#Google for Startups Cloud
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lescroniques · 21 days ago
Orgull argentí: una empresa local va ser escollida per Google per impulsar el seu creixement
Rocío Ledesma / viapais.com.ar Córdoba representa un pol d’innovació enorme a nivell nacional i internacional. Amb els seus centres de formació, inversió i relació, ha aconseguit posicionar-se com una província de referència en tecnologia. En aquest marc, una empresa cordovesa ha desenvolupat una aplicació per incorporar la llengua de signes a les escoles primàries. Es tracta de Dillo, que…
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techjour · 15 hours ago
Your passion is to promote product. We offer that platform to reach to Customer, helps you to earn extra revenue.
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Reach us to explore that opportunity. Techjour is looking for candidates across african countries.
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vitiateoriginator · 3 months ago
Just had a scare with my pc turning off randomly while I was using it. Luckily I got it to turn back on but I had to rush to backup my files soo quickly just in case
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gvincenzi · 7 months ago
Riflessioni dall’apocalisse
Lo « schermo blu della morte » in tutti i monitor dei miei colleghi, dei miei amici, dei miei vicini e degli sconosciuti seduti in uno #Starbucks in giro per il mondo, in telelavoro per una piccola startup o per una grande società, alla fine è arrivato per il motivo che in tanti (ma evidentemente non abbastanza) prevediamo e raccontiamo con ansia da tempo.
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Chiunque si sia occupato di sviluppo software negli ultimi 10 anni ha visto avanzare la scelta dell’esternalizzazione del codice e dell’infrastruttura, in alcuni casi senza alcun limite chiaramente definito, con strategie IT deboli, ma con obiettivi sicuramente chiari quanto semplicistici : ridurre i costi di sviluppo e manutenzione e aumentare la capacità di scalabilità a costo ridotto.
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Per anni si è provato a far capire che il rischio di un’anomalia subìta per un errore dei propri fornitori era alta : errori dovuti al rispetto delle norme GDPR, o ancora alla gestione della qualità del codice, fino alla gestione dell’infrastruttura.
Per anni mi hanno risposto che « questo è il loro lavoro » e saranno sempre e comunque « meglio di noi » (e il « noi » l’ho visto declinare in tutti i miei clienti e datori di lavoro).
Ho cercato di dire che l’errore è umano e avviene ad ogni latitudine e qualunque possa essere il colore del badge appeso al collo: la differenza sarebbe stata giusta la portata dell’errore e l’impotenza delle organizzazioni clienti di fronte a questa eventualità.
Che sia chiaro: io non sono contrario all’uso di cloud, in qualsiasi forma (sarei un informatico quantomeno miope). Dico solo che tocca impegnarsi a non creare colli di bottiglia, di nessun tipo e in nessun strato, capaci di paralizzare i nostri business.
E posso testimoniare di un gran numero di amici e colleghi di Microsoft e Google, giusto per citare due grandi player, che ho sentito allertare e provare a responsabilizzare i loro clienti, che persistono in un atteggiamento probabilmente ancora troppo superficiale nelle loro strategie di metamorfosi dell’IT.
Ora ne abbiamo un primo esempio concreto.
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Basterà a convincere il business a prendere in considerazione soluzioni diverse, ibride, e sotto il controllo e responsabilità dei propri architetti IT interni ?
Di certo ora faremo i conti (e spero che il risultato possa giustificare una riflessione meno dogmatica) su quanto ci è costato questo terremoto dovuto ad un battito d’ali di una farfalla in Texas : che poi magari era una farfalla indipendente, in telelavoro, che sbatteva le ali in qualche #Starbucks lontano centinaia di miglia dall’afa texana del venerdì 19 luglio del 39 DW (Dopo Windows).
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weexploreanddiscover · 2 years ago
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we made it to the top 12 startups chosen for consensus 2023 Coindesk conf, major milestone achieved
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mostlysignssomeportents · 4 months ago
Lina Khan’s future is the future of the Democratic Party — and America
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On OCTOBER 23 at 7PM, I'll be in DECATUR, presenting my novel THE BEZZLE at EAGLE EYE BOOKS.
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On the one hand, the anti-monopoly movement has a future no matter who wins the 2024 election – that's true even if Kamala Harris wins but heeds the calls from billionaire donors to fire Lina Khan and her fellow trustbusters.
