#final fantasy xv imagine
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zeroth-writes · 1 year ago
Healing Red -Noctis Lucis Caelum-
masterlist | request
Prompt: i have a request bout noct where the reader is a white magician, however her powers turn red n strong when shes angry or sad (like scarlet witch), that happens sumtimes and then, when noct is in great danger, she cant control it and unleashes a massive amount of power and saves him, the rest is up to u :)
Pairing: Noctis Lucis Caelum / Reader
Word Count: 900 A/N: I haven’t seen the wandavision series or anything else besides the main marvel movies, so the beginning scene is kinda ‘inspired’ from the age of ultron movie.
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For a split second, your heart stopped. In front of you was Noctis, lying face down in the dirt. A Yojimbo stood over him. His sword raised far over and behind his head, ready to strike the fallen prince.
Your muscles exhausted from the endless battle. All attempts to stand quickly halted. Either by an enemy striking you or your own body giving out.
You glance up just in time to see the deamons sword begin it’s long decent down. From your position on the ground your arm reaches forward, hoping to summon a barrier or something protective. 
Yet nothing happened.
Your body ached with each movement you made. Even the attempt to use magic drained all the energy you had.
With your last bit of strength you managed to pull yourself up to your knees. Head hung low, long panicked breaths. With one final burst of energy, you let out a scream.
Nothing else could be heard over the loud screech released from your mouth. Around you the enemies begin to fall. Their weapons and armor hitting the ground with a loud clank of metal slamming against various materials and objects.
Once the noise you were creating stopped, Everything went dark.
For what felt like hours, you felt yourself slipping in and out of consciousness. Drifting into the darkness only to feel yourself constantly being moved. Body carried in someone arms, resting on a leather seat, gently placed on a soft sofa.
Slowly you begin to wake up. The silent void replaced with distant. Voices became clearer as words started to connect. You were able to recognize the tones and place them to a person. Ignis.
“I’m not sure on their situation. They’ve been out since we found them.” For a minute he was silent before speaking again. “Yes. I’ll keep you updated, Goodbye.”
Your heart almost broke at the sad tone within his voice. The royal retainer let out a long sigh, likely pinching the bridge of his nose. Before anymore could be said the sound of a door opening came.
“Any updates?” Ignis asked the new person. “Nope, I’m guessing nothing from you.” A deep voice answered. “They haven’t made a peep since we got them here. Prompto has yet to return.”
A creak filled the room before footsteps became louder then stopped in front of you. A hand found itself on your head while a voice softly whispered to you.
You stir slightly at the contact, causing the person touching you to jump back.
“Y/n” Ignis spoke half worried and half excited. Slowly you begin to open your eyes as they adjust to the bright light surrounding you.
In front of you stood 2 different men, both looking with different expressions. Ignis stood worried as he was unaware of how you were feeling while Gladio was excited with a small smirk resting on his bearded face.
“Glad to see you awake”
Gladio spoke first while moving to sit next to you while Ignis began hounding you with various questions.
A loud gasp caught all of you attention. Turning toward the doorway a smile similar to before spreads across your face. Standing by the opening, still in his winter coat, stood Prompto. Tears filled his eyes as he rushes to you with open arms.
“Does that mean Noct is also awake?” He whispered
You quickly pulled away with a worried and shocked expression. Even though you’ve only been awake for a few minuets, you failed to worry about the missing person.
“What wrong with Noc?” You questioned looking in everyone’s direction for an answer. Simultaneously everyone glanced toward the closed door.
As you walked toward it, reasons began to spill out
“He never woke up. We found the both of you alone in a field. He had wounds all over him. You, not so much but still unconscious.”
You closed your eyes and remembered back to that night. 
You and Noctis surrounded by enemies. You defeat one and two more materialize in its place. Before you knew it, you were completely swarmed. Everywhere you look was covered by the unmistakable purple haze of a deamon. 
While they weren’t attacked you physically. The magic usage itself was tiring enough to make it difficult to stand on your own.
Soon you fall to your knees in exhaustion, causing all but a handful of enemies to turn their attention towards Noctis - who is just as exhausted as you.
As the hoard of enemies begin to clear away from the prince, you glance up to see the damage only to see him lying on the ground.
Your eyes snap open at the memory of your power blast filling your head. Your heart begins to ache once you realize, you did this to him. Not only did you kill the the enemies, you also hurt the one you were trying to protect and save.
In a rush, you hurl yourself on the floor to kneel in front of the sleeping prince. You hand clasps around his. The other stood back with a confused look resting on their faces at your sudden outburst.
That shocked turned to amazement as both your hands and his begin to glow and red hue. Silent filled the room as everyone observed your actions from a distance.
The long silent finally lifted as a long groan filled the room as Noctis sat up rubbing his head.
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sondash360-art-blog · 10 months ago
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The stupid crossover continues...
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impatient-traveler · 3 months ago
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My favorite part was when he said
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and then suffered all over the place
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rosemary-morgan · 2 years ago
FFXV - HC’s about your pregnancy and how the boys would take care of you
Female Reader
I have some cute ideas in mind 🖤 Let your dearest boy take care of you 💋 I want to thank everyone who read and support my stuff.
A big thank you to my dear friend @fangirl-ramblings​ 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹
(Pictures/GIF are not mine! Found on Pinterest/Google/tumblr)  
Characters: Prompto, Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis, Gladio and Ignis
Warning: Pregnant reader, some argument, mention of love making
A little reminder: Requests are open 😋
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⦁When you tell Prompto about your pregnancy, he is overjoyed! He can't stop kissing you, he even cries because he is so happy! And you cry with him.
⦁He immediately tells the good news to his friends and they of course rejoice with him. It will not be easy to choose a godfather for the child.
⦁He thinks you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Seeing you like this, with your beautiful round belly, makes him very happy. A part of him lives in you now.
⦁Prompto is so excited! He is already buying so many things for the unborn child. Clothes, toys and books of fairy tales, so he can read them to his child every night.
⦁Prompto gets you everything you feel like. No matter how crazy your cravings are, he would willingly drive hundreds of miles to see you happy. Even in the middle of the night he will get you your favorite ice cream if you ask for it.
⦁He will protect you and the little one with his life.
⦁When fears and worries rob you of your sleep, Prompto will tell you with that sweet voice of his, that everything will be fine. You will hear words full of love that will make your heart laugh again.
