#Goddess of Mercy Temple
the-monkey-ruler · 7 months
Monkey Saint Raids the Monastery (1965) 孫悟空大鬧雷音寺
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Director: Chen Zhuosheng Screenwriter: Situ An Starring: Yu Jia / Li Feng-sheng / Li Xiangqin / Ruan Siu-fai / Li Long / Watermelon Planer / Zhu Yougao / You Guangguang / Jiang Baolian / Li Feng / Tan Dingkun / Guan Ren Genre: Action / Fantasy / Costume Country/Region of Production: Hong Kong, China Language: Cantonese Date: 1965-06-11 Duration: 91 minutes Also known as: 孙悟空大闹雷音 / Sun Wukong causes trouble in Leiyin Temple Type: Retelling
The Spider Spirit lost to Sun Wukong and the Eight Immortals and was injured. When she met the Dragon King of the East China Sea, she coveted her beauty, so she disguised herself as a folk girl and followed the Dragon King to the Dragon Palace to heal her injuries. The Spider Spirit stole the Dragon King's treasure, and then met the Yellow-Browed Boy, and induced him to conspire to set up a fake Leiyin Temple to assassinate the four master and disciples of Tang Monk in an attempt to eat Tang meat and become immortal. Unexpectedly, Tang Monk was deceived and fell into the trap. After many twists and turns, Wukong finally escaped and asked for help from the heavenly soldiers and generals. However, due to the powerful magic weapon of the Yellow Eyebrow Boy, Wukong and others were still defeated. Later, Wukong met Maitreya Buddha, the master of the Yellow-Browed Boy, and Maitreya Buddha took action to subdue the bad disciples. The Spider Spirit was defeated and escaped from the Dragon Palace, seeking protection from the Dragon King. However, Wukong revealed her identity and was finally captured by the Dragon King in the Thousand-Year Clam. Wukong rescued his master and his younger brothers and continued to the west to learn scriptures.
Source: https://chinesemov.com/1965/Monkey-Saint-Raids-the-Monastery
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-7tu6-5Ooc&ab_channel=%E7%B2%B5%E8%AA%9E%E9%95%B7%E7%89%87%E5%8F%B0
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suetravelblog · 2 months
Kek Lok Si Temple Penang Malaysia
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lilacgaby · 10 days
title: awaken.
pairing: barbarian!bakugo x goddess!reader,
you've been asleep all this time, who knew a barbarian would be the one to awaken you?
(extended ver of this)
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as katsuki wandered through the never ending forest, he let the words of the elders ring through his head. "you'll never be anything more than a placeholder for the next king."
he set off, destined to prove himself, show that he was worth more than any of them could predict. his father was worried and heartbroken at his sudden departure, but his mother understood that he'd need to do this now, or he'd never forgive himself.
the first thing he did as he set off was to secure food for the night. he eyed a group of hogs, all large and heavy, perfect for feeding him throughout the night. he grabbed the bow out of his satchel and aimed it at the largest one, which landed perfectly in his target's head. he couldn't help but to let out a celebratory laugh as it fell to the ground, making the hogs around it scurry off into the forest.
that seemed to be the last of his luck for the day. he now wished he chose a different day to set off, as the rains and winds were heavy, it was impossible to set up camp in the forest as it was. suddenly, through the curtains of heavy greenery, he saw an abandoned structure. he'd prefer anything to the harsh conditions mother nature set out on him now, so he cut through the vines as he made his way into the structure.
it was grand inside, he thought. he couldn't see very well thanks to the darkness brought on by the rains, but from what he could see it must have been a place of high regard in its peak.
he lit a torch, carrying it as he continued on into the structure. he determined it had been a church in its old days, long forgotten due to.. well he didn't figure that part out yet.
he bumped into a object that resembled a bench, besides the old candle wax, fresh leaves, and golden statutes he saw littering it. he made a mental note to take those with him as he organized his things onto the bench.
he laid his wine down first, a treat he'd enjoy on the way back to his kingdom. next, he laid down his clothes he planned to change into. though he was a barbarian, and by nature they did not wear many clothes, katsuki knew the trip would require such clothing, so he brought the best.
his next item was the huge hog he'd caught earlier. he lugged it on to the bench-like object, thinking of how it was a perfect spot to gut and prepare it for his meal later on. speaking of his cooking, he made sure to bring only the finest oils to cook in. he set it down next to the hog, satisfied with his array of items, he'd slumped against the bench, closed his eyes and sighed.
when he opened it again, he saw the shadow of a person moving behind him. alarmed, he readied his other weapon he always kept on his side, his blade welded by his mother.
though, his blade was dropped out of his hand at the sight. his jaw went slack, eyes wide, and the sudden urge to worship overcame him as he finally saw who was behind him.
a gorgeous.. deity? who glowed with an luminous essence, who adorned pointed ears, heavy amounts of gold, a silk dress that encapsulated your body, and an unreadable expression as you sifted through his items.
the ability to speak was taken from him, he felt as if he was at your mercy, and he was. he was on his knees before he could process it.
your hands glided through the items he had placed on the bench, after you finished looking through the group, you finally spared him a glance.
"your gifts are of high value," you spoke, your voice royal, with an unimaginable presence. "i'm not as powerful as i used to be, my temple and followers were lost to time, my memory faded from the minds of the new." you sauntered over to him now, becoming eye-level with him.
he'd never felt so unworthy.
"i have not much i can give you or do for you, so what would you like from me?"
his ability to speak finalky returned, his mind though, remained blank, so he answered with the only thing on his blank mind:
"your hand."
he immediately rescinded back, never feeling so unnerved and unknowing as he did in this moment. "i- it was an unreasonable request! you-- it's beneath y-"
"that's acceptable. i will go with you, barbarian."
he was shocked as you accepted, though he wouldn't dare question your judgement. "katsuki." he blurted out. "please call me katsuki."
"i will marry you, if it's what you desire katsuki."
his eyes shot open. "yes. i-- it's what i'd like."
"you may call me [name] then." he clutched his heart, he wasn't sure if he was dreaming, but if he was he'd never want it to end.
"alright.. [name]." you smiled at the hesitance in his voice, and waved his worries off with a smile.
"shall we head out then?"
"we can't, the weather is horrible."
"what weather? it's sunny as normal." surely enough, as he turned around the weather had returned to a calm, warm day. the harsh winds and rains no longer present, replaced by the mundane weather.
"i-- i suppose you're correct." he gathered his supplies, even getting your permission to take the things he had on your alter, as he learned it was, back with you two. he slung his satchel behind his back and turned to you.
you held out your hand, and after he placed a chaste kiss on it, he carried you in his arms. the journey back was a blur to him, the burning in his feet nonexistent as he focused on the feeling of his skin on yours, the feeling of his hands on your body.
you arrived sooner then expected. internally, katsuki was excited. not only did he manage to revitalize a goddess, but he'd marry her. he was ecstatic not only at the prospect of beating this into the elders' faces, but to be yours for his eternity.
as he burst back into the conference room, the elders were shocked to see him back so soon. the smug expressions they would've gotten were wiped off the second they noticed you in his arms.
even they, from their distance at their cabinets, could sense the raw presence you had.
"prince bakugo, what is the meaning of this?"
"i've brought to you undeserving folks my wife."
the table of elders all collectively choked at the revelation. "wife? but we've yet to go through the proper trails and period of compatibility. that woman isn't even a barbarian."
"you're right, she's above all of you. she's a deity, and i've earned her hand in marriage. i want my wedding planned for next week, make it fit for a god."
"a deity you say?" the elder's felt like their eyes were about to burst out their sockets. "but--"
they heard nothing as he walked away from the room, you still in his arms. as you eyed the new, strange innovations and buildings around you, katsuki clutched you closer to his chest.
he set you onto a bed, the feeling of silk under your hands one that was foreign, as you hadn't been awakened for over a century.
he knelt in front of you, taking off one of his necklaces, and wordlessly asking for permission to set it on you.
you didn't know this, but this was sacred to the barbarians, presenting one's necklace to another was like talking a piece of your soul and entrusting them with it.
he looked at the sight of you, his ruby necklace with the teeth of the beasts he slayed contrasting severely to the gold you adorned, and he smiled.
you felt your heart go into a knot at the sight of him, he held your hand as he suddenly made a vow to you.
"i vow to be your greatest worshipper. even if i am not the last, i will set a standard that will long exceed my lifespan.
for you are my wife now, and i'll cherish you as long as i may live."
you smiled softly, reaching out to him to hold his other hand. "you've already become my most interesting worshipper, that i'm certain of."
as the two of you basked in each others presence, other gods were smiling upon you two as well.
unbeknownst to you, zeus, a god who had favored you since your birth, had set off the storm on bakugo, leading him to your alter.
not like it was what you were pondering at the moment anyway, as you caressed and embraced your soon to be husband, who you were already planning to turn into a god alongside you.
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cottoncandybitchfuck · 4 months
Fabian Aramais Seacaster, a darling boy, the son of William Seacaster and Hallariel Seacaster. He's a fighter, and his money got him everywhere he wants to be in life. He punched Gorgug on the first day, and he got detention. He didn't get on the owlbears. He ends up in a detention room full of weirdos. They fought in the cafeteria and he could not get on the tables! Two of them die... They became friends while solving a mystery. He got a motorcycle holding a demon within it. He bought gifts for his new friends and didn’t tell them he got them until many episodes later. He learned how to protect people, he became a team player. He became captain of the Owlbears. He mercy killed his dad…He told his mom to get her shit together. He helped kill a dragon and he was just a freshman. He went to his dad’s old stomping grounds and he lost his confidence after he got many pirates killed. He de-classed, and almost killed his motorcycle. He met his grandfather and became a dancer, connecting with his mother’s side of the family. He kissed a fire elemental and gained bardic powers. “Spring Break, I believe in you!” He helped his friends. He went to hell, his motorcycle is a hellhound. He fights on his father’s ship in hell and fights all of the people he helped kill in his freshman year. “You have no heart!” “Toxic Masculinity is dead. I dance Now!” He tried to claw his way through stone to Kristen when she was in danger in the temple of the Goddess of Mystery. He found Gorgug in the Nightmare King’s Forest and hugged him, a different greeting for the two. He knew they’d be okay because they were the bad kids. He helps seal the Night Yorb, almost getting run over numerous times. He was in love with a mirror, but his friends helped with that. His best friend is the Ball, but he’ll never admit it. He is living alone, and that sucks. He threw a ton of parties and had many study sessions. He did anything to not be alone. He slowly falls in love with another bard but he almost loses her a few times. He lept into a briefcase without a plan to save his friend. His mom is having another kid, and she might love this one more than she loved him. He saves the world again, and finally gets to see his dad. His dad says he would love him without his name being written anywhere, and would give up everything to spend another day with him. But his name is written places, because he is Fabian Aramais Seacaster, and he’s a part of the bad kids. 
It is 4 am (1 pm) in a warehouse in Santa Monica (dorm building, not in Santa Monica) and I am emotional about him
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the arrangement. [part 2] l General Marcus Acacius
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[PART 1]
Summary:  you have to ask General Acacius for help and you know that only one thing can convince him
Warnings: +18, smut, unprotected sex (don't do that), breeding kink, mentions of death and blood, a bit of sadness
A/N: i didn't plan a part two, but - here it is! if i disappointed anyone's expectations, i apologize. here i tag people who requested it @hidden-poet @stormseyer . have mercy on me.
Crowds of people looking for good entertainment gathered in the coliseum that hot day. You never liked this place, but your position obliged you to appear there, especially when you were invited by prominent people of Rome. It was the same this time.
You hadn't spoken to Marcus since your last meeting a few days earlier. You carried out his orders as he asked you to. Despite the pain, you appeared in the city, you also received a few guests, no one guessed that your heart was shaking. You also didn't meet General Acacius anywhere. You couldn't and didn't want to expose him to any consequences if it turned out that the Emperor would also look at you unfavorably.
"Lady Y/N, I’m delighted to see you here." the voice of one of the senators tore you from your thoughts.
"The pleasure is mine, Senator." you replied, nodding your head slightly. "Wonderful weather for the games, don't you think?"
"Wine, food and beautiful company are enough for me, games are an addition and a whim of the Emperor." the man laughed "I was hoping to see you here. The latest rumors about your... ekhm... slave. Outrageous."
"Thank you. Fortunately, the law is clear."
"Right, right!" the senator took a sip of wine. "Each of us should know our place."
"Wise words, Senator."
The lodge was filling up with more guests invited by the Emperor. More greetings and smiles, the clinking of goblets and laughter. Excitement was reaching its zenith.
"General Acacius!"
A nervous shiver ran through your body, but you decided to only cast a quick glance at the man who had joined the guests. Dressed in white and gold, his skin touched by the sun, his dark hair with a few silver strands gleamed in the rays of the sun. General Marcus Acacius looked like one of the gods' favorites.
Only the appearance of the Emperor with his closest entourage tore the group of people who were delighted with him away from him.
"Lady Y/N."
His warm, quiet voice touched you gently like a pleasant evening wind.
"General." You curtsied slightly to pay him respect.
Your gazes met, and his slight movement of the head gave you more answers than all the words he had spoken could. In one moment, you ran out of breath, and your eyes stung from the tears filling them.
"Don't show it. They're watching." Marcus said, standing so close to you to shield you from prying eyes for a moment, his hand lightly grabbed your arm, this gesture was the only tenderness he could afford in that situation.
It was the first time he had seen you so broken and his heart couldn't bear it. He wanted to take you in his arms, let you hide in his embrace and protect you from all this evil and despair.
However, all he could do was give you a few moments to put yourself back together and show an unwavering face again. But not a single tear scratched your cheek.
"I am grateful to the Gods for seeing you healthy and strong."
Although Marcus could hear a slight tremor in your voice, the people around you couldn't do that.
"Your words, my lady, are the greatest grace." He replied, taking your hand in his and kissing the back of it tenderly. "I’m grateful that I can feast my eyes on your sight today."
He saw you part your lips to say something, but the sound of trumpets tore you away. The show had begun, and Marcus could only pray that you would hold on.
His dark eyes were on you almost the entire time. He could see you clearly, you were like a statue of a goddess in one of the temples. Unwavering, strong, with a mysterious smile that appeared on your lips whenever one of the guests spoke to you. Only once did he see a crack in that wonderful facade—when Margo appeared in the arena and her spirit left her body—Marcus thought you were going to faint, but you didn't take your eyes off the bloody sand of the coliseum.
As guests and spectators began to leave the coliseum, he stood by your side again.
"My lady, do you have someone who could take you home safely?" You seemed distracted to him, and your gaze was absent. "Let me take you to my place. I don't want you to be alone."
"General... Marcus..." his name on your lips sounded like the sweetest melody to him. "Thank you, but I can't..."
"Don't make me beg you here," he whispered. "Please."
After a moment of thought, you nodded and let him lead you to the exit.
General Acacius's house was a quiet and peaceful place. The evening air was cooler and a pleasant gentle breeze blew through the open shutters, filling the rooms.