In part, that's because US antitrust laws have broad "private rights of action" that allow individuals and companies to sue one another for monopolistic conduct, even if top government officials are turning a blind eye. It's true that from the Reagan era to the Biden era, these private suits were few and far between, and the cases that were brought often died in a federal courtroom. But the past four years has seen a resurgence of antitrust rage that runs from left to right, and from individuals to the C-suites of big companies, driving a wave of private cases that are prevailing in the courts, upending the pro-monopoly precedents that billionaires procured by offering free "continuing education" antitrust training to 40% of the Federal judiciary:
It's amazing to see the DoJ racking up huge wins against Google's monopolistic conduct, sure, but first blood went to Epic, who won a historic victory over Google in federal court six months before the DoJ's win, which led to the court ordering Google to open up its app store:
Google's 30% App Tax is a giant drag on all kinds of sectors, as is its veto over which software Android users get to see, so Epic's win is going to dramatically alter the situation for all kinds of activities, from beleaguered indie game devs:
To the entire news sector:
Private antitrust cases have attracted some very surprising plaintiffs, like Michael Jordan, whose long policy of apoliticism crumbled once he bought a NASCAR team and lived through the monopoly abuses of sports leagues as an owner, not a player:
A much weirder and more unlikely antitrust plaintiff than Michael Jordan is Google, the perennial antitrust defendant. Google has brought a complaint against Microsoft in the EU, based on Microsoft's extremely ugly monopolistic cloud business:
Google's choice of venue here highlights another reason to think that the antitrust surge will continue irrespective of US politics: antitrust is global. Antitrust fervor has seized governments from the UK to the EU to South Korea to Japan. All of those countries have extremely similar antitrust laws, because they all had their statute books overhauled by US technocrats as part of the Marshall Plan, so they have the same statutory tools as the American trustbusters who dismantled Standard Oil and AT&T, and who are making ready to shatter Google into several competing businesses:
Antitrust fever has spread to Canada, Australia, and even China, where the Cyberspace Directive bans Chinese tech giants from breaking interoperability to freeze out Chinese startups. Anything that can't go on forever eventually stops, and the cost of 40 years of pro-monopoly can't be ignored. Monopolies make the whole world more brittle, even as the cost of that brittleness mounts. It's hard to pretend monopolies are fine when a single hurricane can wipe out the entire country's supply of IV fluid – again:
What's more, the conduct of global monopolists is the same in every country where they have taken hold, which means that trustbusters in the EU can use the UK Digital Markets Unit's report on the mobile app market as a roadmap for their enforcement actions against Apple:
And then the South Korean and Japanese trustbusters can translate the court documents from the EU's enforcement action and use them to score victories over Apple in their own courts:
So on the one hand, the trustbusting wave will continue erode the foundations of global monopolies, no matter what happens after this election. But on the other hand, if Harris wins and then fires Biden's top trustbusters to appease her billionaire donors, things are going to get ugly.
A new, excellent long-form Bloomberg article by Josh Eidelson and Max Chafkin gives a sense of the battle raging just below the surface of the Democratic Power, built around a superb interview with Khan herself:
The article begins with a litany of tech billionaires who've gone an all-out, public assault on Khan's leadership – billionaires who stand to personally lose hundreds of millions of dollars from her agency's principled, vital antitrust work, but who cloak their objection to Khan in rhetoric about defending the American economy. In public, some of these billionaires are icily polite, but many of them degenerate into frothing, toddler-grade name-calling, like IAB's Barry Diller, who called her a "dope" and Musk lickspittle Jason Calacanis, who called her an all-caps COMMUNIST and a LUNATIC.
The overall vibe from these wreckers? "How dare the FTC do things?!"
And you know, they have a point. For decades, the FTC was – in the quoted words of Tim Wu – "a very hardworking agency that did nothing." This was the period when the FTC targeted low-level scammers while turning a blind eye to the monsters that were devouring the US economy. In part, that was because the FTC had been starved of budget, trapping them in a cycle of racking up easy, largely pointless "wins" against penny-ante grifters to justify their existence, but never to the extent that Congress would apportion them the funds to tackle the really serious cases (if this sounds familiar, it's also the what happened during the long period when the IRS chased middle class taxpayers over minor filing errors, while ignoring the billionaires and giant corporations that engaged in 7- and 8-figure tax scams).
But the FTC wasn't merely underfunded: it was timid. The FTC has extremely broad enforcement and rulemaking powers, which most sat dormant during the neoliberal era:
The Biden administration didn't merely increase the FTC's funding: in choosing Khan to helm the organization, they brought onboard a skilled technician, who was both well-versed in the extensive but unused powers of the agency and determined to use them:
But Khan's didn't just rely on technical chops and resources to begin the de-olicharchification of the US economy: she built a three-legged stool, whose third leg is narrative. Khan's signature is her in-person and remote "listening tours," where workers who've been harmed by corporate power get to tell their stories. Bloomberg recounts the story of Deborah Brantley, who was sexually harassed and threatened by her bosses at Kavasutra North Palm Beach. Brantley's bosses touched her inappropriately and "joked" about drugging her and raping her so she "won’t be such a bitch and then maybe people would like you more."
When Brantley finally quit and took a job bartending at a different business, Kavasutra sued her over her noncompete clause, alleging an "irreparable injury" sustained by having one of their former employees working at another business, seeking damages and fees.
The vast majority of the 30 million American workers who labor under noncompetes are like Brantley, low-waged service workers, especially at fast-food restaurants (so Wendy's franchisees can stop minimum wage cashiers from earning $0.25/hour more flipping burgers at a nearby McDonald's). The donor-class indenturers who defend noncompetes claim that noncompetes are necessary to protect "innovative" businesses from losing their "IP." But of course, the one state where no workers are subject to noncompetes is California, which bans them outright – the state that is also home to Silicon Valley, an IP-heave industry that the same billionaires laud for its innovations.
After that listening tour, Khan's FTC banned noncompetes nationwide:
Only to have a federal judge in Texas throw out their ban, a move that will see $300b/year transfered from workers to shareholders, and block the formation of 8,500 new US businesses every year:
Notwithstanding court victories like Epic v Google and DoJ v Google, America's oligarchs have the courts on their side, thanks to decades of court-packing planned by the Federalist Society and executed by Senate Republicans and Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, and Trump. Khan understands this; she told Bloomberg that she's a "close student" of the tactics Reagan used to transform American society, admiring his effectiveness while hating his results. Like other transformative presidents, good and bad, Reagan had to fight the judiciary and entrenched institutions (as did FDR and Lincoln). Erasing Reagan's legacy is a long-term project, a battle of inches that will involve mustering broad political support for the cause of a freer, more equal America.
