#Gemma x reader
fandomnerd9602 · 2 years
wired (part three)
Gemma x Programer!Reader
For @deafeningsharkslimeempath
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It is supposed that eventually the cracks begin to show in anything. Including robotic friends. It all started on the day Gemma decided to try out this new type of school experience for Cady.
You were at the hotel, updating the new features on F1D0 when your cell phone got a distressing call from Gemma.
"Gem? What's wrong?" You try to calm her.
"Accident...at the school..." was the only words that you hear
"Come on F1D0 let's go!" You rush down the stairs and into the car, speeding towards the location.
When you arrive you see Cady craddling her injured hand and a tween sized body bag and stretcher being loaded into an ambulance.
"What happened?" you rush up to Cady, inspecting her hand
"A boy in the classroom tripped and fell into the road. He was hit by an SUV" M3GAN informs you.
"How do you know?"
"I overheard the driver's testimony and the officers" the robot responds, "I recommend some anti-bacterial spray for Cady's hand"
"Thanks" you rush into your car and pull out the first aid kit, tending to your injured niece's hand.
Gemma approaches, checking on Cady and then on M3GAN.
"Megan, what happened to your shoe?" Gemma asks, it was only then that you noticed she wasn't wearing one of her shoes.
"The deceased boy pulled it off me earlier"
"Well seems like he had a psychotic mindset" you mutter. F1D0 perks up and rushes off into the forest. "Fido? Fido!" you take off after your robotic companion.
You run deep into forest and up to your now paused dog, "what's the matter, boy?"
"Foreign object detected" he responds, his nose pointed to something fleshy in the dirt: a severed ear.
"Oh my-" you try to keep back the vomit building in your stomach. You look over and see M3GAN's missing shoe.
"Did this kid really take this shoe all the way out here?" you look around at the area, "F1D0 scene construct"
Your robot dog walks around the area, scanning every inch of it. He locks onto nearby footprints and handprints.
"Boy took off in the direction towards the road" F1D0 calculates, "speed indicates chase. Nearby hand and footprints suggest canine like run. Too small to be human, no fingerprints"
An idea forms in your mind. And a new sinking feeling hits your gut. Could it be possible? Could an android like Megan be capable of this?!
You and F1D0 walk slowly back to the car.
"(Y/N) are you alright" Gemma cups your face concerned. Your gaze turns to Megan, who tilts her head at you.
"What's wrong (Y/N)? Have I done something wrong?" the robot asks you. Her tone, it almost sounds...mocking.
As you help Gemma put Cady to bed that night, you keep an eye on Megan as she takes her spot next to Cady. Suddenly this friendly little robot doesn't seem so friendly anymore.
"Look I know that you're busy and all" Gemma talks to you in the hallway, "but Megan can watch Cady for a couple hours. Maybe you and I can go off and have a drink"
"A drink?" you snap to reality and smirk, "trying to get that second date?"
"As colleagues, (L/N)" Gemma rolls her eyes as she grabs her car keys.
One drink became two. It seemed like time just blurred away. You and Gemma speak for an hour or so, shooting the breeze and laughing at old stories.
"I regret not calling you" she admits, her hand reaching across the table for yours "you were the last good date I ever had"
"If things had worked out, we would've been each other's dates to our own sibling's wedding" you let out a little laugh.
"What happened?"
"Same song different verse" you take a sip of your drink, "you're brilliant Gem but you let your work get in the way"
"grades are grades" she tries to defend herself
"Gem, please" you say, "M3GAN is great but she's not what Cady really needs."
Gemma looks to you confused
"You don't have to replace Cady's mom" you explain, "Cady just needs you present. No throwing her aside for work. No projects that are greater than her."
"I wasn't trying to replace anyone." she gets all defensive "and Megan is-"
"Hardware" you interrupt, "Cady needs you and me. We're...we're her family"
"I suppose shutting down Megan for a few hours wouldn't be the end of the world" Gemma shrugs. "but I can't do this alone"
"well that's why you're stuck with me" you smirk. Gemma can't help but smile back.
And then came the murder of the next door neighbor. One murder was coincidence. But two. Something was up.
The police question you about the scene as you send F1D0 to investigate. No sign of forced entry, the robot dog sends a text to your phone. Angle of spray indicates toddler height.
That sealed it in your mind.
And then Gemma successfully deactivated M3GAN and bubblewrapped her up. Cady went into a full on tantrum, like an addict removed from their drug of choice.
Cady screams, "I hate it here! And I hate you!!!" She bolts off down the street.
"Cady!!" Gemma shouts but you take off after your niece. F1D0 remains close behind you.
Cady collapses a block or so away, on her knees sobbing her eyes out.
"Kiddo you're freaking me out here" you try to joke with her. Cady turns around and tries to swing a tired fist at you, one that you instantly catch.
"Why did I have to live with Aunt Gemma?!" the younger girl cries, "why can't I live with you? Don't you want me? Do you even love me?!"
She collapses against your chest, sobbing. You wrap your arms tightly around her
"Of course I love you," you get on your knees and look her dead in the eye, "I've loved you since the moment I held you in my arms. You're my niece and I would move heaven and earth to find you if i had to"
"Then why did you leave me with Gemma?"
You sigh, "you think I didn't want you to live with me?" you gesture to F1D0, "Fido is not a toy, Cady. I-I work for the government! Fido is an experimental weapons system!"
The dog looks to you, a little saddened by your words.
"If he were to malfunction and hurt you I-I..." you don't know what to say, "Gemma and I decided that you were safer with her than me."
Cady sniffs away a couple of fresh tears as you wipe away a few of them too.
"I loved you so much I had to let you go" you try to keep your own tears at bay, "but don't ever think for a moment that I don't love you more than all the stars in the sky, kid."
Gemma runs up towards you. She wraps her arms around you and Cady. And for once, Cady doesn't flinch.
"I miss them so much" Cady cries.
"I miss them too" Gemma admits, "I'm so sorry about all this"
"I love you Gemma" Cady hugs her aunt tight.
Gemma and Cady still had to take Megan back to the lab to run a potential diagnostic. You and F1D0 go back to the hotel to pick up a few things before that night's big presentation at Funki.
With an evening tux in hand, you jump into your car and turn the key. The engine sputters and shorts out.
"Sorry (Y/N)" a familiar female voice comes over your sound system.
"Looks like you won't be able to make it to tonight's event" she mocks through the bluetooth speakers. "a shame really. I hear it's going to be UNFORGETTABLE."
To Be Continued...
Tags @deafeningsharkslimeempath @silentstalker413 @ma1egamer
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Prank and delivery
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Summary: You're pregnant and have to spend the last weeks at home but boredom drives you nuts. You decide to prank Jax instead of rest.
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A/N: it was supposed to be a short drabble. It's my third drabble for the SOA universe and first long drabble wrote with +1000 words not proofread.
I send a imagine to @soaharleys but then (again) I wrote down my thoughts. Hope you don't mind.
Warning: pregnant!reader, stubborn!reader, worried!Jax, water breaks.
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It’s been weeks or months you’re stuck in bed not allowed to move and it’s driving you crazy. The only things you can do are walking for some minutes, taking a shower only with assistance but as time flies your health gets better slowly and you’re pretty sure you will end up completely unable to get up from the bed. So it’s better to enjoy the moment.
- “I’m bored. Come, pick me up. I have to go to the club.” you require on the phone.
- “You are not allowed to get out the bed.” Reminds you Juice.
- "You're wrong! I’m allowed to walk, I’m allowed to go out. So pick me up now or I’ll drive there.”
- “If you do this and Jax found out I didn’t help you, he will cut me in pieces.” He replies before hanging out.
Ten minutes later, Juice arrives and drives you to the club with a pout expression all time long.
-“Stop sulking! He doesn’t have to make a scene. I will tell him I threatened you or more exactly you’re here for nothing to happen to me, so if he puts a finger on you I’ll cut it.” You try to reassure him.
At the club, everyone is in shock to see you there and wonders about your health, the baby, etc. Gemma cuts them off and clears the path for you to go in. You sit on the couch, Juice gives you a glass of water that you drink in one shot.
After spending many times at home, watching TV shows, movies, documentaries, etc you need action. Staying at home and laying on the bed is a torture and painful. You end up with an idea and share it with everyone and beg for help or more exactly you’re threatening them to stay there, to turn their life like hell and make sure Jax releases his frustration and his wrath on them.
It’s funny when people are nicer and scared to upset a pregnant woman and it’s delightful to play with that.
A bike’s revving outside and stops next to the door. A handsome tall blonde man stops in the doorframe when he sees you and takes off the helmet slowly, thinking you are a hallucination but you’re really there with a huge smile on your face.
- “Love! What are you doing here? Is there something wrong with the baby?” he asks you worried and while he's removing the glove with his teeth to touch your enormous belly with his bare hand.
- “I’m fine but I needed to socialise.”
- “I would've called your friends and invited them to see you.”
- “I want to see people somewhere else with me stuck in the bed, looking like a dead whale on the beach.”
- “You are a sexy whale.” He corrects you with a smile.
- “You are not supposed to say she’s a whale unless you want to die.” Says quietly Gemma who takes her son’s stuff.
Then you explain to him why you are there. At home, most of the time Teller sees you watching interior design shows, so your sudden desire is not surprising but the club is not the place to redecorate. Using the baby card is your last chance, that doesn’t really work this time but you don’t care because the others are with you.
Days after days you go to the club to talk about your plan and even call some engineers, once physically there, with Gemma all of you discuss in privacy in the meeting room.
Friday, Jax is completely freaking out when he sees workers with the materials fully ready to destroy everything but you stop them before the first sledgehammer smatches the wall. Confused your lover looks at you to try to understand and you sign him up people behind him who try not to laugh.
- “You gotta be kidding! That’s a prank!" He finally understands and says with relief.
- “Not entirely a prank. I still want a room for kids here. I know it’ll be cool. So I talk with everybody and before you ask, yes, they were real engineers and they are real workers but I paid them to act and they did it great. Next time they will destroy the wall for sure."
Everyone laughs and makes fun of Jax who clearly went through different stages of mind but when your water breaks, that one wasn’t expected.
He starts to panic, the baby is coming too early and you suppose to be at home in bed to rest, he screams at people around both of you but you grab his shirt that ripped and yell at him because the contractions to stop screaming on them, to breathe and you remind him there is a bag in his bedroom that his mother prepared and puts there months ago, just in case.
At the hospital things are completely different, it’s another kind of level. You are growling like an animal and whining because of the pain and when Jax tries to act nicely it annoys you at all points.
The nurses are perfect, total angels even when you curse at them or cry because of your behaviour. But the atmosphere changes once you deliver the baby and the nurse has to take her without presenting you and with a concerned face disappears without saying anything. You completely freak out and try to stand up but Jax stops you with the help of the others personal healthcare.
Once in your room, someone knocks at the door and a sweaty and whispering voice wakes you up. A nurse pushes something with a baby in it.
- “The baby is a little tired of all the effort. We had to make sure she’ll be fine, we put her in, so don’t need to worry.”
- “She!” Jax, Gemma and you say at once.
- “What is the name of the warrior?”
- “Brooklyn,” starts Jax.
- “Cordelia,” you continue.
- “Brooklyn Cordelia Teller Morrow.” answers Gemma.
You sob and put your hands on your mouth to choke the noise, Gemma rubs your shoulder and kisses your head while Jax talks with the nurse who tilts her head. Then she opens the glass bed, carries Brook and puts her on your chest. The feeling between happiness and sadness is a mess but you don't move. She looks like a shrimp but she’s so beautiful that makes your heart melts in your chest.
Jax cries too but his tears are pure joy, someone else knocks at the door and Clay walks in with Abel in his arms Jax gets him back and presents the baby to the big brother.
- “Say hi to your little sister, Brooklyn.”
- “Hello.” He says that makes you laugh, and he even kisses her on her head.
A flash blinds you but you understand what's going on, you wipe your eyes to clear your sight and furrow your eyebrows upset.
- “You’re beautiful.” Says Gemma.
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Thanks for reading it. Hope you like it. My Masterlists
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Family Bbq.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here.
authors note - hi everyone! after taking a couple of weeks off im so happy to be back and creating content for you all it truly is my happy place. thank you to everyone who reached out it truly meant a lot. so as a thank you present have this. fyi, even though we don’t know gemmas daughters name, for the purposes of this fic she is named willow. ☺️
word count - 2.2k
in which, with a rare day of sunshine in london, harry and the missus decide to throw a little bbq where all of the close family are invited, drinks are spilled, games a played and memories are created that last a life time.
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The rare sight of sunshine streams through your London window, bringing a smile to your lips.
Harry, always the planner, had seen the forecast and organised a family BBQ. He invited his family to stay for a few days, eager to make the most of the bright weather.
In the kitchen, you’re busy getting everything ready.
The countertops are filled with fresh ingredients, and the delicious aroma of marinating meat fills the air.
Since you told your two-year-old son, Jaxon, that his Nana would be coming, he’s been running around the house chanting “Nana’s coming!” with infectious excitement.
The sound of his little feet pattering around and his joyous cries fill your home, adding to the warmth of the sunny days ahead.
As you chop vegetables and prepare the grill, you can’t help but feel the anticipation building, knowing these days will be special with family together and the rare London sunshine.
Harry’s currently in the shower, whilst Jaxon plays in his ball out in front of you whilst coco-melon plays on the tv, his eyes hooked onto the dancing fruits.
