chernobog13 · 2 months
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The full membership of the Teen Titans, circa 1977, by the late, great George Perez.
This is from when there were two teams - Titans East (Robin, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Speedy, Aqualad, Guardian, Bumblebee, and Harlequin), and Titans West (Hawk, Dove, Lilith, Gnark, Bat-Girl, Golden Eagle, Beast Boy) - and before Perez and writer Marv Wolfman brought the concept to new heights with The New Teen Titans.
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beeconandeggs · 1 year
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currently in the alpha archive of BAA:R and guess who i met!! J E S S, as i call her.
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milk and cookies for her, i hope cazsm adds her/it back to the current game since they added George (who's from alpha too) back to the current game.
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(oh yeah btw stan and george are here too js in different places) and i put more mouth spikes and horn spikes (if those ARE horns) and also 4 eyes
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giddyfatherchris · 5 months
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Some more just in case you need it (which would be perfectly fine)
And also because YOU'RE NEVER STOPPING ME GNARK GNARK GNARK (‹- evil laugh)
Btw I KNOW Hyunjin's selfie isn't cute or funny but DAMN I'm gonna tell you a secret : I pretty much don't care because ISN'T THIS MAN SO BEAUTIFUL JUST LIKE THE REST OF HIS GROUP ? LIKE IT'S NOT FAIR !
(désolée pour de t'avoir agressée avec mes majuscules)
And just so you know I still have A LOT more so if you want some just say the word
And obviously : bisous (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)♥
i love you so much raaaaah, i always need cute pictures of them teehee
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shiny-miltank · 8 months
see as an untrendy gnark from the midwest I got so utterly confused why there's a lot of posts everywhere about a stanley cup craze. like "why is everyone going crazy over hockey all of a sudden?........oooooooh. "
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junipernight · 1 month
Fandom: Teen Titans (2003)
Characters and Pairing: Bumble Bee/Raven, Cyborg
Summary: Bee is still a little touchy about mind-readers.
Bumblebee went through all the footage, knew all there was to know from it - what they needed to work on as a team, where they went wrong, what was damaged and in need of repair.
She knew at what point each and every one of her teammates had fallen victim to Brother Blood’s mind control, and she knew that none of Titans West had done so.
The only thing she didn’t know was how.
 How come the original Titans were all immune?
(She’d thought she could fight it - she’d been in the HIVE for months after all, and he hadn’t gotten to her. She was Bumblebee, no one told her what to do. She suspected that there was some sort of ritual Brother Blood had done when he took over the HIVE to make the other students all controllable, and Bee had skirted around doing it, but no. There was no ritual. Because Brother Blood had waltzed into the T- Tower and hypnotized her entire team.)
(.... but not Cyborg’s team.)
It was starting to give her an inferiority complex.
Only starting to, though. Bee nipped that shit in the bud.
One of the things you learned early on when you made the jump from being a lone agent to a team leader, was that communication was key.
So she called Cyborg and asked him about it.
Turns out it was Raven’s doing. Raven, who was a telepath and a sorceress with years of training in the mental arts. 
That made Bee feel better.
She didn’t see Cyborg (or the rest of his team) in person again until the whole Brotherhood of Evil affair.
He tried to dance with her afterwards, at the big party they threw in Titans Tower (the west one).
Bumblebee excused herself from the dance floor. She told herself it was because she had her team, and he had his, and she didn’t want to make him question leaving his team again since she sure as hell wasn’t stepping down as leader of her team. Yep, that was Bee; a career girl through and through, with no time to waste on a man. She was definitely not avoiding him because the last time she saw him in person she tried to take him apart with a scalpel. Nope.
She ended up ruminating in a corner, sipping punch and thinking about Cyborg, and the Brotherhood of Evil, and the upcoming Steel City Annual Budget Legislative Session (Titans East’s budget proposal was due soon, and she hadn’t started it yet since they’d been capital-B Busy ). She should be happy—they just took down a gang of super-bads the size of the Justice League—but instead she mostly felt… 
“You’re giving me a headache.”
At that utterly nonsensical statement, Bee turned from the window she wasn’t really looking out of to see Raven. The goth girl was standing in the darkest shadows in the room, half-obscured by a support beam. The most visible feature on her face was a frown.
“Excuse me?” Bee said.
“Stop stressing about the future for one night and just enjoy the fact that we won this round.”
In a blink’s time, Bumblebee had her stinger pressed against the girl’s pale throat. Raven didn’t flinch.
“How’d you know what I was thinking about?” She demanded.