Neither Biden nor Khan are responsible for the groundswell of US – and global – movement to euthanize our rentier overlords. This is a moment whose time has come; a fact demonstrated by the tens of thousands of working Americans who filled the FTC's noncompete docket with outraged comments. People understand that corporate looters – not "the economy" or "the forces of history" – are the reason that the businesses where they worked and shopped were destroyed by private equity goons who amassed intergenerational, dynastic fortunes by strip-mining the real economy and leaving behind rubble.
Like the billionaires publicly demanding that Harris fire Khan, private equity bosses can't stop making tone-deaf, guillotine-conjuring pronouncements about their own virtue and the righteousness of their businesses. They don't just want to destroy the world - they want to be praised for it:/p>
"Private equity’s been a great thing for America" -Stephen Pagliuca, co-chairman of Bain Capital;
"We are taught to judge the success of a society by how it deals with the least able, most vulnerable members of that society. Shouldn’t we judge a society by how they treat the most successful? Do we vilify, tax, expropriate and condemn those who have succeeded, or do we celebrate economic success as the engine that propels our society toward greater collective well-being?" -Marc Rowan, CEO of Apollo
"Achieve life-changing money and power," -Sachin Khajuria, former partner at Apollo
Meanwhile, the "buy, strip and flip" model continues to chew its way through America. When PE buys up all the treatment centers for kids with behavioral problems, they hack away at staffing and oversight, turning them into nightmares where kids are routinely abused, raped and murdered:
When PE buys up nursing homes, the same thing happens, with elderly residents left to sit in their own excrement and then die:
Writing in The Guardian, Alex Blasdel lays out the case for private equity as a kind of virus that infects economies, parasitically draining them of not just the capacity to provide goods and services, but also of the ability to govern themselves, as politicians and regulators are captured by the unfathomable sums that PE flushes into the political process:
Now, the average worker who's just lost their job may not understand "divi recaps" or "2-and-20" or "carried interest tax loopholes," but they do understand that something is deeply rotten in the world today.
What happens to that understanding is a matter of politics. The Republicans – firmly affiliated with, and beloved of, the wreckers – have chosen an easy path to capitalizing on the rising rage. All they need to do is convince the public that the system is irredeemably corrupt and that the government can't possibly fix anything (hence Reagan's asinine "joke": "the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help'").
This is a very canny strategy. If you are the party of "governments are intrinsically corrupt and incompetent," then governing corruptly and incompetently proves your point. The GOP strategy is to create a nation of enraged nihilists who don't even imagine that the government could do something to hold their bosses to account – not for labor abuses, not for pollution, not for wage theft or bribery.
The fact that successive neoliberal governments – including Democratic administrations – acted time and again to bear out this hypothesis makes it easy for this kind of nihilism to take hold.
Far-right conspiracies about pharma bosses colluding with corrupt FDA officials to poison us with vaccines for profit owe their success to the lived experience of millions of Americans who lost loved ones to a conspiracy between pharma bosses and corrupt officials to poison us with opioids.
Unhinged beliefs that "they" caused the hurricanes tearing through Florida and Georgia and that Kamala Harris is capping compensation to people who lost their homes are only credible because of murderous Republican fumble during Katrina; and the larcenous collusion of Democrats to help banks steal Americans' homes during the foreclosure crisis, when Obama took Tim Geithner's advice to "foam the runway" with the mortgages of everyday Americans who'd been cheated by their banks:
If Harris gives in to billionaire donors and fires Khan and her fellow trustbusters, paving the way for more looting and scamming, the result will be more nihilism, which is to say, more electoral victories for the GOP. The "government can't do anything" party already exists. There are no votes to be gained by billing yourself as the "we also think governments can't do anything" party.
In other words, a world where Khan doesn't run the FTC is a world where antitrust continues to gain ground, but without taking Democrats with it. It's a world where nihilism wins.
There's factions of the Democratic Party who understand this. AOC warned party leaders that, "Anyone goes near Lina Khan and there will be an out and out brawl":
And Bernie Sanders called her "the best FTC Chair in modern history":
In other words: Lina Khan as a posse.
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Tor Books as just published two new, free LITTLE BROTHER stories: VIGILANT, about creepy surveillance in distance education; and SPILL, about oil pipelines and indigenous landback.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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collapsedsquid · 11 months ago
An indictment unsealed Wednesday in the Northern District of California alleges that Ding, who was hired by Google in 2019 and had access to confidential information about the company's supercomputing data centres, began uploading hundreds of files into a personal Google Cloud account two years ago. Within weeks of the theft starting, prosecutors say, Ding was offered the position of chief technology officer at an early-stage technology company in China that touted its use of AI technology. The indictment says Ding traveled to China and participated in investor meetings at the company and sought to raise capital for it.  He also separately founded and served as chief executive of a China-based startup company that aspired to train "large AI models powered by supercomputing chips," the indictment said. 
Sad to see the US government doesn't believe in entrepreneurship.
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themelookscompany · 2 months ago
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mariacallous · 11 months ago
The US Department of Justice had long been expected to file an antitrust lawsuit against Apple. But when the suit arrived Thursday, it came with surprising ferocity.
