#better quality in my google drive as always
sleepanonymous · 9 months
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putschki1969 · 23 days
Will you upload the kajifes songs in mp3? I always check your posts with that hope 😢😅
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Hi there!
I have plans of making/uploading HQ rips of both BDs. Not only do the BDs contain a few more songs, I'm also hopeful that the audio/video quality will be better than the TV broadcast.
Unfortunately, I haven't received my package yet. People seem to underestimate how long it actually takes for things to get to me. Even with fast shipping options, the Austrian customs/import procedures significantly delay every single order. On top of that, I usually don't go for the high-end shipping option because I order and receive so much stuff from Japan that I'm simply not willing to spend a fortune on every little item. It's bad enough that I have to pay import taxes ranging from €10-€30 for every freaking package so I refuse to fork out €60 or more for faster shipping.
As for MP3s, we'll see how much time I'll have to work on that. Ripping/encoding/uploading the video files will take forever so it really depends on how busy I am once the package arrives.
On a related side note: I haven't looked into it yet but maybe there are already people providing all of this. YK is very popular these days so chances are high that other fans have taken it upon themselves to upload recordings/MP3s. If I were you, I would be checking out the dedicated cpm threads to see if they've got what you are looking for.
Great news, everyone! Thanks to a kind and generous follower (@ama-m3), we now have MP3s/FLACs for Yuki Kajiura Live Vol.#19 Kaji Fes.2023 Day 1 and Day 2🥳 I have updated my "Yuki Kajiura/FJ LIVES HQ" Masterpost with a link to a new Google Drive folder for Kaji Fes. 23. As of right now, the folder only contains audio files but once I have received my package, I will be adding the video files as well. Please enjoy! And once again, a HUGE thank you to @ama-m3 for sharing these audios with us🙏
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xchxrryblossomx · 1 year
My little Angel
Summary: You are your dad Pedro having quality family time together
Warning: None
A/N: In this, you're 15 and your mom died after giving birth to you and it was just you and Pedro together as a happy family, and once again [...] is the translation so sorry cuz I'm using google
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You just got home from school and saw your dad. You did what you usually did, you ran up to him and hugged him. "Hola papá", [Hey dad] you smiled. Pedro smiled and said, "Hola cariño, ¿cómo estuvo la escuela?" [Hey sweetie, how was school?] You sighed and Pedor immediately knew it was horrible.
"Qué ha pasado Y/n?", [What happened Y/n] he asked and you frowned. "My stupid math teacher gave us a test I wasn't ready for then people were asking me if I had answers from the homework which I did but I didn't want to give the answers to them". Pedro chuckled and patted your head, "How about we go out and buy some snacks so we can watch a movie to make you feel better". You smiled and nodded "¡Sí, papá, quiero bocadillos y películas!". [Yes dad I want snacks and movies!] He chuckled and you dropped your school bag in your room then you both got in the car.
Once he reached the store you both got out and walked in. You grabbed your favorite snacks and favorite drink while Pedro did the same. Once you both got what you wanted and paid you went to the Redbox outside of the store and looked at the movies. That's when someone noticed you both and took a picture. They then walked up to you both and said, "May I get a picture with you both?". You looked at your dad and he nodded so you said yes the person then took the photo and thanked you and Pedro for letting them take a picture.
The person then started a little conversation and made a joke both you and your dad laughed at then they left to go home you were guessing. After that, you and Pedro picked a movie you walked back to the car and got in. On the drive home you were looking threw Instagram and saw the person post the picture of you and Pedro and the post said, "Look at this adorable family. I'm so glad I got to meet them and take a picture with them. They were so nice and friendly". You smiled and said, "Dad the person who took a photo with us said we were an adorable family and very friendly".
You giggled and Pedro said, "Well he isn't wrong, we're very friendly and adorable". You both then started to laugh. Once you got home you went into your room to change into pajama pants and an oversized shirt. Pedro had some sweats and a red shirt that says "#1 dad". you bought him the shirt for his birthday last year and he wore it like every night. You just remembered that you both usually make a pillow fort so you quickly ran to grab pillows and blankets then you quickly went back to the living room.
He chuckled when he saw all the pillows and blankets you had, "Hija mía, ¿por qué tienes que correr? Podrías tropezar, ten cuidado, por favor." [My daughter why must you run you could trip, be careful please] You giggled, "estare bien papa". [I'll be fine dad] He looked at you, "Yeah until you fall". You giggled, "I won't fall". just as you said that you dropped a pillow and tripped but luckliy your dad caught you before you hit the ground. He started laughing, "You were saying".
You then started laughing, "I mean at least you caught me dad". After he picked up the pillow that fell you both then started building the fort and you put the movie in the DVD player and started it. Pedro smiled and said, "You know when you were 7 we made a fort like this and you always insested on watching a movie or show with me in it. You used to also get so upset if we didn't, it was funny". You smiled, "I know dad I remember, but I always wanted to watch the same show or movie over and over again".
"Those are some of my favorite memories". Pedro smiled, "Yep, those are some of my favorite memories too". You both then started watching the movie eating snacks and drinking your drinks. You fell asleep halfway threw the movie and Pedro paused the movie. He then picked you up carefully and walked to your room moving the blankets on your bed then laying you down. He then pulled the covers over you. "Buenas noches mi hija dulce sueño, te amo". [Good night my daughter sweet dream, I love you]. He kissed your forehead and turned off the light and shut the door half way. He then cleaned up the mess and went to bed.
I hope you enjoyed have a wonderful day/night ♡
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fourswordsannotated · 11 months
re: reading the manga
hello to anyone who is interested in this very weird little manga! if you’re wondering how you can read the legend of zelda: four swords, this post is for you.
obviously, the best thing to do in my opinion is acquire the physical book. you can purchase the definitive “legendary edition” online or in person (outside of specialty shops, i think the b&n manga section has some of himekawa’s work). the library is also an option, you never know what they might have!
that said, i get how both options can be unfeasible. i do have a pdf of the legendary edition, but i’m not sure what the best way would be to share it. i don’t love the idea of having a google drive file indefinitely available to anyone who has the link. would be people be comfortable requesting access instead? and does this cross into, like, harmful distribution of media? i mean no disrespect to these authors or their work.
the other wrinkle with the pdf is that it is a very large file. i also have an epub which is much smaller, but lower quality. i would ideally like to share both so everyone has options.
i also want to acknowledge that there is a fan translation floating around online, but i see no upside to reading it instead of the official english translation. no disrespect to the fan translation, but it is pretty much always better to consume the official version of a text. even if it isn’t in the original language, it’s a translation produced and approved by the company releasing the manga itself. i assume there is at least some communication between the company, if not the translators themselves, about the intentions of their work.
please let me know your thoughts about everything above! i would love if more people were able to enjoy this weird little manga in its most ideal form.
- @hey-adora
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nanowrimo · 2 years
5 Tips for Completing Your NaNoWriMo Novel Draft
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. Freewrite, a 2022 NaNoWriMo sponsor, is a dedicated drafting device designed just for writers, free of distractions. Today, comedian/writer Natalie Kim and Freewrite staff member Colin Butts share a few tips for helping you reach the end of your first draft this November:
Hello from Freewrite!  We’re thrilled to be taking part in the 2022 NaNoWriMo challenge. If you’re unfamiliar, we make dedicated drafting devices for writers without the distraction—or temptation—of browsers, email, apps, or notifications so you can get into and stay in writing flow. When it is time to edit, your drafts seamlessly sync with the cloud for export into Scrivener, Final Draft, Word, Google Docs, or your software of choice.
At the core of Freewrite’s design philosophy is an encouragement to move you forward. Intentionally lacking editing capabilities, Freewrite drafting devices help writers write more, not better. In this case, quantity trumps quality.
Ok, enough about Freewrite. How about insight from 2020 NaNoWriMo participant Natalie Kim about her experience drafting her project and what tips she has for you going in:
1. Make it a ritual
For NaNoWriMo in November 2020 I committed to writing after dinner, no matter what. Once my butt sank into our cat-scratched chair, my fingers immediately danced across my Freewrite keyboard and did not stop until I hit 1000 words. A car filled with clowns could have crashed into my living room and I would continue typing.
Also, there is no question that writing on the Freewrite helped me reach 50,000+ words. Had I used my laptop to write I would have 50+ browser tabs open, searching for “JUST ONE MORE THING”.
With the Freewrite it was just me and the words.
2. Always move forward
I remember the advice an instructor in a graduate film writing class said about the first draft. He said: “Never go back and edit your first draft while you are writing it. Always move forward”. I followed his advice and I did not read what I had written. I gave it the cold shoulder and moved on.
3. Guard your mind from the noise
Try an experiment during NaNoWriMo: Refrain from consuming media like podcasts, episodic shows or mindlessly scrolling social media on your phone. 
And before you throw your sneaker at me, hear me out.
Your mind is a valuable resource that must be protected from the mediocre din of every day society. You never know where your next precious idea will appear: walking back from the coffee shop, loading the dishwasher or driving back from the mechanic. Our greatest ideas emerge when we have a clear mind; free from other people’s ideas and voices. 
4. When you’ve reached 50,000 words
In Stephen King’s book, On Writing, King says that when you finish the first rough draft you need distance from it. King believes that if you read the first draft too soon you will be tempted to tinker with it. You might think it is harmless to tinker but it ultimately results in your work looking become a loaf of bread vivisected by a toddler: a doughy, crumbly mess.
Instead give the rough draft some breathing space. Then come back to it.
5. In conclusion
Please do feel free to use the helpful advice and throw out the rest. Go forth with confidence and be steadfast with your writing. 
50,000 words, here you come!
Don’t forget to check out Freewrite’s special discount offer for NaNoWriMo writers! 
Natalie Kim is a comedian who likes to remind everyone that we are not as different as we think we are. This summer, she was a resident of St. Nell’s Humor Writing Residency for Women and performed in clubs around New York City. She is currently working on a collection of humorous essays about being the tough-talking, loud mouth kid from Suffolk County, Long Island.
As Head of Marketing for Freewrite, Colin Butts loves hearing from creative writers about their ideas and stories in development. Helping to provide a product that removes barriers for drafting artists makes his work deeply purposeful. Colin loves to read, is starting his own first short story, and enjoys adventure travel, yoga, and video games when he’s not busy in the literary world.
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herbgerblin · 1 year
Hi Herb!! I was wondering if you had any advice on opening commissions? I enjoy your art immensely and you were one of the first people I thought of to ask since I know you do commissions on occasion
Sorry if this is totally weird, I am just at a complete loss! Thanks for taking the time to read this!
These are things I wish I had figured out when I started selling art commissions. Also, feel free to use my current commission form to pattern your own. (also if anyone >.> wants to commission me, I am open <.<)
Step 1: Write a Terms of Service
Good terms of service will manage the expectations of your clients, establish a level of professionalism, and protect you if someone tries to argue something already made clear in writing. You can keep your ToS really simple, but it's good practice to include the following:
What kind of art you will/won't do (I don't do nfts)
Estimated duration of the project (2-4 weeks is my M.O.)
Number of revisions (more than 3, I add a fee)
When and how often you will update the client
Rights that you retain as an artist/permit to the client
Note: This mainly applies to personal/non-commercial work. If you are approached to make art for a game/magazine/website, do a ton more research. You will need to write out a contract that makes things Boringly Clear, and you will want to retain all of your rights as an artist.
Step 2: PRICES (scream)
Everyone starts out underselling. I'm underselling (I'm trying to get better.) Just go at your own pace. Look at what other artists are offering, but don't just look at the quality of their work. Think about your turnaround time, your style, and your target audience. If you are a fast worker or very detailed, that's worth a pay bump. Niche communities will pay solid money for artists to cater to them. So for example, if you draw fetish art, you have more room to charge higher.