⦁He will probably freak out if you get hurt or catch some illness. He will take good care of you, but overacting sometimes.
⦁On the nights when you are in his arms, he is even more tender and loving than he already is. He loves you and the little one in your belly. Sometimes he sings to his child. Softly and in a gentle voice, while he lovingly looks at you and caressing your belly.
Nyx Ulric:
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⦁ Your pregnancy is not planned at all and you are afraid to tell him that you are expecting a his child.
⦁ Nyx is speechless at first and just stares at you with wide eyes. You don't know what's going on in his head and what he's thinking about, and that makes you very nervous. Does he want this child? Is he going to freak out now?
⦁ Your anxiety grows as no reaction comes from Nyx. But when he sees your tears and the sad expression on your face, he wakes up from his trance. He can't stand to see you so sad and immediately wraps you in his arms "Hey, hey... it's alright. It's okay."
⦁ Nyx is very loving and also understanding. He loves you more than anything. As time goes by, Nyx becomes more and more excited that you are expecting a child from him. A little being that grows inside you. A greater gift you could not offer him.
⦁ However, he is concerned about whether he can provide you and the baby with the life you deserve. He will do anything to make you happy.
⦁ His worries are great, but when he sees you, full of joy and also full of love, he forgets his fears. In you he has met his soul mate.
⦁ Your nights are full of love and passion. Nyx shows you how beautiful you are and how much he desires you.
⦁ Nyx and you become even closer.
⦁ Nyx will no longer risk his life so recklessly, for he has a great responsibility. He chooses his missions carefully and is highly concentrated.
⦁ He informs himself about pregnancy, gets books and guidebooks, so that he is prepared for the coming weeks and months. He supports you where he can, because he knows that pregnancy is not an easy thing.
⦁ When your baby is born, he doesn't leave your side and when he finally sees this sweet little creature, his beautiful blue eyes shimmer with tears. "I love you. Both of you", he says as he strokes your hair and kisses you full of love.
Cor Leonis:
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⦁ You have been trying to have a child for a long time, but it doesn't happen so easily for you.
⦁ The more time goes by and you don't succeed, the more unhappy you are about it. It is your greatest wish, but Cor also wishes to start a family.
⦁ You start to doubt yourself and are afraid that Cor might leave you. Even though you know deep inside that he would never do that. He loves you and wants to share his life with you.
⦁ But one day, when you think all hope is lost a small miracle happens, You can hardly believe it, but it happened!
⦁ Cor can hardly believe it when he comes home and you give him this beautiful news.
⦁ You kiss each other in tears, Cor showers you with kisses. He can't put into words how happy he is. Lovingly he embraces your face, looks at you with tears and smiles. "I love you, Y/N."
⦁ He lifts you in his arms and takes you to the bedroom where he loves you with passion. It's a long night of you making love. You lose all sense of time, because you are in your own world, forgetting everything around you...
⦁ Cor works less to be there for you.
⦁ You take many walks in nature and when you are not feeling well, he lovingly takes care of you.
⦁ You love his kisses on your belly, you like the way he looks at you; full of love and affection. You have found the man to spend the rest of your life with
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⦁ Gladio is completely shocked at first. This was not planned at all! He literally panics!
⦁ He becomes louder, asks you how this is supposed to work? Because as I said, it was not planned at all! He thinks he is completely unsuitable as a father. He has other obligations and can not also take care of a child!
⦁ His extremely negative reaction shocks you. You try to calm him down, but Gladio is much too upset.
⦁ "This shouldn't have happened! Damn it, Y/N!" He doesn't think about what he's saying "What are you doing to me, Y/N?!"
⦁ After that sentence, you can't hold back your tears and Gladio sees that too. He sees your shocked expression and immediately regrets his words. But we know how stubborn he can be and he doesn't even apologize to you at first.
⦁ He leaves the apartment, because he first needs a clear head. He must gain distance from you in order not to hurt you even more. Gladio really regrets his words, but he needs to be alone for now.
⦁ His friend Ignis manages to calm him down and give him some advice. As a result, Gladio calms down and his feelings don't take over his mind. Rational thinking is now the order of the day.
⦁ Gladio really loves you very much and he wants to be there for you.
⦁ When he comes home and finds you crying in your shared bed, it breaks his heart. He asks you for forgiveness and holds you tightly in his arms. "I am so sorry. Please, forgive me. Please, Y/N..."
⦁ He knew what an idiot he had been and deeply regrets it.
⦁ Gladio is very gentle and affectionate in dealing with you. He treats you as if you were made of glass.
⦁ And if anyone is rude or rough with you, oh, God have mercy on them! He becomes overprotective.
⦁ He shows a lot of understanding when your hormones go crazy.
⦁ Lying in his lap, he strokes your hair and is so happy about the course his life has taken.
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⦁ When you tell Ignis the happy news, he is overjoyed! You made him the proudest man in the world. His beautiful wife brings new life into the world! Who would not be happy and proud?
⦁ You both knew from the beginning that you wanted children. You didn't want to wait long to have them and now you are going to be very young parents.
⦁ Ignis takes care of you as if you were the greatest treasure on earth. Well, he did that before, but now his protective instinct has also become stronger.
⦁ Ignis cooks you meals that are healthy, but also very tasty! So no boring dishes, just really fancy things!
⦁ Ignis knows that you are going through a special time and that you need every support, and you will get it from him. He does most of the housework because he doesn’t want you to overwork yourself.
⦁ He will prepare baths for you, with fragrant oils, and petals of flowers. And while you take a bath, he admires you, caressing your belly, while he keeps looking at you gently. Full of love.
⦁ He often makes trips with you. Your favorite destination is Galdin Quay. There you spend passionate nights together.
⦁ Sometimes, you sit on the beach at night and look at the stars in the sky. You talk about your future. These evenings will remain in your memory for a long time, because they are very special.
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yourimaginationrealm · 2 months ago
Final Fantasy XV
Noctis x reader (x Prompto)
_________________________________ Part 1: How you met him…  __________________________________
How you met his father, the king…..
Let’s say, you still felt uncomfortable around Noctis. No matter how you met him, you stuck between casual calling him and in a bow. That makes him so embarrassed too. But it is hard-core to hear or see him in the  Radio or TV and then act as he would be just an ordinary guy. Even your own parents couldn't believe you and say ‚Yeah that is your wish, right?‘.  However, at lunch time, he is always with you and Prompto. He takes a nap or eats something. At these times, you got used to him and even made some jokes around him. Always a little shy but he noticed your wicked smile while you looked away from him. Prompto is usually on your side to prank the royal friend of yours. He just smirked like you as he countered back.
