
Long Scarf by Gorilla X3
Nuit Jewelry by Oydis
Stellar Earrings by Anessasims
Necklace 10 by Bobur3
Bare Hoop Earrings by Christopher 067
Butterfly Feeling Set by LeahLillith
Libellule and Papillon Glasses Duo
Y2K Headphones by Simgirlz
Female Top/Skirt/Pants/Dress/Set:
Ella Default Bra + Panty by ellcrze
Jessica Dress by Kumikya
Hot Girl Summer by Arethabee
Feels like summer by Arethabee
Girls girls girls by Arethabee
AxA Alt by aharris00britney
The Slasher by greenllamas
Random Set 5 by Miro
Riley Cardigan by Oakiyo
Sydney Top by Oakiyo
Sweather Weather by Oakiyo x QICC
Urban Eco Mini Set by simcelebrity00
Strap and Layered Dress by Sudal&Sims
Sadness Fairycore Sweater by Babyetears
Paradise Trousers by AdrienPastel
Levitation Dress by AdrienPastel
Milena Outfit by babyetears
Puffer with mini dress by Babyetears
Fall Breeze Dress by Blacklily
Bliss Dress by Christopher067
Grigio Girls Lace Top by Cubersims
Bell Bottom Jeans by Euno
Butterfly Frill Dress & Top by Euno
Daisy Dress by Gisheld
Zip Hoodie/Sally Skirt by Korkassims
Long Tube Skirt by Luxy Sims
Yelena Set by Madlen
Energy Set by Miiko
Leslie Set by Maxis Match
Holly Pants by pixeluniverse
Sulani Swimwear by Renorasims
Midnight Out by Serenity
Euphoria by Serenity
Naomi Matching Set by Simpliciaty
Mauve Swimsuit by sundialsims
Wave Bikini by Trillyke
Simsa Star by Trillyke
Taffy Dress by TwistedCat
Cutout Tops by TwistedCat
Rainy day by Trillyke
Male Top/Pants/etc.
Softe Part 2 Underwear replacement by grimcookies
Basic Sweather by Gorilla
April 2022 Collection by QICC
PRADA Nylon Pocket T-shirt Set by RonaSims
SP34 Sweatshirt Conversion by AdrienPastel
Aquarius Collection by nucrests
Blue Moon Puffer Jacket Set by nucrests
Hot Cropped T-Shirt by Plbsims
Sloppy Tuck Jersey by Cement
Ethan jacket by MarySims
cerulean by boonstow
CC Pack - Feb 2021 by darte77
Denim on Denim Look by marsmerizingsims
[Continuously updating - more to come!]
Part 2, Part 3
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thebibliomancer · 3 months ago
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Universe X #5
We’ve got some Micronauts. I’m still surprised and alarmed that they’re part of Universe X’s big picture.
Although, here they are called the Ant Men.
Huh. Weren’t Scott Lang and his daughter stowed away in Tony’s refurbished Red Ronin armor? I guess they died when he tried to fight the Celestials. That’s depressing.
So red guy is Ant Man, son of Marionette and Arcturus Rann. I guess he named the team after himself.
Bug is the green one. Fun fact: the 616 version was in the Guardians of the Galaxy. Marionette is glowy, golden light woman. Neutron is the one who has the tall, conical head. Proton is the egg shaped one. Spartak is orange and has the crested helmet. And Spidra is upside down woman with all the hair.
Did you need to know their names? No and neither did I.
You’re welcome.
We’re following up from the Cap Special here so we start with Captain America’s funeral, held in the ruins of Washington DC and the grave of American democracy.
Wyatt Wingfoot, Cap’s former partner Redwing, gives the eulogy, calling Steve an unknown soldier, not really understood by the people he spent his life protecting.
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So things are grim.
Not helped by funeral drama.
Redwing blows up at Lil Mar-Vell when various heroes offer to take up Cap’s role in guarding him on his quest. As far as Wyatt is concerned, Mar-Vell caused Cap’s death. By dragging him around on some weird quest and not being able to save him despite saying he has cosmic consciousness.
