#hlvrai fanfic
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ferry-man-farrow · 3 months ago
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Ok yes fine i caved and started a fic for this AU eat up you sad fucks
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grotesque-marvel · 2 months ago
Frenrey- Love is like a camera! (it stop him in my eyes)
Summary: A short fic based on the song "ZOOM UP !" by Kahimi Karie. Benrey, Joshua and Gordon go out on an walk. Computer-virus-now-turned-human Benrey has to learn how a digital camera functions. Feelings and emotions get in the way as per the usual ! Tags: sfw, Benrey/Gordon Freeman, pure fluff, tooth rotting fluff, mutual pining (not mentioned for Gordon's side), lots and lots of sappiness, computer virus tries to learn how a digital camera works irl, not beta read at ALL
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Fic under the cut, if you'd like to read it on here ^_^
“ so, this is like aaa. a shittier version of the screenshot button? „
The bitter-yet-kind air of spring nips at Benrey’s nose, making the stout man snort more obnoxiously than he otherwise would in such a pollen-riddled season. Surprisingly, being a computer virus hadn’t actually come with the advantage of being immune to actual real-world viruses (that’s what he calls this itching, anyways, no matter how much Gordon insists that no, it is not a virus, Benrey is just allergic, which is like. So much lamer.), but that’s the least of his problems right about now as he blinks sluggishly at the strange device in his palms, turning and twisting it like he was investigating a new item in a Resident Evil game, looking for clues.
The human looks amused by his antics, anyways, judging by the ugly snort he lets out followed by the smile stretching across freckled cheeks which does not make Benrey’s heart palpitate weirdly as if he’s on the brink of a heart attack. 
“ It’s a camera, Benrey,  „ Gordon carefully, patiently explains, green eyes kind despite the kid currently tugging on his pants demanding that they go to the park, dad, pleaasee!!, “ Like the- you literally had a camera in Xen, how can you not recognize it? ,,
Benrey sniffles once in reply, stubby fingers finally properly gripping the gadget before he look up at Gordon, sensing that he’s supposed to verbally respond to that question. “ uhhhh. yours is. shittier. ,, He deadpans as if that’s supposed to explain anything, fingernails digging into the sides of the camera like there’s supposed to be a hinge and the camera just doesn’t know it yet. “ there’s no- there’s no film slot thing. how are you supposed to take pictures without film, idiot? stupid useless device. ,,
Gordon snorts again, like there’s some great inside joke that Benrey had been oh so cruelly left out of, before the man bends up to scoop the fussy child up in his arms, groaning at the way his bones creak like awkward hinges that hadn’t been greased in a long time. Can one grease their bones, anyways? Is that, like, an automatic function? Benrey’s body surely doesn’t do that, judging by the constant pains in his spine. Then again, Gordon does often comment that he sits like a fucked up shrimp, so-
Finger snap in front of his dazed eyes and Benrey is quick to catch on, blinking once, twice, before his other senses catch up and he tunes back into Gordon’s monologue with a startled look. 
“ Have you- were you even listening to what I was saying? ,, Gordon doesn’t expect a reply to that, Benrey’s learnt that’s merely a rhetorical question by now- of course Benrey isn’t paying attention, he almost never is, “ I was telling you about how these are digital cameras. Don’t need film if you just have an SD card to - how do you not know about digital cameras, even? They’ve been around forever, man, that’s like- you know about gaming PCs but not about digital cameras? What even- ,,
Just like how Gordon had previously broken Benrey out of his trance, the shorter repays the kindness by flicking Gordon’s forehead just harshly enough to break him out of his rambling. At first, he quiets up, but he’s quick to continue as if nothing happened, putting one hand on his hip whilst his other, prosthetic one, is busy holding up his child who has by now begun to play with Gordon’s hair out of boredom.
“ It’s just- I’m not asking for much, man. Just one nice picture with me and Joshie, yeah? Then we can continue on our walk. ,, Gordon would be a fool to believe in Benrey having an attention span longer than a few seconds, and Benrey is already considering him a fool for thinking that he can do anything more complex than press the popcorn button on their microwave. Still, the short man shrugs and waves Gordon off, a sign that, whilst begrudgingly so, Benrey’s willing to entertain his antics.
The smile that Gordon flashes back is nearly as blinding as that of a camera’s flash, and Benrey feels like he should cover his eyes lest he go blind, yet he surprisingly doesn’t mind the thought of losing his vision due to the man’s happy grin. He does, however, mind the instant nausea effect that he gets right after that thought, world tilted just a little off its axis as he watches Gordon bound over to the spot he had picked out for the picture whilst Benrey was probably spaced out. Benrey, being the oh so diligent security guard that he still believes he is, follows shortly thereafter. Just to make sure Gordon doesn’t cause a scene, of course.
They’re dressed more fashionably than either of them are used to, really- Gordon has decided to bundle up in the bright orange sweater that he had oh so lovingly been gifted by Dr. Coomer this past Christmas, along with a stereotypical combo of blue dad jeans and sandals with white socks. His green-tinted glasses sit awkwardly on his nose, the lenses crooked and bent from probably sitting on them by accident far too many times, and his prosthetic glistens in the bright sun of the afternoon, a vivid black and orange metal that matches the design of the HEV suit almost uncannily so. Pfft, fanboy.
Benrey, on the other hand, had tried something other than the usual black hoodie and gray sweatpants, the recent dressing up games that he had been playing giving him a more refined fashion taste than before. Not like he had been programmed with a fashion taste, after all, but Benrey likes to believe he’s improved anyways. Dressed in a white tank top with a black leather jacket he’d stolen from Gordon draped over his shoulders, a pair of khaki-colored jeans that Gordon insisted on getting him no matter Benrey’s protests and whines. He had forgone a hat today, surprisingly, though he’d ended up snatching Gordon’s anyways, a bright orange beanie that matched the scientist’s sweater, coming from none other than Bubby himself.
Joshua’s outfit had actually been picked out by the kid himself, this time, deciding on a pair of cream knee-length shorts and a matching-colored bucket hat, a graphic t-shirt currently hidden by the tightly zipped up bomber jacket around his body. God, Benrey felt as if just yesterday he had been staring at a pruny baby swaddled in blankets, only to now feel his eyes soften impossibly so as he stares at the chestnut curls that bounce with the motion of Joshua’s head as he turns towards the short man, offering him a similarly blinding smile that shows off the gap in his teeth proudly so.
Snapped out of his reverie, Benrey shakes his head as if trying to get rid of a dizzy spell, focusing back on the gadget at hand as he brings it up to his face. It really is a technological marvel to him- he’s so used to static, low quality props that felt like air in his hands, yet now he can brush his fingers against the material, can feel all the ridges of the plastic casing on his fingertip, can drag his nail on the scratched up silver accents, can see the image reflected actually change as he moves the camera around, trying to get a proper angle.
He’s not exactly a photographer, per se, but it’s not like he can’t see which angles are flattering and which are very much now. He fidgets with the settings for a bit, tongue poking out as he flicks through all the filters available only to settle for the default anyways. Best not to fuck up and have Gordon chide him for it later, though he suspects the man has been going softer on the arguing lately. He tends to look at Benrey with a far more tender look, an indecipherable emotion swirling within those pupils that makes Benrey’s once-digital self feel all like scrambled code and ciphers on the inside.
Finally, he finds the perfect angle, the light reflecting off of the models just so, bringing out all the details Benrey had been striving for. At first, he fumbles with every button for a moment, unaware of which one actually takes the photo, before he promptly startles at the sound of the shutter going off, camera unceremoniously falling onto the dewy grass. Grumbling as he hears the echo of two laughters basking in his misery and shame, the short man reaches down to grab the camera, only to wince as a resounding crack comes from the small of his back, bringing forth even more laughter at his expense.
“ boo, laughing at my pain. how dare you. punishment for you both, eternal torture . ,, Benrey hisses as he finally manages to grapple the now wet camera back in his hands, using the corner of his tank top to messily wipe away the dew before pointing it the same way it had been before, huffing and puffing. The pouting doesn’t last for long, however, as Benrey’s jaw slackens at the sight reflected in the feed of his camera-
Gordon and Joshua are both leaning their heads into one another’s as they laugh, both their faces scrunched up with what must be a chest-aching amount of laughter. Like this, Gordon’s wrinkles become all the more apparent, yet all they do is make him look all the more breathless, crow’s feet tracing the arc in which his eyes are squeezed shut whilst his smile dimples in his cheeks, giving his expression just another pop that has Benrey’s breath catching in his throat. And Joshua’s smiling wildly too, the missing canine on full display as his cheeks are blotchy and red from laughter, small torso heaving with the force of his childish giggles-
Benrey remains staring there dumbfounded long after the shutter of the camera goes off, long after the pair’s laughter die down only to be replaced with concerned glances shared between father and son as they stare at the man who stands there utterly slack-jawed. There’s a blush crawling on Benrey’s face, the redness tracing a path all the way down his neck and to his chest, and Gordon lets out another ugly snort at the thought of Benrey looking as if he’d been sunburnt, the sound finally enough to once again snap the shorter out of whatever stupor he had been under.
“ bwuh- uh– ,, He flounders like a fish out of sea, glancing between the device, then the tall man, then the device again, as if there’s a puzzle slotting together right before his very eyes.
 Instinctively, not knowing what else he is meant to do, Benrey then begins waving his hand around with the camera still clutched tightly as if he was rushing the development of a polaroid, the sudden movement pulling a startled laugh out of Gordon. Eventually, after enough staring from both ends, the curly haired man merely shakes his head and kneels down to allow Joshua to practically bolt out of his arms, quick to stand back up and place his hands on his waist as he looks at the child with a happy grin before once again focusing his attention on his silent friend, his pace lazy and unhurried as he makes his way over towards the frozen figure.
“ Try not to swallow a fly, dude, ,, Gordon teases as he pats Benrey’s back roughly, said man gasping as if he’d actually choked on an insect right then and there, “ What’s up with you? Was the picture really that bad? Cmon, let me see. ,,
Wordlessly, Benrey snaps his jaw shut and passes the device silently to the taller man, Gordon’s mouth letting out an instinctual ‘thanks’ as he pulls it from Benrey’s grasp and moves to look through the gallery. Now it’s Gordon’s turn to gasp as he looks down at the screen with wide eyes, almost unbelieving of the candid photo Benrey had took- it looked near professional, really, save for the little bit of motion blur, but to Gordon’s eyes it was perfect.
“ Oh my God, dude, this is- this is awesome! ,, Gordon laughs excitedly, bouncing on his feet as he clutches the camera even tighter, “ I’m so printing this out- thanks a bunch, Benrey, you’re the fucking best! ,,
Still reeling from the events that had just unfolded, Benrey barely has the time to let out a startled ‘whuh-’ before his head is wretched by an arm wrapping around his neck, quick to hear the shutter going off as he notices the camera is now pointed towards themselves. Stumbling on his feet once Gordon lets him go, Benrey blinks as if having actually been dazed by a nonexistent flash, the shorter man having to clutch tightly onto Gordon’s forearm so as to not collapse then and there. Gordon lets him, of course, far too focused on the camera in hand to really pay any attention to the way in which he instinctively offers up his limb for the other to hold onto.