ALWAYS GET PAYMENT UP FRONT. You can offer half upfront and half upon completion. If it's a big or long-term project, it's okay to go 30/70. BUT NEVER START WORK WITHOUT SOME SORT OF COMPENSATION. I just had a client that has not paid me the 2nd half and they are blacklisted. This rarely happens but it does happen.
Once you think you've got a price chart you feel comfortable with, add $20. Do it, even if it feels wrong. You may have to pay transaction fees, or the work (often) takes longer than expected. It'll be a small mercy to yourself to account for these things. Raise your prices a little bit each year because you are growing in experience and inflation (scream) is a thing that affects the arts too.
I wish I had done this step years ago, but I slacked off, and therefore staying organized was a nightmare. The less "business" stuff you have to do manually, the more time you can focus on "creative" stuff.
Make a google form. Make it as easy for the client to input information as possible. In the settings, set it so that responses will go to an excel file. The questions you ask will be the titles of the fields, so keep them short and easy to read. Reference image attachments will save to google drive.
You can set it up so that you will get an email whenever you get a new response (you might want to make a separate email account specifically for commissions.) Prewrite confirmation responses and save them as templates so that you're not writing the same email to clients over and over again.
Set reminders for responding to clients, requesting payment, and finishing work. This can be through google calender or some other app. You are responsible for facilitating communication. Even if the email is just, "Hey, just letting you know the work is still in progress, I will send you a wip in 1-2 days." Client assurance is high priority.
I use paypal invoice for payments. It means I have to pay a transaction fee, but I factor that into my prices. It also ensures that I have clear documentation for orders, I can send reminders easily if I haven't been paid, and it just looks more professional overall. You can use whatever service feels most comfortable, just make sure you practice good bookkeeping (*stares at my taxes in horror*)
Step 4: Mockups and Descriptions
Provide examples of the work that you are going to. Make a mockup of busts/half body/full body, etc. Don't include anything you don't intend to actually produce.
Make sure that your form includes room to answer EVERY question about the commission that you might have. This will reduce the amount of back and forth you need to have with your client. You want to be able to get that request, confirm it, send that invoice, and jump on it ASAP.
Step 5: Start small, be honest, be firm
If you haven't done commissions before, have a limited number of slots available. Take break time after you've finished a certain amount. Don't languish over an art piece. At some point, it will be as done as it can be. Send it to the client, and keep rolling.
If you feel like you are getting overwhelmed, tell your client. It's bad practice to go on hiatus and not notify them while they're waiting on an update. If you genuinely forget to touch base with them, do so as soon as possible. Apologize, then finish the work as soon as you can. Refund if you think that's the most polite route, but completing the task is usually more appreciated.
Be cordial, but firm. People will try to bully you over little things, but don't give in. Ignore folks who say your prices are too high. Make it clear that if they ask for more than what is agreed, you will charge a fee. If you feel like a request is sketchy, get a second opinion.
obligatory paypal link: help me pay kravitz jr's vet bills
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danggirlronpa · 9 months
All fan merch this week! There's another sticker that I know came in, but it's not in my stack of unposted merch and it's not in my sticker book, so I must have misplaced it or, worst-case, thrown it anyway. It's only a few bucks to get another one, but I'm still pretty bummed about it. It's a very nice sticker! If I find it, I'll make a post right away instead of waiting until Monday.
Stick around until the end, because there's a couple announcement-style things on this post!
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This is a Tokomaru print from @gyozart! I've included my hand for size comparison. This print has a super neat little glittery finish that I didn't expect that adds a lot of charm, even though you can't see it here. For some reason, keychains are the most common Tokomaru merch, so I was really glad to find and scoop this up!! They're on their last 10 stock, so go grab it from their Etsy.
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This is a neat lil sticker set by @pikachuurin! You can buy these four, four SDR2 stickers, or all 8 - or you can mix in and match with their other (all very cute!) stickers in their mix-and-match pack. These are vinyl stickers, and they're VERY nice; I had no trouble peeling them, sticking them, or unpeeling/re-sticking them. Which is not always true for these stickers!
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And this is a Kaemaki keychain by XKawaiiChaosX! (I truly could not get my phone camera to focus in on this one - I'll get a better image of this later, when I'm in better lighting conditions.) Considering this is only a dollar, it's very high quality! The make is about what I'd expect from other higher-priced keychains, and they sent along several more as freebies. There are a few other ships in this collection, as well!
On to announcements:
Because my new place is (FINALLY) ready, I am very low in funds, which means that other than zines I supported months back, there probably won't be any more merch for quite a while! I'm hoping to scrounge up funds for the big upcoming zines like the Kaede zine, but it's not looking too positive. I'll still be at least getting a digital copy to add to my collection on my desktop & Google Drive, but if you're the type of person who watches for physical merch before coming in during leftover sales, you're going to want to look elsewhere!
On a slightly cheerier note, at a few people's requests, I've started dividing up my Etsy favorites into different ships! Right now I've got a collection of Sakuraoi merch and a collection of Tokomaru merch. I'm hoping to have this set up on other sites as well, but I probably won't get to that until the start of next year, when I'm doing all my other big blog upkeep things. So for now, here's the most popular F/F ships on the most popular merch website.
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vashsusedundies · 9 months
okay so i tried to upload the upscaled clips here but tumblr does ruin the quality which is supposed to be the whole point of upscaling videos in the first place. so i uploaded the clips i have upscaled so far to my google drive for those who do edits and want better quality footage. i hope that's legal, anyway here's the google drive i'm talking about:
google drive preview also doesn't showcase the actual quality for some reason so to get the 4k you'd have to download them. it is frustrating but i'm not sure where else I could upload these other than yt and yt can be a bit sensitive with stuff like this?
but as always i'm open to requests and suggestions too! 🫶🏻
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bloodgulchblog · 1 year
googling suggests that Brian Reed was the lead writer for Halo 4... what specifically about the story of H4 makes him the villain? It's been a year or so since I've played h4 so the details beyond the broad strokes have been forgotten.
that said i will agree he's the villain for halo 5 that story is Not Great TM
(i just like hearing your opinions on stuff and am totally not trying to mine ideas for what might be changed in a post halo-3 rewrite because i do love the covenant civil war aspects of 4. or the implications that there has to have been one because conflict drives narratives)
Full disclosure, I really don't know what was going on behind the scenes on Halo 4 or 5 and the most I can do is offer rampant speculation, usually based on my biases and very little evidence.
My impressions are these:
Halo has always always had trouble on story, mostly around having strong leadership and a definite idea of where everything is going. There are too many stakeholders with ideas and teams have struggled to get to unified ideas and then to have enough time to implement what they finalize. This was true during Bungie days and definitely feels like it's been true during 343. (I'm more confident on what I say about 1-3 because I actually have a book with a lot of old interview details that speaks to that.)
They'll build up a lot of interesting stuff around the games, even though my opinions on the quality of that stuff vary widely. I had problems with Halo 4, but the stuff that was coming out around 4 where you had multiple stories interweaving touching each others' threads... that was interesting! That was neat! And they got Greg Bear to write three whole novels for us!!! Fuck Karen Traviss, but like... dude!!!!
...And then the campaign was just. What we got. Don't get me wrong, there are things in Halo 4's campaign that are cool and interesting, but like... there will always remain a part of me that is still pissed that they killed Cortana.
Full stop.
I accept new Halo lore as it comes to me and try to do my best to take my lumps and integrate even things that I don't like, but I am still mad that they killed Cortana in the first place and have never really stopped being that.
....Anyway. I'm getting sidetracked.
Aside from CE, which was intended to be self-contained and thus is pretty straightforward and ends with a clear conclusion, Halo game plots have never really been necessarily good. That is just the nature of the beast. Halo 2 ends on a massive cliffhanger because they literally could not finish putting the whole story they wanted to in that game. Halo 3 is a mess because everyone was so violently burned out from Halo 2 that the leadership problem was even worse.
[Suspicious silence re: Reach goes here because I still can't motivate myself to replay Reach]
Halo 4 falls very flat for me with some things that were good and mostly other things that I had to make my peace with and come to be okay with. I will grouse about things, but we've Halo cycled our way around to a lot of people (including me) acknowledging that not everything about Halo 4 was horrible.
(I guess my big things that piss me off about it are: Cortana, as discussed, wasting the Didact, and the weird fucking pivot on Catherine Halsey's character.)
Anyway, Brian Reed. My comment there was kind of a flippant attempt to respond to something I wasn't sure how to feel about, but here's what I got:
Reed wasn't actually the lead writer on 4, that was Christopher Schlerf. I don't know much about either of these people! But after Schlerf left, Reed was the lead writer on 5 and did a lot of work on the comics (that I still haven't read because blah blah blah my usual excuses.)
It's hard for me to pick out what exactly I think his fingerprints are in different parts of Halo, because I don't know the guy or his work particularly well. I'm better at identifying what I think (no guarantees I'm right) was Staten back in early Halo because I've seen enough solo work from him to kind of know what I think he liked, and I've seen enough of Frank O'Connor talking about stuff in interviews to (rightly or wrongly) blame a couple specific Chief things I hate on him, but I don't have that with Reed.
However, I have read Reed's short story in the Fractures anthology. Opinions may vary on this, nobody's gotta agree with me, but I really had to pause with myself after reading Rossbach's World because... it was thoughtful?
So looking at Reed, who had to take over for another lead writer and try to come up with a following act for Halo 4... I still hate Halo 5. A lot. But like, I get it. Of course it feels like a weird pivot hail Mary to find something to focus on, because it was.
I think it was stupid and I hated it, but I do have some sympathy for the pressure on the person who ended up taking the fall for it. Anything where you are working for a highly opinionated nerd audience with tons of pressure is going to be very difficult.
I feel like they should've borne out the Forerunner story threads instead of pivoting to the Created, and maybe gotten to those ideas after the plate was clear. I also think Cortana deserved to live. (If you want to see what inspired some of my thoughts about that, you should look into Bungie's previous series: Marathon. But it has been too long since I personally dug around in Marathon for me to be terribly helpful about it anymore.)
...But I also think that Reed is just a dude who had a job and produced a story I really don't like. I've heard he's been pretty much harassed off the face of the internet? And like... nothing is worth that, man.
People with more insight and background details about what was going on actively might have more information than I do and better reasons to hate him, but I was really really checked out of Halo for the better part of a decade and I'm honestly pretty soft when it comes down to it.
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katefiction · 1 year
𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮
Hello everyone! A new smut written by the ex-@cambridgepride. Translated by Google Translate, corrections by myself. Original Portuguese version is at the bottom!
2022 It was Wednesday and I went to take George to football, it's one of my favorite moments with him. George is my dream come true, the sweetest boy I've ever met. George has a natural talent for football, I dare say he is the best full-back at the school, if Catherine and my father hadn't held me down I would have already put him in the base of Aston Villa.
I was in the stands watching the game intently, cheering and screaming like crazy while some parents just sat there, staring at their cell phone screens.
Life is busy, I know I have millions of things to do but if I can't take two hours a week out of my day to have those moments alone with George I wouldn't feel well. I just want to be a normal father to my children, being a father of 3 is a gift and I never, under any circumstances, want to neglect that.
The game ended, I greeted some parents with their children and walked to the locker room to find George who was already waiting for me.
─ Congratulations, my champion! What a game! ─ George jumped into my lap for a hug. ─ Thank you, Dad! I heard you screaming. ─ We laughed together, and I put George on the ground and we went towards his coach. We talked for a brief moment and then we went to the car, it was late afternoon.
The drive home was pretty smooth, George was in the backseat and we were talking excitedly about the match while the radio was playing softly. Suddenly George seems to remember something and pauses rather dramatically.
─ Dad, do you know Thomas? ─ Thomas your friend from school? ─ I look at George through the rearview mirror.
Yes, he himself… ─ What about Thomas?