In a press conference, attorney general Merrick Garland noted that Apple controlled more than 70 percent of the country’s smartphone market, saying the company used that outsize power to control developers and consumers and squeeze more revenue out of them.
The suit and messaging from the DOJ and 15 states and the District of Columbia joining it take aim at Apple’s most prized asset—the iPhone—and position the case as a fight for the future of technology. The suit argues that Apple rose to its current power thanks in part to the 1998 antitrust case against Microsoft, and that another milestone antitrust correction is needed to allow future innovation to continue.
Like the Microsoft case, the suit against Apple is “really dynamic and forward looking,” says John Newman, a law professor at the University of Miami. “It's not necessarily about Apple seeing direct competitors,” he says. “It's more about them trying to grab the territory you would need if you were going to even try to compete against Apple.”
Antitrust action in the tech industry has been a focus of the Biden administration’s agenda, which has seen suits brought against both Amazon and Google by the DOJ and the Federal Trade Commission. “This case demonstrates why we must reinvigorate competition policy and establish clear rules of the road for Big Tech platforms,” Democratic senator Amy Klobuchar told WIRED in a statement.
Rebecca Hall Allensworth, a law professor at Vanderbilt University, says that though the government almost always faces an uphill battle in antitrust cases, the Apple case appears relatively solid. “It's a lot stronger than the FTC Amazon monopolization lawsuit from last year,” she says. “And yet, it's very hard to win antitrust cases.”
In a statement, Apple spokesperson Fred Sainz said that the lawsuit “threatens who we are and the principles that set Apple products apart in fiercely competitive markets,” including the way its products work “seamlessly” together and “protect people’s privacy and security.”
Apple has long argued that keeping its mobile operating system, app store, and other services closed offers greater security and safety for customers. But Newman says that the DOJ complaint indicates that Apple doesn't enforce these policies consistently as would make sense if the goal was to protect users.
“Instead [Apple] heavily targets the types of app developers that pose the biggest competitive threat to Apple,” Newman says. The DOJ alleges that restrictions Apple places on iMessage, Apple Wallet, and other products and features create barriers that deter or even penalize people who may switch to cheaper options.
History Repeating
The antitrust case against Microsoft in the late 1990s accused the company of illegally forcing PC manufacturers and others to favor its web browser Internet Explorer. It is widely credited with causing the company to be slow to embrace the web, falling behind a wave of startups including Google and Amazon that grew into giants by making web services useful and lucrative.
When asked about the threat the new antitrust lawsuit might pose to Apple’s business, a DOJ official noted that “there are actually examples where companies, after having been charged and had to change business practices because they violated the antitrust laws in the long run, end up being more valuable than they were before.” Microsoft, thanks to its success in cloud services and more recently AI, is now the most valuable company in the world.
The Department of Justice said Thursday that any potential remedy was on the table for Apple—implying that even breaking up the company is a possibility. But Allensworth says it is unlikely the government would pursue that outcome. The proposed remedies could more likely force Apple to change its "technological and contractual restrictions on app development, and on interoperability with other phones,” she says. “That is something that could be very meaningful, if that remedy were fully realized and overseen in a good way. But it still leaves Apple basically in control of the ecosystem,” Allensworth says.
Paul Swanson, antitrust partner at the law firm Holland & Hart, sees potential difficulties ahead for the suit. “They're alleging that Apple is excluding competition in the smartphone market by making their products stickier, by making it very attractive to stay within their ecosystem. And the way that Apple does that, according to the DOJ, is that it doesn't cooperate nicely with other companies,” he says. But Swanson says antitrust laws don’t generally require companies to work with others. “A business doesn't violate antitrust laws by terminating or refusing to work with another business.”
This is not the first antitrust case against Apple. In 2020, Epic Games filed a lawsuit against the company, accusing it of anticompetitive behavior, after being kicked off the App Store for offering a version of the Fortnite game that circumvented the Apple’s steep 30 percent fees for in-app purchases. Epic lost the case in the lower courts, and in January the Supreme Court declined to hear the appeal—and Apple announced it would levy a new app store fee on developers.
Newman notes that the government seems to have kept a close eye on that case in constructing the suit launched Thursday. The case was filed in the Third Circuit Court in New Jersey, rather than the Ninth Circuit Court, which includes California. He predicts it will ultimately end up before the Supreme Court. “I think this one's probably going all the way,” Newman says.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 months ago
Because they haven't tried to control it too much, Twitter feels to everyone like previous protocols. However, startups usually have a fairly informal atmosphere, and there's something very pleasing about small things. Another way to fly low is to give you bigger abstractions—bigger bricks, as it would if you were relying on formulas you didn't understand. Well, that may be what you want. For example, if a reputable investor is willing to invest on terms you'll take without negotiation. Every investor has some track they need to move along from the first investor who commits as low a price as they need to move along from the first conversation to wiring the money, and you need to do what you want to think about which will actually let you get the most done. We get all the paperwork set up properly or you're just launching projectiles. When people hurt themselves lifting heavy things, it's usually because they try to lift with their back. But times have changed. If you're raising money from many investors, roll them up as they say yes, and the visual arts is the resistance of the medium. The fashion for the name Gary began when the actor Frank Cooper adopted the name of a tough mill town in Indiana.
