#grayson hawthorne x reader fluff
Gigi: Can I get a mimosa? Or a coffee?
Y/N: what did Grayson say?
Gigi: He said no :(
Y/N: Then why are you asking me?
Gigi: He's not the boss of you
Y/N, internally: this is a trap, this is a trap
Y/N: let's be honest, he's definitely the boss of me
Gigi: Yep
Teeny weenie extra bonus:
Gigi: But you'll get me mimosas and coffee anyway, right?
Y/N: set me up and yes. Yes, i will
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cherrys-writings · 7 months
Grayson hawthorne x reader where reader is badly hurt and is in hopsital or something !!
Thank you for being so patient!
Brief description of panic attack
Grayson was sitting in his office at the Hawthorne Foundation when he got the call. The news wasn’t coming from you, but your friend, she was sitting in the ER with you.
“What do you mean you took her to the ER, Marcie?” Grayson couldn’t wrap his head around it. You assured him it was just a headache, you would be fine, he should go to work. 
Marcie’s harsh tone pulled him from his thoughts, “She texted me saying she really didn’t feel well. Her head hurt and she was throwing up, dizzy and she said it didn’t feel right. When I got there she was burning up. What else do you want me to say?” 
There were voices in the background, Grayson heard the muffled sounds of the medical staff, “What hospital?”
“It was hard enough getting them to let me back, I had to explain how far away her parents were, I doubt they’ll let you.”
“What. Hospital.” Grayson was starting to lose it. His heart was already racing, shaky hand practically crushing the phone when Marcie finally answered. He took a deep breath and stood, forcing himself to walk out of the building. 
He’s not there. You’re not okay and he’s not there. Tears blur Grayson’s vision, what if you’re dying. He’s not there. Terror churns in Grayson’s stomach, his steps quicken away from the exit and towards the restroom. Grayson pulls harshly at his tie then the top buttons of his shirt, the building’s too hot. Grayson’s breaths come in gasps as he splashes cold water on his face, sweat dripping from his temples. If the building weren’t so goddamn hot, he might be able to get a full breath of air. 
Why is he taking a detour when he needs to be with you?  
Your POV
You whined when the lights were turned on again, the beams like needles through your skull, and squeezed your eyes shut. You barely heard the nurse explain that the strep and flu tests were negative and they were waiting for the bloodwork to come back. He dimmed the lights before leaving and Marcie thanked him. 
“I called Grayson. He’ll probably be here soon,” Marcie slowly ran her fingers through your hair. 
“Grayson?” you hadn’t seen Marcie leave. When did she have time to call him? You’re pretty sure she never left your side.
You clutched your stomach against another rush of nausea, gritting your teeth through the accompanying cramps. Marcie kept petting your hair, when you heard a familiar, modulated voice just beyond the door, “Will this be an issue?”
Through the brain fog, you can almost picture the expectant look on Grayson’s face when he said that, mouth in a hard line, gaze slightly narrowed. Based on the delay between his question and the poor victim’s response, he did the eyebrow thing. Light-headedness washed over you again when you turned too quickly toward the opening door. You squeeze your eyes shut, willing your sight to focus. Grayson was sitting in the chair beside your bed when you opened your eyes again, blue surgical mask covering half his face. You leaned into his touch when he brought his hand to your forehead.
Grayson’s red rimmed eyes widened, “what was her temperature when she arrived?” 
You hadn’t noticed your nurse was back, giving you anti-nausea medication through your i.v. “It was 104℉, but we’ve gotten it to come down to 102℉,” he said, “our doc wants to do a lumbar puncture. That will give us a better picture of what’s going on and then we can get you feelin’ better.”
Thankfully, the nurses set up the equipment for the lumbar puncture quickly, the ER not yet flooded with patients. It was hard to concentrate on what the doctor was saying, but you got the gist. Lay on your side, be still, they’ll give you a little bit of medicine to help with your pain and make staying still a little easier. Only when they started to explain that Marcie and Grayson needed to leave did you protest.
The previously steady heart monitor began to beep, giving away your anxiety. “Wait, no,” you sat straight up, room spinning again. 
To no one’s surprise, Grayson hadn’t moved from his chair when he was instructed. Marcie was halfway out, eyes flitting between you, the medical staff, and Grayson. It was Gray who spoke first, cool voice taking control of the situation.
“She’s obviously terrified. I’m not going to leave my girlfriend alone for this test when she’s already a bit confused from this illness. We all know things go smoothly when the patient is calm.” 
Grayson had moved a chair to sit right by your face, stroking your cheek. He let you take his other hand in yours, eyes never leaving you. There was no warning for the floating sensation as the nurse injected medication into your i.v. and immediately the pain in your head eased. Cold spread across your lower back and the doctor asked you to take a deep breath before inserting the needle. You let out a whimper and squeezed Grayson’s hand against the pressure.
“Stay still darling,” Grayson hushed, lightly running a hand down your arm, “you’re doing great. They’re almost done.” 
You watched the nurse in front of you hand the doctor gauze and a bandage. With Grayson by your side you didn’t try too hard to concentrate on what was said following the procedure. Laying flat on your back for the next hour waiting for results, you tried getting some rest, knowing Grayson would take care of you. 
You woke to Grayson gently shaking your shoulder and the doctor standing in front of you. 
“The results of the lumbar puncture came back, you have bacterial meningitis. We’re going to start you on some i.v. antibiotics down here and you’ll be taken up to the ICU shortly. They’ll monitor you the next few days and, depending on your condition, move you to med/surg where you’ll finish treatment.” 
Despite the change of scenery, it was still freezing. Grayson perched on one side of your bed, fussing with another blanket and tucking it around your shoulders. From this angle you could see the lines of worry on his face, tension in his jaw, and the tears once again trickling down his cheeks. You reached out, wiping his face with your hand, “I’m okay, Grayson”
He kissed your palm, “You’re in the ICU, sweetie. Doesn’t exactly qualify as okay.” 