Marcus made sure that the servants prepared a bath for you and didn't bother you even when you dismissed the women accompanying you to be alone. This was your time, and he wanted to give you as much of it as you needed.
He looked up and saw you standing in the doorway of his chamber.
A silk robe gently wrapped around your still damp body. Your gaze was full of pain, but you looked at him gently.
"Y/N, please." he began, approaching you. "I beg your forgiveness, I couldn't do anything. I tried to talk to the Emperor, but I couldn't do anything. He didn't care about her, and our involvement..."
"Shhh..." your delicate hand tenderly stroked his rough cheek. "I have to thank you, Marcus. For everything you..."
"I didn't do anything! I couldn't!" he interrupted you sharply.
"But you tried. I believe in it. I couldn't demand it of you. I don't know what I was thinking, asking you to risk so much for me..."
"I would give my life for you, you know that."
Your hand slid down his neck and rested on his chest. You felt his heart beating hard, his chest heaving with each breath.
"I know Margo was reconciled with her fate. I could feel it looking at her. She was strong, but calm." your voice was calm "Maybe you won't understand this, but she was my best friend. For years. She was devoted and loyal to me. I just wish she didn't suffer."
"Death came for her quickly. Now she's calm and safe."
"Thank you, Marcus."
His hands stroked your shoulders, and his lips kissed your temples lightly. His closeness seemed as natural to you as never before.
"Stay here tonight. I don't want you to be alone with all this." He said, and when you opened your mouth to say something, he added "I know you can, you're a strong woman, but today you don't have to be like that. Let me take care of you."
His eyes were so sweetly apologetic, you knew he would take on everything you felt just to make you feel better.
"You can take my chambers. You'll find comfort worthy of a queen there."
"I won't even touch you with a finger. You're safe with me."
"I know."
You trusted Marcus completely. Even when he walked you to his chambers, he didn't insist, nor did he make any move to suggest that he wanted to go there with you. It was you who, before leaving, kissed his lips gently. No words. They weren't needed.
But sleep wasn't a pleasant escape. The minutes passed, and you still felt wide awake. You weren't sure if you had slept for even a few moments. The house was quiet, only the cicadas in the garden keeping you company during the next few sleepless minutes.
No one heard your footsteps. You quietly left the bedroom and made your way through the darkened corridors to the room where Marcus slept that night. The door opened and you slipped inside.
The room was a bit smaller than the bedroom Marcus left you in, but you could smell the same pleasant scent of jasmine and burning candles that brightened the interior. You saw him sitting in an armchair with the shutters open. You thought he was dozing, but when your hand slipped into his tousled hair he stirred restlessly.
"Have mercy on me." he whispered, turning slightly and spotting you behind him. "You would be the perfect assassin, sneaking up on me so silently."
"Is that a compliment?" you asked, a faint smile appearing on your lips.
"I'm completely defenseless around you, so yes, it's a compliment." he replied. "You can't sleep. Me too."
"This house is so quiet and peaceful." you sighed quietly as he took your hand and touched it with his lips, standing up. "I feel like I don't know the words to thank you for what you did for me, then and now."
"I didn't do anything, Y/N."
"You were my rock, Marcus. That's more than anyone else has done."
"But I couldn't save you from the pain."
"Can either of us do that?"
He stared at you intently. His eyes were full of sadness and tenderness. Maybe that night gave you courage, maybe what Marcus did made your heart open to him. But you felt so safe with him that you wanted to be even closer to this man.
You didn't push away his hand that stroked your cheek. It was a relief for his heart.
"I'm ready to fulfill my promise, Marcus." You said calmly. "I'll stay with you in this house, we'll fill its quiet rooms with the laughter of children."
"Don't say that if you don't mean it." He replied, taking your face in his hands. "I couldn't do anything against your will."
"But it's my will, it's what I want. My heart has always been yours, but I was afraid."
"What were you afraid of, love?"
"War. Death. Enslavement. You were the image of all of this." He closed his eyes, probably guessing it. "So I was unavailable to you. I wanted to get rid of this feeling, but you never made it easy for me. You were my daily fear and night dream. Everything I feared and desired. I was sure that you only desired my body..."
"I don't deserve you. I don't deserve even one of your glances, love."
"So why am I here? This is what I wanted. I want you."
You took his hand and slid it down to your chest. Only a thin layer of silk that separated his hand from your soft and delicate breast. When he squeezed it lightly and saw how you parted your lips, he was sure that grace had descended on him.
His lips collided with yours in a kiss, and his warm tongue slipped between your lips, caressing you tenderly. He absorbed you with his presence, and you submitted to him humbly. You clung to his strong body, feeling his desire grow.
The silk robe that wrapped around your body slid to the floor. You stood naked before him, his eyes adoring you.
"You'll make me the happiest man in the world by letting me love you." he whispered.
"I allow you, Marcus."
In an instant his lips were on yours again, kissing you passionately and hard, and before you knew it you were already in his strong arms as he lifted you up and carried you towards the bed.
You felt the cool sheets beneath you, and then your eyes stopped at Marcus. He took off his toga. His body looked like it was created by hands and in the likeness of gods. Broad shoulders, narrow waist. You noticed a few scars on his skin, but they didn't destroy his image. And finally his hard cock, so ready for you.
He covered you with his body, his lips roamed over your stomach and chest, showering your body with kisses. Warm lips found your nipple and closed on it, you felt his tongue teasing you sweetly. Your body arched, and Marcus' strong arm slid under you and you knew you wouldn't get out of this delicious trap.
The tip of his cock teased your entrance, and you felt yourself getting wetter with each of his movements.
"Tell me you want me, please." he whispered, kissing your neck. "I'm begging you."
"I want you, Marcus. I need you more than air. Make me yours."  
He groaned painfully, kissing your lips. Strong hands gripped your hips to position you the way he wanted you.
His tip slowly slid into you, filling you completely. You caught your breath, trying to get used to the feeling of Marcus being inside you. He must have felt the same, because you could hear his slow breathing as he buried his face in your hair.
"It's wonderful to feel you." he whispered, looking at you, his eyes as dark as ever before. "I've wanted you for so long."
"And you have me."
One strong movement of his hips, a quiet moan escaped your lips. Gods, he would give his life for that. He began to move faster, more rhythmically, feeling your pussy take all of him. He tightened his grip on your thigh, afraid that he would hurt you, but you didn't even flinch. Your fingers intertwined in his hair, pulling him closer, kissing him like you needed him to be able to breathe, and with each thrust he heard those sweet sighs escaping your throat.
He felt like a barbarian destroying something as beautiful and sacred as you. But you wanted him. He felt it in your every move, saw it in your every look. You wanted him.
"Marcus, please..."
Your velvet walls squeezed his cock harder and harder, and he knew he wouldn't last long. He'd wanted you for so long. But he wanted to see it. A few more hard thrusts and he saw your body arch in the rush of pleasure flooding your body. Your nails dug into his shoulders, and you bit your lip, feeling like you were about to fall apart. But his arms held you tight and steady. You were safe.
And Marcus didn't slow down. The way you squeezed his cock made him closer, and his movements were faster and harder now. You could feel his sweaty body against you, his quickened breath.
"Fill me, Marcus... Let me carry your child." You whispered in his ear.
He came with a loud groan, digging his fingers into your thighs so hard that you were sure you'd see bruises there the next day. Warm streams filled you to the brim.
Marcus made you his. He filled you with his seed, you'd be full of his child. If not now then soon, you were sure of it.
"Tell me you're not just a beautiful dream."
His rough voice brought you back to his arms. You looked at Marcus, his eyes full of adoration for you. He looked so vulnerable that you began to understand what he meant by calling you the perfect assassin.
Even though you were the one who promised him your devotion and loyalty, you were both on the same page.
"What if I was just a dream?" you asked, stroking his cheek tenderly, his cock was still inside you, you could stay like that all night.
"I don't want to wake up then." he replied "I don't want to see another sunrise knowing I can't have you. That would be torture."
"I wish we could stay like this forever. I feel your love and it fills my heart too." You saw his gentle smile "Let's take what fate has given us, maybe we shouldn't doubt anymore."
"So you'll stay?"
"I will. I'll be proud to be your wife, General Acacius."
"You'll be so much more." His lips brushed yours in a tender kiss "My queen, my goddess. I will worship you until the end of my days."
And you knew he wasn't lying. General Marcus Acacius was a man of honor.
And he was yours.
Thank you for your time.
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
Hello! Could do Mihawk with an beloved who's like a Disney princess and attracts animal whenever she/they sing, but Mihawk is just confused standing there like "wtf? Why are there deer inside?? There's litterly no deer on his island????"
I love this!
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How and Why?
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When Mihawk had gotten with you he knew you were... odd-
The opposite of him in every way. While his hands were for killing and takinf away- yours was for life and charity. The embodiment of a Innocent Saint in his eyes- that he had in some wait tainted said innocence with his nature and desire for you.
It was hard for a killing machine like himself to gave to curve said nature when you came along. You promoting mercy, second chances and guidance for others.
While this tested his patients- it wasn't the main thing- no no
It was the animals-
It was the God damn animals that seemed to follow you everywhere!
You hum while outside- Bunnies suddently appear to shit on his lawn.
You whistle happily while gardening birds from all walks of life appear to once again shit on everything.
Goddess have mercy if you sing cause the animal kingdom appears randomly.
If he took you with him say out to a light mission or just for a vacation, suddently you'd have half the God damn forest trailing behind you and he would have to sneak a quick blade to snag a few rabbits without you noticing for a nice dinner. In fear you'd cry in knowing your abilties were being used for Mihawk to hunt dinner.
Non of this mattered since he loved you, he loved you more then he had words to express and you loved him just as much- So he was willing to turn a blind eye to this all. Till the day he couldn't.
It was suppose to be a relaxed day- get some nice food, some drinks and just lounge about. Mihawk was excited for this, he had been working hard and wanted some down time.. especially with you- Stepping into the livingroom ready to shower you in attention he froze.
"What the actual hell?-" Mihawk said way louder then he ment to and seeing you turn around quickly. There in the livingroom you were on your knees petting a fully grown fucking deer that was leaning into your touch.
"Hi honey!"
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Mihawk is just standing there holding a wine glass in his open shirt and staring at you in what can only be described as total shock and you can practically see the vein in his forehead.
"(Y/N)' How the hell did you get a deer in the house- Wait deer at all there are non on the island?" He questioned as he downed the glass of wine like a shot and set it aside.
"I sang and she came here" You say with a shrug and continue to pet the wide eyed doe.
He huffed at this, rubbing his temple.
"I thought we agreed no animals in the house?.." He grumbled- Trying to mentally wrap his head around a doe in his livingroom.
"But she looked so cold and was by the front door Hawks! I couldnt just leave her there" You say poking out your bottom lip- Mihawk mentally sighs.
"That doesnt... No- No matter... saves me from going to the market for venison" He says calmly and reaches for his blade calmly.
Your eyes widening as you realize what he means and hug the deer close to you.
"No! Mihawk you cant kill her" You yell as tears well in your eyes.
"You have a fully grown Doe in our livingroom- no idea were she came from and a meat locker low on venison" He tried to reason by you sat there crying and Mihawk groaned-
"Then what is your plan with it hm?" He questioned. That was what lead him outside, carrying a squirming 120 pound doe to the stables he had long since forgotten about while you set down some old hay, cut apples and nuts for feed and he releases the kicking animal into its new space.
Mihawk sighed now looking at the once empty stables of the castle now housed a doe- A Sinking feeling that this stable was going to be getting fuller..
"You are lucky I love you-" He grumbled, Hearing you giggle and jump up to kiss his cheek.
"I love you too Mihawk. And I promise to make it up to you~" You say with a wink. Mihawk now remembering how and why he had forgiven all the times before.
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sagesskies · 9 months
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴠɪᴄᴛᴏʀʏ ɢᴏᴅ
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✒ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ʜᴇ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴡɪɴ, ᴡᴀꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ɢᴏᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴇꜱᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ
✉ - ʟᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴀɴᴏɴʏᴍᴏᴜꜱ: ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴋɴᴏᴡɴ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇꜱᴘᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ɢᴏᴅ x ꜰᴏʀɢᴏᴛᴛᴇɴ ɢᴏᴅ ᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
☏ - ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇᴍᴀɪʟ: ᴍʀ. ꜱᴀɢᴇ ᴛʜɪɴᴋꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ɪꜱɴ'ᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ɪɴ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴏɴᴇ ꜰᴏʟᴋꜱ, ᴡʜᴏᴏᴘꜱ.
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇꜱ: ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴍᴜʀᴅᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ, ꜱʟɪɢʜᴛ(?) ɢᴏʀᴇ, ʀᴀɪᴅɪɴɢ ᴠɪʟʟᴀɢᴇꜱ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴄʀᴜᴇʟ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴜᴛʜʟᴇꜱꜱ ʙᴇʜᴀᴠɪᴏʀ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ʙᴇʜᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴀʀꜱᴏɴ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴄᴏʀʀᴜᴘᴛɪᴏɴ (ɴᴏᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪɴᴋʏ ᴋɪɴᴅ), ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ɪꜱ ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴏꜰꜰꜱᴘʀɪɴɢ, ʟᴀʀɢᴇ ᴀɢᴇ-ɢᴀᴘ ʙᴇᴛᴡᴇᴇɴ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʜᴀʀ: ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ɪꜱ ʜᴜɴᴅʀᴇᴅꜱ ᴏꜰ ʏᴇᴀʀꜱ ᴏʟᴅᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴄʜᴀʀ, ᴛᴇʟʟ ᴍᴇ ɪꜰ ɪ ᴍɪꜱꜱᴇᴅ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴇʟꜱᴇ!
ᴘʀᴏɴᴜɴᴄɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ɢᴜɪᴅᴇ⦂ ꜰᴀɪꜱɪᴀɴ - ꜰᴀɪ-ꜱʜᴀɴ ꜰᴀɪᴀ - ꜰᴀɪ-ʏᴀ ​🇫​​🇦​​🇮​​🇺​​🇸​- ​🇫​​🇦​​🇮​-​🇾​​🇺​​🇸​ ​🇩​​🇦​​🇰​​🇲​​🇪​​🇸​ - ​🇩​​🇦​​🇰​-​🇲​​🇪​​🇸​ ​🇶​​🇭​​🇪​​🇹​​🇴​​🇭​​🇷​ - ​🇰​​🇪​-​🇹​​🇴​​🇷​
Yandere Victory God, who isn’t everything you’d expect a victory god to be. He’s not energetic, cheerful, or even that much of a good sport. What he is is cocky, arrogant, pragmatic, and stubborn as hell. 
Yandere Victory God, who has challenged every single major god in the pantheon to duels, games of strategy, or even something as dumb as a popularity contest. He’d always get too into it, sometimes transforming a simple game into a years-long feud that’d only end when he managed to win. None of the gods have forgotten the Faisian Festival of 674, not when it nearly caused the entirety of the island of Faia to sink into the ground. 
