#Gladio and Ignis get tricked by Prompto and Noct into going on a date
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praesidioest · 7 years ago
Gladnis Week - Day 3
for @gladnisweek​
Day 3 - Gladio and Ignis get tricked by Prompto and Noct into going on a date
Chapters: 3/7 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia, gladnis Additional Tags:  Canon Divergent AU, fluff, domestic, slice of life, domestic angst, jfc can they kiss already (no never), slow burn, iono man Summary:   Gladio and Ignis get tricked by Prompto and Noct into going on a date. A bad time is had by all.
AO3 link: here!
“What if we went to—”
“Don’t say Dorsia,” Ignis snapped, his hand immediately clamped over Gladio’s mouth to preclude the possibility that he would.
The two held a tense moment, sat tangled on Gladio’s couch, the metronomic tick-tock of the clock on the wall marking the moments during which Gladio watched for every nuance of displeasure in Ignis’s face, aimed very pointedly at him. When finally the silence had dragged on too long, sure that Gladio would comply, Ignis had raised a brow in menacing question before letting his hand fall away from its occupation.
“Why not Dorsia?” Gladio blurted out, as soon as he was free to, and precisely because he was not at liberty to. “I’ve heard you mention their menu more than once. And that whole—” He gestured frantically here. “Just kinda seems like your scene.”
Plans for their six month anniversary always started with enthusiastic intentions to make arrangements, but often devolved into half-hearted suggestions of restaurant venues, which then turned into somewhat heated discussions of little relevance to their topic at hand, and ultimately resulted in no decision made. Exhaustion on Ignis’s part was sometimes to blame, or hungry irritation on Gladio’s, genuine inability to think of any passable suggestion in the moment, or sometimes the distraction of each others’ lips or hands or suggestive whispers that ended in decidedly unproductive exploits. And the closer they came to the date, the more distinct the tension of expectation grew, the more desperate the need to finally hammer something out.
Ignis gave a sharp sigh of irritation. “Firstly, it would be impossible to make a reservation this close to the date—”
Gladio’s face screwed up in disbelief. “You don’t think we can’t pull a few strings? As Crownsguard?”
“Secondly,” Ignis continued loudly, ignoring his question as though it were too absurd to acknowledge (it wasn’t, entirely). “I believe they, as a reputable establishment, would have a strict ‘No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service’ policy in place that I’m sure you’ll flout spectacularly, so I rather don’t see the point.”
Gladio threw up his hands in exasperation, slumping petulantly down into the cushions of his sofa. “Gods, I’d put on a proper shirt if we went somewhere nice, Ignis. I’m not a caveman.”
“Tell me that next time we make love,” Ignis quipped flatly, without missing a beat.
Gladio sat bolt upright, a facetious menace to his voice. “That’s it! We’re broken up for the rest of the day,” proclaimed, smacking a pillow for emphasis. “Tryn’a be productive here, there is no need to be giving me the business 
It had been a half a year now, spent together in an impossible idyll between them. There were times it seemed to them that they were so comfortable around each other they might have been together for years. Other times when the novelty still surprised them, caught them unawares, left them stupid and giddy like they were the boys they once were when they first fell in love.
In spite of Gladio’s enthusiasm to espouse all the commonplace conceits of dating (dinner dates and movie nights, the pride of being able to publically call Ignis his own, emphasised by the occasional but healthy smattering of some truly repulsive overwrought public displays of affection), he’d come to terms with Ignis’s preference for secrecy in the matter, and eventually came to prefer it. No one meddling, not having to worry about anyone else’s opinions on their private relationship, no scrutiny under watchful eyes that inhibited and undermined them. Was it wise, for the Sword and Shield to commiserate? Would it compromise their commitment, their devotion to their offices, to Noctis? Questions that had every right to be posited, given the significance of their jobs, but unnecessary and unpleasant to address, in both their estimations. It was nice, therefore, having something that was clandestine and private, and all their own. So they kept it that way.
Keeping it a secret from Noctis and Prompto had been difficult, though, as neither of them were the sort to have any proclivity for deception. But it became a sort of poorly-played game to them, wherein Gladio would slip and say something suggestive, which Ignis would then have to shut down, and the two would have to pretend to be mad at each other. Ignis would sometimes be so convincing that he’d need to spend a fair amount of time petting the bewildered Gladio later that night. Ignis, therefore, was adept in the art of soothing Gladio’s hurt feelings, a skill which he utilized now, with dazzling aplomb.
“Broken up for the rest of the day?” Ignis repeated as though he had never before heard anything so appalling. His hands found Gladio’s shoulders like an anchor, and he slipped neatly into his lap. “I disagree.”
Gladio’s knee had begun to bounce with impatience, and he turned his face away to avoid the sight of Ignis’s face, which would surely compromise the resolve of his protest. “What do you mean, you disagree? There's nothing to debate here. It’s not a matter of opinion. I stated a fact.”
Ignis’s hand smoothed up the thick of his neck, fingertips tracing the line of his jaw, pinching lightly at his chin to hold him in place as he delivered a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Is it not up for debate, the veracity of this fact?”
Whatever protest Gladio had intended to cling to had died when his hand found the curve of Ignis’s ass, and he hated himself a little for how amenable he was to the surrender. “That’s not fair, you know.”
“What’s not?” Ignis asked, feigning innocence as he shifted very pointedly in Gladio’s lap.
Gladio’s hand smacked at his ass sharply, grabbing hold of it and jiggling it for emphasis. “This.” He kissed him quickly on the mouth. “That, too. I mean, basically all of this.” He ran his hands frantically up his thighs, his backside, in demonstration of this fact.
Ignis laughed. “Eloquent.”
“Yeah?” Gladio grinned, kissing him meaningfully. “You expect me to think when all the blood that should be going to my brain is rushing my dick right now?”
“What was that protest about being called a caveman?” he asked, saccharine-sweet as he touted his own victory.
“Yeah, I concede,” Gladio announced into the fabric of his shirt, where he mouthed at the jut of his collarbone. “Woof.”
The distinct sound of a key pushed into the lock preceded the swing of the front door, and without a thought, Gladio had hoisted Ignis up and tossed him inelegantly to the other side of the couch, where he quickly arranged himself into a picture of composure: hair smoothed, shirt straightened, legs crossed artfully, while Gladio attempted to think of the most disgusting things imaginable to tamp down the ridiculous boner already presenting along his thigh.
Noctis and Prompto bounded in, stopping short of the corner they’d rounded to find them in the living room at the sight of them. Noctis’s eyes narrowed in suspicion, though Prompto gleefully threw himself on the couch between them, propping up his boots on the coffee table with a sated, theatrical sigh.
“I knew you’d be here!” Prompto laughed, with something like triumph in his voice, as he tucked his hands behind his head. “Noct thought you’d be at Ignis’s place, but I had a feeling. Anyways, I won! I think that deserves a meal of some sort. Or at least an ice cream!”
Noctis gave one of those scoffing, sardonic laughs. “You didn’t win anything. We didn’t make a bet.”
Prompto sat up, indignance bright in his eyes. “Hey, man, I’m hungry! I’d honestly settle for a questionable hot dog, like, even one with sauerkraut on it—”
“Is there something you require?” Ignis interrupted, standing to inquire with a gravity to his voice serious enough to catch the pair of interlopers off guard. “It isn’t often that you seek me out, so I’m inclined to worry that you’re not here for purely social indulgences.”
“Well, you’re wrong,” Noctis informed him, in that too-grave way of his, the slightest arch of his brow the only indication of amusement in his expression. “I just thought you guys could use this.” He reached into his front pocket for a folded paper, which Gladio received and opened to read aloud.
. A Groupon?”
“Yeah!” Prompto piped up, nodding enthusiastically along. “My mom bought it, thinking it would be a great way to strong arm my dad into taking her out on a date. You know, pre-paid dinner, pre-determined time frame that basically demanded he take her or else! 
 It was a real good effort on her part, but you know my dad and his love affair with work 
Gladio looked skeptically at the paper, lined in exuberant red hearts drawn in Prompto’s undeniably sure and romantic hand. “So why would we want it, exactly?”
“Why not?” Noctis countered sharply, almost aggressively.
Prompto’s eyes went wide, and Gladio watched him scramble to find some more amenable explanation. “We thought it would be a nice change of pace! You know, something relaxed and romantic—”
Noctis shoved him.
“I mean, relaxed and 
. Relaxed 
. Yeah!” Prompto added hastily, his voice high with the strain of forced cheer. “Anyways, it’s about to expire, so why let it go to waste, you know?”
Gladio peered at the paper. “Doesn’t expire until next month.”
Noctis snatched the paper from Gladio’s hand, holding his gaze with unwavering displeasure as he pawed at Prompto’s vest front to retrieve one of the pens he kept there (just in case I get a number!). The pen scratched out the date with a pointed viciousness and scribbled in nonsensical numbers, before Noctis tossed the crumpled paper back at Gladio. “Look again.”
“Ah,” Gladio said, clearing his throat. “There it is.”
“There what is?” Ignis asked.
Gladio gave a soft laugh as he settled back in triumph, smacking Ignis’s thigh with the Groupon. “So looks like we’re going to Dorsia.”
In spite of all the misgivings he’d harbored over Gladio’s inability to dress for the occasion—any occasion— he had scrubbed up rather well, outfitting himself smartly in charcoal slacks tailored to the gods, a fitted white oxford left unbuttoned at the collar (and only the collar), finished with a surprisingly stylish jacket of a simple cut but in a luxurious silk satin that looked expensive to the discerning eye. Ignis had been pleasantly surprised, enough that he elected not to inhibit or disguise his pointed appreciation as he’d run his hand over the broad bow of his shoulders, the length of his torso, letting his hands roam inquisitively to discern his boyfriend’s surprising sartorial salience. Even now, sat a the table across from him, Ignis chewed quietly at his bottom lip, to Gladio’s distraction, who knew exactly what that tell meant.
The waiter that attended them looked politely nonplussed to the inconspicuous tension between them, as he waited for Gladio to inform him of his choice.
Distracted (more than normal) over the sight of Ignis, Gladio had paid little more attention than a cursory glance at the menu, reluctantly tearing his gaze from Ignis to finally regard the waiter beside him. “So this 
 vol-au-vent of braised sweetbreads in a black truffle madeira sauce,” he read off, with a stunted facility of confusion. “What exactly are sweetbreads?”
“Offal,” the waiter replied dutifully.
“Awful!” Gladio barked out a laugh that surprised the waiter enough to preclude any further explanation. “Hilarious. We got a joker over here. I’ll have one of those and a glass of whatever wine you would recommend to pair with it.”
“The sommelier recommends a wonderfully complex white wine,” the waiter recited. “It’s a newer vintage, but boasts an unusual minerality, with sweet notes of peach and honeysuckle, and a hint of sea salt which balances the flavour beautifully.”
“Perfect,” Gladio said, handing the menu back to him, absolutely unsure of what the waiter had just said. “Ignis?”
“I’ll have the duck confit with the cranberry, orange and cardamom glaze,” Ignis said smartly, as he snapped the leather-bound menu shut (purely for the indulgent satisfaction of the sound of it) and handed it neatly to the waiting waiter.
“Excellent choice,” the waiter agreed, nodding before retreating to put the order in.
“You look 
 really incredible,” Gladio informed him, once they were alone again, in that indulgent way of his. “If I haven’t said that already.”
“You have,” Ignis replied, a little smugly. Gladio was always full of compliments, and always so genuinely meant that it was difficult to tire of them, even for the most self-effacing. “But I still appreciate the sentiment. And the reminder.”
Gladio grinned, his eyes dropping demurely to the complex spread of cutlery and crockery, and wracking his brain to remember his formal eating etiquette from so long ago. “Do you think the boys have any idea?” he asked, distractedly, his fingers worrying up the length of a champagne flute’s stem.
“Probably not to the degree they think they do,” Ignis replied. “Noctis certainly has an idea, I think.”
“That kid made direct and un-fuck-with-able eye contact with me, I was shocked!” Gladio laughed. “Shit, I honestly have never been scared of him in my life until that moment. That was the most intent I’d ever seen from him since that one time you tried to force him to eat his brussel sprouts when he was ten. Do you remember that?”
The food came, and Gladio had waited until they were both served before tucking in excitedly, the delighted smile on his lips turning strained as the mastication of his mouth slowed to discern the ungodly texture of the sweetbreads on his tongue: spongy, but also a little grainy, with a strange, bitter aftertaste like bile.
“How’s your food?” Ignis asked absently, cutting into his duck, unaware of the personal turmoil in Gladio’s mouth.
Gladio waited a moment, too distracted by the ungodly taste to think of a euphemistic assurance for Ignis’ benefit. “Good,” he lied through gritted teeth, voice strained as he pushed the offending plate away. “Yours?”
“You sound wholly unconvincing,” Ignis pointed out lightly.
“Okay, but what is this texture?” Gladio demanded, leaving off the pretense of being okay about the morsel of hell in his mouth, leaning forward in a conspiratorial stage whisper, like a hiss. “It tastes clotted or rotten, like an over-boiled blood sausage, and then the aftertaste like a colon—”
“You’re eating pancreas,” Ignis supplied helpfully. “It’s an organ. It’s not technically meat, and—”
“I’m going to be ill on myself.”
Ignis laughed, covering his mouth with the heel of his hand in propriety, a peal which devolved into shallow coughs of growing desperation, and then no sound at all as he flailed for Gladio’s attention. “Epi-pen,” he managed to choke out. “Coat. Pocket.”
“Your what?” Gladio asked, jumping up in his panic and rounding the table to paw clumsily at his coat. “Shit.”
His fingers closed about the rigid epinephrine injector, pulling it frantically from the tangle of Ignis’ coat and instinctively tearing the blue safety cap with his teeth, and jamming it hard into Ignis’s thigh. Gladio’s eyes were trained on Ignis’s form, noting, waiting for the anaphylactic shock to abate with the injection.
It was a full few minutes of rubbing his shoulder and back and cooing words of comfort until Ignis seemed to regulate, and Gladio became acutely aware of the audience about them. It seemed all the eyes in the restaurant were on them, raking down their backs with invasive, proprietary inquisition. Gladio could feel the hairs at his neck stand at attention, raised in reflexive defense of him and his, and knew that if he disliked the exposure, Ignis would hate it more. “Come on,” he urged, bending to slip an arm around his waist and pull him up to standing. “Let’s go freshen you up.”
Ignis seemed to sink into his side, the strain of his arm, as Gladio walked him to the quiet of the bathroom’s vestibule, sitting him down in an overstuffed velvet armchair. “Thank you,” he said hoarsely, his breath coming labored still. “I’m allergic to a very specific strain of clove. It’s rare enough that I never think to be wary of it. But cloves are often paired naturally with cardamom, I should have inquired 
Gladio pulled a disbelieving expression, kneeling at his side. “But you have an epi-pen on hand anyways. Seriously?”
“Precisely,” Ignis replied, with the bright ease of one stating something obvious. “One must be prepared for every eventuality.”
Gladio shook his head. “I’m too baffled to be turned on. But listen.” He laid a heavy hand on Ignis’s knee. “Now that this fancy dinner is obviously a bust, what do you say we take a trip down to the quay and eat some shitty burgers and some corner store wine? It’s no Dorsia, but after this little debacle here, I’m not sure that’s a bad thing.”
A little smile curled at the corner of Ignis’s mouth as he felt Gladio raise his hand to his lips to kiss. “No. That’s perfect. What are we waiting for?”
An hour later, and the two were sitting on the beach with their slacks rolled up to their knees, feet buried like ostrich heads in the sand, eating greasy burgers and taking swigs from the boxed wine like teenagers. The wind sang where it sailed upon the crests of the waves, to caress them like a lover under the inky night sky punctured with stars. It was highly romantic, in Gladio’s opinion, and inspired a particularly affectionate mood in him.
“Ever been skinny dipping?” Gladio asked, a rakish smile on his face that Ignis could not see, but was certain was there by the prodigal cadence of his question.
Ignis turned to him to deliver up the most wry of smiles, wriggling his toes delightedly in the sand at the eventuality of the question waiting to be asked. But still, he played coy. “I think you of all people should know that I have not.”
