#Gimme my happy bean back
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So I rewatched Into the Spiderverse yesterday and then inspiration hit me like a truck!! all i could think about was what would happen if Atsv Peni met Itsp Peni. And then there i was at 12 at night drawing them!!
I love how they turned out. I tried to make them as accurate as possible while putting my own spin in it!!what do you think?
I loved Peni’s entire character since the first movie!! She was just so cheerful and happy i loved her. And then she became a sad bean by the second movie which is… i mean fine… true she’s more accurate to the comic now but still!! Oh well, I just wanna see more of her more soon!!
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creativesnek · 1 year
The Chat really loves Bowser
Luigi sat by his desk, getting his cameras and headphones ready for a live stream. The soft glow of the studio lights illuminated the room, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement. His heart with a mix of nervousness and exhilaration as he prepared to connect with his audience.
As he adjusted the angle of his cameras, Luigi couldn't help but reflect on how far he had come. What started as a simple hobby had now transformed into a full-fledged career. His passion for gaming and technology had propelled him into the world of live streaming, where he could share his experiences and connect with like-minded individuals from all corners of the globe.
He still can’t believe he acquired such a huge fanbase.  A lot of people seemed to like his personality and actually liked his commentary; even his videos on mushroom foraging garnered thousands of views within the hour. It made Luigi very proud of himself; plus, his interactions with his fans have been nothing but enjoyable. 
The door to his room opened. He looked over his shoulder and smiled at Bowser. The red-haired Koopa stepped into his room, then kissed his forehead. “I’m going to go pick up Junior,” he said. 
“Okay, be safe!”
He reached up and scratched his chin, earning some happy chirps from him before he walked out again. Luigi smiled softly at his boyfriend’s retreating back before returning to his previous activities. As soon as he sat down, he switched into his streamer mode. The screens came to life and the cameras started recording. Luigi grinned, “Welcome back everybody! Tis I, WeegeBoard9000!” he said while laughing. The chat immediately started rolling with comments as people greeted him and made donations.
With a swift motion, Luigi's fingers danced across the keyboard, skillfully navigating through the game menus. As the game loaded, he took a moment to acknowledge some of the comments popping up on the screen.
"Hey WeegeBoard9000! Long time no see!" one viewer exclaimed.
"Luigi, you're my favorite streamer! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us today!" another chimed in.
*Peach_hime donated 30 bits! Hi, Weeg! Gimme ten minutes and I’ll hop on.*
“Ew, the gamer twink’s back.” said the very obvious account of Wario.
Luigi sneakily kicked him out before moving on with his stream. He delved into the game, he skillfully maneuvered through its challenges while simultaneously keeping an eye on the chat. He responded to questions, shared tips and tricks with fellow gamers, and engaged in lighthearted banter with his audience.
*King donated 2500 bits! Stay hydrated darling ;)*
Ohh~ his highness has made an appearance!
Man, i wish i had a stream daddy 😔
Where iz this mf getting so much coin??!
Comments of similar caliber followed. Luigi tried to hide his blush, recognizing his boyfriend’s account. Bowser always makes it a personal mission to donate something during his streams. Luigi couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his chest as he read the comments praising Bowser's generosity. It was moments like these that reminded him why he fell in love with Bowser in the first place. Despite his tough exterior, Bowser had a heart of gold.
*prince donated 100 bits! HiWEEGIE!”
The lil man’s here too
Baby boi, protecc the bean
Luigi chuckled and thanked Junior for the donation; he probably asked his dad to donate for him too. With the chat taken care of for a bit, the streamer continued his game for several hours, tuning out the outside world.
The stream was in full-swing now as Luigi and a few online friends were collecting items to fight a boss. Luigi was so engrossed with preparations that he didn’t hear the noise of the front door opening or the familiar pitter patter of feet on the wooden floor. The door opened a bit as Junior yelled a greeting before closing the door. The man glanced back at the noise, smiled, then proceeded with the game. 
Without him noticing, Bowser went into his room. At the sight of him, the chat went absolutely ballistic. 
Hunk alert, hello🥵
Ayo, who dat 🫦
Luigi glanced at the last comment then swiveled his chair around; Bowser wrapped his bulky arms around him and kissed the top of his head. “Dinner’s gonna be ready in a few minutes, so don’t stay too long,” he whispered into his hair. Luigi’s face and ears reddened at the gesture, considering Bowser was, in fact, shell-less and basically pulled his face into his chest. He thinks he replied… Probably. The donations going off was what called his attention.
Muscle man and he cooks? Luigi, bag him.
Weeg has that unspoken rizz
Luigi looked up. “Whoa, whoa. Calm down everybody,”
His subscribers didn’t listen, sending many sporadic comments and blush-inducing questions. The donation bell kept blowing up.
*BooKing donated 500 bits! Luigi, u have all of dat to urself?!*
*BadBitchPrincess donated 1500 bits! L ultimate rizzlord😌*
Can he come back pls?
Bring back the dilf, ty.
Glory o glory, what a helluva way to die 🫡
Luigi nervously snorted and pulled his hat over his head, giving up on taking back control. Guess the chat really likes Bowser.
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monsterrae1 · 1 month
As long as it's got a happy ending, I'll take anything you recommend. Usually, I can just pick a story and start reading, but nothing seems to be doing it, so I'm hoping this helps.
I’m gonna go with some buddie fics since they’re the majority right now in my book marks
Platonic co parents don’t kiss like we do / @the-likesofus > fluffy and fun, and honestly anything by Meegs could put me out of reading slump so dive into their amazing fics
Wipe your mouth when you’re done / @exhuastedpigeon > if you’re in the mood for some great smut! I find that easy to read when I’m in a slump and when you get your reading beans back, Hans long fics are always such an amazing treat
Now our love lives in the radio / @lonelychicago > okay I love this one mostly cause she wrote it for me 🥰🥰🥰 but it’s also so sweet and cute and Eddie has no game whatsoever 🥰
Just some options I hope they help out!
Gimme attention pls
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starlitangels · 1 year
A breakdown of my thoughts while I was watching the video
*gets notification* OH SH!+ THATS MY DEMON GIMME! MY BOI IS BACK!!!
Circinus is on the Chorus wtf?!
Avior babe of course you’re scared to rift it’s okay bb
Lol starlight kissing him within earshot of the Inversion wonder if anyone saw and was like “disaster? Why kissing?”
Milo my darling I love your attitude and Lasko trying to calm him down is adorable
Lasko my bean! He’s trying so hard to keep it together
Circinus gets a voice! Fun! At least Circinus believes Avior I hate bureaucracy but it was fun that Circinus took him to Elegy to be alone
Lasko’s speech is back yay!
Okay… Circinus has a point but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. I’m happy to know the Chorus offered to help because I don’t remember that being mentioned before
Lasko being a leader! Go Lasko!
*sees Freelancer symbol* Is this going to be the Porter who’s been teased? Or just a nameless side character? Wonder if the “she” who passed out was his sister and that’s why he was so broken up about her injuries, or a friend… or if it even matters
Oh thank God Avior and Starlight are reunited before the video ended I feel much better
“I feel you. Like a lighthouse in my senses” AAAHHH. Again with the frickin poetry from the demons!
That whole ending bit just had me screaming
In conclusion: Yes! I’m delighted they were there and able to help!
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invisibleraven · 1 year
It's okay. I'd rather be here with you
When the band was going on their first tour, they spent their nights on the bus, an experience no one was a big fan of, but they had to get their name out there before the label put them up in hotels on the regular.
Even if Julie wasn't sure how they hadn't broken up several times over by the end of the summer in that godforsaken bus.
The next time they went on tour, they had a platinum album under their belts, which mandated a better bus and hotels on the regular. Nice hotels too, where they all got their own rooms if they wanted them.
Alex was happy to have his own space to spend time with Willie who had joined them for the West Coast portion of the tour. The rest of them were just glad to have a break from Alex's snoring and all hoped Willie brought ear plugs.
Luke and Reggie shrugged and told the label they were cool sharing. They had been used to sleeping together since they were teens, slumming it on the studio couch after they both ran away from home. And well, even after Luke reconciled with his parents he often snuck back to the garage so Reggie wouldn't have to be alone at night.
Of course, once Ray found out about that he told them under no circumstances were they sleeping out there any longer and moved Reggie into the house, becoming his legal guardian as well. Luke couldn't snuck into the house quite as easily, so this was basically permission for them to snuggle every night.
Everyone was taking bets when they would figure it out, this weird nebulous thing between them. Julie had money on it happening before the end of the tour, but so did their roadie Craig and dammit, Julie was determined to win!
Julie, for her part, had a nice spacious room all to herself. A blessing after being trapped in a metal tube with four boys for days on. She got to take a luxuriously long shower, doing her hair treatments, face mask, even indulging in a pedicure as she enjoyed the space; with some room service and a movie to boot.
Only when she went to sleep, she found it was too quiet. There was no snoring from Alex, no soft music from Reggie who needed it sleep, no light from Luke's bunk as he stayed up far too late writing. She even opened her phone and played some of the band's Insta videos so it was like they were there, but nothing helped.
Finally she wrenched herself from the bed and went for a walk around the halls, eventually ending up Luke and Reggie's door. Knocking softly, she waited a moment and then knocked again, a bit louder. There was no way they were asleep, given it was barely midnight and bedtime was a fantasy notion for these boys.
It was Luke who threw open the door and Julie bit back a smirk. His hair was rumpled, he was shirtless, sweats slung low on his hips. But what was most damning was the swollen nature of his lips and the fresh bite mark on his collar bone. He had an angry look on his face that melted when he saw her, leaning on the doorframe. "Hey boss, what's up?"
"Couldn't sleep, figured I'd see what you two were up to. I'm not interrupting anything am I?"
"Not now," Luke grumbled but then painted the smile back on. "Nope, just watching a movie."
"Luke," Reggie whined from inside. "Come back to bed."
"Julie's here, gimme a sec!"
There was a yelp and some rutling, and soon enough Reggie appeared at luke's side, looking even more rumpled and well kissed, with a few hickies blooming across his shoulders. "Heya Ju Ju Bean! We were just..."
"I can see what you were just," Julie said. "Sorry for bothering you. I just couldn't sleep."
"Oh, well we're um..." Reggie sputtered. "We're done now. You wanna come in? We can play cards or shoot the shit, whatever to tire you out."
"Dude," Luke hissed. "The sheets..."
"Yeah, I'm just gonna go back to my room," Julie said, wrinkling her nose. "Let you get back to it."
"Be more fun with you here," Reggie quipped then clapped a hand over his mouth.
Luke elbowed him hard, both of them looking embarrassed and Julie froze. Okay, so it's not like she never thought about being with either of them, like they were hot stuff, super talented, and the sweetest goobers. But those were just fantasies, and they usually didn't involve both of them.
"Just... let's go to your room and talk about this," Luke said slumping his shoulder. "Otherwise I don't think any of us are sleeping tonight."
Julie led them to her room, and they sat on her bed, awkward at first until she demanded they tell her everything. Luke revealing that they had been together since long before Reggie moved into her house, but didn't want to screw anything up with the band so they kept it secret.
"Were you ever gonna tell us?" Julie asked, slightly hurt.
"Yeah..." Reggie starts, fiddling with the sheet beneath him. "Except the whole time, we kinda both... had a crush on you." Finally he looks up at her, pick right to his ears. "We decided that we were gonna ask you this summer if that might be a thing you'd be interested in. If not, we'd come out just us..."
"And if it was?" she asks.
"Then the ball would be in your court," Luke said, taking Reggie's hands in his, soothing his thumbs over the backs. "The offer, and us, we aren't going anywhere, no matter what you answer."