Also, Unpersoned Loki tries to start off on a new page with Thor but of all approaches chooses a flirty one.
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I kind of want to roll up a newspaper and give Loki a smack.
The Tong of Creel attacks Windsor Castle to claim another piece of Absorbing Man.
King Captain Britain has impressive forces to throw at the problem. Himself, riding a Dragon Man. The Union Jacks. The Iron Avengers. Medusa. The new Black Widow, on loan from Russia. The new Black Knight/Prince of the Inhumans.
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King Britain is more than equipped to kick the Tong of Creel’s ass in a straightforward fight. But while he’s doing one of those, someone sneaks behind the lines and just swipes the chest of Absorbing Man.
Dammit but that’s embarrassing. You know these guys are after the pieces. You know that they tend to swipe them in the chaos of battle. You should have prepared a better place for it than a glass display case! Throw it into the Sun!
Meanwhile, Mar-Vell and new protectors Venom, Thor, the circus X-Men, gorilla Hulk and child Bruce, and half-on-fire Namor go to HELL.
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The Human Engineering Life Laboratory.
Acronyms are fun.
Home to the Prometheus Pit, once the entrance to the Microverse or Subatomica.
Mar-Vell needed to come here to get Psycho-Man’s Emotio-Caster. And he finds that the Prometheus Pit is clogged with some weird, organic matter.
The Ant Men are finally relevant to the story because they pop up to exposit everything. Well, Nighthawk got the opening exposition dump about Microverse stuff, too.
In the far off future, Prince Wayfinder finds a sentient sword embedded in a star that leads him to Earth of the distant past and created the subatomic world for him and his people to live on. The sword also imbued him with the Enigma Force, making him the first Captain Universe.
When Wayfinder died, the Enigma Force passed down to his descendant Arcturus Rann. But when Psycho-Man got tired of the Fantastic Four kicking his ass, he conquered his own home the Microverse, using his Emotio-Caster to fill people with fear, doubt, and hate. He even influenced Marionette to kill her own husband Rann.
The Enigma Force that was in him passed into the Realm of Death instead of choosing a new, living host and chose Dead Mar-Vell.
That’s the big inciting event for Mar-Vell’s side of the plot. That’s why he’s suddenly making moves despite having been dead for a long while.
When all hope was lost to save the Microverse from Psycho-Man, Ant Man and his Ant Men chose scorched earth. They evacuated through the Prometheus Pit and then had Man-Thing clog it up so nobody else could escape. Literally scorched. All who know fear burn at the Man-Thing’s touch.
The Microverse was on borrowed time. It was created and sustained by the Enigma Force. When that Force died with Rann, the world it created began falling apart.
The last of the Enigma Force that had been in the Microverse then went back in time and empowered the last survivor of the previous universe.
Yes, that’s right. In Universe X, Galactus and the Microverse share the same origin.
It gets betterworse, depending on your tolerance for this arc welding. Aaron Stack, the new Watcher, speculates that it wasn’t the sword that gave Wayfinder power and created a world for him, it was the star the sword was stuck into. And Galactus’ ultimate fate was to be turned into a star. Therefore, we have a bootstrap paradox time loopy.
The Enigma Force creates Galactus who gets turned into a star which creates the Enigma Force and the Microverse, which eventually collapses and sends its last energy back in time to create Galactus.
I don’t have to like it but I do have to respect Earth X and its sequels conspiracy board with yarn between various things “it’s all connected!” approach.
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Neutron yanks the Emotio-Caster out of the mess for Mar-Vell, which finally collapses whatever remained of Subatomica and Man-Thing.
Venom asks what Mar-Vell needs the emotion controlling device for and he says he wants to make people happy.
Nobody seems to find this alarming or ominous!
Maybe because he bolded happy. I feel that given the device in question the emphasis should have been on “make people happy.”
So much of this quest is Mar-Vell gathering up dangerous items and going “just trust me, bro” and people do!
Also, Mr S (Cyclops) realizes that he can communicate with Phoenix in the Realm of the Dead through their psychic rapport.
In perhaps the only significant characterization that the new X-Men have gotten so far, Charmer is upset about that because she has a crush on Scott.
