#Gina Lombardi
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courtana · 9 months ago
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INDIANA JONES AND THE GREAT CIRCLE (2024) Official Showcase Reveal dev. MachineGames
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brezelzeit · 2 months ago
Couldn’t resist this meme knowing that canonly Dame Nawal and Laura Lombardi are sapphic asf and dating… and the fact I also ship Voss and Gantz.
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pedroam-bang · 2 months ago
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Indiana Jones And The Great Circle (2024)
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obi-wokenobi · 3 months ago
As it is known, modern day internet Nazis have a thing going against modern day Indiana Jones.
Mostly because the old cranky archeologist is now seen sharing his adventures with women who, unlike the INCELS that hate them, act like assertive fully grown adults.
Something like that apparently happens in Indiana Jones and The Great Circle. The game features a woman named Gina Lombardi. Gina is a no-nonsense reporter who also has the audacity of having a very strong & chiseled chin. Nothing upsets culture warrior types more than seeing women with a modafukin' square jaw.
Which is why anti-woke grifters on YouTube decided to give their audiences full of chinless chuds, something to hate on this X-mas season.
They predicted that the game would be a disaster of epic proportions due to the massive amounts of wokeness contained in the game. Their cringy thumbnails speak for themselves:
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However, it turns out that the critical reception for the game ended up being surprisingly positive.
So much so, that the upcoming The Game Awards is gonna look pretty silly without this game being included among the nominees going up for the Game of the Year award. Since many critics feel that this game deserves to be GOTY more than the other games up for the award.
The discourse surrounding this game had been so bad and negative for several months, that even Geoff "Dorito Pope" Keighley didn't think much about this AAA Indy game. It wasn't even considered for ANY award at the show, likely because of that.
But enough of that. Let's take a peek at the scores over at Metacritic, shall we?
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And things are looking even better for the game on Steam:
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So how are the anti-woke grifters going to spin this whole situation to their followers without having to take the L?
Most are trying to ignore this development and have quickly moved away from talking about the game.
But that's not what wife & child abuser, Jon De Arroz (guilty of domestic abuse), has done. He has a theory about why they all got it wrong.
In a recent video, De Arroz made the argument that the game might only be successful because the director of the game, is a fan of Diablo. But not the games. But the fucking devil himself.
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Yes. He's saying that the game's director, Jerk Gustafsson, is allegedly a satanist.
Apparently, the game featuring a hero who hates snakes 🐍 might only be a big success thanks to the old serpent from the Bible being pals with the game's director!
Totally makes sense, no?
What else is new with these grifters. Being out of their damn minds is their m.o.
Anywhoo. From an Atheist who is okay with Baby Jesus being a thing, have a Merry Christmas! (or don't).
Sayin' this just in case I forget to post on this platform for the rest of the month.
BTW, I really liked The Skeleton Crew.
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xzymy · 30 days ago
she's so perfect 😭
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nickmakura · 2 months ago
𝕀ℕ𝔻𝕀𝔸ℕ𝔸 𝕁𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊 ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴄɪʀᴄʟᴇ does many many things. But one thing it does, that I see often unappreciated is that it refocuses our attention on Dr. Indiana Jones in a different light.
The Indiana Jones Series is broadly about Doctor Jones going a race-war to steal a relic of great power from great evil. However, he's often forced to revisit an aspect of his life he'd been largely avoiding. Indy's relationship with Marion Ravenwood being the most complicated.
A toxic history, a major mistake, and a reminder of how terrible he is. Is exactly who Marion Ravenwood is to Indiana Jones. But in Raiders, years after the disgusting act Indiana Jones did to Marion Ravenwood they have nothing but time to reconcile their histories.
In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones proves to Marion, and himself, that he is a much better man than the terrible one he LET himself be. By deciding to be better than Belloq and setting aside obsession with fortune and glory he walks away with the love of his life. Reshaped for the better.
Except... He isn't.
He's drunk. He's alone. He didn't make good on his promises. He wasn't more than obsession with fortune and glory and he let that destroy his relationship with Marion. The Siwa Expedition is the knife that cuts her away, and forces her to hide her pregnancy from Dr. Henry Jones Jr. She believed him never to be ready for love.
