#then I remembered gorilla warfare exists and got frustrated
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I am so fucking obsessed with this show *silence follows as no one is surprised*
One of my favorite things is Barrys attitude about Zoom before and after their first fight
Before was “I’ve already fought my nightmare, the reverse flash.” And him being fairly nonchalant. You can even see it in their first interaction directly before the fight— Barry’s confident, cocky even; everything changes after the fight.
Because afterwards “Zoom destroyed me.” (An actual quote from Gorilla warfare) then he was obsessed with beating Zoom as much as if not more than he was with Thawne. Barry literally had flashbacks when trying to run— and it was all solved with one fucking pep talk
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cgmayra · 8 years ago
Had this idea,.. was so trippy, I had to write it XD
Amy walked along the streets of the abandoned, her hammer close, up by her shoulder, as she cautiously looked around.
Sonic turned back, “Amy?”
Her eyes shot open, joy filling her at even just hearing his voice again, “Sonic!”
Suddenly, right as she turned around to see him, Metal Sonic burst from around the corner, taking Sonic down.
“Sonic..!” Amy outstretched a hand as she saw Metal gripping his face, just below his muzzle, propelling him upwards on the side of a skyscraper.
Amy quickly took action, rushing to the top of the roofs, but they were still locked in heated battled when she got there.
Sonic and Metal were a few skyscrapers away, also battling at light speeds uptop... how was she going to reach them?
She looked around, before below her, her feet shuffling back as some pieces of the tall buildings crumbled off the sides as she came close to it.
This apocalyptic world... she couldn’t imagine fighting any more for it without Sonic...
She took a gulp,... and moved back.
With a dash, a jump, a spring in her step-!
A leap of faith.
She made it! Miraculously rolling as she got to the other side.
Her eyes blinked while she lay on her side, amazed at her luck, before looking back behind her.
It was no small fleet.
Taking courage from that first jump, she narrowed her eyes and continued on, trying to make her way to Sonic.
She was advancing well, however...
Amy leaped as she saw Sonic’s frame being knocked off, his body falling her way, his back to her eyes...
She fell with the blue hero, before grabbing his back as they fell, the wind lashing against their hides as they rapidly sped to the ground.
She could barely squint her eyelids shut under the pressure, having them slightly still open, watering from the dryness consuming them by the air as she fell.
“Sooniiicc!!” she called out, terrifyed this could be the end.
Sonic shook his head a minute, his eyes also being raised by the same force of wind, before looking down, and over, and all around him before seeing Amy.
“Woah!” He suddenly snapped out of having the wind knocked out of him and powered up, the chaos emeralds spiraling around him.
Amy screamed a moment... before the camera let them fall out of view.
Was it too late?
Slowly, a glowing figure, holding Amy in his arms rose back into sight.
Sonic glared up at Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic, having watched the whole scene, rose a metallic hand up, robotically flinching each finger before gripping them tightly together.
Sonic’s face held a muted growl, his grimace clearly showing the anger he was feeling.
“Stay here, Amy.” Sonic slowly lowered himself to the ground, a serious look on his face as he held himself with great power. The aura of the chaos emearlds was hard to not feel, as Amy looked worried, but watched him nod and then speed off after Metal Sonic.
Amy stepped forward, solemnly....
Something in the shadows opened their glowing red eyes...
Sonic returned to see Amy looked slightly in a daze, gripping her head.
“Amy?” He walked over to her.
Startled, as if not really recognizing the name, Amy turned back. “..M...My name?”
“Uhh..” Sonic made a kinda awkward face, “Yeah.” he smiled, thinking her usually weird anyway.
“Come on, time to head back.” He gestured for her to come toward him, standing to her side and about to carry her home.
It was a normal thing for them, at least, for him to move fast and just hold her while he traveled.
She seemed... disoriented, and looked around a moment, before nodding to the ground. “That’s right... Sonic... Sonic is my hero.” she turned back to him, as he raised an eyebrow, a little creeped out as he tilted his head to her, then eyed the spot of ground she was talkin’ too.