“ Gonna hang this one up, too. ,, That voice calls out again, this time less affectionate and more smug as he turns the camera around, showing Benrey the picture that Gordon had managed to sneak. It’s a pretty crappy picture, all things considered- a selfie of them that had definitely been taken in a hurry, yet Gordon’s crooked smile and Benrey’s shocked, flustered expression remain unblurred in the midst of it all, almost as if the camera is personally mocking him for existing. It’s… Cute, almost disgustingly so, like a photo you’d see in an old married couple’s album as they reminisce about their youthful love.
The thought of that alone is enough for Benrey to shove the beanie up until his eyes get covered as he grumbles and kicks at Gordon’s shins, ignoring the man’s outraged cries in favor of running away from the scene… Only to, of course, collide directly into the nearest tree due to his lack of sight. As he lays there on the dewy grass, however, and listens to Gordon’s wheezy laughter as the man undoubtedly makes fun of him, Benrey finds no annoyance in his heart, merely basking in that familiar feeling of scrambled emotions bouncing around in his heart like a game of fucked up ping pong. Maybe digital cameras weren’t so shitty, after all.
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radioactivereads · 5 months ago
bros cuddles (hlvrai)
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summary: the science team is Tired and they Cuddle . thats it . lol
a/n: im a tommy kin and i was having a hard time sleeping so i wrote this a few months ago . its all platonic. also bubby is hard to write
The dripping sound of the pipes was pounding in his head. Every noise felt elevated to the highest degree. Tommy stared at the ceiling, sitting against the wall of the Black Mesa floor, the chill of it feeling like it sunk into his bones. Around him the rest of the crew slept.
 In his brain’s constant quest to identify patterns around him, the science team's sleeping habits were now familiar.
Gordon always slept curled up on his side, tense in his sleep. Tommy had hoped his dreams would allow him an escape from how on edge he always seemed to be, but after noticing that he wasn’t so sure. 
Dr. Coomer and Dr. Bubby often stuck close together, and they were no different now. Coomer liked to sleep on his back, even if it did make him snore, which Bubby complained about, but he also liked to prop his head up on Coomer and lie next to him, resting his head on Coomer’s stomach and muttering in his sleep.
Tommy wasn’t quite familiar with Benrey’s sleep patterns, only catching them napping in the middle of other conversations, or once when he woke up and they were still asleep. They seemed to sleep wherever was most convenient, which was often just wherever he was when they got tired.
However, none of these patterns soothed him in this moment. He found himself struggling to sleep more and more. The sounds of all the weapons echoed in his mind. Each day he was dealing with much louder sounds than what he’d become accustomed to.
He wished Sunkist were here, if only for the selfish reason he wanted to hug her. Her soft fur always helped him fall asleep, and she’d often curl up next to him or by his bed, guarding him from threats, real or imaginary.
But it would be dangerous for Sunkist to be here. Despite her immortality, Tommy always worried that the exact moment she got hurt would be when she suddenly would stop being immortal, or maybe she’d forget she was immortal and maybe that would make her not be anymore.
His dad was nearby, he knew that. He’d been watching more closely these days. Whether that was because of Tommy, Gordon, the ‘incident’, or maybe a mix of all of them, he couldn’t be sure.
He- again selfishly- hoped it was because of him, though he knew deep down that was probably not the case. 
His feelings about his father, the ‘Gman’ were complicated at best. They’re his dad, and he loved them, sure, but the recent reappearance after many years of absence was a big thing to get used to.
His father was busy, yes, but Tommy had always hoped they’d have more time for him someday.
But they never did, and Tommy had stopped hoping.
Tommy didn’t exactly want his fathers “comfort” at the moment. His dad was not very good with emotions like comfort, and Tommy knew it’d likely make things worse.
Tommy was only startled out of his thoughts when someone snapped their fingers in front of him. He scrambled back quickly, but realized it was only Bubby, who was squatting in front of him.
“Jeez loueez no need to be so jumpy!” Bubby scowled, but Tommy had learnt he often did that, and it was not indicative of his mood.
“Sorry…” Tommy muttered. His gaze flicked to Dr Coomer, who was still lying on his back, pawing at the air in his sleep and muttering something about a championship and some sort of gaming console.
Tommy wondered what he was dreaming about before turning back to Bubby.
“You look terrible kid, you should sleep”
Bubby was quite blunt.
Tommy bit back a retort, knowing Bubby was much better at that than him, and it wouldn’t be very smart to start that kind of fight.
“…I can’t sleep” Tommy complained “it’s too much- I-it’s way too loud in here. Even if- even when it’s quiet”
Bubby sat, thinking seemingly
“I usually use Coomer as a pillow” he began, Tommy didn’t inform him he already knew this information
 “but when I focus on his snoring it helps me drown out the sound of anything else”
“But how do you- how are you sure you’re gonna be safe all night then? If nobody’s keeping watch over you”
Bubby waved a hand
“You all are very loudl. If something happens I’m sure I’ll wake up to Gordon yelling his head off”
“…I guess so…” Tommy still didn’t feel convinced.
“Why don’t we try to find a noise that you can focus on?” Bubby offered. Tommy sighed but nodded
“Yea… Usually I have Sunkist a-and she helps me feel safer…” Tommy hugged his knees, and Bubby was lost in thought.
“...Say, you like Wikipedia right?” “The- The free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit?” Tommy looked up hopefully
Bubby grinned. It wasn’t like how people were supposed to grin, Tommy thought. It was more like a chimp bearing its teeth, but he’d learned that was just how he smiled.
Bubby walked over and nudged Coomer with his foot. Coomer muttered about gloves and Bubby rolled his eyes (Or, Tommy assumed he did. He couldn’t quite see behind his glasses.)
Bubby picked up Coomer and carried him over, dropping him on the ground. Coomer jolted and yelled something about ropes, but Bubby tapped him and he calmed down.
“Oh, Hello Dr. Bubb-” “Shut it! That one’s still sleeping” He jabbed a thumb towards Gordon, who stirred a bit.
Coomer’s voice was quieter, but not like a whisper, more like someone had used a remote to turn the volume down.
“Coomer, recite the boy a wikipedia article!” “Wikipedia, The Free Online Encyclopedi-?” “Yes, yes that!!”
Tommy tried to get comfortable on the floor, but it wasn’t working very well. Coomer lied back down, resting against the wall, and Bubby lied down next to him, resting his head on Coomer’s side.
Coomer noticed Tommy’s struggles and kindly patted the spot next to him, offering Tommy to share the space. Tommy was hesitant, he wasn’t very used to any sort of physical contact. He hadn’t had many friends, let alone ones who wanted to be affectionate with him. 
He hated to admit it, but he still flinched whenever Gordon put a hand on his shoulder.
Coomer was the exact opposite however, constantly poking, hugging, and messing with other people, so Tommy suspected it was very normal for him.
Awkwardly, Tommy scooted closer, resting his head on his side, and Coomer put an arm over him. It was very comforting, he had to admit.
“A Chair Is A Piece Of Furniture With A Raised Surface-” Coomer began reciting, and Tommy felt himself relax. 
It reminded him of his dad. Gman would recite OSHA guidelines, rules, and encyclopedias to get him to sleep, whether because he thought it would bore Tommy into tiredness or because he genuinely thought it was interesting was beyond him, but Tommy had grown a liking for them regardless.
As he listened to Coomer ramble on, his mind wandered.
His dad was nearby, and he was safe. He shouldn’t worry about that. Even if it wasn’t as direct as Sunkist’s guarding, Tommy doubted his dad would let him get hurt.
But he didn’t just have to worry about himself anymore. He willed his tired eyes- which he hadn’t realized had closed- open, and his gaze tiredly flicked to Gordon, who was still curled up. He looked to Coomer, who was still reciting the entire page, reading out each resource link letter by letter.
“Hey Dr Coomer?”
“Yes, Tommy?”
“...Can we uhm- Can Mr. Freeman join us? He’s- he looks… cold” 
Coomer’s eyes squinted in a strange sort of smile. “The More The Merrier!”
Tommy stood and walked over to Gordon,  and very gently reached down, tucking his arms under Gordon’s, and lifted him up, careful to not wake him. Gordon stirred a few times, but ultimately Tommy was successful. 
He sat down, moving Gordon to be close to the pile. Tommy curled up by Dr. Coomer again. Bubby was already asleep, and contrary to what he said, he was the one snoring it seemed. Tommy hadn’t noticed that before.
Coomer continued reading out the link he was on, while Tommy’s eyes slowly closed. The dripping of the pipes was merely a background sound now, and easily filtered out. And though he felt the cold of the room threatening to chill him, he felt so warm next to his friends.
This was nice. Tommy appreciated the group's company, of course, but as of late it’d felt… Better than before. Tommy realized in this moment that they were his friends. They cared about him, and they’d help him.
Tommy smiled tiredly, curled up by Dr Coomer and Mr. Freeman.
The cold had passed, and only warmth remained.
He hoped it would last a long time.
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longdeadking · 1 month ago
hlvrai fic (the streamer au) chapter 2? really? who could have seen this coming
read it. thankies <3
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thebenriksai · 2 months ago
Training. (short fic about Benrey's siblings)
It's a fairly bright and colorful day. The whole family got out of the house to the stadium nearby, just to breathe oxygen, eat in a cafe, but, most importantly, to continue teaching Lee how to levitate! Benrey has been trying for several days to teach the youngest to fly, but so far she has no progress in that. It seems that things have taken a serious turn. All three were near the audience seats. Alex sat in the fourth row and watched Lee warm up on the treadmill, and Benrey stood in front of her. Cheerfully slurping the soda she bought along with a funny cap and a straw, Alex then watched the children nearby who were playing baseball. Her gaze swept over the entire city in which they lived, including the blue blue sky without clouds. What a beauty!
"Are you ready?" brother said, who was already tired in advance, knowing that this would take a long time.
"Wait wait.." Lee grabbed her leg behind her back and bent over until it crunched. Sighing contentedly, she straightened up and stretched "That's it! Ready!!"
"Great.." without taking his eyes off Lee, Benrey replied, "Do you remember the theory?"
"Uh.." Lee looked away and put her finger to her lips "..concentrate, let go of all thoughts, feel the lightness in your muscles, breathe properly and keep your balance!"
"And enjoy~" Alex sang from her seat, looking up from the delicious pepsi.
"Yeah!!" Lee jumped with joy and determination, agreeing with her sister.
"OK, at least you remember something.." Brother scratched his neck "You can start."
Lee ignored her brother's taunt and concentrated. She tried to make sure that there were no thoughts in her head from the word at all! But it didn't work out. She strained, curled up, and puffed out her cheeks, making her face turn a funny red.
"Relax." Benrey made a remark, expecting such a mistake from Lee. "You are going tro fucking explode or something."
"Oh." Lee tried to relax and let go of her thoughts again.
It didn't help. She's thinking about everything again. About the family, about the sweets, about the cafe. It seems that things are good, but Lee pouted and dropped her hands, almost literally.
"Ahh, it's not working!" She whined.
