#Good fanfics and all for them
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presidentofclaudeloving2024 · 10 months ago
MELINOËS LIKE "Oh now we have 3 of Nyxs sons in the crossroads! Except ones sleeping more then the rest oops"
Melinoë is like "Huh??? What do you mean that fits Hermes more??"
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Hermes design in Hades 2 looks… interesting 👀💍
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iamanartichoke · 2 years ago
I don't know who needs to hear this, but as a creator -
I am fine with "the audience" -
downloading my fics
printing my fics
copy/pasting or screenshotting my fics
sharing your saved copy of my fics with anyone else who might want them in the unlikely but never impossible case that my fics are no longer available on ao3
making a book of my fic(s) and running your fingers across the pages while lovingly whispering my precioussss
doing these things with anything I create for fandom, such as meta, headcanons, au nonsense like 'texts from the brodinsons,' etc
I am not fine with "the audience"
doing any of the above with the purpose/intent of plagiarizing my work or passing it off as their own in any capacity
feeding my work into ai for any reason whatsoever
Save the fandom things. Preserve the fandom things. Respect the fandom things.
Enjoy the fandom things.
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ponury-grajek · 2 months ago
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part of a birthday gift for @llawlieta, and also a little sketch to her fanfic Give me one good honest kiss ❤️ 
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its-alittleobsessed · 5 months ago
Exactly ONE person asked me for spn fic recs and it sent me into a mania i cannot explain. So here is my personal top fics that I feel no one talks about enough and that everyone should read right fucking now.
(In no particular order)
WARNING: some kind of have some dark themes but i have reread them more than once. So it’s worth it:
1. A second grace by Sometimeswelose
2. To the bone by bluehorses
3. The Lord Tests the Heart by imogenbynight
4. Unrelentingly in view by a_good_soldier
5. A complete kingdom by komodobits
6. Mouth to Manhattan by a_good_soldier
7. A thousand lives by fairy_tale_echo
8. Downstream by pantheon_of_discord
9. Cas’ Ultimate Pop Girls Mix by watchriverdale
10. By your ancient names by microcomets
11. Honorable mention bc I have to: Dean Winchester’s Take Two by alittleobsessed
1. Sir this is a wendy’s by noviembre
2. It’s the end of the world (as we know it) by tiamatv
3. For all you young hockey players out there, pay attention by ThursdaysfallenAngel
4. Shut up (put your money where your mouth is) by kototyph
5. Where there is darkness by quittewandering
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impyssadobsessions · 6 months ago
DPXDC Jr Squad (im sure you will come up with a better name)
DPXDC Prompt
Amanda Waller frees Phantom from GIW(Guys in White/ Ghost investigation Ward )- however he has to work for her. Since the suicide squad she had her eye on recreating another team- one of dangerous teens who are in a need of… guidance.
She wants to put Phantom in "charge" due to his record. Danny doesn't like having a leash around his neck but after months of putting up with the GIW, he'll play nice. But he will have his freedom one day.
And soon his new teammates who disrespect him at first for being a "hero"- become protective of him for the same reason.
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gecko-with-a-pencil · 29 days ago
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stupid iwtutkbtsmliti comic :P
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pastafossa · 1 month ago
"Love Leaves A Mark" (Matt Murdock x F!Reader, Fic, Pure Fluff)
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I've been working on this for a bit to celebrate the release of our older Born Again!Era Matt, and happily I can say this one's now done, which means I can finish up another little oneshot I have and then get back around to The Red Thread's next chapter. This is written with TRT!Reader in mind, but I also tried to write it vaguely so it's easy enough to enjoy even if you haven't read that massive saga. Also if you'd like notifications when I post a new story, drabble, or chapter, you can follow my sideblog @pastaxandria and set it for notifications!
Ship: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Wordcount: 3.8k
Warnings for this fic: None that I know of, they're just being cute and in love as they grow old together. There ARE some vague physical changes described that are standard in aging but that feels pretty normal.
Fic Summary: You and Matt are growing older together, and you're both loving every second of it, including the physical changes that come with it.
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“Did you get more toothpaste today?” you called sleepily, lifting one leg to idly scratch at your calf with your foot. You worked your toothbrush over to the other side of your mouth, wrinkling your nose at the taste. Nine years you’d been using your husband’s toothpaste and you’d never gotten used to the flavor, or lack thereof. You’d be damned if you didn’t use it regardless, though. “And Mini’s food?”
“Picked up both.” The low rumble of his voice was sleepy and distracted as it drifted out of the bedroom. Outside the little brownstone you both now called home, the snow continued to fall in thick, heavy flakes, muffling the roar of the wind and the few cars still out on the street despite the late hour and travel ban. You were grateful for that storm. In all the time you’d been with him you’d never had a problem with the Devil’s nightly rounds. Loving Matt meant loving Daredevil, too. But you still treasured evenings like these when he was able to stay in with you, your purring, cuddly husband happily playing the role of your favorite blanket. “I may have also stopped at the bookstore and gotten you something on the way home.”
You paused, shifting your gaze meaningfully toward the open bathroom doorway. You probed curiously at the psychic connection between you, a subtle attempt to discern what it was he’d picked up for you. All you got was a playful nudge back. He didn’t even have to try all that hard anymore, smoothly deflecting you with all the ease of swatting away a pillow.
“I don’t think so, sweetheart.” His voice was an amused whisper in your mind. “You’ll have to figure it out the old-fashioned way.” 
