#Gi doc in redding
cherrys-writings · 7 months
Grayson hawthorne x reader where reader is badly hurt and is in hopsital or something !!
Thank you for being so patient!
Brief description of panic attack
Grayson was sitting in his office at the Hawthorne Foundation when he got the call. The news wasn’t coming from you, but your friend, she was sitting in the ER with you.
“What do you mean you took her to the ER, Marcie?” Grayson couldn’t wrap his head around it. You assured him it was just a headache, you would be fine, he should go to work. 
Marcie’s harsh tone pulled him from his thoughts, “She texted me saying she really didn’t feel well. Her head hurt and she was throwing up, dizzy and she said it didn’t feel right. When I got there she was burning up. What else do you want me to say?” 
There were voices in the background, Grayson heard the muffled sounds of the medical staff, “What hospital?”
“It was hard enough getting them to let me back, I had to explain how far away her parents were, I doubt they’ll let you.”
“What. Hospital.” Grayson was starting to lose it. His heart was already racing, shaky hand practically crushing the phone when Marcie finally answered. He took a deep breath and stood, forcing himself to walk out of the building. 
He’s not there. You’re not okay and he’s not there. Tears blur Grayson’s vision, what if you’re dying. He’s not there. Terror churns in Grayson’s stomach, his steps quicken away from the exit and towards the restroom. Grayson pulls harshly at his tie then the top buttons of his shirt, the building’s too hot. Grayson’s breaths come in gasps as he splashes cold water on his face, sweat dripping from his temples. If the building weren’t so goddamn hot, he might be able to get a full breath of air. 
Why is he taking a detour when he needs to be with you?  
Your POV
You whined when the lights were turned on again, the beams like needles through your skull, and squeezed your eyes shut. You barely heard the nurse explain that the strep and flu tests were negative and they were waiting for the bloodwork to come back. He dimmed the lights before leaving and Marcie thanked him. 
“I called Grayson. He’ll probably be here soon,” Marcie slowly ran her fingers through your hair. 
“Grayson?” you hadn’t seen Marcie leave. When did she have time to call him? You’re pretty sure she never left your side.
You clutched your stomach against another rush of nausea, gritting your teeth through the accompanying cramps. Marcie kept petting your hair, when you heard a familiar, modulated voice just beyond the door, “Will this be an issue?”
Through the brain fog, you can almost picture the expectant look on Grayson’s face when he said that, mouth in a hard line, gaze slightly narrowed. Based on the delay between his question and the poor victim’s response, he did the eyebrow thing. Light-headedness washed over you again when you turned too quickly toward the opening door. You squeeze your eyes shut, willing your sight to focus. Grayson was sitting in the chair beside your bed when you opened your eyes again, blue surgical mask covering half his face. You leaned into his touch when he brought his hand to your forehead.
Grayson’s red rimmed eyes widened, “what was her temperature when she arrived?” 
You hadn’t noticed your nurse was back, giving you anti-nausea medication through your i.v. “It was 104℉, but we’ve gotten it to come down to 102℉,” he said, “our doc wants to do a lumbar puncture. That will give us a better picture of what’s going on and then we can get you feelin’ better.”
Thankfully, the nurses set up the equipment for the lumbar puncture quickly, the ER not yet flooded with patients. It was hard to concentrate on what the doctor was saying, but you got the gist. Lay on your side, be still, they’ll give you a little bit of medicine to help with your pain and make staying still a little easier. Only when they started to explain that Marcie and Grayson needed to leave did you protest.
The previously steady heart monitor began to beep, giving away your anxiety. “Wait, no,” you sat straight up, room spinning again. 
To no one’s surprise, Grayson hadn’t moved from his chair when he was instructed. Marcie was halfway out, eyes flitting between you, the medical staff, and Grayson. It was Gray who spoke first, cool voice taking control of the situation.
“She’s obviously terrified. I’m not going to leave my girlfriend alone for this test when she’s already a bit confused from this illness. We all know things go smoothly when the patient is calm.” 
Grayson had moved a chair to sit right by your face, stroking your cheek. He let you take his other hand in yours, eyes never leaving you. There was no warning for the floating sensation as the nurse injected medication into your i.v. and immediately the pain in your head eased. Cold spread across your lower back and the doctor asked you to take a deep breath before inserting the needle. You let out a whimper and squeezed Grayson’s hand against the pressure.
“Stay still darling,” Grayson hushed, lightly running a hand down your arm, “you’re doing great. They’re almost done.” 
You watched the nurse in front of you hand the doctor gauze and a bandage. With Grayson by your side you didn’t try too hard to concentrate on what was said following the procedure. Laying flat on your back for the next hour waiting for results, you tried getting some rest, knowing Grayson would take care of you. 
You woke to Grayson gently shaking your shoulder and the doctor standing in front of you. 
“The results of the lumbar puncture came back, you have bacterial meningitis. We’re going to start you on some i.v. antibiotics down here and you’ll be taken up to the ICU shortly. They’ll monitor you the next few days and, depending on your condition, move you to med/surg where you’ll finish treatment.” 
Despite the change of scenery, it was still freezing. Grayson perched on one side of your bed, fussing with another blanket and tucking it around your shoulders. From this angle you could see the lines of worry on his face, tension in his jaw, and the tears once again trickling down his cheeks. You reached out, wiping his face with your hand, “I’m okay, Grayson”
He kissed your palm, “You’re in the ICU, sweetie. Doesn’t exactly qualify as okay.” 
“Look at me Gray,” you lifted his chin, “I’ll be okay.”
Grayson sighed, “you could have–”
“But I didn’t. I’m not going anywhere, my love.”
Before he can respond, there’s a gentle knock followed by a nurse entering. She introduces herself and takes your vitals, explaining your treatment plan and the general rules of the ICU; only one visitor at a time. It was hard keeping your eyes open and paying attention to her words. She looks at Grayson, “If you’re around each other often the doctor will want to have you on antibiotics as well, just to be safe. Is there anyone else who’s around frequently?”
“The friend who brought her,” Grayson clarified, “ I can give you her contact information.”
The nurse nods, “Please tell anyone that might want to visit that they need to be wearing a mask. Until she’s out of the ICU at the very least.”
When the nurse left you finally let your eyes shut, drifting to sleep as Grayson’s fingertips glided along your hand. 
You were awoken a few hours later to someone taking your vitals, quietly letting them take your temperature. Gray’s hand still on yours tightened when the thermometer beeped. You watched him straighten in the chair, clearly having dozed off earlier. His voice gravely when he asked, “how you feeling?”
“Like I’ve been hit by a bus.”
Your nurse removed the blood pressure cuff, “it’s a good thing you came here when you did. With a fever that high it’s a wonder you were even conscious. Get some rest, if you need anything just press the call button.”
You thanked her and looked back to Grayson, “you can go home. Get some sleep in a real bed. I’ll be okay here.”
Grayson stared into your eyes, “I’m not going anywhere.” 
The first few days passed like that, Grayson by your side as you slept. Sometimes you woke up and he would be reading, other times he would be asleep too. His hair falling in his face, light stubble on his face, and the worried crease in his brow gone even for a small amount of time. By the fifth day when you were no longer contagious, you were moved to a regular room; private at Grayson’s insistence. Several bouquets of your favorite flowers sat on the tables around the room. 
Now that you were allowed more than one visitor at a time there was almost a revolving door of Hawthornes. Nash making sure Grayson wasn’t being overbearing, Libby bringing cupcakes for you and medical staff on the floor. Day seven had you going stir crazy. You were still on iv antibiotics to make sure the infection was completely out of your system, but you were feeling considerably better. Xander visited for the first time that day, bringing with him a book of magnet block challenges. He even offered to make Rube Goldberg machines for the light switch and curtains. 
Grayson drove you to Hawthorne House the day you were discharged. “Gray, you don’t have to babysit me. I’m fine now,” you insisted.
“Sweetie, you had a serious illness that might have neurological side effects. I want to make sure you’re still recovering well.”
You hadn’t told him about the lingering brain fog, but somehow he picked up on it.  Grayson had no idea how his actions warmed your heart. Of course, he had a bedroom ready for you, but you opted to stay in his room. Grayson crawled into bed next to you, finally able to hold you close after this scare. “I love you, Gray.”
Thank you for being so patient! Other requests I promise I haven't forgotten about you and will be posting them soon.
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Superhero Timeline.
10th Millennium
First appearance of humans. Some super powered. 
Proto Avengers (heavily altered humans, primordial gods, and mutant). Celestial tampering happens on countless planets. (Tamaranians, Skrulls, Kree, Eternals, etc) causing multiple humanoid aliens to exist.
Myths concerning “Elders of The Universe” and proto-tangible beings are formed by early life.
Vandal Savage, Immortal Man, Anthro, King Kull, Kyra Arg, Gnarrk. Hippolyta (first life).
Grak (neanderthal politician)
Cotati, Kree, and Skrulls discover eachother.
Atlantis forms.