Benrey sighed heavily, rubbing his eyes with fatigue. Alex's voice was immediately heard, deciding to support the younger one.
"Lee, don't give up! You can do it!" Alex clapped with a beaming smile.
"I can't do it!!" Lee cast her gaze at her "I can't get rid of my thoughts!"
"Ah, it's nothing, I was like that too!! And Benrey too, I'm sure!!"
"I wasn't like that."
"...ANYWAY," The sister cleared her throat, glaring at her brother, "It's really hard to learn how to fly and walk in the air! But I'm sure you'll master it very soon!"
"How do you do it in general??" the younger one spread her hands.
"Well.." Alex began to remember "..hmm..I learned to fly in space. And then with the conditions of gravity. So it was easier for me, yes.." She looked away.
"So let's go to space! Please?"
"Lee, you know we can't go there now.." Alex took pity and softened her voice.
"I know.." Lee sighed again.
"Lee, let's get back to training. Mkay?" Brother cut in.
Try after try. But Lee couldn't do anything. And now, as soon as she rises off the ground, she immediately falls! Benrey tried to watch and stay calm, but it was starting to annoy. Despite his calm appearance, it was seen that he was shaking. Lee got up from the ground, dusted herself off, and looked guiltily at Benrey, hanging her head.
"I'm sorry.."
"'I'm sorry?' Lee, you're not even trying."
Upon hearing this, Alex immediately took off, running through the audience all the way to the treadmill where the two were standing. Standing between them, Alex first looked at Benrey angrily, and then, putting on an 'everything is great!' look, she smiled at Lee.
"Sis, don't you want to take a break from flying around?" She asked with a smile.
"I want to." Worried about brother's condition, Lee said, even though she was trying to hide it.
"Then run a few laps on this track, okay?
"WHAAAAAT?? I thought you were going to let me rest! — Lee whined again.
"Oh, I thought you wanted to be a security guard at Black Mesa..work with me..work with Benrey.." Alex pressed on purpose.
"I... mhhff..I want to!! Of course I want to!!" Lee was energized again.
"But they don't take lazy guards.." Alex purred, 'casually'.
Lee immediately screamed and ran down the treadmill. After waiting for Lee to be far away, Alex grabbed Benrey by the shoulders and bent down to look at his face.
"What are you doing?? Are you crazy?" the woman hissed.
"You almost hit her here!!...Benrey, answer me! Don't just stand there!!" She shook him.
He slowly escaped her grip and walked away, plopped down on the seat. He covered his face with his hands.
"..I know.." He said with a sigh.
"Benrey, you have to control yourself!!" she came closer and sat down next to him "I know the situation is difficult, we are temporarily trapped on this planet, danger has reappeared, etc., but Lee is not to blame for this! Yes, she's involved, but she definitely doesn't want to hurt us!"
"I know, shut up.."
"Well, remember how I studied! And we didn't even know the passage of time back then. Oh, that was terrible!" She paused temporarily, watching her brother, and then leaned on him. "But you didn't snap at me. Although it was extremely hard for you too. Even harder than it is now."
Benrey looked into her eyes, and after a while, thinking about it, he began to follow Lee with his eyes, who was running somewhere at the other end of the stadium.
"...look, she really goes out of her way to satisfy you."
Benrey looked at Alex again and nodded, after a pause.
"And she's only a year old."
"Yes, I know..I'm ashamed, okay?" He looked away "..I'm sorry, okay?"
"Why are you apologizing to me?" Alex raised her eyebrows. "Go give her a big hug, I don't know. She's obviously afraid of you right now. Maybe that's why she can't concentrate?"
"Probably. I'm definitely pushing her, right?.."
"Yes, I won't even lie. It's been a week now."
Benrey covered his face with his hands again and wiped it before opening it again. He was watching Lee. After a while, he smiled slightly.
"Hey, those dudes are playing baseball!..And we're messing around here.."
"And we have our own game!" Alex relaxed in the seat.
"Yeah, called 'Life'.."
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I was gunna go to bed but my brain told me to write a freelatta fic instead so tmw I'll post it here
Lemme know if u wanna read it
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ame0nis · 6 months ago
heyyy. yknow that thing i wrote yesterday? i tweaked with it a little and posted it on ao3. lala
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blueopalorjustalex · 3 months ago
I will duplicate my fic from Ao3 here (again), bc it's comfortable for some people. This time with arts at the beginning and at the end!!
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Lost peace (full fic)
An important day for Nicole finally arrived. She would be speaking in public for the first time in her department. She prepared a presentation on the topic of extraterrestrial life, which her department had been studying. She also styled her hair and put on some makeup, so that her colleagues would definitely like her!
—Ha! Even if it's not Aperture, I will definitely make a good first impression! -Nico was finishing her coffee.
— You sound.. too confident. -Toby replied. The guy is a student who works in the cafeteria and makes just wonderful coffee. He was the first one with whom... Nicole became friends(?) of all the people she has met. This guy's silent, but if he speaks, it's always on business. Just like now. He noticed the new girl's overconfidence and tried to gently point it out. He felt that such thing would not lead to good.
— I know! And, oh my God, how much strength it gives me! For the first time I am so happy in this place! And do you know why? — she asked a rhetorical question and looked straight into the Toby's eyes, who had obviously not slept this night — Because today the moment has finally come when I can change people's opinion about me!!
—... good luck. -The guy shrugged shoulders and looked away.
— Thank you!
To her own surprise, the cheerful girl looked at her watch. The moment has come!! The moment when she can transform this place from hell to heaven! Of course, Black Mesa will never replace her much-loved Aperture, but she is ready to make this place more pleasant for herself. To make it less nauseating for her to be here. It took a lot of effort to achieve all this, and in a sense it was feigned joy, but she was sure that without it she would not be accepted into this society. After saying goodbye to the student, she enthusiastically moved to the previously assigned room to finally show the best in herself.
She was shaking. At first it was a pleasant tremor. But with each step, Nicole realized more and more that she was afraid. What if everything goes wrong? What if the situation doesn't depend on her again? The girl slowed down, although time was already running out. What if...she still will be a stranger here? Like a small and frightened kitten hiding in a corner from the murderer of its parents. And so she will be doomed to spend some years of her life trapped in a corner and terribly scared.
Feeling an unpleasant itch in her eyes, she wiped away the tears and resolutely looked into the distance. No. It won't be like this! She can handle it! She will definitely cope!
With such thoughts and a phrase that she repeated all the way to the office, she quickened her pace and stepped much more decisively.
Here it is. The audience. The people she's working with now. They were all so different, but they had something in common. Nicole carefully looked around at everyone present. She was trying to figure out what they had in common..? If she finds the answer, she will easily join them!
— So, uh.. — the girl cleared her throat, sorting through the papers in parallel. All the equipment was already ready for her 'performance'—Me..My name is Nicole. I'm new here..
Before she could finish, the weight of the stares that fell on her intensified. Some began to whisper, remembering her and, most importantly, her old place of work. Swallowing heavily, she continued.
— ..yes. As you know, I came here from Aperture. But..But working with you will be... uh.. — She began to stammer. After skimming through the papers with the prepared text in advance, she still did not find where she left off- ..However, it doesn't matter. I'm sure that's not what we're here for.
The girl sighed. Well, her first fail! She wanted so much to make a good impression, but because of her stupid rashness, she couldn't do it. She glanced at this crowd again and caught her eyes on a long, skinny figure who was sitting somewhere behind and seemed to be silently waiting for something. From this cold look that came from that woman, Nicole felt uneasy, goosebumps ran down her back, which made the girl straighten up. There was a heavy silence in the office, everyone was waiting for action from Nicole. And she was finally ready to talk further.
— Recently ours..more precisely, ahem, yours. Your scientists went back to Xen and took several samples of wildlife from there. There were captured boids among them, a whole pack. One of which, however, had one of its wings torn.
The girl pressed the keyboard key and the slide changed to the next one. She quickly looked around the audience again. That woman was still looking at her. It felt like she wasn't blinking at all...
— So uh..as you can see, this cut is quite a major damage for boid, which is why he will no longer be able to fly. But what influenced this outcome of events? Scientists suggest that Boyd was attacked-
— He just cut himself.
The steel-cold voice made Nicole shudder. She wanted to continue, but tried to find the source of the sound with her eyes. Who interrupted her? No, who dared to interrupt her?
— I'm sorry, but don't interfere with my narration! — Nicole frowned.
— Oh, baby, believe me, I already know what you want to say.
That long and slender figure rose up. The woman was looking at Nicole with her bright green eyes. Is it creepy, is it even natural for a person? A heavy black shadow hung over her face, which seemed to be from her hair braided into a bun, or rather from the peering strands that were difficult to style.
— Excuse me? -Nicole couldn 't believe her ears- ..Baby? — she repeated faintly, feeling noticeably annoyed by the whole situation.
— You're probably saying that Boyd was attacked by some... mm...Let's say panthereye, catching poor boyd. Is that so? The woman, who continued to stand her ground, completely ignored Nicole's exclamations.
— Actually!!..
Nicole stuttered again, barely squeezing out the word under the weight of the stares. Audience looked at the sudden dispute between the two. Some scientist tried to cut in and calm the woman down, but she immediately turned her gaze to him and replied:
— Hush. Let her answer. I need to know what ideas she has about the creatures of Xen..
No one else dared to say a word. There was a heavy tension, and Nicole felt a certain ominous aura around the woman. What's going on?!
— Actually, I wanted to say that Boyd was attacked not by a panthereye, but by a tentacle!
— Why?
Nicole had clearly stumbled somewhere. The woman's face twisted into a caustic smile. There was clearly a trick!!
—I.. I assume that a flock of boids flew over the tentacle, which made him want to knock them out or disperse them, since they could interfere with the tentacle hunting.
— ..amazing. -The woman said and suppressed her grin with difficulty.- You really don't have the slightest idea about the animal world of Xen.
Nicole frowned and clenched her teeth. How dares she... Nico could barely restrain herself from replying something superfluous. She wanted to protect herself, but she wasn't sure of anything at the moment. Maybe Nicole is right and this is just a test by one of the scientists!! But before Nico could do anything, the woman continued:
— First of all, boids make resonant relaxing sounds that allow them to avoid excessive aggression of the living world of Xen. Secondly, tentacle and his hunts only benefit from this. All those who heard the howling of the Boids immediately relax and lose their vigilance, which allows the tentacle to grab the victim without much difficulty. Their world is much more complicated than you think, so such alliances and similar cooperation are not surprising at all. -The woman shrugged her shoulders.
— What?..but..but it is absolutely not written anywhere.. -Nicole said, both stunned and angry. The audience also widened their eyes, listening to what the woman was saying. But, for some reason, no one said anything against it. Were they afraid?...
— Oh, you need to read more carefully. And thirdly... Well, that's right, it's already a task of observation. Boid's wing is carelessly cut. It's like it's been torn up. This can be seen in two photos. Well, okay, this can be forgiven, the photo is really of poor quality, you may not notice it. Tentacle blades cut all organic matter like butter, clearly leaving no such defects. The conclusion is — the pack flew after the leader, who, as we know, tries to avoid obstacles. But, for some reason, one obstacle could not been avoided, which is why boid, who was this very leader, injured his wing. And his pack, having no idea what was going on, went down after him. That's how they were caught.