Gladio laughed, wiping a spot of ketchup from the corner of his mouth and sucking it from his thumb. “First time for everything.”
“No,” Ignis laughed, without reproach. “There isn’t.”
“Fine,” Gladio conceded easily, wiping his hands off and tucking them behind his head as he leaned back in the sand. “Ever play truth or dare?”
“Is your objective to wait until I ask or a dare, and then tell me to go skinny dipping?” Ignis asked pertly, grinning wide at his bold-faced and unabashed tenacity.
“No,” Gladio lied, scoffing loudly in poorly-disguised offense. “Not everything I do is intended to see you naked. At least eighteen percent of my feelings for you are purely idealistic, intellectual admiration.”
Ignis neatly folded his food wrappers and discarded them in the grease-lined paper bag. “You’re a terrible liar and a worse tactician,” he informed him evenly.
“Be nice to me,” Gladio laughed good-naturedly. “I’ve waited a long time for you. I’m used to taking what little I can get.”
Maybe it was pity. Maybe it was the rush of adrenaline malingering in his veins, inciting him to bad decisions without the rashness of thought. “Alright,” Ignis assented, his fingers already undoing the line of buttons on his shirt. “I’ll indulge you. For the occasion.”
Gladio’s eyes grew wide at the flash of collarbone. “Oh shit 
There was something ephemeral about the way Ignis wore moonlight, and the quintessence of the stars. His pale skin glowed like a cynosure, like some celestial body whose gravity Gladio was impotent to resist. Even if he’d wanted to. “Come here,” Gladio murmured, even as his hands already reached to grasp his slender face with all the care and carefulness he could muster, to pull him into a kiss.
Their skin chilled by the pelagic winds prickled artlessly, and Gladio drew Ignis to him, their bodies flush with one another. Gladio’s broad hand smoothed down the elegant slope of Ignis’s spine, warm and proprietary, and Ignis folded himself against the muscled breadth of Gladio’s frame with a sigh.
But the sigh gave way to a sharp yelp and Ignis was snatched away from him abruptly, hissing with a writhing, flailing pain that kicked up sand and salt as he suddenly scrambled to his feet to escape the wash of the shoreline. The whole occurrence was so uncharacteristically clumsy of him— desperate even— that it had Gladio following in almost the same manner, chasing after Ignis's limping form with frantic haste.
“What’s wrong!” Gladio demanded, reaching out to steady him with an arm around his waist.
“Jellyfish." Ignis's voice was a strained thing seeping out through his teeth in a hiss as his leg buckled and pitched him into the sturdy hold of Gladio's arms. "My leg. Just above the ankle—"
“What?" he blurted, leaning to look. "Are you sure?”
“Seaweed doesn’t quite have the same acerbic affect,” Ignis snapped without meaning to, his fingers a vice on Gladio’s wrist. He tested his weight on the leg again and the failure of the attempt only heightened the inconsolable edge in his voice. “Gladio, do something!”
The lights of the Emergency Room were unforgiving, ascetic and harsh, casting long, sharp shadows and a preternatural sallow to their skin. Not the first place Gladio would have thought this anniversary date might have ended up, or even the last. And for someone who prided himself on being really fucking good at the art of spoiling a date (as in pampering one), more than just his pride and Ignis’s leg was wounded.
“I’m sorry our anniversary dinner was literally the worst,” Gladio confided quietly.
“You should be,” Ignis said smartly, affecting a brightly clipped tone that he was sure would denote his facetiousness. “I fear this might be indicative of exactly how flawed our relationship is, and I can’t understand how stupendously you failed in your efforts to commemorate our anniversary with something momentous.”
Gladio said nothing, and Ignis grinned as he imagined the abject horror on his face, mouth gaping like a floundering carp.
“I’m kidding, Gladio,” he assured him with a laugh, turning his palm up where it rested on his thigh, and which Gladio grasped like a man drowning to a lifeline, threading his fingers within his and holding on for dear life. “If anything, I’m glad for it. I think it’s a testament to the mettle of our relationship, that we could handle hardships the way we did. It’s easy, to get along. In a sense, at least. Relationships are easy when nothing at all goes wrong. Thus far we’ve never allowed anything to mar our happiness. And while it wasn’t the most harrowing of experiences—no death or financial ruin to speak of— I do appreciate your willingness to stab me with a needle and try to make me laugh after. I’ve never had anyone look after me before, and never would I have dreamed anyone would do so so wholly and holistically.”
He leaned back against the steadying warmth of Gladio’s chest. “If I didn’t love you then, I’m fairly certain I love you now. Irrevocably so.”
It had been the first time since they’d dated that Ignis had said those words to him. They’d been friends for so long that Ignis had had occasion to tell him so, but in a purely platonic sense: a reflexive response when Gladio would thank him for something with a pat on the shoulder and an off-handed ‘love you, man,’ or those many nights he’d indulge Gladio’s inebriate enthusiasms and slurred words, coupled with too-familiar cheek nuzzlings. Those instances had never waned in their frequencies, but there was an obvious reticence between them, a palpable precaution to the way they were conscious never to say those loaded words, now that they had different meaning. But Gladio was always sure he loved Ignis, in every rare and rarified form. And to hear that reciprocated from the man he’d loved for all his life was nothing less than a beautiful devastation.
“You have the worst romantic timing I’ve ever witnessed,” Gladio laughed, kissing just behind Ignis’s ear. “At least I attempted a lead up here.”
“Then you're to blame for the jellyfish,” Ignis quipped, and pointed to his wounded leg. “And the fact that I smell like an indigent’s trash bin.”
Gladio’s lips pursed then rolled as he bit back a rueful smile. “I’m to blame for us even being together, you wanna hold that against me too?”
“I’d rather hold other things against you, given the option,” Ignis replied pertly.
“Aw no, you can’t break out innuendos here,” Gladio laughed, circling an arm around Ignis’s shoulder. “I’m weak, you know this. And now I only want to take you home harder.”
“That sounds like a capital idea,” Ignis said softly, turning his face into the hollow of Gladio’s cheek and kissing there. “I can’t think of another place I’d rather be.”
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randomfandomimagine · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
đŸ’« AU | đŸ–€ Angst | 💚 Angst With A Happy Ending | 🎄 Christmas | đŸ» Familial | 🌟 Fave | 💛 Fluff | 🎁 Gift | 🎃 Halloween | 💙 Hurt / Comfort | 🏳‍🌈 LGBT+ | đŸ‘€ No Reader Insert | đŸŒŒ Platonic | 🌈 Pride | đŸŽ” Songfic | 💕 Soulmate AU | ❗ Trigger Warning | 💘 Valentine’s Day
Final Fantasy XV Masterlist Part 2
Sunshine in the Moonlight [Prompto x OC] [Finished] 🌟
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Gif Imagines
Reuniting With Noctis
Taking A Nap With Noctis
Dating Noctis Lucis Caelum
Noctis Feeding His Veggies to the ChocobosÂ đŸ‘€
Ice-Skating Pair
“I can’t stop thinking about you and it’s driving me crazy, okay?”
“Hey, Noct! Whatcha doing? Hanging out?”
“I can finally say I’m free”
“Were you ever going to tell me?” đŸ–€
You’re A Jerk 💚
Prompto Argentum
Gif Imagines
Prompto Confessing During The Darkness 
Dancing In The Rain 🌈
Going Out To Take Photos With Prompto
Going To A Haunted House With Prompto 🎃
Playing A Prank On Prompto For Halloween 🎃
Finger Guns 💙
The Legend of Zelda 
Sweet Devil 
Pun Battles
Your Special Day 💛
Dating Prompto Argentum
Prompto in the Regalia
Random Prompto Argentum Headcanons
Prompto’s Stomach Aches
Cracking Your Knuckles In Front Of Prompto 
Prompto Meeting Reader’s Parents 
Prompto Cheering His S/O Up On Their Birthday 
Prompto’s Insecure Chubby S/O
Prompto’s Stronger S/O
“Wanna sit with me in the back seat?”
“Was this ever for real?”
“I’m just tired
 Travelling so much gets kinda old”
“What’s that, Prompto? You like Y/N?”
“Are you okay, miss?”
I’m Not Worth It 💚
I Feel It Coming đŸŽ”đŸ’™
Evil Mastermind Noct 💛🌟
Happy Birthday, Prompto! 🌟
Love You Even More 💙
Not Leaving YouÂ đŸ–€
Spoil You 💛
InvisibleÂ đŸŽ”
Christmas Gifts 🎄
Prompto Argentum
Prompto + Nature 
Gladiolus Amicitia
Gif Imagines
Camping With Gladio
Birthday Surprise 💛
Dating Gladiolus Amicitia
Gladio Reacting to a Newborn Daughter 
Gladio’s Pole Dancing S/O 
Gladio’s Science Nerd S/O 
Domestic Gladio & Reader 
“That’s enough! Noct already feels-” 💚
Big Change 💛
Ignis Scientia
Gif Imagines
Cooking With Ignis
First Big Step 💙
Horror Movies 💙
Dating Ignis Scientia
Parents Meeting Ignis
Ignis And Reader At The Assasins Creed Festival
Ignis Comforting Reader With Suicidal Thoughts ❗
S/O & Ticklish Ignis 
Affectionate Ignis 
Ignis’ S/O When He’s Stressed 
Rainy Day In
“Anything for you, my love” 💛
“I said what I said” 💛
Expert Mode 💛
Boyish Clothes 
Christmas With The Chocobros 🎄
S/O With Overprotective Parents 
Surprise Christmas Party 🎄
Dress Shoping 
How You Met
Princess of the Wolves 
Hugging The Boys
Saying I Love You
Chocobros Hogwarts HousesÂ đŸ‘€
Chocobros Reacting to their Kids Coming Out As Trans 
Halloween Trick or Treating With Chocobros + Cor + Nyx 
Chocobros and Home-Loving S/O 
Tickle Fight With The Chocobros 
Chocobros and Tsundere S/O 
Big Softie S/O 
Cheer Up 
Christmas Movies With the Chocobros 🎄
Homemade Presents for the Chocobros 🎄
Christmas Horror Movies With the Chocobros 🎄
Exams Season 
S/O In Low Temperatures 
Chocobros Meeting Their S/O’s Twin 
Badass S/O 
Chocobros Nicknames 
Switch WeaponsÂ đŸ‘€đŸ‘€
Youtubers Chocobros 
College ChocobrosÂ đŸ’«
Male Kingslaive S/O 
Ice Skating 
Prom With The Chocobros 
Chocobros And Reader Under The Mistletoe 🎄
Chocobros’ Confident Curvy S/O 
“I know you have trouble letting people in after what happened”
Love Triangle // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
They’re Sick 
You’re Sick 
Dog Cupid 
You’re Injured 
Halloween Festival [Interactive] 🎃
Nyx Ulric
Dating Nyx Ulric 
Nyx Being Protective Of You
Nyx Coming Home To Tipsy Reader
Cindy Aurum
Gif Imagines
Going On A Walk With Cindy
Dating Cindy Aurum 
Gif Imagines
Dating Gladio & Befriending Iris
Hugging The Girls 
Saying I Love You To The Girls
Dating Prompto & Being Noctis’ Sibling 
Dating Noctis & Your Twin Being His Best Friend 
Noctis and Prompto Studying 
Gladio & Prompto Waking Up Their S/O 
Gladio & Prompto’s S/O’s Heartbeat
Noctis & Prompto’s S/O On A Haunted House 🎃
Noctis’ Sibling & Gladio’s S/O When Noct’s Gone  
FeverÂ đŸ’™đŸ‘€
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absolutelynoct · 5 years ago
I have a prompt for you: "Cat", for Noctis and another character of your choice ;)
[Hello! Thank you for your prompt! I am sorry that it’s taking me longer than expected to respond to all of these. The reason why? I got a new kitten! His name is Shoto and he takes up a lot of energy. ^_^ This prompt timing was perfect then. I hope you enjoy this!]
Noctis woke up and everything was suddenly so big. His bed felt like it was ten times bigger, the ceiling seemed so much further away, and everything looked so different. He blinked rapidly a few times, but his vision was still changed. That’s when he got up and tried to get out of bed. With a scream, which was really a yowl, Noctis looked at his front paws and panicked. 
Freaking out, Noctis scrambled off the bed and flopped onto the floor, scrambling until he was on all four paws. He ran clumsily over to the mirror and looked into it with a meow of fear and panic. What had happened? How did he suddenly transform into a black cat while he slept? Was this some strange status effect that happened? He had to get help. 
The door to his apartment opened, and Noctis froze. What time was it? He looked at the clock on the wall and noticed it was already past noon. Prompto was supposed to come over for a date. What was he going to think when he saw that he was gone and the only thing that was here was a cat? How could he convince Prompto that he was the cat? 
“Noct, you still asleep?” Prompto called as he walked through the apartment. Noctis ran towards him, nearly crashing into him when he ran out of the bedroom and down the hall. From where Noctis was standing, Prompto looked like a giant. “Oh hey there, little one. Did Noctis bring you home?”
Prompto knelt down and pet Noctis. At first Noctis didn’t want him to touch him. But then Prompto scratched him behind the ears, and everything felt so good that he closed his eyes and purred into Prompto’s hand. Is this what it felt like to be a cat? It was very pleasant. And Prompto had magic hands.
“Where’s Noctis, bud?” Prompto asked as he pulled his hand away, bringing Noctis back to the matter at hand. Noctis opened his mouth to say something, but it only came out as a meow. Frustrated he followed Prompto as he walked into the bedroom and saw that it was empty. “Did he go out?”
Noctis meowed again, angry that he couldn’t communicate with Prompto what he needed. He meowed and screeched, making Prompto look at him just when his frustration got to the point of exacerbation. It was the spark he needed, and he warped in frustration from one end of the hall to the other, landing on his paws with no amount of grace. He turned and looked back to Prompto, who was staring at him with his mouth open, likely just as shocked as Noctis felt.
“Noctis?!” Prompto asked in disbelief. Noctis meowed and warped over to him, landing right in front of Prompto, and looked up at him desperately. “What the hell?!”
Noctis meowed in agreement, then tried to climb up Prompto’s pant leg. Prompto let out a yelp from his claws, so Noctis let go, not wanting to hurt him. Frustrated, he looked up at Prompto and meowed again. His boyfriend knelt down and picked him up carefully, holding him in his arms.
“It’s okay,” Prompto said as Noctis vigorously rubbed up against Prompto’s face and licked him, thanking him for getting it so quickly. “Noct! Come on! Okay, okay! I get it!” When Noctis stopped, Prompto continued to hold him. “Let’s get you to Ignis. See what he can do.”
Noctis meowed in agreement and Prompto was quick to take him out of the apartment and over to Ignis’s place. When they arrived, Prompto banged on the door furiously while Noctis meowed loudly for Ignis to hurry up and stop spending his day in bed with Gladio already. When Ignis opened the door, he definitely was disheveled. His shirt was thrown on, still unbuttoned and bare chested, and he looked like he had hastily thrown on his pants.
“Prompto,” Ignis said, looking between him and the cat in concern. “I thought you were spending the day with Noctis.”
Prompto let out a strangled laugh as he stepped inside, both him and Noctis ignoring Ignis’s flushed exasperation. Noctis tried to convey to Prompto that it’ll be alright, which came out as a gentle pur. It seemed to work, and Prompto took a few deep breaths as he pet Noctis on the head. Ignis shut the door behind them, his arms folded across his chest in clear sexual frustration. Noctis fussily meowed at him, upset that Ignis was frustrated while he was the one that was turned into a cat.
“Prompto, do you mind telling me what’s going on?” Ignis asked, more than a bit perplexed.
“This is Noctis,” Prompto said as he indicated to the cat. Noctis meowed, asserting that he was actually the prince.
“You named the cat after your boyfriend?” Ignis mused, raising an eyebrow at the statement.
“No, Ignis,” Prompto sighed, getting upset again. “The cat is Noctis!”
 I’m pretty sure this is some prank-” Ignis began but was promptly interrupted by Noctis warping over to him. He caught him in his hands, looking at Noctis in surprise. “I see
 Alright. This is new.”