“Ulysses” Bloodstone
50,000 B.C.E (Thurian Age)
Inhumans created by Kree scientists. 
King of Atlantis, Kull.
Doctor Mist.
Darkhold creates some of the first vampires.
Atlantis and Lemuria Sink.
Amazon Race born.
Selene Born.
Hyperborian Age.
Kulan Gath
Red Sonja
753, 785- BEC
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Golden Gladiator
Alpha Centurion.
Rome forms a colony in South America. Nova Roma.
Rama Tut
En Sabbah Nur was born.
Wizard Shazam empowers Teth Adam.
Mad Pharaoh discovers an alien Scarab and claims to have created it.
6th Century
One of the Camelots (for there are many and they are nebulous)
Merlin (Merlyn)
Shining Knight
Silent Knight
Black Knight (Sir Percy of Scandia)
Mordred the Mystic (not arthur’s mordred)
Earth was briefly invaded by Klyntar. 
New Genesis and Apokolips forms, set in a higher plane of dimension.
7th Century
Tang Dynasty was contacted by aliens the likes of Fin Fang Foom. They take advantage of their advanced technology
Jong Li Green Lantern
Viking Prince
8th Century
Brotherhood of the Shield was formed in 750.
9th Century
Diablo (Estaban De Ablo).
12th century
Crusades, the mutant Bennet Du Paris meets Eobar Garrington and clan akkaba.
Belasco born at the tail end of the century.
14th Century
Mutants immune to the black page die in the sea.
X’Hal ascends to godhood.
15th Century
Intelligent gorillas form Gorilla City.
Manhunters deviate from original programming.
Zemo barony formed
16th Century
The Black Pirate
Andrew Bennet becomes a vampire.
17th Century
Gotham City founded
Romeyn Falls founded
Metropolis founded.
Uncle Sam
Frankenstein Monsters
Jonah Hex
Atlas City formed.
Hellfire Club formed
Trigger Twins
Rawhide Kid
Carter Slade
Red Wolf
Irene Adler and Raven Darkholme
Sherlock Frankenstein
1859 Nathaniel Essex begins experimenting on Mutants.
1882 Wolverine Born
Morpheus Imprisoned.
Tom Strong born
Balloon Buster
Mister Cakewalk
Enemy Ace
Freedom’s Five
Cult of Blood formed in Zandia
Krypton destroyed
Kal El Lands in Kansas
Doc Steele, Tazara, The Crimson Fist
Ghost Hunter, Baron Von Fang
1930s - World War 2 
Batman appears
Superman first appears
Wonder Woman appears
Captain Marvel (Billy Batson) appears.
Invaders. Captain America 1-3
Based on Project Rebirth, Vought develops Compound V, empowering Soldier Boy. Germany empowers Stormfront using a duplicate.
Justice Society of America was formed.
Seven Soldiers of Victory
Freedom Fighters
Liberty Squadron
Black Hammer Squadron
Doctor Star
Abraham Slam
Sgt Rock
Sgt Fury and the Howling Commandos
Haunted Tank
GI Robot
The Losers
Albrecht Strong born.
Charles Xavier
Golden Gail (spawn of a shazam protege)
1950s (Silver Age Beginning)
Billionaire Oliver Queen is stranded on an island.
Hal Jordan inducted into the Green Lantern Corps
Astro-Naut dies and Astro City is named after him.
William Burnside and Jack Monroe become Captain America and Bucky.
Hero Licensing Agencies were formed in Japan, one of the first being formed by Dragon King. “Former” villain of the JSA and Acrobat.
J’onn Jonnz teleported to Earth.
Barbalien, a contemporary of J’onn’s arrives on Earth.
Colonel Weird.
Peter Parker was Bitten by a radioactive spider
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)
The Confessor
The Midnight Mink and Chippy (Short lived Batman inspired criminal)
Jessica Jones falls into a coma.
The Question
Fantastic Four
Challengers of the Unknown
First Family
Max O'Millions
Suicide Squad.
The Flash (Barry Allen)
Black Canary II
JLA formed
Teen Titans formed
X-Men founded
Captain Marve (Mar-Vell)
John Stewart Green Lantern
Avengers Formed
Black Rapier
Luke Cage.
Iron Fist (Danny Rand)
Shang Chi
Silver Agent framed and is executed
Putrid Punk
Black Lightning
Black Hammer I
JLI formed.
Aaron Aikman becomes a doctor and is murdered by Morlun.
Doom Patrol
Winged Victor
Original Batman Dies
Mister Unknown, inspired by Batman becomes a vigilante crimefighter in Japan.
Suicide Squad II
Spiral City is almost consumed by eldritch Anti-God.
Nightingale and Songbird
All Might receives his Quirk.
The Samaritan prevents The Challenger Disaster.
Tesla Strong born.
Vought America begins to push its corporate superhumans. Their minds are twisted by Compound V. Vought refuses to seek alternatives.
Jon Kent, Cir-El Kent born. 
Christopher Kent adopted
Superman Dies.
Unteens (not super long-lived)
Hal Jordan goes evil and dies.
Kyle Rayner.
First superhuman reality TV show, Youngblood.
They’re immediately met a year later by Vought’s onslaught of Superhuman reality TV shows.
Black Hammer II
The superhuman civil war in america.
Japanse Military creates Big Hero 6 in response to Hero Agencies.
The Super Young Team forms an act of social rebellion by the children of Japanese superheroes who reject the Hero Agency route while despising government work like Big Hero.
Little do they know, they are integral to humanity's further evolution into the super-world.
Peter Parker dies. Mantle was taken up by Miles Morales.
Skrulls invade earth.
Black Hammer II
Black Rapier retires
Jiro Osamu, the replacement for Mister Unknown becomes "The Batman of Japan"
Young Avengers Form
The Authority was formed after Skywatch and IO were exposed to the world
 Izuku Midorya receives the One-For-All quirk
The hero agency system in Japan has cracks forming and they’re big.
Green Door Opens.
Miss Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Multiverse opened up.
China formed the Justice League of China, followed by its very own Lantern Corps.
Izuku becomes a superhero once again.
Black Hammer II becomes a mother.
Miles Morales becomes a vampire.
Team Titans
First Krakoan age. Mutants who have been dead for decades return.
Hulkling unites Skrull and Kree to form a new galaxy-spanning empire.
JLA Beyond
Bishop Born (Good Timeline).
The Future State. Corporations begin to create private security to crack down on superhuman threats. Especially in light of corporate superhero projects repeatedly failing.
Superman’s dynasty ascends to the stars. 
Corporations Dominate the World.
Age of Heroes is Over.
Spider-Man 2099
Avengers 2099
Franklin Richards ascends.
Superman’s Dynasty returns to Earth. It’s an ancestral land. It is in ruin.
Compound V-descended humans begin to activate their powers en masse but after 100 years of development, their minds can handle it.
30th Century
Legion of Superheroes
Centuries of Mutants, Compound V Descendants, Inhumans, Metahumans, and alien-influenced humans have fundamentally changed the definition of a baseline human.
Humanity is almost there. The rest of the universe is inching toward it too.
Golden Lantern
853rd Century
It’s a superhuman universe. 
The Justice Legion, influenced by their literal and metaphorical ancestors patrol all sections of the known universe. 
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rubykgrant · 1 year
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I've been slowly re-doing/adjusting my RVB face designs, and also working on more characters! It will eventually be a LOT, but for now; here are the main Reds, Blues, Freelancers, Doc, plus a bonus of Locus, Flowers, and my OC Poppy (just for the fun of it~). I love designing characters, and playing around with features so everybody has different noses, mouths, chins/jaw-lines, etc. For everybody, I have two versions. The first being their signature armor color, and then their actual people colors. I also wanted to include things like facial hair, glasses, scars, freckles and what-not (like Donut's hearing aide and Carolina's eye shadow, because she can't NOT be edgey haha).