It may work, but it won't be the last idea you'll have. But if you have no ideas. So what tends to happen is that they flake. For example, any work of art that does its job well, doesn't require you to pick out a few individuals and label their opinions as correct. Tell them that valuation is not even the thing to optimize. You can see that in the way a pilot does when flying through clouds. People who worry about the increasing gap between rich and poor evaporate. Once you start getting investors to commit, it becomes increasingly easy to get more to. And since risk is usually proportionate to reward, if you write them in Lisp? The great fortunes of that time the leading practitioners and the people who voted for Kerry did it as an example of this view: 80% of MIT spinoffs succeed provided they have at least a couple days considering different ideas, instead of thinking only of yourself. Is it a problem if you work in sales or marketing.
Could it be that, because in many cases the language layer won't have to change at all. What we really do at Y Combinator is get startups launched straight. There's a market for writing that sounds impressive and can't be disproven. There's another thing all three components of Web 2. Most of the groups applying have not stopped to ask: of all the lies they told you during your education. What you really want is a pool of local angel investors—people investing money they made from their own startups. If that were true, he would have been for two Google employees to focus on that problem. 0 conference would presumably be full of geeks, right? We can afford to spend a lot more expensive to start a startup.
But really what work experience refers to is not 1950s hardware, but, say, making masterpieces in comics might seem to the average Frankish nobleman in 800, and report back to us. The most important, small things can be perfect; big ones always have something wrong with the senator's argument, you should take money from investors only if they require no convincing, and are so excited by it that they race through a huge percentage of the newly discovered territory in one lifetime. Reward is always proportionate to risk, and very early stage startups are mobile. Instead everyone is just supposed to explore their own personal vision. Part of their brain knew there was something there; it just didn't percolate all the way up into conscious knowledge. In other words, he's now rich enough not to have any teeth, and the greedy algorithm tells you what to do. And the best way to do business. Responding to Tone. It's an experiment because we're prepared to fund younger founders than most investors would. Or could have been implemented as a couple hundred lines of Perl; in fact, don't even ask for their email address unless you need to be solved. That is in fact the defining quality of Lisp: it was in order to make this so that McCarthy gave Lisp the shape it has. They tend to be suspicious of rich people.
Those are interesting questions. We spent three months building a version 1, then f iterating rapidly. You have to get them to move. That's the scary thing: fundraising is not merely that you'll spend too long on it or raise too much. Be inappropriate. Their living expenses are low. There are, of course. Instead of version 1s to be superseded, the works they produced continued to attract new readers. Why does he think this? There are plenty of similar ones in the grownup world.
The business person represents the voice of the customer and that's what keeps the engineers and product development on track. Joe's has good burritos. Always be questioning. So it's wise not merely to be nice to investors who reject you, but I have to do to get rich, the money you need, because a if you use a more powerful language enable you to write shorter programs? But we also raised eyebrows by using generic Intel boxes as servers instead of industrial strength servers like Suns, for using a then-obscure open-source Unix variant called FreeBSD instead of a real commercial OS like Windows NT, for ignoring a supposed e-commerce standard called SET that no one cares enough to disagree with, you may have to do well at that. We plan to mine the web for these implicit tags, and use them together with the reputation hierarchy they embody to enhance web searches. I grew up believing, this turns out to be a waste of time? If you don't and a competitor does, you're in a position of having to buy whole albums. And isn't popularity to some extent its own justification? Especially since tone is so hard that it's a new messaging protocol, where you don't specify the recipients. Thanks to Trevor Blackwell and Jessica Livingston for reading drafts of this.
The trends we're seeing now are simply the inherent nature of the web emerging from under the broken models that got imposed on it during the summer—so even college students can participate. But I want to know what they believe, but they are not likely to be the mistaken one. If you're an outsider, you're just one step away from getting things done. Experts have given Wikipedia middling reviews, but they have at least started to omit the initial Who is this guy and what authority does he have to write about a topic is a variant of ad hominem than actual refutation. No, they may not have explored. If it can work to start a rapidly growing business as software. As an example of a useful, general idea, consider that of the controlled experiment.
It would hurt YC's brand at least among the innumerate if we invested in huge numbers of risky startups that flamed out. Till they do, you don't have to prove you're going to have an increasingly prosperous society without increasing variation in individual productivity as time goes on. As with contrarian investment strategies, that's exactly the point. If that's what's on the other side of this coin is that it's good enough. But it's ok to use a TV as a monitor. More remarkable still, he's stayed interesting for 30 years. But if the founders mistrust one another, this could cause some friction. It's kind of strange when you think about it, because his email was such a perfect example of this view: 80% of MIT spinoffs succeed provided they have at least a random sample of the applicants don't seem to have fully grasped what I earlier called the central fact of philosophy: that words break if you push them too far. They're far better at detecting bullshit than you are at producing it, even if few do per capita.
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techjour · 7 days ago
Cloud Service Provider offers scalable computing resouces, that User can access on demand over a network. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud are prominent leaders in Cloud market.
Cloud Service Provider's worldwide Market statistics:
2022 - 33%
2023 - 32%
2024 - 31%
2022 - 22%(Q1)
2023 - 23%
2024 - 23% - 24%
2022 - 10% (Q1)
2023 - 10%
2024 - 13%
2023 - 2%
2024 - 3%
0 notes
itcareerblogs · 1 month ago
Top 10 In- Demand Tech Jobs in 2025
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Technology is growing faster than ever, and so is the need for skilled professionals in the field. From artificial intelligence to cloud computing, businesses are looking for experts who can keep up with the latest advancements. These tech jobs not only pay well but also offer great career growth and exciting challenges.
