#Gideon deserved better
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im-out-of-it · 3 months ago
“why would Gabriel Lightwood hate you, Will?” Tessa asked as they went. “what did you do to him?”
excellent question Tessa. now would be a good idea to I don’t know, maybe make your own judgment on this little interaction?????
“It wasn’t anything I did to him,” Will said, stalking along at a rapid place. “It was something I did to his sister.”
now that we have this little piece of evidence, we see that Will instigated their beef first. Gabriel didn’t come after Will, Will hurt Gabriel’s sister and now you’ve got me defending Tatiana FUCKING HELL
and yes we learn later that Tatiana had a crush but what Will did was cruel and yet gabriel gets blamed when he has enough of Will’s actions
“Did you? Compromise her virtue, I mean”- Tessa
it’s funny that Will doesn’t answer this question, he does start to talking about Benedict
“and as for Gabriel’s father, let’s say that he has something of a reputation for liking demons and downworlders more than he should. I would be surprised if some of the elder lightwood’s nocturnal visits to certain houses in shadwell haven’t left him with a nasty case of demon pox.”
see, this is one of the main problems of Will. he’s literally telling Tessa basically that it’s a problem to like downworlders more than they should. Tessa, in case you aren’t aware but you are a downworlder. basically saying that they don’t deserve to be treated with respect- I may be grasping at straws but he could’ve left out downworlders and said demons and nothing much of it would have been thought badly on his part
also let’s just make shit up about some of the elder lightwoods or whatever. Will isn’t clarifying it’s only Benedict and maybe this is on the writing but some of the elder LIGHTWOOD’s meaning plural. will acts as if the whole Lightwood family murdered his own like for fucks sake I get Gabriel can be vexing in his dark moods but if you had someone hurting your sister and then constantly coming for ya, yeah I could see why that would make you more upset
but let’s analyze- Will won’t say what he did to Gabriel’s sister and now he’s outed himself as showing disgust for someone who prefers downworlders
so much for the accords when you have young shadowhunters thinking downworlders lives are nothing. and he may not say it the way I do but he could’ve let them out but he felt inclined to include them. I wouldn’t be surprised if none of the shadowhunters had romantic ties with the downworlders with the way they speak about them. Charlotte goes on and on how de Quincey has betrayed them but has she actually been kind and respectful and treated him as a person????
I’m sorry but I don’t think the downworlders are getting treated with any respect. “oh we stopped hunting you but y’all still won’t have any rights and we can still find a way to execute you”. there’s not any equality when it comes to downworlders lives and the rights they supposedly have
and oh “Gabriel is so awful” (Tessa- “so awful”) yet she hears Jem talk about compromising virtue and HE SAYS NOTHING ABOUT IT. wouldn’t that be concerning?
like this girl is getting so many red flags 🚩 thrown at her and she’s like what a fun parade we’re at!!!!!
I don’t get how anyone can like Will. I don’t care if he has a fake curse. I don’t care if he had to run from home. I’m so tired and fed up with people using trauma as an excuse to be a shitty person. and CC has made a pattern and habit of doing this whole showing zero improvement. he doesn’t treat mostly anyone with any respect. he’s lucky he has Jem because Jem is the only fucking thing likable about him
Gabriel doesn’t deserve this reputation of getting shit on when Will is the one that came after his family first. he could’ve let Tatiana down gently but he decided to be cruel. like no wonder Gabriel (and possibly Gideon) can’t stand Will’s ass
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inksheeep · 1 year ago
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some sketches I remade in digital
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miquella-everywhere · 2 months ago
I absolutely l o a t h e how the dlc reduced the Haligtree to mean absolutely nothing.
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elfieafterdark · 7 months ago
Oh fuck. If Gideon had just brought Jeannemary back to Harrow, Palamedes, and Dulcinea... The kid might have lived.
I haven't read Nona yet, I'm still on chapter 6 of Harrow... But I wonder if that ever gets brought up.
It seems like it really weighed on Gideon in GtN. Can't help but wonder if it'll inform her decisions going forward. I guess we'll find out...
Rest in peace Jeannemary the Fourth.
