#Gets electrocuted by the same humans who woke him up
beastoftheblackhole · 5 months
‘Godzilla Vs Mothra’, or ‘Godzilla just has the worst fucking day of his life’
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saigawrites · 1 year
Hey siri, how to take care of an aura jelly blob?
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Continuation of my series | part 1 | part 2
Seelie! Genshin characters x Platonic! Gn! Reader
Sumeru men edition
Tags : fluff, crack, scenarios
Warnings : cursing, mentions of animal attack
Summary : you took home a strange creature, that looked nothing like anything from your world. So, you try to take care and somehow live with this sentient balloon.
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You didn't know what had happened at all. You didn't know how and why you took home an intellectual blob with pretty colors. But, right now there is no time asking questions, as this flying circle thing has been squeaking for about 30 minutes, trying to explain you something. You came up with an idea in your mind, but for a moment thought it would be impossible. But, who knows? Maybe this creature actually has an intelligence and can write what they wanna say on a notebook?
Grabbing a empty notebook and a pencil from your workspace table, you open it and give the pencil to the creature. Shockingly, it holds it with tiny arms, and levitating themselves closer to the paper, they start to scribble something.
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Wanderer ♥︎
"Filthy humanoid creature! I am the unnamed wanderer from teyvat! I know nothing about the surrounding environment around me. Tell me, where am I, so I can figure out a way to return to my homeland. And don't you dare to take advantage of my current state! I am powerful beyond your understanding, even if I'm not in my original form."
Okay, that's kinda freaky. Why is an aura balloon acting all supreme now?
When you read what he wrote, an "really?" expression set on your face. That's probably why he zapped you when you took him out of your bag.
As much as you know, there isn't a place called "teyvat" in any part of the globe. So, this thing is from another one. Great. You somehow bringed an alien into your house.
But at least, some of your questions were answered.
You found a bit funny that a floating circle with cat ears and tail was deliberately trying to boss around, though you didn't wanna get electrocuted again, so you simply followed whatever demands this alien thing could have.
Oh, his demands were BIG. No sleeping past 6 AM, doing intense research on the topic of multidimensional lapping, and long explanations about literally everything your world can offer you.
Well, you are glad that you don't have to feed him or watch after him.
That last part was a lie, as this seemingly harmless boss companion of yours was dangerously curious, and happened to cause trouble even if he was as soft as jelly.
Yeah, that time he wanted to see what type of clothes do your humans wear, he shaked that closet a little too much, as it almost fell on you.
You learned that he is surprisingly very strong after that, he even helped you put the heavy wood rectangle back in place.
Or that time you both were taking a walk in the forest, and he came too close to an aggressive tank with antlers, a 6 feet tall moose, making him react violently to you.
Gladly, the moose couldn't come any closer as your blue-purple friend somehow casted a heavy gust of wind, strong enough to push the animal away.
Your angry little jelly blob rushed to your side after that, afraid of you damaging yourself in any way. After scanning your face for any injuries and finding none, the cat blob made sure to not to stray away from you far.
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Kaveh ♡
"Thank you, kind-hearted humanoid! I was so scared when I woke up in that place. Your rescue will be forever remembered by me. I am Kaveh, the architect of the sumeru city! It is an honour to be acquainted with such a peculiar creature like you! Please, help me find a way for me to get back to my planet."
First off, did he mention sumeru? The ancient city that existed centuries ago? Second off, did he call you peculiar? These balls be wildin
The warm-yellow bunny eared balloon floated around you excitedly, waiting for your response. You wanted to pet him and slap him into the void at the same time.
You got his vibe just right in your first interaction. The jelly ball acted all cute and adorable, but the clinginess of his made you progress on the aggression part in the cuteness-aggression feeling way more.
Seriously, this piss blob's ignoring of your personal space is on another level. The amount of times you had to shove him away from nuzzling all over your face and hair is overwhelming.
In his eyes, you are a majestic architectural masterpiece. He takes notes how your eyes and ears are on the same level, how your brows are exactly perfect centimeters away from your eyes. He loves your nose structure, he often stares at it to much, gaining a questioning look from you.
He is just like that with literally everything else in your apartment. He takes notes of the proportions of some objects, and in his seelie mind he finds ways to project your modern structures into his own.
Other than disturbing your piece he likes to look out the window, stare down at all of the other buildings and examine them with extreme focus.
Sometimes he even tries to make a sketch with his itty bitty hands, but fails miserably and comes crying to you, burying himself in your arms and making you pet his smooth body.
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Al-haitam ♥︎
"I am Al-haitam, and I come from another world, as you probably already have guessed from our appearance differences. I thank you for taking me into a safe environment, may the archons bless your kind-soul. I ask you to fulfill my another wish, help me return back."
Who are archons? Are they some kind of deitys? Gods perhaps? You truly don't know.
His calm and reserved behavior matched his talking style. He kinda reminded you of the mystical tree, his colors and a leaf like antenna confirmed your statement further.
That's probably why you would burst out laughing whenever the green aura circle would act all smart, reading books and watching educational videos on youtube with you.
Though, after laughing your ass off, you would always think of his behavior as cute in a way. So much that you would have to hold your hands in place and resist the urge to just squeeze the life out of him.
Sometimes you couldn't hold it tough, and give in to your desires, smiling and giggling as you nuzzle this jello orb body of his.
Fighting back and eventually winning, he would aggressively bring your communication notebook and write down that your relationship is purely professional and you are disturbing his necessary research.
Making a ridicilously serious face and nodding repeatedly you would leave him alone for some time, only to come back again to lay on him and fight in the process.
Eventually he would just give up and go with the flow of your playfulness, seeing as he got exhausted of reading multiple books already.
And when you would get tired, you both would just lay there, napping peacefully as he nuzzles in your chest, listening to your heartbeat and think of how strange you are in his world perspective.
After waking up from a quick nap, he would poke you with his tiny arms and tug you to stand up to go to the library with him.
He really loved your libraries, the sight of your extremely detailed and textured bookshelfs and scriptures would make him scream like a fangirl on the inside.
He also liked your concentrated state, with your reading glasses on and gaze fixed on the letters. He would enjoy it even more when you would take notes of the subject, he's genuinely amazed of your handwriting.
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Cyno ♥︎
"I am the general Mahamatra, Cyno. I thank you for saving me from the streets. I would be more than happy if you could get me back in my world, teyvat. Thanks in advance, or should I say, in later on."
What the hell was that. Was it... a joke? Okay, now is not the time to question what type of humor does this purple circle has.
Oh, but he's questioning you, looking at you with such a attentive gaze. Is he waiting for you to laugh?
Fulfilling his wishes, you chuckled from the amusement of not getting the joke at all. The blob didn't care though, as he simply jiggled in his place, proud of himself.
From that moment you discovered that this alien orb is a terrible jokester, as he would literally pull you from whatever you were doing to just check his new made ones.
And everytime you couldn't help but laugh histerically at his antics, because you wouldn't get the premise at all. All of his jokes never made sense, but were the most hilarious thing you laughed at in a while.
And he would always jiggle with pride after you laughed, bro really thought he gained a fan of his jokes💀.
One day you thought about showing him your world's perspective of humor, as you sat him up on the couch and turned on the tv with popular comedy shows.
Safe to say he would repeatedly jump from his seat, and roll on the couch from side to side, as his purple anubis ears would jiggle uncontrollably.
You took it as a sign of him liking it, and soon enough you both had a routine of watching comedy shows and gasp from laughing.
At first you thought he was just a happy go lucky guy, not realizing he can be sort of a guard dog.
Really, you only saw him being serious when he sensed something and flew to it's direction, only for it to be a racoon that he scared away with mini thunder.
Now you got why he was such a bright color of purple. Not gonna lie, you were a little scared to hold him after that, afraid he'll electrocute the shit out of you😰.
But it never happened, so you guess he's only friendly to you? Honestly, you felt kinda honored to have this status.
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Tighnari ♡
"Greetings, suspectable another species of humankind. I am Tighnari, the forest ranger of the sumeru region. It is a pleasure to be in your natural environment, being able to study your world. Though, I would appreciate it if you could help me return back to sumeru. I still have a ton of things to do back there, so please, make sure to fulfill my request."
Is he some type of a scientist? "A pleasure to be in your natural environment, being able to study your world" yeah, my ass.
And he was an ass. Pain in the ass, to be exact.
He wouldn't leave you alone, wherever you would go or whenever time it was. He was always around you, floating and examining your features.
He just can't help himself, you look so strange! And everything around you looks so strange. He just has to know atleast something about the place he is in right now, what type of setting it is, how does it work, and yada yada yada...
That's what lead you to the situation you are in now, as he peeked out of your hoodie pocket, staring at all the contests of the supermarket you were in.
Even if you had told him already a thousand times that he can't go with you because he doesn't look like everybody else, he didn't listen and sneaked inside your clothes, successfully getting out of the house with you.
You desperately tried to cover his enormous ears with your hands, stuffing him further inside the pocket only for him to pop out from the other side. What a nosy aura blob.
It would get even worse when he would fly out to scan some object like salty pickles, thinking of it as peculiar, when in reality the only thing that's peculiar was him.
He would closely watch whenever you would put something in the cart, taking notes on how you hold the product and how you place it inside the metal structure.
He especially got very freaky about your world's greenery, demanding you to go out with him into a park, a nearby forest or literally anywhere where there is some type of plants.
You instead decided to take him into a local botanical garden, and when I say he went crazy, he went crazy.
Stopping every 3 minutes to find a new plant and examine it for about 20 minutes you and him spent the whole day in that garden.
He would poke your shoulder to it being numb, asking you to explain or tell what kind of plant it is, where does it grow, how does it grow, can we take it home, all that nerdy shit.
You did end up taking some small house plants afterwards, due to his unstoppable crying and squeaking, like a child wanting their parent to buy candy in the store.
He then made sure to always bug you to take care of the plant, saying that he is "incapable" of doing so himself. What a troublesome circle.
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Oof, this ones LONG. And I'm proud of it😜. Genuinely hope you enjoy this, cuz I spent an eternity writing this😭.
Tag : @vault-of-reblogs
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angiethewitch · 2 years
what i love about Life is that we can understand the alien's motives. it isn't evil nor out to get us.
the alien, Calvin, has been in suspended animation for however many hundreds or perhaps thousands of years. it was brought into the lab and put in a box where it was actually fairly happy! it was revived by tweaking the atmosphere and the temperature and given glucose to grow and feed. it was given stimulation in the form of Hugh. it had never interacted with humans before so it didn't know to be fearful, it was curious and interacted well with its environment and hugh. it learned from hugh.
and then hugh fucked up and didn't seal the box properly. it sent Calvin into shock and it essentially went back into suspended animation to protect itself because it had no way out of the Unsafe Area. lesson number one for Calvin: humans create unsafe places. this is a theme in the movie, we see David discussing how he prefers space after the horrors he saw as a medic in a Syrian war zone because he only saw destruction.
then Hugh attempts to wake Calvin up by shocking him with an electrical charge and Calvin surges into action. lesson number two: humans hurt you. they were trying to wake him up, we know that, Hugh knows that, but Calvin doesn't know that. all Calvin knows is his home was unsafe and then he's getting electrocuted. so he learns that he is no longer safe. Hugh tries to distract Calvin with the probe, Calvin is initially curious but I believe he was wary because this is the same Thing that just very rudely woke him up. he breaks the hand that just hurt him. this makes sense. Calvin is scared and in survival mode and he does the first thing we would all do: flees. he learns how to use the broken probe as a tool to escape.
now Calvin has one objective: kill these strange creatures who locked me in an unsafe box and hurt me before they kill me. as I said, he learns from humans. all he currently knows about humans is that they will hurt you for no reason. he doesn't understand the concept of an accident. he's in survival mode and decimates the base and the crew quickly learn Calvin is incredibly intelligent and very strong and fast growing. this was never a one sided experiment, Calvin was a partner, not a subject.
I can't quite work out why Calvin went to earth but I think it's curiosity at play again. I don't think he steered the pod there to kill, I think he was just curious. it has been demonstrated to us that he is a very curious creature. but you bet your ass that the second he sees other humans, it's on sight. because he won't get a chance to learn the other side of humanity. he will likely be faced with bombs and guns and tanks. more evidence to him that humans are a threat.
I keep thinking about Hugh saying that Calvin can teach us about life itself, and I think he does. he teaches the crew that life is unpredictable and you can't control it. you can't put life in a box and hope it does what you say.
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emeraldtart · 2 years
For twst x boboiboy how about doing first meeting. It would be interesting to see that.
I'm assuming that you meant Boboiboy meeting with the rest of the NRC crew? OK 😀
This'll be long, so I'll put it under the cut.
Got caught immediately by Hali and got electrocuted. Grim was confused and legit thought that humans reproduce by splitting themselves into many humans.
Later on when Grim gets along with Boi, he has a LOT of petting and scratching priveleges. It's usually Thorn, Blaze, Cyclone and Quake that gives him pets. Ice just cuddles with him, Solar pets him. Sometimes. And Hali is a no because Grim's fur ends up staticky.
Papers clings to him and when he gets near Lucius the other cat's fur also stands up. It sets up a chain of reaction that ends up with Savanaclaw student's fur standing up.
Same as usual. Except he has to fight a fire cat and four people.
Gets along with Trio Troublemaker and Quake swore he will have a full head of white hair by the end of the school year.
Meets when they were chasing Ace. Ace was running for his life because who wouldn't if they're being chased by a livid thunder elemental?
Quake reminds him of his mother. Accidentally called Quake mom once.
Was surprised when he saw Boboiboy split himself. After he kicks them out, he literally planted himself face first on the ground because of exhaustion. He never felt this tired when using his UM.
Gets along with nearly every elemental, but especially the Photosynthesis Duo. Solar makes sick lighting and Thorn can make any flower bloom.
Cooking buds, cooking buds! They found out that they both came from a family of people who make food for a living and gains each other respect. Boboiboy, through sheer force of will and spite towards the cheapskate crow called Crowley, manages to make cocoa powder that tastes exactly like Tok Aba's.
After Riddle's Overblot, Trey helps Boboiboy set up shop to make money because that stingy crow doesn't give him any currency of this world. Ringgit takde nilai kat sini, woi.
Their first meeting didn't go well. Boboiboy split in three, Gempa makes sure the braincell trio didn't cause trouble,much to Deuce's denial, Thunderstorm went back to dorm to get the hot cocoa, and Cyclone went to buy food.
The moment Riddle says something about Boboiboy's parents, Thunderstorm came, gives the cocoa to Ace, looks at Riddle and tell him to run.
Later, Trey finds Riddle on the cafeteria floor, cooked to perfection.
They're chill later on. Boboiboy makes some cocoa based pastries for Riddle to try.
He gets his tail stepped like canon, but before he can yell and threaten the person that woke him up from his nap, Solar had already teleported away with the gardening tools.
His OB Phantom gets punched square in the face by Quake's golem.
After the entire ordeal he sometimes sleeps on Ice's water ball. Sometimes, he'd finds himself with a flower crown whenever he wakes up, courtesy of Thorn. The first time it happens the flower crown has rafflesia and corpse flower petals. How and where Thorn finds it, no one knows. It's only that one time, though.
Boboiboy doesn't really notice Ruggie the first time.
After Leona's Overblot, they get along fairly quick. Boboiboy gives Ruggie some free samples for his shop. And free food in exchange for his help around the shop.
He kinda reminds Boboiboy of Captain Kaizo. Strict, but soft inside. Is shocked to find out that Jack is sixteen. You would've think befriending aliens with long lifespan like Tok Kasa and Maripos would've prepare him for this.
Boboiboy introduces him to soccer/British football and they play it whenever they get the chance. First time Jack plays as goalkeeper he caught the ball with his mouth.
He's very tempted to make sambal sotong from this guy.
Azul gets along with Ice because he's a very chill person to get along with. Also Gempa because he reminds him if his mom, too. Mama Gempa is best Gempa. Fight me.
Suspicious. Boboiboy is tempted to make an eel dish out of this guy.
Thorn and him gets along splendidly. Thorn excitedly making secies of mushrooms and fungi that can't be found on Sage Island or on certain conditions. The other elementals sides eyes Jade whenever they hang out.
At least being hugged by an eel is better than being hugged by a cactus alien (Gurunda cactus people) and a flaming rock alien (Roktaroka).
Floyd finds every elementals interesting. He likes to tease Blaze the most because he's very similar in temperament to Riddle. Thunderstorm is no fun because he always dissapear when Floyd comes.
Rays of sunshine. Please wear two sunglasses like Commander Koko Ci to recent yourselves from going blind. Kalim is probably the closest thing Boboiboy would have to a sibling, next to his elementals.
Thanks to Kalim, Boboiboy now has an abundance of ingredients to use.
Suspicious person number two.
After Jamil's Overblot Jamil's bedroom is filled with praying mantises. No one knows where they came from except for a certain element who used to belong to King Balakung.
He's chill with every elemental, honestly. Surprised by Frostfire's existence when Boboiboy offers Jamil how to cook Tom Yam Sakti (using Twisted Wonderland ingredients) using elemental powers (or magic, in this case).
Thinks Vil is a girl and got confused. Whenever Vil gets fussy Boboiboy calls him Mak Cik (auntie).
After the Overblot Vil reminded him of Yaya and Ying. Except for the study crazy part, of course. Always talks about how round Boboiboy's cheeks are.
Scary person. Suspicious person number three.
Rook gets along with Thorn simply because of how random they both can be. Rook is also one of the few people in school who knows that Boboiboy and Crewel are NOT related.
Thinks Epel is a girl, too.
They bond over riding bikes and magic wheels. Epel is very excited to hear about Boboiboy's adventure across the galaxy. Thinks he's very manly.
They only meet in the hallways before.
Surprisingly, Idia likes Cyclone the most. For some reason the wind element makes him happy since he wanted nothing more than to be free. Solar is a close second due to his knowledge.
Very surprised to see Sopan because Cyclone and Solar are nothing like this rhyming gentleman.
Please wear heavy eye protection when he, Boboiboy and Kalim is around. I mean it.
Ortho is curious about Boboiboy. His scans show him that Boboiboy isn't really human. Not fully human, but then again he is from another world, so maybe it's different there?
Ortho is very curious about power spheres, and wanted to meet Ochobot. Ortho thinks that Boboiboy and Ochobot's relationship is similar to him and Idia's.
Malleus come across Thorn first. Then came across the others later. He doesn't know about his elemental split, and thinks that they're all the same person (which, they are)
Very surprised when Boboiboy splits into seven.
He likes every elemental, but he likes the original the most. Because he's the full set.
Maripos, that's you?