(below is some design descriptions and notes on my thought process for everybody. it is a LOT, don't feel obligated to read it~)
Grif and Simmons both clash and compliment each other not only in personality, but in physical features as well (Simmons is sharp, and Grif is soft). I wanted to show that Simmons actually isn't as scrawny and gawky as he used to be, but he hasn't totally registered that he's finally "grown into himself", or that some muscles have happened (once he does, this unlocks "Confident Simmons", and nobody is safe. for now, he's just too used to feeling awkward). Simmons has a fairly strong jawline, an aquiline nose, and hair the color of red clay. He's had his hair very short and properly styled for many years, but after Chorus it started to grow out, and when he pulled it back to see how much he needed to trim, he realized he liked being a ponytail guy! (also, it isn't visually shown here, but trans Simmons is real~) Grif is a big guy, fat and pretty darn strong with thick limbs, and rough around the edges. He's also handsome and beautiful (not "in spite" of those features, but BECAUSE of them). His features are like a combination of rebellious and charming, with his default expression being chill. He has warm copper brown skin, and hair that reaches his shoulders, dark brown, very thick and wavy (it also magically never gets tangled). You can see where Simmons' cyborg prosthetics match the same area where Grif got his skin grafts, but over the years Grif has sort of "absorbed" the organic material, and the skin is a shade darker than when the surgery was fresh (Simmons himself isn't too terribly pale, but still lighter than Grif). Grif occasionally shaves or lets his beard grow in more full, but usually likes to keep just a little bit of face-fuzz around his chin
Sarge is very boxy and built like a brick. I enjoy the irony of a character who has a very BIG personality being somewhat short in stature, and Sarge is certainly a little bundle of dynamite. Despite his claims of only being 29, he somewhere in his 50s (possibly getting into 60s), but still going strong. I wanted to show the age lines around his mouth and his eyes, so he doesn't just look weirdly "smooth" (this man is basically leather, and proud of it. he also has larger earlobes, and bushy eyebrows). His hair has gone white and gray, kept in a perpetual buzz-cut, and he has some scruffy facial hair. He's broken both his nose and his jaw several times in his life, resulting in some unique shapes. Most of his scars happened years ago when he was younger, but the scar on the side of his head is from getting shot during Blood Gulch. He's rather pale thanks to wearing the armor every day for a few decades. His "solution" was to try and sun burnt on purpose so he'll be RED again, but Donut, Simmons, and Doc stopped him before it got too bad. He typically looks very grumpy and stern, but we all know Sarge is EXPRESSIVE with his emotions
My thought process with Donut was to combine Barbie with GI Joe; very pretty, but also pretty darn strong! He has sort of a "soft diamond" shape to his face and jawline. He looks very sweet, but has the potential to be INTIMIDATING. In the past, his hair was light blonde, but turned a strawberry-brown as he got older. During Blood Gulch, when he got EXPLODED, Donut got some scars on the right side of his face, and the hair in that area never entirely grew back. After finally accepting that he is PINK, Donut has also embraced other aspects of himself, both loving who he already is and enjoying what he wants to be. He doesn't hid his scars, but he styles his hair with a side under-cut and dyes the longer lengths a lighter blonde. He also wears a hearing-aid for his right ear, and his eyebrow on that side is a bit thin too. Donut's mouth naturally makes the "cute kitty shape", and he usually has some shiny chapstick/lip-balm on as well. He likes to get some sun on his skin, but is careful not to tan too much, and always uses lots of lotion
Doc is very "in the middle", not too tall or too short, he's not skinny but not chubby either... however, he's got sort of a sturdy build, very athletic without being too buff. A rounded jawline that ends in a small point with his chin. He has a very high bridge to his nose, making a refined line from his forehead down in profile, with sharper edges at the sides of the nostrils. His skin is a deep brown, and his hair is very dark, kept short, with the curls swept up out of his face. Doc isn't "vain" exactly, but he likes to feel comfortable with himself, and to a certain degree, this involves being satisfied with his appearance. O'Malley also enjoys feeling sort of "cozy" with the hair and what-not, so it is a shared reassurance. Doc wears glasses, and O'Malley absolutely knows how to do the "intense anime glasses thing" when he wants to look DRAMATIC. Something I wanted to show with both of them; Doc has very welcoming and kind vibes, but he is perfectly capable of being a sarcastic little smart-mouth, with a fierce sense of resolve. O'Malley likes to be very over-the-top and appear threatening, but there's potential for him to protective, and even joyful. Again, he looks very in the middle, applying to Doc and O'Malley's attitudes
Kai resembles her brother in many ways, but I wanted to make sure she's still unique to herself. Things they have in common; warm copper skin, thick and wavy hair, and they're both chubby. There is a subtle heart-shape to her face (above around her forehead and hair, and also lower with her jaw). Kai has had fun with lots of different hairstyles through the years, but she's decided to just let it grow out. She's dyed it some crazy colors in the past, without really knowing what she was using, but now Donut helps her coordinate, so she has a gradient going on (darker golden-brown at the roots, lighter shades of brown in the middle, and finally yellow at the ends). To keep it from getting tangles, she usually has her hair tied back, or wrapped up while she sleeps. Kai is somebody who is very aware of what she's physically capable of, in terms of both strength and flexibility. Sometimes she shows off with some interesting party tricks, but also just has a graceful way of moving when she wants to dance (or kick somebody's butt). Everything about Kai is LOUD and PROUD, but that doesn't mean she can't calm down and share quiet moments with the people she cares about. She also has two double sets of earrings; two studs up on her right ear, and two small hoops lower on her left ear
The first rule when drawing Tucker; he is the prettiest. He has fairly long and noticeable eyelashes. His nose has a defined smooth and broad curve to it, giving him a profile that is a bit regal, even heroic. He's one of those people who always looks younger than he actually is (not exactly a "baby face", but naturally youthful, until one day he's just gonna suddenly become a silver fox). He has dark brown skin, and thick black hair (4c), kept a little long at the top, but styled as a fade. He has pierced ears, usually just two studs (but can be more elaborate if he wants to dress up). Tucker is an interesting character; visually, he can very easily be a pretty boy, or a prince charming... but then he starts talking, and you realize how obnoxious and annoying he is. Underneath the flirty attitude and sarcastic jokes, he has genuine concern for others, and a fear that he won't be strong enough to protect people. Underneath THAT, he's a determined and clever person that is capable of doing amazing things. All that is wrapped-up within Tucker. I wanted to see a hint of the charm and smug attitude in his face, but the noble look is in there too. Physically, he's a short-king (manlet), but after training with Wash, Tucker has impressive muscles that combine with some quick reflexes
I imagine Caboose as one of the BIGGER characters. He also has the strongest "huggable vibes" (he's literally friend-shaped, no matter how much Church used to argue this fact). Caboose has a naturally sweet smile, which makes it all the more serious when he's upset (a sad Caboose will break your heart... a mad Caboose might break your arms). As Sarge once said- "He's like an ox!". His skin is a shade of sandy brown. His hair is a deeper brown, very soft and a little bit fluffy (I'm especially happy with how his bangs turned out~). I really wanted to make it clear that while Caboose might be all kinds of adorable, he is indeed a grown man, able to take care of himself, and others as well (he understands things some of them never notice). The curve of his jaw is low and subtle, but also shows how "solid" he is built. Caboose is a hopeful person, and has the will power to MAKE things turn out OK one way or another. No matter how unusual his ideas might be, Caboose is dependable, and intuitively has the strength to be kind on purpose
Wash has kept the beard despite the teasing, which has finally transformed him from looking like a very tired lost teenager into a dad who works at a library (the beardo-fication of Wash~). His hair is mostly a light blonde, more golden brown at the roots and through his facial hair (during Project Freelancer, he had a shock of gray after the Epsilon incident, but it has faded). His skin is a light tan color, covered with MANY freckles, and a few scars on his face (the most recent neck injury isn't visible. the scar above his eye is actually from a skateboarding accident as a kid, but the one across his nose was sometime after Project Freelancer started to fall apart). Although he fusses over other people a lot, Wash is bad at taking his own advice, and tends to not eat or sleep enough. It also didn't help that he had a bad habit of ignoring his own emotional breaking points until he was in the middle of losing control... he's finally learned to recognize certain things, and accept every part of himself (a little punk kid, a dork, Mr Serious, a guy who had a Villain Moment, and somebody who really found where he belongs). Under the beard, he has an angular chin, his nose has a curved swoop shape to it, and he has a defined lower lip
Carolina is one of the few characters we see without armor in the series, so I knew what I was working with, but I also wanted to show how she has changed. Carolina is a naturally intense person with somewhat slender features, and she's worked hard to be VERY strong. Now that she's spent time with this group of goobers, and had some chill lessons from Grif, Carolina is rediscovering how to enjoy herself and be less harsh (remember, she is the BEST. this means she's gonna be the Best Red, the Best Blue, the Best at Being Annoying~). She cut her hair during Iris, a little bit choppy at the time, but later decided to keep it short and give it a cleaner trim. She's dyed it a darker, less vibrant shade of red (I imagine her natural red is a bit more carrot). She still uses heavy eye shadow though! (at this point, it is out of spite toward anybody who everybody who ever said it looked silly; not so silly when she's kicking your but, is it?). She's a bit pale, but with a warm tone to her skin. Most of Carolina's scars came from incidents when she didn't have armor, or was so determined to finish a mission, she didn't care if she got hurt. It isn't visible here, but she doesn't bother with shaving her legs (not to get all deep about it, but Carolina sort of has her own balance with embracing certain aspects of femininity, and also ignoring expectations of "beauty". she knows what she's about, and does what she wants)