─ So dad, Thomas told us that his dad moved to another house because he couldn't be in love with his mom anymore. Jacob said that his older brother always says you can't stay in love for a long time, I had to disagree with him, dad. ─ George was saying all this so matter-of-factly while I was stunned with my hands on the steering wheel.
─ Why did you disagree with him, George? ─ Because you've been in love with mom since before I was born, not to mention the fact that you two had three children, mom always says that we are the fruit of love. Three fruits of love must mean something, right?
─ Yes, you are right. ' I said, trying to hide my laughter. ─ And what else did you tell Thomas? What about Jacob?
I was so shocked to hear George talking about Catherine and me that I was speechless, I couldn't process what I was supposed to ask George.
─ So, Thomas said he doesn't understand much about this thing about being in love but his mother assured that they will all be good friends, now he has two rooms and he even invited us to go to his father's new house. Oh, and Jacob said his brother has had three girlfriends, he says he has experience. I told Jacob that you have experience too, even if you only have mom, quality is better than quantity, right? I've heard a lot of people saying that. ─ At that moment I laughed so loud, I just couldn't stop laughing, while George stood with his arms crossed looking in my direction.
─ Father! Why are you laughing? ─ Sorry George, Dad isn't laughing at you, I'm laughing at your comment… ─ I said, fighting the urge to continue laughing. ─ Ah son, quality is really much better than quantity. Well… I already had other girlfriends before I met your mother…
─ Other girlfriends? "George cut me off." ─ Why? ─ Because dating is good, when you're old enough you'll understand. ─ I looked at him through the mirror and he was looking at me confused. ─ But then I met your mother, the only woman who truly captured my heart. When you're old enough, I'll explain everything you need to know about girls. I already know you treat them well, so right now I think that's all you need to know.
─ But how did you know that Mom had won your heart? ─ Ah son… ─ This question surprised me a little. ─ Your mother was different. With her everything was different. ─ Different?
─ When I met your mother I felt something different and special that I had never felt for any other girl before. I learned many things from her. Son… Love is important. Having someone who takes care of your feelings, as well as taking care of the feelings of the person next to you, and that even if love is intense, it alone is not enough. It is always necessary to cultivate this love with respect and trust, and never be afraid to show it. You got it?
George stared at me in silence. I looked at him through the mirror, when our eyes met he smiled but I couldn't decipher if in fact he understood what I meant. I wasn't sure why he was asking me all this, maybe his friend's parents' divorce made him feel insecure and he wanted to make sure it wouldn't happen to us. So concluded as we were entering the gates of home.
─ I love your mother and you are right George, I am in love with her. I love our 'love fruits'. ─ I imitated Catherine at the moment of speaking the last words and heard one of my favorite sounds, her laughter. ─ I will always love.
At that moment I had already parked the car in the garage and when I turned it off, I heard George saying already getting out of the car. ─ Okay, when I grow up I want to be like you but not so cheesy.
I couldn't help but smile as I couldn't answer because he was already running into the house. Walking slowly into the house, as I thought about that little conversation I had with George, I was jolted out of my reverie by shouts of 'Daddy' and a small hurricane rushing towards me. Louis threw himself into my arms.
─ Louis, why are you already in your pajamas? ─ That was the outfit I chose. ─ He said shrugging his shoulders. ─ Where is mom? ─ Making dinner.
I went towards the kitchen with Louis in my lap, entering that room Louis already wanted to go down to sit next to his sister. I stopped at the door for a moment to enjoy the beautiful view.
The workbench was full of papers and crayons, Louis was neatly painting a coloring book, while at his side was my beautiful little girl with her arms resting on the workbench watching a princess movie on the iPad. Next to Louis was a beautiful landscape sheet that could only have been done by Catherine. As I stretched my gaze to the other side of the kitchen I witnessed my oldest boy talking animatedly with her… Catherine, my beautiful wife. Hair tied in a ponytail, a blue flowered dress, covered by a red apron. She stirred the pot as she smiled at George.
─ We won 3-1, and dad wouldn't stop screaming from the stands. ─ Scream? I can't believe your father made a scene. ─ I didn't make a fuss! ─ He said as he kissed the top of Charlotte's head and walked towards my wife. ─ I was just hoping! ─ Daddy, I could only hear you! I'm not complaining but it was funny, there were several people who looked shocked by his excitement, including mr. Parker.
─ Oh my God! ─ Catherine and George burst out laughing. I approached Catherine and placed a kiss on her forehead. ─ I can't help it if I'm a proud and participatory parent. Is dinner almost ready yet? I'm starving. ─ I'm hungry too. ─ George said washing his hands. ─ Yes, dinner is coming out. ─ Catherine said as she pointed to the cupboard, motioning for me to set the table.
Our dinner was peaceful, full of laughter and conversation. My family is the only refuge capable of keeping me safe and at peace.
It was late and the kids were already sleeping, he had just gotten out of the shower and was finally lying down waiting for Catherine.
I started thinking back to the conversation with George, I was still shocked by how certain he was about me being 'in love' with Catherine, the fact that he uses that term is funny as I'm not sure he knows what it is but he was right. I found Catherine in this chaotic world, I didn't lie when I told George that I saw something different and special in Catherine but that's not all, I'm not able to express in words what I feel and felt for her. I saw her and I saw infinite possibilities, I was always so incredulous that this kind of affection would be possible to exist, in small details I noticed in her the tenderness, the pure care, the natural presence. Catherine sees me, I am fragile and vulnerable next to her and she has me in so many ways. My God, I'm delivered to this woman. What happened? I've never been out of control with what I feel! Being a controller might explain it… Always keeping everything in order is my strength. And she takes all that away from me? Still want to surrender? How can I feel this good with her?
─ William! ─ I heard Catherine calling me and making me completely forget what she was thinking.
─ Why did you call me by her name? ─ Because it's your name. ─ She said smiling and sitting on the bed. ─ For you my name is love. I looked serious, pretending to be completely offended by her answer.
─ All right, love. ─ She placed a small kiss on my lips and quickly pulled away. ─ What were you thinking? ─ Ah, n-nothing. ─ I shifted on the bed as she started stroking my neck with one hand. ─ What do you mean nothing? ─ I looked at her and saw that she had a body hydrant in her other hand. So I decided to change the subject.
─ Did you come to pass this on me? ─ she said, pointing to the moisturizer. ─ Yes, take off your T-shirt. ─ Wait… Is this going to end in sex? ─ I put my hands on her hips. ─ No, this is just moisturizing, it's not an invitation to have sex. Take that shirt off! ─ I took off my shirt, rolled it up and placed it on the floor beside the headboard, while she climbed into bed.
Already sitting on the bed, Catherine knelt behind me and with soft touches slid her fingers and hands delicately running moisturizer from the neck to the lumbar region.
─ AHHH! Catherine jumped in fright. ─ What happened? Did I hurt you? ─ She said placing both hands on my neck and leaning down to look into my face. ─ No! I have a gossip! ─ I received an indignant look from Catherine.
─ My God, you gossip, it almost killed me from the heart! Who were you gossiping with? Who is it about? Why didn't you tell me before? ─ The glint in her eyes dawning. Catherine loved to gossip with me, sometimes we would stay up late into the night making small talk. God, I loved her so much.
─ I was waiting for you to go to bed to tell you. George told me. ─ George? Our son? ─ Yes, he is a gossip just like you. ─ I got a mischievous look from her.
─ What did he tell you? ─ She continued to rub cream on my back and give me a kind of massage, but much more carelessly than at the beginning because now she was very attentive to what I was telling her. "So Thomas said…" Catherine cut me off.
─ The Thomas Hudson? ─ I looked back, a little impatient that she had cut me off but laughed at her animation. ─ Yes, himself. My God, you don't even know what it is and you have that little smile on your face. ─ I felt a grip on my back, but I continued. ─ Thomas told George that his parents split up.
─ LIE! ─ I felt a strong slap on the back. ─ AIII! FUCK KATE, YOUR SLAPS HURT! ─ I felt her placing kisses on my back and then the weight of her body coming under me. She sat on my lap and wrapped her hands around my neck.
─ I don't believe it! Mr. and Mrs. Hudson broke up? It's not possible. ─ Well, believe me, girl! Thomas said that his father is already living in another house and even has a room for him, George said that he called the boys to go there and meet. ─ Catherine started laughing in my lap and I looked at her confused.
─ Why are you laughing? The matter is serious. ─ 'Believe me, girl!' ─ She repeated imitating me. ─ I have a very gossipy husband. ─ Catherine suddenly looked more worried. ─ But seriously, Mr. Gossip, I can't believe this, how is Thomas reacting? What else did he tell George? Our love… What does George think about this? We never spoke of divorce to him. Did Thomas say that word? ─ She was going to slap me on the shoulders but I was faster and grabbed her hand.
─ George started the subject by saying that Thomas told him that his father had moved to another house because he could no longer be in love with his mother. ─ Ruth probably talked to him.
─ Yes, probably. ─ I said and placed a kiss on her cheek. ─ The best part of the gossip I haven't told you yet. ─ Then speak. ─ She said rolling on my lap.
I took a deep breath.
─ The conversation was between George, Thomas and Jacob. Thomas said that the father is no longer in love with the mother, Jacob brought 'Arthur's wisdom' and said that you can't be in love for a long time with the same person. Catherine raised an eyebrow. ─ And George completely disagreed with that statement.
─ Did you disagree? Good God, what did that boy say? ─ Catherine was agitated. And I was loving this moment.
─ He said that I have experience because I've been in love with you since before he was born, and that we have 'fruits of love', three to be more specific. God, Kate! Look at the things your son says! Jacob said that his brother has more experience but George countered by saying that quality is better than quantity! He is so genius. ─ We both laughed, Catherine caressed my face.
─ Our son knows that we love each other. ─ Yes, he knows… And he asked how I knew it was you.
─ How so? He's only 9, it's still too early for him to think about that. ─ Catherine looked quite concerned.
─ No love, that's not it. Our son is quite innocent. I think he was just worried, afraid that the same thing that happened to you would happen to us. and Mrs. Hudson. I talked to him. Do not worry about it. ─ I love that he trusts you to talk about this.
─ I love going out with George, next week I want to see if I can take Louis with us. The game will be at 3 pm. ─ Oh no! George will melt with embarrassment having two crazies screaming at him in the stands. ─ Our laughter invaded the room.
Catherine didn't even notice that during our entire conversation she was wiggling around in my lap and stroking my neck, making me practically hard in my pajama bottoms. With her still in my lap I leaned against the headboard and our eyes met.
─ You are so beautiful. ─ I whispered.
You just want to get laid. ─ I always want to have sex with you, because I adore you and I always want to have you in the most complete and most dedicated form there is. But that's not the only reason I called you beautiful. You're always beautiful, even when you're all disheveled giving Louis a bath. She was beautiful in college when she spent sleepless nights studying. Huge dark circles… Ah, I thought she was the most beautiful in the world. I think you are the most beautiful in the world!
─ You always make me melt with love for you. ─ Then melt under me… Shall we make love?
No more words were needed, their tongues danced in an intense kiss, the two wanted each other. Catherine turns her head back when she feels William's mouth sliding down her neck and going to her shoulder, covering her skin with kisses and caresses, sliding the thin straps of her pajamas down.
His hands roam her thighs and climb beneath the fabric, traversing every curve of her slender body and feeling her smooth, fragrant skin burning with desire. She proceeds to kiss his face, down his neck, reaching his collarbone, one of his weakest points. She tries a bite there and makes him take a deep breath, letting out a small moan.
William doesn't resist and takes his hands to her small breasts, his fingers feeling the erect nipples marking the thin pajama top and provoking an already visible reaction in his pants. He gets rid of that piece of fabric, preventing him from feeling her. When Catherine kissed him again, he cupped her breasts in his hands, caressing her nipples, feeling them harden under his fingers. She moans, leaving her lips parted and shifting her hips in his lap, feeling him against her thigh.