Reminded Boboiboy of Tok Aba. Old people who is really good in doing young people things. Lilia is not allowed in Boboiboy's kitchen. He had been banned and blackmailed multiple times.
Sleepy person. Like Ice.
Silver can sometimes be seen sleeping on Ice's water spheres. Thorn sometimes make a flower crown and a full jewelry set when Silver's asleep.
He and the more hot-headed elementals gets into a screaming match. Which then escalated into a full-on brawl.
He and Gentar are at odds with eachother. Both being too proud to accept eachother faults.
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larathia · 5 months
Parallel World Pharmacy: Jesus was an Isekai
This is a cute little one-season "let's highlight the importance of a particular job/field" anime. And yes, it's technically a reincarnation isekai as well. The protagonist was, on Earth, a genius chemist/pharmacist/biochemist/surgeon - let's just say Doogie Howser and House have nothin' on this guy. He's world famous for figuring out how to treat previously untreatable conditions.
Unfortunately for the protagonist, he's SO smart and SO driven he works himself into a heart attack in his mid 30s, and dies. He wakes up in the body of a ten year old boy, in another world.
So far, standard isekai really. Except not quite. I don't know why they went all out on this aspect of the story, since it has nothing to do with why they created the anime (join the school of pharmacology! It's totally cool! We promise!) but this is where things went a little weird.
Firstly, he didn't just wake up in the body of a ten year old. This isn't the standard reincarnation isekai. He doesn't get overlapping memories of his childhood in this new world. No, our hero woke up in the BODY of the ten year old. Who hadn't been breathing FOR A SOLID HOUR. And the boy hadn't just bumped his head. He'd been HIT BY LIGHTNING.
He has glowing fern patterns on both his arms. Of course, protagonist is like "yeah, you get those when you get electrocuted" but no. Those fern patterns are the holy symbol of the Medicine God.
What follows, as a kind of consistent B-plot, is the people of this new world deciding very quickly that Our Hero is in fact the incarnation of the Medicine God, here in their world to save lives and upend medical science as they know it (which, since their medical science is roughly 14th century Europe, is good for everyone) and Our Hero trying and usually utterly failing to pretend that he's just a ten year old human boy.
This is, by far, the most hilariously fun part of this otherwise pretty quiet and serious anime. Because these people don't know what bacteria are, or germs, or viruses. Our Hero promptly invents the microscope to show them, but I have to admit I find it really funny that he's consistently saying things like "yes, this illness is caused by tiny invisible creatures" and everyone else is going "EVIL SPIRITS???"
Because y'know. "tiny invisible malevolent creture" and "evil spirit" do kinda sound like you're talking about the same thing. He's chased by the Inquisition for the standard isekai business of having basically infinite ultra magic and casting no shadow, but when he tries to heal the inquisitor that tried to kill him, they flip right around into OMG WE JUST TRIED TO EXORCISE A GOD.
(This one especially amused me, because the inquisitor he heals then goes on to get himself assigned to Our Hero's town...and present Our Hero with this really really cool staff. He doesn't tell OH until after he picks the staff up that oh, by the way, ONLY A GOD CAN TOUCH THAT STAFF - so, you know, you're a god, we proved it. OH then tries to sell the idea that okay maybe he's a god but an UNDERCOVER one, okay? Please?)
This little B-plot keeps up all through the story; the viewer knows the science (which is, btw, apparently really accurate; the series was written by doctors and chemists) but frankly, the common people of the isekai world's explanations with spirits and gods and demons actually work just as well to explain what's going on most of the time.
Oh and the Black Plague has an actual literal body. Walking around. So we're not just talking 'ignorant peasants' here. Sometimes they're right.
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shan-helsing · 1 year
I know it's random, but any wulfric hcs 👀 ?
WEEPS INTO MY HANDS. TYSM FOR ASKING. i'll write some i can think of rn !
▪︎wulfric comes from some random germanic village, not the same as viago but similar, and has a ridiculously insane name. my gf is a huge fan of the name wulfric van schlammstein for him. bc it sounds funny.
▪︎ he travelled to england for research in studies (dawg i do not know, i'm still brainstorming this) n there he met lovely laszlo, mr gorgeous leslie cravensworth. since laz is KIND OF a science guy and I KNOOOW he did all that silly science stuff after he turned but i like to hc that laz in his human years was also studying science, as well as being in that club. as well as being raised in an aristocratic household.
anyways they somehow meet and something sparks. but since laz is consistently busy with his stuff they can only have cute little rendezvous at night in a park or something. they kiss. smoochie even.
▪︎ wulfric was NOOOT aware laz was turned by nadja. when nadja came and bedazzled laz he loves her forever and ever he kinda found wulfric cringe. like cringey dandelion ex bf (they didnt even break up officially) so laz kinda. tried to get wulfric outta his life. I had to think silly about this since its fucking. Wwdits. i have to be silly.
Laz invited wulfric for dinner in the middle of the night. Wulfric took ZERO notice to it being 12am. laszlo ate NOOOOTHING DRANK NOTHING. this bimbo had 0 realisation of any vampiric things. Anyways laz tried to poison wulfric many times that night. He thought he succeeded, but wulfric just got some weird tummy ache afterwards. It was probably expired food LMAOAOAO (im still brainstorming all of this hehehehe)
▪︎ wulfric got turned by a random vampire before he set to seas back home. This wouldve been the last time he saw laz. Loooong long ago. Wulfric was still idk man kinda food poisoned and whatever way he was, the vampire who turned him got stuck in bat form. They are best friends now.
▪︎ wulfric super slumbered for about 150 years. he knows nothing. ZILCH of any of the wars LMAO. he woke up in the 70s and just had the time of his life. sailed to the new world. hes super clueless about anything thats happened so he just takes everything at face value.
▪︎ wulfric also has a familiar !!!!! his name is dorian (i'll link a pic below) dorian was turned just before wulfric super slumbered so he knew that dorian would protect him. dorian is still his familiar. Even as a vampire. Wulfric knows hes cheating the system - he does not care.
▪︎ i like to imagine wulfric comes back into the picture w laz in a super funny way. laszlo installs an electric fence and just so happens to electrocute his silly bimbo ex bf as a bat. What the FUCK. wulfrics allllll over laz and laz just gets so flustered and embarrassed. JUST BUGGER OFF 😭😭😭😭😭 wulfric is not going anywhere.
▪︎ wulfrics kinda the silly cameo like jeff. But except laszlo gets so humiliated everytime. He wants to just be like ok. ten minutes of insane sexual intercourse then youre gone. yea.
▪︎wulfric TOOOOTES calls laz leslie. IT DRIVES HIM INSANE. wulfric EVENTUALLY starts saying laszlo, but at first it was a joke.
▪︎ wulfric is a cute little hondura white bat because they look so fucking silly.
▪︎i cant think of any more rn but i wanna say nadja likes him. calls him a dandelion puff (thank you my pal bee) and mocks him then kindaaaaa gets used to him. this is my husband laszlo and his boyfriend wulfric. new besties.
WOOOOW THAT WAS SO MUCH. SORRY I LIKE. BLUSHES. GET ALL SILLY WHEN PPL WANNA KNOW ABOUT MY GUYS. i love wulfric. I made him about a month ago so im still working on him but hes an immediate favourite for me outta my ocs. hes so perfect. So cutie pie. This guy loves disco. He has a disco ball in his home.
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babeyvenus · 2 years
My Future
Derek Hale x OC
Samantha, Stiles and Scott are always joking about the impossible. Who wouldn't when your best friend's dad is the sheriff of Beacon Hills? All jokes stop when they realize the impossible is indeed possible.
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Chapter 12: Escape
Sam watched as the man threw punches into Derek's body.
All she could hear was the sounds of knuckles hitting skin and yells of pain coming from Derek. Derek's ribs had to have been broken. The man continuously aimed each strike at Derek's side—which now was completely bruised.
"This could all be over if you tell us who the Alpha is. It's that simple." Derek stayed silent, much to the man's dismay.
"I'm getting tired, Hale." He turned to the girl. "Now…how do you think we'll get the answer out of you?"
Sam wanted to back away, but she couldn't. She planted her feet to the floor, ready to headbutt the man if needed. His hands reached down and she turned away.
The only thing she heard was the snap of her shackles around her wrists and feet as they opened. Sam looked up at the man, suspicious as she stood and backed away. He couldn't have been that stupid. No way.
"There. Now tell me who the Alpha is.", he said. Sam scoffed. "You're trash at torturing.", she says, aiming to throw a punch at the man, but he quickly caught her fist, reeling her hand back and twisted her arm behind her back.
She yelled in pain, trying to stomp on his feet. He threw her down and kicked her side with his heavy boot. Sam choked, gasping for air until she turned on her side, struggling to get up. Before she could even crawl away, the man kicked her again, ignoring Derek's yells for him to stop.
"I should kill you. You should be getting the same exact treatment as him.", he muttered, jabbing a thumb in Derek's direction. "You're just as bad as those dogs. Protecting them. Protecting the Alpha that's trying to kill you. I should kill you for that!"
Sam coughed, turning to him. "Then quit yapping your gums and do it!"
The man smirked. "Y'know, you two are more alike than you think. Stubborn and stupid. What makes you think you're different? You're human," he paused, "you're weaker. You're going to turn into a monster, a killing machine just like your boyfriend over here."
"Hardly. I haven't even been turned!", Sam yelled. He backhanded her face, sending her back to the floor.
"Who is the Alpha?", he demanded. Sam glared at the man and spat out blood on his face. "Piss off.", Sam muttered.
"Wrong answer."
She couldn't recall the next thing that happened. Her vision blurred and she could hardly hear her yells of pain anymore.
Eventually the blur became total darkness.
She woke up to a howl, quickly realizing that she was back to being restrained. Fuck.
She looked at Derek and he looked around. "You heard that?", she asked, making him snap his attention toward her. He nodded, taking his eyes off of her. He couldn't look her in the eyes. He's the one that got her here. Her face was all bruised and bloody. That was his fault…
"I'd tell you to cover your ears but…", he said before letting out a loud, wall shaking howl himself.
He let out a sigh and panted out of the lack of energy he had left.
They looked to see the metal doors opening once again and Sam's eyes widened to see Kate and Allison.
"Sam?" She pushed past Kate to get to Sam, "Oh my god, Sam.", she cupped her bruised cheeks. Sam tugged her face out of Allison's hands.
"I wouldn't get too close.", Kate warned. Allison pulled away, stepping away from Sam.
"What's she doing here?"
"The same as what he's doing here." Kate jabbed a finger towards Derek as she walked over to the electrocuting machine.
She turned the knobs all the way up and electricity traveled through the wires to Derek. He threw his head back and yelled out in pain as the volts of electricity went through his body.
Kate turned to Sam. "I wouldn't say a thing unless you want this to be the next thing to happen to you.", she laughed as she turned the machine off. Derek slumped heavily, his eyes fluttering open and close.
Allison stared at Sam's bruised body and tattered clothing. "What are you doing to them? Is that going to kill him?"   "Oh, come on kid, don't get all ethical on me now.", Kate rolled her eyes.
"She's my friend, Kate."
"Not anymore.", Kate countered.
"What are they?"
"Like you don't know. Shape shifter, lycan, werewolf.", Kate laughed, "To me they're just dumb animals."
Sam rolled her eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Sam's not a werewolf. Yet. But she will be in a matter of a few days. So, she'll be next with the werewolf treatment.", Kate grinned. She walked over to Derek, lifting his upper lip to show his fangs.
"See there right here? These are canines, also known as fangs. They're made for the tearing and rendering of flesh. Not so cute now, isn't it?"
"Is this a joke to you?", Allison asked. Sam glared at Allison. She couldn't be this dumb.
"Sweetheart, there are werewolves running around. Everything's a joke to me. How do you think I stay sane?", Kate chuckled.
"So it was both of them at the high school? And all of the other animal attacks?", Allison asked ignorantly. 
"No.", Sam gruffed. "Hell, we met up at the same time and you saw exactly what I saw. Don't be dumb."
"Thank you, Sam." Kate rolled her eyes. "There are three of them. Him, your deliciously adorable boyfriend—well, ex now, and the Alpha. The Alpha's the back leader: bigger, stronger, nastier. And to top it all off he had his eyes set on Sam."
"What do you mean?"
"Go ahead Sammy, explain it to her. Explain why you need to be put down.", Kate sneered. 
"He wants to bite me.", Sam gave a short explanation. 
"Elaborate.", Kate pressed. Sam sighed and rolled her eyes. 
"If an Alpha bites a human they turn into a werewolf, just like Scott."
"You knew about Scott? You knew this whole time?", Allison asked, tearfully.
Sam frowned. "He's my best friend, of course I knew."
Her fists clenched and she turned on her heel, rushing out of the room. Sam rolled her eyes once more. She's so dramatic. 
"Look what you did now, Sammy.", Kate smiled before leaving the room.
Time passed, and Sam passed out again. She quickly woke up, a familiar feeling wracked her bones. It's the same feeling she had at the hospital. "Peter's looking for us."
"How do you know?", Derek's voice popped up, his eyebrows furrowed.
"It's this feeling I have. I had it when we were at the hospital. It's like this heavy pressure on my back…", she said, swallowing and looking around.
Rushed footsteps headed toward them and her heart dropped. Either Kate was coming back to finish the job, or they were gonna die otherwise.
Her eyes widened as her heart dropped to her stomach.
"Scott…?", Sam whispered, tearing up. Kate brought him here. She was gonna kill him. Shit.
He noticed Sam panicking as she started crying. He rushed over to her. "Sam?", he rasped. "Sam, what are you doing here?"
"We'll explain later, just get us out.", Derek said. Scott came over to her, took a good grasp on her shackles and ripped them from the chair, throwing them on the floor. Sam shakily stood up despite her body screaming in pain, but she pushed through. They didn't have time. They had to get out of here.
More footsteps came towards them, and Sam looked at Derek. Derek angrily mouthed for the teens to hide. Scott pulled Sam to the darkest corner in the front of the room. The bald man walked through the door and we kept in the shadows. Sam cupped a hand over her mouth so he didn't hear her breathing.
Her body began to hurt a lot more than before. It was burning even. Her back was killing her like someone was carving into her slowly.
Scott tried to calm her down as they watched the bald man walk over to Derek.
"My knuckles are a bit tired, so I brought a little help." She could see there was a baseball bat clasped in his right hand. He was going to hurt Derek some more. The thought only angered sam and burned more pain into her body. Scott's eyebrows furrowed as he looked over at Sam.
"Just warning you, I—" the man's eyes looked at Sam's empty seat.
"What the…"
His face quickly contorted into anger. He stormed over to Derek and Sam suddenly stood up.
She moved quickly, silently, so much so that it made the werewolves nervous to see.
They watched as the girl jumped onto the man's back, and much to their surprise, she snapped the man's neck, dropping as his body hit the floor.
It was like everything blacked out and when her vision came back, she blinked and looked at Derek as he looked back at her with widened eyes.
He instantly got defensive but watched as her expression changed into confusion before it contorted into horror once her eyes focused on the man under her.
She looked down in shock, seeing the eyes bulged out of the man's sockets as his neck was twisted in an odd angle. She backed away in panic but Scott steadied her.
"Hey, let's just get out, yeah?", he reassured, pulling at her. She frowned at him. "We gotta get him out."
Scott frowned at her. "No."
"Not until he tells me how to stop Peter.", Scott demanded, looking at Derek.
She grabbed Scott's shirt. "We do not have time for this shit right now. There are hunters outside and right now, they could finish me and him and start with you. Get him down."
"He's going after Allison.", Scott says. 
"So what?", Derek argued.
"And he's going to come after Sam. The reason I chased her last night was because of him. He made me do it. How do I stop him?", Scott rushed. 
"You can't stop him! Alright? I don't know when Kate's coming back—"
"Kate? As in Kate Argent?", Scott's eyes widened.
"Yes, your crazy girlfriend's aunt has kept us here hostage for however many days or hours it's been.", Sam growled. 
"I don't know when Kate's coming back, but you have to get me out right now. Get me out right now!", Derek yelled.
"Promise you'll help me.", Scott's demanded. 
"You want me to risk my life for your girlfriend?", Derek asked, in disbelief.
"No, I want you to risk your life for yours."
"Scott, seriously, this is not the time for this! Do you want to go through what we just did?", Sam urged. 
"I know something both of you don't."
"Quit fucking around, Scott.", Sam says, glaring at him.
"Peter said he didn't know what he was doing when he killed your sister, right? He lied. Remember this?" Scott unfolded a paper with the agency report of the deer with the spiral on it.
"What the hell is that?", Sam asked.
"Where did you get that?", Derek growled. 
"My boss told me three months ago that a woman came into the vet asking for these papers. Do you know who it was? Peter's nurse. She brought your sister here so Peter could kill her and become the Alpha. And that's why you're going to help me. Not only for Sam, but for your dead sister." 
Scott and Sam watched Derek get angrier and stepped back as Derek fell to the floor, finally freeing himself. He looked up and hardened his green eyes at Scott.
"I'll help you."
After Derek had quickly pulled on his shirt and leather jacket, Scott helped them out of the cellar. Derek leaned against Sam, limping as he tried to ease the weight on her. 
They managed to climb the stairs and out into the woods, walking through the crunching leaves.
Derek's arm slipped off her shoulder and he walked out of Sam's grip, stopping in front of the teens. His breathing was labored as he looked around cautiously. "Hold on. Hold on."
Once he caught his breath, he looked around suspiciously but soon began panting again, this time, panicked as his eyes flickered around.
"Something doesn't feel right."
"What do you mean?", Sam asked. Her adrenaline was already running. Him panicking would make her panic more and it'd make this worse.
"I don't know, it's kind of like it was—"
"No, no! Don't say it was too easy! People say too easy and bad things happen!", Scott exclaimed, making Derek roll his eyes. "You think finding you two was easy? Getting away from Allison's dad? None of this has been easy!", Scott fussed.
"Fine," Derek sighed after thinking about it for a second, "you're right."
His breath steadied as he stood straight. His eyes suddenly widened and just before he could say anything, Sam felt something pierce the back of her left shoulder.
Sam shakily looked behind her to see Allison holding a crossbow and Kate right beside her with a grin. She dropped to her knees, suddenly feeling weak again.    "Sam!", Scott exclaimed. She heard Derek groan as he dropped next to her. She could see him trying to get up to help her with an arrow stuck in his thigh, but he fell down as an arrow hit him in the shoulder.
Is that what hit her…? An arrow…?
"Scott, your eyes!", Derek yelled. There was a big flash of light. Sparks danced to the ground, unlike Scott who landed with a loud thump.