You scrubbed faster at your teeth, grinning at his laugh in the other room. 
“I don’t know how you have any gums left considering how often you do that,” he mused as you leaned down to rinse your mouth out. You quickly shoved your toothbrush back into the penguin-shaped toothbrush holder before flipping off the light and padding out of the bathroom. 
“The benefits of genetic tampering,” you said dryly, joining him in the bedroom. He was already settled into bed, sitting up with his back against the headboard, a well-worn book beneath his hand. Down atop his blanket-covered feet, a large, round black void of fur had arranged itself into a perfect circle, no head or tail to be seen. Matt tipped his head as he tracked your eager circling of the room, the barest little smirk quirking his lips. You scanned around for anything new, hunting along the walls and the bookshelves that had managed to migrate their way into the bedroom once your shared office slash library had gotten too full. Books had a tendency to breed like rabbits between you and Matt. “Where?” “Your nightstand. I figured you’d probably want to dive in.”
You darted over towards your nightstand.
“No way,” you breathed, sitting down on your side of the bed and snatching up the first of the three new hardbacks he’d placed on your nightstand. “This one—I thought it was going to take another week at least before they released it. How did you…?” “I kept checking with Hanna every time I passed by her bookstore.” He cleared his throat as you flipped open your new copy of Dante’s Divine Comedy to a random page, the much-loved scent of new paper and ink filling your nose. “Eventually she took pity on me and finally let me buy this one early with cash. Although she wasn’t sure why you wanted this one when you have so many other translations already.” 
“It’s Palma’s new translation,” you murmured distractedly, dragging your finger down the flowing lines of poetry, your eyes skimming rapidly over the page. You could already spot some of the changes. “I have the first translation he did of the Inferno, but this is the first time he’s done the entirety of the Divine Comedy, and he’s tweaked his previous translation. It’s supposed to mimic the rhyming scheme Dante created more closely. Not easy when you’re shifting it from Italian to English. Dad’s going to have kittens when he hears the Devil got me my copy before he got his.”
Even without looking at him, you could feel Matt’s smug satisfaction. “You should call him so I can hear him swear.” “Call him yourself if you want to rub it in.” You snorted in amusement at Matt’s neverending desire to goad your adoptive father Ciro, who admittedly had a habit of goading back. At the very least their jabs had become less hostile over the years, the two of them now closer to sparring partners than actual enemies. You leaned over to look at the other two books Matt had gotten you, your brows shooting up. “And you got me Emily Wilson’s translations of the Illiad and the Odyssey? You’re spoiling me, husband dearest.” “You said last month you were thinking about picking them both up. I figured I’d check if they were there.” There was a rustle of blankets behind you, and a slightly irritated, ‘mrrp?’, presumably as Matt adjusted his feet beneath the fuzzy black hole curled up atop them. “Consider it an early anniversary gift.” “Not that I’m not grateful, but you and I both know it’s January, dear.” You set Dante back down atop the stack of books before swiveling on the bed to face Matt. You started crawling across the mountain of blankets and silk sheets toward his grinning form. “Our anniversary is months away.” “The anniversary of our first kiss, then.” His smile only grew wider when you reached him and threw your leg over him to sit astride his waist. It was something he welcomed as he always did, his hands setting aside his book immediately in favor of you. He slid his palms warmly up and down the fleece covering your thighs, pausing here and there to knead at the muscle just because he could. It never seemed to matter that he’d touched you a thousand times before. He treated every moment like this as if it were the first. “A few hardbacks are the least you deserve.” “Lines like that make me want to marry you.” You sighed, draping your arms comfortably over his broad shoulders, lifting one hand to idly card your fingers through his dark hair. He hummed beneath your touch, tilting his head openly into the fond drag of your fingers like a big cat. “Buying a woman hardbacks? In this economy? Put a ring on me, Mr. Murdock.”
“Now Mrs. Murdock, how would your husband feel about you saying things like that?” His voice was a playful purr, words thick and glutted thanks to the drag of your nails. You were pretty sure his eyes had rolled back behind his closed eyes. “He’d, mmm, hunt me down until his dying breath if I laid so much as a finger on you. As for me, my wife is… not inclined to let me go gently.” 
“You’re goddamn right I’m not.” You sprawled out against his chest, dipping your head. He met you halfway, touching his lips to yours. You gave him a warm, lazy kiss, faint traces of copper and cinnamon passed from his smiling mouth to yours. The familiar taste of him, the softness of his skin, the sweet warmth of his breath in your mouth soothed you in a way little else could, and you drew him deep into you on a slow inhale, humming against his lips. His chest rumbled contentedly beneath you in response, his hands sliding up from your thighs to squeeze and rub affectionately your hips. “And don’t you ever forget it.”
“Never,” he murmured against your mouth, chasing after you to steal another kiss when you tried to lift your head. You ran your fingers through his hair again, sighing at the soft, playful brush of his tongue against your lips, giving it a mischievous nip of your own that made him rumble another pleased noise beneath you. His voice dropped further, all lazy warmth and possessive hunger, shades of the Devil coloring the edges like a painter’s brush. “Mm, my wife, all mine.”                                     “Your wife,” you agreed fondly. “One who’s cut people before and will happily do it again if it keeps you safe.”
“Your services are very much appreciated.”