You’re chopping vegetables when, about ten minutes later, you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
The familiar tattoos lining the left arm and the scent of his aftershave make you smile. His damp hair from his shower brushes against the back of your neck as he leans his head into the crook of your shoulder.
“Need any help?” Harry murmurs, his voice warm and comforting.
“Everything’s almost ready,,” you reply with a grin, leaning back into his embrace.
He chuckles softly, his breath tickling your ear. “It smells delicious.”
As you continue preparing, Harry’s arms remain around you, a comforting presence. The anticipation of a family gathering and the promise of sunshine create a perfect blend of happiness, making these days feel all the more special.
Suddenly, the doorbell rings. Jaxon’s head pops up from the ball pit he’s been playing in, his eyes wide with excitement. Both you and Harry can’t help but laugh at the adorable sight.
“Nana?” Jaxon asks, his voice filled with hope.
Harry releases you and walks toward the door. He peeks out the windows next to it and smiles. “It is Nana, and more,” he announces, turning the knob and swinging the door open.
On the other side stands his mother, Anne, along with his sister Gemma, her boyfriend Michal, and their five-month-old daughter, Willow. The whole group beams as Harry steps forward to greet them. He hugs each one tightly, pressing a tender kiss to Willow’s head, making her giggle softly.
“Hey, come on in.”Harry exclaims, joy evident in his voice.
Jaxon, unable to contain his excitement, bolts from the ball pit and runs straight into Anne’s arms. She scoops him up, holding him close, their bond palpable and heartwarming.
“Hewwo, Nana!” Jaxon squeals, his face lighting up.
“Hello, my little love!” Anne says, her voice full of affection.
“Nana, you came!” Jaxon continues, clinging to her.
“Of course I did, darling. I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Anne replies, kissing his forehead.
Gemma steps forward, hugging you warmly. “The weather’s perfect for this, isn’t it?” she says with a smile.
“Absolutely,” you agree, glancing outside at the bright, sunny day. “H has been planning this for days.”
Michal, carrying Willow, joins the conversation. “Smells amazing in here. What’s cooking?”
“Just getting everything ready for the BBQ,” you say, pointing to the countertops filled with food. “Make yourselves at home. We’ve got plenty of time to catch up.”
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A little while later, the garden is filled with the mouthwatering aroma of food cooking on the BBQ.
Harry and Michal take turns at the grill, and currently, it’s Michal’s turn to cook the burgers. He flips them with ease, the sizzle a satisfying sound in the warm afternoon air.
Nearby, Harry is playing bean bag toss with Jaxon. Anne sits on the grass next to them with Willow on her lap, gently bouncing her and cooing softly.
“Come on, Jax, y’can do it!” Harry encourages, handing Jaxon a bean bag.
“I Fwrow it, Dada!” Jaxon giggles, his small hands gripping the bean bag tightly before tossing it with all his might. The bean bag lands just shy of the target, and Jaxon laughs in delight.
“Almost there, buddy! One more try,” Harry says, clapping his hands.
Anne watches them with a smile.
“You’re getting so good at this, Jax,” she praises, her eyes twinkling with pride.
“Tank you, Nana!” Jaxon replies, beaming up at her.
Willow gurgles happily on Anne’s lap, her tiny hands reaching out to grab at the grass. Anne chuckles, adjusting Willow’s sunhat. “You’re having fun too, aren’t you, little one?”
Michal calls out from the grill, “Burgers are almost ready! Who’s hungry?”
“I am!” Jaxon shouts excitedly, dropping his bean bag and running toward the BBQ.
“Hold on, buddy. S’wait until they’re off the grill,” Harry says, following him and lifting him up so he can see the burgers cooking. “See how they’re sizzling? That means they’re almost done.”
“Mmm, smells so good, Dada,” Jaxon says, wrinkling his nose in delight.
You and Gemma were sat around the pool in the garden, sitting on some sun loungers.
“So, how’s everything going with you?” you ask, adjusting your sunhat.
Gemma sighs contentedly. “It’s been a busy few months. Between work and looking after Willow, things are non-stop. But it’s all good.”
“I can imagine,” you say, nodding sympathetically. “How’s Michal handling everything?”
“He’s been fantastic,” Gemma replies, smiling. “He’s really stepped up with Willow. It’s been a bit of a juggling act, but we’re managing.”
“That’s great to hear,” you say. “It must be nice to have some help. How’s Willow adjusting?”
“She’s doing well,” Gemma says. “She’s growing so fast and is quite the little explorer already. Every day is something new with her.”
“I bet,” you say, smiling. “I remember when Jax was her age, it goes by so fast honestly, and he loves having her around. He’s always so excited to see her.”
“It’s sweet seeing them together,” Gemma agrees. “They’re already forming quite the bond.”
“Definitely,” you say. “It’s wonderful to have family moments like this. I’ve missed having everyone together.”
“Me too,” Gemma says, looking around at the garden. “It’s nice to just relax and catch up. We should make sure to do this more often.”
“Absolutely,” you reply. “These days are precious. We need to hold onto them.”
“Food’s ready, everyone!”
You and Gemma stand up from your sun loungers and make your way over to the long table set up in the garden. The table is adorned with colorful plates, fresh salads, and a variety of grilled meats.
You sit down next to Harry, who’s busy serving up the food. He places a juicy burger and a piece of grilled chicken onto your plate, making sure you have everything you need. As he leans in close, his voice drops to a seductive whisper.
“And y’can have the sausage later,” he murmurs in your ear, a playful grin on his face.
You choke on your own breath, caught off guard by his cheeky comment.
“Harry!” you gasp, trying to regain your composure as a flush spreads across your cheeks.
He chuckles softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
“Just teasing, love,” he says, giving your hand a quick squeeze before moving on to serve the others.
Gemma glances over with a knowing smile, shaking her head in amusement.
“You two are something else,” she says, settling into her seat.
“What would you like, prince?” you ask, smiling and making eye contact with your little one.
“Chickie and ketchup, pwease,” Jaxon replies, his eyes bright with excitement.
You nod and carefully place a piece of grilled chicken on his plate.
“Okay, sweetie, I’ll get that for you.” You then grab the ketchup bottle and add a generous dollop to his plate.
With a smile, you start cutting up the chicken into smaller pieces. “Is this good, Jax?”
He watches intently, nodding eagerly. “Yup, tank you, Mama!”
“There you go,” you say, handing him the plate. “Enjoy your food.”
Jaxon immediately dips a piece of chicken into the ketchup and takes a bite, his face lighting up with delight. “Mmm, yummy!”
You chuckle, watching him happily. “I’m glad you like it, sweetheart. If you need anything else, just let me know.”
Anne lifts her glass of wine into the air with a warm, radiant smile.
“I’d like to make a toast,” she says, her voice carrying over the chatter.
Harry and Michal each hold up a bottle of Budweiser, while you and Gemma raise your glasses of wine. Even Jaxon, sitting at his spot, holds his sippy cup of fruit juice up high.
“To family,” Anne begins, her eyes sparkling. “To sunny days like today, and to making wonderful memories together. May we always find reasons to celebrate and enjoy each other’s company.”
With that, everyone clinks their drinks together.
“Cheers!” you all echo, raising your glasses and cups in unison.
“Cheers!” Jaxon shouts, grinning from ear to ear as he clinks his sippy cup against the edge of the table.
Everyone laughs.
“So, have you been watching the new season of Below Deck lately?” Gemma muses, stabbing her fork into a bit of chicken.
Harry groans softly and mutters under his breath, “Here we go,” knowing full well how much you love the show.
You laugh, catching Harry’s comment. “Yes, I’ve been keeping up with it. The new crew is something else this season. I can’t believe some of the drama that's happening .”
Gemma nods eagerly. “I know, right? The tension between the crew is intense. And the new chief steward is so different from the last one.”
“I’ve been hooked,” you admit.
Harry, shaking his head with a playful smile, adds, “I guess it’s good to know that Below Deck keeps you entertained.”
You turn to him with a mischievous grin. “Hey, H, since you know I love the show so much, how about you take us all on a super yacht sometime? It could be our very own Below Deck experience!”
Harry laughs and shakes his head. “Sure, I’ll just add that to the list of things to do. Maybe one day we’ll make it happen.”
Your husband pulled his phone out of his pocket and made himself a reminder to inquire about it later.
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It’s around three o’clock in the afternoon, and the sun is casting a warm, golden glow over the garden.
The table is still surrounded by the remnants of lunch, and the conversation has settled into a comfortable hum of relaxation.
You’re sitting with Anne, enjoying a peaceful moment as you sip your wine and chat about the latest family news.
Jaxon, having played around the garden with his father and uncle and enjoyed a hearty meal, wanders over to you with a soft, contented expression on his face.
He tugs gently at your sleeve and looks up with wide, trusting eyes.
“Mama,” he says softly, “milk pwease?”
You smile warmly at him, feeling your heart swell.
“Of course, sweetheart,” you reply. You lift him onto your lap, gently adjusting him so he’s comfortable. With a loving touch, you help him settle in, and he begins to breastfeed, his little hands resting on your arm.
Anne, recognizing the need for a bit of privacy, gives you both a tender smile and gracefully steps back, taking a seat at the far end of the table.
“I’ll give you two some space,” she says softly. “Enjoy this quiet moment.”
As Jaxon feeds, you stroke his hair and whisper soothing words to him. “You’re such a good boy, Jax. Mama loves you so much.”
He responds with a soft murmur, his eyes fluttering closed as he begins to relax.
“Luv you, Mama,” he murmurs, his voice growing quieter.
You continue to talk to him gently, your words flowing like a comforting lullaby.
“I’m so glad we’re spending this day together. Look at how happy everyone is. It’s perfect, isn’t it?”
Jaxon nods slowly, his tiny frame snuggling closer to you.
“Yup,” he whispers, his breathing steady and calm.
Harry, having finished chatting with Michal and Gemma, notices the peaceful scene and walks over. He carefully lowers himself into the seat next to you, glancing at the two of you with a soft, affectionate smile.
“How’s my little guy doing?” he asks quietly, trying not to disturb the moment.
You look up at him with a warm smile. “He’s doing great. Just enjoying a quiet moment with Mama.”
Harry reaches over and gently strokes Jaxon’s head, his touch tender and loving. “He looks so peaceful. S’moments like these that make everything worth it.”
You nod in agreement, your heart full. “Absolutely. It’s these simple, quiet moments that mean the most.”
Jaxon stirs slightly but doesn’t fully wake, his contented sighs the only indication of his presence. You continue to hold him close, enjoying the closeness and the gentle rhythm of his breathing.
Harry leans back in his chair, watching with a fond expression. “M’glad we could all be together today. S’been perfect.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” you say softly, looking at him with love. “It’s days like this that remind me of how lucky we are.”
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brunettemarionette · 2 months
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Gemma sighs as she talks over the phone. "…no, she doesn't have any open appointments for the next few months. I have Tig, Juice, or Opie free?… okay well, I'll book you in with her if anything opens up. Bye." She sighs putting the phone down walking outside.
The guys were all standing watching you bent over the hood of a car, looking into the window, with your overalls on, arms tied around your waist, and a cropped vest. "Does anyone work around here?"
They all scurried away in case you turned and notice them staring.
The matriarch of the club sighs before giving you a once over and staring at your ass until she notices Clay staring at her with a smirk. "Stop staring at the kid's ass while she's working," he says teasingly.
Gemma just smirked, whispering in her husband's ear as he rubbed a hand over his chest, "I will when you do, baby."
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pfhwrittes · 7 months
"you love him. you've loved him since you were 9 and you love him now 20 years later." TW: references to transphobic bullying, angst, fluff, allusions to offscreen smut, alcohol mention, menstruation mention. pairing: kyle x ftm!reader
1.5k words of childhood friends to strangers to friends to lovers. as always i've barely edited it so typos and errors may remain. edit to add: a massive thank you and shout out to @gemmahale for cheerleading me with this one and reminding me to trust my instincts. i love you a lot.