"That... is a lot to process," Julie replied finally. "Can I like sleep on it?"
"Of course!" Reggie said, jolting up. "Take as much time as you want!"
They were almost at the door when Julie called for them to wait. "Can you stay? We can start with snuggles and sleep?"
"Are you sure?" Luke asked, stepping back towards her.
"Because we can go," Reggie stated, gesturing towards the door, but both of their faces betrayed how much they wanted to stay here... with her.
"It's okay," Julie said, tossing her robe off and situating herself in the middle of the bed. "I'd rather be here with you."
Reggie giggled and leapt onto the bed, making it bounce as he snuggled into her side, Luke flicking off the light as he crawled in the other side. They were both respectful, arms around her midsection, faces close to hers, but not nuzzled in.
"This is cozy," Julie admitted. "I could be okay with this."
"Ssshhh, sleep time," Reggie mumbled, yawning.
Luke chuckled softly. "Yeah he drops pretty quick after sex, surprised he stayed awake through everything honestly."
"Don't tell me you get wired," Julie asked.
Luke shrugged. "Insomnia and I are old friends, but it tends to help me relax enough to doze." He punctuated his statement with a yawn. "You gonna be able to sleep?"
Julie could actually feel her eyelids drooping as Reggie's soft snuffles echoed in one ear and Luke's steady heartbeat thumbed against her side. "Yeah, think so. Night boys."
"Night boss," Luke whispered, pressing a tiny peck to her cheek.
"Night Ju Ju," Reggie mumbled, his kiss a bit more sloppy against her shoulder. "Luv oo."
Julie's eyes dropped closed, but the smile on her face didn't stop, even after she whispered her love back to them bothe before finally falling asleep.
And by the end of the summer, the three of them came out as a throuple, much to the surprise of almost everyone not in their inner circle.
Oh, and Craig the roadie won the pot, because he knew the three of them would figure themselves out eventually.
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novantinuum · 10 months
18 and 21, whatever fandoms you want!
Afsdhshjfg thank you for sending one back, ahah XD
18) it’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
Answering for Legend of Zelda here-
I feel like he's thankfully gotten WAY more appreciation in this latest game now that he gives you a very useful mid-game ability, but I just have so many thoughts about Yunobo right now (which I am rattling down into a little fic as we speak) and he's just such a good bean. There's some Emotional Issues you can dig into with him, but he's not a popular character to play around with bc he's not one that's often shipped with anyone.
Anyways I love this little rock with my whole ass and heart, and am super looking forward to sharing some of my thoughts about him when I post another lil chappie of an ongoing TotK one shot fic about the sages!
21) part of canon you think is overhyped
Answering for Steven Universe-
Anything involving Homeworld Gem lore drops and the Diamonds, honestly. There's a simple reason for this, and it's that on a personal scale I was always infinitely more interested in the mundane little day-to-day of Steven's world than I was about the looming threat of the Gem Empire lurking in the distance. Where Homeworld's story intersects with Steven's, I'm always happy to get some more character interplay and lore... but I was never the type of SU fan to be super big into wanting like, a cohesive history for the Gems as a whole, I guess?
I think many folks watched SU specifically for the sci-fi fantasy aspect of it, focusing solely on the Gems and the plotline about the return of Homeworld forces to Earth, but I'm like "eh" on caring super hard about that. Gimme more juicy Steven and CG or Steven and his dad scenes instead :3
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themculibrary · 10 months
Fics Named After Foods Masterlist
part two
A Shared Love of Science & Sushi (ao3) - RedShiloh bruce/tony M, 21k
Summary: How Bruce learned to stop worrying and love the time-bomb.
candy hearts and flowers can't compare to your love (ao3) - soniclipstick (veriscence) bucky/steve/tony E, 2k
Summary: Tony and Bucky are friends. They’re also both dating Steve. Tony’s happy with the current arrangement because he loves Steve. He might also be falling in love with Bucky, but there’s no reason to bring that up. He’d rather have Steve than lose them both in the fallout of that confession.
Tony is an idiot and Steve is clueless, but thankfully, Bucky knows better. And everyone should listen to Sam more often.
Cheeseburgers In Paradise (ao3) - kayura_sanada steve/tony T, 861
Summary: It was when Tony wiped the mustard off his face that Steve realized he was in love.
chocolate covered coffee beans (ao3) - SailorChibi steve/tony T, 1k
Summary: Steve is an idiot. He turned Tony down flat based on the assumption that Tony just wanted sex - an assumption that their friends very quickly corrected. Now it's Valentine's Day, and he has one chance to make it right.
Coffee and Chocolate (ao3) - SherlocksHound loki/tony, jane/thor T, 8k
Summary: Coffee shop AU, kinda. In which Loki lives as a famous chef and has a re-encounter with someone he thought he would never see again: Dr. Tony Stark. Add a nice little Family meeting with drama and get a FrostIron special.
Cookie Jar, NY (ao3) - Siria peggy/steve, sam/bucky T, 16k
Summary: Aunt Sarah's Cookies and Confectionery Co. may operate at a loss, but it's the lifeblood of the small town of Cookie Jar. Business executive Peggy Carter has been sent there on a simple assignment: get the company's owner to agree to a sell off. But what was supposed to be a simple assignment gets complicated when Peggy meets Steve Rogers, who's determined to keep his factory open. Though Peggy's a big city girl at heart, there's something about this small town that she finds intriguing—and something about a certain stubborn factory owner, too.
Gimme Sugar (ao3) - geneticallydead steve/bucky E, 10k
Summary: Bucky wants to be Steve's sugar baby, and isn't exactly shy about it.
Green Curry (ao3) - FestiveFerret steve/tony T, 4k
Summary: Steve, who was the nicest most generous person in the galaxy and would give you the overly tight shirt off his back - and had done so more than once for Bruce, after a surprise Hulking - got weird about one thing: food.
ice cream shake (ao3) - deathsweetqueen bucky/tony T, 3k
Summary: “You’re pulling on it!”
“I am not! Your hair is simply thin!”
“You’re thin!”
What the fuck is my life? Tony sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
Seven children, with bright, enormous eyes, stare up at him, expectantly, as if waiting for his adjudication.
if only you could see me (for the pie that i am) (ao3) - bitelikefire (theoleo) steve/bucky M, 35k
Summary: In which Steve is the proud owner of Frost; a semi famous local bakery in D.C. And despite the overwhelming insistence that it’s about time he start dating, Steve swears up and down he isn’t ready for that.
Or as of recently, just doesn’t have the time because of Mr. Barnes. The highly demanding wedding planner on the phone who keeps asking for nearly impossible deliveries and maybe Steve would like to personally strangle him. Maybe.
(There is pie. And misunderstandings. But a lot more desserts and eye rolls.)
Like Cotton Candy Clouds (ao3) - buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (hutchabelle) steve/tony T, 1k
Summary: The only thing Bucky loves more than cotton candy is cotton candy on Steve's lips.
Marshmallow World (ao3) - AllegedlyAnn steve/bucky T, 3k
Summary: Movie Night with the Avengers, Christmas Edition: Including one hopelessly dense Bucky who does not get hints, hot chocolate with marshmallows, a very soft pullover worn by Steve that makes an excellent pillow, and Lucky being a good boy but also a trip hazard.
No Candy Hearts Would Taste as Sweet (ao3) - SD_Ryan steve/bucky E, 10k
Summary: Steve stares, no words coming. To say they’ve been playing it safe would be a monumental understatement. They kiss. They touch—above the waist. They cuddle and caress. But they haven’t had sex. Haven’t even seen each other naked. And Bucky’s saying … Bucky’s telling him he’s ready. For more. For anything.
Steve tests the idea, letting his imagination roam, listening for the voices that have shut down these impulses in the past. He waits for the rush of terror or shortness of breath. But there’s nothing: no self-recrimination, no judgement. He feels hopeful, he realizes, and really really excited.
In which revelations are made and Steve and Bucky have a Valentine's Day date.
Peas in a Pod (ao3) - 27dragons, tisfan bucky/tony, steve/sebastian stan M, 19k
Summary: Bucky Barnes was used to running into Winter Soldier fans when he was out and about. He was less used to running into… himself? What’s a rock star to do when he stumbles into a look-alike contest with himself as the target look? Enter it, of course.
Ravioli (ao3) - monobuu bucky/tony M, 7k
Summary: Bucky attempts to get Tony's attention by claiming Pop Tarts are Ravioli. Tony reacts as one might expect.
Salt, Sweat, Sugar (ao3) - RockSaltAndRoll steve/bucky E, 12k
Summary: Bucky has worked for the Adult Entertainment Industry for a couple of years now while he sees himself through college. The money is good, the people are great and the sex is awesome - altogether it’s great fun. It gets better the day he gets paired up with new guy Steve Rogers who is just about the cutest barely legal twink that Bucky has ever seen in his life.
Sugar Sweet (ao3) - ColorCoated steve/bucky E, 173k
Summary: College Student Bucky finds himself immediately attracted to Steve. He knows that Steve's a bit older than him, and that Steve himself is put off by the age difference. . . But that doesn't stop Bucky from wanting to climb him like a tree. AKA a Sugar Daddy AU that no one was asking for.
the ice-cream truck experience (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor steve/bucky G, 650
Summary: Sam is astounded when Steve and Bucky say that they've never heard of an ice-cream truck, so he takes them out to get them their first ever ice-cream from an ice-cream truck.
the soldier and the cake (ao3) - shatteredhourglass bucky/clint T, 5k
Summary: “Give me a mission,” the Winter Soldier says, a thread of desperation underneath the flat tone of his voice, and Clint’s way too sleep-deprived to deal with this right now.
“Hold this,” he orders, shoves a cup of flour into mismatched hands.
Then he goes back to mixing.
When Life Gives You Lemons (ao3) - starbunny G, 9k
Summary: Steve's idea of a simple life consisted of two things. First, drawing and taking art commissions whenever he pleased, and second, taking care of his wonderful garden. 
What it did NOT include was: Having the local wildlife unanimously decide that his garden was the greatest sanctuary ever, attracting the attention of the mysterious species of humans known as 'The Avengers', or starting a war with a cunning raccoon that destroyed everything in Steve's garden, then learning that the raccoon was not really a raccoon after all and Steve should have really known better. 
What has become of his life?
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charsawdeath · 2 years
“Yep, that’s a box. It’s your box, now, my friend.” - HuskerDust? Or just anyone with Husk (Gimme-A-Thrust)
Yep, that’s a box. It’s your box, now, my friend.” - HuskerDust? Or just anyone with Husk (Gimme-A-Thrust)
My very first two Hazbin Hotel fics were with Husker and getting a safe space box
Angel Dust always wanted his own and Husker never forgot~
"Nothen's in here, Husky~" Angel says with a bemused look upon his cream colored spider face.
I roll my eyes and offer up a nugget of insight.
"Ya, nothen is in there cause you haven't put it on yet!"
"Or sat in it, not judging-"
The look I'm given makes the hair on my nape bristle but a purr to rise in the back of my throat.
Angel's looking at me with a smile that read, 'What?' But in a sweet innocent way, not playful and loud like always.
I motion for the spider to lean forward and take the box as he does so.
I look at the size of his head then the box and nod before stating, placing it neatly over his well groomed head fluff.
"Now somethin's in it!"
I frown, trying not to allow the purr to be heard as he beams like a kid on Christmas when he got everything he wanted and then some.
"Oh ya! You had'a box ages ago! I remember how I said I wanted one for myself~ Charlie warned me not'a take yours!"
"Yep, that’s a box. It’s your box, now, my friend~" I slip out a purr as I share my news with the younger brother of Arackniss, the most flamboyant of the two, the most lively!