“They should be since I fully intend to sit in a pair of rocking chairs with you one day in our old age.” You brought your hand around to scratch your fingers lightly through the coarseness of his beard, making him groan breathlessly in delight, his back arching just a little beneath you. He’d been letting his beard grow in for the past week or so. You were unsure if it was by choice or if it was simply that he’d felt too busy to take the time to shave. It had been a while since you’d last seen him with a full beard, though, a few years at least. And to your pleasant surprise, there were a few changes. Your fingers petted curiously over the small patches of silver scattered around. “I’ve even kept you alive long enough that you’ve got grey here in your beard now. That’s new.” His brows rose in surprise, his eyes fluttering open where they’d fallen closed. “Really?”
“Yup. It’s very handsome.” You stroked at the prickly grey strands before your hands slid back and up to his temples, tracing the few strands of grey there just as affectionately. His cheeks had even turned the tiniest bit pink at your praise. “Some here, too. Just a little at your temples. You gonna be my silver fox, Matt?” “I guess so. That’s what I get for letting you pet all the color out over nine years.” He heaved a great sigh beneath you as if his care sheet instructions didn’t specify he get at least ten minutes of petting each day, without which he would wilt away. “You made me look old.” “Oh please. You don’t look old. You look human.” Your fingers left his hair so you could poke him pointedly in the chest. He threw you a wounded look, all furrowed brow and big sad eyes that you weren’t falling for even a little. “Also, you gave yourself those grey hairs, thank you very much. You’re the most stressed man I’ve ever met. Half of what you put yourself through would have turned anyone else’s hair white by now.”
“Fine. I’ll admit that I may have done… a few things that were somewhat stress—” “Got a building dropped on you. Fought Nobu in tissue paper. Got shot in the head. Used a neti pot to snort some fucking rusty tap water full of amoebas and tiny shrimp—”
“That last one still really bothers you, doesn’t it?”
“You have no idea. One day I’m going to kiss you and taste brain shrimp, I just know it.”
He snorted. “You say that like I don’t have my own list of all the things you’ve done that have almost given me a heart attack.”
“Alright, so my list is also… a bit long.” You tilted your head, watching his eyes shift absently around. After so many years with you, he was no longer self-conscious about letting you watch his eyes this closely, much to your delight. In the low light of the bedroom, his eyes were a soft, dark brown rather than the green or grey they could shift to during the day. Beautiful as always, especially with the little crinkles at the corners of his eyes, lines that now seemed permanent even when he wasn’t smiling. You brushed your thumb over a few of those lines, your playful tone falling away into something more serious. “What if I like it, though? These parts of you that are getting older? Like these laugh lines.”
He furrowed his brow pitifully. “Now you’re telling me I’m wrinkly, too?”
“Oh, fuck you!” you huffed, his body shaking beneath you as he laughed. “You know that’s not what I meant. Stop deflecting, I’m serious.”
“I’m know you are, even if you’re telling me I’m a grey, grizzled, wrinkled husk.” He groaned theatrically, rolling his head back. “You should just bury me if I’m that old.”
“Not a chance. Not when I love everything I’m seeing. Like these…” 
You leaned in and planted a kiss on the laugh lines in question, feeling them grow deeper under your lips as he smiled.
“And these…”
Another kiss, this time against one of the grey patches in his beard, making him sigh. 
“...and goddamn do I love all this, too,” you murmured, sitting back so you could drag your hands hungrily down the front of him. There was no part of him you didn’t love, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t just a little obsessed with the dark hair now edging up past his shirt collar—so much of it now that he’d finally given up on shaving his chest and let it all grow back—and the slightly thicker lines of his abdomen and hips, both of them a touch softer than they had been almost a decade ago when you’d first met him. You’d know; you’d been laying on him almost every night for most of that decade, barring a few rough patches and business trips.
“Mrs. Murdock,” he breathed in feigned shock, as if he wasn’t aware of exactly how much you enjoyed both his chest hair and the whole of his body from top to bottom, “are you insinuating something about me?” “You mean like insinuating I’m the reason you now eat regularly and aren’t so dehydrated that I can practically draw a map of your veins by sight?” You squeezed at the meat of his abdomen and hips greedily, your voice growing smug as you kneaded at him. Your touch made him chuckle and squirm beneath you, only drawing more protests from the cat trying to sleep on top of his feet. “Yes. Yes, I am. You’re welcome for the health, by the way. You’re aging like a fine wine, husband dearest. And it makes me happy.” 
His face softened at that, one hand leaving your hips to lay against your sternum. “If your heart wasn’t beating so steadily, I’d say you were just trying to flatter me,” he mused. “But… me getting older really is making you happy, isn’t it?”
“It is. I…” 
You paused for a moment, struggling to put into words what you were feeling. His hand at your hip edged up under your shirt until he could rub his thumb soothingly at your skin, content to wait while you figured out how to say what you wanted to say.
“I think it’s that… there was a time when I wasn’t sure if you’d live long enough for me to see you grow old with me.” You cupped his face in your hands, treasuring the way his eyes fell slowly closed and he leaned into your touch so openly, so easily. It had taken so much work to get him here, where he felt comfortable accepting your love and your affection, but it had been worth every ounce of effort. You traced over his laugh lines again with your thumbs before skipping down to the faint smile lines at the corners of his mouth, a mouth that pursed to kiss your thumb when you swept one over his lips. “But you did. I’m getting to see it. That’s special to me. I want to see that… that you’re still alive, that you’re living long enough for these things to happen. I want to see all these little grey hairs, and wrinkles, and the way your body has gotten a bit softer, because every little piece of you that gets older represents a moment I didn’t know if I’d get with you.”
