#Glass roofing Kent
cometovenice · 1 year
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Kent Poolhouse Picture of a large cottage with a rectangular lap pool in the backyard
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littlediscoveredstars · 2 months
I have a fanfic idea that I haven’t really committed to writing, so you can have it here.
Idea: Batman and Superman decide to finally put the bro-mance to rest and go on a proper date. The thing is, they both plan to reveal their identities at the restaurant.
Bruce focuses so hard on looking like Bruce Wayne, but also more himself that he does at galas. He’s wearing a turtleneck and his comfy work shoes. His hair is less organized and he lets himself slouch.
Clark isn’t sure whether to slick back his hair like Superman but keep the glasses or keep everything Clark Kent but leave the glasses home. He decides to just wing it and go as much like himself as he can: jeans, boots, and glasses. After all, he’s a Kansas farm boy under every layer of identity he’s created.
So, then comes the day for them to meet. They expect to see each other, be a little surprised, then go about their date as normal.
It turned out…not like that.
With neither knowing what name the table was reserved under, they both assume they’ve arrived first and watch every man that fits their date’s general build pass them by.
Clark sees Bruce Wayne and thinks, “Wow! What are the odds Bruce Wayne happens to be at the same restaurant? Funny.” Then he sits down at a booth and waits for Batman.
Bruce, to his credit, watches Clark pass by with suspicions. The guy looks kind of like Superman but those curls are so dense and he honestly cannot imagine Big Blue dressed like a cowboy, so he waves it, especially when the man doesn’t stop to confront him. He just stares the way everyone else has after seeing a celebrity out in public and moves on.
An hour passes. Then two. Both are sitting a few tables apart, looking around desperately for their hero coworker to show.
Bruce gets impatient first. He understand Superman has a lot on his plate and a single free night is a lot to ask. Maybe they’ll try again. Or they won’t, since Bruce has convinced himself this was stupid to begin with.
It’s as he’s preparing to go that he sees that cowboy again. The gorgeous man is looking down, crestfallen at also being stood up.
So, Bruce does something a little spontaneous. Bruce sits in front of the guy. He blames it on the glasses of wine he had while waiting.
Bruce: “I’m Bruce. May I be blunt?”
Clark, blinking in surprise: “uh, sure?”
Bruce: “I watched you walk in over an hour ago and no one has accompanied you. Seeing as my date did the same, I’d like to fill the space.”
Clark, again, surprised he’s even being talked to by a billionaire outside of his job: “Y-yes? Yes! I mean, sure! By all means!”
It’s not like Batman’s going to come crashing in from the window. Well, he could, but Clark’s been listening to the city around them. No sign of Batman’s grapple.
So, Bruce and Clark meet. They fall into conversation easily, even make each other laugh. It’s so effortless and slightly suspicious, but they’re having a fun time and Bruce isn’t self-sabotaging enough to break away now. Not when he’s needed this for a while.
Then, at the end of the date, Clark listens for Batman’s heartbeat. He tries to hear where his friend might be, to understand why he didn’t show, but the heartbeat is standing right in front of him. There, in Bruce Wayne’s chest.
And/or, Clark removed his glasses to clean them and it clicks in Bruce’s mind. He reaches out to smooth all of Clark’s hair back and a single, rebellious curl pops out.
They’re both so furious, Clark has to fly them to the roof to properly shout about it.
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yona049 · 1 year
𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Part 1
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
𝚈/𝚗 𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚓𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚝. 𝙸𝚗 𝙶𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚖 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚋𝚒𝚐 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗. 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚕𝚞𝚌𝚔, 𝚜𝚑𝚎'𝚕𝚕 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙶𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚖'𝚜 𝚏𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝙲𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛.
𝗜 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀! 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗶𝘀 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝗹𝘂𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗗𝗖 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗰𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗗𝗖! ^○^
Warnings :
"C'mon Gordon! I took a 2 day ferry from Metropolis just to get here! The least you can do is let me see him!"
Y/n was following hot on Commissioner Jim Gordon's heels as he rushed though the police station.
"I don't need the damn Daily planet on my case! I already have the Gazette to deal with." he growls as he stops at his desk grabbing his lighter and cigarette case.
Y/n stops beside him glaring at him intently. She was a reporter who had one job, get a story on Gotham City's favorite vigilante. The Batman.
Gordon lights his cigarette before leaning against his desk and taking a pull from it. He puffs out the smoke before gritting his teeth and making eye contact with the reporter.
"Miss L/n, what makes you think I could get you an exclusive with the bat?" he says.
Y/n only gives him a look that makes Gordon roll his eyes at the stupid question. Only a reporter like Y/n would be able to figure out how the bat gets all his info and who from?
"Gordon, this is my one chance to get a promotion, a good one. You've known me since I was ten! C'mon, just this once." she whimpers almost like a puppy gripping her reporter bag slung over her shoulder.
The commissioner only sighs, shaking his head. "Not this time kid. This is something I promised your dad I'd never let you get involved with." 
He puts his hand on the top of her back and respectfully pushes her towards the exit, snaking their way through the busy police station. 
"Look, while you're here I'll buy ya a drink and we can do some catching up. It's been a while." he stops on the steps outside the entrance.
Y/n sighs and scratches her head out of frustration. "Yeah, I'd love to." she gives a genuine smile before saying her goodbye to The commissioner and walking off into the Gotham night air. 
She stops in the alleyway beside the police station and leans against the building wall. Taking her phone from her pocket she scrolls though the contacts and presses on the name "Glasses man"
Putting it up to her ear she listens to it ring out. Finally, a nervous voice plays out. 'Hey! This is Clark-ah Kent! Leave a message!' 
Y/n sighs before talking. "Hi Glasses, you’re probably asleep right now, I didn't realise what time it was before I called. Anyway, just calling to say you might wanna keep my seat warm. I got nothing from my source. I might just book a ferry home tomorrow. At least it means I can still throw paper planes at your desk. I'll-"
She stops when a shadow flies over the ally and heavy cape flutters echo through the night air. Her lips curl into a hopeful smirk as she looks up at the rooftop seeing the bat signal shining in the smokey clouds.
"Huh, my luck might have just changed." She ends the call and shoves her phone in her pocket.
She hurries deeper into the alley way and immediately she spots the fire escape. Y/n puts her hand on the cold iron ladder before she looks down at her shoes. "Ugh, no way I'm ruining these shoes too!"
After kicking off her shoes she starts climbing to the roof before she finally reaches the top and manages to climb onto the rooftop without gaining any attention. With bare feet she crawls behind a vent and peaks around it at the shining bat signal and two men standing beside it.
The Batman and Jim Gordon in deep conversation. This was her chance, she lifts her phone from her pocket and gets ready to calmly approach the masked vigilante.
A sudden whistle through the air catches her attention, a red cape shines even brighter as the bat signal shines onto it and slowly the S symbol comes into view.
Y/n moves her hand over her mouth to stop the excited squeak when Superman lands beside batman.
'Two heros? Oh! I'm definitely getting that promotion!' She thinks full of excitement.
Batman looks back at superman and his deep growled words manage to remind Y/n of where exactly she was and what her situation was.
"Did you find it?"
Superman nods and opens his fist to reveal a small vial of green liquid. It glows steadily reflecting against the confused look of Jim Gordon who takes it in his hand. 
"What is this? It looks like Joker venom." 
Batman gives a growl and shakes his head. "Not just Joker venom. My scanner is picking up fear toxin too. I'd have to do a deeper scan to be sure."
Finally, Superman looks up from the vial’s hypnotizing green glow. "Few hours ago, Batman alerted me of unusual chemical readings in a warehouse by the docks. Once I got there, I only found this swept into a corner. Looked like they left in a hurry."
Batman lifts his head." If Joker and Scarecrow are working together to combine their toxin's, we could have a bigger threat on our hands. And by the sound of it, there could be more." 
Gordon nods and gives an extensive sigh, rubbing the back of his neck, rolling the vial back and forth in his palm. 
Y/n lifts an eyebrow before using her phone to take a picture of the three standing together and looking down at the picture deep in thought.
'Two deadly Toxin's combined, what could the motive be except to cause chaos? Perhaps other villains. But Scarecrow and Joker aren't criminals without purpose, even if they are psychotic they wouldn't work together without a final goal.'