And while pondering the Galactus-Enigma Force ouroboros, Aaron Stack goes and digs up the Supreme Intelligence from beneath the surface of the Moon, like he’s been talking about doing for a while, and sits on him.
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Five issues, an issue 0, and three specials in. And still not a really concrete idea of where we’re going with this.
Aaron at least decides to go talk to Nighthawk soon. I’m glad for him. Going out and talking to new people instead of pondering the multiverse and letting Uatu yell at him.
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gadgetguruarena · 1 year ago
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commitchanges · 1 year ago
As technology progresses, and as machines become more ergonomic, I can't help but feel that we've lost our appreciation for the beauty of creation, and the respect towards the immense forces at play in these machines.
I visited the railway museum today and had the thought while waddling between steam locomotives; titanic masses of steel, wrought to serve the will of man after hundreds and thousands of collective hours of fabrication alone. Wild machines in which were used to tame the forces of nature, but yet still possessed the bestial will common to all of gods creations.
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Mechanical joints, intricate pipes, infinite rivets, laid bare for one to see. These commanded wonder for the dedication of man. Relentless power harnessed from nature commanded respect for the power of machine.
The engineer operates the machine through primitive interfaces.
Opening and closing valves of the creature's circulatory system.
Shoveling coal directly into its flaming belly.
Looking ahead by leaning out the side of the cabin.
This is a beast of a machine where the human is both the most important component, but paradoxically an afterthought.
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Now I'm not saying that this is comfortable or preferred by any means. I'd take the present day mech piloting paradigm of air conditioned lounge room over this any time. But with this ergonomic and minimalist design, we've also began to lose respect for The Machine.
Respect for The Machine isn't just a thing I made up here. As part of employee training, JR West used to require certain employees to crouch in a service ditch as a Shinkansen passed over head at over 300kph. Objectively terrifying, but also extremely effective at allowing one to feel the power of a 400m long 700ton aluminum tube traveling up to half the speed of sound.
The lack of respect for The Machine can be seen in how we go about our day to day. For those of us who drive, we hop into finely tuned machines consisting of thousands of moving pieces, and we take it for granted that we expect it to work. We use magical black rectangles which allow us to talk to the other side of the planet in milliseconds. And behind the sleek, streamlined veil, is a delicate ballet of electrons and metal, with not even a slight demand for attention or appreciation.
This effortlessness of use of technologies, coupled with design language comparable to Orwellian Newspeak results in us, as humans, struggling to viscerally understand the power and complexity of our own creations. Our lizard brain is just not capable of it.
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Technology used to command your attention. Computers used to scream before connecting to the internet. Cameras used to hiss, tick and click. Telephones used to require at least three humans in the right place to operate. All these things are now abstracted and automated away for ease of use, and hidden away for ease of mind, and so; we take it for granted. As a result, the lizard brain thinks technology is simple. But now, one must peel back the Corning® Gorilla® Glass 5 to see the same arcane wizardry, artfully crammed into a portable rectangle. The culmination of human ingenuity.
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Something about this disrespect for technology feels analogous to approaching wild animals without caution; like touching an irukandji jellyfish. Like the seamless and harmless looking jellyfish, magical technologies like Tesla Full Self-Driving lure us to approach it without caution. We place our lives in its its flawed, mechanical hands, and when it fails, we are met with it being "intended to be used only with a fully attentive driver".
OECD published a study in 2016 with regards to the international job-related skills. Of which they found that 69% (nice) were only capable of very simple tasks on a computer; and this is just computer literacy! Completely ignoring whether or not the person has an understanding of how a computer functions. This, I would personally would say, is very concerning given how integrated into our lives technology is becoming.
Minimalist design language not only leads us to be unaware of the hidden complexity, but also being uninterested. Unable to fathom the miracle of microscopic connections and diodes that lie milliliters below the the sleek glass exterior. None of the complexity to appreciate the craftsmanship. None of the teeth that the lizard brain would perceive as dangerous.
In the 80's, science communication was at the very least, a critical criteria in the decisions made in the pursuit of science. That whether or not it was to be Big Bird on the Challenger space shuttle, or some other educational figure. Where computers laid their internals bare to let you know "I'm serious business". There's something about it which gives you an appreciation for the complexity.