-- you love him. you’ve loved him since he first shared his curly-wurly during break time at primary school. head over heels puppy love. your mum teasing you with a “my little girl with her first boyfriend!” despite the way it makes your cheeks burn (and something twist inside your chest) when you both stand shyly together at 3.15 hand in hand waiting to go home. 
you love kyle when he’s the joseph to your mary in the nativity. you love the way the teatowel your mum leant his mum slips into his eyes and causes him to laugh and forget his next line about needing to find an inn. you love him when he wraps you up in a big hug when missus king takes a photo of you both as your mum cheers the loudest from the back of the little crowd in the assembly hall. 
you love kyle even when you both grow up and go to secondary school at 11, split up into different form groups and different timetables. you love him even more when he folds you into his little band of miscreants, “one of the boys” he says with a cheeky grin that warms you all the way through.
you love kyle when he chooses you first for the biology practical lesson, flicking little slithers of onion at you to make you laugh, despite the way anna-marie looks you up and down and whispers something cruel about how “he just pities the he-she” loud enough for you to hear. 
you love kyle when he skives off school with you the day your period takes you unaware. he sneaks in through the kitchen door 15 minutes after your mum leaves for work, a battered curly-wurly and bottle of oasis clutched in one hand and his rucksack in the other. you love him when he settles onto the sofa, dragging your duvet over the two of you, flicking the telly on so you can both watch bargain hunt together. 
you love kyle the day he cuddles you into his chest, completely uncaring about the way your snot and tears mark his t-shirt as you sob, both of you curled up on your bed. you love him so completely when he listens to you stutter out that you think you’re not really a girl. you still love him when he pulls away for the first time, a tiny frown on his face. you still love him when he doesn’t reply to your text asking him if he got home alright later that night. 
you still love kyle when he starts ignoring you in school, no longer coming to find you during lunchtime. you still love him when he doesn’t laugh along with harry when you trip during design tech but he doesn’t stop james hissing “freak show” as you rub at your hip from where you banged into their table. 
you still love kyle even when your mum sits you down at the kitchen and asks you how you feel about moving schools at 16. you still love kyle when you ask her “but what about kyle?” and her voice catches when she offers you a gentle “oh love” with wet eyes. 
you still love kyle when he stumbles into you at mattie’s house party when you’re both 18, a shocked look on his face when he takes in your close cropped hair and wispy facial hair on your cheeks, despite the fact you haven’t spoken in years. you still love kyle even when he calls you the wrong name and your mumble gets swallowed up by cheers from the kitchen as someone spots kyle in the hallway. you still love kyle when you spot him crowd mattie’s older sister georgia up against the bannister and kiss her breathless before leading her up the stairs with his hand on her waist. you still love kyle when you end up sobbing into alex’s neck, their hand rubbing your back gently as the dew from the front lawn soaks the knees of your jeans. you still love kyle even as alex murmurs that “you should just forget him babe” into your hair as you sob anew.
you’ve forgotten how much you loved kyle the next time you run into him, many years later when you pop into the pub under oath from mattie to meet her for a quick pint to catch up. you recognise the shape of kyle’s smile even if he is partially turned away to grin at a man with broad shoulders and a slightly flattened mohawk standing next to him at the bar. you’ve forgotten how much you loved kyle when he catches you looking and his smile slips momentarily as he offers you a tiny nod of acknowledgement before turning back to his friend. you’ve forgotten how much you loved kyle even when your eyes keep drifting over to him and the other three men in the corner booth as mattie fills you in on everything you missed during your years travelling around australia. 
you’ve forgotten how much you loved kyle when you bump into him again in the same pub the following week. literally bumping into him as you turn away from the bar with a pint in your hand. kyle steadies you with a hand on your forearm and you feel your heart soar before plummeting into the sticky carpet at your feet. you pull your arm away from him and your drink sloshes over the rim of your glass as you offer him a tight smile before stepping to the side. you’ve forgotten how much you loved kyle, but you can’t help but feel the warmth of his hand long after you’ve rejoined mattie and alex at your table. 
you’ve forgotten how much you loved kyle but a thrill goes up your spine when he asks you if he could “have a word with you, mate” as he joins you in the beer garden the week after that. you’ve forgotten how much you loved kyle but your heart aches as he stumbles his way through an apology. you’ve forgotten how much you missed your friend kyle when he makes you stutter out a surprised laugh when he talks about his friend soap knocking some sense into him. 
you’ve forgotten how much you missed your friend kyle when he texts you asking if you want to join him and his sisters for a chinese. you’ve forgotten how much you’ve missed your friend kyle when he hands you his vegetable spring rolls without asking. you’ve forgotten how much you’ve missed your friend kyle when after dinner he leads you up to his childhood bedroom and he kicks his dirty socks under his bed like you’ve seen him do many times before. you’ve forgotten how much you’ve missed your friend kyle when your ribs ache from laughing and he’s wearing that beautiful grin. 
you’ve forgotten how much you’ve missed your friend kyle when he slips into the open seat next to you at the pub, his arm slung over the back of your chair, much to the matching shocked expressions of mattie and alex. you’ve forgotten how much you’ve missed your friend kyle when he takes alex’s frosty demeanour on the chin. you fall in love with your friend kyle again when he responds to mattie’s pointed rhetorical “you know you broke his heart, yeah?” with a small squeeze to your shoulder and serious “i know, i was a fucking idiot.”.
you fall in love with kyle again when his hands shake on your waist as he leans in to kiss you outside your house under the flickering glow of a streetlight. just like you hoped he would so many years ago when you were both teenagers. you fall in love with kyle again when he pulls away to take in your stupefied expression and he asks if you’re okay, if he can kiss you again. you fall in love with kyle again when he gently turns you around so he can push you up against the front door to trail sucking kisses down your neck as your keys hit the doormat with a tinkling sound. you fall in love with kyle again when you ask him to slow down - wait - please - as he’s reaching for the top button of your jeans. you fall in love with kyle again when he traces gentle fingers over the scars on your chest, adoration in his eyes.
you love kyle when you trip over your boxers and his shirt the following morning as you stumble to the bathroom. you love kyle when you slip back into bed and he sleepily nuzzles into your neck. you love kyle when his phone blares his alarm from the back pocket of his trousers near the door to your bedroom 30 minutes later. 
you love him. you’ve loved him since you were 9 and you love him now 20 years later as he presses a kiss to your hair. you love him. -- taglist: @kaadaaan
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pileofboneswrites · 20 days
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SUMMARY — after receiving an unintelligible call from jax, your rush back to charming to discover your son, abel, has been kidnapped by camerson hayes, and worst yet, he also killed your younger brother that you practically raised.
PAIRING — exhusband!jax teller x fem!halfsack'ssister!reader | juice ortiz x reader
WARNINGS — established relationship(s), kidnapping, murder, death, past child neglect (about reader and her brother), divorce, premature birth, pregnancy complications, agent stahl, swearing, fighting, angst, loss of loved ones, suicidal thoughts, contemplation of suicide, cheating, allusion to smut but no description, no use of y/n (she's actually only outwardsly referenced 2 times and is referred to as miss epps or epps).
AUTHORS NOTES — just to clear somethings up; jax married reader instead of wendy, and instead of drugs being the reason abel was born early it was just due to pregnancy complications.
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your heart was slamming rapidly into your ribcage, panic rolling off your skin in waves. you push the pedal to the floor, the idea of a speeding ticket not even remotely close to crossing your mind. this was your fault, it was. leaving charming, even for a few hours always felt like it had consequences. something bad always seemed to happen the moment you crossed the county line. your tires squeal as you peel into the teller-morrow parking lot, slamming your car in park as you jump out, only barely remembering to take off your seatbelt as you go. clay, piney, and opie are standing by the entrance to the clubhouse, sad expressions creasing their features.
"what happened?!" you ask, your voice loud, panicked and harsh.
the surprise on their faces from your tone has silence ringing in your ears. you'd known them for years, opie, jax and you being quite the troublesome trio through most of your youth. they'd never heard you raise your voice before, let alone the venom behind your words.
"someone answer me!" you shout, your entire body vibrates from the panic working its way down to your stomach.
you're going to puke if someone doesn't tell you what the hell is going on, and soon. you'd received a rather frantic voicemail from jax last night and hadn't been able to reach him since, which is what made you turn your car around and head for the clubhouse. his voice was shakey, and you couldn't hear a damn thing that made sense. but you know jax, and jax doesn't panic. he's dealt with and seen it all through the years, he's not easy to shake. so hearing your husband–well soon-to-be ex-husband–in that state had your mind reeling.
"kiddo, you need to take a deep breath." clay starts, attempting to sling an arm around your shoulders.
you shrug him off, "no! you need to tell me what the hell is going on, and why jax called me in a panic, and where the hell he is!"
it comes out as one rushed sentence, barely comprehensible but opie steps towards you. he rests a large hand on your shoulder, a distraught look on his face.
"we need you to take a breath, seriously, epps. i'll tell exactly what's happening, but you've barely taken a breath since walking over here, and you look like you're going to passout."
you nod, sucking in some extremely needed air. you take a second to just regulate yourself, and in that time, opie steers you over to one of the picnic tables. you sit down, back to the table and once you've calmed a little, you cross your arms and look up at him expectantly.
"alright, now, tell me."
he glances back at clay, and at his dad, before looking back to you. they turn and walk into the clubhouse, giving you two some privacy.
"cameron hayes killed your brother because he thinks gemma killed edmund,"
"w-what?" you ask, bottom lip wobbling, your head is spinning
your baby brother is... dead? eddie is dead? cameron hayes killed your brother? you shake your head, wiping your eyes on the sleeve of your flannel. you'd practically raised eddie. your mom was a drunk, and your dad had left long before you could form any memories of him. so, from ten on, you were big sister, mommy and daddy all rolled into one. you taught him manners, how to use the toilet, how to cook, how to flirt with girls, and so many more things. you'd been there for every step of his life, cheering loud enough to drown out the naysayers.
when he left for the military you were terrified that you'd get that call every parent dreds. sure, you weren't really his mom, you couldn't be with the five year age gap, but in all the areas that mattered, you were. eddie was your first kid in a twisted sense, and knowing that he'd made it all the way home from iraq, only to die at the hands of someone affiliated with the club that he loved so much shattered your heart.
"n-no, that's not possible, i-i just sp-spoke to eddie, we-we just spoke this morning. h-he said he and-and-and-and," you're spiraling, mind and heart racing faster, and faster before your expression drops, and your mind clears. "abel. he was taking tara back to jax's to get some of abel's things. where is my baby? where's abel, harry? where is my baby?"
you're sobbing uncontrollably, your entire body shaking as you slide off the seat of the picnic table, onto the concrete. opie pulls you into his chest, and you sob into his shirt. it's another first for all of them, watching you breakdown, watching you cry.
"we're going to find abel," opie says into your ear, trying to calm you down, it doesn't help, you just cry harder.
it shouldn't have happened in the first place! the club was on lockdown. losing eddie is hard enough, but losing your son in the same span of minutes is devastating. it takes you twenty minutes, but when you finally pull yourself together again you pat opie's arm, and stand up.
"where is jax?" you ask quietly, taking a deep breath.
"he's at home, we're heading over there now, let juice drive you, you shouldn't be driving right now." opie says, and you nod.
normally you'd fight him, which he's well aware of, but knowing your son is god knows where has you in an anxious tailspin. you don't have the energy to fight with anyone right now. opie walks you over to your car, tucking you into the passenger seat and waiting by the door for the other's to come out of the clubhouse.
"what happened exactly?" your voice is barely a whisper, and opie looks worried.
"are you sure you want the run down right now?" he questions, and you immediately nod, your eyes on the hood of your car.
"please, ope," its the most desperate, pathetic sound to ever cross your lips, but you have to know.
he takes a deep breath, "what tara says happened, is that gemma took off while they were out, so she sent your brother to watch over her, and she went to jax's house. stahl freaked, shot edmund hayes, gemma shot polly, and stahl pinned the blame on her. half– eddie took off to find tara, and cameron must have followed him from their safe house. cameron was going to kill abel, but your brother stepped in, and got stabbed in the process. he tied her up in the nursery, and left with abel."
"the same man who killed my brother, has my son?" you ask, and he nods. "and tara just let him take my son?"
"well, i wouldn't say that—"
"everyone's ready," juice says, stepping up to the driver's side window, pulling the door open.
"hang tight," opie says, patting your knee before closing the door, and walking over to his bike.
"hey baby," juice says softly, "i'm sorry."
you nod, but don't say anything. you pull your seatbelt on, and lean back. you and juice had been together for a couple of months, with jax's blessing of course. he'd been great, amazing even. part of you would always love jax in a way that juice would understand, and he was okay with that. knowing you would be crawling into bed with him every night was good enough to ease any worries he might have had. juice had been rock solid in your life, a shoulder you privately cried on when jax had initially asked for the divorce.
you saw it coming from a mile away, while you'd loved each other greatly, it just wasn't the same kind. you knew that in the beginning, the middle and especially at the end. you also knew that if you didn't agree, or you tried to convince him to stay, that you'd lose him for real. he'd grow to resent you, and you'd grown to hate him for resenting you. you couldn't live in a world where jax wasn't at least a part of your life in some capacity. so that meant an amicable split, and seeing him when you dropped off abel. despite what most people think about your relationship, things haven't changed.
jax is still one of your best friends, and when you're not working, you're usually at his house. your relationship label may have changed, but your relationship hadn't. opie had been the most worried when you'd told him you were getting divorced. his two best friends splitting? nightmare. but when you told him there were no hard feelings, well, he actually didn't believe you at first. it took seeing you both in action to actually understand that you were serious. then, you found out you were pregnant.
it didn't change anything, you were still getting divorced, but jax was actually really excited. he'd told you about all his worries about becoming a father, and you reassured him that he'd be great. in turn he did the same for you. he joined you at every appointment, and played a very active role in your pregnancy. he helped you find an apartment close to his house, and spent a lot of time by your side helping you with nursery set up, moving, and everything in between.
gemma was probably the most heartbroken over your split. she loved you just as much as (and sometimes more than) jax. she helped you a lot over the years, especially when she found out about her grandbaby. gemma made the transition from wife, to ex and baby momma so much easier. she was a cheerleader for you, and always in your corner. you were incredibly lucky to have them, and be in the situation you were in. tara on the other hand... she was the opposite. gemma clocked it the moment you went into labour prematurely.
you'd been stressed over work, being the only manager on an already understaffed team was difficult but so was being pregnant. you'd never planned on getting pregnant, so there were a lot of things at work you decided were to be dealt with later. the moment you found out, you were trying your damnedest to get things ready. the stress got to you, and manifested itself in making your pregnancy high risk, and then landing you in the hospital way earlier than you should have been. it was obvious to you the moment jax came to see you after abel was born that tara thought it was your fault.
later it became clear to you that she just didn't like you, something you didn't notice in your teen years. you'd never really spent any time with her then, but the more time you spent with her after your son's birth, because lets face it anytime you went to visit jax she was there. all smiles, and cooing at your son until jax left the room, and then a scowl and general disinterest in you reared its ugly head. now things were different. she let a terrorist kill your baby brother, and kidnapp your son. karma was about to take her ass for a ride, and you were going to be driving.