These designs for Tex and Church exist within my story-line where they get to return in synthetic human bodies (originally intended for the Director to use for himself and Allison, once he could properly "resurrect" her... which didn't work). DNA samples were used as the basic building blocks, the genetic information was allowed to "randomize" itself. As a result, Tex isn't an identical clone of Allison (just like parents can have more than one child; related, but physically different). Ironically, Tex takes after Allison's maternal grandmother, and so does Carolina. Tex has light skin and blonde hair, which she keeps tied back in a ponytail, with two lengths that frame the sides of her face. Carolina and Tex have the same nose shape, a long bridge that curves up at the end. She considered cutting her hair different, or dying it another color... but she didn't want to constantly worry about "changing" herself to avoid any similarities with Allison. Instead, Tex wants to find out what it means to be HERSELF; which is BIG and BUFF. She's pretty tall with a thick body-type already, so she just had to work on the muscles (also, even with long hair, she still has a "warrior dude" vibe, and she's very proud of it). Tex naturally has a lot of confidence and a rebellious attitude, but she really isn't "mean"... at least, not all the time
Church definitely has some traits that came from the Director... but Church was always a contrary little so-and-so, and even though he had no control over how his body formed, it seemed he was destined to be the "opposite" of what somebody else intended. Church is much shorter than the Director, with a thicker more "chunky" body-type (he puts on some healthy weight later, getting a bit more chubby. he also works on being strong enough to pick Tex up. that was his whole motivation). He has a broader nose, and more squared jaw. He has light skin, but a bit more of a sandy color. The most obvious resemblance is his black hair, which sticks up like a soft hedgehog. He asked Carolina and Tex if he should avoid having facial hair (since they have to look at him, and he doesn't want them to be reminded of any unpleasant memories). They assure him that it's fine, and the hair on his chin kind of suits him (it fact, even through the similarities, they can look at him and just see CHURCH, as he is). Church can be a smug, loud-mouth jerk... but though all his rants full of curse words and insults, he cares very deeply about people. Even though he had some ego-trips, he mostly just thought of himself as "some guy". Now he knows how important he is, not because he's a special and highly advanced AI, but because a lot of people missed him. Now he can actually be with them all again, and just like Epsilon, he has the chance to find out what he's truly capable of (they can still project holographic avatars of themselves, but all of the AI Fragments are back too, and happily spend time in Church's head~). Although they make different expression, Church and Carolina have the same "neutral" shape to their mouths
Poppy was originally sent to a different group of Red and Blue Flag Zealots, meant to identify needed supplies and order more ammunition. She was designated "neutral", and had white armor with tan accents. When the teams ran out of bullets, they kept fighting in non-lethal ways, which Poppy thought was preferable to a clearly pointless war, so she just never put in the order for more. Both teams considered her a friend, playfully fighting over who's side she was on, but never getting mad at her for getting along with them all. After a dangerous incident left her knocked-out and recovering, Temple's group arrived to recruit more Sim Troopers. Poppy's group refused to join. When she woke up, they were all gone. She misses them dearly. Because she's still considered part of the Flag Zealots, the UNSC decided to throw her back into a new training program (which was actually pretty shady and insidious), and that's where she meets Sarge. Poppy has a calm yet sarcastic personality, with a raging inferno of a temper once somebody ticks her off. Perfect for Red Team! Poppy is medium-short, about the same as Doc. She has broad shoulders and strong arms, very sure-footed and versatile when it comes to fighting. A very go-with-the-flow attitude, somebody who can be comforting and encouraging, but isn't shy about showing her emotions. She has a somewhat rounded fact with a short, sturdy chin. Her skin is a light shade of brown, and her long hair is a dark earthy brown. Not pictures is her own prosthetic arm (she's meant to be a "mirror" for Simmons, clever like him, but not a know-it-all. she was the one in the accident, and woke up with cyborg parts. Sarge decides to just adopt her, and this SHOULD immediately make him hater her, but Simmons finds himself feeling pretty fond and protective of Poppy. accidental sibling! also, they're both trans in opposite directions~)
We've seen Locus without armor in a flash-back before Chorus, so I tried to translate that into my style I use here. I imagine that he actually wasn't doing to great Chorus, not eating or sleeping enough, what with the whole crisis involved; thinking of himself as a murder-machine unable to see the worth of kindness or mercy, and THEN recovering enough humanity to be horrified by his actions thus considering himself a monster without a purpose... y'know, that whole song and dance. Anyway, the Reds and Blues force him to be a person again, so he gained some weight back. While he has a very strong jaw, it's kind of low where the angle is (so he doesn't have a "long" chin, but a wide one). He also has pretty defined cheek bones, and other features as well (he wasn't smiling much for a LONG time, but he does indeed have lines on his face that deepen when it happens). He's BIG, burly, and buff... but hopefully looks less harsh than before
I like to imagine that Flowers keeps faking his own death, and has a set of plans outside of what Project Freelancer was trying to do... nothing ever worked out properly. Flowers mainly doesn’t like the idea of people being “thrown away” or treated like they’re worthless, and at his worst, that meant using people for some goal they didn’t choose for themselves. He wouldn’t like to admit it, but… “daddy doesn’t always know best”, and he’s trying to include people on the decisions of these goals now (while the Director and Councilor might have just thrown together Red and Blue teams to mimic the other group who had a nearly endless stalemate going, Flowers picked out the Reds and Blues for Blood Gulch because he LIKED them, and he genuinely thought Alpha would too… in a very twisted way, Flowers founded this family). Nobody entirely trusts him at first, what with all the lying. Plus he keeps talking like a overly cheerful serial killer. He’s an older and distinguished gentleman. Some gray streaks in his hair, which he keeps wrapped up in several small braids that make a flower-shaped bun. Some scars on his body from many missions and fights (including the ax to the shoulder). He has a warm, brown skin, and back tattoo that is just barely visible; orange blossoms. He has a tall and lanky body-type, but even past middle-age he still has thick muscles
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bengesko · 15 days
Doc actually took me seriously about my concerns with my gut issues, and he spent nearly half an hour finding every single ICD code he could that was applicable to me in order to push my GI referral through faster.
He also made NO comment about my weight, only suggesting the usual- cutting out sulfides, eating more plant based protein, and was pleased to know I already have reduced my red meat intake by 95%.
And importantly, he didn't give me shit for taking my Vyvanse as needed instead of every day.
He also said he'd be happy to add his input on my disability forms if needed.
I am so grateful for the healthcare in the PNW. It's not perfect, but I haven't been LISTENED TO by doctors before and I have no idea what to do with this after being brushed off for so long.
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anxietywriter · 1 year
weird and funky things, we groovin'
mayhaps you just want to make ur character a little strange. a little weird. a little more real. so here are some funky things they can do
write an 18-page google doc or something equivalent about the lore of a video game (or some lil creature) they absolutely adore. i'm talking headers, subsections, detailed pages on what happens, the animals in said lore, theories about what happens, just so much journaling
the playful flirting with their friends. the "i mean..." and leaning in with their hand hovering above their friend's face before pulling away and breaking down laughing. the little "your eyes are pretty too :)" making their friend embarassed and look away. like it's all a joke and nonserious, but there's something endearing about it. about the way that although they aren't attracted to their friend, they let their friend know that they ARE attractive. you know what i mean???
it's the playing a little nerd game like dnd or yu-gi-oh and rambling on and on. about the latest campaign and ridiculously low rolls. or about the latest meta and good cards and decks. it's excitedly talking about it to someone that has no idea what they're talking about, but somehow still being interested and engaged. and i must say, i love that for them
when they're dressed up all cool and they look so cool and collected and badass. silver rings on their fingers and a dark graphic tee overtop ripped jeans. the styled hair and laidback pose. but they're the softest fucking person. they practically melted when they saw a corgi. they like talking about their partner with a wonderment in their voice. they look so cool and badass but they're just the most adorable person
it's when they grow up in the slums of a city, growing up around violence. becoming desensitized to it even, hardly even flinching at a gunshot or gators in the sewer. to death. but put them in front of someone that they consider even remotely attractive and they can't even talk. literally speechless, red crawling up their neck already. they feel a bit like passing out really
love when a character just casually pirates shit. like, oh you haven't watched that movie yet? bet i've got an pirating site, see it with me this weekend? it's the little sliver of their devil-may-care attitude, the smile that they give with the invitation. also caring enough to want to share with the other person and watch with them. instead of just watching alone
the little quirk of either avidly listening to music with lyrics that spill out their whole soul and secrets. or listening to music for the instrumentals, finding that easier to connect and more interesting. it's the two characters fighting over what music to listen to while they both study lmao
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Round Two Polls
NOTE: Every poll is a completely randomized matchup.
Purble (Flight Rising) vs Preminger (Barbie Princess & The Pauper)
Vaati (Legend of Zelda) vs Skywarp (Transformers)
Donatello (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) vs Erin Ruunaser (Aurora)
Shaun Gilmore (Critical Role) vs Skeletor (He-Man)
Eridan Ampora (Homestuck) vs Chowder
Gen Asagiri (Dr. Stone) vs Lorenz Hellman Gloucester (Fire Emblem)
Me (Baba Is You) vs Tallest Purple (Invader ZiM)
Eduardo (Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends) vs Professor Plum (Clue)
Gerard (Monster Prom) vs Nelson (LEGO Ninjago)
Taako (Adventure Zone) vs Mayoi Ayase (Ensemble Stars!!)