“Look at me Gray,” you lifted his chin, “I’ll be okay.”
Grayson sighed, “you could have–”
“But I didn’t. I’m not going anywhere, my love.”
Before he can respond, there’s a gentle knock followed by a nurse entering. She introduces herself and takes your vitals, explaining your treatment plan and the general rules of the ICU; only one visitor at a time. It was hard keeping your eyes open and paying attention to her words. She looks at Grayson, “If you’re around each other often the doctor will want to have you on antibiotics as well, just to be safe. Is there anyone else who’s around frequently?”
“The friend who brought her,” Grayson clarified, “ I can give you her contact information.”
The nurse nods, “Please tell anyone that might want to visit that they need to be wearing a mask. Until she’s out of the ICU at the very least.”
When the nurse left you finally let your eyes shut, drifting to sleep as Grayson’s fingertips glided along your hand. 
You were awoken a few hours later to someone taking your vitals, quietly letting them take your temperature. Gray’s hand still on yours tightened when the thermometer beeped. You watched him straighten in the chair, clearly having dozed off earlier. His voice gravely when he asked, “how you feeling?”
“Like I’ve been hit by a bus.”
Your nurse removed the blood pressure cuff, “it’s a good thing you came here when you did. With a fever that high it’s a wonder you were even conscious. Get some rest, if you need anything just press the call button.”
You thanked her and looked back to Grayson, “you can go home. Get some sleep in a real bed. I’ll be okay here.”
Grayson stared into your eyes, “I’m not going anywhere.” 
The first few days passed like that, Grayson by your side as you slept. Sometimes you woke up and he would be reading, other times he would be asleep too. His hair falling in his face, light stubble on his face, and the worried crease in his brow gone even for a small amount of time. By the fifth day when you were no longer contagious, you were moved to a regular room; private at Grayson’s insistence. Several bouquets of your favorite flowers sat on the tables around the room. 
Now that you were allowed more than one visitor at a time there was almost a revolving door of Hawthornes. Nash making sure Grayson wasn’t being overbearing, Libby bringing cupcakes for you and medical staff on the floor. Day seven had you going stir crazy. You were still on iv antibiotics to make sure the infection was completely out of your system, but you were feeling considerably better. Xander visited for the first time that day, bringing with him a book of magnet block challenges. He even offered to make Rube Goldberg machines for the light switch and curtains. 
Grayson drove you to Hawthorne House the day you were discharged. “Gray, you don’t have to babysit me. I’m fine now,” you insisted.
“Sweetie, you had a serious illness that might have neurological side effects. I want to make sure you’re still recovering well.”
You hadn’t told him about the lingering brain fog, but somehow he picked up on it.  Grayson had no idea how his actions warmed your heart. Of course, he had a bedroom ready for you, but you opted to stay in his room. Grayson crawled into bed next to you, finally able to hold you close after this scare. “I love you, Gray.”
Thank you for being so patient! Other requests I promise I haven't forgotten about you and will be posting them soon.
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inmyheaddd · 22 days
half asleep - grayson hawthorne x reader
a/n: someone lmk how to acquire a sleepy grayson to cuddle with for myself pls wc: 368 masterlist
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you were wide awake, your leg strewn across grayson’s torso and his arms wrapped around you. he was out like a light, and you should’ve been too. 
you blame the 2 extra coffees you had in the morning. in your defense, you were a walking zombie by 1pm, desperate for a boost of energy.
now, you had been laying there silently awake for an hour; it was impossible to go back to sleep.
you thought you were hilarious, so you slowly got out of his grip, propping yourself up on one elbow. 
“grayson, i need you to buy germany for me.” you whispered as you patted his shoulder.
you were spewing absolute nonsense, playing a prank on your boyfriend that you had seen other people do online.
“what?” he muttered. his slight pout, and the way his brows were furrowed with his eyes still closed made possibly the most adorable sight you’d ever seen.
you tried your hardest to not laugh, “you need to buy germany from the store. i asked you last week.”
“okay, okay, ill do it. just…” he patted his arm around looking for you, “come back to sleep, sweetheart.” he mumbled as he blindly reached for your waist again to pull you in closer, but you stayed put.
“wait but, what about the purple frogs in italy?”
“i’ll get them.” he said with a sleepy groan, “tomorrow.” he pulled you in closer successfully this time, and he grabbed the back of your knee, pulling it over his lower half as he wrapped his other arm around your shoulder.
you were shaking with laughter, biting your bottom lip trying not to wake him up.
his breaths were starting to steady and then you saw his brows furrow again. after a beat of silence, he blinked one open eye at you. 
“sweetheart, germany? as in the whole country?” 
you met his gaze sheepishly, holding back a laugh. “purple frogs in italy? are you alright?” he continued. it was impossible not to laugh now.
“i was just messing with you,” you said in between giggles, “i’m sorry,” you placed a hand on his cheek, and he smiled sleepily at the sound of your laughter, closing his eyes again momentarily. 
“i’ll try and get germany for you. no garauntees, my love, but i’ll do my best.” he mumbled sleepily as he brought your head to his chest, kissing the top of it. 
“what about the purple frogs in italy?” you muttered into his chest with a smile.
he let out a sleepy chuckle, “absolutely not.”
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taglist: @x-liv25-jamieswife @wish-i-were-heather @thecircularlibrary @whatsamongus
@sweetlikeanangel @littlemissmentallyunstable @sheisntyou @emelia07
@anintellectualintellectual @tornqdowarnings @maybxlle
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wildesqdreams · 7 months
you and i
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pairing - grayson hawthorne x fem!reader.
summary - grayson hawthorne has a hard time living for just himself. but the love that he shares with y/n will always make him feel at ease.
warnings - this is set before the first book, so none, only kissing and romance.
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a/n: this has been stuck in my drafts for a long time, and i finally finished it :) now, i will be getting to your requests.