"hey," juice says, his warm hand finding yours over the center console, snapping you from your thoughts. "we're here,"
you turn your head, and see clay speaking to tara in the doorway. your vision goes dark. you don't even remember getting out of the car, let alone walking over to tara and grabbing a handful of her hair. you're yelling is incomprehensible, but it's obvious to onlookers that you're sobbing as you beat the shit out of her. you come to again with juice's arms around you, pulling you into the house, and opie pulling tara inside into a different room. your only injury is three claw marks across your cheek, but tara is quite a bit worse for ware.
"what the hell were you thinking?!" jax snaps at you, upon pulling you away from juice, and into abel's nursery.
"i was thinking about how that bitch let some guy take my fucking baby and kill my baby brother!" you scream at him, breaking down all over again. "my baby..."
his expression softens, and he wraps an arm around you, pulling you into a hug. you sob into his shoulder, loud, heartbreaking, borderline violent wails.
"i'm sorry about your brother, i really am, but you can't blame tara."
you pull back, weaseling away from his grip, "can't i?"
"it could have happened to anyone, it could have happened to you."
"i would have died, jackson, and i think you better than anyone knows that. i would have died for abel. for eddie. i would not have let that man get away with everything i love." you say, sobering, violent, hot anger courses through you. "i would have died or killed him. i wouldn't have let him walk out the door."
he just stares at you. his once bright blue eyes dark, like the light behind them died. you know he knows exactly how you feel. that he blames tara to some degree. but you don't really care. you're numb. your heart aching in a way you've never felt before. in a way you'd never wish upon your worst enemy. tara included, despite what she did. the worst part is you don't have the one person you want to talk to about it. eddie died protecting her, and his nephew. what did tara do? she let herself get tied up, let cameron take your baby, let cameron kill your brother. tara lost nothing, and once again, you've lost everything.
"i want to kill her jax," you say finally, after what feels like an eternity of silence, his sad eyes just staring back at you. "that's not rational, not right. but i've just lost the two single most important people in my life, and i want to kill her for it."
"i understand what you're saying, why you're saying it," he says slowly, "but you're right, it's not rational."
"when abel comes home, she's not allowed to be around him by herself. i don't care what that means. i don't feel comfortable with her being alone with our son." you tell him, fingers grasping the cool leather of his kutte to pull him in closer. "i don't want to see, hear or think about her until then, and you bet your ass, i'm coming with you to bring him home, whatever, and wherever that takes us."
jax briefly looks scared of you, but he collects himself just as quickly as you let him go, and brush past him back out the way you came.
"you're lucky you're not dead," you seeth, flipping tara off with both hands as you walk back out to your car.
worried about your well-being and your mental state, jax sends juice home with you when you leave. the drive to your apartment, albeit quick, is silent. how does one comfort someone who lost both their only child, and only brother in a matter of minutes? besides, juice knows you well enough to know that you'll talk when you're ready. if you're ever ready. and right now? you don't know if you'll ever be. the fear of unraveling that far scares you. so for now, you think positively, and you keep moving forward.
it takes four hours, before agent stahl is in your living room, sitting on your couch. juice stands in the kitchen, watching the exchange from the sink, where he's washing your lunch dishes.
"so, mrs teller, where were you yesterday afternoon?" she asks, and you immediately understand why the club hates the woman so much.
"the divorce might not be finalized yet, but it's miss epps, and i was half-way to seattle."
"ah, yes, i forgot about that... why were you heading to seattle?"
"i don't really see how that's going to get my son back, seeing as you know who took him already."
"we need to get a picture together of everyone's movements."
"i got a phone call a few days ago, my mother's in the hospital there. she wanted to see me, so i was going."
"as i understand it, you aren't close with your mother?"
"no. look, agent stahl, this isn't helping. get your ass out there and look for my son. you're the reason my brother died, i'm not interested in you being the reason my son dies too. do your fucking job." you abruptly stand up, and walk into the kitchen.
you want to throw something. you want to scream. you want to be violent and aggressive. you miss your brother. you miss your baby. you want them back. most of all, you want this nightmare to be over.
when jax tells you they're heading to ireland, you pack light, but take abel's favourite stuffed animal, a white bear with a blue hat, mitts, scarf and booties. you carry the bear with you, hugging it tightly when you worry you're about to fall apart. jax's reassuring hand on your knee, and juice's hand in yours keeps your grounded. you lose yourself a little every time you think you're going to see abel, and then are denied at the last moment.
when father ashby finally drops the bomb on you and jax; that he'd been adopted, sold to another family, you break down. father ashby tries to comfort you, but nothing he says changes anything.
"i don't care about your fucking god, i don't. i don't care about your promise to john teller. i want my fucking baby back. your cousin has caused me enough pain; by killing my fucking brother. don't make the mistake of keeping my son from me." you scream, uncaring who hears you. "i'm sure you know the saying desperate people, do desperate things. desperate doesn't even begin to cover what i am, and what i'm willing to do to get abel in my arms, and back home."
you lay in bed all day, the blanket pulled up over your head, your eyes squeezed closed, the bear tucked under your arm. you've felt sick from the moment you'd heard that abel might be gone. whisked away by some—in their defence, probably oblivious, but lovely—couple, about to be taken god knows where. the very notion, that you could go home empty handed hurts, burns, stabs at your heart. you feel like someone's cut you open, and taken a knife to your chest. poking and proding at all the parts you should never poke and prod at.
you've never felt worse in your life; physically, mentally, and emotionally. you're drained, exhausted, and contemplating ending your life. you've never felt so low. you're almost embarrassed as the idea crosses your mind, but the longer you stew, the longer it seems like a really appealing idea. incredibly selfish, but desperation is like that. you weren't sure how jax was downstairs, enjoying the night, the party, the people... how he wasn't suffocating, like you were. everthing is falling apart, collapsing around you, and he's acting like everything's a-ok.
you don't hear the bedroom door open, but you startle when you feel the bed dip behind you. fight mode activates, and you leap from the bed, eyes scanning for a weapon. then you see jax's face in the reflection of the window, your heart rate slows.
"you asshole, make some noise when you move around. i thought i was about to get murdered..." you close your eyes, hands dropping to your sides. "why are you here?"
"i'm so sorry," his voice is barely a whisper, you vaguely make out the trembling of his bottom lip, and the tears streaming down his face. "this never– never should have happened."
your expression softens, and you sink back down on the small bed. you pull jax in, his head resting on your shoulder as you hold him. you'd only ever seen him cry a few times, but that was usually how you could tell he was past his breaking point. jax always perseveres, pushing forward. you're the slightly unstable, completely unhinged one. he's the calm, rational thinker.
"i don't blame you." you tell him, "i don't even blame tara, anymore. i blame stahl. it's her fault all this shit happened. had she not shot edmund, none of this would have happened."
he nods against your shoulder, then lifts his head. the kiss is unexpected, but not unwelcome or unwanted. the sex is fantastic, it always is with jax, but it just further complicates an already complicated situation. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened come morning when juice pops his head into the room to see how you're doing. he's hurt, but he understands to an extent. he loves abel. he loves you and by extension abel is part of you, so what's not to love? under normal circumstances, he knows this would not be an issue, but nothing about what's happening is normal.
he knows you're grieving, he knows as abel's father, jax can relate to your struggles more than anyone. what he doesn't understand, is why, even while in the midst of a divorce, the pair of you would do something like that. how despite this, he shoves his concerns aside, and closes the door, banging heavily on it to wake the pair of you. he doesn't avoid your eye, or not take your hand when you reach for his, or walk out of every room you walk into. he instead, keeps his mouth shut, and supports you. the guilt gnaws at you, and you spend the majority of the day avoiding jax, and he you (and juice).
after your night with jax, you brush your hair, actually get dressed, and spend the afternoon playing cards with juice, opie and happy, and try really hard to feel normal. it works for a few hours, until you find out that your son has been taken, again from his new adopted parents, and that they were brutally murdered in their hotel room. discovering jimmy was behind it surprises no one, but sets you into yet another tailspin. terrified of what could happen to him, terrified that jimmy would kill him if he got too annoying.
luckily, your fears never play out, because father ashby trades himself for abel. when jax walks back through the doors of the apartment you'd all been staying in, with abel in his arms you can't help the happy tears. shaky, holding your breath, hand over your mouth, you stare at your unharmed baby in jax's arms. seeing abel for the first time in what feels like an eternity is like a cold water shock to your system. when jax hands him over to you, letting you finally hold your son after weeks without him.
he smiles up at you, cooing softly, and reaching for your hair. it's like every bad, anxiety moment slips away. it doesn't matter that he was gone, all that matter's is that he's home, in your arms, surrounded by all the people who fought to bring him home, his family.
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janeguildford · 1 year
social media au
pov: mick fleetwood’s daughter being harry’s gf
pairing: harry styles x y/n
face claim: madelyn cline
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Liked by harrystyles, dualipa and 358,993 others
ynfleetwood dad/daughter date at harry’s house
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fan34 this is father daughter goals omg
fan19 i want a dad that’ll come to concerts with me 💔
gemmastyles Hope you enjoyed! xxx
↳ Liked by ynfleetwood
fan12 harry liked this post so quickly lmao
fan04 why didn’t harry bring mick out to play 😤
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Liked by fan84, fan01 and 218,941 others
celebritysights Looks like Harry Styles and Y/N Fleetwood are stirring up some Rumours themselves- being seen getting into the same car yesterday after Harry’s show. 👀👩‍❤️‍👨❗️
View all 3,393 comments
fan88 Mick was seen getting in the car too y’all stop speculating 😭
fan03 they’d make such a good couple omg
fan39 Y/N living her best nepo baby life
fan61 did you see this @/fan73 !!!!
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Liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 411,112 others
ynfleetwood Honoured to be a part of this campaign with my dad. Shop Shroom Bloom, the second micro-collection, now at Pleasing.com 🍄🍄🍄🍄
Find your Pleasing.
View all 18,396 comments
fan74 this is so cool 😍
fan44 but i’m broke Y/N don’t do this to me 😭
gemmastyles ❤️🍄
fan61 iconic
fan04 harry and yet again liking Y/N’s picture within 1 minute… 👀
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Liked by harrystyles, mickfleetwoodofficial and 331,119 others
ynfleetwood date night
View all 12,111 comments
fan77 coincidence that harry is also in paris????
fan21 so pretty 😍😍😍
dualipa angel girl
↳ Liked by ynfleetwood
annetwist ❤️
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Liked by fan30, fan84 and 390,584 others
celebritysights Y/N Fleetwood adds further fuel to the Harry Styles dating Rumours as she’s seen stood with Harry’s family at his Paris concert last night- a place where 12 hours prior she was on a date with her mystery-or not so-man👀
View all 8,333 comments
fan22 yh they aren’t subtle
fan40 this is such a power couple
fan29 please no 😭 that should be ME
fan93 Y/N seems to get on with Anne & Gemma so well I bet it makes harry so happy
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Liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 11,393 others
mickfleetwoodofficial special surprise organised by Mr Styles celebrating my sweet Y/N’s birthday
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fan32 Mick practically soft launching the relationship lmao
annetwist ❤️
fan21 MR STYLES !!!!
fan09 😭🥹
ynfleetwood love you Dad xxx
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Liked by fan23, ynfleetwood and 10,493 others
harryynnews Harry asking the crowd tonight to sing happy birthday for “his girlfriend yn” and then dedicated stockholm syndrome to her because it’s her favourite 1d song yeah she won
View 1,388 comments
fan77 finally 🫶🏼
fan17 Y/N LIKED
fan03 omg i’m so jealous
fan58 i was stood near Y/N when he did this and she was blushing and smiling so much it was so cute
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Liked by mickfleetwoodofficial, harrystyles and 799,848 others
ynfleetwood suppose I should thank my dad for the introduction
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fan37 omg 😍
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 years
wired (part two)
Gemma x Programmer!Reader
For @deafeningsharkslimeempath
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You and F1D0 stroll up to Gemma’s house with a little kick in your step.
Cady immediately runs out the door and jumps into your arms.
“Uncle Y/N!” She laughs as she clings to you. Gemma is right behind her with a little sad smile on her face.
“You brought a robot dog?” Gemma looks at you with a smirk.
“He’s house trained. Fido, puppy mode”
“Puppy mode activated.” The dog states before switching to a lively manner and running around the yard. Cady follows, enjoying time with the metallic dog.
“Puppy mode. Cute” Gemma taps you with her hip.
“I’ve seen cuter,” you flirt back.
“You better not say me” Gemma warns you. “Come on I want to show you something.”
Gemma leads you inside the house and right into the work garage. You pass by Bruce with a smile.
“So what did you want to show me?”
“Say hello to” she activates a few keys on her keyboard. “Megan”
A robot jumps up. Eyes blinking. Blonde hair bouncing. Slight Elizabeth Olsen type face and expression on its face.
“Hello there” a slightly robotic little girl voice answers “I’m Megan”
You’re a little taken back, it's cold, unfeeling eyes staring at you.
"You seem nervous" the robot says, "is everything alright?"
"Yep" you compose yourself. "sorry Megan I'm just not use to human robotics yet."
"That's alright!" the robot smiles, "i hope with time I can be best friends with you as well as your robot dog outside"
Gemma, despite her intial excitement, is a little taken back. How did this robot know about F1D0?