He drew in a shaky breath before his eyes fluttered slowly open again. And in the dark of his eyes there was such a reverent joy, such a bone-deep love filling their depths that it almost took your breath away. You’d never tire of seeing it, even if you both lived for another fifty, another hundred, another thousand years, joined in this lifetime and in whatever came next. Religion had nothing on being loved fully, wholly by Matt. 
“I could say the same thing about you,” he breathed, his hand at your sternum sliding up to cradle your neck, thumb sweeping gently over the thin skin above your pulse. He pressed just a little, just enough to tug your skin back and forth. A moment later, he tugged you in until he could feather a kiss against your pulse where his thumb had been, lingering there as you nuzzled into his dark hair. “And spots like right here.”
“What’s changed there?” 
“The texture of your skin. How much it moves when I touch it. I like to think,” he whispered against your throat, “that your skin’s a little looser here now, more worn in, because I’ve stroked at it so much that I’ve changed you permanently. It’s a sign of just how much I’ve touched you, how many times you’ve trusted me and let me put my hands here. It’s never mattered to you how scarred those hands were, how covered in blood. You let my love leave a mark.”
He tightened his other hand against your hip next, taking hold of the curves that had changed as you’d journeyed through the years with him. “And you’re softer now, too, just like me.” From there he smoothed his hand affectionately upwards over your ribs and up past your breasts, mapping over all of the places your body had begun to show your age like his: stretchmarks and small wrinkles where once skin had been smooth and tight, scars from old battles now faded and ragged with time. The journey his hand took was made with reverence, tender and heavy with intent, his smile so very soft and almost… wondrous. “I may not be able to see you, but I can feel you growing old with me, too, sweetheart. More curves, a few wrinkles. It’s like I can feel your body sinking deeper and deeper into a life with me.”
“That’s what happens when love winds up being your gravity.” You leaned in to kiss his forehead lines. “A decade of being drawn in by you.”
“Mhm. And up here.” He shifted his hand at your throat to cup your face like you had his, his thumb tracing the corners of your eyes. “Laugh lines. Because our life’s made you laugh so much that it changed you. They weren’t there the first time I put my hands here. But they are now. Signs of how happy you are with me. And there are more every year, because you… love me enough to stay.”
“Hey, my Devil-Man,” you whispered, tilting his head up until your forehead could meet yours. He didn’t bother to hide the vulnerability in his eyes, this old wound of his. It was mostly mended now, when it came to you, but sometimes that furrowed scar inside his heart still made him ache. “Do you need me to remind you again? I’m not going anywhere, husband of mine. There’s nowhere you’ll go that I won’t follow.”
“I know.” His eyes fluttered as you stroked at his skin. His arms left your face until he could wind them tighter around you, pulling you in tight against him until his every breath became yours. That seemed to settle him some, the weight of you against his chest, especially when you dropped your head to his shoulder, nuzzling in against his neck. “That’s… that’s just it. With me, you see… moments you didn’t think you’d have because you didn’t think I’d make it. And I didn’t think I’d have this with you, either. A home, wrinkles, greying hair. Not because I didn’t think you’d live long enough, but… but because I never thought I’d find someone who could love me enough to stay this long. To love me this long. Long enough that I could feel you grow old with me.”
“Loving you has never been a chore, Matt.” You breathed in the scent of his skin, soap and the faint copper of blood, traces of cinnamon and just him. It was a scent you knew better than your own. You  lifted your hand to run your knuckles down his cheek, tracking your way through his greying beard, hoping that your touch would help your words sink in. He slid his hands up under the back of your shirt to drag his palms smoothly down your back, comforting himself with the feel of your skin as he tilted his head, listening to your heartbeat. It wasn’t because he thought you were lying, that much you knew. But he’d told you once he found the truth soothing when hearing something that might make him feel otherwise vulnerable. Something like this, this old wound of his, absolutely qualified. “And it never will be, no matter what comes at us. If you need me to remind you of that every day, I will. I’ll tell you that over and over again, until the day we die and get buried in matching coffins.”
“The same coffin,” he said quietly, tipping his head to nuzzle at your temple. “There’s a reason we took ‘Till death do we part’ out of our vows. No parting, even in death.” 
“Do they even sell double coffins? If so, I’m down.” “Even if they don’t, I’ll tell Foggy to make sure I end up in yours with you.” “I think I should end up in yours.” “Why?” “Because everyone will just assume your coffin’s extra heavy due to your goddamn audacity.” He burst out laughing beneath you, his body shaking and almost throwing you off him entirely. “I’m just saying,” you continued, trying not to grin as he choked out more laughter, “you live your life in a very particular way, man without fear. ‘Christ, why is his coffin so heavy?’ And our friends can just say, ‘well, you know, it’s Matt Murdock’ and it’ll explain everything. No one will notice me shoved in underneath you so you can lay on top of me forever.” 
“It’s a date,” he said, still huffing in amusement. A pointed paw tapped at your back before starting a walk up your spine. “Speaking of which, looks like someone’s eager to get in on the cuddling.” “Behold, offer to cuddle and both Matts will appear,” you snorted as roughly twenty pounds of scarred black cat trod his way stubbornly up and onto your shoulder, rasping out an indignant meow that sounded like he’d been smoking a pack a day for the past seven years, because how dare the two of you do this without inviting him. “I’m about to be sandwiched, I think. Hello, Mini-Matt.”
