#Goha Yuuna
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ilimitadoworld-r · 2 years ago
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impliskin · 2 years ago
In the name of Goha Yuuna ✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥
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Yeah love her
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degozarumyu · 6 months ago
gr ep preview spoilers
manabu vs phaser lets fucking gooooooooooooo (i'm curious abt this one bc obv there's no MIK in sevens timeline but it would feel silly to have manabu challenge phaser and then just lose and MIK/Goha merge anyway???? manabuchan win hopium)
luge mention lets fucking goooooooooo
zeyet content lets fucking gooooooooo
sabyuas vs fukamura lets fucking goooooooooooo
yuuna... what r u doingggg
*stares at ep 124 title* i am afraid,,
and rip bruyea lmao not even a mention
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masterofsevensroad · 11 months ago
holy shit on a stick. 102 tl;dr
kuaidul... says stuff?
yuamu fusions catgirl witch with witch to make ultima witch, lord of galactica is destroyed.
yuudias gets The Case of the Floppy Hand. he also wins via rex after receiving a pep talk from kuaidul
the spacetime rift sucks in an unconsious yuuga and all the sevens variants band together to send him back to his time via curry shuttle(him returning is not shown)
yuamu gets snatched up by something. it was some strange black thing. she leaves her glasses behind. she is probably not otes and instead might be the s3 villain.
yuuna is shown with the modern goha logo for some reason.
yuudias, yuuhi, damamu, and epoch leave to get yuamu back.
in the preview, there is a glimpse of a vague, cloudish, black alien thing. it is probably the thing that yoinked yuamu.
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area-vr · 2 years ago
Go Rush ep 48: Dialogos del duelo
esta es la primera vez que publico mis traducciones... tienen algunos comentarios incluidos...
Resalté los movimientos del duelo para mejor identificación de las jugadas
Espero les guste.
Si hay algo que no esté bien traducido no duden en decírmelo
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Yuudias: "¡BariVelgear! ¡Trans-Velgear-mation!"
Soldados: "¡iniciando Trans-Velgear-mation!"
"¡Trans-Velgear-mation! ¡Yuudias' Special!"
"¡Yuudias! ¡Yuudias! ¡Yuudias!"
Kawai Tell: "esta forma es…"
Asaka: "¿el disco de duelo de Yuudias?"
Yuudias: "¡así es!"
"ese es… Sidra Velgear"
Dinowa: "¡Un disco de Duelo!"
Myuda: "¿Qué pretenden?"
Zwijou: "hm.. Ese Yuudias… planea mostrarle esta batalla a todos en Velgear de esa forma"
"¡Muy Bien! ¡Trans-Velgear-mation!"
Soldado: "¿¡con el tamaño de una nave de batalla se convirtió en disco de duelo!?"
Otro soldado: "¿¡Planean tener un Rush Duel de esa forma!?"
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Yuudias: "En esta pelea encontraremos el camino correcto de Velgear" (Velgeardou)
Zwijou: "Te haré entender que la respuesta es obvia"
Damamu: "¡¡Espérenme a mi también!!"
Kawai Tell: "¿y esa nave…?"
Damamu: "¡Rápido, empecemos el Rush Duel!"
Asaka: "¿será un dos contra uno?"
Yuuna: "hm.. Que impertinentes"
Kawai Tell: "Es evidente que estaremos en desventaja"
Yuudias: "Pero no podemos retractarnos"
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The Luge: "Shibareru ne"<- como se traduce eso???
Yuuna: "¿¡Es el rey del terror!?"
Aitsu: "Déjame encargarme del oponente de acá, Yuudias"
Yuudias: "¡Oooh!... ¡Eres tú Aitsu! ¡Te lo encargo!"
Aitsu: "¿Te parece, The Luge?"
The Luge: "¿no es inevitable al haber perdido en piedra papel o tijeras?"
Yuuna: "¿¡Y yo preguntándome donde te habías metido y todo este tiempo estuviste allí!?"
Aitsu: "a.. Haha… perdón, perdón"
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Soldado: "Ohh… ¿será un Rush Duel de naves de batalla de dos contra dos?"
Damamu: "¡Vamos, Juguemos ya!"
Aitsu: "¡vamos, empecemos!" (lets begin!)
Yuudias: "¡Yuudias Velgear!"
Zwijou: "Zwijou zir Velgear"
Todos: "¡Go Rush!"