He chuckled nervously, walking over to her instead. “O-o-okay, Amy. I think the heat’s gotten to your head.” He scooped her up, startling her a moment before situating her in his arms with a few bobs up, and then smiled down to her.
“You’ll be fine once we get you something to eat.” he winked, and sped off.
Amy continued along in the game, a little odd at first, since it seemed like everyone had to re-explain to her things she should already know. Tails was the first to question if Amy had hit her head on something, and how strange it was she was spending more time talking to Shadow then Sonic, and how she barely smiled, but almost always seemed confused on things.
Out on a mission, Amy was fighting before recognizing a street she knew.
Squinting her eyes to it, she heard muffled screams in her head, as sudden traumatizing flashes of memory screeched across her mind. Head shaking, mouth covered, something pulling her away, dragging her with glowing red eyes..
Sonic had never fully caught up to Metal Sonic...
At this point, Amy had sought knowledge and understanding from Shadow on most occasions, so by rare chance, they seemed to get along.
Because of this new found abnormality, Shadow stopped his attack to see her gripping her head, shaking it about, her hammer dropped to the ground.
“N...nnn.....nugh!” she opened her eyes.
They shook with such fear.
The figure had dragged her into a shed, where she faintly remembers her cries for help, fighting as if for her life.
The figure definitely was Metal Sonic, she could now see the swinging of the lamp, him driving something into her...
“Augh!” she was pulled towards the memory, taking off just before...
Metal Amy...
She stopped her dead in her tracks, and swung a robotic hammer out towads her.
“Erk!” Amy held in a frustrated grunt, but she still bit down hard on her teeth, about to fight her before Shadow intervened, slamming a kick like a rocket into the robot’s side.
“Run.” he swished an arm at her, and she obeyed, racing off.
Later, Amy felt distinct impressions, and convinced Sonic to follow her instincts into another area.
It was an ambush, and her whole heart dropped as she had felt so sure to come to this place...
That’s when more memories flooded her mind...
Electrical shocks...
Metal plates all over her body...
She gripped her head again.
The teams struggled against the gorilla warfare of the ambush by Eggman’s forces, but Sonic and Shadow saw Amy leaving.
At this point, Sonic didn’t want to believe betrayal, as Tails may have suggested from suspicions, even though his heart told him he was wrong... something just wasn’t right with Amy...
Coming to that same street... Amy raced to the building’s alleyway, and continued as her memories instructed her.
Shadow, feeling a strange connection with her, skated as fast as he could to trail her.
“She’s different.” he stated, as Sonic’s anger at his new interest in her well-being seemed to come out more and more.
Sonic was clearly irked by this...
“I know she’s been acting a little weird lately but-” Sonic ran along beside him, still wanting to trust Amy.
“Not weird... off.” Shadow narrowed his eyes. “Something’s not right. She’s being triggered.”
“Triggered? Like.. post-trauma triggered?”
Shadow sped up.
“Hey! Hold on a second!” Sonic charged even further away from Shadow, not caring to be sneaky like he was.
He wanted answers from Amy herself now... but she had stopped and fell as she opened a shed behind everything, seeing wires hang down...
She knew.
She dropped to her knees, then to her hands, holding herself up as she shook with disbelief.
The two hedgehogs stopped, looking to her and then to each other.
“Amy...” Shadow finally spoke up.
“Did you lead us to that ambush?”
“I’m... I’m not...” Amy’s whole body trembled, as she held herself.
She was awakened in water.
She was programmed to deceive.
She was a clone.
“You’re real Amy..” after explaining some things about Metal Sonic... she slowly got up, turning around to the two, seeing their shocked and horrified faces.
“Is trapped inside Metal Amy’s armor..”
“No...” Sonic’s eyes shook.
“NOOO!!” he slammed his fists to the ground,.. quite a few times, realizing what had truly happened.
He didn’t move his head up, but ducked it further down as Shadow looked away, his eyes scanning the surface of the ground, as if thinking this through.
“She’s robotized..?”
Sonic sighed in relief, his shoulders lowering, before falling to his own knees.