Sure enough, Matt’s smaller clone enthusiastically rammed his head against your temple, making you grunt, before doing the same to Matt’s chin. He was already purring like an old motorcycle engine in a request to get in on what seemed like a nice, cozy cuddle pile, as if Matt would ever turn the cat down. Sure enough, Matt leaned in, planting a kiss to Mini’s big fuzzy forehead before turning and laying a much gentler kiss on yours as Mini draped himself over your shoulder, stretching one paw out to pat Matt's face. “Something tells me you don’t mind, though.”
“Not even a little.” 
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alien-bluez · 1 year ago
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Lark can't handle nice things, and as he says "always fucks it up."
Drew a scene from this fic here, please please go read it right now!
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celaenaeiln · 3 months ago
Would love to know your top dick fanfics! any ship any relationships just a big long list of all the dick fics thats you love
You asked, I deliver! Here it is. This is my YEARS worth of saved fics, probably reaching a decade now. I typically don't save fics but these were fics that blew my mind so much that I had to save them so I could read them on repeat:
Camthisky - https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4269959/CamsthiSky
✨Batbros wreck havoc - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12365941/46/Batbros-Wreak-Havoc
✨That torturous thing known as time travel - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11539451/1/That-Torturous-Thing-Known-As-Time-Travel
pupeez4eva - https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2363156/pupeez4eva
(puppez4eva also has an ao3 account which I found out when I left fanfiction.net for ao3 and that might be better for those who aren't also into naruto)
BatFamily moments - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11698022/1/BatFamily-Moments-VOL-1
Snuggle time
What a real brother would know - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7268072/1/What-a-Real-Brother-Would-Know
Rags to better rags - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12457859/1/Rags-To-Better-Rags
✨Cat-astrophic adjustments - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4336565/1/Catastrophic-Adjustments
Bat family mayhem - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8922187/1/Bat-Family-Mayhem
100 rules for robins (past and present) - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10424988/1/100-rules-for-Robins-past-and-current
United, for a while
Batfam volume - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11698022/116/BatFamily-Moments-VOL-1
Beware the nice ones - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10597298/1/Beware-the-Nice-Ones
RobinNightwing drabbles - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11926575/21/RobinNightwing-drabbles
Everybody loves nightwing - https://archiveofourown.org/works/6006628/chapters/13794196
An old and faded wish - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12350700
U be the moon - https://archiveofourown.org/works/18569830/chapters/44018758
A bunch of ridiculousness - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8020829/1/A-Bunch-of-Ridiculousness
Deaged Bruce - https://archiveofourown.org/works/11487030
Danger Do Not Touch - https://archiveofourown.org/works/17478185/chapters/41361302#workskin
Snapshots - https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8392189/1/Snapshots
Well I never - https://archiveofourown.org/works/606644/chapters/1231622#workskin
Bed birds- https://archiveofourown.org/works/7134476
The emotions of dick grayson - https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12377406/1/The-Emotions-of-Dick-Grayson
Best friend Wally https://archiveofourown.org/works/642436/chapters/1622493#workskin 
Reverse Batman - https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11476348/12/
Hurt Bird - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12055692/chapters/34959071#workskin
Greatest of ease - https://archiveofourown.org/works/14356827/chapters/33139035
Roy Dick Wally Road trip - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12110007
✨Wild Child Day - https://archiveofourown.org/works/16142630
Let me see what you can do - https://archiveofourown.org/works/274663
Senses - https://archiveofourown.org/works/2191305
100 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/178329
Ghost - https://archiveofourown.org/works/16553459/chapters/44800156#workskin
Learn something new everyday - https://archiveofourown.org/works/16917948
the life we live - https://archiveofourown.org/works/9823250/chapters/35898534#workskin
Snippets - https://archiveofourown.org/works/7937443/chapters/34070646#workskin
How could he - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20101399/chapters/47615518
Prodigal - https://archiveofourown.org/works/19001299/chapters/45122143
Oh, haven’t you heard - https://archiveofourown.org/works/18368177
A zoo for canines - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20140072/chapters/47713588
I trust no one else - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20643143/chapters/49020776
Talon and Slade - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20405788/chapters/48403030
Magic language - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20216167
Massage revenge - https://archiveofourown.org/works/13401747
Finding- https://archiveofourown.org/works/20203798/chapters/47874247
Harem of Older Men - https://archiveofourown.org/series/1365526
Truth of death - https://archiveofourown.org/works/19998694
Talon family - https://archiveofourown.org/works/15887310?view_adult=true
Incubus - https://archiveofourown.org/series/1382872
What do you mean JT is dead - https://archiveofourown.org/works/1321426
Blue Lips TigerDick - https://archiveofourown.org/works/5053699/chapters/12054683#workskin
Tell him I said hello - https://archiveofourown.org/works/9697898?view_adult=true
Boy hostage - https://archiveofourown.org/works/13600854
Robin Criminal Mastermind - https://archiveofourown.org/works/18942745
Joker and Wing - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20639540/chapters/49011164
Couldn’t whisper when you needed to shout it - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20821637
Bromance - https://archiveofourown.org/works/4452272
Sladin soulmates - https://archiveofourown.org/works/21726103/chapters/51826423
✨Sladin Maldives - https://archiveofourown.org/works/18823036
God Sladick - https://archiveofourown.org/works/16218494
Demon Grayson- https://archiveofourown.org/works/16407932
Barkeep - https://archiveofourown.org/works/4999171