"I saw the dog in your security footage right now. Not exactly the image of a fluffy puppy" Megan giggles.
You were there for everything.
The moment M3GAN was introduced to your niece. You couldn’t help but notice a little growl escape your faithful robot dog.
You were in the lab when M3GAN was trying to look up the idea of death itself.
“Is death bad?” M3GAN asks you.
“I only know what my mom told me” you said a little gruffly. “Death itself isn’t bad if you’ve lived and loved a good life. But to take a life, that’s bad”
“Noted” was the only response from the android. “Will Cady die?”
“Eventually we all do” you sigh “but life is amazing and a lot can be done. It’s not about the amount of time, it’s about what we do with it”
She didn’t respond. She just sat there looking at an image on a nearby desk: Cady and her parents.
You were there the moment the neighbor’s dog attacked Cady and M3GAN. You had to restrain F1D0 from attacking and ripping that dog apart.
You and Gemma comforted Cady through the pain. M3GAN looked around confused and then back to the hole in the fence.
You eventually got Cady off to an uneven sleep. You walked into the kitchen to find Gemma with her face buried in her hands.
“I’m a horrible guardian” she whispers
“No you just have horrible neighbors” you rub her back reassuringly.
“I can’t be my sister. Cady needs her mother”
“Right now what she needs is you to be you and me to be her irresistible uncle”
Gemma laughs, “how I ever put up with you enough to get Bruce made I’ll never understand”
“We balance each other, Gem” you smile. “And I’ll always find a way to make you smile”
And then the dog disappeared. The police were there when you arrived. M3GAN would only stare out at the scene while keeping an eye on her person.
You began to look at M3GAN a little more suspiciously. It was just too coincidental.
But yet all you found yourself spending a good amount of more time with Gemma. Years apart felt like a mere blink of an eye.
You even went out on a few coffee dates with her when she became too focused on the future models of M3GAN.
“I need to work on this equation” she would whine as you pulled her towards the door.
“I’m pretty sure a good cup of Joe can help you solve anything” you smirked at her.
And then came the presentation day to David. He didn’t hesitate to approve the idea of mass producing the android.
“Does it cost less than a Tesla?” He asked. Gemma’s associates gave a nod. all you could do was roll your eyes.
“Something bothering you, master?” F1D0 inquires from your hotel room.
“I have a bad feeling about this” you answer back. “Too many coincidences”
“I will keep an eye on Megan” the dog answers back.
“Do not engage directly or allow wireless access with her” you issue the command.
“Command accepted” the robot answered.
You got back to your task, assembling a small taser gun like pistol. The sparks fly and shoot out as it powers up.
“An EMP pistol?” F1D0 asks, his ears perking in curiosity.
“Just a little back up plan bud. Can you hold on to it for me?” F1D0 opens up a compartment in his chest cavity.
You slide the pistol in and shut it. You could only hope that’s it’s a precaution you wouldn’t have to use.
“Am i a good dog?” F1D0’s red eyes look at you. His tail wags sadly.
“Yes you are.” You answered back.
To Be Continued…
Tags: @deafeningsharkslimeempath @silentstalker413 @ma1egamer
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harrywavycurly · 1 month
Im obsessed with Lonely because it gives me how an actual marriage promise with your bestfriend would go. They just propose to you randomly because of a promise made in like the first grade😂 but I’m here to see if we could get how it went when Harry asked Gemma for the ring??🥹❤️
Hiii babes!! Ohhh yes I agree it does give what it would actually be like if you and Harry made a marriage pact for when you’re 30 and single you just marry each other but fun fact, you forgot about it but Harry didn’t😂😂 I will happily give you the conversation Harry had with Gemma to get the ring! I hope you enjoy💖
-find all things Lonely here✨
*this is dialogue style because it just ran smoother in my brain this way*
A/N: Harry needs his older sister to give him a small piece of jewelry but Gemma isn’t giving it up without some conditions✨
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“I’m sorry…Harry you’re doing what?” “You having trouble hearing already? Is that something I have to look forward to down the-” “Really? This is how you want to go about asking me for Nan’s ring? Insulting my hearing and I’m assuming you were also about to call me old?” “I mean…it’s rude to assume things Gem..now did you really need me to repeat myself or-” “I just need to know I heard you correctly that’s all…you’re asking your bestfriend…whom I adore by the way…and love probably more than I love you if I’m being honest…you’re asking her to marry you and you want to do it with Nan’s ring that I currently have possession of and…you’re doing all this because…you’re lonely?” “Yes that’s all correct…but also it’s because I just..I think she’s always been it and I do…love her ya know? I’ve always loved her and…I want to be married and maybe have kids and I just don’t know why I can’t…see that happening with anyone…but her?” “But do you really love her Harry? Asking someone to marry you isn’t something you just do on a random Tuesday because you want to be married because you’re a bit lonely.” “Yes of course I really love her…I don’t…I don’t know if I’m in love with her but I just can’t see a life without her in it and I know she’s lonely too…so why shouldn’t we just…end each others suffering and be together?” “End each other’s suffering? Jesus….Harry you’re making this sound like a business deal than an engagement…do you realize how much this will change things for the two of you? No matter what her answer is?” “It’s not a business deal…she’s my bestfriend and she knows me better than anyone and I know her like the back of my hand so I know she’ll say yes…I…I know she will because she…she just will.” “And if she doesn’t?…are you prepared to not have her anymore because once you get down on one knee Harry you can’t undo it and go back to being friends.” “I think…yeah I think I’m willing to risk it because…she’s my person and I’m ready to just get on with it and be with her.” “Romantically? Or would this be a marriage of friends?” “What? Of course it would be…romantically…I love her…we’ve…like…done things so it wouldn’t be weird-” “I don’t need the details thanks…but you said so yourself you’re not in love with her?” “Well yeah not…yet but if she says yes then I’m sure it’ll happen…but look…I just need the ring Gem..that’s all I’m here for really…I appreciate the advice and all but I’m doing it…with or without the ring but I’d much rather give her something meaningful than something she’ll think I spent too much money on.” “I just don’t want you getting hurt…or hurting her.” “I’ll do my best to make sure no one gets hurt.” “I’ll give you the ring…but you have to make sure I get to be your best man…or whatever you want to call it.” “Really?….fine that’s…doable.” “And you have to name your first child after me in someway.” “Gemma be serious.” “I am being serious! This is a family heirloom I’m giving you Harry so take my conditions or leave and go to Tiffany’s or something.” “God you’re so annoying at times…but fine…fine yeah okay….anything else?” “She’s the only one that gets this ring Harry…if she says no you give it back to me understood?” “Yes…understood.” “Good…does mum know?” “No…and you’re not going to tell her either…or else.” “Or else what? I’m not afraid of you little brother.” “I’ll tell her the exact reason her beloved rose printed tea set is missing a tea cup…” “you wouldn’t…” “oh I would…so don’t tempt me Gem…keep this conversation to yourself.” “You’re such a brat…fine..I won’t tell anyone now go away before I change my mind.”
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bluecruz97 · 6 months
Sons Of Anarchy One Shots Part.1
Gemma: I sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Tara: I sleep with a knife.
Y/N: Both of you are pathetic.
Tara: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with?
Y/N: Tig!
Tig: 🤭
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 10 months
Was This Vacation a Mistake?~Crazy Rich Asians (Astrid x black! fem! reader) ~Part 3
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Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 
Summary: After a traumatic night, you decide to stay with Astrid a few nights before you depart back to America. The situation left you angry and terrified, but Astrid proved to be an amazing hostess and a shoulder to cry on.
Word Count:
Warnings: Talk of racism and microaggressions. 
Author’s Note: Here’s part 3 guys! As always tell me how this is going so far and what you like about it. Idk if this is good or not but I really want to finish this series soon. Anyway, hope y’all enjoy.
The cup of tea Astrid offered grew cold in my hands as I sat on her fine couch in the living room, my head against Rachel’s shoulder. Astrid strolled back into the room, returning from putting her son Cassain back to bed. 
“Do you need anything else, Y/N?” Astrid said as she circled the couch and leaned against its back. “Blanket or something, you and Rachel look like you’re about done for the night.”
She wasn’t wrong, my eyes were heavy and Rachel was quiet for a while. Her phone dinged, awakening her from her semi sleepy state.
“Mmh, N-Nick! He’s outside!” she said, eyes and fingers sweeping her phone simultaneously. 
I sat up to the best of my abilities and try not to blink too much with grogginess and stress already pulsing around my temple. Grading papers should have been the move from the beginning; I wasn’t welcome here from the start, people like me weren’t welcome from the start.
“Y/N,” Nick’s caring voice broke me from my thoughts thankfully. He stood in the center of Astrid’s living room with Rachel at his arm, his eyes sparkling  in concern. “First of all, I’m so sorry this happened. Come here.”
Nick pulled me into his arms, nearly making me weep from the contact. His tall frame was soothing, yet I felt terrible because of all that’s happened; this happened because of me. If I stayed home, they wedding would have gone on, Rachel probably wouldn’t have to worry as much as she has to. I wouldn’t be the center in all this, so much pity. It isn’t pity, I should know that, it’s racism. Full blown racism in my face and I can’t fathom it for some reason. I don’t know why. Frustration pooled at me, tears and heat pricked my skin and eyelids.
“Y/N? Are you all right?” Nick asked. He pulled back to pat my elbows. 
Rachel sunk to my side, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “Y/N?”
“I-I’m OK. I-I’m fine, I-I just need a night to, I don’t know, forget all of this,” you said as you leaned into Rachel. “I want to go home though, I’m sorry, guys.”
Nick shook his head. “No, no. In fact, I booked you a ticket home the day after tomorrow. First class of course, my friends stay in style. It’s the least I can do for how uncouth and down right disgusting my family and our associates were. I can even book you the best hotel around here.”
The thought was nice, a little too nice but I had to declined. 
“Sorry, Nick, I don’t think that’d be a great idea. Don’t want to seem out of place again.”
“Would a coastal house work? A short heli ride would get you there in--”
“Nick, I don’t think that’ll help,” Rachel said, cutting him off. “Traveling somewhere that isn’t home won’t help, yeah? Y/N?”
I nodded. Nick’s amazing, I love him but throwing money at everything isn’t going to bring me the comfort he thinks it will. It is endearing though. 
“She can stay here for tonight, tomorrow as well,” Astrid said, speaking up from her position behind the couch, hand smoothing out the plushness of it. “Anything she needs, I’ll be willing to provide, no issue.”
My heart skipped a beat at the offer; Rachel’s trying not to grin from ear to ear, brought me closer by the shoulder to look at me with those brown eyes. They’re still glossy, all authentic for me I know but know she’s using them to her advantage I swear. 
“Astrid sounds like great company, yeah?” she said. Her voice dropped to a whisper. “She’ll look out for you, I promise.”
Nick embraced Astrid prior to turning back to Rachel and I. “Thank you, you don’t know how much this means to me.”
Astrid smiled, it reached her beauty mark, highlighting her face perfectly. How was I going to survive a night in her home? Two nights even. Rachel beamed back as if she heard my mental question, squeezing my shoulders.
“You got this, call us when you feel a little better. OK?”  
I nodded. Rachel and Nick gave me quick hugs, doing the same with Astrid before they left, leaving me alone with her. Alone with Astrid Leong. Alone with my thoughts. Alone with all that’s happened.
“Y/N?” Astrid called.   
Her voice soft, as it was before yet lower, tender. I didn’t want to look at her, didn’t want her pity. I just want to go home already. 
“Y/N?” she called again. I glanced at her, she’s close now, right in front of me; the pity I harped on wasn’t there in her eyes though, hurt and worry, similar to how she seemed at Nick’s grandmother’s house.  
“C-Can I hug you?” she asked, opening her arms a bit. Her mouth twitched in a tiny smile while she hesitated with her movements. “Hugs always put me at ease, I-I want to put you at ease.”
The word ease broke me, almost. Tears pricked at my eyes, Astrid found them as she inched closer. She didn’t hug me though, still gauging my reaction. I nodded and met her in a warm embrace; it eased me as she said: her arms wound around me perfectly, fit me well and the tears slipped. A sob broke through too. Why the fuck am I crying? I was supposed to forget about all of that shit. 
“It’s all right, darling. Let it out, it’s OK,” Astrid whispered. She pulled back to wipe my tears. She nodded to her couch. “Want to sit?”
I nodded, pursed my lips to keep from tasting the salty tears. 
Astrid led me by the hand toward the couch, left some space between us when we got there, still holding onto me. Her touch proved pleasant, more so than it has been before--I was at ease. Her hand wrapped around my own wasn’t a huge deal either. I’m not even sure how long I can last but its working so far.  
“T-Thank you, i-it means a lot, letting me stay here,” I managed to say. Astrid’s thumb rubbed my knuckles a little prior to her pulling it away. 
“It’s nothing you have to thank me for,” she said. “Do you want to talk about it at all?”
This is a safe space I realize, however I’m not completely sure about opening up about these racially charged encounters. Sure, she’s non-white but like Rachel, sometimes it’s difficult bringing these matters up and talking through them. Sometimes I just need to deal with it on my own, then again, I do need to talk it out--somewhat. 
“I-I just expected to tag along with Rachel and for this to be a normal vacation,” I started. “But I got centered, I-I should have known. Anti-blackness is global. I should have thought about it more, researched. I’m a professor for God’s sake, I always tell my students this. Maybe this vacation was a mistake, maybe I should have just stayed home.”