She turns her head back to the scene in front of her when a loud beeping sound interrupts her train of thought. 
The vial in Gordon's hand started beeping and perhaps out of reflex he tosses the deadly time bomb in his hand. 
Superman's eyes fly wide as he rushes to protect both Batman and the commissioner from an oncoming blast. 
However, the vial rolled across the roof until it finally hit Y/n's bare feet and her heart jumps to her throat. 
"Oh shit." she says out loud when suddenly the vial burst's open and Y/n gasps for her last bit of fresh air. 
She pulls her head to her knees and holds her nose, mouth and eyes shut. The toxic gas burns her skin and her eyes start tearing with the fumes banging on her eyelids.
'I can't hold it much longer. It burns!' 
Slowly she gives in to a lightheaded dizziness and falls sideways onto the ground letting her hand fall off her nose. 
Not a moment later the gas clears when Superman swoop's her out of the green gas. She hangs limply in his arms as they hover in the air for a second. 
Superman's gaze turns to pure horror when he sees his co-worker in his arms. Once the toxic gas has evaporated into nothing more than a tickle in the wind Superman lands back on the roof and approaches a worried Jim Gordon and expressionless batman.
𝐈𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐬! 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰! 𝐀𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤!𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠!
\ (•◡•) /
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mintmatcha · 1 year
everytime you write iida i wanna cry lmao thank you for the food mint
Well why don't I make you cry some more:
"Why are they all the same?"
"What do you mean?" Iida thumbs through the order of glasses, counting through them all carefully. Ten matching frames, all with his updated prescription: it's pricier than he'd like to admit, but with his prescription he can't afford to be without. "If one breaks, I have a replacement. It's utilitarian."
It shouldn't be strange that you're sitting on his bed with him. You're his fiancee, with his grandmother's ring in your finger. This should feel natural, feel like the back end of normal, but instead Iida's swallowing back the jitters that threaten to spill into his voice. It feels like high school, when Uraraka would let herself into his room to study, with those shorts that would ride far too high up her thighs.
Your legs are covered. He swallows again despite that.
"But it's boring." You regard him carefully, eyes bounding between the features of his face. The hand he's using to prop himself up is only inches from yours and that feels dreadfully, wonderfully close.
"You have such a handsome face, you could pull off any style," you say with the hint of a smile, "You should get something colorful, like a green or a blue. Oh, or those Clark Kent glasses."
"I was considering contacts, actually." His mother had suggested them for the wedding.
"Hmm." You reach for him and pull his current pair from his face. The world goes fuzzy and so does that feeling in his chest. He can still make out how you watch him, with a softness that stick to the roof of his mouth. "That's a shame. I think glasses suit you."
He should kiss you, he thinks, but his body is already moving without him. His fingers are in your hair and his mouth is pressed into the corner of your lips, missing its mark by a few centimeters. Cool against his cheek is your inhale, warm is the hand that grips on to the front of his shirt and pulls desperately hard.
The shock knocks him forward a bit too aggressively and your teeth clash. He expects you to grimace or pull away, the moment lost-
But you laugh. It's not what he expected, wild and arrhythmic and loud, uncontrolled and unrefined. When he dips in for another kiss, you don't stop, laughing against his lips and vibrating his face with your sounds. It's so sweet that he swears he can taste it, thick and lingering like honey, a flavor he hopes he can sear into his mouth and chest.
Once he read honey preserves everything inside it, and that's what he hopes happens here; he wants how feeling - how you make him feel- frozen inside him forever.
You pull away and his spit glosses your bottom lip. Or is it yours? He wonders if he tastes it again he'll be able to tell.
"I always knew you'd be a good kisser, Tensei."
It takes a moment for your words to hit either of you. Eyes he hadn't realized closed slowly open and he's struck at the abject horror on your face, struck by your own mistake.
He's struck too, but the pain hasn't settled yet. It's waiting there, an aftershock in the distance.
"Tenya. I mean Tenya." Your pitch goes high and wobbling, "I didn't- Tenya. I-"
Honey, it turns out, isn't a very good preservative at all. Everything in his stomach rots away.
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tanoraqui · 1 year
On one hand: I now DESPERATELY want like, a 5+1 of times Maedhros went nuclear on the HOA/PTA (and one time Fingon did it for him).
But also I am now imagining the canon setting HOA/building codes. Like. They're like 95% defensive stuff about keeping walls clear and in good repair, fire suppressant means on hand, etc. But the remaining 5% is buckwild Finwean aesthetic bullshit.
Thanks for the ask! If it’s in any way reassuring, re: your tags on the inspiring post, Maedhros doesn’t run the HOA with an iron fist so much as…okay listen have you ever read the Meng Yao vs. the Board of the Homeowner's Association MDZS/Untamed fox series? Maedhros can’t use his power or his menacing reputation for the HOA (or PTA, etc) because this is his mild-mannered alter ego. He can’t even act too much like Maedhros Fëanorion(TM), because the disguise is glasses + Clark Kenting! So instead of being sexily threatening and supernaturally authoritative, he rules the HOA with nonthreatening charm, spreadsheets, and a dash of blackmail as necessary.
Also, actually, he has a full-time job as a CEO/supervillain, so most likely he rules the HOA through a convenient patsy.
Idk if I can pull out a full 5+1, but…
1. When they were still living in an apartment in downtown Echo City (penthouse, fairly fancy but not where the UBER-wealthy live), one time Maedhros suggested to the building manager that the rooftop garden would be more aesthetically cohesive and appealing with brickwork pathways. The manager brushed him off. Maedhros took offense (“Our contract says that the landlord will maintain the building for use AND aesthetics!”) and rallied other residents to make a fuss. After three weeks of escalating complaints, the building manager nearly started crying in an all-parties meeting as he tried to explain that he’d asked about getting superficial brickwork on the roof, okay, he’s sorry he was dismissive at first, that’s on him, but he did ask, and his boss said that he’s not allowed to so much as look at contractors to upgrade the garden paths—
It was at this point that Fingon pulled his beloved husband aside and asked, “Russo don’t you technically own this building?”
“Yes,” said Maedhros.
“So his boss, or his boss’s boss’s boss’s boss…”
“He was rude to me,” Maedhros hissed. “Which is a failure at his job, too! I will break him, and then I will have him fired and replaced with someone who is a more quality judge of interior and exterior design.”
2. When they moved into a house in the suburbs, neither bothered much with the HOA at first, because they were too busy with their newly untesttubed baby. Maedhros realized he needed to Do Something about it when the HOA wouldn’t let them put up an eye-searing display of Solstice lights. Fingon more or less said “sic ‘em” on this one; in all universes, Noldor are (sometimes fatally) attracted to shiny things. They’re like crows.
3. Maedhros licked the chocolate crumbs from his fingers with intense focus.
“This isn’t just homemade,” he said slowly. “It’s actually good.”
“That’s great!” said Fingon. Judgement passed, he bit into his own brownie. “Mmm, yeah, that is good—I can’t believe your weird little competition prompted her to not just make real brownies for once, but to make good ones! I assumed she lied about the storebought ones because she just couldn’t—hey, no. No.”
He grabbed his husband’s hand, which was pulling out a cellphone with the same forbidding fury that most people reserved for drawing guns.
“You are not allowed to call a hit on Laura from the PTA,” Fingon said sternly. “Be proud! Be happy! You inspired her, and now the bake sale stands a real chance!”
“I’m not calling a hit on her,” Maedhros said grimly. “I said I’d humiliate her and I meant it—so I’m doing far worse.”
He swiped the phone open and handed it to Fingon.
“Please call your grandmother and ask for her brownie recipe—you know, the really good fudgey one that my father always pretended to hate.”
BY THE WAY, it hasn’t come up at all in the au and I’m not sure about the details or implications, but the Vanyar are definitely an alien race. Maybe secretly? 2/3 of this extended family are only partly or mostly human. They still get their superpowers from Finwë’s side, though.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
It's something that just came to my mind
Clark Kent is talking to the Batman while Riddler and S/O are spying on him and S/O is like "What is Superman doing here?". And since people in DC didn't know that it's him, Riddler gives her a weird look saying she must be mistaken. But S/O gives him a long, silent stare "You're kidding me, right?". It comes to the point where she holds a picture of Clark and Superman next to each other, pointing glasses out and Riddler is like "..... 'DING!' YOU HAVE TO BE JOKING!" The man is kicking himself for not seeing it.