“A combination of personal experience and luck,” Raven quipped. After a moment, something in her expression shifted. “And empathy,” she added, almost gently. “No mind-reading involved, I promise.” When Bee hesitated, she drawled, “You should probably lower that before one of the three Titans watching us right now decides to intervene.” Slowly, Bee holstered her stinger and looked over her shoulder. Sure enough, Jericho, Kole, and Gnark were all staring intently at her. Jericho in particular looked stricken; he had his hand to his throat. Bumblebee’s cheeks burned.
“Just a misunderstanding,” she called, holding her palms up placatingly. The other teens seemed to accept this, and she turned back to Raven.
“Sorry about that. I can be a bit touchy about mind-readers, after…”
“Blood,” Raven finished darkly. “Understandably.”
They both shuddered, just the tiniest bit.
Great. Now Bee had given the girl a headache, threatened her with pointed objects, and reminded her of the creepy megalomaniac who’d once tried to dissect their mutual friend alive while they watched. She’d had no idea she was so much fun at parties.
A thin line of red drew her out of her self-deprecation.
“You’re bleeding!”
Raven brushed her fingers over the cut, and held them up to inspect. “Yep.”
Bee grabbed her hand—the one not smeared in blood—and tugged her towards the exit. “Let me patch that up for you.”
To Bumblebee’s surprise, Raven didn’t protest, and they quickly left the noise and blaring lights of the party behind them.
Once they were away from the music and the mingling, Bumblebee felt her confidence return to her. This was more her element.
She led them unerringly to the med-bay. She’d never been inside this wing of the Tower, but she had the schematics memorized, of course. 
When she gets to the med bay, she finds it’s set up just like the one in Titans East Tower, which makes it no problem at all to spot the cabinet with the antiseptic and the bandages in it.
She goes to open the cabinet, and that’s when she realizes she’s still holding Raven’s hand.
Bee lets go. “Sorry,” she says.
Raven shrugs and half-floats onto the patient cot, crossing her legs as she does so.
Bee holds a cotton pad up to the antiseptic and tips the bottle just enough to wet the cotton. Normally, she wouldn’t bother with antiseptic; soap and water were good enough. But she knew all the nasty places her stingers had been.
Bee tilted Raven’s chin up with two fingers, and pulled down the girl’s high collar. Gently, she daubed the cotton pad against the wound. Raven winced at the sting of the alcohol,  the first genuinely human reaction Bee had seen her make all evening.
Bee finished sterilizing the cut, and made one more pass to wipe up the blood.
Then she threw the pad into the biohazard bin, got a bandage out of the cabinet, turned around, and stopped.
The cut was gone.
Bee blinked. The cut was definitely gone.
Suddenly, Bumblebee remembered an important piece of information from Raven’s file: she had healing powers.
“Why’d you even come with me if you could just heal it yourself?”
Raven readjusted her collar.
“I couldn’t think clearly back there,” she said, hopping off the gurney. “Anyway, healing powers don’t come with antiobiotics, and if your rogue gallery is anything like ours, you’ve stung some nasty stuff with those.”
It was the second time Raven had echoed Bee’s thoughts. 
“Hey,” Bee said suddenly. “I don’t get to hang out with other girls very often, and you don’t want to be here. Why don’t we go out for drinks, or something? You pick the place, it’ll be my treat.”
Something gleamed in Raven's eyes. “I’d like that.”
A/N: I wrote this a year ago, but I just realized I never posted it to Tumblr. Soooo... tada!
So far as I know, in the twenty years since the show aired, no one else has created art or fic for these two - which is a shame because you can’t convince me that Karen “There’s not a man alive who can tell me what to do” Beecher isn’t a lesbian. And Raven and Bee have both a common friend (Cyborg) and a common enemy (Brother Blood) and a common pastime (Sarcasm). They'd be such a power couple.
Anyway, until I can write the epic, action packed romance they deserve (and which I have outlined! but alas, writing burnout) this is my humble submission to the fandom.
BTW, I'm calling the ship Bumblebird
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dabuerre · 2 months
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coritimee · 11 months
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the-hem · 2 years
The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times. From the Gospel of Saint Luke, Chapter 21.
5 Some of his disciples were remarking about how the temple was adorned with beautiful stones and with gifts dedicated to God. But Jesus said, 6 “As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down.”
=the Testimony Stones in the Ephod. They are: 
Reuben- The Eldest- the Leader
Simeon- Law Abiding
Levi- Harmonious
 Judah- Praises God
Dan – Intuitive
Naphtali – The Fighter
Gad- Fortunate
Asher- Happy
Issachar- Reward
Zebulun- Honorable
Joseph- Fruitful
Benjamin- Son of the Right Hand
When all of these aspects of the Israelite are ridiculed, subsumed, and all but lost, it is as if the temple walls themselves were thrown down.  