"HOLY SHIT!! I GOTT'A BOX!!! NUGGS!!! NUGGS!! LOOK MOMMY'S GOTT'A BOX!!" He calls out, puffed out with excitement about this turn of events.
I don't think to move away when he turns back around to face me, I mean, he was always a jumping bean-
Foolish me forgot he was handsy too!
"Tanks so damn much, Husky~" He purrs, rubbing his face upon mine.
"Best gift aside from Nuggets I ever got!"
I begged to differ but whatever got him to let me go sooner, "Glad ta know, Kid-"
He sprints for the Princess, energized by this offering leaving me where I stood and presented it.
Smiling a rare tender smile and wondering if this was what happiness felt like~
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aratakiis · 3 years
nsfw alphabet for my 3rd sexy man muse: arataki "tcg champion" itto!!
warnings: nsfw, duhhh..., very very brief mention of power imbalance.
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A = Aftercare
itto doesn't understand how rough he can get sometimes, so you often have to tell him what you need afterwards. he always listens to your needs, mostly because he loves spoiling you, and he thinks aftercare is really, really cute.
B = Body part
this man is a boobs man. honka honka boobie titty hehe. but honestly, boobs are just a plus. who cares about boobies when he has you!! all of you! his tiny little lover... so cute.
itto, however, especially likes his arms and horns. he likes flexing just how strong he is (look at those biceps....), and he adores when you hold onto his horns.
C = Cum
this man probably has the fattest load in all of inazuma... will drill his cock inside of you and let loose. if you're not really okay with him cumming inside of you, he'll whine and groan, but comply, instead cumming on your chest, as well as giving you facials and backshots.
D = Dirty secret
immediately went home to jerk off every time you two met and messed around in hanamizaka or went on a "date." itto always came in the hand that you held that day.
E = Experience
your favorite oni boy? well, he's a virgin because "winners never lose!" he's never had sex prior to your first time with him. sure, some girls have thrown themselves at him, getting him drunk off of sake, but nobody captured his attention quite like you had. he knew you were the one he wanted to fuck first.
F = Favorite position
mating press. likes having you perfectly pinned down, feels best for what he loves most: deep fucking you and filling you with his seed. missionary comes in as a close second, he likes it when you run your hands through his hair while he's ramming inside of you at his usually animalistic pace. both positions allow him to see your fucked-out face, one of his favorite things about sex.
G = Goofy
goofball itto back at it again. would probably ask for a high five or crack a joke in the moment, like, "you took it like a champ, gimme a fist bump!" he's not always serious, but he's much less silly when he's angry.
H = Hair
itto cares very much about his appearance, combing his hair whenever he feels necessary (nearly all the time), so you can assume he takes care of it down there as well. his pants perfectly hide the well-groomed happy trail he has.
I = Intimacy
sex is a casual thing for itto, so he isn't much of an "intimate" guy. now, that doesn't mean he can't be romantic. he's much more of a gentleman after he spoils you and takes you out on a lavish dinner date, many more soft, passionate kisses and lighter touches.
J = Jack off
shamelessly masturbates whenever he feels like it. usually gets himself off while thinking of you, sometimes he looks at lewd porno magazines he stole from a shop.
K = Kink
this man has a fuck ton of kinks, mostly from sexual discovery in porn magazines. he's very much so into size difference and breeding. itto also likes imbalanced power dynamics, overstimulation, and quite possibly has a raging daddy kink. he just adores when you praise him, too.
L = Location
he likes fucking you anywhere, any time, all you gotta do is ask. there are some places he likes more, though. he has a favorite flower field in hanamizaka, he likes fucking you anywhere in your room, he likes fucking you up against that one shed owned by those scraggly old people that threw beans at him once, and he likes bending you over and fucking you in the shower.
M = Motivation
he likes it when you act like a brat, that really gets him going, but he's honestly just horny 24/7, he can go any time you want. it gets him hard when you ask him to fuck you. itto gets weirdly aroused when you fuck in places you two really shouldn't as well.
N = No
itto may be rough, but there are just some things he wouldn't do. he wouldn't ever truly harm his baby intentionally, he would cry for days and think you'd hate him, but itto especially gets turned off by "weird and gross things" as he said before.
O = Oral
he likes oral either way, giving or receiving. he loves how you taste, but something about cumming in your mouth and on your face gets him going. his preference would most likely be receiving.
P = Pace
you're fucking a beast here, he's gonna fuck you at top speed and probably destroy your insides. that doesn't mean he hates being sensual with you, though. infact, he loves it. he just loves having sex with you.
Q = Quickie
love-hate relationship. he loves having fast, quick sex, especially before he has to go somewhere or if you two are in a spot you both shouldn't be in, but he wants to indulge himself in you more, he's always hungry for you. quickies aren't as fulfilling as he wished they were, too, his stamina allows him to fuck you more than once.
R = Risk
risky bastard. of course he loves risks. he's willing to fuck you anywhere you want. he loves experimenting and shamelessly screwing you anywhere he wants. it's so awfully arousing to him.
S = Stamina
can go many, many rounds. he's an oni after all, a big strong oni. can and probably will manhandle you, pumping you full of cum for at least 6 rounds.
T = Toys
all you would have to do is ask. if you wanted toys, sure, he would spoil you with some as soon as he scraped up the mora. itto would prefer you using him as your toy though, eventually he would turn you back into his own toy. itto owns a fleshlight of his own, the toy now painfully neglected.
U = Unfair
itto is very very unfair. he loves overstimulating you and teasing you, putting you on edge a couple of times, then making you orgasm more times than you could count on one hand, proceeding to fuck you then and get what he wants out of you. he loves edging the orgasm right out of you. he's a big tease.
V = Volume
loud oni! loud oni!! he growls like a feral tomcat and curses like a sailor. (sorry beidou...) itto's specialties include being loud and vocal about his feelings.
W = Wild card
itto steals lewd magazines from inazuman shops at times, he hasn't told anyone though. not even you. (what a pervert...)
X = X-ray
8 inch oni dick. 5 inches flaccid, adorned with a nice happy trail. he is cut.
Y = Yearning
horny fuck. always ready to fuck. sex drive higher than the mountains of dragonspine.
Z = Zzz
all of that energy he carries was fucked out. he gets very, very sleepy after sex. he likes spooning you and grinding up against you while you cuddle him.
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animeomegas · 3 years
MY FELLOW ANON ARE VIOLATING MY EMOTIONS TODAY 😂 god I’m acc crying. Your writing is amazing. I’m gonna combat the sadness with a wholesome thing of them finding a pup in a bin (or something) a few months after the loss of the first pup (Neji is currently shut down entirely) is like “lol gimme”. Proceeds to take the pup home, put it in his nest scent the lil bean (gender is your choice) and just be like “yeah this mine now”. Any nay sayers are ignored bc it’s still his baby (maybe almost like his pup reincarnated 👀👀) regardless of how baby was obtained. Idk I just think my guy needs some positivity after life kicking the ever loving shit out of him
This is beautiful and you’re right, Neji deserves the world, but I’ll settle with a quiet life and some happiness for my boy!
Okay, so things haven’t been…good with Neji since you had to let your pup die to save him.
It has been two months and still he lays in his nest every day, sometimes crying, sometimes whining, but mostly just staring at nothing. He had incorporated a bunch of baby stuff (blankets, toys etc.) into his nest before he went to the hospital, in order to make his pup feel more at home in the nest when he was supposed to bring them back. You had tried to take them out to stop him having to be confronted with what happened in his safe space, but Neji almost attacked you for doing so, so you let him keep them.
But it’s very concerning when he spends hours at a time just stroking the pup's blankets and staring at nothing.
So, you decide to take Neji on a walk to get him out of the house. It would be his first time leaving the house since the funeral.
You go at night time, because Neji is still refusing any contact with anyone he knows and this way he’s less likely to be confronted when he isn’t ready for it. To make extra sure that you can be alone, you decide to walk around the edge of the woods around one of the quieter training grounds.
Neji doesn’t speak much, but he doesn’t whine or cry either, and the night air brings a little colour to his cheeks, and you’re so happy at the small improvements. It doesn’t matter how long it ends up taking him to feel better, you’ll be here with him the whole way.
“I was thinking about cooking something special next week,” you make idle conversation, not expecting Neji to reply. “It’s our anniversary after all, do you have any preference?”
Neji stops walking suddenly. His shoulders are tense.
He hushes you harshly.
“I can hear…”
Without another word of warning, Neji makes his way a little further into the trees. You follow him, confused and worried.
“Byakugan!” he calls, scanning the area. He gasps as he scans over a nearby bush and immediately he drops to his knees beside it.
“Neji?” you ask, now more than a little concerned. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
You watch as Neji pulls something out of the bush. He turns around with a bundle in his arms.
“It’s a pup,” Neji says, obviously shocked. You can’t blame him, you’re feeling more than a little shocked yourself. What on earth was a pup doing out here? “They’re freezing. Give me your jacket.”
Without hesitance, you quickly slip your jacket of and hand it to Neji who promptly bundles up the pup in it and brings them to his chest. The pup is making small whimpering noises that had been almost impossible to hear over the wind. Neji must have hear them, thank goodness.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” Neji coos to the pup. “You’re safe now, I'll take you home and make it better, I promise.”
“We need to get them to the hospital asap," you say, shaking your head. "They must be freezing and they look underweight as well. We’re not mednin, Neji.”
“Our home is closer.”
“We need to make sure they’re warm,” he argues. “We can bring them home and alert a medic to make a home visit.”
You look at the earnest look on his face and know that he won’t back down, and now isn’t a time for arguments anyway.
“Okay,” you swallow nervously. “We’ll bring them home.”
You bring the pup back to your home and before you can protest, Neji brings them into his nest with a mumbled ‘they’ll be warm in there’.
Neji bundles himself and the pup up in the corner of the nest, turning on a little heater beside him, and tucking the pup into his shirt to share body warmth.
“We’ll get you nice and warm, it’s okay, you’re safe, I won’t let anyone harm you,” he whispers while stroking their cheek with a finger. The pup wriggles around, already looking more energetic, and starts mouthing at Neji’s chest.
“Are you hungry?” Neji laughs softly before turning to you. “Go and heat up a bottle for the pup, all the supplies are in the… the nursery.”
You nod dumbly and do as you’re asked, astounded at how much life is in Neji’s eyes. It’s the most life you’ve seen from him in months. But you can’t help but worry. What if Neji gets attached and you can’t keep the pup? Of course, you want nothing more than to keep the baby, it almost seems too good to be true that she literally fell into both your lives at this trying time, but what if it is too good to be true? What if they’re sick? Or their parents are looking for them? Or… something else. Neji doesn’t deserve another heartbreak, and you don’t want to destroy the small amount of progress he’s made in the last month.
But for now, all you can do is heat up the bottle.
“Here, it’s a good temperature, I already checked,” you pass Neji the bottle. He checks it again anyway and you can’t help but smile at how overprotective and parental he's being. It's so bittersweet to see him like this.
“Here you go sweetheart, just for you,” Neji smiles, cradling the pup as they latch onto the bottle with fervour. “Shh, shh, shh, slow down, it’s not going anywhere.”
Neji feeds the pup and then burps them, and you pretend you can’t see him smiling when he notices that they are starting to smell like him. You need to know you can keep her before you let him get even more attached.
“I’m going to send a clone for a medic, now.”
The room became tense all at once.
“They’re fine, I’m looking after them,” Neji protests.
“I know, and you’re doing a good job, but we still need a medic, Neji.”