For all Riddlers.
A/N: ooohhh the denial is strong in this one
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The Riddlers React to Finding Out Superman's Identity
Arkhamverse Riddler:
Oh please.
Do you really think he’s that idiotic? He’s that ignorant?
(this is not the time to mention he dismissed Bruce Wayne being Batman)
He berates you a couple more times, so he left you no choice.
When you pulled out a picture of the Man of Steel and a pair of glasses up against the real-life Clark Kent below
Edward was silent. 
No…NO that’s too obvious! 
Although the pictures are damning. 
He snatches the photos and huffs. 
He admits the two are uncanny, but surely it’s some alien-like cloning technology. 
Besides, it doesn't matter! He’s smarter than Kent or Superman anyway
Reevesverse/Dano Riddler:
It takes him a minute to even realize there is a “superman”
Do you mean to say that Metropolis has its own hero too? 
But not just a man of the people? A vigilante? Like a full-on hero with powers?!
The last thing he’d suspect afterward is that this Superman…was a journalist? 
He was curious as to why Batman would be discussing something with a random journalist from Daily Planet.
Yet when you exclaim how the civilian looks like Superman, he’s pretty skeptical. 
Until you pull up a picture of Superman on your phone. 
Edward does a double take. 
In hindsight, it’s so obvious…
Ed wonders if Batman knows this…he has to right?
Gotham Riddler:
This was the last place he expected to end up when following Batman. 
On the roof of a building a couple buildings away from Daily Planet. 
Why is Batman talking to a reporter? Surely, he’d go to a more reliable source like…well Gordon is all he could think of. 
He also wasn’t sure why he brought you along exactly but the assistance was appreciated. 
Ed didn’t expect the next thing you’d bring up though. 
Something about how the journalist looks like…Superman? 
The Superman? The Kryptonian? 
Yeah sure, right…
Ed practically snatched your phone when you exhibited the evidence. 
With his usual tight-lipped expression, he hands you back your phone.
He deems it another scheme for another day.
BTAS Riddler:
It may just be me playing favorites…lmao
BUT I do have evidence from the BTAS Writing Bible that says, this Riddler is most likely to figure out Batman’s identity if he actually wanted to that is…
So with that, I’d like to think that Ed would have already figured it out?
Like you may have been helping him do some recon and you’re listening in on the conversation between Batman and Clark. 
After a moment a lightbulb goes off in your head. 
When you mention the resemblance between Kent and Superman…
Edward chuckled. 
Why did you think you two were listening in on their conversation? 
He is proud that you were able to spot it though. 
Some rogues still don’t believe him when he brought up the most likely secret identity to the Man of Steel.
Zero Year/Capullo Riddler:
Ed only hacked into Daily Planet because he already caused chaos in Gotham City and Star City, so why not Metropolis? 
He was surprised to see Batman there and not brooding somewhere in Gotham. 
You walked in while Ed was surveillancing the newsroom. 
You were about to joke with him about how much of a Batman fanboy he must be to watch his every move. 
Until the journalist the Dark Knight was talking to caught your eye. 
You mentioned the striking resemblance to Superman. 
Edward scoffed at your observation. 
Oh, please a journalist? Really? 
He will never admit it, but he was kicking himself mentally for not seeing it first. It’s blaringly obvious now.
Twojar Riddler:
Edward doesn’t really care for the Kryptonian. 
What good are all those superpowers if he’s not intelligent? 
Not to mention his alias would be simple to solve. 
Which is why he never entertained the conundrum, what advantage would it do him?
He had much more thrilling and productive puzzles to ponder over. 
That doesn’t stop you from shoving two pictures in his face in the morning. 
You made the proud declaration that Superman was the featured journalist, Clark Kent of Daily Planet. 
Edward was thinking about how he can disprove your claim…gently until he glanced down at the images. 
There was Kent, a proud grin to the camera…and Superman smirking to the side…with hastily drawn glasses around his face. 
Ed was silent for a moment. 
No…there was no way it was that obvious…
They both resided in Metropolis, and had a similar build and face structure…
He bites his lip. 
He can’t tell if he should be proud of your deduction skills or hit himself in the head with his cane for not seeing it sooner.
Gotham City Sirens Riddler:
Another Edward that I think either knows or has figured out Superman’s identity.
He doesn’t really care for the Man of Steel. 
Ed will just stay in his lane in Gotham City. 
Yet when you two chase down a perp into Metropolis. 
You two got to see Superman in action. 
It was you that brought up how he looked oddly familiar. 
Intrigued, he asked you to elaborate. 
You said he looked an awful lot like that journalist you two bumped into when interrogating an editor at Daily Planet. 
You told him to imagine if Superman had a dress shirt and glasses on.
Ed smiled as you put two and two together.
Ed had long since deducted Superman was likely tied to Daily Planet, a photo of a certain Clark Kent proved as much.
However, to have you reach the same deduction, he couldn't help but beam in pride a little bit.
You have been learning some skills from him after all.
Young Justice Riddler:
Sure he pondered the aliases of all his enemies. 
He couldn’t get distracted by that however, it could take months or years to figure it out. 
He could have defeated them by then…don’t laugh he could have.
The two of you are reconning outside Daily Planet.
Ed was complaining about not being in Gotham where you both had prior experience with the city. 
You rolled your eyes as you kept an eye on Superboy talking to some dude in a white button-up and glasses. 
You were about to doze off until you got a good look at the journalist’s face. 
You tap Ed on the shoulder, interrupting his rant when you asked if that journalist looked familiar. 
Ed mentioned something about how that was probably Clark Kent, a celebrated journalist, and partner to Lois Lane. 
You asked if he noticed anything else. 
When he shook his head you began listing out his physical features…and how if you just remove the glasses and put him in a blue suit with a giant S and a cape…
Ed’s jaw dropped as he snatched the binoculars away from you. 
There’s no…you’ve gotta be kidding him?!
Clark Kent is SUPERMAN?! 
Eddie practically rage quits and you’re steady on his heels as he storms off.
Telltale Riddler:
He is aware of the Kyrptonian invader. 
And his rather obvious alias…
You would think the Superman would come up with a lower profile.
However he has bigger fish to fry in Gotham. 
Apparently a certain Clark Kent was visiting Gotham and was having discussions with the Batman. 
When you saw the interaction the moment clicked-
If you just removed the glasses…
You won’t lie, you were rather excited about your deduction.
He cruelly teases you when you mention the likelihood of Superman’s identity.
Edward, practically condescendingly pats your head. 
You’ll never be as smart as him, but perhaps at least smarter than the average civilian.
Hush (DCAU) Riddler:
(I realize this Riddler may very well also know who Superman is...but I just wanted to try and change it up, rip lmao)
He realizes that Superman and Batman…seem to be close allies. 
He may have a hunch about Batman’s identity but if he could solve Superman’s identity…THE Superman. 
One day, Ed may just have the upper hand. 
You two were steadily following Batman, gathering whatever sliver of information that Batman may slip out. 
Right when Ed was about to give up and just focus his time on another scheme…
You noticed something. 
Batman was discussing something, something serious with a journalist that stood toe to toe with the Caped Crusader. 
You looked at the journalist, he’s stupidly buff for a journalist…that jaw…and that little curled bang...
Wait a minute!
It took some convincing for Ed to see Clark Kent was Superman…but once you slapped some glasses on a Superman photo, a lightbulb went off. 
He’s simultaneously disappointed in himself for not seeing it sooner…he blames it on the burnout. 
But he does show gratitude to you, but of course, it was thanks to him you were able to pick up on it too…
Just let him have this one…he needs it.
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hektorpaint · 20 days
Late writing for flash fiction friday prompt
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* * * * *
Muddy landscapes stretched out in all directions, rusty metal buildings jut out from the ground. A world in decay after a war or a great catastrophe. Our scientist were still puzzling it together. 
An abandoned warehouse with ancient machines and large holes in the roof. The sun still holds power, it charged the batteries of my backpacks. . 
Dark clouds rapidly approach over the sky and rain starts to fall with large gray drops. I retrieved my backpack, reached my hand out in the rain. It was a lightshow from the shielding getting drained by the acid rain. I stepped out in the open, the rain fell over my helmet, energy shield crackles once again. After a few minutes I could see actual raindrops form over the round headpiece.