Catfish- https://archiveofourown.org/works/17097887
Stray - https://archiveofourown.org/works/23456077/chapters/56228041?view_adult=true
Lost boy - https://archiveofourown.org/works/6613165
Crisis - https://archiveofourown.org/works/21661624
Families ever changing - https://archiveofourown.org/works/
Contradiction - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24436804
When September ends - https://archiveofourown.org/works/17423009/chapters/41016644
Ready or not - https://archiveofourown.org/works/23947594
The road to ruin - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24227572/chapters/58371814
Pause in the pendulum - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25395340/chapters/61582948
No point in running away - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25529035/chapters/61941064
Road - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24227572/chapters/60365311#workskin
Strength in lack of continuity - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25155724
I can’t hear you, I can’t see you - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24920668
Without using your hands - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24413746
Haven - https://archiveofourown.org/works/4673621
Three in the morning - https://archiveofourown.org/works/19077334
Beyond the night - https://archiveofourown.org/series/1849201
Starry eyed - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12889765/1/Starry-Eyed
Your call may be interrupted - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10942380/1/Your-Call-May-Be-Interrupted
Simplicity - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8581631/3/Simplicity-yeah-right
End days - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10468069/1/End-Days
Shenanigans - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12542326/1/Shenanigans
Nightwing’s confession - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12895421/1/Nightwing-s-Confession
Oh you pretty thing - https://archiveofourown.org/works/4154436
Apprentice au - https://archiveofourown.org/series/2836
Follow Me - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25120675
Mayfriend - https://archiveofourown.org/users/mayfriend/pseuds/mayfriend/works?fandom_id=236208
Part 2
Part 3
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jadesarerocks · 1 year ago
Zosan secret relationship is so good because there are two things that happen either:
1. Zosan tries it keep their relationship a secret from everyone, but everyone knows
2. Zosan is not hiding their relationship but the crew doesn’t think they’re together yet or thinks they’re trying to hide it
And either way Luffy thought their relationship was obvious
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sabotage-on-mercury · 2 months ago
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After a particularly stressful year as a university professor, Crowley treats himself to a vacation in a ridiculously cosy cabin in the middle of a snowy Swedish forest.
The last thing he needs is a pulse-pounding surprise in form of his colleague and personal nightmare, Aziraphale Fell, arriving to claim the cabin for himself!
To make matters worse, a blizzard forces the two equally stubborn and argumentative men to spend the night in the cabin together - and of course, there is only one bed.
And one thing's for sure: it's going to be a very long night.
A Winter Cottage Holiday AU
[Read more on ao3]
(Title card by @tonydaddingham, thank you🤍)
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ashfae · 2 years ago
My 8yo has drawn a comic in which Aziraphale proposes to Crowley. It shows the proposal, them walking down the aisle, everyone applauding, and them holding hands with rings. The last panel shows them at home watching TV with Crowley falling asleep mid-show. They're surrounded by hearts. A little arrow points to the words "And everyone fans and all were very happy."
That's not best bit.
The best bit is that at the bottom of the page, she's scrawled "IT'S GONNA HAPPEN, NEIL! JUST ADMIT IT!!"
I think I had better not tell her that Neil Gaiman inhabits Tumblr and is technically accessible even to a small extent...!
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floofballsammy · 3 months ago
They could never make me hate you Andrealphus.
You're such a dramatic asshole for no reason and I love it. Keep being mean and conniving you gay little elsa bird. Scheme those evil plans.
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yayll · 5 months ago
Hi!! It’s my first time requesting something so I dont know how that works.. um I was thinking of some mission like some kind of ball that dazai and y/n has to go and y/n has to seduce someone to get information out of them. You know those masquerade balls? Yeah I think that really goood!! And dazai gets sooooooooo jealous and after she got the information dazai kiss her infront of that person to show him that she’s his😭😭😭😭😭😭omg
HIII angel sorry this took me a while, but i hope you like it :') i tweaked your idea a lil and fingers crossed this is what you so graciously asked for. i tried to put my best jealous goofy ass dazai in there along with the absolute MUSH his brain turns into when he has you to himself mixed with a lil........ fucked in the headness. i love requests! this was soooo fun to write i love youuuuuu <3
~ a little something about Dazai and his uncharacteristic jealousy ~
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"Osamu, come on... You're my only sweetheart, you know that."
You call out half sweetly and half out of breath as you follow him down the hallway of the lavish event you were currently attending, dressed to the nines and trying to remain undercover. You were coming to realize why people didn't date within the workplace as he walked ahead, grumbling to himself. He's trying to remain unfazed, pretending to still be upset as he shrugs with his back turned to you.
"Hmph. I dunno, I don't feel like I'm your 'sweet' anything..."
This causes you to roll your eyes affectionately and pick up the pace, placing a hand on the back of his shoulder to finally stop him in his tracks. You flash him a sincere smile, and speak softly.
"I'm really sorry you had to see that. I didn't know that asshole was going to kiss me after he let me go. I also didn't think you'd ever get jealous..."
You say that last part with a more playful tone, treading dangerous waters of your unpredictable lover's emotions. As expected, he sighs dramatically, casting you a look of disgust.
"Ugh, of course I'm not... That's honestly sooo lame and pathetic. I can entertain jealousy as much as I can entertain one of Kunikida's little speeches on morals, or whatever."