„Guys , don't forget who will be king someday…“ He would threat. And you dared to say:
„ Yeah, the king of naps.“ Prompto just falls off from his chair due all his laughter. Slowly, you warmed up to the prince who is definitely happy about it. You can feel that he is not different at all. But this feeling crumbled every time, he invites you to his royal home. The feeling that you were million miles different and far away from this boy. The first time, you walked in like a lost puppy. And as you more got into the building, it seems bigger and bigger . You followed Noctis with a free caring Prompto. After a while you entered a fancy room with a large table. The dishes on the nice decorated table were already set.
“Noct?“ you heared a fine British accent.
„Here.“ The prince called out. A slender man with light brown hair which were all drawn back and glasses came from another room in as he bowed.
„Welcome home , your highness.“ Well there it goes.
„Hi Iggy!“ Prompto waved to him. From formal to casual. Then, his eyes met you as he closed the distance between your figures. His hand reaches out to you to shake as you directly accepted it.
„ You must be Lady L/N. Gracious to make your company. You can call me Ignis “ You nod with a light smile and nervous for being called 'Lady'? „And I need to say thank you for taking care of the prince.“ Now, you were more puzzled.
„Huh?“  Even Noctis breathed out.
„I heard you took care of him as he had a bleeding nose.“ His eyes shifted to Noctis as he uncomfortable moved to stand on the other leg.
„Where do you know?“ The prince questioned.
„ A shocked nurse came to the king and informed him about it.“ You glanced to Noctis as he rolled his eyes.
„ Come on, I told her, she shouldn’t annoy my father.“   Prompto giggled behind him.
„ I am sorry but that he got hurt was because of me…“ Ignis smiled a bit .
„ I bet his clumsiness was at fault.“ A Noctis wanted to protest but he continues „ Anyway how was the bento I made? Did you taste that I used the flavour from ....*X*, *Y*"  In the end, you understand just nothing and made him clear that you enjoyed it. In an instant, he vanished to prepare your evening meal.
„He is nice…. „ You mumbled. Noctis sighed
„ Nice like a ragging mother….“ Prompto chuckled.
„ Yeah, but he has it hard with you.“ Then Noctis wanted to hit him on his head as the blonde ducked. „HA !“ He yelled and suddenly Noctis hit him on his stomach. „ Ugh! Not fair!“ The prince smirked only. Then, his eyes wandered to you. You were staring at the fancy decoration with a mouth agape. He was a little afraid that you were too ‚impressed' and will maybe avoid him in the future. Many others did so. He coughed to get your attention. Your eyes reached his as he stuttered
„ A-Are" Really now? „ Are you alright?.“ With wide eyes you nod.
„ I think so….. „ You muttered. Prompto just mentions
„ You haven't seen anything. Wait up when you see-„ Noctis stopped him by giving him a death glare.
„ I am okay. I just go for little girls.“ Embarrassed, they noticed your impressed staring, you left the room quickly to search the toilet. Well, while stamping away, you recognized that you have no idea were the toilet is. „ Just great , Y/N.“ You mumbled to yourself. So you opened every door and peeked inside secretly. Of course, only when nobody was around. Somebody noticed you as you opened the door. You pretended that you need to go in there as you entered a room which you just stared in disbelief. The roof was unbelievable high and the gold and silver decorated the whole room. Your head brought up as you walked backwards. „Wow.“  Then you recognize this room as you contained more details. This is…. The throne room. ‚Holy shit‘ you mind screamed. This was what you had seen on pictures and TV but in reality, it was more majestic. A voice brought you to shriek and turned around abruptly .
„Miss how can I help you?“ His deep voice hollered through the room as you eyes pooped out like pizzas. Few second were needed as you bowed directly and showed your respect .
„ My majesty . I apologize.“ Nothing more could pass your dry throat. He chuckled as he stand up.
„ It seems I startled you. These clothing….. You are in the same school like my son.“ Slowly, he stepped down the stairs. As he climped down seemingly hurt, you just couldn't stand there and rushed to him for help. He smiled at it kindly. Was it okay for you to touch him? Then, he stopped and turned to you.
„ Thank you for your help. But can you tell me your name?“  Again you bowed as you answered him „ Y/N L/N, my majesty!“  His eyebrows knitted as he spoke up.
„ L/N ? Oh, your parents are excellent baker. This Choco chili cake is truly magnificent.“  Oh, when you parents would hear this.
„ Thank you very much, your Excellency.“ There he waved his hands in front of him.
„Stop this formal talk. My duty for this day is done. Just Regis.“ You looked surprised at him as your lips left .
„ Like your son.“ Curiously, he watched you.
„You know my son Noctis personally?“ You nodded.
„ He invited me here for a feast.“ You slowly told him. He started to laugh.
„How bold has this boy become , not tell his father about a female guest for himself.“ After helping him the whole stairs down, the king started with you a light conversation and wanted to know how you met his son. Shyly, you told him that you hit him with the door. You thought, he would be angry instead he snickered about it. „No wonder he would hide it. He got a pretty girl taking care of him.“ You blushed as he smiled at your reaction.
„ I don't think-" Suddenly, the door snapped open to reveal the prince.
„Y/N?“ he asked and then after a shock, realizing his father. „ Father…..“ He gulped. Hell, he didn't told him about her. The king sighed.
„Son.“ He smiled cheekily at his own blood. Noctis avoided his smirk in silence. Just awkward… Then, you said to lighten up the situation.
„So I believe…. This isn’t the bathroom?“ A chuckled is heard from the corner in this room. There stood a knightglaive slightly shaking his shoulders because of your words. Was he the whole time here? Regis spoke up to his son.
„Show your female guest, Y/N, the way to the bathroom,  my son. And behave well around her.“ Noctis breathed out and gestured to come over. You turn and before you could bow, he reached a hand to you . „ I shall take my leave now. I hope, you have wonderful evening here, Miss Y/N L/N. May we blessed meeting again.“ You nodded and accepted his handshake. With a beating heart, you sloppily dragged behind Noctis.
„Wow. I like your father.“You simply stated.
“Huh?!“ He stopped and looked at you. „How long have you been with him?“ you shrugged
„ Quite a while…..“ ‚Oh great!‘ He thought. This meant, tonight is going to held an interrogation by his father. Then, you hold your cheeks.
