#Gavin's Golden Boys
coochiequeens · 10 months
The son of a social justice activist and a local musician who worked references to his son into his songs is playing on the girls team
By Reduxx Team November 30, 2023
A concerned father in California has come forward to reveal that his daughter sustained a traumatic concussion after playing high school volleyball against an opposing team with a trans-identified male student. Luis, whose name is being anonymized at his request due to fears about repercussions against his family, alleges his daughter had a ball spiked into her head so hard that she experienced blurry vision.
The incident occurred in October during a match at Half Moon Bay High School. Luis was in attendance to support his 17-year-old daughter, who was playing on behalf of a visiting high school Reduxx has chosen to withhold the name of in order to protect her identity. Luis explains that volleyball had been one of his daughter’s passions from an early age.
“My daughter has been involved in volleyball since she was in 4th grade,” he says. “She has always been a kid with her eye on the prize. When she first started asking about playing volleyball she began practicing in the backyard. For hours at a time, she’d hit the ball on the sloped roof. Eventually she was able to be a Team Captain at her school.”
But while his daughter had racked up an impressive school athletic record and had played dozens of games, Luis explained he immediately felt something was off during the October match. He says he noticed something strange about one of the Half Moon Bay players, who he says seemed stronger than all of the girls on the team.
“From a distance It seemed like a boy dressed in a girl’s volleyball uniform,” Luis says, adding that he quickly texted his wife in confusion. “I asked if she knew that there may be a boy on the [Half Moon Bay] team. She said yes.”
Immediately, Luis says concern began to set in.
“I told my wife that this was not fair. I felt frustrated that, in an indirect way, I was now supporting someone’s gender confusion. To boot, they were now playing against my daughter and her teammates. I had heard about transgender in sports issues, bathroom gender identification politics, and trans groups reading to kids at school. Now it was directly hitting home.”
Luis says that during the game, while he was chatting with another parent, the game suddenly stopped, and he turned to see his daughter being led out of the gymnasium while holding her head.
“[The other parent] turned to me and said, ‘Did you see that? She was hit by that boy?’ I had missed the actual hit, but felt the weight of everyone staring at me, including the opposing team,” Luis explains that he rushed to check on his daughter, terrified that she might be bleeding.
During a medical assessment by Half Moon Bay officials, Luis says his daughter reported blurry vision and head pain. Despite her injury, Luis’ daughter wanted to remain at the school to support her teammates, but sat out for the remainder of the match.
“After the game, a few parents voiced their displeasure with the incident. With all of the cancel culture crap, I was walking on eggshells, not wanting to add more fuel to this fire,” Luis says, noting that he tried to remain calm for his daughter’s sake.
“I totally felt alone. Like this was a bad dream. My daughter knew how angry I was. The drive was telling as my daughter asked me not to make it a big deal. But to me, it was already a big deal,” he says.
“We ended up taking my daughter to the doctor. They confirmed the concussion and my kid ended up not being able to play for the remainder of her senior year. She was playing for fun, and this was her final year doing it. She felt robbed. I felt deflated and powerless,” Luis explains.
Despite scheduling a meeting with school district administrators, Luis was told nothing could be done to prevent males from continuing to play on female teams. Internally, Luis struggled with the news, and began to weigh the risks of coming forward.
“If I say something out loud, will my kid be ostracized at school? If I don’t say anything, will I be silently accepting boys playing against girls at schools? Are there parents that would shame me and my family for saying anything? Don’t get me wrong, I have empathy for the boy. I don’t know what it feels like for someone to be born male and not identify with that. Life must be difficult,” Luis says.
“But at what point does someone’s gender dysphoria cross the empathy boundary? In my case when my daughter was injured.”
Reduxx has learned that the male student playing on the Half Moon Bay girls’ team was Aaron Lester, the son of California musician John Lester and social justice activist Lisa Phelan.
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Lester’s parents claim he began to express an interest in wearing feminine clothes at age 9, when they say he wanted to wear a dress during an elementary school talent show.
“(His) mom and I had a talk with him. We said, ‘We’re totally fine with that, but there might be some people who don’t understand. You might get a hard time from some people and you should be prepared for that,’” Lester’s father is quoted as saying in a 2017 article published in the Half Moon Bay Review.
Lester’s father then wrote a song and incorporated references to his son.
“Pink for girls and blue for boys, fairy dust or fighting toys, a child must choose when they’re still young between a magic wand or plastic gun, but there’s this kid who doesn’t care,” the song’s lyrics state. “He’s strong, he’s wise and he’s pretty too.”
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Lester and his mother at Ru Paul’s Dragcon. Source: Lisa Phelan / INSTAGRAM
While it is unclear when Lester began to identify as “female,” it appears to be relatively recently. In 2020, he was still referring to himself and his sibling as “brothers,” but in 2021, his mother began posting more frequently about “supporting trans kids” on her social media.
During the October match which resulted in Luis’ daughter being injured, Lester issued almost 1/3 of the total “kills” for the team, and helped Half Moon Bay dominate to an overwhelming victory.
In videos from the match reviewed by Reduxx, Lester is seen jumping higher than the female players, and hitting the ball with far more force.
Due to a lack of action from the school district, Luis says he has joined a group of concerned parents looking to push change on a local level.
“My daughter is okay now. She has no further treatments,” Luis says. “I feel like my daughter would not have injured had Half Moon Bay not allowed a male to play with the girls.”
Speaking to Reduxx, a representative from the Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS) attributed much of the blame to the policies of California Governor Newsom.
“Governor Newsom and California school leaders are to blame for allowing boys to cause brain injuries and take opportunities from girls in sports. The Governor dismisses situations like this girl’s career-ending injury as unimportant to him,” the representative said.
“[Newsom] believes the well-being of ‘so few’ boys is paramount when measured next to safety and fairness for girls. These boys are ‘Gavin’s Golden Boys.’ They are allowed to do whatever they want and girls are acceptable collateral damage.”
ICONS is a non-partisan campaign group dedicated to defending the rights of female athletes to single-sex sport and has vocally advocated against policies which allow males to self-identify into women’s athletic categories. Since its founding, the group has railed against incidents of injury or risk involving female athletes forced to accommodate males in their sport.
“It’s time to stand up, speak up, and sue. Putting girls at known increased risk and stealing their opportunities is unethical.”
I did a quick search for the dudes parents since I never heard of either of the them. And father info was just about his music. But the mom ...
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So if the election doesn't go the way she wants it's the fault of women. I don't know the demographics for the last election by during the trump Clinton election it was the men I heard say "I'm not voting there's no point" with a smug 'I am soo smart' attitude.
And there's this
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Coaching? I didn't see anything on about her officially being on the team but I did see a write up on social media
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And what about her son?
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Team leader...........
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chronicowboy · 2 years
hey, buck, its christopher. i know you're sick, but its only temporary, you're gonna be okay. thats what all the machines are doing, making you better. but wherever you are, you have to come back. wherever you are right now, you have to come back.