"You mean his 'ideals'?"
You chide, stifling a laugh. He glares at you, his eyes narrowing as he scans you for a moment.
He can't find a single flaw on that precious face, not a single stray hair or stain on your exquisite outfit. He should change that by the end of the night.
"... You're always so negative, correcting me and whatnot. Isn't it tiring being so irritatingly superior in every way?"
This one gets a laugh out of you, You can tell he's slowly lightening up his mood by the way you both begin walking side by side once again.
"Yeah well, if it weren't for that little kiss earlier, we'd both still be all tied up in the wine cellar of this wonderful party."
He flashes you a pout, and shrugs dismissively.
"And here I thought you of all people would like the idea of being tied up with me. Hmph, wrong partner, I suppose."
Now he was starting to pick back at you, though it was cute. Jealousy looked cute on him, it was something you didn't think he was capable of. It was a pity it had to be during a mission where your main asset was your seduction skills and his was mental instability. You hated every second of it, but you also wanted to make sure you both made it out with the secret intel alive.
You make your way into the grand ballroom, the gala is in full swing, and your eyes dart around to find a proper escape route. Just as you see an exit, a handsome and well dressed young man blocks your view, sticking his hand out.
"Hi. You're gorgeous. Care for a dance?"
You stare down at his hand and then back up at the stranger, your face flushing as you're caught off guard.
"Me? No, no I-"
Dazai immediately interjects, sloppily holding a glass of champagne that somehow manifested in his hand and pretends to be drunk. He loved his theatrics, especially when he was desperate.
He bumps harshly into the young man's shoulder, the alcohol sloshing out of the cup as he slurs, but not before he flashes you a wink to tell you to play along.
"Sooo sorry, pardon me. This indeed beautiful angel is quite busy you see... Taking care of me that is. Ooh, I'm a wreck! I'm nothing but a sad and lonely dog.. In this sad and lonely world-"
The man looks at Dazai skeptically, and huffs into a chuckle. He shoves him away, and turns his attention back to you. Your eyes dart nervously between the two, wondering what Dazai will do next.
"Shut it, clown.. Anyway, I think this further proves you should be in the company of a gentleman like me tonight rather than this wet mop-"
The sound of a champagne flute soaring through the air and connecting to the man's skull is suddenly heard, interrupting him and sending him falling to the ground along with broken glass and liquid everywhere. In one swift motion, Dazai is at your side with a premature victorious smirk, but before you can both be on your way, the man regains his posture and spins him around, punching him square in the face. Dazai's not scrawny or weak, but he isn't the most skilled fighter, relying mostly on his special ability and intelligence to get him out of things.
You gasp, instinctively grabbing Dazai by the collar of his suit and dragging him away to get lost in the crowd of concerned people. You finally make it outside and you both collapse onto the soft grass just outside the venue. It's decorated with all kinds of flowers and fragrant rose bushes, it almost looks like you're at the garden of Versailles. You look over at Dazai, his nose bleeding all over the place, but he looks completely unbothered by it. As you reach over to touch the bridge of his nose, he grabs your wrist and holds it away gently. He waves a finger at you.
"No touchy, I've got it."
He does not, in fact, got it. He looks around until he plucks a rose petal and uses it to wipe his nostrils. You frown, getting all up in his space within an instant.
"What on earth are you doing, Osamu? Let me help, you goofball. Your nose is a mess thanks to that stunt you pulled."
You tear off a bit of fabric from your outfit and dab his skin tenderly, holding his head on your lap now. You can see some blood has trailed down his neck, staining the bandages there along with the collar of his crisp white dress shirt you picked out for him this morning. Dazai perks up, his voice slightly strained but full of lightheartedness.
"How does it feel to work with the agency's most tactical and covert operative? Eh?~"
You bite back a smile, and shake your head. You murmur.
"Feels like he's asking for a death wish a little more than usual."
Your lips soon become a thin line, realizing your statement hurts a little more in the context of the situation than it usually would. He notices your mood shift as his eyes flicker from your concerned eyes down to your lips and back up again. He knows it hurts you when he's like this, reckless and acting out on the impulses of his own plans. He wants to sit up and close the gap between you, kiss you until you drop down those brave walls you're putting up for the sake of the mission. For the sake of your feelings for him. He knows he's careless with it all.
He hums, eyes trained on you as if burning the image of your heavenly self into his mind, where you always deserve to be. In the distance, a bulky sketchy looking man runs out of the venue frantically, looking around wildly and you both get the impression it's the guy from the cellar earlier who kissed you in exchange for your freedom.
Shit! You could have sworn you knocked him out cold. Dazai sits up from your lap and you two scoot more into the bush, trying to hide from him as he makes a call. You mutter under your breath, turning to Dazai as you begin to type something out on your communicator.
"Now's the perfect time to let the others know we're ready for extraction."
He's already looking at you, or gazing admiringly more like. He knows he can fuck up everything, pay any consequence, but the thing he needs to get right for the selfishness of his wretched little heart is you. He scoots a bit closer, hearing the sounds of both your shallow breaths harmonizing. He mutters, softly.
"It would also be the perfect time for you to kiss my face better. You know, for my wellness and all that. Besides, that guy wasn't very nice to us earlier and we need to get rid of any traces of him from those lips. Yuck."
You roll your eyes yet again, despite the fluttering that won't let your stomach rest.