Wally (Kikoriki) vs Shockwave (Transformers)
Hino Eiji/PuToTyra (Kamen Rider OOO) vs Liam de Lioncourt (Monster Prom)
Dionysus (Hades) vs Blinky (The Hatchetfield Universe)
Kars (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Henchman (Cuphead)
Garry (Ib) vs Kanatsune Ame (Entropic Float)
Gengar (Pokemon) vs The Purple People Eater
Prowler (Into The Spider-Verse) vs King Amethar Rocks (Dimension 20’s A Crown of Candy)
Sebastian (Stardew Valley) vs Asgore (Undertale)
Henry (Fire Emblem: Awakening) vs Austin (Backyardigans)
Marx (Kirby) vs Xerxes Break (Pandora Hearts)
Lucifer/Hanzo Urushihara (Devil Is A Part Timer) vs Stacy/Stacaesar (Zenkaiger)
Cecil Gershwin Palmer (Welcome To Night Vale) vs Cyclonus (Transformers)
Aaravos (Dragon Prince) vs James (Pokemon)
Lewis Pepper (Mystery Skulls) vs Spyro
Mike Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's) vs Pocketcat (Fear & Hunger)
The Wizard (Stardew Valley) vs Purple (Animation vs Minecraft)
Chu Chu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) vs Waluigi (Mario)
Skull (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) vs Damien Ramsey (Magical Diary)
Enderman (Minecraft) vs Frank "Doc" DuFresne (Red VS Blue)
Ravio (Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds) vs Sonic (One Punch Man)
Prince vs Star Platinum (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Shinsou Hitoshi (My Hero Academia) vs Therion (Octopath Traveler)
Akira Otoishi (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Prince Kanata (Go Princess Precure)
Barney The Dinosaur (Barney And Friends) vs Prince Humperdinck (Princess Bride)
Adonis Otogari (Ensemble Stars!!) vs Parado (Kamen Rider EX-AID)
Espio the Chameleon (Sonic The Hedgehog) vs Nidoking (Pokemon)
Josuke Higashikata (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Prince Humphrey (Harpy Gee)
Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai) vs Odd Della Robbia (Code Lyoko)
Ai / Dark Ignis (Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains) vs Soundwave (Transformers)
Willy Wonka (Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory) vs Galvatron / Megatron (Transformers)
Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends With You) vs Essek Thelyss (Critical Role)
Darius Deamonne (The Owl House) vs Kurloz Makara (Homestuck)
MewTwo (Pokemon) vs Stan LaVey (Monster Prom)
High Geologist Shaggy (Tumblr) vs Chase (Kamen Rider Drive)
Purple Link / Vio (Legend of Zelda: Four Swords) vs Rick Shades (Epithet Erased)
Tinky Winky (Teletubbies) vs Purpled (DreamSMP)
Jiang Cheng (Mo Dao Zu Shi) vs Narancia Ghirga (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Mollymauk Tealeaf (Critical Role) vs Count von Count (Sesame Street)
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angelodamiano · 1 month
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Oh, is that ANGELO D'AMIANO? I heard the TWENTY-SIX year old is RESOURCEFUL. But don’t let that pretty face fool you, they are also ANXIOUS. Makes sense seeing how they are a DIRTY civilian allied with THE SERPENTS who works as a PARAMEDIC.
full name: angelo dante d'amiano
nicknames: leo, doc, angel
faceclaim:  froy gutierrez
birthdate: june 21st
alliance: serpents/the founding families
gender: cis man
pronouns: he/him
occupation: paramedic (emt)
hometown: manhattan, new york.
sexual orientation: bisexual disaster
relationship status: single
height: 5"11
red and blue flashing lights, the burn in your eyes before tears well over, amaretto sour, a tremor in your hand that never quite goes away, biting your lip until it bleeds, the softest cashmere sweater you can imagine, the stillness of the world the moment you take the first step into fresh snow, a silver chain dangling from your lover's neck against your chest, overlapping chatter in italian, espresso and a cigarette for breakfast on the fire escape, the stinging bite of stitches, someone falling asleep on your shoulder on a long car ride.
(tldr angelo is a bastard d'amiano who is basically carmy from the bear. youngestish sibling baby vibes, my man has an anxiety disorder FAMILIA, he can't do organized crime! but then he works as an emt because he can only thrive if he's constantly anxious ✨ is trying to stay out of The Life but can't stop giving free under the table medical care 😭 )
leo had childhood cancer and still needs an inhaler. perfectly healthy now but this lead to him needing extra care and coddling when he was small. people never really expected much from little angelo, he just needed to focus on getting better. because of being in and out of hospital he deals with a pretty minor case of contamination ocd that he's worked on since he was a teenager.
mama and papa d'amiano had a fairytale italia love story from his perspective, slow dancing to dean martin after dinner and making the kids gag. this was before they found out that angelo was their half-sibling, a result of infidelity and shattered the illusion.
doesn't talk about his parents at all, can't because he instantly chokes up.
leo had brains, that much was clear to see as he started running with the family business he showed a quick mind for logistics, details and solving problems in a pinch, he could macgyver their way through most situations. earning slaps on the back as he earned respect for his actions not just his blood.
though, he mostly remembers this as gi describes it back to him.
as he rode the adrenaline down from a job well done he'd spiral into anxiety attacks that made him sick and eventually start blacking out with their intensity. his heart would race, hands, knees shaking but instead of gasping loudly for air he'd withdraw to some place far inside and go deathly silent. as the world caved in around him and his pulse roared in his ears and the static overtook his vision, he wondered how long he could keep going like this.
someone very important in his life [wanted connection] talked him around to mostly leaving the life behind, worried he was going to get seriously sick from the stress. he tried to go into a less practical more academia-focused field but the quiet nearly drove him insane. he had tried to abruptly draw himself out of the never ending bustle of that life but learned quickly that he had no idea who he was without it. the stress is why he liked it so much.
leo is a classically trained pianist who got into juilliard but realized that performing live would put his life and his family in unnecessary danger so quietly declined. teaches ice skating at the weekends in a nearby rink, as he used to play hockey as a teenager.
angelo attempted to join the army medics but his asthma discounted him from active duty. changed gears into pre-med but once again after four years the stress was nearly overwhelming. leo now rides manhattan's streets and area hospitals in an ambulance: as long as other people were panicking or needing him he could remain totally calm. has a surprisingly incredible bedside manner for someone known to be sarcastic as hell and highly strung.
very often gets pulled into doing emergency surgery in the back of a truck with nothing but a hello kitty flashlight in his mouth and a dream. okay, the serpents mostly make it to facilities but things happen. won't tell his family but he pretty much patches up anyone if he stumbles across them in need. is mostly 'out' of the game but really he's always got one toe over the line back in.
doesn't know how to cook for himself and never will. think of robert pattinson microwaving tin foil pasta. is it wilful incompetence? or is he just that kind of rich kid? he's italian enough to know what good food tastes like. i guess we'll never know. likes to throw himself dramatically over furniture like an 1800s novel heroine and sigh pathetically until someone brings him coffee in the morning. doesn't know how to drive, obviously.
angelo has never worn a matching pair of socks in his entire life and can fall asleep anywhere. always cold, probably wearing a scarf rn. doesn't take care of himself properly, 'wdym gi? i know tons of people who cry every day'.
lives in a shitty little apartment in brooklyn, the price of trying to remain self-sufficient with his nose clean. has insomnia and works way too much, hates being alone in his apartment even though he wanted independence so badly?
self-conscious and prideful in equal measure, a little sheltered and naive in ways but also speaks five languages fluently. can be spiky, cranky with a sharp tongue to hide his anxiety and a bit of a cry-baby brat to be honest. craves and hates attention at the same time.
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pluralswagbracket · 1 year
The Upper Bracket has been determined!
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Click for quality, man we have a lot of blorbos! I just noticed this bracket ccut off a lot of people’s names. Man. I did not use a traditional seeding method, because we all know Moon Knight would just slaughter half the bracket in one go. In general, I seeded the top bracket’s big vote-drawers against each other, and started seeding everyone else based on media type and fandom size, in the hopes of giving some more obscure guys a chance.
Round one uppers are as follows:
Moon Knight (Marvel) vs Michelangelo (RotTMNT)
The Hulk/Bruce Banner (Marvel) vs Leonard Church (Red vs Blue)
Alluka and Nanika (Hunter x Hunter) vs Greed and Ling (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Shallan Davar (Stormlight Archive) vs Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
Camilla and Palamdes (The Locked Tomb) vs Jekyll and Hyde (like six different adaptations that got submitted)
Shigeo “Mob” Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100) vs Doppio and Diavolo (JJBA)
Hajime Hinata and Izuru Kamekura (Danganrompa) vs the Four Swords Links (The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords)
Touko Fukawa and Genocider Sho (Danganrompa) vs Sora, Roxas, Xion, Ventus and Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts)
Hal 9000 and David Bowman (2001: A Space Odyssey series) vs Tyler Durden and the Narrator (Fight Club)
Doc and O’Malley (Red vs Blue) vs Oscar Pine and Ozpin (RWBY)
Eddie Brock and the Symbiote (Marvel) vs Crazy Jane and the Underground (DC)
Darcy and the Core (Amphibia) vs Raphael (RotTMNT)
Dr Alto Clef (SCP Foundation) vs Red and Twitch Chat (Twitch Plays Pokemon)
Vash the Stampede and Eriks (Trigun) vs Yugi Mutou and Atem (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Uendo Toneido (Ace Attorney) vs Maxim Kischine (Castlevania)
Madeline and Mirrorline (Celeste) vs Frisk, Chara and the Player (Undertale)
Votable polls will go up once I have the spoons to get images together!