Her glances roam each other's bodies. Her fingers touch William's defined chest, even as short nails scratch their way to the back of his neck, making them both sigh together. With the tips of his fingers, the prince glides over Catherine's features, touching her nose, the cheekbones that jump when she smiles wide, down to the soft lips he loves so much to kiss. Unable to stand that small distance any longer, he intertwines his fingers through her long, voluminous hair, pulling her into a devastating kiss.
They press their lips against each other and bodies at the same time. Tongues envelop your desires. William runs his hands down Catherine's back, making her gasp and moan against her mouth. He always found her way of giving herself beautiful, the way her whole body trembles under his touches, how he can feel her skin crawl.
Without hesitation, the prince slides his fingers inside his princess's pajama bottoms, lightly scratching her firm buttocks and returning to her back. Catherine feels her pleasure ache, pressing her mouth even closer to William's and her fingers on the back of his neck, biting his lips hard. William steadies her with his hands behind her back and lays her down on the bed, getting on top of her. He stops for a moment with kisses and caresses just to admire her.
─ You are so beautiful, love. ─ He smiles. ─ I can't stop saying that. ─ He takes her hands and kisses each one of her fingers.
Catherine holds her husband's face, looking at him fixedly, as if wanting to keep each of those traits, each small detail in new memories. In a discreet movement of the lips, a subtle smile adorns her face. A small smile, but full of meanings. A smile William loves and can't resist. He looks down at Catherine's mouth and kisses her one more time, tasting those soft lips he adores.
The prince makes a trail of wet kisses down her chin, reaching her neck and letting himself be intoxicated by her scent. Once again, she moves her head back, leaving her lap free. William descends, distributing kisses and hickeys, descending further, traversing the small valley between her breasts. Catherine tugs at the back of William's neck and looks at him in mute pleading. He knows what she wants, he knows what she can't resist, but he decides to play, going up a little, running his tongue over her shoulders and leaving hickeys in spots that make her shudder, marking her in places only he would see.
─ Oh, my love! ─ Catherine moans when she feels his lips taking her breasts. She grips his back, moving her body against his. He sucks, licks and nibbles on the already erect and sensitive nipples. The brunette pulls the nape of his neck harder, making him stop with those delicious caresses or she would give in before he touches her sex.
Seeing Catherine already breathing heavily and her cheeks flushed, William smiles. He seeks her lips for a slow, snuggling, calming kiss as her hands soon free themselves from his pants. He helps down her fabric and soon leaves her in only her panties. William presses his hips against Catherine's body and she sighs, looking at him, asking for him.
The long fingers of the Prince of Wales run along the side of his beloved's body, shivering and making her almost lose consciousness with the sensations of that caress on her skin. Tenderly, he slides down her panties, dragging the fabric down to her feet. In a moment of rapture, William runs his eyes over her all over, admiring the woman he has there, so close, so close to him. He would never tire of looking at her, so womanly in her natural beauty. But her mouth thirsts for that skin. He then takes hold of her right leg and starts kissing the small, delicate foot, down her calf, to her knee and slowly down her thigh. As soon as he finds the crotch, he passes it with an affectionate breath, teasing it and moving to the left leg, kissing it along its length as well. Catherine stirs, eager for him, already knowing herself to be wet with desire.
─ William … Wales … ─ He smiles as he faces her, loving her name spoken in that tone of lust and pleasure.
William positions himself between her legs, kissing her sex, sucking her clitoris, making her bend her body and close her eyes, trying to find strength to resist and prolong her pleasure, biting her lower lip so as not to moan so much. high. The sounds that come out of her throat make William give up teasing Catherine, what he really wants is to quench his desire to have himself inside her. Upon realizing her husband's movements, she soon got rid of his boxers, leaving his penis free, playing with it in her agile and skillful hands.
─ Ahh Catherine… ─ It's his turn to pant. Catherine's caresses almost send him to heaven. He crawls over her and fits, looking into her eyes. She guides him between her legs. Her eyes say so much, talk so much and lips meet hungry, thirsty. Her tongue slides through his lips to then suck every bit of his man's lips. Her faces move past each other, noses touching fondly.
The Princess of Wales lets go of his hands and loses herself in her prince's blue eyes, finding there the same adoration as when they first surrendered to each other. The two stare at each other as he slowly slides inside her, letting her feel every inch of his cock, a contact that plunges them so deeply into each other that not even fear can reach them. The lips seek and meet again, they delight in each other's taste as intense as they can, while their bodies rock in a slow and strong rhythm. Every time William enters her, Catherine moans between kisses. The two are ecstatic, dizzy with pleasure, marked by love. Skin on skin. Hard to hold back the ecstasy with so much desire for each other.
The desire is so much that the two stop the kiss and just stare at each other, their faces very close, mixing their breaths. Their bodies guided by pure instinct, moving faster and faster, seeking maximum pleasure, allowing themselves to be guided by desire. Catherine presses William against her and slides her legs over his body until they land both on her waist, allowing him to go even deeper inside her. Her nails scratch his shoulders and back. William moans a little more breathlessly than her, almost reaching orgasm. She smiles to see him take so much pleasure in satisfying himself with her.
─ Will… Let me see you… ─ Catherine asks and he opens his eyes, staring at her.
Catherine wants to sink even deeper into that blue as her bodies surrender to the magical pleasure of orgasm, squeezing him into her intimacy and feeling him squeezing her back, the way she loves it. Although small compared to his size, she was never frail. She scrambles her fingers around the back of his neck, squeezing him. The breaths mingle even more breathlessly as their bodies collide and surrender, prolonging the pleasure of having each other. The two kiss trying to appease their tremors and spasms. William turns over in bed and takes Catherine's body on top of his, squeezing her against him, wanting to make sure that what just happened was really real, that she was really in his arms.
As if guessing his thoughts, the princess settles on top and kisses him slowly, telling him of her passion as their tongues seek and meet. William let his fingers run through his long brown hair, pulling out the messy strands that stuck to his sweaty face.
─ I love you, Catherine. ─ He says with a full smile.
She looks at him, runs her fingers over his face, tracing his lips. The man she loves is without his bed, in his house, in his life. William exists and that makes her smile. The fact that he is there inspires her to want to live each day with more commitment to the duties that await her, makes her want to take small and big trips, to discover other reasons that make her smile so beautiful and sincere.
─ I love you, my love. ─ I will always be in love with you. ─ He pulls her even tighter against his body and sighs when she lays her head on his broad chest. William kisses her hair, paying attention to her every tiny reaction, she just wraps her arms better around him and closes her eyes.
─ That's all I needed… You. ─ Catherine declares herself and the prince distributes scents through her hair. ─ Me? - A smile dances on his face. ─ Yes, William, you! ─ Catherine lifts her face and climbs her body a little, moving closer. ─ I love being inside your embrace, I love it when you tell me about your moments with our children, I love it when you give yourself to me… ─ Love… ─ Shh… ─ She puts a finger to his lips and earns a kiss. ─ Life is so good with you.
The prince smiles and gets emotional when he hears her. Without words that can convey to Catherine the size of her love, he carefully wraps her in his arms and kisses her until they both lose their breath.
─ Life is so good with you. ─ He repeats the statement she had made to him.
Catherine lays down again on his chest, seeking the beat of that heart. The two are silent, enjoying each other's presence. Slowly, their fingers come together and intertwine. Indeed, life is really good when you have someone to love.
I hope you enjoyed :) I don't have a tumblr dedicated to Will and Kate anymore but I'm always on twitter @athleticofwales and I post my stories on Wattpad. With love, Lele
Original version
Era quarta-feira e eu fui levar George para o futebol, é um dos meus momentos favoritos com ele. George é o meu sonho realizado, o menino mais doce que já conheci. George tem um talento natural para o futebol, arrisco a dizer que é o melhor lateral da escola, se Catherine e o meu pai não me segurassem eu já tinha colocado ele na base do Aston Villa.
Estava na arquibancada acompanhando atentamente o jogo, torcendo e gritando como um louco enquanto alguns pais ficavam apenas lá sentados, olhando para a tela do celular.
A vida é corrida, sei que tenho milhões de coisas para fazer mas se eu não conseguir tirar duas horas por semana do meu dia para para ter esses momentos só com George eu não me sentiria bem. Eu só quero ser um pai normal para os meus filhos, ser pai de 3 é uma dádiva e eu jamais em hipótese alguma, quero negligenciar isso.
O jogo acabou, cumprimentei alguns pais com seus filhos e caminhei até o vestiário para encontrar George que já estava a minha espera.
─ Parabéns, meu campeão! Que jogão! ─ George pulou no meu colo para um abraço. ─ Obrigado, papai! Eu ouvi você gritando. ─ Rimos juntos, e coloquei George no chão e fomos em direção ao seu treinador. Conversamos por um breve momento e depois fomos para o carro, já era fim de tarde.
O caminho para casa era bem tranquilo, George estava no banco de trás e nós estávamos falando animadamente sobre a partida enquanto no rádio tocava uma música baixinho. De repente George parece se lembrar de algo e faz uma pausa um tanto dramática.
─ Papai, sabe o Thomas? ─ O Thomas seu amigo da escola? ─ Olho para George através do espelho retrovisor. ─ Sim, ele mesmo... ─ O que tem o Thomas?
─ Então pai, Thomas nos disse que o pai dele foi morar em outra casa porque não conseguia mais ser apaixonado pela mãe dele. O Jacob falou que o irmão mais velho dele, sempre diz que não da pra ficar apaixonado por muito tempo, eu tive que discordar dele, pai. ─ George dizia tudo isso com tanta naturalidade enquanto eu estava atônito com as mãos no volante.
─ Por que você discordou dele, George? ─ Porque você é apaixonado pela mamãe desde antes de eu nascer, sem contar que vocês dois fizeram três filhos, a mamãe sempre fala que nós somos frutos de amor. Três frutos de amor deve significar alguma coisa, não é?
─ Sim, você tem razão. ─ Soltei tentando esconder o riso. ─ E o que mais vocês falaram ao Thomas? E o Jacob?
Estava tão chocado de ouvir George falando sobre Catherine e eu que fiquei sem palavras, não conseguia processar o que devia perguntar a George.
─ Então, Thomas disse que não entende muito sobre esse lance de ser apaixonado mas a mãe dele garantiu que serão todos bons amigos, agora ele tem dois quartos e até chamou a gente pra ir na nova casa do pai dele. Ah, e Jacob disse que o irmão dele já teve três namoradas, ele diz que tem experiência. Eu falei a Jacob que você tem experiência também, mesmo você tendo só a mamãe, qualidade é melhor que quantidade né? Eu já ouvi muita gente dizendo isso. ─ Nesse momento eu gargalhei tão alto, simplesmente não conseguia parar de rir, enquanto George ficou parado de braços cruzados olhando em minha direção.
─ Pai! Porque você tá rindo? ─ Desculpa George, papai não está rindo de você, estou rindo do seu comentário... ─ Disse lutando contra a vontade de continuar rindo. ─ Ah filho, qualidade é realmente muito melhor que quantidade. Bem... Eu já tive outras namoradas antes de conhecer a sua mãe...
─ Outras namoradas? ─ George me cortou. ─ Por quê? ─ Porque é bom namorar, quando você tiver idade para isso você vai entender. ─ O olhei através do espelho e ele estava me olhando confuso. ─ Mas aí eu conheci sua mãe, a única mulher que realmente conquistou meu coração. Quando você tiver idade, eu vou te explicar tudo que você precisa saber sobre garotas. Eu já sei que você as trata bem, então no momento acho que isso é tudo que você precisa saber.