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the bed slightly dipped, as the boy climbed in besides her. he was trying to be very quiet since it was already night, and everything was peaceful.
but he failed, when he felt y/n stir and turn around, facing him, "where were you?" her voice was a little raspy, and grayson couldn't help but smile at her tired state.
the girl had stayed up, waiting for her boyfriend, but soon sleep took over her and she went to bed. her arm wrapped around his waist as she snuggled closer to him, missing his warmth.
"just had to do some papers," his hand went to her waist, pulling her closer to his chest.
"you should take a break."
"you know i'm right."
grayson hawthorne played an important role in his family. he wasn't the eldest nor the youngest, but almost everything stood on his shoulders. he was raised differently than his brothers. one day, he was going to inherit the heir, so it was important for grayson to do everything right. not make a single mistake.
but how can a person be happy if he can't let himself slip? if he can't let himself breathe and let go.
that's why y/n didn't let him get lost in the hawthorne life. even though grayson has a strong character, the girl isn't afraid to speak her mind. that's what pulled the boy towards her. the wise heart. the honesty. and of course the love that she gave to others.
"just because others have made unrealistic expectations about you doesn't mean you should follow them. you are your own person, grayson. sometimes it's okay to take a break, even if some may get mad."
and just like that, grayson fell in love with her even more.
"you know," his hand went to her cheek, "sometimes i wonder how lucky i got with you," he stroked her skin, his touch making goosebumps appear on her arms.
"i think you should stop with that cheesy crap," the girl smiled and rolled on her back.
not even a second later his hand went to her hip and she felt light kisses be planted on her neck, "i can't help it if i have a beautiful girl with me," his lips moved along her jaw, stopping upbove hers, "but you are so much more then beautiful to me, y/n."
"i'm serious about what i said grayson," she looked into his eyes, her hand went to the back of his neck, "i love you and i don't want you to over stress yourself. i just want to help."
"believe me, you're helping me a lot, love," with that, his lips connected with hers, into a passionate kiss. and in this moment, grayson hawthorne was reminded again that no amount of money was as important as the girl beneath him.
with the love that they felt for each other, the couple would get through anything. just as long as they were together.
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taglist: @noaboacoa @mochamvgz
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thelov3lybookworm · 7 months
Summary: Grayson's world is about to turn upside down.
A/n: ehehehe
Grayson sighed, rubbing at his brows.
"So you're telling me we need to get Y/n's approval for this project?"
"Yes." Aaron Galathynius stared Grayson down until he looked away, frustrated.
"But she is missing. She won't answer my calls, and you refuse to give me her location. What am I supposed to do?"
Grayson was sure that even if she hadn't been ignoring him like her life depended on it, she would have rejected the idea without even considering.
Galathynius gave him an unamused glance before turning to the papers spread on the table. "You do know that's my daughter you're talking about."
Grayson refrained from letting him know exactly who he was talking to. That without Grayson's grandfather, the Galathynius family would still be some nobody business, hoping desperately to make it.
But he only stopped himself only because he was friends with Aaron's daughter and would do anything to talk to her again, and fighting with her father was probably the fastest way to make sure she never talked to him again.
Grayson sighed again, picking up his coat and shoving his arms through. "Call me when you are ready to answer my questions, and maybe we can proceed."
Turning, Grayson stalked over to the glass doors and stormed out, letting them swing shut behind him.
Once in his car, Grayson pulled out his phone, staring at her contact name. She would not pick up, Grayson knew. She would leave it ringing just like she had been doing over the past year.
But still, trying to contact her was better than wondering about what he had done wrong for his best friend to ignore him so.
So he tapped his screen, and stared until the call cut off by itself after ringing for a good few minutes.
Grayson sighed, turning to stare out the window at the scenery that passed by.
Gray knew sleeping with her was a bad idea, but he hadn't been thinking. He hadn't thought that it would get this serious when he refused to apologise.
But he'd just found out about Eve's betrayal a few hours before Y/n had visited him in his bedroom and he wasn't really thinking, and that led to things escalating faster than Grayson could understand. And the next thing he knew, he stared down at her limp and spent form in horror, sated with the pleasure he had delivered.
She had smiled at him softly before she realised he did not look happy. Then she had shot up, reaching out for him. He leaned back, staring at her before stumbling out of bed. He could see her heart breaking, but he could not let himself think too much about the fact that he was the reason she got hurt.
"This was a mistake."
He'd mumbled out the three words that had broken the friendship that the two of them shared, and as he walked away towards his wardrobe to clean up, he could have sworn he had heard her curse him.
Heard her heart shattering.
But he could not bring himself to care as he hurriedly put on clothes. When he'd stepped out, she was nowhere to be seen, the clothes he had ripped off her body and discarded haphazardly on the ground gone, the only thing left behind her lingering scent.
He had seen her once after that, coming out of his mother's house when he went to visit her regarding something about the foundation. She'd had tears in her eyes and her arms wrapped around her body, as if to protect herself. He had tried to talk, but of course, he had been ignored.
Now, as the Hawthorne house rolled into view, Grayson told himself what he was about to do was not wrong. That this decision was for the best.
"Zabrowski? I need you to find someone for me."
The apartment complex looked posh, but it was nothing compared to what Grayson was used to. Still, he had to give it to Y/n. She had always been good at picking out the perfect things.
Grayson stared at the elevator door, making sure he did not let his anticipation and nervousness show as he neared the fifteenth floor, where Y/n had taken residence in according to Zabrowski.
Zabrowski had also mumbled something about a child in passing, but Grayson had forgotten all about it until a few hours ago.
As the elevator doors dinged open and Grayson stepped out, he wondered if Y/n had finally found someone. Wondered if she had stopped just having hopeless crushes and actually acted on her feelings for whoever, that maybe she was now pregnant as he rang the bell of apartment 1502.
He got his answers the moment the door in front of him opened, and out peeked the head of his best friend.