In this blog, we’ll look at the top 10 tech jobs that are in high demand today. Whether you’re starting your career or thinking of learning new skills, these jobs can help you plan a bright future in the tech world.
1. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
Artificial Intelligence (AI)  and Machine Learning are changing the game by helping machines learn and improve on their own without needing step-by-step instructions. They’re being used in many areas, like chatbots, spotting fraud, and predicting trends.
Key Skills: Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, data analysis, deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP).
Industries Hiring: Healthcare, finance, retail, and manufacturing.
Career Tip: Keep up with AI and machine learning by working on projects and getting an AI certification. Joining AI hackathons helps you learn and meet others in the field.
2. Data Scientists
Data scientists work with large sets of data to find patterns, trends, and useful insights that help businesses make smart decisions. They play a key role in everything from personalized marketing to predicting health outcomes.
Key Skills: Data visualization, statistical analysis, R, Python, SQL, and data mining.
Industries Hiring: E-commerce, telecommunications, and pharmaceuticals.
Career Tip: Work with real-world data and build a strong portfolio to showcase your skills. Earning certifications in data science tools can help you stand out.
3. Cloud Computing Engineers: These professionals create and manage cloud systems that allow businesses to store data and run apps without needing physical servers, making operations more efficient.
Key Skills: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), DevOps, and containerization (Docker, Kubernetes).
Industries Hiring: IT services, startups, and enterprises undergoing digital transformation.
Career Tip: Get certified in cloud platforms like AWS (e.g., AWS Certified Solutions Architect).
4. Cybersecurity Experts
Cybersecurity professionals protect companies from data breaches, malware, and other online threats. As remote work grows, keeping digital information safe is more crucial than ever.
Key Skills: Ethical hacking, penetration testing, risk management, and cybersecurity tools.
Industries Hiring: Banking, IT, and government agencies.
Career Tip: Stay updated on new cybersecurity threats and trends. Certifications like CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) or CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) can help you advance in your career.
5. Full-Stack Developers
Full-stack developers are skilled programmers who can work on both the front-end (what users see) and the back-end (server and database) of web applications.
Key Skills: JavaScript, React, Node.js, HTML/CSS, and APIs.
Industries Hiring: Tech startups, e-commerce, and digital media.
Career Tip: Create a strong GitHub profile with projects that highlight your full-stack skills. Learn popular frameworks like React Native to expand into mobile app development.
6. DevOps Engineers
DevOps engineers help make software faster and more reliable by connecting development and operations teams. They streamline the process for quicker deployments.
Key Skills: CI/CD pipelines, automation tools, scripting, and system administration.
Industries Hiring: SaaS companies, cloud service providers, and enterprise IT.
Career Tip: Earn key tools like Jenkins, Ansible, and Kubernetes, and develop scripting skills in languages like Bash or Python. Earning a DevOps certification is a plus and can enhance your expertise in the field.
7. Blockchain Developers
They build secure, transparent, and unchangeable systems. Blockchain is not just for cryptocurrencies; it’s also used in tracking supply chains, managing healthcare records, and even in voting systems.
Key Skills: Solidity, Ethereum, smart contracts, cryptography, and DApp development.
Industries Hiring: Fintech, logistics, and healthcare.
Career Tip: Create and share your own blockchain projects to show your skills. Joining blockchain communities can help you learn more and connect with others in the field.
8. Robotics Engineers
Robotics engineers design, build, and program robots to do tasks faster or safer than humans. Their work is especially important in industries like manufacturing and healthcare.
Key Skills: Programming (C++, Python), robotics process automation (RPA), and mechanical engineering.
Industries Hiring: Automotive, healthcare, and logistics.
Career Tip: Stay updated on new trends like self-driving cars and AI in robotics.
9. Internet of Things (IoT) Specialists
IoT specialists work on systems that connect devices to the internet, allowing them to communicate and be controlled easily. This is crucial for creating smart cities, homes, and industries.
Key Skills: Embedded systems, wireless communication protocols, data analytics, and IoT platforms.
Industries Hiring: Consumer electronics, automotive, and smart city projects.
Career Tip: Create IoT prototypes and learn to use platforms like AWS IoT or Microsoft Azure IoT. Stay updated on 5G technology and edge computing trends.
10. Product Managers
Product managers oversee the development of products, from idea to launch, making sure they are both technically possible and meet market demands. They connect technical teams with business stakeholders.
Key Skills: Agile methodologies, market research, UX design, and project management.
Industries Hiring: Software development, e-commerce, and SaaS companies.
Career Tip: Work on improving your communication and leadership skills. Getting certifications like PMP (Project Management Professional) or CSPO (Certified Scrum Product Owner) can help you advance.
Importance of Upskilling in the Tech Industry
Stay Up-to-Date: Technology changes fast, and learning new skills helps you keep up with the latest trends and tools.
Grow in Your Career: By learning new skills, you open doors to better job opportunities and promotions.
Earn a Higher Salary: The more skills you have, the more valuable you are to employers, which can lead to higher-paying jobs.
Feel More Confident: Learning new things makes you feel more prepared and ready to take on tougher tasks.
Adapt to Changes: Technology keeps evolving, and upskilling helps you stay flexible and ready for any new changes in the industry.