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heisttheblackflag · 1 year
kingpin gavin
he starts from almost nothing. brought over from england for a job and the promise of more, only to be mistreated and abandoned and worse. when he fights his way out it’s through layers of bodies and self-hatred and he doesn’t know if he comes out the other side better or worse but he comes out the other side.
this happens again. different gangs, different kinds of bullies, but again and again he’s shit on and overlooked; used and abused and forgotten about. but he’s smart. he watches, and he waits, and he listens and he learns, and time and time again he fights his way out of the pits he’s been thrown into.
finally the day comes when he realises he can do it on his own. he has the talent, the knowledge, the connections if he can capitalize on them. so many gang leaders have chewed him up and spit him out he can craft lies and sell secrets easier than breathing, easier than trying to stand on your own when your legs have been kicked out from under you more times than you can count.
from here he rises. his power grows until “golden” isn’t a color any more, it’s fear and firewalls and knowing you only have limited time until the golden man with the silver tongue is standing in front of you, one hand offering you the world while the other hand waits to stab you in the back. he rises and conquers and then, glorious, he is the one who controls the city, controls his whole world. then and only then does he find himself.
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doodlebriggs · 1 year
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Fake AH Golden Boy drawings over the years. Never stop trying, even if you suck at something. Because you can get better if you put your mind to it.
(the last one is a WIP! I’m hoping to color it soon...)
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teecupangel · 9 months
Desmond being bored and deciding to make a retelling of his ancestors for shaun or historians of the assassin's. Except he 'accidentally' makes it public and it goes viral, given that sometimes its Desmond and other times its his ancestors from the bleeding effect
The Assassins desperately needed a win.
After the Great Purge, the Assassins were left imprison in a sinking ship.
William Miles and Gavin Banks tried their best to protect and hide what was left but it was a losing battle.
It made people desperate.
Desperate enough to place their fate in Desmond Miles.
Desmond Miles, the runaway son of William Miles.
Desmond Miles, the descendant to Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad and Ezio Auditore.
The golden boy of the Assassins.
He didn’t really care much about him.
Rebecca Crane was his tech support so he never even met the great Desmond Miles.
He was stuck here, in the basement of a loud club in Berlin, doing his job as one of the contact persons of Erudito.
Most of the time, he just helped Erudito fuck Abstergo’s shit up.
Or try to anyway.
Abstergo does have one of the most impressive security system money can buy.
They were slowly chipping on it though.
Most of Erudito were still trying to throw rocks at the digital bullet proof system Abstergo has while he and the best of Erudito hack into another company who uses the same system to find its weaknesses that they can use against Abstergo.
They were so close to a break through.
And he may have drunk 6 or 7 energy drinks for the last 62 hours so he actually thought he was hallucinating for a moment when he clicked the link one of the Erudito hackers he was working with had spent with the message “dude, isn’t he one of yours? O.o”.
It was a youtube video.
Of Desmond Miles…
In that motherfucking (should certainly be) secret hideout in Italy.
With that motherfucking statue of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad behind him, completely clear on view.
“So you wanted to know what Ezio was doing while he was looking for Cesare Borgia, right, Shaun? You went out and I know I’ll be back in the Animus by the time you get here so I’m recording this so you can watch it while I’m stuck in the Animus.”
“So… Cesare left Roma after he failed to kill Ezio and got sent to Castel Sant’Angelo.”
He blinked.
Was Desmond Miles giving a history lesson???
Oh, fuck, he was.
And he just namedropped Machiavelli and Leonardo as Ezio’s companions who were also looking for where Cesare was transferred after he escaped and got captured again in Firenze.
He had started to speak in Italian.
Not only that…
His entire demeanor, even the way he sat had changed.
He had only heard about it.
The Bleeding Effect.
Desmond Miles was bleeding as Ezio Auditore in a fucking video in the internet.
His second phone began to rang and he prayed to every holy and demonic being that it wasn’t William Miles.
No matter what William Miles say, he cannot just scrub that video from the internet.
It was obvious (6 millions views! What the fuck!!!) that someone out there had already downloaded this video and taking it down would just spark more controversy.
He looked at the number and knew exactly who was calling him.
He accepted the call and said immediately, “What the fuck, Crane. Why did Miles upload a video to fucking Youtube?!”
Rebecca groaned and he could hear Lucy Stillman and Shaun Hastings shouting in the background, most probably ripping Desmond Miles a new one.
“The phone he used to record it automatically uploads to Youtube.”
He blinked.
“That is bullshit.”
“It’s true! It’s one of Lucy’s burner phones and she didn’t even change the settings at all! It defaulted to that kind of setting!”
“No phone has an automatic upload to Youtube and you know it.”
“I know but this one does! It’s so weird! It’s like… something weird is going on here!”
“I’d believe it more if you said Miles wanted to publish it as unlisted but fucked up.”
Rebecca groaned once more.
A phone that automatically uploads to Youtube.
That was such bullshit.
(Rebecca is telling the truth. The phone is a weird one and Lucy can’t even remember where she got it. Almost like… it was always there. Dun dun dun)
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crowfanity · 2 years
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More Ace Attorney text posts:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
(ID under cut)
[ID: A series of seven pictures from a Reddit thread with Ace Attorney characters.
The first picture is of the discussion topic, which reads “Let’s test something: describe your gender in a way that will baffle cis people but other trans and enby peeps will get.” Next to it is a sprite of Mia Fey smiling with her arms crossed.
On the next picture, the first comment is next to a sprite of Miles Edgeworth looking away. It says “I prefer to not be perceived by others.”
The comment after that says “A void with thigh high socks and beanie.” Next to it is Phoenix Wright’s disbarred sprite wearing a beanie and looking aloof.
The next comment says “Idk pick a slur”. Next to it is a picture of Dahlia Hawthorne looking uninterested and playing with her hair.
Below that is a comment saying “I drank too much gender juice”. To the right is an image of Rayfa Padma Khura’in smirking.
The next comment says “i wish i was an abstract concept”. Beside it is a sprite of Aura Blackquill with with her chin in her hand as she leans on a distressed Clonco.
Another comment reads “Ooblek. My gender is ooblek.” Next to it is a picture of post time-skip Ema Skye looking bored and fidgeting with her hair.
The third picture starts with a reply that says “I am a grand, old piano. I am painted black, shining and somewhat glossy. Covered in vines holding beautiful, golden flowers, I sit in the middle of a forest; forgotten, yet not lost. A cat sits atop me, staring into the distance with a glare in its tiny, marble eyes. The sun lays itself on top of my base in streaks, like looking through swaying; almost open blinds. I am a grand, old piano.” To the right is a sprite of Klavier Gavin smiling with his eyes closed and playing with his bangs.
The comment after that reads “Seven goblins in a trench coat, each with a different hyperfixation”. Next to it is a picture of young Maya Fey, leaning forward and smirking.
The next comment says “David Bowie, as played by Tilda Swinton”. It’s next to a sprite of Shih-na with sunglasses, looking at a stack of papers.
After that is a comment that says “none gender with left boygirl”. To the right is Sebastian Debeste looking smug.
Blow that is another comment reading “A shapeshifting shadow monster that takes the form of your gay aunt’s wife”. Next to it is an image of Franzaiska von Karma smirking with a hand on her hip.
The next picture starts with a reply saying “If gender is a performance then mine is the curtains which are drawn in to block stagehands switching props and the backdrop”. To the right is a sprite of Trucy Wright leaning forward and smiling with her eyes closed.
The next comment says “I’m a girl in a man way”. Beside it is Athena Cykes grinning and making a victory hand sign.
Blow that, a comment reads “i don’t know what i’m doing leave me alone”. Next to it is Juniper Woods with her hands clasped together, looking nervous.
