#Gideon tries to use Bill to control Soos
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baddecisionsgoooo0 · 5 months ago
Grundletale (or Grunkletale)
more thoughts on the Grundletale Au (also I think I like Grunkletale better)
it starts out the same as regular Gravity Falls, up until Bottomless Pit.
Grunkle Stan never returns from the second time falling in, and the kids are concerned. within the week, they call a meeting with Wendy and Soos, and Soos becomes interim Mr. Mystery. Soos accidently becomes the town favorite, and Gideon loses popular support. The shack gets a series of expansions as Soos makes more money than ever before. The twins refuse to tell their parents Stan is missing, not wanting to return home.
Meanwhile, Stan hits the bottom and tries to figure out a way back home. He meets Flowey, and immediately reads Flowey as a threat. Toriel sorta saves him (Stan was about to throw down), and Stan presents himself as his Mr. Mystery persona. Stan hits on Toriel, she then tells him she's married.
Stan causes a distraction to slip past Toriel and escapes into the wider underground. From there, Stan has to find his way home. Although, something seems wrong. For some reason, Stan is haunted with images of Ford.
Turns out, there are a few dimensional weak points in the underground. In one of them, Stan pulls Ford through. because Ford wasn't moments away from killing Bill, he's not as mad. With certain characters, they may even get therapy!
Stan and Ford do something and break the barrier, letting monsters out into Gravity Falls. they return to see that shack is now massive, Soos is acting as Mr. Mystery, and the kids kept trying to find Stan.
The kids are confused, Soos accidently calls Stan dad, Wendy is glad her boss isn't dead. Stan takes back ownership of the shack, and Bill isn't really able to get any chance to enter the universe.
During a discussion about ownership of the shack, (Ford had it built, Stan paid 30~ years of mortgage, Soos expanded the shack massively), Stan purposely calls Soos his son, and hands him an adoption form.
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mint-fixates · 6 months ago
Ranking Gravity Falls Characters By How Likely They Are to Do Drugs
• 1. Bill Cipher & the Henchmaniacs- have done drugs that are outlawed in every single dimension. Would do literally anything handed to them no questions asked
• 2. Stanley Pines- it is all but directly stated that he canonically had a drug addiction in the past (“stripped for edible flour”). I don’t think he regularly uses hard drugs anymore, but he has been stated to smoke cigars and drink alcohol when the kids aren’t around, and if someone offers him a hit from a blunt or something I don’t think he’d turn it down
• 3. Fiddleford McGucket- definitely smoked weed before his life fell apart, probably drinks moonshine or some shit now
• 4. Wendy’s entire friend group- smoke weed 10000%. Have probably tried psychedelics together
• 5. Gideon’s mom- seems like the kinda housewife that cracks herself out on Adderall both for motivation and as a coping mechanism
• 6. Nathaniel & Priscilla Northwest- have definitely done coke and other Rich People Drugs™️. I don’t think they’re frequent users but definitely do it at parties
• 7. Pacifica Northwest- might try something at a party as well but I doubt she’d make a habit of anything
• 8. Mabel Pines- would probably try weed or something once when she’s older just for the experience, but other than that she’d be squeaky clean (aside from consuming copious amounts of caffeine)
• 9. Stanford Pines- canonically doesn’t even drink until the infamous karaoke night, I doubt he would do it much afterwards. Particularly post-portal I don’t think he would ever do drugs because not having full control over his actions after everything he experienced with Bill would freak him out really bad
• 10. Dipper Pines- no way in hell is this kid ever trying A Drug™️. He’s a paranoid hypochondriac, he probably gets nervous about taking ibuprofen because it could maybe possibly have some kind of side effect. MIGHT try a drink at a party once, but more likely he’d pretend to be drinking alcohol to look cool when it’s actually just soda
• 11. Soos & Gideon- D.A.R.E. kids
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glapplebloom · 3 months ago
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Is she a bad person or is there more?
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So thanks to the Book of Bill, the Mabel situation has been brought back to life. There was a video when the series originally ended that highlighted what people thought was wrong with Mabel as a character. It has since been deleted because the guy did things I would not repeat and wish to move on. Cartonshi made a video discussing the hate and how his opinion is that she isn’t a terrible character while bringing up the arguments that she is. You could consider this a rebuttal but I wanted to bring up a video to show the two sides of people who dislike Mabel.
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Mabel is 12 years old...
Yes she is. You know who else is 12 years old? Dipper and Pacifica. While you can definitely argue that Dipper is trying to grow up too fast for someone so young, you can’t really say the same thing about Pacifica. She was basically made to be a more selfish and bad person in comparison to Mabel and the audience is intended to see her as such until the story focused on developing her.
Since she’s the Antagonist to Mabel, she gets the comeuppance that those who dislike Mabel’s character wished she got. But we get to learn more about Pacifica. We see that she could be a good person in the end of the “Golf War" if given the chance. And then in “Northwest Mansion Mystery”, we finally see why she is as bad as she was. Basically she was raised to be such and treated like a dog when not following orders.
So while by the end of the series and the spinoff comic we see Pacifica go back to her old ways, we get to understand her better and why she would do so. After all, baby steps. You can’t just do a 180 on everything you are. You have to slowly develop and sometimes make mistakes, like accidentally mind controlling all your friends or accidentally getting your friends' faces stolen. 
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How Selfish is she?
Using Cartonshi’s list of plot important good deeds, let’s see the reasons behind them...
Mermando - While she does eventually decide to bring him back to his family, it honestly takes a while for her to eventually get that mental note. Like after finding out about him being stuck there and not being able to go back, she tries for a kiss at their night visits and plays a game with him during the day. Like it had to click with her that he misses his family before she actually decides to help.
Boss Mabel - While she did take over because she feels like they should be treated better and with respect, it did begin as a bet. And while she did have some good intentions, you could argue this was an ego thing. Regardless, this is one of those times where she does get her comeuppance as despite her good intentions, in order to actually win the bet she had to be more like her Grunkle. 
Gideon - Honestly no one in their right mind would blame Mabel for this situation. Gideon gave off a “put the lotion on the skin” vibes and she’s been too pressured to keep it going. This is gas lighting.
Dipper’s Wingman - This I’m going to deny as in Into the Bunker despite still having feelings for Wendy he has decided to move on and focus on the Journals. Mabel decides not to do that and decides to put on the pressure. She at least apologizes and has a list of rebound girls. Still, pushing someone to admit feelings when anyone with a brain can tell it would never work out is still pretty bad.
Feud with Pacifica - Granted, she was feeling bad about making Pacifica feel bad before the Lilliputtians decided to go a step too far, but if they didn’t Dipper may have gotten through to her about wanting to win.
Helping Soos - Honestly, considering he was asking her for advice that’s cool.
Helping Robbie - This is basically the Wingman situation above. Sometimes it's best to let people be instead of trying to push them into something.
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No Consequences/Sacrifices
What Cartonshi showed about her receiving consequences is indeed true. Those are definitely moments where she received consequences. Though then they say that Dipper is also selfish and his sacrifices aren’t as real sacrifices as you think they are. And the episodes being displayed...
Time Traveler’s Pig - Yep. Dipper is definitely being selfish about wanting to use time travel to win over Wendy. And while he does have no real chance, Mabel still helped him. She also helped him steal said time device so she can relive winning Waddles. You could say losing Waddles to help Dipper is a consequence. 
In the Deep End - Again, Dipper is being selfish. But so was Mabel. Just because her intentions were good meant she had the best reasons for it. Like I said, it takes a while for her to click to do the right thing. Just as it takes a click for Dipper to do so.
Sock Opera - This is indeed Mabel's big sacrifice for Dipper. But they’re pointing out that people bring up Mabel hesitating to give up the Journal to save Dipper. The thing is Sock Opera is about as much of a sacrifice as the two episodes above. She did all this hard work to impress a guy who honestly looked too old for her. So her giving it up for Dipper should be treated as much as Dipper’s sacrifices above.
Vs the Future - Mabel having a bad day and being 12 is honestly not an excuse. She spent the entire summer going on dangerous adventures. You’re telling me she hasn’t learned about the importance of the future after time traveling numerous times? Her world got shattered a bunch of times. Guys she likes turning out not to be what she thought they were. Thinking she’s good at match making when she isn’t. Having to lie and be not friendly to get things done. You could say this is a lack of character development. And other kid characters can be realistic yet still experience such growth. Bluey being a prime example, and she’s half the age.
Another thing is thinking the apprenticeship is not good. Yeah, he’s going to miss out on his teenage years but some of us wish we could. And while Stanford is indeed biased about the situation, he is extremely smart. I know Alex Hirsch based it off his own experience and he was right about not taking that internship, there is the importance of growing up on your own to be your own person. Tiny Toons Looniversity shows how strong of a bond twins can be and yet can still do their own things and live their own lives. Would Dipper be like McGucket if he took the offer? Maybe. Just as maybe he would decide on his own that it just wasn’t for him and request to no longer be part of it a year after participating in it.
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Was Mabel Responsible for Weirdmageddon?
She did give the rift to Bill, but she was tricked. So that is understandable. But would this change if Stanford told the others about the Rift? Honestly, I don’t think so. Since Bill can read minds and only Stanford and Dipper got the protection from it, he could likely change the story to make it more appealing. Like something made up like “the Time Baby wishes to take the rift to prevent Bill from escaping”. So regardless if he told her or not, odds are she probably would have fallen for Bill’s trick regardless. Also, Weirdmageddon Part 2 is her trapped in a prison that’s designed to make her want to stay. Understandable. 
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The other stuff.
Honestly, it's not important. Mable teasing Dipper? They’re siblings. Last Mabelcorn could have called her out, but it's Quagmire calling out Brian deal. You want to agree, but the other guy is so much worse... Mabel never learns from her mistakes? You could just argue it’s bad writing. Supplementary Material. I do think it is fair to include them but it is understandable about not using it.
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So does she deserve it?
Yes. Just as much as she deserves all the (proper kind of) love for her. Take it from someone who likes the Powerpuff 2016 series or Thundercats Roar: it is perfectly fine to like someone while knowing its flaws. Just as it is fine to not like something but also point out the positives it can give. She is a character on the show who could be a realistic depiction of a 12 year old girl but still a character who was written to be such. If you like how she’s sweet, kind, and beat up a unicorn because they deserve it, more power to you. If you don’t like her because she is written the way she was, more power to you.
For me, I don’t hate her. But she isn’t my favorite on the show. I like Dipper because even though he is trying to grow up fast, he has developed over the show. Trying to impress Wendy in Season 1 to knowing it won’t in 2. Willing to embarrass himself or take a beating to undo his mistakes. Calling out Pacifica for her actions when given the chance and not holding back even though the cliche is “I’ll say that to their face, turns out I won’t.” When Dipper thinks you’re the worst, he’ll call you out on it.
And he never really did for Mabel.
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dreamseersystem · 5 years ago
How I Met Bill and Dipper
First to start as a note. I can visit worlds and dimensions, mostly when I sleep. Most of the events occurred during the "dreaming" cycle, but I always lucid dream.
It all started in the end of 2015 for me. When I first found myself running from Oryan (a crazed Celestial Asshole that was bent on owning me) yet again and Alcor (of the Transcendence Timeline) sent me through the portal. He... Gave his life to save mine and the niblets. Nydia and Nall (children of another Dipper and Mabel I knew before this). He used the last of his magic before transferring it to me to change them into dragons in the scape and erase their memories until we were safe. He then casted a spell to seal away my magic and hide me from Oryan. The side effect was, which I didn't find out till I woke up, was that is made me appear as a 14 year old female. He pushed me through the portal and sealed it behind him. I didn't wake up till a few days later in the dimension.
I found out later I basically landed naked on Dipper and Soos carried me back to the shack after wrapping me up in his shirt. During my time asleep, Bi was watching through his Windows. I sensed this, still having some powers despite being sealed and watched him in return. He sensed me and I faded into a healing sleep.
When I woke up it was a week before Dreamscapers. I spent that time finding out how the dimension differed from canon and really the only thing was me. One night before a few days Gideon would summon Bi, he decided to enter my scape to spy on me, got caught by Nydia and we talked. He was interested in me and all so we made a deal. He was allowed in my scape while I was sleeping and he wasn't allowed to attempt any possession and whatnot. He had some idea I was familiar with the timeline and it was also stated I would not reveal anything about the future in the agreement.
Dreamscapers went about the same, just me disappearing until the end, telling Bi that not everything is what it seems, and Gideon Rises went the same except when leaving Gravity Falls I was on the bus too... The barrier stopped me from leaving and I was thrown out of the bus. One of the shards got me really bad, and Bi offered a deal, he'll save my life for the ability to possess me. I made the terms more fair, only saying when I give him permission or sharing the body and I wouldn't be removed from it.
Need to say he used it to his best advantage. Causing trouble for me with Dipper and Mabel. He left me alone at nights only because I was helping Stan with the portal. I decided I would help a bit since I would be going by my own smarts and not what the future was. That way he got more rest.