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deathpressmonogatari · 6 months ago
Having the events of the dlc occur concurrent to the base game and having everyone in the base game refuse to acknowlege anything that happens in the dlc is such a dumb move. What were they thinking.
Ranni and Miquella would surely have words for one another??? Gideon would want to know??? Hello?????
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mooingwithmidnight · 10 months ago
Don’t think about Elle desperately trying to self-soothe and stay grounded while she was waiting around for Lee
Don’t think about how of course Elle knew she fucked up but instead of being met with any sort of compassion she was mainly met with anger
Don’t think about how even with the full 4 months, you have to wait until 6 months to see if someone will actually develop PTSD (she did)
Don’t think about how despite his good intentions, Reid trying to soothe her by saying “you won” only confirmed that the others wouldn’t understand
Don’t think about Gideon calling Elle impatient, Elle talking about how seeing rapists walk made her want to explode, how Hotch said that feeling wasn’t that far off from murder
Don’t think about how Elle was genuinely trying so hard for so long and how she deserved so much better than to be the tragedy she is
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tessherongraystairs · 2 years ago
guys i can't believe you are all sleeping on Gideon "I am not blind, and we are a people of many scars. I see it, but it is not ugly. It is just another beautiful part of the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." Lightwood
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automatonwithautonomy · 10 months ago
girl help i accidentally made myself emotional about the eighth house---
fuckkkkk. i mean.
imagine you are born and raised to die. prepared for slaughter in every way, designed to be used and used until there is nothing left. you are nothing but your sword and your honour and a battery. the only thing you have is your word and you cling to it will all the twisted want of someone raised to be no one.
and you meet your necromancer, and he's a scared little kid thats going to kill you. he will murder you, suck you dry and burn all the things that make you a person. the weight of a house rests on his shoulders and his life haunts yours.
he looks at you like your every word is gospel, the writ of the Emperor Himself, and it is the worst thing he could do. he loves you. he loves you in the way an uncle loves a nephew and the way a child-cult-leader loves a scion of his house and the way a necromancer loves a cavalier and he is going to eat you, lyctor or not.
but he gets older and wiser and he pulls the life out of you and he forgets when you seemed the cleverest person he knew. there is something worse. this is worse. you were born and raised to be a battery. but you are no longer a beloved one.
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stranded-cryptid · 8 months ago
My fellow Tlt afflicted beings.
You can love sometime with every horrible, rotten, secret, awful little corner of you, and guess what?
You deserve that much back.
Even if you suck and they're perfect. Your all should be met by their all. And if isn't, you should leave.
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im-out-of-it · 1 month ago
you could never get me on Will’s side when Gabriel and Gideon Lightwood exist. don’t forget that Will threw the first punch. so if Will wants to be a bastard towards Gabriel, he can so choose to but he knows and we all know that Gabriel didn’t start that war between them. it honestly amazes me how almost everyone in TID is so awful towards Gabriel and acts as though he started the transgression. while yes Gabriel has his moments, but why is there constantly blame towards Gabriel but Will is excused???????
don’t forget that Will said Benedict has a taste for liking demons and downworlders more than he should and how he treated Tessa as some whore. as if that was the only purpose she served him. he was a rude and entitled dick the second he arrived at the institute. never being kind to the woman who was always there, Charlotte or to Henry. who by the way always had his back.
excusing his behavior with a sticker FAKE CURSE will never work on me
I’ll never get over how everyone in the end of TID basically forgives Will for being a dick. “oh he had a fake curse all is well!” ALL IS NOT FUCKING WELL. Cecily loves gabriel but she allows Will’s nasty behavior towards gabriel. also don’t forget that Will made a remark of how gabriel would only use Cecily- oh because he can’t actually have feelings for Cecily?