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I think it's the same lack of appreciation which leads people recklessly to AI art. To self driving cars. To touching the irukanji jellyfish.
Undervaluing the process. Pursuing only the results. Unaware of the terms and conditions of service. Leading us to casually make dangerous decisions.
Ultimately, we are all weird apes with weird quirks; gifted with the double edged sword of creation. We swing it where we want, creating whatever we like. However, we have the ability to manipulate our environment beyond what our lizard brains evolved to understand. Thus, if we are going to create beyond the lizard brain's understanding, we should perhaps invest in understanding it instead.
All in all, technological advancement is inevitable. Accessibility of technology to the masses is good. But, we spent all this time and effort, tricking rocks into doing math; building our Tower of Babel. It's odd that we're not investing in some buttresses as well.
This writeup was inspired in part by @gallusrostromegalus and a conversation I had with @shitmynamewastoolong
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hopegillespie72 · 5 months ago
Have you ever heard of Monkey Butter?
With only five ingredients, this was simple to make and even better to eat.
5 medium-size perfectly ripe bananas (no brown spots), 20 oz. can of crushed pineapple – not drained, 1/4 cup coconut, 36 teaspoon Stevia or 3 cups of white sugar, 3Tbsp bottled lemon juice
To start, peel and slice the bananas and then put them into a large pot. Add the rest of the ingredients and put on the stove to bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
After bringing to a boil, lower to a simmer and cook until thickened, still stirring constantly. I was worried that maybe the bananas were going to stay in huge slices but after cooking, they were reduced down into a jam texture. mmm……
When properly thickened, spoon the mixture into sterilized glass jars and let cool. At this point in the recipe, this jam can just be refrigerated and will keep for approx 4-6 weeks. The lemon juice in the recipe will keep the bananas fresh. But once your family tries it, it might not last that long.
Or after putting the jam in the jars, you can seal the jars with sealing lids and rings and process in a water bath for 15 minutes. Just a note that if you process the jam in this method, it will turn out to be a little pink instead of the mellow yellow colour.
Of course, I couldn’t wait until this completely cooled before taking a taste and… and… Oh. My.Word. This is crazy good! Like monkeys swinging from the rafters good. Like Gorilla pounding on their chest good. Like…okay..I know…that’s enough!
Just a warning that it is on the sweet side, but crazy good. I’m thinkin’ I’m putting this on PB&J’s, english muffins and even over ice cream. I know that your family will go “Ape” over this Monkey Butter!
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celosindion · 2 years ago
Washington knife.
type: one shot
Pairing: Cole Cassidy x m!reader (Cowboys >>>)
Warning: struggle, pain, loss of consciousness, weakness, aches, healing, support, first aid, rest, spending time with a crush, mentions of injuries,
Summary: The fight in Sector Zero doesn't end well for you. You return to the base badly injured, but despite the pain, some man is terribly worried about you
words - 1921
signs/characters - 10600
sentences - 201
How did you get here? Since when are you here? How long have you known these people? How long have you been an Overwatch member? Your only answer... is that you've been here with them since you were a child.
You remember nothing but the Overwatch base and its members. You've only heard stories from the oldest members that you were a homeless orphan of great power. The heroes during the mission took pity on you and provided help. They took you with them. Since then, you've trained with them, developed, learned, and practiced the control of your power. These people were like family to you. You kind of adored them, but you still felt a longing for something you'd never experience again. Your own family. You won't have a father who asks you to help with some knitting, you won't have a mother who asks you to bring groceries home, you won't have siblings with whom you would argue over trifles.
Still, you were grateful for your current family. These people have taught you that even if you hit rock bottom, you have to pick yourself up and bounce back. They taught you to be a tough man who can take care of himself, not to mourn losses, because such losses can devastate a person mentally as well as physically.
But what was your power? Well, you can control the air, the wind in every way. You can shoot streaks of wind at your opponent so strong and sharp that they can even kill them. Your friends laugh that you are the missing second lord of the wind, Aang's brother.