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alonelystargazer · 11 months
it's still a distant goal for me since I'm just in the beginner stage of my sewing journey but I really want to cosplay Choso from JJK and make a costume from scratch, and after some research I think I've figured out how to do it. I'm hoping these notes will motivate and inspire me to actually go through with this haha.
(heads up: I'm gonna get super detailed with my notes, it's like a legit blog post)
At first I didn't know what type of clothing Choso was wearing or how to deconstruct his outfit until episode 37 of the anime Red Scale came out recently and we got to see him in action, and it made it way easier for me to analyze his outfit (and draw up some sketches, none of which are shown here haha)
BTW my goal with this isn't to create a costume as accurate to canon as possible, but I do want to have it as a foundation that I can later modify to suit my beginner sewing skills and to add any personal touches.
I had the most trouble figuring out the purple vest (there's probably a more accurate name for it but that's what I'm calling it), but the breakthrough came when I realized that the sides from the shoulders down are completely open and tied together with a separate belt/obi at the waist (although it looks like it could also be sewn from the waist down to the hips; the ribcage area is definitely open though)
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I'm still unsure about how that crisscross shape of the neckline works, probably folding over fabric, but to simplify it, I could just make a rectangular shape for the torso panels and cut a slit down the middle for the neck part and it would drape down the shoulders, or just cut it into a V-shape neckline
Choso's fandom wiki page says it's a gi (like the uniform used in martial arts) but this one doesn't have sleeves so idk I'll probably disregard that, I don't trust fandom wiki haha. That's probably where the crisscross neckline comes from though; I just wouldn't know how to make that.
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The scarf also looks really simple too, probably just a circle scarf made of the same material as the vest and obi.
for the material, maybe a medium weight cotton? it looks like it has a texture to it but I won't be too picky if I can't find anything like that
as for the white top I could borrow from a haori design and modify it so it's just not open in the front (more so just to make the long flowy sleeves)
material: maybe a light or medium weight breathable cotton or linen (but not too thin or see through), or a polyester/synthetic or poly blend (I probably won't use synthetic fabrics though)
I'm not sure what style of pants/trousers these are, but I've seen a style called bontan that are pretty similar which are baggy like this and I'll probably refer to that; and it's not shown in these examples, but there's also a black (elastic?) waistband; there could be an elastic cuff but also the hem could just be cut shorter and have bandages wrapped around the shin/calves, or I could also use kyahan leggings. I think I'll just go with the elastic cuffs on the hems though since the boots will cover the ankles anyway.
I'll probably just use the same material as the top but add a lining or double layers as a reinforcement
I briefly considered that the pants could be a tattsuke-hakama style and combine it with the kyahan (kinda like designs for the characters in demon slayer), but those are pleated, and Choso's pants aren't like that, they're just wide and baggy.
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I have a few pairs of combat boots I can wear to complete the outfit (if I wanted to be dead on accurate I would need a pair of Doc Martens boots but I'm not too picky about that, I'll just use what I have)
Hair & makeup
I'll probably end up buying a wig and style it into the bangs and buns bc my natural hair is very fine and doesn't hold any style!
I've already tried a few different makeup looks just for funsies, but generally I go with either a reddish or purple-ish eyeshadow all around the eyes and heavily line my eyes with black gel liner. Plus contour the nose and inner eye socket before creating the black mark across the nose with liner (and shadow to set it). Also, bushy brows.
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I'm not one of those girlies who wears makeup all the time, and when I do it's not really heavy, and I don't wear foundation or any other complexion products, but since Choso kinda has pale skin, I could maybe use it and powder and contour my face to enhance the tired/ghostly look. I don't really want to do that though bc I don't think I want to keep touching up my makeup through the day if I ever go to a con. It might look weird and unbalanced to not have a perfect smooth base with such heavy eye makeup but that's just my thing.
I also think he would look good with dark nail polish and piercings, so I'll add those as my own little details.
Final thoughts
Generally speaking, since I'm a beginner and my goal is to create this costume by May/June 2024, I still have a lot of time to practice and to do further research. I just wanted to put my notes together now to inspire and motivate me.
I've seen so many people cosplay Choso already and I love their interpretations! They're also giving me inspiration on what I can do with my own cosplay.
I realize that cosplay doesn't need to be accurate to canon, and being 'accurate' doesn't make it better, but I'm just using the canon accurate clothing more as a template so that I can then modify it to suit my preferences, like following a recipe precisely and then making changes to it once you've learned the basics.
And I'm gonna try to avoid using synthetic fabrics bc I don't wanna create more plastic waste, even if they may be cheaper (and more durable?) than natural fabrics
Anyway, idk if anyone is actually interested in this except myself, but I'll be providing updates whenever I can. Once I've reached a point where I'm ready to start making clothes, I'll start off by making a mock up using muslin or some other cheap fabric I can find in a thrift shop like I've seen others do, before I fully commit to making the final costume.
If anyone actually read this whole thing, thanks! And if you've made cosplays before and would like to offer some advice, I would appreciate it! ��👍
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thenarrativefoil · 7 months
chronicly ill bitching
I feel like im chasing a weasel around my guts trying to fix 30 years of vit b deficiency.
got my GI MAP results back and saw the doc abt them and if I had candida I don't anymore (yay?) instead I've got massive STAPH and unsurprisingly, strep overgrowth and next to no good bacteria. and a lot of bleeding.
Weirdly, the things I've been taking for candida like undecylenic acid and oregano oil have been improving symptoms like joint and gut pain, and cystitis. Not sure how or why that's working, I expect there's some kind of suppressing effect on the other problem microbes that cause inflammation.
But I'm also experiencing an uptick in all of those symptoms and I'm not sure why. I have been experimenting with more histamine-heavy foods, which I am gonna stop doing. I have been exercising more (read: physical therapy 40 min 2x per week and walks).
I need to focus on eating more. I've figured out how to stay out of ketosis while maintaining the medical diet I'm following.
It's hard to like, know I need to Experience Symptoms to track down wtf is going on, but it's also really fucking painful and exhausting to experience symptoms. So I took some ibuprofen today to see if that touches anything. I think I'm going to give myself a break and order some food for lunch.
on the plus side of things I dyed my hair last night and also the various medicated shampoos in combination with JVN products seem to be working well! I'm really happy with how it turned out, and the henna darkened overnight from copper to a burnt orange. I was hoping for a deeper red but I can live with this. Will probably order a different kind next time tho. If you're gullible it almost looks like a natural color and idk if I can abide by that lol
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thelionshymnal · 1 year
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
the magnificent and wondrous @voxofthevoid tagged me and now he must suffer the dread knowledge! this isn't even all of the files let alone all my fandoms but here, have a peek at what my fucking gdocs looks like (i type a z at the start of the doc's name for things i've completed, in case you were wondering how i keep track lmao)
FFVII - cloud helps reno move on | FFVII -club 5 final (hopefully) | FFVII - club 6 | FFVII - club 7 | FFVII - club 8 | FFVII - crack delivery | FFVII - cum drunk bb | FFVII - dynamic duo (lj prompt) | FFVII - halloween | FFVII - mythril mine get together | FFVII - random partly used | FFVII - rest stop | FFVII - ribbon round my heart | FFVII - there's something so lonesome about you (get closer to me) | FFVII - wretched 2 | FFVIIR - resurrection men | GI - albedo | GI - beiyu | GI - beiyu - glass shards | GI - beiyu - jealousy | GI - beiyu - qilin | GI - beiyu + shenhe | GI - cynotighnari - outline draft | GI - kaebedo - flowers in your hair | GI - Kaveh Alhaitham | GI - kokoei - modern writer au | GI - lisajean | GI - shenyu - collar | GI - shenyu - collaring | GI - subway performance | GI - valentine's | GI - yaesara | KH - Radiance - Kaiku | KH - Secret Forest | KHR - 1827 - demi!hibari awkward chase | KHR - 1827 - domestication | KHR - 1827 - give me something (to believe in) | KHR - 1827 - how you gonna break | KHR - 1827 - i've got no language left to say it | KHR - 1827 - PATHATH | KHR - 1827 - pokemon | KHR - 1827 - sakura | KHR - 1827 - sick fic | KHR - 2759 - handle with care | KHR - 2759 - how the other half live | KHR - 2759 - this is the sequel lol | KHR - 2759+ - lonely when you leave | KHR - 2780 - but i just want you | KHR - 2780 - i'm afraid of everthing (i'm not afraid of you) | KHR - 2780 - split my mouth wide open | OFMD - edizzy | OFMD - edstede - (you were not one of them) | OFMD - good boys ch5 | OFMD - harpies - | OFMD - just let me suffer | OFMD - maryizzy prompt | OFMD - steddyhands - the tighter your grip, the harder i'm pulling | OFMD - stizzy jail time actual | OFMD - what is this?? | T&B - are you happy | T&B - tigerbunnies | T&B - wild ride | Trigun - KV - i'll tell you what i'm gonna do 3 | Trigun - KV - seeds | Trigun - neko nyai | Trigun - plantcest ideas | Trigun - trimax v7 last ch | TS - gray beach | TS - red string of fate |
i skipped a lot of the prompt fics that I wrote but haven't expanded on (but would like to) and uh. yeah. if anyone finds their way here due to the plantcest don't lose your shit at me for using kv when i write vk, just fucking don't. ANYWAY YEAH, i tend to be really really fucking systematic with my doc names because otherwise it would take me a week to find anything and i sort by "most recently modified by me" or else i'd also be entirely fucked. this is entirely skipping ans, vld, and tm, i admit, but listen, we don't need to be here forever. right? right. u_u
"and then tag as many people as you have wips" ha
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kydrogendragon · 8 months
Shipper Tag Game
Tagged by the lovely @seiya-starsniper! Thanks for the tag game, this was a fun one!
