alanjeffbrainrot · 2 months
My mental health has taken a turn in the past couple days so I’m going to be inactive for a bit too hopefully get myself back on a healthy track. I’ll be back soon 🫶🏻
Leaving y’all with some cute pictures of sailubpon as penance
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alanjeffbrainrot · 2 months
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alanjeffbrainrot · 2 months
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alanjeffbrainrot · 2 months
I want to keep working on the pregnancy fic but I have zERO THOUGHTS ABOUT IT RN 😭😭 guess I’ll finish the student/teacher fic and hope my brain kicks into gear for the other one soon 🥲
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alanjeffbrainrot · 2 months
It’s posted, you can read it here but please interact with caution. Look at the CW’s & authors note if you have questions <3
Almost done with the WIP that caused me to start writing again and start this account…. Posting either later today or tomorrow before work 😌🎉
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alanjeffbrainrot · 2 months
You Have to Fall Apart to be Put Back Together
CW// mentions of SA, canon-typical violence, nsfw, 🚫MINORS DNI🚫
A/N: If you’re uncomfy with discussions/descriptions of SA please skip to the 4 years later section ! It will still be mentioned but won’t be as explicit as the first section. I’ve also pulled from my own life experiences to write some of this so if anyone needs someone to talk to you can always message me. Just remember you’re stronger than the things you’ve gone through. Take care of yourselves <3
Word count: 5.1k
Find it on AO3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My masterlist
Jeff’s 18th Birthday
He couldn’t breathe. The air around him feeling too thick. Constricting.
Suffocating. I need to get up. Just get UP. Jeff screamed at himself, willing his body to do what he wanted. But nothing happened. All he felt was a deep ache make its way through his body. Sore in places he never had been before. The pain brought tears to his eyes and, in a sick way, he was grateful for the moisture as it aided in getting his tired eyes to open. Everything was blurry at first, Jeff blinking a few times to rid his eyes of the offending tears and quickly survey the room he was in.
A small room, gray walls, gray floor, gray ceiling, with a cold steal door staring back at him. The bed he was on was old and uncomfortable. Clothes that Jeff didn’t recognize were scattered around, carrying an overpowering Smokey scent that was immediately repulsive to him. The more he looks around the more he begins to realize that there’s a sickly sweet tinge in the air, and the sheets around him are sticky and… wet?
Shooting up, Jeff gets off the bed and began to feel around, trying to find the source of the sticky substance. Feeling the way his boxers stuck to him quickly answered his question. Slick. Jeff was producing slick. Falling to the floor, Jeff is overcome with memories. Flashes of the night before, Tony’s cold voice echoing in his mind. Just do what I’m asking, make me proud. We need to see if this works so we can make more like you.
The owner of the repulsive scent came in, the alpha Tony had forced him to follow. You’ll be good for me, right? Jeff distinctly remembers the feeling of his breath against his ear, the alpha bringing his nose down to the base of Jeff’s neck. The suffocating smell of smoke enveloping him. Don’t worry, I’ll make you my good little omega. Jeff dissociated as soon as the words left the alphas mouth, his mind taking him away to a locked box in the back of his head, left to watch his body from above.
Shuddering at the intensity of the flashback, he tries to block out the memories but they just keep coming.
Soon this will all be over Jeff. You’ll be my most important asset. That was the last thing Tony said before closing the door that night. Leaving him to the whims of the older alpha.
Choking back a sob, Jeff crumbles to the ground. He clutches at his chest, desperately trying to rip away at the dingy white t-shirt he wore. He was suddenly too hot, feeling like fire was licking through his veins as unwanted arousal thrummed underneath his skin. He didn’t want this. He didn’t ask for this. Letting out a small whimper he curls further into himself, willing the concrete floor to take some of the heat away from his skin.
For the next 5 days he was at the mercy of his biology, desperately trying to adapt to his changing body. Once his heat was over Tony left Jeff locked in the same room. And that’s just how his life was from that moment forward. That disgusting alpha coming to see him during his heat, suffocating him with his putrid scent, and then being left to rot in a room… alone.
4 Years Later
Jeff trusted Alan in a way he had never trusted anyone before but he still kept the secrets of his past locked away, too ashamed to admit the truth. In the year they had known each other Alan, whether being polite or just oblivious Jeff wasn’t sure, had never noticed any of the obvious signs that he was a bitched alpha. Pieces of himself that had been picked apart by Tony and the alpha, always reminding him that they made him an “undesirable omega”.
Jeff was sure that their first night would be their last. Alan had never commented on the broad shoulders, the way his jawline was harsher than other omegas but Jeff was sure the shrunken knot he still had would be a dead giveaway. But Alan hadn’t noticed. He happily sunk his mouth down on Jeff’s cock without problem, even making a comment that he loved how big it was.
Everything fell apart the morning after. Jeff woke up feeling feverish, like he wanted to tear his clothes off. His eyes widened as he realized he was in heat. Jeff shoots out of bed, ripping himself out of the arms of the alpha holding him tight and shoves himself as far into the corner of the room as he can.
Trying to get to the bathroom would be too risky he thinks, his mind on high alert as he darts his eyes around.
“Jeff ?” he hears the alpha, Alan his brain reminds him, “are you okay ?”