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-Turno 1 - Yuudias-
Yuudias: "¡Mi turno! ¡Robo Velgeariano!"
"¡Activo Lead Nova!"
"¡Puedo convocar a un monstruo galaxy de forma especial en modo de defensa desde mi mano!"
Soldado: "¡Al ataque! ¡De prisa! ¡Al ataque!"
"¡aquí la catapulta! ¡Estamos listos para despegar!"
---Unas horas antes----
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Asaka: "¿Tener un Rush Duel con la nave de batalla?"
Yuudias: "Si, Forzaré a Zwijou a una batalla decisiva en el planeta Velgear"
"quiero que esta batalla pueda llegar a todos planetas en el cúmulo Velgear"
Kawai Tell: "Ya veo… si los dos tienen un Rush Duel usando naves de guerra, seguro captará la atención"
"Pero queda un problema…"
"La diferencia de energía que utilizan BariVelgear y el dísco de duelo es muy grande"
"Dicho esto, no tenemos tiempo para crear un sistema para ajustarlo"
"¿Y no podemos utilizar el Gavil Charger?"
Kawai Tell: "¿El equipamento generico que se le provee a la Armada de Velgear?"
Yuudias: " el Gavil Charger puede enfrentar diversas situaciones en batalla"
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Kawai Tell: "Cierto, si ponemos al Gavil Charger como intermediario entre Barivelgear y el disco de duelo y lo usamos como conversor de la energía… es una idea mojadamente buena"
Asaka: "Pero Yuudias… de esta forma…"
Kawai Tell: "Para convocar mounstros, se necesitará un piloto…"
"Eso secamente puede ser peligroso"
-------------fin del flashback-------------
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Yuuna: "¿Qué estás haciendo?"
"¡Por mi lado estoy lista cuando digas! "
Yuudias: "Yuuna… pero…"
Soldado: "… Mejor déjanoslo a nosotros"
Yuuna: "Se los dije antes, aunque estemos en la misma batalla, en el duelo yo tengo mas experiencia "
"ademas… el que Rovian se haya perdido en el espacio… es todo culpa de Zwijou"
"Voy a darle un buen golpe por mi cuenta"
Yuudias: "¡lo entiendo, te lo encargo, Yuuna!"
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Yuudias: "Convoco especialmente a Cosmo Titan"
Yuuna: "Goha Yuuna - Cosmo Titan"
"¡Allá voy!"
Soldado: "¡Ooh! ¡Genial!"
"¡ese es un Gavil Fighter!"
"¿Se fusionó al monstruo convocado?"
"Esto es… un Rush duel con naves de guerra…"
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Damamu: "Uwaa.. ¡genial!¡genial!"
"juguemos nosotros tambien"
Aitsu: "Cuando quieras"
Damamu vs Aitsu - Turno 1 -
Damamu: "¡biiien! ¡mi turno!"
"Convoco a Tamabot"
Dinowa: "hmmm… se les ocurrió algo interesante…"
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Yuuna: "¡vamos Yuudias, procede a atacar!"
"¡Apresurate a ordenar el ataque!"
Yuudias: "bueno… pero.. Es el primer turno.."
Yuuna: "¡¡Apresurate!!"
Yuudias: "eeh…veamos… envío a Cosmo Titan al cementerio…"
Yuuna: "¿¡aaahh!?"
Yuudias: "¡Activo Galactica Spark!"
Yuuna: "¿¡estoy siendo usada como costo!?"
"¡Me enoja!.."
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Yuudias: "envío al cementerio 3 cartas del tope del deck, y convoco especialmente a los monstruos enviados al cementerio con el mismo nivel que Cosmo Titan"
"¡Cuento con ustedes!, ¡Chupatarou!, ¡Mitsuko!, ¡Nyandestar!"
Chupatarou: "Chupatarou, ¡saliendo chuppa!"
Mitsuko: "Hinamori Mitsuko, ¡Mitsu Go!"
Nyandestar: "Nyandestar ¡saliendo!"
Yuudias: "Convoco especialmente a: "Investigador secreto elite Mistery", "Oveja mágica, Meegu-Chan", "Catclaw Girl""
Mitsuko: "Investigador secreto elite Mistery"
Chupatarou: "Oveja magica, Meegu-Chan chuppa"
Nyandestar: "Catclaw Girl"
Yuudias: "¡Pongo dos cartas boca abajo y termino mi turno!"
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Damamu vs Aitsu - Turno 2?????-
Aitsu: "vamos… ¡por aquí también avanzamos!"