everyone excuses his behavior and yes he’s as bad as jace. he’s awful to Jem and the only reason Will is semi likebale is because of Jem. basically saying hey Tessa can have Jem for now until he dies than I’ll have her. he was terrible to Tatiana- pre TLH where she was just a young girl with an infatuation WHO DID NOTHING WRONG
I can’t believe no one ever holds Will accountable. actually I can because it’s CC and she will never hold her favorite golden irritations accountable. she’ll never have James Will jace ever take responsibility and accountability. and while James isn’t as awful as the other two, he basically treats Cordelia as this sex object, makes Matthew feel bad for liking Cordelia, makes everything about him, and I did not see him grieve Kit. he’s not as bad but he’s still up there on the list
and if you think TID Gabriel treatment is bad, just remember that in TLH, Will and Tessa constantly need to fuck during terrifying moments where people die and we never get to see Gabriel and Cecily ‘s reaction to Christopher dying as well as Gabriel and Cecily hardly getting a word in when Alexander THEIR FUCKING TODDLER gets kidnapped and is tortured
but how dare Gabriel make some disability jokes about Jem (which is also bad) and anything he says and anytime he breathes is some insult to everyone. I do hold Gabriel and Gideon accountable but they actually grow. they don’t sit in the back being hypocrites acting like they’re untouchable and using some excuse for their shitty behavior
you think hey maybe Will can grow as a person and NOPE WONT IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN
my hate gets ignited for him during my TID readings and I’m reminded how shitty of a brother, father, friend he truly is
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lunapupper · 1 year ago
I finished Gideon the Ninth last night and man...
I'm not okay
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marc-elly · 9 days ago
PSA/Recs wanted!
Dear Readers, Moots, Passersby, and Sunshine Sis: In a little under 24 hours I am embarking on a chaotic little journey. If all goes according to plan (pleasepleaseplease) I will end up in Tokyo, which has been at the top of my travel list for as long as I can remember. Part of the reason I took this pt job last year was so I could a) get over some of my fears [flying, ahem] and b) travel more easily/for less money.
I'm expecting anywhere from 4-8 flights in total to get me there and back so I'm looking for audiobook/fic/movie/show/and music recs I can download beforehand (traveling as light as possible). Already have Arcane and TLT downloaded (obvs) and maybe (fingers crossed) I'll get some writing done, but it will depend on my level of anxiety/awakeness at any given point.
This also means my activity over the next week or so may be a bit sporadic. I have plans for keeping wifi/cell service but I'm not entirely sure how that will pan out. It's also a 14 hour time difference (time is a construct and makes me want to puke, bleh) soooo, yeah. I don't know what that all will look like, but I do appreciate any recs you may have and your patience with me and my shenanigans/tomfoolery.
Keep in mind that I may very well end up between strangers on flights (unless I draw the golden straw), so let's consider this with the recs, please (and specifically the fic ones) :)))
@xunxunny specifically I will 100% download anything you recommend because I think you get my overall “aesthetic” (and also you might be the only one reading this).
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a-sunset-outside-my-window · 4 months ago
fic rec friday
burn my heart out
by saudadeonly on Ao3
Lord Voldemort wages war on Hogwarts but he is unaware of the years-worth of battle fought against him.
(or, several instalments following the Battle of Hogwarts with Sirius Black standing on the wrong side)
I love love love this fic and all the others from this amazing series (In another world, Sirius might have chosen his own freedom. In this one, he chooses his brother's life.) and I would so so highly recommend you read the whole series in one go because you probably won't be able to put it down! the series is still being written on btw and isn't that amazing? it's basicaly what if sirius had become a death eater in order to protect regulus but still helped the order out by being sort of a double agent so, you know, amazing stuff
favourite tropes included are:
darker fix-it
everyone is trying their best
hurt and some comfort
at least in this fic, some of the others are much fluffier
good black brothers
everything is feeling so many things
minerva mcgonagall is badass
marlene mckinnon is a good friend
loads of our favourite people survive
magic lore
horcrux hunting
found family
cool battle scenes
a lot of interpersonal feels
as always leave lots of love and kudos to the author and have an amazing rest of the week <3
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happy74827 · 1 year ago
Hello, I'm the anon who said your writing was scrumptious! Anyways, I've been reading your writing for the exes and it's lovely as usual. I always can't wait to see what you've written, anytime I see a notification I get excited but I hope you're having an amazing day or night. Thank you again for writing for the exes, as not much people do. I just read Matthew's fic and AGHH it was so good, this post was definitely less chaotic then my other one lmao.