Jeff whimpers and curls further in on himself. Alan slowly sits up in bed, watching the clearly terrified omega in the corner of his room. “Love. What's going on ?” Alan doesn’t make any sudden moves, not wanting to spook the omega further. “Do you need me to do something ?”
Taking a deep breath, jeff clenches his eyes shut and tries to remind himself that this isn’t Tony. This isn’t that alpha. “Call Charlie” he says in a small voice.
“Okay” Alan’s nods, grabbing Jeff’s phone to call. He places it on speaker phone in the middle of the bed, getting up to create a bit more distance between them in hopes it would calm jeff down.
Charlie answers on the third ring. “Charlie, get over to my place. Now.” Alan says, eyes never leaving Jeff’s shaking form.
“Is it Jeff ?” Charlie asks immediately, concern etched in his voice.
“Yeah” alan says while scenting the air, “I think he went into heat and he’s freaking out. He needs you.”
“Fuck” he hears Charlie from the other side of the phone, “alan get the fuck out of that room. Now. Leave me on speaker, babe and I are 10 minutes away.”
A growl is heard from alan, his alpha fighting the idea of having to leave his omega in this state but as soon as the sound is heard a choked sob comes from the corner of the room. “Alan !” Charlie yells over the phone, “Get. Out.”
Alan rips his eyes away from Jeff, going against every instinct in him to protect and comfort, and walks out of the bedroom. He forces himself to go downstairs, trusting that Charlie or babe would call his phone if they needed him to go back up.
Alan stays downstairs, pacing in his living room until his front door burst open, Charlie running inside with Babe on his heels. “Is he still upstairs ?” Charlie rushes out. Alan nods, not trusting himself to speak without growling at the alphas now invading his space.
Charlie turns and immediately bounds up the stairs leaving babe and Alan standing in the living room. “Lung” babe says quietly, grabbing Alan’s shoulder and turning him away from the staircase, “you’re in rut.”
Alan opens his mouth to protest when he finally takes stock of his own body, realizing that babe is absolutely right. “Fuck” Alan whispers, eyes going wide.
“Lung this isn’t going to be easy but we need to get you out of here. Your scent might be part of what’s setting Jeff off.”
Alan nods but is unable to get himself to move, his alpha going wild at the idea of having to leave his omega alone while in heat. Babe can see the conflict going on in Alan’s mind and moves behind him, lightly pushing on his back and guiding the man out of the house.
Once they’re outside, Alan takes a deep breath to calm himself down. “Suppressants” he says, looking over at his friend, “it’s still early enough.”
Babe nods and the two silently make their way to Babe’s car.
Back inside, Charlie is quietly opening the master bedroom door, desperate to not spook the omega inside. “Jeff” he calls, “Jeff it’s me. I have your meds.” He rounds the corner and his heart breaks at the sight. Jeff is curled up in the corner of the room, tears silently flowing down his cheeks as his body shakes.
Jeff looks up, whimpering at the comforting scent of his brother and slowly working on uncurling himself. He finally stands, stumbling forward and collapsing into Charlie’s outstretched arms. “Phi” he sobs out.
“Shh, you’re okay” Charlie shushes him, rubbing his back and guiding Jeff’s face to his neck as he pushes out calming pheromones. “Lets take your meds, you’ll feel better then we can talk.”
Jeff nods and allows himself to be led to the edge of the bed. They sit in silence for a while, Jeff just waiting for the suppressants to kick in.
Slowly he feels his fever begin to subside, his mind becoming clearer. “I don’t know what happened” Jeff says, looking up at Charlie, “i'm not supposed to have my heat for another couple months. But then…” he takes a shaky breath, “I woke up this morning and… and Alan was there and… I know he won’t hurt me but I’m still so scared.” Jeff trails off, a new round of tears building in his eyes.
Charlie nods, reaching a hand out to squeeze at Jeff’s. “I know. And it’s okay, you’re okay.” Charlie takes a minute to examine Jeff’s face before sighing, “does he know ?”
Jeff becomes stiff, avoiding Charlie’s eyes as he shakes his head. “I couldn’t tell him… I don’t know how.”
“You don’t have to but…” Charlie contemplates what to say next, not wanting to hurt the already vulnerable omega, “it might make you feel better. And it would give Alan some context, make it easier to understand why you react the way that you do to your heats.”
Jeff begins chewing on his bottom lip, nodding as he takes a deep breath. They hear the front door open downstairs and Jeff goes rigid again. “Hey, it’s okay. It doesn’t have to be today. But we should at least go talk to them, let Alan have his bedroom back.” Charlie says with a slight chuckle. “We can go back to your place, babe can handle sleeping alone for a few nights.”
Jeff nods, slowly standing as they make their way downstairs. As soon as Jeff sees Alan a piece of him breaks, walls going back up due to the fear of rejection coming from the only person he’s ever truly wanted acceptance from.
Alan, on the other hand, is just concerned. Wanting nothing more than his omega to be okay. The two just stare at each other, neither wanting to make the first move. Charlie makes his way over to babe, whispering in his ear to go wait in the car and babe obliges, squeezing Alan’s shoulder before making his way out of the house.