But it wasn't the laughter that changed you... It only took one battle...
You felt your mind drifting away. All sounds stopped reaching your ears. You stopped having any awareness, you weren't sure if you were falling asleep, if the method of meditation that Hanzo gave you was working. You didn't even remember how you posed to meditate, you couldn't even feel your limbs.
- Y/N! - You were snapped out of your meditation by a low voice that you knew very well. Anyone who has ever worked at an Overwatch facility would recognize that voice. Winston.
You lazily opened your eyes and looked at the scientist. You felt sleepy. So you did fall asleep. You really need to work on this method.
- Yes, Winston? - You slowly got up off the mat and straightened up. You slowly began to stretch your muscles and limbs. The gorilla pushed his glasses up his nose and walked heavily over to you. He sighed and looked at you with worried eyes. Something happened and he wasn't happy about it. It's common knowledge that if Winston is worried about something, it's wrong.
- Sector Zero. - He paused for a moment, as if considering the right choice of words. - Secto Zero attacked Washington. The number of opponents is huge. We need everyone. You too. - He paused looking at you. He, as well as you, knew that you were not yet experienced. Yes, you've been on a few missions before, but they were less important.
You nodded. This is your 5 minutes now! After your confirmation, the gorilla left the room and went to prepare the plane and gather the other members. Your tight turtleneck and sweatpants have been replaced with a special suit. It was gray with gold stripes. After getting dressed, you quickly left.
You went to the hangar where all the planes and other vehicles were. You were right, there was the rest. Your outing party included Mei, Treacer, Mercy, Winston, Lucio, Brigitte, Cassidy and Reinhardt. Cole immediately winked at you. There was a slight smile on his lips. You gave them a quick smile. You got on the plane. So it's going to be a big fight.
During the flight the weather changed dramatically. The sunny sky was replaced by thick, dark storm clouds. Perfect for this occasion. You had your eyes closed. You listened to the conversations of people from the team and the roar of the plane's engines.
You opened your eyes as soon as you heard a grunt. Your eyes met dark cowboy irises. He gave you a reassuring smile and nodded. - It'll be fine, dove.
You nodded and replied quickly. - Of course it will. We will win. As always. - The man just snorted and put the unlit cigar in his mouth. You and Cole had a strange bond. You were close, you practically never parted, and yet you were afraid to get close to each other in this one particular way.
-Just take care of yourself, little swallow. - He added more quietly. You just nodded your head in agreement. Some of you at Overwatch said you were flirting with each other. You frolic at night, but it wasn't true. Maybe you just didn't want to get close to each other because you were afraid of the other person's opinion?
- We're going to land! - The pilot's voice came over the speakers. It's time to get ready. You turned your head so that the bones in your neck snapped. You did the same with your arms and back. As soon as you landed, you got up and waited for the hatch to open so you could exit the plane.
The hatch opened and you stepped out. Nothing happened to meet you. Not a single robot. You started looking around. Maybe it was a false alarm?
- Something's not right here. - Said worried Mei.
- Yes... Something is wrong here. - You answered.
However, you didn't have to wait long. An army of robots emerged from the building opposite. You were in the big square. The robots started firing, and you did not owe. You engaged in combat. Everyone was focused on a common task. Stop Zero Sector.
You didn't do well. The robots kept coming, and you were only a handful. The fact that it started raining didn't help either.
Still, for your first serious fight, you did great. You pushed back attackers, crushed them with a blast of air, even managed to cut a few in half!
Sometimes you glanced at others. You helped them sometimes. In time, you ran into Cole. You destroyed the robot that was about to attack him, and Cassidy destroyed the one that was about to attack you.
- You're doing well, candy! - He laughed. Of course, old Cole.
- You too, old man! For an old bastard, you haven't rusted! - At your words, he laughed loudly.
- Yes, sure, sure. Never mind, take care rookie! See you later! - And with that you split up again.
You fought bravely and fiercely for a while until you heard a loud scream.