 I thought to myself;
“The holovids from earth-that-was got people dancing, jumping and blessing the rain. A really big storm of drinkable water flooding. I wish I could experience proper rain.”
A fast beep alarm went off and I was back to my reality.  Taking a step back into the shadows, an energy shield crackles around me as it returns to full strength. The metal of the suit smokes lightly.
The puddles around me had a red shimmer from the oxidizing metals. 
After some time the rain stopped and I was on the road again. Walked another hour. Found a field of flowers. Glistening in the afternoon sun.
Getting closer to it, the field was not normal flowers but crystals, yet they swayed in the wind. Thin petals of glass structure with a stem and thicker glass on top. Tried to pick one but it broke in my hand, turned into dust. 
Got on my hands and knees, looking inside was a lightshow, lines fracturing into a mesmerizing world. Purple, pink and yellow all dancing in the little petal of crystal glass.
Leaning back on my knees, I picked out containers and gel to not break it. The scientist back in the dome is gonna love this. Packed some of the petals and some soil samples. 
Back in the dome the sanitizing cycle completed and I headed for the armory. Sooner I got the plating repaired i could go back out there. Armory was in full action, all five of the printers were working. Behind the desk the clerk Kent was moving and organizing the next item to go into the machines. Short and stout with a similar mood. The clerk was narrowing his eyes as I approached the desk. 
“My suits needs repairs, got caught in the rain”
I started to loose the security buckle for the suits extra plating.
“Are you serious, again? I have other things to repair than your damn plating.”
The clerk crossed his arms and looked wide eyed at me.
“You know im on the science team right?”
I dropped the plating on the desk in front of me.
“I don't care about your galavanting. You are still a civilian. I have actual important tools waiting.”
I didnt answer, I just turned around and started to walk away. 
* * * * * *
(Wanted to write more but ran out of energy. Base idea was that something happening in the dome making the protagonist having to run outside without his extra plating. And perils of being outside in acid rain)
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siremasterlawrence · 2 years
Nightwing: Midnight Eclipse
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Poor Nightwing is on mission to deaths door
in the heat of the night he backflips on to the rooftop of a abandoned building in the Great island of Manhattan.
He rolls over the roof sliding til the edge of the building scooping up his binoculars from his belt.
He opens a batch placing it over his eyes he quickly scans the scene allowing him a huge outline like a blue print.
His cellphone blows up with the intelligence scan showing every inch of the floor plans for him.
It showcases like a scaffolding view keeping him totally aware of everything in the area of the massive compound.
Dick revs fixing his mask a second time that night this is biggest score yet and he can die possibly.
“Let’s see! There are eighteen floors each floor has two guards by the elevator, two more by the door, and four in the last room.”
“I have no time to deal with these small time goons, hoods and crooks except to end this right now.”
“The roof top is the perfect opening I back flip directly into the air a quick somersault to crash the glass ceiling.”
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“Boom! Hell yeah!”
“Too easy”
“I need to work on my descent and landing”
“Oh well!”
“Next time”
“Hello! How about I show you how to dance?”
“Get him!”
“Too bad”
“Let’s boogie”
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Nightwing smirks removing his e-stim sticks ready to go he launches a barrage of heavy attacks.
One to right, left, right, and left again guys go down so easily no questions ask except for his defeat.
He flips into the air using his feet forcing them together hitting him hard he falls face forward.
He lands promptly pressing the down button on the elevator he waits for it and enters in to it.
The elevator descends down the shaft as the cart is racing to the basement level it stops.
The door rolls open he flips his estims into the air catching them in a fighting stand and preps for a brawl.
One man is in the room clapping with a loud praise of applause as the sound bounces of the wall.
Acoustic sound hitting Dick’s ears in a super excruciating pain he fell to his knees holding his ears.
The pressure causing him to lose his mind in full consciousness fainting to the floor the man fades out of existence.
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“Wait! Where am I?”
“Who am I?”
“Who the fuck?”
“This is my body now, I have take absolute possession of it.”
“NO! You can’t have it…it’s mine”
“God! I have wanted you for so long”
“I own this body forever no need to fight it.”
“Exactly! Correct choice”
“I guess my body is yours”
“You’re silenced for good.”
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The end
Superman: Edge Of Tomorrow
The next morning I awoke in a new bed my eyes took time to adjust rolling off the bed on to floor.
Slipping into his slippers he struts in to the room next door holding my body up to its full size.
He stood tall in front of the mirror flexing off of my body I can’t believe it taking it off his mask
I check out my new body taking a spin to see my new body in its glory I look stunning.
I can’t believe I have Nightwing’s body for the first time under my possession I stretch my body.
The smile is wide I can’t believe he is so fine that is until Clark Kent Nightwings idol flew by the window.
“Sorry I am late, you called me last night about a case.”
“You wanted my help?”
“Yeah! Please come in”
“Let me finish getting ready@
“Put on my mask”
“Woah! I feel so weak”
“Why do you have kryptonite?”
“Why do you think?”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“You are a damn fool”
“I am not Nightwing”
“What did you do to him?”
“I took possession of him”
“He is my property”
“So are you !”
“You will accept it”
Clark stares up at me in dismay watching my every move from as I shutter the window close.
Turn down the lights the knelt down next to him cupping his chin to stare upward to face me.
I lean in kissing him at the same time as my kiss I am draining the estim’s sticks energy into my body.
Clark is so weak in his attempts to shove me away Clark is so weak holding me done once more.
He stares into my eyes giving me his full lust and attention to me his hands can’t help it though.
He wraps his arms over my waist holding me so tight he pulls me closer unknowingly surrendering to me.
“Oh Clark! Superman?”
“Stop please”
“Why should I?”
“Pussy boi”
“Much more fitting name”
“I love it”
“This is how you were meant to me”
“I say these words and I release their souls”
“Master Lawrence “
“Yes my love”
The end
Superman: Edge Of Tomorrow
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The next morning I awoke in a new bed my eyes took time to adjust rolling off the bed on to floor.
Slipping into his slippers he struts in to the room next door holding my body up to its full size.
He stood tall in front of the mirror flexing off of my body I can’t believe it taking it off his mask
I check out my new body taking a spin to see my new body in its glory I look stunning.
I can’t believe I have Nightwing’s body for the first time under my possession I stretch my body.
The smile is wide I can’t believe he is so fine that is until Clark Kent Nightwings idol flew by the window.
“Sorry I am late, you called me last night about a case.”
“You wanted my help?”
“Yeah! Please come in”
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“Let me finish getting ready”
“Put on my mask”
“Woah! I feel so weak”
“Why do you have kryptonite?”
“Why do you think?”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“You are a damn fool”
“I am not Nightwing”
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“What did you do to him?”
“I took possession of him”
“He is my property”
“So are you !”
“You will accept it”
Clark stares up at me in dismay watching my every move from as I shutter the window close.
Turn down the lights the knelt down next to him cupping his chin to stare upward to face me.
I lean in kissing him at the same time as my kiss I am draining the estim’s sticks energy into my body.
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Clark is so weak in his attempts to shove me away Clark is so weak holding me done once more.
He stares into my eyes giving me his full lust and attention to me his hands can’t help it though.
He wraps his arms over my waist holding me so tight he pulls me closer unknowingly surrendering to me.
“Oh Clark! Superman?”
“Stop please”
“Why should I?”
“Pussy boi”
“Much more fitting name”
“I love it”
“This is how you were meant to me”
“I say these words and I release their souls”
“Master Lawrence “
“Yes my love”
The end
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blacksupremacy86 · 1 year
Con-El Glasses
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Clark Kent helps himself trying to get home after he escapes the end of his last battle in to the alley way. He makes it half his body is slamming in to the wall sliding down to the ground. He hits his head hard he heavily bludgeoning it today.
He turns his back to the wall sliding till he is facing the other wall the pain I searing in to his body. His mind is taken swiftly upward as is his gaze all he see the bright blue sky hitting the sunlight healing him but blocking his vision.
Be attempt to rise using his hands to push him up propping on to the wall holding on to it. He suddenly spits a shocking object on the wall shaking a bit he is compelled to freeze and not move except to bend down and pick it up.
