#Gmans familiar
korkietism · 9 months
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A concept of mine. I see Gman in a similar situation as the collector from toh in the sense that there are much stronger larger than life beings in comparison to him that he is technically associated with. His world/dimension hopping, portal creation, and general manipulation of the things around him is a lot to those near him but there are beings much more powerful than him. His frequent disobedience to the path of things and how he values people over power is what ultimately ends him up here.
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arrimorr · 3 months
Thinking about Gman and Barney sharing the same voice actor. They sound masterfully distinct from each other BUT what if sometimes Gordon mistakes their voices. Imagine Gordon waking up to Barney's voice and momentarily thinking that Gman has come for him again, that his time with the resistance has ended and he is about to be thrown into another war or just submerged into stasis until he is "needed" again. And then it's just Barney and everything is alright, and maybe they are even taking a train ride, but it's not a beginning of some new "adventure", both Alyx and Barney are next to him, he is surrounded by familiar faces. But there is something small and intangible in Barney's voice that makes him sound weirdly similar to Him.
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Gman, this is the server room of “Wikipedia” the free encyclopedia that anyone from Black Mesa can edit!
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G-Man: I am quite familiar- I need to get onto Wikipedia, NOW.
[G-Man leaps inside the Wikipedia Globe like nobody's business, frantically shifting through the Articles.]
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cosmoknightchaos · 9 months
Actually wait hang on. Spoilers for the finale.
Three friends. Benry (or possibly Gman, though I'm leaning towards the former), Gnome, and the girl. The girl who we will meet soon, presumably in whatever the new series is. Who I think is the shadow we see in the hallway before the theatre.
The hollows and the echoes. Not really sure what the hollows is referring to, but Peppa and the girl can hear the echoes. They're beautiful. "Don't tell me you can't hear it" as opposed to asking Gordon if he can hear it, it's like she expects him to be able to. "The song they sing at the edges of the mind"--Maybe something to do with the AIs? The characters being on the edge of their minds, the edge of their understanding. She expects Gordon to hear it because he's the only real one there, he more than anyone should be able to understand these AIs becoming sentient. He should be able to hear the songs.
But perhaps it's better he doesn't. Perhaps it's better that he doesn't understand the horror of realizing everything you've ever known is fake, of waking up and being faced with a world controlled by someone else for their amusement and you are but a mindless pawn in this little game.
"Lest you end up like her." Her, the third friend. Who, I'm inclined to think, is--or, was--a player, like Gordon. Who got too involved and got fucked over by Peppa or the gnome, now reduced to nothing but a shadow in the game. It's a shame, really.
"The white woods call for you" The white woods is probably a reference to the White Forest, a late-game area in Hl2 Ep2. Coincidentally, it's also the location the player has to take Gnome Chompski to get the gnome run achievement in Hl2 Ep2. This forest is specifically made of pine trees (according to images of it on the wiki), a mix of dead and alive. The forest we see after the monologue matches this.
Dulcet tones almost directly means Sweet Voice. Backs up that Benry is the first friend. Furthermore, could also mean that the echoes in the hollows is the Sweet Voice, and whatever befell the third friend had something to do with Benry. It's better that Gordon can't hear it because of the events of Hlvrai, and Gordon would really like for Benry to not be back. The tones are specifically calling out Gordon's name--If it is the sweet voice, maybe it's Benry trying to get Gordon's attention.
IT IS TIME FOR US FOUR. FOUR OF THEM. Gordon, the gnome, and Peppa are all obvious, but that's only three. The fourth is the audience. It's shown again and again that the chat has a presence in Hlage, through the gnome calling out chat members and banning folks when he takes over the stream. The gnome knows, Peppa knows. The audience is watching.
Never forget. The repeating theme of the episode.
The woods, the seeds, the girl, the key. Once again, the White Forest. I don't know what's up with the seeds. Maybe metaphorically, like the seeds of imagination. Don't forget the creations you've made. The girl is the third friend who we'll meet eventually, and the key. I have absolutely no clue what the key is.
"How will you fare, Gordon, when the sea of mud comes for us all?" Also a bit clueless on this one. My first thought is like a mudslide, dirt and destruction. But it sounded familiar.
"[Where we'd play] in the mud? We were playing in the mud, all the time." Benry MENTIONS playing in the mud with Gordon during the opening part of Xen. And what will Peppa do when the sea of mud comes? Splish, splash, splosh. She will play in the mud.
And then slam cut into the movie disappearing and showing a forest full of pine trees. The White Forest.
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spiderh0rse · 1 month
freeman's mind season two notes. e1-10.
feeling pretty good there is the void,, UNTIL. gman.
keeps getting freaked out at Gman face closeup. Thinks his breath smells like paint
glad he's on Earth again. Hopes he's on Hawai'i
immediately tries to recruit a wingman
thinks a camera drone tried to blind him
doesn't recognize breen, thinks it's an infomercial
delighted to see vortigaunts cleaning. Thinks they're domesticated
seems to enjoy watching police violence
recaps the end of s1 for a minute.
now it's not his usual one but slur count: one.
thinks Gman may be a sexual predator
revises his idea of what this place is when he sees people all in the same outfit
insults the combine setup. Is prepared to beat up a cop unarmed
does NOT recognize Barney
GREAT SCOTT? pardon. That's Ross Scott
pretty quiet during the exposition
doesn't care if Barney gets fired from his undercover assignment
he trusts Kleiner, and that is about his entire list of trusted people!
ohhh freeman I've missed your weird noises
tosses the can into the trash can from a distance. Thinks he's been ordered to do that BECAUSE he's good at that sort of thing
familiar with ways he might try and steal food
tries to flirt with some lady on the street. Thinks desperate women love him
it's a TRIPOD.
needs a GUN. plans of hanging out until Barney actually tells him where Kleiner is
finds Barney introducing himself funny. How's HE supposed to recognize some random Black Mesa employee?