Yandere Victory God, who doesn’t care for any of the other gods. Not when they couldn’t even beat him, not like you could. You, the God of Mercy, who the world has forgotten ever since your temple was desecrated during the War of Storms.
Yandere Victory God, who is the only god who still remembers you, even if it’s been half a century since he’s last seen you. He hates to admit it, but he misses you and your gentle gaze, your compassionate personality, and your endless patience. 
Yandere Victory God, who tires of the endless bloodshed that he caused with his own two hands. He wonders if you’d still love him if you learned of the things he’s done in these past violent years. All the mortal blood that he’s spilled would surely make you hate him, you’ve always loved these foolish little creatures after all, but maybe you could find it in your heart to forgive him. 
Yandere Victory God who never stops searching for you, despite his mother, the Goddess of War’s orders to stop this ‘fruitless endeavor’ and to focus on his duty in the battlefield. He cannot give up, he’s listened to your stories before. Of friends and fellow Gods who’ve faded away from existence because they were forgotten. He remembers your tears, and how he wanted to kiss them away from your skin. He doesn’t want you to be just another forgotten God.
Yandere Victory God, who catches wind of words whispered between old mortals, that the God of Mercy is in the Ivory Isles. Being held captive by a wretched creature that wants the wars to wipe out mortals forever. 
Faius was analyzing the map on his table, he had cleaned it of all the wooden pieces his mother used to mark their enemies. The scolding he’ll receive later will be worth it, as long as he can spot where the Ivory Isles were. Unfortunately for him, the Ivory Isles were considered a cursed location that many cartographers avoided placing on their maps to avoid bad fortune. 
As he was tracing his finger through the Gaulree Archipelago, the sound of heavy boots stomping through the dirt, followed by what Faius recognizes as feet being dragged across the coarse ground, snapped him out of his focus and he raises his head just in time for one of his lieutenants to enter the tent with a scrawny old man in tow. 
The lieutenant saluted, “Hail, Lord Faius.” He placed his hand on the old man and forced him to kneel, then grabbed him by the hair and pushed his head downwards to the ground like he was bowing. 
Faius waves his hand, “At ease,” His amber eyes drifted to focus on the old man, who had his eyes down to the ground, “I take it this is the priest of [Name] I sent you to search for?” 
The old man must have been only a young lad during the fall of your temple, and your subsequent disappearance. All the other priests and priestesses were either dead, or had gone senile with old age. This man was his only hope for finding you. If he had no valuable information, Faius would probably gut him then have his corpse tied to a pike as a warning to his men to not be so useless. Well, that's what he would've done if he wasn’t your old priest. 
The lieutenant nodded, “Yes, Lord Faius,” He glanced at the old man from the corner of his eye, “We found him at a temple of Dakmes.” 
Faius sneered. Dakmes was one of your few offspring, they were the deity of Tranquility, which was the closest thing to mercy the mortals had these days. He was so close to declaring war on them when he heard that they never bothered to look for you, you were their father for gods’ sake! 
“You are dismissed,” Faius waved off the lieutenant, who saluted, before swiftly leaving the tent. He walked over to the old man, who was still kneeling on the floor. With his sharp gaze, he was able to see that the old man was shaking slightly. 
Faius kneeled down, even in this position he was taller than the mortal, and then forced him to look him in the eyes. Dark brown met amber, and the old man flinched, “L-lord Faius,” The man’s voice was raspy, like he hadn’t drank water in ages, “What do you want from me?” 
Faius hummed, and then stood back up so he could tower over the old man and really enforce who was in power here, his hands stayed clasped behind his back, “You were a priest of [Name] in your youth, weren’t you?” 
The old man nodded, “I… I was,” The look in his eyes told Faius that the man had an inkling of why he was there. 
“Answer me this,” Faius pulled out the dagger he had used to pin down the map, and played with the blade. He smirked when the old man gulped, “Were you there the day he disappeared?” 
At those words, it was like a switch flipped inside the old man as a realization dawned on him. His eyes widened, and his breathing quickened, he started shaking his head frantically, “No… no! I promised them. I- I swore I’d never tell a soul!” He screamed. Faius’ eyes widened, who was ‘them’? Was it a deity? 
“Who are you speaking of?” Faius bent down in front of the old man, who immediately backed away from him but didn’t get very far considering he was basically crawling backwards, “Tell me, now.” He snarled out, gold energy crackling in the room, and his fierce aura scaring the man still. 
“I- I cannot!” The old man cried, tears were now flowing down his face at a rapid pace, “They would kill me if I spoke even a word of it!” 
Faius pressed the dagger against the old man’s throat, who winced when a bit of blood leaked from the freshly formed cut, “If you don’t tell me right now, I’ll be the one to take your worthless little life,” This was it, he was close. He could feel it. If he knew the deity who dared take you away from him, then he’d rescue you, and things would go back to normal again. You and him, together. Just like how it was meant to be. 
“It was Qhetohr!” The old man shrieked, “Qhetohr took Lord [Name]-” But before he could finish his words, the old man froze mid-sentence, and then black smoke started to pour from his mouth and then curled around his neck, and around his head. Faius immediately backed away, but that didn’t stop a bit of the smoke from wrapping itself around his wrist. 
The smoke solidified around, and then tightened. Faius winced at the sharp pain, it set his nerves on fire and nearly made him fall to his knees, but he was able to balance himself. Unfortunately for your ex-priest, he did not have the fortune of being a god, and the following sight was visceral. 
The black smoke that wrapped itself around the old man tightened to the point that Faius could hear the bones in his neck creaking, and the skull starting to crack from the applied pressure. The sounds only continued, growing louder and more frequent, till with one final wet pop, the smoke slowly receded from the old man. Leaving only a bloody and mutilated mess of what used to be the old man’s head. 
Most mortals, even some of the gods, would gag at the sight but Faius only frowned. He could care less about the mess, instead he focused on the old man’s dying words.
Qhetohr was one of the oldest deities in the pantheon, and one of the most dangerous ones too. The deity of destruction and the void. They were the most reclusive of the old gods, yet at the same time the most feared, for good reason too. The gory image in front of him was no doubt their work. Faius glared at the black smoke that still clung tightly to his wrist, it felt like it was biting into him and injecting venom into his system like a snake. 
He could worry about it later, a little pain was something he could handle if it meant he’ll find you. 
Faius called some of his men to clean up the body, and then went back to his map. He wiped away the old man’s blood from his blade. He admired the engraved dove on its hilt, your patron animal. Faius stabbed the dagger back into the parchment, and resumed his search for the Ivory Isles. 
He had a deity to blame, to fight, to kill and now all he needed to do was find you. 
“I’ll be with you again soon, [Name],” Faius murmurs under his breath, “Just be patient…” 
Yandere Victory God, whose men have noticed that he’s been getting more brutal with his attacks. He always loved a good battle, fighting was something that just came naturally to him as a son of War and Glory, and it was one of the few things that was able to take his mind off of you. But there was something different now. It was like he had gotten hungrier for blood, and violence.
Yandere Victory God who’s started raiding different villages and towns, all in search for a map or a cartographer willing to overlook the curse and tell him where the Ivory Isles were. Were his methods crueler than necessary? Sure, you could say that, but it was for a good cause. If he brought back the god of mercy, then things would become peaceful once more, and he’d be able to have his beloved back in his arms. 
Yandere Victory God who has become darker than before. He was never the kindest, nor was he the most compassionate, but he wasn’t like… this. He was harder on his men, pushed them to be more ruthless, and many of them lost whatever humanity they still had left in them that the seemingly ceaseless wars hadn’t taken. 
Yandere Victory God who dedicates every head he severs, every village he burns to the ground, and every death that happens at his hands, to you. This was all in his efforts to look for you after all, he wasn’t some bloodthirsty brute who took pleasure in this. No, no. He was your knight in shining armor, like the ones in all of those stories mortals loved to write. 
Yandere Victory God who can tell that the black smoke was doing something to him. Making him more sadistic and cruel, but was it really so bad? He could never do this before, not when he was worried about what you’d think of him for killing all these mortals. He still cared about what you thought about him, yes, but he’s sure you’ll be able to understand why he did this. You were always so understanding, that’s just one of the many things he loved about you. 
Yandere Victory God who finally found a cartographer willing to sell her soul for a hefty bag of gold coins, and gives him a map that can take him to the Ivory Isles. 
Yandere Victory God who wastes no time in taking his mother’s ship and boarding it with some of his men, the crew accommodates him without question and they set sail for the Ivory Isles. His face is like stone, cold and unmoving, but inside he’s like an excited child about to get his favorite treat after waiting patiently to be rewarded. 
Yandere Victory God who finally smiles for the first time in a long time when he sees the large pale structures in the distance, the bones that make up the outer layer of the Ivory Isles. You’re just within reach, and soon things will be perfect once more. He’ll rip Qhetohr apart, limb from limb, and offer their remains up to you, his perfect god. 
Faius steps onto the cursed land's soil, and immediately shivers. There is an evil energy on this land, no wonder cartographer’s refuse to place it on their maps. He hopes that it hasn’t tainted you, but even if it has he’ll be able to fix it. 
He feels the black smoke curl tighter around his wrist, and hum with a renewed energy. He winces as he feels it dig deeper into his skin. It was like an ant biting into his flesh with the force of a shark. 
But he steadies himself, he must remain strong if he wants to rescue you after all. 
Faius stares off into the distance, where he sees a large, crumbling tower that looks nearly identical to the bones surrounding the island. That must be the prison holding you. 
His hand grips tighter on the sword around his waist, “Soon, [Name]... Soon you’ll be back in my arms again,” Faius whispers to himself, “Right where you belong.”
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☏ - ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇᴍᴀɪʟ: ᴍʀ. ꜱᴀɢᴇ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴍɪɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏᴘᴇɴ, ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ'ᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ.
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aphroditelovesu · 4 months
Hi! I'd like to request an emoji prompt for yan!Athena x fem!reader with the 🦉 and 🎮 ones! I understand if not; I love your work!
Remember to take care of yourself and remind you that you're so important!!
[🦉] - ‘’You think you're smarter than me, don't you? But let me tell you something, you are not. And the death of your little friends is proof of that.’’
[🎮] - "Do you think you can beat me at my own game?"
❝tw: mention of murder and implied kidnapping.
❝author's note: thank you!! I hope you like it and remember to take care of yourself as well!!
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You had never seen the goddess of wisdom so furious.
Athena had shown various emotions since she brought you to this place. A temple of hers. The most common emotions were: disappointment and exasperation.
But never a fury so great that it could tear the heavens apart if she were the goddess of the heavens.
You couldn't help but feel small in front of her. Athena was generally a figure of calm authority, a presence that inspired reverence and respect. Yet now she stood before you like a storm about to break, her gray eyes blazing with an intensity you had never seen.
"How could you?" Her voice resounded through the temple, echoing off the marble walls and making the flames of the torches tremble, "I trusted you. I gave you time, even if I didn't have to, and you betray me like this?"
You shivered at the fury in the words coming out of the goddess's mouth.
You opened your mouth to defend yourself, to say that it wasn't your fault, that all you wanted was to go back to your old life and not be with her, but no words came out when you opened your mouth. Athena took this as a mockery and it only made her angrier. You could have sworn you felt the marble floor of the temple shake.
Athena took a step forward, and you almost instinctively backed away. The force of her presence was overwhelming, "I gave you a chance to prove yourself, to show that you were worthy of my trust. And what did you do? You wasted that opportunity trying to leave me."
Panic started to take over you. Her every word was like a blade, cutting off any hope of mercy. You tried to find your voice, but the gravity of the situation and the intensity of Athena's gaze made it impossible. Your lips moved without making a sound, a useless reflection of your will to defend yourself.
"But I should have known better than to give you freedom, to allow you to roam free. I made a mistake in doing that and I will make it right." Athena's words made you shiver, the determination in the goddess's icy voice giving you goosebumps.
Athena approached closer, her footsteps echoing heavily through the temple. You felt your heart beat frantically, and your mind was in a whirlwind of fear and regret. The glow of the torches reflected in her eyes, which looked like two silver flames of pure fury.
"You may have forgotten, but I have not," Athena continued, her voice now lower but no less threatening, "I remember every broken oath, every broken promise. And your betrayal will be remembered."
You finally managed to force some words out, "I... I just wanted to go back to my life... I didn't want to betray you!"
That seemed like the wrong thing to say, as Athena's eyes narrowed and she stared at you, "Go back to the miserable life you had before me?" You waved, even though it wasn't necessary, "Do you realize how insulting this is to me?!"
You knew that Athena did not forgive offenses, no matter how small. She was very proud and very similar to her father in that regard.
Athena shook her head, "You think you're smarter than me, don't you?" You opened your mouth to respond but Athena silenced you by raising a finger, "But let me tell you something, you are not. And the death of your little friends is proof of that."
Those words hit you like a physical blow. The mention of your friends brought back a wave of pain and guilt that you had tried to suppress. Your knees gave out and you fell to the cold marble floor, feeling the weight of Athena's accusations.
"You killed them!" You screamed, your fists clenching as anger took over your body. Athena raised an eyebrow.
"I didn't kill them. You did." She shrugged, "When you chose to reject me, reject the life you could have with a goddess. Do you think you can beat me at my own game?"
You shook your head, your eyes filling with tears, trying to erase the image of your friends' lifeless bodies. This was all a sick game for the entertainment of a sadistic goddess. Athena could pretend that she cared about you, that she wanted the best for you, but at the end of it all, she wanted you as a prize to be shown off.
Athena knelt and lifted your face with her soft hands, "They were side effects. A means to a necessary end." She stroked your cheek tenderly, "And a lesson for you to understand that you should never try to surpass me. Ever."
You closed your eyes, your lips trembling as tears fell down your cheek. Athena kissed your forehead.
"To fail is human." She said finally, her voice implacable, "But learning from mistakes is what separates the fools from the wise. You are a fool but I will give you another chance."
You didn't say anything, just opened your eyes and looked into the gray eyes of the goddess of wisdom. Athena smiled.
"And I'll make sure you don't try to be a smartass again."