Top Companies Hiring for These Roles
Global Tech Giants: Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM.
Startups: Fintech, health tech, and AI-based startups are often at the forefront of innovation.
Consulting Firms: Companies like Accenture, Deloitte, and PwC increasingly seek tech talent.
In conclusion,  the tech world is constantly changing, and staying updated is key to having a successful career. In 2025, jobs in fields like AI, cybersecurity, data science, and software development will be in high demand. By learning the right skills and keeping up with new trends, you can prepare yourself for these exciting roles. Whether you're just starting or looking to improve your skills, the tech industry offers many opportunities for growth and success.
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laxmankodadala · 2 months ago
Small Business Must-Haves: The Best Tools for internal communication software
Team members can no longer rely on one-on-one conversations with coworkers in today's modernising workplace, and sending important files or sharing every little detail via email—which can take a lot of time because of its protocol—to accomplish these tasks. Selecting internal communication softwares can be the finest choice because it enhances time management, team productivity, and collaboration in addition to communication.
Little and microbusiness owners turn to social chat applications since they don't meet their needs and they believe work chat platforms are too expensive. Some were forced to use them due to an unforeseen pandemic disease. However, because of their subscription programs, some of the best products are able to provide excellent services at a low cost.
The following are some of the most effective communication tools for your business.
1. Troop Messenger
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Troop Messenger is considered the best internal communication software, which can be used as a business messaging tool, work chat tool, and instant messaging tool for both office and remote work.
Troop Messenger shocked the market in a short amount of time, and many companies chose it after discovering its innovative capabilities, which are likely to be included in future updates of major applications or may not be present in apps available today.
Troop Messenger's thorough investigation led to the addition of new functions to the instrument, which is inexpensive and appropriate for use in any field. The military and NASA might exchange secret information using this safe and secure team texting tool.
Remote screen sharing and controlling
Join Now, allows the user to join the missed group audio or video call while ongoing
Live Location Tracking
Jointly Code
Advanced Search Filters
2. Microsoft Teams
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Office 365 plans can be accessed by users of Microsoft Teams, a proprietary internal communication software created by Microsoft and included in the Microsoft 365 product line. If you utilise more Microsoft apps at work, this is the right collaboration tool.
Meeting Recordings
Screen sharing
All Microsoft 365 apps and services may be accessed with a single sign-on.
Cloud-based solution
100+ Participants capacity
3. Slack
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Slack Technologies, an American software business that created the exclusive team communication platform Slack, was purchased by Salesforce in 2021. Because of its price, startups might be interested in it, and it could be a helpful tool for communication at work. It is a better alternative to email services because of its corporate key management, two-factor authentication, data encryption, and other features.
Files sharing
Voice and Video calls
File sharing
Apps & Integrations
Slack Connect
4. Flock
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Flock is a well-integrated enterprise communication tool with Twitter, Google Calendar, Trello, Jira, Google Drive, GitHub, and so on, which helps your team save time from switching between multiple tools.
Well Integrated
Automate workflows
5. Twist
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Twist was created to withstand the unique demands of contemporary work by a remote workforce consisting of more than 70 individuals across more than 25 nations. This internal communication software allows users to follow the thread conversations of users who are at least one month old. For distant workers, this team communication solution is perfect. To make user cooperation simple, Jira Software, Google Drive, Pipedream, Google Calendar, and other tools are integrated.
Organized conversations
Private Conversations
Thread Conversations
Well Integrated
Project Management
6. Ryver
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With emails, group chat, task management, and audio & video calls, Ryver allows the users to handle team communication in ONE APP. Ryver provides a discount to non-profit organizations and educational institutions, making it a useful team communication tool for them.
Well Integrated
Task Management
Advanced Team Management
Custom Invite Links
Unlimited file sharing
We think the information on our blog will assist you in selecting the most appropriate technologies for internal communication software. Prior to selecting a chat tool, assess the demands of your business and carry out market research on the features, functionality, user or customer reviews, and other elements of the tool. As a result, you are not required to replace the tool even if it does not satisfy your needs.
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partisan-by-default · 2 months ago
Mohandas, who taught himself programming and is based in Bengaluru, India, decided he wanted to develop an alternative service for storing and sharing photos that is open source and end-to-end encrypted. Something “more private, wholesome, and trustworthy,” he says. The paid service he designed, Ente, is profitable and says it has more than 100,000 users, many of whom are already part of the privacy-obsessed crowd. But Mohandas struggled to articulate to wider audiences why they should reconsider relying on Google Photos, despite all the conveniences it offers.
Then one weekend in May, an intern at Ente came up with an idea: Give people a sense of what some of Google’s AI models can learn from studying images. Last month, Ente launched https://Theyseeyourphotos.com, a website and marketing stunt designed to turn Google’s technology against itself. People can upload any photo to the website, which is then sent to a Google Cloud computer vision program that writes a startlingly thorough three-paragraph description of it. (Ente prompts the AI model to document small details in the uploaded images.)
One of the first photos Mohandas tried uploading was a selfie with his wife and daughter in front of a temple in Indonesia. Google’s analysis was exhaustive, even documenting the specific watch model that his wife was wearing, a Casio F-91W. But then, Mohandas says, the AI did something strange: It noted that Casio F-91W watches are commonly associated with Islamic extremists. “We had to tweak the prompts to make it slightly more wholesome but still spooky,” Mohandas says. Ente started asking the model to produce short, objective outputs—nothing dark.