You immediately turned your head to look for the source of the sound. And you found. It was a little girl, scared, huddled in the corner of the bench. One of the robots was approaching her. Seeing this scene brought back memories to you. You were small when you lost your parents in the fight, you wandered the streets alone, people spurned you because of your power. However, in one of the fights, it was Overwatch that took you in. Anger welled up in you. You will not let the same or anything else happen to this girl now. Air swirls formed around your hands, your eyes faded. You let out a horribly loud scream and threw your hands out in front of you. Great gusts of air scattered all the robots in front far away. It all took a moment, but it felt like an eternity.
You dropped your hands and walked over to the girl. She looked at you with wide eyes, breathing heavily. You accidentally choked her with some air. - Hey, hey. Easy now. You're in no danger, little one. You raised your hands in a reassuring gesture.
- My name is Y/N. Y/N L/N. - You smiled slightly which she returned. The moment was cut short by Cole's terrified scream.
- Y/N watch out!
All you did was turn around. All you saw was a robot swinging a large blade. After that, you just felt a lot of pain. You looked down and saw a torn costume and underneath it a wound stretching from the chest to the left hip. All you heard was the muffled scream of the girl you saved. The cold air and raindrops touched the ribs and insides exposed by the wound. the rain mixed with blood began to run down your belly and legs until it formed a large bloodstain beneath you.
You started feeling weak. You didn't know if it was because of the wound or from the wound itself. Your vision began to blur. You've been losing too much blood in a short time.
Your legs gave out under you, you didn't even have the strength to raise your arms. So this is how you're going to die? Killed on your first major mission? Will you leave everyone like this? Will you leave Mei with whom you were promised to Mochi? Will you leave Mercy who was like an aunt or mother to you? Will you leave the Cole Cassidy you loved so much? Maybe you need to. Maybe it had to happen.
The last thing you felt was your head hitting the hard floor of the square.
-Y/N? Y/N! - Muffled voices began to reach your ears. You laboriously opened your eyes. The blurred world began to return to normal. You've regained your focus. You propped yourself up on your elbows, but a slender hand pushed you back onto the bed.
- Don't get up yet, big guy. You're too weak. - You recognized Mercy's voice. She was leaning over you. She was checking your vital signs on the machines. - You gave us quite a scare.
- How long was I unconscious? - You managed to ask. Your throat was so dry you bet it was nothing but desert. You swallowed and coughed.
- You've been sleeping for exactly four weeks.
- What about the girl? - You asked. At your question, Mercy laughed and gave a pitying look.
- Really? You slept four weeks and you're asking this?
- What about her. - You didn't give up. You had to find out if that little soul was okay.
- She's safe, don't worry. You have water here, by the way. - The woman handed you a glass of water, which you drank greedily. You handed her the cup back with a soft sigh. -By the way, there's a gentleman who, as soon as he hears you waking up, can't wait to talk to you. - She gave you a knowing smile and left. You just rolled your eyes. While you were waiting for your new guest, you lifted the heavy quilt. The sight you saw... You gasped. From the middle of your chest to your hips, there was metal in the colors of your costume.
- Shit...
- Y/N? - A voice suddenly rang out. Your cowboy.
- Now I'm like you old man. - You laughed slightly. Your throat still hurts a bit. Cole sat down on the stool next to your bed and laughed softly.
- You know.. You scared us. Everyone. Me too... - You immediately noticed tears gathering in Cassidy's eyes, ready to cascade down his handsome face.
- Don't be afraid cowboy anymore. I'm safe.
- Y/N I... I was so scared that I lost you... Dove... I love you. - The last sentence escaped hoarsely from his mouth. He was exhausted, and it didn't help that he was probably stressed out about it all. But now you are with him.
- Yes, I love you too, old man... We have to catch up.
I FINISHED! I tried my best to write it. I think I could have done it :)
Please don't copy my works!
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govindhtech · 6 months ago
Samsung Galaxy A56: Best Smartphone Performance In 2025
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Samsung Galaxy A56
As development news breaks, the Samsung Galaxy A56 is gaining popularity in the smartphone industry. Designed to succeed the Galaxy A series, this gadget is expected to outperform even Samsung’s top models. Mid-range smartphones will be transformed by the Galaxy A56’s speed, efficiency, and user experience. It is the most anticipated specifications and why it’s worth the wait.