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khattikeri · 6 months
drives me nuts when people treat jin guangyao or wei wuxian like they're socialist revolutionaries like no! they're not!! in fact their respective roles in society and complacency regarding its hierarchies is why ANY of the story even happens to begin with!!!
jin guangyao doesn't hold bitterness just because he was born lower class. he is bitter because others deride him and his prostitute mother in spite of both their intelligence, skills, and efforts to climb the ladder.
why do you think we were shown scenes of other prostitutes in the brothel deriding meng shi for being literate, for "trying" so hard? why do you think we were shown scenes of anxin taunting meng yao and throwing shit at him because he was trying to learn cultivation at his mother's behest?
why do you think jin guangyao arranged for the arson of that brothel, burned to the ground with everyone except sisi inside? that's not the behavior of someone who believes in true equality and the inherent worth of sex workers as human beings!
that's the behavior of someone who thinks he's better than them. the behavior of a man who already came up on top through political games and war crimes, backstabbing and spying for the sake of the "greater good".
i won't rehash his argument to nie mingjue that he didn't have a choice-- he had some choice, but no matter what he does his class will come up and people will always assume the worst and try to hurt him for it, which forces his hand to do whatever will protect him best (hence 'no choice').
jin guangyao did everything he could to secure his own safety and a place among those already higher up. and by that point, he'd won it.
the fact that the temple rebuilt on the brothel site is to guanyin, the goddess of mercy, is even more ironic! the fact that jin guangyao has the goddess's statue carved to look like his own mother is proof that he viewed both her and himself as higher than them. more worthy than them.
of course he cared about the general welfare of others (read: the watchtowers). but consider also that there is no watchtower near yi city, which ended up being one of xue yang's playgrounds. jin guangyao can and will turn a blind eye to certain sufferings if it is convenient to him.
sure, jin guangyao made undeniable contributions to cultivation society and accessibility, but he is not at any point trying to topple existing class structures. his adherence to them is in fact integral to his own downfall in the end.
it brings with it the inevitability of society conveniently ignoring his triumphs and genuine moments of humanity to deride him once more as an evil, disgusting son of a whore once his crimes come to light.
now for wei wuxian. he's the righteous protagonist of the story and he doesn't give a fuck what society thinks, yes, but he wasn't out there trying to cause an uprising so that all the poor servant classes and lower could become cultivators. he wasn't trying to redistribute wealth or insinuate that those who are lower deserve to be viewed as equal to the gentry.
the most critical and non-explicitly stated fact of mo dao zu shi is that wei wuxian has always been resigned to his position in the social hierarchy.
his unreliable narration, especially regarding his own past and thoughts, is so damn important. he doesn't EVER tell the reader directly that people treated him any which way at their leisure because of his parents' differing social classes.
no. instead we are shown how much prestige he is afforded as cangse-sanren's son-- reputation as a talented and charming young cultivator, made head disciple of Yunmeng Jiang-- and how little respect he is given in the same breath, as the son of servant wei changze.
the way he is treated by others is as fickle as the wind. if he obeys and does as told, there is no reward. of course he did that, that was the expectation to start with! if he does anything even slightly inconvenient, there is a punishment. of course he has no manners, what else would you expect from an ungrateful son of a servant?
wei wuxian's righteousness is not a matter of adhering to principles he was explicitly taught, the way nie mingjue values honor or the way jiang cheng always tries to prove himself. wei wuxian does the right thing regardless of what the consequences are to him because his good deeds are always downplayed and his bad deeds are always singled out, no matter who or how many people were doing it with him.
he has faced this double standard since childhood. there are points in the novel where it's clear that this sticks out to wei wuxian, but does he ever fight back against that view of himself? does he EVER, at any point in the story, explain his actions and choices to jianghu society and try to debate or appeal to their sense of reason?
no. because he knows, at his very core, that any explicit deviation from their interests whatsoever will be punished.
slaughtering thousands of people is fine when they want him to do it, and when the alternative is unjust torture, re-education camps, and encroachment upon other sects' lands.
slaughtering thousands of people who are trying to paint him as evil for not going along with their genocidal plans, however, is punished.
wei wuxian knows his acceptance among the higher classes is superficial and unsteady. from the age of 10, when jiang fengmian took him in, he knew subconsciously that he could be kicked out at any time.
he knows that cultivation society doesn't care about war crimes and concentration camps and mistreatment of the remaining wen survivors of the sunshot campaign. but the right thing to do now that they aren't at wartime is to help them, plus they'd punish him either way for it, so he will.
in this regard wei wuxian is more self-aware of his position than jin guangyao. he does care about common people and he does try his best to help them as an individual. even if that ends up with him disabled, arrested, targeted in sieges, or dead.
but is he revolutionary? in the full equality, fight the establishment, rewrite laws, change social structures and people's perceptions of class sense?
no. no. he isn't.
now my knowledge of chinese society and history is fairly limited to my hindu diaspora upbringing and our shared cultural similarities ... but speaking to what i absolutely know us true, adherence to one's social class is expected.
this is rigid. efforts and merits might bring you some level of mobility, but in the end, the circumstances of your birth will always be scrutinized first, and your behavior compared to the stereotypes of where and how you originate.
mdzs is not about revolution, and none of its characters are able to truly change its society. there is no grand "maybe cutsleeves aren't inherently bad" or "i'm sorry for persecuting you and believing hearsay, you were truly a good person all along!" at the finale.
people ignore history and repeat it again with the next batch of ugly gossip and rumors.
wei wuxian, lan wangji, and luo qingyang find peace only by distancing themselves from cultivation society and its opinions.
jin guangyao and wei wuxian both cannot ever escape from others' perception of their origins and actions. regardless of their personal beliefs, they are not revolutionaries.
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bunniandhoney · 2 months
Hi! First I wanna say I’ve enjoyed reading your work so much lately, you have a real talent! 🫶🏾
For a request: I’d love to see a smut with Jacob as a sub, and maybe the reader ties him up or something 🫣
are trying to butter me up so I do your bidding?
You are clearly aware that flattery works wonders on me; BEING OUT THE SUBS!!!
“This is really embarrassing, just so you know”
“Why would this be embarrassing? It's just us” YN says, tightening the ropes behind his back.
YN had Jacob in an incredibly compromising position. Naked from the waist down, Jacob’s ankles were tied to the foot of the chair while his wrists were bound behind his back. He was completely at his girlfriend’s mercy.
“Besides you’re already getting hard, you can’t be that embarrassed.” YN adds with a small tuff, giving the ropes one last tug.
She was right; Jacob was getting harder by the second. Something about his usually meek girlfriend turning into this domineering goddess, has kept him from being soft the moment she mentioned this.
His thoughts are interrupted as she kneels in between his open legs. When did she come from behind him? It doesn’t matter because YN is looking at his dick, like she’s been craving it.
“You know you really do have the prettiest dick I’ve ever seen, baby.” YN says looking up at him with pure mischief.
“It’s even prettier when you put it in your mouth, my love.” Jacob says flaring his nostrils.
YN’s in control, but can’t decide what to do. She’s imagined too many scenarios where Jacob gives up and lets her have control, she’s just overwhelmed. YN goes on autopilot and grabs his dick, letting his sticky tip pulse over her lips for just a second as she gives Jacob a good pump oh her hand.
“That’s it baby, now give it a kiss. “ Jacob says, looking down at her.
YN pulls back tilting her head to the side in utter confusion. “I’m sorry but have you forgotten our deal, handsome? I’m the one who gives the orders tonight. You just look pretty and take it!” she says, quoting his words back at him.
Jacob’s eyes follow her now, too stunned to speak. He follows her hands move from his cock to his chest, her fingernails lightly scratching him. But when her hands get to his neck his eyes lead up her arm, landing on the piercing stare she’s giving him.
Leaning her face down, YN ghosts her lips over his to say, “ You’d do well to remember that tonight handsome.”
Jacob’s body is shuddering for the fourth time tonight.
“Okay! That’s enough, I need to come and if you don’t ma—mmmph!” He pants, trying to collect himself.
“What’s that baby, If I don’t what?” YN says starting to pump his dick all over again. He’s right, for the past 45 minutes YN has been pumping Jacob, getting him right to the edge…then taking away every last sensation. She completely understands why he always wants to be on top now though, because it’s something about controlling someone’s pleasure that is criminally addicting. YN feels like she can’t stop flicking her wrist up and down, not when he’s leaking so much precum that her hand and his thighs are covered in it, or the cute whines that are just pouring from her boyfriend, gosh; even the cute little thrusts he’s trying to make while he’s still tied down, as if it’ll make him cum any faster.
Yeah, she’s addicted now. On the other hand though this is exhausting. She can be quite the little pillow princess, because all she wants is to be filled by Jacob, and now that she thinks about it, it would be a waste for him NOT to cum in her. Removing her hand from him Jacob whines, “Please, please baby I can’t take this I need to cum. F-fuck I need to cum so bad!”
As she comes from behind the chair, she sees exactly what she’s done to him. Jacob sits, slumped with his head hung back. YN can see every inch of sweat that gathers in the collar bone of his tan skin or lines his temples, she’s made a mess of him.
Looking to assuage any aches YN reaches behind him, pulling at his restraints. Jacob pulls his head up nuzzling into her chest, nipping at it.
“You’ve been so good for me baby, the best really,” she says, loosening his restraints completely; “but I think I’m ready to be your good girl again.”
thank you so much for the request anon
i don’t know much about the fem doms, but i have a feeling this won’t be YN’s last time 😁
my requests are still open, even outside of jacob (i’m still writing him though!) so lmk what you’d like to see
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weepingtalecowboy · 29 days
Fanfic prompt : Wind has the most ridiculous most overpowered skill set ever created
Like he can hold an entire pig over his head and throw it (with no trouble he probably got banned from handling animals at Lon Lon ranch very quickly)
He can hold a rito and throw her as well (and a korok too I suppose but Makar probably weighs like less then four apples)
And he can carry a hammer heavy enough to kill a monster on impact (and for that you need a force of at the very least a car crash at 180 miles per hour and the skull hammer has a very small impact Area so it probably needs even more force to kill at impact) and swing that thing with no trouble and even jump with it (Warriors probably exploded when he tried to carry it for wind and face planted)
He can walk in boots heavy enough to weigh down a child effortlessly (that kid never skipped leg day to do that a kick of his probably can kill a man with minimal effort)
And with the power bracelets he can pick up entire boulders the size of buildings and throw them very far and most importantly he can throw them hard enough that they shatter into dust
He can get flung across the entire great sea with no problem and hit a wall at full speed and not die (when the first attack on ganondorf failed and when the weird pearl carrying things exploded one after another)
Like that is some great ability to tank damage
Nobody in the chain could win in an arm wrestling against him and the kid isn’t even an adult yet (even twilight who can carry goats is still not capable of yeeting them would have a lot of trouble and twilight is an fully grown and trained adult not a 13 year old )
And that is just the physical part the magical part is even more horrifying
He can use fire , ice and light all with his own magic (even Hyrule is incapable off using light and legend still needs a fire rod for fire)
He just collects arrows and and then uses magic on them (he can probably use it without arrows because the arrows have little to do with innate magic)
He probably can heal someone with the light magic too (and ice a bruise at once)
And start a fire
The chain is probably going to taverns and then starting shit by betting on Wind while he murders the competition (and then collecting an easy profit from it)
And we are not even talking about the Wind waker because that stick absolutely annihilates the power scaling of the chain
He can Mind control with the command melody (a safe way to let time use the fierce deity mask because he can canonically control goddess statuettes a mask is much easier)
The blood moon is rising
No it’s not now it’s day again (song of passing and then constantly changing the night to daytime)
Hurricanes to fast travel well obviously why the fuck not (if he can take an entire boat with him 8 extra people are an easy job)
Change the wind back and forth just because it is convenient
In phantom hourglass :
Seeing ghosts
Stopping time
Walking through walls
And he had used the life force of a literal god to have enough life force to make it through temples (like that definitely has consequences)
And incapable of getting nightmares (because Cielia promised to forever protect his dreams)
Like I’m sure the chain thought that wind is an actual god or divine mercy for their adventure
If Wind thinks he is the weakest and that his ability is pretty normal and not trying to hide anything it gets so much more ridiculous
Like little guy is a god and didn’t notice
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Being in a relationship with Enki Ankarian...
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Being born with the Enlightened Soul, Enki was cursed and blessed with a restless need to constantly seek for new knowledge and secrets hidden away from the massive community of common folk. Such a trait had started manifesting within him at a very young age, as he was chosen to become a Dark Priest upon his and his twin sister’s birth. 
Despite their rather close relationship, they were pitted against each other, typical to such occult rites, and had to fight to death with ritual daggers. Unfortunately for him, Enki was born with a frail body, that only remained fragile due to his extensive overindulging in studying, and lack of going outside or doing any kind of physical activities - Thus, his sister easily overpowered him, her dagger on his neck, waiting for the final blow.
She, however, showed mercy that he was incapable of, and withdrew her dagger, stepping away, as the high priest masters glared gleefully at the ridiculously pitiful event unfolding before their very eyes.
Unable to accept defeat, Enki rose from the ground, as soon as his sister’s back was carelessly turned to him, and he stroke his dagger to her spine, watching with cold, empty eyes as she collapsed to the ground. The high priests seemed especially pleased with this and prepared for his ascension ceremony, where he resurrected his deceased sister into a ghoul, using the newly acquired skill of Necromancy. 
The cold, blank corpse of his sister brought a smile of satisfaction and accomplishment on his otherwise emotionless, pale face. 
After his ascension to Dark Priesthood, he left the temple grounds to learn occult on his own, in a dark pilgrimage. He began praying to Gro-Goroth as he began dedicating his studies to the knowledge of Old-Gods.
Enki travelled across the Western continent, learning about different Gods, deities, blood magic and all known sciences. His studies didn’t come without their merit, as he was rightfully acknowledged by the top scholars of modern times, being granted a pass to the great libraries of the Kingdom of Rondon, having the collection of all known history and science at his grasp. 
During his intensive research, drowning in a copious amount of piles of books and paintings, swimming in an endless ocean of knowledge, when suddenly, he felt compelled to raise his head, for a single split second - But that was enough to feast his eyes on the radiant presence of a woman that seemed to glow with such an aura that was unfamiliar to Enki.
For some reason, this human made Enki want to approach her, to delight himself with that Sun-like warmth and gentleness, and never let go. His brain had gone hay-wire for that exact single second, and he imagined her Ascension, defeating even Alll-mer in influence and radiance, for she would be worthy of worship far and wide, a single Goddess above them all, be them New or Old alike.
Ha! What a fool he’s been, allowing himself to fall prey to a woman’s charm, as if he is alike any of those petty mundane wretches, much beneath them. Surely, there was nothing that she had, except for a pretty face, and long soft locks, and a dress so beautiful and embellished with rich ornaments and golden thread embroidery... And there he goes again, losing time with meaningless thoughts!
O, and how he wished she would stop living rent-free inside his head, just so he could return to his endless studying already... Alas, that woman was gracefully sitting on a velvety chair by the dimly lit window, adopting a relaxed yet incredibly elegant pose as she began reading some kind of large, dusty tome, so old that it was almost ripping apart at the seams.
Such negligence - She might her slender, delicate fingers, but surely, there was no way an uneducated idiot like herself would be able to handle such a frail book!
Fuming, he didn’t quite realise he came up with an unlikely scenario, just to have a reason to march up in front of the beauty and speak to her - Surely, if he was to approach her with his usual misanthropy, she would be compelled to hate him and would avoid him at all costs - What a brilliant plan!
“What do you think you’re doing, you brain dead vermin?! Books like this one are supposed to be handled with intensive care!” in his makeshift rage, he tried to look away from that adorably confused face of hers, or those glowing doe eyes, looking up into his dead eyes with such radiant vitality. He grabbed at her hands, and almost shivered lightly at how soft and soft they were, compared to his skeletal-like cold and clammy ones.