He walked over to Prompto and handed Noctis back to him. Prompto clutched onto Noctis tightly, and Noctis could feel him shaking and trembling. He purred to try and calm him down, more worried about Prompto than he was about suddenly being a cat. Prompto was a nervous person, insecure and full of doubts. Noctis, while unhappy that he was now a cat, just had to go with the flow. There was nothing else that he could do.
“Is this a status effect or a potion or something?” Prompto asked Ignis as Noctis grabbed his hand with his paws and forced Prompto to pet him. They were joined a moment later by Gladio, shirtless and only in his pants, which was pretty typical with him. 
“I’m not sure,” Ignis admitted. “Prompto, why don’t you and Noctis go relax while we try and figure this out? Perhaps you’ll see something that will help while you are.”
Noctis meowed angrily at Ignis, knowing that he was just having Prompto do something to get him out of the way. Prompto’s worry wasn’t helpful in every situation, but Noctis knew that he often had an insight to things that they didn’t. Nevertheless, his boyfriend carried him over to the living room and sat down on the floor with him, petting him to try and soothe them both at the same time.
“It’ll be alright Noctis,” Prompto said with an edge of desperation in his voice. Noctis knew that he was on the edge of a downward spiral; he had seen them enough times to know when things were about to get rough. Noctis took the opportunity to pounce on Prompto, distracting him from his spiral as he purred and played with him. It did the trick, and Prompto played with Noctis as he would a cat.
Noctis found that in this state, he had all the inclinations to play and act like a cat but all of the emotions and memories of being himself. It was a strange feeling, and he found himself wanting to be human again so he could hold Prompto and tell him it would be alright. He wanted to comfort him and console him, to kiss him and love him. It was frustrating to be a cat and unable to make Prompto feel better the way he wanted and needed to.
Eventually, Noctis got tired out, the sensation of being in a smaller body wearing him down quickly. Tired, he got up on the couch and meowed for Prompto to join him. With a smile, his boyfriend got up and laid on the couch, and Noctis climbed onto his chest and settled in for a nap. At least this hadn’t changed.
“It’s okay, Noct,” Prompto said, his eyelids heavy as he spoke. Noctis yawned, a small squeak of a meow escaping his lips. “Ignis will figure it out.”
Noctis purred in response, already drifting off to sleep. Being a cat was hard. Being a prince trapped in a cat’s body was harder.
Noctis stretched his limbs and let out a groan, his voice hoarse from just waking up. Wearily, he opened his eyes, wondering when everything got so small again. That’s when he realized that he was laying on top of Prompto, and he had human hands. What had happened? Did he dream it? He looked around and noticed that he was on Ignis’s couch with Prompto’s arms around him, a blanket draped over them.
“Let him sleep,” Gladio whispered when Noctis sat up, rubbing his eyes in confusion. “He was very upset when you fell asleep.”
“What happened?” Noctis replied, his voice just as soft. He got up and felt a chill, then looked down and immediately blushed. He was naked. Gladio grinned and handed him a pair of sweats, which he hurriedly put on. 
“Apparently there was some weird status effect that happened after the hunt we went on,” Gladio whispered. They walked into the other room where Ignis was sitting at the kitchen table, sipping a cup of coffee. “Ignis was able to figure it out, but the only thing we could do was wait for it to wear off. Prompto was terrified that you were stuck that way. Ignis was worried that you would enjoy being a cat too much to want to change back.”
“Being that small is exhausting,” Noctis said with a sigh, grateful to have thumbs again. He never was so relieved to have thumbs. 
“And I didn’t think you could get much shorter,” Gladio laughed, prompting Noctis to shove him while Ignis tutted at them. The noise woke up Prompto, and he looked at Noctis with wild relief. 
Prompto got up and ran over to Noctis, hugging him tightly as he buried his face in Noctis’s neck. Noctis hugged him tightly, reassuring Prompto that he wasn’t going anywhere. He felt bad for putting Prompto in such a state, but he knew that Prompto was strong enough to handle this despite his fear and anxiety. He was the type to be insecure but take the leap anyway. It was how Noctis knew that Prompto would be able to figure out that he was a cat.
“I’m fine, Prom,” Noctis said as he hugged him. “Just spent the day as a cat. No big deal.”
“Oh yeah, totally,” Prompto replied, his voice tearful. “Just don’t worry about my boyfriend turning into a freaking cat!”
Noctis smiled and looked at Prompto before kissing him lightly, making Prompto blush. “Well, think about this. I did wake up on top of you
“Noct!” Prompto said, blushing bright red as he attempted to push Noctis away. Noctis laughed and wrapped his arms around Prompto tighter, reveling in his boyfriend’s embarrassment.
“Honestly, though, Prom,” Noctis said once Prompto had calmed enough. “Thank you for believing me. I was terrified without you.”
“Ever at your side,” Prompto muttered, still embarrassed. “Even as a cat.”
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tarotdeckshuffle · 6 years ago
Can i request the chocobros + Ravus and Nyx reacting to a s/o with powers like the Scarlet Witch or power over thunder and lightning that kicks ass during battle and protects them??
I haven’t seen Endgame, yet
But I’m a huge X-Men fan so I based some of this on Storm.
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean
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Wants to protect you in battle.
And show off by warping everywhere.
But he didn’t plan this fight out.
He’s getting overwhelmed with nowhere to warp to.
MTs surround him.
As he feared what this mistake would cost in pain,
The heavens themselves cracked open.
And a huge “BOOM” shook the ground.
Electricity jumped between the metal soldiers.
Silence, then they all collapsed.
As the smoke cleared, it became obvious.
Lightning struck the MTs surrounding Noct.
He turned to see if you were all right.
Rather, he found your eyes aglow and your hands raised before you.
Pointing towards those struck down.
Noctis is absolutely stunned for a moment.
He stares at you,
Fear edges on his features.
He doesn’t manage many words as he strides towards you.
You’re terrified of how he’ll react.
So many have struck out in fear or anger.
Or he could consider you like a god, which is even worse, in your eyes.
But he stops before you, taking your hands in his.
“That was amazing!”
He is as excited as a child seeing a magic trick for the first time.
He runs a finger over your palms, testing them.
I didn’t know you could do that! How?!”
He’s truly excited and in awe of your powers.
Noctis would understand the weight this gift is upon your shoulders,better than anyone else.
He’d be there for you,
Helping you master your abilities,
And helping you if you made a mistake.
He understands the responsibility you have,
But will also shows you a few tricks you can do with powers.
He has a respect for you and your powers, knowing them to be one in the same.
Side by side, you can take on the world together.
You’re in the heat of battle,
Prompto wants to show off by using the bazooka.
But he gets hit in the back as he fires,
Causing the missile to go way off course.
It hits an airship!
Actually taking out one of the engines!
But the victory is short lived as the great machine starts to make a crash landing.
It’s heading straight for you!
Chaos ensues,
Prompto runs for you, trying to protect you,
But you’ve got this.
A red mist swirls around you as you change the trajectory of the ship.
Keeping it in the air long enough for it to pass overhead.
Prompto’s eyes lock onto the airship as it passes and settles on you.
You’re still aglow.
He’s speechless.
You fear he’s terrified of you now.
He’s enamored with what you can do.
Super supportive!
Wants to make sure your powers don’t hurt you in any way.
Can you lift him?
That would be so cool.
He’d find a way to work with you during fights.
You’d find a way to fight together with your S/O and your powers.
He’s so proud of you.
He’d show you off, if you wanted him to.
Imagine a scene where Prompto if facing off with a badie.
He’s face to face with them.
They brag about their abilities.
“Yeah? Well watch this!”
And he’d just step aside to let you do your thing.
He’s always loved comics, now he’s dating a real life superhero!
You’re backed against a cliff,
Fighting advancing daemons on a moonless night.
You’ve been separated from the rest of the guys.
“I fear the odds are against us, love.”
Ignis grits his teeth, standing by your side.
The scene really is grim.
You won’t let it end this way.
“Iggy, stay low and close your eyes when I tell you to, ok?”
He’s confused, but you know he’ll comply.
You raise your hands, summoning the power of the sky.
Storm clouds form.
The wind picks up around you.
Ignis is confused, but ducks low and covers his head.
Light and sound fracture the earth.
Blinding light forces Ignis to close his eyes.
Daemons still stand.
So again you let the sky smite them.
They all burn to ash.
You release your elemental control.
The air still buzzes with electricity.
Ignis gets to his feet, scanning the area.
Great black marks indicate where daemons once stood.
He stands, staring at the craters.
oddly silent.
Oh, gods, what is he thinking.
But you saved his life! He should be thankful,
But what if he’s afraid of you?
“That was
Is all he says, still not facing you.
Finally, he turns to face you.
He places a hand on your cheek, staring into your eyes.
“Are you alright?”
You smile up at him, nodding.
“I’m certainly grateful for what you did. But next time
warn me.”
He smiles, joking at you.
“You’re not
You seem to question him as much as yourself.
Your eyebrows raise towards him.
“There are many with outstanding magical capabilities: Noctis, Lady Lunafreya, the Glaives. You are one such as them. I just
didn’t know.”
“Comparing me to the prince and the Oracle seems a bit extreme,” you say through laughter.
“I think not.” Ignis leans in to kiss you.
You’re amazed at how quickly Ignis seems to adjust to the news.
But the two of you agree to keep it your little secret.
The other men may not adjust to it so well.
He is truly proud of you.
But he wants to know the extent of your capabilities and the costs they inflict on you.
But you do enjoy surprising him with a shock, every now and then.
Doesn’t make a great ordeal out of knowing you have powers and still treats you the same, but he is proud of you and your capabilities.
You’re deep in an abandoned mine.
Separated from everyone else due to a cave in.
The whole structure is unstable, but you can’t escape.
Daemons are advancing on you,
Forcing you deeper into the tunnels.
Gladio has your hand as you run.
You’re far beyond lost, now just running whichever way has the fewest screams.
Rounding a corner, the whole structure begins to shake.
Daemon eyes advance in the dark.
Dust starts to fall from the ceiling.
“CAVE IN!” Gladio yells.
He wheels around to grab you, sheltering you in his arms.
You kneel, your Gladdy covering you with his body, as rocks start to fall from the ceiling.
Larger rocks follow

He’s prepared to die for you.
But that won’t happen today.
The sounds of falling rocks echo through the tunnels.
Daemons scream as they get buried.
Gladio shuts his eyes and holds you tight, expecting the inevitable.
The earth shudders.
Then silence.
Gladio opens his eyes, shocked that he is still alive.
But he gazes into a red, swirling mist.
Your hands are stretched out, creating an origin point for the mist.
All of the rocks float above you, suspended in red.
” Is all Gladio can manage, taking in the scene.
With great effort, you push all of the rocks away from you and your love.
Today, you will protect him.
You’re still in his arms as he looks down at you.
His eyes are wide with awe.
“How did you do that?”
“It’s a
it’s a thing I can do
” You manage.
“That’s quite a
thing,” he responds.
You both sit still a moment,
Before bursting out in laughter.
He gets up before helping you to your feet.
There’s now a great hole in the ceiling above you.
You make your way towards it.
Gladio is questioning you the whole way.
“Have you always been able to do that? Why didn’t you tell me? Is it a family thing? Is it a magic thing?”
You sigh at the onslaught.
He notices and stops.
“That’s pretty dope, though. Think you can make me float?”
You give him a mischievous smile before raising your hands, again.
He starts to float.
Booming cheers follow.
You’re both just laughing.
Gladio is in awe of your powers, but respects you even more because you don’t rely on them.
He knows what you’re capable of, now.
“You know, you should tell the guys about this.” He smirks at you.
“Oh, in time. I’d rather show them.”
Ravus has seen the power of the gods, but your strength is something new to him.
Altissa is falling and Luna is in trouble.
The two of you need to get to her.
You fight your way through the city, moving quickly due to both of your skills.
Reaching Luna just before Ardyn does.
Ravus pushes you aside, determined that this will be his battle.
He must protect those he cherishes.
But the battle takes a turn for the worst. 
Ravus was not expecting such power from Ardyn.
Luna is preoccupied, trying to keep the other airships at bay.
It’s up to you.
The salty air around you takes on a blood red mist.
Ardyn moves towards Ravus, ready to daemonify him,
But as he moves to strike, he freezes.
Furious back eyes lock on you,
Red mist swirls around him, locking his body in place.
You throw him from the stairs and into the sea.
It’s not the most heroic move, but it’ll buy you time. 
Supporting a badly injured Ravus, you make your way to an airship.
There you are joined by Luna, Gladio, Prompto, and lastly Ignis carrying Noctis.
You find privacy to tend to Ravus’s wounds. Luna joins to help.
You set him down and tend to the worst of the marks, first. 
As you finish the most painful wounds, he clears his throat, staring you down.
“I am not one to question divine gifts, but that
” He trails off. 
“That was nothing like any divine I have ever known.” Luna adds.
Great, now they’re tag teaming you.
They share that determined gaze.
it’s something I’ve always been able to do
It’s a
special type of magic.”
You answer, not meeting their gaze.
Silence fills the room.
These are two of the most important people in your life, what will they think?
Will they find this unholy? Some power that’s very existence challenges the gods?
Will Ravus see you as the same as Ardyn? The man who almost ended his life? 
Your heart hammers in your chest.
“Well, I for one am grateful,” Luna announces, smiling at you warmly.
She gets up to leave.
You stare at her, shocked at her ready acceptance.
“You’re not
In her smile you can feel the warmth of the sun.
“No, you saved my life, [Y/N]. I’m grateful. Our gifts are something to be cherished and used to protect those we love. You did just that.” 
She leaves you alone with a brooding Ravus.
He is still silent, not sharing in his sister’s acceptance.
He won’t look at you.
Your heart hammers in your chest.
This is it, it has to be.
He hates me.
He fears me.
Please, just
look at me, you silently plead.
“I’ll leave you, then. Get some rest,” Is all you can manage.
Your throat feels like it’s closing, tears form in your eyes.
You turn to leave.
You feel a hand shoot out to take yours.
You turn to see Ravus holding onto your hand, but still not looking at you.
Finally, he speaks.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
His head slowly moves so that his eyes meet yours.
“I..didn’t know how you’d react,” you admit.
In his eyes is a deep sadness.
“Did you think me one to shun you for such gifts?”
You mouth moves, but no words come out.
In truth
you did. You had doubted his acceptance and love for you. 
You turn your head to avoid his gaze.
He pulls your hand, making you fall into him.
“Here I have wanted nothing more than to protect you, when I was what you feared.”
“[Y/N], you saved my life and that of my sister because you are far more incredible than even I knew you could be.”
Tears start to fall down your cheeks.
“I thought you’d hate me, think me some unholy creature
Your words answer his fears. 
“I don’t hate you, I merely worry. I have seen, all too often, that with great gifts, the gods expect much in return.”
Ravus lifts your head, meeting your lips with his, wiping away your tears with gentle fingers.
will you stay by my side to answer their call?” The kiss has left you with new confidence.
Between the two of you, there shall be no more secrets.
You’re on the battlefield, side by side with Nyx.
But the Empire just launched more gigantic daemons.
The two of you have nowhere to run, backed against a rock face,
As a nightmare the size of a city block bares down on you.
Nyx is ready to warp strike it,
When you hold out an arm in front of him to stop him.
Your eyes are aglow.
Nyx is taken aback, but listening to the glowing person.
You hold your arms to the sky and bring them down in front of you.
Lightning strikes the great beast and thunder rolls across the battlefield.
The daemon doesn’t go down.
Again and again you strike it.
Unleashing the fury of a tempest on it.
Eventually, it lets out a great cry from a smoldering mouth as it collapses to the ground.
You’re breathing heavily as you release the elements from your grasp.
” You hear Nyx remark from behind you.
You turn around and smile at him.
didn’t know anyone could summon a storm
now you know.”
what else can you do?” Nyx smirks at you.
This man has seen so much wild stuff, this doesn’t even phase him.