But, I had a question. I know the Katayanagi twins don't really get a lot of screentime in the movie or anime, but do you think you'd ever write for them in the future? I have found one person who writes headcannons for them which is really nice but I prefer fics and I've been desperately wanting content for them as well, also I've seen that some anons go by emoji's. Could I perhaps use the coffee emoji ☕ that way you can Identify which anon I am as I'll definitely be checking in more in the future when I'm not busy, thank you again! <33 {P.S I'm currently writing this while I'm suffering from food poison. 😭}
Oh. My. God. You are so freaking sweet ahhh. First off, the fact that you literally read ALL MY EXES FICS?!? AND LIKED THEM?! Best news for a writer to hear ever. I’m so glad you loved them 🥰
Secondly, I would be so down for writing the twins. The only major problem with that is they have literally no screen time. Like, whatsoever. I haven’t read the comics either, so I would just be going off the anime and the movie. The anime, thankfully, showed their characterization a little bit, but even then… THE DARN VEGAN ROBOT GOT MORE SCREEN TIME THAN THEM….
Personally, I try to stay “true” to the characters on how I see them portrayed, so just because of that it might be a while before you see a fic of them pop up. Once my finals are over, you best know I’m gonna seek them out like a research paper.
And, yes. I think the coffee emoji is a perfect way for me to keep track of you haha. It’s actually so aesthetically cute too ☕️✨
But, enough with the ranting, thank you for actually reading and taking the time to share with me how much you appreciated my fics. You don’t know how much it means to me to hear that. I hope you feel better with the food poisoning too. Hopefully my “scrumptious” writing didn’t have anything to do with that 😅😅
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paranormal-potatoes · 8 months ago
latenna my beloved <3
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im-out-of-it · 5 months ago
you like gabriel and gideon?? yasss share some hcs of them or with their partners pls
do I like Gabriel and Gideon? YES I LOVE THEM (this will be long so BEWARE) (quick edit, I DONT KNOW IF I DID THIS RIGHT NO ONE HAS EVER ASKED FOR MY OPINION BEFORE LMAO)
I feel they get severely mistreated. Gabriel is talked about in TID as this bad person. but is he really a bad person? his little sister gets humiliated so he takes matters in his hands (even if he fails) and then gets branded as the person who’s the problem. when it’s actually Will. Will is the one with the fake curse who treats everyone like shit and gets zero repercussions for it. what is so terrible that Gabriel did? I mean, he does say some stuff about Jem (not his proudest moment) but he ends up stepping away from his father, his fathers actions, and ends up trying to become a better person.
the fact that Will tries to make it seem that gabriel is only interested in Cecily to “get back” at Will is insane. SOME PEOPLE HAVE OTHER CONCERNS ADMIRATIONS HOPES DREAMS THAT DONT INVOLVE YOU WILL. Gabriel isn’t the one treating a woman as his whore but that’s for another day 😌 in my mind, gabriel is passionate, he has a soft side, and he will fight for what is his. I truly think he’s a wonderful father but it’s a shame we didn’t see him actually be a parent. the writing doesn’t allow us to see Gabriel’s growth. Anna can be seen as problematic and Christopher going to Grace after what she did to James is a little out of character but that’s mainly the writing. CC doesn’t understand how to execute her characters and show growth unless she accidentally does it for someone she doesn’t care about
Gabriel is one of my favorite lightwoods. he’s got one of those soft hearts and uses this defense with his sarcasm and jokes so people can’t hurt him. he has to kill his father and the whole thing ends up being a joke which I think is insanely messed up. I think the whole Gabriel and Will thing doesn’t get talked about. yeah Will has trauma but he uses it as an excuse to be awful to everyone. Gabriel has trauma but he tries to grow from it. Gabriel isn’t out here saying “oh I killed my father and had a bad childhood so I can treat you how I see fit.” I don’t ever recall Will ever apologizing or showing growth for his actions. but I do see Gabriel saying how he wishes to change and actually changing.