Neji holds the pup more tightly to his chest, tucking an extra blanket around them. He's using the special blanket you had got commissioned for your pup. You can feel your heart break at the sight. He's already attached. Now you just have to hope you can keep them. For his sake.
“I don’t want them to take the pup away like last time,” Neji admits softly. "I can look after them, I won't let anything happen like last time, I promise. They'll be safe, we don't need a medic."
“We need to know their primary and secondary gender, omega, and we need to make sure they aren’t sick after being left in the woods…”
Neji hesitates but nods his consent in the end after you explain that your pup could become ill if left untreated. You don’t tell him that you are also sending a clone to the Hokage. Naruto will be able to grant you and Neji the right to keep the pup, and you hope that as Neji’s friend, he’ll be able to see how much he needs this.
You have to move Neji and the pup downstairs to wait for the medic, because Neji would not appreciate someone unknown seeing his nest he made for his pup. He’s not expecting Naruto to show up as well so you go to the door to intercept and prep them both.
“Thank you so much for coming, Naruto, I can’t tell you how much this means to me and Neji,” you say, hugging him as he walks through the door.
“I’m going to do everything I can,” he promises. “If the medic finds signs of long-term neglect, I can take the parental rights away from the biological parents straight away, even if I don't know who they are, and transfer you the rights.”
Your face visibly brightens, but Naruto continues.
“But if the only injuries are from laying in the forest for a few hours, I’ll have to try and find the parents first, because the child may have been taken from them by force, when the pup was otherwise a healthy baby being looked after sufficiently. In that circumstance, I’ll have to take the child back with me and put them in foster care until a three-month window has passed. And if the parents are found…”
“I know,” you sigh. “Let’s just get this done as soon as possible.”
The three of you walk into the living to see Neji cradling the pup tightly against his chest.
“Hey Neji,” Naruto greets softly with a sad smile. “I haven’t seen you around for a while.”
Neji tenses upon seeing Naruto.
“Naruto? Why are you here?” Neji clearly misinterprets the situation, holding the pup even more tightly and turning accusatory eyes against you. “Why did you bring him here?”
“I’m here to determine whether the pup was abandoned or kidnapped to the best of my abilities, once we have that done, we can decide how things are going to happen, okay?”
“How do you decide that?” Neji asks with distrustful eyes.
“The medic will give them a check-up, completely routine, I promise,” Naruto speaks with a soft voice like he’s talking to a cornered animal. Well, you look at Neji for a moment who is coiled as tightly as spring, he’s not far off.
It takes about five minutes for you to convince Neji to let go of the pup and hand them to the mednin, and then the next fifteen minutes involve you holding him in your arms to stop him wrestling the pup back from the mednin.
And then, rather ominously, the mednin pulls Naruto aside to talk.
Neji is shaking in your arms.
“It’s okay, calm down, Neji,” you try to comfort him.
“I can’t-“ Neji chokes, hands fisting in your shirt. “He has our pup, you let them take our pup.”
You don’t bother to correct him on his use of ‘our’, knowing it would only upset him more.
“I know baby, but they need to see that they’re healthy, nothing’s wrong, just breathe.”
Neji doesn’t take your advice.
"Last time they took them-"
"This isn't like last time, omega. Come one, try and settle down a little, that's it."
Naruto eventually walks back in, holding the pup securely, the mednin nowhere to be seen.
“So,” Naruto says seriously. And then his face breaks out into a wide grin. “Am I right in thinking you want to adopt?”
You can almost feel your relief in the air. Thanking every power that be for this stroke of luck. Losing this pup could have easily meant losing your mate, and the gravity of the situation all comes crashing down at once. Neji looks as though he is feeling much the same.
“Give me them,” he orders, arms out.
“Her,” Naruto corrects. “The mednin said she’s a female alpha.”
Tears start welling up in Neji’s eyes as he takes her. Their bio pup was a female alpha, too.
“Thank you,” he whispers to no one, holding his new pup as tightly as he dared. “I’ve got you now, you’re safe and sound with me, I won’t let anything hurt you ever again.”
Naruto slips out of the house without a fuss, dropping the mednin’s recommendations for feeding the underweight pup on the coffee table.
You and Neji take your new pup upstairs and bundle her back into the nest. Neji lays down with her, stroking her cheek as he watches her sleep.
“You need to get some rest too, omega,” you suggest, running a hand down Neji’s back.
“Guard?” he asks in response.
“Yes," you smile at his protective instincts. "I’ll guard the nest while you sleep, I promise.”
“Okay, alpha…” Neji settles down, still with one hand resting on the pup. “But if I don’t wake up when she cries, wake me… I want to be the one to feed her.”
You laugh gently, “Of course, now get some sleep. I’ll guard you both.”
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jbenz798 · 2 years
Chapter Two: Footloose
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'You're probably right, Nance!' I giggled back. I was drunk. Not wasted. But I had had enough and I didn't want to cross that line and regret it later. I'm not a big drinker and didn't want to change that tonight. I was having a good time, the music was good, the company was good and everyone was happy.
I walked over and sat on Steve's lap and wrapped my hands around his neck.
'I missed you, Harrington.' I squeezed him super tight as we both giggled. We had always had such a strong bond, he always had my back.
'Yeah, me too, Little Wheeler, me too.' he laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist.
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'Jonathan and I are going to head out, back to our place. Did you want to come, Mish?' Nancy asked as she tucked my hair behind my ear. She was definitely drunk. Nancy and Jonathan had moved in together about a year ago and they were thriving, they both looked insanely happy.
'I might actually crash here tonight, Robin and I were going to reminisce and have a slumber party.' I looked at Robin and we both let out a stupid laugh.
'Okay, I will see you tomorrow then. Bye guys!' Nancy walked around and hugged everyone as she said goodbye. Jonathan followed her and waved, or shaking hands as he went.
I sat on Steve's lap talking to him and Robin about all the fun times we had together back when we were at school. They didn't hesitate to remind me that I was like the little tag along that didn't have any of their own friends. We laughed and Steve held me tighter, he pulled me closer.
'Oh my god, you guys!' Robin shouted 'Let's watch Footloose! Like old times!' She said excitedly.
Steve rolled his eyes and laughed 'Yeah, fine. Eddie? Billy? Please tell me you will grab another drink and sit through this with me.' Steve turned to them and dropped his lip as he asked.
'Yeah, I've got nothin' better to do.' Billy shrugged as he went to the fridge and grabbed three beers. 'You girls good for drinks?'
'We are okay, none for us.' Robin answered as she walked into the other room and put in
the VHS and pressed the play button.
We followed and got set up to watch the movie. Steve brought in two of the bean bags from the other room and put them on the floor in front of the TV. He then sat down on the sofa next to Robin. Eddie sat down next to him
I grabbed a blanket off the end of the sofa and plonked myself down on one of the bean bags. Billy came back in and gave the guys their drinks. He sat down on the bean bag next to me and opened his beer and had a sip before putting it down on the floor next to him and grabbing some of the blanket and pulling it over himself.
'Gimme some of this.' he said as he pulled the blanket over his legs. 'Please.' he looked at me and smiled sarcastically. 'You know, Michelle, it's really, really... fucking..good to see you.' Billy whispered in my ears.
It tingled. I got goosebumps. 'Yeah, you too. Surprisingly.' I giggled. I felt giddy. Being close to Billy felt..good. Really really fucking good.
I lay there and whispered to Billy for half of the movie. We spoke about what we had been up to the past few years, how much better he is doing now that his dad is out of the picture and how the gang has helped him through everything. I couldn't believe how well we were getting along and how much we both had in common.
Billy reached under the blanket and held my hand. Oh shit. Why was I so nervous? It's only a hand. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Steve. Shit, he could have burnt a hole in my head with that stare.
'You good, Harrington?' Eddie asked him
'Ah, yeah man. All good. Just getting tired.' he responded abruptly, repositioning himself on the sofa so that he was able to lay back. 'I ah, might try to get some sleep.'
That was weird.
Billy put his arm out and I cuddled up into his chest. It felt nice, he was warm. He pulled the blanket up and tucked it in a little and wrapped his hand around and tickled my arm as we lay there watching Kevin Bacon rage dance through an abandoned warehouse. Billy craned his neck down and kissed me on the forehead.
Really, really fucking good.
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k3rm1e · 3 years
heyo!! i was wondering if you would mind writing hc’s for a reader who just had a major accomplishment but their parents don’t really congratulate them or anything, and then philza celebrates with them instead and tells reader how proud he is. i kinda want some dadza comfort rn :’) anyway, thank you sm!! have a great day <3
heyo!! i was wondering if you would mind writing hc’s for a reader who just had a major accomplishment but their parents don’t really congratulate them or anything, and then philza celebrates with them instead and tells reader how proud he is. i kinda want some dadza comfort rn :’) anyway, thank you sm!! have a great day <3
hello anon! i’m sorry i took a while to answer this. i went a bit off track with this and got A LOT more angsty, so i’m really sorry about that. If you want me to make a much more fluffier or mellowed-out version, i’d be happy to. please, read the trigger warnings before reading this.
i don’t plan on writing more angst-y things like this, especially not this angsty, so don’t worry. once again, please, if you would like me to rewrite this into a less emotional version i’d be happy to
cw: swearing
tw: talk of god and the church, slight manipulation, repetition of words
  holy shit. you were in disbelief. a state of shock. one million twitch followers. one. million. followers. you were silent. shock can have many effects on a person. some scream and laugh out of joy, or a misplaced sense of mania. others cry, because they cannot handle it. some remain confused, because their brains are unable to conceptualize the event. you were silent.
  what should you do? would a “thank you” tweet be good enough or would it come off as insincere? should you wait to stream? or would that make people feel you didn’t care because you took so long? through the anxiety you could feel the true realization that you now had one million followers. like a truck, you were hit with the most excited feeling ever. getting up, you jumped around your room. you spun and jumped and cheered and whooped and yelled and smiled and danced and were overflowing with joy, with the acknowledgement that you had done it, you had really fucking done it. 
  opening the window above your desk, without a single fuck, you screamed. “WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!” let’s just hope your neighbors don’t wake up.
  you stayed up all night, celebrating. tweeting out a thank you, you received congratulations from your fans and friends while you talked with the people in your discord vcs.
  in the morning, your mother and father had woken up. with a newfound determination, you ran downstairs. streaming was your passion and you wanted to tell the world what you had done. but, because of limitations, your mother was your metaphorical world.
  “mom! mom! mom! mother, mother, mumther!!” you shouted, dashing down the stairs, tripping over your feet. stupid wood flooring and slidy socks.
  from your place at the bottom of the stairs, you heard her sigh, “yes, sweetie?”
  you bounded over to her, setting your arms on the kitchen counter. from the hallway you could see your dad, who was sitting on the couch drinking his sunday morning coffee. “mom! guess what?” without giving her time to respond, you shouted, “i hit one million follows on twitch! one freaking million!”.
  your mother didn’t seem as enthusiastic as you. “is that why you were causing such a ruckus last night? and, watch your mouth, even though ‘freaking’ isn’t a ‘true’ curse, i don’t want you swearing. especially not on the lord’s day. i couldn’t fathom going to church everyday, only to allow you to have a mouth like that.” she continued to stare at her work papers.
  “oh, uh, okay mother. dad? did you hear me? i hit one million on twitch.” you awkwardly turned your head over to your father.
  “she’s right, you know that, don’t you sweetie?” your father stood up, and made his way into the kitchen. “language like that, it’s shameful. surely, we don’t need you to have a private session with father paulson, do we?” your dad stood next to your mother, rubbing her back as he stared at you.
  “no, no, of course not. um, i’m gonna go upstairs now.” you turned around, wishing you could simply disappear.