„He called me pretty.“  ‚Wha-! What did you just talk with him?!' Noctis watched you in disbelief.
King Regis was from beginning a wonderful person and king. His soon death couldn'/t You shake of easily. Thank God ,there were multiple times, you had met him after your first meeting. 
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dragonsoulage · 2 months ago
✨Rules✨ & What I write ✍🏻
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I am like really shit in doing this stuff, but I have the feeling as a blog you kinda need to do it? Like to make it over all more accurate and idk feeling like a blog ?🤣💀 It’s not like I ever had a blog where I had structure, just like my life ✌🏻 But we will try to make some rules and some clarification for what I write in general ✨
// When it should happen that you place a request, please be aware that I won’t do any OCs, the reader always will be (Y/N) although I try to avoid writing it like this. The character is always just described vaguely so anyone can imagine themselves how they like it ✨
// I am always writing about a fem!reader not that I dislike a gn!reader or anything but writing fem!reader is simply this what I am used to since I identify myself as female. It makes things easier for me and I am doing fan fiction for fun 💜
//when you send me a request it will maybe take some time even when I don’t have any other requests to do. I think we all know the feeling when we need to ✨feel✨ the scenario to actually write it. When I won’t do a scenario you send me I will tell you. It doesn’t mean that your scenario you requested is bad or anything but maybe I don’t feel good enough to write it or simply don’t know how
//sending me ideas is always welcome, especially for smau ✨ or any wishes you might have when I should add a character into another smau etc. I am happy to make it happen when I can 💜
//when you simply don’t like my content that’s fine with me but pls don’t write comments like: who does this and that? Makes no sense to me…blah, blah, blah. Then just scroll further and that’s it. Of course when you have a suggestion what would have made it a little better for you or what I could’ve add this is totally fine, as long as it is respectful. ✨
//pls don’t hint at my damn writing mistakes like grammar and spelling. I really, really try to avoid them as good as I can. But English is not my first language. I use different spelling and grammar tools but I guess some things are still not correct since I don’t pay for a full version for these tools. Like b*tch I pay for 4 streaming services, I have my limits 💀🤣 and for my smau stuff, I take a look and mostly I discover them when I already uploaded I am really sorry for this 🥲
What I write ✍🏻
//I totally write fluff for you, so when you have an cute ideas I am so damn down for it 🤌🏻 fluffy fluff is balm to my soul 💗
//I am fine to write angst for you, especially for co plex characters that have a certain depth to them. And even when the char maybe is acting goofy I am still up to write something angsty. I enjoy making heartbreaking things. And I am just a girl I like listen to Sleep Token and be all melancholy and depressed ✌🏻
//I would write smut for you without blinking an eye 👀 I mean writing smut is kinda new to me. But I enjoy being a little smutty and I qm honest I am proud to have a straight face while reading smut in public 🤙🏻 when you have a request with something I won’t do, because I don’t feel comfortable I will tell you. But since I just don’t have enough experience to tell you exactly what I won’t write like any kinks or something, we need to find out but then I will add it here 😊
//I am ok with writing about darker themes, of course I will put trigger warnings in these posts. For example when domestic ab*se is mentioned or r*pe it’s always in a traumatic situation never to enjoy. Like for angsty stories. Just to make this clear. So I won’t write a smut with abusive content but I am ok with writing about these topics over all to make an angsty story.
//when I have anything more to add here I will do it ✨💜 I am simply new doing these serious blog stuff, idk even know what to write into that at all but well this here turned out. 💀✨
What I write for✌🏻
I watched a lot of stuff I guess but not everything lol 🤣💀 probably I forgot something but well I still can add things 👀🤣 when I watched something new 👀
Demon Slayer
Jujutsu Kaisen
Attack on Titan
Death Note
Tokyo Revengers (I am just done watching season 1 so well I just feel bold enough to write for characters that were presented in this season)
Hellsing (sorry but Alucard is like my favorite vampire but when you want to request another char like Pip that it fine with me too)
The Apothecary Diaries
I probably watched more that I guess I could write for but, then there are anime I watched, like Overlord but don’t have the urge to write anything to it, these are not listed of course xD But just for your I for your Information I didn’t watch One Piece or Bleach. These are animes that are still on my list ✌🏻
Since I like some specific games and I can count some as JRPGs I would write for these games too. So when you want to place a request for this I am more than happy to oblige 💕✨ even when I mostly post about anime but sometimes even I feel the urge to write the cutest Cloud Strife fluff I can think about. Or when you are into indie horrorgames like Sally Face I would be so happy to write for you💜
Final Fantasy 15
Final Fantasy 16
Final Fantasy 7
Sally Face
So I think we have everything, this was completely improvised and I am writing this like 2 in the morning 💀 well thank you for your attention when you made it this far 🤣🤌🏻 here a cookie🍪 for you and for the special ones a bubble tea 🧋because I am obsessed with bubble tea 🌚✨
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indigosuvi · 10 months ago
Giving Flowers
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 503 | Read it on AO3 | Masterlist | Tag List
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You'd be surprised to know that, despite Gladiolus being good with people. He had never been given flowers. He didn't mind, and he hadn't really noticed before.
When you met him, you noticed that his name was a type of flower. You both took the time to get to know one another. Gladiolus continued with his usual behavior of flirting, talking, and giving gifts to you. Nothing ever went further for him before. You had planned to give him flowers as soon as you could. You just had to find the perfect ones and the perfect time to give them to you. He was always good at having conversations and interacting with people. Yet, one day, you found the gladiolus flower, and you handed it to him with a smile.
He looked at you and smiled back, taking them from you and thanking you. He didn't say anything else as he looked at them. A smile still remained. The friendly and talkative man was once at a loss for words.
“They're gladiolus.” You said.
He blinked and chuckled. Of course, you would find something with his name. He had never realized it before. He knew, but he just didn't think of it. He still remained silent, holding the flowers.
“Thank you.” He said as he looked at you.
“Have you ever been given flowers before?”
“No, actually, I haven't. These are beautiful.”
He felt slightly bad that he hadn't gotten you anything in return. You didn't mind.
“How do I care for them?”
“Just change the water every so often and cut the stems at an angle. It will help the water be absorbed.”