Sam reached her arm back and pulled out whatever was in her lower shoulder. A thin arrow shone in the moonlight. She tossed it to the side, getting to her knees.
Derek yelled out in pain as he pulled two thicker arrows out of his leg and shoulder. He hurried and grabbed Sam by the upper arm, dragging her up. Scott continued to scoot away to safety but his attention was focused on something else.
"Sam, go with Scott!", Derek demanded as he pushed her to her friend.
He wanted them to go, to leave him behind to get killed. Allison and Kate walked up to them, Allison held her weapon in her eyes with hatred.
"Allison, I can explain.", Scott defended, hurt.
"Stop lying.", Allison yelled. Kate got to her. She was annoying before, but now she was ready to kill like they all knew she would be.    "I was going to tell you the truth at the formal. I was. Because everything that I said, everything that I did—"   "Was to protect me? I don't believe you.", Allison sneered.
"He's not lying.", Sam says. She turned her weapon to the girl. "You too, shut up. You're just as bad as him." 
Sam glared at her. "Thank God, now shoot them before I have to do it myself.", Kate groaned, walking over towards them.
Allison looked confused now. She lowered her weapon, turning to her aunt.
"You-- you said we were just going to catch them?", Allison's eyes teared up in confusion.
"We did that. Now we're going to kill them.", Kate grinned and reached into her jeans pocket and took out a gun, shooting Derek. "See? Not that hard."
Derek fell on his back as Sam looked at his fallen body in shock. She turned to Kate in anger. "You're a bitch!"
Allison looked at Sam's face, then back to Kate. Allison's expression changed from sad and confused to realization. Kate sighed loudly, rolling her eyes.
"I know that look," she stared at Allison, "that's the 'I'm gonna have to do it myself look'." Kate pointed the gun at Sam. The girl braced herself for the shot. 
"Kate, Kate, no!", Allison yelled but Kate knocked her to the ground.
"You want things done right, you have to do it yourself.", she shrugged. Sam refused to die tonight. Not by this bitch. She ran at her before she could pull the trigger, tackling her down and trying to yank the gun from her hand.
"Kate!" A voice yelled. Chris Argent appeared out of the rolling fog, coming up to them. "I know what you did. There were innocent people inside that house, children! And look at you! You're trying to shoot a 16 year old girl? She's not even a wolf yet! We go by the code.", Chris announced. He recited something in Latin, and Allison ended up finishing it in a whisper.
Kate pushed Sam off, taking her gun and aimed it at her with crazed eyes.
"Put the gun down." Chris' hand was shaking as he held his own handgun in his hand. Kate silently refused to put the gun down so Chris shot a bullet into the tree near them, barely grazing Kate. "Before I put you down."
Kate reluctantly lowered her gun and Sam moved back to Derek. He pulled the bullet out of his stomach and threw it into the leaves.
"Are you okay?", Sam asked, looking him over. He looked at her. "Are you?"
Before she could respond, the presence she felt before was back. Peter was back.
Sam frantically looked around. He couldn't be here. Not now. Now would be too convenient.
But this was Peter. Who knew what he had up his sleeve?
"Hey.", Derek's eyes caught her panicked ones. Before she could speak, the front door of the Hale house screeched open.
"Allison, get back.", Chris demanded. Kate and Chris' arms flew up, their guns pointed at the door. Scott and Allison got off the ground, as well as Derek and Sam.
"What is it?", Allison looked around, clutching her bow and arrow tight.    "The Alpha.", Scott replied. In his Alpha wolf form, Peter came running out at a supernatural speed. Derek pressed Sam behind his back as he watched Peter run around. Chris was the first to be thrown to the ground. Allison went down with a scream as well as Scott. 
"Come on!", Kate screamed multiple times. She was pointing her gun at random places while Derek and Sam backed away, looking around cautiously.
Then a gunshot went off, but none of them felt pain. They snapped their attention to see human Peter holding Kate's gun up towards the black night sky. She was yelling in pain as he bent her wrist back, and then latched onto her throat. Kate was thrown onto the deck of the house and Peter went after her, dragging her inside.
"No!", Allison cried and went inside after her.
"He's going to kill Allison.", Derek whispered and turned to Sam. "Do not move." He ran inside with Scott.
She heard Allison scream before she came running out with tears spilling down her face. She ran to her passed out father.
"Dad, dad!" Allison's small hands pushed at her father's body. He was out cold.
"What does the Alpha want?", The girl cried, looking at Sam.
"Me." A loud roar rang through the woods and then silence. Scott suddenly came flying out the window and Sam ran to him as he gained consciousness.
"Scott, Scott, where's Derek?", she asked him.
A monster like Alpha Peter came running out the window and jumped to the ground with ease. He and Scott had a fight, which ended up with Scott pushing him back. Derek jumped on Peter but got thrown beside Sam.
A loud honk emitted from close by and a bright pair of headlights lit up the scene. Sam's head snapped to where the honk came from and Stiles emerged from the driver's side of Jackson's silver Porsche. "Stiles!!", Sam exclaimed. 
Jackson came out of the passenger side. Derek got up and grabbed onto Sam's arm, pulling her away.
Peter looked at the two boys and then his red beady eyes focused on Sam. Stiles looked at Peter in shock and chucked a beaker of liquid at him. Peter caught the fluid filled glass until he realized what it was.
"Allison, now!", Scott yelled, throwing her the bow. Alpha Peter threw the beaker into the air just as Allison hit it.
"Get down!", Scott yelled as the arrow came in contact with the beaker, it exploded into a fire. Derek pushed me down to the ground as the loud roar and a burst of wind erupted in the air.
Derek looked around and sat Sam up. There weren't any screams. No growls. No scorched body. There was no sign of Peter anywhere. Sam started panting in panic again. 
"Sam.", Derek looked at her, worried.
"He's gone. We just had him…", she whimpered, tears pooling in her eyes as she watched the fire calm down. He was gonna come back. She was sure of it.
As the night stilled, she looked up at the bright moon, sighing as she used whatever energy she had left to get up.
From the corner of her eye, Allison and Scott shared a kiss. She frowned at their behavior.
She understood that they could've lost each other, but Allison just proved to Sam that she was just as unstable as her aunt and it pissed her off.
"Sam, you're okay.", Stiles exclaimed, tightly hugged her. "Where have you been? What happened? You didn't answer your phone and we've been looking for you the past two—" Stiles stepped away from the girl, looking at his hands, covered in her blood.
"Holy shit.", Stiles looked at her with a panicked look. Sam felt dizzy looking at it herself. 
"What happened?" Her eyes glanced at Allison.
"Kate happened." Derek glared at her.
"What do you mean Kate happened?", Stiles asked.
"She shot us."
"She shot you guys?", his eyes widened at Derek before looking at Sam. "Sam, you gotta go to a hospital."
"No," she says, glancing around for Peter. The feeling hasn't gone away yet. It was bothering her.
"There you go, being stubborn again!", Stiles complained.
"Stiles. I just wanna go home.", Sam says, walking over to Jackson's Porsche that stayed in the moonlight. As Sam limped from under the tree shade, her wounds could be shown clear as day. She heard a gasp behind her and turned around to see everyone staring at her in shock.
"What the hell did she shoot you with?", Stiles asked Derek, who looked angry.
"Foam darts. What do you think she shot us with? Arrows!", he yelled. Stiles was looking at Sam with fear stricken across his face.
"An arrow? Sam, you do realize that those are meant for werewolves, right? Not humans? You need help.", Stiles urged, walking over to her.
She weakly glared at Stiles. "And just what am I supposed to say, Stiles? How do I explain all of this? How can I explain word for word about what I went through in the past, however many days? I can't! There's nothing to say.", Sam said, and gripped her head in pain.
That feeling she had at the field was back. Was she still concussed?? Did she make it worse? It had to have been a big concussion.
"Stilinski, get over here.", Jackson ordered Stiles.
Allison was talking with her now conscious father, who gave Scott the evil eye from where he stood. Jackson and Stiles fussed back and forth but she couldn't hear them. Actually, she could barely hear anyone.
Sam looked at Derek who looked at her worriedly. She mustered up a smile and mouthed, "Thank you." Before she felt herself drop.
Derek rushed to catch Sam and held her against him, looking down at her in worry. "Sam! Samantha!", Derek yelled, shaking her.
Stiles' attention snapped at Derek as he saw Sam's body in Derek's arms.
Scott rushed over to them, kneeling down with Derek.
Scott's eyes scanned Sam's bloodied body. He was still feeling the effects of the full moon. Derek noticed this and gave him a growl in warning. "Scott." 
Scott shook his head. The effects only took over so much but Scott controlled himself.
He checked a pulse on her neck. Her pulse was steady but slow. 
"I told you we needed to take her to a hospital!", Stiles cried as he ran to them.
"Okay!", Scott quickly replied. "Okay. Those things are only meant for werewolves and since she's not a werewolf yet she can't heal."
"How about you tell me something I don't know?", Derek growled at him.
"You can heal… but she can't. She's not a werewolf, but-", Scott said only for Stiles to cut him off.
"Is Peter mind controlling you or something? Get that idea out of your head! That's not happening!", Stiles refused.
"You are not biting her.", Derek grounded out, glowering at Scott.
"What do you guys suggest? We can't take her to a hospital because we're gonna get questioned. Our better option is the bite.", Scott offered, frustrated.
"Correction: the bite either turns you or kills you.", Derek said. 
"It's the—it's not—", Scott sighed. "I think I know another way."
"So? What are you waiting for? What is it?", Stiles urged. Scott pulled up his dress shirt sleeve and looked at the watch around his wrist.
"Just get in Jackson's car.", he said, shaking his head. He refused to let Peter have his way with his mind.
The boys, minus Scott who left as soon as he came, dropped Sam off at Deaton's, respecting her request of not going to the hospital.
Sam stirred awake, groaning softly as she opened her eyes, wincing at the bright light in front of her. She squinted, looking at the older man to her side, dressed in a lab coat with a smile. 
"You're awake, good.", Dr. Deaton stood in front of her, shaking black liquid in a small container. Sam looked down to see that she was laid on the same cold, metal examining table from before.
Why was she here…? "Deaton?", she rasped.
"Morning. Well, actually good evening? It's almost three AM.", he joked.
She looked at him, confused. "I appreciate the hospitality and all but… why am I here?"
"Well you didn't want to go to a hospital did you?", he asked, as he organized his syringes and other items.
She frowned as she remembered. "Oh yeah…"
"Here, just take this." He handed her a dark colored capsule inside a pill bottle top. She looked at him in suspicion.
"What is it?"
"Just trust me, you'll want to take it.", he said and she reached for it, examining it.
She popped it into her mouth and gagged as it went down. Deaton filled up a paper cup with water and handed it to her, Sam, thankful for the liquid, hurriedly swallowed.
"What did I just take?", she sighed after drinking. 
"A mixture of herbs."
Her eyes widened in confusion and disbelief.
"Herbs? What is that supposed to do? How am I here?"
Deaton smiled, suppressing a chuckle as he stared at the linoleum floor. "Your friends are kind. They were worried about you so they brought you here. You'll see them soon. Everything will be fine."
Just before Sam could ask anymore questions, she felt faint again and voluntarily laid down, falling asleep again.
She woke up again, looking around to see the familiarity of her bedroom. Was this a dream too?
She got up, steadying herself as she hadn't used her legs in hours and looked around, heading to her bathroom.
Her eyes widened as she brushed her fingers across her face. All the bruises were gone. She looked at her shoulders and arms, everything was gone.
She looked at her left eye, there was definitely a scar above her eyelid there, but not too visible as she almost missed it.
Was it all really over? It couldn't have been a dream, the scar was proof of that. Peter still had to have been out there.
She sighed, and took a long shower, draining her somewhat matted hair from the dirt and blood that dripped down her body, eventually getting it to be curly and loose again.
She washed her face of any remaining dried makeup and squeezed as much water as she could into a towel after getting dressed.
She looked down at her phone that was on her desk. She picked it up, seeing her lock screen was filled with dozens of text notifications and missed calls from Scott and Stiles, even a few from Allison.
She even saw voicemails and sighed as she clicked on one.
"Sam, where'd you go!? You were supposed to stay inside! Jackson just told me he was found by Chris Argent in the woods saying 'he'd take your place'. They heard him saying that and Scott's been outed and I don't know what's happening. I can't find Lydia now and wh—", she heard Stiles' voicemail end.
She picked another voicemail by Scott. "Sam, where are you!? Why aren't you with Stiles?? No one's seen you…. Please be okay…"
She picked another one, most of them being from Scott either fussing or sounding sad and apologetic.
She sighed and set her phone in her pocket as she rubbed her eyes.
She threw the towel in a hamper as she heard muffled voices. Now there were people in her house…?? 
Could have been the remainder of the Argents, coming to finish the job brutally??
"Dude, she doesn't have any bacon…", she hears a familiar goofy voice.
She relaxed instantly knowing it was Stiles. Scott and Stiles were here…
She silently slipped out of her room and downstairs, seeing Stiles eating pancakes, Scott serving them and fussing at Stiles and Derek.
He just sat in a chair beside Stiles, frowning at his complaining.
His green eyes snapped to see Sam standing on the stairs and he sat up straight, catching the attention of the younger males.
Stiles smiled as he licked his syrup covered lips and ran over to Sam as she descended from the stairs.
He pulled her into a tight hug. "You're okay…", he mumbled in her shoulder as she hugged him back. "I'm okay.", she says.
He pulled away, giving her a smile. "You really have to get some bacon in here.", he says, pulling her to the table.
Scott shook his head while Derek just stared at her. He didn't have his usual jacket on which was a new… thing. 
"Well if you stop raiding my fridge, you wouldn't complain. Or better yet, bring your own.", she gruffed, making Stiles grin wider. "She's back!"
Scott smiled at her. "Glad you're okay.", he says, giving her a side hug.
She smiled at him and smiled at Derek. It took her a while to think until her eyes widened. "Shit.", she muttered.
They all looked at her in shock as she pulled out her phone.
"My mom! I don't know what she knows! I don't want her to bite my head off for not calling her.", she says, ready to dial her mom's phone.
"Oh, don't worry about that, I already took care of that. I told her you were at Allison's house.", Stiles said, relaxing. That's right… she did leave with Stiles so it made sense.
"Still. She gets pissy if I don't let her know.", Sam says, texting her mom to let her know she was home.
She got a thumbs up and a heart as a response and sighed. She wasn't pissed. Good.
She looked up and saw Derek staring at her again. She gave him a half smile and nodded her head towards the front door, hinting she wanted to talk.
Derek seemed to deflate for a bit before getting up and walking to the door while Stiles and Scott fussed at each other over pancakes. Sam slipped away and silently closed the door behind her as Derek leaned on the wall of her porch.
"You doing okay?", she spoke up. He looked at her in disbelief. "Am I doing okay?? You--", he sighed, and looked at her. "You should be worried about yourself. You almost got killed."
She gave him a smile. "That's not something new."
Derek just shook his head. "So, you gonna tell me what all that was about?", she asked. He looked at her in confusion.
"Everything. From the moment you left to now. The truth this time.", she says.
His eyebrows furrowed. "I--" he sighed again and explained everything. Sam looked at his face, looking for a hint of lies, deceit, anything. She couldn't find anything. It scared her but in a way, she was relieved.
She sighed and looked at him as he looked back at her. "Please don't lie to me anymore. I wanna trust you. I want to be able to trust you."
"I'm not saying you have to tell me everything, but tell me what I need to know before shit pops off again. That way I can be prepared. I wasn't prepared at all and it frustrated me.", she says, making his shoulders drop as he looks away.
He nods. "Okay. Okay.", he says, looking at her once more.
She smiled. "Okay." They stood in silence for a couple of seconds before Sam rushed to hug him. Her eyes teared up, ready to unleash every feeling she had. "Thank you…", she whimpered in his chest.
His arms slowly wrapped around her, unsure if she wanted to be hugged. He held her tight and rubbed her back. "I told you we were gonna get out.", he muttered.
She let out a watery chuckle. "You did."
She pulled away, giggling some more as more tears ran down her face. He lifted a hand to wipe at her cheeks as she smiled at him. He was confused. Relieved, but confused. Was she happy? Still sad? Did she really trust him?
He knows he lied to her. He knows she was hurt by it which is why he had the two boys watch over her. But… 
Something caught her eye behind him as she saw Stiles and Scott peeking in the window. He turned around to see them as well and frowned.
She shook her head and walked back inside the house.
"So what's the plan?", Sam asked, walking back into the kitchen. 
"What's the plan?", Scott repeated, in disbelief. "You just got shot last night and the first thing you ask is what the plan is?"
"He means are you feeling okay?", Stiles corrected, through a mouth full of food.
"I'm fine. I'm not as sore and tired anymore actually.", Sam admits.
"Where'd Sourwolf go?", Stiles asked.
"Still outside.", Sam says.
"So, he's okay with you now? He's still back to Derek "hard ass, brooding-in-the-corner" Hale?", Stiles asked, smiling.
"Yeah…and you forget he can hear every word you're saying right now."
Stiles' eyes grew wide. "I was joking!", he yells, trying to get Derek's attention.
"So," Sam started, "how was the rest of the formal? Last thing I saw before I left, you went to go find Lydia again." Stiles and Scott looked at each other, nervously.
"I'm assuming that some shit happened."
"No, not really.", Stiles gave a weak smile.
"Stillinski.", Sam growled.
"Sam!", Stiles whined. 
"Peter bit Lydia.", Derek confessed, walking back in the house..
"What?", she looked at him in shock.
"I lost her at the formal. She wandered outside looking for Jackson and Peter got to her first, I saw him attack her.", Stiles confessed, shakily, looking down at his plate.
"What happened? Where is she? Is she even okay?", Sam rushed.
"She's at the hospital.", Scott sighed.
Sam's eyes widened at Scott. "Are y'all dumb?? She can't be in a hospital! She's bitten! How's she gonna explain when the bite disappears?"
"The problem is, she's having an allergic reaction to the bite.", Scott says.
"Have you ever seen that before?", she asked Derek.
"The bite either turns you or kills you. There's no in between.", Derek disagrees. 
Sam took a deep breath out of stress. "She's not gonna die, is she?"
"You're actually worried for the Lydia Martin?", Stiles asked, teasingly.
Sam rolled her eyes. "She's your girlfriend."
"We don't know if she's going to yet, the doctors said they had it under control."
"Okay," Sam presses, looking at them. "What is the plan?"
"There is no plan.", Derek confirms. "At least not yet."
"Okay, so it sounds like we need to get one going. Ideas, hello?"
Stiles raises his hand, making Sam fix him a look. "One that will work, please."