In The Great Circle, We open with Indiana Jones, drunk, miserable, and in search of distraction. We see it end with final goodbyes and Gina Lombardi, his traveling companion and romantic interest, leaves his life in pursuit of her own interests.
It's a cruel twist of irony. Dr. Indiana Jones finds a new love, but she is just as obsessed with a goal as he is. They'd never be able to settle down in the life they lead. Which is why Marion left him.
But in this pursuit of the Great Circle, he lost his love, he lost his job, he lost a friend.
Indiana Jones is a character who continuously denied himself peace or love or anything. He constantly has to relive the same lesson over and over and over, and by 1969 we see this decision of obsession leave him with nothing.
Not even his friends are real. He doesn't even have control of his ending at an old age, he can't decide what... to be.
What are you when you chase your passion, and leave unhappy?
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tomorrowedblog · 5 months ago
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Thursday Releases for October 10
Friday is usually the busiest day of the week for new releases. Not this week though. For some reason there a bunch of releases on a Thursday. Whatever. Thursday Releases for October 10 include Sweetpea, Teacup, Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft, and more.
Caddo Lake
Caddo Lake, the new movie from Logan George and Celine Held, is out today.
When an eight-year-old girl mysteriously vanishes, a series of past deaths and disappearances start to link together, forever altering a broken family’s history.
Sweetpea, the new TV series from Kirstie Swain, is out today.
Rhiannon Lewis doesn’t make much of an impression - people walk past her in the street without a second glance. She’s continually overlooked for a promotion at work, the guy she likes won’t commit, and her dad is really, really sick. Then everything in her life turns upside down. Rhiannon is pushed over the edge and loses control. Suddenly the wallflower is gone, and in its place is a young woman capable of anything… Rhiannon’s life transforms as she steps into a new, intoxicating power, but can she keep her killer secret?
Teacup, the new TV series from Ian McCulloch, is out today.
Teacup follows a disparate group of people in rural Georgia who must come together in the face of a mysterious threat in order to survive.
Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft
Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft, the new TV series from Tasha Huo, is out today.
Thrust into a high-stakes chase around the world, fearless adventurer Lara Croft confronts her traumatic past while unraveling an ancient mystery.
Citadel: Diana
Citadel: Diana, the new TV series from Alessandro Fabbri and Gina Gardini, is out today.
Diana Cavalieri (Matilda De Angelis), an undercover Citadel agent, is trapped behind enemy lines as a mole in Manticore. When she finally sees a way out and the chance to disappear forever, the only way to do so is trusting the most unexpected ally, Edo Zani (Lorenzo Cervasio), the heir of Manticore Italy and son of the head of the Italian organization, Ettore Zani (Maurizio Lombardi), who’s vying for leadership against the other European families.
Simulakros, the new game from Sirio Games and Dear Villagers, is out today.
Fight the evil CORP from the inside. Confront deadly robots in this fast-paced third person shooter with rogue-lite elements.
Backyard Baseball '97
Backyard Baseball '97, the new game from Mega Cat Studios and Playground Productions, is out today.
Rediscover the joy of the original Backyard Baseball 1997, now updated for modern systems! Build your roster from among the iconic Backyard Kids, aim for those home runs, and various game modes. Relive the magic of this classic baseball game!
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shadowworldwanderers · 2 years ago
Vincenzo Lombardi
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Name: Vincenzo Lombardi Nickname: Vin, Vinny, Big Guy, Babes Love Interest: Diner Crew, Vinny is a polyam mess. Appearance: Shaved head, troubled eyes, pale skin. Vinny is a big guy who likes to wear bright shirts and jeans unless he’s cooking, then he tends towards jeans and chef-whites.  Height: 6′3 History: Vincenzo hasn’t spoken since he was a child, seeing his sister die at the hands of his father. He ran from his home then, choosing to learn how to cook on the road, he’s Seventeen when he first meets Donna and Gina, a skinny, shy young man who struggles to make himself understood.  Gina teaches him to sign, smiling proudly when he settles into his job with Nonno. She might not always know what to say or do to help him but he still knows she’s a friend. Donna becomes his ‘Mama’, a mother figure who often helps when he needs someone to speak for him, proving a loving ‘mama’ even when she isn’t always sure why he’s as chaotic as he is.  As the Diner Crew starts to assemble, Vinny settles into his life some more, dating around several diner girls, some customers too.  Vinny’s sweet smile and good cooking has won over many of the shy customers, his protective nature coming out when Ellie first has a panic attack in the Diner, his warmth as he shows her how he cooks ‘the Ellie special’ seems to bring her out of her shell and he later admits he wants to help Jude keep her safe. He has no plans for stealing Jude’s girl, but he dreams of friendship.