We had a hate relationship. I played with him and got the upper hand a lot. He hated me and resented me. At the same time, Dipper got over his crush for Wendy and found out he had one on me instead. By Sock Puppets, both were interested in their own ways. Bi was more possessive, Dipper was more loving. Bibae's reason for making the deal with Dipper then was to mess with his feelings for me. I know for a fact now it was because he was jealous.
As the portal came closer to getting done, I knew I had to make plans to protect Bi from Ford. Meanwhile, after Dipper's bout of possession from Bi, we found out he could see Bi like I could in the scape. Which caused more conflict. They were always fighting. Bickering even worse than they are now. There was a few times they got along... But not really until the Northwest Party. He got pissed that a ghost would be Dipper's end and threaten to throw his ectoplasmic body into a dark abyss of the Nightmare Realm. Needless to say, I had to stop him and let Paz do her thing.
Since Bi started possessing me, some of my powers were able to leak through the seals, tho not enough to let Oryan find me. I was able to devise a way so Ford couldn't detect Bi. But the downside was he couldn't fully possess me anymore. Well, downside for him. It was something we talked about because we knew he would be back. But, he agreed it was necessary since he didn't want Sixer knowing he was back yet.
The day he came back into this dimension was... Taxing. Dipper got mad at me because I sided with Stanley. We had a fight... That night I went out onto the roof and just me and Bi were up there listening in on Stan and Ford. When they went to bed, Dipper came up and we talked. He realized he made a mistake and he should have trusted me. We all were tired at that point and fell asleep on the roof together. Mabel took a picture of me and Dipper and somehow caught Bi between us. It is a cute picture. Might have the drawing I did still somewhere. Have to find it.
Ford was smart. He traveled to a few dimensions that heard rumors about me. Saw certain symbols that matched my seals. He never trusted me. Even when I offered him information I normally wouldn't give. But he was too fascinated by me to shun me. So he would talk to me and ask me questions which I only vaguely replied to at the time. I met some Fords... Only my first Forddad was good... The rest... I won't go into it here... So I was wary.
When Bi finally revealed himself to Ford, he sent me away to not know what was going on. I think he suspected even then that I was talking to Bi. He got Mabel to get stuff for the barrier, tho Dipper tried to make light of it. He didn't think Ford was possessed in the basement like Ford thought at first, he was scared that Ford found out. And almost did with the brain scanner. I, meanwhile was busy with my own thing and planning for the barrier. I knew it would go up somehow. I was setting up a place to stay out in the woods. And by the time I came home the barrier was up. I couldn't go in because of not only my connection with Bi, but because of the powers I didn't know of yet that laid dormant.
Ford had me sent away then. Dipper pleaded for me, but he would not be moved. By this time the power that was unsealed was starting to overwhelmed me, whisper thoughts into my head, losing control of who I was. The darkness that had once consumed me was returning. I let Bi's talk of revenge sway me. So I knew what to do. Bi never had to use Blendin except in changing a few things in the past to make everything fall into place. But a part of me knew what was happening. I was able to drag Ford and Dipper into the Dreamscape and place a protection spell on them to prevent harm. I warned them that I would lose myself and the next day Weirdmageddon began. I was the one whom convinced Mabel to give the rift over. I'm the one that broke it.
I remember bits and pieces myself after this. Bi told me most of it. But I was... Not feral, but I lost myself to my own darkness. The insanity that once drove me to do very bad things. Bi said to him at the time I was very... Bad ass but scary. Tho he wasn't scared of that till later. He let himself at me like how he wanted to from the beginning. Causing pain and suffering. Stuff he regrets now. He did it to purposely hurt me. During one of these sessions I started to feel and know who I was again. I remember seeing Ford being tortured. I remember seeing Dipper waving his hand across my face as he removed the chains. I remember him hiding me behind a pillar and running off with his sister into the pyramid. I remember Stan and Ford switching clothes...
I snapped out of it then... I wanted to warn Bi, but I knew I couldn't. So when Bi entered the scape, I did too. I remember mostly the fire. Calling out to Bi as the fire surrounded him and Stan. Him yelling that I was stupid and needed to get out of there. Me refusing. Bi said he felt fear for the first time in his life then. He actually did care about me in his own way. Just never was shown how.
He used the last of his power to send me out of Stan's mind. He told me later that Stan asked him why if he had energy left... Bi had simply said... "Because at least they can still have a future."
I woke up outside the scape and everything was falling around us. Bi was shattered. By the time we were on the ground we saw the rift still open and didn't know why... Then I remembered. I had a shard of Old Bill left inside of me. Any Bill was connected to the rift. I knew what I needed to do. I told Dipper to get everyone in the circle and activate the zodiac. I was able to use that power to Ascend. I turned into the Ascended form and shattered myself on the barrier, causing it to break and send a power surged throughout the dimension. Thus causing the transcendence. I ended Weirdmageddon only to start the era of magic. I remember everything fading to black.
Dipper said it was calm then. That I was gone. Stan had lost his memory. And everyone was shaken. He cried for me. But somehow he knew I would return there. Stan had regained his memory because of Mabel, and all that was left of Bi was a stone statue. Summer ended, but the adventure wasn't over yet. That would be five years later.
Dipper: I'll take it from here for the interval.
After they were gone, everything hung just felt out of sorts. The world was changing and didn't know how to handle it. I went back to school as the nobody. Parents said the events should just be forgotten and just focus on dealing with school. Neither of us really forgot our summer. I was focused on seeing Astra again. I knew he would return. I spent five years sticking to the books, dealing with Mabel's crazy adventures. Not getting into those here.
When I just had graduated, I had a huge fight with my parents that night and went to bed. They couldn't understand why I would want to go back to Gravity Falls. To the Supernatural. Mabel said she was just leaving and acting like she is on a road trip. We both wanted to go back. It was that night I suddenly saw Astra for the first time in five years floating right above me and making me fall out of bed. He "convinced" my parents to let us go to Gravity Falls and we left within a day.
Astra: This is where I continue off. Those five years... Happened in a night in reality. It was like watching from beyond. I remember the scape... Shapes forming around me... Seeing Alcor in the space between life and death and explaining what he did. Seeing Old Bill one final time, the last piece I knew of then passing beyond. Being surrounded by the Flock as they recognized me as their new master. Feeling myself reform. It was different than the other times. Usually when I died I would appear back in my own scape awaiting for another portal to open... Another world to visit... But I was still in this world. I haven't returned to my scape. I was still in the dimension's scape. It was surreal... Something had changed... I didn't know what then... I guess from the transcendence. I still don't know why...
We returned to Gravity Falls. I made a deal with Ford about protecting the shack. For you see, I was weak and only Dipper was able to see me. I made a deal to claim the shack as my territory so I could appear in reality and be grounded there. It took a little time but I was able to claim the town too. I appeared to people and made deals under the name Alkaid. I created my demon self you could say. Our Alk didn't split from me till way after. I even got our Gideon on my side by healing his mother. By then I had an inkling of what was to come to GF so I made a deal with him that he would start a protection squad to watch over the supernatural.
Then I found Bi... Well what was left of him. His statue. Took me awhile but I found it. It was then I met Axxie for the first time. He told me that I couldn't wake him up until we had a way to split his power, so he wouldn't go mad with power like before. I had an idea then. Time Baby owed me a favor. So I went to the future and claimed a Time Wish. Used it to bring Liam to our time without changing the events of the past. I was able to devise a spell to split the power Bi had and share it with Liam. Liam was all for it, he wanted to see his brother again. So we did it and Bi was awaken in human form and Liam gained a human form as well.
To say Bi didn't take to the new look was an understatement. He hated it... Resented me, Dipper, and Liam... Whined, threw fits, screamed with rage as we had to limit his use of powers to protect ourselves. Ford didn't help by bullying him a lot. Shenanigans occurred. Axxie decided to take a more physical form and hang about to tease him too. I tried to reason and teach. Bi... Hit me only once then. We were on the roof that night and I brought up if he truly hated me for now... That maybe if I could have taken his place back then... He slapped me... Said that I shouldn't say such things. He told me... He didn't hate me. He was just... Confused and it felt odd having a human body of his own. He never had feelings like this before... And it confused and frightened him. We talked more and slept on the roof that night. The next day I saw him talking with Dipper. It took awhile... He was still getting used to everything. But soon he and Dipper found out they cared for each other too. Tho they still had their spats. Like even now. We bonded in a special Celestial marriage ceremony and found out Dipper was a Forest Guardian soon after.
Then Dipper's parents came for a visit. There was no warning. Even I didn't See it. But they came and demanded Dipper and Mabel return home and rid themselves of any magical taint. They called me a monster and said I brainwashed them. That I would condemn them. That I was evil.
I don't remember much then... I shut down... I always do when people call me things like that because I start believing it. Bi held me and Dipper fought and yelled at his parents. They left... We were hurt... They had joined the new group of Anti-Magics that was going around. The Pure Ones. The Untainted Ones they called themselves. We vowed to protect the town then. And to support each other. It wasn't a few months later in reality I found out about soul bonds and we realized that we were connected like that. And the rest is another story.
There isn't much more to it. We had more things that happened afterwards, stuff that happened with ex friends... Personal things. I won't talk about Old Bill. I'm... Not ready for that story yet. Too painful still. I did say something about him before ages ago. But that's all I want to talk about it for now. Bill, Dipper, and me have triplets together. And many more through our other mates. We are still happy and care for one another very much. Tho Bill is a lazy ass these days lmao.
And that is that.
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moca-de-led-ger · 6 years ago
We’re a Family, Dudes
Soos: Dudes, remember that time when we fell into a bottomless pit?
Dipper: yep
Mabel: oh yeah!
Stan: uh-huh
Wendy: ?
Soos: yeah dude, and each one of us told grand stories about things that happened to us?
Dipper: they weren’t that grand but...
Wendy: wait did that really happen?
Dipper: yeah, that happened. Oh, I guess you weren’t there.
Soos: hohoho! And remember that time we found a secret hidden room full of wax figures? And Stan standing lifelessly next to those wax figures scared the hot tamales out of us?
Dipper: ugh yeah.
Stan: Hahaha! Ahh that was a great scare! *whispers under his breath* Stan Pines. master of fright.
Wendy: ...
Soos: Oohh but dudes, who could forget the time we tried to get a picture of that Gobblewonker, and it turned out to be old man McGucket controlling that giant sea robot! What a day.
Wendy: wait that happened to all of you?
Stan: not me it didn’t.
Wendy: Oh.....
Wendy: Okay.
Stan: but I do remember losing ten dollars over a bet of Mabel’s intense singing, messing up my luring groove! Not to mention being blind folded. But HACHA I won five dollars out of dipperooskie!
Dipper: *rolls his eyes and chuckles* ha ha yeah yeah that was something alright.
Mabel: AHHH! I still have photos of all of us doing fun family stuff! like catching the fish, stealing the fish from people, and running away from the lake cops for stealing fish from people! And the rest of the set of pictures that go with my memory scrap book, with each one of us bonding over fishing!!
Wendy: ._.
Soos: speaking of water related subjects, and bonding, remember when I tried sneaking in the gravity falls pool lake to free those inflatable ducks from the evil overlords?
Dipper: you what?
Soos: and Dipper, you told me to go home while you were confronting Mabel.
Stan: and I snuck in the pool to get the perfect lawn chair first before Gideon did! I was unsure if it was worth it at first. But hey, it’s a good seat! Ya can’t blame me!
Wendy: hmm, I was there the next day to hang out with dipper at least...
Soos: It was neat to find that other secret hidden room in the shack though. If my memory serves me right, Dipper and Mabel were fighting over the room, and Stan was making them suck up to him to win over the key.
Dipper: yeah well it’s thanks to me that you don’t have to deal with a cramped break room Soos.
Soos: Oh! Oh! Oh! But one of my favorite times was going down that Jurassic sap hole to get waddles back! Me and Dipper had our ups and downs, sorting out our friendship dilemma to the best of our abilities. And running from that Pterodactyl really gave me the exercise.
Mabel: I loved that day! Cuz that’s when Grunkle Stan saved waddles!
Stan: hahaha anything for my favorite niece!!
Dipper: Grunkle Stan you only have one niece.
Stan: quit being a smart aleck! And you don’t know that!
Dipper: hmmm, but now that I look back at it, it’s pretty weird to think that the guy who knew the author of the journals and worked with him was just tagging along with us. He actually knew great uncle Ford, spoke to him, felt his presence...
Mabel: You mean McGucket yeah.
Soos: poor dude, I wondered how he ever escaped from that baby dinosaur.
Wendy: somehow even McGucket got involved with you guys...
Dipper: But keeping that dinosaur tooth was pretty neat.
Soos: Hey remember that time when we hopped into Stans mind to stop Bill from getting that secret code to the safe? And we were exposed to a weird trippy zone setting where everything was topsee turvsee and mostly gray, but also black and white. It’s like we were seeing a glimpse of stan’s sikee or something. Oh, and then we had to take Bill down by using dipper’s laser beams, Mabel’s kittens for fists, and my special “Soos’s belly stare!” Remember that dudes?