annoyed at the cop amount
thinks the issue here is that he didn't negotiate the deal with Gman
considers just burning the building down. imitates the screams he thinks the victims will make
identifies the look of wisdom on some weary guy. wants answers from him
wants to Leave the moment the cops show up
follows some random guy into his house when invited. Asks for drugs
finds it best to just follow the flow of running people
just abandons problems as they arrive
gravity STILL loves him too much
this is the SECOND (maybe third) worst day of his life
immediately asks for morphine from alyx
surmises alyx killed four cops and then just disposed of their weapons
familiar with Get Smart
feels allowed to rant as much as he likes to because he GETS THINGS DONE
criticizes Alyx jumping over a rail instead of using the stairs. says it's bad for the knees. He'd know.
enthused at the idea of a drink.
doesn't seem to be Alyx's biggest fan
heartened by the description of trouble following him instead of being caused by him
his paranoia is actually pretty mild here but it nonetheless is here
fully unsurprised at Kleiner killing cats
would've rather gone back to science than run from cops his whole life
just DESPISES everyone here other than Kleiner here
not happy to put the HEV back on but does so at Kleiner's. Look.
"these hands were made for strangling. and theorems."
does NOT want the hev's voice back on
considers Kleiner a survivor, like him
wonders if he's in an alternate reality here.
does not mind plugging the teleporter back in at ALL. delighted to see what happens when the teleporter fails and kills alyx/teleports her out of existence
considers alyx surviving a bonus
deeply defensive over his doctorate.
plans on coming back to Kleiner's lab sooner or later
panicked as the teleporter sends him all over the place. REALLY does not want to go back to Xen
begs Kleiner to shut the teleporter down. Thinks this was done on purpose
runs away as soon as he's able to move
Barney tells him to go somewhere and Gordon has no idea where anything is
Gordon would readily do the jackass-piece of shit exchange. Unfortunately Barney is normal.
REALLY wants Barney's gun and not this dinky old crowbar
finds the crowbar useful for the express purpose of swatting camera drones
distressed at the number of cops in the trainyard. Maybe-jokes about this being a fascist state
he's just a goon in body armour holding a crowbar!
actually gives some combine a chance to back down
"oh wait. pigeons aren't cops."
considers that he may be a decoy to draw heat away from Kleiner's lab
wonders if he could freight-hop his way out of the city
consistently sounds a bit unsettled about having to kill cops. Keeps bringing more heat on HIM
he speaks violence fluently
upset about the HEV being orange and not urban camo
vaults a fence easily even in the HEV
insults vent design in this city
immediately overwhelmed by large amounts of noises and loses track of what's going on for a minute
HATES being the center of hostile attention
gives up on getting breakfast :(
okay! Panic time! Wait no nevermind he's not panicking.
concludes his best chance of not dying comes from killing everyone.
delighted that the trains running on time means they'll run over cops
desperately hopes that the run over cops will buy him five minutes
kills the random guy's vortigaunt friend
concludes the random guy's vortigaunt friend was in fact his slave and this was the reason the guy got upset with Gordon killing them
human skull! Familiar with Hamlet
finds gunshots not directed at him weird
sings a bit of the Mr Rogers theme song :)
even in the worst neighborhoods he's lived in there weren't cop-slain corpses laying around
these cops keep him Guessing
declares himself Station Twelve to the rebel radios
insults the radios
happily declares himself a cop as he cozies into the gunners nest and shoots shit. Roleplays a cop. Accurately enough imo
guided missiles shot at him!
familiar with Robocop!
has never much cared about stopping people who're determined to get themselves killed
in order to keep people off his trail he'll have to make them DOUBLE dead next time
understands the relationship between explosions and water
thinks his suit MIGHT have saved his life there but isn't sure how much shock it absorbs
declares himself Captain Combustion
thinks the explosive barrels must be as dangerous as possible on purpose
thinks despite the well-funded nature of the cops here the explosive barrels are what they are to make the entire place deadly all the time
not enthused at the barnacle hordes
doesn't like the idea of a tongue bath unless he knows the involved parties
anticipates a change in science fiction after this alien business
has seen E.T.
i am just. REALLY appreciative of his voice acting when Freeman picks stuff up. Immersive.
doesn't want to think about how the barnacles got down here and doesn't want to be here
doesn't understand many of the customs of this strange place
finds shooting while swimming difficult
[underwater panicking]!
fish in a barrel layout and HE'S the fish!
finds accuracy doesn't matter too much so long as you hit the target at least once
does not elaborate on this but supposedly was very good at his job for a lot of reasons
upset that he didn't absorb any elder god powers from the Nihilianth
does a bad Barney impression
finds it difficult to distinguish between incompetence and malice from time to time
gets tired of people explaining away possible murder attempts as accidents
Kleiner would not forgive Gordon for killing Barney unless he provided a good enough replacement
now really happy to be underground. Helicopter can't get him down here!
last time he tried to live underground forever it was stymied by getting hungry
OH throws UP! strangle strings will do that to you I guess
finds getting surprise-choked by two barnacles in a row even more traumatic than most events recently
sends an explosive barrel to the barnacles to act as his emissary. complains that its argument is a little loud, but aquiesces that he'd have said the same thing
just starts tossing tires to the barnacles
hell-goats! New nickname!
finds the barnacles so upsetting he doesn't even want to eat spaghetti anymore
finds his standards for shitty situations have dropped
thinks Barney may have been piloting that helicopter after him
tries to trick the combine into firing where he isn't by yelling all loud as a decoy
doesn't KNOW Barney is in manning the helicopter but. Senses it. Y'know.
considers himself bulletproof other than the head
speculates about the trash collection here
freaks out an an unexpected voice even when levelly spoken and in front of him
asks the railroad guy if he has drugs. Specifically opioids. He wants stimulants so bad.
considers the guy's house cozy
not actually that hungry right now!
insults the manhacks. Calls them redneck technology
makes a surface level effort to convince some guy to follow him out of danger.
chain link shields up!
starts checking corners before turning them
he'd RATHER be THEORIZING. he's a street physicist now.
happy to shoot stuff that can't hurt him
street physics are most kinetic energy and collisions. Smashes some wood to demonstrate.
