#Third one is from an Au where tomorrow tea never happened and Lloyd got to be a troublemaker with the power of god and anime by his side
yhwcomeback · 7 months
Do you still think of Brad and Lloyd
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ninjagoruinedmylife · 6 years
Shadowhunters au: chapter two
Ooooooh my goooosh here it is finally it’s late at night so sorry for any mistakes i’ll fix them tomorrow
I hope you’ll enjoy this crap
It surely wasn’t their most glorious runaway. To be honest - they just qucikly exited through the door that led them out, leaving terrified blonde boy in a club.
Streets were very quiet, it was a middle of the night, after all. Only a few cars passed a group of wounded, tired teenagers. They were heading back to Institute by foot, even though it wasn’t that close. They felt safer this way: nobody could stop them and ask uncomfortable questions. Besides, they needed fresh air after this incident.
This time wasn’t very different from the other moments when they were heading back home from mission. Nya and Kai talked about the fight, Cole and Jay were arguing about something, Zane was walking first with his head in the clouds… They just all acted more quiet. They faced only one demon and still he managed to give them some wounds. They had a big preponderance after all, but because of this strange boy they absolutely lost control over this combat. Nya blamed herself for that. She had to cover up her brother and Cole, she stood between them and the monster, and if only she hadn’t been shocked so much to take a step back they wouldn’t even get touched but this creature…
Girl sighed. She failed and now felt like if she was the worst, but she had to remind herself that now this event was in the past. The next time she will do better for sure.
“Here you go.” Nya finally ended bandaging her brother’s arm. She sent him a big smile. “Don’t worry, it’s not so bad.”
“But what’s with your dress?” Kai looked at girl’s scattered cloth - she used a fragment of it for a patch. “Mum wouldn’t be happy if she saw this.”
“Who said she will see this? I have-”
“Dear Angel, Jay, I’m fine! You’ll do your work when we’ll be back home!” Cole yelled with a frustration, interupting Nya’s explanation.
Siblings looked behind them - Jay tried to draw a healing mark on Cole. He surely needed it, because demon’s claws made a deep cut at his chest. His own marks protected him from the lose of blood for now. However, Jay didn’t wanted to give up.
“If you’re fine, then I’m queen of Britain!” Jay answered with a cracking voice. “Just stay still for a moment, you stubborn…”
“I don’t need your help, blueberry!” Cole seemed really irritated, which was pretty rare for him. “You think that you are so special because you quickly learned how to use marks and now you want to show everyone your incredible skills? For now, you are just pain in the ass.”
‘Well, it was rare before Jay joined the team.’ Nya corrected her own toughts and shook her head with disapporval.
“Oh my God, yes! Maybe this is it! Maybe I just lack attention! Thank you!” Jay muttered under his breath. “Right now, I just don’t want you dead, but I’m slowly starting to change my mind about it.”
“I won’t die from it, it’s just a scratch!”
“Scratch?! You’ll have a scar through all of your chest!”
“Well, I had worse wounds, you patetic nurse.”
“And you know what I think about it? I think that it means that you just go into every battle like a moron and…”
“Can’t they get of each other’s throats for a moment?” Nya rolled her eyes. She liked both of the boys, but their fights started to get on her nerves lately.
“As some say, squabbels are the way of life, sis.” Kai answered with a smirk.
She looked around - Zane left them behind, he was one street ahead them. Even though, it was so quiet in this neighbuorhood, that they could’ve heard all of his cold words.
“We are here, so it would be nice if you two stopped arguing for a moment!” Blonde, tall boy didn’t even granted the others a look before entracing the gates of the old church.
“Yeah, Wu won’t be very happy when he’ll hear your cute yelling at 3 in the morning. What am I saying, he will be furious!” Nya started running towards the Institute with a wide smile on her face. “But if you really want to test him this much..!”
“Okay, I’d rather believe her.” She overheard Jay’s nervous giggle.