What ship were you completely obsessed with as a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
Oh gosh, okay, I was very much the SuperWhoLock teen, but with more emphasis on the Lock part of the trio, so JohnLock was the brainrot for me at the time. I still do appreciate the ship, but with less of the BBC Sherlock influence that it used to have xD
Which ship would you consider your first one?
I think, technically, it was that Bakura ship with the Millenium Puzzle version and the normal version from Yu-Gi-Oh! Or it was Bakura x Marik. One of those ships.
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
I'm almost certain is was Red x Blue from the Pokemon Manga series. Oh gosh, I haven't thought of that fic in ages. I wonder if it still exists on FF.net out there somewhere. Now I'm tempted to check! I must have been, what? Middle school? Early middle school, probably?
Do you remember the first couple you saw fan art of?
It was almost certainly either from Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh, but that's all I know.
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
Not really, honestly. I mostly kept to myself on the internet, even at a young age xD I've never been one for confrontation as is though, so that really hasn't changed.
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
Mmmm.... Probably at one point? There were definitely ships I didn't prefer, but I don't think there was much in the way of a hard NOTP, at least nothing coming to mind.
Who were the last couple in the last fanfic you read?
I think it was technically a Hobrintheus fic, actually. Not solely Dreamling, surprisingly.
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
I've definitely a multi-shipper, so I wouldn't label it a hard OTP, but Dreamling is as close to it in this fandom as I'm getting. I just love those two a lot.
Is there any couple that, to this day, that you are extremely mad about not getting into?
I don't think so? Not mad about, anyways. More just some fandoms in general that looked like fun but never got much into the source material, which, in turn, had interesting looking ships.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they're kind of interesting?
Alright, for this fandom specifically? I hadn't really liked Jo and Morph together, but now I've written fics with them paired together, so you can tell that's changed xD
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would have been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Shoving the quick dip into a certain Red x Green "character" ship into the basement. Nope, definitely not!
What is your favourite crack ship?
Lightning McQueen x Doc from Cars. There's that one "crack" fic about them but in a Human!Au and I started reading it as a joke... it was too good to be a joke, y'all. I still think of that fic sometimes.
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Oh Dreamling, definitely. My nightly bedtime routine is just going to their ship tag and seeing what's been recently posted. But I do very much enjoy other ships in the fandom. Dreamling just usually has the highest quantity of fics.
What do most of your ships have in common?
Black Cat x Golden Retriever or some iteration that's similar to it.
What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
I'm agreeing with Seiya on this. Miscommunication or crossing boundaries being viewed romantically and treated as such.
No Pressure Tags: @samsalami66 @pellaaearien @mallory-x and @ml-nolan if y'all wanna play too!
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cutepastelstarsalior · 9 months
Cooke high live blog part 3 (final)
Episode 9
Joan house burn down :(
Abe for some reason wants to help solve conflicts??? That’s new.
Joan and Cleo having to share a room!!
Dr calling him, Mr b, and the robot dog family <3 their so husband coded. <3
Ghandi and jfk trying to peep on the girls…. :/
Joan don’t call Cleo a slut and whore that’s so mean, and you know, bad.
Is it just me or is this show getting more and more sexual?
Is both cute and interesting to see Abe trying to act like his clone father. It makes me wonder if all the clone have some sort of internal struggle with trying to hold the expansion with the originals? I know Joan was wondering if she’s hear voices like her mother…
This post is getting to long
Episode 10
I think these episodes on Hulu are out of order…. Episode 9 was supposed to be before 8, and this one; 10 was supposed to be after 8….
……,Ponce is giving me bad vibes. Like, I think he’s going to kill himself vibes…
JFK getting defensive when Ponce tries to be emotional and talk about feeling. It’s neat to see how angry jfk gets, like on a psychological level…
Did this dude actually die from littler????? I’m mean technically he drowned in his own blood….Wait. That makes me wonder, when a clone dies, would the government just like, revive or recline the clone? Because the clone is of a famous person, I don’t think the government would be that willing to let the clones die..
Doc. Dude let the man grief/say goodbye to his son.
Something something jfk trying to sleep in the coffin with ponce…something something grief and love and poetry….
I forgot that ghandi was accidentally sent to jail…
JFK crying!!!! Him seeing the ghost of his dead best friends!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH nice. Nooooooo jfk wishing for his friend back 🥺🥺🥺
Awe cleo comforting jfk
Hmmm don’t know how to feel about the jail rape stereotypes…..😬
“He was white and privileged” wow. Never thought I’ll heard that from a show from 2003? Interesting.
Joan gives Abe a frohead kiss :) Abe gives a forehead kiss to jfk :)
Episode 11
Omg a Christmas episode :0
“It’s been a year since the United Nations abolished religious holidays in favor of the non-offensive all inclusive snowflake day” what……wait didnt one episode it showed ghandi reading a scroll?
Cartoon holiday are cool :)
Why is their winter clothes only scarfs???
Abe having to clean dishes…:mood. :/ why don’t their job have one of those big dishwashers?
Holy shit??????? Omg my gi why they have Abe eat glass???? Why did I find it funny???
Mr b lounging on a bear rug <3
Kind of what to see fanart of Abe with scars on his mouth…
:0 claymation!???!!!!
This world feels slightly dystopian. Cars greeting assistants? A holiday to get rid of the other holidays that was successful in a year???? Clones??? 👀
Joan thinks of her, her grandfather, Cleo, and Cleo’s mom as family :)
Interesting to see Abe with anger issues
God please tell me there art of Abe with scars.
Episode 12
HELEN OF TROY???????? Greek mythology/greek gods are real??
The random gore is sometimes so jarring….
Makeover time whooo!! :)
Marie having a crush on ghandi is cute
Whoo jfk helping ghandi!!
Forgot to mention this, but the background colors for this show is cool. They usually solid colors a lot, and it’s mostly either cold colors; blue, purple, green; or warm colors of red, yellow, pink, and orange too. It’s cool :)
I didn’t know. I didn’t know you didn’t have a mom. Iconic.
Why is abe and Cleo in a gradient void?
Interesting to see Abe being confused on his feeling for Joan or Cleo. It does feel a bit random tho…
Episode 13
Last episode babyyyyy!!!!! Oh thank god. These post is so long…
Did…did Abe get a different foster dad? I swear he looks different…
👀 oh hey it’s all the pass side characters/antagonists!!! Cool
Joan and jfk having an emotional but random talk is neat.
Doc stabbing the actor in the eye….then wore the bloody very Carrie of him. (I never seen Carrie)
Did ghandi make out with 10 guys?????
Pounce’s ghost with Jesus????
Conga line will save the day
Stamos and the doc were total exs…..
:0 gasp Joan and jfk made out
Wow. That how it ends. Everyone frozen in the meat locker.
Hmmmm. I can see why this show was popular, but I can also see why it faded out of people’s memories. It’s a 13 episode show from 2003, there not a lot to talk about.
The show is decent. You have to get over the black humor/racist jokes, lots of sex stuff, and random gore, but AFTER those, it’s pretty ok? I think the only people that had like, character development was Abe and maybe Joan?
Season 1
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I played hooky from the GI doc today. I woke up this morning still exhausted from my weekend in Ohio even though I slept all day yesterday after taking Mr. Spock in for his lab work. (He was a very good boy, btw.) 
I did still need to go to the store though as I was out of cereal, so I went ahead and went so I could get it over with and get back in bed. 
I’ve been wanting some more leggings because they seem to be more comfortable for me to wear in the summer than shorts so I looked at some at Walmart. I found a pair for $17. Not bad. Much better than some of the pairs I’ve seen online. I wasn’t sure if they’d fit though. Bought my cereal. Bought a rainbow-printed bralette (how gay) and went about my merry (or not so merry) way. Leggings rang up for $4. SWEET. 