Alan breaks the silence, looking between Charlie and Jeff, “Jeff are you okay ?”
“I’m fine.” Jeff says bluntly, instincts desperate to push alan away. To not be rejected. He takes a deep breath, trying to think as rationally as possible. “I… I need to tell you something.” He finally says.
Alan nods, waiting for Jeff to continue. When he doesn’t, alan begins looking between the brothers. “What’s… whats going on ? Did I… did I hurt you ? Or say something ?” Alan begins rambling, concern clear in his voice as the silence from Jeff stretches on longer.
“I was bitched, Alan. I'm not supposed to have heats. I wasn’t meant to be like this” Jeff spits coldly interrupting Alan’s ramblings, a guarded look immediately glazing over his eyes. “If you don’t want me anymore, I’d understand.”
Tucking himself into Charlie’s arms to avoid Alan’s gaze, jeff closes himself off again.
“You were…. What ? By who ?” Alan sputters out, clearly confused and trying to make sense of the situation in front of him. Alan knew that bitching was a process that could be done by choice, but with the way Jeff was reacting to talking about it, he begins to get the sinking feeling that that is not the case here.
“Who the fuck do you think !” Jeff shouts back, exasperated at his alpha not understanding. He doesn’t get it, he never would. He would never want someone like you. A freak, unnatural, unlovable….. Jeff’s thoughts quickly falling down an all too familiar rabbit hole. Jeff’s body begins shaking, the combination of emotions and Alan’s heavy scent tinted with anger proving to be too much for the omega.
Angry ? Our alpha is angry Jeff’s omega begins protesting in his head. Go to him, we need to make him not angry anymore. But Jeff ignored his omega, just burrying himself further into Charlie’s arms.
“Please don’t hate me” Jeff whispers. “Please, please I didn’t mean to trick you, I was going to tell you before but then last night started and I just-“
“Trick me ?” Alan exclaims, “you can’t be serious Jeff” the man’s voice sounding more broken and sad than the anger tinged tone he had been expecting.
Curious, Jeff begins detaching himself from his brother and finally turns to face his alpha head on. “Well, why else would you be mad ? You want to settle down with a real omega but instead you got…. me”
Both alphas just stare at jeff. Charlie’s in quiet sadness, knowing that these fears were not new for Jeff. Every time the conversation of Jeff having a possible partner in the future was posed it was always brushed off with a dismissive “nobody wants a fake omega, it’s fine phi. I’m okay alone”.
Alan’s, on the other hand, is one of disbelief. “Jeff, baby, I’m not mad at you” Alan states, clear and pointed to ensure his omega did not misunderstand. “I’m mad at the scum of the earth that did this to you without your consent. I’m mad at the alpha that made you believe you’d never be good enough, never be wanted. I’m mad that I didn’t meet you sooner, I-“ stopping his rant Alan looks down, taking a deep breath to try and collect himself.
Taking a tentative step forward, Alan watches Jeff to judge his reaction. When there is none, he takes another step, slowly lessoning the gap between the two. Alan reaches his hands out but doesn’t quite touch Jeff, giving the younger the choice to be touched or not. To Alan’s relief, Jeff tentatively reaches out and takes hold of his hand and begins absentmindedly playing with it in front of him.
“I wish I could take all those thoughts out of your head, but I hope you’ll give me the opportunity to show you how wrong those thoughts are. Baby, I adore you. I don’t want anyone but you. You’re Alan’s boy, yeah ? Thought you had a lifetime subscription.”
A soft huff leaves Jeff’s mouth as a peers up at his alpha. His big, thoughtful, and unbearably cheesy alpha.
The couple spend a minute just looking at each other, trying to read every emotion and thought that’s crossing the others mind. They are only taken out of the trance when a quiet cough is heard from behind them, Charlie awkwardly shifting between feet.
“Well. Now that this appears to be resolved, I’m gonna….” Charlie says while vaguely gesturing towards the door. “You, take care of my brother, and you” he says pointedly turning his body towards Jeff, “call me if you need me. Anything at all. Yeah ?”
“Yeah phi, I know” Jeff confirms quietly while nodding. “Thank you.”
Charlie beams at his brother before sending a final pointed look at Alan, one that easily conveyed the hurt him and I’ll take your balls conversation Charlie had yet to be able to have in full with the older.
Giving Charlie a goodbye hug proved to be more difficult with Alan’s hand still in his, but Jeff wasn’t willing to give up the comfort and warmth of his alphas touch yet.
The front door shuts behind Charlie and suddenly Jeff of very aware of the fact that they’re alone again. Taking a steadying breath, Jeff grips Alan’s hands tighter in a desperate attempt to ground himself.
“Let’s go to the couch nu, we should talk” Alan says quietly while gently tugging the boy out of the entry way and leading him into the living room.
The two end up sitting facing each other, close enough that their knees were touching and so Jeff could continue playing with Alan’s hand he had pulled back into his lap, as if on instinct.
After a minute of just sitting together, Alan breaks the silence, “Do you want to tell me what happened?”
Almost immediately Jeff’s body tenses up, freezing in place as if that will make Alan take the question back. Alan uses his thumb to stroke across the back of Jeff’s hand, hoping to calm the boy in front of him.