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sassycassie-s-writing · 6 years ago
Movie Chat
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): Final Fantasy XV - Ignis Scientia feat. the Chocobros
Rating: PG/K+
Original Idea: Sometimes group chat fics are fun. Came up with this in the shower XD
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) This is half chat fic, half normal fic.
Prompto has made a group chat with Gladio and Noctis.
Prompto has changed Gladio to Cup Noodle Man.
Prompto has changed Noctis to Prince Of Darkness.
Prompto has changed Prompto to Trick-shot Master.
Prince of Darkness: Okay 1) What’s with the Specs impression? 2) What’s this about? And 3) What did you do to our screen names?
Trick-shot Master: 1) Getting to that. 2) Getting to that. 3) I changed them in case Ignis hacks into any of our phones so he won’t know who’s scheming.
Prince of Darkness: Oh yeah -_- that’ll fool Ignis.
Cup Noodle Man: You think this isn’t too obvious?
Cup Noodle Man has changed Cup Noodle Man to Gladio.
Gladio: Can’t fool Iggy anyway. Too much effort to try.
Prince of Darkness has changed Prince of Darkness to Noct.
Noct: What’s this about, Prompto?
Trick-shot Master: You guys are no fun.
Trick-shot Master has changed Trick-shot Master to Prompto.
Gladio: To the point?
Prompto: Okay, listen. I can’t stand it anymore, okay? I can’t stand the PINING and the LONGING GAZES. So I’ve come up with the perfect plan to finally get Glasses and Princess on a DATE!
 I'm listening.
Gladio: Same.
Prompto: Okay. Here’s the idea: we all go to the movies together as friends, right?
Prompto: Wrong.
Prompto: We reserve tickets in advance and put the princess and specs together on their own, while the three of US either go to another movie altogether or sit, like, five rows down.
Prompto: But we don’t let them KNOW that. We send then in first to sit down while we “get popcorn”,
Prompto: *them
Prompto: and THEN when the trailers start, we sneak in. ‘cuz y’all know that she’s too interested in the trailers to pay attention to everyone else coming in.
Prompto: Then BAM! They’re on a date.
 Is it bad that I think that might work?
Gladio: How do we keep Ignis from figuring out that we’re not sitting together when distributing tickets though?
Prompto: C’mon, man. you know that the five of us have an assigned order at theaters. It’s all based on who eats the most popcorn. Me, you, Noct, princess, and Ignis. And we get there before him to have it all figured out.
Gladio: Before IGNIS? Sure that’s possible without showing up 2hrs early?
Noct: Ig averages abt a half hour early to important things. 15-20 mins for less important things.


Noct: What? I’ve been around him my entire life. I notice things.
Gladio: Okay. Whatever. Anyway. Sure this will work?
Prompto: Pretty sure, yeah.
Noct: Let’s do it. I'm sick of them pining for each other too.
Prompto: On it!
Prompto has left the chat.
Noct has left the chat.
Gladio has left the chat.
Prompto has made a group chat with Noct, Gladio, Ignis Scientia, and Star Princess.
Prompto: GUYS! Movie this weekend! Who’s down?
Noct: I'm down.
Gladio: Same here.
Ignis Scientia: I believe I will be available. I'll be there.
Prompto has made a group chat with Gladio and Noct.
Prompto: See that? He only agreed to go AFTER she did!
Noct: Saw it.
Gladio: Same.
Prompto: Told ya guys. This is gonna be great!
Prompto: Cool! I’ll work out all the deets and let y’all know, okay?
Star Princess: Sounds great! Lemme know if I can help!
Prompto: I think I got it but will do!
Ignis Scientia: If you need my assistance as well I will gladly offer it.
Prompto: I'm good for now but I’ll let you know!
Star Princess: I am SO excited! It’s been forever since we went to the movies together!
Ignis Scientia: It does seem like it’s been a rather long time since the last time we went on a recreational outing. I'm looking forward to the break as well.
Noct: Same.
Gladio: Assuming His Highness doesn’t fall asleep in the theater.
Noct: What can I say? It’s dark in there and the seats are pretty comfy.
Gladio: You’re only saying that because you fit in them.
Star Princess: Prom, make sure you get Gladio an aisle seat so he can stretch his legs XD
Prompto: Noted!
Prompto: I'm excited guys!
Star Princess: Me too!
Ignis Scientia: As am I.
Noct: Yeah same.
Gladio: Yup.
“This one is yours,” Prompto said, handing me my ticket. “I already worked out our usual seating chart before you got here.” I laughed and tucked the ticket up the fabric of my jacket sleeve that covered my palm.
“Thank you,” I said. “So what’s this one about, anyway?” The theater was getting crowded with the Friday night/movie night people. Dates, families, friend groups like ours.
“Not really sure. It’s got great reviews though from the audience and it’s animated so I'm excited,” Prompto said, handing Noctis his ticket and Gladio his. They glanced at them briefly before the tickets got shoved into pockets.
Ignis came through the doors, top collar button undone and a few wisps of his spiked-up bangs falling onto his forehead. “I apologize for being
” He glanced at his watch. “No. I'm not late. How did you all beat me here?”
I shrugged. “I just drove these guys here when Noct told me to get going,” I said, gesturing with my thumb to Noctis and Gladiolus.
“I came pretty early so I could get good seats so the theater wouldn’t be sold out,” Prompto said.
Ignis’ lips pursed. “Hmm. Strange feeling, not being the first to arrive,” he observed.
“Yeah. Anyway. I'm guessing you two don’t want popcorn?” Prompto asked, pointing between Ignis and me.
“Not really,” I said.
“No thank you.”
“Okay. How ‘bout you two go in and find our seats? We’ll meet you in there,” Prompto said. “We’re gonna get popcorn.”
I eyed the concessions line. It was pretty long. “Okaaay,” I said. “Ditch it if the movie’s about to start and the trailers are over.”
“You got it, princess,” Prompto said with a mock-salute.
Ignis and I started weaving through the crowd. Ignis’ hand rested gently on my elbow to keep me from getting lost. That had happened a couple times—one jostle from a stranger and I was on the other side of the foyer and couldn’t find anyone else.
We handed our tickets to the usher, who tore them in the middle halfway and then directed us to the theater. We thanked him and went off to find our seats.
Ignis scrunched his eyebrows as we sat down. “I think Prompto forgot,” he said.
“Forgot what?” I asked.
“Gladio’s leg-room. These seats are in the center of the row. Prompto forgot to put us on the aisle.”
“Oh. Well
 hopefully Gladio’ll be okay.”
We sat and talked for a long time. We’d arrived at the theater too early. Probably early enough for the other boys to make it through the concessions in time to make the movie but possibly miss the trailers. Prompto probably planned that. He could be pretty smart sometimes—when he applied himself and cared about something. And movie timing was something he cared about figuring out.
We didn’t talk about anything significant. Some small talk about the stuff Ignis had done that day around the Citadel and my training.
When the theater darkened for the trailers to start, I glanced at Ignis. “I hope Noc and the others are
 okay,” I said. “They’ve been out there getting popcorn for a while.”
 there are three of them and the line wasn’t exactly short,” Ignis reasoned. “I’ll text them. If they’re not back when the film begins
 that’s their own fault, I suppose.” He pulled his phone out.
Ignis Scientia has created a group chat with Prompto, Noct, and Gladio.
Ignis Scientia: Everything alright? The trailers are starting and you’re still not here.
Prompto: Yeah! Everything’s fine. Almost through the line. Just like two more people in front of us!
Noct: Be there soon.
Gladio: Yeah.
Ignis showed me his phone. I read it and shrugged. “Their loss if they miss the trailers,” I said.
“Princess, I think you’re the only one who actually enjoys trailers.”
“What? I like to know what’s coming out! That way I can plan my life accordingly.”
Ignis chuckled. I went back to paying sharp attention to the first trailer—which was already halfway finished. Lucky me it was one I’d already seen. I could sense Ignis fidgeting out of the corner of my eye, but didn’t pay him any attention.
Surprisingly, our theater wasn’t terribly crowded. Probably because we were seeing a movie that had been out for a while and everyone else was swarming the multiple theaters showing something that had just come out and was supposed to be some blockbuster thriller I probably wasn’t going to see. Our theater just had a few families in it and a couple sets of friends—plus maybe a date or two.
For movies like the one we were about to see—an animated family film—our seating order was based around popcorn sharing. In complicated movies with difficult plots to follow, Ignis sat between Gladio and Noctis with me between Noctis and Prompto so Ignis and I could explain the plot to whichever side asked questions to whom.
Because apparently Ignis and I were watching an entirely different movie that contained more information than whatever Gladio, Noc, and Prompto were watching.
More trailers played and then the theater got extra dark. The movie was starting.
Noctis, Prompto, and Gladio still weren’t sitting next to us.
“They’re gonna miss the movie!” I hissed to Ignis, leaning really close so I wouldn’t bug anyone else.
“Oh no—they’re here,” Ignis said.
I looked down at where the entrance ramp spilled out into the main body of the theater. Then up the stairs on either side. “No they’re not,” I replied.
Ignis pointed several rows down.
On the aisle on the opposite side of the theater from the entrance ramp were three familiar heads. I’d recognize Prompto’s blond mess, Noctis’ bluish black porcupine spikes, and Gladio’s overlong, shaved-sides mane anywhere. “What’re they doing down there?” I whispered over the noise of the surround sound opener.
Ignis sighed out his nose. “They’ve set us up,” he said quietly.
“What do you mean?”
“They’ve set us up to be on a date.”
“Oh. My. Word,” I muttered. I pulled out my phone.
Star Princess has created a group chat with Prompto, Noct, and Gladio.
Star Princess: Setting me and Ignis up on a date, guys? Really?
Noct: Prompto’s idea.
Prompto: Yup! Now turn your phone off and let Iggy wrap his arm around you.
Star Princess: Shut up. I'm so going to beat the crap out of you in our next training session.
I shut my phone off and shoved it in my pocket. “Noc said it was Prompto’s idea,” I whispered to Ignis.
“Fascinating. I guessed it was your brother’s.”
There was a pause while the overlong opening logos section set to bright, spunky music played.
“Well, might as well enjoy the solitude while it lasts,” Ignis remarked.
“Good point,” I agreed.
We settled in for the movie. Prompto’s text was burned into the back of my eyelids. Let Iggy wrap his arm around you. I hoped Ignis hadn’t been looking over my shoulder when that came through. That would be so embarrassing.
That didn’t mean I didn’t want Ignis to wrap his arm around me. I wouldn’t have minded that.
I bit my lip and focused on the film. No time to get caught up in a crush I’d spent a dozen years ignoring.
“OMG,” Prompto complained in a quiet whisper to Noctis. “If I have to go up there and put Ignis’ arm around your sister’s shoulder myself I'm going to.”
Noctis shrugged. “I mean
 knock yourself out,” he whispered back. “Assuming they don’t knock you out first.”
Gladio shushed them both.
“Prompto seems to be watching us more than the film,” Ignis whispered to me. I looked away from the screen to see Prompto peeking back at us.
“He’s waiting for you to put your arm around me,” I admitted.
“Is that right?”
“Yeah. It was in his text.”
Ignis looked from Prompto to me contemplatively. “Would you mind? It might get him to stop.”
“Sure,” I said.
Ignis reached around and wrapped his arm around me, tugging me a little closer to his side. I let myself be pliable in his hands. So when he reached up and pushed my head to rest against his shoulder, I didn’t protest.
The next time Prompto turned to peek at us, I saw him jerk with a fist-pump, whisper something to Noctis, and whip back forward to watch the movie.
“Looks like you were right,” I whispered to Ignis. He hummed in thought. I felt it in his chest more than I heard it. Okay Prompto, I thought, maybe you had a good idea. Maybe I won’t beat you up the next time we train together.
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hanatsuki89 · 7 years ago
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Gladnis week day 3-->  Gladio and Ignis get tricked by Prompto and Noct into going on a date. ...but Prompto and Noct were unaware of the fact that their two friends had already gone on several dates and were in fact a couple.
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robininthelabyrinth · 7 years ago
Fic: Nocturne (8/30) - Ao3 Link
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Pairings: Mostly Gen (variety later to come)
Summary: In which Cor Leonis loses his temper, accidentally acquires a kid, and tries to single-handedly dismantle the Lucian immigration system – and that’s before he and his lawyers find out about this Prophecy business. If the Astrals think Cor’s going to let his kid’s best friend die without a fight, they’ve gotten the wrong cheetah ‘taur.
(a young adult novel set in @kickingshoes’ ‘taur AU)
—————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————
"Cor, I'm coming to your house, and I'm crashing in your box," Aulea says, trailing listlessly into the parlor room, closely followed by a tired-looking Regis.
Cor wordlessly hands his Queen a hot cup of tea from the tray he’d prepared.
"I'm not sure this will do the trick," she says.
Then she takes a sip.
"Nevermind," she gasps, voice made raspy from the sheer amount of alcohol he's added to it. "This'll do."
"Can I have one of those?" Regis asks, rubbing his eyes.
Cor hands him one as well. "Be careful," he warns.
"You didn't warn Aulea," Regis points out, and takes a large gulp.
He promptly keels over.
"That's because Aulea can handle her liquor," Cor says to his King's now-twitching form without the slightest bit of pity. “Unlike some.”
Aulea snorts.
"Clarus and Cyrella will be here soon," she says. "And Scientia, too. The children are all watching a movie upstairs."
Cor nods.
The door opens and Scientia enters, then pauses and surveys the room. "Cor," she says calmly. "If you've committed murder, please let me know right away so that I can obtain a criminal lawyer for your defense. We don't have anyone currently up to date."
"He's fine," Cor says dismissively. "Just being a drama queen. Would you like a tea? It's spiked."
"Yes, please," she says. "Don’t you mean drama king?”
Cor rolls his eyes at her.
“At any rate,” Scientia says briskly. “I'm glad I didn't walk into a case of Reggiecide."
"My favorite pun," Aulea says with a smile.
Clarus and Cyrella enter then. "Oh, good," Clarus says, seeing Regis sprawled out on the ground. "There's liquor."
"One day I'm going to be actually poisoned and you'll all be sorry," Regis grumbles, but doesn’t actually bother getting up.
Aulea reaches out a paw and puts it in the center of his belly, kneading it a little. "You big baby," she coos. "Would you like some milk?"
He laughs and finally sits up. They all arrange themselves on the lounging couches, each one with a tea in hand (Regis' swapped out for one watered down with extra tea, because he’s weak and proud of it).
"So," Regis says after a few moments. "How go the negotiations with Bahamut?"
"With difficulty, since I can only tolerate the light of the Crystal for a limited amount of time before having to call for a break," Scientia says, scowling. She overstayed it once, early on, but three days of difficulty seeing was enough for her and she now adheres religiously to the schedule they'd created. "But we're making progress. He's accepted Luna as an adequate Oracle to assist with the process, but he's insisting on 'judging' Noctis – which, to be frank, I don't think he should be in any position to do. He's the one with the damned Prophecy, after all."
"Indeed," Aulea says, shaking her head. "Deity or not...That being said, some form of judgment is moderately traditional – the Ring has a similar judging period, doesn't it, dear?"
"It does, the first time you put it on," Regis agrees. "But there is rather a benefit to having the right blood, in that case; we are being judged by our own ancestors, the ancient Kings and Queens of Lucis, and perhaps unsurprisingly they’re rather biased in our favor."
"It’s not just the Ring that’s biased," Cor puts in. "Gilgamesh, at the Tempering Grounds, was extremely put out that I wasn't an Amicitia. My point that a ‘taur can have more than one Shield was not accepted with significant grace."
"Very undemocratic," Cyrella says. "Not to mention rude – I assume he's expecting my Gladio, one day, and by the Leviathan's watery gullet, he will meet me first."
"Gladio will grow up eventually, dear, you know that," Clarus points out mildly, not actually disagreeing.
"I do know that. Indeed, the moment I determine that's happened, he can consider following in Cor's pawprints and going out to fight some maniacal sword-collecting spirit, but it’s not happening even a single day earlier than that."
"I'm more concerned about the status in Tenebrae," Regis says, hastily changing the subject even as he tries - badly - to hide a smile. "Sylvia is reporting an increased Niflheim presence – still keeping a distance, mind you, but more spies than ever before. Do you think they've seen through the deception in regards to Luna?"