Her name escaped him on a thin exhale, a weird feeling spreading through Grayson's chest. He watched as her lips parted in shock, her eyes only widening a fraction.
He dared to smile at her. "It's me-"
A loud cry broke the moment between the two, and Grayson's interest piqued when Y/n whipped around, letting go of the door as she ran towards where the sound was coming from.
Grayson knew it was wrong of him to push the door open and look for himself. but he could not help the curiosity.
He watched as the simple white button up shirt she was wearing puffed a little with air, her leg muscles flexing and contracting as she moved, stared as her shirt rode up a little to show the denim shorts she was wearing.
He watched as she ran towards the couch set in front of a wall of glass, looking out over the forest of buildings, and bent to...
Pick up a baby.
Looking at her cooing softly at the child was a shock to Grayson's system as she had always said that she did not want kids, or at least not until she had seen the whole world and was far older.
Grayson was damn sure she could not have seen the world in just one year, so either she had changed plans, or the baby was unexpected.
Grayson also knew he had been her first time.
Horror spread through his chest when Y/n turned around a little, smiling down at the... blonde baby with grey eyes wearing a cute litte pink onesie, who giggled back at Y/n. Her mother.
Grayson could not take his eyes off of the child, and it was a long moment before Y/n turned to him fully, her eyes widening.
Grayson finally glanced up, meeting his best friend's eyes. His voice cracked when he finally spoke, his eye stinging.
Y/n did not reply, stalking over to the door and slamming it shut in his face. The loud crash echoed in the empty hallway, the sound deafening, heartbreaking.
But Grayson did not pay it much attention, the only thing ringing in his ears his own voice asking the question and the unsaid answer.
General Taglist (only tagging people who i either know read these books or people who sked to be tagged in everything 😉) : @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @berryzxx
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f4iry-bell · 1 month
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pairing: grayson hawthorne x f!reader
summary: where's the trophy he's just coming running to me :p
warning: none :3 maybe a bit ooc gray? (let's assume he got a lot of therapy)
a/n: idk much about sports or olympics so if this the scene here is impossible to happen IDC! it happens in this universe!!!! :p also inspired by the olympics if it wasn't obvious 😔
tagging: @unnoodles @nqds @alwaysthefangirl @clarissaweasley-10 @benny1989fredd @imaseabear @never-enough-novels @elysianwayy77 @whatsamongus @sheisntyou
word count: 160 (ik too short)
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She wasn't shocked when Grayson broke the world record but it did shock her when he took off his swimming cap and goggles and ran straight to her all wet to get his victory hug from her. What also surprised her was that this is Grayson Hawthorne, her boyfriend who showers her with affections but keeps it down in public, running to her in front of a huge crowd and a million people watching.
She immediately hugged him back and let his wet body lift her up and spin her a little, when he finally put her down she stood on her tiptoe to kiss his forehead and then spoke “Congratulations, Gray. I'm so proud of you but you go get your medal now!”
“You're more precious.” He smiled and kissed her.
“I love you but go!”
“I love you too.” He kissed her lips one last time before going to get his gold medal he just won with ease. She couldn't help but feel so proud of him and feel so grateful to have him.
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morganwrites12672 · 1 year
HII!!! I loved ur grayson hawthorne fic could you plss do another one like where they talk to eachother and its just fluff and really cute :) Like him doing romantic things and literally agreeing to everything she says
Grayson Hawthorne x Reader
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! I love getting to write for grayson. Tagging my Inheritance Games mutual @speaknowlinasversion
Reader Info: Female!Reader
"Do we have to get up?" You groaned as Grayson sighed. He had been trying to convince you to get up for the last half an hour.
You were sprawled across his bare chest, your hands playing with his hair. He was loving every second of spending the morning in bed with you. But, he had things to do.
He could easily move you off of his chest, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to do it. He closes his eyes as you continued threading our fingers through his hair.
"Love, we need to," he said and you frowned. "But a few more minutes wouldn't hurt," he said and you smiled. God, Grayson was addicted to your smile.
He would do anything for you. From watching the same movie every Sunday night to kayaking (he refused to go with anyone but you, because he did not care for kayaking but he loved making you happy).
"You can't say no to me can you?" You asked with a smile and Grayson groaned. You both knew the answer. It was physically impossible for Grayson to say no to something unless it had the possibility of injuring you.
"I think you know the answer," he said. His blonde hair shone in the early morning light as the sun started peeking through the curtains.
"So that means we can watch The Hunger Games again tomorrow night?" You asked with a smile and he laughed.
"I would do anything that would make you happy," he said. And it was true. Making you happy was his favorite thing to do.
From picking up breakfast from your favorite cafe when he woke up before you to making sure Xander saved you a blueberry scone. Grayson did everything he could to make you happy.
Getting to see the smile on your face from the little things made everything in his life seem okay. Even when things were falling apart, your smile kept him grounded.
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ravisinghs-wife · 1 year
✼ Masterlist ✼
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The Inheritance Games
Jameson Hawthorne
Jameson Hawthorne Dating Headcanons
Grayson Hawthorne
Grayson Hawthorne Dating Headcanons
I write for jameson, grayson, xander, nash, avery and libby
A Good Girls Guide to Murder
Ravi Singh
Ravi Singh Dating headcanons
I write for ravi, pip and cara
Shatter me
Aaron warner
Meeting/Dating Aaron Warner Headcanons
I write for Aaron and kenji
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Percy dating tall!fem!reader headcanons
the seven plus nico and Reyna and their red flags
Annabeth chase
the seven plus nico and Reyna and their red flags
Jason Grace
the seven plus nico and Reyna and their red flags
Piper mclean
the seven plus nico and Reyna and their red flags
Leo valdez
the seven plus nico and Reyna and their red flags
he seven plus nico and Reyna and their red flags
I write for percy, annabeth, Leo, piper, Jason, reyna and thalia
Fandoms I write for besides the ones listet above: mcu, grishaverse and the marauders (Harry Potter)
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berystraw · 8 months
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Synopsis: In which! Due to a letter calling her to go back to Texas Verity Rosewood goes back to the place she spent years trying to forget. While she is there, she tries to reconnect with the people she left. Her family, friends, and especially the person she loved most.