  “without breakfast? are you truly that upset with us? we can’t have you ending up like those people, committing sinful acts and going to hell. god would never forgive you. we’re already taking a risk allowing you to stream, putting yourself out there.”
  both your mother and father stared at you. your blood felt like ice in your veins. the white walls of your house seemed so much brighter, yet duller at the same time. everything felt a white-pure-pink-orange. your breathing got uneasy. choppy. in, out, out, in, in, in, out, in, in, out, out for different increments of time. 5, 3, 2, 7, 10, 9, 6, 4, 1, 6, 8, seconds, over and over and over.
  “we just wanna protect you, dear. we love you, don’t you get that?” your mother stared at you.
  you felt like a scene in those movies. the ones that directly cater to teens who thought their lives were shit when in reality they just hadn’t grown up enough to make sense of something yet. were you one of those teens? or is this actually wrong. you don’t think it is, but you don’t talk to others about this. family matters stay in the family was a common phrase repeated in your household. the church was family, they could know. your mother and father, they could know. others, they must not know, never know.
  “of course, mother, father.” you wanted to force yourself to speak, but syllables were incapable of getting past your lips. your mouth was full of peanut butter from the sandwiches served in your elementary school cafeteria. but, the partly frozen chocolate milk always washed it down. “of course. i love you guys too. love you.” you smiled, a disgusting smile that felt violating to exist on your face, violating, violating, violating.
  you dashed up the stairs, to your room, up, up, up. running in, you wanted to slam the door, scream out the window, puch your pillow, smash your pc, cry, whatever you could do to get out your emotions. but instead, you lightly shut your door and slowly walked over to your desk chair to see who was online. you would go live later. it was only 5 AM, after all. they could wait. at least, you hoped they could.
  opening discord, just to see what everyone was doing, you saw philza minecraft was online. you went over and messaged him, ‘phil. philza. philza minecraft. vc please?’ in response, you received a short, ‘sure m8, gimme a minute’ you waited, until you heard the noise confirming he had joined.
  “good morning phil.” your energy from before had receded back into the confines of your chest. the prior excitement was gone and replaced with a feeling of fatigue.
  “morning mate, how are you? congrats on the one mill!” phil sounded excited, happy for you. you smiled, chuckling a bit.
  “i’m alright man, just tired. how are you? and, thanks for the congrats.” you smiled, feeling the fatigue set in.
  “i’m good. but you, you don’t sound very good. couldn’t sleep, could ya’? that was how i was when i hit one mill. way too excited to sleep.”
  “yeah. yeah, i’m just tired.” you were getting a bit too tired to talk. the day had barely started, and yet the full-body emotional exhaustion had set.
  “‘just tired’? the hell happened kid?” phil’s voice sounded concerned. fuck. the last thing you wanted to do was worry him. he had his own life and you had already caused enough trouble today.
  “it’s nothing big phil, seriously. just my parents.” there, a slight bit of information. family matters still within the family, just a few words.
  “they being shitbirds? or are you lying, and something big did happen?” he was being inquisitive, which was dangerous. questions were dangerous.
  “no, why would i lie?” his inquisitiveness would continue, you knew. so you spilled the metaphorical beans. “they just, just weren’t as supportive as i’d wished they were when i told them. i was really psyched, y’know? and them, just sort of, not giving a shit? i don’t know man, it just feels bad.”
  “i get you. it’s shit, when people don’t care about your accomplishments. my parents never really saw streaming as a true profession in the beginning, which led to shit like you describing. i promise it gets better though, even if it feels like shit now. and, for what it’s worth, i’m proud of you.”
  “it’s fine phil, you don’t need to try to make me feel better. i’m okay, seriously.” you didn’t need or want his pity. accepting it would feel patronizing.
  “no, you need to understand that i’m not fucking around. one million is a big fuckin’ thing, especially for you who hasn’t been streaming all that long to achieve. it’s fucking amazing, mate. be proud of yourself, for christ’s sake.” his fake anger chimed through your headphones. even though you were being berated, you still felt better.
  “thank you, phil. i needed that.”
  “your welcome, mate. and look, anytime your parents are being shit, don’t try to hold it all in. call me, or wil, or someone, okay? don’t hold that shit in.”
  you fake sighed, just to piss him off. “okayyyyyy….”
  “good. now, go take a nap or some shit. i love you, kid.”
  “love you too, dadza.” this time, your words didn’t feel forced. the smile on your face wasn’t violating, but an invitation to better times. it would be alright. okay.
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kyotakumrau · 3 years
2021.04.06 a talk event at Meguro Rock-May-Kan film screening at Namba Hatch with Kyo and Shinya  - PART 1   Report by とあ on twitter (topics are not reported in order things happened, I mostly followed the order they posted, 1st and 2nd session bits are mixed together)   my comments go in (*…) 
Shinya entered the stage in black hoodie, both hands in his pockets. He also had hands in the pockets when he left the stage. Came with a drink. 
Kyo came on stage with his arms crossed. He drank some water soon after sitting down, I thought he started to play with the flyer but he made an airplane from it.   Q “To Die. Please tell us the secret of your youth.”  Kyo and Shinya face each other and laugh.  Kyo: Is it okay to imagine what Die is doing? I said that I quit McDonalds, right? Die also said he hasn’t had McD in years.  Fujieda: He also said he doesn’t eat ramen.  Kyo: and he doesn’t eat spicy food.  Kyo: Now he’s just eating, like tofu? Tofu or soybeans.  Shinya: he researched and knows a lot. Even when going on a diet in the past he found a good plan.  During the rapid question time they also answered another one for Die “I bought Die’s model guitar. Please tell me how can I get better” when reading Kyo answered “tooth guitar”.  I think it was when reading about this guitar? Kyo started laughing then Fujieda started laughing and for a bit they both faced each other laughing. 
  “Coffee”  Kyo: I drink it black. Even at home. Using beans from Starbucks. I drink 1~3 cups a day.  Fujieda: Kaldi’s coffee is also great. They have many types.  Kyo: If you say that they have many different types you have to try them to compare.  You don’t say this even though you didn’t drink them, right?  Fujieda: I tried quite a lot. There’s different one for each season. Now they sell sakura blend etc.  Kyo: Ah, then it’s fine. If you drank it.  Shinya: some years back I bought Nespresso coffee maker but I’ve only used it for 2 weeks. It’s still in my house.  Kyo (suddenly looking at Shinya): gimme! (くれ!)  Shinya: o, okay.  Kyo (turning to Fujieda looking happy): he said okay!  Kyo: Then I will give you a coupon to get that right side curl fixed. it caught my eye that looking from here that just the right side of your hair has this weird curl.  Shinya: No, it’s not weird...  Kyo: But I will give you a voucher to get that fixed.   
 “What’s your routine before the show?”  Both of them don’t have one  Kyo: Does anyone have?  Fujieda: Toshiya is doing muscle training.  Kyo: Ah... and doesn’t Die move around a lot?  Shinya: He does. Until the start he’s very restless.  Kyo: Right? Even when we all gather one is always going back and forth.    “Your favourite takoyaki”  Shinya: I don’t care. Even though I’m from Osaka I don’t really eat takoyaki. It is said that every household in Kansai will have a takoyaki machine but we didn’t. In the 20 years I lived there I only had like 5 octopus balls.  Kyo: That time when you were wearing that long earring? You only had 5? So what type?  Shinya: the one that is crispy outside and soft inside   
“A difficult song”  Shinya: Rinkaku. Because I need to keep kicking. It’s faster than Zan. The drum is nice but it totally kills my leg.  Kyo: DIFFERENT SENSE as I said before. I imagined a dialogue as it’s a heavy song when I made it, but when I didn’t get any response, I ended up having to sing all of it by myself so it’s really tiring. I tried control my breathing when swimming but I can’t.  Kyo: So in the end it’s like swimming the whole thing without breathing.  I was told by Kaoru to try pointing the mic [at fans], but all I get is ‘eh right now?’ (gestures pointing with his right arm) I get ‘eh here?’ The people in front of me try to respond, but the people on the sides (again points with his right arm) go ’eh? Eh? Here? (agitated) so I gave up. I don’t mind if it’s the wrong pitch, just put your feelings into it. 
 Kyo: I started playing Monster Hunter. On Switch.  Takabayashi: I’m also playing.  Kyo: Then let’s play together! (big grin)  Takabayashi: Okay.  Shinya: I bought it on the day DS got released, but I couldn’t understand the objective of the game after playing for a day so I didn’t feel like playing anymore.  Kyo: So you just started playing from zero by yourself? No one helped you saying what to do?  Shinya: Yup.  Kyo: If you told me I’d have helped you.  Shinya: So in the end what happens? What is the goal?  Kyo: there’s none.  Shinya: What?  Kyo: You just continue getting your level up.  Shinya: And for how long do you continue to play?  Kyo: There are people who continue playing until the next game comes out.  Shinya: Woah... 
 "What weapons you're using in Monster Hunter" Kyo: I'm using a bow. It might seem it's because it's huge, but I can attack from a distance and avoid being found. Make a shot from a distance, if you're found out you can run away. Direct confrontation is scary.
 “During the Osaka period what studio did you use?”  Kyo: Was it in Umeda?  Shinya: Yup.  Fujieda: What was the name?  Kyo: I don’t remember. Do you?  Shinya: Yes. It was M4 www.m4-studio.com  Kyo: That’s some memory.  Shinya: I booked it. I confirmed the date with 4 of you and called them. We made Karma and Aoi Tsuki there. 
 “About Oboro teaser”  Kyo: Could you see me? I only watched it on my phone so couldn’t tell what was what. 
 “Rock-May-KanGIG"  Shinya: there were many problems... no one around me [to help]. When my ear monitor fell out I had to fix it myself. And I made this rookie mistake of not pressing record on camera...  Kyo: We don’t remember things like that.  Kyo: Do you remember what you ate a month ago? You don’t right? It’s the same. You might remember that the main dish was shrimp but you won’t remember sides.  “About SOGAI in May”  Kyo: something that will happen in a month...Do you think about what you will be eating in a month?  Fujieda: But I think many fans are looking forward to it.  Kyo: I guess, but that’s because they’re going to enjoy the food. From the side of people who will be cooking you only start preparing about a week before, no?  Fujieda: So you will start feeling motivated a week before...  Kyo: Nope.  Fujieda: Shinya, do you think this analogy works?  Shinya: After hearing it I think so.   
“What are some food combinations that you find just wrong?” (*from other twitter reports the question had example like pineapple in sweet sour pork etc)  Shinya: as long as there’s no foods I dislike anything is okay.  Kyo: I don’t have any food like that, but but I hate when people mix different sports brands. Wearing adidas with Nike shoes and so on. When I see someone like that I want to tell them ‘could you not?’ 
 “What expensive item have you bought recently?” 
 Shinya: I’ve already answered this earlier. A camera. The camera itself was 40k and lens was 20k yen.  Kyo: What do you use the camera for?  Shinya: For recording and so on.  Kyo: What kind of [recording]?  Shinya: For youtube or Haiiro.  Kyo: Isn’t iPhone good enough for that?  Kyo: When I’m taking a photo I just pass my iPhone and ask someone.  Fujieda: I was given a camera for taking photos, but after about 15 minutes I was told to use iPhone in the end.  Kyo: Do you know what was different?  Fujieda: I didn’t.  Kyo: (*going back to the main question) an expensive item... Nike and Garcons sneakers I guess. They were about 20k yen. (*Pegasus?)  I’m drinking coffee while looking at the sneakers. 