Wendy: 😧
Soos: Although at first it was too small for just Dipper and Mabel and I to be a team, but thankfully those two dudes kept the group feel complete! I mea-hean, there was no other way we would’ve had a fourth confrère to tag along with us.
Mabel: your welcome ;)
Dipper: I actually really appreciate that day. Err, Just for something I had to go through.... blasting a laser through bill was great revenge though.
Soos: yeah dudes! We saved the mystery Shack and savored our victory for that one minute and forty eight seconds.
Stan: well I don’t know what kind of nonsense your all going on with, but yeesh! I can’t forget Gideon breaking the house and nearly making me loose everything. Plot device hearing aid thank you very much~!!
Wendy starts to have an undesirable case of feeling left out.
Soos: Dudes, remember when zombies started breaking into the shack? And you two were wacking those zombies while I kept popping zombie jokes? You dudes ran for your lives, only for Stan to save you guys.
Dipper: And it was the day we discovered the invisible ink! Finding more details about what great uncle Ford wrote.
Mabel: And we saved the day with Love Patrol Alpha!!!
Stan: I really liked singing for that one night now that I look back at it. Still got it good for an old timer like me.
He stands profoundly with a stern grin on his face, fiddling the stubble on his chin.
Dipper: mmm I can’t say I was too fond of it though.
Mabel: Oh come on you know you loved it!
And she was right, Dipper secretly loves singing T&KING OVER MIDNIGHT by &NDRA to himself.
Soos: It was nice to be a zombie for that one hour, haha
Dipper: Nice? And it was just one hour?
Soos: I don’ know I wasn’t checking on time. I was a zombie dude!
Mabel: ~Mmm which reminds me, that special cinnamon we had tasted great.
Stan: I don’t know about special pumpkin. It’s about as special as the pepper shlong that’s been sitting in the kitchen drawer for 30 years. Might be even longer than that.
Dipper: Hey! So that’s where the rest of the cinnamon went! *scoffs* I thought it was Gompers. 
Soos: Well the important thing is, we were okay.
Wendy: ......
Soos: But while we’re reminiscing on the past, remember when Mabel was feeling put down after Pacifica got the front page of the newspaper? So then we all went to the Golf Kingdom to give her some unwinding, until Pacifica and her parents were there to butt heads with us and Mabel? And then we ate at Hermanos Brothers to give her some, uhh, ...more unwinding?
Dipper: insinuating that we were bonding together for that one portion of the day then yeah.
Mabel: I agree, it was nice bonding. Cause that same night we got to see the good side of Pacifica. Soos and Grunkle Stan being there made it feel all the more like a fun little group experience! For the time being of course.
Soos: Now here’s a good one, watching Mabel’s rock sock Opera! where Dipper was acting funky and there was that fight scene where Mabel slapped the journal on dipper’s face. And Mr. Pines started wiping out my camera. I had to make sure to keep extra batteries with me in case of a back up situation dude. Those cameras use up lots of battery juice for only a short moment!
Stan: Good job Soos! you’re always one step ahead of me. Even if it doesn’t mean anything to me.
Wendy: uh hey I was there too you know.
Soos: Oh! you were?
Wendy’s eye lids half closed, feeling done.
Soos: Well I do know if there was one time that I don’t recall Wendy being around was when I tried flirting with a woman to ask out for my brother’s engagement party, and you guys were giving me tips on how to-
Wendy: Eh-hem! 
She glares at Soos, her eyebrows perfectly horizontal, wrinkles pulsing right above her eyebrows. It’s as though she looks irritated.
Soos: Wuoah *confused, he slightly backs away with both hands in the air side by side his shoulders*
Mabel: Well I really liked that one morning where I spooked dipper with mister upside-downington! Cause not only were we excited over our thirteenth birthday, But Soos and Grunkle Stan came in the attic to talk about what was to anticipate for the future!! It’s cool! right? uh uh kind of weird and specific for that to be a family moment now that I say out loud, HAHA. But I think that was something worth remembering.
Stan: you know I totally forgot about my senior citizen ponytail kit after being all up in that weird apocalypse thingy.
Wendy: uh...
Soos: it really is worth noting those moments. It has always been us four, dudes. Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Me. The four members of the pines family. Look how far we’ve gone.
Stan: *perks up an eyebrow* You‘re just stamping yourself as part of the Pines family now Soos??
Soos: uhhhh...
Stan: Ahh come now you, you... big child you.
He wraps his arm around Soos giving him a little nudge.
Wendy: yikes. Uhh, *wants to tell them about herself, but is too busy thinking of something to say that doesn’t sound too self absorbed. She decides to go along with supporting their moment of recollection* you guys sure are the real fam, heh...
Soos: But you know what guys? One of the biggest moments of the Pines family would have to be the day when the portal was activating. The day where we thought the government was our enemy, when really it was us each other!  We all squared up against each other. You two Dudes had to fight me, the three of us dudes had to fight Stan, I had to decide what my moral duty was - from following Stan’s orders to protecting the kids - and Mabel choosing between her brother or great uncle. In the end, well, those government dudes were still our enemy actually. But conflict was what made the Pines turned against each other!! It was all a combined disparity of potentially tearing or repairing the family, and what could be more repairing than Stan finally being able to get his twin brother back.
Wendy: hmmmmgrrrrr frrgglfrggl mutterfrittrrfriggle mottherfritttglr motherfriggle... *just feels more left out*
Dipper: I think hearing out Grunkle Stan and Ford’s backstories really made us think. About how two people who were so close with each other became dysfunctional through either drastic changes in their lives, or even just something small. I mean, I nearly left Mabel to stay with ford when I should’ve known ford needed to get his deal fixed with Stan.
Mabel: it’s okay you were just connecting for uncle Fordsee is all.
Wendy: ...
Wendy: well okay that whole thing sounds pretty huge for you guys to go through. You really do stick through and through with each other.
Soos: Oh yeah dude, it is pretty huge, so huge that I don’t think there’s anything greater that could possibly top that. I think we’ve pretty much gone over all our Pines family summer moments.
Wendy: So... that was it. That was all the things you went through that practically cemented you guys to become a family.
Soos: hmmm yep!
Dipper: I guess so.
Wendy: Great *talking faintly to herself* cause I really don’t need anymore of hearing me be insignificant to a story of wit-
Soos: Heyy dudes remember that time when Stan Trapped bill in his head? And ford had to zap Stan to erase his memories in order to save gravity falls? And we basically had a mental breakdown for losing Stan over his loss of memories? We all stood nearby him as he would sit in his pull out chair, not remembering anything about us? And it was only until Mabel bringing up her scrapbook and showing those photos that helped bring back Stan?
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Mabel: Ohh yeah! I tried so much to just find something that would jog Stan’s memory! It was a big ol’ yikes moment since it felt like a funeral at first.
Dipper: I’m just so glad we found something that helped Stan regain himself back. Just... gosh. Yeah.
Stan: well while you guys are acting wishy washy I just remember having a good laugh at what Mabel wrote in her album! Something about hot neighbors, uh, I think.
Mabel: Neighborhood hotties!
Stan: yeah. Heh.
Stan (again): Ya know, for a cold hearted, empty soul like me, I will admit. The four of us really do make a team. A.. uh....... Family.. if you will...
Dipper: ...did you really need to struggle saying that?
Stan: Get Off My Back You!!
Wendy: *mentally keeping herself steady, inhaling gently, to exhale the bullshit*
she knows well it’s not bullshit, but I sure darn feels like it with just how little she’s been involved with the kids, Stan, and Soos as a collective. Was there really not that much that happened throughout the summer where she was at least a contributor to being part of the family, if not just barley?
Dipper: Okay guys, you know what, this is ridiculous. If there’s something we should take account for, is that despite the four of us being a group for most of the summer, we shouldn’t leave out our fifth member.
Wendy: !
Stan: Yeah. We all act like it was only the four of us, but there was someone else, someone who was a big part of the family, who just happened to come in a little late to the party!
Wendy: ! ...?
Soos: that’s right.
Good old Fordsee dudes!
Dipper: Yeah!!
Mabel: YEAH!!
Stan: yeah yeah we know, we know. Of course it was Sixer all along.
Ford pops in, walking in just like a movie star does at a live show. Soos has the soundtrack Bill Conti - “The Final Bell” from Rocky playing through his Piano Keyboard. Confetti floats all over the air, with Mabel shooting her confetti cannon that she either rented again or whipped up some sort of scam that only Stan would teach her. Dipper is feeling giddy, fists close to his chest as he barley squeals. Stan shakes ford’s hand, like he won some award or something, giving him a big ol pat on the back.
Ford: Now Now. Settle down everyone. I know how much you all appreciate the bit of contribution I have made to make me a part of your camaraderie. A great achievement I know. But, we are overlooking the complete picture. Do you really think it is only me left?
Dipper: ?
Mabel: ?
Stan: ?
Soos: ?
*Ford raises his sixth finger (which finger you might ask is for you, the reader, to decide)* We are in fact missing a sixth member.
Wendy: *looks up with a glimmer of hope on her face*
Soos: Oh. We are so dumb dudes, how could we forget!
More confetti is thrown in the air.
Ford: Thaaaaaaaaaat is right folks! Waddles! Is that how you people say it? By stretching the word in a long stagger?
Dipper: haha yeah waddles!
Stan: Oh. How could I forget the pig. It’s cause of this little guy that I got my memory jogged up!
Stan grabs waddles, holding him up in the air
Stan: Ohh, I love this feeling! Holding something so small yet so dear to me. Like, like... a sack of potatoes.
Dipper: you mean like a child? You’re talking about a child.
Stan: Ohh! You and your smart remarks!
Stan holds waddles with his left arm, pulling dipper in with his right arm, tousling dipper’s cap. Soos rushes in to hug Stan, squishing dipper in between. Mabel hops over Stan’s left side throwing her arms to wrap her long sleeves around his neck and take in a hug as well. Ford walks up to them with his arms out, patting in Soos and rubbing his thumb on waddles’s forehead.
Ford: Everyone.
He aims a stern, confident stare at everyone. A stare that express nothing more than clarity and Lucidity. A stare that exemplifies what is clear: his heart is set.
Ford: We did it.
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We are a family. We just know it.
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severalbakuras · 7 years ago
s2e17 and 18!
I҉̡̡͓̦̘̜̖̠͜ ̧̢͍̪͎̖̩̰͉̭̞̱͕̬̟̟̲̰͚̺͘T̷̸̛̞͈̙͇͇̠̼̀̕ ͏̞͕̩̣̩̳̺̼̘̭͉̞̀B̷̧̨̦̬͉̜͟͞ ̶̢̟̱̮̹̩̯̳͙͔̞͎̖̙͚̭͖̣̤͟͝É̡̙̗͖̫͇̤ ̤͓͔̮̺̺̩͖͙͘G͏̧̯͇̖̜̳̙̻̥̝̱̳̹̮͈̼̟̠͞ ̵̷̱͕͕̹̠̻̲̞̱͓̜̗̳͉̘͍͙̯I̷̶͜҉̪̼͚̫͖̬̖̦̬̤͕̥̬ ̡҉̶̖̼̫̹͕̗̣̖̙̯̻N̢̼̗̫͕̖̯̯̜̲͚͕̞̗͟͞ ͜͡҉̶̨̥̙̙͚̮̹͕̼͉͈ͅͅS̶̢͉͖͕̭̥͓̺͇͍͎ ̴̶̸̮͍̺̯̻̦̞̭̘̀͜
dipper and mabel vs the future: NIGHTMARE CHIN
they’re gonna be teeeeens
it’s not that great mabel trust
stan that’s not the only thing you’re going through…
even the mini-shack loses its s…
he’s not your personal gremlin ford. also hey what happened to staying away from the kids like you promised?
given your usual fixit standards just get some duct tape on there.
ford chill jesus just because you act like you hate stan doesn’t mean dipper hates mabel jeez.
oh mabel…
aw he wants to talk to her too…
familiarity breeds complacency ford.
it’s interesting that everywhere besides earth/’s galaxy has no issues countering bill’s nonsense as far as i can tell. i guess he picked earth/’s galaxy because it was the only place he could handle B)
aww mabel… this show happened fast too.
ford no.
ford no don’t turn him into you.
that’s STUPID advice ford!!!
check the rift soon dude that was a hard impact.
this whole time stan and ford haven’t even tried to reconcile this is going to end badly.
‘hold you back’ shut UP ford.
he almost died today mabel, several times.
mabel i get why it sucks for you but he’s not wrong. sad and bad things happen out of everyone’s control all the time and there’s nothing anyone can do about it but deal. 
why are you here blendin?
do not trust.
ford ffs.
how’d he snatch blendin up? what could he have possibly offered?????????
yeesh those are some bleak credits with all that screaming. v. second impact.
weirdmageddon, part 1:
here we go here we go here we FUCKIN’ GO
he has organs that means he has blood and that means he can bleed.
and we all know what it means if something can bleed.
mabel no.