He nodded. He had never been given flowers before, and he didn't know the first thing about taking care of them. He would try his best, though. They were flowers in a vase. They wouldn't last long anyway, but with the information that you gave him, they would last a little bit longer. He seemed happy with the flowers, and he was. Maybe next time you would give him flowers that he could plant at his house. He did love nature and camping.
“They should last about a week.”
He nodded. “Thank you again.”
“You're welcome.”
He would make sure that they were safe as he drove them home. He wasn't sure the best place to put them. However, he decided that the nightstand by his bed would be a good place. He would get to see them as he woke up and when he went to sleep at night. He wouldn't forget who had given them to him, and when he wasn't busy, he'd take the time to admire them, smiling as he thought about you. He would think of a plan to give you something as beautiful as what you had given him. He didn't have to repay you. You didn't mind giving him things. However, he didn't think he had given you anything as nice as you had to him. You deserve something better, something pretty...
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @eli-chris, @imagineherbrightskies
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prynacle · 1 year ago
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Merry Christmas to me ✨
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krisssssssy · 1 year ago
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zeroth-writes · 2 years ago
Frustrating Feelings -Noctis Lucis Caelum-
masterlist | request
Prompt: I would love to request a Noctis x reader where both of them fought non stop and the chocobros kept making jokes about the tension between female reader and noctis being a little NSFW and needed to fix it!
Pairing: Noctis Lucis Caelum / Fem!Reader
Word Count: 846
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“When are you going to do it already?” Prompto groaned out of nowhere. The two of you glared back to find everyone else staring at you with crossed arms.
“What?” “Excuse me?” Noctis and yourself spoke simultaneously before stepping away from each other. You both making disgusted face while stepping further way from each other.
Gladio let out a booming laugh before stepping towards the crowned prince. “You really outta just admit it. Before we all go insane.” The larger man threw his arm around Noctis, who looked up with narrow eyes. “We know you have a thing for her. All this arguing you do? It’s all the frustration built up from lack of action, and you just really like her. Just get over it and ask her out for something. Better yet spend a night alone together. Locked in a room, just the two of you.”
Before Noctis would disagree, out the corner of his eyes he notices you and Ignis talking in the corner. At first glance it was easy to tell the advisor was simply trying to calm your emotions. Yet he couldn’t stop himself from having a unwelcoming feeling of jealousy at the sight.
He shook away the feelings before turning back to Gladio. “Why would I even want that?” The shield’s booming laugh could be heard to everyone in the group, causing everyone to turn and look towards the pair.
“Come to room 4, please. There is something we’d like to discuss with you”
Noctis stared down at his phone and frowned. It was rare for Ignis to invite someone out this late.
Cautiously, Noctis left the confines of his rented room and traveled town down to the requested room.
A soon as the door unlatched and swung open, Noctis was turning on his heels. Standing on the other side of the bed, facing away from the door, was you.
The sound of the door caught your attention, causing you to spin around with a smile on your face. Yet that smile dwindled away once you realized Noctis was standing in the doorway instead of Ignis.
Unfortunate for Noctis, before he could sneak out the room and back to his own, your voice rang through his ears.
“Why are you here?”
“I was invited here, what are you doing here? Before Noctis could stop himself, a response fell from his lips.
You scoffed at his response. “No. I was invited here by Ignis, and he promised you wouldn't be anyway near here.” You folded your arms with a slight pout forming on your lips. “Well i suppose that’s the difference between us. I’m mature enough to be around you.”
Your eyes went wide at his words before they narrowed in his direction. A noticeable smirk formed on his lips at the all too familiar sight of your anger.
Before you could stop yourself a strong rebuttal flew from your lips. The smirk fell for a brief second before returning with one of his own.
The two of you continued to argue. Throwing words and arms around, point at each other. All until the voices stalled out and left heavy breathing in its wake.
For a split second you’re eyes met. All the anger that previously filled you disbanded, leaving the feeling of need and want.
Two sets of hands flew around each other as you both drew the other closer. Your hands inching upwards as your nails begin to dig into his soft strands before pulling slightly.
A soft moan left his slightly parted lips while his hands moved down your sides. Feeling your figure along the while before moving back upwards, taking the thin fabric of your shirt with him.
The only time the contact was lost was when you were removing clothes from each others body.
In a messy mix of passion and overdeveloped frustration, the pair falls on the bed. Rolling around the sheets as it begin to jumble up underneath your naked forms.
After several minuets, Noctis finally pinned you down on your back. Before he could pull back, a pain pulsed through his body beginning at his lip.
The prince jolts back at the shock before bringing a fingertips to his lips then into his vision. He left out a soft ‘hmm’ at the sight of his own blood.
His eyes peered down at the innocent look resting on your face. A smirk falls on his lips at the sight. “You’re gonna regret doing that”
When the sun finally broke through the darkness of night. the other members of the group slowly crept into the silent room. Each head peeking in through the small crack between the door and its frame.
Prompto coven his mouth to avoid a loud squeal from erupting from his mouth.
Ignis let out a long yet soft sigh, hoping that the long arguments and one-upping days are long gone.
Gladio simply smirked. His eyes moved between the two bodies laying together in the bed to his two friends on either side of him before moving back to the bed.
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genderchrisisspeaks · 6 months ago
Lord Gortash(BG3) reminds me freakishly of Adryn(FFXV) and the mild attraction I feel towards both of them is very much consistent.
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shitpostingkats · 3 months ago
We also have to talk about the uniform standards of the crownsguard. Yes black must be your PRIMARY color yes you MUST have a little skull and crossbones somewhere on your back yes you MUST wear black shoes with red soles yes you MUST have a little belt chain that you bought for 23 dollars at hot topic. Other than that? Go nuts.
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ninemelodies · 10 months ago
do you think the boys (and probably cindy lbr) ever go back to gralea for the regalia?
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mariogirl369 · 1 year ago
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Happy birthday to Prompto! (Still feeling bad for him both in canon and Operation Noctis and Epoch Engage...)
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gloomy-kitty · 2 years ago
CURRENTLY taking requests/asks for reader inserts/imagines for the following fandoms chainsaw man (caught up with manga), jjk (started culling arc), final fantasy xv, vii7 remake, xvi (all completed), and fire emblem (awakening, sov, fates, 3h) so send them to my ask box!! nsfw content is allowed angst fluff etc!! send requests/scenarios to my ask box. i will also do matchups for any fandom listed!!
