#Gifset that destroys the mel
deankarolina · 3 months
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sophsun1 · 1 year
This gifset I made of Joan and Jack Kinney's perception that Brian was a carbon copy of his father a lone wolf and selfish man vs Justin knowing that was the furthest thing from the truth hits even harder when you flashback to 1.02 where Brian has such a visceral reaction to Ted yelling at Michael "Where do people get off thinking I'm not a kind person? I happen to be very kind, very loving/ My only responsibility is to myself I don't owe anybody a goddamn thing."
Selfish is such a prominent word in his life. We hear it from many of his so called friends. He's selfish and can't or won't love anyone or anything. Yet his actions towards them even when they don't deserve it show the complete opposite. You can sort of see why it cuts so deep when he hears these words "selfish and responsibility" in the context of the scenes with his parents.
We have Joan in church telling Brian he reminds her of Jack, he's equally as selfish always letting her down and mocking her love for God. How she took Jack's abuse and beatings to protect him though we the audience know Brian had his own share of abuse from him both physical and emotional along with his mother's neglect and alcoholism. He denies this but she won't hear of it. Adding on to her previously telling him her new priest has been like a son to her and now Brian has the power to destroy her entire world view and he doesn't. There's also a weird sort of parallel where now instead of her biological son being like her husband, her surrogate son is just like the son she rejects and is ashamed of.
Jack proudly announcing he's a chip off the old block not made to be a family man, Brian agreeing. Throw in the bombshell that if it was up to him, Brian wouldn't even exist. This man who shirked all responsibilities as a husband, a father and role model to his children telling his son who he wished was never born that he is just like him. Imagine the mind fuck. His line about not letting the ladies tie him down, Brian knowing he would never be accepted if he ever came out to him. Then buttering him up for cold hard cash, even though Brian had it ready and waiting because he knew that's all he's worth to him. Which leads me to the anger I feel towards Mel and Lindsey who immediately jump on Brian about his financial responsibility to Gus. Wanting him to sign a life insurance policy because his "lifestyle" according to Mel makes him more of a risk factor. They don't want him to be fully physically involved but they'll take his money. Here comes the theme of death once more, his father didn't want him to exist but he'll take his money. Mel and Lindsey, pointing out if he dies it doesn't matter as long as Gus profits. Yet he fought so hard for Lindsey in the custody battle for J.R, funding it all when he never got that same unwavering support when it came to Gus. Wanting so steadfastly to take care of Justin financially when they were together and apart because that's how he has been made to feel with Gus and his father. So many layers. Sonny boy indeed.
Is it any wonder? Brian Kinney never believed in love and thought it only lead to bitterness and resentment, and settling down meant settling into a toxic environment where hatred flourished. Especially as your parents are your first example of love and family. You literally are the product of that union in most cases, it's a fundamental part of your childhood and has a deep effect on you ergo why therapists always lead with "So tell me about your relationship with your mother/father."
Ultimately people are always wanting a piece of Brian. The raw, unfiltered Brian Kinney that Justin sees and accepts and loves is not good enough for them. Sure they have their moments and he's by no means perfect but Justin doesn't want to intrinsically change him, he encourages him to be better and we see Brian respond to this. They blow hot and cold, his Peter Pan complex is embarrassing it's time to grow up! Brian tries to change, no this isn't the Brian we know and love, we prefer the old version of him come back! With his friends he's made to feel responsible for their mistakes and fuck ups, to be a support to them, to help rescue them even to his own detriment at times. To feel guilt at his existence in their lives and how it affects them, as financial support or simply telling him how to react/feel to really major emotional life events. Debbie insisting he "owed" his father his coming out, telling Joan he had cancer. Michael at his father's death, that regardless of what he did he was still his dad. The amount of pressure that was placed on him was insane the "responsibility" never ends. It goes to the -> I don't owe anybody a goddamn thing! He got himself out of his terrible upbringing, worked hard and got an amazing loft with a job in a career he excels at. No one gave him a hand out. Technically even when they did in the concerned citizens for truth era he paid them back plus extra. He hates feeling indebted to people, or in need, and yes part of that is pride but also because he's the one that is always on standby to be that for others, so where is his room to fail?