wouldn't expect to crawl into a ventilation shaft on purpose
gets SO mad at a manhack messing up his face
guesses manhacks are effective when the target can't move
thinks he's about half-deaf by now
"THEY'RE IN THE WALLS! Wait, no, that's aliens."
recites something told to him by a now-dead person insisting people WEREN'T coming down from the sky to kill him.
well. He has a machine gun!
can't keep up this optimism shit
lots of underwater noises and gurgling
gets on a thing that spins and promptly figures out he has absolutely no idea which way to spin to NOT get dizzy. Fucks it up and falls
really wants an actual hideout
too bad cameradrone
Ted? Some guy who wore sunglasses all the time, chainsmoked, and "did good work"
mimics the camera drone destruction whine and starts up an operator script
pissed that the pistol and machine guns have different ammo
he missed the first day of fugitive class :(
first lesson on being a fugitive. Don't take advice from cops on how to get away from a cop
not too sure how to describe Xen
silly noises :)
likes seeing boarded-off areas. Means no one goes down there but him
he could play killer hide and seek down here tbh. lots of cool hiding spots
Gordon guesses it's their lunch break
gordon immediately starts ordering tacos from the Combine
not a huge fan of spice
theorizing about the combine intelligence network
"if this loops back I'm going to murder someone, but I guess I've already done that"
certain that the entire world is against him. May be pretty accurate with that
"a NERF BAT will kill you if its shoved down your esophagus"
doesn't feel like going into monkey mode right now
claims that most people that think the world is out to get them are just in the way of the world being out for everyone. Then claims he IS that important.
thinks being him is great
monkey mode it is! [Imitates monkey]
Gordon is familiar with TMNT, and Mousers even more specifically
ohhh and dimension x? Which version is he drawing from here I know dimension x showed up in 2012,,
bets the police know exactly where he is they just have NO idea how to reach him in this horribly designed place
gordion knot of pipes? cut it apart!
thinks he can solve the gordion knot because his name is Gordon
criticizes the cutting of the gordion knot. fits him, his love of complicated situations
sets off the explosives in the prior room. cuts the knot, essentially. does not seem to realize what this means
underwater mumbling my beloved
compares cops to cats. They don't like getting wet.
convinced the city wouldn't care at all about maintaining the stuff Gordon broke
thinks the Combine may be able to build camera drones faster than he can destroy them
expects he might find a colony of gnomes. remember he is gnome agnostic
practically BEGS for the Combine to poke their heads off for him to shoot
would prefer gnomes to Combine (gnome emoji here)
expects the Combine need Gordon to exist so they can pin all ills on him
tries to fake being shot to throw the Combine off. No result.
knows he's not in Terminator because ai is still shit
expects gman sent him here expressly to destabilize him. Proxy war or something with him doing bullshit to the side
briefly calls himself expendable. Rapidly corrects this error.
thinks himself irreplaceable by virtue of his understanding of Kleiner's work
"yeah, we may not have food, or basic sanitation, but we have bullets. let's give it a spin."
NOT happy at the radioactive sluck.
aghast at headcrabs being weaponized. Finds it predictable with some thought but dislikes it.
starts rambling-screaming at the situation
calls a headcrab zombie a "stupid diva"
does not want to live here.
finds the whole matter of headcrab bombs nightmarish. calls himself Done and runs off
invites the railroad lass with him on the boat. flirtin with 'er
gives up the flirting when she makes no reaction to his advances
this radioactive zombie swamp is somehow the worst thing he can imagine
"tower of orthank"?
doesn't like women who try to get themselves killed.
thinks he'll have to abandon his swamp boat
wonders if the Combine wanted to make sure no one wanted to live on earth
wishes dangerous aliens he can't see would stop making noises so he could ignore them
gamma rays keep you guessing :)
doesn't know the year
splinters in his teeth from ramming boards
sees Gman. IMMEDIATELY stops to talk to him. He is not in the building he walked into.
headcrab ATTACK. knocks him into the river
it's only hitting me in this sort of display but the Combine seem to know exactly where the entirety of the railroad is. Gordon's "they're just deliberately herding people into a meat grinder with the railroad" theory holds water
expects Gman signaled him to talk
familiar with Karate Kid!
beer! empty!
seems unsettled by gmans power. jokes a bit about it anyways
almost rolls the boat!
the camera drone is NOT a bass finder
surprised bulletbox floats
tosses a broken cameradrone into the river with a "nyah"
encounters a PHYSICS PUZZLE.
thinks propping up the ramp to jump it is stupid. Immediately onboard
finally works out that the lambda is a railroad signifier
tries to abandon the boat. Nope goop.
considers being able to test a hypothesis a LUXURY
guesses the cops know about the lambda, are monitoring the radio, have a mole, or all three!
wouldn't sell out his own species until introduced to The Torture Chair
watched Charlie Brown
Already having buyer's remorse about the airboat.
Plots to abandon the boat once it's out of gas.
Considering his avenues of escape.
Feels that he won't have closure until he totals the boat.
Still wants a map.
Almost feels like he might have more options if he doesn't destroy everything. Almost.
Removes the boards from a barricade a short way back in the river, extends the ramp in this fashion.
As a captain, feels if his boat goes down, he wants everyone to go down with it.
Finds the matter of performing very simple tasks to be the opposite of his old job, working out the theory of very complex actions.
Expects to functionally be in exile in some shack in the countryside. Doesn't seem unhappy with the idea.
Thinks his defining trait as an employee is his inexplicable ability to survive anything.
Finds the railroading of the river inconvenient.
Roleplays as some unholy mixture of a boat captain and a rampaging driver on the highway. Runs over some Combine.
Speed is his middle name!
Working out that the Combine have been draining this river.
Really is very bad at using the boat.
Hates life-sized cardboard cutouts. Attacked some at a shoe store.
Reflexes slowing down. He's having trouble being on edge at all hours. Wants drugs.
Distantly hears Breen's transmission and thinks he's hearing god. Realizes in a minute that no, that's being broadcast.
Finds the computers hostile-looking. Bets it's Linux.