He sets his hand down with a pout.
"Why are you so sure our plans will work?", Scott asked, planting his chin in his palm.
"Because our plans almost always work. That and we have the two werewolves on our side."
"But Peter's an Alpha.", Scott stressed.
"So? You two are Betas. Doesn't that put out his odds?", Sam asked.
Derek heavily sighed, losing himself in thought. 
Stiles looked at Scott for answers and Scott looked at Sam.
"Even if you wanted to make a plan, you're staying out of it.", Scott declared. Sam's eyes widened in disbelief. "What? Why??"
"We've already thought of something.", Scott said, shrugging. Sam gaped at him. "So tell me."
"Scott.", Stiles started "No.", Scott declined the two.
"Why can I not know???", Sam asked.
"Because last time we told you to do something, you completely disobeyed us and ended up in some type of torture chamber with Derek.", Scott accused.
Sam looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Oh okay. Since we're doing the blame game, let's start with you. You were supposed to be watching me, not sneaking off to a school bus to make out with your girlfriend. Not to mention, I technically saved your ass from getting found out in front of hundreds of packed students as you chased after me, by the way, you're fucking welcome."
"You still didn't listen to us, Sam.", Stiles agreed.
Sam gave him the same look. "I don't wanna hear shit out of you. You did the exact same thing as him. You both were supposed to stay inside with me but you both left, following your little girlfriends outside where you couldn't see me or tell if anything was gonna happen, but sure, I'm in the wrong."
The boys looked down in shame. "You're still out of this one.", Scott said.
"Who are you to make that decision for me?"
"Your friend.", Scott countered, standing up to her.
"If you're planning on getting rid of Peter altogether, I wanna be a part of this.", Sam demanded.
Scott shook his head and pulled Stiles away and out of the house before Sam could say anything.
She looked over at Derek as he looked back at her and away.
"Don't tell me you're with them on this too.", Sam frowned. Derek gave her a look that confirmed her question.
She sighed harshly. "You create a plan and then not fill me in on said plan that involves me. I'm not giving up my regular life for your blood hungry uncle."
"You are if he wants to play these games."
"I'm not doing it."
"He told Stiles he'd enjoy putting his teeth into you as much as he enjoyed doing it to Lydia.", Derek exclaimed, making Sam still in shock.
She sighed, shaking her head. "He's gonna have to fight me for that.
Derek frowned at her sudden bravery and determination. What the hell was wrong with this girl?? "You couldn't fight off Scott. What makes you think you could fight Peter again?"
"Can you have some faith in me?? I didn't know what Peter was like until now. So much shit was happening, I couldn't tell what was what anymore.", Sam says, crossing her arms.
Derek sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Just trust us on this. You'll be with each of us at different times. Don't worry about the rest of it. We're gonna keep a lookout.", he says as he walks to the door.
Sam surrendered. "Fine… could you at least promise me something? Or some things." Derek let out an irritated groan. Sam placed her hands on her hips. "Hear me out. You, at least, owe me that."
"One, I still need to go to school before my mom finds my counting absences weird. Two," she shook her head, rolling her eyes. "I want to go see Lydia later. So that means, you gotta come with me. I don't trust Stiles to do it right now."
"And the third?"
"Don't get yourself killed." Derek raised an eyebrow.
"If something happens, don't be a hero. Make it back. Alive.", she says, making his shoulders drop again as he looks away.
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pitch-pearl-void · 3 years
Danny claims Phantom is his boyfriend to save him from his parents’ operation table, but Jack and Maddie won't make it that easy for them
Phantom passed out beneath the electrifying force of a ghost net, frightened and angry and hurt, so when he woke up, the howl that had been trapped in his chest burst free. He screamed, using all the power he could force through his vocal cords. His ghostly wail. Panicked shouting erupted. Someone yelled about a sedative. Phantom yelled louder, fear making him desperate. 
If they knocked him out again before he had a chance to escape--
A warm body fell over him, chest to chest, core to heart. "Phantom, stop!"
The power Phantom had been channeling into his throat recoiled, cancelled itself out. His scream, absent of any real power, became that of a frightened teenager, and, embarrassingly, when he stopped screaming, it turned into a sob.
"It's okay," the human--Danny--said. He stroked warm fingers through Phantom's hair. "It's okay." Quieter then, whispered quickly into his ear, Danny added, "I have a plan."
Phantom's mind was too frazzled to make any sense of what that could mean, but if Danny was there...Phantom couldn't destroy whatever lab he was in without killing his friend in the process. Lashing out against the ones that had hurt him was no longer an option.
"Danny," Phantom gasped, his voice raw, slightly scratchy. Phantom turned his head until his cheek could press against Danny's, stealing a moment's guilty pleasure. To his surprise, Danny didn't pull away. 
In fact, he pressed closer and turned his head toward Phantom in return. Phantom felt Danny's lips brush against his cheek, and he was so startled he almost missed those lips moving as Danny urgently whispered, "Play along."
Phantom pried his eyes open. "What?"
Jack appeared above them. Phantom tensed as the man's hardened eyes met his. Those dark blue eyes softened as they slid to his son, however. "Okay, Danny." Jack clamped a large hand over Danny's shoulder. "You made your point."
Danny slowly lifted himself off Phantom. 
Phantom wanted to protest or at least wrap his arms around Danny to stop him--an impossible desire since there was something pinning his wrists to the examination table--but one look at Jack's wary face warned Phantom not to press his luck. Phantom reluctantly endured the loss of Danny's body heat and the comfort he had offered as a shield between Phantom and Danny's parents. 
Before he could feel too abandoned, however, Danny's hand grabbed Phantom's and squeezed. Phantom fought against the urge to widen his eyes.
"Play along" Danny had said. Danny wanted Phantom to follow his lead, and right now, that apparently meant...holding hands. 
To test that theory, Phantom spread his fingers apart. Danny's fingers slotted into the resulting gap and folded over the back of Phantom's hand. Phantom could feel his cheeks getting cold, and he desperately hoped he wasn't blushing in front of Danny's parents. 
"So that's it?" Danny asked, his tone somehow conveying wariness and hope at the same time. "You'll let him go?"
Maddie sighed. Phantom heard her footsteps, and he turned his head to watch her approach. He couldn't see her eyes since, unlike Jack, she had pulled her hood up, but the straight, thin line of her lips gave Phantom the impression she was unhappy about something. 
"With restrictions," she said. She pressed a button on the side of the table, and the force holding Phantom's wrists and ankles to the table vanished. He sat up quickly--too quickly for the ghost hunters because they flinched back--and scooted closer to Danny, holding tight to the human's hand. The hunters watched him, waiting, but when Phantom didn't move any farther or try to fly away, they exchanged frowns with each other. 
"Restrictions?" Danny asked.
In answer, Maddie held out a metal bracelet. Like the Fenton Thermos, the seems along the metal sheet were green, filled with ectoplasm that ran along the circular design. "To suppress his powers."
Phantom wrinkled his nose and glared at the device. Why she was handing it to Danny instead of clamping it over Phantom's wrist herself, prior to letting him go, Phantom didn't understand, but if they were expecting Danny to put that on him, they were in for a surprise. 
Indeed, Danny accepted the device but didn't clamp it to Phantom's wrist. "Can we go now?" he asked.
Maddie's lips pressed even tighter together. 
Jack wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "We'll be talking about this more in the morning, young man."
"Right." Danny stepped away from the table and tugged on Phantom's arm, urging him to follow. "Looking forward to it."
Phantom didn't trust his legs to support him, so, even though the ghost hunters were watching him with narrowed eyes and frowning lips, Phantom levitated off the table and floated after Danny. Danny was walking fast, faster than Phantom could fly at the moment, but Phantom had no complaints about the speed even though Danny was dragging him through the air. He glanced warily behind them. Jack and Maddie were still watching them...but they weren't following and they hadn't pulled out an antighost device. 
Danny trotted up the stairs, cutting off Phantom's view.
Just as well, Phantom thought, shivering. 
That he had woken up in one piece after the hunters who swore to tear him apart had finally captured him was surprise enough, but that they were letting him go? And in their son's company? With no supervision?
They were halfway through the living room when the question finally burst free of Phantom's control. "What did you tell them?"
Danny glanced at him over his shoulder, met Phantom's eyes, before jerking his head back around. His pace didn't slow. "I, uh...Once we get to my room. I can fill you in then." 
Although Phantom could no longer see Danny's face, the back of the human's neck and the tips of his ears had darkened to a suspicious pink color.
He's blushing, Phantom realized. He glanced down at their still clasped hands and felt his own blush, much colder and greener than the human variety, flood his cheeks. 
He stopped floating after Danny but didn't let go of his hand, forcing Danny to jerk to a halt. "Danny..." he said, voice low, "what did you tell them?"
Danny hunched his shoulders and ducked his head. Phantom floated around to his front, but Danny turned his head away. "I...they, uh, they were going to experiment on you, and I, um, I might have panicked. A little."
"Okay..." Phantom urged, speaking gently, "I'm not ungrateful, Danny. You probably saved my life! Well, afterlife. But how did you convince them to stop? They've been threatening to tear me apart pretty much since I arrived in your dimension." 
Danny glanced at Phantom from the corner of his eye. "Promise you uh..." Danny winced and pinched his eyes closed. "Promise you won't get mad?"
Phantom raised an eyebrow. "I promise."
Danny breathed in deeply. "Itoldthemweweredating."
As garbled as the words were, Phantom heard the last one all-too clearly. His levitation cancelled out and he dropped to the floor. As he had expected, his legs collapsed under him and he fell forward, into Danny. Danny let go of Phantom's hand and wrapped his arms around Phantom's shoulders, supporting him as Phantom clung to his shirt. 
"D-dating?" Phantom gasped. "We're dating?"
Had he missed something? Wasn't there a...process? He was sure kissing would have been involved at some point. A confession of feelings at the very least.
"No!" Danny said hurriedly. "Well...uh, kind of? My parents think we are so we have to pretend, but...it's just pretend. Don't freak out!"
"Oh." Did he sound too disappointed? Hopefully all Danny heard was his confusion and not Phantom's rising hope shattering on the floor. He shifted his feet, eager to pull away from Danny, but his legs weren't as steady as he would like. He managed to stand on his own only by virtue of holding onto Danny's shirt. "And they were okay with that?"
Danny wrinkled his nose. He started to pull his arms away, stopped, and settled them around Phantom's shoulders again as a loose hug. 
Phantom felt a swooping sensation in his stomach. 
"Not so much 'okay' as..." Danny bit his lip as he thought, trying to put Jack's and Maddie's reactions into words. "I don't know...They're letting me get away with it, but I think they might be testing us."
"Testing us?"
Danny removed one arm from his loose embrace and held up the cuff Maddie had given him between them. Phantom flinched back, almost pulling out of Danny's hug. 
Danny glared at the device, as distrustful as Phantom. "If you're still here tomorrow morning, with this suppressing your powers, then they'll know we're serious about being in a relationship. If you're not...they'll start hunting you again. And...I'm not sure I could stop them a second time."
Phantom shivered. He had been strapped to their examination table once already. If Danny hadn't been there...he didn't want to think about it. "Without my powers," he said slowly, "I will be helpless. I will have to trust you to keep me safe and them to keep their word."
Danny nodded unhappily. 
Phantom eyed the device. 
On one hand, he didn't trust the Fenton adults. They had never shown him an ounce of kindness or understanding. They had been willing to electrocute him into unconsciousness and strap him to a table without any consideration for him as a person. Who knew what else they had planned to do with him once he was in their clutches.
On the other hand...he wanted to earn their respect. He wanted to work with them to protect the town from ghosts, he wanted their help understanding his own powers, he wanted to no longer fear them. The cuff and Danny's offer represented a chance wherein things could get better if he just had the courage.
And...fake though it would be, the idea of dating Danny even for the sake of his safety appealed to him greatly. Just holding his hand had made Phantom's soul soar. What more would Danny allow to maintain the illusion of a relationship? 
Phantom's cheeks frosted and he quickly pushed the thought aside. Danny was only doing it to protect him. Phantom didn't want to take advantage of Danny's kindness, no matter how tempting. Bad enough he would be going into the fake relationship with secret feelings for Danny, he didn't need to make things worse for Danny by asking for a kiss in front of his parents.
Even if Phantom's daydreams of such a thing were deeply thrilling...
He couldn't pass up this chance. A chance to prove himself to the ghost hunters and date their son? At the same time? He had to take it. It was everything he wanted, what he had dreamed about every time he flew past Fenton Works.
Phantom sighed and reached for the cuff. 
Instead of handing it to him, Danny jerked it closer to his chest, his eyes wide. "Phantom?"
"The benefits outweigh the risks, don't you think?" Phantom whispered. "I can't pass up this chance." Instead of reaching for the cuff again, Phantom turned his hand over, holding out his palm. "Just keep me safe. I trust you."
Danny searched his expression, but Phantom's resolve was strong, held in place as much by his attraction to Danny as by his desire to be accepted by the Fentons. Danny's shoulders slumped. Reluctantly, he placed the cuff in Phantom's hand. 
"If anything happens to you because of this--" Danny began, only to cut himself off. He grimaced. "Phantom..."
Phantom glanced up from the cuff and smiled reassuringly at Danny. "I'll be fine. Just watch, by this time next week, you will actually be in love with me and your parents will declare me part of the family!"
Before Danny had a chance to respond, Phantom snapped the cuff shut. 
Pain exploded inside him. He screamed, falling to his knees. Danny dropped to the floor beside him, calling his name. He held onto Phantom's arms and stared anxiously at his face, beautiful blue eyes wide and frightened.
"I'm fine," Phantom gasped, staring into those eyes. "I'm fine. It's just. Rebound. I was. I was healing myself. The energy I was using started burning. But I'm fine. I'm fine."
So long as he didn't use his powers. 
Apparently, the cuff didn't so much suppress his powers as make using them painful. That was good, because if his or Danny's life was ever truly in danger, Phantom could still save them. 
It was bad because...it felt a little like a shock collar. 
Phantom cringed. Shivered. 
Before he could say anything else, Danny wrapped his arms around Phantom's neck and hugged him tight. Phantom froze for a moment, stunned. Danny had never hugged him before. Not like that.
We're supposed to be dating, he reminded himself. Hugging is part of the package.
Phantom's stomach swooped again. He slipped his own arms around Danny's waist before Danny could get any ideas about pulling away too soon and returned the tight embrace, turning his head so he could press his face against Danny's neck. It was a little awkward, what with the way they were both sitting on their knees, forced to lean forward to maintain the hug, but Phantom didn't think he could convince Danny to climb onto his lap just yet. 
For that matter, if Phantom tried climbing onto Danny's, the human might squeak and retreat in a flustered panic. 
 "You sure you're okay?" Danny whispered. 
"Yes." Phantom felt Danny shiver in his arms, likely due to Phantom's speaking the word against his neck, but Phantom couldn't bear to leave the warmth of his embrace yet. "I'll tell you more once you get to your room." He hesitated. "I can't heal or use more powers anymore, though. Can you..."
"Carry you?"
"Yeah." Danny broke the embrace but didn't go far. He shifted around Phantom until he was pressed against his side, one arm wrapping around his shoulders. "Lean back," he instructed. "I have to get your legs."
Phantom leaned backward, delighted to feel Danny's arm catching him, holding him. He untucked his legs from under himself, and as soon as his knees were in position, Danny slid his arm under them.
"Ready?" Danny asked. 
Phantom nodded.
It was strange to be lifted by someone else rather than by his own powers, but as Phantom found himself cradled in Danny's arms, held securely against his chest, he couldn't resist smiling. He had wondered what it would feel like. 
Danny climbed to his feet--an unsteady movement that prompted Phantom to wrap an arm around Danny's neck--and looked toward the staircase. "This might get a little awkward," he warned. 
Phantom laid his head on Danny's shoulder and let out a quiet breath. "Yeah," he agreed. The staircase was narrow, but Phantom suspected Danny's strength was about to be tested as well. "Take your time. No hurry here."
Danny snorted. "Right. You just rest, I'll do all the hard work."
"For once."
Danny laughed. "Who just saved your life?"
"My boyfriend."
Danny cleared his throat, a blush coloring his cheeks again. “Yeah. Right. I’ll just…” He walked toward the staircase, his eyes carefully avoiding Phantom’s. “I guess I should...get used to to being called that.” His blush worsened. “Your boyfriend. Oh man…”
“It was your idea,” Phantom reminded him mercilessly. He closed his eyes and tried to keep his smile from looking too besotted. He suspected he would regret the ruse later, once his feelings felt thoroughly played, but for now it was enough to feel Danny’s arms around him as he carried him up the stairs, safe and with the potential of turning the Fentons from enemies to allies within reach. 
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xaibaugrove · 3 years
Everyone in the Krew is Problematic
I was inspired to go on this rant by someone who recently brought up a question in a server I’m in, asking why so many people in the fandom seem to hate Mako and Makorra and why. This wouldn’t be the first time I defend Mako and it most likely won’t be the last, but it might be the first time I tear him and everyone else in the Krew down in the process, only to bring them back up. Hear me out though.
I think I’ve totally accepted that a lot of people in this fandom will always hate Mako and that I will have to perpetually defend him, I understand that this is the relationship I’ve chosen with this world. But what I still will never understand are the reasons why people hate/dislike him because compared to how much they love other characters in the Krew who honestly aren’t that much better than him (in some cases, even worse!), it doesn’t make any sense.
Let me also preface this by saying, I love these characters with all my heart and soul, probably more than I should love fictional characters, but this is the life I live and with that being said, I am going to tear them apart just to prove a point. Okay, here we go.
Most of his detractors list the usual criticisms, which are valid when isolated. He cheated on Asami, he lied to Korra, he was a terrible boyfriend and essentially he treated the women he claimed to love or care about horribly. Gee, it’s almost like the man was a teenager with no experience in having long-lasting, healthy relationships and was raised in the streets by gangmembers while doing anything to survive and provide for his younger sibling after seeing his parents killed right in front of him and suddenly being orphaned…
I think Mako has been torn down enough, so I won’t get too deep into the tearing down part for him. It really does baffle me how someone can claim to be woke and not comprehend how someone coming from poverty could possibly be a product of their environment. Like, does everyone think that poor people automatically have hearts of gold and turn out like Little Orphan Annie? Why are people surprised that when someone has a shitty life, they might do shitty things?