3-tier pyramid is a downgrade.
black with a neon rainbow border as a 2d triangle is an upgrade though. use that look more often bill.
i like his friends, i’m glad he has some.
oh this music’s good
but if chaos is the new order doesn’t that make chaos order and order chaos and thus the most chaotic thing to do would surely be not do what everyone expects you to do and leave with no harm done?
gotta pause for some of those photos goddam
‘draw me like one of your french triangles~’
mahou shoujo bill cipher magica.
i’d be down to watch the adventures of mill, dill, still, will and sill. (that sweater and the hat is legit cute won’t lie. damn u bill)
not quite dipper but your danger instincts are on point.
any plans to tell stan about this?
that’s a cool-ass tsunami.
gideon’s lol-edgy at best.
has he lost some of his all-knowingy ness or is he just basking in himself?
bill’s got the terror blink-dash down.
having a shield over his eye means he doesn’t want you hitting his eye. that’s a weakness.
aaand there they go. didn’t think they’d survive the series.
that whale’s just chilling.
oh my god they’re nightmare nerds.
damn she’s dedicated.
woah dipper you’ve done pretty well surviving alone so far.
hey it’s attack on titan if the titans could talk.
oh phew.
wendy owns.
awful kind of bill to label her prison.
wait possessing? so he never made a deal and just took blendin by force? when did that escalation of his abilities happen?
ugggh time baby.
honestly i’m not even mad, time baby’s lame.
you should be dude.
gideon was here.
it’s gone all mad max
of course gideon would turn.
fuckin’ nasty gideon.
oh dear.
trust the prisoners gideon!!!
fucking finally gets a clue. we did miss soos throwing down though.
honestly i feel kinda bad for this guy, even if he eats people.
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spookysummersmores · 8 years ago
Mind Heist - Chapter 3
Word count: 1,784
Author's note: HERE HE IS
I apologize for taking so long to post this chapter! It's taken me a while to edit everything, and I've been working on a one-shot in the meantime...and of course, then there's LIFE as well...
Well, to quote the honorable Mayor Cutebiker - "Never mind all that!"
Thank you all for your patience and support, and I hope you enjoy! Chapter 4 should be up later this week! ^-^
Dipper gasped and bolted up, his eyes glowing electric blue...exactly as Stan had done when Bill took over HIS mind earlier that summer. Waddles, squealing with fear, ran and hid himself in Mabel's stuffed animal collection for protection.
Then, everything stopped as quickly as it began. The lights ceased their flickering, and the unexplained wind vanished without a trace. Dipper fell back, unconscious, and moaned a little.
"Dipper!" Mabel caught him and held him tight. "Dipper...are you okay?!" Waddles, too, came back and nudged him, trying to help whatever way he could.
Dipper moaned again, but didn't respond. He was stuck in a dream - no, more like a nightmare - with the nefarious Bill Cipher.
Mabel tucked Dipper back in and began to panic. "Okay...okay, what am I gonna do? What would DIPPER do? Think, Mabel, think..."
She'd never been alone during something this dangerous. What the heck was she going to do? Soos and Wendy were the only sort-of-grownups around, and neither of them knew much about the paranormal, did they? And besides, they were running the Shack; who'd look after things if they were gone? The only person that could possibly have had anything that would help was Stan, since he apparently DID know more about the town than he'd originally let the twins know, and he was nowhere to be found.
"But I CAN'T wait for Grunkle Stan...aaaah, I HAVE to do SOMETHING!"
Quickly, she dragged Dipper's journal out from under the bed and cracked it open, hoping to find something useful. Soon, she came across the blood-stained Bill Cipher section of the journal, and on the page, she found the Latin incantation Dipper had used to allow Mabel, Soos, and himself into Grunkle Stan's mind.
Mabel was admittedly a bit scared, but she knew it was the only way to help Dipper. She gathered a few things for when she ran into Bill and got ready to recite the spell.
Before doing anything else, she grabbed a cold cloth and draped it over Dipper's forehead, hoping it would at least keep his fever under control for a while. Then, a few minutes later, with candles lit in a circle around her, she put a hand to the side of her brother's head and began to recite the spell.
"Videntis omnium. Magister mentium. Magnesium ad hominem. Magnum opus. Habeas corpus... Magister mentium, magister mentium, MAGISTER MENTIUM!"
Mabel had forgotten how strange it felt to enter the mindscape. She watched all of the candles go out by themselves, but then everything seemed to fade away into a blue blur, and she felt a weird sort of weightlessness, as it'd she'd riding that weird swing ride at the carnival for too long.
Suddenly, she found herself waking up on the ground. She jumped to her feet, thinking for a brief moment that she'd ended up outside somehow. It only took her a second, though, to realize that she had indeed entered Dipper's mindscape.
"Holy Moses..."
There she was, upon a hill, overlooking Dipper's expansive mindscape. Surrounding her on all sides were places from all the different types of memories Dipper had, all mishmashed into one little world, each representing places and different points in time. Many of these were memories Mabel recognized, too, for they were either from their childhood in Piedmont or the current summer. In fact, she was sure she could see their California home right from where she was standing.
Mabel wouldn't let herself get distracted for long, though. She shook her head and began trekking through the odd new world, calling out for her brother the whole way.
"Dipper?! Dipper...where are you, broseph?"
All was eerily quiet around her for a while...so quiet that her voice faintly echoed back to her.
But it wasn't long before she heard the faint sound of cackling, and the second she heard it, her heart began to pound with fear.
She spun around and found that the sound was coming from the huge building at the heart of the mindscape - the mind library.
"So THAT'S where you're hiding him, you tortilla chip creep!" Mabel said angrily. She took a deep breath. Then, she readied her trusty grappling hook and dashed off into the library to find Dipper.
Meanwhile, within said library...  
"Wha- no- Bill? Seriously!?" Dipper was terrified, but tried his best not to let it show. "So you ARE the one who's been giving me nightmares!"
"Well well well, Pine Tree...long time, no ABC," Bill Cipher replied, cackling with sick glee. "I see you got my little presents. Just letting you know I had you in MIND! Miss me?"
"NO," Dipper said. "You've already taken over my body and destroyed the laptop...what the heck do you want from me!?" He thought for a minute. "Wait a sec...if you've been putting nightmares in my head, then...are you the reason I'm sick, too?!"
"Whoa, whoa, kid! Slow your roll!" Bill replied. "It's not MY fault you human fleshbags can't resist microbial invasion! But you see, it goes like this...you may not have all the secrets of Gravity Falls...but I DO have SOME use for you. And unlike that little butterball Gideon, I actually CAN see the future. For example, in about another minute, this is gonna be you!" Suddenly, Dipper could...hear himself screaming. Nice.
"Now, come on, don't kid yourself, Pine Tree...you skip out on enough sleep without ME being in the picture. You being brought down by some dumb Earth disease was inevitable. But of course, I...MIGHT have helped things along a little," Bill continued slyly. "So!" He clapped his hands together. "Have I got a proposition to make to YOU! You and your journal help me along with a little something I've been up to...orrrrr I find a way to MAKE you."
Dipper was dumbfounded. Did he seriously just ask that? "Are you KIDDING me!? Last time I got tricked into a deal with you, I almost died! And so did Mabel!" he angrily yelled.
Right as he attempted to walk away, he soon found himself in the grasp of one skinny little demon hand - one much stronger than it looked - while the other one flew to the demon's hip in annoyance.
"Not even gonna listen to what I have to say, huh? Always thought you were a boy of REASON, Pine Tree," Bill replied. "Ohhh! Speaking of Shooting Star - she must've LOVED the show I put on for her when I invited myself over to your mind!" he added, his voice dripping with evil delight. "Plus, there's a liiiittle surprise I've got in store for you involving your precious sister later..."
"Oh, no...Mabel..." Dipper gasped. "No, no, no, she wouldn't have tried to-"
Once again, Dipper heard his own voice repeated back to him. "Enter the mindscape on her OWN, would she!?"
Bill cackled again at the sight of Dipper's terrified face. "Aw, shoot...you ruined the surprise! And duh, of COURSE she did! You weak humans and all your...'caring'..." he said as he rolled his eye. Suddenly, he cracked his skinny black knuckles. "Now then!"
Without warning, Dipper found himself floating in the air...
"Since this little chat wasn't enough to change your mind...let's see what your own NIGHTMARES will do!"
Dipper struggled to get himself back down to the ground, but it was no use. "No! NO!"
"Have fun!"
Bill's maniacal laughter circled all around Dipper. And with a snap of Bill's fingers, he was teleported to parts unknown.
All was pitch-black when Dipper finally dropped to the ground again. He quickly pulled himself to his feet, and he panicked a little at first, but then remembered that he could just think of a light source. When he realized that he was wearing his pine-tree hat and vest, like he normally would on an adventure, he reached into the vest pocket and pulled out a flashlight.
When he clicked it on, he still didn't see anything at first - just the dark, dark woods. The rustling of leaves and the whisper of the wind were the only sounds, other than the occasional murmur or growl of an unseen creature. When he turned around, he found what he thought were spiderwebs hanging from the trees above - the thickest spiderwebs he'd ever felt, for sure. They were everywhere.
"Um...ew." He tried to walk around them, but kept getting tangled in them.
He tried to just ignore them and advance through the forest to find an exit, but he found that he suddenly couldn't. When he looked down, he saw that bunches of the strange strings had gotten caught around his ankles.
As he tried to untangle himself...suddenly...he heard a monstrous growl behind him...and he felt as though his heart had stopped.
All of this was far too familiar to him. He knew that sound like the back of his hand...but it certainly wasn't a sound he wanted to be acquainted with.
"Please don't be what I think you are...please don't be what I think you are..."
Trying not to completely freak out, he shakily turned around, very slowly. His eyes followed the trail of strings leading from his ankles up about ten feet ahead of him...and as his eyes met the monstrosity before him, a gravelly voice spoke.
"Come play with us, Dipper..."
Yep. It was a multi-headed, spider-legged marionette monster.
And he screamed.
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fernikart57 · 8 years ago
My review for every Season 2 Gravity Falls episode.
Now I’ll start with this season! I’ll give my opinions!
Scary-Oke: My second-favourite episode of the season! I loved it from the beginning to the end! Stan’s Knuckledusters were awesome. 15/10.
In The Bunker: I liked it! It’s awesome this episode! 10/10
The Golf War: My third-favourite episode of the season! I simply loved Pacifica’s redemtion here! 13/10.
Sock Opera: I simply didn’t liked it, Dipper’s threatment was poor in this episode, Bill is an asshole, and what he did is unforgivable. Mabel doesn’t help, she was an asshole to Dipper too, luckily, this is the last time, she’ll do that. Luckly Stan saved this episode. 5/10.
Soos And The Real Girl: My fifth favourite episode! I loved it so much! 11/10.
Little Shop Of Horrors: Every tale, Stan told was awesome! I simply liked this episode! 10/10
The Society Of Blind Eye: I liked this episode! It’s awesome! 10/10.
Blendin’s Game: Dipper’s and Mabel’s efforts to cheer-up Soos, were splendid, I simply loved this episode! 10/10.
The Love God: Another of my favourite episodes! This one was great! I love Tambry and Robbie’s relationship! 10/10.
Northwest Mansion Mystery: I simply loved this episode! It’s very good. I like how Pacifica rebelled againist her parents! 10/10.
Not What He Seems: The last episode I liked, before the salt. Awesome and amazing! I simply loved it! 10/10.
A Tale Of Two Stans: Ford caused me first bad impression and I’m still unable to forgive him, util today, I still cannot forgive how his pride leave him to do that kind of things and he never care what Stan was doing, when his dad kicked him. Honestly if Ford would have defended Stan, the things, should be different. And as I mentioned before, I don’t like this kind of episodes. 6/10.
Dungeons, Dungeons And More Dungeons: There a lot of things in this episode I didn’t liked. Dipper thinking EVERYTHING in the 90′s is bad (when some good things were the Internet, Technologic advances, Pokémon, Digimon and the Videogame Wars), Ford asking Dipper to keep in secret the Rift from Mabel and Stan, Stan and Ford ARGUED AGAIN and... argh! I simply didn’t liked this episode, this episode dissapointed me, probably I could loved it, if Probabilitor have turned Stan and Mabel in game characters too. The only good scenes for me were the joke of Stan playing dices in the Vegas and Stan and Mabel bonding! 6/10.
The Stanchurian Candidate: Honestly... I expected more of this episode, again, was another dissapointment. Stan has a bad day and wants to be Mayor to impress Dipper and Mabel, Ford then borrows Dipper a Fucking Mind-Control Tie and lets he and Mabel use it to manipulate Stan, honestly I always loved Dipper and Mabel, but I HATED THEM in this episode! This is the only time that happens, It’s very hard to me hate a main character, even if they’re assholes, but this something that has never happened in my life! I still can’t forgive Dipper and Mabel for using that tie on Stan! The only good things from this episode were... Stan’s fancy Outfit! I loved it! That Gideon gave Dipper and Mabel a taste of their own medicine and how this episode ends. 6/10
The Last Mabelcorn: Again, this was another dissapointment, I expected more from this episode. I know many love this episode, but I didn’t liked it for the next reasons: Ford made a Family Meeting, and he didn’t even wait for Stan, he lives in the Shack too! Not even Dipper and Mabel and subsequently Stan wasn’t involved in the duty of protecting the Shack, Ford if you want to protect your family, you should wait for everyone! Another reason, it’s because for this, it started the hype of what Stan did when he was homeless and what is his middle name? also I want to see Stan with obscured glasses like Ford. It’s not fair only Ford have this effect on him. Honestly I expected more... the episode only was likeable for me just for Mabel trying to be good and then punching Unicorns and every scene featuring Stan, just for that. 6/10.