“Oh, forgive me, Sir, I meant no harm.” her voice was so princess-like, compared to his gruff voice, rough from lack of speaking, that he almost felt his whole body caressed with honeyed mead. “You see, I often come to these libraries and rehabilitate old tomes like this one. I either sew protective covers over them, or try to re-write them, so that more copies would be available for people to read. There have been numerous cases of books being destroyed or going missing, and there was no way of retrieving the lost knowledge.” that sweet smile applied some colour to his otherwise ghost-white face, and for the first time in his life, Enki felt his heart pounding in his chest, harder than that time when his sister almost killed him.
Slowly, Enki let go of her hands and peered down at the book’s covers - Indeed, the seaming was freshly done, and the gold thread was adequately holding together the hardboiled leather. Even the inscription of the title was masterfully done, so much so that he found no defect to complain about or scold her for. Which meant, he also had no other reason to keep in contact or speak with this woman - So what was he supposed to do?! He had no clue how to react in such a difficult social dilemma.
“I am glad that there are more attentive people like yourself, with a genuinely love for knowledge and books!” she chirped softly, radiating with kindness and warmth. “If there were more people like yourself, it would be so much easier to preserve all this precious fountain of knowledge and allow a wider range of people to access it.” “You’re delusional.” contrary to what he was truly thinking, Enki grumbled under his breath, the corner of his mouth turning upwards in a disgusted sneer. “You wouldn’t be the first to call me that!” her giggle seemed as tender as an angel’s embrace. “It’s quite alright though! I just do what I like to do, and if people can benefit from my work, then all the best!” he was speechless, from a variety of reasons. “Are you quite alright, Sir? You seem unusually pale. Are you feeling ill?” at the same time that the beauty reached out her hands to cup his cold face and feel him up, Enki’s eyes widened like a dead fish’s, and he violently retracted away from her touch, as though he was terrified of getting burnt by her Sun-like warmth. Not only that, but the tome from her lap fell to the ground with a thud and a large cloud of dust, which ultimately made them both cough. “I’m fine. Mind your own business, woman.” he grunted in between coughs, crouching down to get the book - Only to feel her hand underneath his own - Was it fate, that such a continuous string of intimate coincidences keep happening? Was he supposed to meet her? Was there truly a red string of destiny wrapped around them both, pulling them together? “Oh, forgive me, Sir.” she smiled softly at him, waiting for him to remove his larger hand from on top of hers. He didn’t, captivated and lost in her eyes. “You may take the book at home for studying, if you’d like. I can guarantee for you. You seem like a man who truly treasures knowledge and books.” “Stop calling me Sir, it’s annoying. Enki Ankarian.” he grumbled, snatching away his hand from over hers, before cradling the tome to his chest, as though it’s his most cherished possession.  “It is lovely meeting you, Mr. Ankarian.” the glare she received made her offer a sheepish grin. “Uh... Mr. Enki?” the glare got harsher. “Enki...?” his glare dissipated, replaced once again by a blank stare, and a weird sense of relief and content washed over him. “My name is Y/N. You must be having an Enlightened Soul, right?” Enki rose a questioning eyebrow - Was it truly that evident, even to somehow he just met for the first time? Still, he grunted a positive answer. “No wonder - Then, I have all the more reason to trust you with borrowing books from our library.” Enki couldn’t help but pick up on the odd choice of a possessive pronoun. “Good to know.” he mumbled under his breath. “Whose library is it?” “Loosely speaking, it belongs to the Kingdom of Rondon, but it was my family who founded it, long ago, and we’ve kept taking care of it, having scholars, maesters and priests over, leaving imprints of their knowledge here and what not.” the way she was speaking of her family and the library seemed to make her exceedingly proud and happy. “Do you have a Radiating Soul or what?!” Enki found himself blurting out without as much as any bit of consideration or a normal, social filter. But the woman before him didn’t seem to mind it, nor was she seemingly bothered by it at all. For a delicate damsel like herself, she seemed to be tanking his brashness and rudeness with an impenetrable shield of white light. “Oh, yes, you are correct! As expected of someone bright like yourself!” she seemed to be bubbling over with glee. No wonder he was immediately attracted to her, from the second she entered the room. People like her were born to have tons of people flocking around her like moths to the flame. How annoying.
Enki couldn’t help but glare at the woman before him, smiling so brightly, as though she’s never even heard of the horrors of the world, let alone experience them; A creature so pure, that the glimmers of hope sparkle all around them. This woman was the perfect opposite of him, so much so that he almost felt afraid of being anywhere near her. What was he supposed to do? What was he supposed to say? Such a situation went much over the parameters of his abilities and skills. 
“Will I see you around tomorrow also?” Enki’s breath hitched in his throat and his heart stopped beating, as soon as he heard that God forsaken question. “I have to return the book, don’t I?” he found himself successfully grunting a satisfactory answer. “Wonderful!” she chimed happily. “Then, it is time for me to return home and bake some cookies!” with his eyes bulging out of his sockets, and his jaw slightly agape, Enki felt his throat dry, wondering - What the hell has he gotten himself into?
From then on, almost on a daily basis, Enki would spent day in and day out at the libraries of Rondon, accompanied by that annoyingly beautiful woman, who captured his dead heart in such a weird way. 
You would bring over trays of snacks and cookies she made, along with tea, coffee, with small recipients with milk and honey for sweetening - Of course, you would drink the sweetest beverages, whilst he liked them black and bitter - And he has to admit, everything you made, was out of this world delicious.
His skin even started getting some colour, and his body wasn’t as skeletal-skinny, due to being unconsciously taken care of, to the point that you even invited him over at your rather lavish house, where he’d eventually move in, without much protest.
Years later, he still isn’t quite sure how the hell did he end up moving in so quickly and effortlessly - It all felt incredibly natural, and he didn’t even realise what had happened, until it was too late, and he had slept over in his own dormitory for over a month. It was a comfortable life he was living, with no restrictions about studying, nor the need to work ; Though, in a way, he did feel as though he was taking advantage of your kindness, which irked him enough into thinking of way to compensate you in some way.
Realising there was nothing that he owned, which he could offer you, he proposed to teach you offensive magic. He knew well enough that you were safe and sound in Rondon, and you were well versed in the healing arts to begin with, but there comes no harm in having ways to defend yourself, correct? His sister should have been taught that lesson sooner.
With unexpected patience, Enki would put you closer to him on the sofa, with a book on his lap and an arm around your waist, reading to you whatever he was interested in at that moment, and would explain everything in great detail, making sure you understand everything there is of interest about that said topic.
And when it comes to practicing blood magic of any kind, he will have you practicing, in a safe environment, on wooden dummies. Hell, he was impressed by how easily you picked up on his teachings, that he even muttered out a bit of praise! Wonderous achievement!
Enki finds great comfort in brushing your hair, and would take all the time in the world just playing with those soft locks, even idly braiding it or twisting it around, as a means of relaxing or de-stressing.
At some point, during the hotter times of the year, he would begrudgingly allow you to also braid his hair and style it in a bun - You wear the same hairstyles more often than not - Mostly at home though, where there’s no one else to see.
When he gets frustrated, he would absent-mindedly doodle random runes or symbols all over your hand or arm, before going out into the cold rain to cool himself and start over whatever he project he was working on.
Though he always hisses like a cat, he loves it when you kiss his cheeks or forehead whenever you pass by his study desk. He loves your touch more than he’d like to admit, and he loves the way your plump, soft lips feel against his own, capable of pulling him out of this world - But what he loves more than anything, is how small you feel in his embrace, as you cuddle or hug - There is no words being said, only swimming in the love and bliss, feeling each other’s heartbeat, reveling in each other’s warmth.
When you get intimate, he’ll always stay above you, cradling your head and peppering your face with tons of lingering kisses, going down to your jaw and neck. Every sound you make, every twitch of your body, only drive him crazy. He’ll take his time with you, slow and steady, long strokes, until you see stars before your eyes, and him in the center of your world. If you try to look away as you climax, he’ll lightly tug on your hair, inching your face to make you look at him and only him as you come undone in his arms.
He might not admit to it, and he’ll never ever admit to it, not even to himself, but he loves you as much as he loves studying. On the days you’re going out together, strolling through the busy cobbled streets of Rondon, he will keep his arm around your waist, glaring at anyone who’d dare look at you - And with your Radiant Soul, there were plenty of people attracted to you. No one could get anywhere close to his little angel.
Though he found himself happiest and most comfortable living with you, his studies were never neglected, to the point that he found himself despairing for having nothing more that he can learn - This empty husk, limited to the Earthly, can only get him so far. He had reached the limits of any human can achieve, and all because of his Enlightened Soul, he was unable to find any means of keeping himself under control. He was going crazy, and there was nothing even you could do, even suggesting going traveling abroad, that could calm him down from his insanity.
There was no satisfaction, nor fulfilment that he could get. He allowed the Dark Priests to crucify him on the statue, naked, in the middle of the city, ready to be taken to the other world by Alll-mer. There was no silver lining waiting at the end; The purpose of all humans was to liver under the cold sun that the Gods have set above them all. 
Just as the Priests were ready to sacrifice him, Enki saw a vision - He wasn’t sure if it was your desperate visage that gave him new thirst for living, guilty of breaking your heart, or that mysterious thing flashing in the corner of his eyes - Whichever the case, he understood his new purpose, and was ready to start anew, to flip a new chapter in this agonising life.
Once the Priests brought him down, you immediately ran up to him, wrapping him up in a blanket to keep his cold, clammy skin warm. You were ready to bring him home, cook him a warm meal, bring him a hot tea - But he was far too excited about this new prophecy that he was shown, this revelation that foretold a man meant for greatness, who will begin a new era for mankind - Why would he share the spotlight of the Gods with any mortal man, anyway?
Prophecies are only for those who are weak enough to bend to their sorry fates. Enki was hell-bent on finding this man and learning more about him and this so-called destiny of his. As far as he’s aware, this man is imprisoned in the notorious dungeons of Fear and Hunger.
He knew this was it - The stairway to his Enlightenment, and he was dead set on discovering all the ancient secrets that this stronghold kept, all to reach the ultimate understanding of the greater scheme of things.
No matter how much he wished to keep you at home and promise you that he’ll return in time for dinner, he couldn’t. Not only was it impossible for him to lie to you like that, but he was also unable of stopping you from joining him, no matter how many times he warned you that he might not be able to keep you safe during this mess of a quest, or even as much as say with certainty that neither of you will die. Still, you were persistent, and though you felt your body shivering with fear as soon as you reached the courtyard to the two entrances, you still didn’t back down - You were going to stay by his side, through thick and thin.
From the very second that you got in front of the dungeons, he could see your body trembling softly with fear, from the sheer malevolent and suffocating pressure that it emanated. Enki was unable of reassuring you with words, but he held your hand, guiding you blindly through the intricate hallways of the labyrinthine dungeon, though he had no idea where exactly he had to go. The only thing he knew was that he had to find Le’Garde somewhere deep underneath the dungeons, in the prison levels... Probably.
As torches would go out far too quickly, leaving you to stumble blindly through the place, you used a simple magic spell to create a ball of light in your palm.
In a place as decrepit and plagued such as the Fear and Hunger dungeon, even your Radiating Soul seemed to be greying and fading tragically.
It was thanks to Enki’s level-headed and composed self that you could feel relatively safe. That, and his almost unsettling Necromancy skill, which aided him in creating a small army of ghouls and skeletons to aid your journey to success.
The two of you first encountered an enormous prison guard, with rather disproportionate genitals, ready to tackle you and destroy you entirely. You were absolutely terrified, stunned and rooted to the spot - Thankfully, the Dark Priest and his powerful dark magic were able to quickly massacre the foe.
To calm you down, Enki cupped your face and planted a soft kiss on your forehead, whispering loving words until he could feel your bode relaxing under his touch, ready to go on with your long and perilous journey.
You scavenged various crates and barrels, finding food, armors and weapons useful for the future, though the two of you still relied on your own powerful magic, and the cannon fodder dead as meat shields.
You killed two dark priests, taking their soul stones and purifying talismans, sacrificing a man and raising affinity with Gro-Goroth, before unsealing the magic door using Counter-Magic and venturing inside where they found a Hexen and learnt Greater blood magic.
In one of the libraries, there weren’t all that many books of interest. Somewhere further along, you found a ritualistic circle painted on the ground with blood, over a carved up symbol of Gro-Goroth. You looked up at Enki, confused, as he studied the book on the pedestal closely.
“Gor-Goroth requires a sacrifice, doesn’t he? And Sylvian wants love. Alll-mer wants prayer, doesn’t he? What are we supposed to do?” you ask, looking down at the intricate circle. “Nothing. I’ll do a quick prayer for the God of Destruction, but nothing more. Get out of that circle right now, I don’t want to risk your safety.” he ushered you away quickly as he prayed, and took you out of that place immediately.
On a book shelf, somewhere up, beyond your reach, Enki found the renowned Necronomicon. With trembling hands and deep excitement, he dares to read the Black Book, and even learns the Black Orb spell. This new-found knowledge only seemed to further excite the Dark Priest, so much so that he smirked with deep triumph.
Probably one of the worst parts of the journey was traversing through the Blood-Flesh pit to get to the prisons and activate the elevator for the ground levels; Honestly, how in the world could such a disgusting thing exist, anyway? Everything was so fleshy, squishy, juicy and revolting, it made your skin crawl.
Out in the courtyard, you found a massive statue of Alll-mer, to which you begrudgingly prayed to, but funny enough, somewhere to the left of the courtyard, a huge orgy was taking place, with a bunch of naked people wearing only bunny masks. They were in a trance-like state, and the act seemed rather painful for the submissive one; It was absolutely terrifying to watch, especially as none were letting out a single noise. It seemed that love for the sake of Sylvian had completely gone corrupted. Seeing how uncomfortable it made you, Enki grabbed your wrist and took you away from there without another word. No Godly Affinity was worth your discomfort.
The next location you went to was the Mines, where you noticed a presence that didn’t seem to indicate any kind of malice. Though Enki was a little more weary, as he felt responsible for your well-being, you found yourself encouraged to step forward and introduce yourself. This man looked very similar to Enki, with long and well-kept hair, pale skin, and a dust-grey priest robe. There was something about his soul also, something familiar, that made you feel you could trust this man called Nosramus.
He, also, had an Enlightened Soul. No wonder you felt at ease in his presence. Enki, also, seemed to be feeling the same way. Nosramus revealed he is an alchemist and he lives in this God-Forsaken place. Unfortunately, he had to run away, as he had forgotten his kettle on. What a shame.
Stumbling around blindly through the mines, you had to battle a rather hostile Yellow Mage, though with some rather cunning talk from Enki, he retriever a rather interesting Talisman, before killing that ridiculous dancing foe.
After defeating the Salmonsnake and a ton of ghosts, passing by the cannibal orgy dedicated to Gro-Goroth, Enki summons a portal passage towards the bridge to Ma’habre, pulling you in with him along the ancient city. Somewhere up in the sky, you could see the ghostly silhouette of the four New Gods, who disappeared one by one, but not before a promise of reunion. You were sent back to the mines after that. What a peculiar manifestation of magic!