Also, sooo many people love Zuko, who actively tried to cause harm to Aang, Katara and Sokka numerous times, and sympathize with his troubled past. But like, sure Zuko had an abusive father and his mother peaced out of his life for whatever reasons but at least he had his uncle. Mako had his parents for maybe 8 years before they were murdered in front of him and then had...no one for the next 10 years? Except for Bolin, sure, but no other parental figure in his life. Dude literally had to become him and his brother’s own parent and joined a gang to survive, and after all that, the worst he does is acts as a bad boyfriend toward Korra and Asami and he is instantly thrown to the wolves. Something doesn’t add up. It’s just...I don’t get it.
Yes, the way he treated people was bad, but people can grow? That’s a thing humans can do. And he was a teenager, my god. No, we cannot allow our past to be an excuse for how we treat others, but we have to be aware that there is a growth process to being human. And being human in and of itself, isn’t pretty. You think Mako is problematic? Don’t get me started on your fave.
Ok, I love this woman to death but she is ridiculously problematic. She pursued someone in a relationship and essentially forced Mako to cheat on Asami by kissing him against his will, that’s already pretty awful and shows a lack of empathy on her part, also kissing people without their consent is no bueno. But also I just have to say it for the people who might not know this. One of the fundamental reasons why Makorra didn’t work was because KORRA WAS ABUSIVE. Okay? It wasn’t just that Mako was inadequate at relationships and didn’t know how to people, it wasn’t that she was secretly confused and wanting Asami the entire time (biphobia at it’s best) one of the main problems in the pairing was that Korra was crazy abusive towards Mako. Seriously, why don’t I see this more often in those discussions??
If we need examples, I have dozens. Honestly, it’s really easy to see how terrible Korra was to Mako, I’d actually argue that she treated him worse than he treated her. I mean, they were both terrible to one another, but in Korra’s case she went through the motions of being completely infatuated with your first teenage crush, getting with said crush, then crashing and burning once you realize that you have no idea how to treat a romantic partner so after the butterflies wear off you subject them to all the wonderful aspects of your anger issues. Not only did she scream at Mako during every argument they had, she also threatened him with bodily harm if she got really angry. Remember how their relationship crashed and burned in Book 2? Here are the things that Korra did during that time. Let me reiterate, this was not okay.
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Mako is visibly shaken by this!
This woman burst into her boyfriend’s place of work and violently kicked his desk out from in front of him with all his coworkers present. That is not normal behavior. That is a red flag. And after she came back, had amnesia or whatever and forgot they broke up after that scene, let’s not forget that Mako was legitimately Afraid to break up with her again. Korra made her partner frightened that they might suffer bodily harm if they upset her. Again, and I can’t stress this enough, this is not okay!
The little scene in Book 3 when Korra is lifting Mako like 100 feet off the ground with airbending while he’s screaming in fear just to make Asami laugh is cute, right? I’ll admit, I loved that little moment too, it’s one of the only instances of Korrasami development that we got, but also, there were sooo many things wrong with that scene lol. Not only does Korra terrify Mako for literally no reason, it’s also sort of just her continuing to exercise some degree of power over him for her own amusement. Almost like a subtle reminder to him saying, “I am stronger than you in every way and I can break your femur like a twig if I wanted to… but I won’t, so look how much fun we’re having!”
Now of course, there are reasons why Korra acts like this. She was isolated for almost her entire life and never learned how to treat people and be around people. The Avatar is human because they must live amongst the people they protect and that helps them develop empathy and cherish life. The White Lotus deprived her of that fundamental aspect of her duty as the Avatar and it showed throughout the beginning of the series. Clearly, she was young, didn’t see how her actions could negatively affect others and hurt the feelings of not just her partner but also friends and family (she was really awful towards a lot of people in her life!). But as the series went on, we see her having less outbursts and learning to control her temper more.
One can only assume that she does not have the same behavior with Asami because for one, I don’t think Asami would play that shit, she seems like she would electrocute a bitch in a heartbeat and not hesitate if needed, but also Korra is not the same shitty partner she used to be as a teenager. Again, kids do stupid things. Adults do stupid things. And we learn and we grow. Korra will probably make some more mistakes in her relationship with Asami. I don't think anyone can have one bad relationship and suddenly learn all the lessons they can from it and have a perfect one the next go around. I can totally picture Korra losing her temper and raising her voice at Asami if she gets frustrated and forgets who she’s dealing with. Managing anger issues is hard, I know this from experience, and it doesn’t magically get easier. Of course, if Korra does pop off, Asami would definitely put her in her place because she’s a bad bitch who doesn’t take anyone’s shit, next character.
You know her, you love her, you fantasize about her and you probably have her on your list of fictional characters you would totally bang if you had the chance (I know I do), yes, even your best girl is problematic. It’s interesting to me that a lot of people sympathize with Asami and very few openly criticize her (so few that I’ve never seen anyone say a bad thing about her). What’s there to criticize though? The poor girl was cheated on by Mako, had her feelings disregarded by Korra, who claimed to be her friend but pursued her then-boyfriend behind her back and then made up for it by simping for her for the rest of her life? Also her mom was murdered when she was just 6 years old, her father threatened to kill her once and physically abused her, then died right after they started repairing their relationship, essentially making her an orphan at the ripe age of 22. Suffice it to say, Asami has been through it.
So, how could she be problematic, you ask? Why, of course, through the classic Bryke technique of romance progression in storylines called Kissing People Without Their Consent
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To be honest, I did gloss over this with Korra, simply because there were sooo many other issues with that woman and I just couldn’t go through every single one in as much detail but that doesn’t negate how serious this whole sneak attack kissing thing is. Sure, Asami is very emotional and lonely and sort of desperate too, (it's a little sad, really) but Mako is clearly uncomfortable and completely caught off guard by the kiss. This is also the second time this happens to him in the series! There are a couple factors that might contribute to why Asami does this and acts this way, maybe Korra’s general awfulness rubbed off on her (don’t make a dirty joke) but this is still wrong.
AND that’s...pretty much it. Kissing people without their permission is a big no no, though. Not wanting to gloss over that, but Asami really is a good person who just did a not-so-great thing. Getting burned by Mako twice probably made her a little less inclined to be as forward with anyone though, and it looks like she now takes her time and is patient in her relationship with Korra. It even seems like Asami is the only person Korra is afraid to upset, as Korra does seem more gentle and calm when around her. And who knows? Maybe Asami living a life where a majority of the time she got whatever she wanted when she wanted it might have also influenced her to be more assertive or even imposing within her relationships.
If anything, those three fools getting into relationships with each other just showed how not ready they were to be in relationships in the first place and also how not okay they were.
Originally I titled this as “Everyone in the Krew is problematic (except Bolin)” but then I remembered that Bolin totally kissed a woman without her consent so I deleted the shit out of that!
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This asshole looks genuinely pleased with himself after essentially assaulting Ginger. Not a good look.
Sure, Bolin is baby. He will always be baby to me. But that does not erase the fact that he also actively supported a fascist dictator. Not only was the kissing without consent thing bad, but there’s also that. No matter how many times people around him warned him about the fact that he was on the wrong side of things, that he was helping someone who was putting people into concentration camps...Bolin wanted to believe the best of Kuvira. He ignored obvious signs that the woman was a dictator committing human rights violations like crazy and you know, there’s gotta be a reason for that too.
Maybe Bolin wanted to feel like he was doing something good for once. When you think about it, with his role as the comic relief in the Krew, and sort of constantly being infantilized by his older brother, I wouldn’t be surprised if the man developed some insecurity in his ability to do anything good or useful for anyone without screwing it up in some way. In Kuvira’s army, it seemed like he was actually taken seriously, he felt like he was doing something that mattered. Korra had being the Avatar, Asami had her business and mindblowing philanthropy (honestly, her ability to be as charitable as she is profitable is insane) and Mako had his police work (ACAB, tho). Bolin had...the role of being a joke. A superficial actor. A former pro-bending meathead.
Bolin lived his entire life following after his brother that once they were adults and Mako finally decided to live his own life for once, it left Bolin completely lost. And lost young men are perfect recruits for fascists.
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So, in conclusion, my whole reasoning behind destroying the integrity of my favorite characters is to prove a huge point. All of these characters are problematic. They have flaws, some bigger than others (looking at you, Korra. Just...wow), but ultimately, even if your fave is problematic... that’s okay. A lot of people, mostly younger people it seems, are really obsessed with being right about everything that they do and stan. And that’s a wonderful thing, so much change has come about by the younger generations calling out people who do fucked up shit, don’t want or try to improve, and get away with it. But it’s also caused a lot of people to be unforgiving and completely unwilling to acknowledge when people do improve and try to be better.
Personally, I love my problematic Krew because having issues that you’re constantly working on internally is human. It’s human to make mistakes, it’s human to grow from those mistakes. And it’s inspiring to me, who is wholly imperfect, to see myself reflected in fictional characters who aren’t perpetuating unrealistic ideals of human nature, characters who are messy, crazy and ultimately human.
As one of my favorite manga artists and queen of impeccable character creation Rumiko Takahashi once said:
“I think that perfect people are not very interesting.”
And I will always wholeheartedly agree.
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king-maven-calore · 3 years
5,6 or 7. Angst. Mareven
ok ok, so I had to be in the right state of mind to write this, sorry for the delay. This fits as part of a fic/request that I started writing and may never finish bc damn it hurts so much.
This is uhm... marecal fam y'all should keep your distance🚫🚫
Some days were easier than others. Wasn’t that the way of life? Some days Mare’s figure was a mere shadow at the corner of his eye, disappearing whenever he tried to focus on her. Others, she would linger, muttering snide comments at the Cygnet’s handle of political affairs. Needless to say, she had a great deal of disdain for them. Being married to Iris, he had a right to attend the meetings where such matters were discussed. He wasn’t trusted enough to have an opinion though.
Maven was a prisoner in all but name, in a foreign nation, doomed to roam the halls of The Royelle, chased at every minute of every hour by the ghost of the woman he loved. The dead woman he loved... because he had killed her. Tricky how that worked, that her ghost had chased away the echo of his mother’s voice inside his head, and instead made it her task to torture him.
“You know that plan will only get silvers killed and red deserters for the Scarlet Guard,” Mare chirped with a bounce to her step.
‘Task’ wasn’t the right word, when she enjoyed torturing him so thoroughly. If this was his punishment, it was also her paradise.
“Acute observation,” he sneered, keeping his head down until he reached his chambers. “Thank you for stating the obvious.”
Word on the Lakelander court was that he was mad. A fallen king who often got caught talking to empty air and gazed at nothing, full of longing and loathing in equal measure.
“Obvious, and still you kept your mouth shut.” Her tone changed to scolding and she materialized right in front of him. “You could’ve stopped this.” Her eyes the color of trees in autumn, dead and cold, drilled holes in his.
He sidestepped her and kept walking at a brisk pace. Days such as these, when he could see her so clearly, he could also touch her. It was never a pleasant sensation. Today she looked the same way she had when he branded her in Harbor Bay; hair in a tight braid that fell over her shoulder the braid had come undone when she’d wriggled in pain on the floor when he used Cal’s torture device on her. She was wearing unassuming jeans and a shirt he’d moved out of the way so easily to burn the M on her skin. The spot was unscarred now. A pity. No matter how many times he re-branded the letter, she would just show up without it the next day.
Taunting him. Daring him to commit his sin all over again. Well, joke was on her. A tiny part of him would always sing at seeing her writhing on the ground beneath his hand, it was proof he could too, make her feel something.
“I couldn’t stop anything. They won’t listen to me.”
Maven closed the door of his chambers behind him and started yanking off the layers of heavy black clothes covering his frame until he was in his pants and shirt. It was getting hard to breathe.
“You can be pretty convincing when you want to be,” Mare spat in his face. “Do something, your highness.”
“Why should I?” He gripped her elbows with enough force to bruise. He hated how real, how warm she felt.
She’s not real. She isn’t here. Two sentences that held no weight by now. Not when his heart missed a beat and his skin prickled at the point of contact.
“I have no interest in my wife’s kingdom, or its citizens,” he gritted out pushing her until her back hit the wall, covered in scorch marks the palace staff didn’t bother to clean anymore. “Red or Silver. Their lives mean nothing to me.”
“Nothing ever mattered to you but your precious crown, right.” Mare laughed darkly; her eyes even darker as she glared at him. He loomed inches above her. “How miserable.”
She made it sound so small and simple. An existence reduced to a circle of iron... but it wasn’t true. Underneath the incomprehensible obsession with the power, there had been other things. Phantoms of things erased and squashed with surgical precision: curiosity for art and theatre, affection toward his father and brother, a taste for certain board games, love for two Reds.
The latter, rather than being squashed like the others, had morphed into this; staring into the fascinating, beautiful, horrible face of a phantom that felt more real than his own. He loved her so much he wanted to kill her all over again.
He didn’t realize his hands were burning until Mare’s shirt caught on fire. She remained unfazed, unharmed by his fire, still glowering.
“Not the only thing.” Maven’s voice was strained. “You mattered to me. I told you that.”
“And yet...” she added dryly, without feeling the need to complete the last part. The evident. The tragedy. His last, unforgivable crime. Ripping her away from the world and attaching her to him in return.
Forgive me, I beg of you. But some words could kill if spoken out loud, and he knew these ones would end him. And he was afraid of the darkness that followed, ironic as that may be for someone who had so comfortably inhabited darkness his entire life. One was a familiar comfort, while the other was the black dot at the end of a final paragraph. He refused to end it like this.
“I love you,” he gritted out through the noose tightening around his throat.
“No,” she whispered easily, without even pausing to consider his words. The flames were up to her collar now, licking at her neck. “You don’t. I believed you did, once, in your own way. But I was wrong because you don’t willingly murder the one you love, Maven.” Her eyes glinted with amusement, reflecting the orange light of the fire. “I loved you. I even chose you before you decided to throw it all away.”
Past tense. His gut recoiled like he’d been electrocuted, even though the ghost had no sparks. The room spun, the air scratched its way down to his lungs, his clothes asphyxiated him.
“Then leave me.” He pressed his face to her temple roughly, pushing her against the wall. “Go with him!” he growled like he was gurgling on venom. “Leave me! Leave me alone like all the rest!”
His screams would surely be heard across the palace but he did not care. Mare was all he had left... but not really. He’d made sure of it.
“LEAVE!” His throat hurt and the wallpaper behind Mare started raining down on them in hot embers that clung to their hair and clothes.
She shook him off and murmured in his ear, sweetly, as warmly as if she was pressing a knife to his neck and drawing out silver blood in rivers. “You thought you were the only one capable of hunting? I’ll haunt you even after your body is buried and left to rot.”
And then she was gone. He was left staring at the burning wall, carpet, and ceiling. Behind him, he heard the chandelier drop on the burning mattress. Maven fell to his knees grasping at the now empty air and screamed his throat raw for the first time, burning it all until the room was nothing but ashes, surrounding himself with fire to fight off the dark and the cold that permeated all things.
He let it all out because he did care, deep down he still cared. It was finally starting to push to the front of his consciousness and it was like a dam breaking, like birthing humanity, or himself, he did not know. The chaos and the pain were too great.
No one came to check on him.
When he woke up on the floor the next day, so tired not even 10 years of sleep could have helped, Mare was standing over him. Arms crossed and a quirked brow.
“Are you done?”
Leave it to the Little Lightning girl to shit on a perfectly good dramatic moment.
“Mare, dear,” he sighed, feeling slightly grateful for her presence. “I’m only getting started.”
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laurenmm62017 · 3 years
Kalluzeb Appreciation Week Day 5!
Prompt: Soulmates
I may continue this at a later date cuz I had so much fun writing this! Maybe from Kallus' POV or post S3? Who knows!
This was inspired by When you Pry it From My Cold Dead Chest by @anathtsurugi
Word Count: 1.3K
Soulmates work differently for many different species. Most humans see black and white until they meet their soulmate. Twi’leks stop aging at 20 years old until they meet their soulmate.
For Lasats, they receive the same injuries as their soulmate until one of them dies. However, they heal after a few hours, while their soulmate has to suffer the regular healing process.
Zeb knew from personal experience that his soulmate was a tough bastard. When he was only about 15 years old, his soulmate bruised their ribs so hard the Zeb could not attend training that day. At 21, he was promoted to lieutenant in the High Honor Guard of Lasan. During his ceremony, his blasted soulmate broke their leg, and Zeb collapsed in front of his family and his commanding officers. At 25, his soulmate was caught in some sort of explosion and burns showed up all over Zeb’s face and body. At 27, he became the youngest Captain in the Honor Guard in Lasan history and he was grateful that his soulmate decided to wait until after the ceremony to break their left arm.
Zeb often wondered if his soulmate was also a Lasat, and if his injuries showed up for them. He knew that his sparring injuries and his childhood injuries were nothing they couldn’t handle. He hoped that he hadn’t been detrimental to any missions that his soulmate ever had to do.
At 30, he was charged with the Royal Family’s safety and he moved out of his family home and into the Royal Palace. During his move, his soulmate was electrocuted over and over, causing Zeb to spasm on the floor of his new quarters for 15 minutes before a servant found him and brought him to the infirmary. He wondered if his soulmate even knew that he got the same injuries as them.
At 34, the Empire invaded Lasan, and Zeb lost all hope of ever meeting his soulmate. The Imperials were using T-7 ion disruptors to execute every Lasat that crossed their path. The Royal Family were taken to the underground safe room while he stood guard in the throne room to keep the Imperials at bay. Suddenly, he felt the familiar zaps of a bo-rifle and saw familiar burn marks blossoming on himself.
Several things happened at once: 1. Garazeb realized his soulmate was here on Lasan. 2. He realized that they were an Imperial fighting a Guardsman. 3. A huge explosion ripped through the throne room and knocked him out.
When Zeb woke up, everything was silent. He dragged himself to his feet and sprinted to the safe room, but he was too late. The Royal family, as well as the guards he had ordered to stay, had been completely disintegrated.
Horror filled his heart. The Empire destroyed Lasan. His soulmate had participated in this. Bike threatened to swell up in his throat but he forced himself to keep it together.
He sprinted over to his family’s home across the city. He didn’t see a single person or Lasat. He burst into his family home, yelling for his mother, father, any of his family. He found his grandmother hiding in the secret room; she was the only one left. He was able to smuggle them off planet, but she had already not been doing well. She passed away only a few days after they escaped and he was again, completely alone.
At 39, he finally met his soulmate, at Vizago’s base of operations. The T-7 ion disruptors were already weighing heavy on his mind, but feeling the zap of his own bo-rifle on his shoulder when he hit the ISB agent really took the cake.