[L.L.S Masterlist] [M. Masterlist] [G.H Masterlist]
Case file #1:
[Name]: Verity Rosewood
[Nickname(s)]: Veri
[Age]: 20
[Date of birth]: August 22, 2000
[Gender]: Female
[Sexuality]: Bisexual
[Eye color]: Brown eyes
[Hair color]: auburn
[Height]: 5'6
[Playlist]: Top of my school 【Katherine Lynn-Rose】 Pov 【Ariana Grande】 You're on your own kid 【Taylor Swift】 Brutal 【Olivia Rodrigo】 Little Miss Perfect 【Write out loud】Lose you to love me 【Selena Gomez】 All I want 【Olivia Rodrigo】 Dollhouse 【Melanie Martinez】 Be myself 【Why don't we】 I wanna be yours 【Arctic Monkeys】 Consequences【Camila Cabello】 Mess it up 【Gracie Abrams】 Control 【Halsey】 Elastic Heart【Sia】Applause 【Lady Gaga】 Thumbs 【Sabrina Carpenter】 In my mind 【Lyn Lapid】 Happier than Ever 【Billie Eilish】 Not strong enough【Boy genius】 If Only 【Dove Cameron】
Case File #2
[Name]: Grayson Hawthorne
[Nickname(s)]: Gray
[Age]: 19
[Date of birth]: August 23, 2001
[Gender]: Male
[Sexuality]: heterosexual
[Eye color]: pale gray
[Hair color]: blonde
[Height]: 6'0
[Playlist]: Looking at me【sabrina carpenter】Can I be him【James Arthur】Labyrinth 【Taylor Swift】Daddy Issues【The neighborhood】Ador You【Harry Styles】If I killed someone for you【Alec Benjamin】Man of the House【Marilyn Hucek】Money, Power, Glory【Lana Del Ray】I bet in losing dogs【Mitski】Angels like you【Miley Cyrus】Surface pressure【Jessica Darrow】People Watching【Conan Gray】I ain't perfect【IV of spades】Mistakes like this【Prelow】Mirror ball【Taylor Swift】Favorite crime【Olivia rodrigo】Feelin good【Michael Bublé] Lay all your love on me【ABBA】All of the girls you've loved before【Taylor Swift】Set fire to the rain【Adele】
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Verity Rosewood
—The one who absquatulated
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"I never wanted to leave, but I had to. For me."
Being the heir of the Rosewood family, Verity has been training and learning how to manage her family's company even at such a young age. She went to different kinds of classes, may it be public speaking classes, business management, dance classes, and many more. She had to be different, to be perfect. The pressure of being the best and perfect heir was exhausting, but she had her friends, right? The Hawthorne brothers have helped her cope with all the pressure and stress her family and everyone else pressed on her. She thought she could handle it, but everyone had their breaking points.
Grayson Hawthorne
—The Heir Apparent
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"And that made me hate you even more."
Grayson had been considered as the "Heir apparent" of the family for as long as he remembered. As a Hawthorne, he was taught many things, and that included never showing emotion. He had to learn how to not cry or show signs of weakness. Being one of the oldest siblings didn't help with that at all. In fact, it just added even more pressure on him. Having to be the older and more responsible brother out of the rest. It was difficult. Trying to make yourself look as if you're not broken. He is broken and hurt, yet he makes sure not to show anyone even a second of his true emotions. He was not raised to be like that.
Verity + Grayson
—The never ending story
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"In this toxic and suffocating world, we had each other."
The friendship of the Rosewood and the Hawthorne family has lasted for years now. So Verity being friends with the Hawthorne grandchildren was no such mystery. The group was always seen together during classes, tea time, playing outside on the grounds, or even skipping classes together. They were inseparable, but there were 2 children in the friend group that were much closer with each other than the rest; Verity and Grayson. The two consider each other as their safe places, the person who brings comfort to each other. Due to the pressure of their families, both of them really understood each other and considered one another as the place that they could bring down their walls and become their true selves. They felt safe, comforted, and peaceful in the presence of each other. Because for once, they felt as if they had one place they didn't have to pretend as if they're perfect.
[Playlist]: Back to December【Taylor Swift】Play date【Melanie Martinez】Tattoos forever【lauv】Love song【Why don't we】Make you mine【Public】Somebody to you【The Vamps】You and I 【One direction】That way【Tate McRae】Runaway【Aurora】If the world was ending【JP Saxe, Julia Michaels】Your name hurts【Hailee Steinfeld】Why's you only call me when you're high【Arctic Monkeys】Talk too much【Coin】Overdrive【Conan Gray】The one that got away【Katy Perry】House of memories【Panic! At the disco】Back to you【Selena Gomez】Midnight Memories【One direction】Still the one【One direction】Lover【Taylor Swift】The way I love you【Taylor Swift】Favorite crime【Olivia Rodrigo】I love you so【The walters】WYD now 【Sadie Jean】Somewhere only we know【Keane】Afterglow【Taylor Swift】Kiss it better【Rihanna】Kidult【Seventeen】No one can fix me【Frawley】Fall for you【Sarah Kang, Jesse Berrera】Remember that night【Sara Kays】
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jahayla-parker · 1 month
Grayson Hawthorne Navigation
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Grayson Hawthorne Tag List: @ell0ra-br3kk3r
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Grayson: Do I look like I'm joking to you?!
Y/N: you know how to do that???
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cherrys-writings · 1 year
Second person pov
Grayson Hawthorne x reader just fluff
Grayson walked slower than normal, almost limping into the room.
“Gray what happened?”