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taiey · 7 years
A directory of all my interesting things (1/2)
Stretching the concept of “monthly” self-rec to its limit here... Obviously you should go look at all of these, but bold marks the most interesting things. ♥
“When you’re a kid, they tell you...”
Amy vs Rose: summative monologues
The Hero Within
‘long term’
write interesting women
the Doctor keeps his promise to her in a timely fashion
suicidal ideation
“A friend of mine once asked me if I could tell her anything about Amy’s life which doesn’t include the Doctor, Rory or the fact that she’s a kissogram."
A Town Called Mercy quote
The power and terror of memory.
I think there’s sexism involved in people being so sure Amy should want her baby back at the cost of River and Mels
“Characters are often in distress, or there would be no plots.“
It’s a deliberate, designed arc
Amy’s flaws
the ABCs of Amy Pond being an emotionless robot   
“I do not feel ashamed.”
art, history, faith, memory, building an everyday life.
drawings, TEH
Amy’s magic memory.
Observing the universe
we’ve built a life.
Amy Pond defines her reality as what she remembers.
weeAmelia: We just haven’t found you yet.
“their face just sort becomes them, like their personality’s written all over it”
A female character doesn’t have to be easy to love to be worthy of respect.
You’re Amy. He’s Rory. And oh yes I am.
every me loves every you
Clara’s motivations:
To see the universe
Helping people
Wannabe tragic heroine
A colder kind of hero
Nobody’s ever safe
Clara&12: the best and the worst of you
Strong parent/child undertones
Clara:  let’s see how far we’ve come
Thank you Santa Moff.
why i wanted Clara
easy-to-gif development
Is it an evil spirit?
I am human.
“Clara has no personality outside of her mystery”
pre s8 meta
Clara Oswald’s normal, everyday life
The Girl Who Can
Because I love him! 
+ another 
You are enjoying this just a little bit too much. 
 In another life…
in which i woz rite about Clara’s arc
'Perfect in every way’
Two times Ellie inspired Clara to save the world.
It’s your fault if you think Clara’s character-less in s7
origin story
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
Cinnamon roll, could kill you
hamilton edits:
you have no control: who lives / who dies who tells your story
we’ll teach them how to say goodbye
the fact that you’re alive is a miracle
i’m erasing myself from your narrative
i’ll see you on the other side
uh... do whatever you want, i’m super dead
the two gifsets I made when
1) I thought she just died in Face the Raven
2) I knew she lived
“hubris isn’t something that destroys you”
…striding round the console, slamming controls, like she was born to it.
Friendship is very important to me.
“Don’t call me pretty. I know I’m pretty.”
You’re putting up your armour when leave
“Now the dream outlives the dreamer”
Jackie’s fears about Rose from Army of Ghost, but with Clara.
I’m the hero of this story
Small things:
Two straws
mindblanks when asked personal questions. 
sometimes narrates her thoughts aloud when she’s alone.
How did her story get built?
Sorry but she’s not actually a Slytherin
Melody Pond was born on an asteroid named for a poem. 
River Song does not accompany the Doctor.
Defying Gravity
backstory contrast
“he’d just swagger off back to his TARDIS”
Time can be rewritten
She gains strength from her unconditional love and trust.
Her AGMGTW speech
River & Vastra
Professor River Song. Archaeologist.
she needed a hero / so that’s what she became
River’s development
“Melody Pond is a superhero’
Understanding for her enemies
“Do not stand at my grave and weep”
It’s an act of revenge, it’s an act of defiance 
a way of moving and talking 
actor vs actress over 40
The two meanings of “agent”
“look at the skill and spirit with which I rise from that which resembles the grave but is not!”
Oceans rise / Empires fall (hamilton)
power (in many kinds)
Constance Markievicz quote
Screw you, Mitch McConnell. 
an 11/River 
we shone like a star & blinded who stared 
favourite romantic moments
raw competence equality
This is what love is. 
“If you lie, I’ll know what you mean.”
i tried / to love you less
or actually canon
love is a strong word
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