Roadside Attraction: After a long time, we got again a episode I loved it from the beginning to the end! I like this episode! 10/10.
Dipper And Mabel vs. The Future: I simply didn’t liked the episode. This is the 5th time, I got dissapointed, I know many loved this episode, but I simply didn’t liked it. I wished that Stan were more present in this episode, but again, they didn’t knew to give him a place in this episode! At least Stan, could be with Mabel helping her along Soos to invite her friends. Ford returned to be again the asshole from episode 12, he wanted Dipper to be his apprentice and dismissed Dipper’s dreams, instead of encouraging him to be a director. It’s a good episode I don’t doubt about it, but I didn’t liked it. 6/10
Weirdmageddon I: Honestly, I’m tired of being dissapointed! Here starts Weirdmageddon, and this first part I liked Dipper, Wendy and Soos surviving to Weirdmageddon, but again, it could be nice, that Stan had a major role again, just they again, wasted that chance. I need to say, that the second half of the episode was pretty good! 8/10.
Weirdmageddon II: Escape From Reality. I loved this episode so much! It was awesome! Mabeland is a good place! 10/10
Weirdmageddon III: Take Back The Falls: Another dissapointment! Despite many loved it, I simply didn’t liked this episode. Everybody apparently give a fuck to Stan in this episode and simply they ignored him. Altought it was good watching every character of Gravity Falls, fighting to recover their town. But I simply didn’t like this part, I still feel bad for Stan in this episode, heck! they didn’t even mentioned the name of Stan’s Symbol. The only good things were: When everybody got angry at Stan for refusing to enter to the Zodiac, Bill defeating the Resistance and Ford and Stan ruining the Zodiac and Bill’s song. 6/10.
Weirdmageddon IV: Somewhere In The Woods: What I can say? This episode is a masterpiece! And really ammended the mistakes the previous part did, this episode is pure perfection! It made me cry and is the best episode of the series! I loved everything, how Ford and Stan were the ones that defeat Bill, how Ford and Stan were jailed by Bill and Stan having an idea to defeat Bill, which ends in Stan’s Sacrifice, I need to say that what Ford got in other dimentions doesn’t helped him in nothing againist Bill. Honestly I can’t get over this episode every time I watch it! I can’t get over Bill attempting to murder Dipper and Mabel, starting with Mabel, I can’t get over, when Stan takes Ford’s place, I can’t get over Dipper’s and Mabel’s confused faces when they realize the switcheroo, I can’t get over when Ford is forced to erase the mind of his brother, I can’t get over when Bill realizes he was tricked and since he’s losing his powers, he can’t escape from Stan’s mind and now he’s a total whimp without his powers, I can’t get over how Bill smug become into a terrifyed face being totally afraid of what Stan could do to him, since he harmed Dipper, Mabel and Ford previously, I can’t get over of how Bill tries to bargain with Stan proposing everything Stan has always wanted since he was kicked from his house, evern going further of creating Stan’s own galaxy and making him more powerful, just so he realize that unlike Dipper, Mabel and Ford, he’s not interested, even if he were proposed make Stan a god, Stan would have declined, I can’t get over Bill’s distressed/scared face when he’s unable to fool Stan, I think Stan is the only person that Bill has been unable to fool and this make him upset, because no one had declined his deals and also Stan was Bill ticket to continuing existing, I can’t get over Bill’s face, when he realizes Stan doesn’t care about his own life, thinking he was never worth, I can’t get over Bill attempting to murder Stan, but he heavily glitches in a painful way, taking many deformed, grotesque and bizarre forms, until he is weakened, I can’t get over when Bill’s last word before being erased of existed were a backwards spell and “STANLEY!!” while being totally manipulated by his fear, I can’t get over Stan punching Bill directly in the eye, I can’t get over Stan’s last words “Guess I was good for some after all!” while he holds a photo of him, Dipper, Mabel and Waddles, I can’t get over seeing Ford’s hearbroken face when he finishes to erase Stan’s mind and is totally in shock, while Dipper and Mabel were in shock too, I can’t get over how when the Nightmare Realm inhabitants are violently sucked by the rift and Gravity Falls returns to normal, being greener than before and sadly every character that came alive for the Weirdness waves dissapeared, everything returned to it’s normal (if you can say it) self, almost... I can’t get over Dipper, Mabel and Ford looking for Stan and finding him unconcious, when he returns to concious, he no longer remembers Dipper, Mabel and Ford. I can’t get over, how Mabel attempts to congratulate Stan and hug him, but Stan doesn’t let her to hug him and ask her name and who’s talking she, I can’t get over Mabel trying to think, this is a prank but sadly isn’t a prank, when Stan doesn’t show signs of pulling Mabel’s leg and instead is more confused, I can’t get over Ford kneeling at Stan and calling “You’re our hero, Stanley” and gives him, his first hug in 40 years, turning this moment from to a happy one, to a sad one, I can’t get over Ford’s face about, how despite everything, Stan sacrifyed again for Ford, this time, he gave his memories, personallity and identity to save Ford, probably Ford was thinking “This shouldn’t end like this!” while that was happening, I can’t get over Dipper, Mabel, Soos, Stan and Ford seeing the Shack destroyed by Bill, I can’t get over Ford helping Stan to dress and he along Soos, Dipper and Mabel take him to the Shack (holding his hands), I can’t get over everybody thinking Stan will remember the Shack, but he doesn’t, I can’t get over Stan sitting in his favourite couch and then watching Dipper’s, Mabel’s, Soos’ and Ford’s long faces in front of him, I can’t get over how, for the first time in years, Ford doesn’t know what to do to solve this problem and trying to accept that his brother has gone, I can’t get over how Mabel finds her Scrapbook and she sits with Stan and she shows Stan every moment they spent together, she took pictures, I can’t get over how everybody is around Stan and Ford’s surprised face of knowing how Dipper’s and Mabel’s summer started, I can’t get over Stan getting mad at Waddles and he keeps licking Stan, much for his annoy, Stan also remembers Waddles, I can’t get over everybody smiling in disbelief when Stan remembers Waddles, Soos and his pay (I can imagine Soos was so happy he was the second person Stan remembers), I can’t get over Mabel telling what happened in their first week and then everybody laughs and I can’t get over how at the end everybody got what they wanted in the end. I simply, this episode is so beautiful! Soos is Mr. Mystery, Ford decides to make Stan finally accomplish his childhood dream and it’s beautiful! 1000/1000
What do you think?
Remember this what I think!
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catboyfeli · 8 years ago
ShadowRevya91 week ago "He wasn't lying in that regard as to just casually mocking her." Bill wasn't just casually mocking her. In context, he was trying to create a rift between the twins because at the time Dipper wasn't yet willing to make a deal with him for so much of a stitch of one of Mabel's puppets.
"Makes Mabel seem like a Mary Sue." I don't follow, what is it that makes Mabel seem like a Mary Sue? I thought a Mary Sue was a character without flaws, but your issue here seems to be based in Mabel being deeply, brokenly flawed.
"Dipper is shown to constantly give something up for Mabel" Dipper willingly giving things up for Mabel—in circumstances where it is clearly established as the decent course of action, with Dipper learning a lesson in doing so—does not mean Mabel is selfish. Ex. Dipper learning that it's creepy to be so controlling over another person's life choices and choosing to give up his hard work for his sister the moment he sees for himself that losing her pig would genuinely hurt her means that Dipper grew as a person and cares about his twin respectively, not that Mabel somehow got away with something to his detriment. For comparison, in Carpet Diem, the moment Dipper explains to Mabel why it is he wants his own room, she gives up the key and tells him she won't fight him for it. This obviously isn't an example of Dipper being selfish, it's just that Mabel understands and cares about her twin. And as you say, the lessons Dipper learned in his eps and his ultimately being able to forge a genuine friendship with Wendy are positives, not losses, and certainly not losses "because of Mabel's selfishness".
"Everything (in her mind) has to be about her." Mabel is portrayed as constantly trying to help other people. As shown in The Last Mabelcorn, other peoples' happiness is what she stakes her own happiness on. She says as much in The Love God when Dipper and the teens ditch a suffering Robbie: "How can I be happy if I know someone else is sad?" In contrast, Dipper holds grudges; he isn't invested in the well-being of people he doesn't know or people who have crossed him/his sister in the past (Robbie, Pacifica, the gnomes, etc.). Mabel's so concerned about Gideon's happiness in The Hand that Rocks the Mabel that she can't bring herself to turn him down even when it distresses her. She tries to help Dipper along in his crush on Wendy and in building confidence, and when it doesn't work out offers to make him a list of rebound crushes. She tries to play matchmaker between Lazy Susan and Stan when she finds out he wants her to like him. When she finds out Stan has a fear of heights, she spends the episode trying to help him move past it. I could go on, but seriously she does these things for the entire length of the show; it's her 'thing'. Ford, Dipper, and Wendy agree in Mabelcorn that Mabel's the most pure-of-heart, well-meaning person they know.
"she is shown to constantly take advantage of his dedication and/or belittle his ambitions" When is she ever shown to consciously take advantage of Dipper or hurt his feelings? She makes fun of his voice, lack of manliness, and love of nerd things, but only playfully and she's definitely not the sole character to do so (see Stan, Wendy, and Soos) (Stan is so hard on Dipper that it becomes a major plot point near the end of season one). In Bottomless Pit, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy all express how much they think Dipper's voice is perfect at the end of their mixtape. Mabel realizes in DD & More D that Dipper's actually been taking a lot of their teasing to heart and feels bad about this because it was not her intention. This isn't a realization specific to Mabel either. In Little Dipper, Dipper realizes that he's unintentionally been rubbing his success in Mabel's face, that she feels inferior to him because "you're better than me at like everything", and that her teasing is her attempt to feel better about what few victories over him she has.
"And she never really "pays" for it" Mabel is punished while learning lessons, same as Dipper. As I said before, it's just easier for the audience to brush off. Ex. Mabel gets multiple attempts to kickstart the summer romance that is her central desire for the summer; every single one goes down in flames (literally, in Sock Opera) and we see in Society of the Blind Eye how much those failures weigh on her and how difficult it can be for her to remain confident in the face of them. Like Dipper, we see throughout season 2 that Mabel makes an effort to move past this and comes out better for it.
"Is she at least sorry for nearly getting her brother and close friend killed simply to teach them a lesson? It was an accident, yeah, but it was a result of how short-sighted she is." Maybe it's just me, but Mabel... pushing Wendy and Dipper into a closet together... falls a bit short of consideration as a heinous crime. Besides, Mabel 1) was trying to be helpful, 2) was also in danger, 3) didn't know there was a monster in the bunker. Pinning Into the Bunker on Mabel is like pinning Sock Opera on Dipper for not realizing he was about to be screwed over or pinning The Inconveniencing on Dipper for going along with the teens in an attempt to fit in or pinning Weirdmageddon on Dipper for not telling Mabel about the rift in the first place. You could pin Into the Bunker on Dipper as well while we're at it; he led the mission, the purpose of which was to benefit his summer priority, and the gang almost were crushed in the security room. Point being: The kids not being able to see the future isn't a character flaw and the others don't typically expect apologies from them in such instances. This is different from, say, when Dipper intentionally raises the dead in Scary-oke or Stan leaves Waddles outside in Land Before Swine.
"Unlike in season one where it's pretty obvious that the story is about Dipper" How is season one about Dipper? I didn't get that impression personally.
"I can only think of two episodes where she actually learns a lesson (Boy Crazy and Sock Opera)" Here's what I can remember off the top of my head: Tourist Trapped, Irrational Treasure, The Legend of the Gobblewonker, The Hand That Rocks the Mabel, Boss Mabel, The Last Mabelcorn, The Golf War, Society of the Blind Eye, Northwest Mansion Mystery, and The Love God. Not that number remotely matters (as you say, Ford's arc wrapped up neatly despite his only being present for the final 7 episodes), but hope that helps.
"She KNOWS this isn't real that Bill is gonna destroy everyone she cares about in the REAL world... but CHOOSES to stay put." This... ignores a couple things. 1) So did Wendy and Soos and nearly Dipper, only he remembered that what the bubble was showing him wasn't actually what he truly wanted, only what he thought he did (i.e. being Wendy's age). Which ties into his speech to Mabel later. 2) It's a magic prison bubble; Mabel's under a spell. She doesn't snap out of it until the sincere sibling hug. 3) This incident is parallel to the first season's penultimate episode, wherein Dipper initially decides not to save Stan and the shack because he feels Stan doesn't care enough about him to merit rescuing. Mabel is similarly hurting because she believes Dipper has decided to ditch her. This is part of the reason she creates a false Dipper; she thought the real Dipper meant to abandon her and couldn't accept a reality where that could be true. Because when it comes down to it, and Dipper spells this out himself, Mabel isn't stuck in her fantasyland because she's selfish and it's giving her everything she thinks she wants; she's stuck because she's afraid of losing Dipper and "of growing up".