“You…” It hit him that this Imperial was also wielding a bo-rifle, which should have only been used by a Lasat in the Honor guard. He found out that his soulmate really had been on Lasan all those years ago, he had been the one to order the use of the ion disruptors, and that he had won the bo-rifle by the way of the Boosahn Keeraw. It was obvious that his soulmate trained hard with the weapon. He got past Zeb’s defenses again and again. When the ion disruptors overloaded, he took the opportunity to bring Zeb to his knees and was about to deal the final blow, but was thrown into one of the rocks by the Force, knocking him out. Of course, this also led to Zeb passing out as well.
When he woke, he was surrounded by his crew. Kanan said that Ezra had been the one to save him from… his soulmate.
They encountered his soulmate (he learned his name was Kallus) many more times, before that fateful day on the ice moon over Geonosis. Kallus broke his leg on the way down to the surface, causing Zeb’s leg to throb with pain, but he could ignore it after all the crap his stupid soulmate has put him through. However, Kallus seemed much more affected this time, for some reason.
Zeb discovered a peculiar meteorite that seemed to radiate heat and light, so he tossed that to Kallus to hold while he fashioned an improvised homing beacon so that they could be found.
They talked for a long time, all while plotting a way out of the ice cavern they crashed in. Zeb talked about Lasan, how Hera and Kanan found him at his lowest point, and dragged him back up by the ears to begin fighting for something bigger than himself. That had always been his goal, after all. To make a meaningful difference in the galaxy, even in small ways.
Zeb explained the Boosahn Keeraw to Kallus, and that he had earned the borifle. Kallus seemed guilty for not understanding the significance but Zeb brushed him off. How could he have known, after all?
Kallus told Zeb of his childhood and early career, the awful events of Onderon and the Lasat who worked for Saw Guerera.
“Well, you can’t judge all Lasat the same.”
“Does that include Imperials?”
He even told Zeb of that first time he saw Zeb, when color had filled his once black and white world. On the surface of the mining planet when the Ghost crew were freeing the Wookiee from slavery. The first color Kallus saw was purple, the color of his soulmate, and color seemed to ripple out like waves from where Zeb was.
“Objectively, it was magnificent, but I was rather horrified that my soulmate was a Rebel.”
They decided the best way out was for Kallus to piggyback on him while he climbed the pillars that held up the cave. Zeb could feel the slight warmth of Kallus through his jumpsuit as he climbed the pillars. A few harrowing minutes later filled with cracking ice and horrifying bird-beaked creatures, Zeb threw Kallus up and out of the cave and Zeb scrambled to get out as well. As he reached the opening he saw Kallus aiming Zeb’s own borifle at him. Kallus’ gaze then drifted slightly to the side and fired at the creature that had tried to follow Zeb out of the cave.
Zeb felt relief and something he wasn’t quite sure of fill his chest as Kallus held his hand out to help him climb the rest of the way.
The rest of the night was spent in the cover of a shallow cave they found, huddling around the warm meteorite they found in the cavern.
Kallus admitted that Lasan was not supposed to end like that, and that he wasn’t actually the one to give the order to use the ion disrupters. In exchange, Zeb offered his name to Kallus.
“Zeb. Short for Garazeb. I know. My name is Alexsandr Kallus.”
After what seemed like forever, the storm cleared up, and gave a perfect view of the Ghost flying above them. Zeb wanted Kallus to come with them. They’d treat him fairly, allow him to atone for what he did. However, Kallus admitted that he needs answers now, and the only way he can get them is to stay with the Empire.
Before Zeb left Kallus, he said “When you find your answers, I’ll be there.”
Then Zeb turned to the Ghost and went to greet his family.
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Doppelgänger (17/19)
Previously on Doppelgänger ~ Masterlist ~ Next time on Doppelgänger
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were just 14 when they took a look inside the portal Danny’s parents had built. From there, everything changed. They woke up with white hair, green skin, and powers they could learn to control. They were hybrids, halfas.
They were the hero Doppelgänger.
{Reign Storm, Part 3}
“It’s like shooting skeleton fish in a barrel,” Doppelgänger chuckled as they flew up to Valerie’s side, blasting one of the skeleton’s harrowing her as their own crowd rushed into the football stadium after them.
“They don’t put up much of a fight, but there’s a lot of them,” she argued. “You going to duplicate?”
“Already did. We've got our own crowds.”
“It’d be nice if you could make yourself a crowd in return.”
“Sorry, we’re still working on making more than three of us.”
“Hello, son.”
Doppelgänger gave a long, drawn-out groan as Plasmius flew up to the two despite still firing on the skeletons. The older ghost tried to speak when they’d finished, only for the ghost kid to start right back up.
“Are you quite done?” Plasmius asked over the groaning.
Valerie turned to fire at him, but he dodged to the side. He stopped with Doppelgänger between her and him.
The younger ghost stopped their groaning to say, “You know, a human shield only works if the shield’s both bigger than you and someone that the person you’re hiding from won’t shoot. We are neither of those.”
“You’re also not human,” Valerie pointed out.
“I think that’s debatable, but we’ll add it to the list,” they said and fired a blast at Plasmius.
“Calm down, son! I didn't come here to fight you! You have other things to worry about!”
“Okay, even if we were your kid -- which we aren’t because gross -- we’re nonbinary, so still not your son. So get lost. We have this under control!”
A blur of black barreled into them and rose up to reveal a knight in black armor atop a pegasus. The knight had Doppelgänger by the throat and pointed his sword at them. “You are the one who destroyed the King’s ring.”
“We’re not one, but we have destroyed a ring recently. Not sure if it was a king’s, though. Can we get a description?” Doppelgänger said before a swirl of comets wrapped around them and they disappeared.
Another swirl appeared behind the knight, leaving behind the ghost kid. They cheered and shot a blast that unseated the knight. “Yes, it worked. Still not as far as we’d meant to go, but we’ll take it.”
“If you would allow me to trai-” Plasmius started.
“Not interested. Now make yourself useful.” Doppelgänger pointed at the knight, who was pulling himself to his feet.
The knight’s eyes locked onto Valerie and narrowed. “You also carry the ring’s mark.”
She leveled her rifle at him, but a pair of blasts knocked him away before she could fire.
“Right on time,” Doppelgänger said as their two copies flew into the stadium. “Wait a second, is that the Fright Knight? Who? He’s the age-old spirit of Halloween.” The trio began to casually blast the knight back and forth across the field as they spoke together. “Legend has it that if his sword The Soul Shredder cuts through you, you get teleported to a dimension where you live out your worst fear. We read about him in the book we got for Halloween. Did the book have any way to defeat him? We think there was something about a pumpkin, but we can’t remember. We’ll go check.”
One of the ghost kids shot off, giving the knight a chance to finally dodge a blast. “Fools! All I wanted to do was retrieve those who destroyed the ring and return to Pariah's Keep, but now, you give me no choice.” He knelt and held up his sword, point down. “By the authority vested in me by my Lord and Liege…” The sword began to glow and he drove it into the ground, causing a wave of energy to roll outwards across the ground. “I claim this town now and forever under the banner of Lord Pariah, the King of All Ghosts!”
Energy shot up from the sword high into the air before rolling outwards to form a green dome across the city.
Both remaining Doppelgängers fired at the knight, but he ducked away. “The sword has sunk, your die now cast, The sword removed shall signal fast. Surrender your-”
He was cut off as a blast knocked him rolling across the ground.
“We hate rhymes. Did we find a pumpkin?”
The third Doppelgänger flew up with a smirk and pulled a fake jack-o'-lantern out of thin air.
“Found it in the boxes of old Halloween decorations like we said.”
They landed next to the sword and dropped the decoration at their feet.
“Gotta move fast. Cover us. Red, Plasmius, keep the skeleton’s back. We’ll handle tall, dark, and fashionable. Fashionable? Really? Yes, we love that aesthetic.”
Val nodded and pulled out her grenade launcher as the other two placed themselves between their third and the knight, but Plasmius’s attention was on the ghost kid.
“What are you planning?”
The ghost kid smirked and wrapped their hand around the sword’s grip.
“To cease the storm…”
“No,” the knight yelled, but the ghost kid’s copies kept him back.
“To end the fear…”
“Wait!” Plasmius yelled as the ghost kid began to draw the sword from the ground.
“The sword must sheathe…”
As soon as the blade left the ground, the energy feeding into the dome cut off and it began to crack. Instead of the sky being behind it, Valerie saw the endless green of the ghost zone.
“In pumpkin near!”
Doppelgänger sank the sword into the fake pumpkin and everything froze. Then the sky returned.
White and green light began to pour from the decoration as the dome shuddered then began to rise up and flow back into the sword in a reverse of how it had just formed.
“No, NO!” the knight shouted as a vortex formed above the sword and began to draw him in.
Valerie only had a second to feel victorious before the vortex began to pull at her as well. She lost her footing on her board, but the ghost kid flew in to help her. Two of them grabbed her and the last grabbed her board before they all flew to the bleachers and grabbed hold. Once she was sure she was safe, she looked over the field.
Plasmius had taken refuge on a goal post, but many of the skeletons were being sucked up. The knight was clawing at the ground, but soon lost his grip and disappeared into the swirling green. Once he was gone, the vortex slowed and dissipated while the pumpkin holding the sword -- now looking like an actual jack-o'-lantern, if purple with a green glow -- vanished in a flash.
“Well, that’s one down,” Doppelgänger said.
“You idiot! The sword was a signal!” Plasmius yelled, brushing himself off.
“Yeah, we heard. That’s why we got rid of it!”
“Not soon enough.”
The teens looked up to see a large ghost floating over them.
After a second, one of the ghost kids pointed at him.
“You know, we expected more from the King of All Ghosts. He’s just a guy. A tall guy, but still.”
Another nodded, looking disappointed.
“Yeah, what is this Odin wannabe nonsense? We thought we’d be facing some beautiful Lovecraftian horror. We feel ripped off.”
The third tilted their head.
“He’s not even that big. Like ten feet, maybe. The dragon made a more impressive sight, and she was literally just a fairytale princess. You’d think a king could do better.”
“Are you done ticking him off?” Valerie asked, watching Dark get angrier and angrier.
They shrugged. “We’re just saying. He doesn’t even have a crown.”
Then the one who’d tilted their head shot to the side, the one who’d nodded stepped in front of Valerie and raised a shield, and the one who’d pointed braced for impact as Dark sent a massive blast towards them.
The shield held, but the ghost kid was forced to a knee as they poured their strength into it and it shattered apart as soon as it wasn’t needed. Once it was down, Valerie could see that the one who’d taken the blast head-on had created a crater in the bleachers that they were pulling themself out of. Meanwhile, the one who’d avoided it was zipping around the field, keeping Dark’s attention. They fired upon the king while bobbing and weaving around the return fire.
It didn’t look like the attacks were doing much damage.
“That hurt,” they said as the one limped towards her and their kneeling copy turned to her. “You should get clear.”
“We should all fall back,” Plasmius said, appearing next to them.
“Even if we could, he’d destroy the town trying to chase us down. You can run if you want to,” they said then they shot towards the field.
One landed and held their hands out. Thick wires shot out of the ground and grabbed Dark’s legs, electrocuting him in the process. At the same time, the other ghost kid shot towards the fight. They engaged the king as the one that had been fighting him backed off. They reached to the side and plucked a pot holding a glowing spider-like plant out of nowhere. They chucked the plant at Dark’s head then re-engaged him as their copy pulled back to command the plant to wrap around the king’s eyes and neck.
“The boy has Chlorokinesis?” Plasmius said.
“You didn’t know that?” Valerie said, checking her rifle and calling her board to her.
“He’s never used it against me. He’s only even used the Technokinesis recently.”
“They’ve had both for as long as I’ve known them. They’ve tried to use it on me, but I’m usually too high for the plants and my gear’s protected against their control.”
The two looked up to see Dark snatch the plant-controlling ghost kid from the air and throw them. The other flying one tried to catch them, but they both ended up crashing to the ground. The third flew over to them as the king tore off the wires and burned away the plant.
“Our baby,” the ghost kid whined, one staring at the plant’s burning remains with fury.
“Surrender, children! You can't possibly win!”
“Surrender isn’t in our vocabulary. And we can’t possibly let you loose on our city.” The one that had been controlling the wires helped the one that had been thrown to their feet, letting them lean against them, as the other placed themself in front of the two. “Besides, we don't have to win. we just have to make sure that you lose.”
Dark scowled and shot a blast at them. The one in front summoned a shield, but it shattered almost immediately and the three took most of the blast.
Valerie leveled her rifle at Dark, but Plasmius yanked it away.
“Don’t be foolish, girl. He will kill you.”
“Like you care.
“Considering you’re my only help, I do. We need a plan.”
“Face it, children, it's over.”
Valerie turned back to the field to see Dark walking towards the trio as they slowly got up onto their knees.
“No,” they growled. “No!”
Shaking with pain, the trio looked up. 
Their goggles glowed with black energy and then three things happened at once.
The one on the left threw their head back and screamed. Black sonic waves tore through the field and slammed into the king.
The one in the middle doubled over, hands clawing at the ground as they keened. Thick black vines wove in and out of the ground in front of them until they could latch onto the king, wrapping around his arms and legs to tear deep gashes into his skin with their thorns.
The one on the right wrapped their arms around themselves and sobbed. Black tears flowed down their face and formed a void beneath them that stretched out underneath the king.
The vines held him still, the rings drained his power, and the void drew him in.
Dark thrashed against his bindings, but they held and he was soon consumed by the darkness.
The trio collapsed.
The field went silent, the vines shriveled into nothing, and the darkness faded.
Consciousness clearly fading, the trio latched hands and fell through the ground.
Oddly though, they didn’t seem to go intangible and Valerie swore she saw the faintest hint of a white-blue-purple light just before they completely disappeared.
Slowly, she turned to Plasmius to see him gaping at the now empty field. “Did you know they had that kind of power?”
Danny stared out at the stars as Blobena nuzzled up against his cheek.
“My everything hurts,” Tucker croaked, the first sound any of them had made since Danny had dropped them into the Space Fold then promptly passed out. He’s not sure how long they’ve been in there now, but he’s been awake for at least an hour and he knew the others woke before him.
“Sh!” Sam moaned.
It was quiet for a few moments, then Sam asked, “Danny. Why are your blobs in here? More importantly, why is one trying to eat my hair?”
With a sigh, Danny turned to see Sam and the blob in question. “I think Blobson likes the taste of your shampoo. He did the same thing to me two weeks ago when you let me shower at your place after the fight with Garbage Manster.”
“Wait, you seriously named them all? And with blob puns?” Tucker said, pinwheeling slowly near Sam’s feet. “I thought that was just a joke you and Valerie were telling.”
“We had a lot of time in that cage, okay?”
“Danny, get this thing off my hair or I’m smashing it.”
The boy pouted, but reached over to scoop up the blob. He set him on his shoulder next to Bloberick.
“Now again, what are they doing here?”
“In my defense, I just meant to hide them in here for a second because my mom was coming down the stairs and I didn’t have time to get them all back through the portal. I’ve tried to get them to leave, but they won’t.”
“You keep my ghost plants in here!” she huffed, gesturing to the quartet of pots holding plants she’d gathered from the ghost zone.
“They don’t bother them, promise!”
“Speaking of which, how dare you throw Arachne at that jerk!”
“Our ecto-beams weren’t doing much! I thought the poison on her fronds would help!”
“We can get you a new one, Sam,” Tucker said. “It’s not like it was sentient like Audrey II.”
“We can get you a new phone, Tucker,” she shot back. “It’s not like it’s sentient like Audrey II.”
“She’s as good as!” Tucker gasped, pulling his phone out to clutch it to his chest. “Talk to me, baby.”
“Hello, Tuck-man. The time is 9:34 p.m.”
Danny snickered. “Tuck-man.”
“Shut it, Danny Blobton,” Tucker said, grabbing one of the blobs floating near him and tossing it at Danny.
If anything, the blob seemed to be pleased by the action, even as it squished against his forehead. It gave a singing buzz and nuzzled further against him.
“Great, now Blobnessa is never going to let go.”
“Dude, you’ve got issues.”
“Wait, did your phone say it was after nine at night?” Sam asked, turning to Tucker.
“Yeah, it said… Oh man, how long have we been gone for?”
“My parents are probably tearing the town apart looking for me,” Danny groaned.
“Not to mention your girlfriend. I’m sure my parents are already blaming you. Crud, I’m going to have to wear their stupid dresses for a week if they’re ever going to let me see you again,” Sam said, grabbing Danny’s arm and tugging him to her.
“I swear, if my parents try to take me on one of those tech-free relaxation getaways because of this, I’m moving into the fold. Blobs or not,” Tucker muttered, hooking his ankle around Sam’s.
Danny gently shooed and brushed all the blobs off himself then turned all three of them invisible and dropped them onto the football field.
Thankfully no one was around so they turned visible and climbed to their feet.
“We’re going to need alibis,” Sam said.
“Got cornered by some skeletons in an abandoned building?” Tucker offered. “Only came out when we were sure it was safe, but then didn’t recognize where we were and stumbled about until we found somewhere familiar.”
“Sounds good enough for me,” Danny yawned. “Can either of you transform?”
They shook their heads.
“Guess we’re walking.”
They only made it a block before the Fenton RV came roaring up and a hysterical Maddie Fenton tackled Danny to the ground.
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
An old thing 3
First Continued from here
Look, I´m embarrassed of how I came up with something as fucked up as this. I´m very sorry to the people who read the first version of this and I do hope you´re doing ok. It´s never my intention or objective to make anyone feel wrong with the things I do. There´s a reason my art style is soft.  So I send anyone who felt uncomfortable about this, an apology.  However, I wanna believe I can share this under the “No matter how rough and dark, stories need to be told” And well. I failed to process not ALL parts of the story need to be told. So here´s the censored version of it.
CW// public humilliation, Degrading language, Non Con, Dub Con, NS*W at times, dehumanization, past CSA mentioned and threatened/implied, grooming, electrocution, along, slavery, human trafficking, forced breeding, blood, whump of minors, attempted murder, manhandling, muzzles, creepy and explosive whumpers, physical and emotional abuse.
Everything will be tagged and if there´s tags to be added, tell me please.
Five months later, Layo didnt wanna touch Roahn as he was disgusted to touch pregnant women. Roahn had a big bump already. A medic had come over and had done analysis to her. Apparently she was expecting twins. Two boys. Shy was handcuffed in the other side of the cell, but he couldnt decide to be happy or horrified. His master, Dánae, looked beyond pleased.
“What if we keep one? We can educate him as if he was ours. But we gotta make sure he knows his place. And maybe when he’s older we could use him”
Layo looked delighted by her plan.
“What about the other?” He had asked her.
Danae reflected, looking at no point in particular and then said with a stone cold face “we will sell him just after he doesn’t need his mother’s milk anymore”
Listening to that conversation were the medic and the two slaves. Roahn started sobbing. Quietly almost unheard.