"¿Están listos todos?"
Manabu: "Dejame devolverte el favor por recogerme cuando estuve perdido en el espacio"
Rovian: "¡A-a-a Ataquemos!"
Luge: "¡Hagámoslo!"
Aitsu: "Uso los tres monstruos que se volvieron material para dos sacrificios"
"cuento con todos, ¡Convocación avanzada en suceso!"
Manabu: "Kemicarize Salamander"
Rovian: "¡Tousou no Bandijo!" (no me atrevo a traducirlo pero es como bandida/bandolera luchadora…)
Luge: "¡The Dragias!"
Nyandestar: "¡Manabu-chan!"
Yuuhi: "¡Es Manabu!"
Yuamu: "ah…"
"¡Rovian tambíen está allí!"
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Yuudias: "¡Ooh! ¡Ambos se encuentran bien!"
Chupatarou: "Aquí liberaré todo el resentimiento por todas las veces que 'chupaste' el corazón de chupa ¡Chuppa!"<- help dfafd
Nyandestar: "¡Por culpa de tus seguidores, Manabu-chan se perdió en el espacio!"
Mitsuko: "¡haré que cruces el rio de Sanzu!"
Dinowa: "¿Qué está diciendo esa mujer?"
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-Turno 2 - Zwijou-
Zwijou: "¡Mi turno! ¡Robo!"
"¡Activo la carta mágica 'Black Hole'!"
"Destruye todos los monstruos de ambos lados del campo"
Mitsuko: "Con una carta mágica destruyó tres monstruos…"
Yuudias: "¡Amigos!"
Kawai Tell: "no te alteres"
"La batalla ya ha comenzado"
"como me lo imaginaba"
"Al poner al Gavil Charger como adaptador de energía este le transmite el impacto de la destrucción del monstruo directamente al piloto"
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Dinowa: "¡Como se esperaba del señor Zwijou!"
Myuda: "¡Un duelo sin piedad!"
Yuudias: "En este momento… ¡Activo una trampa!"
"¡Breaking Radiation!"
"envío cartas del tope del deck al cementerio por la suma de los monstruos destruidos"
Manya: "¡Oyee! ¿ya no me va a tocar?"
Menjaburo: "Los fideos no se levantan" fafdk ya no se… supongo que comenta que tampoco le tocará salir a la batalla
George: "¡no se quejen-Jersey!"
"Es un costo necesario en la batalla"
Yuuna: "¡Eso no me importa! ¡¡Convóquenme otra vez!!"
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Yuudias: "con su efecto, puedo convocar especialmente en modo de ataque los monstruos que acabo de enviar al cementerio, es decir, los 3 monstruos que fueron destruidos"
Chupatarou: "Como era de esperarse de Yuudias - chupaaa…"
Mitsuko: "sin importar el poder de las cartas es un duelo excelente…"
Nyandestar: "¡vete preparando! ¡Zwijou!"
Yuudias: "¡Cómo te pareció! ¡Zwijou!"
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Zwijou: "No te apresures, Yuudias"
"¡convoco dos monstruos!"
"¡y los sacrifico!"
"¡Convocación avanzada!"
"¡Yo, lo que he despertado desde el fondo del espacio vacío, es quien sostienen la espada de crepúsculo con su propia mano!" < - lo intenté fdasfd (el poner ¡Yo! al principio es solo para hacer énfasis como lo hace Zwijou :3 )
"Voidovelgr Kuryusaoru" (Crusaol?)
"Activo el efecto de Kuryusaoru"
"Envío 3 cartas del tope del deck al cementerio y en este turno Kuryusaoru, por el equivalente a la suma de monstruos galaxy tipo oscuridad mandados al cementerio, ¡puede atacar 3 veces!"
Yuudias: "3… veces…"
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Zwijou: "Ademas… los 3 monstruos que envié cementerio eran todos del mismo nivel"
"¡lo que significa que puede destruir todos los monstruos del oponete!"
"¡Grow in the Attack!"
Chupatarou: "¡Nos derrotaron otra vez - chuppaa!"
Yuudias: "¡Chupatarou! ¡Mitsuko! ¡Nyandestar!"