Throughout the series, Dipper and Mabel are both portrayed as childish. Dipper has a childish idea of what it means to be grown up and can't wait to leave his childhood behind and become the great person he imagines he will be as an adult. Mabel is a tad more mature in that she understands being afraid of being perceived as childish is itself childish and that the twins have to cherish their childhood and their time together while they have it because it won't last forever. However, faced with both the thought of her childhood ending and Dipper leaving, she can't handle both at once and instead seeks solace from reality, refusing to move forward in the process. Dipper developed as a character over the series, but like Mabel those lessons don't fully sink in until the events of Weirdmageddon, where he becomes a realist who understands he can't deal with reality by constantly living in the future. He sees Mabel struggling with the unrealistic desire to remain stuck in time as similar to his unrealistic desire to have already grown up and explains to her they can kill two birds with one stone and face reality together; the spell breaks here because Mabel no longer needs the fantasy world to deal with losing Dipper and that subsequent panic of having to grow up alone. "Man, I went nuts back there. The real world can't be that bad, right?" Show less Reply 3     ShadowRevya9 ShadowRevya91 week ago (edited) "It's sad to see that ONCE AGAIN, Dipper sacrifices his ambitions for her" "All she really learned that is if she guilt trips Dipper enough times, he'll always turn around for her." I think you're missing a critical component of Dipper's character arc here. Dipper's 'ambitions', to essentially begin a career path at friggin' 12 and skip/squander the remainder of his childhood and teenage years, are explicitly portrayed as being as delusional as Mabel's fantasyland. Dipper isn't giving up anything of value here and he isn't giving it up for Mabel's sake; it's a personal decision he's made and he's using this decision to show Mabel that he's chosen to face the music and implore her to join him in doing so. This is why when Mabel tells Dipper—immediately after they've escaped the prison bubble—that while she appreciates his speech he's free to take the apprenticeship if he wants to and she doesn't want to be responsible for holding him back, Dipper simply reiterates that he doesn't want it.
Again, Dipper letting things go of his own volition (not due to supposed emotional abuse on Mabel's part) is not somehow synonymous with him getting the short end of the stick. The only ones who try to frame it that way in-universe are Bill "literal monster" Cipher and Stanford "isn't having siblings suffocating?" Pines.
"with her... not really giving up much this time" This is what I meant when I said it's easier for the audience to value what Dipper sacrifices more. Mabel gave up the prison bubble, a world where she gets everything she wants (except Dipper, which makes the whole thing worthless). The bubble was her dream the way Ford's apprenticeship was Dipper's: unrealistic and unfulfilling. It would have been awful of her to choose to stay, the same way it would have been awful of her to give Bill the journal to keep her play; the same way it would have been awful of Dipper to keep the megaphone, the same way it would have been awful of Dipper to deny Wendy's freedom to make her own choices. These are all sacrifices, but only seem to be viewed as such when they are Dipper's, despite the fact that in each instance, 1) giving up the thing was hard for them, 2) unambiguously the right thing to do, and 3) they realize the thing being given up wasn't actually worth much at all. Show less Reply 2     jenny xu jenny xu6 days ago I'm feeling bad for jumping into this argument but at the same time...
Alright, I see a lot of what you're saying here, but my first impression agreed with Edward Gil and my reason for 'why' stands thus. Dipper, as far as I've perceived him in both season one and season two, drops everything (except for Wendy, I suppose) the moment Mable needs his help. When Waddles was taken by a pterodactyl in the Land Before Swine, Dipper dropped his attempt to photograph the pterodactyl the moment he learned that Mabel's pig was taken. Of course, he would help, but as far as I remember, it never occurred to Dipper to bring a camera 'just in case.' That's him caring for Mable and putting her above his priorities.
Later on, in the Golf War, Mable may have been the bigger person and stated that cheating was wrong while Dipper was perfectly fine with it, we have to remember that Pacifica is Mable's nemesis. Not Dipper's. The only reason Dipper would have any issue with Pacifica would be because of the way she treats Mable.
Even earlier, in the Deep End, when Mermando couldn't breathe and Mable told Dipper (as the assistant lifeguard) to give him reverse CPR, Dipper didn't hesitate. The obvious solution would have been to roll Mermando into the lake, yes, but I thought it was heartwarming that Dipper /didn't hesitate/ to give reverse mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a merman he met literally seconds earlier. He probably would have done it, Mable or no Mable, but I think the fact that his twin went through all that trouble before hand to get Mermando to the lake played a role in how quickly he conceded to the demand.
In dangerous situations, Dipper's first words are always 'let her go!' and 'her' always being Mable. Despite not being the bravest or strongest person (don't we know it), Dipper always, always, stands in front of Mable against monsters and threats to shield and protect her. Obviously, this isn't to say that Mable is less capable than anyway. If it comes down to it, I'm willing to bet that she's the more athletic one, but the fact of the matter is, Dipper is constantly proving how much he cares for his twin.
Now Mable on the other hand? Aside from how she always supports Dipper fully in his investigation of the supernatural (Mystery Twins!), it's hard to think of an example where she dropped her own priorities in order to help Dipper.
Now, in terms of 'being a good person,' I think Mable probably has Dipper beat. She goes out of her way to help others, she has a stronger sense of morals and in the Last Mablecorn, Mable outright stated that she had the purest heart and Dipper just went, 'no arguments there.' I just think, when it comes down to paying attention to each other's needs and such, Dipper is just more aware than Mable, you know? He's the analytical one, the one who's always winning at chess. So he's the one who takes more care to see things from Mable's perspective.
Meanwhile, Mable is playfully ribbing Dipper about an assortment of shortcomings, from lack of manliness to his voice to being slightly shorter to his crush on Wendy to a miscellaneous collection of other small, harmless comments that... frankly add up. It's not much of an issue considering. as you've pointed out, Wendy, Soos and Grunkle Stan do virtually the same but considering how Dipper is towards Mable, it's worse coming from her.
When things get serious, Mable is there for Dipper, but not the same drop-everything way he is for her. When it comes down to it, I think that's what rubs people the wrong way.
This is all open to discussion, of course. Show less
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rum-and-shattered-dreams · 8 years ago
Chapter Summary:   The rift torn into the sky sends Fiddleford into a panic attack brought on by a flashback to being pulled into the portal in his youth.  Ford frantically tries to help him.  Candy gets stuck in a knot.  Dipper figures out a plan.  Mabel and Grenda are his last hope of saving the entire crew from being pulled into the abyss.  Ford begins to realize that his home dimension is rejecting him. Chapter Warnings:  Angst Overall Warnings:  Major character death Notes: Thanks again to @themadcapmathematician​ for co-writing this with me! When Ford rolled a 4, botching his attack and accidentally opening a gaping vortex in the sky, we...  um...  had to figure out how to handle that.  We decided to roll for evasive maneuvers for any character who had a chance of helping the DDRD3000 escape its pull.  I'll write up how the rolls played out in the end notes to avoid spoilers but for now, all you need to know is that Fiddleford...  Well...  Fiddleford rolled a 1... As a side note, I know Stan hasn't appeared much yet but I promise there's good content for him coming up in the next few chapters. Also, there’s a joke that nods to TAZ at the end just because... See under the cut for other chapters and end notes.
Chapter 1 - Prelude.  Thirty years in the future, Dipper, Mabel, and their entire families meet up at the Mystery Shack for the holidays and reminisce with Grunkle Stan. Chapter 2 - Weirdmageddon.  Ford finds himself held captive by Bill. Chapter 3 - Dipper and Mabel to the rescue! Chapter 4 - Fiddleford shows off his newest creation. Chapter 5 - Our heroes fight an onslaught of enemies and Ford makes a potentially detrimental, panic-driven mistake. Fiddleford stared blankly into the void above them.  Some little voice was saying he had to  do something...  Something important...  But it was suffocating under the images flooding his mind.  Sounds and voices around him stretched and distorted into an unintelligible din. The massive vortex seemed to usurp all his senses; he lost himself in it.  He didn’t quite know where he was but there was a monolithic triangle, seemingly defying gravity, standing on one of its points, and in its center was a spinning circle of rainbow light and a gaping abyss but it was shimmering instead of black and featureless, glowing like some bright future just out of his reach, like some light flickering at the end of a tunnel.  It was tempting him, it was calling him...  His chest filled with dread because he knew it was false and he shouldn’t touch it...  He mustn’t touch it...  But it was drawing him in and he couldn’t fight it. He was flying.  Or was he floating? His feet were off the ground.  All the air was being pulled right from his lungs.  His brain was muddled, light and images dancing by but he couldn’t make sense of them (and oh wouldn’t it be nice just to sleep?  Wouldn’t it be nice just to stay here where the pain was so far away?  Nothing can hurt you when you’re weightless and nothing makes any sense)... Someone was yelling at him in the distance somewhere.  His skin hit the light and it burned.  Not a single thought passed his mind, there was nothing but blank, and he was drifting somewhere, struggling to breathe. One image stood out in his mind, and he shuddered, trying to will it away, trying to brush it aside, outrun it in his head. It was an eye.  A horrible yellow eye that glowed like moonlight and peeled your skin and froze your blood and turned your bones to lead.  And it was all he could see. He couldn’t breathe.  He didn’t know how to breathe.  And then it was gone.  Everything was just…  gone. **** Ford growled in frustration, ripping off his headset and slamming it onto the console.  “No…  No…  No no no no no!  That was a simple incantation!  It’s worked hundreds of times before!  What have I…?  I-I’m so sorry, this shouldn’t have-” the words caught in his throat as he glanced at the chair beside his. “Fiddleford!” his voice cracked airily, wrung with panic. His friend had hunched forward in his chair, motionless, as if he wasn’t even breathing.  He stumbled out from the space between his console and chair, reaching for Fiddleford, momentarily deaf to Dipper’s calls for help through his abandoned headset. “Fiddleford!  Grunkle Ford!  Do you read me?  I repeat, evasive action!  We’re being pulled in!”  Static crackled between Dipper’s pleas. Ford scrambled for the headset, haphazardly holding the mouthpiece close enough to spit out the best reply he could muster, “Something’s wrong with Fiddleford!  I don’t know how to pilot this!  Tate?  Tate can you hear me?” No answer. **** Tate had nearly made it up the stairs to the gunners control room situated in the center of the dragon’s mouth when the sky tore open and jolted the dragon’s body tail-end-up.  He fell to his hands and knees, his head spinning.  Even so, he crawled toward the steps, reaching the handrail just as the dragon’s head began to turn.  Slipping and stumbling, he climbed the three stairs but as he reached for the door latch, the head tipped forward and he lost his grip, tumbling into the makeshift airbags between the dragon’s teeth. **** “Can you get back up here?” Ford pleaded over the headset, “Tate?!” Still no answer. Through the sting of sweat dripping into his eyes and the weakness threatening to buckle his knees, Ford relayed the only plan of action he could take to the crew, “I’m going to try to help Fiddleford!  Just…  Just give me a minute.” “We don’t have a minute!  Oh man!  Alright.  Hold on.  Oh man oh man…  Um.  Okay.  We can do this.  Grenda, Candy, Mabel, we’re going to have to try to do this on our own.”  Ford could barely hear Dipper’s reply as the headset slipped out of his hands. “Candy!  Fire the foot cannons!”  Dipper commanded. “Dipper, I’m sorry!  I can’t!” Candy replied, her voice strained and panicked. “Candy?”  Dipper clasped the railing around him, the iron grating against his palms as glanced behind him for a split second, his heart dropping to his toes at the sight.  The dragon’s lurching had sent her tumbling from her seat, tangling her in a rainbow-colored nest of wires leading to the left leg. The DDRD3000's body tipped further, leaving the gnomes clinging to their seats, a chorus of their throaty yells swelling through the command center as they lost their grips and tumbled forward.  Wendy and Dan struggled to climb the near 45 degree angle of the control room’s floor, reaching to help Candy only to slide back down, spinning and tumbling until Dan caught the leg of an old bus seat, bolted to the floor and Wendy caught a hold of his boot, nearly pulling it off.  Stan clung to his chair, looking rather green as his thoroughly exhausted muscles strained to hang on, wanting to ask what was going on but certain he didn’t want to know what would come out if he opened his mouth.  Soos slid toward the opening into the dragon’s neck, His legs scrambling to alter his path enough to avoid a collision with Celestabellbethabell and a group of gnomes huddled around her.  He reached out one arm just in time to catch Gideon before he spun into them like a bowling ball on course for a strike. “Grenda!  Mabel!”  Dipper shouted, peeling the sweat-drenched hair away from his forehead and tucking it under his hat, “It’s up to us.  Mabel, see if you can swish the tail up and down!  That sheet of metal that Teeth tore up might just act like a flipper.  Grenda!  Swim toward the ground and grab…  something!” “I’m on it!”  Grenda clutched both control sticks, her teeth gritted as she pushed and pulled them in a swimming motion, fighting to swing the idle flapping of the dragon’s wings and the backwards lull of its neck in a downward direction.  