"You mean the remarkable coincidence of Lady Lunafreya Nox Fleuret being shipped off to some unnamed boarding school at the same time that our court acquires the young Luna Scientia, a distant cousin of our own Scientia –"
"By virtue of me being the only ungulaetaur involved the present conspiracy," Scientia interjects dryly.
"Yes, and thank you for that, Scientia."
"I take your point, Clarus," Regis says. "My concern is whether we are adequately keeping her safe here."
"Thus far, yes," Cor says. "I've worked with the intelligence divisions – there aren't more attempts to get into the Citadel than usual, as would be the case if she were being targeted. I think Niflheim is inclined to simply accept this as a fait accompli – I've sent some feelers into Niflheim, and they've already started floating some rumors that you're keeping her hostage."
"An attempt to turn Tenebrae's populace against us," Cyrella observes. "Clever."
"As long as they see it as in their best interests that she be here, and safe, I am willing to endure it," Regis says. "Is that the only significant effect she's been having on the court?"
"Unless you consider your son's decision that girls are infinitely more awesome than boys and that we should address him as 'Stella' for three weeks significant, no, no effects," Aulea says, smiling a little. "I thought it was rather charming."
"Would've been nice to have another Queen," Cor says. "Or a non-binary ruler, the way the Just was."
"I wonder if that would excuse Noctis from the whole 'King of Light' Prophecy business. It is a rather gendered Prophecy..." Scientia muses.
"He's returned to being a boy now," Aulea says, chuckling. "Nice try, all of you."
"The archive research is going better, though," Cyrella says. She joined Scientia's crusade – unwillingly at first, since she'd never much liked school, but with increasing eagerness as she learned how enjoyable non-directed academic research could be. "We've located even more of the tombs –"
"But if we don't have the covenants, how will that help –" Aulea starts.
The door creaks.
They all turn to look.
"We're sorry for disturbing you," Luna says apologetically.
"No, we're not," Gladio says.
"We're really not," Prompto says, but, like Luna, he sounds apologetic about it.
It's the whole group of them – Noctis and Prompto and Gladio and Ignis and Luna.
"Is something wrong with the movie?" Aulea asks.
"No," Ignis says. "I mean, that is – we stopped watching it."
"We wanted to talk to you," Noctis says. He was holding Luna's hand, but he releases it, stepping forward to take the lead. "We know you've been keeping something from us – something important. Something that relates to us. Me and Luna, anyway."
"Not that we're not involved," Gladio says fiercely. "We're sticking with Noct, all the way."
"Regardless of whatever danger we may incur as a result," Ignis adds.
Prompto nods, puffing himself up as fiercely as he can.
"We understand that you feel as though you are protecting us by not sharing this information," Luna says. "But I assure you, despite our youth, we are as eager and willing to do our duty as you. If it relates to our lives, we would be happier to know so that we may use that knowledge to guide our actions, rather than rely on the caprices of fate."
"We wanna help," Prompto says stubbornly. "And we can't help if we don't know what's going on. All we know is that it's got something to do with the Astrals –"
"– and the tombs of the Kings and Queens of Lucis –" Gladio adds.
"– and the light of the Crystal –" Ignis adds.
"– the power of the Oracle –" Luna chimes in.
"– and me," Noctis says, his small face serious beyond his years. Despite his tender age, there is something of the future king he will grow to be in there, and more than a little of the regal dignity of his parents. "It has something to do with me, doesn't it."
He doesn't pronounce it as a question, but Regis responds nevertheless.
"Yes, my son," he says. "It does."
"Regis," Aulea murmurs, an objection.
"No, Aulea. They know enough to be worried, but not enough to be assured that steps are being taken to resolve the issue," Regis says firmly. "We must tell them."
He turns to Noctis. "And you, my boy – all of you – you will accept that we will not tell you all the details, many of which are too complex for you to understand at your present age. But we will explain what is happening, and your role in it, and what can you will be able to do."
Noctis nods solemnly.
"Can we have some tea first?" Prompto asks, breaking the serious mood entirely. "It smells funny."
"It's grown-up tea," Cor says, even as all the other adults laugh. "You can't have it until you're older. Your grown-up tastebuds haven't grown in yet."
"Oh," Prompto says. "What about Luna, then? She's ancient."
"I'm ten!" she yelps, the poised lady disappearing under the affront of a child.
"Yeah," he says, blinking at her. "Like I said. Ancient."
"I think we'd better tell them the whole story," Cyrella cackles. "Just to stop this conversation before someone gets punched."
"I would appreciate having Ignis' assistance in the research," Scientia says, smiling proudly at her son, who straightens his back and beams. "His mind is exceedingly well-organized."
Ignis is positively glowing from the praise from his habitually stern mother.
"Come here, baby," Aulea says, patting her couch, and with that the last vestiges of maturity fade away as the children all run forward to curl up on the couches next to their respective parents – Luna going to Scientia, with whom she presently lives, although in deference to her maturity she pulls over her own couch instead of curling up by Scientia's belly. She does put the couches close enough that it is scarcely different.
Clearly, Scientia’s little fake adoption is going well.
Cor runs his fingers through Prompto's soft fur and smiles down at him. Prompto giggles happily and nuzzles his head against Cor's waist.
Gladio snuggles between his two parents, looking pleased as punch, while Noctis settles down by his mother and looks expectantly at his father.
"Very well," Regis says. "Let us begin at the beginning – do you recall the bedtime stories I have told you, about the war of the Astrals and the coming of the Starscourge, of Bahamut's Gift of the Crystal and the Ring and the power of the Oracle?"
"Duh. We've only heard those stories, like, a hundred times," Noctis says. "They're covering it in preschool, too."
"Let us tell you, then, of the Prophecy of Bahamut which accompanied his Gifts, and what it means for the line of the Lucis Caelum, the Kings of Lucis..."
"Round one," Cor murmurs. "Bahamut versus the kitten. Ready in three, two, one..."
Aulea elbows him in the side.
Luna and Noctis have just gone inside the internal chamber of the Crystal, Regis accompanying them as chaperone – at least at first. Bahamut insisted on meeting what he insisted on referring to as "He Who Will Be the Chosen King", plus Luna, so that he could judge him worthy.
Meanwhile, the rest of them are lingering outside, waiting.
Cor is the only one who thought ahead about their likely wait, and brought a picnic basket and blankets for everyone.
"I think you should go after the mace first," Gladio says, rocking back and forth on his back and grabbing at his hindpaws with his hands to let him rock better. "Maces are cool."
"Don't you want the shield?" Clarus teases him.
"Well, yeaaah," Gladio says. "Obviously. But you haven't found where the shield is yet."
"I wanna see the star," Prompto says. He refuses to believe that it's not an actual star, and he's exceedingly curious about it.
"I think the first stop had better be the one that's closest," Cor says. "And as the person who will be taking up tomb-raiding as a secondary profession, I think I get the final say."
"Boooo," Prompto says.
"That is the most logical approach," Ignis says, though he looks wistful.
"Which one's your favorite, Iggy?" Gladio asks.
"Well, I've always been interested in seeing the dual swords..."
"You're all being ridiculous," Cor says.
They all look sheepish.
"Obviously the most interesting one is the katana."
The children's abashed looks disappear, replaced by smiles.
"You just think that 'cause you like katanas," Prompto giggles.
"That is indeed the case," Cor says. "What's your so-called point?"
"A better question is which Astral we should pursue for the Covenants after we finish with Bahamut," Cyrella says. "There's only six of them, not twelve like the Royal Arms –"
"Thirteen, mom," Gladio objects.
"Twelve, dear. Regis already has the Sword of the Father."
"Oh. Right."
“Actually, eleven,” Cor interjects. “Sylvia has the Trident of the Oracle in her care.”
"Thank you, Cor. As I was saying," she continues, "I believe that the Astrals will be more difficult."
"Bahamut indicated that he wished to have a fairly extensive period of testing Noctis," Scientia says. "And he warned that receiving a mark of an Astral was fairly burdensome, especially given Noctis' age. Perhaps we should space them out – a year apart, perhaps?"
"But then Noctis will be old by the time he finishes," Prompto says, wrinkling his nose.
"Yes, dear," Aulea says. "But slow and steady wins the race – and at any rate, you don't want poor Cor going out all the time to get weapons, do you?"
"That's what I thought."
"I think one Astral a year makes sense," Clarus says. "With twice or thrice-yearly quests to the tombs –"
"Thanks," Cor says dryly.
"That way," Clarus continues, ignoring Cor, "we can try to avoid drawing too much of Niflheim's attention. It is eminently reasonable for the royal family to make certain pilgrimages – but not too often."
"Once a year, then," Aulea agrees. "We'll tell Regis; I'm sure he'll agree."
"Which one first, then?" Cyrella persists. "After Bahamut, of course."
"Well, let's look at this logically," Scientia says. "The Glacian's corpse is in Ghorovas Rift, in Niflheim –"
"So not her."
"I was thinking we'd keep her for last," Scientia agrees. "The Infernian is in the Rock of Ravatogh, which is pretty far away; the Fulgarian's forest is closer –"
"Leviathan is closer still," Cor interjects.
"How's that?" Cyrella asks. "Isn't Altissia her most favored city? That's even further than Ravatogh."
"Traditionally, yes, it is," Cor says. "But the Tidemother is also rather notoriously fond of the seas beyond Galadh."
"The seas beyond – you mean where the lost isle of Atlantioi was supposed to have been?"
"I do indeed. Galadh is Lucian territory – it would be less noticeable even than going as far as Hammerhead."
"And it would help establish a tradition of going on pilgrimage, while remaining in a relatively safe area," Clarus agrees.
"People will probably think I'm praying for another baby," Aulea says waspishly. She's still ticked off about the tabloid reports about her absence earlier this year.
"I wanna have a baby," Gladio says.
"You're too young, Gladiolus," Cyrella says.
"No, a baby brother. Or sister!"
"Why don't we table that discussion for now," Clarus says quickly. "I think they're coming out."
They are.
Regis looks vaguely shell-shocked, but Luna and Noctis look fine – refreshed, even.
Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis immediately rush over to them, overflowing with questions.
"How'd it go?" Aulea asks Regis.
"Well," he says.
"Then why do you look quite so – perturbed?"
Regis wrinkles his nose. "Bahamut said that they were – cute."
They all stare at him.
"Noctis did his purring thing," Regis adds. "The one he does when he wants new people to like him. I think it worked."
“Of course it did,” Clarus says dryly, shaking his head.
“They’ll need to come in regularly for lessons with Bahamut,” Regis adds. “Both to absorb the light of the Crystal, but also his teachings, which he wants to ensure they've learned before he grants Noctis the mark of his favor. They’ll have to balance it with schoolwork – or at least kindergarten, for Notics. But Bahamut estimates that within several months, Noctis will be ready to be judged, and given the Mark.”
“Lessons,” Aulea sniffs. “More likely he wants to be surrounded by a kitten as cute as Noctis.”
"As you said, Cor," Cyrella says, starting to smile. "Bahamut versus the kitten – round one, Noctis."
"By overwhelming cuteness," Cor agrees bemusedly. "Clearly a weapon I've been underutilizing."
"You're not cute, Cor."
He sniffs. "I'll have you know that I'm extremely cute."
"I'd threaten to make you go in with them next time," Regis says. "But you'd probably punch him in the face or something."
"I've gotten better about that."
"You really haven't, Cor. You really, really haven't."
"- and that concludes my presentation as to why I should be allowed to advance an extra grade," Ignis concludes, clicking onto the final slide.
Then he turns and looks at his mother with barely restrained eagerness.
His mother is frowning thoughtfully, which Ignis knows is a good sign – perhaps in other families it wouldn't be, but for him, a frown means that she's at least thinking his proposal over. If she meant to reject him out of hand, she wouldn't need to frown – she'd just do it.
"Your presentation is very cohesive," Scientia the Elder, as he sometimes fancies her, finally says. "You've covered your academic level – stellar, of course – and your social development – improving rapidly – and even the potential future opportunities that might be available to you."
Ignis nods. His hands are sweaty with nervousness, but he resists the urge to wipe them off – he doesn't want to develop a nervous tell.
"Regardless, I must address one area you appear to have overlooked."
"Overlooked?" Ignis echoes. He didn't overlook anything – he accounted for all the different classes (math, languages, science), social issues (he argued that the more nuanced relationships he would be able to form outweighed the marginal benefit of interacting with his 'peers'), teacher interactions...he even charted out timelines from now until college to demonstrate the superiority of his proposed path.
He should definitely be allowed to go straight to second grade.
What did he overlook?
His mother looks at him. "Ignis," she says calmly. "You could just say you'd rather be in Gladio's class."
Ignis flushes.
He hadn't realized –
But yes, of course, that was a factor, and of course his mother realized it. The fact that it existed meant that he should've accounted for it, even if Gladio's currently being a dumb-dumb who's making new friends and having playdates with them instead of with Ignis, and so what if Ignis doesn't really have friends in his year – he's always been a bit too smart, a bit too off-putting for them – but he's never cared, he's one of the few people who know about, and is even involved with, the team put together to save all of Eos from the Starscourge and that made him special, okay, really special, and – and –
"I will speak with your school in the morning," his mother tells him. "It's early enough in the year that advancing you right now should be fine – I'll take personal responsibility for ensuring that you get up to speed on anything you might have missed."
Ignis breathes a sigh of relief, almost a sob.
"Now come here, my little flamespark, and tell me what's really the problem. No presentation required."
Ignis runs to her and leaps into her arms, letting her catch him and hold him close just like she did when he was a baby, and she leans her head down and lightly butts heads with him – a gesture of solidarity and comfort among ibexes like them, and one that he's taught Prompto and Noctis and even Gladio, but no one can do it quite like his mother.
No one can do lots of things like his mother.
"I don't want to fall behind," he whispers to her, clinging to her. "I don't – I'm not one of them the same way. Noctis and Gladio and Prompto – their parents have been friends for ages."
"I've been friends with them for ages, too," his mother reminds him. "Not as long, of course; certainly not in regards to Regis and Clarus, but Cor I've certainly known since before he shed his adolescent spots."
"But Gladio's making all sorts of new friends," Ignis says stubbornly. "And Noctis has Prompto in his class, so they can play together every day, and I don't have anybody in mine that I like."
"No one at all?"
"No! They're all mean and make fun of me because I always answer the teacher and say that I'm a stupid hoof-footer and –" He shuts his mouth. He hadn't meant to say that.
But his mother doesn't get upset about him not standing up for himself and dealing with the problem, like he half-feared she would even while knowing that she was unlikely to. She wouldn't have stood for any of that, not his mother; his mother is strong and independent and perfect, capable of fighting any battle.
Utterly untouchable.
Ignis can't wait to grow up to be just like her.
"You know," she finally says, after a while. "It's all right to feel hurt when people are cruel to you."
Ignis frowns.
"Look at Cor, little flamespark," she says. "You know how he's suing half the city at any given time?"
Ignis giggles. Cor Leonis' litigious streak is perhaps less famous than his martial prowess among the general population, but among Insomnia's lawyers he is a legend.
"He does that because he can't stand it when people are cruel," his mother tells him, gently stroking Ignis' back and the short fur of his hindquarters. "He feels hurt, and he lets that hurt drive him forward. If he didn't feel it, if he could just brush it off, then he would just keep going without paying attention. And the world would be a far worse place."
"No Prompto," Ignis agrees. They all know about the circumstances of Prompto's adoption – it didn't take long for him to realize upon reaching preschool that he wasn't like most of his class, and like Cor, and he asked about his heritage. Cor explained it to him, slowly more and more over time, and Prompto in turn explained it to them: that Prompto had been rescued from the depths of Niflheim by Cor personally, and when the bureaucrats of Lucis tried to separate them, he launched a battle unlike any the system had ever seen in order to keep him.