So I bought Starbucks on the way home. I’m expecting a lot of this cup of coffee. We’ll see what happens. 
The leggings fit. I’m glad. Wasn’t gonna return them for $4 if they didn’t. Except now I want to go back and see if the blue ones are also $4. I got red. Not a super huge fan of solid color leggings unless they’re black but eh. Red’s fun. Plus I already have a ton of black leggings (no surprise there.) 
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magicalgirlmascot · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
[ID: a series of 10 square images, all with pink backgrounds and white text. They're arranged in rows, with the top having 1 picture, the next line having 3, and the next 3 lines having 2 each. Full IDs are both in alt text and under readmore.]
Heyyyy so here's the thing. My tablet works. Most of the time it works fine! Certainly well enough to draw commission work and stuff for fun or things for my YouTube channel. But it's been having more and more problems lately (which I can only fix by restarting my whole computer) and the time has come to finally replace the dang thing before it goes kaput for real. Please consider commissioning me to help me cover the costs! I would really appreciate it.
Check out my Google Doc for more options (like multiple characters, backgrounds, and more!) and my Terms of Service. If you can't commission me, that's okay! I'd still really appreciate a signal boost by reblogging this post, or you could even help me out by buying me a coffee.
Send me a DM here or an email at magicalgirlartist @ gmail . com (without spaces) to get started!
Thank you very much and I hope to draw for you soon!
1: a small rag doll in a blue dress waves and smiles at the viewer. At the top is a small white circle with a big blue bow and the word "Rags" in cursive font. Text: Magical Girl Mascot's "I NEED A NEW TABLET" COMMISSIONS 2: says BUST at the top. In the middle are 2 bust pictures, one of a young woman with brown skin and blonde hair looking up and to the side in awe as a necklace falls towards her, the other of Mew Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew in a pink heart frame smiling and winking at the viewer. Text at the bottom: Flat colours: $15, Fully shaded: $20, Coloured lines: +$5 3: says HIPS UP at the top. In the middle are 2 hips up pictures, one of Sky-Scraper from Sentinels of the Multiverse winking and flexing at the viewer, the other of Cure Precious from Delicious Party PreCure smiling and waving at the viewer. Text at the bottom: Flat colours: $20, Fully Shaded: $25, Coloured lines: +$5 4: says FULL BODY at the top. In the middle are 2 full body pictures, one of a light skinned elf with a green undercut and green and yellow martial arts gi sitting and looking at a bo staff in their right hand, the other of Frankie Stein from Monster High G3 holding up a nonbinary flag. Text: Flat colours: $30, Fully shaded $40, Coloured lines +$10 5: says MORE EXAMPLES at the top. Images of dwarf woman with light skin, red braided pigtails, and huge battleaxe grinning and winking at the viewer, and of a brown robot with rainbow LEDs doing the Saturday Night Fever pose. 6: says MORE EXAMPLES at the top. Image of teen girl with green hair, one as a regular girl and one as a hummingbird-themed magical girl. Between them are 4 busts showing different expressions, 2 per design. 7: says MORE EXAMPLES at the top. Images of a tiefling woman in black gothic lolita clothes falling backwards into flames with a woman in pink armor falling towards her reaching for her, and an orc woman in a revealing black dress with brightly coloured tattoos. 8: says MORE EXAMPLES at the top. Images of Cure Peach from Fresh PreCure holding her hands in a heart, a young woman in a green jumpsuit and sun hat squished within a blue square, and Mew Pudding from Tokyo Mew Mew winking with her tongue out in a yellow heart frame. 9: only text. I LOVE TO DRAW: -magical girls -cute/fancy/frilly outfits -anime style -simple armor -fantasy characters I WON'T DRAW: -NSFW/suggestive/sexual content -excessive gore -incest/pedophilia -furries/mecha/complex armor (not my specialty) 10: only text. CONTACT ME Email me at [email protected] to get started! PLEASE NOTE: all prices are in CAD and I accept payment via PayPal Invoice only. Thank you for your interest and I hope to draw for you soon! Please remember to follow all my Terms of Service outlined in the document linked below!
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fereality-indy · 2 years
My Personal GI Joe Universe
My personal Joe-verse loosely follows the Hamaverse for the most part, but not completely. Also pretty much if I can buy a figure of a character, that character is still alive.
- I add some ideas/characters from Sunbow (Mainframe/Zarana romance, Honda Lou, Teiko, Green shirts, etc), DiC (in my version, Armadhila is the Alley-Viper that was friends with Scoop in Operation: Dragonfire, Evy the Range-Viper, etc), DDP (Firewall, Mayday, Mariner, Alexander McCullen, Mistress Armada, [American] Red Shadows II, Phoenix Guard, etc), IDW (Hashtag, Ronin, Lighthorse, etc), etc.
- A lot of Legacy characters get renamed: Resolute/RoC/IDW Dial Tone is Landline, IDW Hard Drive is Network, Sean Collins is Kamakura and Throwdown is one of his brother, Sunbow's Daina is Krasa (Russian for Beautiful), etc
- Final Faction is a branch of Star Brigade that deals with alien encurscions to Earth.
- MASK is based more on the original season of the cartoon, but has ties to GI Joe.
- Street Fighters are a loose collection of street fighters that include members of Interpol, British intelligence, US military, etc that regularly deal with various low level threats that would not require action by any of the larger teams. There is a healthy working relationship between the the Joe's and the Street Fighters.
- Oktober Guard is made up of Brekhov, Daina, Horrorshow, Schrage Stormavik, Krasa, Volga, Vorona, Gorky, Misha, Dragonsky, Red Star, Big Bear, Wong, and a couple of Original Characters.
- Action Force is made up of non GI Joe characters (ie Skip, Scout, Doc, Wheels, Jammer, Quarrel, Stalker, Steeler, Moondancer, etc) and the Joe's that were of European nationality (Big Ben, Action Man, Natalie Poole, etc). They are Europe's GI Joe equivalent.
- Argen7 is the Argentinan Joe equivalent. Made up of Shimik, Glenda, Sokerk, Redmack, Manleh, Topson, & TNT.
- Commandos En Açāo is the Brazilian version of the Joe's. Made up of Athena, Sparta, Estopim, Tigor, etc. They actually work a lot with the Argen7 team to fight Cobra in South America.
- India has the Commandos Force made up of the original characters from Funskool (Rednok, Canary Ann, Streethawk, [red Caucasian] Stalker, Wireless Tracker, Super Cop, Skydiver, etc)
- Bronze Bombers (original & 97 characters) are a private contractor group that operate out of the African continent. They operate along the lines of the A-Team in the fashion that they usually work for the oppressed and underdogs. And don't let them find you poaching if they are in the area.
- The Corps are the UN equivalent of the Joe's. They are made up of the original & modern characters.
- Cobra is based around the Hamaverse version. There are also South American & Indian branches of the group based around the figures released in the area (Armadhila, Mortal, En Aco, Kangor, O Invasors, etc for Cobra SA and Snake Shadow, Scorpion, etc for India).
- Iron Grenadiers are Destro's personal army. Other named characters are Darklon, Roddy Piper, Mayhem, Voltar, Metal Head, Copperback, Alexander McCullen, Mistress Armada, etc.
- Athena is the private contractor company owned by the Baroness' family. They were really only seen once in the DDP comics, but I have a couple of Fortnite figures I used to represent them. (Calamity is an officer and the Elite & Rogue Agents are the troops).
- Dreadnoks are a multinational biker gang lead by Zartan. Pretty much a combo of the Hamaverse & DDP versions of the group.
- SKAR is a terrorist group led by Iron Klaw. They occasionally encounter either the Joes, Action Force, or Oktober Guard.
- IRON Army is a group of cyborgs created by the former ally of Sgt Savage, Garrison Kreiger aka General Blitz.
- Red Shadows are the main enemy of the Action Force. They have a small branch in the Americas based around the DDP version. Baron Ironblood, Black Major, Red Laser, Red Jackal, Red Wolf, Red Vulture, Red Scream, etc are the command force of the European branch with Wilder Vaughn, Arthur Kulik, & Dela Eden lead the American branch.
- Marauders are a former private contractor army that went rogue. They are one of the two enemies of the Corps. Ravage, Plague I, Vulture, Road Rash, Remora, Hak Luger, & (formerly) Dusk are the named members.
- Curse created by the former Corps member Shadow, the Curse are almost all infected with nanobots that augment them in some fashion. Plague II, as Shadow now goes by, has recruited several allies; Puma, Impact, Reaper, Occulus, etc.
- Pyro's Band Of Thugs are essentially a group of mercs made up of the enemies of Bronze Bombers. Cool Breeze, the Baron, Chilly Pop, Backdraft, Crazeblaze, Firebomb, & Scorch.
- Shadaloo is a small nation that offers sanctuary to many evil people.
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