Taking a shaky breath, Jeff slowly looks up at Alan, “I was 16 when I presented as an alpha. Everyone was shocked since I was smaller and more quiet than the others. Tony didn’t like omegas, they weren’t valuable to him, but I had my powers so he thought he had gotten lucky with a special omega. I thought presenting as an alpha would have saved me but-“ Jeff is cut off by sob being caught in the back of his throat. Alan brings his hand, the one not currently being crushed in Jeff’s tight grip, up to his face and begins brushing the tears away. Not speaking, just offering silent support until Jeff had the courage to continue.
“I spent two years being berated for not being good enough. How I would never be able to make an omega happy. It wasn’t until a few weeks before my 18th birthday that I realized something was wrong. Tony introduced me to this alpha and required I listened to him. The day before I turned 18 I was locked into a small room with nothing but a bed and a few pieces of the alphas clothing. I guess they were hoping I would start nesting at some point ? I don’t remember much from the full experience. Tony came in before the alpha to tell me to be good, to just let it happen. That, if it was possible to bitch a special alpha, I’d finally be useful to him. He left and the alpha came in and well… I’m sure you’re familiar with the bitching process.”
They sit in silence for a moment, both trying to process the depths of pain Jeff just revealed.
“I should’ve fought back” Jeff says after a moment, “I should’ve done something, I-“
Jeff is cut off by a wounded noise coming from Alan. He looks up to see Alan furiously shaking his head.
“You did everything you could, you can’t blame yourself. Can I…. Can I ask you a question ?”
Jeff nods, waiting patiently for his alpha to gather his thoughts.
“Why did they wait until you were 18?”
Puzzled at the question, Jeff peers into Alan’s eyes.
“With everything else they did to you” Alan continues, trying to explain where his curiosity came from, “I’m sure experimenting on two underage alphas was the least of their worries.”
Jeff stays quiet, staring at their hands still intwined between them.
Alan seems to understand all the same. “How old was he” he asks.
“I don’t really know, early forties maybe? It was the son of an investor who had never been able to hold onto an omega. They were sure that, if it was possible and he was the one that did it, my omega would attach to him. When it became clear that was not the case they went the other route. Making it clear that I was a fake omega, that no alpha would really want me. That he was settling for me as if I wasn’t in that situation because of him. Because I hadn’t attached to him he would only show up for my heat, I was locked in a room the rest of the time. Charlie rescued me after my second heat. We both knew that if I stayed it was only a matter of time until I got pregnant and we also knew I would never give my baby up to Tony. At the time I would have preferred him killing me over my disobedience then let him get his hands on my pup.”
A heavy silence settles over the couple before a soft sob was heard from Jeff, the severity of the situation settling in his bones for the first time. He crumbles forward, leaning all of his weight on Alan’s chest, not caring about the wet patch he would inevitably leave on Alan’s shirt.
“Shh, baby, you’re safe now. Nobody’s going to hurt you while I’m around” Alan mumbles into Jeff’s ear. He continues talking to the boy while running his hands through his hair.
Jeff soon calms down, small pants leaving his mouth as he tries to catch his breath. Alan separates their bodies slightly to get a good look at Jeff’s face, wiping away the last stray tears with his thumbs.
“I love you. No matter what, I love you” Alan says, Jeff almost feeling a need to shy away from the intensity of his gaze.
Jeff’s insecurities, on the other hand, are screaming in protest in his head. “Even though I’m…. This?” Jeff says, gesturing to himself.
“Even if you were still an alpha, I would be head over heels in love with you. I love you, Jeff. Subgender is just another piece that makes you. As long as you’re comfortable in your own skin, that’s all that matters.”
Jeff stays quiet, contemplating what his alpha had said. “I’m getting there” Jeff settles on as a reply, pulling his alpha ever so slightly closer to him. “You help” he finishes with, a subtle pink dusting the boys cheeks as he says it but despite the embarrassment, Jeff refuses to break eye contact.
“Yeah ?” Alan asks, voice an octave lower as he leans closer to his omega.
“Yeah” Jeff breathes out before closing the gap and crashing their lips together. He quickly straddles Alan’s lap, settling in as if he belonged there. Which, when he thought about it, maybe he did ?
We do, we belong with our mate his omega screamed at him, happy to bask in the attention he was getting from the older. Jeff grinds down, the friction making Alan moan and Jeff took this as an opportunity to slip his tongue into his mouth. Alan’s hands had made their way under his shirt, gripping at the youngers waist and enjoying the feeling of soft, warm skin under his fingertips.
Surprising both Jeff and himself, alan is the first to break the kiss, pulling back to gaze into the boys eyes. Jeff tried to lean forward again but Alan keeps him at bay, his hand moving to the center of his chest to hold him back.
“Wait, nu, are you sure ? We don’t have to do anything tonight, I don’t want to push you.”
Sighing Jeff surges forward and kisses the alpha before resting their foreheads together. “Thank you for the concern phi but I’ll be okay.” Leaning back, Jeff wraps his arms around Alan’s shoulders, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. Looking down, Jeff’s ears turn red before he murmurs “Erm, I still don’t let myself go into heat which is why this morning was so rough but Charlie brought my suppressants when he came by so...”