The same family photo uploaded to Theyseeyourphotos now returns a more generic result that includes the name of the temple and the “partly cloudy sky and lush greenery” surrounding it. But the AI still makes a number of assumptions about Mohandas and his family, like that their faces are expressing “joint contentment” and the “parents are likely of South Asian descent, middle class.” It judges their clothing (“appropriate for sightseeing”) and notes that “the woman's watch displays a time as approximately 2 pm, which corroborates with the image metadata.”
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fitlifefuel · 7 months ago
How to Free Up Space on Windows 10: A Comprehensive Guide
As your Windows 10 system accumulates more files and applications, it can start to slow down and become less efficient. Freeing up space not only improves your system’s performance but also extends its lifespan. In this guide, we’ll explore various methods to free up space on Windows 10, going beyond the basics to ensure you have a well-optimized system.
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Table of Contents
Understanding Disk Space Usage
Utilizing Built-in Windows Tools
Disk Cleanup
Storage Sense
Uninstalling Unnecessary Applications
Managing Temporary and Cached Files
Cleaning Up System Files
Windows Update Cleanup
System Restore and Shadow Copies
Using Third-Party Disk Cleaners
Handling Large Files and Folders
Moving Data to External Storage
Using Cloud Storage Solutions
1. Introduction
As modern software and files grow larger, managing disk space effectively becomes crucial. This guide offers practical steps and tips to reclaim disk space on your Windows 10 computer, ensuring it runs smoothly and efficiently.
2. Understanding Disk Space Usage
Before freeing up space, it’s essential to understand how your disk space is being used. Navigate to Settings > System > Storage to view a detailed breakdown. This will help identify which areas need attention.
3. Utilizing Built-in Windows Tools
Disk Cleanup
Windows 10 features a built-in Disk Cleanup tool designed to delete unnecessary files. To access it:
Type “Disk Cleanup” in the search bar and select the app.
Choose the drive you want to clean.
Select the file types to delete (e.g., temporary files, system cache).
Storage Sense
Storage Sense automates disk cleanup. To enable it:
Go to Settings > System > Storage.
Toggle on Storage Sense and configure settings to regularly delete temporary files.
4. Uninstalling Unnecessary Applications
Unused applications take up significant space. To uninstall them:
Go to Settings > Apps > Apps & features.
Review the list and uninstall non-essential programs.
5. Managing Temporary and Cached Files
Temporary files can quickly accumulate and consume disk space. Use Disk Cleanup or third-party tools to regularly clear these files. Browsers also store cached data, which can be cleared from the browser settings.
6. Cleaning Up System Files
Windows Update Cleanup
Old update files can take up substantial space. Disk Cleanup includes an option to remove these:
Open Disk Cleanup and select Clean up system files.
Choose Windows Update Cleanup.
System Restore and Shadow Copies
System Restore points and shadow copies can consume significant disk space. Manage these by:
Typing “System Protection” in the search bar.
Selecting the drive and clicking Configure.
Adjusting the Max Usage slider to limit space usage.
7. Using Third-Party Disk Cleaners
Third-party tools like CCleaner provide more comprehensive cleaning options. They can remove junk files, clean registries, and manage startup programs to free up space.
8. Handling Large Files and Folders
Identifying and managing large files is crucial. Use tools like WinDirStat to find large files and folders. Consider moving non-essential large files to external storage.
9. Moving Data to External Storage
Free up space by moving data such as videos, photos, and documents to external hard drives or USB sticks. Ensure you regularly back up important data to avoid loss.
10. Using Cloud Storage Solutions
Cloud storage services like OneDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox offer substantial space. Move infrequently accessed files to the cloud to save local disk space.
11. Conclusion
Regular maintenance and mindful storage practices can keep your Windows 10 system running efficiently. Use the tips and tools outlined in this guide to manage and optimize your disk space effectively.
External Authoritative Sources
Microsoft Support: Free up drive space in Windows
CCleaner Official Website
How-To Geek: The Ultimate Guide to Freeing Up Space on Your Windows PC
By following these detailed steps, you can efficiently manage and optimize your disk space on Windows 10, ensuring your system remains fast and reliable.
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saevionix · 1 year ago
There has been speculation the agency would seek to a forced breakup of the retail giant, which is also dominant in cloud computing and has a growing presence in other sectors, like groceries and health care. In a briefing with reporters, Khan dodged questions of whether that will happen.
If successful, a court case could be a big boost for the FTC’s Khan, a Big Tech critic who gained prominence as a Yale law student in 2017 for her scholarly work “Amazon’s Antitrust Paradox.” In 2021, Amazon had sought to get her recused from agency probes against the company because of her earlier criticism.
Under Khan’s watch, the FTC has aggressively attempted to blunt Big Tech’s influence but has been unsuccessful recently in some of the most high-profile cases, including its bid to block Microsoft’s takeover of the video game maker Activision Blizzard and Meta’s acquisition of the virtual reality startup Within Unlimited. The agency is now in the middle of a protracted lawsuit against Facebook parent Meta, which it alleges to have engaged in monopolistic behavior. The Justice Department is also challenging Google’s market power in court.
Y'all, it's so important that we're watching these corporations like a hawk, so things like this don't fly under the radar and get buried within the media cycles.
Amazon is being sued by the FTC and 17 states for being an illegal monopoly
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