She came into the old building and finally felt like home. She walked towards a small elevator in the right corner of the main nave, right behind the altar, and then she rode to the third floor.
Wu was already there, with a cup of his famous, refreshing tea. He granted it to the young female, and then led her to the library.
“Zane just came.” Old teacher said when they were crossing the halls. “He looked… troubled, and so do you. Did something unexpected happened?”
“A little. Kai and Cole are wounded. But we traced something that might intetest you.”
After a moment they heard loud talks that could only mean one thing - boys catched up after her and also arrived at Institute.
“So I guess it will be a long night.” Their teacher sighed.
Lloyd tried his best to forget about this whole night.
He tried was doing parkour with Nelson, he read as many comics as he could, he learnt to the moment when he started falling asleep, he even helped his mother with house chores. All this to somehow erease a memory of this strange monster and bleeding teenagers.
He still couldn’t believe they just left him without any word. They should tell him something, explain what happened… But, instead, they ran away like cowards. Lloyd had to use all of his strength to move from the saff room and stop looking at the floor covered in a slick, black blood. After this, he found Brad and took his protesting friend out of the club. Anytime he tried to bring up a topic of ‘Pandemonium’, Lloyd ignored him or came up with another activity.
He didn’t wanted his only friends (or even worse - his mother!) to think that he became crazy.
“I’m back, mum!” Boy yelled when he entered their flat.
It was in one of scuffy tenament houses, but he really liked it. It had an atmosphere, as some would say - old sofa, armchairs and shelves bought in antique shop gave the feeling like if the time has stopped 100 years ago, books where laying everywhere around, on the walls there were hanging many undetailed drawings and messy notes.
Misako could be only a tourist guide, but history was surely her passion.
“Oh, hi. I returned five minutes ago, I swear.” His mother was already standing in little kitchen, against an open fridge. He walked to her and gave her a quick kiss on a cheek, and then sat at the table to do his homework. “Those guests today were so interested…”
“It’s okay, mum. You don’t have to make excuses for me.” Lloyd sent her a big smile.
“I know, I know. I’m just bad at myself that I haven’t tought about our dinner…” She took a milk and eggs from the fridge. “Pancakes?”
“Pancakes sound awesome.”
They spent nearly three hours talking and doing Lloyd’s math exercises. When they were going to turn on the TV and watch some dumb cartoons together, Misako’s phone started ringing. Woman took it and silently listened to the person on the other side, nodded and hung up. She looked at her son; he noticed how worried she seemed.
“I’m sorry Lloyd, but Ronin really needs my help in his shop. We’ll watch something when I’ll be back home, okay?” She hugged him tightly and then nearly ran through the door. “I love you!”
“Uh… yeah. Love you too, mum.” Lloyd sighed sadly and slowly walked towards his little room. It appeared to be just another evening in his life - he spent some time with his mother, she had to do something important the moment when he gained enough courage to tell her about this monster he saw, and for the rest of his free time he was going to read comics. Truly amazing.
He lied on his bed and started staring blankly at the other wall, but then he saw that someone sent him a message. He grabbed his phone and frowned. On the screen, there was a photo of Brad and Nelson, laughing and holding three tickets. The text under it said: 'Leave your house finally you nerd, we’re waiting for you downstairs and you won’t believe what we’ve got! >:3"
He felt a little bad, disobeying the main rule in his family: don’t leave home without any word. Still, he wrote his mother a note and left it on a table, so she would know where he went. In the end, they had telephones, right? Ignoring strange feeling in his stomach, boy went to see what his friends planned for him this time. It surely wasn’t going to be something ordinary. As always.
When he finally got all things that would be useful (like phone, a bottle of water or a first aid kit) he came down and Brad waved three scraps of paper right in front of his face.
“Three tickets for The Royal Blacksmiths concert?! How-” Lloyd gave his friends a concerned look. “Tell me you two didn’t steal it.”