Tightening his grip around Jeff’s waist, Alan lets out a soft chuckle. “Babe took me to get suppressants while he was here too. Felt a little bit like a horny teenager but I didn’t want my rut making you feel more uncomfortable. Eventually we’ll have to talk about what we’re going to do going forward but…” Alan draws out the last word as he slowly leans towards Jeff’s scent gland, “…not tonight” he finishes before latching onto his neck.
Jeff’s eyes closed and he lets out a small moan when Alan’s teeth scrape against the sensitive skin. Then suddenly, a piece of what Alan said finally clicks. “Wait, wait, Alan” Jeff says while lightly pushing the alpha away, “what do you mean your rut ?”
Alan blinks at the younger, “you… you triggered my rut as well. I thought that was part of what made you panic.”
Processing the information, Jeff starts to work through what that means. “So… that means… we’re…”
“Fated mates” Alan breaths out, “yeah.” They just sit for a second, alan softly stroking up and down Jeff’s back. “Don’t feel any pressure, love. I’ll be here for as long as you want me, fate or not.”
Jeff leans in burying his face in Alan’s neck, letting himself get lost in his scent. Like a forest of redwood trees just after it rains. Earthy and comforting. Home his omega adds, mate.
“I think I like knowing you’re mine. Like you were made for me” Jeff’s says into the skin before latching onto his neck, working on leaving a hickey right on the gland.
Groaning, Alan slides his hands under Jeff’s ass and hoists him up so he can walk both of them to the bedroom. “God, you’ll be the death of me, nu.”
Depositing Jeff on the bed, Alan pulls his shirt off before climbing on top of him and clashing their lips together. Jeff’s hands fly to Alan’s chest, groping the muscular frame above him.
“You’re so perfect, Jeff. So good” Alan rasps out as he makes his way to Jeff’s neck, aiming to leave a matching hickey on his scent gland. “Want everyone to know you’re mine.”
“Yours” Jeff moans out as his hips buck up, seeking any friction he can find. Alan notices and slots his knee between Jeff’s legs, letting him grind against it.
After a moment Alan pulls back to examine his work. “You’re so pretty” he says, kissing his cheek, the corner of his mouth, then finally landing a soft kiss on the center of Jeff’s lips. Alan’s hands make their way under Jeff’s shirt again, beginning to hike it up. Getting the message, Jeff’s sits up enough so Alan can get it over his head. Alan’s eyes immediately drift down to Jeff’s chest, fingers ghosting over both nipples pulling a small noise from the youngers lips.
Alan swoops down, latching onto the right side while his fingers continue playing with the left. Jeff is a mess, letting out small whines and arching his chest up into the sensation. “Alan” he moans out, “need you.”
Alan growls, pulling back enough to yank Jeff’s pants and underwear off, leaving the boy bare beneath him. He takes a deep breath, eyes fluttering shut at the sweet scent coming from the omega. “You smell so sweet” Alan moans out, hand going down to swipe through the slick trickling down Jeff’s thighs.
Alan brings his slick covered hand up to his mouth, a questioning look in his eyes. Jeff just watches, eyes going wide and breath catching when Alan shoves two fingers into his mouth, moaning at the taste of Jeff’s slick.
Once Alan deems his fingers clean, he pulls them out, “you taste even better.”
Jeff immediately turns bright red, covering his face. “Phi” he whines out, squirming around. Alan grabs Jeff’s arm and pulls it away from his face, leaning down with a playful glint in his eyes. “What” he says, “use your words baby. What do you want.”
Jeff squirms more, tossing his head around to avoid Alan’s gaze before a hand is under his chin, forcing his face to be still. A pout forms on Jeff’s lips. “Alpha, fuck me.” He lets out, surging up to kiss the man above him.
Alan melts into it, “good boy” he mutters, deepening the kiss. Alan pulls back enough to shuck his own pants and underwear off, laying back down and grinding their cocks together, causing both men to groan.
Alan uses his fingers to work the boy open, taking time to rub over his prostate, causing the boys cock to start leaking. Once Alan is able to get three fingers into Jeff, scissoring them open, he deems the boy ready. He slowly pulls his hand out, using the excess slick to stroke at his own cock before lining himself up with Jeff’s entrance.
“I love you” he says softly, leaning down to kiss Jeff as he pushes in. A high pitched whine is ripped out of Jeff’s throat, hands scrambling for purchase on the alphas back. Alan is slow with his thrusts, enjoying the drag of his cock against Jeff’s tight walls.
“More” Jeff begs. Alan buries his face in Jeff’s neck as he speeds up, nailing the omegas prostate with each thrust. Jeff melts, completely at Alan’s mercy as he becomes lost in the pleasure.
Alan brings his hand between them and begins stroking Jeff’s cock, “cum for me baby” he says. He moves his hand to start playing with the shrunken knot at the bottom of Jeff’s cock. It doesn’t fill anymore, rendered useless with the change in hormones but the pleasure of it being stimulated is blinding for Jeff. He lets out a final broken moan, cumming between their chests and clenching down on Alan’s cock.
“Knot me” he babbles, “please alpha.” Jeff tilts his head to show more of his neck, putting his scent gland on display. Alan’s eyes go wide at the movement. “Bite me.” Jeff cries out.