7 “Teacher,” they asked, “when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are about to take place?”
8 He replied: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them. 9 When you hear of wars and uprisings, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away.”
= Moses said wars must not come at all. And uprisings must be stopped at once, using lethal force. But this is not what Jesus is speaking about. He is referring to the uprisings of sin caused by abandonment of the Seven Sacrifices and the Ephod, which as Torah says are an ordeal to get rid of.
10 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.
Nation vs. nation = village of enlightenment vs. the “horribles.” The ones God always said had to be uprooted. Are you in charge of yourself or is some asshole with a bullhorn? 
Earthquakes= remember when God swallowed the bitchers just after the people left Israel? NO BITCHERS EVER. 
Famines=  when the Precious Stones are stolen or given away, the currency for God’s Grace goes with it. To yield up one’s very best self to a person, nation, leader, or bad habit is to incite a famine of the very best things in life.
Pestilences= big screens everywhere. They are murdering our souls. 
12 “But before all this, they will seize you and persecute you. They will hand you over to synagogues and put you in prison, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name. 13 And so you will bear testimony to me. 14 But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. 15 For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. 16 You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death. 17 Everyone will hate you because of me. 18 But not a hair of your head will perish. 19 Stand firm, and you will win life.
I know it’s a hot wet ass pounding fantasy to think some pagan gnark us going to hand you over to the Boy Gestapo and make you renounce Jesus but that’s  JUST not going to happen. 
To be slandered to death for standing up for what is right, is almost as much fun as the real thing. This is what Jesus is talking about. 
All of the above predictions about calamity and persecution are actually warnings about the dangers of apostasy, the warping of the Gospels and the Torah by dogmatists. 
What does Jesus say we should do about them? 
Jesus is not saying “stand firm. Take another ass spanking from the Sir and you will live. Take one after the other. Yes.” 
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The key to the entire passage is the phrase- “not a hair on your head will perish.”
Hair in the Torah refers to one’s rote experience with the Script. It is competency at being a man of God which, like hair is supposed to grow continuously on a man’s head as time goes on.
= “Stand firm. Do as I have taught you.” 
In Luke 20 and the beginning of 21, Jesus said not to overindulge the rich who turn their false sufferings into national crises while the underclasses struggle: 
Warning Against the Teachers of the Law
45 While all the people were listening, Jesus said to his disciples, 46 “Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. 47 They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely.”
The Widow’s Offering
21 As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. 2 He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 3 “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. 4 All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”
Society has abandoned the Laws of Moses, and given way to propagandists, the ambitious and the corrupt, the Temple is no more, and thus have come the End of Times.
The only way to stave them off is to rebuild it and reestablish the preeminence of the Torah upon which God said all successful societies should depend for Right Guidance. 
Jesus even said, all the troubles we are dealing with now have come to pass because man rebelled against the Synagogue. By the Synagogue, therefore we must all be judged, and all arguments for the Highest Order are reheard.
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magsdomino · 7 years
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Titans go!
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jovi8602 · 7 years
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Beautiful page 😍😍
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onlylonelylatino · 7 years
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Origin of Beast Boy by George Perez & Gene Day
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giddyfatherchris · 2 months
Okay so here's another request cuz I'm never stopping gnark gnark gnark : could you maybe do an skz fake text with reader being shy (or not if reader's comfortable) to talk about their period ? Like idk, asking for pads or tampons, talking about the blood stamps on the sheets, something else if you have another idea ? It's as you want. Also, I don't really care if it's bsf!skz or bf!skz
Bisous bisous ~
hello mon ange 😇
got divine inspiration for this today (as i just got my period and needed some comfort lololol)
hope it’ll be up to your standards and thank you again for the request <3
here it is, enjoy xx
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Last udpate ! i swear >xD
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katebishop-official · 5 years
shoutout to the guy who yelled “you’re a cunt Taylor” when our student body president got on stage
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xeropaige · 6 years
Highro Da Draggin’: Full Comic (11 pages!)
Hey, everyone! Some of you may have been wondering what that “Highro Da Draggin’“ thing was that I was posting bits of last year, well now that Spyro: Reignited Trilogy is out, and Cooties 1 is currently out of print, I thought it would be a great time to release this comic in full for everyone to enjoy for free.
[If you are viewing it on my blog and the images are too small, remember you can right click > view image, or right click > copy image address, paste etc...]
Trigger warning, dragons be getting high as fuck, this is dopesville #weed
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viecparfaite · 3 years
What is that stupid trend of cutting soaps I'll cut you me and let see if YOU'll be able to wash after
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