You went through a whole city of inoffensive yet rather creepy cave-dwellers before finding your way to attack a huge, armoured Knight and its phantasmal counterpart which blocked the path towards Nosramus’ laboratory. He seemed to greet you with open arms and a genuine smile on his face.
Enki asked him what his studies consisted in, and he claims he studies just about all fields of knowledge, like a true renaissance man would, like blood magic, deities, gods and what not, though now he’s most interested in nature and the heartbeat of the earth. Enki smirked a little, realising that such interest aligns with your own. He seemed rather light-hearted and jovial, joking around about having been around for an eternity, and that this dungeon is vital for his studies. Though, when asked about this particular man, he seemed vague, though he confirmed he must be a few floors below them, and they should hurry.
Emboldened by his affirmation, they returned to the Cave-Dwellers’ village and searched around for clues, until they found a rather intricate and particular artifact in the form of a cube. It was the Cube of the Depths. Unfortunately, as soon as they grabbed it, the otherwise peaceful Cave-Dwellers became hostile and started attacking them once spotted. What a shame.
Once escaped, they found themselves deep inside a rather terrifying thicket, chased around by poisoned mumblers, though here, they found a weird, large, bulbous thing like a chist, pulsating and throbbing. They destroyed it immediately, before going down a hole in the ground, reaching the Level 7 Catacombs and finding another such thing.
Unfortunately, just down that corridor, they found the prison cell where the Man of the Prophecy was being shackled. He was already long dead. They were much too late. They failed the task they set out to. How annoying.
Looking at each other, you and Enki exited the prison cell hand in hand, looking down in disappointment - There was no reason for you to be there anymore, was it? Alas, Enki’s path to Enlightenment was shattered in front of him. Mumbling a few curses, he was deaf to the sound of footsteps approaching. “Nosramus!” Enki was brought back to reality by your sweet voice gasping out the alchemist’s name.
The man seemed to have already guessed the one called Le’Garde was long dead. He must have thought he’d have had a much bigger role in the greater scheme of things, but apparently, not so much. Still, the seed of what he planted continues to grow and branch. Nosramus encouraged you to venture further into the darkness and figure out this enigmatic riddle for yourselves. With you thirst for success, Enki dragged you to a large stone gate, engraved with a variety of runes. He brought out the Cube, and the doors opened, to the Tomb of the Gods. Fantastic! This area looks to be from the distant past, how intriguing!
The Priest rushed with you through the many corridors of the Tomb, until you reached the outside; The darkness was hiding away the city, though with your magic, you could get a small glimpse of the odd architecture of this ancient city. It truly was a work of art and historical fountain.
A little unsure of what to do, you reach a Beacon, which seemed to react to the Cube. It grew taller by a few levels, glowing bright green, and suddenly, you and Enki were in Ma’Habre, now illuminated by the bright daylight. The two of you could only stare in shock and wonder at the sight before your eyes - Neither of you ever thought you would witness such a miracle. You were grateful to Nosramus for his guidance. That man knew so much more than he led on.
The Ancient City was wonderous to explore, and it felt almost as though you were sight-seeing, and you were just a newly-married couple enjoying their honeymoon vacation abroad; Though most of the time, you spent in the Grand Library was the most welcomed, as you found so many long-forgotten books to study. Of course, you found yourself stealing a few of them, eager to take them home, restore them, copy them and place them in your own Rondon Library, to benefit other scholars also.
When you were ready to leave the Library, you got attacked by something that you could only call a giant head with its brain out... And uh... An eye that looks awfully phallic.
After guarding from a headbutt and summoning a blood golem, Enki tries talking some sense to the God of Enlightenment... The great Enlightened Valeil became this weird, huge head. Bewildering. Though he didn’t seem to react to his words, a stream of ideas, concepts and questions fill your head.
“Among us... The new Gods... I am Valteil to the Enlightenment as Francois is to the Domination. Who is Torment...?” the voice inside your head asked. At once, Enki answered correctly, mentioning Chambara’s name. The boss took a good amount of damage. Whilst you kept using defensive and healing spells, the undead army kept attacking, allowing Enki safe space to speak and destroy the boss.
“The dark continent... Whence the darkness slowly leaks to the Western World... Where the day only shines... Eternal darkness and grey gloom... What is it called among the people of Europa?” Enki answered correct with his answer of Vinland, causing the Enlightened One a massive headache.
“We, the new Gods... Whilst still walking among men... Our fellowship, when did we embark on our journey to Ascension?” Year 809 was the correct answer, as expected of someone like your remarkable husband. Valteil’s right hemisphere and that ridiculous eye had been destroyed, and then his left hemisphere also. He remained a hallow skull.
“Alll-mer, the Ascended one... The last of the older Gods. What year marks the birth of his new self?” Year 0 was the right answer, of course, and with that, Valteil was defeated. The head of Valteil the Enlightened One falls down to the darkness from where it once rose. The millennia of wisdom and knowledge that is too much for a normal person to bear passes through your heads. You only get glimpses of what is waiting for you on the other side, but this information stream is too much for your mind to handle. Your head hurts, and you feel a little shaken up. You look at Enki, who’s clutching his head also, yet he seems completely ecstatic with the knowledge that something far greater has just started to change.
The cogs of Fear and Hunger have just began to rotate on a larger scale. You got the Enlightened Soul. Enki’s hand squeezed yours, and it was clear, he’s never been more thrilled than with this experience. For a brief second there, he wanted to regret embarking in such a dangerous adventure, yet now, he was pumped up and ready to learn more.
Traversing back through the intricate library, you found Valteil’s mortal body, strung up at the waist with a rope. He seemed absolutely depressed, saying that mankind has no hope, and that ascension was never the right path. Enki admitted he was also on the path of Enlightenment, to which he was warned not to be fooled by power or blinded by the golden throne. One must admit his own mistakes in order to grow, he said. There was, however, one amongst them who was right, though Valteil hadn’t expanded on that, leaving them with more questions than answers.
Enki found an empty scroll, on which he scribbled a request to Alll-mer, to be taught how to walk on water, so you could return back to where you killed the Salmonsnake and reach the other side of the mines. There, you were met with a menacing lizardman, and a bunch of humans strung upside down. They were skinned and mutilated. Seeing your horrified look, Enki held your hand and rushed through the mines, trying to shield your view from the atrocities.
You reached a sealed door, which Enki unlocked with the use of Counter-magic again, and inside, you found none other than Nosramus himself! What a coincidence! He asked about Valteil, somehow sensing they you met him. When Enki told him that he was regretting his past actions, the Alchemist seemed amused and intrigued. It was the first time he had heard about Valteil admitting his mistakes.
“Nosramus, forgive me for asking, but you were friends, weren’t you? You, and all the others.” Nosramus finds himself smiling a little wider hearing you speak. “Valteil mentioned one of his friends being on the correct path - That must have been you, right?” the Alchemist gave a nostalgic nod of his head, explaining that Valteil’s belief was that one could achieve Enlightenment with a snap of his fingers, if only he Ascended. Of course, a ridiculous idea, and Nosramus, to this day, is still bewildered to how easily his friend fell into that trap. The ultimate truth was just one, that there is no end to the path of Enlightenment. New information, new forms of science, new people, new worlds... The knowledge of the world keeps on increasing. How could you settle down thinking you are at the end of it all, he wondered rhetorically.
“We learn our whole life.” Enki found himself mumbling under his breath, his eyes wide with realisation. That quote made Nosramus smile with pride. Unknown to the alchemist, it was you who once told Enki that little thing, and now, to think some words could mean so much, could hold such value. Enki turned his head to you, and once again, amidst the darkness, he saw you radiating brightly - So bright, in fact, like a muse, like the Sun brightens up the whole world at once.
Nosramus then recommended that Enki sits on the golden throne to meet his reflection - Surely, there will be incredible insight and knowledge, especially of the New Gods, which he could learn. Still, he had to heed caution - If he truly was a scholar of sciences, he must only observe, not surrender to the lust of power, like those before him. Thus, the Alchemist offered him the Spirit Anchor.
Enki was a little too bewildered to speak, and could only watch as you embraced the Alchemist, thanking him for his kindness and benevolence is sharing such a gift with you. “Thank you for all of your help, Nosramus. Without you, I am sure, my husband would never truly be happy. It is through knowledge that he finds happiness - And I can only be happy, when seeing him like this. You have saved him from despair, and from himself. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.” the Forgotten One simply chuckled light-hearted, patting your head as though you were his little sister or daughter, reassuring you it wasn’t a big deal he was doing, before ushering you on your way.
Your radiating smile painted a little colour on Enki’s pale cheeks, and you excitedly grabbed both of his hands, dragging him back to the Blood Portal, so you could return to the Ancient City and continue your fantastic journey. You reached the back alleys of the city, and using a stone, you searched for a safe place to land. Clearly, you couldn’t trust the ghouls to hold a rope for you to descend, so you had to jump and land, albeit a little rough, on a small piece of safe land that reached inside an underground cave. Thankfully, Enki caught you, alleviating the pain of your legs.
This cave was filled to the brim with wooden mannequins and a weird machine which, when adding Enki’s blood, it... Created a human husk in his image. Now, you had a rather awkward Enki, looking with disgust and embarrassment at his naked clone, shamelessly prancing around the place. Your amused giggle only made him huff and look away, grabbing you to move along and exit the cave. 
Climbing up a ladder, with the clone following you, you found yourselves inside the Temple of Torment. The atmosphere was so thick and heavy that you felt compelled to leave for the moment and explore a little more.
You reached the Tower of the Endless, where you found a bed. Weirdly enough, you felt rather safe in this place, as though you could rest a little. You have been running around for so long, that perhaps a little shut-eyes was welcomed. Enki agreed, laying down on the bed, making room for you to cuddle into his side, resting your head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat lulling you into a deep, peaceful sleep.
However, weirdly enough, you met inside your joined dream, and you found yourselves in Rondon. Though confused, you found yourselves inside a brothel, seeing a mercenary speak to his prostitute wife about his future job and how he wants to provide for her - It was to rescue the very man they found dead. Next, you had to relieve the moment Enki tried to get himself sacrificed, to which the man in cause took you away, not wanting to have you experiencing such heartbreak a second time.
Walking further, you found yourselves deep inside the Oldegard forests, where you saw an Outlander mourning the death of his comrades who were massacred in a war with the Rondon knights who sought an artifact they found. The Outlander seemed to realise his wife and son were in danger, so he rushed to this barn, on a path soaked in blood and corpses. This man was defeated with the knowledge of his family’s death, and he swore revenge on the monster who did this.
Once the Outlander’s memory disappeared, you and Enki walked inside the barn, seeing a Skin Granny, which you had to fight and defeat through all of her phases - Thankfully, it wasn’t that difficult a fight, thanks to your greater magic proficiency and the many undead fighters shielding you two. Once defeated, you excited the barn, seeing a vision of Le’Garde, the man of the prophecy, speaking to one of his female knights rather cryptically. She seemed completely blinded with love for him, but he was simply using her.
As this memory, too, ended, you were engulfed in nothing but a white light, and a woman, Nilvan the Endless, appeared before you. She caressed her swollen belly, begging you to take her child to the darkness, to save the child, and thus, she offered you the Endless Soul. How amusing though, considering neither of you even encountered a child to begin with, but her soul was more than welcomed.
Refreshed and feeling stronger, mentally and emotionally, you and Enki smoked a little and ate well before returning to the Temple of Torment, ready for an arduous fight. As soon as you enter the Temple, a loud, echoing scream, like that of a man deep in anguish and agony, resounded through the whole place, sending shivers down your neck. It was the most terrifying thing you’ve ever heard, and you instinctively clinged onto Enki’s arm for some comfort.
Somewhere inside a long room, you found a weird torture mechanism, and with a heavy heart, you placed the clone on the hooks, ready to sacrifice the husk - Though Enki didn’t seem the least bit disturbed at seeing his own mirror image being tortured to the point of having his skin painfully ripped apart by the hooks, you couldn’t even bring yourself to look at it, your heart shattering as the skeletons kept rotating the wheels.
The Red Man continued shrieking loudly as blood streamed everywhere through the temple, and the deep pit was now full with blood, from which the Tormented One emerged silently. Defeating him once was easy, though the New God succumbed deep inside the pool of blood, as a terrible sensation filled you, as if something was about to happen that should forever remain unknown to human eyes. Thus, he emerged one again, in the middle of three spiky wheels of torment swinging around their axis. One by one, they jammed and destroyed the horrific wheels, and their suffering God, until they all sank into the pool of blood as quietly as when they rose from it. 
Though it was a terrifying sight and battle, you feel as if a millennia of torment just slipped before your eyes. You feel sorry for this tormented deity, though Enki not so much. Regardless, you gain the third soul, the Tormented Soul.
Thus, you return to the City Center of Ma’habre, ready to defeat the guard blocking your path from entering the Golden Temple. Inside the Temple, you found an older version of Francois the Dominating, and you engaged in a rather interesting conversation with him, who advised you on how to defeat his younger, more cocky self. After killing the last purple, throbbing heart, you return into the past of the Ancient City, using the Cube of the Depths, ready to defeat the last God.
You found Francois sitting on the golden throne, speaking down on you as though you were vermin or even less. Thankfully, with the use of the old Francois and some cunning speech, you were able to destroy his younger self’s ego enough to make him reckless and vulnerable and destroy him forever, taking his Dominating Soul.
Looking at the golden throne, you felt your body softly trembling, before shifting your gaze towards your lover. You threw your arms around him, bringing him into a tight embrace, confession your love for him over and over and over again, your eyes stinging with tears of sheer fear. Enki simply cupped your face and pulled you into a deep, loving kiss. 
It was the first time Enki ever truly told you ‘I love you’.
He tried to tell you he will return to you, but something caught in his throat, rendering him unable to promise something like that. Instead, he felt an electrifying feeling down his spine, and not even once did you break eye contact, as he slowly sat down on the throne of the New Gods.
A bright light engulfed you, and surprisingly, you found yourself in an incomprehensible dimension or world, transported by the throne. Enki was still sitting, while you stood in front of him, both of you deeply confused. Hand in hand, you and the undead army searched for a path towards... Who knew?
As you stepped in the middle of a bridge that separated two large bodies of lands, something started slowly rising from the green hue. Coiling, slimy tentacles were dancing above the green smoke, before the monolithic creature slowly rose from inside the green fog. You and Enki looked at one another, unable to properly comprehend what were you battling, yet you knew, the being before you had tremendous power. 
This creature was the Goddess of Life and Love, Sylvian. Tentacles slammed and swirled around in an erratic manner, damaged the protecting undead and blood golems. Suddenly, you noticed the creature growing a large tumor in a humanoid shape, and it was wriggling in pain.
With great difficulty, you managed to cut the four tentacles lashing out at you and the humanoid tumour, before finally descending back into the green smokes, letting you go in peace. What a relief. Battling an Old God took its toll on you two, and you needed a few seconds of respiro, smoking some opium, before finding some strength in your feet to walk forward and have... A New God, oddly resembling Enki, with a cage on his head, greeting you.