Nicole was stunned. How..Is that right? Even though Nicole didn't know some of the information, like the rest of those present, as it seemed to her, but everything sounded so plausible and realistic! Everything was perfectly connected. It's like that wannabe was there and saw everything firsthand... But that's impossible!!
- yes... Even so! —Nicole finally found her words.— This does not give you the right to interrupt my narration! I have every right to finish it, even if it is incorrect. In any case, I did not come up with this data, it was provided to me! So what's my fault?
—It would be possible if there weren't newbies like you sitting here, who listen to your every word and taking it as a truth of life. Well, they're almost newbies, they've had about a year of experience. And I've been working here for several years. And it's good that I decided to sit here and listen, otherwise this would have happened.. Well, your task as a scientist is to observe and notice errors that may be contained in the texts so kindly provided to you. —the woman stretched and yawned sweetly, smacking her lips several times— Okay, I'm off. There's nothing else for me to do here.
After these words, the woman really left. Nicole didn't even have time to see her name on the badge. The girl just stood there with her mouth open to the noise of the projector and the tense silence from the audience.
The next day. Nicole cried all night from what happened. She had never felt so flawed and pathetic before. And all because she was disgraced by this wannabe who thinks she knows everything about everyone. Pffft. Dumb competitor... Does she think that she can raise herself using Nicole? No, that woman is wrong... Nicole wouldn't just give up and wasn't even going to give up! But she didn't have the strength yet. Thank God what happened did not reach The Administrator and Nicole was still allowed to do more serious work. Now she was supposed to be an assistant and help carry out observations of the creatures from Xen.
And while it was not yet time for work, she stood at the table in the cafeteria and sniffed, remembering yesterday. She had the same Toby with her, still not getting enough sleep and still tired. He tried not to point it out, but he knew perfectly well that something terrible had happened when he saw the redness on the nose and eyes of a friend.
—.. I don't understand.. -Nicole finally said in a trembling voice- ..What the hell did she find out? I was just doing my job... Are you being scolded for completing an order?
Nicole raised her wet eyes to Toby. He listened attentively, so he immediately shook his head negatively. In general, the girl tried to seem strong and unyielding. She wouldn't let anyone see her like this, not even her closest friend. But no matter how sad it was, she had almost no control over her condition now. Thanks to Toby for being okay with it and not asking her anything, pretending that everything was as usual. That's what she needed.
— So and I think not... because it's stupid and not polite..
The girl finally stopped running her finger over the coffee cup and took a sip from there. She felt sick..
— ..well. — the student began, but immediately hesitated after that. He was extremely unsure if he should say anything now. But noticing Nicole's eyes, he animated from this look. He sighed heavily and continued- ..There are inadequate people. Who can quite calmly point on something and you immediately find yourself to blame for everything. -He glanced at Nicole briefly, as if asking if he should speak further or not- ..I have one such lecturer. He is... well... it is impossible to get a good mark. Well, that's just the kind of person he is. I have no choice but to almost fall at his feet. Do you understand what I mean?
—..that we don't solve anything in such situations?
— Yes. — Toby nodded — Unfortunately, this is just life. And like..well. I wouldn't get hung up on it. I care about the result, not the process. In such matters, for sure. And... like... Damn, I don't want to teach you or anyone else, but maybe you should think easier about it too?
— Well, yes.. -Nicole sighed. The student is right as never before. She even envied how calm he was about everything. Although she can't know what he's doing alone with himself. Maybe she's crying too, like her?— Really, I can't do anything here. What happened is over. It's worth rejoicing in general and saying thank you to the gods for this, considering it went unnoticed, and I still have some kind of job.
Their conversation was interrupted by another visitor, who began to dictate Toby their order. Stop. A familiar voice..
Nicole looked up at the client. Immediately, she recognized the tall and skinny figure, only this time she was without a lab coat. She gripped the edge of the table. It's her!!!!
— So it's you! -Nicole blurted out on her own.
The woman jumped a little from surprise at the noise and turned around lazily. She looked at the girl with relaxed eyes and raised one eyebrow.
—..Do I know you?
— It's you! You've disgraced me! -Nicole pointed a finger at her.
— Did I embarrass you?... oh, wait! it's you! You are a new one!! -A malicious smile immediately crept onto the woman's face.— How wonderful, we met again!
— Don't act like nothing happened! — the girl banged her fist on the table—And anyway, it would be strange if we didn't meet again! We work in the same department, unfortunately!
— Oh, yes, yes.. The smile widened.
— She's the one who shamed me! -Nicole was still pointing at the woman and glanced at the student for a second. Toby, in turn, looked almost scared, which was unexpected. He stared at Nicole with wide eyes and shook his head negatively, as if trying to tell her to stop. But Nicole did not notice this, all her attention was focused on the woman.— Why did you do that?! It's almost reached the administration! I could have been fired!
—Really? Sorry.
— Sorry?? SORRY?! -Nicole was furious. She grabbed her hair and pulled it, trying to calm down— And that's all you can say?!? What are you sorry about?!
—..I'm sorry that it didn't reach the administration. It should have been.
— HOW DARE YOU! -Nico finally couldn't stand it.
The woman only grinned slightly at this and took the ready-made coffee from Toby. Sipping it and setting it aside, she calmly reached into her pocket, took out the money and handed it to the student. With a grin, she continued to watch as the new girl freaked out and tried to cope with her emotions. She crossed her arms over her chest, and pushed one leg back a little, leaning on the table. She didn't seem to give a damn about the squeals and complaints.
— Are you enjoying all this?! Nicole continued.
— Yeah. And why not? I didn't do anything wrong. And your reaction amuses me incredibly. You're funny, you're hysterical.
Well, that's the last straw. Nicole was about to jump on her with bare fists, completely forgetting about all the rules of decency, when an unexpected yell returned her to the ground:
Nico shrugged and turned around to see what was going on. Indeed, her mind cleared up and she was grateful to this someone for making her mind sober in time. Otherwise, there would have been only a few steps before being fired.
Meanwhile, the picture was as follows: A young red-haired girl in the uniform of a security guard climbed onto the table and was clearly happy about it. That's why there was this shout. What's going on in this Black Mesa..?
— Whoo, well done, Lee!
Nico turned back to the sound. This woman stood with a smile and clapped her hands. Wait. That look. Why is she so.. wait.
Meanwhile, a young guard had already run up to this wannabe and almost knocked her down with her hugs.
—I'll have a snack!!! — The redhead growled and really started biting the green-eyed one:
-Ow, ow! What are you doing?
The woman calmly took the so-called Lee in arms and kept her at a certain distance from herself. It suddenly dawned on Nicole.
— It's your daughter?!
Both looked at Nico and laughed. The girl recoiled from such a reaction. She looked at Toby, hoping that he knew something, but he was just biting one finger slightly and looking away. What was he so visibly nervous about??
— This is my sister!! — Lee said cheerfully — And you're the one she mocked yesterday, aren't you?!
— What, sister?! -Nico blushed. And why did she come up with the option of being a daughter?..— Wow, that's the age difference-WAIT, WHAT?!
Lee giggled again
—All right, all right, let me go!! I want coffee!
— No coffee. -The woman replied calmly. Nicole, taking advantage of the situation, finally looked at her badge and read "Susan Thompson". And Lee's badge just said "Lee." It is logical, but at the same time it is strange, where is the last name? ...
— ..Should I make her some cocoa? - she heard Toby's voice as Lee was trying to lick her older sister's chin. Nicole looked at him dumbfounded. So he knows them!!!
—Please. — Susan replied and finally put Lee on his feet. She smiled again.
— Well, cocoa will do too! Sis, let's go to brother!!
— Not now. Don't you see that I'm arguing?
Lee turned to Nicole, who was shocked by the number of children in their family, and turned back to Susan.
— But BenreyBenreyBenrey is better..
— That's right.. but.. ah, okay. Let's go —the woman smiled strangely tenderly, giving up to girl.
Lee immediately threw up her hands, began to rejoice and jump. Susan took the finished cocoa, gave the money to the student again, took her coffee and hurried after the youngest, because she ran pretty fast..
Nicole was left with me in complete shock. She took hold of her head.
— What. Was. That???..
—..this.. -Toby stared at her in silence again. There was worry in his gaze.— You shouldn't have fought with her like that..
—Shush. I don't want to hear it. It turns out that you knew who I was talking about all this time. -She looked at him. He shook his head negatively and was about to open his mouth, but Nico curled her lips— No. Not now. I'm sorry, but not now.
Slowly, the girl moved from the cafeteria towards the office in which she would assist. Toby watched her go and even leaned out of his cabin. He knew exactly where this was going. And he felt terribly embarrassed that he couldn't warn Nicole.
The girl was sitting at a large control panel. It seemed to occupy almost the entire space in this room. A couple of metal lockers, armchairs, a table, a microwave on it. That's basically it. There was a window in front that led to a chamber with headcrabs inside. There were 5 samples there. Obviously, not the whole pack, only some tenth of it. The chamber itself was designed like one of the Xen islands, just for, it seems, the headcrabs feel calm and comfortable inside.
Next to Nicole was a man who, judging by his behavior and appearance, was no more than 26 years old. He was the assistant that Nicole took over. Johnny, as he introduced himself, was going to be assigned to another department for some time. He stood next to her, hanging over Nicole a little, and carefully watched her name the function of each button, at least as she understood it herself. He was delighted with how quickly she caught on everything.
—Yeah... And this button? -Johnny pointed to a tiny green button somewhere to the right in the corner.
— Uh.. — Nico, who still hadn't got past the morning, looked down. Fortunately, Johnny was a pleasant enough young man and the girl felt less tense with him. There was something about him that relaxed her—..oh! this is..uh... -She scratched the top of her head. The man was still looking at her with a slight smile, giving her a chance to think and remember—..oh, right! It gives access to lighting control!
The girl beamed at Johnny's face. He just stretched his smile in response and nodded.
— That's right. — Finally, the answer that Nicole wanted to hear was heard.
— Hooray! — the girl allowed herself to be slightly pleased, already enthusiastically examining every key on the control panel. Wow, she really mastered it!
— Well, it's time for you and me to finish..
Johnny sighed and looked at his watch. His eyebrows risen slightly, and his face itself expressed some incomprehension. He consulted his wristwatch and checked the time against the wall clock. This time, his brows furrowed.
— Oh, no. I can't let you go yet.. — he said thoughtfully, tapping his watch with his finger.
—Why? -Nicole asked, watching the man's every action.
— She's late..And why today? -Slightly displeased, he looked away.- I can't leave until she comes. I need to pass you from hand to hand.
— She?.. -Nicole tilted her head in incomprehension.
—..oh! So let me tell you about her while she's walking somewhere! At least you'll be a little ready for her... ahem...peculiar character. -He grinned.
Nicole nodded and sat down more comfortably in her chair. She was already stressed out that she would be working with a certain woman. Moreover, apparently, she also has a bad character.. Anyway, Nico was paying attention and Johnny saw it, so he started his story.
