#God&039;s instruction
dawnlizjones · 1 year
Old dog, new tricks
I’m trying to do the morning dog walk thing to give both this aging woman and her aging canine a few more steps during the day.  Yesterday’s excursion was a bit more interesting than usual.  Strolling down one residential street on that quiet Sunday morning, Buckley and I came upon a boy of about ten years obviously having a good time flying his new drone, and doing a good job of it, too!  Now,…
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itsministerneecy · 1 year
How To Avoid Running Ahead Of God's Instruction
The word out on the street is that it is not as easy being a woman as it used to be. However, the word out on the street may be wrong!
To illustrate the problem with running ahead of God’s instruction we will expound on select passages taken from Genesis 15 and 16 NKJV, which deals with “Abraham and Sarah running ahead of the Lord’s instruction.”  The word out on the street is that it is not as easy being a woman as it used to be. However, the word out on the street may be wrong! In particular, Genesis 16: 1-6 sheds light on…
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thinkingonscripture · 11 days
Spiritual Growth Through Meditation on Scripture
The Lord instructed Joshua, saying, “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success” (Josh 1:8). This command involves a deep, reflective engagement with Scripture, allowing its truths to shape one’s…
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biblebloodhound · 16 days
Lady Wisdom Is Speaking (Proverbs 8:1-31)
Wisdom is quite an abstract ideal to pursue, which is likely why it helps to have it presented as a beautiful woman.
Lady Wisdom, by Mikayla Ragsdale Doesn’t Wisdom cry out    and Understanding shout?Atop the heights along the path,    at the crossroads she takes her stand.By the gate before the city,    at the entrances she shouts: I cry out to you, people;    my voice goes out to all of humanity.Understand skill, you who are naive.    Take this to heart, you fools.Listen, for I speak things that are…
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a-godman · 1 month
The Bible is Profitable for Teaching, Conviction, Correction, Instruction in Righteousness
 On God’s side, the Bible is God’s breathing; on our side, the Bible is for us to receive the breath of God as our profit in teaching, conviction, correction, and instruction in righteousness; the Bible is profitable for teaching, conviction, correction, and instruction in righteousness, so that we may be men of God fully equipped for every good work. Amen! The majority of believers in Christ…
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daylerogers · 1 month
What's It Worth To You?
Ikea is known worldwide for its modern furniture, low prices, an inviting shopping experience, and impossible instructions for putting said furniture together. Swedish words are used for all the products sold there. For monolingual me, the words are unpronounceable and don’t really mean anything to me. This also is logical that instructions are in pictograph form, for all those places and people…
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kmac4him1st · 5 months
Miss The Mark
Who says you can't learn a "spiritual lesson" and grow in the Lord through golf??? I love the game of golf and God teaches me much through all the things in my life. God bless ya!
“Failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of success, yes a failure is not a loss, it is a gain. You learn. You change. You grow.” Francis Chan That Was Really Ugly… I can’t even count the number of times I have missed the mark. We are human beings and sometimes we just miss the mark at times. Something may be off when we get up and we follow after our feelings, instead of connecting…
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markmcole · 7 months
The Key to True Knowledge
A discerning individual should consistently strive to distinguish between timeless, profound knowledge and transient, insignificant information.  Solomon’s assertion, “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge,” encapsulates a core principle of wisdom delineated in the Bible. Here, “fear” extends beyond mere dread to encompass reverence, awe, and respect for the LORD. Let’s look into…
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Abraham's army
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tom4jc · 1 year
October 1, 2023 Verse Of The Day
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fotozap · 1 year
A Driver’s Prayer through Life
A Driver’s Prayer through Life Jeremiah 10:23-24 I know, O LORD, that a man’s life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps. 24 Correct me, LORD, but only with justice— not in your anger, lest you reduce me to nothing. Lord; watch over me as I drive down the highway of Life. And on the city freeways filled with their road rage and their strife. Protect and guide me down the…
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melvingaines · 1 year
Live Stream Sunday School - July 23, 2023
John 14:1-14
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coreofthebible · 2 years
How to do what is right in God's eyes
Today we will be looking at the core Bible principle of integrity, and how, it is only when we understand what God’s perspective is that we can know what’s truly right and what’s wrong. Deuteronomy 12:28 – Observe and hear all these words which I command you, that it may go well with you, and with your children after you forever, when you do that which is good and right in the eyes of Yahweh…
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thinkingonscripture · 2 months
King David: An OT Example of Submission to God
David provides a good example of an OT believer who lived in regular submission to God. The Bible describes David as a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam 13:14; cf. Acts 13:22). David walked faithfully with the Lord and surrendered to His will. David was an obedient king, for the most part, and subsequent kings were measured by him (1 Ki 3:14; 9:4-5; 11:4-6, 31-34, 38; 14:7-8; 15:1-5; 11-15; 2 Ki…
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biblebloodhound · 1 month
Pass Along Values (1 Kings 2:1-11)
Nobody needs to wait until they are nearly gone to communicate important values and sage advice to loved ones.
David’s Dying Charge to Solomon, by Ferdinand Bol (1616-1680) David’s time was coming to an end. So he commanded Solomon his son, “I’m following the path that the whole earth takes. Be strong and be a man. Guard what is owed to the Lord your God, walking in his ways and observing his laws, his commands, his judgments, and his testimonies, just as it is written in the Instruction from Moses. “In…
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wisedreamerreview · 2 years
Their Part is Done
And that’s a wrap. The men came back this morning and finished up the floor repairs. Though they did more than that. My brother has been trying for months to get someone to construct a handrail at my parent’s front porch. They didn’t want anything fancy or elaborate. They simply needed something to offer a bit of support. Every single person my brother had talked with, backed out of the project.…
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