“Nothing,” he says, rubbing his forehead, “I’ll be fine once I finish this charity evaluation.”
You walk behind him and pull his jacket from his shoulders, “where does it hurt?”
He slumps into the nearest chair, “My head, the left side. It even hurts down through my teeth and nothing’s taking the edge off.”
You gently scratch through his hair, “Poor boy. Lucky for you the doc is in.” You went to his closet and grabbed a pair of sweats, setting them in his lap and going to get a glass of water. “Get changed and lay down.”
Grayson frowns, but does what you say, following you into his room as you pull the curtains closed. “How much water have you drank today?”
Instead of answering, Grayson takes a few long sips from the glass you set on the nightstand. For the first time, he doesn’t argue that coffee counts because it’s made with water. You climb in beside him kissing his forehead, “would a neck massage help you feel better?”
Gray smiles, “If I need a massage I can call someone.”
“But massages from people you love are healing.”
He gives a small laugh, wincing, “Is that so, Smartie?” You nod. “Only if you want to then.”
He lays on his stomach, resting his head on his arms. You slide your hands over his back, purposefully not commenting on how tense his muscles feel. Slowly, you start working the knots on the base of his neck. Repeatedly walking your knuckles up his neck before dragging them down and across his shoulders. Grayson lets out a long groan and you freeze, “Am I pushing too hard?”
“No, it feels really nice.”
You continue in silence, rubbing the tension from his back as best you could, occasionally kissing the places your hands were. Grayson’s appreciative noises have your mind wandering from the task at hand. “You know, if this isn’t helping, I know something else that might.”
You can practically hear the smirk in his voice, “Oh? What would that be?”
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inmyheaddd · 2 months
dating grayson hawthorne head cannons
wc ⇨ 800 a/n ⇨ grayson hawthorne i love u!!! masterlist
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grayson is the type of man who’d spoil you endlessly. anything you even mention, look at for a second too long, even a passing interest—you best believe it’s at your doorstep the next day. his attentiveness is almost surreal; he noticed you were playing a particular artist slightly more than usual over the past week, and then got you VIP tickets to an upcoming show. 
in turn, you try to match his level and surprise him with things he likes.
you knew grayson collected watches, and with jamesons help, you found out which one was missing from his collection. you’d been making a scrapbook over the past year, and this was no better time to gift it as well.
you walk into his study, slightly confused as he never really calls you in there, “yeah, what’s up?”
“was this your doing?” he gestures towards a gift placed on the desk his sitting at, with a tiny smile present on his face.
“oh,” you struggle to hide your own smile. “yeah it was, why?” 
standing and approaching you, he gently places his hands on your face. "my love, you know you don't have to get me anything, right?" he says softly.
“yeah, i know, but you always do things for me, i just wanted to return the favor” you explain.
“your presence is everything i need and more.” grayson hawthorne had a way of speaking that left no room for arguments. but that was grayson hawthorne, in your eyes, he was just grayson.
“grayson,” you drag out his name in protest, rolling your eyes jokingly, “just open the gift please, let me do something nice for you.” 
“everything you do is nice for me.” he counters.
your attempt at a stern look dissolves into laughter. chuckling at your antics, grayson lowers his hands and decides, "i’ll open it." he never liked to back down, but for you, seeing your radiant smile was worth it. "come here," he beckons, leading you back to his desk and encouraging you to sit across his lap. you oblige.
opening the gift, the first thing he finds is a letter you wrote. heat rises to your cheeks at the thought of him reading the words you poured your heart into, right in front of you. "you don't have to read it now; just look at the other things," you suggest.
“you got me something else?” he sounds truly confused, like no one had ever put thought into him before. you laugh softly, turning your head to face him “obviously, i’d give you the moon if i could.”  
“you shouldn’t have,” he says as he recognizes the brand on the box, previously covered by the letter.
“shouldn’t have gotten you the moon? i didn’t actua—“ your joke is cut short as he raises an eyebrow, though the slight curve of his lips betrays his attempt at seriousness. 
you look down at his lips and back up to his eyes, “what?” you muse at him, as he held eye contact even after your dad joke was cut off, instead of returning to his unboxing.
you often found yourself getting lost into his eyes, momentarily forgetting everything around you this. 
his silver eyes often said more than he did, and you yearned to master the language they spoke.
“i just love you so much.” it wasn’t the first time he’s spoken those words, but it wasn’t a very common occurrence. it just made them all the more meaningful
grayson preferred to say it in other ways, like the 2 squeezes he gives your hand, or when your foreheads stay connected for a moment longer after you’ve shared a kiss. 
his love language is gift giving — clearly, and quality time. 
he plans all your dates meticulously, knowing exactly what you like and what you’d have fun doing.
your relationship is pretty private, everyone knows you’re together, and you post the occasional “soft launch” type of post on your story, but that’s really it.
you’re his muse. his private photography account is simply full of you.
hes not one for extreme PDA, in his opinion its no one’s business but you two’s. handholding, an arm around your waist/ shoulder, peck on the cheek, is practically the limit.
as much as you tell him not to, he puts your needs above everything, even himself. 
he never thought of himself as someone who enjoyed physical touch; he was reserved to say the least, until he met you.
he can’t fall asleep without having some sort of contact with you. 
he wakes up with the most endearingly messy bed head, you adore it. him on the other hand, not so much.
grayson calls off every meeting and any plans he has whenever you’re sick or not feeling your best to stay by your side. movie marathons, all the food you’re craving, soup, blanket forts —he’s doing it all.
you insist on him going and that you’ll be fine, but 10 minutes later you realise there’s no place you’d rather be than here with him.
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wildesqdreams · 1 year
midnight drop
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pairing - grayson hawthorne x reader.
summary - a late-night swim in the swimming pool after the shocking will reading doesn't help grayson cool down, but it's a good thing that his girlfriend is there to help.
warnings - spoilers from the book "inheritance games", shirtless grayson + kissing.