— Her name is Alex. The woman is so... uh...spicy. Perhaps this is the word that would suit her best to describe. — The man leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest — To put it simply — petty, aggressive, extremely attentive and just creepy.
Seeing the discomfort in Nicole's eyes, the man laughed and nodded understandingly.
— I understand. When they told me about her, I was a little scared too. And I was even more scared when I found out that she has a close relationship with Breen, huh..
— Stop. — The girl replied — Wait, with Dr. Breen?? The administrator of this place?!
The man suddenly stopped for a while and looked suspiciously at Nicole.
— Wait, are you saying you haven't heard about Alex at all?? She's on everyone's lips here, everyone is afraid of her here. And you've never even asked why they're afraid of her?
Nicole looked at the floor in discomfort and shook her head. Well, she fails again. She obviously has no luck with the team.
— Well, that's it. Yes, she knows Breen personally and complains to him about every disobedience and violation of someone, once she notices it. If she saw your violation and you were not fired at the same second, you can say that you are very lucky! Like you won the lottery..
Nicole swallowed. God, it's a good thing this Alex didn't see what was going on during that presentation, how she got into an argument with Susan. Otherwise, Nico wouldn't be here anymore..
— But don't be afraid! She also has a lot of good other traits! She may be unbearable, but damn, I honestly think she's one of the smartest scientists here. She knows the world of Xen like the back of her hand! For example, she can easily communicate with... well, with these headcrabs, for example! -Johnny pointed out the window at the headcrabs, some of whom were playing and climbing on top of each other— God knows how she understands them, but they really obey her! She treats them like children, haha! Maybe her powers of observation are helping her, I have no idea. But that's not all that's good about her. There are a lot more things, it's just thing what made her so popular here. A real authority, commands respect!
Johnny temporarily paused his story to clench his hand into a fist and lean it against his chest, ostensibly as a sign of respect. He even closed his eyes and bowed his head, smiling broadly. Nicole, in turn, was trying to make sense of everything the man had just told her. That is, there is another person smarter than that wannabe! Wow, if Alex had been there, she would have put Susan in her place right away! But her famous, apparently, approach to work and outlook on life scared the girl. Will they get along here and won't they kill each other in this little room? Only time will tell. But Nicole decided to show herself to be a really great employee. The main thing is that she does not lose this desire and her attention. Night tantrums, fuck them...
— .. in communication, as your boss, — Johnny continued meanwhile, interrupting Nicole's thoughts, — she behaves like your friend. She talks about topics that are distracted from work, she is interested in how you are doing, and so on. But that doesn't mean she's distracted. I'm not afraid to say this, she's always on the lookout. So do not think that you will really have something friendly and she will forgive you for even the smallest mistake that you made because you were distracted by something..
The door to the room finally opened. And she went inside...Susan?!? What is she doing here?! Nicole shrank back into her chair, obviously not eager to be noticed. A wave of thoughts swept through her head, after which it was empty. The girl was just watching a woman who put a cup of coffee on the table.
— Hello, Johnny. Hello.. -She fixed her bright green eye on Nicole.
— Dr. Alex! We were just remembering you! -Johnny immediately responded, for some reason happy to see this woman. Clearing his throat, he pointed at the frightened blonde—This is the new one! Her name is Nicole. I told her everything I know myself!
The woman squinted, carefully watching Nicole. Nicole, in turn, felt as if she was been stripped, looked at from head to toe, then slowly and painfully had her skin removed. Because of this, she shrank even more.
—... Hm... I guess you did. -Susan said softly. Or Alex. Nicole is confused. Frightened eyes began to run over the woman's shirt and noticed the badge, which still read "Susan Thompson."
— B-But..it's Susan.. -Nicole said softly. Unfortunately, she was heard.
— Hah, no. -Johnny chuckled.- This is Alex. What makes you think her name is Susan?
Nicole's eyes widened even more when it was no longer written "Susan Thompson" on the same badge, but "Alex". And again without a last name. How is this possible?! She was standing there and didn't move!!
—.....wh-what..how..in the same place..It was written there..
Johnny frowned and looked at the woman's badge himself. Then he smiled again and returned his gaze to the frightened girl.
— Alex sometimes wears other badges. By accident. Don't worry so much, her name is Alex, that's for sure!
Nicole swallowed and nodded. She stared at Alex's distorted face with fear. Her bright green eyes looked straight into Nico's soul, as if they glowing from a conveniently placed light, and glittering a little lower in the light were...Fangs??!
— Well, okay, I'll go then. They've been waiting for me already. -Johnny sighed and turned to Alex, who looked completely normal.
— Go ahead. The woman replied coldly as she was putting on her lab coat.
— Oh, come on!
The man came up from behind and gently wrapped his arms around the woman's body, wrapping her in an embrace. She tilted her head slightly and rolled her eyes. He seemed to annoy her with that.
— How about a coffee at 4 o'clock? — he did not calm down.
— Refuse. — the woman replied just as coldly, enduring this with the last of her strength.
Johnny had already started to say something when he was grabbed by the face and pushed towards the door. Alex was sick of his behavior. Or maybe..She was in a hurry to be alone with Nicole, who sat back down in her chair after an unsuccessful escape attempt. The man denied and muttered something in the palm of the woman's hand, but as soon as he was released and he was outside the threshold of this room, he pulled a smile again.
— I'll be waiting for you then! Good luck, new girl! -He winked at Nicole and the door immediately slammed in his face.
The girl trembled. Well, that's it. What's going to happen now? She stared in horror at Alex, who was breathing heavily, hunched up and leaning against the door. She saw that the green eye was still fixed on her. Somehow, her eyes were actually glowing. Brightly.
Nicole is trapped. She even sits in the corner. Panicking, she began to run her eyes around the room and think about how to escape. But she did not find anything useful during this search. There were no ideas either. Maybe now is the time to apologize? No... Nicole can't even move, what else to say. She was shackled by fear while Alex had already started her movement, she felt unexplained danger. Woman climbed up from above, clutching the back of the chair as if with claws. She bent one of her legs at the knee and placed it on the chair between Nicole's legs. She lowered her head to the blonde's face.
—What's up? -Alex asked with a kind of growl. Nicole's face immediately gave off heat, either from the heavy and languid breathing of the woman, or from such awkward intimacy. But it's not important to her now. A lot of thoughts were spinning in Nico's head that they were about to fall, given the angle of inclination of the chair now, that she was about to be gnawed, that Alex reminded her of an animal. And the woman was patiently waiting for an answer, although it was clear from the growl somewhere inside her body that she would not wait long.
—I ... -Nicole stuttered with tears in her eyes- ..excuse me..I'm sorry for what was there then..
Alex suddenly cringed all over. There was a laugh that came deep from the woman's throat. Clearly not a human laugh. But after a moment, she calmed down as suddenly as she laughed.
—What's it to me that you're apologizing here? The job is done. You've made it clear to me what kind of person you are, Nicole. —the woman whispered in the ear of the frightened and panicked girl.— Now I see everything. I know everything. So why apologize? On the contrary, you've given me so much interesting information about yourself. Even more information than is in your blood. -Alex growled the last one, even with hunger.
Nicole was shaking. She wasn't sure how it would end. She still couldn't move. She made only a muffled wheeze, trying to say something.
The woman clicked her tongue and stood on the ground. The chair returned to its usual position, and Nicole slid down a little. Her face was white, and there was a heavy feeling of vomiting inside. Alex dusted off her hands. She seems to have come to her senses.
— Okay, that's in the past! We have to work now! -She said with her usual smile and went back to her coffee.— Come to your senses, we still have a lot of work to do.
— ..you are.. a monster. -Nicole muttered.
Alex curled up a little with laughter and answered quietly when she calmed down, continuing to drink her coffee:
— Yep. So be careful.
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(art by @pigel0n)
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brianwashere · 2 years ago
OUHH I just found your blog while browsing the HLVRAI tag! Benrey's become a big comfort character for me recently and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind writing a romantic Benrey x GN/NB reader who has bad overstimulation issues? have a wonderful rest of your night/day :]
A/n: sorry these next few fics are gunna be short bcc I’m trying to get through my inbox!!
Also I used some personal HCs of Benrey—him being non binary and using he/they/xe/it and he’s autistic
**I do not own any characters or part of the franchise from HLVRAI or Half-Life**
Pairing: Benrey x overstimulated!gn!reader
Genre: hurt/comfort (???)
Summary: go to req
Tw: overstimulation
We All have Rough Days
The cotton on your shirt felt like sandpaper; too stiff and too rough to be comfortable. You swallowed and pulled at the collar.
Today just sucked a little more than usual. Nothing was particularly wrong but it’s vibes just weren’t right from the second you woke up next to your partner.
Benrey could tell something was wrong but xe didn’t know how to approach the situation so he ended up giving you some space, not wanting to crowd you. It wasn’t sure what you wanted them to do and he was worried about messing up and making it worse.
About midday he actually tried talking to you.
You were sitting at the small kitchen table with your head laying on the smooth wood top.
“You uhhhhh—you don’t look too swag there player 2.” They said as gently as they could manage.
You let out a pained noise in response and you hoped xe would understand. Words weren’t exactly coming to you right now.
“Would you uh—would you mind me smoochin you?” Benrey asked, looking uncertain.
You lifted your head up from the cool surface of the table. He noticed your droopy eyes. It looked like being cognizant was a chore. You wanted to say yes, desperately so, but the idea of the texture of their lips on yours made you cringe.
You shook your head sadly. You really wished you could kiss him. Benrey seemed to understand though and relaxed his uncertain posture.
“Yeah that’s alright, player 2.” He smiled comfortingly, flashing his pointy yellow teeth.
You sighed and flopped your head back onto the table.
“I love you, Benrey…” You mumbled.
Benrey nodded in affirmation before realizing you couldn’t see xem.
“I love you too.” They said back.
You smiled contentedly, you were lucky to have such an understanding partner.
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blacktobackmesa · 2 years ago
Run For Your Life - Chapter 8
It's not a "horrible lab accident" if you do it on purpose!
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notherefelix · 2 years ago
I just started AO3 and i already hate the layout- i couldnt tag anything properly for the life of me
Anyway a Bubby x Coomer fic i wrote a few months ago
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cornbake · 2 years ago
sO I had this idea swimming in the back of my head, and now I have the time to write it! HAHAHHA I have other fic i am working on but I need to get this out of my head first. Sorry bn ekbgkhetge SPOILERS FOR HLVRAI WARNINGS: Some gore mentions but nothing too bad
It was done. The grand show coming to an end. His evil planing paying off all because Gordon couldn't send the evening playing games with him and his buddies.
At least thats all Benery could come up with on the spot. He was tasked in playing the bad guy in this game the few of them had started. It was much more entertaining than other games he had played before. Hell. It was like a video game came to life. Couldn’t ask for more could you? And to be given a star role?? This was everything Benery could have asked for. And so the game had continued on, plot twists and all. The final fight being… well, a little too much for Benery’s tastes. It had actually hurt! Not that he had much experience with pain or injury before but still! What he could feel wasn’t very nice! He had stuck to his role till the end and some after, but he was tied. It had been a few days of putting up this role and the final act were a lot. Some shut eye later and everyone was gone. Had they left him? Gone to sleep as well? He couldn’t see them around the odd alien world. Did they…. Go home? But why would they do that? Why would they leave him? It was his turn to be the good guy! They couldn’t just leave right after the first game!