Galaxy A56 Features
New mid-range smartphone standard
The Galaxy A56 continues Samsung’s legacy of quality features at an accessible price. Samsung looks to be pushing the limits even further, providing the A56 with high-performance specs that might compete with flagship handsets.
Strong Processor Upgrade
Due to its speculated Exynos 1480 processor, the A56 outperforms its predecessor, the Exynos 1280 in the A54. The new Exynos 1480 improves multitasking, processing performance, and power efficiency. It is octa-core CPU handles intense operations smoothly, so you can stream, game, or manage many apps.
Samsung may possibly provide a Snapdragon 7 Gen 2 model for adaptable usage in various areas. With its high performance and power economy, this processor makes the Galaxy A56 a powerful mid-range competitor.
Memory and storage upgrades
Samsung will upgrade RAM and storage with the A56. There are significant reports that the basic model will have 6GB of RAM, although an 8GB edition may be available for intense workloads. Users may choose 128GB or 256GB internal storage, extendable via microSD up to 1TB. Users need flexibility, and this gives programs, images, movies, and files plenty of space.
Huge Speeds
Today’s digital world requires 5G, which the Galaxy A56 provides. The A56 is fantastic for streaming, gaming, and video conferencing due to dual-mode 5G download and upload rates. The A56 will keep people connected at fast speeds worldwide as 5G spreads.
Beautiful AMOLED Display
The Galaxy A56‘s 6.5-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED display with deep blacks, bright colors, and superb contrast. The A56 will maintain Samsung’s display superiority with its immersive display. A 120Hz refresh rate assures clean images and minimal motion blur, giving the screen a luxury feel normally seen in higher-end devices.
Amazing Camera Setup
Smartphone cameras matter, and the Galaxy A56 may include quad cameras. Speculation implies a 50MP primary sensor, 12MP ultra-wide, 5MP macro, and 5MP depth sensor. This configuration enables for wide-angle vistas and close-ups.
The 50MP main camera offers great low-light performance, quicker focusing, and sharper images. AI advancements provide pro-level photography without a flagship smartphone. Quality selfies and video calls with 32MP camera.
Samsung Galaxy A56 may utilize 5,000mAh battery
Smartphone customers appreciate battery life. Power-efficient Exynos or Snapdragon chipsets and large batteries should last all day for gaming and streaming. The A56 is include 25W rapid charging for quick phone usage. As usual for Samsung’s A-series, this mid-range device won’t include wireless charging.
Android/One UI Integration
As predicted, the Samsung Galaxy A56 will come with Android 14 and One UI 6. With capabilities to boost productivity and customization, Samsung’s One UI is seamless and user-friendly. One-handed mode, Edge Panels, and extensive privacy settings make the A56 a versatile tablet for casual and experienced users.
Samsung Knox, the company’s unique security technology, will provide improved protection to secure your data. With regular software updates and security fixes, the A56 will endure for years.
Smooth Design and Quality
Samsung designs are known for their quality, so the Galaxy A56 should look great. Corning Gorilla Glass 5 front and back makes the phone look fantastic and endure longer. This thin device with curved edges is easy to grasp and will come in numerous colors for design and function.
Keeping its IP67 dust- and water-resistant designation makes the A56 more durable for daily usage in varied conditions.
Samsung Galaxy A56 Price
Final Thoughts: Mid-Range Powerhouse Galaxy A56
The A56 is turning out to be one of the most powerful and adaptable mid-range smartphones with its astonishing variety of high-performance capabilities. Its powerful Exynos 1480 CPU, 120Hz AMOLED display, quad-camera system, 5G connection, and big battery make the Galaxy A56 the right blend of performance, features, and cost.
The A56 is a must-see for anybody searching for flagship-like capabilities at a lower price. Samsung is pushing the limits of mid-range smartphones.
Galaxy A56 Release Date
No Samsung Galaxy A56 release date has been disclosed. Early in the year, Samsung releases its mid-range A series smartphones. Based on prior trends, the Galaxy A56 should be introduced in early 2025.
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