Finds Breen's advice about being careful and aware to be sage. Considers listening to more of Breen's "show."
Tries to get into a Combine vehicle. Doesn't seem too bothered by being unable to get in.
Wants one of those sticks with the mirrors on them.
Likes having grenades. :)
Compares the Combine to a partner whose personality has drifted. Then acts like the grenade is his faithful friend whom he is not breaking up with.
"The Greeks say moderation in all things. I'm not Greek!"
Growls at some crows.
If there's anything he's learned from the aliens, it's to not get electrocuted.
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gmanwhore · 4 months
you're gman (which i probably feel so strongly because of your name and icon and since im most familiar with half-life), and you are famous to me for being one of very few people i've seen analyze/take an interest in judith mossman as a character /very positive
Awww thank you!!!!! I take all of that as very high praise :3
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catlokis-blog · 1 year
gubby boomer pride hcs?
grins big and wide like the grinch ... Why of course
ive said this before but i just rlly love the idea of them being polyamorous (but not a throuple!) it makes my gay little heart happy to see representation of polyam dynamics that isnt just "everyone dates eachother" so ive always been super fond of the gubby boomer co-existing version of goomby
i dont think gman would be fond of the idea of going to a pride parade so bubby would stay home with him and make a day of it... especially since gman has always preferred one on one conversation rather than large groups
theyre both autistic. by the way
bubbys relationship with coomer has helped gman lose some of the bristle when talking in groups but he still prefers bubby to be part of the group when its happening
he does have a good friendship going with coomer though just prefers to stay in small gatherings at the most
they probably wouldnt do anything huge, gman has always been someone who prefers to be a passive observer so they probably watch some scary movies
bubby blabs his head off about parts of the movie he likes and picks apart motives and themes hes seeing in movies he isnt familiar with, just straight up love gushing about the movies he has seen
gman doesnt mind since he knows what watching movies with bubby is like especially when its of the horror genre
with coomer however bubby goes out because coomer is a very gung ho type of individual and likes to do stuff
coomer is also autistic
they might stop by a parade for a little while but bubby would eventually get bored and want to hit the bricks and do something else
they probably just have a day out on the town after that... bubby enjoys seeing the sights and coomer shows him all his favourite spots and things to do in them
bubby probably convinces coomer to show off some of that strength hes really into
overall bubby has a fun time with both his partners for their desingated pride day
oh and of course theres a healthy amount of flirting and homoeroticism for each partner of his. it isnt old man yaoi without a little bit of teasing & prodding from both parties
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this-should-do · 2 years
Sorry I really wanted to ask this-
Shephard Swap AU? (Mitchell is put in infinite stasis, Adrian ends up Abluquerque for the HDTF story, their experiences in Black Mesa are kept completely the same)
I wanted to ask, what *you* think would happen/change because of this, seeing as this type of AU really fully hinges on your own interpretation of Adrian Shephard.
Ya know if you want something to ponder about..
Bro i fucking Love pondering shit so absolutely do not apologize for askin this, cuz its a real thinker and i spent like 3 or so hours straight writing it lmao it could be better but this is a first draft and im not editting it cuz im lazy
So obviously, this is already a challenge because the plot of hdtf is just,,,, one of the plots of all time. its contrived and relies on A Lot of asumptions and a mischarcterization/understanding of gman and how and why he does what he does. granted we dont know much about gman but the gman in hdtf is just strange? i guess, hes definately far more hands on than valve writes him, but also im realizing that gman is far mroe hands on in adrians story, actively helping him (something he doesnt do for gordon and barney is just not even on his radar), so i guess it sorta makes sense that adiran and mitch have theri stories intertwine like they do, might even be a part of the reason that berken tied them together like that since gman play such a pivotla role in mitchs story (i doubt it honestly but we can give him this for funsies)
so assuming were all familiar with the plots of both hdtf and opfor wers gonna start with why ours boys are getting switched
so in hdtf, gman has mitch on standby getting power to that he can be a distraction in the future at some point so gordon has an easier time to do things?? (even tho the point in time hes a distraction is when the combine literally cant get to gordon becuz hes in a week long teleport but whatever) all becuz he said sum funnywords? but also the perpetual prescence of gman in the flashbacks implies that mitch has been a fascination of gmans for quite some time,,,, weird
so what were gonna do is apply that fascination to adiran in the first place as well, and adiran who already did a buncha cool shit (which mitch did not do which makes him lame to gman) is gonna be gmans backup for if gordon needs help in the future (i say if becuz im interpreting gmans time onicience as a 'he can only guess which path this universe is gonna go down', cuz his dialogue about him having to convince his employers that alyx is gonan be worth it, and with hla the him we see is a him from the future ona particular path changing things up on purpose)
but plot twist gman didnt really want him doing all that shit becuz it fucks with his plans so he brings adam back (int he hev suit not for deception purposes but to make sure that he stays alive long enough to adrian who has had no prob killing entire groups of blackops and adam got his ass handed to him already by mitch) to kill adrian with the promise of killing Corporal Shephard (intended to be adrian), but adam ends up killing the shephard he wanted to (mitch) and gmans like fuck damn okay not what i wanted but i guess you did what i asked you to, but anyways next assignment you gotta help the important shephard stay alive, (gman makes mitch deadnt as insurance to make sure adrian stays in line later down the line or whatever, honestly he doesnt need mitch alive but this is what ive got in terms of putting mitch in stasis)
so at this point adrian gets a deal with gman to be allowed to make it out of black mesa becuz hes so poggers its be sad to see a life wasted, hes just gonna owe gman a favor later
so act1 plays out much the same wiht adrian at the helm, he wakes up in the hospital, meets up with nick and is sent on his way to find colonel cue, meets up with adam who has been sent there to make sure adrian doesnt start blabbing to people about what they saw in bm (but also secretly to ensure that adrian hates freeman cuz he would def know what happened to mitch when adrian mentions/ asks after him, and adams gonan for sure lie to cover his ass and be able to do his "job", this causes adrian to say sumthign along the lines of "goddam, sunovabitch i shoulda killed that orange cremesicle lookin ass when i had the chance" thus keeping eveything setting up for the whole name of the game) cuz that was one of gmans concerns about letting adrian go in the first place, which still confuses me cuz lots of people knew stuff in black mesa and got out just fine but also whatever. and from here it really doesnt change at all, adrian eventually ends up captain of the avalon vale, and off they sail
so now act2, also goes p similarly, adrians been on a warpath fucking up combine cuz damn, another overwhelming set of aliens to kill, better get to it, so now hes off teh go fuck up the "weapons" factory up in alaska, turns out its a bunch of slave children making the worlds first cremators all being headed by headdipshit boris. now adrian does not like this, he instead of talking to boris just straight up shoots him, like "fucka you, u suck", takes the kids (including sasha) and proceeds to destroy the entire facility back in line with mitchs descion making.