Standing, the grey tinted alien shook himself, getting any dust and dirt off before starting off to find his newly found friend group. It’s quite silly of them to think they could just run away from him. Had they been successful in the past? No! So what made them think they could be now?
It wasn’t hard to figure his way back to the earthen soil he had once stomped through. The only difference would be the location. He knew black mesa would be fucked beyond belief. Either destroyed or swarming with the military that he and the team had killed so many of already. He would just have to start away from his once home, somewhere with people. Would they be close to Black Mesa still? Maybe. Gordon did come in to work. He had to live close enough to do so.
The closest place just happened to be a city. An hour or so’s drive from the science facility. Not that Benery needed a car, even if he had a car. A quick jump through space and time should do the trick! Going from Alien world he didn’t care to get the name of, even if he was from there, to desert destroyed science place, to the middle of a large bustling city that his larger ears started to hurt from all the noise. Right… no helmet. Looking at the rest of his clothes in the wider allieway he popped himself to, he noticed they where outright destroyed. Humans didn’t like seeing blood did they. Hmm.
He pulled the vest off, throwing it to the side. Pulling the sleeves of his nicer dress shirt off to remove any concerning sights. The vest had protected his shirt from most of the damage, still having some holes but keeping it from being stained red. His pants he could only do so much for. Making them into shorts helped but still left damage and stains. AT least they were black, they should help hide any blood or other concerning sights. Once he decided he looked descent enough, he started to head out into this city.
Great. Not going to be an issue finding four people in a large area with thousands of other people. Maybe he didn’t think this through all the way… Not a problem. He wasn’t human. He could just search for one of their scents and follow that to find ‘em!
He ignored the looks the humans around him gave, he didn’t have time for them nor there lame questions. He looked different, he knew that, so did everyone of them. Was he all that different? Rolling his eyes, he pressed on.
It could be better. It could also be worse. He had almost been hit by 3 cars, yelled at by more that just the three drivers, and had been mugged for all he had. Which wasn’t anything so not as bad as it could have been he supposed. He had looked all night and now the sun had crept back up he was hot. Like sweating and over heating hot. He had found a place to hide, a grassy area with trees and odd constructs that smaller humans creeped and hunted each other around. He parked himself in one of the yellow tubes within one of the constructs. Who knew the outside world could be this horrible? Humans had to deal with this? Ugh, he could not deal with this. He would rather eat a lemon than live in the city any longer than he already had spent here.
His thoughts where interrupted as one of the smaller humans patted his arm.
“suce me!”
Benery’s yellow eyes snapped to the toddler. He looked so weird. Like a smaller friend of his. The bushy brown hair with the darker freckled skin. He was missing a tooth as he grinned at the alien.
“scue me!” The small human pointed to the other side of the tube Benery was blocking.
”oh, yea.” Pulling his legs to his body, he made room for this odd child as he giggled and crawled over. The yellow eyes never leaving the smaller figure as it left. Even then Benery crawled to the edge of the tube to watch as the little figure slid down more plastic construct. Dashing out full of laughter over too-
Oh shit! He found him! One of his friends! Was that his kid? What’s his face? Doesn’t matter. He found one of them! He can follow him now! Get him to play his game again! Benery being the hero this time around of course.
His claws dug into the soft plastic as he gripped the rim of the tube starting at the small family of two. He would have to follow them in the light, which he was willing to do even though he knew it would be hell. He was a creature of the night, not what ever this bullshit was.
He waited, watching Gordon the full time, eyes never leaving. Even when he feels something lay down on top of him.
“Wat you doin?”
“Wat you watchin?”
He hummed, looking up at the child, the fizzy hair and eyes of Gordon looking right at him. He couldn’t have been older than Benery, he was far too little. How old do humans get again? He didn’t know, but the little one where usually not but a few years at most. Yea, Benery was defiantly older.
“Him.” His eyes looked back to Gordon, who was on his phone sitting down.
“Oh, Daddy?” The kid crawled to lay next to the grey skinned man.
“Yo, that’s your dad? Kinda cringe.” He gave a slight side eye to the small Gordon, watching as the kid mimicked his posture.
“Yea! He’s gunna get me ice cream after we play!” He grinned up at Benery, ignoring the playful insult. “My name is Joshua!” He unfolded one of his arms to offer his hand to the alien.
”Cool. Sounds nice.” He looked at the hand, trying to remember what it was code for. He decided it was one of the secret thing best bros do, the handshake type. He just needed to get the combo right. Unfolding his own hand he gave it a smack, before doing so again with the back of his hand to the smaller one, ending it with a half fist bump. The smile and giggles he got made him smile back. Successful combo, yessss.
”Wat’s your name!” Oh right. Humans trade names or something.
“Benery.” He was sure he had broken this human when it grinned further.
“Well! You are my friend now!” Benery watched lazily as the kid pulled something out, only caring when said thing was shoved on his face.
“Whuh? What-“ He didn’t get to finish his brewing string of questions as Gordon yelled for his offspring and something about this ice cream. Joshua dashing away to get to his father.
Where they leaving? Lord he could hear Gordon talk about getting in a car. Benery shuttered at the thought of his night. He wasn’t a fan of cars to say the least. Hell, how was he going to follow Gordon’s scent if he was in a car?
Apparently he wasn’t paying attention as Joshua had crawled back up to him and poked his face. He must have made a funny face as the child giggles at him.
“Come on! We are gunna go get ice cream if your momma or daddy says it’s okay!”
“Oh umm, yea they would be chill with it…”
The cheer was short lived as the smaller Gordon ran to the slide, after pulling on Benery’s arm for the alien to follow.
“What is this?”
”Itsa slide! You go down! See!” Pushing himself, Josua slide down, “weeee!!!”
”Funky….” Benery sat down doing the same, minus the sound effects. He might have been a little too big as he nailed his head going around one of the bends of the twisted slide.
“okay Joshie, you ready to go? Your friend is okay with going?”
Oh shit. Gordon was gunna take him? I mean, he propably should have guessed that but at the moment it wasn’t something he had thought about. Holding his head still from his earily hit, not that it really hurt, he started at the man as his eyes followed the pointing finger of the smaller human.
Benery could have blinked and missed it. The look of peace and happiness took only a split second to shift into an icey horror with a hint of hate.
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longdeadking · 1 month ago
read my hlvrai fic boy
(not a game, pure fluff streamer au because i do love to get silly)
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thebenriksai · 5 months ago
Lost peace (full fic)
Before everything: That was my second fic in terms of our AU and the first fic where I used Nico and Toby. I felt kinda cringe about it, because I showed Toby so badly ahaha. Anyway, have a good read!
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An important day for Nicole finally arrived. She would be speaking in public for the first time in her department. She prepared a presentation on the topic of extraterrestrial life, which her department had been studying. She also styled her hair and put on some makeup, so that her colleagues would definitely like her!
—Ha! Even if it's not Aperture, I will definitely make a good first impression! -Nico was finishing her coffee.
— You sound.. too confident. -Toby replied. The guy is a student who works in the cafeteria and makes just wonderful coffee. He was the first one with whom... Nicole became friends(?) of all the people she has met. This guy's silent, but if he speaks, it's always on business. Just like now. He noticed the new girl's overconfidence and tried to gently point it out. He felt that such thing would not lead to good.
— I know! And, oh my God, how much strength it gives me! For the first time I am so happy in this place! And do you know why? — she asked a rhetorical question and looked straight into the Toby's eyes, who had obviously not slept this night — Because today the moment has finally come when I can change people's opinion about me!!
—... good luck. -The guy shrugged shoulders and looked away.
— Thank you!
To her own surprise, the cheerful girl looked at her watch. The moment has come!! The moment when she can transform this place from hell to heaven! Of course, Black Mesa will never replace her much-loved Aperture, but she is ready to make this place more pleasant for herself. To make it less nauseating for her to be here. It took a lot of effort to achieve all this, and in a sense it was feigned joy, but she was sure that without it she would not be accepted into this society. After saying goodbye to the student, she enthusiastically moved to the previously assigned room to finally show the best in herself.
She was shaking. At first it was a pleasant tremor. But with each step, Nicole realized more and more that she was afraid. What if everything goes wrong? What if the situation doesn't depend on her again? The girl slowed down, although time was already running out. What if...she still will be a stranger here? Like a small and frightened kitten hiding in a corner from the murderer of its parents. And so she will be doomed to spend some years of her life trapped in a corner and terribly scared.
Feeling an unpleasant itch in her eyes, she wiped away the tears and resolutely looked into the distance. No. It won't be like this! She can handle it! She will definitely cope!
With such thoughts and a phrase that she repeated all the way to the office, she quickened her pace and stepped much more decisively.
Here it is. The audience. The people she's working with now. They were all so different, but they had something in common. Nicole carefully looked around at everyone present. She was trying to figure out what they had in common..? If she finds the answer, she will easily join them!
— So, uh.. — the girl cleared her throat, sorting through the papers in parallel. All the equipment was already ready for her 'performance'—Me..My name is Nicole. I'm new here..
Before she could finish, the weight of the stares that fell on her intensified. Some began to whisper, remembering her and, most importantly, her old place of work. Swallowing heavily, she continued.
— ..yes. As you know, I came here from Aperture. But..But working with you will be... uh.. — She began to stammer. After skimming through the papers with the prepared text in advance, she still did not find where she left off- ..However, it doesn't matter. I'm sure that's not what we're here for.
The girl sighed. Well, her first fail! She wanted so much to make a good impression, but because of her stupid rashness, she couldn't do it. She glanced at this crowd again and caught her eyes on a long, skinny figure who was sitting somewhere behind and seemed to be silently waiting for something. From this cold look that came from that woman, Nicole felt uneasy, goosebumps ran down her back, which made the girl straighten up. There was a heavy silence in the office, everyone was waiting for action from Nicole. And she was finally ready to talk further.
— Recently ours..more precisely, ahem, yours. Your scientists went back to Xen and took several samples of wildlife from there. There were captured boids among them, a whole pack. One of which, however, had one of its wings torn.
The girl pressed the keyboard key and the slide changed to the next one. She quickly looked around the audience again. That woman was still looking at her. It felt like she wasn't blinking at all...
— So uh..as you can see, this cut is quite a major damage for boid, which is why he will no longer be able to fly. But what influenced this outcome of events? Scientists suggest that Boyd was attacked-
— He just cut himself.
The steel-cold voice made Nicole shudder. She wanted to continue, but tried to find the source of the sound with her eyes. Who interrupted her? No, who dared to interrupt her?
— I'm sorry, but don't interfere with my narration! — Nicole frowned.
— Oh, baby, believe me, I already know what you want to say.