─ Mas como você soube que a mamãe conquistou seu coração? ─ Ah filho... ─ Essa pergunta me deixou um tanto surpreso. ─ Sua mãe era diferente. Com ela tudo foi diferente. ─ Diferente?
─ Quando eu conheci sua mãe eu senti algo diferente e especial que eu nunca tinha sentido por nenhuma outra garota antes. Com ela eu aprendi diversas coisas. Filho... O amor é importante. Ter alguém que cuide dos seus sentimentos, assim como cuidar dos sentimentos da pessoa ao seu lado, e que mesmo que o amor seja intenso, somente ele não basta. É sempre necessário cultivar esse amor com respeito e confiança, e nunca ter medo de demonstrar. Você entendeu?
George me olhava fixamente, em silêncio. Eu o olhava através do espelho, quando nossos olhos se encontraram ele sorriu mas não consegui decifrar se de fato ele tinha entendido o que eu queria dizer. Não entendia ao certo o motivo dele estar me perguntando tudo isso, talvez o divórcio dos pais do seu amigo tenham deixado ele inseguro e ele queria ter certeza que não iria acontecer com a gente. Então conclui já que estávamos entrando nos portões de casa.
─ Eu amo a sua mãe e você tem razão George, eu sou apaixonado por ela. Amo nossos 'frutos de amor'. ─ Imitei Catherine no momento de falar as últimas palavras e escutei um dos meus sons favoritos, sua risada. ─ Sempre vou amar.
Nesse momento já havia estacionado o carro na garagem e quando o desliguei, ouvi George dizendo já descendo do carro. ─ Certo, quando eu crescer quero ser como você mas não tão brega.
Não consegui deixar de sorrir já que não pude responder porque ele já estava correndo para dentro de casa. Caminhando lentamente para dentro de casa, enquanto pensava sobre essa pequena conversa que tive com George, fui tirado dos meus devaneios por gritos de 'papai' e um pequeno furacão correndo em minha direção. Louis se atirou em meus braços.
─ Louis, porque você já está de pijama? ─ Essa foi a roupa que eu escolhi. ─ Disse ele encolhendo os ombros. ─ Cadê a mamãe? ─ Fazendo o jantar.
Fui em direção a cozinha com Louis em meu colo, entrando nesse cômodo Louis já quis descer para se sentar ao lado da sua irmã. Parei na porta por um instante para apreciar a linda vista.
A bancada estava repleta de papéis e lápis de cor, Louis estava pintando caprichosamente um livro de colorir, enquanto ao seu lado estava a minha linda garotinha com os braços apoiados na bancada assistindo algum filme de princesas no iPad. Ao lado de Louis havia uma folha com linda paisagem que só poderia ter sido feito por Catherine. Ao esticar o meu olhar para o outro lado da cozinha presenciei meu garoto mais velho conversando animadamente com ela... Catherine, minha bela esposa. O cabelo preso num rabo de cavalo, um vestido azul florido, coberto por um avental vermelho. Ela mexia a panela enquanto sorria para George.
─ A gente ganhou de 3x1, e o papai não parava de gritar lá da arquibancada. ─ Gritar? Não acredito que o seu pai fez escândalo. ─ Eu não fiz escândalo! ─ Disse enquanto beijava o topo da cabeça de Charlotte e ia em direção a minha esposa. ─ Eu só estava torcendo! ─ Papai, só dava pra ouvir você! Não estou reclamando mas foi engraçado, tinha várias pessoas que pareciam chocadas com a sua animação, inclusive o sr. Parker.
─ Oh meu Deus! ─ Catherine e George caíram na risada. Me aproximei de Catherine e depositei um beijo em sua testa. ─ Não posso fazer nada se sou um pai orgulhoso e participativo. O jantar já está quase pronto? Estou morrendo de fome. ─ Eu também estou com fome. ─ Disse George lavando as mãos. ─ Sim, o jantar está saindo. ─ Catherine disse enquanto apontava para o armário, fazendo sinal para que eu arrumasse a mesa.
Nosso jantar foi tranquilo, cheio de risadas e conversas. Minha família é o único refúgio capaz de me manter seguro e em paz.
Já era tarde e as crianças já estavam dormindo, tinha acabado de sair do banho e estava finalmente deitado esperando por Catherine.
Comecei a pensar novamente na conversa com George, eu ainda estava chocado com a certeza que ele tinha sobre eu ser 'apaixonado' por Catherine, o fato dele usar esse termo é engraçado pois não tenho certeza se ele sabe o que é isso, mas ele tinha razão. Encontrei Catherine nesse mundo caótico, eu não menti quando disse a George que vi algo diferente e especial em Catherine mas não é só isso, não sou capaz de expressar em palavras o que sinto e senti por ela. Eu a vi e enxerguei infinitas possibilidades, eu sempre me fiz tão descrente de que esse tipo de afeto seria possível de existir, em pequenos detalhes percebi nela a ternura, o cuidado puro, a presença natural. Catherine me vê, sou frágil e vulnerável ao lado dela e ela me tem de tanto jeitos. Meu Deus, eu estou entregue a essa mulher. O que aconteceu? Nunca fui descontrolado com o que sinto! Ser controlador talvez explique... Sempre mantendo tudo em ordem, é o meu forte. E ela me tira tudo isso? Mesmo assim quero me entregar? Como posso me sentir tão bem assim com ela?
─ William! ─ Ouvi Catherine me chamando e me fazendo esquecer completamente o que estava pensando.
─ Por que você me chamou pelo nome? ─ Porque é seu nome. ─ Disse ela sorrindo e sentando na cama. ─ Pra você meu nome é amor. ─ Olhei sério, fingindo estar completamente ofendido pela resposta dela.
─ Tá bom, amor. ─ Ela depositou um beijinho em meus lábios e separou rapidamente. ─ O que você estava pensando? ─ Ah, n-nada. ─ Me remexi na cama pois ela começou a acariciar meu pescoço com uma mão. ─ Como assim nada? ─ Olhei pra ela e vi que ela estava com um hidrante corporal em outra mão. Então resolvi mudar de assunto.
─ Você veio passar isso em mim? ─ Disse apontando para o hidratante. ─ Sim, tira a camiseta. ─ Espera... Isso vai terminar em sexo? ─ Coloquei minhas mãos no quadril dela. ─ Não, isso é só hidratante, não é um convite pra transar. Tira logo essa camisa! ─ Tirei a camisa, enrolei e coloquei no chão ao lado da cabeceira, enquanto ela subia na cama.
Já sentado na cama, Catherine se ajoelhou atrás de mim e com toques suaves deslizava seus dedos e mãos delicadamente passando hidratante desde o pescoço até a região lombar.
─ AHHH! ─ Catherine deu um pulo assustada. ─ O que foi? Te machuquei? ─ Disse ela colocando as duas mãos no meu pescoço e se inclinando para olhar no meu rosto. ─ Não! Eu tenho uma fofoca! ─ Recebi um olhar indignado de Catherine.
─ Meu Deus, seu fofoqueiro, quase me matou do coração! Com quem você estava fofocando? É sobre quem? Porque não me disse antes? ─ O brilho nos olhos dela surgindo. Catherine adorava fofocar comigo, as vezes nós ficávamos até altas horas da noite jogando conversa fora. Deus, eu a amava tanto.
─ Eu estava esperando você deitar pra te contar. O George me contou. ─ O George? Nosso filho? ─ Sim, ele é fofoqueiro igual a você. ─ Recebi um olhar travesso dela.
─ O que ele te disse? ─ Ela continuou passando creme nas minhas costas e fazendo uma espécie de massagem mas muito mais desleixada que no início porque agora ela estava super atenta no que eu estava contando. ─ Então, o Thomas disse... ─ Catherine me interrompeu.
─ O Thomas Hudson? ─ Olhei para trás, um tanto impaciente por ela ter me cortado mas ri da sua animação. ─ Sim, o próprio. Meu Deus você nem sabe o que é e ta com esse sorrisinho no rosto. ─ Senti um apertão nas costas, mas continuei. ─ O Thomas contou para George que os pais dele se separaram.
─ MENTIRA! ─ Senti um tapa forte nas costas. ─ AIII! PORRA KATE, SEUS TAPAS DOEM! ─ Senti ela depositando beijos nas minhas costas e em seguida o peso do seu corpo vindo sob mim. Ela se sentou no meu colo e passou as mãos envolta do meu pescoço.
─ Não acredito! O sr. e a sra. Hudson se separaram? Não é possível. ─ Pois acredite, menina! O Thomas falou que o pai dele já está morando em outra casa e inclusive tem até um quarto para ele, George contou que ele chamou os meninos para ir lá conhecer. ─ Catherine começou a gargalhar no meu colo e eu olhei confuso pra ela.
─ Por que você está rindo? O assunto é sério. ─ 'Pois acredite, menina!' ─ Ela repetiu me imitando. ─ Eu tenho um marido muito fofoqueiro. ─ De repente Catherine ficou com um ar mais preocupada. ─ Mas falando sério, sr. Fofoqueiro, não consigo acreditar nisso, como Thomas está reagindo? O que mais ele disse a George? Nossa amor... O que George pensa sobre isso? Nós nunca falamos de divórcio para ele. O Thomas falou essa palavra? ─ Ela ia me dar um tapa nos ombros mas eu fui mais rápido e segurei sua mão.
─ George começou o assunto falando que o Thomas falou pra ele que o pai foi morar em outra casa porque não conseguia mais ser apaixonado pela mãe. ─ Provavelmente a Ruth deve ter conversado com ele.
─ Sim, provavelmente. ─ Disse e depositei um beijo em sua bochecha. ─ A melhor parte da fofoca ainda não te contei. ─ Então fala. ─ Disse ela rebolando em meu colo.
Respirei fundo.
─ A conversa era entre George, Thomas e Jacob. Thomas contou que o pai não é mais apaixonado pela mãe, o Jacob trouxe a 'sabedoria do Arthur' e disse que não da pra ser apaixonado por muito tempo pela mesma pessoa. ─ Catherine levantou a sobrancelha. ─ E o George discordou completamente dessa afirmação.
─ Discordou? Por Deus, o que esse menino disse? ─ Catherine estava agitada. E eu estava adorando esse momento.
─ Ele disse que eu tenho experiência porque eu sou apaixonado por você desde antes dele nascer, e que nós temos 'frutos de amor', três para ser mais específico. Deus, Kate! Olha as coisas que seu filho fala! O Jacob falou que o irmão dele tem mais experiência mas George o rebateu dizendo que qualidade é melhor que quantidade! Ele é tão genioso. ─ Nós dois rimos, Catherine acariciou o meu rosto.
─ Nosso filho sabe que nós nos amamos. ─ Sim, ele sabe... E ele perguntou como eu soube que era você.
─ Como assim? Ele só tem 9, ainda está muito cedo para ele pensar nisso. ─ Catherine pareceu bem preocupada.
─ Não amor, não é isso. Nosso filho é bem inocente. Eu acho que ele só estava preocupado, com medo de acontecer com a gente o mesmo que aconteceu com o sr. e a sra. Hudson. Eu conversei com ele. Não se preocupe com isso. ─ Eu amo que ele confie em você para conversar sobre isso.
─ Eu amo sair com George, semana que vem quero ver se levo Louis com a gente. O jogo será às 15h. ─ Oh não! O George vai derreter de vergonha de ter dois malucos gritando para ele na arquibancada. ─ Nossa risada invadiu o quarto.
Catherine nem reparou que durante toda nossa conversa ela ficou rebolando no meu colo e acariciando meu pescoço me deixando praticamente duro dentro da calça do pijama. Com ela ainda em meu colo eu me encostei na cabeceira da cama e nossos olhos se encontraram.
