#Gem Knight
fyeahygocardart · 1 year
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Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond
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brokentrafficknight · 7 months
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Best Yugioh deck comin' through
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eggtimeiguess · 2 months
Every time I return to Yu-Gi-Oh as a hyperfixation I discover some new detail to become unreasonably obsessed with like usually it's just binge watching a different anime series but this time it's comboed with card lore. You're telling me that the three cocky big shot summoning specialists from the Leo institute use decks based around an entire continuous lore story in the cards?! I now have to come up with characters who use each duel terminal deck and come up with little backstories and character quirks to match their deck and by anime rules I can make even the worst decks seem op! God I might have to write a fanfic I've never even attempted that before!!!!
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Day two of forcing myself to draw- Gem-Knight Crystal. I kinda messed up the perspective on his body but he’s not awful. Just wait. Eventually I’ll get him looking sufficiently surly.
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ultravioletness · 2 years
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gay knights and dames collages part two
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theblogofzoe · 2 years
Idk why but I love running fushion decks in Yugioh. Like Gem Knights and Frightfurs have always been favorites of mine to run and never figured why lol. Think my current Gem Knight deck’s stat is to last long enough to get Brilliant Diamond on the field and summon Master Diamond with her effect by sending some level 4 to the grave. Obsidian and a normal or two are my strat since it lets me get most three summons in one turn (fusion, special, and normal). If I can’t get that up around turn 3 or 4 usually I’ve Armadillo or Turtle or both on the field so I overlay them to get Pearl Knight and if it can destroy someone I activate Divine Arsenal Zeus’ effect to get him out on the field and be like an emergency wipe.
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moomoorare · 2 months
click for better quality? tumblr loves to compress images worse than dudes repressing gay urges
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Art I made for my second work in the Scales of Fate au (Blood In The Wine) featuring The Ocean Queen and her new knights Dame Gem, Lady Pearl and Earl Cleo 🌊💗
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
I have greatly enjoyed your comics ever since i saw them and have been quietly Iurking as ya do- thought youd want to know that i played hollow knight based on how enthusiastic u were and how fuckin cool youre art of hk/mdzs is. OH and watched dungeon meshi. Your influence is vast and i have been enriched. Keep on keepin on 🫡
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You have bestowed the highest honour upon me.
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
Arkham Knight Edition
Jason gets thrown into an alternate universe and finds his younger self being tortured in the asylum.
Things get… a little blurry after that.
When Jason comes back to himself he’s got a shaking kid clinging to him and a worrying amount of Joker parts strewn all over the floor, walls, and ceiling.
Seems like it’s going to be one of those days…
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thelionandtheeagle · 6 months
Yeah okay but guys listen. As one plays through Gotham Knights, people start calling Tim the Ghost of Gotham. His brand of Stealth is so delightfully frightening. And I'm sorry but that's damn ass cool. Can we please make that a thing everywhere? Awesome title for an awesome boy? I beg?
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the-bar-sinister · 18 days
This is a question you may delete if it doesn't interest you.
If such a thing as a "knight pride flag" existed, what colors would it have?
I mean like a flag to display the pride of being a knight, not necessarily the flag an actual knight would carry around to bear arms or whatever.
There's no better Knight Pride flag than the one that's been flown for 5000 years, anon.
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looceyloo · 8 months
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Starlight Saint Raeleciras dae Lusalere, for CommodoreSir on twitter!
This was such an interesting challenge to tackle, it was one of those projects that made me want to put in more and more!
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shelbyuhh · 1 month
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A lunar knight that protects the moon 🌙✨
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mad-as-a-box-of-frogs · 2 months
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Echo (2024)
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woetoy · 2 months
Of course, of course, I'd be obsessed with lore where a character's body changes to become compatible with a chosen mate. Actually embarrassed with how much I like it.
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dailymetaknight · 10 months
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Gem Apple 🍎
Some oddly-friendly, “dimension-travelling” alien who calls himself “Magolor” has settled in the kingdom, selling weird things in his shoppe. Why is he so adamant in being friends with everyone? Why is he offering him a “gem apple”? 🤔
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