“Do you prefer indoor or outdoor festivals?”  Shinya: If it’s daytime then indoor. It would be too bright outdoor in daytime.  Kyo: I hate insects so indoor. Weren’t there so many insects when you had plants? Fujieda: Speaking of insects, don't they get into your mouth when you ride a bike? Kyo: You ride a bike with an open mouth? Silly kid. Fujieda: Instead of having open mouth, it's like there's suddenly an insect in your mouth, when it crashes into you. Kyo: Riding a bike with an open mouth is silly. Why, are you singing? Fujieda: Sometimes I do, actually. Kyo: If you're singing while riding that's okay, if you just have your mouth open while riding that's silly.  
 "About SOGAI in May"  Shinya: We're working on the setlist, it will be great.  Kyo: That's why I don't want you to ask me about a concert in a month. Don't ask me questions about concerts next year. I won't answer.   
 "What's a good place in Hirakata?"  Shinya: Hira pa (Hirakata Park) and TSUTAYA, right? TSUTAYA is where I was born.  Fujiefa: Eh? Really? I didn't know.  Kyo: if in Tokyo you say Hirapa no one will understand   Kyo: Do you know? (looks at Shinya) when you just come in and there's a place with dogs Shinya: Like real dogs?  Kyo: Yeah. There are about 20 dogs, but all are so tired. Lifeless as if they were abused. Of course they weren't abused, but it's a place where you can spend some time with dogs but they are so tired, so lifeless and tired that it's almost a shame they are kept there.  (*I think he's talking about Doubutsu Hug Hug Town) 
  "What hotel facilities do you find exciting?"  Shinya: ...for example?  Fujieda: ehm...  Kyo: This is not something exciting, but. You know in a shower? When you don't know if you're supposed to move the handle up or down? Maybe this way? And then when you move it the water suddenly comes out from above! (Shinya nods)  Fujieda: That's criminal! Was it hot?  Kyo: First water came out, but when I turned the handle the water suddenly poured from above, I got totally soaked. How do you use that?  Shinya: there are some places where water comes out in 3 places instead of 2.  Fujieda: Criminal!  Fujieda: Anything exciting?  Shinya: Like?  Fujieda: Like a big tv.  Shinya: I don't watch TV.  Dujieda: That's true, you don't. How about a very good pillow?  Shinya: I don't care.  Kyo: And the shower [head]! Just from one hole the water goes in a strange direction, there's nothing stuck there, just water, but just this one spot. What's that about?  (Shinya continued to nod while smiling)  
 "To Shinya. What time did you wake up today?"  Shinya: Around 1. At night.  Fujieda: What time did you go to bed?  Shinya: I think about 10pm.  Fujieda: You almost didn't sleep at all.  Kyo: Aren't you an old man now!  (*🤣🤣🤣🤣) 
 "What toothpaste and toothbrush are you using?"  Kyo: Any toothpaste is okay, but I prefer small toothbruses. Because I have very complex teeth. Like a maze. You get lost there. That's why I choose a tothbrush with a small head, has good reach.  Shinya: I'm using a toothpaste from overseas with an M, any brush is okay for me. But I use one with water coming out of it.  Fujieda: Is it electric?  Shinya: Yes.  Fujieda: Is it painful?  Shinya: Well sometimes it gets a bit bloody.  Kyo: You're really into it (laughing) to keep using it even if you're bleeding. 
  Kyo is watching The world unknown to Matsuko every week (depends on the episode but it's interesting), when finishing the 2nd sessiin event Shinya said 'go straight home and from 8:57 watch The world unknown to Matsuko'. It already started and it seems [dir] appeared there.  
 "Where do you want to tour besides Tokyo-Nagoya-Osaka?"  Shinya: Somewhere we still haven't been to... where was it?  Takabayashi: ehm... Shimane, Wakayama, Saga.  Shinya: There.  Kyo: Kyoto. Kyoto is good. Kyoto is the best. Even now I'd love to [have an event] in Kyoto instead. Kyoto is the best or, I want to become Kyoto.  
 "What animals do you like in the zoo?"  Kyo: ehm... sheep I guess. I want to look at them or hold them.  Shinya: Animals you don't see in everyday life like giraffes, elephants or lions. 
"What do you like in an amusement park?"  Kyo: I guess the haunted house? Yeah, haunted house. It's okay when people try to scare me. It's not scary. I'm laughing all the time.  Fujieda: So you can enjoy FujiQ no problem?  Kyo: I haven't been, but I think it's fine? I would be fine bringing a sheep with me I guess? Going in while stroking the fluffy sheep.  Shinya: Ferris Wheel.  Fujieda: How about the thrilling ones? Shinya: I don't like them. Fujieda: So Ferris Wheels for Shinya, understood.
 "About shooting Oboro PV"   Shinya: It was tough. Kyo: You say that? Say that to ME?? Shinya: Well, you were shooting naked. The green stuff got all over my clothes and cleaning that took ages. Kyo: Ah, I guess. But you could've gotten it dry cleaned, no? Shinya: It was a fabric that cannot be dry cleaned. I couldn't remove it in the end so I gave it to Fujieda. Kyo: You did? You got it? Fujieda: Yeah, I passed it to the person who designed the costume. Kyo: I see... Shinya: And the floor was very cold. Kyo: You say that?!?!?! Fujieda: Were you okay, Kyo? Kyo: Yeah... I'm a pro in the end. Fujieda: Oh (claps) Kyo: Are you mocking me? Looking down on me? Fujieda: No! Not at all! I clapped because I think that's great! Kyo: No, you're defnitely looking down on me. It's the same as the 'whats your salary like?' 'this much' 'oh'.
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Invisible Chapter 9
Summary: YN YLN has always been third in Class 2-5, right behind Lee Su Ho and Kang Soo Jin but with both of them having left Saebom Highschool, this is her time to shine. That is until Han Seosangnim asks her to tutor Han Seo Jun. A guy who doesn’t even know she existed.
Ship: Han Seo Jun x Female Reader.
Word Count: 2011 words.
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated with any reactions or whatever you want to say. Again I really don't know where I am going with this.
Taglist: @thealexalcala @hayateotaku
Anyone interested in being added to the tag list, just let me know 😊.
True Beauty Masterlist
Chapter 8.
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Chapter 9:
Sitting in the Ice Cream shop, opposite you and watching you laugh and joke with Hyun Ji and Cho Rong. This is something Seo Jun could get used to, he could imagine it now, going on dates with you and just enjoying his time with you. Granted before that happened. He had to ask you out to begin with, but imagining your dating life together wasn’t that bad. If Su Ho had been here, he would have whacked Seo Jun and told him to ask YN out already.
Feeling a poke in his side, Seo Jun looked to his side. Ju Kyung was smiling at him. Sighing, he knew she wanted him to admit his feelings for YN to her. It was too much fun to annoy Ju Kyung by keeping the information from her.
“You look her with heart eyes and yet don’t tell me about your feelings for her,” Ju Kyung whispered. Just this whole outing had revealed just how soft Seo Jun was for YN. Not just that, but she knew it was only a matter of time before he asked her out.
Without a doubt, YN would say yes, while Seo Jun was going soft for her. YN was smiling and laughing more around Seo Jun and she could calm him down in a second. He could make her laugh and get her out of her head. They were just well-matched and Ju Kyung like the rest of the class, Si Woo, and Cho Rong were waiting for them to get together.
“My feelings for YN are none of your business Lim Ju Kyung” Seo Jun sneered quietly to Ju Kyung. He knew how much Ju Kyung wanted him to admit his feelings for YN to her. But he wasn’t going to give her that. Annoying her by refusing to tell her was too funny. He thought that Su Ho would’ve spilt the beans. However, Su Ho proved that his loyalty to Seo Jun by not telling Ju Kyung.
Although with how much Seo Jun had been rambling about YN to Su Ho. The guy was losing his patience and Seo Jun could tell from Su Ho’s replies that if Seo Jun didn’t do something soon, Lee Su Ho would tell Ju Kyung and let Seo Jun deals with Ju Kyung’s reaction.
Ju Kyung smirked at Seo Jun. She hadn’t said a name, Seo Jun was just admitting his feelings without actually telling her. Even now, he wasn’t even paying attention to anyone else on the table. All his attention was on YN and he wasn’t even trying to be subtle about it. YN’s blushing cheeks were evidence that she could feel Seo Jun looking at her even if she didn’t look at him.
As the group left, the six of you were walking in pairs. Cho Rong and Ju Kyung at the front, Si Woo and Hyun Ji then you and Seo Jun were walking behind them. Seo Jun was holding your bag. Even though you insisted that he didn’t need to, Seo Jun just smirked at you and picked up your bag anyway. While the rest of the group were talking about school. You and Seo Jun were talking about your next study session that would be at your house. Your mum was quite fond of Seo Jun and had been asking you to bring him around again.
While walking, you heard someone calling your name. You turn around to see who is calling you. You smile and stop where you are, to let the person catch up to you. You hadn’t seen Cha Sun Lee since you’d graduated from Shinhwa Middle School. You hadn’t meant to lose contact with her, but it had happened anyway.
Seo Jun, looked confused as you waited for this random girl to come to you. The other 4 had walked ahead not knowing that you and Seo Jun had stopped. The two of you had been walking at a much slower pace than the others. As this girl got to you both of you hugged and started talking to each other. Feeling quite ignored, Seo Jun cleared his throat. That brought you and Sun Lee out of your reminiscing bubble. You smiled sheepishly at Seo Jun.
“Sorry about that Seo Jun, this is Cha Sun Lee, we went to Shinhwa Middle School together. Sun Lee this is Han Seo Jun” you explained, introducing the two people to each other. Sun Lee laughed and whacked your arm.
“Yah, YLN YN, we didn’t just go to Middle School together, I was also the one who got you and Gong Jae Yi together,” Sun Lee said laughing when you blushed. Nodding your head when Seo Jun looked at you confused.
“Yes yes, sorry forgot Sun Lee’s biggest achievement was being the matchmaker for Jae Yi and me,” you said rolling your eyes as Sun Lee fans herself acting like she is so important. There was no denying that Sun Lee played a big role in you and Jae Yi getting together. But it had been a few years and it was awkward talking about your ex-boyfriend with the guy you had a massive crush on being around there.
“Now that you mention it, Jae Yi is back and there’s a whole reunion happening. So gimme your number and I'll tell you, you can get Si Woo and Hyun Ji to come as well, we all lost contact with you 3 when you went to Saebom rather than Shinhwa High,” Sun Lee told you. You wanted to clarify that she had mentioned Jae Yi first but that would lead to a whole other conversation with Sun Lee. And quite frankly, you were still processing that she had just told you that Gong Jae Yi was back.
You smiled and gave her your number. She immediately called and you saved her number. You smiled at her, hugged her, and then said goodbye to her. Waiting for her to walk out of view, you turned to Seo Jun. He smiled at you, putting his arm around you, and carried on walking.
This shocked you. He didn’t ask any questions, even before he didn’t question you when he heard about Gong Jae Yi. You appreciated that Seo Jun didn’t ask or pester you until you caved and talked to him. No matter the situation, he would wait until you were ready to talk and then just listen to you. Then, he would just let you get all your unfiltered feelings out. Then would give his thoughts, calmly but never invalidating what you had told you.
It wasn’t new for Seo Jun to put his arm around your shoulders. He had been doing it a lot in the last few weeks. It was nice, you were used to Cho Rong, Si Woo or Hae Sung putting their arms around your shoulders. But it was different with Seo Jun, you didn’t have feelings for any of the other guys. When Seo Jun put his arm around your shoulders, you could pretend that you were his girlfriend. It was a little bit heaven, pretending that Seo Jun had feelings for you and that you were together. Sure, you knew it would never happen. Still, you liked the small bit of happiness this little gesture gave you.