The next comment just says “Rooster”. It has a picture of Apollo Justice with his arms crossed, looking smug.
Under that another comment says “Booby mcbeardy face”. Beside it is a sprite of Dick Gumshoe grinning.
The next reply reads “I’m all the genders but also none of the genders and everything I wear is drag and every crush I have is gay.” To the right is an image of Shi-Long Lang smirking.
The fifth picture starts by saying “If Gerard way was a sport bike”. Beside it is a sprite of Simon Blackquill smirking with his hand on his chin.
The next response reads “When you order man from wish”. Next to it is an image of Mike Meekins looking down and starting to cry.
The comment below that says “I’m gender fluid but not in a “sometimes a girl sometimes a boy” way. Sometimes my gender is Wesley from Princess bride, a sexy cowboy, pirate temptress and greasy gamer entity.” It has a picture of Jake Marshall holding the brim of his cowboy hat.
Underneath that another comment reads “an old vending machine that only gives you coffee and lime soda”. To the right is a sprite of Godot grinning and holding a cup of coffee.
The next reply says “I want to be able to see my gender in the woods after weeks of camping and get scared away, then the next night wander into the forest searching for it again but disappear without a trace, like those horror stories you read about, you know?” Next to it is Kay Faraday grinning with her eyes closed and a hand on her scarf.
The next picture starts off by saying “I’m a person”. To the right is a sprite of Kristoph Gavin smiling with his eyes closed and arms crossed.
The comment below that reads “I think of gender as icky stuff that I don’t want on me, attached to me. That’s another way of saying I don’t want gendered terms to define me. I’m agender.” Next to it is a young Pearl Fey biting her thumb and looking anxious.
The next response says “No matter who you are, if you have sex with me, it’s gay”. To the right is a sprite of Nahyuta Sahdmadhi smiling with his left arm behind his back.
Under that another reply reads “I do not exist”. Beside it is a picture of Lana Skye looking away.
Beneath that is a comment that says “bowling alley carpet”. To the right is an image of Patches smiling with his eyes closed and holding a fan while confetti flutters about.
The last image just has one reply that reads ““Hi, I’m non-binary. Please refer to me with gender neutral terms.”“ Next to it is a picture of Bobby Fulbright grinning and doing a salute. /End of ID]
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h0ney-dames · 10 months
Special thanks to the discord svr for help!
lasko : cannot order pizza did you SEE that date?!
damien : jalapeño and half a bottle of spice
huxley : meat lover pizza (cus he's 🏳️‍🌈)
caelum : pizza bagel enjoyer
gavin : sasuage pizza
hudson : supreme with no olives
david : cheese. (refuses to let angel get toppings so they have to buy two pizzas)
milo : margarita
asher : spicy pepperoni with jalapeños
guy : pepperoni (but he get domino max's rustic pizza cookies) ((+ discounts))
geordi : just get cheese and garlic bread to cry with
vincent : golden pizza with truffles
sam : meat lovers (cus darlin 😎😍🥰😘)
echo : thinks hes better then pizza
hush : cheese & anchovies with no sauce
alexis : goes to italy just to get pizza (then eats it with a knife and fork and gets her neck snapped like spaghetti)
porter : pineapple
quinn : his own di- glow stick
kody : burnt pizza
adam : pizza with sauce before the cheese
(special add)
Barchium : doesn't know what Pizza is
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tohwitchesduels · 20 days
REQUEST BATTLES OF WITCHES DUELS - Battle 23: Gavin Deamonne vs Hunter Deamonne
Disclaimer: This is not a popularity contest or which character you prefer, in this tournament, you decide who is stronger/better/smarter/etc. opponent.
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information for both opponents under the cut to those who don't know what they can do in their battle:
Gavin Deamonne:
Gavin Deamonne specializes mainly in abomination magic and it is not known whether or not he knows or practices spells of another kind.
Gavin is overall a pretty skilled witch from Glandus High and his debut episode proves he's not afraid to seek adventures and is capable of fighting off beasts or capturing his opponents. He's not necessarily smart enough to see through illusions, especially when emotionally vulnerable (the boy so desperately needs his dad's attention that he falls for an illusion of himself with a mustache).
Now this is pure headcanon territory at this point as Gavin is not confirmed to be Darius's son, so if we would take CANON into consideration, Gavin hardly has anything personal against Hunter and would be rather intimidated by the prospect that former golden guard is the big brother of the kid he bullied, however, if we delve into headcanon territory, things certainly get interesting, to say the least. Gavin would do anything to impress his dad and to only learn that he pretty much was replaced by a white boy and said the boy got more in a shorter time than he did is certainly insulting. Gavin's so jealous he specifically challenges Hunter beforehand to prove himself and lashes out at Hunter for "taking his dad away" while not viewing Hunter as worthy for being the emperor's right-hand man who aided in the destruction of the Isles.
Gavin does in fact possess a palisman as confirmed in Eda's Requiem, and is proven to be a skilled and fast flyer by winning Gland Prix. Now, it's hard to tell whether or not he and Luz were going head to head (granted she had a very huge headstart before King puked at her making Luz crash) however he still managed to win the race by his own skill even if Luz could potentially out fast him. It goes without saying that Gavin still has skills in being an aerial ace that can rival most of the competitors here. It's not however known whether or not can he use staff in combat.
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Gavin may or may not have galdorstones with him to enhance his magic.
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Abomination Slip - Gavin can create abominations beneath the feet of his opponents making them lose their balance. It can be especially effective if his opponents are directly charging at him.
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Abomination Gripe - Gavin is capable of making abomination goo capture his opponents no matter where they are and restrain them or even move them across different locations.
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Abomination Minion - Gavin is capable of creating quite a large abomination golem that can be used to attack Gavin's opponents for him and serve his commands. The golem was smart enough to not be captured by the vines that assisted in the capture of Gus and also the very one to catch Gus first.
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Abomination Bomb - not a canon one to Gavin, it was used by another witch, but I thought it was a nice ability so I gave it to Gavin for him to have more firepower. Gavin can send a bullet of abomination that can explode releasing large amounts of goo that can restrain his opponents.
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Link to more of Gavin's capabilities here
Hunter Deamonne
Hunter "Insert your preferred surname/s for him", also known as a former and the youngest Golden Guard in history, head of the Emperor's Coven, Emperor Belos's right-hand man. One must know that unlike other contestants (aside from Luz) he's not constricted to specific covens and tracks since as a former leader of the coven that allows all kinds of magic, Hunter will have expertise in all types of coven magic as well, and he's also very dedicated to studying wild magic.
Hunter himself was also known as a genius teen prodigy and is undeniably a child soldier who was raised by both hell and the library to get to the very top. While he was born magicless, it did not stop him from earning his title as the right-hand man of the most powerful witch of the Boiling Isles. Hunter spends days and nights both training and learning everything about magic both as a duty and as fun. He's incredibly knowledgeable regarding all kinds of magic, meaning it's hard to actually surprise him with anything. And since he's a child soldier raised in a magical military with no magic by himself, Hunter had to survive hell even worse than some of the adults that also were part of this coven went through, and he survived it all. Hunter has already been to countless witches' duels beforehand, he made it several times through a maze full of traps, and judging by how he calls getting from the top to the bottom of the mountain alive "a classic", this might as well suggest that this Hunter's version of "summer camp", as he did that numerous times and he considers it "fond memories". Hunter without a doubt has the most experience among all participants when it comes to battling, because you know Belos never gave him a break or easy time and for Hunter to be where he is today is all thanks to his own strength, intelligence, and resilience.