That long and slender figure rose up. The woman was looking at Nicole with her bright green eyes. Is it creepy, is it even natural for a person? A heavy black shadow hung over her face, which seemed to be from her hair braided into a bun, or rather from the peering strands that were difficult to style.
— Excuse me? -Nicole couldn 't believe her ears- ..Baby? — she repeated faintly, feeling noticeably annoyed by the whole situation.
— You're probably saying that Boyd was attacked by some... mm...Let's say panthereye, catching poor boyd. Is that so? The woman, who continued to stand her ground, completely ignored Nicole's exclamations.
— Actually!!..
Nicole stuttered again, barely squeezing out the word under the weight of the stares. Audience looked at the sudden dispute between the two. Some scientist tried to cut in and calm the woman down, but she immediately turned her gaze to him and replied:
— Hush. Let her answer. I need to know what ideas she has about the creatures of Xen..
No one else dared to say a word. There was a heavy tension, and Nicole felt a certain ominous aura around the woman. What's going on?!
— Actually, I wanted to say that Boyd was attacked not by a panthereye, but by a tentacle!
— Why?
Nicole had clearly stumbled somewhere. The woman's face twisted into a caustic smile. There was clearly a trick!!
—I.. I assume that a flock of boids flew over the tentacle, which made him want to knock them out or disperse them, since they could interfere with the tentacle hunting.
— ..amazing. -The woman said and suppressed her grin with difficulty.- You really don't have the slightest idea about the animal world of Xen.
Nicole frowned and clenched her teeth. How dares she... Nico could barely restrain herself from replying something superfluous. She wanted to protect herself, but she wasn't sure of anything at the moment. Maybe Nicole is right and this is just a test by one of the scientists!! But before Nico could do anything, the woman continued:
— First of all, boids make resonant relaxing sounds that allow them to avoid excessive aggression of the living world of Xen. Secondly, tentacle and his hunts only benefit from this. All those who heard the howling of the Boids immediately relax and lose their vigilance, which allows the tentacle to grab the victim without much difficulty. Their world is much more complicated than you think, so such alliances and similar cooperation are not surprising at all. -The woman shrugged her shoulders.
— What?..but..but it is absolutely not written anywhere.. -Nicole said, both stunned and angry. The audience also widened their eyes, listening to what the woman was saying. But, for some reason, no one said anything against it. Were they afraid?...
— Oh, you need to read more carefully. And thirdly... Well, that's right, it's already a task of observation. Boid's wing is carelessly cut. It's like it's been torn up. This can be seen in two photos. Well, okay, this can be forgiven, the photo is really of poor quality, you may not notice it. Tentacle blades cut all organic matter like butter, clearly leaving no such defects. The conclusion is — the pack flew after the leader, who, as we know, tries to avoid obstacles. But, for some reason, one obstacle could not been avoided, which is why boid, who was this very leader, injured his wing. And his pack, having no idea what was going on, went down after him. That's how they were caught.
Nicole was stunned. How..Is that right? Even though Nicole didn't know some of the information, like the rest of those present, as it seemed to her, but everything sounded so plausible and realistic! Everything was perfectly connected. It's like that wannabe was there and saw everything firsthand... But that's impossible!!
- yes... Even so! —Nicole finally found her words.— This does not give you the right to interrupt my narration! I have every right to finish it, even if it is incorrect. In any case, I did not come up with this data, it was provided to me! So what's my fault?
—It would be possible if there weren't newbies like you sitting here, who listen to your every word and taking it as a truth of life. Well, they're almost newbies, they've had about a year of experience. And I've been working here for several years. And it's good that I decided to sit here and listen, otherwise this would have happened.. Well, your task as a scientist is to observe and notice errors that may be contained in the texts so kindly provided to you. —the woman stretched and yawned sweetly, smacking her lips several times— Okay, I'm off. There's nothing else for me to do here.
After these words, the woman really left. Nicole didn't even have time to see her name on the badge. The girl just stood there with her mouth open to the noise of the projector and the tense silence from the audience.
The next day. Nicole cried all night from what happened. She had never felt so flawed and pathetic before. And all because she was disgraced by this wannabe who thinks she knows everything about everyone. Pffft. Dumb competitor... Does she think that she can raise herself using Nicole? No, that woman is wrong... Nicole wouldn't just give up and wasn't even going to give up! But she didn't have the strength yet. Thank God what happened did not reach The Administrator and Nicole was still allowed to do more serious work. Now she was supposed to be an assistant and help carry out observations of the creatures from Xen.
And while it was not yet time for work, she stood at the table in the cafeteria and sniffed, remembering yesterday. She had the same Toby with her, still not getting enough sleep and still tired. He tried not to point it out, but he knew perfectly well that something terrible had happened when he saw the redness on the nose and eyes of a friend.
—.. I don't understand.. -Nicole finally said in a trembling voice- ..What the hell did she find out? I was just doing my job... Are you being scolded for completing an order?
Nicole raised her wet eyes to Toby. He listened attentively, so he immediately shook his head negatively. In general, the girl tried to seem strong and unyielding. She wouldn't let anyone see her like this, not even her closest friend. But no matter how sad it was, she had almost no control over her condition now. Thanks to Toby for being okay with it and not asking her anything, pretending that everything was as usual. That's what she needed.
— So and I think not... because it's stupid and not polite..
The girl finally stopped running her finger over the coffee cup and took a sip from there. She felt sick..
— ..well. — the student began, but immediately hesitated after that. He was extremely unsure if he should say anything now. But noticing Nicole's eyes, he animated from this look. He sighed heavily and continued- ..There are inadequate people. Who can quite calmly point on something and you immediately find yourself to blame for everything. -He glanced at Nicole briefly, as if asking if he should speak further or not- ..I have one such lecturer. He is... well... it is impossible to get a good mark. Well, that's just the kind of person he is. I have no choice but to almost fall at his feet. Do you understand what I mean?
—..that we don't solve anything in such situations?
— Yes. — Toby nodded — Unfortunately, this is just life. And like..well. I wouldn't get hung up on it. I care about the result, not the process. In such matters, for sure. And... like... Damn, I don't want to teach you or anyone else, but maybe you should think easier about it too?
— Well, yes.. -Nicole sighed. The student is right as never before. She even envied how calm he was about everything. Although she can't know what he's doing alone with himself. Maybe she's crying too, like her?— Really, I can't do anything here. What happened is over. It's worth rejoicing in general and saying thank you to the gods for this, considering it went unnoticed, and I still have some kind of job.
Their conversation was interrupted by another visitor, who began to dictate Toby their order. Stop. A familiar voice..
Nicole looked up at the client. Immediately, she recognized the tall and skinny figure, only this time she was without a lab coat. She gripped the edge of the table. It's her!!!!
— So it's you! -Nicole blurted out on her own.
The woman jumped a little from surprise at the noise and turned around lazily. She looked at the girl with relaxed eyes and raised one eyebrow.
—..Do I know you?
— It's you! You've disgraced me! -Nicole pointed a finger at her.
— Did I embarrass you?... oh, wait! it's you! You are a new one!! -A malicious smile immediately crept onto the woman's face.— How wonderful, we met again!
— Don't act like nothing happened! — the girl banged her fist on the table—And anyway, it would be strange if we didn't meet again! We work in the same department, unfortunately!
— Oh, yes, yes.. The smile widened.
— She's the one who shamed me! -Nicole was still pointing at the woman and glanced at the student for a second. Toby, in turn, looked almost scared, which was unexpected. He stared at Nicole with wide eyes and shook his head negatively, as if trying to tell her to stop. But Nicole did not notice this, all her attention was focused on the woman.— Why did you do that?! It's almost reached the administration! I could have been fired!
—Really? Sorry.
— Sorry?? SORRY?! -Nicole was furious. She grabbed her hair and pulled it, trying to calm down— And that's all you can say?!? What are you sorry about?!
—..I'm sorry that it didn't reach the administration. It should have been.
— HOW DARE YOU! -Nico finally couldn't stand it.
The woman only grinned slightly at this and took the ready-made coffee from Toby. Sipping it and setting it aside, she calmly reached into her pocket, took out the money and handed it to the student. With a grin, she continued to watch as the new girl freaked out and tried to cope with her emotions. She crossed her arms over her chest, and pushed one leg back a little, leaning on the table. She didn't seem to give a damn about the squeals and complaints.
— Are you enjoying all this?! Nicole continued.
— Yeah. And why not? I didn't do anything wrong. And your reaction amuses me incredibly. You're funny, you're hysterical.
Well, that's the last straw. Nicole was about to jump on her with bare fists, completely forgetting about all the rules of decency, when an unexpected yell returned her to the ground:
Nico shrugged and turned around to see what was going on. Indeed, her mind cleared up and she was grateful to this someone for making her mind sober in time. Otherwise, there would have been only a few steps before being fired.
Meanwhile, the picture was as follows: A young red-haired girl in the uniform of a security guard climbed onto the table and was clearly happy about it. That's why there was this shout. What's going on in this Black Mesa..?
— Whoo, well done, Lee!
Nico turned back to the sound. This woman stood with a smile and clapped her hands. Wait. That look. Why is she so.. wait.
Meanwhile, a young guard had already run up to this wannabe and almost knocked her down with her hugs.
—I'll have a snack!!! — The redhead growled and really started biting
the green-eyed one:
-Ow, ow! What are you doing?
The woman calmly took the so-called Lee in arms and kept her at a certain distance from herself. It suddenly dawned on Nicole.
— It's your daughter?!
Both looked at Nico and laughed. The girl recoiled from such a reaction. She looked at Toby, hoping that he knew something, but he was just biting one finger slightly and looking away. What was he so visibly nervous about??
— This is my sister!! — Lee said cheerfully — And you're the one she mocked yesterday, aren't you?!
— What, sister?! -Nico blushed. And why did she come up with the option of being a daughter?..— Wow, that's the age difference-WAIT, WHAT?!
Lee giggled again
—All right, all right, let me go!! I want coffee!
— No coffee. -The woman replied calmly. Nicole, taking advantage of the situation, finally looked at her badge and read "Susan Thompson". And Lee's badge just said "Lee." It is logical, but at the same time it is strange, where is the last name? ...
— ..Should I make her some cocoa? - she heard Toby's voice as Lee was trying to lick her older sister's chin. Nicole looked at him dumbfounded. So he knows them!!!
—Please. — Susan replied and finally put Lee on his feet. She smiled again.
— Well, cocoa will do too! Sis, let's go to brother!!
— Not now. Don't you see that I'm arguing?
Lee turned to Nicole, who was shocked by the number of children in their family, and turned back to Susan.
— But BenreyBenreyBenrey is better..
— That's right.. but.. ah, okay. Let's go —the woman smiled strangely tenderly, giving up to girl.
Lee immediately threw up her hands, began to rejoice and jump. Susan took the finished cocoa, gave the money to the student again, took her coffee and hurried after the youngest, because she ran pretty fast..
Nicole was left with me in complete shock. She took hold of her head.
— What. Was. That???..
—..this.. -Toby stared at her in silence again. There was worry in his gaze.— You shouldn't have fought with her like that..