now act3,,,, is a doozy,,, cuz adrian is a far different man than his brother (frankly they wouldnt even call himself a man, he is nobiney lmao) so when gman shows up and tries to prey on his dislike of freeman for killing mitch to get him to kill freeman, adrian is older and obviously less intent on killing some guy that is not combine, even if he doesnt like the bitch, so gman pulls out the old "well fun fact, i can bring u rbrother back if u kill freeman" (this is valid cuz its int eh same vein as hla ending) so adrian is like ",,,,fine" so he sets off, however he doesnt team up with the combine on this one, cuz he really, really doesnt like the combine and also doesnt have a weird edgelord "well wed do the same thing as them if we could" thing going on that i guess would lend him to being willing to team up with them like mitch does
so now adrians off to kill freeman, but this time teams up with the resistance to get a chance at getting close to gordon, by earnign thier trust, cuz chances are if theyve been killing combine for 20 years, theyre gonna hve come in contact witht hem at some point, this also functions as bolstering the reisitances numbers, helping meet the distract the combine from gordon quota that adrians is meant to serve, to do this he eventually gets sent to bmeast to meet up with eli to discuss numbers and shit or whatever, which places him near gordon but is just a near miss as they arrive right around the time of the combines raid, so adirans gets a chance in the confusion to go after gordon without looking sus and immediatley being blamed for killing gordon.
this sets off a similar chain of events to og hdtf, goes thru ravenholm, galavants across the countryside, gets to those rebel outposts or whatever and gets info under the guise of helping gordon so they tell him where to go, eventually makes his way to nova prospekt, is too late to get to gordon but is there fast enough to kill neoguh combine to ensure gordon adn alyx can get into the teleporter (ie making gordons way easier), so now hes gotta fight his way out, still ends up washing out into the ocean, but instead of being captured by rebels hes saved by them, he wakes up in that prison theyre holed up in, and goes to send a message to adam and nick cuz he misses his besties (adrian does not end up making it a polycule, but adam and nick still date) and wants to meet up with them again to regroup cuz adrian is fucked up to the most after all of that. (i am not having gman show up to plot explain shit to adrian cuz i think thats stupid)
now at this point adam is looking at adrian and is like, damn this is all my fault that hes gone on this suicide mission to kill a guy who didnt even do the crime, and this time round adam is going to be the bigger man and say "hey man, i was the one who killed ur brother, u dont gotta be fighting two wars at once" this causes adrian to just fucking loose it honestly, damn near kills adam but thankfully nick is there to buffer, and once seperated adrian just sobs, and this time adam and adrian get to talk shit out, adam also kinda says that he saw gman take mitchs body so he might still have him somewhere, so now were like wait shid is mitch still somewhere, this eventually si confirmed by the vortigaunts who can see that oh yeah these bitches have been fucked with by gman also ur brothers alive and gmans got him in his clutches
so since adrian technically did his job gmans not gonna come after him all that much, specially since adrians gonna continue to fight with the resistance to help freeman so hes doing overtime at this point
so eventually he still goes to borealis, but this time in a timely manner since he finds out about it thru the resistance, using the avalon vale, but also with an ulterior motive to a) kill that sunuvabitch gman and b) get mitch back adn thats the end of the game !
honestly, it would make more sense to not have gman force adrian to kill freeman but i decided to keep it that way so that its still hdtf, but honestly, it seems more likely with adrian there that gman would tell adrian to go help out the resistance, but we can write that option off as gman being a messy bitch lmao
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Eddsworld Enchanted Info Masterpost!
The Main Cast:
Edward “Edd” Harpwing
Relations: Tord’s adopted brother, twin to Ded Harpwing. Nephew to Sharpay Harpwing, adopted son of Pat and Pau Harpwing. Best friends with Matt Hiddengrove and Tom Blackwell.
Info: He’s a silly, fun prankster who’s almost always on a caffeine/sugar rush... or at least, he was, until it happened. Now he’s quiet and reserved, a far cry from his former self. You can usually find him cooped up in his room throwing himself into his work, or mulling over some classified documents that no one’s quite sure how he managed to get a hold of.
He’s been trying to pretend everything’s fine, but he’s so obviously barely holding together.
He cries a lot more often now.
Goals: Trying to find Tord again, or at least confirm that he’s still alive - he’s worried about his brother, after all.
Thomas “Tom” Blackwell
Relations: Twin to Timothy Blackwell, best friends with Matt Hiddengrove and Edd Harpwing - former friend of Tord Harpwing
Info: Just classic stupid Tom. He's a bit edgy, a little snarky, but extremely loyal. The kind of guy who would absolutely cut a bitch for Edd and Matt.
He's heard tales of a rising army lead by a horned man in red, and he's bitter as hell. He must have missed.
Well, he won't miss the second time around, will he?
Goals: To find Tord - he knows goddamn well that harpoon shot didn’t kill him, and he wants his fucking revenge.
Matthew “Matt” Hiddengrove
Relations: Best friends with Edd Harpwing, Ded Harpwing, and Tom Blackwell - former friend of Tord Harpwing.
Used to “adventure” with the Harpwings as kids after his mother mysteriously fell ill.