When it comes to Hunter's motivations regarding this specific battle, it all comes down to Hunter knowing that Gavin was one of Gus's past bullies, meaning Hunter does not like Gavin and he does not plan on holding back to serve Gavin his commeuppance.When it comes to headcanons of both of them being Darius's sons, it hardly matters to Hunter in grand scheme of things, but Gavin's anomosity towards Hunter if that was the case makes Hunter only much more determined to put him in his place, though Hunter notices that quite frankly, Gavin is completely out ofhis depth, lowkey pitying him. All in all, Hunter absolutely wants to take Gavin down.
Hunter certainly has one of the strongest wills among all characters in TOH, as despite going through a ridiculous amount of pain, he is capable of brushing it off and pushing forward, with his only weakness being Belos. Hunter's willpower was even able to withstand Gus's trauma bubble which specifically puts you through your worst memories and even renders you useless, but Hunter resisted its effect and calmed Gus down instead, despite his pain being very fresh and severe and Hunter in fact not being ok with it, but Hunter keeps on going anyway. One must know it's very hard to break him, trust Belos, he tried but didn't succeed. Hunter even managed to resist Belos's possession for some time, which is a lot considering Belos was his abuser and had power over him metaphorically and physically in that moment.
Hunter displayed throughout the series to have some great athletic skills and agility, being able to keep up pace with running Luz without breaking a sweat while proving he has experience in parkour and acrobatics as seen in him flying on staff. Certainly, he can use his skills to evade incoming attacks with his reflexes while keeping up with his opponents and close distance between him and his enemies. He also has plenty of brute strength at his disposal as well, considering he managed to shatter falling debris by just swinging his staff in one hand.
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Hand-To-Hand Combat - Hunter has proven to be efficient in hand-to-hand combat throughout the series. While Hunter overall plays more on defense as a protector rather than offense, he is not afraid to throw a punch. This post goes more in-depth about Hunter's proficiency in staff-wielding, but I will explain some of it here too. Hunter as a trained soldier and experienced martial artist has his body be his weapon. He knows how the body works and has great control over it. He defeated both Luz and Eda in his debut with a quick kick while evading their attack, straight-up toyed with Kikimora, and had to be put to sleep to be restrained by coven scouts as he was still fighting and kicking. This also gives him a huge advantage against other competitors who are used to fighting across distance, whereas Hunter fights at a close range.
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Back in EC Hunter learned how to be smart, resourceful, and strong, and as I've mentioned before multiple times, he's a child soldier. His opponents usually underestimate him, but he's not the one to be crossed. His victories compromise of defeating Eda and Luz on 2v1 in his debut; immediately defeating Luz in HP once he's recovered; defeating Kikimora in HP; and Tying with Amity in EL after being physically and mentally exhausted, in 2v1 with King (who was rather defeated by Hunter in this duel), while wielding a completely new staff and restraining himself to not kill her but just getting the key; winning flyer derby game on his first try; catching Darius off-guard (which is a feat with Darius's great reflexes); making a strong glyph combo on his very first try; resisting Gus's trauma bubble; kicking ass during Hexside against EC battle; he was defeated twice by coven scouts, which while fair, was also due to his poor condition and the second time he had to be put to sleep to be restrained; handling abomatons and scouts with rest of the Hexsquad during S2 finale; standing his ground and protecting Hexsquad from Belos while being severely weakened in KT; breaking through Willow's vines in FtF with his freshly awakened powers.
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Hunter now is sub-merged with Flapjack meaning he does not require staff anymore to cast spells as magic now comes from within. What's more, I allow Hunter to also levitate/fly without the help of any staff. This is more of a fanon ability, but it's supposed to connect him to having the powers of a palisman (but no, he can't turn into a staff, nor is wooden) and abilities of a palisman are usually just enhanced abilities of the holder, meaning flight is in capacity of any witch, but all of them utilise staff since flight on its own is probably hard spell to pull off, but Hunter should do just fine for the sake of this tournament.
And now finally, let's talk about his staff, as it's her debut at long last. For the purposes of this tournament, I will give Hunter Waffles, sooner than I originally anticipated, but it's rather close to the semi-finals so oh well. I already mentioned how Hunter is absolutely proficient with his staff, utilizing it for both offensive and very effective strikes and flawless defense. Hunter is also a real aerial ace capable of flying at high speeds with agility to dodge attacks and is capable of even surfing on his staff as demonstrated when he showed off in ASIAS. His flying skills were also decisive in both forming EE and winning their very first game together.
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Flash Step - Hunter's trademark and iconic spell. It functions as a high-speed technique letting Hunter travel at the speed of light creating an illusion of teleporting. It allows Hunter to quickly get from one place to another which can be used for either evasion or quick offense as demonstrated perfectly in his fight with Kikimora by him avoiding her attacks without many issues while being capable of closing the distance between them. He can also use this ability to help out his allies, granted his speed is decreased slightly.
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Comet Charge - a stronger version of Flash Step. Hunter was surrounded by an outburst of energy charges with his high speed and big force. It can be used to break through any obstacles as demonstrated when Hunter broke through Willow's stronger vines with it or to fly across the air as demonstrated in ST.
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Resistance Spell - demonstrated in ST. Hunter managed to be sub-merged with the parts of boiling sea without either harming himself or King (and since Hunter doesn't know about being Grimwalker or King being a Titan, it's not like he could assume if they would survive contact with boiling water without a scratch) meaning Hunter can cover himself in magic preventing from damage like burns or high pressure, and the spell could potentially be used to allow Hunter to breathe underwater and resist hard strikes.
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Block Spell - demonstrated in HP and not only that, but Hunter can also block blasts of energy. Since he's now fused with Flapjack, I can imagine him blocking blasts with just his hands now, which seems to be possible considering his resistance spell mentioned above, but he could also probably utilise other tools to do the same like witch's staff or weapon of his choosing.
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Underground Escape - theorized ability of mine, but I assume Hunter could potentially use plant magic to escape being buried alive and maybe even transport himself with plants as demonstrated when he saved Luz, but it's just pure speculation so take this with a grain of salt.
Tool Creation - as demonstrated in ST, Hunter can create weapons (and possibly other kinds of tools to help him in battle) from thin air (by conjuring air into flesh and then into the tool). On-screen he showed he can create swords, but I extend this ability for him to be able to also create staffs and spears to help him in combat without a witch's staff. I also assume Hunter can wield different kinds of weapons considering coven scouts are shown to use weapons in Agony of the Witch and Hunter's prototype shows him with swords, which could suggest he knows how to fight with a sword.
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Tying Spell - demonstrated in HP where Hunter restrained Luz and tied her up. Can be very useful to disarm his opponents during matches.
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Battle Armor - demonstrated in ASIAS where he changed his sports attire into his GG armor. I assume Hunter in general can conjure up any clothes of his choosing with magic if he manages to also get a hands-on sports outfit and school uniform, and he did say in Dana's Livestream that he had full armor on when testing Flapjack, so I can imagine that during battles, Hunter would create armors for himself to better withstand any damage coming in his way.