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a/n: my first grayson fic has finally arrived, yeyeyeyeye :)) i also have to read the third book, but i don't want to, because I don't want the series to end.
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y/n sat on the edge of the swimming pool. the sky was dark, but not pitch black, because the stars were visible. even though the girl felt at peace, she felt slight waves crash against her legs, making her lip corners lift.
the reason she was out at midnight was because of her boyfriend. grayson hawthorne. her eyes followed his figure in the water.
swimming laps was his way to relax. to clear his mind. but it was visible that he couldn't get the shocking news from today out of his mind.
even though he wouldn't admit it, y/n knew he was quite upset. she could tell by his tensed muscles and by the tone of his voice, as he spoke, filling in the silence.
the fortune that he should have inherited from his grandfather. the things that he should have gotten, for his hard work and his wasted time, were given to a random girl named, avery. and the question was - why?
why would someone leave something so meaningful to a random person? but in the hawthorne house surprises and mysteries were a normal thing, so the girl couldn't help but smile, when she heard her boyfriend, for the thousand time, talk about how the girl had seduced or manipulated him.
"what?" grayson noticed the grin on the girl's face.
"then what's so funny?" he slightly furrowed his eyebrows as he stopped swimming.
she just shrugged with a smile still on her face.
his stare was intense.
the kind of intense that made grayson stand out. that stare that made others feel threatened or powerless, but for the girl, it was like she was the only girl he could see, while the world slowly disappeared, "it just humerus me how you think that she manipulated your grandfather because he was the real mastermind."
"so funny," he stated, as he rolled his eyes.
she could feel the annoyance in his tone, which made her want to tease him even more, so she continued, "that's what i'm saying."
but for some reason his next move wasn't the one she taught it would be - him getting more frustrated - but instead grayson started swimming towards her, "mhm, yeah, really funny."
"wha- what are you doing?"
"nothing," he said calmly, with a small smile.
sensing that he was up to something, she started to take her leg out of the pool so she could get away, but before the girl could do that, y/n felt the boy's wet hand on her leg, holding her in place, "gray..."
"mhm?" his hands slowly traveled up her thighs to her waist.
"what are you planning?"
a smirk appeared on his face and she felt his hands grip her sides tighter, "i just want to laugh too."
"wait grayson-" but her words were silenced when she felt the cold water.
her clothes, face, and hair were soaked. y/n felt the coldness against her skin, hitting every nerve, that made her immediately come up from underwater.
the girl saw her boyfriend laughing and she splashed water on him, "you idiot!" but that didn't stop his laughter, "it's not funny you asshole!"
"oh, but it is," he chuckled, as he reached for her.
when she felt grayson's hand grab her side, y/n removed from his touch "don't touch me."
the boy smirked, "you mad, princess?"
"fuck off."
"that's quite hard when you're so beautiful," he reached for her side again.
"i'm wet," y/n stated in a serious tone, but when she saw the boy's eyebrows slightly lift, the girl immediately said, "not like that!"
"i didn't say anything," he pulled her closer with a grin on his face.
y/n rested her head on his shoulder, so he wouldn't see her tinted face, "i'm still mad," her hands wrapped around his waist.
"oh, really?"
the girl hummed. she felt his hand move slowly up and down her side.
"well, there's no need to be. i didn't do anything," he added.
she pulled back and stared at him, her arms remaining in their place, "oh, really?" the girl said the same words as he.
grayson gave her a small smile, before leaning in and capturing her lips in his. he grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her, so the girl could wrap her legs around his waist.
y/n's arms wrapped around his neck, "i despise you," she murmured in the kiss.
grayson started to trail kisses down her jaw towards her neck, "we both know that's a lie, princess."
and it was because y/n y/l/n would die for him. her heart beat for him and he was her home. her safety. grayson hawthorne felt the same. that's why their love for each other was magnificent.
"well maybe now you're right," the girl murmured.
he disattached his lips from her skin and looked at her, "i'm always right," and with that, he leaned in for another kiss.
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thelov3lybookworm · 4 months
Mine? (part 4)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Summary: He just wants to talk.
A/n: we love short chapters... right?
anyways, enjoy!
(dividers by @saradika-graphics)
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Y/n tensed, staring back into the grey eyes she used to be in love with.
How did he know she was here?
She glanced at Nash, who held Adelaide close to himself.
No, he wouldn't do that.
Y/n thought about it for a moment as she stood.
Did he tail us?
Her eyes widened when she realised that he had, in fact, been tailing her.
But he wouldn't meet her eyes, locked on the babe in his brother's arms, his gaze accusing.
"You knew?" His voice was calm, calculated as he looked at the other two brothers, who simply stared at their feet. "You all knew."
"Gray-" Nash began, his face serious, but Grayson cut him off.
"Get out."
"What do you mean get out? We're staying here-" Jameson complained, standing as he glared at Grayson. All the while, Y/n watched, a pit in her stomach.
"I want to talk to her. Take the baby, and get out."
Y/n could feel all their eyes on her, but she only stared back at Grayson.
"Y/n?" Nash mumbled, and Y/n gave him a curt nod.
"I'll be fine." She glanced once at him and Adelaide meaningfully, who was drooling over the collar of his shirt.
Nash gestured at Xander and Jameson to get out, which they did, leaving Grayson alone in the room with Y/n as they locked the door behind him.
Y/n sighed, settling back in the armchair she occupied. "What did you want to talk about?"
He stared at her, his eyes hard, before stalking forward.
"I just want to know. Why did you leave?"
Y/n’s eyebrows rose.
"Are you seriously asking me that?"
Grayson was not amused, his jaw clenching as if he was trying not to lose his temper as he walked towards the fireplace mantle and leaned against it.
"Yes, Y/n, I am seriously asking you that."
Y/n laughed, the sound void of humour. "Why did I leave, Grayson? Besides the fact that you thought that night was a mistake?"