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multiverseofseries · 2 months ago
Citadel Diana: anche in Italia sappiamo fare le serie spionistiche
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Quando gli spin-off sono meglio della serie originale. Succede in Citadel: Diana con Matilda De Angelis, in streaming su Prime Video.
Citadel è davvero un unicum nel panorama seriale contemporaneo. Un progetto che è partito nel 2023 con una serie ad altro budget con un cast stellare e la produzione affidata ai fratelli Russo, che hanno creato per Prime Video il loro universo narrativo condiviso. Questa volta niente supereroi, ma spie. Un genere che ben si presta ad un mondo espanso e tentacolare, che si snoda attraverso vari Paesi in giro per il mondo. Il primo ad avere questa responsabilità come spin-off è proprio l'Italia con Citadel: Diana.
Tra Manticore e Citadel Italia
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Diana in azione
Quella di Citadel: Diana è la storia di Diana Cavalieri (Matilda De Angelis, convicente, reggendo tutto sulle proprie spalle), una giovane spia che lavora in Manticore e che forse sta facendo il doppiogioco per Citadel. Siamo nel 2030 a Milano, dove il Duomo è visibilmente distrutto e militari e polizia hanno presidi ovunque in giro per la città. La conosciamo in medias res, nel mezzo di una missione finita male, e quindi autori (Gina Gardini e Alessandro Fabbri) e regista (Arnaldo Catinari) vogliono farci capire subito di che pasta sono fatte la serie e la sua protagonista. Non siamo dalle parti né delle fiction né degli altri prodotti in streaming nostrani, ma si cerca di alzare l'asticella il più possibile. Presto scopriamo anche il passato di Diana: un trauma nel passato che l'hanno portata a diventare l'agente che è oggi con un salto temporale avanti ed indietro che ricorda molto la struttura del Citadel originale. Del resto, otto anni possono cambiare tutto.
Citadel: Diana, una spy story riuscita
A quel punto inizia una spy-story appassionante e coinvolgente, grazie soprattutto alla costruzione e all'approfondimento dei personaggi, che sono mossi come spesso capita nel genere spionistico da una vendetta personale oppure da una sorta di rivalsa, in cui sentimenti e razionalità creano un mix pericoloso. Accanto a Diana c'è la famiglia Zani (nominata nella serie madre), i rappresentati di Manticore Italia, ovvero il perfido boss Maurizio Lombardi (una conferma della sua bravura), la silenziosa moglie Julia (Thekla Reuten), dallo sguardo tagliente, e il figlio Edoardo (Lorenzo Cervasio, una bella scoperta da tenere d'occhio), idealista e allo stesso tempo progettista di armi all'avanguardia. Le loro strade si incrociano irrimediabilmente portando alla luce segreti del loro passato che avrebbero preferito mantenere sepolti.
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Nel passato della protagonista c'è Gabriele
Parallelamente conosciamo la famiglia di Diana, ovvero la sorella Sara (Giordana Faggiano), totalmente all'oscuro del suo lavoro, fonte di frequenti litigi tra le due, e Gabriele (Filippo Nigro) che l'ha addestrata per diventare un'agente col piede in due scarpe. Proprio come nel serial originale, qui i doppi giochi spesso diventano tripli e i colpi di scena non mancheranno fino alla fine, quando i pezzi del puzzle saranno più chiaramente incastrabili.