Picking it up he can’t help himself moving in to the bridge of his nose placing it on as it is instantly glowing. The tint of the glass shine out blinding it flashes hitting him in to his pupil and iris. Stopping cold he feels the wall on his back he loses his mind whirling out of control.
The spiral spins out of control creating a tint solid multicolored covering the glasses in a glaze. Clark’s mind is ensnared with a long rope wrapping over it tightly wound it settles in beautiful. A sweet smile crept over his hot and cute flushed face with beats of raging red as well.
In his mind a portal opens as he slips in to an another realm with windows opening up to him the wild world calls him go to run him back. The reality of his past transgressions fighting all of his villains, even some of his allies as well, and he can feel something off at the pit of his stomach.
The heavy hitter hits the globe phasing on to the main roof of his work splits half way open landing on his desk at The Daily Planet In one fell swoop. He swivels in his chair as if it it normal to tap his lap top on another spiral appears before him. He is lost at sea while his mind drifts ashore.
“Your name is Clark Kent Aka Superman the Man Of Steel. The big man on campus of all the Superhero’s. You have been living many lies over the years about who and what you are. Nobody on this planet matters more to me then you and you me naturally my pal.”I swear to him.
“Your mind swirls floating in to the sky like if my voice, mind and body are a sound of an ethereal angel.” I say he can’t ever try to look away from the screen unless I want to command him to do and he moves like a puppet at my instructions his free will fades in to time.
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“I am Superman the man of steel a puppet of the Master Lawrence ruler of this world My God.”
“My body is a total instrument of your will so you can own me in all ways to surrender to his will.”
“Sir Yes Master Lawrence guide me by fully embedding me in to your universe that is all that matters control my body in every way that counts.”
“Yes Master, I memorized the address my Oh! Master.”
“Wild! What did you expect ?”
“I am on my immediately.”
“Up, up and away”
“Something is changing in me.”
“I feel free.”
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“Flying feels some unique now life if I am at something new.”
“Am I even on earth?”
“Am I switching dimensions?”
“In a parallel world “
“Jumping time lines “
“I don’t care “
“What is happening to me?”
“Nothing can stop me”
“No more holding back “
“I will burn down the world “
“Cause a fiery hell”
“Master will rule the world “
“Mwahahahahaha “
“This is the a galactic journey “
“I am on a new level “
“One punch I can crush your heart “
“No one is safe from me”
“All for Master Lawrence “
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“Where the hell am I?”
“Exactly! Where are you ?”
“Not on earth!”
“Who? Who are you ?”
“Master Lawrence “
“Oh God! My cock “
“Big boi! You know don’t you “
“I am at your mercy “
“When did it happen? I have no idea “
“Do I care ? I don’t give a fuck”
“It’s like bell wrung”
“In my mind and all switched “
“You know your place “
“At your feet”
“My pathetic white bitch ass”
“I will torch the universe”
“Open my legs “
“Usurp your ownership over everything and everyone.”
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The end
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catierambles · 2 years
Public Relations Ch.1
Pairing: Clark Kent/Superman x Charlotte Danvers (OFC)
WC 2147
Warnings: Eh, none?
lemme know if you want to be tagged
Charlotte walked towards her office, sunglasses on her face and a travel mug of mint tea in her hand to try to combat slight nausea she still had from the last rough couple of days. It had either been a bug or something she had eaten because she hadn’t been able to keep anything down and had had to work from home, rescheduling all meetings as she had had to not stray far from the bathroom. Her stomach was still sore from the constant vomiting, but the light breakfast had stayed down so far and the mint tea was helping.
“Good morning, Charlie.” Her personal and executive assistant said as she approached her office and she gave her a tired smile. “How’re you feeling, ma’am?”
“Ugh.” She grunted and Melissa cooed in sympathy, following her into her office. “What’s on the docket for today?” She asked as she sat down behind her desk heavily, leaning back in the plush chair.
“I kept it light for you today, figuring you were still recovering, but Mr. Rogers asked to speak to you the moment you came in.” Melissa said.
“You’re an angel, Mel, thank you.” Charlotte said, “And you can tell Peter that he can swing by at his leisure.”
“Will do, ma’am.” She said, “Is there anything I can get for you?”
“A new digestive tract would be perfect if you can swing it.” Charlotte said and Melissa snorted.
“I’ll see what I can do.” She said with a soft laugh.
“That’ll be all, Melissa, thank you.” Charlotte said and Melissa nodded, leaving the office and letting the glass door swing closed behind her. Charlotte turned on her computer, waiting for it to come to life with a sigh, leaning back in her chair again. There was a knock at the door and she sat up, slipping off her sunglasses and waving the person in. “Morning, Peter.”
“Good morning, Charlotte.” He looked nervous, which was odd, but whatever. “How’re you…how’re you feeling?”
“Better than I have the last couple of days.” Charlotte said and reached over, grabbing the remote on her desk and pressing a button, the glass door and outward wall of her office frosting over and becoming opaque. “What’s up?” She asked, looking at him fondly. They had been “seeing” each other for the last six months or so, keeping it as private as possible as Peter was married. A severe lack of good moral judgment on her part, she’s aware.
“Can we talk somewhere else in private?” He asked and she gave him a curious look. “Up on the roof maybe? I need some air.”
“Yeah, of course.” Charlotte said and got up from her desk, leading the way to her own roof access door with its helicopter pad. Not a lengthy journey, as her office was on the top floor anyway. The wind was brisk as they stepped out onto the roof and she shivered slightly, pulling her suit coat around her a bit tighter. “What’s up?”
“You were out the last couple days.” Peter said and she nodded.
“Stomach bug.” She said simply, “It’s why I didn’t give you my usual greeting. You do not want what I had, trust me.” He didn’t laugh and her confusion grew. “What’s wrong?”
“Are you sure it was just a stomach bug?” He asked and she nodded. “You sure it wasn’t anything else?”
“I didn’t eat anything suspect that I’m aware, so it wasn’t food poisoning, at least I’m pretty sure it--”
“Are you pregnant, Charlotte?” He asked, somewhat aggressively, and she blinked at him in surprise.
“No, Peter, I’m not pregnant.” She said.
“Did you take a test?”
“There was no need to and I couldn’t exactly leave my house in my state.”
“I can’t believe this is happening.” Peter said, running his fingers through his short blonde hair and starting to pace slightly. “Damnit, what was I thinking? How could you let this happen?”
“Peter, I didn’t exactly seduce you.” Charlotte said, “You pursued me, remember?”
“Yes, yes and I’m married, Charlotte.” Peter said, “And now you’re--”
“I’m not pregnant, it was just the stomach flu.” Charlotte said, cutting off that train of thought before it left the station, “Over now.”
“But how do you know?” She hadn’t realized he had been advancing on her until she backed into the short wall encircling the roof.
“Peter, listen to me.” She said, laying her hands on his chest gently. “Listen to me. I’m not pregnant. It was normal sickness, not morning sickness, but if it freaked you out this badly then maybe we should call it quits. I wouldn’t take it personally.”
“You’re right, you’re right.” He said, taking her hands in his, “Everything is going to be all right. I’m going to make everything all right.”
“See? That wasn’t so difficult, was--” He shoved her, hard, pushing her over the side wall and the ground tilted out from underneath her feet. She had the insane, irrational, thought that maybe there needed to be a protective railing added before reality crashed in and she tipped over the side with a shout.
The wind whipped in her ears, vertigo making her head spin and she was falling, falling so fast. Looking over her shoulder, the ground was approaching rapidly and she closed her eyes.
An impact made the air rush from her lungs, but not the one she was expecting, and she stopped falling. The sound of fabric in the breeze was the first thing she heard and she opened her eyes, looking around and seeing herself floating in mid-air, a pair of very strong arms holding her in a Princess carry.
“Are you okay?” She heard and looked up at the voice, meeting a pair of the most brilliant blue eyes she had ever seen.
“What am I saying?” He asked himself, “You were just falling from a building, of course, you’re not. Let’s get you to solid ground.” They started descending gently and she closed her eyes again, burying her face in his neck and not opening them until his feet met the pavement. “Solid ground.” He said and she found her footing as he set her down.
“Ms. Danvers!” She heard and looked, seeing the head of security running from the building. “Are you okay?! We saw everything on the security cameras on the roof!”