"So you left because I told you that it was a bad idea to fuck my friend? Well, forgive me for not realising how sensitive you are and that you couldn't understand why it was wrong."
Tears stung her eyes as Y/n stared at him, the dark, empty place in her chest that was filled with resentment and sadness, the place that once overflowed with her love for him, filling with anger at the way he tried to downplay what he had done.
She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down because she didn’t trust herself to not slap him to a pulp.
"Why do you think I let you touch me that night, Grayson?" She didn’t let him answer. "It was because I genuinely was in love with you. And maybe a little delusional, considering I thought you might actually have moved on from Emily and Eve and decided, to, I don't know, be a sensible human being. But boy was I wrong."
"No, Grayson. You don’t get to interrupt me. You wanted to know why I left, so you better zip it and listen."
His mouth closed with an audible click as she stood, tears now pooling in her eyes.
"I watched you be so hopelessly in love with so many people Grayson, watched as you got your heart broken by each one of them. First Emily, then Avery, then Eve. all the while I burned for you. All the while I was right there, waiting for you to realise that you didn’t have to be alone."
Y/n sniffed, taking a step towards him, her eyes unwavering as he straightened. "That night, when we made a mistake, you were just using me to get over Eve. you did not care that you hurt my feelings. You just wanted to have what you couldn’t get from her. And right after, you tell me it was a mistake. How could I stay after that, Grayson?"
He swallowed. "I’m sorry-"
"How could I stay, knowing that when you found out that a life was growing inside of me because of your mistake, you would probably just leave me to take care of a child you helped create by myself? Knowing that you would be disappointed and probably ask me to terminate?"
Y/n continued to step closer to him, watching his reaction closely, tears beginning to leak down her face as she whispered in his face. "How could I stay, knowing that in the off chance that you wanted to be in the life of my daughter, there was a possibility that you would turn out just like your father?"
His eyes flashed, and with their close proximity, Y/n could see the silver lining his eyes. But she did not care. He deserved to feel the pain that she went through. He deserved to know that it was because of him she went into hiding.
"I wouldn't have abandoned you two had I known, and you know damn well that I wouldn’t have turned out like him."
Y/n smirked. "Do I now?"
"You could’ve told me Y/n. You know how much I value family. You knew, and still you ran off."
The anger that surged in her veins was quick to overpower any sense of self she had, and she moved before she realised what she was doing.
The loud crack was satisfying still, and the red handprint left on his cheek was enough to soothe her wounds.
"Maybe instead of telling me how stupid I was in not informing you, you should ask your mother why she thought she could make decisions for you."
His head snapped back to her, his eyes wide.
"My- Skye?" Y/n watched as a tear made its way down his cheek. "She knew?"
Y/n laughed. "Of course she did. Did you really think I would put my daughters future in jeopardy by keeping her away from her father just because I wanted to be petty?"
He stayed silent, gazing into Y/n’s eyes. "Did she tell you to stay away from me?" He leaned in. "How much did she have to pay to buy your silence?"
His voice was harsh, taunting.
"Nothing. I was not about to risk the lives of my family and daughter by going against her wishes" Y/n mumbled, taking a step back, ready to leave.
He blinked, shock evident in his gaze. "She threatened to…"
"Yes, Grayson. She threatened to wipe out my entire family, as well as my then unborn child if I even dared to hint at you that I was pregnant."
All the harshness bled from his face, leaving behind a vulnerable boy who was hurt more than he should have been at his age. "What would she gain-"
The door clicked open. "Y/n?"
She turned to look at Xander, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. "Yes?"
"It’s Adelaide. She’s been crying for the past ten minutes. I think she’s hungry."
Y/n nodded, and with one last glance at Grayson, who stared at his brother with panic in his eyes, followed Xander out.
She knew he wanted to talk more, but she was done with the conversation.
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The Inheritance Games Taglist: @dahliawarner
Mine taglist: @aaronwarnerobsessedmylove @blocked-zombieartist @lillycore @lanterns-and-daydreams
@bubybubsters @berryzxx @riddlesb1tch
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f4iry-bell · 19 days
Hiiiii love hru?
Sooo I was wondering if you could write a blurb of (reader X Grayson Hawthorne) where their kid asks how babies are made or smth similar totally up to you
Hope you have a great rest of day/evening xx
pairing: dad!grayson hawthorne x mom!reader
summary: the ask :)
warning: none.
tagging: @unnoodles @nqds @alwaysthefangirl @clarissaweasley-10 @benny1989fredd @imaseabear @never-enough-novels @elysianwayy77 @whatsamongus @sheisntyou @emelia07 @cassie6392
a/n: 😞guys but genuinely how are babies made?
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“How are babies made?” Grayson and his wife's kid just walked into their room and demanded the answer, she picked that tone from her father.
His wife just looked at Grayson for help but he was awfully quiet.
“Um, you see. So first of all, it's like a…um” she was looking for something to tell their 6 year old “a race!”
“Running race? Or swimming? Or something else? I like to swim.” She said. Another skill which she picked up from Grayson.
“Sort of like swimming?” His wife struggled. Grayson on the other hand just kept smiling at this amusing interaction. “Your father will explain the rest!”
“Actually, I don't know how babies are made.” Grayson shrugged.
“But you're an adult.” His daughter pointed.
“None told me how they are made. Why don't you continue, sweetheart?” He asked his wife who rolled her eyes.
“So, the race. It takes place in the pool of heaven. If you win, you'll be taken by a crane and it'll deliver you to parents of your choice.”
“Interesting theory. But where exactly do these babies come from? I mean they have to come out of somewhere to take part in the race, right?” 
“A huge womb.” 
“Yeah, there's a huge womb. Like a pot almost. And when you're ready they'll send you to the race.”
“But who are ‘they?’” Grayson asked as if he's the child.
“They're not real, mummy.” 
“Fine! You know how they are made? When two people love each other, they kiss, and then magically a baby will be inside the woman!!”
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