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yourimaginationrealm · 3 months ago
Final Fantasy XV Noctis x reader x Prompto __________________
Well, this is something I found on another data storage device.... It's been a while I have written it and I have more... ____________________________ Part 2: How you met his father, the king….. ____________________________ ________________________________
How you met him… 
Noctis was known well. The prince of Insomnia. The son of King Regis. The handsome prince…. And so on. More importantly he goes to a regular school like commoners. Anyway while everybody and every of your friends were swooning about him, you were different. There you stand on the bottom kneeling and swooning about a puppy. ,By the six, nobody could be cute like this!‘ your thoughts run wild as you pet the fury. Only if you can send this to Prompto! Yes , Prompto is a friend to you. And the only one you fantalk about animals. At evening you send each other’s memes or photos of cute pets . Sometimes even he shot themselves. Once you meet him in middle school. He had a little more weight as it should be but he was totally alright as a human. He got the heart on the right place!  And then your father got a small Job outside of the town and you slowly lost contact to the precious boy. Few years later you came back to high school and boom! You bumped into someone tall and thin with freckles on his cheeks and messy hair. Holy your eyes were wide.
„PRO-" Suddenly you were in his embrace and he yell loudly.
„Y/N!! How long has it been?.“ A smile came to your face as you felt the familiar warm and smell of the boy.
„Too long?“ you mumbled in his shirt. However you missed something on him. What it was you noticed as you got a good view on him without his arms around you. That was definitely impressive ….. His overweight or any fat which was on him wasn't on the place anymore.
„What?!“ you screamed. „ Prompto you workout?“ You winked at him while he got flustered and stumbled on his words. „ You look even cute now!“ you smirked at him as he got redder.
„N/N STAAAHP! You say embrassing things . You too!“ He yelled back with eyes closed. Even you felt slightly warm around your cheeks. Because he was the first boy who complimented you. Suddenly, he changed the topic in your chitchat. „Mhhh maybe we got same courses ? Anyway I need to go now and find my friend. Next time or at lunch I introduce him to you.!“ He eagerly told me and hurried into the building.
„Ooookay….. must be urgent.“ 
The first day ended positive in high school. Definitely, because of meeting your old friend. Outside, you watched how the club activities started. Still, you could not decide which you should choose. After while, watching the others play some sports, you felt eyes on you. You look around but couldn't find the person who you thought were watching you. There, you shrugged the feeling away. Again, after a pause, you felt yourself being looked at. With more confidence, you looked around as you still didn’t find someone. Then suddenly, you tripped over something and fell flat on the grass.
„ Ow!“ you exhaled as you saw the culprit was a leg. With black pants. The male who it belonged to is asleep (or pretended to be at this time)  against a tree. You couldn’t make out his face because of his dark blue bangs hiding the most part of his. „Sorry….“ You whispered as you stand up again. And while you stand up, you fucking recognized that your unwanted school skirt was from the fall dragged up. Thank God, the boy was in deep slumber or he had seen your panties with red hearts on it. Tomato red, you hurried from the unconscious one away. Unknown to you, he had the same blush on his face and held back a laughter. ( This incident, he refers later to you on the journey.)
Next day, first classes were chemistry. Oh god, how you hated it. And the worst part, it was with Prompto who only couldn't sit with you because you came a little late due to the traffic. There, you had the table for you alone until someone later than you came to the class and took the seat next to you. Well, it was direct on the door…. With second glance risked, you recognize him to be the boy from yesterday. Only, to saw his eyes now. Bloodly hell and by the gods, what had you missed?! He was hot ….. And beautiful. You directly looked to the teacher with heat on your cheeks. The teacher must often hush the girls from the back seats for a reason as you steal sometimes a glance to the handsome boy next to you. Luck was on you as the teacher gave you teamwork to do with a paper sheet. And, as you shyly asked him about the answer from the third question when he showed it to you lazily. Slowly, you reached the end or your work:
„Finally ! We did  it.“ You let your body fell back into the seat. The bell rang. He huffed and spoke up relieved
„Can get my less sleep from the morning  back.“ With closed eyes he almost dropped his head on the table.
„Not enough sleep huh?“ He smirked as he mocked
„There would be never enough for me….“ You laughed and introduced yourself while giving your hands out to shake it
. „My name is Y/N.“ He took it gently as he gave you a small smile .
„Nice to know you Y/N.“ you waited for him to give you his name but somehow he kept silent.
„ uhm …“ you tried to find the words and asked him nicely. He rised one of his eyebrow. „How is your name?“ Well, that is an ordinary question right? I meant, he blinked multiple times at you and had a slight open mouth. A little did you panic. What was wrong? The blue haired was just speechless. Why could she not know? But would explain why she was so casual with him. That was definitely what he liked . No formal adressing and speaking with him like a normal student. There, you almost asked him what’s wrong as he closed his lips to speak.
„ I am Noc-"
„Y/N!!!“ a whiny voice shrieked through the room as some slender arms hugged your waist. Prompto's head is on your tummy as you looked down at your friend.
„Woaaah Prompto !!“ Still, the nameless boy was utterly confused as the blonde male is holding you and watched the scene in surprise.
„I missed ya! Morning you need to come earlier!“ you rolled your eyes. Like a kid. Before you could ask the boy again with his name he was surrounded from females from your class and they squealed loudly enough for you to leave the room from the annoying girls. Prompto just looked back and muttered
"I believe he is not coming any sooner there out. Come we already go to the next lecture!“ 
The next weeks, you met the pretty boy only on few occasions. Like getting food on your break time and leaving the school while he waits outside leaning on the walls from your school to get picked up. There were some greetings there and here.  However, once you dripped over something on the large staircase and almost fell down the hundred steps as he suddenly appears in front of you and stopped your falling. How he was suddenly there to your rescue is a big question for you until you went with him outside the town. This is going to happen in a few years . You thanked him puzzeled as he held you on place . Some of your female classmates would glare daggers on you because of your closeness with him. He just nods and you start to apologize for leaving him. Somehow your were quite shocked what happened and needed air. Outside, you couldn't just explain yourself why this felt so familiar. He just grapped your both arms as he tried to hold you and says
" Be careful !“ something in your memories just popped up as you recalled the events from the fifth may ten years ago.:
Flashback 😏
Your cat was missing. And you went after school directly to search him. Sadly, you couldn't know where it had gone as you just strolled the streets down. Your already had puffy eyes not only because you missed your cat. You really didn't know were you are. Some people asked you if somethings is wrong and you shook your head. No, no, no, you gonna end this and find her. You wiped your tears away and stamped forwards.  There was a large building which reaches the clouds. There lives the king like always your dad  mentioned to you. Maybe, you can ask the king for help. With confidence, you reached the front door from the palace. The soldiers just watched you amused.