It wasn’t until you and Seo Jun were at your home, washing the dishes. That you finally told Seo Jun about Jae Yi, this wasn’t the first time the 2 of you were washing the dishes. Whenever you were at Seo Jun’s house, you insisted on doing the dishes. Especially since Seo Jun’s mum was against you helping her cook and so you had to insist on doing something.
“So, Gong Jae Yi and I got together in the summer before my last year of Middle School and we broke up, a few months into us starting High School,” you told Seo Jun. You knew you had shocked Seo Jun, you’d both been washing and drying the dishes in silence until you broke that by bringing Jae Yi up. Seo Jun stopped wiping the bowl he had been holding. He turned to you and looked at you. You could feel Seo Jun staring at you. However, you avoided looking at him. On a good day, you couldn’t take looking at Seo Jun’s eyes without falling into those deep depths. Now, when you wanted to just get all of this out, you knew looking at Seo Jun wouldn’t help.
“You don’t have to tell me, Princess, I didn’t ask the first time and I’m not going to ask this time either” Seo Jun never asked that first time because it didn’t seem like the right time. So many things were happening in that week that Seo Jun had even forgotten. Well, he hadn’t forgotten but thinking about your ex-boyfriend was the last thing he wanted to do. It helped that, the first time he heard the name had been a busy week in itself. He just let the name go from one ear to another. Happily pretending to be ignorant about the fact that you had an ex-boyfriend named Gong Jae Yi.
“I know, but I want to tell you. Only Hyun Ji, Si Woo and Hae Sung know about us and what happened. We were happy, he didn’t go to Shinhwa Middle School, but we still made our relationship work. Well, that is until he was chosen to go on a High School exchange for the rest of his High School education.” Even though Seo Jun had stopped drying the dishes. You were still washing and just putting them to the side. Though you were over Jae Yi, obviously your feelings for Seo Jun were at a different level. There would always be a small part of you that still loved Jae Yi. Though it had been your idea to break up, that didn’t mean it hurt any less.
Seo Jun, made you put the dished in your hand down. He turned you to face him. Lifted your chin and gently wiped your tears. You didn’t even know you were crying. Guess that break up still hurt a lot. Seo Jun hugged you tightly, holding you close as you sobbed in his arms. Soe Jun hated that you were crying, yet he was happy to be there for you. He always wanted to be the one holding you. Helping you work through your feelings. As you pulled away, you apologised for getting his shirt wet, Seo Jun just laughed and told you it was nothing. Before you went back to doing the dishes, Seo Jun pulled you closer and kissed your forehead. You didn’t know why but you appreciated the gesture.
“Moving on from that sob fest, I need a favour,” you say, going back to washing the dishes. Trying not to think about how you had just sobbed in Seo Jun’s arms about Gong Jae Yi. You were such an embarrassment at times. What weirdo cries about her ex, in the arms of the guy she currently has feelings for. Well, you are that weirdo and now here you are asking Seo Jun for a favour.
“Well, if I can do it, I’ll do it, Princess,” Seo Jun said calmly. Already in his head, he had agreed to whatever you asked of him. Short of something illegal, there was nothing you asked of him that he wouldn’t do.
“I know, there’s a class outing planned for Saturday and I can’t go. I don’t want to be the one to tell the class” before you could finish.
“You want me to tell the class about you missing out on the class outing, sure I’ll do that tomorrow,” Seo Jun said interrupting you. You nodded your head and smiled at him. Not being able to go to the class outing. Having to tell the class about that was making you nervous enough. It was a weight off of your shoulders, that Seo Jun was going to tell the class for you.
Chapter 10.
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shinbyeol · 2 years
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in true me fashion, i had too much going on to make it to opening but ‘sup party animals, it’s ya girl moon! ( s / h, 21+ )!! i’m here to bring y’all shin byeol, a lost bean who’s just trying to make it through without throwing up on this roller coaster called life 🤮 she’s generally very nice but y’know, fuckery in life shapes you as a person so she’s a bit jaded but like, who isn’t!! catch her on a monday morning and she’ll probably murder you but run into her as she pollutes the world with her Nth cigarette of the night and she’s more mellow 🥰 now to get the show on the road, drumroll pls for shenanigans under the cut........
shin byeol, 24, seoul resident but recently moved into maehwa (think....a month ish????) and just isa-ri in general
now you may be wondering why she’s there 🥴 same here buddy
tl;dr is that she used to be an idol trainee, jumped around many companies since she was 15 and was on a promising road to debut at her last company but she fucked around (literally) (i’m jk about that last part) and screwed up her achilles tendon
she got surgery and all should have been well but i mean, she injured herself when she was 20 and by the time she recovered 90% she was no longer at a good enough age to debut according to the company :////
ended up going to school instead and graduated from ehwa with a degree in communications and media studies (don’t ask me what this means)
should have been happy and moving on with her life but she still had a lot of trainee contacts or people who had already debuted in her circle which only seemed to cause her pain and made her feel like she failed at life 
heard about this quaint little countryside with a spacious sharehouse with cheap rent so she said fuck it, imma pack my shit up and go
didn’t really think this plan out, if you ask me, but she’s just vibing and trying to figure out what’s next
catch her making your coffee (possibly incorrectly but give her a break, it’s her second week 🙄) at dalkom café or if you happen to be wandering the premises, it’s likely she’ll be around with a camera in hand too 
personality-wise, she’s very straightforward and won’t do any of that sugar-coating business, it’s no nonsense with her and she’ll expect the same. snarky when she needs to be, bitchy because she can be, but if you have her on your side, she’s there for life 
currently occupying room 029, come bother her 😌
idk what else to put, it’s been a long day i’m 😴
plot ideas maybe????
you’re either on her floor, or above/below her and since you like sleeping with your window open, her disgusting cigarette smoke blows into your room and you’ve had enough
she’s out taking pictures and you happen to get in her frame - you want the photo, she’s not willing 🤕
someone from seoul that knew her back in her prime trainee days before she dropped off the face of the planet but o??? look who’s also here?????
her instagram is really just her life’s diary but somehow that intrigued you and suddenly you start seeing that she’s posting snapshots of very familiar areas.....wait, you’re both in isa-ri???
she’s allergic to pets (rip) and it’s her mission to find who in the sharehouse is out to get her by letting their pet roam free
gimme somebody she can have dumb 3am conversations with, like do aliens exist or why does elon musk want his child to be bullied in school
insert something about a relationship plot here blah blah blah we all know how this goes, but she isn’t in it for anything serious (or is she?????)
pls someone give her a coworker at the café 😭 #teamcantdoshit or #teamlifeoftheparty
she doesn’t have a car but some nice townspeople decided to lend her one for an adventure so now she’s strapping you in for a lil joy ride that has no real destination but that’s the point!!
ok idk man i’m supposed to be awake in 4 hours as i write this more like i slept for 3, so who knows what kind of garbage the above really is 😳 hmu either in the ims (pls pls don’t make this our main form of communication i beg you) for my discord or just drop a ❤️ and i’ll come to you so we can plot and get this party started 🤪
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Hi! Do you think you’d be willing to write some Cubs fluff for Mardi Gras? Like Leo making Finn and Lo do something (I don’t exactly know how it’s celebrated)?
Oh my god I LOVE Mardi Gras!!! Also, I haven’t done Cubs fluff in a while, and I combined it with a couple other related prompts. This fic includes Cubs and Coops bonding (ft. Logan being a little shit), Leo learning to drive in the snow, a chaotic trip to the grocery store, and Lions family dinner after a winter walk. Hope you enjoy! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove, as always <3
“Eas—Easy, babe, just take it nice and steady,” Finn gripped the ‘oh, shit’ handle with one hand and Leo’s thigh with the other; in the backseat, Logan rubbed his neck where the seatbelt bit into it.
Leo took an unsteady breath and carefully pressed the gas again, wincing as the car rumbled under him. “Oh god, oh fuck, okay.”
“Snow isn’t that hard to drive in—” Finn cut off as Leo slammed on the brakes again. “—as long as you don’t brake hard whenever you feel a little bit of ice. Lo, you okay?”
“Fine,” Logan wheezed, bracing against the car door.
“Slow and steady wins the race,” Finn murmured, keeping his eyes fixed on the road as Leo began inching forward again. “If you start to slip, take your foot off the gas and do not slam the brakes, okay? We don’t want to skid.”
“I don’t get why you can’t drive us there,” Leo said, glancing in each of his mirrors even though they were still in a fairly residential area. Ten minutes on the road and they’d barely made it four blocks from the apartment.
“Because you need to know how to drive properly.”
“I know how to drive!” Leo saw Finn and Logan exchange a look through the rearview mirror and smacked him lightly on the chest. “Stop it. When’s my next turn?”
“Still 53rd.”
“Left or right?”
“Right.” Finn tapped out a quick text on his phone. “Cap and Loops just arrived at the store.”
“Fuck,” Leo muttered.
“It’s okay, Peanut, take your time,” Logan said. “Just focus on getting there safely.”
Leo tried to breathe deep and they rolled down the block, flinching each time snow or ice crackled under the tires or threatened to make them slide. “I drive in the rain all the time. This shouldn’t be hard.”
“Rain is way different than snow.” Finn pointed to the next intersection. “Turn there.”
They took the turn a bit wide, but thankfully there were no cars on the other side—still, both Finn and Logan went pale. Logan cleared his throat. “Streets here aren’t as wide as New Orleans, mon amour.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Leo grumbled. “How much further?”
“The parking lot is on the next block.”
They almost got stuck driving up the small ramp into the parking lot due to Leo’s ‘slow and steady’ approach and he could have sworn he heard Logan muttering the Hail Mary in French under his breath. Parking was easy—nobody in their right mind would be driving after a true Gryffindor snowstorm. Except us, he thought wryly as he turned the engine off.
“Don’t forget to lock the car,” Finn said mere seconds after the key was out.
“Sorry. Uh, Cap’s by the produce section.”
They were too focused on not slipping and falling on their asses to talk much while they walked through several snowdrifts to get to the front entrance of the grocery store; Leo sighed with happiness as soon as the heated air hit his face.
“Harzy!” Cap waved an arm over his head from the apple stand, smiling brightly. “You survived!”
“It was a close one,” Finn called back with a grin, sliding his hand into Leo’s back pocket as the three of them walked over.
“Dibs on riding in the cart!” One of Logan’s legs was already halfway into the basket before Sirius could stop him; he kicked aside the celery and onions and settled down, leaning back onto Sirius’ hands. “Bonjour.”
“Get out.”
“Non. I live here now.”
“I’m not pushing you.”
“I will!” Finn said. “Where’s the old ball and chain, Capsicle?”
“Call me that again and you can say goodbye to your ball and chain,” Remus said drily, lugging a bag of rice over from the other aisle. He stopped when he saw Logan, looking amused. “Hiya, Tremz. You look comfy.”
“Oh, I am.” Logan lounged in the cart, letting one leg drape over the side; he groaned when Remus set the rice bag on his chest. “Was that necessary?”
“No, but it was funny.” He grinned at Leo. “How was driving?”
Leo shrugged. “Decent.”
Sirius snorted as they began walking toward the meat section. “That bad, huh?”
“It’s a miracle I wasn’t beheaded,” Logan said. “Fish, how fast can you make it to the end of the aisle?”
“Loops, time me.” Finn tightened his grip on the cart and bent into a runner’s stance; Leo and Sirius both rolled their eyes as Remus dug his phone out of his pocket and opened up the timer.
“Ready…set…go!” Finn ran for three steps before hopping onto the under carriage as Logan whooped. Remus stopped the timer. “Four point six seconds! Get back here, I wanna try.”