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I principali rappresentanti della famiglia Zani
La componente action è analogica, come ha dichiarato lo stesso regista, e ne guadagna il realismo della storia, pur mostrando una tecnologia all'avanguardia e un setting che spesso non ci appartiene e che proprio per questo è soddisfacente vedere sullo schermo. Si prova a mettere continuamente in scacco lo spettatore ed a riflettere su una situazione geopolitica globale, a partire dai rappresentanti di Manticore Francia e Germania, Cecile Martin e Wolfgang Klein, che portano un misto di lingue a donare ulteriore realismo al racconto.
Una programmazione anomala per la serie Prime Video
Quello che lascia perplessi di Citadel: Diana, oltre a qualche ingenuità di scrittura, sono i riferimenti ai cugini americani, presenti tra easter egg più o meno evidenti ma che avremmo voluto più incisivi per costruire un universo ancora più saldamente incastonato. A stupire è inoltre la programmazione: è evidente che sia stata scritta e pensata per una messa in onda settimanale, come Citadel, e che avrebbe continuato così a riempire le settimane in streaming fino a Citadel: Honey Bunny, lo spin-off indiano, in arrivo a dicembre.
Scegliere di pubblicare la stagione per intera denota, infatti, poca lungimiranza da parte della piattaforma. Perché non sfruttare al massimo i propri prodotti, invece di riconfermare quanto già fatto (in modo discutibile) con Mr. And Mrs. Smith (per restare in tema spy-story), nel quale era addirittura presente "la missione della settimana"? Certo è, che le modalità di release non inficiano di certo sulla qualità di Diana, che anzi continuiamo a lodare per il suo coraggio e per la sua spettacolare efficienza.
Citadel: Diana è un interessante apporto dell’Italia al genere spy story, facendolo proprio e locale pur mantenendo la visione globale dei fratellI Russo, coi quali avremmo voluto qualche collegamento in più. Se l’originale era improntata sull’action e sulla perfezione scenica quasi asettica, qui si punta maggiormente sui rapporti tra i personaggi, senza però dimenticare la componente stunt estremamente curata. Un unicum nel panorama italiano che speriamo possa servire da lezione ad altri che si approcceranno alla serialità di genere. Matilda De Angelis guida un cast internazionale in parte, che conferma che, cambiando registro e ricercando i dettagli, si può fare qualcosa di (molto) buono anche da noi. Basta volerlo davvero.
Matilda De Angelis riesce a reggere il progetto sulle proprie spalle.
Maurizio Lombardi è una conferma di talento del nostro Paese, mentre Lorenzo Cervasio è da tenere d’occhio.
La componente action al servizio dei personaggi (e non viceversa).
La regia avvincente.
La storia si inserisce bene nel progetto Citadel…
…ma avremmo voluto qualche riferimento in più.
Qualche ingenuità di scrittura e recitazione su cui però soprassediamo volentieri.
La programmazione non settimanale lascia perplessi.
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thereasonsimbroke · 3 months ago
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"Indiana Jones and the Great Circle" is a masterful blend of thrilling action, clever puzzles, and cinematic storytelling that perfectly captures the spirit of the iconic archaeologist.
The game faithfully recreates the opening scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark in first person and includes globetrotting hubs such as the Vatican and Giza. It encourages exploration and discovery through light RPG elements and Jones's signature gadgets. #TroyBaker effectively channels #HarrisonFord's wit and charm, while Gordy Haab's score and richly detailed environments enhance the immersive experience.
With a compelling narrative and memorable characters like Gina Lombardi, this adventure serves as a love letter to fans and a shining example of what single-player games can achieve, focusing on stealth and ingenuity.
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rosie-kairi · 2 years ago
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A compilation of some of the oc sprite edits I've made <333
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gta5-watchdogswriter · 5 years ago
GTA V Scenario Masterlist (February 21,2020)
Peaceful night
First non-first Heist
Protective “friend”
First meeting
Sticky situations
Kidnapped (Part 1)
Kidnapped (Part 2)
Valentines day (Requested)
Beach  Party (Part 1)
Beach Party (Part 2)
VDay Serial Killer (Part 1)
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baguettewriter · 5 years ago
For both of them! When and how do they get lethargic?