─ Você é tão linda. ─ Sussurrei. ─ Você só quer transar. ─ Eu sempre quero transar com você, porque eu adoro e sempre quero te ter na forma mais completa e mais entregue que há. Mas não é só por isso que te chamei de linda. Você é linda sempre, até quando está toda descabelada dando banho no Louis. Era linda na faculdade quando passava noites em claro estudando. As olheiras enormes... Ah eu achava a mais linda do mundo. Eu te acho a mais linda do mundo!
─ Você sempre me faz derreter de amores por você. ─ Então se derreta sob mim... Vamos fazer amor?
Não foi preciso mais palavras, suas línguas dançavam num beijo intenso, os dois se desejavam. Catherine vira a cabeça para trás ao sentir a boca de William deslizando por seu pescoço e indo até o ombro, percorrendo sua pele com beijos e carícias, deslizando as alças finas de seu pijama para baixo.
As mãos dele passeiam pelas coxas e sobem por baixo do tecido, percorrendo cada curva do corpo esguio e sentindo a pele lisa e cheirosa ardente de desejo. Ela passa a beijar o rosto dele, descendo pelo pescoço, alcançando a clavícula, um dos pontos mais fracos dele. Ensaia uma mordida ali e o faz respirar fundo, soltando um pequeno gemido.
William não resiste e leva suas mãos aos pequenos seios dela, os dedos sentindo os mamilos eriçados marcando a blusa fina do pijama e provocando uma reação já visível em suas calças. Ele se livra daquele pedaço de tecido, impedindo-o de senti-la. Quando Catherine, volta a beijá-lo, ele encaixa os seios dela em suas mãos, acariciado os mamilos, sentindo-os endurecer em seus dedos. Ela geme, deixando seus lábios entreabertos e mexendo o quadril no colo dele, sentindo-o em sua coxa.
Seus olhares namoram o corpo um do outro. Os dedos dela tocam o peitoral definido de William, mesmo que curtas suas unhas arranham o caminho até a nuca, fazendo os dois suspirarem juntos. Com as pontas dos dedos, o príncipe desliza pelos traços de Catherine, tocando-lhe o nariz, as maças do rosto que saltam quando ela sorri largo, descendo até os lábios macios que ele tanto adora beijar. Sem aguentar mais aquela pequena distância, entrelaça os dedos pelos cabelos longos e volumosos, puxando-a para um beijo devastador.
Pressionam os lábios uns contra os outros e os corpos ao mesmo tempo. As línguas envolvem seus desejos. William passeia as mãos nas costas de Catherine, fazendo ofegar e gemer contra a sua boca. Ele sempre achou lindo o jeitinho dela de se entregar, o modo como o corpo inteiro dela treme aos toques dele, como ele consegue sentir a pele dela arrepiada.
Sem hesitar, o príncipe entra com os dedos dentro da calça do pijama da sua princesa, arranhando levemente as nádegas firmes e voltando às costas. Catherine sente seu prazer doer, apertando ainda mais a boca na de William e os dedos na nuca dele, mordendo-lhe os lábios com força. William a firma com as mãos nas costas e a deita na cama, ficando por cima dela. Ele para um instante com beijos e carícias apenas para admirá-la.
─ Você é tão linda, amor. ─ Ele sorri. ─ Não consigo deixar de dizer isso. ─ Ele lhe toma as mãos e beija cada um dos dedos dela.
Catherine segura o rosto do esposo, olhando-o fixamente, como se querendo guardar em novas memórias cada um daqueles traços, cada pequeno detalhe. Num movimento discreto dos lábios, um sorriso sutil enfeita a face dela. Um sorriso pequeno, mas cheio de significados. Um sorriso que William ama e não resiste. Ele baixa os olhos para a boca de Catherine e a beija mais uma vez, saboreando aqueles lábios macios que ele adora.
O príncipe faz uma trilha de beijos molhados descendo pelo queixo dela, chegando ao pescoço e se deixando inebriar pelo cheiro dela. Mais uma vez, ela move a cabeça para trás, deixando o colo livre. William desce distribuindo beijos e chupões, descendo mais, percorrendo o pequeno vale entre os seios dela. Catherine puxa a nuca de William e o olha num pedido mudo. Ele sabe o que ela quer, sabe o que ela não resiste, mas decide brincar, subindo um pouco, passeando com a língua por seus ombros e deixando chupões em pontos que a fazem estremecer, marcando-a em lugares que apenas ele veria.
─ Oh, meu amor! ─ Catherine geme ao sentir os lábios dele tomando-lhe os seios. Ela agarra às costas dele, movimentando o corpo ao encontro ao dele. Ele chupa, lambe e mordisca os mamilos já eriçados e sensíveis. A morena puxa sua nuca com mais força, fazendo-o parar com aquelas carícias deliciosas ou ela se entregaria antes mesmo dele tocar em seu sexo.
Vendo Catherine já com a respiração alterada e as bochechas enrubescidas, William sorri. Ele busca os lábios dela para um beijo lento, de aconchego e calmaria enquanto as mãos dela logo se livram da calça dele. Ele ajuda a descer o tecido e logo a deixa apenas de calcinha. William pressiona o quadril contra corpo de Catherine ela suspira, olhando-o, pedindo por ele.
Os dedos longos do Príncipe de Gales percorrem a lateral do corpo da sua amada, arrepiando-a e fazendo-a quase perder os sentidos com as sensações daquela carícia em sua pele. Com carinho, ele desliza a calcinha dela, arrastando o tecido até os pés. Num momento de enlevo, William percorre-a inteira com os olhos, admirando a mulher que tem ali, tão perto, tão dele. Jamais se cansaria de olhá-la, tão mulher em sua beleza natural. Mas sua boca tem sede daquela pele. Ele então segura a perna direita dela e começa beijando o pé delicado e pequeno, desce pela panturrilha, chega ao joelho e percorre devagar a coxa. Assim que encontra a virilha, passa com um sopro carinhoso, provocando-a e indo para a perna esquerda, beijando-a por toda sua extensão também. Catherine se remexe, ansiosa por ele, já se sabendo molhada de desejo.
─ William... Wales... ─ Ele sorri ao encará-la, amando seu nome dito naquele tom de luxúria e prazer.
William se posiciona entre as pernas dela, beijando-lhe o sexo, sugando-lhe o clitóris, fazendo-a curvar o corpo e fechar os olhos, tentando buscar forças para resistir e prolongar o seu prazer, mordendo o lábio inferior para não gemer tão alto. Os sons que saem pela garganta dela fazem William desistir de provocar Catherine, ele quer mesmo é saciar seu desejo de ter-se dentro dela. Ao perceber os movimentos do seu esposo, ela logo se livra da cueca box dele, deixando seu pênis livre, brincando com ele em suas mãos ágeis e habilidosas.
─ Ahh Catherine... ─ É a vez dele ofegar. As carícias de Catherine quase o levam ao céu. Ele engatinha sobre ela e se encaixa, olhando-a nos olhos. Ela o guia entre suas pernas. Seus olhos dizem tanto, conversam tanto e os lábios se encontram com fome, com sede. A língua dela desliza pelos lábios dele para depois sugar cada pedacinho dos lábios do seu homem. Os rostos passeiam um pelo outro, os narizes se tocam com carinho.
A Princesa de Gales solta suas mãos e se perde nos olhos azuis do seu príncipe, encontrando ali a mesma adoração de quando se entregaram um ao outro pela primeira vez. Os dois se olham fixamente enquanto ele desliza devagar para dentro dela, deixando-a sentir cada centímetro do seu pênis, um contato que faz os dois mergulharem tão fundo um no outro que nem o medo pode alcançá-los. Os lábios se buscam e se encontram novamente, eles se deliciam no gosto um do outro o mais intenso que podem, enquanto seus corpos se embalam num ritmo lento e forte. A cada vez que William entra nela, Catherine geme entre os beijos. Os dois estão extasiados, tontos de prazer, marcados pelo amor. Pele na pele. Difícil conseguir segurar o êxtase com tanta vontade um do outro.
O desejo é tanto que os dois param o beijo e apenas se olham fixamente, com os rostos bem próximos, misturando as respirações. Seus corpos guiados pelo puro instinto, movendo-se cada vez mais rápidos, buscando o máximo de prazer, permitindo-se guiar pelo desejo. Catherine aperta William contra si e desliza suas pernas pelo corpo dele até pousar as duas em sua cintura, permitindo que ele vá ainda mais dentro dela. Suas unhas arranham os ombros e as costas dele. William geme um tanto mais ofegante que ela, quase chegando ao orgasmo. Ela sorri ao vê-lo sentir tanto prazer ao se satisfazer com ela.
─ Will... Deixa eu ver você... ─ Catherine pede e ele abre os olhos, fixando-se nela.
Catherine quer mergulhar ainda mais fundo naquele azul enquanto seus corpos se entregam ao prazer mágico do orgasmo, apertando-o em sua intimidade e sentindo-o apertá-la de volta, do jeito que ela adora. Apesar de pequena em comparação ao tamanho dele, ela nunca foi frágil. Embaralha seus dedos envolta de sua nuca, apertando-o. As respirações se misturam ainda mais ofegantes enquanto seus corpos se chocam e se entregam, prolongando o prazer de se terem. Os dois se beijam buscando aplacar seus tremores e espasmos. William se vira na cama e leva o corpo de Catherine para cima do seu, apertando-o contra si, querendo se assegurar de que o que acabara de acontecer fora mesmo real, de que ela está realmente em seus braços.
Como se adivinhando os pensamentos dele, a princesa se ajeita por cima e o beija devagar, dizendo-lhe de sua paixão enquanto suas línguas se buscam e se encontram. William deixa seus dedos percorreram seu longo cabelo castanho, retirando alguns fios bagunçados que lhe grudavam no rosto suado.
─ Eu amo você, Catherine. ─ Ele diz com um sorriso pleno.
Ela o contempla, passeia os dedos pelo seu rosto, contornando seus lábios. O homem que ela ama está sem sua cama, em sua casa, em sua vida. William existe e isso a faz sorrir. O fato dele estar ali lhe inspira a querer viver cada dia com mais comprometimento os deveres que lhe aguardam, a faz querer fazer pequenas e grandes viagens, a descobrir outros motivos que o façam ter aquele sorriso tão lindo e sincero.
─ Eu amo você, meu amor. ─ Eu sempre serei apaixonado por você. ─ Ele a aperta ainda mais contra seu corpo e suspira quando ela deita sua cabeça em seu peito largo. William lhe beija os cabelos, prestando atenção em cada minúscula reação dela, que apenas envolve melhor os braços ao redor dele e fecha os olhos.
─ Era tudo que eu precisava... Você. ─ Catherine se declara e o príncipe distribui cheirinhos pelos cabelos dela. ─ Eu? ─ Um sorriso dança no rosto dele. ─ Sim, William, você! ─ Catherine levanta o rosto e sobe um pouco seu corpo, aproximando-se mais. ─ Eu amo ficar dentro do seu abraço, amo quando você me conta seus momentos com nossos filhos, amo quando você se entrega para mim... ─ Amor... ─ Shh... ─ Ela põe um dedo sobre os lábios dele e ganha um beijo. ─ A vida é tão boa com você.
O príncipe sorri e se emociona ao ouvi-la. Sem palavras que possam transmitir a Catherine o tamanho do seu amor, ele a envolve cuidadosamente nos braços e a beija até os dois perderem o fôlego.
─ A vida é tão boa com você. ─ Ele repete a declaração que ela havia feito a ele.
Catherine se deita novamente sobre o peito dele, buscando o pulsar daquele coração. Os dois ficam em silêncio, desfrutando a presença um do outro. Devagar, os dedos se juntam e se entrelaçam. De fato, a vida é realmente boa quando se tem alguém para amar.
Espero que tenham gostado :) Eu não tenho mais tumblr dedicado ao Will e a Kate mas estou sempre no twitter @athleticofwales e posto minhas histórias no Wattpad. Com carinho, Lele 
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sekhithefops · 4 months
Nightingale: How to Survive and Thrive as a Realmwalker!