“How did you fall?” Her rescuer asked and she looked up at him.
“I--I was pushed.” She said dimly and shook herself out of it, turning to the head of security. “Find Peter Rogers immediately. He can’t have left the building yet and call the police now.”
“Yes, Ms. Danvers.” He said and turned to the man still standing next to her. “Superman, thank you, thank you so much.”
“Yes,” She said, turning to him, “Thank you, if you hadn’t…I would’ve…”
“Hey, it’s okay.” He said, reaching out and grabbing her shoulder lightly. “I was just in the right place at the right time.” The gravity of the situation caved in on her and she started shaking, hot tears rolling down her face. “Whoa! Hey! You’re okay now! You’re okay!” She was pulled against a warm chest, the fabric of his suit smooth under her cheek and she could feel his hand at the back of her head, holding her to him as he whispered comfort words soothingly. Charlotte knew the sight was drawing a crowd, but she didn’t care, couldn’t mentally process that along with everything else. “Do you…” He pulled away only so much to look down at her, holding the side of her jaw. “Do you want me to stay with you until the cops get here?” She only managed a numb nod and he gave her a nod in return, smiling at her gently.
They sat in her office until the police arrived, the head of security dragging Peter into the room by the collar. He wouldn’t meet her eyes, no matter how hard she stared at him. Statements were taken and the security footage was brought up on her computer. Peter tried to make a run for it when they saw him push her off the roof, but Superman reached out without looking, grabbing the back of his collar and pulling him back, keeping him put with a hand around the back of his neck. Between the statements and the footage, it was completely clear what had happened and Peter was summarily arrested and escorted from the building in handcuffs.
“Well,” Charlotte said once they were gone, “I think I’m going to call it an early day.”
“Probably a good idea.” Superman said, “You went through a lot today, no one would blame you for taking it easy.”
“Thank you again.” She said, “If you need anything, anything at all, by all means, reach out and it’s yours. No questions asked.”
“Thank you, that’s very generous.” Superman said, “But that won’t be necessary.”
“Nothing wrong with someone owing you a favor.” Charlotte said, “Just keep it in mind.”
“I will, thank you.” He said and there was a moment of silence.
“Hug for the road?” She asked and he smiled, giving a quiet laugh and crossing the room, pulling her into his arms. She actually returned the embrace this time, her arms encircling his trim waist as he laid his cheek against the top of her head. “Okay, you smell really good.” She said as she pulled away and he snorted, running his fingers through his dark hair as a small, adorable, blush tinted his cheeks.
“I should get going.” He said and she nodded.
“The window swings open if you want a shortcut.” She said with a smile and he snorted again in amusement, shaking his head.
“I was going to use the door, but thank you.”
“Thought I’d offer.” She said and went over to her desk, pressing a button on her phone. “Melissa, please cancel or reschedule the rest of my day. I’m going home.”
“Yes, Charlie, I’ll have the car come around out front. Get some rest.”
“Your assistant calls you Charlie?” Superman asked and she shrugged.
“I insist that everyone who works directly under me not be so formal about it.” She said, “Walk you out?”
“Sure.” He said and they left her office, Melissa wishing her a good day again as she went past. Charlotte knew they were getting looks and whispers as they went through the building. Then again, he wasn’t exactly stealthy with his skintight suit and a billowing cape.
“Oh, hell.” She said, her steps faltering as they went through the lobby and he looked, seeing the news crews outside.
“That didn’t take long.” Superman said and she sighed, slipping her sunglasses back on. The questions and flashes from cameras started immediately as he pushed the door open, holding it open for her to pass by him before following her out. He watched her as she navigated the crush of people, her head held high and her shoulders squared, a small smile pulling at his lips at her show of strength and confidence. Most of the questions were directed at her, but quite a few more were directed at him, microphones and cameras shoved in their faces. She suddenly gave out a piercing whistle through her teeth and everyone fell silent, Superman looking at her in shock and amusement.
“I’m aware,” She started, “That you all have jobs to do. However, this will not be a free for all. If you would like to arrange for an interview on what happened, please go through the formal channels. My Public Relations office will be more than happy to accommodate you based on priority.” He gave a quiet cough into his fist next to her and she spared him a glance, rolling her eyes with a smile. “And, for the love of god, leave Superman alone. He’s got enough to deal with. Thank you, now shoo!” She swatted harmlessly at the few persistent reporters as they made their way through the crowd and he stood by her as he opened the door of a sleek black sedan with a uniformed driver standing outside of it. “Thank you again.”
“No problem at all, Ms. Danvers.”
“My good Sir, you saved my life. It’s Charlotte or Charlie to you.” She said and he nodded with a smile.
“Okay, Charlie.” He said and she reached out, squeezing his arm gently.
“Dear lord you’re like spun steel.” She said it in a way that made him laugh, smiling wide at her and getting a smile in return, still aware that they were being observed. “Have a nice day.”
“You as well, Charlie, get some rest.” He closed the door after she got in and watched the car pull away, following it down the street with his eyes before bending at the knees slightly and taking off into the sky.
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stardewremixed · 2 years
Adopted HC’s Masterpost
Capturing all my ‘adopted’ HC’s written by others, or ones where I borrowed/altered. IDK if anyone else cares about this. Just for my fanfics or when I need inspiration (so I don’t have to scroll endlessly). 
Adopted HC’S 
More Harvey headcanons 
Sebastian relationship headcanons
Sebastian SDV Appreciation post
Pointless Shane headcanon #2
Pointless Shane headcanon #1 (very very minorly suggestive) 
Penny Age Milestone Headcanon (also Pam) (Triggers: alcoholism, military, bleeding) 
Height headcanons
Leah headcanons 
Elliott and Leah friendship
They Think We’re at Work (Alex & Shane) 
A sweet little something for Sam
Elliott headcanons 
Let’s go 
I think they should be friends...
Haley as the Red Queen is perfect
Spirit of Halloween Store
Shane and Jas have tea parties 
Alex loves kids because... 
Andy Knows Very Well How Claire Feels 
Reimagined Bachelorettes 
Stardew Siblings: Maru Corrects Sebastian
Just a pepper, Shane 
Rivalry between Guild and Museum (Gil / Gunther) 
There are Other Fish in the Sea (Leah) 
Glasses, Braces, and Chasing Frogs (Seb/Sam)
Skateboarding with Sam 
Elliott with an Artistic Farmer
Sebastian HC
Harvey HC
Abigail Wins Again *cough couch* is Cheating
Harvey’s (pathetic) attempts at Valentine’s 
Give me a Massage, Harvey
Stardew Mood Board
The Bachelors Love Languages 
Bachelors Last Heartbreak (Warning: mentions of violence, death, bullying,  and alcoholism) 
Kent on Raising Sons 
Maru’s Telescope
Slime Time in the Mines (with Harvey) 
Kiss me in the Golden Hour (Harvey) 
Donkey Kong - Shane
Haunted House (Maru & Seb) 
Maru: Natural Hair
Watching Planes with Harvey 
George/Alex and the Suit
Don’t Write Off Alex 
Sebastian: Live Your Dreams 
Elliott learns Alex’s mom’s song
Shane HC fluff 
Bachelors & Flowers
Stardew Headcanons
Elliott - proper salutations 
Elliott - a beautiful outlook
Gus - underrated townie
Borrowed/Altered HC’s 
Bachelor Love Languages
My theory about Elliott 
Headcanons about musical instruments (added some Stardew townies, extra marriage candidate thoughts, & SVE Marriage Candidates) 
Shane, Leah, and Elliott as friends 
If the Stardew bachelor/ettes were cats (edited for Sam/Alex) 
I didn’t know you needed glasses (Abigail/Sam) 
Elliott’s letters 
Elliott’s leaky roof (Warning: Language) 
If Haley Fell in Love with Shane
Elliott and the Flower Dance Request
Haley and the Flower Dance Request
Alex and Reading 
Elliott and the Piano Bar 
Harvey Food HC 
Harvey Black Coffee 
Just a Bunch of Stardew Headcanons
If Marriage Gave You Bonuses 
Goblin Destroyer (cover of the band’s first CD) (Sam , Abigail, Sebastian) An apple a day... (mildly suggestive) (Harvey) 
Make a bouquet (Harvey) 
Shane makes chocolates 
A flowery way of speaking (Harvey and Elliott) 
Ice cream with Alex (Penny too) 
Cart races (Sam and Shane) 
Pizza festival idea?? 