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polaris-the-north-star · 2 years ago
eight go rush thoughts
me, trying to make sense of the rush duel timeline: wtf is this shit
long post and spoiler(duh) warning
okay. first of all, the creator is otes.
ik this is very obvious, but think about it. the creator could be the gr counterpart/ancestor of otes. they have the same voice obviously but that doesn't help us distinguish the difference. otes' theme(the resting place of the king of duels or something idk) plays during the creator scene we all know from ep 51- something that doesn't happen with the counterparts of gr. imma keep explaining this later.
(edit: found the otes theme)
second, making sense of the time travel shenanigans.
obviously, yuuga leaves with otes into the hyperspace at ep 92 of sevens, going back in time(supposedly, otes survives). somehow, otes arrives much earlier than yuuga, becomes ZA CREATOR, and creates the velgearians, starting the war. yuuga then arrives and gets captured by zwijo, who already knows of the karutamata stuff. he then establishes rush duels with the help of yuuna and asaka and works at goha company. this all happens about 2 years before the main story of gr starts.
third, rush duels will disappear at the end of gr.
assuming that the rush duel robot came into the atmosphere roughly unharmed, it's either on the moon rn or somehow stored somewhere by yuuga to power the rush duels happening during gr. so, when yuuga inevitably leaves the time of gr and takes the rush duel robot with him, rush duels will disappear- like the sevens ending, not including the part where yuuga comes back to the sevens time period. if yuuga builds another robot, though, that's a different story.
fourth, also tying into the second one, is gr connecting into sevens stuff.
hypothetically, there once was an 'old gr'- one that led to sevens as it was supposed to, one without aliens and rush duels. once yuuga and otes took off into hyperspace and were sent back in time to old gr, they changed it to the gr we have today. if yuuga and otes were taken out of the equation, then there would be no aliens and no rush duels and the cast of gr(sans the aliens, obviously) would progress their lives normally like non-anime characters.
fifth, yuudias might permadie or tempdie at the end of gr.
everyone knows the legend of the sevens- and its unnamed gr counterpart. instead of the king of duels, the prophecy mentions becoming a 'light for the universe'. this hints at yuudias pulling a yuuga and sacrificing himself to beat whoever the final antagonist is. because bridge era prophecies are shown to eventually be true(see: legend of the sevens, sevens ep 92) and the fact the two legends are very similar and likely to both be created by otes, yuudias' fate is probably going to be similar to yuuga's at the end of sevens.
sixth, ygo 9.
ygo 9 might be what would happen in the future of new gr, as old gr was already eradicated by the time travelers from sevens. solid vision and rush duels were created before they were supposed to be, and will cause major mishaps in the timeline- unless they do the thing. since it is highly likely that they will do a rush duel trilogy, the protag might be the descendant of a sevens character, if the bloodlines weren't disrupted too hard by the time travel shenanigans.
seventh, the thing.
the yuugotes theory. yes, you heard me right. the yuugotes theory. where they murder yuuga's personality and create a stable timeloop somehow with yuuga becoming the next otes. the procedure is unclear, but it likely includes yuuga going back in time(via another hyperspace. he might've researched 'em or something) when he's an adult(after old otes dies somehow. maybe in the fight with yuudias. can't have two otes running around the timeline) and trying to fix otes' mistakes by doing it himself, but ultimately failing and unwittingly continuing the long loop of the rush duel continuation. this also explains why otes has a strong sense of foresight- as he already knows what's going to happen. i found some proof for this actually)
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these images and this tweet by the translator of entamesubs (here: https://twitter.com/octomaidly/status/1455019365351440390) very much foreshadow this. while it definitely seems like a red herring, there wasn't like nine characters that went "oh, otes must be a time-travelled yuuga!" like the goha yuuga situation.
eighth, the legend of the sevens and the book of sevens
we all know how the legend goes- "on the night of a large and hardly recognizable full moon, a duelist will carve an unknown path and become the king of duels." and also the gr version- "on the night of a large and hardly recognizable celestial body of earth, a warrior shall carve open an unknown path with rush duels and become a light for the universe." and i'm pretty sure the book of sevens goes something like this: a young sorcerer with the power of the sevens gets sent by a wise old man to seek out the other six with the same power. the story ends with "the young sorcerer... shed tears as he destroyed the moon." and was almost true in the final duel against otes- if yuuga hadn't played the trap card perfect sevens. this might play a role in gr as it didn't happen in sevens. the beginning part happened, yuuga leaving behind his friends happened- just not the destroying of the moon.