Astrid’s hands flocked to mine again, her eyes glossy once more. “No matter how much research or preparedness you set yourself up for, no one deserves to be harassed or see something like that.”
I nodded. “Yeah, but I don’t think it’s the same. We both experience some fucked shit, I’m sure, you went to schools in England right? Most of those posh white folks, right?”
Astrid giggled at the description. “They were the living embodiment of posh. And you’re right. My experience is not the same but I can tell you about them. Take some of the weight off from today. Will that help?” 
“Yeah,” I said. 
Maybe I said it too quickly. It was her touches and how intense she looked to me: attentiveness deep in her brown eyes, paying all the mind to me, I had to glance to the spotless carpet below. 
“As you know, or maybe you don’t, I’m not sure how much Nick has shared about me, I attended Harvard during university,” Astrid explained. She ceased holding my hands, calming my heart for a bit. “At this time, I was eighteen, away from home with enough money to make my posh peers turn their heads. Unfortunately, my money wasn’t the only thing they noticed.”
Astrid grimaced and I didn’t want her to delve back into anything like that. It’s different yes, but it can still hurt people. Rachel’s told me plenty.
“Astrid, you don’t have to tell me, if it’s too much,” I said. My hand moved on instinct, holding her hand myself. “I-I get it.”
“Darling, it’s fine,” she said. “It’s not the most pleasant story to look back on but it happened. First semester, I was the only Asian girl in my class. There was an Asian boy, but he flocked with the white boys and a grade above me so there wasn’t too much we’d mutually have in common besides our ethnicity. I was Astrid the princess, according to Nick and I wished my white peers saw me as just some spoiled girl. Instead I was Astrid the girl who could grant you a happy ending; Astrid the girl who had to sit up front because her eyes were too slanted. There was worse things but, Y/N, you shouldn’t have to limit yourself because of what history has done. What these systems and institutions have done. Don’t let that stop you.”
She’s right. Astrid’s  absolutely right. The dam broke again at this obvious realization and I’m crying again, trembling and all. 
Astrid just pulled me toward her, embracing me yet again. I feel so stupid.
“I’m sorry,” I sobbed against her shoulder. “I-I don’t mean to do this. I hate feeling like this.” 
“Don’t apologize, it’s OK.”
We stayed like that for a while: Astrid wrapping her arms around my back, my head against her chest, heartbeat nearly lulling me to sleep. Tiny footsteps neared however, along with a few creaks of the floor and staircase. 
Astrid tore herself away to face the child standing in a purple satin sleep shirt and matching pants. His hair askew, face clearly scrunched up from sleep. Cassian. Astrid’s son. I pulled myself further from Astrid, wishing I could sink into the couch altogether. 
“And what are you doing up, sweetie?” Astrid said, grin plastered on her face, not feeling awkward about her son seeing his mother hug a woman he doesn’t know. “You should be in bed.”
Cassian rubbed his eyes with the back of a fist, attention on me while Astrid lifted him up to her lap, showing the boy off to me. 
“Who’s that?” he asked. 
Astrid’s eyes shined, love filling them to the brim as she stared at her son, then to me. I still wanted to disappear; Astrid’s got my heart flipping again and skin set to a scorch. Maybe Rachel had a point, definitely not telling her about all the details of tonight.  
“This is Y/N, Nick and mommy’s friend and our guest for a few nights,” she cooed, kissing Cassian on the forehead. “How about we go settle in bed and give her some space, hmm?”
I waved at the boy awkwardly. He seemed delicate in Astrid’s arms, fluttering his eyes, squishing and yawning as she stood engulfing the boy in tender love. 
“C-Can you read me a story too?” Cassain whined. 
“Of course we can, my love,” Astrid said. She was halfway up the stairs; I couldn’t stop looking at her. She turned back toward me, voice dropping a bit.“I’ll bring you some blankets to get comfortable, darling.”
Astrid’s gone before I can react, off to her motherly duties like the day we met. I’ve talked with her, seen her heart, been catered by her heart and I’m still skeptical about the entire thing. A mother, divorcee and a rich person. Rich rich. Loaded and her actions, her demeanor already triggers me, in a great yet intense way. Is she just being nice? Or is Rachel right? Should I talk to Nick about this? Should I not take this venture? Leave it alone before something drastic occurs again, her family is still old money, old traditions, old systems. Maybe I shouldn’t be looking at a potential straight woman like this? 
The thoughts continued to linger while I sunk deeper into the couch. 
Astrid returned after a while, a set of fancy comforters and covers hulking her arms. “I wish I would have prepared the guest room better but the couch is just as comfortable. Make yourself at home, stretch as much as you’d like, all right?” 
I nodded, laid across the couch and reached up for the covers. Astrid pouted and shook her head. 
“No, no. Let me, I am your hostess after all,” she said as she fluffed up the covers. “I need everyone under my roof safe, sound and more importantly, tucked in.”
My face and heart raced among-est each other each time Astrid placed a layer on me, tucked a cover against my arm and back, patted in place. She’s so close, there’s no way she’s just being nice. 
“Y/N? Are you all right? This didn’t make you uncomfortable, did it?”
I shook my head fervently. “No, this is so much more than I can ask for Thank you.” 
Astrid’s eyes softened. “Not a problem, darling. I hope your dreams are sweet and more pleasant than today.” 
Those words tingled me to my bones, warmed me more than the massive quilt bulking me and allowed sleep to overtake me. 
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The Forbidden Fruit. Remastered. Part 2
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Chibs x Reader fanfiction. Obviously.
I wrote the previous version long ago, now it seemes too short and flat to me. So I decided to write the new version.
Y/N is Clay and Gemma's daughter. Club's princess. Everyone in the club loves her and she treats everyone nice and caring as well. Chibs was seeing her growing up and never noticed what a beautiful yound woman she became. Untill one night.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 In Flames bonus
Y/N was gone. Chibs truly felt it in couple of days when he came back from Tacoma. Clubhouse was the same but felt different. Now that he knew his heart was still alive, when he finally felt something knowing that she was gone, taken, it was too much for him. But there was nothing he could do. Chibs had to learn to live without her. And he couldn't let anyone know about what he felt.
So he just got back to how it was before her. Taking care of his brothers, dealing with club's issues. Chibs was all the same for everyone and only at lonely nights when he was again spending time with a bottle of scotch he could let his emotions take control. He was now even more lonely than before. And the only thought of Y/N meeting someone out there made his heart break.
His past was catching up with him though and it wasn't helping. Fiona coming to Charming, Ireland, IRA, it was all too overwhelming, too stressfull and yet Chibs had no one to talk to. If only Y/N was here to talk to him, sooth his pain, make it all just go. But she wasn't there. And he had to deal with his past alone.
And Chibs did. He finally repayed Jimmy O', finally let go of his past. He could've been ready for something new, but he knew now who was the special one for him. And he knew he couldn't have her.
Club issues were his only way to distract himself. And there were a lot of issues since almost everyone was behind the bars and Chibs, Ope and Kozik had to deal with guns, trying to to keep the club afloat, earn money.
They succeeded though, pretty good. By the time the rest of the club was out they had pretty much good earnings. Chibs was glad to see his brothers. He missed every one of them. But it meant he had more free time now and it was killing him. Thoughts he kept under control were now consuming him. And his lonely nights became even darker.
The fact that club was now having business with cartel wasn't making Chibs' life easier. He didn't like the idea, voted against it, but this deal was accepted and he could only hope it won't end bad, taking care of his brothers, supporting Jakson as he always did.
It was in couple of days after guys were out. Sons had to go to the motorbike show to have a meeting with the cartel. It didn't go exactly the way they planned, had to deal with some club problems as well, but mostly everything was good. As good as dealing with the cartel might've been.
Chibs unmounted from his bike and headed inside. He stopped by the bar and got himself a beer and then he froze, cigarette in his lips, lighter in his hand. He heard a voice from the kitchen. The voice he was hearing in his dreams every night. Voice that made his heart sink as he heard it in reality after three years of missing it.
It was Y/N. Chibs couldn't believe it but it was her. She was talking to Gemma in the kitchen as if she never even left. It took him couple of minutes to get himself together, put his mask back on. All he really needed now was to see her. But he couldn't let anyone know how he felt. His brothers came in and it was when Chibs finally lit his cigarette and leaned against the bar counter as if nothing was going on.
Clay was the next one to hear it. He stopped, didn't even finish his sentence as he heard his daughter speaking in the kitchen. A glimpse of surprise and excitement lightened old man's features. Chibs could hardly remember the last time he saw the President smiling like this.
"Y/N?" Clay called, it was clear he could not believe what was going on.
"Daddy!" Y/N entered the room as soon as she heard him and ran towards him, wrapping her arms around Clay's neck as she hugged him tight and he lifted her, laughing.
"What are you doing here, baby?" Clay frowned when she finally pulled away and he looked down at her.
Chibs swallowed trying to act as normal as possible. Christ she was a pure perfection. Even more beautiful than he remembered. He missed her so fucking bad and all he could do now was just looking from afar. She didn't even look at him. Chibs didn't know why he expected anything different. He was just one of the Sons. Only a part of the family for her. Nothing more.
"I came back home, dad. I've graduated as you wanted me to. But that's it. I'm not staying away from this club" Y/N said, looking at Clay. She was stubborn and she was used to get what she wanted.
"Okay, baby, if that's what you want" Clay smiled, but Chibs could see the worry in old man's eyes. He didn't want his daughter to be around right when he started business with the cartel. It was too dangerous and probably Y/N was the only person Clay wanted safe.
Y/N finally looked at the rest of the club. Everyone was excited to see her. She hugged Juice, who blushed immediately and turned to Jax.
"Hey, sis" Teller kissed her cheek and petted her shoulder slightly. He was worried as well. Having his little sister around when things were complicated was not what Jax wanted. He already had Tara and boys to worry about.
"Our little princess is back to town, making uncle Tig happy again" Trager laughed as Y/N gave him a hug. Chibs knew that he was her favorite uncle, the girl adored this man and he was giving her the same.
Y/N was greeting Sons, met Kozik who seemed to be amazed by her immediately and Chibs could't blame him. He was still watching her from the bar and his heart was breaking with every hug she got from his brothers. He needed her right now, as close to him as possible and it was exacrly what he couldn't have.
"We're having a party tonight. Gem, tell Chucky to get everything ready" Clay announced. He was worried but still was so glad to have his little princess back.
Y/N turned to Chibs finally. He couldn't stop watching her even for a moment and when their eyes met he felt shivers all over his body. God she was so beautiful. She grown up, became a gorgeous young woman. He couldn't help it, Y/N was making him feel the certain way. She gave him a smile, so soft, so gentle. He needed it so bad to ease his nerves. Chibs was watching her as Y/N made her way towards him.
"Hey, lass" He said, his voice raspy with emotions. Filip didn't dare to touch her, to hug her even though it was fine for him to do it.
"Hello, Filip" Y/N looked up at him and the sound of his name escaping her lips made him almost whimper.
Next moment she hugged him. Wrapping her arms around his waste, pressing herself against him so tight. Chibs gasped, holding Y/N in his arms. It was so good, too good. His body's reaction for her presence was inevitable so he pulled away before it was too late.
"I missed you" Y/N smiled. She didn't notice anything unusual in his behavour, at least it was what he hoped.
"Missed ye too. I'm glad ye're back" Chibs gave her a smile, dimples on his cheeks.
"Found yourself someone else to talk to after a long day?" Y/N asked and Chibs didn't know what this question meant. Did she want to know if he had someone? Or was he just seeing what he wanted to see?
"Nah... figured out no one is better than ye. For that" Chibs hoped he didn't say too much, but Y/N seemed amused so he relaxed a bit.
"That's a shame, Filip. But now I'm here to keep your company" Y/N chuckled and left him, confused, to join her mother in the kitchen again.
The party was loud. Everyone was happy to have Y/N back. And everyone needed something good after what they've been through for last several days. Y/N was having fun, she was dancing and talking to everyone, she was glad to be back home. Wearing skinny jeans and tank top, her hair up in a ponytail she was perfect. Chibs was watching her from the couch brushing croweaters off. He noticed it was some challenge they had, trying to get his attention. But he wasn't interested. Nor when he was alone, neither now when his heart was taken.
"Are you bored?" Y/N asked as she came up to Chibs and sat on the couch next to him.
"I'm not, lass. But I'm not really a party man. ye know" He smirked and reached to take a strand of hair from her face. The touch was electrifying. He sighed and looked away.
"I know, Filip. But would you like to play pool with me?" She asked and took his hand as she stood up.
Chibs looked up at Y/N and raised his brows "I don't have a choice I guess"
He followed her to the pool table, wondering why she ever wanted to spend time with him. Chibs didn't mind it at all, but he saw no reasons for Y/N to waste her time with someone like him.
They were playing pool, chatting about nothing. She was so close, she was teasing him slightly as he allowed her to win. It was all so intimate for Chibs even though for Y/N and the rest of the people in the clubhouse it was just a pool game, nothing more. Chibs couldn't stop looking at her, admiring her.
Y/N was back to his life so unexpecteddly right when he needed her so much. But it was also so hard for him to stay away from this girl. For three years he was learning to live without her and now he had a new challenge, even more complicated. To learn how to live with her being all around and hiding his feelings.
Several days passed after Y/N was back home. Chibs didn't have any chance to spend some time with her, even though she was around the clubhouse all the time, helping Gemma in the office but there were too many thing going on around the club.