“I’m clean! It was Brad!” Nelson yelled at the top of his lungs. His arm was broken again.
“I didn’t stole it, idiots,” Brad grinned. “I’m just using my family connections.”
“Okay, so this time nothing illegal.” Lloyd felt very relieved after this words.
“So, what are we waiting for?!” Nelson seemed so excited that both boys couldn’t help but smile. Even though this guy had a bad luck, he still managed to somehow stay happy and full of energy. “Let’s go!”
This evening was sure going to be fun.
Not everyone was thinking about this concert the same way as Lloyd, Brad and Nelson. To be absolutely honest, Cole was quite furious that he decided to go and see The Royal Blacksmiths.
He mostly didn’t took any decision on an impulse, but this time… When he saw that his father and his band are coming back after a long tour, he knew he had to meet him. Cole ran away from his house nearly five years ago - and since then, he never seen Lou again. The only member of boy’s family was traveling around the world, singing and dancing, but in reality he was just trying to forget what happened to his wife. Cole didn’t wanted to admit it, but he still held some grudge inside him. Why his father couldn’t be normal and stay with him? Why couldn’t he help him in this tough time?
In reality, it wasn’t Cole who left. It was Lou.
Anyways, he told everyone that he needs to go somewhere. Of course, they had to follow him - they were all very curious what made Cole, calm and rational guy, to suddenly come out of Institute to do something that wasn’t connected with haunting demons.
After a while of being just irritated with their company, he started feeling thankful that they were with him now. Their appereance made it look like if it was just another mission.
And Jay was, as always, rambling as fast as lightning.
“Your father is a leader of The Royal Blacksmiths? Wow, Cole, you sure are one hell of a mistery-”
“Slow down, motor mouth, slow down.” Cole shook his head. “This way I won’t understand a thing.”
Actually, he heard him perfectly - messing with Jay was just his way to cover up a stress. For now it worked.
“Like, this is so crazy, man! Why haven’t you told me? And,” Jay gasped dramatically when he realised something. “Why I never heard you sing?”
Cole didn’t answer, he only started walking faster.
“Jay, this topic isn’t really easy for Cole.” He could’ve heard Zane’s quiet words. “I guess it would be better it you would stop for a moment.”
“Oh- Yeah, yeah. I mean, this is just exciting, so-”
“Shut up!” Kai yelled. “It is such a peaceful evening, don’t ruin it for everyone in this town.”
“Kai, we are living in New York, he can’t destroy everyone’s evening, there are way too many people.” Nya interrupted her brother with a sleazy smile.
“That’s not the point!” Kai threw his hands into the air. “Just…”
“Everything’s okay?” Zane finally catched up to Cole.
“Yes, I guess so.” Cole mumbled under his breath.
“I know it must be hard, but remember that you have us.” His parabatai patted him on his back. “Maybe we are not a big help right now, but… We are with you.”
“Thanks.” Cole smiled blankly. After this little talk he really started feeling better.
He had to clear up the atmosphere between him and his father. To this moment, he was afraid that Lou would be mad at him or that he wouldn’t want to talk at all, but now Cole realised that he didn’t needed his father so much. He gained a new family. It was a strange slice of different people - an old teacher, siblings with fiery personalities, cold and calculative guy out of nowhere, enthusiastic boy from a junkyard, and him. Still, they all somehow fit togheter.
What could have gone wrong as long as they had each other?
Lloyd really enjoyed this concert, even tough it wasn’t his favourite kind of music. He liked spending time with his friends in any form - for a long time he had no one, so he felt that he shouldn’t be really picky when it came to this subject.
Everything started getting complicated when he spotted a group of familiar teenagers in a crowd.
“I’m… I’m going to toilet! I’ll be right back!” He yelled towards jumping Nelson and Brad and suddenly felt guilty. He wasn’t a good liar at all.
“What?!” Brad probably didn’t heard him.
