#Movie Chat
amyreads · 1 year
i saw spiderverse and it was the best spider man movie ever and miles morales is THEE best spider man in my eyes can't wait for movie 3
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derpygirl-draws · 1 year
Just watched Nimona! Spoilers because I need to ramble!
Dudes just gonna say the obvious! Its an amazing movie and I love it so much! To me, and many others in the lgbtq+ community, it’s the perfect representation. I’d like to say its like a love letter to the community, but i don’t know many love letters that bring up the negatives and struggles that the person or group receiving it goes through. It definitely feels like a gift though. A gift I am overjoyed to know exists and so many people are able to watch it. Not just people in the community, but anyone who has Netflix or a friend that has it! Because it brings up struggles that minorities have that are inflicted on them by society, and it’s done in SUCH a perfect way. Warning my rambles might be all all over the place and maybe a little over dramatic lol
I’m a little tired brained cause I decided to watch it late at night but honest to god this movie made me cry. you don’t know me personally but I don’t cry a lot during movies, unless its a pixar film but those guys are masters when it comes to making you love a set of characters and then lets the story pull at your heart strings so i don’t wanna hear it XD. I immediately fell in love with the art and designs once I saw clips of the movie online, but I gotta say, the character writing with Nimona and Ballister had me grinning ear to ear each and every time I witnessed it. Their dynamic that is created the moment they meet to the middle of the movie and then at the end was my favorite part. The ending was the part that hurt a lot. When Nimona was hurt by her best friend and left as her anger exploded and she basically gave up on the world.  That hurt. A lot. Because I know there are so many people in the world that don’t have someone like Ballister in their life. Someone who does their best to understand them and be there for them, to have empathy and work past their own personal biases for the sake of that person, and recognize when their words have hurt that person and rectify that mistake. Or maybe people do have someone like but that person or people dont make it in time to save them, like what if Ballister didn’t make it to the tip of that sword to save Nimona from herself.  I personally relate to ballister in a way. I can’t say I was ever taught when I was little what even gay or trans were because i was and still am a little sheltered and have to educate myself on topics I wasn’t exposed to growing up that prolly would have helped to know. Though I am a little glad I had complete control on learning about the community on my own instead of what my parents unfortunately might have fed to me if it came up when i was little. I am not trans myself, as far as I know. When i was first introduced to the community when i was about 12, I was confused and didn’t know how to process such a new concept in my life but maintained a point to try and be respectful of my friends who were trans or gay or had any part in the community. In doing so I discovered that I was queer as well. I since have grown to understand the different aspects of the community and actively research when I learn about something new. I have a platonic partner that is a huge part of my life and I have aer to thank for a lot of my development as a person. I related to Ballister because I want to understand, I see these people in the community and I want to be that person they can find safety and comfort with, someone they can relate to and that I can relate to and also learn from. I want to defend and protect them like how Ballister did with Nimona. I think this is the perfect movie for right now on a political standpoint admittedly, though I’m only educated on the subject minorly so I’m going to try and explain the comparison with how the movie is set up and hopefully it’ll makes sense and i dont sound dumb. Nimona is highly implied to represent the trans community as I see it. When she describes to Ballister what shifting is like for her, she says its freeing and she feels like herself, not just what the world wants her to be. She has fun shifting and changing her looks and when she isn’t shifted, she doesn’t feel alive. Of course this can be taken from the basic lesson of ‘Be yourself’ but the unfortunate circumstance presented in the movie is that when Nimona is herself, the world around her goes into an uproar of screams of fear and hatred. 
This city is shut out from the rest of the world and their main belief, as its been for centuries, is that Monsters are dangerous, and the Knights of the City will save the people from these Monsters.  Children in this city are raised on this belief that they are a hero if they stand up against what society deems a monster and slain those monster for the good of the city. But when in reality, the story they are taught wasn’t what they thought. I do love the representation with Ambrosius and Ballister because it feels so normal. So natural and interesting. Admittedly I got frustrated with Ambrosius because he seemed to really believe Ballister aimed to kill the queen. But then when I see the blatant manipulation of the Director that doesn’t just affect Ambrosius, but everyone. She sees a threat to the ‘traditional’ way of life and aims to stamp it out no matter what, refusing to see reason and a different perspective from what she and so many other people were raised on. And okay, I know i’ve been saying a lot of the word perfect when describing this movie, but as it is in many cases, its not perfect. I have my own critiques on the movie itself but there are certain aspects in it that i’d describe as very close to perfect as ive mentioned. It’s charming overall and when it really counts, it is beautiful. I’m a sucker for expressions and fun poses and movements and designs that stick out and good dialogue. This movie did a pretty good job at those things, all things considered. But I do wish the people working on it had gotten a chance to really flesh out the world and the backstories and motivations. I love Nimona as a character, I definitely wanna read the graphic novel that led to this movie so I can see more of her! I was worried about how she was presented at the beginning of the movie. it seems like something people in the real world can see as an argument against people like Nimona. That her chaotic and seemingly violent tendencies would of course make the people around her fear her and that she either isn’t good representations, or that to some people, this is exactly how they see the community nimona represents. But then in watching the movie as a whole, if people took even a second to think about it, they’d see that Nimona had no choice. What she is, as she says it, is Nimona. She is a shape shifter that can turn into a variety of thing and people don’t like that. Ballister when meeting her has moments of requesting she turn into something that makes him more comfortable. He asks questions and shares viewpoints that are rather insensitive to Nimona and she rightfully describes him as close minded. This close minded-ness is a reflection of the city Ballister was raised in and also a reference to people irl who don’t accept communities that are different. and then as the movie progresses, we see Ballister become more accepting of Nimona and who she is and that Nimona is different, yes, but also loyal, caring, and sticks by him and his goals, mostly and that’s a lot more than Ballister can say about the people to turned against him in an instant at the beginning of the movie. This feels like a video essay script I’m writing and admittingly I thought it a good way to maybe revive my youtube channel, but im already a busy bee and i wouldn’t want a video like that to be posted months up to a year after the release of the movie so im posting my thought here. I’d love to hear what you guys have to say so please, comment, send me a note or dm and we can chat (as long as we agree we can be respectful individuals if and when there’s a difference in perspective). Have a good night/day everyone and I hope you enjoyed my ramble, even though it was kind of a “way to state the obvious” kind of ramble. lol. 