"Who cares about that, we have a case to close first."
He smirks, voice dropping low and provocative.
"I care."
He leans in even further, practically caging you with both arms on either side of you. He can feel your breathing become more erratic, his own filled with a pathetic sense of need he always has when he's with you. Dazai's hand reaches out and grabs your chin, turning it up slightly to face him, making sure you drop this silly act once and for all. His voice comes out gentle, firm.
"I need you to physically push me away, or I swear I'm going to kiss you right now, cutie."
Your eyes widen as you let a shaky breath escape your plush lips, murmuring in return.
"I'll.. punch you in the nose again, you know..."
His hand moves from your chin to the side of your face, cupping your cheek as he takes another breath, his body aching to be as close to yours as possible. His eyes are fixed on you, tearing you apart right then and there, but not before putting you back together so nicely. In that moment, he knows you don't mean that, and he knows he can't resist anymore.
He then whispers with a finality, the anticipation torturing him like you do on a daily basis.
"I don't think I'm going to listen to that..."
You break into a faint smile as you perceive him back.
"You've still got a little blood on your-"
Without another word, Dazai closes the remaining distance between you and him, kissing you with fervor as his soft whines reverberate against your lips. You taste sweetness and then... metallic as your lips mesh together for a heavenly moment. He feels alive, this was what he needed, the soothing balm for his soul and any other wound only you could provide. He's like a vampire, a parasite leeching off of your very essence so he could be himself around you. Cowardly burrowing into the safety of your heart. You squirm just a tad, your fingers carding through his brown hair as you try to keep up. He pulls back after his nose can't push more air through and keeps his lips hovering over yours, feeling the heat from your mouth mingle with his as he sees your lips stained red with his blood. Just as he's going to comment on how disgustingly erotic it is to see you like that, he pushes away the indecent thoughts, using the bandage on his wrist to wipe your mouth instead.
"Okay, I'll be good for now. You can call for extraction.~"
It was a dumb thing to do and could be seen as him being territorial or jealous, but the reality of it was that it was the natural order of things when it came to the way he processed his affections. Someone gets in between the two of you in any way?
An uglier and more dangerous past version of himself would have called for an immediate execution, there was a reason he held the titles that he did. He did his very best to keep that mentality at bay, rebuking it every time he felt a dark urge that he felt needed to be dealt with, mostly for your sake and for the sake of the promise he made to a friend once. Though he can't lie and say that's not who he is anymore, he can always find a better way to get his point across... even if a wishful bullet to the head comes out in the form of a kiss on your precious lips. He'll try for you. He'll wear the fastidious label proudly and be Dazai, a jealous man.
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bumblingbabooshka · 4 days ago
Tuvok is not as autistic coded in-narrative compared to what I've seen of Spock or T'Pol where they're othered heavily by those around them and have themes and arcs about struggling/striving to fit in BUT I do think he provides the vital autistic representation of not really angsting about your differences from other people because you're too busy and unaware and then even when you ARE made aware you mostly just think 'glad that's not me'. I think it's vital to have that sort of totally unbothered rep. I love that Tuvok is completely satisfied and proud of being Vulcan, doesn't long to experience emotion or struggle with a desire to express himself in a way his crewmates will understand, to be closer to them. I love that he has a long time and close friend that respects who he is and doesn't try to change him and that how close they are isn't framed as being in spite of his Vulcan nature. I love that being Vulcan isn't framed as a hindrance to him, like a roadblock to living a full and rich life. He has a wife and four kids and is a devoted husband and father. He's getting into gay horror scenarios. Tuvok was born on autism planet and he's thriving.
#there were apparently multiple friend group dramas in high school that I didn't pick up on at ALL#I'm drawn to how at ease Tuvok is with himself and I personally like that Humanity isn't appealing to him#It was at one point when he was a young but not anymore#I personally (it truly is personal) don't like when Vulcans' way of life is framed as being incorrect. I see it a lot in fanfic where part#of showing romance or friendship is that a Vulcan will emote more or 'loosen up' but I don't like it...I think it's a bit boring and that#them being alien with a completely alien form of emotional control/expression is what makes a Vulcan interesting. Otherwise#they seem like nothing more than overly repressed Humans. I do get the appeal of a repressed character being freer but I don't like#the implication that an entire culture is restrictive and bad bc it isn't easily understandable as 'good' in our view. So um...it's like??#I don't like when it's like 'this Vulcan is acting more like what I a Human think is good - they're acting more like me so it's healthier'#does that make sense?? I want it to be...less about bringing someone over to your side and more about love and understanding even if you#aren't the same. It doesn't have to be the same to be lovely I think...and I like how Tuvok and Janeway are so exemplary of their species'#values and that DOESN'T mean they butt heads. They work exceptionally well together and trust each other and care about one another a lot#and I like that a lot! I wish we got to see more of that. WHAT a RANT!!! Sorry!!!#Tuvok#autistic tuvok#star trek voyager#voy#I like Tuvok because I personally can't relate as much to characters like Data who wish to be Human and as a kid I thought of myself as#an alien taking Human form - I didn't want to be Human. I was just there amongst them. I liked that difference...#it made me feel a little lonely and a little special.
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neechees · 1 year ago
Fanfic similarly is a schrodinger's art where people want fanfic to be recognized as a serious form of art in its own right and hailed as such but also don't want people to take it seriously as a form of art or be able to criticize it as one would with an art piece
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