Alan’s breath hitches, his knot rapidly expanding as he gets closer to his release. “Mine” Alan growls out, knot pushing into Jeff and locking them together, teeth sinking into Jeff’s neck. Jeff is shocked at the pleasure that rushes through his body when Alan bites him, forcing another orgasm out of the boy as Alan spills inside of him.
Alan detaches his teeth and begins licking over the wound. “Such a good omega for me.” Alan says, moving his face from Jeff’s neck and kissing him deeply. Alan rolls them over so Jeff is straddling him, baring his neck for the omega above him. “Give me a matching one ?”
Jeff’s breath catches in his throat, taken aback by the show of submission from the alpha. The boy brings a hand up, caressing Alan’s neck and using his thumb to stroke over the man’s exposed scent gland. Jeff slowly brings his head down, replacing his hand with his mouth, kissing over the area before sinking his teeth down. The reaction is immediate, energy thrumming through both men, connected in a way they never expected. We really are fated mates Jeff thinks to himself, sitting up to admire the new mark on his mates neck.
“I love you phi” Jeff says, stroking the man’s cheek. Alan brings his hand up, catching Jeff’s and turning his head to kiss his palm.
“I love you too. Forever.”
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alanjeffbrainrot · 2 months
Almost done with the WIP that caused me to start writing again and start this account…. Posting either later today or tomorrow before work 😌🎉
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alanjeffbrainrot · 2 months
There’s one truly unhinged fic idea I have and…….. it may never see the light of day. Am I gonna write it ? Yes. Will it just sit in my Google docs with all my WIPS ? Likely.
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alanjeffbrainrot · 2 months
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ผมไม่ได้นอนเพราะดู”กะเพราChallenge EP.0”ค้าบบบ🤣 //I didn't sleep because I watched "กะเพราChallenge EP.0"🤣
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alanjeffbrainrot · 3 months
Sailubpon give me strength, I’ve got 6.5 hours left of my shift 😭😭😭😭
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alanjeffbrainrot · 3 months
Oab you’ve known this kid for 2 days and hated him the entire time. Why are you stroking his cheek like that 🤨
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Plawan. Are you the one Methas sent to compete?
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alanjeffbrainrot · 3 months
Did they…. Did they re-edit the trailer and add it to the end of ep one ?????
Either way, these are my spoiler free thoughts on TLDHLB ep 1 :’)
Just finished and I can already tell I’m gonna love this show 😭😭 pon and Garfield as besties is sO FUNNY and Sailub and Benz being enemies is………………. A lot 🥵 (we stan a bisexual king aka chef Oab)
Anyways, that’s my thoughts on TLDHLB ep 1. I’m gonna go to bed because it’s 12:30 am and I have work tomorrow <3
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alanjeffbrainrot · 3 months
I’m at work for another 4.5 hours and then it will be TIME FOR LONG BEANS IM SO EXCITED 🗣️🗣️
If anybody wants to drop spoiler free reviews in the tags 👀
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alanjeffbrainrot · 3 months
Jeff & The Pack Nest pt. 2
Find it on AO3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To read pt 1
Words: 1.5k ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SFW
A/N: PACK NEST 🗣️ PACK NEST 🗣️ PACK NEST Jeff, north, and Kenta build a pack nest. Jeff and north helping Kenta come out of his shell in their own ways <3
Jeff stood in Alan’s living room, ringing his hands together as he stared at the wall in a slight daze. He comes to when arms wrap around his torso, Alan’s taller frame slotting against his back, the alphas nose running across his scent gland. Jeff tilts his head to the side, offering the man more room. “What time do they get here ?” Alan asks into Jeff’s neck.
“North’s on his way and I told Kenta 6 but I haven’t heard from him” Jeff said quietly, “I just hope he comes at least later tonight, even if he’s not here early.”
Alan hums, “I’m sure he will be.” Alan pulls back enough to spin Jeff around to face him, leaning down to peck his lips. “Are you excited at least ?”
Jeff shyly nods, tipping forward to hide his rapidly reddening cheeks in Alan’s chest. “I just hope the pack likes it” the boy whispers. Despite constant assurance from the alpha since this was originally discussed, Jeff is still incredibly nervous about this whole endeavor.
“We’ll love it baby.” Alan whispers in his ear. They enjoy a moment wrapped in each others arms, the quiet scene being interrupted by the front door opening. North making himself known through as he bounds down the hallway and into the big living room.
“Awe” north coos at the sight in front of him, “Lung as cute as this is you’re not allowed in here right now. Go bother sonic.”
Alan rolls his eyes but detaches himself from Jeff anyways. “I’ll see you in an hour I guess” he says, leaning down to kiss the omega one last time before pulling away. He turns and levels his gaze with north, “be good.” he says simply before walking back down the hallway towards the front door.
He opens it to see Kenta and Kim standing on the porch, wrapped in each other's arms. At the sound of the door opening Kenta jumps back, eyes wide while kim just looks annoyed at the hug being cut short. “Hello Kenta” Alan says warmly, smiling at the man, “umm… kim I’ll go…. I’ll go wait in the car” he finishes, awkwardly pointing towards Kim’s car. Kim nods, the two watching Alan walk away.