And Shy jerked on his restraints. He had a muzzle on, restricting his talking. But his eyes showed rage.
“What? The doggy feels sad for being separated from his pup? Dont make me laugh, Shy” Layo grinned “ahh, well its just ironic for you right?” He started, Shy picking up, jerked aggressively. His muscles getting tense. “Your twin brother… I had my eyes on you for quite a while. Its a shame you were split” Layo sighed Shy stood up pulling on his restraints. Danae was amused by his reaction. Shy was, well, shy. He never showed that aggressive part of himself. And certainly, Roahn was the most amused of them.
“What were you called at the club? The two stars? Oh! The twin stars! always with your star painted on your cheek. you looked adorable. You were like 12?”
Shy stopped revolving. The stage name having an impact on him.
“Quite the performance between you two and other people” Layo laughed “Then you were sold. Alone. To that old man, what was his name? He raped you often didnt he? Before dying he told me you would scream your brothers name: Ivan.”
Shy was silent again. His legs shaking.
“Ivan and Dimitri. The twin stars. Lovely names for just two slaves born from another slave and sold to do exactly the same…” Layo paused dramatically, eyes on him. “You went full circle didnt you, Dimitri?”.
Shy/Dimitri had lost it. If there was one thing that pushed all his buttons was his past. He pulled on his chains, so much he shattered them.
Layo and Danae were just a feet away from the cell. So before the man could even react Dimitri had already grabbed his white hair.
Danae screamed and went to help his husband but he was faster and slammed his head in the floor. Danae took out a teaser and pinched Shy, who brutally convulsed on the ground.
“SHY!” Roahn yelled in her chair as the doctor held her down. Trying to convince her it was too dangerous. She looked at the man’s face as he shook his head in a no. “Ill take care of this lady” the doctor told her. She was surprised by his kindness.
The man went to stop Danae from shocking his slave any longer.
“Please miss Dourson! Stop it! Miss Dourson you’re going to kill him!” The man said grabbing her.
“Shut up!” She shoved him away, the teaser flying off her hands.
“My love…” Layo said with his bloody nose “stop it”
Danae pulled him to her not minding the blood on her dress. “Dear! He was trying to kill you!”
“Yes…he was…” Layo said putting his head backwards. When the bleeding stopped he added “I loved his face” the man spat “rage…Ah~ what an adorable expression from the pup” Danae wanted to make some sense enter his head but was stopped before that “Ill teach him a lesson Dánae, leave it to me” he said in a smirk.
Later that night Roahn was on their mat, stressed out about Shy. He had been taken by two men. Unconscious and limp. Her pleas fell in deaf ears.
She massaged her bump, trying to sooth her anxiety.
The door slammed and Shy walked in with bruises on his face and shackled. He was with Layo who didnt have the decency to cover his dick.
He threw him to the ground, Shy barely having time to put his hands in front.
Layo kicked him in the back making him fall for good. He sat above him and grabbed him by the collar choking him a bit.
“Never forget you’re mine, Shy. If you want to live of course” he said letting his head hit the ground. He stood up grabbing him by the arm and threw him back to the cell.
“Dont you dare try to take off the shackles woman. Or you will have his corpse instead”
The man said going away.
Roahn looked at his body, and understood what had happened in those hours.
“Sh- Dimitri…?” Roahn held his face. He gave her a sad look. Roahn felt the cold metal of the shackles on her abdomen when she hugged him.
“Im sorry baby. Im sorry. Im so glad you’re back” she cried.
“C’mere” he said, Roahn stopped and Shy passed his linked arms to her back into a hug. “Dont cry, Roahn. Im ok” he said. His bruises were purple and enormous.
“We need to run away. We need to…”
“Yes we do. But we gotta wait. Can you wait?” He told her.
She doubted.
She didn’t want to wait.
But she said yes.
The twins were born. One after three minutes. Three minutes where Danae took the newborn on her arms.
Shy allowed it but in his heart he wanted to kill her.
The second baby was put into his arms. He saw him and started crying. He showed him to Roahn. And told her,
“For them. Soon”
Destiny works in mysterious ways.
Their plan was to escape the week before Cal was put up for sale. Taking Kit and running away through the basements windows.
However the night was going down smoothly when suddenly, at the garden just beside the basement, one of the guards of the auction place beat Dimitri up and dragged them back with the baby twins on his coworkers arms.
Roahn was beaten up this time too.
When she woke up, Kit was with Danae screaming and crying loudly, as Dimitri was receiving a CPR. He came back to life but the medic guarded him for two months.
During this time, Cal was sold.
Layo told her how much.
50,000 euros.
That was how much their baby was worth.
During those nights, Roahn mourned her son. She wasnt allowed to see Kit. Or Dimitri.
She was alone. And she was desperate.
When Dimitri healed and a few scars were added to his face, he came back to her. And they hugged for their children had been stripped away from them.
But he promised this wouldn’t happen again. This time they would think it through.
And they would be free.
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
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Thanks to everyone who's taken the time out to read my posts and has enjoyed it so far. It's really been fun and entertaining exchanging thoughts and having these much deeper ship discussions.
I thought this issue was gonna go away but I woke up this morning to more people messaging me about finding my last video analysis on several other platforms without appropriate credit.
But that's not disturbing. The disturbing part is the people sliding into people's DM'S on other platforms to get them to take down my video because they don't want people sharing my content on other platforms as they believe it would only make my blog popular.
For those worried about this whole credit business, thanks for showing this much concern for me? I really appreciate the love and concern if it's from a genuine place of concern. Thank you...
I think some of you already know this by now or might have figured it out, I am a law student, I am very much well aware what is and what isn't within my rights? Lol
I honestly didn't see this whole credit thingy as a big deal. It's not. Not to me. Lol. I repost people's photos without credit too all the time. Often, it's because I don't know who to credit and most time my lazy ass just forgets to. Lol. I think it's normal? It's inconsequential I mean.
The videos I use are usually often water marked by the appropriate owners so I don't go through the hustle of figuring this whole credit business out. If I should decide to come back here again I will check that habit of mine?
While this whole credit business is not a big deal to me, malicious slander and defamation to my character is and I don't take it lightly.
It has been brought to my attention that some Jikookers from Tumblr have since been sliding into people's DM's on other platforms asking them to take down my video and or remove the credit they give to my post.
They are telling people I am problematic, calling me the Taekook Lives of the Jikook community. That I have been spreading lies about Jikook, that the Jikook Tumblr community hates me or something like that and to further caricaturize me and make me appear more evil in order to get people to turn on me and hate me, they make up the most ridiculous lies about me claiming that I believe a notorious serial killer is innocent.
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Now I have since deleted my YT account because I don't want my colleagues to find out I am into shipping too lol- shipping is a guilty pleasure of mine and I know how this fandom works unfortunately. I've been a silent part of it since 2014. I mean it's started already. The Doxing and shit.
The original post under which these replies are from couldn't save sadly as my account has been deleted but you can see from my notifications the general feel of what my interests outside shipping looks like.
I am interested in a myriad of topics, from literature, Aliens, writing, Harry Potter, history, activism, advocacy, philosophy, law, politics, NASA, and mystery and murder among other things.
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My quora is mostly filled with notifications from my Book community and True crime community and often I do share my thoughts and answer questions with regards to the psychology of murderers, legal evidence, notorious villains in literature- well I guess now you know the kind of lawyer I want to be if and when I'm able to complete law school.
But what has my interest in these topics got to do with Jikook and shipping please?? How does this prove I hate Jikook and spread lies about them?
This Kookie Min Monsta person slipped into someone's DMS and asked the person who had put up my video analysis to take it down or discredit me because to her I am problematic. She is not the only one.
You want so bad to paint me black- no pun intended just to win an argument? You claim I am the evil malicious person here but I am not the one sliding into people's dms trying to take credit away from people for their hardwork, spreading hate and negative energy, making things up to manipulate people's perception of others and get them to hate and turn on them- and all because of A SHIP? Damn. This is pathetic.
Who died and made you the gatekeeper of the jikook shipping community? Honestly antics like these don't work on me try again.
I made a video commentary on my Booktube YT account- yes I am part of the book YouTube community as well sue me or better still slip into their inboxes and tell them I voted for Trump therefore I hate chipmunks.
The commentary I made on YT months ago was when I was in the highs of finding a new passion and it was on Ann Rule's book, The Stranger Besides Me- a true crime novel on Ted Bundy which I found so poorly written that at the end of the book it left with me wondering whether or not Ted Bundy was guilty at all!
The Author's writing style which deviates from most writing styles of True Crime novels I have read gave me trust issues as I stated in the video. It felt more as if she was writing a made up fictional novel than an actual True Crime novel but because she knew Ted Bundy in person she made it seem as if we just had to believe her account.
Then there was this whole thing about the police not being able to match the DNA samples taken from his rape victims, to his own Semen because his Semen was DNAless- in lay man's terms. I'll spare you the technicalities involved.
As I stated in that video, I do believe Ted Bundy was guilty but I do not have much faith in the Judicial system, or criminal procedures or even the Author of that book- a sentiment most people within the true crime community share as well. We just had differing views on whether the writer's style took away from the narrative and waters down on the extent of Bundy's guilt.
We had a Similar conversation about Chris Watt. If the community I was engaging in didn't have a problem with my commentary why do you? Please don't meddle in things you know nothing about. It's embarrassing.
The conversation about whether or not Ted Bundy is innocent is moot but a philosophical one. It has nothing to do with Ted Bundy's guilt but more so the criminal procedures involved in his case and the different accounts that exists surrounding his case.
He was electrocuted, he confessed to his crimes no damn person with brains would think or assume he is innocent and I never said anything of that nature drew any conclusions to that effect.
Besides, I moved on from Ted Bundy a long time ago. Now I am into the Serial Killer who writes death poems and signs it off with drawings of the size of his dick at his crime scenes- mind your own business please or don't and let's have an intellectual discourse about him? Lmho.
I am also into cat memes if you care to know and have a whole IG dedicated to cat memes. I believe human beings are the most dumbest species in all the galaxies and when the Aliens arrive I am snitching.
When my mind is at rest, I often wonder if Aliens have masculinity complex and if they do whether or not their masculinity is contingent on the size of their dicks or whether they have to engage in a battle to the death with an alien grizzly bear to determine who is the man.
I love BTS memes too- a little too much and often end up debating over the internet with random people over whether BTS memes are funnier than cat memes- I'm weird, true. But how does all of that make me a bad person?
It's crazy how these people can go on these other platforms to ask people to take down the credits to my posts as well as my posts itself but can't ask people who run to these other platforms with misinterpretations of my work to take those down.
Instead they come on here to call me out for people's interpretations of my work?? It doesn't work that way. You are the author of your own opinion and interpretation of other people's work. You don't call out the original author for someone's opinion of their work. If that were so I would be emailing Stephanie Meyer for Anna Todd and her After series. Get some education.
I have since blocked this person and others whose Tumblr I have been able to find thanks to all those that's helped me finding them on here.
My gf also tried reaching out to the persons who shared my post after we realised this was becoming an issue and had asked them to credit her or my blog- but honestly I don't care about that yet she won't give it a rest. Lol. My ride or die this one. Sigh.
However, we realized soon that this is not about 'stealing' credit- can't call someone out for not giving credit when I suck at that myself. Lol.
This is about people's malicious intentions and their attempts to silence me and take away my right to freedom of expression however way that they can. This is wrong and evil.
I honestly don't care for all these ship politics these people are engaged in. I've had enough intelligent conversations to know the distinction between arguments that flows from bruised egos and actual conversations around a subject matter.
This whole I am right, she is wrong politics... y'all get that the point of having an opinion is not to be right, right? We all cant have the same perspective and you can't call someone a liar for holding views that is different from yours. That is a bizarre mentality to have.
As I stated in my post, that content I made was a rebuttal to the Taekook theories running around on the internet alleging JK glared at Tae when he pulled on his shoulder because he was jealous Tae and Jin were having fun behind him. He wasn't. He was worried Tae was gonna expose him and JM holding hands behind Suga.
If you don't think they were holding hands then Taekookers were right and his reaction was because he was Jealous of Taejin I guess...
But thats your truth. That's not my truth. I don't believe Taekook is real. JK isn't jealous of Taejin he is not Twelve- but then again he was sneaking around behind Suga holding his boyfriend's hands so I guess he is twelve? Lol. Jikook!
Do you.
But please stop the evil malicious attacks and seek immediate help. There is such a thing as right and wrong and this is just plain wrong. Your Karma and chakra are in the negative nodes and you need to fix it. It is not funny anymore.
Thank you to everyone who has shown genuine concerns for me in the past few days and thank you so much for trying to stand up for me. There are good people on here and I have met and interacted with a lot of them and thank you so much for such a wonderful experience and insightful discussions.
I don't hate people because of our differences in thoughts, beliefs, opinions. There's always room for dissenting opinions in every sphere. At the very least, we can agree to disagree and shake on it. But You can't make up shit about people just to prove your opinion is right and their opinions and views which differ from yours are 'wrong.
I am not a victim though, and they are not bullies, psst. They are just vile pathetic human beings exposing the greens of their insides. What you do says more about who you are as a person and human being. And this is who they are.
Just be a nice decent human being. That's what this world needs. Fix whatever is broken inside of you and free your mind and spirit. Hate is never the answer.
I'm going to be away for a while because I have studies, work and other interests I want to pursue at the moment- it's just my AADD flaring up so if you see me henceforth raving about Nana at least you'd know why. Lol. She's wrecking my Jimin bias. Lmho.
Spread positivity, do the right thing, stand up for a good cause and keep supporting Jikook. Jikook is real.
Until we meet again.
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bonbonzzz · 4 years
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Weird KR Stuff I Own (or whatever I called this series) - Part 3 Today: the second book, Trust Doesn’t Rust. Or as I like to call it: Bonnie Having an Awful Time For 100+ Pages. Score: Truthfully? Like a 6/10. For entertainment value? 10/10.
Where do I begin?
This book is like if you watched Trust Doesn’t Rust, then went to sleep and had a dream about it, then woke up and tried to write it down. Pretty much the same as the episode, as all these books are, but with slightly more chaotic.
Devon does clarify that KARR was the one who was originally programmed with the ‘Agnes’ voice, which was just note repetition, unlike KITT’s ‘conversational memory’, as Devon dubs it. They also repeatedly refer to KITT’s accent as Boston, but I’m about 90.67% sure it is not.
Devon also says that Bonnie is ‘purely an electronic mechanic’ which I’m sure isn’t a term (maybe technician would be closer to the mark), despite her clearly fixing mechanical elements on KITT throughout the show, albeit with a few helping hands under her control. Devon seems extremely protective of her, and doesn’t like Michael showing romantic interest towards her. Good Devon.
Speaking of our resident mechanic, she has a horrible time throughout this book, as well as being quite aggressive towards Michael (though considering the things he says about her (e.g: ‘What’s your problem?’ when she was annoyed with his advances), I am prepared to forgive her very freely).Aside from being constantly harassed flirted with, she is accosted by Tony, who she attempts to stab, backhanded across the mouth so hard she bleeds (twice), had a gun aimed at her face, threatened, forced into KARR, electrocuted by KARR more forcefully than the episode, shot at and falls through a hole in the floor of an old building down like two storys (Roger Hill makes a point of noting that the act of grabbing onto a rod on the way down was ‘savaging her shoulder muscles’ which is an unpleasant metal image) to land on top of KITT. She seems fine, but I’m sure if I had taken that fall it would have cost me a bone or two. Michael has no sympathy at all, in fact urging her quite angrily to get into KITT, instead of checking whether she was, I dunno, paralyzed? But we do learn she takes her coffee black with two sugars and that she listens to Joni Mitchell, so there’s some useless lore. Roger Hill seems to have the lovely writing style of ‘mmm, woman object’. In a rather tense scene he makes sure to include the fact that Bonnie’s overalls ‘outlined her curves’ as she tries to escape being shot to death. He usually makes such comments through the eyes of Tony or Michael, as if this makes him somehow less creepy. And the fact that Bonnie secretly likes Michael despite the fact he harasses her incessantly arises in the third book. I am not a Roger fan. 
Although, it was quite nice to get some more scenes and dialogue with Tony and the Rev, especially since near the end it paints Tony as being the main villain better than it’s pulled off in the episode. As far as entertainment value goes, I finished this book quicker than any other book I’ve read within the past, like, 7 years. Every event was a new hit in the stomach. A new brick to my skull. A new smack across the mouth, if you will. I was hooked. Definitely more interesting than the KotP book and the Hearts of Stone one which I will cover shortly. 
If you’re gonna pick up any of the books, go for this one. Michael gets punched in the kidneys at one point by that one drive-through worker whose name we learn is Jerry Clarke. Quite entertaining.
As in the last book, here are some Uncomfortable quotes I have handpicked with love:
Michael, regarding Bonnie: “KITT, I think she’s in love with you.” KITT: “But that’s impossible, Michael. I’m not a human being.” Michael: “A lot of people love their cars. Isn’t that... uh, auto-eroticism?”
“Okay, me bucko.” -Bonnie, to KITT
“... or I’ll spread that lovely face all over the inside of this car!” -Tony, to Bonnie
“Be friendly, lover, or I’ll scatter your teeth all over the room.” -Also Tony, to Bonnie, again.
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cutelittlestar · 4 years
Lone Wolf: Chapter 1 || Peter Parker x Reader
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Pairings: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary of the Series: You were given the ability to transform into a wolf, but you’re  unfortunately captured and experimented on by a cynical madman. Despite being saved by the Avengers and given a place to call home, you’re still having a difficult time grasping onto the basic concepts of being human. However, everything changes when you met a boy, Peter Parker. Slowly but surely, he helps you on your path to recovery –showing you that all you needed was love and patience. 
Word Count: 4.3k
*gifs are not mine*
Warnings: injury, mentions of death and pain, kidnapping, physical and mental abuse, torture, MATURE CONTENT, 18+.  
A/N: Hey y’all! I hope you guys are safe and well :) Thank you to everyone who supported me in deciding to write this story, I’m so glad there are people out there willing to read my work (ngl, it still baffles me lol). Anyways, I hope you enjoy this, and lmk if you guys want more!! Although I’m already writing a series at this moment, I wouldn’t mind squeezing in another; however, this might mean that I’ll post the chapters a bit later than expected. Hope y’all understand 💕❤️
There was once a time where you freely roamed the remote wilderness, and you called it home; the soft chirping of the birds in the morning eased your mind, the calm flow of the river was music to your ears, and the beautiful green scenery was your protection. You had decided long ago to leave your pack, knowing it was for the best; you were the outcast of the group, and they constantly mistreated you for it, deciding that your life was less meaningful than theirs. The emotional, mental, and physical abuse you endured was too much to handle, so one night, when your pack was soundly sleeping, you left without a trace, never looking back. Ever since you became a lone wolf, your life became considerably better and worth living for; at first, it was difficult to realize, but then you began to learn the secrets of the woods, and it taught you that all life was precious. You deeply cherished this thought, never letting it go. The wilderness was your guardian and you were its child. However, it was all gone in a blink of an eye, and the sacred memories you once had were burned to ashes, along with your home. 