Stardew Valley needs a bookstore
Sam is an incredibly ADHD coded character
Awww... this is the Stardew life  
Haley and the Pink Orb
I want Elliott’s piano
See also: My Original Headcanon
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abyssal-ali · 1 year
Marinette "Valkyrie" Wayne
Masterlist Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 ao3 link (completed) Valkyrie’s suit
Pairing: Marijon
Rating: G
WC: 2.1k
That night Marinette debuted as Valkyrie, the latest Bat. Her suit was all black, with white trim. Her symbol was a stylized Bat she designed; it was very pointy, as her weapon of choice was knives/shuriken, etc. She leaned heavily into the ghost Bat theme, like Cass. The family agreed that the two girls got along way too well and they (the fam) would be in huge trouble one day. They even looked similar, though Cass had brown eyes and Mari had blue.
(The girls were currently planning an ID swap prank, complete with coloured contacts and Cass dyeing a stripe of her hair red to match Mari.)
The third criminal apprehended by Valkyrie had a gun. She dodged before the bullet hit her and socked his jaw, knocking him out.
“How did you dodge that fast?” asked Nightwing, her partner for the night.
“I read his body language before he shot,” she deflected.
Later, she collared a suspect in a case – “practice for intimidation”, ‘Wing said. With her back to ‘Wing, who was overseeing the ‘questioning’, and facing the all-in-black guy pressed against the brick wall, she glamoured herself to have eyes glowing white and deepened her voice to beyond-spooky levels.
He quickly cracked and gave the information they needed. Valkyrie left him in a cowering heap and grappled up to ‘Wing. “Got that?”
“That was fast, V. Have you been practicing?”
“I can be scary when I want!” she slapped his chest. “I got Superboy to give me the last of his fries last week.”
“That’s because of puppy love, not intimidation!”
“What did you say?” Valkyrie repeated.
“Jon has a crush on you?”
“No names,” she reminded absently. “SB has a crush on me?!”
“I thought you knew, since you were flirting back…”
“I wasn’t flirting, I was just matching his energy and copy… oh. Oh no .”
“I think the most important question right now is do you have a crush on Superboy?”
“No, we’re just friends. Although he is really cute, and he’s such a nerd, and Kismet loves him, and he’s Damian’s best friend because he’s irresistible and really nice and ohnoIhaveacrushonhim . Nightwing, what do I dooooo?” She wailed, clutching at his arm.
“Tell Superboy you like him. I bet he’ll ask you out.”
“...oh.” I’ll have to tell him about the Kwami. We’re a package deal.
“Glad to help my little sis out with her relationship crisis. And if he hurts you, just let us know!”
“Absolutely not. Tag!” she tapped his shoulder and flew off the roof, grappling away as Nightwing chased her.
Jon was over the next day to visit Damian. 
“Kent, just tell her and stop making excuses to come see me,” Damian greeted him.
Jon huffed at being called out. “Fine.” 
He knocked on Mari’s door and shooed everyone away.
“Jon! Hi, come in. One second.” She crossed the room to close her curtains so no prying family members could peep at the sure-to-be-awkward conversation.
“Uh, there’s something I need to tell you, but if I do, then I’ll have to tell you something else and it’s really secretive and ugh, why is this so hard ?” she flopped on her bed, groaning.
“Uh, I need to tell you something too.” Jon pushed his glasses up, though they didn’t need it. “I really like you, like, more than a friend, but if you don’t like me then I still want to be your friend, if you want, but…”
“I like you too, Jon. Like, like-like you. Ugh, that’s too many ‘likes’. But uh, if this is gonna go anywhere, I need to tell you this other thing, but you can’t tell anyone else, especially my family. Promise?”
“Pinky promise.” They shook pinkies and Jon cuddled Kismet while Mari mentally prepared.
“Uh, Jon?”
He looked up and yelped. “Whoa, Mari!”
“Relax, it’s just one side. Look at the…” She nodded at the lotus tattoo on her left ribs. It was in a semi-circular pattern, with a gradient of different colors bleeding into each other and a complex geometric design in the petals and leaves.
“So, you got a tattoo? I’m pretty sure Jason has at least one,” he commented.
“It's not an ink tattoo, it’s magic. So, uh, did your dad tell you about Ladybug?”
“From Paris? He said they couldn’t find her.”
“I was Ladybug. When I was fifteen, I did a remote spell that merged all the Miraculous and untethered the kwami. The spell and pain from it knocked me out for two days. When I woke up, I had this tattoo and had become a Miraculous myself. Since I was the guardian, they stayed with me. You can come out, guys.”
Several fuzzy flying blobs appeared in Jon’s face. He was introduced to the kwami one at a time. 
“We’re a package deal, you need to know.”
“That is so cool! Do they still give you their power, or what?”
“Well, when the kwami are untethered, their powers are unstable and can easily run out of control. However, merging more than a couple Miraculous is dangerous. I have to utilize their powers regularly so they and I don’t have a meltdown and blow the planet up or something. But I don’t need to be transformed to use the powers, and I have constant mind link access, so I can ask them to leave me and take some of their energy with them if I need.”
“Are you okay with all that?” Jon asked worriedly.
She shrugged. “I admit, it was a surprise being told I’d become a mega-Miraculous when I woke up from that nap, but I do like knowing they’re all safe with me and no one can steal a Miraculous or the Miracle Box anymore.”
“I can see why you don’t want them to know, but I think you should tell them eventually.”
Her shoulders sagged. “I know. Just not yet.”
“That’s okay, I’m sure it will take some time.”
Mari smiled gratefully at him. “So, what I was getting at was: we’re a package deal. They won’t always be around in our personal space, but they will be around some of the time and I’ll have Guardian duties and such to attend to at times, so I’ll be busy.”
“I was aware you were a vigilante when I decided to confess and ask you out,” Jon shrugged. “You’re great at schedules, I’m sure we can work things out.”
“If you’re sure this whole mess is what you want. I know I act fine most of the time, but I am still very traumatized from the whole Hawkmoth-Ladybug-Guardian-orphan thing,” Mari warned.
“I know, but I’d like to give this a chance. So, will you go out with me?”
“You’re seriously fine with the Kwami?”
“Yup! I’ve definitely seen weirder. I’m half-alien, you know.”
“Mhm. Oh, I also have a high affinity for magic, so I put up an illusive sound barrier in my room so my family can’t listen in. I’m taking it down now, so no talking about them .”
Jon nodded, and Mari released the spell.
“Oh, I never gave you my answer, did I? Yes, I would love to go on a date with you.”
“Wednesday, seven o’clock? They’re showing the new Marvel movie at the theater. Would you like to see it?”
“Sure; we can laugh at the inaccuracies, and I’ll critique the costumes.”
Marinette motioned to Jon to keep talking while she tiptoed to the door.
“Uh, do your brothers know I like you? Because they were acting weird today – weirder than their normal crazy. Wait, do I have to re-meet the family? Please tell me I’m not gonna die as soon as I step foot outside of here.”
Marinette swung the door open, smiling sweetly at Jon. “Of course not! My family would never stoop to eavesdropping on their little sister’s private conversations, if they know what’s good for them .”
Five panicked faces looked at her.
Jason turned to Dick. ‘I take it back, she is scary. Run!”
Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph, and Damian scattered.
Wednesday night Jon was approached by Mari. She waved at him and crossed the street.
“Hi, Cass,” Jon said.
Cass pouted. “Supers,” she grumbled.
Jon was hugged from behind. He jumped slightly. “Sneak up a little louder, would you?”
“Yay, you passed the test! You do know me. If only people whom I have lived with for months and solved decades-old cold cases in hours could identify me,” Mari said into her hood.
She then picked the bug out of the folds of fabric and squashed it. “Bye, Cass!”
Cass waved and went to the weapons store across the street.
“She’s surveillance, to see when the guys show up.”
“Okay. I got the tickets– after you, Lady.”
"Thanks, my knight in jeans and hoodie!” In a lower voice, so no one could overhear, she added, “I’m working on a new suit for you. A hoodie and jeans do not make a suit.”