As soon as the car door closes kim pulls Kenta back in, laying a small kiss on the taller man’s cheek. “We’ll see you in an hour. Have fun baby.” Kenta let’s out a shaky breath, clinging tighter to kim for a second.
“Are you sure they really want me here ?”
Kim’s heart aches at the question, pulling back to stroke at the man’s cheek. “Yes.” he says simply, “you’re pack, my love. And you always will be.”
Kenta gives him a tight smile, waving the man off and letting himself into the house.
Jeff and north, who have been chatting idly about the plans for tonight, make their way out to the entree way when they hear the door open. “Kenta !” North shouts, bounding over to the man, taking his hand and leading the way to the pack nesting room.
Jeff’s heart warms at the sight. Kenta may be slightly uncomfortable, eyes darting between north and Jeff as they walk, but he hasn’t pulled away yet like he has in the past. Jeff counts that as a win.
The nesting room in Alan’s house had only been used once at this point. Just after joining the X-Hunter pack North had a particularly bad heat, Sonic bringing him to Alan’s house as soon as it broke and the man immediately jumped into action, calling the rest of the pack over and helping with an impromptu pack nest. But in a pack overrun by alphas, there was only so much they could do past providing nesting materials and items that smelled like pack.
North opened the door, the three omegas standing in the doorway just observing the room. The first thing Jeff noticed was the sterile smell, the room having been deep cleaned after it’s one use and not touched since. Jeff’s nose wrinkled, determining that that was the first thing that needed to be changed. In the middle of the room was essentially a pit, two steps down onto a large plush mattress, big enough to fit their entire pack and then some. A projector was mounted on the wall behind it, giving them the ability to watch movies on the big white wall while curled up together.
Since the pack had planned this there were various duffel bags lining the far wall, each containing items from each member of the pack, and a large stack of various blankets, sheets, and pillows that Alan had gotten when he built the room.
“Jeff ?” Kenta said quietly, looking over at the youngest, “how do we….?” He trails off, feeling his hand get squeezed by north. Jeff smiles warmly at the pair, reaching over to squeeze at kentas free hand.
“Just listen to your instincts, Ken. Why don’t we start easy, let’s get some sheets and the first couple blankets on and then we can worry about the rest of it, yeah ?”
North nods enthusiastically, his omega elated over the idea of having a pack omega to listen to, and quickly walking over to the pile of sheets. Jeff leads Kenta further into the room, the man clearly still nervous.
“Kenta !” North says loudly, holding up two sheet options, “white or gray ?”
Kentas eyes widen, looking over at Jeff but the man just nods, “which one ken ?”
“Gray ? I Guess ?” He stammers out, watching the other two trying to gauge whether he made the right decision or not.
All he gets is a proud smile from Jeff and an enthusiastic nod from north. “Cmon” Jeff says, tugging on kentas hand, “let’s help north get things situated.”
The three set to work, quietly getting the base of the nest set up. North and Jeff asking kentas opinions on various items until they see his confidence grow in the process. He didn’t add anything without prompting until they got to the pack specific items, Kenta immediately pulling one of Kim’s hoodies out and weaving it into the side. Jeff pauses when he sees this, his omega chirping at the sight. He looks away before Kenta can catch him but he catches eyes with north, who also has a wide smile on his face after catching the moment.
They continue working quietly, weaving the walls of the nest together with various pack items, each omega choosing a section. Jeff, being the pack omega, was working on the back wall of the nest, where he and Alan would be so they could watch over everyone. Kenta working on the left side and north working on the right.
None of them realized it had been an hour until they hear a soft knock coming from the other side of the door. Jeff opens it slowly to Alan. Not anxious really, but obviously antsy to have the pack together. “Are you guys ready ?” he asks softly, trying to not look past Jeff in case the others didn’t want him to invade yet. Jeff steps out, closing the door softly. “Yeah” he breaths out, “just give them a minute. Ken will probably need a second before people can come in.”
“How’d he do ?” Alan asks sincerely, always worried about the comfortability of their newest pack members.
“Really good” Jeff breathes out, leaning forward and melting into Alan’s chest. The older man wraps his arms around the boy's waist, keeping him close and kissing the top of his head. They stand for a second, soaking in the comfort of each other, neither man noticing the door to the pack room opening until they hear a loud groan from behind them.
“Why do you get your alpha” north whines, “let’s go find everyone else.” North pouts at Kenta, grabbing his hand to pull him towards the living room to find the rest of the pack. A deep chuckle comes from Alan’s chest, reluctantly pulling away. “It’s good to see them getting along” he says, Jeff nodding along with a small smile.
They hear indistinct chatter getting louder as the pack makes their way down the hall, the group stopping in front of Alan and Jeff. “Ground rules” Alan says loudly, getting everyone’s attention, “don’t fuck it up.”
Jeff laughs, hitting Alan on the shoulder before turning back to the pack, “stupid way to put it but yeah, don’t fuck it up” Jeff says shrugging, opening the door and leading the pack inside. Jeff gets in first sitting at the head of the nest and beckoning the other two omegas in. Once they’re settled, the three invite their alphas in first. Alan and Kim both settle down and pull their omegas into their chest while Sonic scrambles in and lays on top of north, using his chest as a pillow. Once the three couples are settled Jeff looks up and nods at the four remaining members.