Men of greed, power, and corruption immediately disrupted your sanction, and they destroyed everything in their path without remorse. You were too scared and weak to fight them off, so you decided to run away. However, despite how hastily you fled, you were quickly surrounded. There was barely any time for you to attack as the soldiers in black gear immediately used their weapons, electrocuting you as many times as they could; you howled in pain, but they mercilessly continued, ignoring your screams before ultimately subduing you.  You thrashed around in the dirt, attempting to escape, but your body was slowly losing its strength, and you soon gave up; as your eyes were on the verge of closing, you faintly remembered a man walking towards you, a man who completely stood out from the rest. The man’s callous face was standing over you, and their void black eyes sent a shiver down your spine. A sinister grin stretched across his face, and that was the last thing you remembered before everything went dark. 
You woke up and realized that you were laying on the cold floor; it was strange and terrifying to you, and you hoped that it was just a nightmare but you were wrong. As you tried to stand up, your body screamed in agony. You shivered in the darkness and realized that you shifted back to your human form. Panic started to grow by the second and you were terrified that the men would learn of your abilities, but it was already too late. 
“You should be more careful of your surroundings, you never know who’s lurking in the dark,” an ominous voice announced, causing you to scoot back in fear. The lights were immediately turned on and you quickly covered your exposed body as a man stood in the middle of the room. You squinted your eyes, taking note of his features, and you immediately recognized him; he was the same man that stood over your body before you passed out. Despite your desire to rip his throat out, you were prohibited from doing because you were caged in a cell. You let out a menacing growl, but the man didn’t react.
“Let me go,” you ordered, but he merely chuckled, shaking his head. 
“Oh Y/N,” the man scolded, and your eyes widened in shock, your body shaking. How did the man know your name? “I’m afraid I can’t do that.” The man’s callous eyes examined you, and he was content with himself, knowing that he was the one that managed to capture the infamous shapeshifter. You were so gullible, the man thought to himself; you actually believed you were safe in the woods. Your heart began to beat faster as you were horrified of the man’s calm yet intimidating demeanor; various situations ran through your head as you wondered what he was going to do to you, but you made a promise to yourself, declaring that you would remain strong. 
“Let’s see if you're better than the other test subjects,” the man disclosed, walking closer towards you. He crouched down to the ground in order to look at your face, excited to see your reaction as he began to unveil his intentions. The threatening glare you tried to maintain utterly failed as you listened to his words, and your breathing got heavier. “I don’t want to kill another shifter, but if I must, I will,” the man whispered, a sinister smirk plastered on his face, pleased at your reaction. Tears threatened to fall down your face as you wondered if the man was speaking about your former pack, but you didn’t want to believe it. 
“Once I get out of this cage, I’ll fucking rip your throat out,” you fumed. You ignored the pain that coursed through your body and jumped at the bars, hoping you would be able to injure him. Although your hand was centimeters away from his throat, the man didn’t flinch at your violent response. Instead, he simply stood up and took a step back. You watched as his eyes darken, but his face remained blank. 
“You may think you’ll have the opportunity, but you never will; you’re going to rot in this cell for the rest of your life, Y/N. Don’t say things you’ll regret,” the man angrily declared. Your chest heavily rose and sank as his words stuck to you, but before you could say anything else, he turned and walked out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts and your worst fears. What you didn’t realize at the moment was that he was right. 
Ever since then, you endured horrible and excruciating pain; you were experimented on for a reason they did not explain. No matter how many times you tried to fight, whether by biting, kicking, scratching, hitting, and even killing, it only made things worse for you. After quite some time, it finally began to dawn on you that it was utterly useless to resist; you believed you were going to spend the rest of your life in this tiny cell, and there was nothing you could do. You allowed them to do damage to your body – either by letting them shove countless needles into your skin or allowing them to cut you in order to determine how long it took for you to heal. You endured draining and extensive trials, and you were forced to constantly shift back and forth – despite how many times you almost died due to your horrible conditions. You lost track of how long you’ve been kept in the cage, but as time progressed, your hope in escaping gradually disappeared. You regretted saying those words to him, but it was too late.
The damage was already done. 
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
You laid on the concrete floor in your wolf form, softly whimpering to yourself as you were engulfed in the darkness. The men were already gone, but you knew they would be back soon; in this moment of silence, you closed your eyes and attempted to think of your home but your mind remained blank. It was as if those precious memories were gone the minute the men arrived. You knew you could never retrieve them. You wanted to give up so badly, but you never allowed yourself to. While it seemed impossible to ever think that you could escape, you mercilessly clung onto the possibility. However, it wasn’t hope that motivated you. No, there was only one emotion that was capable of doing this: rage. Your hatred was the thing that kept you alive, and you constantly imagined all of the horrific actions you would commit if there was a chance of escaping. 
The sound of footsteps disrupted your thoughts, and you immediately remained still and closed your eyes. The door was swung open, and you were able to recognize the two distinct smells that were attached to the men. The two men, Hughes and Perez, walked towards your cell, but you continued to remain frozen, hoping the men would think you were unconscious. 
“Fucking hell, it smells like death,” Perez stated in disgust; the men now stood inches away from your cell, but they kept their distance, afraid you would attack them whenever you had the chance. 
“Shut up,” Hughes whispered, “and step back from the cage–you have to be prepared–you never know if she’ll attack.”
Perez let out a laugh, amused at his partner’s remark. “She’s unconscious, you have nothing to be scared of. Look.” You mentally prepared yourself as you heard Perez get closer despite Hughes’ protests; he whipped out a taser baton and a blue light flickered. Within an instant, Perez angrily struck the baton down on your body, and a cynical smile formed on his lips as he enjoyed the way the electricity burned your fur and your skin. You bit your tongue down so hard that blood was drawn, and you wanted nothing more than to lunge at Perez and rip off his arm; yet, you didn’t move, thus, proving to Hughes that Perez was right. 
“Tsar was right,” Perez announced, putting his baton back on his buckle, “there’s no reason for us to be afraid anymore.” You felt your heart beat faster as you finally heard the name given to the man. Tsar, such a typical title. After such a long time, you never believed you would have the power to laugh nor find happiness again, but at this moment, you wanted nothing more than to let out a chuckle; the man compared himself to monarchs and supreme rulers. What a joke. However, your desire to laugh quickly disappeared as you heard Perez continue speaking. 
“Tsar already got what he needed from her. Sooner or later, we’ll be just as strong as her–perhaps even stronger. Can you imagine an army of shifters? The Avengers wouldn’t stand a chance. Now, it’s our time to shine, brother.” It felt as if your heart stopped beating in your chest, and it became more difficult for you to breathe; you were unable to grasp his words. An army of shifters? Was that why they experimented on you? Suddenly, everything made sense; they were going to use your DNA to make soldiers for war– soldiers who would have the ability to transform into a beast– and the thought utterly terrified you. While you’re not aware of who the Avengers are, you assumed they were in opposition to Tsar. However, it doesn’t suggest that the Avengers are good people–maybe they’re just competitors, striving to be at the top of the food chain. 
In a blink of an eye, the two men were gone, and once again, you were left all alone. You wish you had the strength to fight off every man, but you knew it was impossible. If Perez was right, Tsar would soon have an army of shapeshifters, and they would be unstoppable. Unfortunately, there was nothing else you could do. Your time was up and it was already too late. He got what he needed from you, and soon, they would dispose of you like trash. You never expected to die like this; you always imagined yourself laying on a fresh patch of grass, next to the lilies, before you took your last dying breath. Tears ran down your face as you began to accept your fate. You would die in this small cell, never having the opportunity to see the sun again.
Yet, the relatively quiet room eased your mind, and in a mere second, you were able to conjure up a pleasing image; while it did not resemble your old home, it depicted a warming view of the ocean. As you imagined yourself standing on the shore, it felt as if the picture you created in your mind was coming to life. You could hear the waves of the ocean gently rocking, but off in the distance, you could hear another sound, a sound that did not fit the blissful scenery. Without warning, a massive explosion erupts, causing the ground to roughly shake, and you open your eyes in shock and fear. You bolted upright as you heard from distance men shouting obscenities and commands; the distant sirens began to wail, and they were coming closer to you. Your head began to hurt as the uncertainty teased your hopes, but you tried your hardest to remain composed. Gunshots and blasts came one after the other in rapid succession, and you then heard sounds of screams echo across the building, causing shivers to run down your spine. Footsteps were coming closer to where you were being held, but you didn’t know how to react; should you be relieved or should you be scared? 
The door was instantly kicked down, its hinges falling as well, but the very first second that it happens, you’re confused; the light from the outside completely engulfs the room, and it turns you blind and disoriented for a slight moment. You’re able to see a figure standing in front of the door, but they did not move a single muscle. Things seem oddly calm, but you took a step back in fear, your tail cowardly hiding in between your legs. Your ears flattened down against your head, and you let out a soft whimper, petrified of what could happen next. The person was wearing an ominous suit, distinguishing itself from the men that held you captive, but as they tried to step closer, your instincts to protect yourself came out. Suddenly, your ears and your fur bristles are fully erect, and your lips curl back, your incisors displayed; despite still being in a cell, you let out a snarl, telling the person that if they came any closer, you would attack them without hesitation. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” the voice softly spoke, slowly walking towards you. The voice was comforting, and it sounded as if the person was barely a young adult. As the person came closer, you began to take note of their red and blue suit; there was a spider at the center of their chest, and they reminded you of a hero in a children’s book, but you were still terror-stricken. While this person was different than the other men, they all had one thing in common: they all wore masks. Not being able to see the person’s face made you uneasy, and you continued to bark and snarl.
Peter understood your fear and aggression, and he respectfully stopped moving; however, he was saddened at the scene in front of him. The wolf clearly showed signs of wanting to trust him, but due to the horrible conditions it endured, any person was a threat to them. “I’m not going to hurt you,” Peter reassured; while it may have been idiotic for Peter to speak to an animal, he felt as if you understood every single word that came out of his mouth. You stopped growling, but your hairs stood erect on your back, suspicious of the man’s actions. 
“We have a problem, guys. Meet me here soon,” Peter announced on his comms, alerting the rest of the Avengers; your ears perked up as you realized that he wasn’t alone, and you stepped back, afraid of what was about to come. The building was now completely silent, signifying that the Avengers successfully completed their mission. Peter eyed you carefully, watching as you paced back and forth in the cell, growing anxious by the minute. Within seconds, all of the Avengers were in the room. 
“Wow, that really is a big problem,” Tony remarked, letting out a sigh and trying to determine what to do with the humongous animal. 
“We can’t just leave it here,” Peter stated, knowing he would feel guilty if they left without you. You carefully observed the boy turn his head to look at the man in a red-and-gold armor and there was a moment of silence. It looked as if the man in the armor exactly knew what the younger boy was thinking, and he immediately shook his head. “No. There’s no way in hell we’re taking this thing back to the compound.”  
“What?! Why not?” the boy argued. 
“Because, no. It’s not like a regular dog, Peter. It’s a wolf!” 
“Tony,” another man interjected, getting the attention of the whole group; the man was carrying a shield, and judging by the way everyone remained quiet, you knew he was the alpha. “Maybe we should listen to the kid, he’s got a point. We can’t just leave it here nor allow it to run free; it’d be better if we take it with us. We can figure things out later.” You narrowed your eyes at the men as you continued to listen to their bickering, and you did not like where the conversation was going. 
“I think it’s a great idea,” a man proudly stated. “It’s about time we finally got a pet.” You turned your head to look at the man, and you let out an intimidating growl, indicating to him that you deeply despised his comment. 
“Sam, stop making it mad,” a woman with red hair scolded. She rolled her eyes at Sam’s behavior and smacked him on the shoulder; you mentally thanked her, glad that at least one of them understood your reaction. You averted your attention back to the alpha, your ears pulled back and your tail pointed straight outwards, curious about what he was going to say.
“Then it’s settled. The wolf is coming with us.”
“Alright,” Tony mumbled, throwing his hands up in defeat and walking towards the exit, “but if it tries to kill you, don’t say I didn’t warn you!” Despite Peter’s excitement of convincing the team to take you in, you did not share the same enthusiasm. Instead, you were enraged. You hoped that since your enemies were either dead or gone, you would finally have the chance to run away, but of course, that wasn’t going to happen anymore. You let out a huff of frustration, irritated by their plan, however, you knew it would be best if you didn’t fight back.
Peter turned his attention back to the cell, his mask eyes staring at you; he slowly walked towards you but kept enough distance, respecting your desire to have boundaries. 
“Don’t worry,” he vowed, placing his hand on his chest. “you’re safe, you can rest now.” 
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Once again, you laid on the concrete floor, but this time, everything was different. You weren’t kept in a cell that was small, unsanitary, or cold; instead, you were given a proper size, allowing you to roam around the spacious room. Although you were still confined to a location, you didn’t mind the bulletproof glass wall since it granted you to see beyond the confinement; there was a comforting heat engulfing you, and you weren’t surrounded by filth. You were alone for the time being, but you weren’t bothered by it; rather, you were oddly relaxed. Perhaps, it was due to the fact that there was an enormous window which gave you the privilege to see the beautiful skyline. Although you were still unsure of where you were, you were mesmerized by the sight; it would never compare to your home, but the buildings, cars, and powerful lights caught your attention. You limped towards the window and sat down, settling in the moonlight and continuing to stare at the small figures that moved. 
You heard footsteps approaching, but you didn’t bother to turn around; you hoped that whoever was standing there would leave soon, but as you felt their presence linger, you slowly turned your head around. Standing right in front of the glass wall was a boy who looked around his early twenties; he had dark brown hair, fair skin, and enticing brown eyes that caught your attention. There was something about him that felt familiar, but you couldn’t place it. The boy smiled at you as he held a tray of food, but you merely narrowed your eyes and decided to ignore him. 
“C’mon, I know you’re hungry,” the boy pointed out. You instantly recognized the voice from before; it was Peter, the one who was wearing the red-and-blue suit. 
He bit his lip in anticipation as you didn’t move a muscle, but he was determined to get you to eat. You let out a big huff, irritated that he did not leave. Suddenly, the sound of a door opening made you alert, and you instantly stood up, turning around to face Peter. Your ears and fur were standing up, and you crouched backward, baring your teeth. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to try anything,” Peter assured, placing the tray on the floor and sliding it across the room. You immediately stopped your actions and directed your focus on the food instead of him; you carefully examined the food, not knowing whether to eat it or leave it there, but you were unable to resist the delicious smell of the meat. Peter watched in awe as you quickly ate the food in seconds and licked the tray clean. The violent and capricious behavior you were once showing was completely gone and was now replaced with a relaxed demeanor; you sat like a sphinx and your tail was placed down, signaling to Peter that you were starting to trust him. As Peter began to examine your calm posture, his eyes gazed over the large gash that was on your left thigh; there was dry blood and dirt around the wound, and it looked as if there was puss leaking out. Peter needed to treat the injury as quickly as he could, but he feared that you wouldn’t allow him to. 
You nudged the tray back to Peter and licked the food that lingered around your mouth; Peter let out a slight laugh, understanding that you wanted more food. 
“I’ll be right back,” Peter affirmed, stepping out of the room to retrieve more food. You waited for Peter to return, and once he did, you couldn’t help but feel happy, content that you were interacting with someone other than the vicious men. Once again, you began to hastily swallow the food, but you were so ravenous that you failed to notice how Peter tried to discreetly look at your wound. As soon as you felt Peter place his hand on your thigh, you immediately stopped eating and snapped your mouth at him. Luckily, due to Peter’s abilities, he was able to save his fingers from being chewed off, but he stepped back. You let out a menacing growl, angry that he violated your space, and Peter felt like he was back to square one. 
“You have an injury,” Peter defended himself, “I need to treat it before it gets worse.” You growled again, not caring about the severity of your wound. What Peter doesn’t know was that it’ll heal shortly; however, judging by the burning pain you felt every time you moved your left leg, it seemed as if that wouldn’t be the case. On the other hand, you were stubborn, so you decided to ignore Peter’s words. You limped to the corner, attempting to get as far away from the boy, and you plopped onto the ground. Peter stood still, not knowing what to do; while there was a chance you were going to attack him, he didn’t want to leave you with an unattended injury. Peter walked towards you once again, causing you to become angrier by the second, but you also gave him credit; he was determined to treat your injury. You watched as the boy kneeled down, inches away from you, but you didn’t growl nor bear your teeth; instead, you intently observed his every move, watching as he took out the necessary medical tools. Your heavy and strong breathing intimidated Peter, but he also knew that you weren’t going to harm him. 
You flinched as Peter poured rubbing alcohol onto the wound, to which he quickly apologized, but then you soon found yourself letting out a sigh of relief. You continued to watch Peter as he pierced your skin with a needle, but it was over in a blink of an eye, and now he was wrapping the wound with a clean cloth. “All better,” Peter proudly declared, returning the equipment back in the kit. You gazed at him, shocked that someone was willing to help you even though you’ve been aggressive to them. 
Before Peter could react, you slowly moved towards him until your head was resting on his lap. Peter sucked in his breath as his muscles contorted, but then they smoothly eased up as he watched your chest rise and fall in a steady and tranquil motion. This was your way of thanking him, and although you did not truly know him, you felt completely safe with Peter; he had gained your trust. Peter felt a smile stretch across his face, and he gingerly placed his hand behind your ear and slowly petted you, to which you happily accepted. As Peter continued to caress your head, your eyes began to feel heavier every passing minute; slowly but then all at once, you fell asleep in his lap, but Peter didn’t mind at all. Instead, he pulled himself closer and leaned his body up against yours. 
After a few hours passed, Tony and Steve decided to stop by and see how you were doing, but when they entered the room, they were shocked at the sight in front of them. Peter blissfully slept in the confinement with the beast, but that wasn’t what frightened them. Rather, what terrified them the most was that the beast was gone and was replaced with a naked woman who peacefully rested in Peter’s arms. Tony quickly connected the dots but was still unable to believe it was actually real.
“Holy shit,” Tony remarked to Steve, “she’s a shifter.” 
Taglist: @juliebean247​
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