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Laser Bolt - if both HP with Luz, and EL are anything to go by, Hunter is capable of shooting lightning-like lasers at his opponents.
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Lightning Strike - demonstrated in EL, which is a stronger version of laser bolt, Hunter is capable of shooting multiple lightning bolts at his opponents and spread even across the battlefield as demonstrated when fighting Amity and King.
Barrier Spell - not demonstrated in the show itself but in storyboards of Yasmin Khudari, in which Hunter could create a force field to shield Willow from falling debris. In the final product, he just used his own brute strength and staff to protect Willow rather than magic, but I will allow this spell meaning HUnter can create barriers that can withstand heavy hits and create them anywhere he desires.
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Flesh-Eating Plant - this is more of a speculation rather than a confirmed fact, but I rewatched ST, and Luz and Eda weren't originally standing in the flesh-eating plant until GG showed up, so I decided to be funny and say he actually made this plant himself to taunt them, especially since he also knew what it does (which also shows his expertise in plants among many things). Hunter in battles can utilise flesh-eating plants to set traps across the battlefield to both harm and distract his opponents.
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Telekinesis - one of GG's trademark ability back when he still had artificial staff (but I don't see why he would no longer know this spell anymore and more so just didn't use it as he didn't feel like it) in which Hunter can move objects with his mind. The objects can be multiple, of big size, and can even go as far as to lift other people. Hunter can utilise this ability to change his surroundings, throw projectiles of various sizes, and even push back people with just telekinesis alone.
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Sand Blast - demonstrated in his fight against Luz in ST. Hunter can create sandblasts and waves during battles to use as offensive pushback against his opponents or even defensively to push them back.
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Sand Construct - demonstrated in ST briefly where Hunter created a platform made out of sand for Luz and Eda to take a good look at the boiling sea. I can imagine Hunter using this technique to possibly create bridges, pathways, walls and column to move easier across the battlefield, to defend himself, or to push around his opponents.
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Rock Fist - demonstrated in EL against Amity. Hunter can create giant fists made out of rock (though I would also allow a version in which he can create fists out of ice as well, but it's one and the same attack) which can deal a serious uppercut.
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Earth Magic - demonstrated in both his fight against Amity and against Luz and Eda, in which Hunter managed to make the ground move Luz and Eda to the boiling sea and create a crack from which rock fist came. I can also imagine Hunter creating boulders from the ground in a similar fashion and possibly tossing them around with his telekinesis as well, which makes sense since it seems to be a spell of construction coven, and as former covenhead of all covens, Hunter would be aware of it.
Water Magic - demonstrated in his introduction in ST in which Hunter manipulated huge chunks of boiling water for his flashy entrance. I can imagine Hunter telekinetically pulling large bodies of water in the forms of torrents and waves to attack his opponents or to defend himself (in a similar fashion to a proficient waterbender much like Amity does with her abominations). He can utilise both cold and boiling water for this to also deal extra damage with scalds.
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Aqua Jet - Hunter can cover himself in a body of water (cold or boiling) and charge at his opponents as a form of attack.
Water Hand - demonstrated in ST, Hunter can create a giant hand of cold/boiling water. He utilised it in the show as a form of transportation, but I can imagine Hunter using the hand in the battle for both offensive and defensive purposes. He could also potentially create the same effect with abomination goo, judging by how Hunter's water hand technique is very reminiscent of Amity's abomination hand.
Wall Of Vine And Ice - demonstrated with Luz's glyphs, but I can imagine Hunter pulling out the same trick even without them considering he studies wild magic and normal magic relentlessly. Hunter can create a wall composed of ice and thick vines that can block strong attacks. Demonstrated in HM when defending Luz from Belos's attack.
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Link to more of Hunter's capabilities here
Return to Masterpost
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austinslounge · 3 months
I know shippers probably think we're being hard on Austin and Kaia wrt their relationship, but a lot of it stems from the fact that not only does their relationship seem a bit weird/disingenuous, but a lot of it reminds us of other relationships in Hollywood that just didn't last.
That's why fans should never put put their whole entire stock into a celebrity couple. Most of these celebrity couplings are short-lived at best, and kind of phony at worst.
Austin and Kaia actually remind me of another Hollywood couple: Brad and Gwyneth Paltrow. I did a little digging in their old relationship together, and there are a lot of csimilarities actually.
Brad was the "Golden Boy" of Hollywood at the time, and Gwyneth is a Nepobaby actress. They ended up dating for about 3 years (the typical Hollywood romance time period) and then broke up. 👀
She was stated as talking about Brad on the Letterman show back in '96.
2 years later, in '98, they had already split up, and Gwyneth states in this interview below that she wasn't even sure why the public made such a big huge deal about their romance or even their breakup. It was not anything to her. She was 22 for goodness sakes --- dating a guy 10 years her senior. Sound familiar lol? 😅
FF to Min 2:16
At the time of this interview above, it seems as though Gwyneth had already moved on to actor Ben Affleck lol, and even think she had learned to not talk publicly about her relationships anymore, it seems that her relationship with Ben still didn't work out, and Gwyneth didn't end up marrying any of those men lol. She ended up marrying and procreating with Coldplay singer Chris Martin lol 😆
See? This is what I mean.
Look, Kaia herself will go on to date PLENTY of other men (and maybe even women?) in Hollywood after she and Austin break up. This is why it's not great to idolize these relationships.
Lots of these Hollywood romances don't last. Kaia is only 22. More than likely, Austin isn't going to be the last man she dates, or her future husband. And Kaia is more than likely not the last woman Austin will date either.
I know shippers are salivating for Kaustin to get married or have kids, just like I'm sure the media and the public were wishing for Gwyneth and Brad to get married rofl 🤣
Fast forward, Gwyneth and Chris divorced and he has moved on. Brad has gone on to marry AND divorce two other actresses after Gwyneth lol. 😅
I hate to break it to Kaustin shippers, but this is just the way of the world -- especially the Hollywood world. So all these Kaustin shippers who are living vicariously through Kaia (for whatever reason), and obsessed with them as a couple and salivating at the mouth at any new "content", they are in for a rude awakening when they eventually break up lol. 🤭
That's why I don't ship or put too much stock in Hollywood dating romances. Even when couples get married, they can eventually break up. Lol look at Ben Affleck and JLo. 👀 Brad and Jennifer Aniston. Brad and Angie. Leo and whoever lol 😆 Will and Jada. Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale. Taylor Swift and just about every guy in Hollywood lol 😆
Stop putting your hope in these romances. It's okay to think a couple is cute or whatever, but being obsessed or actively shipping even a real-life couple is just a little weird imo. 🥴
You can feel free to disagree, but this is just my own personal feeling on the issue.
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sc0tters · 1 year
AU List
Thoughts for AUs are: OPEN
All of the au’s below are my current active ones, in these au’s you will find the blurb section which is where you guys are able to have your say in what happens during the overall storyline!
for aus that don't have a masterlist yet, they are tagged below!
the universes!
the wips!