(also, when rewatching ep 91-92 of sevens, i found something- how tf did yuuga ✨(sevens) magic(ally)✨ change from his spacesuit to his normal clothes after the infamous road scene- i mean, it makes sense for that scene and that scene only, but not for afterward. also, yuuga didn't attack otes yet before going into the hyperspace- sure, it's implied, but not shown. additionally, yuuga's friends probably didn't see his win against otes)
don't think about all this too much- don't get a headache like me :)
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gia-xy · 2 years ago
Omg, this is so random … but … what if … The Goha Siblings were actually Yuuga's and Yuuna's children …?
It was just some random thoughts, but tbh I am not even sure the siblings were related by blood. 😶‍🌫️
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yugiohlesbians · 2 years ago
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samuraitastic · 2 years ago
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↪ twitter link ↩
No one stans Kirishima Rovian more than Goha Yuuna. 😌💕
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entamesubs · 2 years ago
Yu-Gi-Oh! Go Rush!! Episode 20 Sub Release
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Below are extended translation notes, so spoilers ahead.
Lyrics for the opening
Just a note here for anyone who is either curious or cares about it, but I have updated the translation on the lyrics to the opening so it makes a bit more sense now.
I mentioned in a previous ask that the one thing that stumped us as we translated this was just having to infer the subject when we weren’t entirely sure what it was. After combing through it again, I’ve gone ahead and added more context to the translations so they make more sense.
If nothing else, I highly recommend at least watching this episode’s opening just to re-read the new lyrics.
Goha Yuuna’s way of speech
She slides between something akin to a “girly girl” and also someone more refined... but fake. She ends her sentences very aggressively with わ (wa), but sometimes uses the ending いたします (itashimasu) when speaking.
Last episode, I mentioned Manabu used something called keigo to speak to Ranran with but didn’t elaborate much further.
Itashimasu is also keigo, a form called kenjougo (humble form). This is excessively polite, in a way that is supposed to make you look very humble or “lower” than whoever you’re speaking to (Manabu also used this).
Very obviously, Goha Yuuna uses it pretty much ironically / to be very showy/flashy here. We’ve inserted a couple “shall”s in her dialogue to mimic that, but her overall feel is supposed to be very haughty and arrogant, like an 80s “ohohoho” princess.
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ilimitadoworld-r · 2 years ago
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yuugo · 2 years ago
I bet y’all if Goha Yuuna was not a woman she would not have almost ten posts in the tag dedicated to people hating on her nonstop like Chupataro did not get the same amount of vitriol for “simping” Meeeg-chan. Holy shit.
She is literally an elementary schooler. A child. At most she is 12.
Calm the fuck down.
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degozarumyu · 1 year ago
okiiii ep90 spoilers timeeeeeee (very long very rambly very image-filled post ahead)
ohhhhhhh my fucking goddddddddddddddddd aaahahjahjajhhjhudsghiuydaghuygduysajhgdjsahdha (shaking) (crying) (vibrating at dangerous speeds)
this episode completely changes the context of valvelgear not being yuuhi's disk in the s3 visual and I am!! not ok!!!!!!!!!!!!! they may be 8.88 million faceless npcs but they are my 8.88 million faceless npcs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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grrrrggahrggharhgarhghgargharaghrgaghjeagrahjgadfgdashgfghahgsda ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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HEY GUYS CHECK OUT HOW HARD I CAN CRY like ueueueueueue see kuaidul? you didn't need to become someone else to be loved by the creator bc he already loves you :((( gwahhhhhhh
can i also just appreciate how consistent they made the animation this ep like u can tell that some scenes at the end for example seem to be done by the person in charge of a lot of yuuhi duels e.g. vs tell/vs yuuna by the way they do yuamu's hair and background faces but its a lot more 'on model' than usual lol, I love their style regardless but they rly put in a lot of effort this time!!! <3<3 thank u gr staff i love u and owe u my life 💕💕💕
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also. BRUH
yuuga stop disappearing for 2 seconds challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder if its bc now that kuai is 'dead' the creator is released? and there can only be one of them existing in that 'reality' at a time for some reason?? 🤔 or he just straight up got yoinked in the world switch lol (or with the preview showing the hat parasite aliens attacking maybe the non-kaizo parts of his weird goha president helmet thing had something to do with it haha)
after seeing it mentioned by a jp fan on twitter I've started to wonder if they rly are in some sort of alternate reality/parallel universe to 7s tho given the 'inconsistencies' e.g. questionable kamijou family timeline, luge and zaion being aliens but luke and neil being (presumably) human, aliens/mik/uts seeming to not exist in 7s era....... i'm still not even halfway through 7s so I can't speak on any of this at all lol but I found it interesting! plus they mentioned rovian and london being cousins and romin and roa also being cousins wouldn't make sense if they were descendants/ancestors :thinking:
I love basing theories and speculation purely off of 'wouldn't it be cool if...' B)
ANYWAYS the way kuai made his final perfect monster representing his ideal (merged) self in transamu prime full armour nova and yuudias could Still manage to take it from him :)))))))) can't have shit in kuaidul spacetime
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haha. im so normal guys.