Thank you for asking! It’s much appreciated. 
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For Elizabeth/Liz, she only gets lethargic when she is feeling hungry or sitting for too long. She is constantly moving. Even if it’s something small like tapping her nails or her foot. If she is standing, she will be moving around. 
Meanwhile, Gina gets lethargic if she gets cold. She’s not used to the cold. She is always growing up around warm environments. Plus, at night, she puts her AC at a low temperature, 
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pedroam-bang · 7 months ago
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Indiana Jones And The Great Circle (2024)
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isassassin · 5 years ago
Character’s info:
『 𝘉𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘴: 』
   Elizabeth Lombardi, formerly known as Elizabeth Ricci, is an Italian-American woman in her late thirties. She currently lives in Los Santos. The exact location is unknown. She works as a dance instructor and a part-time waitress. She once worked in a small mafia in Liberty City, but after realizing how her life is turning to in such an organization, she decided to fake her own death with her best friend and moved to Los Santos. A peaceful life is all she wants out of life. Does she get it? Unlikely. 
『 Personαlıtч: 』
   Elizabeth, also known as Liz, is a calm woman, who is the voice of reason. She will likely try to reason with others before using any violent method. Underneath her calmness and reasons, she is a mischievous person. So, expect her to joke around and pull pranks left and right if she’s not found to be chilling somewhere in the city. It’s later confirmed, especially by her best friend, that she is always found to be in some kind of trouble. Whether she is the one stirring it up or not, trouble seems to follow her somehow.
   Although she is described as such, she holds back what lays underneath. A woman who wants to be vulnerable for once. A woman who hates herself and believes herself as a monster. Liz couldn’t open up and be vulnerable. She was raised to be strong at all times, even when alone. So it’s hard for her to open to others. This includes her own best friend and adoptive father, who both have a somewhat understanding of what she is going through.
『 Bαckground: 』
   Liz was born and raised in Liberty City with both her parents and her twin brother. As she grew up, her parents always chose her twin, Emmanuel, over her. Anything he did was praised and adored while she was either looked down upon or ignored. No matter how much she tried to impress her parents, her attempts were a failure. To her brother, it was never ignored. To him, he praised and adored what she did, encouraging her to do great in life. Although she did grew slightly jealous at one point in her life about him, she still loved the crap out of her brother. 
   Both attended a private school. At first, only Emmanuel would go, but he convinced their parents to let her go. Being a protective brother, he wanted to ensure she was around under his watchful eyes. He didn’t want to be separated. 
  Liz decided to join a small mafia because she couldn’t take what her family put her through. She didn’t want to leave her brother behind and engage into any criminal activities, but she couldn’t take it any longer. She only kept contact with Emmanuel, who decided to try to help her. After realizing that she “killed” their father to officially join the mafia, he cut her off, saying that he didn’t want to deal with a criminal. Ashamed and left alone, she had to work on her own, climbing the ranks and learning quickly the skills to survive. 
  Sometime in her late twenties, she ended up meeting Gina. Both became instant friends. Both decided to look out for each other. A few years later, they both met their adoptive father, who decided to take them under his wings. It wasn’t until some time afterward, the girls faked their own deaths and moved to Los Santos for some peaceful life. 
『 Other ınfo: 』 
☾  Her dream job in life was to become either a dancer or a soccer player. Liz used to attended classes for both. She even joined the soccer team when she was younger. She does occasionally play it from time to time but never wanted to join the team. It’s not that she lost interest. She felt as if she shouldn’t join because of her past.
☾ She is fluent in Russian and Italian. Thanks to growing up, she had no choice, but to learn Italian. Her adoptive father wanted her to learn his native tongue. 
☾ Her skills consist of being stealthy and having accuracy. If she cannot fight with guns, she will fight either with hand-to-hand combat or with knives. Out of habit, she walks quietly and often sneaks up on people. She also loves to find secret ways in and out of places. She always carries knives and a gun with her. 
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laura-kaeppeler · 4 years ago
The Health Interrupted Podcast, hosted by Laura Kaeppeler and Gina Lombardi
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