Cole and Parker - Big Reputations
Nick and Scottie - The Lost Baby
Luca and Aspen - Pretty Boy
Ethan and Astrid - Perfect Fit
Rutger and Emmy - His Girl
Mark and Abigail - Lessons
Nick and Francesca - Bed Buds
Luke and Isabel - Captain's Sister
Jesper and Emilia - A Bakers Dozen
Ryan and Ava - Sparks
Will and Bailey - Baby on Board
Cutter and Lillian - Meant to Be
Jacob and Ivy - Triple Split
Gabe and Jamie - Teammates In Action
Drew and Erin - It Girl
Seamus and Liana - Unexpected Connections
John and Maya - Baby Hughes
William and Matilda - Star
Matt and Sydney - Golden Girl
Luke and Allie - Hookups and Screwups
The Flyers Throuple - Teammates in Sheets
Cole and Darcy - Match Made
Adam and Sabrina - Write a Song
Sidney and Camille - Homes and Hearts
Steve and Lucie - Long Games
The Umich Throuple - Three's a Match
Jeremy and Adelia - Made Match
Juraj and Alana - A Dream in Time
Quinn and Rouge - Rookie Compliance
Jack and Kennedy - One of a Kind
Gracie and Elias - Little Teammate
Matthew and Lilah - Give a Dog
retired aus
Mitch and Amelia - His Rookie
Nico and Harper - Don't Tell
Elias and Payton - Coaches Daughter
Sidney and Rory - On Ice
Matthew and Billie - Opposing Teammates
Trevor and Daisy - Babies and Buddies
Luke and Blake - Girl Next Door
Quinn and Charlotte - Teammates Sister
Jack and Riley - New Roommate
The Zegras-Hughes Children - Next Gen
Adam and Sophie - Romantic Roomates (because we now have adam and sabrina)
Gavin and Bridget - Besotted Differences
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melissarthomson · 2 years
Idk, I just wish I had a phase where I made Nines in his fandom form (sarcastic, cold asshole, to beef with Gavin but with a secret golden heart) but I love my sweet boy already so I made two of them
(Also stimming Nines makes sense to me, idk if I should code him as neurodivergent though)
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sunbabycentral · 15 days
I have a very certain look for each of the sunbabies in my fic so if anyone is curious and wants to know more, click in the read more for detailed descriptions and their ~approximate faceclaim~ (aka not age accurate, but how I imagine they'll look when they're older)
(Also this got long IM SORRY)
Will: shaggy curly blonde hair that gets more sun bleached in the summer months. A darker golden in the winter, but more angelic halo gold in the summer. Dark blue eyes with a golden heterochromatic center that looks like the sun's rays. A dimple in his right cheek. Once got an ear pierced by his older sister but never wears it. Relents and lets his younger sisters paint one (1) pinky nail gold. Tall and lanky, but stronger than he looks. Stylized sun tattoo in golden ink on his skin. Deeply tanned, but considerably paler in the winter. Long fingers perfect for ring wearing (he never does bc of the infirmary). Delicate looking features, but a boyish delicate. Clear laughter, thick southern accent, voice is slightly gravelly with a bit of vocal fry, but not too much.
Faceclaim I use for him in my head: Gavin Casalegno, specifically in "The Summer I Turned Pretty"
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Kayla: ginger hair cut short into a mid length bob, homemade dyed green ends. Bright and clear blue eyes with a golden center like Will's (and all of the Apollo siblings) like the rays of the sun. Paler, but covered in tons of freckles. Muscular from archery training, could knock you out in one punch. User of claw clips to keep her hair out of her face in the infirmary. Doesn't really have an accent, but you can hear her Canadian accent slightly on certain words like "about". On the shorter side. Always has lots of bandages on her fingers from archery and cutting herself on her arrow fletchings.
Faceclaim I use for her: Sadie Sink
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Austin: dark skin, warm brown eyes with the Apollo Kid Center. A higher thin voice, very New York accent. Lanky like Will, but won't be nearly as tall as him. Likes to wear gold rings on his fingers. Wears his hair in braids or locs most of the time, sometimes puts gold accessories in them. Still very childlike in his face since he's one of the youngest kids. The best posture in the cabin, can often be found with some musical instrument in hand.
Faceclaim I use for him: Caleb Mclaughlin
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Now into the ~semi canon and OC kids~
Anteros: very lithe figure, almost delicate and breakable looking until he's yelling at you in the infirmary. Normally has brown hair, but currently dyes it a silver/white blonde. Piercing blue eyes with The Golden Center, flecks of green as well. Pierced nose on the left side, uses either a gold ring or a sun shaped stud. Enjoys painting his nails with his younger sisters. Higher voice, very Valley (Girl) boy California accent. Would not be caught dead without his Eyeliner. Obsessed with his daggers, is very dangerous, do not piss him off.
My faceclaim I use for him: Troye Sivan
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Yan: semi canon. Athletic build, probably the "buffest" Apollo kid. Dark brown almost black eyes with a darker Golden Center. A gazillion piercings in his ears, his favorite being a dragon cuff. Probably will get a lip piercing. The emo kid people think Nico is. Longer shaggy black hair he keeps pulled back in a ponytail with loose bits hanging out. A smile that says "I have done something and you will never know what." Can be found with a leather jacket with a aroace flag lapel button. Enjoys morning runs because he's a masochist. Oldest in the cabin, but refused leadership because his English isn't perfect and Will had been there longer (he was claimed post Manhatten). Can be found swearing in 3 different Chinese dialects because no one can understand him.
My faceclaim I use: Minghao Xu
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Melody: French Princess. No really. Long floaty blonde hair with an "Aurora curl" to it. Wears lots of bows and ribbons in her hair. Would not be caught dead without makeup on. Very delicate, regal gait. Was a ballerina and it shows. Has a very thick French accent and switches languages constantly when she forgets the English word for things. The world's biggest lesbian, loves her girlfriend very much. Very girlie, very sweet, Will kill you if you piss her off. Craves violence (jokingly... unless?) Dimples in both cheeks. Green and Blue eyes with The Golden Center. Smile that could blind a person. Very. Short. Pocket sized.
My faceclaim I use: Sabrina Carpenter
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Sohee: the cutest baby angel you will ever see. The youngest camper in Apollo Cabin. Wears ribbons and bows in her long straight black hair. Light brown almond shaped eyes with The Golden Center, look almost amber in the sunlight. Dimples in the tops of her cheeks. Has never wanted a day in her life. Would be the last to die in a zombie apocalypse because everyone else would protect her. Brightest laughter you've ever heard, like tinkling bells. Has a slight Korean accent, but not super noticeable unless you're listening for it. Looks like she could be knocked over by a strong wind, but she will kick your ass even though she's ten. Freckles splashed across her nose, and a beauty mark under her left eye. Long eyelashes she bats to get her way.
Faceclaim I use: Hyein Lee
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Gracelynn "Gracie": semi canon. Cutie patootie little blondie. Looks the most related to Will. Pretty blue eyes with The Golden Center. Definitely has a Mormon raised mom and you can tell by the way she dresses. Her hair is more wavy than curly, but you can tell it WANTS to curl, but is too heavy. Always looks like she's about to take flight. Pale, but millions of freckles everywhere. Always has a blue headband in her hair. Permanent "I'm terrified" expression on her face. Evil witch giggle you can hear from a Mile Away and it is SCARY. Best swimmer in Apollo Cabin.