“Knowledge... It suffocates those who are not able to adjust to it. I could not bear the world with everything I’ve learned with the Enlightenment and my Ascension. It is said that ignorance is bliss and knowledge only enhances the pain. The only way for me to continue existing was to change. Knowledge changes one permanently. There is no looking back after a certain point.” the reflection of Enki spoke to him in a monotone voice.
That reflection was what he was to become. He felt great lust for power take over him - It would have been so easy to give in and learn secrets that are only whispered among mortals - But he came prepared, and had been warned about such lust; Not only that, a single look into your eyes was enough to remind him of his true purpose, his true happiness. He didn’t want to end up like Valteil, trapping himself in the corner, with nothing left to do but rot away, forgotten by the world. No, he was destined for so much more - Though a mortal, he felt content continuing his path towards Enlightenment with you by his side. 
You declined the Godhood and managed to step out of the plane of the ascended that was coloured by the green hue that radiated from the underground pits. It’s not like your ascension wasn’t without its merits, even if you withdrew at the last second. You saw the reflection after all and understood its intents. With newly found knowledge, he took the grand libraries of the ancient city as his own, and once he was done with a book, he would pass it on to you, to read, copy and restore, so that you could make your own Great Library of Rondon the most Enlightened one in the whole world. The Enlightened Library.
Thankfully, the library of Ma’habre already contained more information than one could digest in multiple lifetimes, yet lucky for you, Enki, with a little help from Nosramus, discovered the secrets of a prolonged life pretty soon.
You found out how the older Gods had left this world long ago. You had taken care of the New Gods that resided in the city of the Gods. Enki did not need Godhood to chase after the true Enlightenment. He did not need Godhood to become the most powerful mortal to exist. 
He already WAS the most accomplished mortal that ever was, and will ever be. 
And with your Radiating warmth, love, beauty and support, along with his new-found friend, the Alchemist Nosramus, the Forgotten One, life has become a truly happy bliss.
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panakinthedisco · 3 months
PART 1 | HEAVEN ━━ Marcus Acacius
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summary: acacius' mother forged a blood pact with the goddess of love, vowing to safeguard and elevate her son, while dedicating her life as a delphi in return. through all general acacius' triumphs, you as the daughter of venus deftly orchestrated his victory as promised but then gradually nurturing a forbidden attachment.
author's note: don't get me started how i almost died with the trailer and the photos of papi pedroooooo so i had to do this (also i can use my greek mythology knowledge for some good use) so yup reader is an immortal goddess and possibly daughter of venus, idfc anymore because i'm making my own lore! they're going to be arwen and aragorn-esque ending coz i eat those kind of tropes lmfao
warnings: eventual smut to later chapters. mentions of misogyny, violence and also implications of sexual abuse.
word count: 4.4k
In the heart of a desolate village, a young woman stood at the fringes of society, shunned and abandoned for bearing the child of a powerful general. Clutching her infant son tightly to her chest, she wandered aimlessly, her heart heavy with despair and fear. The whispers of the villagers echoed in her mind, a cacophony of judgment and scorn. Tears streamed down her face as she made her way to the grand temple of Venus, the goddess of love, her last beacon of hope.
The temple, with its towering marble columns and intricate carvings, loomed before her like a sanctuary in the midst of her turmoil. The air grew thick with an impending storm as she fell to her knees at the entrance, her cries piercing the silence of the sacred place. "Great Venus, goddess of love and mercy," she sobbed, her voice trembling, "I beg of you, protect my son and guide us, for we have nowhere else to go. I fear for his life, for he is innocent."
As her desperate pleas echoed within the hallowed halls, the wind suddenly picked up, swirling around her with a fierce intensity. The sky darkened, and the deafening roar of thunder cracked through the air. In the midst of this tempest, a radiant light descended upon the temple. From the ethereal glow emerged a figure of unparalleled beauty, clothed in pure white robes that flowed like water.
Venus, the goddess of love, knelt before the fallen woman. Her presence was divine, her skin like alabaster, flawless and luminous. Her eyes, a captivating shade of deep blue, held the wisdom of the ages and the compassion of a thousand hearts. Golden hair cascaded down her back in waves, shimmering as if woven from sunlight. A gentle smile graced her lips, exuding warmth and serenity.
"Rise, my child," Venus spoke, her voice a melodious symphony that filled the air with hope. "Do not despair, for I have heard your cries and felt your anguish. I can offer you and your son protection, but it comes with a price. You must dedicate your life to me, serve as my devotee, and in return, I shall ensure your son’s safety and guide you both to a brighter future."
The young woman, overwhelmed by the goddess's presence and her words, gazed into the loving eyes of Venus. With unwavering determination and gratitude, she nodded. "I will do as you ask, great goddess. My life is yours to command, if it means my son will be safe."
Venus gently lifted the woman to her feet, her touch tender and reassuring. "Then it shall be so. From this moment forth, you are under my protection. Fear not, for love shall guide your path, and together, we shall overcome all obstacles." 
With that, the storm subsided, leaving behind a serene sky. The young woman, now filled with renewed hope and purpose, cradled her son as they both embraced the divine path laid before them by the goddess of love.
Years had gone by, the once forsaken young woman found solace and purpose as a devoted Delphi. She served with unwavering faith, her every breath a testament to the sacred bond she had formed with the goddess of love. Her son, Acacius, grew under the protective aegis of the temple, receiving the finest education and training from the wise sorceresses who resided there. His days were filled with rigorous training and study, molding him into a formidable warrior.
One golden afternoon, the courtyard of the temple buzzed with activity. Acacius, now a young man of remarkable prowess, moved with grace and strength as he sparred with his fellow trainees. His body, chiseled and powerful, gleamed with sweat under the sun. Every muscle in his arms and chest rippled with the precision and control honed through years of discipline. His jawline was sharp, his dark hair tousled, and his piercing eyes focused, exuding an aura of confidence and determination.
From a distance, Venus, resplendent in her divine beauty, emerged from the temple accompanied by you, her daughter. Venus’ robes flowed like liquid moonlight, and her presence illuminated the courtyard. While you, whose divine essence shimmered with an ethereal glow, stood by your mother’s side, your eyes subtly observing Acacius as he trained vigorously.
"Look at him, my daughter," Venus spoke, her voice a soothing melody. "Acacius’ mother devoted her life to serving as a Delphi, and it is now your duty to watch over him. He has grown into a man of great potential."
You were hesitant and prideful, replied, "Mother, surely I am capable of far more important tasks than merely watching over a mortal."
Venus laughed, "Ah, my dear, I see great things in Acacius. I made an unbreakable oath to his mother to protect him and guide him to victory. This task is of utmost importance, and you, my daughter, are perfectly suited for it."
Reluctantly, you agreed, though you felt the weight of the responsibility. As Venus gracefully returned to the temple, your gaze lingered on Acacius. You had watched him grow from a vulnerable child into the powerful warrior he had become. His masculine form, sculpted by relentless training, was a testament to his dedication and strength. His broad shoulders, strong arms, and defined torso were a sight to behold, each movement exuding a raw, magnetic energy.
As the daughter of Venus, you had spent millennia observing the ways of mortals. From the heights of the celestial realm to the depths of human existence, you had witnessed the endless cycles of birth, love, ambition, and vanity that defined their ephemeral lives. Mortal men, in particular, seemed ensnared by their own reflections, driven by a relentless pursuit of power, beauty, and validation. Their obsessions with vanity, you mused, were like chains binding them to an endless quest for an ever-elusive perfection.
In the sanctity of your divine solitude, you pondered these thoughts, your mind weaving through the countless interactions you had with mortals over the ages. Vanity, you concluded, was a double-edged sword. It spurred men to greatness but also led them to their downfall. How often have you seen warriors, poets, and kings, their hearts consumed by the desire for eternal youth, adoration, and glory? They built monuments to themselves, adorned their bodies in opulent garb, and sought the fleeting approval of their peers, all the while neglecting the deeper virtues of humility, wisdom, and compassion.
Living among mortals, you had grown accustomed to their ways, understanding the fragile nature of their existence. Yet, with each passing century, you have grown more disillusioned by their unchanging flaws. Despite the wisdom imparted by time and the guidance of the gods, mortals remained predictably obsessed with their own image.
When your mother, Venus, entrusted you with the responsibility of watching over Acacius, you could not help but feel a familiar pang of skepticism. Was he not just another man, destined to be ensnared by the same vanities as those before him? Despite his formidable strength and the disciplined mind he had cultivated, you feared that beneath his heroic exterior lay the same vulnerabilities that had claimed countless others.
As you observed Acacius from the shadows, your thoughts grew heavier. You remembered how, as a boy, he had shown signs of the same traits that plagued mortal men: the pride in his burgeoning strength, the flicker of arrogance in his victories, and the longing in his eyes for recognition and admiration. He seemed no different from the countless men who had walked the earth, striving for greatness yet ultimately ensnared by their own hubris.
Your divine heart, though swayed by eons of witnessing human folly, felt a curious twinge as she watched him. There was something about Acacius, a glimmer of potential, that both made you intrigued and worried. Could he break the cycle? Or would he, too, succumb to the inevitable downfall of vanity?
As you silently vowed to fulfill her mother’s promise, you found yourself grappling with an unexpected sense of protectiveness. Despite your reservations, there was an undeniable bond formed by watching him grow, a reluctant admiration for his resilience and strength. You feared for him, not because you doubted his abilities, but because she understood the weight of his mortality.
With a sigh, you resigned yourself to the task. "Acacius may be like other men," you thought, "but perhaps there lies within him a spark of something more." You would watch over him, guide him, and protect him from the shadows, ever vigilant and ever hopeful that he might transcend the very vanities that ensnared his kind. As the daughter of Venus, you knew that love and duty were bound by unbreakable threads, and you would honor them both, even if it meant confronting your own doubts and fears.
As you observed him and embedded in your own thoughts, Acacius suddenly paused and turned his head, his sharp eyes meeting yours across the courtyard. Startled, you quickly retreated into the shadows, your divine essence blending with the darkened corners of the temple. 
Hidden from view, your heart pounded. You realized the gravity of your new role, feeling a mixture of trepidation and an unspoken bond with the man she would protect and guide. As Acacius resumed his training, unaware of the divine eyes watching over him, you knew this won’t be an easy responsibility. 
As the daughter of Venus, you have watched over Acacius from the shadows, your divine presence hidden but your influence ever-present. From the moment he drew his sword, you felt the weight of your mother's promise pressing upon your shoulders, a vow to guide and protect him, to steer him towards greatness. Acacius was more than a mortal; he was the culmination of a divine pact, and your duty to him was as sacred as the bond forged between his mother and Venus.
In his youth, you whispered wisdom into the ears of his mentors, guiding their hands as they trained him in the arts of war and leadership. You ensured that the best teachers found their way to him, that he learned not only the strategies of battle but also the virtues of honor, compassion, and justice. Through subtle interventions, you shaped his character, molding him into a man worthy of the destiny laid before him.
As he grew, so did the challenges he faced. You were there in the thick of his battles, unseen but ever vigilant. During his early skirmishes, you would nudge his instincts, sharpening his reflexes and lending him the strength he needed to overcome his foes. When he faltered, you were the whisper of encouragement that steeled his resolve, the invisible hand that steadied his sword.
In the grand halls of strategy and politics, you guided his thoughts, helping him navigate the treacherous waters of Roman ambition. You planted seeds of wisdom in his mind, urging him to form alliances that would strengthen his position, to make decisions that would earn him the respect of his peers and the loyalty of his men. You were the unseen force that smoothed the path before him, ensuring that every step he took led him closer to his destiny.
When he was appointed as a general under Maximus Decimus Meridius, you knew that your efforts were bearing fruit. Acacius had become a formidable leader, his name spoken with reverence and fear across the empire. Yet, his journey was far from over. Under the rule of Emperor Geta and his co-Augusti, Caracalla, Acacius faced new trials. The invasion of Caledonia was a test of his mettle, a crucible that would forge his legacy.
As the Romans prepared for their campaign, you took on the guise of a tradesman’s daughter in Caledonia, positioning yourself to be near him, to watch over him more closely. The battles were fierce, and the land was unforgiving. You ensured that crucial information reached him at the right moments, that his strategies were sound and his decisions unerring. You softened the hearts of those who might have betrayed him, turned the tides of fortune in his favor.
Through the years, you have been his silent guardian, his invisible ally. You have seen him rise from a young warrior to a revered general, each victory a testament to the bond you honored. Even now, as you  stand among the captured townspeople, disguised and hidden, your purpose remains unchanged. You are here to protect him, to guide him, and to ensure that he fulfills the destiny that was promised.
In the moments when doubt clouded his heart, you were the light that pierced the darkness. When he faced insurmountable odds, you were the strength that carried him through. You have watched over him with a mixture of pride and affection, your heart swelling with each triumph and breaking with each loss. Acacius is more than just a mortal; he is a living embodiment of the divine promise you are bound to uphold.
Amidst the chaos of the Roman invasion of Caledonia, the air was thick with smoke and the cries of the conquered. The formidable General Acacius, now a seasoned leader under Emperor Geta and his co-Augusti, Caracalla, surveyed the battlefield with a steely gaze. His once youthful visage was now marked by the scars of countless battles, his presence commanding and unwavering.
In the midst of the turmoil, you risked disguising as a daughter of a tradesman, moved with quiet resolve. Clad in the coarse, earth-toned garb of a peasant, she blended seamlessly with the captured townspeople. Yet, even in your humble attire, your divine essence could not be wholly concealed. Your skin, a flawless alabaster, stood out against the grime and soot of the war-torn village. Your eyes, a striking shade of hazel, gleamed with an unearthly light, and your movements, though tempered to appear modest, held an innate grace that betrayed your true nature.
The Roman soldiers, drunk on victory, rounded up the women of Caledonia, separating them from their families with ruthless efficiency. Among the throng, the disguised goddess maintained a facade of fear and helplessness, your heart pounding as she witnessed the suffering of the innocent. The brutality of the soldiers, their coarse laughter, and lecherous gazes made you shudder inwardly, but you knew you must maintain your cover.
General Acacius, his mind burdened with the responsibilities of command, scanned the scene with a practiced eye. His soldiers were securing the captives, ensuring the spoils of war were collected. His gaze fell upon the group of captured women, and for a moment, he saw them as mere pawns in the grand scheme of conquest. But then, his eyes landed on you.
Despite your plain clothing, something about you stood out. Your skin, untouched by the harshness of the elements, was too smooth, too luminous for a common peasant. Your hair, though partially hidden beneath a simple headscarf, shone with a subtle, otherworldly luster. You moved with a quiet dignity, your posture erect even in the face of despair. Acacius's sharp eyes missed nothing, maybe a nobility pretending to be a peasant so they can escape from the invasion. He finds it as a clever tactic. 
As one of his soldiers, emboldened by the chaos, approached her with lecherous intent, Acacius felt a surge of anger. The soldier, a brutish figure, reached out to grasp your arm, his intentions clear. Before he could lay a hand on you, Acacius's voice rang out, authoritative and cold.
