#Google Drive File
digitalmagnate · 2 years
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gracefuldisasters · 5 months
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Reupload from a year ago ~
Still my favorite Sonic game. And I need to draw more in the style of the first slide, I forgot how much I liked it
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sleepanonymous · 9 months
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I like getting emails about any of the *checks account* 392 fics I’m currently subscribed to. It distracts me from all the things I haven’t written.
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mxyzptplk · 7 months
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Made this acrylic painting for an art class landscape project! Took about a month, but only because I got sick and missed a week. Room UW_F01 of the Exterior (Reblogs > likes)
my brain rot is so prominent it's showing up irl now
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hungrydolphin91 · 1 month
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Font replicated from Dawn of the New World
Font replicated from Tales of Graces
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loftyanchor · 9 months
What brushes or programs do you use? Sorry if you've already answered this before!
My brushes have changed a lot since the last time I shared 'em! I use Clip Studio Paint with a mixture of my own brushes (download) and some altered character pens from ×ェ× (download). Explanations n' samples below~!
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For sketches I use my Brushy brush and a slightly altered version of ×ェ×'s character pens. My alterations to their pen were pretty minor - I reduced the variation in brush size, especially at the start and end of the stroke, to make it more like a standard lineart brush.
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I use my Grain brushes and another altered brush to refine the lines. Instead of creating a new layer for my line art, I draw the line art on the same layer as my sketch. I use these brushes to draw and erase, adding and subtracting from my sketch to clean it up.
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I don't use Rough or Bumpy too often, but they're good for cleaning up line art and creating fine detail. I use them to create intricate details and patterns that are actually just a bunch of little scribbles and loops when you zoom in
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yhwcomeback · 7 months
Do you still think of Brad and Lloyd
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nem0-nee · 1 year
yoyoyo the twst student id template file wont work can u pls just post it?
Yeaap- here you go anon + the peeps struggling to open the file!! Google drive is being weird lately- If anyone can recommend me any alternatives to drop off files, please do let me know ^^
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wuntrum · 9 months
troubled by how many incoming art students dont know how to take and upload a good photo of their work...like well lit, rotated the right way, cropped so its just the artwork, naming the file instead of leaving it IMG_3294?? like guys please 😭
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simstoyourdismay · 2 months
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“belle of the ball” met gala hosted by @havenroyals ❤️‍🔥
this post is so ass i’m so sorry i’ll fix it after i take a nap.. anyways YAY met gala!! i’ve always seen these on simstagram and wanted to participate in one so bad. small issue tho i forgot that i keep refusing to update my game so i had to build a makeshift lot really quick. that’s why you can barely see any of it lol
now i have celebrity ocs (the ngo family) so i can send them here 😛 i considered sending the arias family here as well but they’re not really celebrities, they’re just really rich? like sure, owning a huge conglomerate will make you known but it won’t have you trending on social media constantly. i was gonna go in about how they actually don’t care about that but this post isn’t even about them ahrhrhghghf.. uhhh quick rundown. shōichi is a big actor and he’s currently working for a highly anticipated film. it’s the rumored last film from a really talented director yada yada. he’s the type to lay reallyyy low when he’s filming so this appearance had people stirring. dawn is his wife and she’s a critically acclaimed pianist. was really big in vietnam when she was first starting out and garnered global attention fairly quickly. injured her hand a few years down the line and had to give up playing professionally, but her talent is still recognized today. she’s less popular in the states in comparison to shōichi but she’s known amongst the younger crowd online. you know celebrity crushes everyone can agree on? she’s one of those. uhhh what else oh they have two kids (they’re the twins) and they kept them out of the public eye for years. didn’t want to expose them to all that so early. the twins first appeared in the media when they were preteens, their choice. people were surprised to learn ezra was talented in his own regard (he paints) and the general public agreed that he’d be successful even without famous parents. talia didn’t really have a specific talent so she got dragged pretty often for being so lackluster in comparison to her family. this whole thing made talia fearful of the media so she took a step back from it all and ezra was scared of falling from their good graces. oh i just realized i’m rambling sorry i do that when talking about any of my ocs uhh if i delete this later when i’m fixing it you know why 💔 would also like to clarify that this makes them seem so cookie cutter but i promise they’re complex characters that i’ve fleshed out..
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sleepanonymous · 9 months
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staryarn · 11 months
This is so random but do you have the full image of the Ishmael CG from your pfp? The quality is so good and I’ve been searching for it
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(All 4.5 cgs)
(Ishmael icon)
Bonus: all cgs in game so far
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otaku553 · 2 months
I think being slightly insane while explaining any aspect of One Piece is a requirement. Certainly adds to the experience at least
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Only like,, 5 people attended but I still win these
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swaps55 · 3 months
Not sure what it says about me that I am more alarmed people don't know how to download files from Google Docs than I am about Google's policies.
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natjennie · 2 days
thank god for all the people online that fulfill the cool older brother in the basement niche, knowing workarounds and hacks for how to get into anything. oh you're looking for a half-remembered fever dream of a video from 1967, just go to this website my homie jake has em all archived.
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