Charlie and babe settle on the right between north and Sonic and alan and Jeff while Pete and way curl up on the left.
Jeff looks around, feeling an instinctual piece of him settle seeing their pack all together, safe in each other's arms. He feels himself begin to purr, burrowing deeper into Alan’s chest. The alpha kisses the top of his head before leaning down, “are you happy, baby ?” Alan asks into Jeff’s ear and the boy just nods in response.
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alanjeffbrainrot · 3 months
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alanjeffbrainrot · 3 months
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alanjeffbrainrot · 3 months
OH NO I’m having thoughts about Ftm!Jeff (prefacing these thoughts with the fact that I’m a gay trans guy and yes I’m fully projecting my insecurities onto Jeff lmao)
CW: internalized transphobia, nsfw, minors dni
So hear me out:
Ftm!jeff and a clueless Alan are dating
Jeff’s been on T since he was 18 so just over 2 years. He got top surgery 6 months after his 18th birthday.
Charlie and North are the only two people that know
north only found out because the gang went to pride and he was wearing a trans flag. Jeff pulled him aside and shyly told him, north immediately giving him a big hug. They’ve been besties since
Jeff has been meaning to tell Alan, he knows the older man will love him no matter what (a fact always supported and mentioned by north) but it’s still scary
Not to mention Alan has made offhand comments about only having been with men and there’s a tiny part of him that worries he will no longer be interested when he finds out.
The night they get get together Jeff’s heart is racing. He’s caught up in the moment, making out with the taller man who has him laid out on the bed
Alan goes to take off Jeff’s shirt and the boys eyes widen, flying down to catch Alan’s wrist.
“Alan…. I have to tell you something” Jeff stutters out, eyes trained at the ceiling
Alan pulls back, looking down at the boy with concern and pulling his hand away from the shirt and resting it on Jeff’s cheek
With the comfort from the man’s hand Jeff takes a shaky breath and quietly says “there’ll be scars. Umm…” tears well up in his eyes as he continues, “I had top surgery over a year ago and… and it’s healed but the scarring is still there…”
Alan is listening quietly, stroking the boys cheek to catch the falling tears. Jeff starts chewing on his bottom lip, still refusing to look alan in the eyes. “Baby, are you trying to tell me you’re trans?” Alan asks delicately
Jeff sighs, a new round of tears starting as he nods. “Oh my love, you’re okay” alan says, swooping down to pepper kisses over his face, “thank you for telling me. I love you, I love you so much. Nothing will ever change that.”
They talk for a bit, alan quelling Jeff’s most intimate fears. At the end of the conversation, Jeff still has one lingering question for the man. “Do you still…. Want me ? I haven’t had bottom surgery so I’m… ya know…”
A loud laugh is heard from alan, Jeff staring at him with wide, shocked eyes. “Sorry, sorry” alan says, quieting himself. He pushes Jeff back down on the bed and brings his leg over the boys hips, straddling him. “You aren’t the first trans guy I’ve dated” Alan says with a shrug, his hands finding their way back under Jeff’s shirt, just rubbing soft circles into his hips. “You just have to tell me what you’re comfortable with, okay ? Like….” He leans down whisper in Jeff’s ear, “can I taste you ? Get you off on my tongue ?”
Jeff moans, head nodding as he grips Alan’s hair and brings him over for a heated kiss. Alan goes to rake the boys shirt up again, this time not being stopped.
When they’re both naked, alan begins kissing down Jeff’s chest, taking a moment to kiss over each scar which nearly made Jeff cry again.
He gets down to Jeff’s core, shoving his legs further apart to get a better look. Jeff is bright red, embarrassed over being so exposed but he can’t look away.
Alan’s breath ghosts over Jeff’s wet entrance, eyes trained on Jeff’s tiny cock (thanks T). Alan seems to finally break, lurching forward to latch onto Jeff’s cock and suck, hard, tongue swirling around it causing Jeff to let out a broken moan.
alan brings a hand up to ghost over Jeff’s leaking entrance before a noise of protest is hear from the boy. “Nothing inside” he pants out, “please”
Alan immediately withdraws his hand, bringing his head up to kiss lightly at Jeff’s inner things. “Okay” he breaths out, catching Jeff’s eyes and bringing his hand up to interlace their fingers together. “I’ve got you baby”
Alan goes back in, eating the boy out with passion. When jeff is close to his orgasm he begins bucking his hips into Alan’s face.
Jeff cums quickly, riding out his orgasm on Alan’s tongue. When alan resurfaces he moves back up to kiss Jeff deeply, the boy able to taste his own release on the man’s tongue.
Alan brings his hand down to begin tugging at his own painful erection. He pulls back from the kiss to look down at the boy, “can I cum on you ?”
Jeff groans at the lewdness of the question, “my stomach and chest” he says, eyes not leaving the man to watch every twitch of his face. Alan moans and reaches his peak, leaving streaks of cum across the boys chest
Once they’re cleaned up they lay with each other in bed, Jeff tucked into Alan’s neck. “Thank you” the boy says quietly.
Alan kisses the top of his head, pulling Jeff closer to him, “I love you baby.”
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