"Stand down," he commanded, his tone brooking no argument. The soldier froze, his hand hovering in the air. "Do not touch her."
The soldier, taken aback, stammered a protest, "But, General, she's just a—"
"Bring her to me," Acacius cut him off, his gaze fixed on the disguised goddess. "Now."
The soldier, reluctant but obedient, withdrew his hand and roughly pushed you forward. You stumbled slightly but quickly regained your balance, your eyes meeting Acacius with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. As you were brought before him, he could see the subtle details that marked you as different: the refinement in your features, the intelligence in your eyes, the air of quiet strength exuded within you.
"Who are you?" Acacius asked, his voice softer but still commanding. "You do not belong here, do you?"
You hesitated, you mind racing to craft a plausible response. "I am the daughter of a tradesman," you said, your voice steady despite the fear you felt. "Captured like the others. Please, I mean no harm."
Acacius studied you for a long moment, his instincts telling him there was more to your story. "Take her to my tent," Acacius declared, his voice carrying an edge of finality. "She will be my personal cupbearer."
The soldiers, recognizing the unwavering tone of their general, nodded in agreement. They stepped back, leaving you untouched. Acacius's gaze softened slightly as he looked at you, a mixture of curiosity and protectiveness in his eyes.
"Find her something clean to wear," he instructed, his tone gentle yet firm.
Two soldiers led you through the encampment, their grip on your arms firm but not harsh. They guided you to the lavish tent of General Acacius, a striking contrast to the roughness of the battlefield outside. The tent was grand, its exterior adorned with rich fabrics and ornate decorations. Inside, it was a sanctuary of luxury and comfort amidst the chaos of war.
The interior of the tent was spacious, with plush carpets covering the ground and opulent cushions scattered around. Rich tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of Roman victories and mythological grandeur. A large, intricately carved wooden table stood at the center, laden with an array of sumptuous food and fine wine. The scent of incense filled the air, mingling with the aroma of roasted meats and freshly baked bread.
As you stood in the middle of the tent, feeling the weight of her disguise, General Acacius entered. His armor gleamed in the soft light of the tent, and his eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that made your heart race. He moved with the confidence of a seasoned warrior, yet there was a gentleness in his approach.
"Sit with me," he said, gesturing to the cushions by the table.
You hesitated but complied, lowering yourself onto the soft cushions. Acacius sat across from you, his gaze never leaving yours like a lion observing his prey. He offered you a plate of food, the array of delicacies a testament to the wealth and power he commanded.
"Please, eat," he urged, but you shook your head, declining politely.
"I’m not hungry, my Lord," you explained, your voice steady.
Acacius leaned back, studying you intently. "What kind of business does your father have?"
You took a breath, weaving the story you had prepared. "My father is a tradesman, specializing in silk. We travel far and wide, even to the distant lands of China, to procure the finest silk. He sells it to the emperor and to those of noble birth."
Acacius nodded, intrigued. "A tradesman of silk, you say? But then, you do not seem like a mere peasant."
You lowered your eyes, the weight of your divine secret heavy upon you. "We have faced many hardships, but my father has always ensured that we present ourselves with dignity."
Acacius leaned forward, his gaze unwavering. "Tell me," he said, his voice low and measured, "does your family live in Caledonia?"
Your heart is pounding. "Yes," you replied, your voice steady. "We come from an impoverished background. My father sought to make a better life for us through his trade."
Acacius studied you closely, his eyes dark and intense. As he reached for a cluster of grapes, he popped one into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully. The act, so casual and yet so intimate, made your pulse quicken. His scrutiny was unrelenting, and you felt as though he could see through the layers of your disguise.
"You should know," he began, his tone carrying a note of warning, "that the nobility of Caledonia will be captured. There is no escape for them."
You remained silent, her expression carefully neutral. You knew he was testing you, probing for any signs of deceit. His words, though intended to intimidate, also carried a hint of concern.
"My soldiers are ruthless," he continued, his voice growing colder. "They would take advantage of you if given the chance."
You nodded silently, acknowledging the gravity of his warning. Your heart ached at the thought of the suffering around you, but you knew she had to maintain your composure.
As Acacius spoke, the flap of the tent was pushed aside, and a soldier entered, carrying a bundle of fresh clothes. They were simple but clean, likely taken from a Caledonian household. The soldier handed the bundle to Acacius, who thanked him with a curt nod.
"Here," Acacius said, extending the clothes to you. "Put these on."
You rose from your seat and took the bundle obediently, your fingers brushing against his for the briefest moment. The contact sent a shiver through you, a reminder of the thin line she walked between mortal and divinity. 
"You may change behind the screen," he said, gesturing to a beautifully carved wooden partition that provided a modicum of privacy within the tent.
You nodded and moved behind the screen, the fabric rustling softly as you slipped out of your peasant clothes. The new garments were a marked improvement, though still modest. As you dressed, you could feel Acacius's presence just beyond the screen, his protective aura enveloping you like a shield.
When you emerged, you found him watching you intently, his eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and something deeper, something you could not quite name. The new clothes fit you well, accentuating your grace and poise even in their simplicity.
"Better," he murmured, his voice softening. "You look more like the person you claim to be."
You offered a faint smile, lowering her gaze. "Thank you."
Days passed, and you, now working as a cupbearer in General Acacius's camp, endeavored to maintain your humble facade. Despite your best efforts to appear as an ordinary servant, your innate grace and poise occasionally betrayed your true nature. Acacius, ever observant, began to notice the subtle refinement in your movements, the way you carried yourself with a dignity that spoke of nobility.
Your body language, though deliberately subdued, hinted at a life of privilege and education. You moved with an elegance that seemed out of place in the rough-and-tumble environment of a military camp. The way you poured water into cups, the delicate curve of your fingers as you handled the pitchers, all bespoke a background far removed from the impoverished tale you had spun.
One afternoon, a group of generals gathered in Acacius's lavish tent for a luncheon. As you silently poured water into their cups, you could feel the weight of their gazes upon you. The generals, their voices booming with laughter and boasts, paid little heed to the solemnity of their surroundings. One of them, a burly man with a coarse beard, eyed you with a lecherous grin.
"Acacius," he called out, his voice thick with drink, "is your cupbearer good in bed?"
The tent erupted in raucous laughter, the crude jest echoing off the walls. Acacius, seated at the head of the table, narrowed his eyes. His gaze hardened, and he fixed the offending general with a stern look.
"Such things are not to be discussed," he said, his tone carrying a quiet authority that silenced the laughter.
The general, still chuckling, raised his hands in mock surrender. "Ah, Acacius, always so reserved. You'd do well to indulge a bit more."
The disguised goddess watched the exchange with keen interest, your heart pounding. You knew Acacius's character well, having observed him for years. You despised these gatherings, these displays of vanity and ego. He found no pleasure in the idle boasts of his peers, preferring the company of his own thoughts and strategies.
As you continued your duties, pouring water and refilling cups, you could sense Acacius's discomfort. He was a man of action, a warrior with a clear sense of purpose. These luncheons, with their empty chatter and frivolous banter, were a stark contrast to the disciplined life he led. You admired his restraint, his ability to maintain his composure in the face of such provocation.
The generals continued their revelry, their conversations shifting from one boast to another. They spoke of past victories, of conquests and spoils, their voices a cacophony of pride and self-importance. Acacius, though present in body, seemed distant, his mind likely focused on the next battle, the next challenge.
As you moved around the table, you caught his eye for a brief moment. In that instant, you saw a flicker of something deeper, a connection that transcended. You knew that he valued substance over show, strategy over vanity. His reluctance to engage in their crude jests and hollow boasts only endeared him to you more.
The luncheon dragged on, the generals growing more boisterous with each passing moment. Acacius, ever the disciplined leader, maintained his stoic demeanor, responding to their jibes with measured patience. You could see the tension in his posture, the tightness in his jaw, and felt a pang of empathy.
As the daughter of Venus, you had always found mortal men to be easily swayed by vanity and ambition. They are like clay, molded by the hands of society and their peers, their true selves often buried beneath layers of ego and pride. But Acacius is different. Despite the pressures and temptations that come with his rank, he remains steadfast and true to his values. You're secretly proud of him, of the strength he shows in resisting the crudeness and arrogance that so often define his comrades.
That evening, after the generals had left and the camp had settled into a quiet lull, you found Acacius outside his tent, gazing up at the night sky. The stars twinkled above, their light casting a gentle glow on his strong, chiseled features. There was a tranquility in the air, a moment of peace amidst the chaos of war.
You approached him silently, your heart swelling with admiration for the man he had become. "Thank you for everything, My Lord," you said softly, breaking the silence.
He turned to look at you, his eyes reflecting the starlight. "You don’t need to thank me," he replied, his voice steady.
You nodded, understanding the brusqueness of his words. "Even so, I am forever grateful."
As you turned to return to the tent, you could feel his gaze lingering on you. There was a mystery in his eyes, a curiosity that you knew he could not easily dispel. You wondered what he saw when he looked at you—this woman who appeared from nowhere, cloaked in the guise of a humble servant yet betraying hints of refinement and grace.
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Artemis Phosphorus (Bringer of Light) ✨️
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(Diana Awakening Apollo [1910] by Carl Bertling)
Callimachus refers to Artemis as “Queen” and asserts that when Artemis was a young girl sitting on her father Zeus’ knees, asking him to allow her to keep her maidenhood forever and receive her bow and arrows, she also asked him to be Phosphorus, or “Bringer of Light,” which became one of her many titles (Callimachus, Hymn 3.1). One of her most popular temples as “Bringer of Light” is at Messene in the sanctuary of Asclepius (Pausanias 4.31.10).
Zeus is more than delighted to give her all that she asks for: “three times ten cities and towers more than one live vouchsafe thee — three times ten cities that shall not note to glorify any other god but to glorify the only and be called of Artemis. And thou shall be Watcher over Streets and Harbors” (Callimachus, Hymn 3.28).
Thus, in addition to her being Phosphorus, she is also Enodia, “Protector of the Mariners.” Consequently, Artemis is not only “Saviour” through mercy — that is, people do not only pray to her for protection and peaceful death — but she is “Saviour” in a way that is omnipresent. As the “Bringer of Light,” her luminance literally saves ships, harbors, and all those who depend on these facilities to survive. In her role as Sôteira, Artemis inhabits the personal spaces of her community of worshipers.
As a goddess of mercy, she is invoked as Phôsphoros, meaning “Bringer of Light,” and she is often Hêmerasia or “She Who Soothes.” ... it is significant that her ritual worship expanded from “Huntress,” or goddess of wilderness, to the “Saviour” of her supplicants and the “Protector” of communities and cities.
- She Who Hunts: Artemis: The Goddess Who Changed the World by Carla Ionescu
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talonabraxas · 21 days
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"She lights the way.. Hail The Torch Bearer!"
"Hekate" Talon Abraxas
Hymn to Hekate Ave Hekate! Ave Hemerasia, She Who Soothes! Ave Dadophoros, The Torch-Bearer! Ave Phosphoros, The Light Bringer! Oh lovely Goddess, many-named Guardian of Deities and all realms, seen and unseen, whose powers are fair. Mistress of the Elements. Goddess of the fire, the earth, the water, and the air! Ave Propylaia, almighty Gatekeeper of the Heavens, the Earth, and the sea. Goddess of Miracles, Charity, and Mercy. Ave Angelos, Messenger of all Deities. Ave Kleidouchos, Keeper of the Keys! Ave Propolos, Guide of Guides! Shape the course of my life with Divine Wisdom, joy, and the Holy Knowledge of Sacred Medicine. And make it laden with good things, drive sickness and evil spirits far away from me. And when my soul rages about worldly things, deliver me purified by your soul-stirring powers. Give me your aid I pray, and reveal to me the pathways of Divine Guidance. Reveal to me the Secrets of Destiny. I gaze upon your holy light, protect me from all evil. Oh Soteira, protect me from all people and spirits that think of me as an enemy. When I am weary bring me to your holy temple of healing and peace with your sacred winds. Make my anguish cease. Fill my body, mind, and soul with love, joy, and peace. Almighty Hekate, Guide of Guides! Bless me to be strong, joyful and wise. Eternal Gatekeeper! Keeper of the Keys of Eternity! Great Goddess Hekate, come uplift me. Ave Hekate of the Theshold! Sweet Pharmakeia who can make the old young again. Apotropaia who is always comes to defend. Ave Hekate, Goddess of Necromancy. Ave Hekate, I bow to Thee. Om Hekateya Namaha. Om Propylaiaya Namaha. Om Enodiaya Namaha.
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dailyadventureprompts · 4 months
I want a low level adventure for investigating an old abandoned (why) temple/jail? Why they have been asked to go in is the adventure but as a plot hook for a future adventure they will find a locked up vampire (how) who they can leave, attempt to kill or let go. The key thing is he will offer something if they do the latter pertainent to a later adventure.
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Dungeon: The Bargain At Barrowfort
A grim history and rumours of haunting keep people away from the old fortress, Once the domain of a wicked count who was all too fond of brutality and torture as a means of keeping his power. Though it has been many years since a heroic rebellion ousted the count and his patrons from power, time has yet to banish the shadow that has come to dwell behind it's battlements.
Adventure Hooks:
Using the area's foreboding reputation to avoid detection, a band of outlaws has claimed the Barrowfort as their base, striking out at caravans and small settlements with weapons salvaged from it's old armouries. When the party eventually raids the crumbling fortress, the scent of ensuing death will awaken a long slumbering hunger; the Barrowfort's ghoulish final garrison, starved out by besieging rebels and driven to unspeakable acts that cursed them with undeath.
Local lore has it that the fortress was built on the burial mound of an ancient queen, who's tomb-curse doomed the original builders and all those who laid claim to the fort in subsequent generations. Due to a quirk of inheritance, an ailing relative of one of the PCs has left them a deed in their will, and the party best get to the root of the curse (and claim their sick new base) before it brings doom upon them.
In the dungeon's deepest vault resides the last victim of the Count's cruelty: Before his capture Ser Karagol was a ruby knight of Wee Jas, goddess of death, passion, and magic. Ser Karagol was a vampire, but he was also a dutiful and pious man, living his life according to a code that restrained his appetites and directed his long centuries of unlife to the goddess's service. The count hoped to force the vampire into sharing the "gift" of immortality, binding him with holy chains and starving him for months at a time in an attempt to break him down. Decades after being forgotten in the dungeons, Karagol is in a sorry state, slipping between lucidity and feral hunger as he struggles against his bindings. Deliberation and mercy in rehabbing the vamp can earn the party a powerful ally in both the knight and his church, but a slip of awareness might result in one of them becoming gravely hurt.
Repeated acts of cruelty and deprivation have stained the Barrowfort to it's very foundations, marking it for Yeenoghu: demon lord of insatiable hunger. Some time in the future, whether the party is holding a feast in their new hall, or when an ambitious occultist claims the ruins for their own, a portal will open and allow minions of the gnawing god to steal through.
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