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nexcareteam · 4 years ago
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CHIOICE IS YOURS. 半空和半满,你怎么看?
Nexcare Team Mob/whatsapp:+86-15880021929 Mail:[email protected]
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nexcareteam · 4 years ago
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Study for the Rise of China. It was once said by a famous national leader Mr. ZHOU EN LAI in his boyhood. At that time China was cut off and weakened by foreign powers in the late Qing Dynasty. It looked like a dying old man with no hope of life. Now we are luckily born in peace,doing international business with prosperity of our motherland and witnessing history. Each foreign trader is a visible name card of China. I AM CHINA. Say in advance,Happy birthday to ME and US! 为中华之崛起而读书。 这句话出自少年周恩来之口,彼时中国正值晚清被列强割据衰弱之机,状似病危老叟,生机无望。 现如今的我们生逢盛世,不断见证历史,伴中华之崛起而做外贸。 每个外贸人都是一张鲜活的中国名片。 I AM CHINA. 每个我,亦中国。 值此双节来临之际,提前说一声,亲爱的祖国,生快! Nexcare Team Mob/Whatsapp/Wechat:+86-15880021929 Mail:[email protected]
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nexcareteam · 5 years ago
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Be a learner first, a master second, and a student always. Happy Teachers' Day! 万物皆可学万事皆可思。 教师节,感谢每一位老师。 也感谢每一个让自己学到的"老师"。 永远带着学习的心态,祝各位同学和老师节日愉快~ Nexcare Team Mob/Whatsapp/Wechat:+86-15880021929 Mail:[email protected]
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nexcareteam · 5 years ago
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Even the number of SILENT CARRIERS increased than expected. It's better to do necessary protection method than nothing: mask,gloves,regular body temperature measurement and MORE frequent daily hand washing than before. In the meantime Interest Queries of Thermometer keep increasingly according to google trends data.
If you're in a related industry, if you're running business for PPE, What are you waiting for?
Nexcare Team Mob/Whatsapp/Wechat:+86-15880021929 Mail:[email protected]
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nexcareteam · 5 years ago
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Man of Chivalry serves the country and the people.They are heroes.
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nexcareteam · 5 years ago
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All must speak up for the disadvantaged.
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nexcareteam · 5 years ago
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According to a report released by WHO on last December 4th, 1.2 million people are killed on the road each year, that equates to one every 25 seconds. More than 4,700 people are dying every 24 hours from Covid-19-linked illness, according to Reuters calculations based on an average from June 1 to 27. That equates to one person every 18 seconds.
Covid-19 is much worse than car accidents now. They were not simply number in the report. Behind the cold data are lives which ever been healthy and lovely. They were us.
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nexcareteam · 5 years ago
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It comes around again...Chinese Valentine's Day,QiXi Festival! Some in pairs and couples while some not. Nickname for singles in Chinese we call it单身汪-a single dog literally. In my opinion that is no offense but playful-lovely like dog but single as a pity. Comparing with expressions like DAMN SINGLE,BARE BRANCHES those with negative connotation,I prefer to use BACHELOR(relatively objective). Cause for most of us it's a choosey result, not a passive result. And I'd like to share memorable movie quotes as below: Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare. -Flipped (2010) The Chinese version from a writer is amazing though it's with a little bit of embellishment. 有人住高楼, 有人在深沟, 有人光万丈, 有人一身锈, 世人万千种, 浮云莫去求, 斯人若彩虹, 遇上方知有。 So everyone see this post whenever and wherever, Never settle,keep looking until you find it. Nexcare Team Mail:[email protected] Mob:+86-15880021929
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nexcareteam · 5 years ago
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Each client can get free 2 samples for testing digital thermometer. Freight rate roughly from USD 15-35 to location accordingly.
More details you can click Video, duration from 1min44s -2min34s. [Brief Introduction]
[How to take measurement]
[How to switch the mode]
When you like it,you go for it. While you love it,you remain grounded. Wish you all nice beginning of the new week.
Nexcare Team Mob/whatsapp:+86-15880021929 Mail:[email protected]
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nexcareteam · 5 years ago
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Really miss the time when I'm Runlin of Marathon race.Exhausted but happy. Nowdays I occasionally jog in the morning but can not be compared to Marathon time. Hope the night will pass soon.
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nexcareteam · 5 years ago
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Fahrenheit degree / Celsius degree double display Digital Thermometer: -CE FCC FDA EMC  MSDS for exporting. -Price range from 0.55USD at MOQ 1 Million pcs. -Pending price rises 1% each week supposed.
Nexcare Team Main Sourcing: -C/F 2 Mode Display Digital Thermometer with FDA,FCC,CE max supplying 10k-50k pcs ; -FFP3 with Valve direct factory sourcing; -Level 3 Surgical mask tested and certified by Nelson Labs.
Be early birds! Mail:[email protected] Mob:+86-15880021929
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nexcareteam · 5 years ago
Double Display Mode Digital Thermometer Brief Introduction-Nexcare Team
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nexcareteam · 5 years ago
How to switch the mode of digital thermometer -Nexcare Team
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Follow this clip video you will know how to switch the mode from Fahrenheit degree to Celsius degrees. 
Vice versa. 
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nexcareteam · 5 years ago
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Never look down on yourself. Even the bad times are good.
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