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In Nightingale you take the role of a Realmwalker, a person who travels the Fae Realms for the sake of discovery, fortune, or what have you, but your start is anything but a planned foray.
Your adventures in the Feywilds begin with you fleeing the devastation on Earth by a strange crisis known only as "The Pale," which has engulfed most of the world.
You have an ally however, the enigmatic Robin "Puck" Goodfellow, the Merry Wanderer of the Night himself made famous by the works of William Shakespear.
Puck acts as your guide early on and tells you the basics of how to survive. How to craft tools, how to cook and prepare food, and how to live on your own in a part of Faerie that has been forgotten by both man and fae.
His reasons for doing so are his own... but he's all you got, so pay attention to his words! He'll keep your body and soul together until you can escape to an Abeyance Realm, a safe haven where you can begin your adventures in truth.
Create the Cairn
Eventually, you will be gifted a Realm Card by Puck. This card, the Abeyance Card does exactly what that suggests. It allows you to enter a safe haven where the worst danger is mere wild animals.
From there Puck will give you one of the most vital building blueprints, your Cairn.
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It may seem a simple pile of logs and stone, but the usefulness of this cannot be understated. The Cairn will emit a field of fae magicks that drive away dangerous animals (wolves and the like) and, more importantly, will have one major benefit.
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If you notice in that picture of Puck above, he mentions in it giving you a Pocket Watch and Guidebook... but the watch is no ordinary timepiece! By opening your map, you can use it to immediately travel back to your Cairn from ANYWHERE in Faerie! Even other realms! You absolutely want to make this as soon as you can as it can be the difference between life and death if danger is closing in, supplies are running low, or you're about to collapse from exhaustion or hunger.
(Ignore that bit about Traveling to "the Watch," that comes later.)
Lets Get Crafty!
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Whether you're using the more advanced things like I am at this point in the game, or getting by with a campfire and makeshift tools, crafting is a major part of surviving the Feywilds (heck its right there in the genre name: survival/crafting.)
What makes Nightingale different however is that you don't need specific parts (usually, some blueprints do, but not always.) By and large you just need to fit the bill... but the better components you use, the better the thing will be!
For example, today I unlocked a new top:
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To make this I need three different things: Four measures of cloth, two measures of lining (for the suit jacket of course,) and two sets of buttons.
To get the cloth however, I need thread.
And to get the thread, I need to spin fibers into it.
Now if I wanted to, I could just bang these together out of some random grass clippings woven into cloth, grab whatever for the lining, and make buttons out of tin. Boom, done... my shirt looks like crap... and has crap stats.
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Quality counts for a LOT in Faerie! Different materials give different stats, and the quality of the materials makes that stat bonus more powerful!
It takes more effort to source the rarer and harder to find components, but for me that makes it a real adventure... and it has another award as well. When it comes to weapons, what parts you use changes how it looks!
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This is an ore called "Pursuit." I like to imagine that its literally the crystalized desire to hunt and catch prey of predatory animals taken physical form.
We're in the fae realms, its gonna get weird.
Anyways, Pursuit makes a reliable ranged weapon, so I harvested a bunch and used it to make a Webley Revolver (fun fact, thats a real gun. Google it.)
Pursuit ore is a shining deep green color, and because of that, so was the gun!
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Later I got some really good metals called Kyrosiphon and Bombadier (which came not from mineral nodes, but the corpses of monsters) and used them to make a new revolver. This one was a mixture of deep violet and shining gold because of it!
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If you're not a fan of the more fantastical color schemes however, you can still get metals like Steel and the like of course.
But yes, crafting in the feywilds can be complex... but very rewarding. Simple when you start out, but the more you go into it the more work it takes, but the greater the treasures you'll craft!
Now of course, the main thing.
Realmwalker, the Feywilds Call to Thee
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How to travel between the realms. Eventually you'll gain the means to make a portal of your own, but until then you have to make do with the ones already existing in the realms.
With the disaster on earth, the portal network that once connected the fae realms is no more... but there is an alternative. Realm Cards, a technique that Puck taught you, will allow you to connect a portal to a realm and travel from one end of Faerie to another.
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When interacting with a portal you need two things: A Biome Card and a Major Card.
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The Biome Cards (1, in picture) will determine what type of realm you enter. Right now there are only three: Forest, Desert, and Swamp. The Forest is a lush woodland full of natural beauty... but also danger in the form of wild predators.
The Desert is a punishingly hot place. Travelers are well advised to bring some sort of sun protection (a parasol is ideal) or else risk heatstroke! Giant insects dwell here, and ancient ruins dot the landscape.
The Swamps of Faerie are dangerous. Deep bogs with water infested with foulness. Standing too deep will cause a Realmwalker to fall ill, and allowing yourself to fall ill can be a fatal mistake in the Feywilds. A race of giants known as the Grendel dwell here, but they can be friend or foe depending on the Realmwalker... but beware their protector, Humbaba.
Major Cards (2) will allow a realmwalker to choose the details of the realm they wish to travel to.
An antiquarian realm, for example, will house many ancient ruins of fae creation, possibly with hidden treasures for the courageous.
A herbarium realm could be a paradise of resources, plant life blooming all around you waiting for the kiss of your scythe or woodsman's axe to put it to use.
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The Major Cards aren't always nice though... the Gloom Card will draw the Realmwalker into a dark and dismal place where the horrific goblin-like Bound will hound their every step, and the Hunt Card will open a path to a land with monstrous beasts to be slain... unless they slay the Realmwalker first. Here there truly be dragons.
Once you have your path chosen, press the button and the portal will align the realms and open a path forward!
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And there you are in a brand new realm! The portal will stay locked to this realm until you hit the reset button (4) to reshuffle the cards, though even once you've explored a realm top to bottom, you're not done if you don't want to be!
If you look back at the image of the portal controls, you'll notice a small box in the lower left (3.) This has three options.
Difficulty: Ranges from Easy to Extreme, the higher the difficulty the more dangerous your foes... but the better the rewards!
Public Realm: If you're feeling lonely, open your realm to other realmwalkers! Maybe you'll make a new friend, or perhaps an enemy!
Reset Realm: All done? Nothing left? No more ruins to plumb? No more treasures to uncover? Play the same cards again and hit the reset button! The portal will align to a realm very similar to that one, but different with all new treasures to claim!
But alas, it grows late in the day (and Tumblr is a little bitch with a 30 image limit) so I can only squeeze in one more of these.
Do You Believe in Magic?
One of the most fun parts of my excursion into the Feywilds so far is this: you can enchant your weapons with spells and unleash them upon friend or foe (some of them are helpful.)
To do this, you must imbue a spell into one of your tools or weapons (melee only, though you can craft elemental bullets for your guns.)
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The spells can range from offensive power, to enhancing your weapons, to even healing your allies or other useful things. Some of the more interesting examples I've found include the following:
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Quake is absurdly powerful, able to lay low entire swarms of foes and send them flying around like leaves caught in a gale (read: likely nerfed in a future patch because godsdamn its more broken than their bones once you're done.)
There's also Infusions that allow you to enhance your tools and clothes as well... but for a while it drove me damn near batty trying to work out which ones could go where until I realized something.
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Breaking the tweeness I've built up through this: YOU CAN ONLY GIVE INFUSIONS TO GEAR FOR STATS IT ALREADY HAS!
All the infusions work on percentages. It increases the stats by a percentage of what the gear already grants you. A Tier 3 Magic upgrade will take the existing Magic Damage stat, and give you 15% more.
So yeah, keep that in mind. Just glance at the stats your gear has already before you decide what to upgrade and then you'll be ready to infuse it further.
But yes, as of now I'm getting close to Tumblr's image limit so sadly this is where I must draw to a close about my current sojurn into the Feywilds. I full expect to spend quite a bit of time here and await future updates on Nightingale with bated breath from Inflexion.
Its only Early Access so far and of course there's a lot to do... but any game that gets my hours played into the triple digits in one week is kind of beyond compare and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.
Mixed Reviews be damned, as I said before and as @xhyperwolfx drew...
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yzanjiiii · 5 months
𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗴 #𝟭 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗩𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗩𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲
I've always been attracted by the beauty of politics in business. How people can settle and manage their financial transactions through efficient communication, proficiency, and the development of plans using scientific methods in research to patch up gaps and establish projects based on solvency. Selling your business necessitate you to be able to speak persuasively, and I admit that it was still challenging for me to gather my thoughts and be confident enough to approach people and persuade them about something, despite the fact that I am a Political Science major and thus expected to be good at public speaking. However, our interview activity gave me the opportunity to venture outside of my comfort zone. In a larger perspective, it made the realm of politics and entrepreneurship converge in a sense that I was able to practice the art of identifying grassroot problems to provide solutions for the betterment of learning and quality education, which is entirely the definition of politics, and to make it income generating, we have to devise a product or services to cater the needs of the people, which is in the business realm, and for me to be able to show my innovative skills, I have to also link the realm of entrepreneurship hence, I believe that I can pour out all the learning application of my three years residency in political science in this subject.
The encounter itself was enjoyable. During our preparation phase, I was able to demonstrate my leadership skills by devising techniques to make our workload more efficient by assigning ourselves quotas to meet. Personally, I wanted our data to exceed 100, but owing to forthcoming requirements, we opted to limit the quota at 50-60 interviewees. I assigned the deadlines, responsibilities, and established a bureaucratic framework to guarantee that each of us fulfilled our tasks; thus, before the interview, I ensured that the Google Drive was available for the uploading of our documentation, specifically images, videos, and recordings. Google Docs is also ready for the consolidated report, which includes both the quantitative and qualitative data. To avoid delays, I have also assigned the secretary to monitor task completion.
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During the interview, it became increasingly difficult to identify students who are not shy in front of the camera and are willing to participate. Fortunately, I know a lot of people at the university, which gave me an edge in finding interviewers. An individual interview was initially conducted, but I later realized that it was time consuming and made the interviewee more shy due to the pressure and tension of becoming embarrassed, so I have to make small talk with the interviewee first to ensure that I will be able to break the ice and allow comfort to kick in. We experimented with combined interviews, team interviews, and partner interviews alongside Eloisa. As a result, we were able to troubleshoot problems during the interview by devising plans and trying out different techniques. Regardless of the outcome, I believe it gave me confidence to take risks and become resilient, both of which are essential in entrepreneurship, especially since one major challenge is dealing with people with different tastes, preferences, and attitudes.
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Eloisa and I with our first interviewee from the program of Sociology. The problem identified was the absence of comfortable tambayan with good food.
Our second respondent is from BSED PE and the problem identified was waste problems.
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The third interviewee is also from BSED PE and the problem identified was mental health issues due to the pressure being felt by students.
The fourth interviewee is from the College of Business and Management major in Finance. The problem identified was ventilation due to poor budgeting of the university.
INTERVIEWEES #5 & #6 and #8 & #9
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The fifth and sixth interviewees are from the program of BS Bio. The problems identified are transportation and printing problems due to the location of printing services.
The 8th and 9th interviewees are both from the program of AB Political Science. The problem identified is waste problems.
Bonus GIF
Caught on 4K: Ma'am Butalid, the program coordinator
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INTERVIEWEES #10 & #11 and #11, #12, #13, & #14
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The tenth and eleventh interviewees are both from the College of Education. The problem that was identified is also the prevalent waste problem.
All four interviewees (11-14) are from the program of AB Political Science and the problems identified were insufficiency of educational tools, transportation, waste problems, and illegal business (no permit).
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Our fifteenth interviewee is from the program of BS Math and the problem identified was waste problem.
The last interviewee is from BSED PE and the problem identified was waste problem.