—Shush. I don't want to hear it. It turns out that you knew who I was talking about all this time. -She looked at him. He shook his head negatively and was about to open his mouth, but Nico curled her lips— No. Not now. I'm sorry, but not now.
Slowly, the girl moved from the cafeteria towards the office in which she would assist. Toby watched her go and even leaned out of his cabin. He knew exactly where this was going. And he felt terribly embarrassed that he couldn't warn Nicole.
The girl was sitting at a large control panel. It seemed to occupy almost the entire space in this room. A couple of metal lockers, armchairs, a table, a microwave on it. That's basically it. There was a window in front that led to a chamber with headcrabs inside. There were 5 samples there. Obviously, not the whole pack, only some tenth of it. The chamber itself was designed like one of the Xen islands, just for, it seems, the headcrabs feel calm and comfortable inside.
Next to Nicole was a man who, judging by his behavior and appearance, was no more than 26 years old. He was the assistant that Nicole took over. Johnny, as he introduced himself, was going to be assigned to another department for some time. He stood next to her, hanging over Nicole a little, and carefully watched her name the function of each button, at least as she understood it herself. He was delighted with how quickly she caught on everything.
—Yeah... And this button? -Johnny pointed to a tiny green button somewhere to the right in the corner.
— Uh.. — Nico, who still hadn't got past the morning, looked down. Fortunately, Johnny was a pleasant enough young man and the girl felt less tense with him. There was something about him that relaxed her—..oh! this is..uh... -She scratched the top of her head. The man was still looking at her with a slight smile, giving her a chance to think and remember—..oh, right! It gives access to lighting control!
The girl beamed at Johnny's face. He just stretched his smile in response and nodded.
— That's right. — Finally, the answer that Nicole wanted to hear was heard.
— Hooray! — the girl allowed herself to be slightly pleased, already enthusiastically examining every key on the control panel. Wow, she really mastered it!
— Well, it's time for you and me to finish..
Johnny sighed and looked at his watch. His eyebrows risen slightly, and his face itself expressed some incomprehension. He consulted his wristwatch and checked the time against the wall clock. This time, his brows furrowed.
— Oh, no. I can't let you go yet.. — he said thoughtfully, tapping his watch with his finger.
—Why? -Nicole asked, watching the man's every action.
— She's late..And why today? -Slightly displeased, he looked away.- I can't leave until she comes. I need to pass you from hand to hand.
— She?.. -Nicole tilted her head in incomprehension.
—..oh! So let me tell you about her while she's walking somewhere! At least you'll be a little ready for her... ahem...peculiar character. -He grinned.
Nicole nodded and sat down more comfortably in her chair. She was already stressed out that she would be working with a certain woman. Moreover, apparently, she also has a bad character.. Anyway, Nico was paying attention and Johnny saw it, so he started his story.
— Her name is Alex. The woman is so... uh...spicy. Perhaps this is the word that would suit her best to describe. — The man leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest — To put it simply — petty, aggressive, extremely attentive and just creepy.
Seeing the discomfort in Nicole's eyes, the man laughed and nodded understandingly.
— I understand. When they told me about her, I was a little scared too. And I was even more scared when I found out that she has a close relationship with Breen, huh..
— Stop. — The girl replied — Wait, with Dr. Breen?? The administrator of this place?!
The man suddenly stopped for a while and looked suspiciously at Nicole.
— Wait, are you saying you haven't heard about Alex at all?? She's on everyone's lips here, everyone is afraid of her here. And you've never even asked why they're afraid of her?
Nicole looked at the floor in discomfort and shook her head. Well, she fails again. She obviously has no luck with the team.
— Well, that's it. Yes, she knows Breen personally and complains to him about every disobedience and violation of someone, once she notices it. If she saw your violation and you were not fired at the same second, you can say that you are very lucky! Like you won the lottery..
Nicole swallowed. God, it's a good thing this Alex didn't see what was going on during that presentation, how she got into an argument with Susan. Otherwise, Nico wouldn't be here anymore..
— But don't be afraid! She also has a lot of good other traits! She may be unbearable, but damn, I honestly think she's one of the smartest scientists here. She knows the world of Xen like the back of her hand! For example, she can easily communicate with... well, with these headcrabs, for example! -Johnny pointed out the window at the headcrabs, some of whom were playing and climbing on top of each other— God knows how she understands them, but they really obey her! She treats them like children, haha! Maybe her powers of observation are helping her, I have no idea. But that's not all that's good about her. There are a lot more things, it's just thing what made her so popular here. A real authority, commands respect!
Johnny temporarily paused his story to clench his hand into a fist and lean it against his chest, ostensibly as a sign of respect. He even closed his eyes and bowed his head, smiling broadly. Nicole, in turn, was trying to make sense of everything the man had just told her. That is, there is another person smarter than that wannabe! Wow, if Alex had been there, she would have put Susan in her place right away! But her famous, apparently, approach to work and outlook on life scared the girl. Will they get along here and won't they kill each other in this little room? Only time will tell. But Nicole decided to show herself to be a really great employee. The main thing is that she does not lose this desire and her attention. Night tantrums, fuck them...
— .. in communication, as your boss, — Johnny continued meanwhile, interrupting Nicole's thoughts, — she behaves like your friend. She talks about topics that are distracted from work, she is interested in how you are doing, and so on. But that doesn't mean she's distracted. I'm not afraid to say this, she's always on the lookout. So do not think that you will really have something friendly and she will forgive you for even the smallest mistake that you made because you were distracted by something..
The door to the room finally opened. And she went inside...Susan?!? What is she doing here?! Nicole shrank back into her chair, obviously not eager to be noticed. A wave of thoughts swept through her head, after which it was empty. The girl was just watching a woman who put a cup of coffee on the table.
— Hello, Johnny. Hello.. -She fixed her bright green eye on Nicole.
— Dr. Alex! We were just remembering you! -Johnny immediately responded, for some reason happy to see this woman. Clearing his throat, he pointed at the frightened blonde—This is the new one! Her name is Nicole. I told her everything I know myself!
The woman squinted, carefully watching Nicole. Nicole, in turn, felt as if she was been stripped, looked at from head to toe, then slowly and painfully had her skin removed. Because of this, she shrank even more.
—... Hm... I guess you did. -Susan said softly. Or Alex. Nicole is confused. Frightened eyes began to run over the woman's shirt and noticed the badge, which still read "Susan Thompson."
— B-But..it's Susan.. -Nicole said softly. Unfortunately, she was heard.
— Hah, no. -Johnny chuckled.- This is Alex. What makes you think her name is Susan?
Nicole's eyes widened even more when it was no longer written "Susan Thompson" on the same badge, but "Alex". And again without a last name. How is this possible?! She was standing there and didn't move!!
—.....wh-what..how..in the same place..It was written there..
Johnny frowned and looked at the woman's badge himself. Then he smiled again and returned his gaze to the frightened girl.
— Alex sometimes wears other badges. By accident. Don't worry so much, her name is Alex, that's for sure!
Nicole swallowed and nodded. She stared at Alex's distorted face with fear. Her bright green eyes looked straight into Nico's soul, as if they glowing from a conveniently placed light, and glittering a little lower in the light were...Fangs??!
— Well, okay, I'll go then. They've been waiting for me already. -Johnny sighed and turned to Alex, who looked completely normal.
— Go ahead. The woman replied coldly as she was putting on her lab coat.
— Oh, come on!
The man came up from behind and gently wrapped his arms around the woman's body, wrapping her in an embrace. She tilted her head slightly and rolled her eyes. He seemed to annoy her with that.
— How about a coffee at 4 o'clock? — he did not calm down.
— Refuse. — the woman replied just as coldly, enduring this with the last of her strength.
Johnny had already started to say something when he was grabbed by the face and pushed towards the door. Alex was sick of his behavior. Or maybe..She was in a hurry to be alone with Nicole, who sat back down in her chair after an unsuccessful escape attempt. The man denied and muttered something in the palm of the woman's hand, but as soon as he was released and he was outside the threshold of this room, he pulled a smile again.
— I'll be waiting for you then! Good luck, new girl! -He winked at Nicole and the door immediately slammed in his face.
The girl trembled. Well, that's it. What's going to happen now? She stared in horror at Alex, who was breathing heavily, hunched up and leaning against the door. She saw that the green eye was still fixed on her. Somehow, her eyes were actually glowing. Brightly.
Nicole is trapped. She even sits in the corner. Panicking, she began to run her eyes around the room and think about how to escape. But she did not find anything useful during this search. There were no ideas either. Maybe now is the time to apologize? No... Nicole can't even move, what else to say. She was shackled by fear while Alex had already started her movement, she felt unexplained danger. Woman climbed up from above, clutching the back of the chair as if with claws. She bent one of her legs at the knee and placed it on the chair between Nicole's legs. She lowered her head to the blonde's face.
—What's up? -Alex asked with a kind of growl. Nicole's face immediately gave off heat, either from the heavy and languid breathing of the woman, or from such awkward intimacy. But it's not important to her now. A lot of thoughts were spinning in Nico's head that they were about to fall, given the angle of inclination of the chair now, that she was about to be gnawed, that Alex reminded her of an animal. And the woman was patiently waiting for an answer, although it was clear from the growl somewhere inside her body that she would not wait long.
—I ... -Nicole stuttered with tears in her eyes- ..excuse me..I'm sorry for what was there then..
Alex suddenly cringed all over. There was a laugh that came deep from the woman's throat. Clearly not a human laugh. But after a moment, she calmed down as suddenly as she laughed.
—What's it to me that you're apologizing here? The job is done. You've made it clear to me what kind of person you are, Nicole. —the woman whispered in the ear of the frightened and panicked girl.— Now I see everything. I know everything. So why apologize? On the contrary, you've given me so much interesting information about yourself. Even more information than is in your blood. -Alex growled the last one, even with hunger.
Nicole was shaking. She wasn't sure how it would end. She still couldn't move. She made only a muffled wheeze, trying to say something.
The woman clicked her tongue and stood on the ground. The chair returned to its usual position, and Nicole slid down a little. Her face was white, and there was a heavy feeling of vomiting inside. Alex dusted off her hands. She seems to have come to her senses.
— Okay, that's in the past! We have to work now! She said with her usual smile and went back to her coffee.— Come to your senses, we still have a lot of work to do.
— ..you are.. a monster. -Nicole muttered.
Alex curled up a little with laughter and answered quietly when she calmed down, continuing to drink her coffee:
— Yep. So be careful.
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Its just too cheesy hlvrai freelatta fic
so heres that fic i mentioned in that post from like 2 am
ive never actually posted any writing ive done im not the best so im sorry if this is a formatting nightmare
also sorry this is on wattpad i dont have an ao3 account plz dont make fun of me lol
(i also have dislexia so if any of the spelling is weird sorry)
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ruthebenriksai · 5 months ago
Потерянный покой
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Перед началом: Это был мой второй фик/ориджинал по АУ и первый где я использовала Нико с Тоби, из-за чего я чутка кринжую хаха. Мне кажется я плохо передала Тоби..В любом случае, хорошего чтения!
(Ваттпад прикрепляю как профиль, тк не дает прикрепить ссылку на сам фанфик :( )
-Blue Opal / Alex
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