Ten minutes into the film Cass texted Marinette. 
Cass: D + D behind you, back left row. Caps and black jackets.
Marinette inched closer to Jon, then turned and glared directly at her brothers. 
I know where you sleep , she mouthed. They left.
When they left for ice cream after the movie, Jason was behind a newspaper by the ice cream stand. Marinette casually flicked a shuriken, slicing the paper neatly in half. Jason got the hint and left.
Marinette glared at all the security cams they passed, knowing Tim and possibly Babs would be watching them electronically. 
“Can you take me flying?” she asked Jon.
“Of course.”
They finished their cones, ducked into an alley, Jon became Superboy (unzipped his hoodie and tucked his glasses away), and took off.
Once they were over Star City, Marinette motioned ‘down’. They landed on Queen Consolidated’s roof.
“I can glide as Ladybug.” 
Tikki appeared.
“Spots on!”
Mari took off, hand-in-hand with Jon.
“Take me higher,” she called, letting him pull them up to watch the sunset on the horizon and the stars become visible.
“I can show you the world,” Jon sang to her as they flew above the earth, watching the lights turn on as night fell. She giggled at his cheesiness and they continued the duet.
Marinette detransformed and freefell –until Jon caught her– then they flew back to the Batcave.
Mari waved goodbye and Jon returned to Metropolis after landing a kiss on her cheek with his superspeed.
“Hello, my lovely family. Did you enjoy spying needlessly on Jon and me?”
“Can you take that disguise off? It’s so confusing having you two switched,” Dick complained. 
That morning Mari had put in hazel contacts and worn Cass’s clothes, and Cass had Mari dye a streak of red in her hair at the exact same spot she did. With Cass wearing blue contacts and a set of Mari’s clothes, the family kept getting confused about who they were talking to.
The girls removed their contacts and switched hoodies, to the family’s preference and relief.
“Did Jon take you flying?”
“Yep. It’s breathtaking watching the sun set midair. Chilly up there, though. I’m with Robin tonight, right?”
“We’re raiding a drug deal down by the docks. You are with Red Hood, Red Robin, and Black Bat. Robin will be backup. Nightwing and I will be with Batwoman and Spoiler around town,” Bruce informed.
The family suited up and left.
At times like these, Mari regretted not letting them know her secret, where she could transform with a command or even a thought now. Putting on layers of safety protection took way longer than the two-second transformation.
She had modified Valkyrie’s full-face mask to have glowing eyes, either red or white, and her voice modulator to do deeper or horror-movie-childishly high.
Mari pulled her mask up, hood down, and revved her bike. 
Valkyrie was still a myth in Gotham; she’d only been out a week, so she hung back with Robin while the other three busted the deal.
The only problem was, it was a setup.
Penguin and Black Mask had teamed up to take down the bats. 
More goons arrived and tied up the Reds and BB. Red Hood had a bullet graze on his thigh and was bleeding steadily.
Robin relayed the situation to Oracle and requested backup from the other four Bats.
Marinette kept up a steady stream of shuriken and knives, taking out goon after goon.
Robin eyed her. How does she have so many weapons on her?
Their backup arrived and they began taking out more goons.
Valkyrie stayed in the shadows, sending missiles with deadly maiming accuracy.
A knife cut Red Robin’s rope bindings and he began freeing Hood and BB.
With the entire family gathered the two mobsters stood no chance. Valkyrie kept injuring backup goons before they could attack, and the Bats left, all alive and mostly well, with a surprising minimum of damage.
"You’re our good luck charm,” teased Steph.
Mari laughed. “Hardly. You could say I was your bad luck charm, that it was a setup.”
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lost-batarang · 2 years
Kon-El, The 'Superboy'
Kon sat in the black, roof-less, sleek car wearing his leather jacket, which he'd recently embroidered an 'S' Superman symbol onto the shoulder, the text 'Don't mess with the' above it, one of Tim's old red shirts underneath it, and a pair of slightly ripped jeans, leaning on the car door as he drives past staring at nothing but long, plain fields of healthy green grass and a shining sun in an unpolluted sky. He yawns as he turns back to the road, reaching to rub his eyes . "Fuck! Oh shit man, forgot my sunglasses!" Kon said, his bored expression turning sour, slapping his head as he stops the car, stopping next to a large barnhouse, alongside multiple crop fields and a small house, home of the Kents. Clark left the house, opening the blue-wooden door and readjusting his black square glasses, wearing a cyan-button-up tee, w/a pair of jeans muddy from farmwork. "Kon!?!" Clark yelled surprised, rushing over to Kon's car as it came to a halt. "I- You can drive now!?!? You're- do you even have a license!?" He continues, mildly shocked and very confused. Kon smirks and raises one of his hands off the wheel, waving it to Clark as he smiles and speaks; "TTK, Bitches! Anything I touch I can levitate, allowing me to mimic super-strength, and it also gives me a forcefield allowing me to mimic your indestructi-" Kon continues, his voice being ignored by Clark who sighs, relieved, and nods, smiling, trying to be nice. Lois Lane comes from the house, wearing a red longsleeve button-up shirt, and a pair of dark jeans. She walks over to Clark, unimpressed by Kon's ramblings. She turns to Clark, speaking; "Lecturing you on his Tactile Telekinesis again, huh?" She whispers to him, smiling slightly. "Kon! This is all interesting, but can you leave the TTK lecture for later?" She says, yelling towards Kon, who is interrupted by her, stopping his ramblings. "Oh!- Sorry Lois. Wait- Where's Jon? Shouldn't he be with you?" Kon says, slightly embarrassed but then confused as he sees Jon's absence- Jon was the only one who listened to his TTK lectures. "Oh, he's with Robin. The, uh, new one." Clark says somewhat awkwardly, trying to recount how many Robins there actually were. "Oh. Huh. Anyway, Clark, you gonna make those pancakes you did last time? They were killer." Kon says, confused but the confusion quickly fades as he returns to his regular composure, asking about pancakes.
didn't finish this 'cause i lost direction + motivation. lemme know if i should finish it.
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orangeries-uk · 3 months
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kentavewine · 6 months
Kentavewines: Where Quality Meets Variety - A Wine Lover's Paradise
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steveskafte · 11 months
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OUT OF HABIT We’re taught that trailer homes are no one's first choice. We've got a culture of dreams about where we should love to live, a roof over our heads, but a straight and narrow shelter is the epitome of waking up. Any way to keep warm and dry will do, but history rarely finds a place for these rectangular refuges, the vast majority raised and demolished in the span of a half-century. I've seen entire parks levelled and rebuilt like the past never happened – once they'd worked their way from shiny and new, down to crumbling and undesirable. With the cable company, I spent many hours in their surroundings, worlds constructed of time running out. From the start, my heart was hounded by some dying, run-down remnants from the 70s and 80s. They were long past life expectancy, hanging on out of habit. One I remember was out of sight and mind for most, just west of the Irving on Prospect Road, New Minas. In earshot and sight of the roaring Highway 101, trees grown tall to hide the sin of being poor. Still marked with a plywood sign in big black letters, the Countryside Mobile Home Park was fading fast when I first arrived, lost to an era that no one bothered to remember. I showed up early one frost-bitten fall morning, dew turned to ice like glass in the grass, still unmelted in the shade. Near the shores of Elderkin Brook, a burnt-out hulk haunted the field – a well-charred trailer draping down in melted siding and plastic children’s toys tack-welded to the ground. I never knew what to make of myself, like the voices in my head had come aloud as living examples of what it meant to feel lost. Everything was ten years gone, a decade misplaced to the in-between. There was a sense of a sputtering halt, final stop on a dead-end route. Inside the trailers, I shuffled paths past hoarded possessions, whole lives underfoot on narrow trails to back bedrooms, carpeted with months of unwashed clothing. I’d drill holes through wood panelling and thin insulation, shoving a line of RG-6 in from the outside and firing up a television, buried in a bird’s nest made from human hopes. This was the last of a past that couldn’t exist now, penultimate panting of an analog history, death rattle of a world so used to invisibility that no one noticed when it was bulldozed under. There’s just a big box called Kent Building Supplies there now – perfectly paved over a memory no one knows. October 17, 2023 Kings County, Nova Scotia Year 16, Day 5819 of my daily journal.
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