Info: A bit vain and selfish. He acts dumb and naive as a cover for himself, he’s actually extremely intelligent. Do not get on his bad side if you know what’s good for you. he and his zombeh army (recruited from the ASDFLand zombehs) will fuck you up.
Goals: To prove that he's not what everyone thinks.
-=-The Typo Bros!-=-
Sharpay "Pay" Harpwing
Relations: Brother to Pat Harpwing, uncle of Edd, Tord, and Ded Harpwing. friend to Tim Blackwell and Pau Harpwing.
Info: Depressed, slutty, alcoholic, feeling lost and alone and as though he's been left behind by everyone he's ever cared for - what isn't wrong in Sharpay's life? That's the question he asks himself every day, but never seems to find a good answer.
Some days he wonders why he's still hanging on.
Goals: To find something worthwhile for himself.
Timothy "Tim" Blackwell
Relations: Friend to Pay, Edd and Ded Harpwing. twin to Tom Blackwell, acquaintances with Pat and Pau Harpwing, and formerly Tord Harpwing.
Info: Pretty, happy, smart, and a successful guitarist - what isn't right in Tim's life? He's almost the exact opposite of Sharpay, so it's anyone's guess as to how the two became friends.
The two date on and off, though when they're on, they'd never dare admit it.
They're terrible for each other romantically, but you know what they say - opposites attract.
Goals: To be world famous for his music, and to help Sharpay out.
Ded "GMan" Harpwing
Relations: Friend of Tim Blackwell, twin to Edd Harpwing, adopted brother of Tord Harpwing. Nephew to Sharpay Harpwing.
Info: Lazy and easygoing, Ded just wants to vibe with his geckos, man. He doesn't wanna deal with this shit.
He doesn't even know what a Red Army is - though, the rumored descriptions of the top members seem somewhat familiar.
His close friends call him G Man, like the Half-Life character - though in his case, the G stands for Geckos.
His favourite drink is, surprisingly, Dr. Pepper.
Goals: To become a herpetologist specialising in geckos, salamanders, and other kinds of lizards.
-?-The Rumored Warriors-?-
Patryck "Pat" Harpwing
Relations: Husband to Pau Harpwing, adoptive father to Edd, Ded, and Tord Harpwing. Brother of Pay Harpwing. Acquaintances with Tim Blackwell. Vaguely aware of Tom's existence.
Info: "...Isn't that above your clearance level?"
Goals: To serve the Red Army, and to keep his husband safe.
Pau "Daddy Eyebrows" Harpwing (maiden name Arakajime)
Relations: Husband to Pat Harpwing, adoptive father to Edd, Ded, and Tord Harpwing. Friend of Pay Harpwing, acquaintances with Tim and Tom Blackwell.
Info: "All you need to know is that he's a damn good shot with that rifle."
Goals: To serve the Red Army, and to keep his husband safe.
The Red Leader, otherwise known as
Tord Harpwing.
Relations: Adopted brother to Edward and Ded Harpwing. Enemy to Thomas Blackwell. No longer cares for Matthew Hiddengrove.
He's trying to disconnect from his past.
Info: "Du kan ikke vet det. Ikke ennå."
Goals: Total control.
A fan-era that picks up where The End Part 2, the final episode of Eddsworld Legacy, had left off, adding some newcomers and a whole entire world of secrets and surprises and little background details.
Edd, Matt, and Tom are dealing with their own feelings and the aftermath of what they call 'the incident'.
Sharpay is finally learning to live life, Tim's career is picking up, and Ded's chilling with his pet geckos and drinking waaaay too much soda for his own good.
But what happens when Tord and his army rise like a phoenix from the ashes? (er, the molten metal and shattered glass.)
Find out soon!
Extra notes: no, this will not focus on the neighbours. at least, not as part of the main cast, or even as secondary characters - there's an in-universe reason for this (Eduardo and Mark are in a bit of a depressive funk after Jon's untimely demise, and don't leave the house much. It's a rare sight, they'll mostly be in the background) and an out-of-universe reason (I suck balls at writing the neighbours LMAO... and also I don't really like them. Plus there's already too much fan-content revolving around them anyhow.)
There's a discord, join it here!
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crispywisp · 4 years
facial expression test
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korkietism · 8 months
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Dragonfruit, The Coolatta Family, two of the Draculas, Korekiyo Shinguji, Derpy Hooves, and all of their respective familiars on the same spread because I love them.
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melonsharks · 2 years
AHHHHH THE SHIP CHART ASDHSKDSDFFSK i thought about a hs au back in like 2020 but i never wrote anything down for it so im like. living vicariously through ur work rn. you dont have to answer this if its too broad a question but i would Love to hear ur thoughts on their sgrub session as well if you've got any. do they have hte dreaming moons. who godtiers (if anyone) ... i am rattling in my chair with thoughts and concepts rn -quadrant anon again
Hehe hiii quadrant anon, sorry this is so late! I had to deal with finals all week. anyways hlvrai hs au game session thoughts under the cut.
So before it starts, to make one thing clear, the game is an experiment Black Mesa is conducting based on an ancient code that was dug up by their underwater facility. Not a lot of the scientists working on setting up this experiment are even fully sure what its capable of, they just know that the code just so happens to make up the code of a “computer game”, and that it contains the secrets to conquering new universes.
What they don’t know, that a select few (namely Gman and whoever his employers are) know, is that it doesnt contain the secrets to conquering new universes. It contains the secrets to CREATE a new universe. At the price of the destruction of the planet you’re on. If you’re familiar with homestuck then thats all standard stuff. You play the game, your planet gets destroyed, you get transported into the world of the game. Then its all a big quest to create a new universe to rule over as gods. Or whatever.
The science team consists of the group of scientists who were going to test out the experiment, the computer game, give it a little test run. But well, once you start playing, you cant go back, so. NeMeico is destroyed and a lot of different parts of the Black Mesa facility are scattered across different planets, where the main players end up. Those who aren’t playing quickly die. Certain non-scientists (Benrey and Forzen) got dragged into playing last second as some of the main players clued in on what was going to happen otherwise and so the game begins.