Faceclaim I use: McKenna Grace
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I will probably make this for some other important non Apollo Kids, but for now, this is too long as it is
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heisttheblackflag · 1 year
right-hand man michael
michael has always been a fighter. it starts defending his little sister, moves to the smaller kids at school, becomes defending himself when the names get crueler and the insults get nastier. he becomes a Problem, his name synonymous with broken noses and bloodied knuckles and detention. he doesn’t have friends, too busy defending his body to pay much attention to his heart.
it’s not really a surprise his violence becomes his life. he’s picked up by a gang when he’s 16, wandering the streets when he’s suspended again, and he hits back so hard they decide they own his fists now. from there it’s guns and offensive driving and having his reputation as a snarling wolf built for him. he’s less a bodyguard than a barely-restrained direwolf, made to sic on command. there’s too much blood on his hands to leave.
when he sees golden he sees a way out. gold eyes, gold blood, gold flashing off the honed edge of a knife. he’s tired of being treated as nothing more than a pair of fists and he knows when golden looks at him he sees potential. things change fast: he doesn’t realise he’s waiting to see the flash of a golden pistol until he does and suddenly his current kennel master is dead and he’s killing the pathetic dogs they thought he was no better than.
hello, a dripping hand outstretched. how would you like to build an empire?
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the-babygirl-polls · 10 months
Babygirl Polls Lineup: Week One
Hello everyone! Here we have the lineup for the first week of the Babygirl Polls! Thank you so much for all your submissions!
Klarion Bleak (Young Justice)
Dante Sparda (Devil May Cry)
Ace Ukiyo (Kamen Rider: Geats)
Bro Strider (Homestuck)
Michael Schmidt (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Cole Brew (Rhythm Doctor)
Peppino Spaghetti (Pizza Tower)
Negan (The Walking Dead)
Todd (Not Me: The Series)
Dan (Not Me: The Series)
Sound (My School President)
Nuengdiao (Never Let Me Go)
Adolin Kholin (The Stormlight Archive)
Xue Yang (The Untamed)
Aaron Warner (Shatter Me)
Jean Descole (Professor Layton)
Curt Mega (Spies are Forever)
Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Ghost (Call of Duty)
Emperor Belos/Phillip Wittebane (The Owl House)
Wen Kexing (Word of Honor)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
Taichi Hiraga-Keaton (Master Keaton)
Akk Pipitphattana (The Eclipse)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Bruce Wayne/Batman (The Batman (2022))
Kenzo Tenma (Naoki Urasawa's Monster)
Jason Todd/Red Hood (DC)
Usami Tokishige (Golden Kamuy)
Char Aznable (Mobile Suit Gundam)
Harry Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
Vegas (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Barry the Chopper (Full Metal Alchemist)
Khatha (Midnight Museum)
Ronald Lynch (Home Movies)
Ballister Boldheart (Nimona)
Rex Dangervest (The Lego Movies)
Emmett Brickowski (The Lego Movies)
Knife (Inanimate Insanity)
Nickel (Inanimate Insanity)
Balloon (Inanimate Insanity)
Nona (Locked Tomb Series)
Laudna (Critical Role)
Ryu Suyeol (Bad and Crazy)
Paul Matthews (Hatchetfield)
Gregory House (House MD)
Ingo (Pokemon)
L (Death Note)
Elijah Volkov (Camp Here and There)
Kevin (Welcome to Night Vale)
Yuma Kokohead (Master Detective Archive: Raincode)
Alex Horne (Taskmaster)
Vash the Stampede (Trigun, Trigun Maximum, and Trigun Stampede)
Greg Davies (Taskmaster)
Byron (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum)
Shang Tsung (Mortal Kombat 1)
Garry (IB)
Homelander (The Boys)
Cardan Greenbriar (The Folk of The Air Trilogy)
Omega (Mega Man Zero)
Clive Rosfield (Final Fantasy 16)
Cassian Andor (Star Wars)
Ted Spankoffski (Hatchetfield)
Tang (Lego Monkey Kid)
Tomura Sigaraki (My Hero Academia)
Liam de Lioncourt (Monster Prom)
Matthew Patel (Scott Pilgrim Takes Off)
Ethan Winters (Resident Evil)
Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Waver Velvet/Lord El Melloi II (Fate Series)
Dave (Dave and Bambi)
Yoo Joonghyuk (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
Akira Nishikiyama (Yakuza/Like A Dragon)
Eddie Diaz (9-1-1)
Simon Petrikov (Adventure Time and Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake)
Sanji (One Piece)
Adrien Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug
Romeo Montague (& Juliet)
Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
Lance Dubois (& Juliet)
Francois Dubois (& Juliet)
William Shakespeare (& Juliet)
Chesed (Lobotomy Corporation)
Cesare (Bigtop Burger)
Morris (Stardew Valley)
Kinger (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Estinien Varlineau (Final Fantasy XIV)
Frederick Chilton (Hannibal)
Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil)
Jaskier (The Witcher)
Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher)
Radovid (The Witcher)
Trafalgar Law (One Piece)
Zagreus (Hades)
Shadow The Hedgehog (Sonic)
Sepiroth (Final Fantasy)
Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z)
Charlie Kelly (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Reverend Rod Putty (Moral Orel)
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itsyourstarboy · 2 years
(Redacted Audio fanfic—1247 words)
Summary: Its the moonbound solstice, and Freelancer is freebound. Watch them cause chaos, on accident and on purpose.
Read here on Ao3
The sunlight streamed through the curtains above the bed, cascading a golden glow across the room. Gavin, still dazed with sleep, stretched out an arm to pull his deviant close. His outstretched hand met cold sheets, and his brow furrowed as he felt around, cracking an eye open in confusion.
“Deviant?” He softly called.
When he was met with silence, he got up. It wasn’t like them to leave him in bed all alone. Quickly finding his pants that were discarded the night before, he exited their bedroom. Where were they?
As he neared the kitchen, he picked up on their aura. It was bouncing off the walls, feeling strong one minute, and practically nonexistent the next.
“Deviant?” He softly called, again.
They turned to him, a small smile on their face, “g’mornin’.”
The kitchen was… well, it wasn’t a mess, per say. It was… different.
“What are you doing in here, love?” Gavin asked.
“I’m rearranging the cabinets.”
“At 7am?”
Freelancer stared at him for a moment, “yeah.”
Gavin suppressed a chuckle, “may I ask why?”
“Well, I woke up this morning and I felt like I had bees in my bones, so I went to the grocery store down the street to buy six pounds of butter. Then when I got home, I accidentally set the couch on fire. Went shopping for one online, but I think I ordered 20.”
Gavin was speechless. “H-how long have you been awake?”
“1:14 am,” they laughed out in a sigh. They looked so tired.
“When you told me the solstices were often… interesting for you, this is not what I expected.”
“There is never a way to predict what may happen, I am a slave to my core for the remainder of this solstice. I think I just caused the large oak tree outside to become an even larger oak tree.”
At that, the ground shook, and Gavin’s eyes went wide.
“How about we go back to bed for a bit?”
Lasko was doing paperwork on his coffee table. Nothing too strenuous—he was sunbound after all—just some stuff to keep him occupied while he felt like a dry apple slice.
Freelancer walked in the door, “hey, Lasko-babe.”
“Wh- oh. Hi, Freelancer. What are you doing here? And why didn’t you knock? N-not that I’m upset you're here, I mean, I-I’m always happy to see you, it’s just that you’re not exactly the type to just invite yourself into someone’s apartment… At least- at least I think you're n-not… are you?”
They sighed with a tired smile, “yeah I know, m’sorry. I would’ve knocked, but it’s too… too much. Too noise. M- no- that’s not… words.”