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hey so since we're talking about how awful the minecraft movie looks we're all going to agree not to go see it in theaters right? not even to hatewatch it? we all are in agreement that its a soulless cash grab movie, so we all know that the only way to stop them from making more like it is to give them no cash to grab, right?
yes this includes watching it for the bit. yes this includes bringing your friends to go make fun of it. yes this includes just watching it out of curiosity.
do Not go see this shit in theaters. do Not give them your money. they dont care whether you enjoyed it or not, they only care about what number the box office gives them. so make sure the box office cant give them shit.
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What I've learned from Ken Russel movies: Roaches make an electric keyboard sound when they move, and that snake monsters can be kept away with bagpipes
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threads-and-pages · 4 months
My best trick is recognizing movies I've never watched by a single frame.
It mostly only works with semi recent, and, of course, popular, movies, but it's still something that makes me laugh. For example, last night I went into the living room to grab something and my father was watching a movie, the only thing I saw was a shot of Matt Damon shadowed in darkness, talking with an alarmed blonde woman.
I asked if he was watching a Jason Bourne movie, and of course my father doesn't know because he never checks the title of what he's watching, but sure enough, when he checks it's one of the later Bourne movies.
I never watched any of those, only absorbed them through half listening to video essays and pop culture references, but still, got it, immediately.
And as I said, to me that is very funny because I keep doing it, tv shows, movies, reality shows. I glance at the screen for half a second and immediately get a title and I'd say I get it right most of the time. I'm the only one who finds that entertaining.
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whatskraken · 5 months
Civil War was better than it was bad, but 1) it reeked of Film Bro insists on showing you his vintage camera collection, and 2) WHY WERE THEY NOT WEARING HELMETS WHEN THEY STORMED THE WHITE HOUSE KIRSTEN DUNDST HAD MAJOR LINES ABOUT HOW IMPORTANT WEARING A HELMET IS! This HAD to be a re-shoot after a Producer or Test Audience complained about not being able to see the main characters’ faces in the “most intense scene,” right???
I actually didn’t struggle with the lack of world building around the politics of the war. I think it was “supposed” to be a sort of bait and switch from the trailers, but I appreciate that they didn’t force an exposition with a shitty news montage and let the “us vs. them” feel more nebulous throughout. As a progressive liberal who’s spent time embedded doing art in Deep Red states, that sort of ubiquitous assumption of evil politics as commonplace without “villainizing” felt more accurate than anything.
I DID, however, find the lack of world building around journalism to be confusing. I kept asking “is that actually how embedded journalists act, or is this fantasy behavior in a society where the rules of engagement have changed?” There just seemed to be this weird automatic reverence for The Press on “both sides” that felt like it needed justified if we were otherwise expected to extrapolate from current politics. Give me a throwaway line about the Media Neutrality Act that the Last Congress passed following the Antifa Massacre in response to the Riot Act’s legal suppression of body cam footage, or pretend like the Fox/Dominion case went a different way and imploded all Legacy Media so that the weird Wild West of Film Camera Mercenaries felt a bit more believable.
I think the photo that developed during the credits was the redeeming punchline to undercut the Journalist Circle Jerk. It brought us back to the reality of “political art is inherently propaganda,” but I can’t really tell if that’s just me looking for redemption?
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sunshinechaton · 1 year
netflix posted a delete and unfinished scene
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the-bluespirit · 1 year
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abbybubbls · 4 days
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Shadow the Hedgehog is so fucking cool
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rosieyart · 1 year
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gattobamboom · 1 year
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mycofaerie · 1 year
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they’re girlfriends, your honor
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elionwriter · 1 year
Gabriel Agreste:
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The Superior Gabriel Agreste:
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I still can't believe how the movie just straight up fixed his character!
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papyrusgayfont · 1 year
* loved seeing the show and movie Gabriels interacting! 😊😊
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wowallnamesaregone · 1 year
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Since a lot of people liked my last cat noir drawing, here, take more. I don’t get tired of drawing this boy.
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novaneondream · 1 year
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Take my hand 🌙
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