Prompto, Ignis knows, is a little awkward about the fact that he doesn't exactly fit in just right, about how he's got a different set of instincts and how he's got the same hindquarters as the enemy of Lucis, a little shy about his lingering puppy fat that keeps him chubbier than many of his already rapidly slimming kitten classmates, and more than a little insecure about anyone leaving him, but if there's one thing that has never bothered him, it's the knowledge, deep to the foundation of who he is, that he is wanted. He wasn't just genetic luck-of-the-draw – his Cor helped rip apart the entire foster care system, just for the right to keep him.
"No Prompto," Ignis' mom agrees. "And many other things, too." She butts his head again. "Even I get hurt when people are mean, you know."
"You do?" Ignis asks, amazed. "But who would be mean to you?"
Who would be dumb enough, he means.
She laughs. "There's plenty of felidaetaurs who buy into all sorts of stupid stereotypes – that ungulaetaurs aren't as aggressive as a predator-drawn species, or that we'd be more likely to give in, or other ridiculous things like that. And those people didn't want to give me a chance, didn't give me the leg up that they gave to other people – never picked me for the most interesting projects, never hired me if they could get someone else, were always three times as critical if they saw that it was me. But I showed them, didn't I?"
"You did," Ignis says admiringly. Everyone knows his mother is a force to be reckoned with – one of the finest lawyers in all of Insomnia. "You definitely did."
"And you're going to show them, too," she tells him, but she smiles. "Still, there's no need to make it any harder than it has to be. I think Gladio will be more than happy to introduce you to his new friends, and to defend you if anyone starts in on the same nonsense."
"You think so?" Ignis asks anxiously. He's been worried about that, sick to his stomach, but he'd hoped - he so hoped...but if his mother thinks so, then surely it must be true.
"Oh, yes. I'm sure of it. He's a bit silly, your Gladio, but his hearts are true."
"He's not my Gladio," Ignis says, blushing again, though he's not sure why. "And he is silly."
He's not sure why his mother is smiling.
"Well, as I said, I'll talk to the school tomorrow," she says. "But why don't you call Gladio and tell him today? He can come over for dinner. I'll make those dumplings he likes."
"He doesn't like anything as much as he likes Cup Noodles," Ignis warns her.
"I wouldn't dream of trying to compete," she says ironically. "But he likes my dumplings, too. Go on, now."
Ignis beams and runs off to find his phone.
This is going to be so much fun.
"Hiya, Bammy!"
"My name is Bahamut," the echoing voice says sternly. "The Draconian. I know that you know this."
"We're friends now," Noctis declares. "Gladio is Gladdy and Ignis is Iggy and you're Bammy."
"What about me?" Luna asks, smiling. "You call me Luna. And you call Prompto, Prompto."
"That's 'cause you're pretty," Noctis says dismissively.
"...did you just imply that Bahamut is not pretty?" Luna asks, covering her mouth with her hand to hide her growing smile.
"He's a voice," Noctis points out. "He can't be pretty or not pretty."
"He has a presence, you know," Luna says. "He's just choosing not to manifest it."
"Indeed, young Oracle," Bahamut says. "To begin our lesson for today –"
"But is he pretty?" Noctis demands, rolling over on his back and batting at the ceiling with his paws.
"Young King..."
"Young Prince. Please focus."
"You're the one who chose the line of Lucis to bear your Gift," Luna says, starting to giggle. "And here I thought the phrase 'herding cats' was pre-Solheim."
"It is," Bahamut says with a tone in his voice that in a mortal 'taur might have been interpreted as a groan. "And yet, that very stubborn tendency has enabled Lucis to resist the dominion or encroachment of tyranny for hundreds of years."
"Is that supposed to imply something about Tenebrae?"
"It is not."
"Luna! Bammy!" Noctis shouts. "I found a bug!"
"Young Prince..."
"It's creepy and crawling and awful! Look!"
"Let it go, Noctis," Luna says. "It's just a cockroach."
"Perhaps today's lesson should be about steadfastness," Bahamut muses. "And endurance."
"Endurance," Luna says skeptically, drawing a hoof along the ground in a gesture of uncertainty. "Enduring – like a cockroach?"
"We get to turn into cockroaches?!" Noctis asks excitedly, dropping the bug and bounding over. "I wanna be a cockroach!"
"In many ways, young Prince, I assure you that you already are..."
"Maybe the lesson ought to be about hubris," Luna says tartly. "And the issues that may arise from not recognizing another person's value despite them not being equal to you in power."
"I am well-chastised, young Oracle. You are correct. Young Prince, may we now begin the lesson?"
"I've got a question," Noctis says.
"Very well," Bahamut says with a sigh.
"You say that for most of the Covenants I've gotta do, I gotta defeat, or help defeat, the Astrals in battle, so I can prove myself worthy, right?"
"That is correct. Although in deference to your young age, and the participation of your guardians, I believe that the other Astrals will be inclined to permit you to be limited to an assisting role in any given battles."
"Right," Noctis says. "But if you don't manifest, how do I defeat you?"
"I am teaching you my judgment," Bahamut says. "When you have absorbed my lessons, and the light of Providence from the Crystal, I will grant you the Mark of Bahamut."
"But if you manifested, I could beat you and do it shorter!"
"That's not at all how it works."
"Well, lemme try!"
Bahamut is silent for a long moment. "Am I to understand that you believe that you can defeat me," he finally says, "alone and unassisted?"
"I'm sure that's not what Noctis means –" Luna starts, but she's interrupted.
A shadow suddenly fills the room, darkening it in its entirety, before rushing in – not unlike running through a cloud – and forming into a glorious figure out of myth.
Bahamut the Draconian is formed like any other ‘taur, only writ large: a dozen feet tall, his whole humanoid torso encased in armor – even his face hidden by a mask, with only his eyes showing the hints of life within. From the waist down, he is the Hesperian Dragon, a majestic creature covered in scales of purple and black, with claws of gold, a deadly lashing tail with a golden spike at the end, and large wings composed of steel swords.
"Look upon me, young Prince of the Prophecy," he speaks, and his voice shakes the walls like the ringing of a terrible bell. "Look upon me and know –"
"You're awesome!" Noctis exclaims.
Bahamut pauses.
"I must admit the prince has a point," Luna agrees, because what else can she do? "You are, indeed, pretty - ah - awesome."
"Do you still believe you can defeat me?" Bahamut asks, deciding to ignore the interruption and get back to the point.
"Yep!" Noctis says cheerfully, and sticks out a hand. "Come on, thumb war! I'm the best!"
Bahamut is silent.
"I'm sorry," Luna says apologetically, covering her face with her hands. "Gladio just learned the game in school and taught it to all of them; they've been rather mad over it."
"You wish to challenge me," Bahamut says slowly, "the great and powerful Bahamut, War-Bringer, Law-Giver, the Great Dragon – to a thumb war?!"
"C'mon!" Noctis says, bounding over to Bahamut and clambering up his midsection before anyone, including Luna, even realizes what his intent is, much less has the ability to stop him.
He puts his tiny little hand over Bahamut's – his entire palm is scarcely the size of the base of Bahamut's thumb.
This does not stop or even slow Noctis down.
"Let's play!" he says, beaming up at Bahamut.
"You are incorrigible," Bahamut says.
"And cute!"
"...yes. That as well."
"Play with me?"
"I will teach you the lesson of determination in the face of overwhelming odds today," Bahamut decides.
Noctis' face falls.
Bahamut reaches for Noctis, plucking him by his waist and underneath his belly, and places him gently on the floor.
"And then, my young Prince," Bahamut says, "you will show me how to play your – thumb war."
Noctis cheers.
Luna drops her face back into her hands.
But she's smiling.
(And she mentions to no one, neither Bahamut nor Noctis nor any of the adults, the glow of purple she sees in Noctis' eyes as they leave the Crystal chamber that day, the sign of one Marked with an Astral's favor - because as she well knows, there are many different ways to be defeated.)
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mastercooky · 7 years ago
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Gladnis Week Day 3 Gladio and Ignis get tricked by Prompto and Noct into going on a date.
I didn’t have much time to draw all prompts so i picked one of my favorite! 
(I’m sorry that I delayed until the last day of gladnis week...😂)
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yuu-be-good · 7 years ago
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Gladnis Week Day 3 –> Gladio and Ignis get tricked by Prompto and Noct into going on a date / Brotherhood Era
“Good mornin’ Iggy!”
“Quit it Gladio, you’re messing up my hair.”
For @gladnisweek
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gladnisweek · 7 years ago
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Well everyone, we received a huge amount of votes and some of them were very very close, but sadly we only have seven days for this so I had to lose a few that I would love to see TT_TT but fear not, there will probably be some ‘timed quests’ after this week is over.
The prompt list for Gladnis Week, starting December 4th are

Day 1
Breaking in a new bed or couch
Day 2
“OMG, so drunk
Wearing the others clothes
Day 3
Gladio and Ignis get tricked by Prompto and Noct into going on a date.
Brotherhood Era
Day 4
Sensory date night for Ignis
Early Morning Hours
Day 5
5 times Gladio carried Ignis & 1 time Ignis carried Gladio
Day 6
“Don’t call us Mom and Dad!”
Battle Wounds  
Day 7
Fantasy AU
I look forward to seeing some of the magnificent work y’all can put out. There’s plenty of time to go between now and then, so take your time and make it great!
I’ll post more about FAQ, rules, and prizes when the date gets closer, but if you have questions, feel free to ask.
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kit-astrophy · 7 years ago
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@gladnisweek Day 3: Gladio and Ignis get tricked by Prompto and Noct into going on a date/Brotherhood Era
Ignis was not amused to discover that the Prince’s new friend had an affinity for cameras; Gladio saw an opportunity and took it.
Buy me a Ko-Fi?
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benelline · 7 years ago
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@gladnisweek day 3 - Gladio and Ignis get tricked by Prompto and Noct into going on a date. / Brotherhood era.
Why not combine the two? I had so much fun imagining this when I was sketching. Noctis and Prompto (bless them) can SEE the mutual pining and are kind of annoyed that neither would make the first move (They’re so SMART and so GOOD LOOKING. WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF?! - Prompto) So they thought it was a great idea to send them anonymous invitations to a fake “Tournament” of sorts. The venue would be at the Citadel training grounds. Noctis had pulled his weight and got Cor and Clarus (without Ignis’ help! So proud of him! - Prompto)  to agree to not use the training grounds for that afternoon. Their intention was to get the two in a secluded place, without any interruptions and PLAY ROMANTIC SONGS and hope by some miracle they get the hint and actually confess to each other. Noctis had every intention of locking the doors and keeping them there until they confessed.  Well... they didn’t factor in the fact that aside from being obviously head over heels in love with each other, these two HATED losing, ESPECIALLY to each other. Because losing made them look weak, and they wanted the other (especially) to recognize their strength.  SOOOO. Gladnis ended up taking the tournament seriously and started fighting until the other was knocked out. 
Well. At least Noctis and Prompto tried.  They also went to the infirmary together after this and shared their first kiss. So everything was not in vain Noctprom! 
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alia-turin · 7 years ago
Title: Broken Bonds [Chapter VII] Previous chapters: Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI AO3
OC, Libertus Ostium, Cor Leonis,  Luche Lazarus (mentioned), Titus Drautos | Glauca (mentioned), Nyx Ulric (mentioned), Gladiolus Amicitia, Crowe Altius (mentioned), Iris Amicitia, Prompto, Ignis
This one is very much SFW, no kinky stuff.
So Cor finally learns from Gentiana where Noct is, three t-shirts joke makes cameo
Tagging: @birdsandivoryy  @yourcoolfriendwithallthecandy @jojopitcher@fromunseeliecourt @lazarustrashpit @littlestfangirl @kairakara101 (tagging you because some time ago you asked me to tag you on Luche related stuff, that’s not 100% related to him, but there is something related to him in pretty much every chapter)
If you want to be tagged (or untagged) please do let me know. Tagging is not some exlusive club, so I’m absolutely not bothered by your requests to be tagged.
Ada was walking down the Lestallum streets, tired and absentminded. She had spent three days in the wastelands trying to find more meteor pieces and other resources they needed. She was also avoiding everyone especially the Marshal and Libertus hence her choice to spend all that time outside of Lestallum instead of returning.
“Did you hear?” her ears caught a conversation between two of the towns people. “Some black-haired witch told the Marshal to stop looking for the prince. Now he is calling off all the hunters and crownsguard. That’s some trick if you ask me and he fell right into the trap.”
Ada slowed down her pace to hear the whole thing and stared at the men until they noticed her and looked back at her. She quickly pretended she wasn’t listening to them, last thing she needed was another outburst of the townspeople against the treacherous glaive.
She had planned to go to her apartment, rest couple of hours and then leave again, but given that information she went looking for Libertus. She found him close to the barricades barking orders at some new recruits. Ada patiently waited for him to finish, she wasn’t getting in the middle of that.
“Well, well look who is back.” He gave her a warm hug as if he hasn’t seen her in months. “I was almost worried the Marshal killed you and hid your corpse somewhere.”
“I just wanted to get some things done.” It wasn’t technically a lie if there was some truth in it. Maybe a half lie.
“Right. You have a lot of things to tell me.” Libertus grabbed her and pulled her aside, in one of the tinny alleys where no one could hear them. “So, the Marshal?”
“That can wait. What’s that about black-haired witch and the prince?” Ada knew she wouldn’t be able to avoid talking about Cor with Libertus, but the other matter was more pressing in her mind.
“Don’t know much. I know the rumor which you have heard apparently. The other thing I know is that the Marshal suspended the search for the prince which caused a bit of drama from his highness’ retainers, but eventually they calmed down. Wanted to speak with the Marshal but Monica hinted it’s not a good time.”
Things were bad then if Gladio and the rest were involved in that. Part of Ada had hoped that was just some town’s talk, gossip and rumors but little to no truth. And what was all that about black-haired witch? Part of her was happy no one had started rumor of redheaded witch or she might be burning on a stake somewhere with all the love people around had for the Kingsglaive.
“I will check on him.” Ada tried to leave without talking any further with him but he grabbed her wrist.
“Oh, no you are not going now. You were absent for three days, not a single word where were you going and not even telling me how that date with the Marshal went.” Libertus moved so he could block her way out of there.
“I don’t know what to tell you it was good
it was fun and he is great
” She really didn’t know what else to tell him. The only person she ever talked with about dates and such was Crowe.
“Anything in particular
any details...” Libertus was acting like a teenager trying to get information from his buddies and that entrained her a lot. They all used to do that back in Insomnia, tease each other and make fun of each other. Sticking the nose in other’s personal business was just natural.  
“For some reason he wears three t-shirts.” She finally said, that was the most innocent things he could think about.
“Three t-shirts.” He lifted three fingers in front of her eyes. “So, you saw him naked or you just stopped at the second t-shirt?” he was laughing at that point.
“No, I saw him naked...” that was a childish conversation but somewhere deep in her she was enjoying it too much.
“And it was so bad that you ran out of town on extended vacation?” he was still laughing.
“No, it was
” that was hard to explain. “It was good. It was great, he is great. He is not the reason I have been avoiding everything.” Loneliness was an addiction and she has been walking for couple of weeks now on the that thin line that stood between shutting herself out and allowing people to walk in her life again. The Marshal had reminded her how good it was to finally be free of that isolation, but loneliness was a drug, one it was hard to get rid of.
“You need to move on.” Libertus wasn’t laughing anymore, he was his friendly, loving self. “I know how hard it is to move on, I waited for Nyx almost a year before I moved on, but you need to do it, or that will kill you.”
“I know.” She forced a smile on her lips and place her hand on his shoulder. “Thank you. You are a good friend.”
They parted ways like that, he still had things to do and she wanted to check on Cor. Probably it was just her imagination but whole Lestallum seemed strangely quit. People were usually busy with stuff or just hanging around but now it seemed like everybody was on their own, and minding their own business.
Ada walked in the hotel, Monica was hanging around by the reception.
“I would advice against
” she started but Ada gave her a friendly smile and continued walking towards the Marshal’s office at which the other woman just nodded.
She knocked once, there was no sound or anything coming from there so she just walked in. As soon as she saw the state of his office, she walked in quickly and closed the door behind herself. One of the bookshelves was pushed down, all the books and items that had been on it have fallen on the floor. The papers and maps from his desk were also on the ground, some of them ripped. The chair which was usually behind his desk was either kicked or thrown to the other end of the room. Cor was sitting on his desk, holding his right hand which was bleeding.