Then Tara was threatened, Mayans were attacked. And finally so was the clubhouse. Attack held by Lobo sonora, threat from the new sheriff, the clubhouse being a mess. It was all to much, too overwhelming and as if it was not enough Clay came up to Chibs in the middle of the chaos.
"Do me a favor, Chibs. Gem will stay here today, but I want Y/N away from here. She's at home. Take her to the cabin and stay there with her and Piney. It's probably the safest place for now and I want to make sure my baby is safe" He said, looking at Chibs with a heavy look.
"We could send Ratboy there" Chibs frowned. The thought of spending a night with Y/N in the cabin away from everyone was too tempting but it made him nervous as well.
"No. I want someone I can trust completely, Chibs" Clay knew what he wanted so there could be no argument.
"Aye. I'll take care of her" Chibs nodded and headed outside.
He parked his bike next to Clay's house and approached the front door when it opened. Y/N was obviously going somewhere. She looked at Chibs confused.
"Sorry, lass. Ye pa told me to get ye to the cabin and stay there with ye for the night" Chibs explained his sudden appearance.
"Oh... Something happened?" Y/N frowned. She knew family was taken away from the trouble but it was usually a lockdown in the clubhouse. Being sent to the cabin was new.
"Aye... Some people attacked the clubhouse so it's safer away" Chibs nodded as she was locking the door and following him towards his harley.
"And what about mom? And Tara and boys?" Y/N looked at him worried.
"They are safe, lass, I promise. It's just everyone staying at the same place is no good right now" Chibs sighed. He knew Clay was only caring about his daughter but he had to make sure Y/N had no worries about the rest of the family.
Y/N nodded and after Chibs mounted on his bike she made herself comfortable behind his back. He had to take a moment to get himself together when he felt her arms wrapped around his waist and the warmth of her body against his back. His heart was fluttering. His body was tensed as he was trying to get rid of this feeling. Y/N being so close made him defensless for what he felt for her.
As Chibs finally made himself to start the engine, he headed right to the cabin. The ride seemed so long and so short at the same time. He could've ride like this forever, having her right behind his back, holding him, gripping his cut with her small fingers. And at the same time Chibs knew there won't ever be anything more than this for him and it was breaking his heart.
They've arrived to the cabin when Piney was already there. He greeted them and let them inside.
"I think we, being two gentlemen, have to let a lady take the room. We can sleep on those couches" He said, small smile on his face. This old man was so glad to see Y/N again.
"You're too good to me, Piney" Y/N kissed his cheek and headed to the kitchen "First I'll cook dinner for you two. I can bet you both can't remember the last time you were eating"
"Just like her mother" Piney laughed and sat in his armchair havily.
"Ye need any help, lass?" Chibs asked. He was watching her, never taking his eyes of her. He just couldn't help it.
"No, I'm good. Relax and have rest, Filip" Y/N was already busy in the kitchen.
Soon enough the dinner was ready. It was an awkward evening with Y/N and Piney. Her being the love of his life he had to stay away from and him being a man Chibs was never close to. They barely spoke for the whole evening, the conversation mostly held between Y/N and Piney as Filip was silent, watching her and never having enough of it.
"I think I'll have some sleep. And you two should also have rest" Y/N finally said as she took the empty plates away from the table "Good night"
"Sleep well, sweetheart" Piney smiled.
"Good night, lass" Chibs whisperes as he was watching her leave. He hoped they could've had some time to talk, but there was no chance.
Laying on the couch, half asleep and dreaming about Y/N as he usually did he heard Piney's voice.
"What's going on here, Chibs?" The old man asked. He wasn't mad or anything, probably just curious.
"What do ye mean?" Filip felt nervous and tried to pretend he didn't understand.
"Don't make a fool outta me, son" Piney smirked. He knew what was going on, he did. But he wanted Chibs to explain.
"Is that so obvious?" He sighed and closed his eyes. If the old man noticed than probably others did as well no matter how much Chibs was trying to hide it.
"For me. Yes. Not for the girl if you worry about it" Chibs heard the voice and it made him tense.
"I can't help it" Filip finally confessed after a moment of silence.
"Yeah, son. I know you can't. Just be carefull. Her dad won't ever allow it to happen" Piney knew exactly how Clay was.
"Aye. I won't ever do anything about it, don't worry" Chibs stated bitter smile on his face. He was used to not getting what he wanted. But it did hurt so bad.
There was no answer. The old man fell asleep leaving Chibs restless with his thoughts. There was no option for him. He couldn't stop loving her no matter how much he tried. He couldn't confess his feelings, no matter how much he wanted it. All he could have was staying around and admiring Y/N from the distance.
Several days passed and life was coming back to normal. Chibs knew something bad was coming, it was in the air, it was inevitable. And it happened. Tara was attacked on their trip with Jax. It was all so bad, Chibs knew it was something to do with cartels, but he also felt something was wrong inside the family.
That night he was staying late at the clubhouse with Bobby and Tig when Clay came. He had some cuts on his face and obviously didn't want to talk to anyone. Chibs soon left to his dorm to have some rest, but restless he was, trying to find an answer to what had happened.
He heard a knock on the door and frowned. Wearing only jeans and white shirt he stood up from his bed and opened the door. And froze. Y/N hugged him, as tight as she could, hiding her face on his chest. She was crying, tears made his shirt wet instantly as Chibs pulled her closer to himself and closed the door.
"What happened, lass?" He asked with a raspy low voise. For a moment her was afraid Clay might've hurt her.
"It's mom and dad. Thay had a fight" Y/N whispered, sobbing on his chest "He hurt her, bad"
"Christ, lass" Chibs whisperes, his lips pressed to the top of her head. He didn't know why she came here, why didn't she go to Jax's place, but he was holding her in his arms and it was enough for him.
"Can I stay with you tonight?" Y/N asked queitly and Chibs only nodded.
"Aye, lass. I'm ere for ye" His accent was thick with emotions as she leaned closer into his arms.
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toasttt11 · 7 months
my au’s favorites and facts
august crosby
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blueberry waffles
blueberry muffins
sidney’s banana bread
tea, any kind
tacos! specifically street tacos
her moms blueberry pie
favorite season is spring
favorite color is soft orange like the sunset
she loves sunflowers or roses
always loved anything to do with baking, tends to stress back when feeling overwhelmed, any free time she enjoys using it by baking, especially with her diet she can’t eat all of what she bakes she ends up donating most of it or bringing it for the staff of the arena.
loves starting her day off with a run, especially outside and getting some fresh air.
is a big gift giver and is always giving gifts to the ones she cares for.
genuinely adores being a godmother and is always looking for presents and trinkets to bring or send to them, she also makes sure she had everything for them at her house when they come to visit her.
loves when she has free time to explore around outside and find hikes she likes, she has found a lot of trails in vegas that she loves.
brinley matthews
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peanut butter M&Ms
peanut butter and bananas
steak, loves anything that is grilled
s’mores with peanut butter
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
peanut butter and chocolate workout shakes
favorite season is summer
favorite color is yellow
favorite flower are baby’s breath especially the rainbow ones
hates being cold, always on the ice is wearing a long sleeve compression shirt under her jersey to not be cold.
has some thing peanut butter before every game no matter what.
crochet has been something she has done most her life, it’s what she always has with her during travel.
always had curly hair and has always hated it, never likes trying to style it and ends up getting it straighten and getting treatments for it stay that way.
has always been very tall and was used to he taller than most of her teammates even though she is a girl.
loves animals specially dogs, and has always wanted to have her own dog.
maleah barzal
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grilled cheese and tomato soup
french fries
anything dark chocolate and raspberry
favorite season is winter
favorite color is lilac
lavender is her favorite sent and flowers
she hates to cook but is very good at, Malakai loves his moms cooking and makes him mom not hating cooking as much.
rarely ever drives and one of the first things she bought for herself was hiring a driver.
always has some kind of sketchbook or tablet with her in case she gets an idea.
she always carries her big purse that’s filled with work, her sons toys and always snacks for him.
maleah could of easily continued her hockey career and without a doubt would of been an amazing player but she never had the passion for it like others do.
always enjoys designing clothes for people she cares for and has lines of clothes in honor of some of the people she is closest with and the lines are inspired by their styles.
carina knies
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anything coffee, she needs it to survive
lettuce wraps, anything for the filling
salmon bowls!
not the biggest sweets person but loves sweets that are lemon flavored
favorite flowers are orchids
loves summer
favorite color is purple
during a trip to her grandparents when she was younger she tried pottery and fell in love with it, she continued to do pottery since then and it’s something she’s loves to do to de stress and something completely away from hockey.
Joseph and Carina had to build many sleeves and bookcases for all of the legos he has given her and the ones he no doubt will continue to give her.
carina is not a big jewelry person but she has a few pieces that she really loves.
she is quite protective of her little brother matthew and he is probably one of her more soft spots, not that she lets anyone know that.
is a big dog person.
gemma fantilli
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cesar salads are one of her absolute favorites
spring rolls and any type Chinese food
chocolate chip cookies
favorite flowers are periwinkles
loves winter especially if there is snow
favorite color is green and yellows
she loves vintage jewelry, her favorite piece is a heart locket her grandmother had given her, sadly when her grandmother passed away she left all her jewelry for her Gemma.
snowboarding is her absolute favorite thing to do outside of hockey, if she had tried snowboarding before she did hockey she most likely would’ve pursued a career in snowboarding instead.
macklin and gemma are always finding new shows to watch together, and while they can’t always watch all the episodes together they watch most of season together.
always wear her beaded bracelet that she had matching with Macklin.
phoenix zegras
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any type of crepes especially with nutella
big coffee person, loves chocolate in it
chocolate crossiant
favorite color is orange
likes just red roses
summer is his favorite season because he’s see his family more.
favorite thing to do other than hockey is playing his electric guitar.
he’s the oldest sibling and his siblings use to always follow his him around like little ducklings.
he really likes to watch sunsets.
he spends a lot of his free time with his godsons.
viola hughes
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caramel coffee is her favorite
anything with caramel
ice cream
favorite flowers are sunflowers
favorite season is summer
favorite color is purple
she has the biggest sweet tooth and is always having something sweet even with her diet.
likes to be in the passenger seat when she’s in the car, doesn’t like to drive after her accident.
she loves wearing fun sunglasses and tends to always have them on her face or in her hair in the summer.
likes to find new hiking spots and arizona has a lot she can try.
livia drysdale
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chocolate chip cookies
pizza is one of her favorite cheat meals
hummus and pita chips
doesn’t have a favorite flower she loves all of them
favorite color is green
favorite season is winter
always wears gold jewelry.
when she was younger she would beg for her brothers or parents to make her cookies.
she use to hate her all of her freckles but seeing how much wyatt loves them she grew to like the.
always has some type of plants in her house and her parents have so many at their house from her, jamie also has some in his house from her.
willa smith
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loves anything lobster
her moms protein smoothies
most of her meals are chipotle
favorite color is blue
favorite animal is dogs
favorite season is definitely summer
favorite animal are dogs
most of the time her music is always playing taylor swift.
she really wants a golden retriever.
since she was a kid she’s always had some type of braids in her hair.
blue has always been her favorite color and almost always she boys something it’s in blue, she always gets her hockey stick blue.
has a gold necklace with her initial on it, she gets a smaller necklace with gabe and ryan’s initials and starts wearing that one too.
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 years
Ok so imagine Reader being Ash Williams's son and having all the horror girls in love with him
Y/N: and so I cleaved that Deadite in half with a hatchet and shot it’s mouth clear off with my boomstick
Tara (Scream): so hot!
Gemma (M3GAN): how are you not taken?
Allison (Halloween): yeah my last boyfriend turned out to be a killer. I’m looking for a nice hero type
Tara: hey I saw him first!
Sam: we agreed to share him, sis!
Naru (Prey): I will hunt you all for him!
Y/N: ladies there’s plenty of the king to go around.
Ash: where’d my son get all this swagger from…oh right. Me.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝑴𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆   𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄
Paid story for @yourwinchesterbros. Word Count: 3.1k Warnings: swears, SMUT no one under 18 read this please, i.e., rough sex
Jax decided to drive both of you over to his place, pick the boys up and go to the park. You agreed, because … you didn’t really know what the boys liked to do. Jax found your anxiety a tiny bit humorous, only because you were so riled about it.
    “I mean, what if I say … the wrong thing and they hate me forever? I don’t want to be the evil stepmother!” You said while the two of you got dressed.
 “Babe, they’re not gonna think of you like that. I promise,” he said and gave you a peck on the cheek. Rolling your eyes, you zipped up your boots and went to feed your own two boys. They were waiting patiently at their bowls, both tails wagging when you made their food.
   With Jax in the shower, your mind wandered to all the things that could happen. Fuck, what if one of them gets hurt on my watch? You thought while placing the silver bowls on the ground.
You weren’t expecting things to go well. That’s just how your mind worked sometimes, okay ... all the time. Low expectations meant you couldn’t get hurt. That whatever went wrong was bound to happen anyway. Basically, you were a supporter of Murphy’s Law.
You were already dressed and waiting on Jax. So, you decided to do a bit of tidying up, which turned into cleaning and when Jax came out of the bathroom, he saw you with two gloves on, heavily scrubbing the benches.
   “Babe! It’ll be okay. They’re just kids-“ Jax had your face in his hands as he spoke, so you had nowhere else to look but in his eyes. Eyes that seemed to look straight through you. To see everything you were feeling.
It made your stomach flip. He truly believed his sons would somehow adore you. Just as he did. Oh, the folly of men.