imagine if Gabriel humiliated Cecily or used Will’s fathers issues as a joke and song. then everyone would be like “omg Gabriel can you stop being a dickish bastard for one second please?” but Will jests on Gabriel’s trauma so all is well I guess. I don’t think Gabriel gets enough love. I just think almost everyone making Gabriel’s trauma into a song and joke is vastly disgusting and messed up and I hate no one ever talks about it
I adore Gabriel and Cecily together. I think they fit really well together. they’re both fierce, strong, and passionate. it’s a shame we didn’t get to see them grieve Christopher or any of their development. Gabriel not saying anything when Alexander gets kidnapped is sloppy and lazy writing. these two really get shoved in the back after TID
one of my fav Gabriel moments is when he tosses that demon into the river and his one liners are BEAUTIFUL
GIDEON!!!!!! what a sweet, beautiful, and thoughtful man. it’s funny how before he’s introduced, they’re like “you think Gabriel’s awful? wait for his brother” and he’s the most kindest man. is the evil in the room with us????? it’s adorable how he cusses in Spanish because he’s happy 🥲 Gideon tripping over his words and making a fool of himself for Sophie is high tier entertainment. Gideon seems to be a very calm soul. where Gabriel is a more reckless storm, Gideon is the calmness we need. he’s strict with Gabriel but it’s because he wants the best for Gabriel. I’ll always love the moody and quiet brother with the loud and always has something to say brother. we didn’t get enough of them bonding and arguing
now Gideon gets some growth. he goes to Spain and understands his father is wrong and he actively chooses to leave, tries to bring his brother back, and actually helps Charlotte. he’s another of my favorite characters. he’s very quiet but when he has something to say, it’s loud and clear. Thomas really embodies gideon and Sophie. I also really love Sophie and Gideon! Sophie takes a backseat after TID which is another shame
Sophie takes no prisoners and I love her calling out anyone who disrespects her family and herself. (Tessa acting like Gideon is a bad person and trying to warn Sophie off, girl the man you like treats you as some whore shut up already) it’s sad we don’t get more of Sophie. it would’ve been nice to see her as a shadowhunter and the family dynamic. Sophie and Gideon are just really good people full of love. it shows in their parenting because of what we see of Thomas, Eugenia, and some of Barbara. I think Gabriel and Gideon used their traumatic upbringing and decided to be better than what they had. they broke the cycle in a way. and this is only pertaining to their kids, I have no clue what happened to make Robert who he was 😬
one of my fav highlights of Gideon: when he tries to purpose to Sophie and his dry humor and MAN HES JUST SO FUCKING PRECIOUS AND MUST BE PROTECTED and I love Gideon defending Thomas 🥹
I don’t think their treatment gets talked about enough. they are almost perceived as the villains when they have the most growth in TID and are far from being villains. I think they’re both very funny and Gideon seems to have a dry humor that isn’t appreciated enough. in my head, they’re super supportive of one another and constantly are hosting family nights together. I don’t believe the whole the merry thieves first meeting at the academy when their families are close. I really see Gideon and Alastair bonding and hitting it off right away. I also see Gabriel and Cecily being like “we’ve had our childhood taken from us so we are here for you” and just making Alastair feel at home. (IN A GOOD WAY)
I really hate how Gabriel and Cecily get left behind. they don’t get to grieve Christopher. Anna desperately needs some guidance and little Alexander’s kidnapping doesn’t get mentioned or is the focus. we do get to see gideon and Sophie kind of grieve Barbara, but I would have wanted to see more of them with Thomas and Eugenia gets left out. when Thomas gets accused of murder, we don’t see Sophie anywhere near Thomas or see Thomas have a conversation with Gideon about it.
Gideon and Gabriel are severely underrated and underutilized. they’re the best part of TID (besides Jem) and the only reason I read that ghastly series. they don’t get talked about enough that I see. they get this villain treatment from CC when they’re anything but that. we don’t get to see Gabriel and Gideon much in TLH (which I get it’s not about them but it wouldn’t hurt to feature them) so that’s also sad
but all in all, I love these two so much and I wish we could have had more of them. they’re beautiful, passionate, fun, and humorous together 🥹 (you made me realize more how much I miss them so thank you) I could take more of Gabriel and Gideon tripping over their words and literally themselves to impress the women they’re in love with. it’s a real treat
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