“What happened?” Ada rushed towards him and grabbed his hand, it didn’t seem too bad, the blood was coming from bruised knuckles.
“You are back.” He completely ignored her question and the state that his office was in.
“Let me look at that.” She ran her fingers gently over his skin until green light appeared around them. The spell acted immediately. Few seconds later the bruises on his hand were gone, only the dried blood was left.
“Thank you.” He moved his fingers, then clenched them in a fist and eventually relaxed them. “Doesn’t hurt anymore.”
“Is that because of let me quote ‘a black-haired witch who told you to stop looking or the prince?” Ada wanted to hug him and tell him things would be okay, but she was guilty of disappearing without a trace so she was going to leave the first step in that regard to him.
“Black haired-witch?” He looked confused.
“It’s what the people around town say.”
” he didn’t finish that sentence just gave a frustrated sigh. “It’s not a black-haired witch. It was the messenger of the gods. She told me to stop looking for the prince, and that when the time is right he will appear at Angelgard. That it is not up to me or anyone else, I assume she means his friends, to find him, but he will come when he is ready.” She could feel the anger in him as he was saying that. Then he continued without Ada asking him anything which was surpassing. “I have served three kings, and I failed each one of them in a different way. Cor the Immortal.” He smirked. “More like Cor the Unable.”
“You are blaming yourself for too much.” She reached for the hand she had just healed and held it in hers.
“Am I? According to everyone I’m the most skillful swordsman, deadliest man on the star. My skills are nothing if I cannot use them in protection of my king.” He said all that with his eyes fix fixed somewhere in the distance but not at her.
“Look at me.” She lifted his chin and forced him to look her in the eyes. “Your duty is not just to your king. That’s part of your duty, as it is part of mine. King or no king you still have duty toward his kingdom and the people who live in it. The prince is not dead. He will be back, if the messenger of the gods says he will be back, it will happen. You can sit here and destroy the whole hotel in anger, or do something useful. Didn’t you tell me something like that few weeks ago?”
They stood like that for a while, his eyes pinned on hers.  
“I’m terrible at following my own advice.” He finally said.
“Then follow mine.” She moved her hand to his chest, placing it just over his heart. “The prince will be back. It’s up to you if he will be back to a graveyard filled with demons, or to something that reminds civilization.”
“Thank you. I needed that.” He kissed her forehead.
“Plus, the list of people to blame for the current situation is very long and you are not even on top of it. I believe even I am head of you.” She smiled, hoping that this stupid joke will change the mood in the room a bit.  
“Let’s not make a competition out of that, I have been around longer than you and I might be able to come up with few more points.” He moved his hands on her waist pulling her closer to him. “Would you stay tonight with me?”
” she started and then closed her mouth. Nervously she bit her lips and realized that answer was taking her longer than it should. “I will stay. I will also help you clean that mess here.”
 “He likes you” Crowe elbowed her and Ada almost spit her beer in the other woman’s face.
“Luche! Come on haven’t you noticed the way he looks at you?” Crowe literary pointed at the four guys playing billiard. “He is imagining you naked every time he turns his head that way.”
“Bull. Shit.” Ada drank from the bottle. In all fairness she didn’t mind seeing him naked. “He might be imagining you naked.”
“He looks at me as ‘one of the guys’, that certainly is not ‘one of the guys’ look.”
Ada attempted to say something but then Nyx came to their table and interrupted her.
“Hey Pelna and Axis are leaving and we need two players, want to join?”
“I don’t know how to play.” Ada said which made Crowe and Nyx stare at her.
“You have never played billiard?” Nyx finally asked looking for conformation if he heard right.
you know we don’t have that in Galahd
.” She stared making an excuse.
“Okay we need to teach you.” Crowe pulled her up grabbing both of their beers.
“Luche, why you never taught her how to play billard?” Nyx shouted at the other man.
The other man just shrugged but threw a one of the billiard sticks at Ada.
“There is first time for everything.” He had already arranged the balls on the pool table in a neat triangle. “I’ll play with her, I’m better than the two of you combined anyway.”
Nyx and Crowe snorted loudly in disagreement at the exact same time. Luche started explaining the rules, but she remembered very little of what he said. Every time her eyes fell on his, she wondered if what Crowe had said was true.
“Okay bend down.” She followed the instruction bending over the table. He came just behind her, helping her place the stick correctly. “Now you need to hit them hard but not too hard.”
Ada followed the instruction but as soon as the she aimed the room went completely dark. That wasn’t right, that wasn’t how things worked out, that

dim light came on and she saw Luche standing in front of her, the pool table was gone, gun pointed at Crowe’s head.
“She deserved it.” Those were the exact same words he had told her that night when they fought.
“Don’t do it, she was your friend!” Ada screamed.
Luche just shrugged and pulled the trigger, Crowe’s blood and brains flying all over the place.
  Ada opened her eyes the mental image of gore still appearing in her mind even after she was awake. She could feel Cor’s rhythmic breathing behind her, at least one of them was getting some sleep. Carefully she sneaked out of the bed and gathered her clothing from the floor. She needed some fresh air.
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absolutelynoct · 5 years ago
"You should be in bed"
“Why are you here right now?” Cor asked Prompto as he took aim at the target, tears in his eyes while his hand was shaking. “You should be in bed.”
“I’m practicing,” Prompto replied, his finger shakily hesitating on the trigger. He was trying to stay calm, trying to keep his breathing even.Remember your training, he told himself. Keep calm, take aim, and fire. That’s all he had to do. But he was on the verge of tears, and Cor standing behind him wasn’t helping. His heart was thudding painfully in his chest as he thought about what had happened just earlier that day.
Prompto had been talking to some kids at the high school, all of them not exactly his friends but not exactly his enemies either. They were the type of kids who wanted to be friends with Noctis so they were nice to him. While he wasn’t exactly super excited to talk to them, when they had approached him today he had been particularly excited.
“Noctis wanted to give you this,” one of the girl’s said as she handed him a typed letter in a sealed envelope. “He was too nervous to give it to you so he asked me to instead.”
Prompto had been confused when he looked at the envelope, but as he read it he felt his cheeks flush red and his heart beat erratically for another reason. The letter said that Noctis liked him. He wanted to date him. He wanted to meet with him after school to talk to him about everything. This was Prompto’s chance. He had liked Noctis for so long, and now he was going to be able to tell Noctis that he liked him too. It was mutual.
After school, Prompto excitedly waited under the giant tree in the school grounds like the letter said to. He stood there, looking everywhere for Noctis as the students left the grounds in droves, all of them absorbed in their own conversations. A few students said hello to him, and he waved back excitedly, but his eyes were searching for Noctis. He couldn’t wait. Noctis was going to tell him that he liked him too. They were going to be together. It was mutual.
Prompto waited until all the students left the school. He waited until he was the only one on the school grounds. He waited and waited, his excitement turning to anxiety. He waited and pulled out the letter, reading it over and over. Maybe he got the time or the location wrong? He read it while he waited, reassuring himself that he was following the directions perfectly. He waited until a teacher came out and asked him what he was waiting for. The school gates were about to close. He had to go home.
That’s when he heard it. The snickering. Prompto felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, uncomfortable and embarrassing, as he saw the girl who had given him the letter come out from behind the corner of the school building with her group of friends, laughing. Noctis hadn’t written him the letter. Of course he hadn’t. She had so she could laugh at him. So they all could. They were using him for a cruel joke. Noctis wasn’t coming because he didn’t really like Prompto like that. Of course he wouldn’t. Prompto was an orphan of Niflheim, a rejected clone taken in by Cor “The Immortal” Leonis. Noctis was a prince.
“I can’t believe he fell for it,” one of the students laughed while Prompto tearfully ran as far away from the school grounds as possible. His heart was achingly embarrassed, his cheeks bright pink, his eyes swimming in tears. People could be so cruel, but he never expected this.
He had been so stupid when he thought about it. Noctis would never like a person like him. Sure they were friends, but romantically? That was impossible. All he wanted to do was crawl into a hole and die when he realized that he had to go to school the next day, the rumors sure to run rampant once they told everyone that Prompto had actually waited for Noctis to confess to him in person. And there was no mistaking that they would tell everyone. It would get back to Noctis. He was doomed.
Prompto spent the better part of the evening hiding from Noctis, Ignis, and Gladio after he found his way back to the palace. He had to stay with Cor until graduation. That was the agreement when he took Prompto in. Now Prompto had to figure out how to avoid the three of them when Noctis had come back to the palace for one of his weekly dinners with the king. It filled Prompto with dread, sure that Noctis was going to catch wind of the joke made at his expense. It only made the embarrassment worse.
At one point Prompto managed to escape to the target range, and he stayed there to hide his shame, get out his anger, and wallow in his sadness. Of course Cor had found him now. Cor always found him, the best and most protective guardian Prompto ever had. He wanted to hide when Cor asked him why he was still awake. Prompto had lost track of the time, but more than that, he didn’t want to tell Cor the truth.
“Put the gun down, son,” Cor said softly. It was easy to tell something was wrong. He had to be blind to not see that. “Talk to me.”
Prompto set the gun down on the counter in front of him, but not before he put the safety back on. He looked at his adoptive father tearfully, not sure where to start. Cor was the one person who wouldn’t judge him if he told him what happened, but he couldn’t find the words to tell him just how embarrassed and hurt he was.
“I-I-...” Prompto tried, his voice choked up. Before he could say anything else, Cor was hugging him, his hand on the back of his head while he gave Prompto the space to cry into his shirt. Prompto clung to Cor, sobbing into his chest, his sorrow and embarrassment spilling over.
“It’s okay,” Cor said even though he didn’t know what the problem was. “Whatever it is, it will be okay.”
Prompto could only cry, knowing that things would be far from okay. He was going to be teased and bullied without mercy tomorrow. Who knew how long it was going to last? Who knew what Noctis would say when he found out. Would he even still want to be friends with Prompto once he knew that he liked him romantically?
Prompto’s phone went off, the chime indicating that Noctis was texting him. He pulled away from Cor and looked at it with a sense of impending doom. Dread made his stomach churn uncomfortably as he read the text. We need to talk. So he knew.
“I have to go,” Prompto said as he looked at his phone. He sent a quick text to Noctis, letting him know that he was heading back to his room. “I will be in my room. I promise I will tell you what happened.”
“Okay,” Cor said uncertainly, but there was a trust between them. If Prompto needed to be up a little bit later to work through this, Cor wasn’t going to stop him. And Prompto wasn’t going to take advantage of his trust either. “I’ll be close by if you need me.”
“Thanks dad,” Prompto replied. He wasn’t going to rush as he made his way to his room, especially once he got the text that Noctis would meet him there. This was not a conversation he was looking forward to.
Prompto felt his heart sink into his stomach and his stomach sink into the floor once he saw that Noctis was waiting outside his room in the palace, leaning against the wall and looking so beautiful that it had to be illegal. He blushed bright red, knowing that Noctis knew as soon as he looked at him. Trying to be nonchalant, he went up to the door to unlock it.
“H-hey Noct,” Prompto said as he avoided eye contact in favor of trying to get his key in the door. It slipped out of his hand and clattered to the floor. “Whoops.”
When he bent down to grab it, he paused. Noctis had bent down too and their hands touched, a fire of electricity where their fingers grazed each other. Prompto looked up and saw Noctis’s face so close to his, both of them trying to reach the key first. His cheeks were bright pink beneath his freckles. This was so bad, and he knew that it was only going to be worse now that Noctis knew he had a crush on him.
“S-sorry,” Prompto said as he grabbed the key and stood up quickly. “Y-you are probably here to talk to me about what happened today, right?”
“Prompto-” Noctis began, but Prompto cut him off.
“I was pretty lame, right?” Prompto chatted as he successfully unlocked his door and opened it. “I guess th-there’s no way someone like you could l-like someone like me, huh?”
“Prompto-” Noctis began again. Tears came to Prompto’s eyes as he thought about what it would do to their friendship.
“I won’t treat you any differently,” Prompto tried. “I hope we can still be f-friends.”
“Prompto!” Noctis nearly shouted. Prompto turned and looked at him, his eyes widening in surprise as Noctis pressed his lips against his suddenly and quickly.
At first he didn’t know what to do. This was a trick, right? Was he in on the joke and just prolonging his heartache? But then Noctis’s tongue brushed against his lips, and he was kissing him back, their arms around each other as they let years of sexual tension release within their kisses. Noctis was kissing him and he was kissing Noctis. This wasn’t a joke or a trick. They liked each other. It really was mutual.
“I’m going to fucking kill those people who were so mean to you,” Noctis breathed as he pulled away from the kiss, still holding onto Prompto. “But I’m also glad that I can finally confess to you now that I know I wasn’t just imagining things. I like you Prompto. Will you be my boyfriend?”
Prompto’s heart did several flips, twists, and turns as he blushed bright red. This was the last thing he was expecting, and yet it was everything he ever wanted. “Yes,” he said excitedly. “Please.”
Noctis laughed at the politeness. “Then let me in your room. After all, you should be in bed.”
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xylianna · 7 years ago
In which Prompto gets sick, and Ignis gets kissed
AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12937311
Gladnis Week Day 3: Gladio & Ignis get tricked by Prompto and Noct into going on a date 
Ignis Scientia caught his reflection in the glass of the doors as he entered the restaurant and almost smirked. He managed to halt the expression when it most resembled a polite smile. He saw his hair had come through the walk perfectly in place. The cool air of the night had tinged his cheeks and nose-tip pink. He was grateful for the black wool coat which served to both keep him warm and protect his immaculate three piece suit from the elements.
He looked good, he knew it, and he was in far too good a mood to deny the subtle boost being reminded of the fact gave his ego.
Noct had been surprisingly cooperative that day throughout their lessons, paid remarkable attention during the Council meeting, and had set to his homework with alacrity when they arrived at his apartment. Ignis didn’t have to wonder what prompted the uncharacteristic behavior for long, however.
“Please, Specs?” the Prince had wheedled, giving his advisor a pleading look, his blue eyes luminous with hope. “Can we just go do pizza tonight? At the place with the arcade? I mean, it’s Friday, and we can invite Gladio, so we’ll have security, and
 please?” Noctis babbled in a torrent.
Most unusual. But, the Prince was under a lot of pressure
 and surely it would do him good to blow off steam with his friend.
“Let me see if Gladiolus is available,” Ignis had said, pulling out his phone. A quick exchange of texts proved that the Shield was amenable to Noct’s notion.
So now Ignis found himself at a loud pizza parlor, raucous noise and riotous lights flooding out from the arcade room. His good spirits couldn’t be dampened by all the clamor, no. It was far too good of a day. He hoped (probably in vain) that things would continue along this path for a while, that Noct stayed so focused and dedicated, and

Well. Perhaps best not to get his hopes up too high.
Spotting Gladio, he waved to get the man’s attention. “Good evening, Gladiolus.”
“Hey, Iggy,” said Gladio with an easy grin. “Where’s Princess?”
Ignis sighed. “He insisted on picking up Prompto. I would think the driver should be dropping them both off any time now.”
“Cool.” Gladio glanced around, maintaining a constant awareness of his environment and assessing all potential threats. It wouldn’t do to let his guard down, even at the local pizza joint. “I already grabbed a table, if you want to go sit. I’ll go wait for ‘em by the door.”
Ignis nodded, and seated himself at the indicated table. Never one to spend a moment idle when he could work on his never ending to-do list, he pulled out his phone and began checking his email. A text came through after a few minutes, however, that had his eyebrows raising well above the upper edge of his glasses.
 Noctis: Hey Specs, Prompto’s not feeling well, we’re just gonna stay at my place and play King’s Knight. Sorry for the short notice. You should still get some food though. Say hi to Gladio for us.
With an irritated sigh, Ignis sent off a succinct reply, expressing his hopes that Noct’s friend felt better soon, and a reminder to the Prince that they would meet the next morning to review the day’s agenda over breakfast. He looked to see if he could catch sight of Gladio from there, but the place was too crowded. Since he still had his phone out, he shot a quick message to the Shield, advising him as to the change of plans.