„ I wish to speak with the king" you demanded. In movies you already know how to demand the royal presence. They gawk at you and just laughed.
„Dude, did you hear that?“ his friend nodded and they almost make their pants wet. You pouted.
„Hey if you search your parents asks the guy over there in green clothing he helps you.
„... but my father said the king would help for any crisis and be there for the people?“ You questioned the man who has now a puzzled face.
„ Because he has no time for child’s play.“ Then you walk disappointed away. ‚Why…. I thought he would help me….‘ suddenly you hear a loud ‚meow‘ as you turned around. There, you saw something red gushing into a bush. This could be your cat! You just run after it without thinking. You have to got through a fence . Thank good that you were small and could press yourself through it. Then, you got near to your cat as you called out to her but she just jumped away and run deeper into the garden with various plants. Suddenly, you see people and just hide behind a big tree. ‚Where am I? And who are those people with weird clothing?“  Scratch this, you need to catch your cat.  Slowly, you tip-toed to the next tree. This went on for a while until someone from the building was walking into the garden and looked around what for a noise he heard. There, you lied flat under a bank with you hand on your mouth and you heart beating strongly. You didn't felt when the man disappeared as a voice called out in hush
„You can come out. He is away..“ You looked to the voice came from and found dark blue sneakers. Then, he bends down and held a hand towards you for helping you to get out. A little confused, you took it and stand up.
„ What are you doing here in our garden?.“ A boy in the same age as you (you assumed ) asked you curiously. Suddenly, you got sad and mumbled.
„I was searching my beloved cat… And, I saw it here playing around and yeah somehow I just run after it and….. got here….“ The stranger just stared at you with concern as he offered
„Then, we search together?“ 
With his aid, you somehow managed to get your cat and held it in your arms. Anyway, you both reached even outside the garden and took shelter under an old roof. You squeezed together with the stranger to keep yourself warm.
„ It seems that it goes down for a while.“ He mentioned.
„ But before it gets dark I must return home!“ Silently, you started to sniff as he turns and patted your head.
„ Don’t worry, we somehow get back. I believe we need to get soaked to find back…. The weather is not going to change for a while….“ With wrinkled eyebrows, he watched the sky. Without a warning, your cat scratched you as she jumped from your arms and disappeared into the wilderniss of town.
„Oh no!“ you yelled and started to cry. Your new friend began to calm you as he hugged you and motivated to keep going now. You nodded and sniffled a bit. He reached out his left hand to you.
„We must stay together.“ He smiled and you returned his. Drenched in rain the boy and you run towards the large to tower as he knows that was were you both started your search. After a while running, the boy asked someone for the way and you already took slowly the steps down from a park. Cause the rain, they were so slippery and you began to slip and fell down.
„ Ahhh!“ you screamed as the boy called out.
„ Hey!“ And in no time, he jumped in front of you to stop your falling. You just could make out some blue glitters around him.
„Wha- thank you!“ He smiled and said.
„Just be careful.“ As the sun went down, you and the boy were picked up from a policemen who searched you both. As the police car parked in front of your house, you turned to your new friend.
„I don't wanna go in…. They must be mad…“ You whispered. He nodded and said.
„ Me too. I think my father is over worried too but Gladio is going on a rampage!.“ He remembered the last time, he snuck out and his face got pale.
„But thank you for helping me. I was glad to meet you.“ He turned his face to you and nodded hastily.
„Yes! Even all was a bit scary,  It was even fun with you! Like a real adventure.“ Your eyes lit up.
„ Oh yeah let's do it soon again!“  Then, he smiles widely and laughs a bit. He was more silent over your stroll but now, he opened up and his blue eyes are showing how happy he is.
„Not before you are old enough! You can go on adventure when you old enough.“ The policeman scolded you as you flinched.
„Yes….“ You said. Then you jumped out of the car and waved happily the boy good-bye. Before you knew it, the car followed the main street down and you just realized. „ I forgot to ask him about his name!“ At home your parents were angered but even relieved you came back safe. 
So years went by and you heard nothing from the boy or see anything.
You realized, it must be the same boy from ten years and him. The hairstyle was back then more wielded and his bangs didn't covered his eyes. Definitely, you must speak it up next time. As you thought about how you  should approach him, you walked to your next course. ‚Damn does he even remember this time? And does it not sound creepy?  Maybe, I better ask him again about his name to start this conversation. Yeah that is right!.“ With new motivation and plan, seriously who thought about someone to approach ? You swung the door open to enter the room. Unfortunately, the door crashed against someone who grunted in pain. 
„Noct!“ an all to well known voice rang out worried. Wait….. As you look behind the door, you saw the boy on the floor sitting on his butt. He held his nose as he glared at your direction. His glare softens as he realized who it was.
„ I am sorry. My fault I shouldn't have-" Then red liquid quilled from his hands like water . OH HELL YOU BROKE HIS NOSE. Prompto searched eagerly for tissues. As he wanted to lay his head back you rushed to him. „No, you should let it all out. Or the blood runs down your throat!“ Your right hand reached his neck as you held him down. A little did he flinch at your contact as he blinked to your side. „Come I bring you to the nurse!“ The blood ran as you helped him to stop it but you just dirtied your hands with it. This was a little embarrassing from the young man as you held the bloodied tissues (thanks to Prompto) softly on his nose. „Really I didn’t mean to swing the door open like that!“  Totally worried, you opened the door to the nurse room. He chuckled and mumbled
„ Don't worry. I didn't pay attention either.“ The nurse in the room just called who it was. „Sorry for disturbing but we have someone here with a bloody nose which can't stop!“ The nurse chuckled behind the curtain.
„Put him on the bed. I help you in an instant.“ Like said, the male sit on the soft bed and waited until the nurse helped him. You just waited with him too. As she puts aside the curtains, she registered who just sat in her room. Her eyes went wide as she bowed. ‚What….?‘ you questioned her weird behaviour. ‚ I apologize I didn't know who entered the room.  There she still bowed her head to the floor. Really now?