ANYWAYS thats the basic set up. For the fun stuff, yes they do have dreaming moons! They also have their own lands B] Ill make a nice little list because who doesn’t love lists!
Gordon - Maid of Blood - Prospit - Land of Bonds and Rust
Tommie - Witch of Hope - Prospit - Land of Fountains and Arenas*
Coomer - Seer of Time - Prospit - Land of Ropes and Routine
Bubbie - Thief of Space - Derse - Land of Pyre and Rockets
Benrey - Bard of Void - Derse - Land of Bubbles and Weightlessness
Forzen - Heir of Doom - Prospit - Land of Ruins and Entropy
Darnold - Rogue of Breath - Derse - Land of Beakers and Geysers
*the fountains are soda fountains, yes. also the arenas are beyblade arenas. ok.
The ones who for sure likely godtier are Benrey, Coomer, and Gman (who i did not include on this list on purpose!) Maybe Tommie. I ofc dont have it all planned out, but these are the concepts I like playing around with B]
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somberine · 3 years
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Furby au take 2 this time with the side characters + Joshua! batch one is here
Gman is the second of the newest series, Gman is a Furby Connect. Though unlike most furby connect, this particular furby wont interact with any of the songs or videos played for him properly. That being said, scientists of Black Mesa have noticed he doesn’t actually interact much with anything, let alone act like a typical furby. He does seem to have some sort of attachment to Tommy.  Forzen is the not too familiar Shelby. Quite a rare find, this particular shelby seems to be missing his bottom jaw and an eye. However it looks as if someone tried to fix the eye problem with a band aid. Forzen isn’t a talkative shelby by any means, but he seems to be very interested in different videos when scientists leave him alone to watch them.  Seems to interact most with Benrey and Darnold.  Darnold much like Gordon is a standard original 1998 Furby. Darnold is very talkative and picked up learning english faster than the typical furby would. Scientists have noticed hes very interactive with the rest of the group, but tends to be startled just as much as Gordon when it comes to just about anything. This furby seems to have a facination with science as a whole.  Lastly we have Joshua. Joshua is a 1999 Furby Baby. Super loud, very active, doesn’t speak much english but does chatter in furbish quite frequently. Joshua doesn’t know what sleep is and would rather not sleep at all! This particular furby has a very strong attachment to Gordon, and typically hangs around him more than any of the others in the group. Joshua is always hungry. Joshua seems to have a habit of vanishing and thus Black Mesa has fitted him with a proper tracker to be sure he Does Not leave the facility. 
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spiderh0rse · 5 months
Stark's Mind notes! Pt1, e1-5.
Before I get into the video itself, the description does carry some interesting tidbits! Going forward, they'll always be listed as such:
Desc. Vincent Stark is 24, used to work at Black Mesa, and considers that place his personal hell. Right now, he reluctantly serves as Dr. Freeman's body double.
We start with an intro beyond the "face, series name" format! Going down the tram tunnel.
He is not happy to be doing this today.
When he left Black Mesa, it had the same tram monologue as it does now.
He is late.
He jokes about hiding in the bathroom stalls for a while, then implies he genuinely did used to do that.
Knows about Freeman being on parole! How!
Tries to rationalize being late.
Concerned about the safety standards of people welding stuff
Tourists apparently enter the facility from time to time
He's getting into character as Freeman by acting like he's still part of the company
hums Military Precision
"ba donk"
Does like how the area around Black Mesa looks
a tad unnerved by the tram shaking
talks to people when they're far out of audible distance. He doesnt know why he does this.
hums Hard Fought
SO bored by the train. Narrates the dramatic lights turning on
Thinks the decathlon sounds fun. Might stick around and do that in Gordon's place. Used to get first in it :>
considers himself an "athletic superstar" even if in a joke
Some of the departments the tram passes aren't ones he's really that involved in
Doesn't want any of his relatives to work at Black Mesa
"All of the gates today have played the waiting game with me. And so far? I'm winning." Silly.
Familiar with Star Wars, but mixes up the Republic and Empire eras.
horrified at some guy being in danger. Can't do anything about it, really, so he gives up
his freeman impression SUCKS
Knows Barney, forgot he works at Black Mesa.
nervous laughter
"Horn"? Someone! Who works at Black Mesa
doesn't know Gina Cross. :(
"Subtitles by Prinnamon" PRIN IT'S YOU
Freeman impression has improved slightly
attempts to assist with the computer crash
He's coming off as awkward and not neurotic. This is blatantly not a Freeman trait
Makes a very similar joke to Gordon's about the techno hell room
Stark Also does not know his way about
The architecture is new!
Gman's stare scares him
He's... Hungry. He didn't eat breakfast.... Plans to steal a casserole.
doesnt know Freeman's locker combo. Implies he used to know
no mirrors in the bathroom,,,
applies an idiom about money to toilet paper
thinks the mk.v looks better than the mk.iv. calls it the 4.5. Ugh.
wants to turn off the HEV suit voice.
does Not know what "you're in the barrel" means
Sector C is not open to visitors.
It's 2009!
He did something when he left Black Mesa that could severely put him in trouble if people find out he's here
Deeply concerned with ethics and safety in the workplace. Blames Breen for it. That's part of why he left.