“Where is she..?”
“As I’ve stated, her body is literally surrounded by the armor that makes up Metal Amy. Metal’s crew joke at taking away something precious to you.. and having you fight your friend without even knowing you’re hurting her.” Her words were painful to say. Remembering her true function... her true lie.
She turned her head away, truly having thought she cared about him like she was the real Amy...
“I’m so sorry, Sonic... I couldn’t remember until now... when my objective was complete.” she tightened her fist.
Shadow looked back to her, sensing some kinship almost to her.
He knew how it feel..
To discovers ones abominable design for their existence.
Sonic got the strength to stand again, not looking back at Amy’s clone.
“I’m going to save her. Thank you.” he nodded, without giving her even a passing glance, and turned around, heading off to save his true friend...
In utter agony... the Clone fell to her knees, bursting out into tears at her betrayal, something she had no idea was built inside her.
She was a danger to the man she thought she loved.
She was a threat to her team she considered her family.
Just like with Sonic’s disregard of her now... she would be shunned by her friends, abandoned now that they had the real Amy returned to them.
In her grief and misery at the consequences to follow... she hadn’t heard the footsteps... of a sympathetic creation walk up in front of her.
“Get up.”
His harsh tone broke her from her solitude, and she removed her hands, catching her tears as they had previously pushed up against her bleak face, and looked to him with a child’s innocence.
He held out a hand to her.
...He said something... only one other being had ever told him.. that truly gave him any comfort in this miserable existence.
“You are not monster.”
Maria’s words were spoken once more in Shadow’s life, but this time.. it was him to a stranger... a clone... like he possibly was.
He held her stare a moment.
She hesitated... lifting her hand up to his.
“You won’t reject me..? Although I am not your friend..?”
“It doesn’t matter what you are, now.. You are a creature without a purpose. There’s no need to feel you’ll harm anything now.”
it was logical, sound.... but it gave her great comfort.
She took his hand, as he helped her up, and she cried on him, as he held her with a steady frown, looking straight ahead...
He knew this misery all too well... And closed his eyes, accepting that at least for now... he wasn’t alone.
Amy was freed of her metallic prison, but like Clone Amy had thought, the team was weirded out about ‘two’ of her running around.
Amy didn’t know what to think of her, having no idea about her, but was still willing to show kindness.,, although cautiously, as others had instructed her.
Shadow defended the clone, keeping her close to him, never out of sight, and mentoring her in life and battle.
She learned to not trust anyone, that her memories were not her own, to make her own, and that her lingering feelings for Sonic...
She stared at him from a distance.
“Can never be reciprocated.”
Shadow stated the obvious, as she watched her real self laughing and speaking with him, the joy in his eyes... the joy she’ll never know again.
She walked back, backwards to grip Shadow’s arm.
He looked to the gesture, oddly with a bit of skepticism, before ‘hmph’ing and leading her away.
It was all the comfort she’ll ever know.
Her and Amy shared one final glance, the whole air and moment stood still... a slow recognition of some faint sisterhood that could have been...
Then... clone Amy turned away. She denied herself of that feeling. She denied herself of Sonic and his team, her once beloved friends.
She walked with Shadow... the only being resembling any possible sympathy and future for her.
This was the start... of a tragic... but beautiful fable.
She leaned to rest on Shadow’s shoulder, as he looked down, before his eyes slightly softened, turning towards the sunset.
She closed her eyes, feeling the moisture in the air nip at her nose before he spoke.
“I suppose this means you’ll stay with me.”
Till this moment, she hadn’t realized he couldn’t tell.
She smiled, sweetly to him. “If my face does not bother you... then I will.”
He looked back at her, his eyes scanning her features.
He then sharply looked away, moving on as her grip weakened and she let him walk away.
As he did so, she could hear him quietly state, “No.”
She nodded, and carried on trailing after him.
(I wonder... if Silver is the creation of clone Amy and Shadow’s love child..? *SEGA proceeds to slap me three times* I’M SORRY </3 kept it way canon tho, I mean, COME ON!)
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