The robotic arms screeched, smoke puffing from the joints but, despite their protesting, they obeyed her command.  Sweat beaded across her brow as she struggled against the pull of the air itself, moving against the deadly current, inching closer and closer to the ground. Mabel’s heart pounded as she whipped the tail around again, trying to guide the dragon forward and away from the portal. The tail flailed wildly in the portal’s vacuum, and Mabel struggled to shift the control stick back and forth. She managed to get it under control, it’s mighty flaps steering the Dragon away from the shrieking inter-dimensional gateway. With the added boost from the tail’s flipping, Grenda shifted her hands to the buttons situated near the base of the control sticks, mashing them under her fingers to stretch out the dragon’s massive metal claws.  She dug them into the parched ground below an released the buttons, the claws gripping ash and roots.  In a puff of dust and the grinding of metal against dirt and rock they tore deep gashes into the ground and finally gained a hold.  She locked the brakes and let out a sigh of relief when the claws maintained their grip and pried her hands free from the control sticks.  With a puff of breath, she wiped her brow and allowed herself a triumphant smile.  Though the robot’s tail end still struggled in the updraft, they were at least somewhat anchored against its pull. With a prolonged grunt, Mabel pulled back on her control stick one last time, throwing all of her strength into fighting against the current.  The gears shrieked in protest but obeyed, slamming the tail down, its broken paneling digging into the earth. The DDRD3000 creaked and groaned, but it was safe, its claws and tail acting as anchors, preventing the crew from being torn from their resident dimension.   **** Ford reached forward, his legs straining to keep him steady against the robot’s jerking and jolting.  He carefully tilted Fiddleford back into in upright position, calling his name helplessly.  Panic gripped him at the sight of his friend’s eyes glazed over, his breaths coming in shallow pants.  “Fiddleford!  Fiddleford, please!  Please wake up!”  An image flashed through Ford’s mind, his friend lying in his arms, unresponsive, his eyes wide but seemingly empty, devoid of any light or life after witnessing the horrors beyond the portal.  Panic attack! His mind screamed.  He’s shut down, just like before!  Oh what have I done?!  It wasn’t supposed to be like this.  Idiot!  OK stop, breathe.  You’re no good to anyone if you panic now... He patted down his pockets, searching for something, anything that might bring Fiddleford back to him.  “Yes!  Yes, of course.  Where is it?!” he mumbled to himself, searching the inner pockets.  “There!”  He pulled out a dark brown vial with a blindingly yellow label containing an alien concoction which proved most valuable during the sporadic anxiety and panic attacks which leapt upon him from time to time in his travels. “This helped me more than once, hopefully it does the same for you, buddy,” he muttered as he unscrewed the cap.  He squeezed the eyedropper and released his grip until it was half-filled with a briny green solution.  Muttering hopes and prayers under his breath, he lifted it to Fiddleford’s open mouth, his hand attempting to match the trembling of his friend's body.  Three drops made it into his mouth, the watery liquid shifting to a viscous texture on contact. Fiddleford felt sensations distantly, but they were filtered through some sort of veil. He simply didn’t have enough information to interpret them properly. All he could do was tremble and draw shallow breaths. Something touched his lips and a tangy, sharp flavor snipped through the veil like garden shears.  Something that was somehow the consistency of both a smoothie and lukewarm pudding slid down his throat.  It was like lime but too sweet, like pie but too sour.  It was similar to drinking glue that was trying too hard to be dessert, but Fiddleford found himself craving more. He blinked slowly, taking in a greedy uneven breath.  He didn’t recognize the room he was in, but that felt like a fairly familiar sensation, somehow.  There was a howling sound outside, and a lot of crashing and screeching.  He looked around the little metal room, attempting to gauge what kind of a situation he was in, and found some strange person standing beside him. He tried to speak and found his words a bit strained. He cleared his throat and gave the stranger a broad smile.  “Why hello there! And who might you be?” Ford chewed his bottom lip in concern during the moment before Fiddleford spoke.  The question hit him hard and he struggled to restrain an expression of open-mouthed horror.  Everything Dipper and Mabel had told him was true.  His best friend had wiped out most of his mind and was still suffering from the blow.  He hadn’t seen before, or perhaps, he’d chosen to block out just how many lines etched Fiddleford’s face, crinkling around his eyes as he smiled blankly at him, or how few teeth remained within that wide grin or how bony his limbs had been when he’d hugged him just minutes ago.  As much as he’d wished it, as much as he’d hoped it, this was not the same man he knew thirty years ago.  Or rather, it was but he was tangled among years worth of knots.  What had he been through?  The kids mentioned he was living in a shack in the dump and that the townspeople mocked or ignored him. He deserved better. Choking back the sob threatening to wrack his throat, he forced a smile back at Fiddleford and stammered the only words he could think of in response, “I-I’m Ford...  S-Stanford Pines.  Do…  do you know…  I mean…  Hi.  Nice to um…  meet you, Mr….?”  Ford prompted, hoping there were still some shred of memory left. The DDRD3000's head whipped to one side, bouncing with the force of it’s claws digging into the ground below them.  Ford grabbed a hold of the control panel with one hand, his legs threatening to buckle below him.  Fiddleford’s entire body lifted nearly six inches above his chair before slamming back into the seat.  A cube with worn and tattered stickers marking nine squares of each side with distinctive colors tumbled out of his pocket, clattering across the floor; his decades old Cubic’s Cube. He still has that?- Ford's snapped out of his momentary musing at a jostling of the dragon's head as it's claws dragged along the ground, bringing them to a halt.  He reached forward to steady Fiddleford, allowing some small amount of relief into his clutter of thoughts.  Someone had saved them.  Someone had stopped them from being drawn into the portal he’d inadvertently created.  He made a mental note to thank them as soon as possible before turning his attention back to his friend. Fiddleford jumped at the contact, brief images of angry hands and the bristles of brooms passing through his mind, but the hand was warm and the touch was soft and he quickly settled into it. He glanced at the hand, noting it had six fingers instead of five, but he didn’t stare; It would be impolite after all.  Something about the fact that this hand had six fingers made him feel much safer, filled him with great happiness and equally great sorrow from some distant memory just out of his reach. “Stanford Pines you say?” He reached out and patted the stranger’s arm in return, giving a crooked grin. “That’s an awful nice name.” Something about it amused him but he didn’t remember quite what. He tried to recall his own name and could think of nothing but a jumble of indecipherable letters and just as indecipherable feelings attached to them… “Stanford...Stanford...hey whaddya know, my name has ‘Ford’ in it too!” He didn’t remember what part of it but some part of it matched.  “What a mighty fine serendipity!” Yes!  Yes it does.  We used to joke about it in college!  Ford thought, hope welling up inside him.  “It does, does it?” He asked aloud, wincing as the dragon’s head crashed to the ground, his knees and ankles screaming beneath him and his hand clutching Fiddleford’s shoulder tighter, preventing him from whipping forward in his seat, his body conveniently placed between him and the sight of the swirling vortex of doom splitting the apocalyptic sky.  He ducked as the Cubic’s Cube bounced off of the eye-shaped windshield one of its perfectly solved sides nearly smashing into his forehead. He looked up to Fiddleford, scrambling to get to his feet again.  “Are you alright?!” the question blurted out past the tension and fear and fumbling, past his confusion over what to say or ask next. Fiddleford braced himself with shaking arms.  His hat flopped forward over his face and he adjusted it, trying to sit up straight.  “I’m fine! Absolutely fine heh, why i’m fit as a-” He looked out the window, up at the sky and gave a shriek.  “Sweet sally! It’s the...It’s the end of the word!” He stared in wide-eyed horror at the fiery, technicolored hellscape before him.  The swirling vortex of death tugged at his memory, and so too did the enormous floating pyramid...  But he had a feeling some things were just best left buried.  He shook off the dream-like vision and asked, “Where...where are we, Stanford? What’s happenin’ out there?” The dragon lurched again, a thunderous thud accompanied by the shriek of metal against earth shaking its entire body as the tail anchored them in place.  Exhaustion defeated Ford and he fell back into his chair, his hand raked into his curls, the Cubic’s Cube rolling corner over corner and end over end across the floor until it settled against his boot.  He lifted it, and sighed, holding it between both hands, his fingers drumming against it as he attempted to explain, “You’re not wrong.  This is the end of the world.  And it’s my fault.  You tried to stop me years ago and I didn’t listen…” as he spoke, his hands absently twisted the cube mixing blue squares with red and white with yellow, “And now you’ve built this incredible machine to save this town and myself and all I did was make things worse.”  He shook his head, annoyed at his outburst of self-pity and condemnation at such an inopportune time.  Focus.  Focus on helping him. The cube clicked between his hands as he rotated it, turning its ends and rotating it again, the colors scrambling into a rainbow sprinkled mess on each side. “I know you can remember,” he said more to the cube twisting between his hands than to the man sitting beside him, “You’re a genius.  You’re a hero.  It’s thanks to you that most of the people in this town are safe right now.  But…  more importantly…” he looked up, his concerned eyes meeting Fiddleford's nervous ones, “Fiddleford, you’re a kind-hearted man who I’m proud to call a friend, who Tate is proud to call his father, and who Dipper and Mabel are thrilled to have met.” Fiddleford. Was that his name? He shook his head, running his fingers through the few strands left of his hair.  “I...I…” he looked up at Stanford. The man was so earnest in what he was saying, so convicted.  It made explaining the truth that much harder. “Listen, Stanford...I don’t know who you think I am, but you’ve...you’ve got the wrong person.  I ain’t never done anything worthwhile in my entire life.” he smiled wryly. “I probably woulda remembered if I did.” He looked down at his shaking knees, grabbing his beard and wringing it between his hands.  “I’m just...I’m just the town kook who lives in the dump...people don’t wanna have nothin’ to do with me, and it’s probably for the best because I’d hate to ruin everything for ‘em…So uh, whoever you’re talkin’ about, you might wanna keep searchin’, ‘cause uh...I ain’t him…” Fiddleford couldn’t look at the man.  He didn’t want to see the crushed expression on his face when he realized he hadn’t found his friend. “Woulda been awful nice, though, bein’ that fella...” he said, although he wasn’t entirely sure why.  “He uh...he sounds pretty swell…” And you seem to like him an awful lot…  Which seems pretty swell too…” Ford’s hand flew to his face, pushing his glasses up into his curls as he pressed his fingers and thumb against his eyes, against the dampness welling in their corners as if trying to patch a leak.  His limbs ached, everything ached from the shattering pain radiating from his chest.  The Cubic’s Cube dug into his palm as he squeezed it, feeling utterly broken, knowing, seeing and hearing how far Fiddleford’s confidence in himself had fallen. “I’m sorry,” the words started as barely a whisper.  He lowered his hand revealing bloodshot eyes and a reddened nose.  “I’m so sorry!”  He choked, his words growing louder and more desperate.  “You’re not the failure, I am.  You had a bright future ahead of you but you came here to help me and I ruined both of our lives!  Whatever they said about you wasn’t true.  And even if you don’t believe that you’re a genius, you are still my friend.  You’re still the one who pulled consecutive all-nighters with me to finish our projects.  You’re still the elvish wizard who showed up to every Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons meet-up.  You’re still the father who stared up at the night sky with me telling me about how you’d give your son the stars if you could.  You’re still Fiddleford Hadron McGucket and you’re right.  He is a pretty swell guy.” Ford’s expression sagged as he saw his words causing Fiddleford to shrink down into his chair, his fingers curling in his beard and his legs bouncing faster than ever.  He cursed at himself inwardly, frustrated at his inability to simply talk to the person he’d regarded as his best friend.  He doesn’t believe any of that.  It’s all true but it’s making him feel worse!  Believable…  He needs something believable.  Ford stared down at the thoroughly jumbled cube in his hands, twirling it slowly between his fingers.  He needs to know he’s the genius who could solve things like this in mere seconds! That’s it! He reached forward and pressed the cube into Fiddleford’s hands. Fiddleford stared down at the colorful little object, running his fingers across the dirty, sun-stained stickers and the bare squares that had been filled in with some sort of marker.  It looked familiar...not just what it was, but the very object itself...every scratch and dent, every imperfection.  He turned it over in his hands.  Every single square was out of order and some overwhelming part of him itched to fix it... “You…” Ford began, stretching to remember the everyday things, as he watched his friend examining the cube, “You’re still the guy who drank ten cups of coffee every morning and one time you drank twenty and tried to jump off the roof because you thought you could reach the moon.  You’re still the guy who built a revenge-a-tron shaped like a possum because professor Banks said personal computers were impossible.  You’re still the guy that wrote a two-hundred thousand word fanfiction on a duct taped laptop prototype after we went to see Star Wars.  