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You rode over to Jax's place on his bike and the whole way there you couldn't stop panicking. Children frightened you a little, but what you didn't realise was that Jax could feel your heartbeat through his back.
And at one point, he lightly slapped the side of your thigh. It was his way of trying to get you out of your own mind.
The ride felt shorter than usual and as you hopped off the bike and undid the helmet, you followed Jax up to the house. It was just like any other house. It was middle-class; clean, and well-maintained, even the lawn had been mowed. The mailbox stuck out to you, and you didn’t know why. Maybe it was because of how weird a biker in a gang would have such a normal, everyday, and mundane … thing. It wasn’t rusting or chipping either...unlike yours.
   With one knock to the door, Jax opened it and went inside. With you right behind him, he squeezed your hand once and went to find his boys.
Oh fuck, okay here we go, you thought, looking around the place. Hell, it was clean. Cleaner than your own home. Well, Jax would have hired a cleaner, or at least, Gemma would have. But if you ever moved in with him, would you still keep the cleaner around? Would Gemma still come around as often?
It was these weird thoughts that sometimes kept you up at night. Were they stupid thoughts? Over the top? Were you thinking too far ahead? Calm down, you thought to yourself. And tapped your thigh right where Jax had before.
  Your mind was snapped out of its cage when you heard the sound of heels on tiles. Holding a breath, you saw ...that Wendy wasn’t there. Unbeknownst to you, Jax had had a conversation with her the night before. It wasn’t a fun one either. But he did make things clear, as well as assure Wendy that her boys weren’t being taken from her.
  Gemma stood there with her arms crossed. Was she glowering at you? No, no she was sizing you up. Once again.
   “The way you handled Wendy the other night was pretty badass, Zoe.”
Some people would see that as a compliment but there was something sour in her words.
Before you could reply, Jax came out with two blonde-haired boys.
Abel and Thomas were hesitant as they clung to their father. All three had blonde hair, and the thought made you smile. For a split second, you wondered what coloured hair your baby with Jax would be, but instantly you scolded yourself. Don’t think so far ahead! you thought.
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Abel was the easiest one to get along with, all you had to do was ask him about his toys and off he was, running around his house trying to drag you along, showing you all the different rooms and what he used them for.
   “And in that one we do number ones and number twos,” he said brightly while pointing to the toilet.
  “Whew, that’s good to know,” you responded with a laugh. Jax howled with laughter, while carrying Thomas close to his chest. Jax held onto Thomas, who didn’t want to leave his father’s arms. Not because he didn’t like this new stranger, no, he’d been around strangers all the time. It was just that right now he got all his father’s attention. Finally.
   “Isn’t that right, daddy?” Abel said with such innocent eyes.
“Absolutely,” Jax huffed, and scruffed his son’s hair.
   But he wasn’t done. Once Abel got someone’s attention, he had to keep it.
“And this…” he swung open the door, “is my bedroom!” He opened his arm in a ‘ta-da’ kind of way and then ran to his bed and jumped on it.
   “Woah man,” you said. Trying your best to be as interested as possible. And it was interesting to see the little knick-knacks in the toddlers room. It was blue, with shelves full of photos and race cars. And a LOT of miniature toy bikes.
   Jax followed you guys in and took in the picture before him. The three people he loved most in this world. His two beautiful boys. And the woman he’d been waiting for.
  “Hey, you guys wanna go to the park?” Jax said and both the boys screamed “yes!” Even Thomas let his excitement show.
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Fuck Murphy’s Law, you thought. The sun was shining, warming everyone’s skin, not a cloud in the sky. The playground was empty except for the four of you, who were currently in a very serious game of tips. Abel was it, and he had to tap the closest person so then they would switch. In a child’s mind it was perfectly logical. But explaining it to Thomas was a bit of a challenge. He was just happy to cling to Jax.
  Whenever you looked over at Thomas, he buried himself further into his father’s chest. Almost covering himself with the kutte. God, if you weren’t seeing a lot of Jax, then these poor boys barely saw him. A pang of guilt hit you in the chest and you felt a little sick. You hadn’t even thought about the boys and what Jax meant to them.
“No, no ah!” You yelled as you ‘ran away’ from Abel (you couldn’t help but go easy on the kids. If it were with other adults … then your competitive nature would send you overboard.)
  Abel’s tanned arm reached out and tugged at your shirt. “Got you! Got you!” He screamed in delight, his little mouth curling in a big smile.
    “Zo is it!” Thomas babbled, giggling near his dad. The first time he acknowledged you. It made you beam. Maybe this was the reason people had kids … for some validation.
Looking at both boys, you curled your fingers, and you did your worst evil laugh. Abel screeched happily, jumping to the upper level, and running to the slide. Jax held Thomas’ hand and slowly ran away from you, hiding between the swings.
    “Ohhh, I’m gonna get you!” You said to Jax, who looked at you with a sly grin.
“I would like to see you try-“ he replied, trying his best to hold in a smile. Being suave wasn’t actually that easy. Especially while playing tips.
  But you took off, and without even moving, Jax let you jump onto his back and down to the ground. Abel and Thomas screamed in pure excitement.
   The little boys piled on top of you two, squealing and giggling, they could barely stay on top because they were so small.
    “We got you Dad!” Abel said, holding onto your back.
“Yeah, we dot you!” Thomas echoed, giving his father a kiss on the face.  He was going to be the sweetest thing on earth. You just knew.
Your things were sitting on the park bench not that far from the playground. But Jax didn’t hear his phone ring. He placed it in your bag and actually forgot about it.
   For once he wanted not to be interrupted, to have time true family time. Because he learnt from his past. And wasn’t going to make the same mistakes again.
  But that meant he missed a call. Well, a few calls actually. Ones that would change the course of club business.
  On the drive back home, you looked at Jax and spelled out “I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M?” He only responded with a deep belly laugh.
   “Yeah, I reckon we can do that.”
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By the time the boys arrived home, their faces were covered in icecream and sprinkles. Much to Gemma’s dismay.
   “God, now they’re gonna be running on the roof,” she said with a huff. But you knew it was an act. She loved that the boys were spending time with their father.
   “It’s alright Ma, I’ll clean them up.”
“Yeah I know you will,” she said like a whip. Her hands on her hips as she led the four of you inside. She ran the bath, and although the boys were filthy, they both whined.
   “C’mon, Zo loves baths,” Jax said, adding bubbles and toys to the tub.
“Y-yeah, I do! They’re great!” You said enthusiastically, doing your best to persuade the two little grubs to get clean. They looked like the lost boys from Peter Pan.
  When the tub was full enough, the boys still wouldn’t get in. Both with crossed arms (Thomas just copying his brother), they refused.
     “I bet,” you said with an idea in your head, ”that you’ve never had a bath with your clothes … on.”
And their eyes lit up.
   Gemma rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“I mean a bath is a bath right?” You said to Jax, who looked at you with raised brows.
    “I mean … yeah.”
After the boys were cleaned, Gemma was almost adamant that the two of you leave. You could feel the ownership radiating off of her.
  Like leaving a lioness’ den, you got on the bike and Jax took you home. Gemma watched as you two sped off, and when she turned to go back inside, you could have sworn her tail followed.
  When Jax dropped you home, he finally looked at his phone. You could see the concern on his face, but something in you told you to back off. To give him some privacy. Hey, maybe it wasn’t club business for all you knew. Maybe it was a big day for him as well.
Barely giving you a kiss, he waited for you to walk inside and sped off.
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The club business had Jax fired up. And when he got to your place, he harshly knocked on the door, then started pacing back and forth.
   “Coming,” you called, slipping on your pajama pants. Reaching the door, you yanked it open and saw a frazzled Jax Teller.
   “Shit,” you said plainly.
“Yeah, shit,” he said darkly.
Moving aside, he stalked in and did not take a seat.
  “Do you want a drink?” You said letting the door click closed.
“I- I don’t know,” he started pacing again, and you realised you were seeing the real Jax. The one that no one else saw. The one who did all his thinking by himself.
   “Yeah, I know what you need,” you said slightly wide-eyed. Half of you was worried for Jax, and the other half was … excited. Excited that your relationship had progressed to letting each other see one’s breakdown.
In the kitchen cabinet sat a heavy glass bottle of brown liquor. It was something that Skeeter had made at home. You tried it before, and one glass was the equivalent to four standard drinks.
Getting out your nicest drinking glass, you put in a few ice cubs and two shots of the liquor. Before closing the lid, you took a swig and scrunched your face in reaction. That shit was strong.
    “Here,” you said and sat down. Finally, he followed your lead.
For some reason, it was only now that he could take a deep breath. When you handed him the glass, Jax’s fingers lingered over your own, needing to feel your touch. It was then that he started to calm down. Down a step, then another.
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 Jax drained the glass and looked at you with the hunger of a wild animal. Pure lust in his blue, glowing, eyes. Heat travelled from your face, down your neck and in between your thighs. Fuck.
  Prowling over to you, Jax picked you up with ease and laid you on the carpet floor. Your long hair now a messy crown around your head, the tv became background noise, as Jax became mesmerising in his pursuit of pleasure.  
Biting down on your neck, he claimed you as his. With his hands clutching you tight, moving your top further upwards, he kissed at the exposed flesh. Groaning at your taste. The smell of you turned him on, let alone how you looked, how you walked and talked. The whole of you was like a need for him. Sustenance, nourishment; he needed you.
 It was as if you both had that same thought. Jax needed Zo. And it was a race to have all of you.
With swift movements, he pushed your clothes from your body, grabbed ahold of you, and twisted you around. With your face to the ground, he pushed down your pants and ground against your bare ass.
   “Jax,” you whispered and in response all he did was growl. Fuck, you thought. You weren’t with Prince Charming tonight. He wrapped his hand around your neck and with his lips, pulled on your earlobe.
  Jax let go of you, only to undo his pants, and you started to move. But as quick as lightning, he pushed you back to the floor.
    “Don’t fucking move,” he roared and the heat between your legs turned to slick.  
 In a split second you were completely naked. You could feel the roughness of his beard between your legs, the warmth of his hands rubbing your thighs, his mouth was everywhere. All you could do was lay there, doing your best to slowly arch your ass closer and closer to his cock.
 Tonight Jax was full of aggression, of rage, of … tension. And he needed you. He hadn’t planned on having you face down on the ground, ass in the air. Such a pretty ass, he thought. And slapped it hard.
   “Ah!” You flicked your head towards him and your eyes grew red. Raising an eyebrow, he inclined his head.
  “No?” He grumbled. His voice was lower than usual. Gravelly, hoarse.
“Yes,” you said in a command. And an evil grin spread across his face. Within moments, your ass was red raw and it made your cunt even more sensitive.
    Seeing you in that position made Jax want to touch every part of you. His hands gripped your cheeks and spread them apart. You knew his face was centimetres away from your core because you could feel his hot breath against it.
  If it was any other night you would say something, but all you dared do was whine.
     “Shhhh,” he cooed, swiping his nose against the exposed flesh. Licking your folds, toying with your clit with one of his fingers.
  “You want me to fuck you?” He asked, almost entranced.
“Yes,” you whispered, and tried to move backwards, so his face was flush against you. At that, he laughed. But a hard hand slapped your ass again and you cried out.
    “I know you want me to fuck you…” and then his mouth was sucking on your cunt, his nose gliding up and down. “I know you do…” he murmured against you.
The tension in stomach was tightening and tightening, but you didn’t want to cum without him inside of you.
  “Jax-“ you whined, trying to get his attention. But he hands were firmly planted on your hips, his face completely buried in your ass, his fingers in your pussy, his mouth moving everywhere.
    “I’m gonna-“
“I know,” and then he undid his pants and let his hard cock spring free.
It didn’t start off slowly like it had the first time. No, this time around Jax was rough. He plunged himself into you, thrusting hard; in and out, in and out. The sound of his balls slapping your ass filled the room but you were too hazy to be embarrassed.
  “G-god,” you moaned loudly, letting his body pound into your own. Jax’s body was practically on top of yours, one hand around your throat, and the other around your middle, thrusting into you erratically.
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    “What was that about.”
“The deal went through babe, I’m sorry – wait I didn’t hurt you did I?” Jax got up from the floor to look you over. Only a few hickies on your neck and breasts. Well, and some on your thighs.
 But you only laughed, a glint in your eye. Having his kneeling body right next to you was a sight to behold. Tanned all over, his hair messed, muscles bulging (may or may not have been flexing). He looked like a god. But to you, he was only a prince. Your prince.
   “I’m fine, Prince Charming, now go get me a blanket, I’m cold.”
“As you wish,” he said and got up, his cock dangling between his legs. You almost gasped. Yes, you were a mature grown woman, but seeing the male form always gave you a little shock. Especially a male form that had been inside you.
“I gotta talk to you about somethin’,” Jax’s voice was heavy and your stomach twisted.
    “…yeah?” You looked up at him and he sighed.
“I have to leave again, not as long as last time though. But I leave tonight.”
  You groaned and flopped back onto the floor. You had only just gotten him back.
“Hey baby,” he said with a smirk on his face, “at least you have somethin’ to masturbate over now.”
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keenzinemugstudent · 1 year
I haven't seen this around but here I go Jax finds out he has twin daughters from an old friend who he had a relationship with friends with benefits but she left Charming after getting into a good college out of state or so he thought she did get accepted into college three different colleges but wasn't able to go to college because she found out she was pregnant and not wanting her children to be involved with their father's lifestyle she left I am writing it right now but I'm also at work so hopefully I'll have some time to post it
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