„I am sorry but your patient is bleeding like hell and if you don't stop your bowing, he ends up dead from blood loss!“ you mentioned pissed. How stupid is that? The male watches your reaction amused as she almost tripped over her feet and started to stop his bleeding. Like order from you she apologized for her late reaction... Okaaaaaaay.
„Should I inform the king from your injury?“ the nurse asked as she wrote down the report with shaky hands.
„Oh god, please no!“ the male speaked up almost freaked out. „Don't worry him about this little fuss.“  ‚Why the king?‘ you asked yourself.  As you both left the room, the nurse again bowed down . Weird woman…..  You paid for his meal during lunch time as an apology .
„ Really you don't need to. I have plenty food enough from home.“ He reassures. The last words, he muttered inaudible for you. „ Ignis would kill me if his cooked food is untouched.“ Then, like a lightning it struck him. „ Do you eat vegetables?“ he asked you.
„ Huh? Ehm … sure?“ Suddenly, he opened a fancy bento box as a dream sight of arranged food enters your eyes. You gaped at it.
„ There“ he held the delicious food to you. „ You can eat it up. Just give me the box back.“ 
„ You don't wanna eat it?“
„No, I hate carrots and there is a lot of another things in it I hate.�� I am happy with the bought food.“ You took the box and start to eat it.
„Thanks…“ Hell whoever did this has a real talent in cooking. „How’s your nose?“ you ask him.
„Better. It stings a little but not broken anything.“
„ Thank the six gods.“ You sighed.
„Hey you two!“ The blonde male waved as he hurried to you.
„ What a surprise  you already known each other for a time?“  You shake your head.
„Well we met on occasions but really known not why?“ Prompto laughed as he said .
„ This is my best friend who I wanted to introduce to you.“ He said proudly.
„ Oh nice. And…..?“  His shoulders dropped.
„AND WHAT?“ he yelled. „You know that it is something.“ The boy warned his blonde friend.
„ Please Prompto. I introdu-" You took another large bite as Prompto let the bomb fall. „ He is The prince from Insomnia . Noctis Lucis Caelum.“ He gestured to your male you sat next to. ‚ What…‘ your mind went blank. You looked back at the called one as he rolls his eyes annoyed from his friend.
„Can you not wait and made everything dramatic,  Prompto?“  Noctis….. Wait you remembered Prompto called him Noct so this can not be a joke. And Noctis is the name from the prince who belonged to the royal Lucis family who rule over Insomnia. And the name of the king’s son. The prince. Bloody hell. That explains why you met him in the royal gardens. You helped at this time that the prince went missing. This explains even the crazy fangirls. And that he was always alone somewhere. You talked him so casually all the time. And didn't recognize the prince of your town. Hell, he must think that you stupid. You almost broke his nose and accused the poor nurse of her behaviour. And ….. eat up his lunch….. You pale. „ Look what have you done now she feels uncomfortable around me!“ He bickered at his friend.
„ But how could she not know?“  Yeah how could you? Maybe you never believed your were able to befriend with the King’s son. You set down his half eaten lunch box.  You turned to Prince Noctis as you fall on your knees as  you exclaimed.
„ I apologize for my treason, majesty!  I accept my punishment. “ Prompto directly took his camera out as he oogled you with wide eyes. Noctis now begin to feel ashamed as all eyes land on him.
„ Treason? What? No , majesty ? I am not my father when you must say ‚ your highness but please stand up!!! Prompto don’t you dare-"
„Too late.“ He giggles as he watches the new shot photos.  You looked up shakily. Noctis sighed relieved as you were on the same level like him again. Prompto snickered as he said
„ This is not how you do it. You need to bow slightly and say ‚your highness‘.“ Like fast you did as said.
„Prompto…..“ The prince groaned
. „I apolgize for my rude behaviour.  I am not to know well with all the royal concept.“ You looked down to avoid his eyes. Again, he sighed as he caught one of your shoulders to get your eye contact. „
Y/n" he remembered your name. „ Believe me I am happy you actually don't. All this royal adressing makes me sick. Please call me just Noctis without prince or highness. Treat me like a normal mate here in school.  I have this enough at home…“ You nod as you still progress that the prince talked to you. Prompto smiled as he touched your other shoulder.
„ Told you he is nice!“ He laughed and added „ But totally lazy.“
„IDIOT what have just said?“ he glared at his best friend. The blonde put his tongue out. After while, you all sat again in silent and eating your foods. Somehow, you finished the royal fancy food. Then, Noctis received a call. „Hello? Oh , it's you  Ignis. Yeah…. Hmm…. Yeah I did eat them. What? Of course, why should I lie? He sneaks a glance to your holding his empty bento box. No. Did you just call because of this?“ he mumbled annoyed. Prompto just broke into his conversation
„ Say hello from me to Iggy!“ You could not believe how casual Prompto was with him and maybe others. As the phone call has ended, Noctis opened from his phone the camera app as he took a photo from the empty food box on your lap. „ That makes him shut up now.“ He smirks evilly.
„Dude…..“ Prompto shakes his head. „Did you just have on your photo the delicious legs from Y/N?“ he arched  an eyebrow.  You blushed at the compliment and the description from your legs. Noctis turned beet red on his ears.
„ Yeah why?“ „Have luck that he believes you.“  Like it was planned a sudden tone signalled  that Noctis got a message.
Your highness, Like it seems the bento box I made is empty. You were right with the food. Please asks the female how the the various creation from vegetables tasted.  I would like to hear her recommendation. And introduce me to her at the evening. If she likes I set up a fine meal for you and her.  Congratulations for your first female friend.😉 Greetings, Ignis
Noctis rolled his eyes as he reads the message. He questioned why Luna doesn't count as female friend but anyway:
„Hey, Y/N Do you have time after school?“ he just asks without looking at her.
„ Uhm..  Yeah a little time I have? Why?“ he shrugged his shoulder as he said.
„ Ignis is ready to make more food  today.“ You nodded as Prompto yelled.
„ Hell yeah, warm prepared food after school!“ He dreamily looked to the sky as Noctis declared annoyed. 
„Did I invite you?“ 
Another beep sound:
Hey sleepy head, Just had meet Iggy, fine legs those you photographed. You got taste. Eager to see her face😏 How far are you with her😚? No wonder you were so motivated to get early in school, hehe. Don’t forget training today! Gladio.
Noctis can only sigh about this and shut down his phone. "Great.... Let's go back to class..."
____________________________ Part 2: How you met his father, the king….. ____________________________
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