And you’re still the guy who called his little Tater-tot every day to talk to him even when all he could say back was ‘kitty’ because that’s what he thought your pet raccoons were.” Fiddleford turned the sections of the cube slowly, at random, mostly getting a feel for the little puzzle and how it operated. It was frustrating, like something he was supposed to be familiar with, something that was supposed to come easy to him, something just a little beyond his reach…  But quietly, gradually, as Ford talked, as he turned the sections of the cube piece by piece, the memories began to materialize. The first was of him trotting home from school, his family accompanying him, a robotic contraption in one hand and a blue ribbon in the other. He’d almost thought he’d lost that one, it was so old and worn and distant. He turned the cube over and over and soon had a line of blue squares staring back at him. The memory shifted and he was lying on that ratty cushion in his van, staring up at the stars.  The man who called himself Stanford was beside him, decades younger and wearing a pastel sweater vest, pointing out his favorite constellations.  Fiddleford brushed his hair out of his face and stole a glance at his companion.  He said something, he had no idea what it could have been, but it made Ford laugh and his heart swell. Fiddleford soon had completed one side, a little wall of black squares all neatly put in order, and had started on two more. The scene changed again. He was in the hospital, sleep-deprived and a bit of a mess, but all he could feel was a glowing warmth in his chest, like a gentle summer day. His wife was there, dressed in a hospital gown, a tired smile on her face. He looked down at her arms to find a freshly born babe wrapped in a mint green blanket. She reached out and handed his son to him, and he took him up on his arms, his eyes clouding with tears. Another turn of the cube and he had all the white squares in place. The memory shifted one more time.  His hands were old and gnarled like they are now (they are now aren’t they?) but they were dancing with nimble dexterity as he turned the blocks of a Cubic’s Cube.  There was a tiny triumphant click as he turned the very last section, and just like that the puzzle was complete, like he’d never forgotten how to solve it at all.  Fiddleford looked down at the cube, and smiled to himself as he clicked the very last red square into place. He rubbed his eyes, wiping away the blurriness, sniffling a little. His head still buzzing with faint static, but clarity was spreading quickly.  It took a few seconds for him to remember where he was, who he was, that he had a body and it was a little tired and still shaking a bit.  He looked up to see a person standing over him...  Someone he knew...  Ford, it was Ford, of course, of course...  The familiarity made some of the tension in his body ease, made his breath intake slower and fuller. “...Stanford?” he muttered, shifting in his chair and being greeted with a wave of dizziness. “Oh my…” “Fiddleford?  Fiddleford!  I’m so sorry, please be alright, please…” Ford muttered as Fiddleford seemed to relax, the haze in his eyes clearing until the pristine blue returned to them.  He teetered in his chair and Ford’s hand rushed to catch his shoulder.  “Easy now.  Breathe with me,” Ford said, reaching out to catch the Cubic’s Cube as it slipped from Fiddleford’s hands and setting it on the control panel.  “Inhale one two three four five six.  And Exhale one two three four five six seven eight.” Fiddleford nodded, trying to adjust to the pattern. He reached out clumsily for Ford as he wobbled, his hand settling over his friend’s. He gripped it, perhaps a bit too tightly, as he kept up the breathing regiment. Soon enough he was breathing normally and his head had cleared a bit.  Though it wasn’t as clear as it could have been because he opened his mouth to say something and the first sentence he managed to utter was, “...Stanford...  What was that stuff you gave me”  He smacked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, a tart sweetness lingering on his taste buds.  “Was that...key lime gogurt?” Ford blinked, uncertain of how to respond yet certain that the inter-dimensional concoction did have a strong sweet but limy flavor.  What started as a fizzle suppressed between his teeth clutching his lower lip erupted into a hearty laugh.  “What the devil is gogurt?” he asked, “Wait…  is that the stuff in a tube that Mabel likes?” Fiddleford nodded, chuckling himself. “Might be. It does come in a little tube…  It’s sorta like...  A yogurt-y substance?  ‘Cept ya drink it.” “That sounds…” Ford pondered for a moment, trying to decide if the idea of drinkable yogurt sounded revolting or… “convenient!” he chimed. “Guys!” Dipper’s voice fizzed and crackled over the headset.  Ford bent to pick his up and situated it back on his head just in time to hear, “We’re anchored away from that… whatever that was and Bill can’t reach us because of its pull!  We should try to get back to the Mystery Shack while we can!  Grunkle Ford, how is Fiddleford?  What happened?” “Right, yes,” Ford answered, lifting the headset up to speak into the mic, barely holding it between trembling fingers.  “F-Fiddleford is..  With us again.  It appears to have been a panic attack.”  He shifted in his seat, stifling the tremor surging through his body as the fleeting moment of humor abruptly ended and the severity of the situation buzzed through every nerve. “Oh wow.  Yikes,” Dipper responded with the empathy of personal experience.  “Alright um, Do you think you could you lower the wings?  We’re going to have to crawl until we get out of the pull of whatever that swirling vortex of death is.  If you do that, I think we can handle things for a bit from there if you still need a minute.” It took a moment for Fiddleford to respond, but finally he muttered,“S-sure thing,” into the mic. He turned a knob and flipped some switches. The wings creaked and shuddered before finally folding neatly against the beast’s metal frame. “Great!  Thanks.  We can take care of things as long as Bill can't get to us so you can take a break, McGucket,” Dipper responded, worry tinting his tone.  “Soos, can you get Candy untangled from those wires?  We’re going to need all the help we can get.” “I'm on it!” Soos answered in a fuzz-muffled click. It suddenly grew very silent in the control room despite the whirs and beeps of the control panel operating and the turmoil raging outside as the dragon crawled away from the portal, it's claws crashing to the ground in intermittent thunderous thuds.  Fiddleford quietly, slowly pulled off his headset and laid it on the control panel.  His leg bounced softly against his chair. “So…” He avoided Ford’s gaze, twisting his beard in his hands.  “What in ungodly tarnation was...  is...  That?” he asked, nodding toward the looming void in the sky. Ford rested one elbow on the console his hand raking through his hair, headset dangling slackly from his fingers as he tried to explain.  “I- I panicked.  I didn’t know what else to do.  I’m…  I’m sorry.  Fiddleford, I’m so sorry.  I owe everyone an apology…  That was not the intended outcome.” Fiddleford nodded absently, still trying to wrap his head around all of this.  “Ah...well I figured as much….but...well...what was it supposed to do?” “I-I... ” Ford stammered, stumbling over his thoughts, trying to explain a concept which, in regards to his whereabouts in the multiverse, suddenly sounded rather ludicrous, “It was supposed to be a well...  a spell.  I’ve cast it successfully hundreds of times!  Children cast it for fun!  It’s nothing more than a prank, really.  It should have simply shrunk that monster for a few moments.” Fiddleford began tugging at his beard.  He shook his head, still unable to look Ford in the eye.  “You...you cast spells? You...you wield magic?” “I…  have, yes.  But…  apparently not in this dimension or...?”  Ford’s response emerged as more of a troubled, hopeless question, his eyes fixed downward, staring blankly at the headset swinging from his forefinger, thoughts fluttering through his head, colliding with each other and shattering. Maybe it was hypocritical of Fiddleford. They’d pretended in college in the games they used to play...they’d talked about it all the time. They had even come across magic, used it in some cases, heck, he and the townsfolk had used it to make the barrier that was containing Bill...  Just...  Never like this. Unicorn hair, amulets...  They were small and contained and had a purity to them (even if unicorns were an uptight sort of creature).  This was raw, unwieldy, unholy...  Otherworldly.  They couldn’t hope to contain it any more than the portal they had build so many decades ago. Fiddleford finally managed to settle his gaze on his friend.  He stared at him for as long as he could stand, studying him.  It hit him, suddenly, that the world Ford has known for the past several decades was wildly different than his own, that who Stanford was now would forever be marked by what he’d found out there, through some gateway into the beyond.  Fiddleford looked at him and saw a stranger, and it frightened him more than almost anything else in the world. ...But perhaps what scared him more were the faded, choppy images flashing through his mind...  Hoards of golden triangles with demonic eyes all staring at him; him knowing they were watching him and Ford sitting in the middle of them meditating, as if things couldn’t be more right… “Stanford Pines, what have you gotten yourself into all these years?” “There were…  dimensions where magic was commonplace.  So common, that my pathetic grasp of it was laughable to true sorcerers.  But what little I learned proved invaluable over the years,” as Ford spoke the world around them rumbled.  His headset tumbled to the floor as he grasped the arms of his chair, craning his neck to look to the sky.  The swirling void inched open further.  “That…  This world…  I mean…  I can’t use it here.  At least…  not such a raw form of it.  Amulets and scrolls channel it, store and transport it, make it accessible to mortals in this world…  I’m not a viable conduit for it.  That’s why even in worlds where magic is abundant and available, I still had difficulties wielding it…  Creatures from our world were never meant to tap into the source, were they?”  The rumbling intensified with his every word.  He stared in awe as the edges seemed to deteriorate, chipping away more and more of the unnaturally neon sky. “It’s because of me…” he muttered.  He lowered his head, eyes meeting Fiddleford’s as the color drained from his face.  “I…  I don’t belong in this world anymore…  do I?” An ache overtook Fiddleford’s chest. It was accompanied by a quiet, bitter anger, but it wasn’t directed at Ford.  Fiddleford reached out and laid his hand over Ford’s arm. “Now, don’t go around sayin’ things like that…whatever happened…” His voice caught in his throat. “We’re awful glad to have you back.”  He gave Ford’s arm a squeeze.  “I’m awful glad you’re back.” “It’s not that…” he whispered with a shake of his head.  “I’m the reason there was a rift in the first place,” he explained as the realizations crashed down upon him like frozen waves, his volume increasing with each word, “I can’t exist here anymore, the things I’ve seen, the things I’ve learned…  They’re a threat to this world and its timeline…  I…  I don’t belong in any mortal world anymore!”   The void pulsed and grew as the word ‘mortal’ spilled past his lips.  Guilt, regret, and shame slammed into him, gripping every muscle with physical pain until he felt completely numb, slouched over in his chair, one arm barely propping him up on the console. Fiddleford blinked, speechless for a moment. Then he stood in his chair, his hand on his hip, giving Ford a stern look.  “If you really think you don’t belong here, you and whatever higher powers are conspiring to keep you from staying here with your loved ones where you rightly belong is gonna hafta take it up with me first!” “But this makes things…  more certain,” Ford mumbled in response, “I’ve tried to avoid it…  Searched for other ways and continually failed but now I see there is no question about it…” Fiddleford’s mind stopped in it’s tracks. He didn’t like Ford’s tone of voice, or the look on his face as he spoke. “W-what are you talking about…?” Ford clutched his aching chest, sweater scrunching between his fingers and nausea rising in his throat from the churning of tumultuous thoughts.  Of the times in his life when he needed a friend to listen, this ranked in the top five, possibly taking the lead.  And perhaps, this time, he might honestly listen to the reply.  He drew in a deep breath and risked the question, “Fiddleford, can I talk to you about something…?” Fiddleford sank back down into his chair. He laid his hand on Ford’s, looking him in the eyes.  “‘Course you can. Anything you ever need to talk about, I’ll listen.”  He gave Ford a reassuring smile, but there was a quiet sort of dread growing in the pit of his stomach. “I…  Do know how to defeat Bill,” he began, looking straight at Fiddleford, at first, as if trying to assure him that he was speaking the truth, but, as his thoughts raced ahead of his words, his gaze fell to his feet.  “It is the only hope we have left,” he continued, fumbling over a concept he’d once wholeheartedly accepted but had come to resent over the past few weeks, “But,” he released his breath, visibly stalling, at a momentary loss over how to tell the friend he’d finally reunited with, the man who was his best and only friend in a dark time, that there wasn’t going to be time for catching up. “It will…” he began, shaking his head in frustration at himself and rephrasing his words, “I mean…  I…  I will…  not survive it.  And…  it appears…  that may be for the best.” End notes: So, here's how the rolls played out. We decided that Ford, Fiddleford, Tate, Dipper, Candy, Mabel, and Grenda were all in positions where they could potentially do something useful to help. Then Fidds rolled a 1 and... we love angst so we decided that meant he forgets... everything. Ford, having not much else he could do at that point, rolled for the power of friendship and got a 15, enough to help Fidds out. I can't find what Tate actually rolled in our notes at the moment but it was like an 8 or 9, I think? Just under being enough to help. (It was the roll that made us decide that he is just not having any luck in getting to his post...) Candy... rolled a 3 and fell out of her chair XD. (Damn it, Candy, this is why Mickey tells us to wear our seat belts!) Dipper got a 17 in leadership. Then Mabel and Grenda both rolled 18 to save the day. (Go Mabel and Grenda!) So, we figured that since 4 out of 7 rolled pretty high, it would be enough to save the crew. TBH we were making plans for what would happen if they did get pulled in... But now... Now Ford has to deal with the implications of his dimension rejecting his existence in it.
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