Warning signs are written in blood
Knows Otis Laurey. Considers security guards far more foolish than the scientists.
knows Dr Vance
bothered by safety issues
assures Eli the issues here aren't his probably
Breen wanted to recreate the big bang
tells someone to report a safety concern
drinks coffee
glib about his lack of a helmet
fun to watch a sample be bombarded with antimatter
thinks the AMS is pretty and likes the white noise
goes from pretty happy to be working to scared for his life
Scared and Whimpering at the vortigaunts
wakes up having a hard time breathing
overwhelmed, can't think clearly
IMMEDIATELY puts all the blame for the ResCas and resulting deaths on himself
sees a bloody handprint and promptly breaks down about it
he's still on the security database in Black Mesa. Has level three clearance.
constantly torn between guilt and panic
does try and run down a list of things to do in this situation
he guesses a large amount of the facility has been impacted by the ResCas
"by Schrodinger's cat! He's alive" met with an "unfortunately." HEY.
immediately clocks a headcrab as an alien
goes from somber talking to Eli to yelling panicked swearing at some lasers
states that this is Literally Hell and the headcrab zombies on fire are Literal Demons
gets MEAN when he's scared and has a target he won't feel guilty for attacking
continues to have bouts of nervous laughter
familiar with Alien
witnesses some deaths directly, the elevator crash, promptly starts blaming himself again
repeating "I did this." on loop. There are better things that don't make you feel worse to say on repeat, pal (as prinnamon once put it: vince you have got to think of a better vocal stim than "i did this" and i do hope the quote is not minded. it sticks with me always)
okay yeah he's just in the middle of a panic attack and has been for multiple minutes
implies the only reason he's not curling up and waiting for death is because he still has a task at hand to perform
doesn't want to get blood on his suit
makes a little tune about wanting to have a gun
stark you will cook slowly in that metal suit of yours
admits he suffered a breakdown, claims he's not crazy yet
you are not in fact staying calm, sir. You're in shock.
not impressed by Gordon's locker
deeply snarky surrounding near-death circumstances and his panic in them being derided
doesn't really like trophy hunters
can't save someone's life and promptly blames himself for causing his death
resolves to be strong and stand his ground. Runs from a zombie immediately
immediately attached to his crowbar
fine with killing the zombies
longs for a gun
"is it not?" <3
"leaks"? I think, given a later line i poorly remember, he's talking about whistleblowing
"why are you Broken are you Jokin" kdfjkjf
LAUGHS he is DELIGHTED to solve a small problem
thinks he is going to solve all issues caused today. sounds SO happy about that
keeps snapping at the zombies and headcrabs
checked a clearly dead body for a pulse. doesn't know why he did this
internal monologue fullnames himself
still looking for weapons in random crates
comes up with a nice little ditty about breaking crates
"laced with blood" is one way to describe this room
doesn't have enough upper body strength to perform a pull-up
knows gordon goes to the gym. stark, however, does not
rambling very quickly when he realizes hes in a bad situation
"i'm not in the right state of mind" for. killing zombies? when is ANYONE in the right state of mind for that
tells a double-dead zombie to stay down decompose and not reproduce
does Not want to go into the vents. vent sharks
gets choked by a barnacle. calls them something out of a bdsm fantasy
he thinks he will LOSE to vent sharks
names a barnacle david. gets goofy with it
calls a houndeye a dog :> ouppy. ham dogs!
watches The Price Is Right
still not entirely sure whether all this is real
almost tells someone he Isn't Freeman, decides he doesn't care
he says he's never used a gun before. confident he can use one anyways. fool. <3
wants to take a minute to do nothing and rest. also wants to radio the surface immediately to get help as soon as possible
tells some guy he's responsible for everything happening right now
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kraviolis · 4 years
rn im thinking about gordon being filled with anxiety, thrust from a dark nothingness into a busy train station, gman’s words ringing in his skull. he gets pulled from the side, taken into the back room, mind racing on how he’s going to fight his way out this time-- unarmed and unarmored.
but then he sees barney’s face and hears his voice and is so desperate for that comfort of familiarity that he doesnt hesitate before reaching forward, grabbing him by the collar, and pulling him up into a kiss.
he doesn’t even process barney hesitating before melting into it and kissing back, doesn’t process the wrinkles and silver hair. he just exists here with barney and when he pulls from the kiss he just bends forward and hides his face in his shoulder. gordon’s shaking from the mix of relief and adrenaline and anxiety and the morphine wearing off.
barney just lets him sink into his arms, completely caught off guard. he just does his best to soothe him, murmuring quiet comforts and feeling so, so out of his depth. rubbing up and down his back, running his fingers through his hair, letting him just have this moment of reprieve.
he can run and fight for his life later. all gordon needs right now is barney’s comfort, reminding him of how it should feel.
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catlokis-blog · 2 years
When Bubby accepted the position of "The GMan's Boyfriend", he had honestly expected it to be... Different.
The GMan seemed like and worked hard for his appearance to be closed off and withdrawn. Bubby was prepared for the distance, the averseness to touch the government man seemed to have, and the silence.
Though, he got neither of those things. The opposite, if you could believe it.
Here Bubby was, dangerously close to missing an important meeting Black Mesa had warned him about, and GMan was going to be the reason for it. He almost couldn't believe how ridiculous the situation was getting to be. Bubby huffed as the GMan held his wrists in his grasp, the man bending over ever so slightly to peer down at his partner, curious grin lacing his face. "Why the... Rush?" The GMan hummed, as if seriously pondering said question.
He got an unhappy eye roll in return. "Really, GMan?" Bubby scoffed. "I have a meeting. I know you're feeling extra handsy today, but can't it wait? Or better yet -- use that freaky time stop ability of yours!" Bubby tried yanking his hands out of GMans grasp to no avail. "Mmmm... I would, but, you see- They would... know if I was to use it, too often." A wicked smile replaced his previous grin. "And I know you enjoy this, just as much as I do."
Bubby gulped audibly.
"Oh, you rat bastard." He growled, and GMan chuckled almost breathlessly as he pressed a kiss to Bubby's temple. "Although, if I am bothering you... That much... I can take my leave, then." Bubby almost thanked the Lord as GMan backed off, letting go of his wrists in the process. Instead, GMan caressed Bubby's face with one hand, drawing his thumb across the underside of Bubby's glasses, and Bubby had to fight to stop himself from leaning into the touch. "Enjoy your meeting, hm?"
And just like that, GMan was gone.
Bubby set to work on adjusting his tie, glancing at the clock to see he only had a couple minutes to race down to the other sector, but couldn't start his journey as he felt a cold gust of wind from behind, instinctively shivering. He felt the impression of lips ghosting kisses over his neck, the feeling all too familiar. There was a whisper right in his ear, as if the man was leaning over him again as Bubby cursed GMan's name (that rat fuck), cursed Black Mesa, cursed whatever could come to mind --
"This is not over. Find me, after your shift."
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