A couple minutes later, Gladio approached the table balancing a heaping platter of pizza, a bowl of salad, and some serving plates, forks, and napkins. After dumping it all unceremoniously on the table, he dropped into the seat across from Ignis. “So, you get the night off babysitting,” he grinned as he loaded his plate with a couple large slices of pepperoni pizza. “Whatcha gonna do with all the free time?”
Ignis sighed, and served himself up a bowl of salad, choosing to let the pizza cool off a bit before digging in. Not everyone could have the apparently heat-resistant mouth of Gladiolus Amicitia.
The Royal Strategist felt himself flush, and quickly shifted his line of sight from the uncomfortably tantalizing view of Gladio’s face - and that mouth - down to his bowl of salad.
He belated realized the other man had asked him a question. Cheeks dusted with a light blush at the oversight, he replied, “Prepare for tomorrow, I imagine.” He adjusted his glasses and adopted a put-upon expression. “You can’t imagine how far behind this dinner will set me. It’s almost a relief poor Prompto wasn’t feeling up to the outing. Now I’ll get home sooner, and can get a head start on tomorrow morning’s work.”
Gladio snorted indelicately. “Oh yeah, I bet Prom's reeeaaal sick, Iggy.”
Ignis blinked. “Noctis said as much in his text message, yes.”
The Shield shook his head slowly, an expression of incredulous disbelief painted across his sun-bronzed features. “Dude.”
Gladio laughed, the sound filled with enough infectious good-humor that Ignis almost found himself joining in, even without knowing what prompted it.
“Are you going to explain yourself?” Ignis asked, voice a bit testy, sitting up more precisely and folding his hands on the table in front of him, food forgotten for now.
Gladio’s expression shifted into a warm, but rueful, smile. “Dude,” he repeated one last time, for posterity’s sake. “They’re setting us up.”
Ignis frowned, lines marring the porcelain skin of his brow. “For what?”
His compatriot’s response was to just stare at him.
“What now?” Ignis asked, feeling his cheeks heat again.
“Iggy,” Gladio started to speak slowly, enunciating very clearly, his amber eyes earnest. “Setting us up. With each other.” He gestured around at the restaurant, the food on the table. “They sent us on a date.”
Now Ignis found himself rendered speechless. He removed his glasses and began to clean the lenses, a gesture which usually calmed him and gave him a moment to sort out his thoughts. But, all to soon, the glasses were pristine, and his brain was still spinning in a bewildered tumble.
He had certainly noticed how attractive Gladio was. Who wouldn’t? The man was practically a work of art. And as they’d grown closer, their orbits around the Prince inexorably drawing them together, he had discovered hidden depths in the Amicitia heir. While much of his time was obviously devoted to developing and perfecting his fighting skills, the Shield was also a voracious reader, enjoyed touring art galleries, and spent as much time as he could with his little sister, Iris.
Gladio was, in a word, amazing.
So, obviously, Ignis had never truly considered trying to pursue anything with the man beyond the friendship that had spawned from their professional rapport, because what could a man like Gladiolus Amicitia, with his pick almost every single woman and man in Insomnia, want with him?
Ignis was highly aware of his skills. He didn’t consider that being overly prideful, he considered it being honest. He had trained for years to get to this point, after all. He was used to the feeling that came from walking into nearly any room and immediately knowing you’re the smartest person within.
It was a lonely feeling.
He was also painfully aware of his many shortcomings.  He was a workaholic, he had a woefully inadequate set of social skills outside of formal occasions (as tonight was demonstrating in lurid detail), and his few hobbies were strictly solitary activities.  Ignis couldn't even remember the last time he'd gone out on a date.
“Iggy,” Gladio spoke up again, cutting off his ruminations. “Dude, say something.”
Ignis looked up and met Gladio’s eyes, wearing a carefully sculpted, emotionless, professionally polite mask. “That seems quite silly, Gladiolus. Perhaps this is a youthful prank on their part. Noct knows that I hardly consider this food,” he said, gesturing at his as of yet untouched pizza. “Or perhaps Prompto is truly ill, and you’re jumping to conclusions."
“What?” If Ignis’s voice was a bit strained, he would chalk it up to the noise of the place giving him a headache.
Gladio sighed, shook his head, leaned forward, and kissed him.
Ignis was almost too startled to kiss him back.
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albedosoyna · 7 years ago
Driver’s Test
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Day 3: Gladio and Ignis get tricked by Prompto and Noct into going on a date/ Brotherhood Era  (Driver's licence time) @gladnisweek​
Era:  Brotherhood
Relationship:  Gladio/Ignis -- very new and very handsy. Content:  Flirting, Making Out Rating: PG
Summary: Gladio and Ignis busy themselves as they wait for their driving licence tester to arrive.  
Read More Under the Cut or On AO3
Read More Gladnis on AO3 Gladnis Week Collection
Gladio sat in the driver's seat of the tester car tapping his fingers against the wheel as he waited for the tester so that we can finally get his driver's licence.
After a million lessons, lectures from his father, the King, and Cor he finally was going to legally drive. He even had a truck lined up to buy after he finally got the piece of plastic.
Not counting on his dad for things was going to be a nice change.
He looked at his phone and wondered if he had the appointment right. It was five minutes until three and Ignis wasn’t even here yet. Ignis was always early to his meetings. The tester, Sero, was notoriously late in everything that she did.
He smiled to himself as he thought of Ignis.
He straightened as he thought about 
 his boyfriend. Hell, that was a decision that they made a couple of days ago. It had been weird, wonderful, strange and exhilarating all in one.
It was a simple meeting that they both had to attend that involved the Crowns Guard and training practices. It was late and as they walked out of the meeting Ignis stomach started to growl. Ignis had looked so embarrassed as he put a hand to his stomach. Gladio had insisted on inviting him over for some food. There was always food in the Amicitia household.
Jarod always made sure he made enough food to feed the whole Glaive if required and often was.
A nice meal, a comfortable couch, and good company made it easy to relax together and an innocent touch turned into a something more. Gladio had always felt comfortable around Ignis and with him at his side, he couldn’t resist running his hand over his arm. The way Ignis turned his head to the side, and smiled at him made his heart jump. It was so soft and all that mattered in the world was hearing Ignis breath hitch as Gladio wrapped his hand around the back of the advisors neck.
He smirked at the memory
Ignis was a great kisser.
The passenger side door opened, startling him from his daydream. A familiar voice greeted him. “Is the tester here yet?”
He watched as Ignis slid into the seat with his expert grace. “Nah. She’s late.” The advisor looked so good. His hair looked soft, his skin was scrubbed clean and he was wearing his casual clothes with the suspenders.
He loved that outfit on him.
Of course, Ignis looked good in anything.
He licked his lips and pushed back the thought of the dream he had about grabbing his suspenders and pulling the other man in for a kiss. As much as he wanted to, it was not appropriate.
“I should have known,” Ignis said and crossed his arms and tapping his finger against his bicep. He smirked and tilted his head as he looked at him. “Did you buy the truck yet?”
“Going to get it right after we get the testing done. Want to join me?” Gladio leaned into Ignis and bumped his shoulder with his own. “We can for a drive out by the wall.”
“Are you asking me out on a date?” Ignis smiled and bumped his shoulder back.
“Wouldn’t ask anyone else.” Gladio had to hold himself back from leaving over and kissing him. It was so hard to hold himself back and was a little shocked that Ignis was the one that broke the protocol. The advisor leaned forward, placing a hand briefly on his knee and kissing his cheek. A chaste kiss that promised so much more.
“Ha,” Gladio smiled and felt his face flush as he rubbed the spot where he was just kissed. “Hope you can get home late tonight.” He really wanted crawl over the center of the console and kiss Ignis until his eyes glazed over.
“Well,” Ignis straightened his collar of his shirt. “I’m sure I can find some extra time for a trip.”
Gladio chewed his lip and leaned back against the seat. He really hoped Sero would get here soon. Ignis would look good sitting beside him in his new vehicle and the quicker the test was the quicker he could make that happen. He tilted his head and started to ask Ignis about how his morning had gone.
It was a half an hour before he was starting to get annoyed. “Okay. This is even super late for her,” Gladio grumbled as he looked at his phone, hoping for some sort of message or an email but there was none.
Ignis did the same.
His frown was adorable as he adjusted his glasses. “I agree. I have other things I would rather be doing.” His tone was curt. He tapped a message into his phone.
“Ditto,” Gladio said and crossed his arms as he started to tap his fingers on the steering wheel. “I really wanted to get that truck.”
“At this rate, it looks like we will have to rebook,” Ignis angrily put his phone back his pocket and folded his arms angrily against his chest.
Gladio grunted. “We should already be making out in my new truck if she was on time.”
“Pardon?” Ignis said sharply.
“We could be done the stupid test, purchased the truck and I could be treating you to some of this.” Gladio ran his hand down his chest and then rested it on his hip. “You were totally thinking it. Don’t deny it.”
Ignis looked away and cleared his throat. “It would have taken at least an hour and a half to get to a place where we could have some privacy.” He fiddled with his glasses as he ducked his head.
He was even blushing.
“Well, we could be well on our way at least,” Gladio said as he put a hand on Ignis knee. “I know I was looking forward to it.”
Ignis shivered at his touch. Gladio gently squeezed his thigh and was glad to see the response.
“How long do you think we should wait before we find someone else to give us the test? I don’t even know who else is qualified.” Gladio complained. He was upset that they wouldn’t be able to get the truck but he had just spent a half hour pleasantly talking with Ignis, so it wasn’t a complete loss. He would much rather be parked on a nice quiet road and steaming up the windows.
Ignis slumped and let out a sigh. His hand covered his and he could feel a shock run through his body at his touch. “What do you suppose we do now?”
“I have a few ideas,” Gladio licked his lips and didn’t fight the urge to lean forward and kiss Ignis. He brought his other hand up to put his hand behind Ignis neck so that he wouldn’t pull away. Not that he would. Ignis grip increased on his hand and the other pressed against his chest.
This was not a chaste peck on the cheek, this kiss quickly became deep and passionate. Gladio prodded with his tongue for entrance and Ignis groaned as he allowed him in.
Ignis really knows how to kiss.
“Damn,” Gladio whispered as he pulled away and their forehead rested together. “Keep kissing me like that and I’ll never let you go.”
Ignis chuckled. “Sounds like an excellent strategy.” The kiss resumed with more intensity than before. Gladio could easily melt into how Ignis nibbled at his lips, how he gasped with every touch and how his hand was so hot against his chest and how good his leg felt under his other hand.
Gladio started to feel braver as the kissing kept intensifying. Squeezing Ignis thigh, he allowed his hand to move higher up. He had some pretty intense dreams thinking about what Ignis hid under his pants and he was hoping that he could at least cop a feel.
“Iggy,” he whispered into his mouth. He was going to try to say something else but the words were lost as Ignis fisted his shirt and tugged him closer. Ignis made a sound that resembled his name but it was combined with a moan.
The sound went straight to his core.
If there wasn’t a car console between them, he would have had Ignis pressed against the floor, or wall
 or something. He wanted to feel every part of him. He took it as an invitation to move his hand further into the heat of Ignis crotch. Ignis opened his legs slightly to allow him more access.
“Fuck,” Ignis whimpered as he tossed his head back. “We 
 “ His words were lost as Gladio couldn’t stop himself from kissing Ignis neck. His hand pressing harder against his crotch and boy, did it feel good. Ignis was getting hard under his touch and he really wanted to feel him without the cloth between them.
Gladio rocked to get a little more comfortable in the car seat. Ignis took the movement as an invitation to move one of his hands down. The touch came as such a shock that he nearly bit the advisors neck but was able to control himself enough to rock against the touch.
“You’re going to kill me,” Gladio murmured into his neck. “You feel so good.”
“I feel,” Ignis gasped and the grip on his crotch made Gladio rock against him, “the same.”
Their lips crashed together again. The kiss was hard and deep as they pressed their hands into each other. Gladio thought he heard his shirt tear but he didn’t really care.
Ignis was twisted in his seat and pushed into his hand. Gladio closed his eyes and rocked into him and really hated the stupid console that was separating them.
The muted sounds that Ignis was making had set Gladio on edge and he was about to suggest that they move to the back seat when there was a rapping on the window of the car.
Both men froze in place, eyes wide as they looked at each other. Gladio thought his heart was going to jump out of his chest. He figured that Ignis felt the same as his whole body tensed.
The rapping happened again. ïżœïżœïżœIf you two can please disengage yourself from each other, that would be appreciated.”
Gladio groaned and rested his forehead on Ignis shoulder. He really didn’t want to look at the person outside of the car.
“I will never be able to look him in the eye again.” Ignis whispered and slowly began to release him by letting go of his now ripped shirt and moving his hand from his crotch. Gladio followed suit by releasing Ignis neck and moving the other hand to the steering wheel.
When he looked out the window, he could see the back of Cor standing a little bit aways from the car. He twisted himself and adjusted himself as his pants were way too tight after the brief make out session.
“Why is he here?” Gladio mumbled. “I thought the tester was Sero.”
“It is Sero,” Ignis said who was frantically trying to straighten his clothing and smooth out his hair.
“You look great all flustered.” Gladio couldn't resist stating. It earned him getting a gentle slap across his chest and Ignis went back to straightening himself out.
“Shut up and let’s get this over with.” Ignis’ face was so red, it looked like he was going to combust.
But they did have to get it over with. Gladio smoothed out his shirt and picked at the hole in his side. He took a couple of deep breaths and tried to calm himself down. Ignis opened the car door first and walked to the front of the car. Gladio followed behind him and saw Cor turned to face them. His face was set in his usual resting-bitch-face mode but there was a twitch that he could see in the right eye.
“If you two are done sucking face, I’m here to administer your drivers test.” Cor made a point of looking them directly in each of their eyes.
Ignis stiffened at the statement. Gladio couldn’t help but smirk, because he had rather enjoyed ‘sucking face’ with Ignis a moment ago. “And may I ask,” Ignis said, “Where Sero?”
“Scheduling got changed and I was on the other side of the city when I was informed of the change.” Cor said. “So, If it is safe to do so. I would like to get this over with.”
“Yes, Marshall,” they said together.
Cor initiated the test which was uneventful for both of them. They passed with flying colours and gave them the initial document which proved they passed the test.
“Now,” Cor said as he pinched his nose and shook his head. “Please be more discreet with your,” he cleared his throat and looked to the side, “passions.”
Ignis bowed deeply. “I’m so sorry, sir.” His face was red again.
Gladio was not about to bow to Cor. “Well, this is what happens when I have spare time.”
Cor rolled his eyes and smiled at him. “You’re so like your father. It’s horrible. Go get your truck and out of my sight.”
Gladio smirked and turned to Ignis as Cor walked away. Ignis was still flustered and looking horribly embarrassed. “I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life,” Ignis whispered and covered his face with his gloved hands.
Waving the piece of paper in front of Ignis face he grinned. “Let’s go get my new truck and I’ll make you forget all about it.”
“Gladio, we were just caught 
 by the Marshall.” Ignis whispered the last part earnestly.
“It’s Cor. He won’t say anything,” Gladio said as he wrapped his arms around Ignis shoulders. “How about I find a way to make you forget.”
“How could I possibly forget?” Ignis uncovered his face and looked directly at him with intense green eyes.
Gladio leaned forward and pressed a kiss against his ear and then whispered, “I will make you forget your name, never mind his.”
The advisors eyebrows shot up into his hairline, “Oh, and how will you do that?”
Gladio dragging his teeth over Ignis’ earlobe, he hummed and whispered, “I plan on showing you that my handwork is not just excellent with the sword.”
Ignis pulled away, licked his lips and shuffled slightly as he cleared his throat. “We better get going while the night is young.” He snapped his fingers and Gladio found himself following the other man’s lead very willingly. The only fault in Ignis step was when they saw Cor who was on his phone near the exit. Cor gave them a fleeting look but turned his back to them.
Gladio knew he would hear about it later, but at the moment, he had to go buy a truck, take Ignis to the quietest place he could think of, and steam up the windows.
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