Following the interview and consultation with the instructor, we were able to share our views, suggestions, and data results, so with waste management being the most pressing issue at the university based on our data gathered from the series of interview, we looked for potential products and services that would be the greatest solution. We had a lot of prospects for the proposal because I came prepared, and I had already researched sustainable products online through various platforms to make our decision process easier. Following the deliberation, it was decided to proceed with the conversion of leaves into paper, with modifications such as colour classification and scented option.
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The first pie chart shows the result of our joint interview. It has been revealed that there are 8 identified problems and the top three are the following: (1) Waste problems, (2) Transportation, and (3) Ventilation. Meanwhile, for the consolidated result, it was revealed that waste problems still hold the top issue that the CMUans are currently facing and have been posing grave concerns weighing 53.8 percent out of 55 respondents being interviewed. Therefore, we have decided to go with a visionary EcoVenture product called "EVERLEAF" which means everlasting leaf which aims to stop deforestation and degradation of the environment 🌿
Through this dialogue, I have come to understand that that, despite the fact that we are in a micro level setting, the problem that we are facing in the university is ubiquitous since corporations do nothing about it because they just care about profit. Sustainable practices are difficult to implement since they may inhibit economic growth, which is something every businessman avoids. The ongoing problem of deforestation, erosion, and forest fires will exist unless we begin to develop regulations and sanction big industries. Thus, this subject is an excellent way to enter the VentureVerse because anyone may be a businessman, but not everyone can sustain their business owing to the ups and downs of business hence, it needs strong mentality.
Furthermore, this interview helped me identify my strengths, such as strategic leadership, critical thinking, resiliency to troubleshoot unforeseen problems that require immediate solutions, adaptability, time management skills, and the ability to remain rational at all times in order to manage the team. While I accept my inadequacies, such as my public speaking abilities and approaching strangers, it has provided me with opportunities to identify areas for improvement. It taught me that mistakes and failures are inevitable and necessary for learning and growth. Every master was once a beginner in their chosen industry. As a result, I feel that by constantly improving and allowing oneself to admit mistakes, I will be able to recognise threats that are critical for mitigating macro consequences on the endeavour.
To summarise everything, I am excited for the thrills of this rollercoaster journey. The uncertainty makes me rosier about the future. Risks are what keep me alive. It piques my interest in exploring new horizons. I am challenged to venture beyond of my comfort zone in order to try new things and discover more about myself.
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mysteryman-17 · 2 years
* HE-HE LLO THERE KID. * I [[See]] THAT YOU DESIRE A [[Fight me old man!!]]. * ...WELL, I SUPPOSE THERE'S [[Nothing better to do?]] ANYWAY! * WE'LL [[DIE]] UNTIL THE [[Stars came out]]!! * AND WHO [[Nose]]? MAYBE IT'LL DISTRACT M3 FROM MY [[PAIN]]!!
Time’s End is an AHIT/Undertale crossover AU of sorts, taking place in the aftermath of a timeline where you lose the final boss fight against Mustache Girl. You can find the write-up here! In addition, you can find the write-ups for the Neutral Endings and TimeWarp Route Requirements on Google Drive! The logo for Time's End was designed by @bittybattybunny. She's an incredible artist, be sure to check out their work here on Tumblr and over on Twitter!!
Moonjumper replaces Gaster. They used to be great friends with Badge Seller... until one fateful day. MJ was always looking for power, but on that day, they went too far: they smashed the giant Time Piece in Subcon Forest in an attempt to rewrite time to their advantage. As a safety measure after this, Badge Seller trapped them in the Horizon, a prison just outside of time and space, to prevent them from ever having a prominent grasp on the world ever again. MJ did, of course, manage to get out... sort of. They're just barely holding on to their existence. Glitchy as anything, their form phasing in and out of view, distorted speech... the works. MJ desires to finally get a proper foothold in this world once more, but needs Bow Kid’s help... help that they'll never get on the Pacifist and Neutral routes, as it requires Bow to do things that she'd normally never do.
Oh It's You + Your Contract Has Expired (modified)
The Badge Seller
"You're not supposed to be in the game!" (6:20 - 6:28)
That's right, folks. The Moonjumper tracks have FINALLY all been updated and will be properly ported over to the OST account!! Decided I didn't like the primary "hook dialogue" - for lack of a better word - that got established in the (now-renamed) BIG SHOT replacement, so I scoured YT and Tumblr for good potential Moonjumper memes to sample in its place. And what should I stumble across that works, but an old AHIT mod showcase video from Doodrun! The moment I heard the snippet I did, I knew immediately that it would work wonders, and with a double meaning to boot, given Moonjumper's origins in AHIT's development!! (Tho I did use mvsep.com to remove the background music for the purposes of splicing and mixing.) In addition to the obvious vocal changes, I finally modified and incorporated the proper main melody in here from the BIG SHOT, and also made some slight mixing alterations. Am very happy with how this turned out, and I hope you guys enjoy! :) (Also just as a refresher, seeing as it’s been a while since I talked about ol’ string bean here: I styled them after Spamton cause I could. I axed the Betrayed Undyne ending from Time's End due it not making much sense with Empress, and I figured that since this AU will never have a Deltarune counterpart, adding a lil smth based from it as the BU ending replacement would be fun to mess around with. So uhhhhhh ye there's your answer lmao.)
You can also listen to this track in high quality on the AU’s SoundCloud here!
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putschki1969 · 2 years
Kalafina Media Appearances
Note: It's been 84 years. I’m finally continuing my “Kalafina-hub” project. In the past I have gathered all sorts of HQ Kalafina content on my personal Google Drive to make everything easily accessible to fans. Recently I have switched to a second account with a huge 2TB plan which allows me to add even more stuff. Below you can find links to my old masterposts〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
I started with Kalafina’s complete works in MP3 and FLAC format. After all, what’s more significant than their music?
My next big category was dedicated to Kalafina’s official live releases (including live audio MP3s).
In my third masterpost I provided links for the bonus content available on Kalafina’s CD releases (including all PVs as well as various documentaries and additional live videos).
In my fourth post I shared all the official footage of Kalafina’s appearances at grand-scale anisong events (i.e. ANIMAX MUSIX, Animelo, LisAni).
For my fifth post I prepared all the Yuki Kajiura/FictionJunction lives (including live audio MP3s).
For this post, I’ve tried compiling video footage of all of Kalafina’s media appearances on TV, radio and various streaming services.
These videos are for PERSONAL USE ONLY! Do not share them or upload them to other sites. Thank you!
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»»———— Download me ————««
There are way too many videos to put them in this post so here’s what you need to know.
➔ The videos are listed in chronological order ❈ I’ve tried my very best to find the correct date for each and every media appearance but some of these videos are so old that I wasn’t able to trace them back
➔ The compilation is by no means exhaustive ❈ I wish I could say this was a complete collection but alas, there is a lot of content missing. I didn’t become a fan until 2010/2011 so I probably don’t have some of the super old stuff. I also didn’t always have the necessary resources/means so throughout the years I kept missing out on certain videos, simply because I couldn’t access/download them
➔ Some of these videos have abysmal quality ❈ I always took what I could get, not questioning the quality. I’m sure there are HQ versions out there for some of these appearances but right now, I have no way of getting my hands on them.
➔ This collection is a work in progress ❈ If I come across “new” old videos, I will be sure to add them to this folder. The same applies to better versions of already existing videos. If you notice anything obvious missing in my collection or if any of you happen to have HQ versions of some of the super crappy videos, please don’t hesitate to share them with me. I’d be very grateful!
➔ The content is not categorised ❈ I was having a hard time putting these videos together in certain sub-folders so for the most part I just kept them as they were in one big folder. Let me know if you have any issue accessing a certain folder!
➔ All of my old links to any of these videos no longer work ❈ As mentioned above, I’ve invested in a brand new Google Drive account with a much bigger storage plan and am currently moving everything over there. Some content still remains in my old account but most of it has already been deleted to free up storage space. This entire data migration and a recent anon request have actually motivated me to finally get my shit together and sort through all my random Kalafina videos which were scattered across different hard drives.
➔ No summaries/subtitles will be made available for any of the vids ❈  I have neither the skills nor the time to provide summaries or subs for all of these videos so please, don’t even ask. However, I have posted quite a lot of summaries in the past so if you go through my archive and browse through my posts (use the video date for reference), you might be able to find something.
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itstimetodrew · 2 years
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alright I'm taking the bait @crystaloregarden, rolling up my sleeves...
Short Answer: 2, if you want to keep it simple from a narrative or marketing perspective (thank god for their differences in design netting us 2 kotobukiya figures...blessed are the Marik fans getting to spend double money 🙏)
Long Answer: I'm read more-ing this shit
(tw for mentions of abuse and death and suicide)
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Summarizing sections from a 17-page google doc I have on him involving topics like this teehee
Anyway! I feel like there really isn't a definitive answer. Just what exactly Yami Marik 'is' isn't 100% clear. Is he a stereotypical and negative portrayal of something like DID? Is it a case of possession, and if so, how much personality does this spirit have of its own? If you see Yami Marik as a separate character, does he begin his own existence when created by Marik, or is it not until he gains a more physical and tangible form? If you don't consider him his own character, what would it take for him to become an entity in his own right, or is it impossible because of his beginning? So many cool questions, no concrete answers!
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I think in that sense, people arrive at different answers depending on their view. I think canon shows them more as separate people, or at least for Yami Marik to be a separate Entity, to keep the story cleaner. He is the personification of moral and emotional faults and failings, generational trauma, of being abused, and wanting to abuse others, just to name a few. In a story where he is a villain for an arc for a franchise pushing card game sales, we have to put a nice bow on it all! Marik is bad, but this Other Marik is worse, so we just kill him to redeem the 'good' one and dust our hands off before the next villain comes in.
I can see how that notion can be either inspirational or uncomfortable for people. If you could separate all the qualities of yourself that you dislike and banish them, would you? On one hand, Marik overcoming his 'darker half' shows that what's important is to always work to become better, and no one is too far gone. It's hope and change that drive us forward. Conversely, ironically... that message rings hollow if you see Yami Marik in another light. Why is it fine to portray him as a monster (literally, as he fuses with Ra) and use his death as a benefit for others? We don't get much more character growth for Marik after this, he mostly joins Ishizu in dumping some lore about ancient ceremonies, so we just know he's 'better off' now. (Again, I'm not complaining Marik should have gotten more focus, because his time in the story was up and Millennium World was rushed enough as is without expanded Keeping Up with the Ishtars tidbits. I just love him as a character so much, it's an interesting conclusion for him canonically!)
For my personal take on The Lore, I think what we know as Yami Marik began as the culmination of millennia worth of trauma going back to Kul Elna. A slurry of souls, now voiceless and faceless, only wanting to exact retribution. They gain power and influence being passed from one generation to the next via the Tombkeeper's initiation until we hit Marik, where finally there's enough built up for a more solid Form to emerge. Not something totally new, though. He still uses Marik's name, identifies Marik's siblings as his own (interestingly enough not Marik's father though, IMO showing continued dissociation from the abuse he faced), but has clear quirks and preferences of his own. And none of this is going into the relationship they have with each other, both trying to kill the other/themself but having a purpose rooted in self-preservation. They reflect one another and share a common base, so where does the 'self' end and the 'other' begin?
Idk, all I know is it's Yugioh and my head hurts.
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goldenstage · 2 years
Hello!! May I request if you could possibly put your high quality versions of the golden stage official art on a google drive folder for people to download? I understand that twitter and tumblr always resize the images you post and it would be great to download those images in the best quality. Thanks very much!
sorry for the late reply
you're right in thinking that some of the photos are humongous on my computer
here's a drive that i'll update slowly, i think i've uploaded the major ones now. i have some photos that i haven't uploaded on tumblr or twitter and might eventually add them too.
the artwork for the first episode of the 劈个叉Staff audio drama isn't in a very good quality i dont remember why. i might try to get a better quality but its not my priority right now.
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