“Okay, okay, go!” Nelson answered for both of them, trying to scream over the loud music and excited fans.
Lloyd walked towards the monster hunters (that’s how he called them in his head) and followed them when they came beside a stage, between the trees of a nearby park.
“I can’t do it, I can’t! What in the name of Angel was I thinking about?! They won’t even let me close to him, so it’s absolutely pointless!” He overheard a deep, nervous voice rambling.
“I think that it’s still worth a try.” A female voice answered.
“Yeah, there might be no more chances-” Somebody else said in a tone that was kinda similiar to the one before.
“You’re probably not helping!” One of the boys yelled in a high pitched voice. “Is he helping? I think he is not.”
“He is not.”
Lloyd was slowly getting closer to them. He tried to make no sound and remain unseen. His heart was beating like crazy.
“Hey, if you don’t want to do this, we can go back to Institute.” A new one joined - this time it was calm, mature voice lacking emotions.
Lloyd frowned. What kind if 'institute’ were they talking about?
“I think…” The first voice started. “That we are not alone here.”
And they all looked directly at Lloyd.
Girl got out her knives, but then the guy with a messy hair standing next to her stopped her.
“Wait! I think we know him.”
“Is it the one from 'Pandemonium’?” Boy all dressed in blue gave him a pretentious look.
“Indeed.” The one who stood the closest to Lloyd (he recognised him as the nerd) nodded his head.
“Ha! I knew it!”
“What do you want?” Guy who started the previous conversation, dark-skinned and dark-haired, asked in a strangely calm voice.
“I-” Lloyd’s voice cracked. “I have some questions. I mean, many questions. About… what happened in this club.”
All of them remained silent.
“Who are you?” Lloyd tried again. “My name is Lloyd, by the way.”
Teenagers looked all at one another, then nodded in a wordless agreement.
“Nya.” Girl started staring at her shoes.
“Kai.” Guy with messy hair tried to make it up.
“Zane.” Nerd smiled at him lightly.
“Cole.” Tall one rolled his eyes.
“And Jay!” Blue boy waved at him.
Okay, so they had this point behind them.
“What was this… creature that you… destroyed?” For some reason, word 'killed’ couldn’t escape his mouth.
“You- you saw it? In its demon form?” Kai seemed very impressed.
“Does it mean-” Cole frowned.
“Yes, it does.” Zane agreed.
“A new Shadowhunter?” Jay smiled wide.
“A new what?” Lloyd asked with an unmasked suprise.
“Uh, we are probably not the best people out there to have this talk with you.” Nya walked towards him. “But, if you want, of course, we can take you to someone who will explain this.”
“You really saw it?” Kai still couldn’t gather himself. “Tail, fangs, claws? Black blood and all?”
“Uh, yeah?” Lloyd scratched his nose. “What is so strange about that? I bet everyone would see it.”
“That’s not correct.” Zane shook his head. “Actually, Downworlders are not able to see demons. Only us, Shadowhunters, and other magical species perceive them.”
“Look, I don’t know what any of this means…”
In this moment, his phone started ringing. Lloyd sighed in frustration and took it out of his backpack. He gave screen a short look: 23 calls from his mother, and she was also the one who called him now.
“H-hi mum, I can explain-”
“Lloyd? Thanks God, you answered!” Misako’s breath was fast and he could’ve heard that she was running. “No matter what- Ah!”
“Mum?!” Lloyd froze when his mother screamed and probably fell. “Are you there? What is happening?!”
“Lloyd, listen to me. No matter what, don’t come back home!” Signal started cutting, was it a sound of breaking glass? “Go to Ronin, he will know what to do.”
“Mum, I don’t understand-”
“I love you, son.” On the other side something crashed and the call ended.
Lloyd looked blankly at his phone.
“Hey, is something wrong?” Nya asked him in a soft tone.
“No- yes, I… I think someone- something… attacked my mother.”
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