its a very simple solution really, love someone but are also jealous of them? simply absorb their soul and become them! gg ez
how to get the approval of your father figure that you absorbed in 1 easy step!
oh yea speaking of full armour nova who else up staring at the card art for 15 hours straight
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btw i am also normal about how in this imagined fusion of their soul galaxies while it has aspects of both transamu rainac and prime the actual body is yellow bc kuai wanted to become the milky way to be closer to the creator but not necessarily become yuudias because he wanted to receive that love and acceptance for himself :))))))))
eldest sibling kuai who was made to do the hard work and raise (literally create) his other siblings without appreciation vs. 'perfect' youngest sibling yuudias who was the favourite child given everything the oldest could never have from birth................
im really so glad they let kuai redeem himself in the end by choosing to let himself die (?) rather than taking advantage of yuudias' kindness and possessing him.... as much as I would have adored keeping him around by letting them share the body lolol
on that note yuudias!!!!! I know boundless generosity and honesty and kindness and most significantly 'virtue' is like. the entire core of his character but bro!!!!!!!!!!!!
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pls have more concern for ur own wellbeing,,,, pls,,,,,,,,,, cri
unrelated but it was interesting that the dudi ducasse aliens r actually considered velgearian too! like its something thats pretty obvious now that they've said it since like. they're literally from the velgear star cluster but still lol
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the way yuuga always speaks so calmly and like he's detached from everything is so funny lol 'some problems' i mean. yeah
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average sibling interaction
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btw this was the face where I was like 'ohhhh' abt the lead animator bc this is The Luke Face (i just rly like how they do the lines around the sides of the eyes :3)
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average sibling interaction part 2
random thought i wonder if yuuhi will still have darkness jointech tyrant after all this? or is it a card that only existed in the spacetime... did yuuhi even have a corresponding card in kuai's prime deck??? hm
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look how pretty :] (too bad they fuckin. killed him LOL) (i am sad)
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this is obviously nothing but.... the colours of the galaxy gem thing kinda match lol
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this was cute :3 their relationship has changed so much recently that I'm still a little confused if they're meant to be like. friends or not at this point?? or if its like a 'we've been this close for this long that even if we air out our grievances and try to go our separate ways we're still in sync' kinda thing which is cute
and speaking of cute duos luge and zaion stood (i use the word stood very loosely) directly next to each other this time 🔥🔥🔥 zailugers stay winning
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#nishawsweep (if velgear acts like a surname for velgearians is dudi actually a name adopted by everyone from the dudi ducasse system rather than a personal name? 🤔)
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i know its been 3 eps of this now but aaa im not over how cute it is that everyone's so small compared to yuudias so they kinda look like little fairies :((((( so adorable.......... 💕💕💕
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yuuga who tf r u........ who tf is the creator.......... who/what tf r the oudous........ where is everyone's parents actually
ok i have sadly hit the image limit so I will stop my ramble spam now.... grrrahhrahgrhghgarhahhrgghrgrghghgh i really really enjoyed this episode and this duel as a whole and especially kuaidul as a character!!!!!!!!!
but before I leave i just wanna say isn't zwijou's galaxy so pretty?? its like a reverse of the crab nebula... idk i just think orange and teal is one of the most colour combinations of all time :)
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ilimitadoworld-r · 2 years ago
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ilimitadoworld-r · 2 years ago
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yugiohlesbians · 2 years ago
notable Yugioh Lesbians from me, yugiohlesbians, known understander of yugioh lesbians.
mai kujaku (autistic trans lesbian)
hiroto honda (butch factory dyke)
asuka tenjouin (deck full of women)
fubuki tenjouin (just look at her)
ryo marufuji (my special hesbian) (has a butch/femme relationship with fubuki)
i have been told yuusei fudou will be a dyke by the time im done with him but i haven't started 5ds
yuuna goha:
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