“You’re not going to beat that time,” Logan laughed as he climbed out of the cart.
Sirius raised his eyebrows at the same time Remus stuck his tongue out. “Watch me. Knutty, can I trust you to be an unbiased timer?”
Leo shrugged. “Sure, gimme your phone.”
“You have one of your very own.”
“Trying to hide something, are we?” Logan wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Sirius pushed him away by the forehead. “Spill the beans, Loops! Got some spicy messages in there? Some things poor baby Nutter Butter can’t handle?”
“No, I just don’t trust any of you with anything that belongs to me,” he laughed. “You’re walking safety hazards.”
“I’m taking that as a compliment,” Leo said as he set the timer. “Ready? Go!”
Sirius nearly tipped the cart over when he stood on the lower bar, making both of them yelp and wobble for a moment. Leo stopped the clock at the end of the aisle. Three point nine seconds.
“Sorry, guys, that’s four point eight seconds!” he called as Sirius pushed the cart back up to them.
Remus narrowed his eyes. “Show me the phone.”
“I already reset the time.”
“So we definitely won,” Sirius said while Remus clambered out of the basket and Logan took his place. “Get out, Tremzy!”
“Make me!”
Sirius reached in and grabbed him under his armpits, but Logan kept a tight grip on the sides. “Are you done?” Remus asked wearily once Sirius started shaking him. “ ‘cause our grocery list is, like, a million miles long.”
With a disgruntled noise, Sirius dropped Logan back into the cart. “With any luck, he’ll be crushed under the food. What’s next?”
They had a few more competitions during their journey through the store, including onion basketball, vegetable Tetris, and a highly amusing game of twenty questions that ended in Sirius laying the bag of rice over Logan’s face.
Leo did some mental math as they walked out with six grocery bags full of ingredients. “We’ll need about seven pots to fit all this, but we’ve only got two that would work.”
“I think we’ve got one or two as well,” Remus said as he hauled a bag into the trunk of their car and brushed his hands off. “Celeste probably has some, and I can give Lily a call. Where are we making it, again?”
“Dumo’s. There’s nowhere near enough space at the apartment and I don’t want these two anywhere close to it.”
Finn shot him an offended look over a bag of onions. “Hey!”
“I love you, sweetheart, but if you fuck up my gumbo I’ll cry.” In the back of his mind, Leo was already thinking of small jobs for Logan and Finn to do so they could make it together, but they didn’t need to know that. It could be a Mardi Gras surprise.
“The sun’s coming out,” Sirius mused, looking upward at the clear blue sky. “Nothing we bought is going to melt. Do you want to go for a walk before we head out?”
Logan checked his phone. “We’ve got time.”
“Sounds good to me,” Leo agreed.
“I’m never going to say no to a snow day,” Finn laughed, wrapping his arms around Leo and Logan. “Lead the way.”
“So, Knutty, gumbo is basically chicken noodle soup, right?” Sirius asked as he linked elbows with Remus and started down the sidewalk.
“Uh, no.” Leo made a disgusted face and reached out to smack the back of his shoulder. “That’s blasphemy. Gumbo is more like stew, but you put less meat in it and more of a vegetable base. There aren’t noodles, either. Do you even know what a roux is?”
Sirius glanced back at Finn, who shrugged. “…I do not.”
“Fuckin’ hell,” Leo muttered. “A roux is the base to all good New Orleans food. It’s flour and oil, and you heat it up so whatever you’re making has an actual taste to it, as well as some thickness. If you get it wrong, the whole thing is pretty much ruined.”
Sirius raised his eyebrows. “Damn.”
Ahead of them, a pack of kids played pickup hockey on the park’s frozen pond. Several of them wore Lions sweatshirts or hats and Leo leaned his head on Finns beanie with a smile. “Look at how cute they are,” Finn cooed, waving to some of the astonished parents who had spotted them.
“Oh, killer hit,” Remus said as one kid went on a breakaway. “Is he—hey, nice shot!”
They paused for a second to applaud and a jumble of excited yelling echoed off the trees around the pond; Leo burst out laughing and draped his other arm across Logan’s shoulders, pulling him in closer to their huddle as they began to walk again. “We should head out there sometime. We live close enough.”
Finn hummed in agreement and stood on his tiptoes with a hopeful smile. “Kisses?”
Leo obliged, still grinning. “You’re ridiculous. That had nothing to do with hockey.”
“I didn’t get any kisses,” Logan grumbled, snuggling into Leo’s ribs.
“Get up here and I’ll give you one!”
“My nose is cold!”
Leo sighed dramatically and bent down to kiss the rosy tip of his nose—at the last second, Logan popped his chin out of his coat collar and caught his lips. “That was smooth as fuck. Better?”
“Are you three being gross again?” Remus teased, craning his neck to look back.
Finn raised his eyebrows. “Don’t start something you can’t finish.”
“One walk,” Sirius sighed. “I wanted one walk where we could hang out in peace and quiet.”
“You invited the wrong people for that,” Leo snickered as they looped back around the block into the parking lot. “Harzy, baby, can you drive us back?”
“You need to learn!”
Leo turned on his saddest puppy eyes and stuck his lower lip out. “Please?”
Finn scrunched his nose up and flicked his shoulder lightly. “You’re too cute for your own good.”
“Is that a yes?”
After a quick pit stop at their apartment to pick up the pots, they arrived at the Dumais house just past two in the afternoon. Sirius and Remus pulled into the driveway just as they began unloading groceries from the truck and hurried over to give them a hand; all five of them were immediately mobbed by children the second they set foot in the house. Leo carefully took the onions from Logan so he could sweep Katie over his shoulder and tickle her knees, making her dissolve into giggles.
“My boys!” Celeste called from the entrance to the kitchen. She practically glowed with excitement as she pulled them into a group hug and Leo melted a little when she pressed a kiss to each of his cheeks. “You brought the food, yes?”
“We’ve got everything we need,” he confirmed, holding the onions and a pot up as proof. “As long as you’ve got counter space, we’ll be a-okay.”
Sirius and Logan lingered in the doorway, chatting with the kids in rapid French that Leo didn’t even try to keep up with—he used to think regional differences were made up for internet clout, but even after living with Logan for close to a year he sometimes struggled with the pace.
Celeste helped them gather cutting boards, knives, and basic spices that they hadn’t picked up at the store; Leo felt a thrill in his gut and drummed his hands happily on the countertop at the sight of the familiar ingredients. He made a mental note to send a picture to his mother later that night as he rolled up his sleeves.
“Think you can handle rinsing vegetables?” he asked, passing Finn a bag of green peppers.
Finn rolled his eyes, but he was smiling, and he pressed a kiss to Leo’s cheek before going to the sink. Remus unpacked the last of the bags and gave him an expectant look—Leo was struck by the sudden realization that for once, he was the only one in the kitchen who knew the recipe.
“Um, I’ll start the roux,” he said, grabbing the flour and oil. “Loops, can you start dicing the peppers, celery, and onions? Cap can help out once he gets the squid children off him.”
A smile tugged at the edge of Remus’ mouth. “Bold of you to assume he won’t drag them in here.”
“Alright, Rookie, what’s my job?” Sirius panted, grinning wildly as Adele wrapped herself around his lower leg and groaned with each dragging step.
Remus spared him a playful I told you so look, and Leo shook his head. “As long as you can use a knife with a kid clinging to your leg, you can help your fiancé chop the basics.”
Sirius mock-saluted him and hobbled to the counter; behind him, Logan wandered in with Marc under one arm and Katie under the other. “I have potato sack delivery,” he announced, giving them each a gentle shake. “Can these go in the gumbo, too?”
“No!” both shrieked at the same time, flailing their legs.
“Those look like pretty good potatoes to me…” Sirius said, glancing down at Adele. “What do you think?”
“Put ‘em in the soup!” she yelled.
“It’s not soup,” Leo complained, though he couldn’t be heard over the loud protests of the youngest Dumais kids.
Sirius finally got Adele to let go of him when he started cutting onions—“Do you want to smell like onions?”—but Katie perched on the edge of the counter and watched every move Leo made with eagle eyes as he finished each roux and began mixing the trinity in. Each motion was muscle memory—the smells wrapped him in a hug made of tangy peppers, smooth chicken broth, and a kick of spice at the very end.
Much to his surprise, Sirius, Finn, and Logan were quick learners. Making five massive pots of gumbo was much easier when he had five more hands helping him; Celeste had even been sweet enough to put jazz on as they cooked and the six of them took turns dancing, partnering with whomever was closest.
The others started arriving at five—almost immediately, the kitchen was crowded with ten new hockey players who crammed as close as they could to the stovetop to smell the bubbling broth. Noelle was the only one who was allowed to get within ten feet of the food, much to Talker’s chagrin.
Honestly, it was a miracle that they made it to the table without the rest of the team falling on the gumbo like a pack of wild hyenas who hadn’t eaten for a week. Kasey’s bouncy leg shook the edge of the table in anticipation until Leo reached over and smacked him on the thigh with his spoon. “Be patient, Bliz.”
“I’m always patient!”
Eight different people made noises of protest and he scoffed, leaning his face over the bowl to get a whiff of the thick steam. Dumo tapped his fork on the side of his cup; it wasn’t quite a classy ding-ding, but it made enough noise to catch people’s attention.
“First, thank you all for coming here for a family dinner,” he said, smiling so wide it made Leo’s heart warm. “Second, I’d like to welcome the older and wiser O’Hara to his very first Lions dinner, since he had the great fortune of visiting just in time to be adopted by the team for a night!”
Loud cheers filled the house and Alex gave a slight wave, blushing under the attention as Kasey and Nat jostled him between their shoulders.
“And finally, everyone say ‘thank you’ to Knutty for sharing his top-secret gumbo recipe from home. We might not celebrate Mardi Gras like New Orleans, but this is a party nonetheless.” Dumo raised his water with a wink and Leo squeezed Logan’s hand under the table as seventeen voices thanked him for his cooking, despite the fact that they hadn’t even tasted it yet.
The house went dead silent as people took their first bites, then erupted into noise. “Holy shit, Knutty!” Nado all but shouted, shoving another spoonful into his mouth. “This is witchcraft.”
“It’s called ‘cooking’, you should try it sometime,” Leo shot back, grinning. The chicken thighs melted in his mouth, and the pop of lemon and spice at the back of his throat tingled all the way down to his bones. He didn’t think Pots had taken a breath in thirty straight seconds. Leo closed his eyes, letting the tangled muddle of his family’s voices roll over him, mixing with the taste of home.
“Ça va, mon amour?” Logan asked under his breath, touching his elbow.
Leo smiled and touched their foreheads together, setting his spoon down on the edge of his bowl. “I’m so fucking happy right now.”
Logan smiled and the edges of his eyes crinkled. “You look happy.”
“You two are whispering without me?” Finn whined, scooting his chair over a few inches and squishing Logan between them. His bowl was already half-empty, Leo noted with a sense of satisfaction. “That’s rude.”
“I love you,” Leo said. It needed no embellishments; no big, dramatic displays. “And I love making food for everyone.”
“You can do it any time, baby rookie.” Kasey scraped the sides of his bowl to catch the last few grains of cornbread, knocking his knee with Leo’s. “Next time we have a sleepover, I’m not ordering pizza.”
“So I’m going to be your personal chef?” Leo snorted. “Not a chance.”
“What’s that saying? The Mardi Gras one?”
Leo savored his next bite of gumbo and looked around the table as everyone chatted and laughed at the top of their lungs. “Laissez les bon temps rouler,” he said. “Let the good times roll.”
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