Lasko stood as his friend swayed on their feet, “are- are you f-feeling? Alright? Pft- no, what am I saying? Of course you’re not, it’s the solstice. Com- come sit down, how did you even get here, anyway?”
“Mmm,” Freelancer hummed as Lasko forced them to sit on the couch. They immediately sunk into the cushions, “I was feeling up, an’ I wanted to come hang out with you, but halfway here I felt not-up.”
“I mean- I guess that makes sense? Y-you are a freelancer, so you’re going to feel all kinds of… ‘ups’ and downs. M- Magically, anyway.”
“M’yeah, my magic has been ups and downs,” they mumbled, leaning into Lasko as he sat next to them. “I used psychokinesis to launch my phone into orbit.”
Huxley was laying on his side, his head propped up on his arm, and his fingers threading through Damien’s hair. He was happy taking care of him like this. Right here, in this moment, with his boyfriend curled up next to him.
There was a knock at the front door.
“Are you gonna get that?” Damien mumbled when Huxley made no attempt at getting up.
“No,” he sighed contentedly, “whoever it is can just come back later.”
It would turn out that Huxley wouldn’t need to get the door, as whoever had knocked opened it for themself.
“The heck…?” Huxley said, sitting up slightly.
A familiar voice rang through the house, “Huuuuux? Damiiii?”
The two boys sighed in relief, glad that the home intruder was just Freelancer. Sweet, innocent Freelancer-
“Are either of you here? I think I drained the town's water supply.”
Huxley immediately sat up, telling Dames that he would be right back. The fire elemental could only let out an affirmative hum in response as he tiredly laughed at the freelancer's antics.
Entering the front room, Huxley found Freelancer hovering by a window.
“Freelancer? Dude- why are you all wet??”
They turned to him, panting heavily, “I was walking here from Damien’s place, and the Dahlia Spring decided to start chasing me, so I started running, but that made the water faster, so I jumped into your neighbor's pool to escape.”
Huxley slowly approached the window, “holy shi- Freelancer, the entire street is flooded!”
“I knowww,” they whined, “I’m sorry. I would clean it up but I’m afraid I’ll level the entire neighborhood.”
“Okay, well… let- lets just get you dried off,” Hux said, taking Freelancer’s hand to lead them to the bathroom.
“Wait, wait,” they pulled away, “is Damien here?”
“Uh- yeah, he’s resting in the bedroom.”
Freelancer made their way to the room and peeked their head through the doorway to see Damien all bundled up, “oh god that’s adorable. Is he wearing your sweatshirt??”
“Shut up,” Damien groaned, his voice all muffled from the blankets. “Why are you here?”
Huxley appeared next to them with a towel, “jeez, dude. You’re freezing.”
“It’s the solstice,” Freelancer answered, stubbornly trying to push Huxley’s hands away as he desperately tried to dry them off. “I remembered that you’re sunbound, so I was like ‘Fireboy must be feeling like shit right now, and I, too, feel like shit,’ so here I am, to feel like shit with you.”
Freelancer paused, hissing in disapproval, as Huxley ruffled their hair dry.
“I went to your place first, though. Let myself in. I cleaned everything.”
Damien sat up a little, propping himself against the pillows, “you… cleaned everything?”
“Yeah,” they wavered, leaning against the wall, “and then I remembered I was looking for you, so- oh god-” they keeled over, “I’m gonna throw up-”
Before either of the boys could react, Freelancer had run to the bathroom.
Damien’s phone buzzed with notifications from the group chat.
Gavin: does anyone happen to know where the freelancer is? I swear I left them alone for five minutes
Lasko: yeah don’t worry they’re here at my place
Lasko: they randomly showed up and eventually passed out on the couch
Lasko: sorry I would have told you but I was doing paperwork
Gavin: it’s alright as long as they’re safe
Damien: Lasko, I think you should check your couch.
Lasko: what?
Lasko: why?
Damien: Just do it.
Lasko: um…
Gavin: ???
Lasko: I’m so sorry
Lasko: they’re not there
Lasko: I lost them
Gavin: how did you lose them!?!?
Lasko: how did you???
Damien: Calm down, they’re here at Hux’s place.
Damien: They showed up a couple minutes ago.
Damien: They’re puking in the toilet.
Gavin: oh thank god
Huxley returned to the room, a sleeping Freelancer in his arms, “Dames, they tried to escape through the window, and when they couldn’t they said, ‘I’m going to stop existing now,’ and passed out.”
Damien looked back at his phone.
Damien: Please come get them.
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Nancy Pelosi Military Tribunal, 👇 Part I
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(Due to the length of this article, I am separating it into parts. I will try to get the 2nd part published this evening.)
Thirteen hours over two days is how long it took Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall of the United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps to present evidence against former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom a 3-officer panel found guilty of treason, seditious conspiracy, and conspiracy to commit murder late Thursday afternoon.
In an opening statement, the admiral said JAG and the Office of Military Commissions had copious evidence linking Pelosi to crimes dating back to 1987 but, for time’s sake, would focus only on her most recent and egregious offenses, starting with a 2016 murder-for-hire plot to assassinate then-presidential candidate Donald J. Trump. He said JAG was aware of many nefarious schemes to end Trump’s life–all of which were bungled or foiled–and had incontrovertible evidence tying Pelosi to four.  Moreover, Adm. Crandall told the panel he would prove beyond reasonable doubt that Pelosi in 2018 hatched a plot to kidnap Barron Trump to force Donald Trump’s resignation, so Pence would be the new president. Pelosi, Vice Adm. Crandall said, had even considered having Melania or Ivanka murdered in hopes of forcing a tormented Trump from office.
Furthermore, he said Pelosi shared responsibility with the late Gavin Newsom in locking down California and enforcing draconian vaccine mandates that sickened or killed countless residents of the Golden State. Pelosi’s “Covid crimes,” he intoned, violated the Constitution of the United States; they affronted the very people she had sworn to serve. But as persons withered and died—not from Covid but from the clot shot —and families grieved, Pelosi grew in wealth and power, immeasurably so. When she wasn’t wielding an iron fist, she was clutching the bottle, Vice Adm. Crandall said, and informed the panel witness statements and Pelosi’s own documents would give credence to JAG’s allegations.
“This woman isn’t even vaccinated,” Vice Adm. Crandall said, pointing at Pelosi. “We know this because we pulled her blood, and we can test. She eschewed her own mandates. Why? Because she knew the vaccines were dangerous, and we’ll prove that.”
When offered a chance to give her own opening statement, Pelosi, appearing sans counsel, pursed her lips and kept quiet. She was disheveled and seemed distraught, her shriveled, bony fingers visibly trembling as bloodshot eyes scanned the court.
Vice Admiral Crandall introduced a witness, a 29-year-old Latin male named Xavier Ramirez, who, having been sworn in, described himself as Pelosi’s former gigolo and “boy toy.” He testified under oath that he had regularly “entertained” Pelosi between April and July of 2016, usually at upscale hotels in the San Francisco area. Mr. Ramirez said he hadn’t documented each meeting, but guessed he saw Pelosi 15 times.
“I hope you were paid well, Mr. Ramirez,” Vice Adm. Crandall quipped.
“Very well,” the witness replied.
“I’ve never seen this man before in my life,” Pelosi shouted at the top of her lungs, her voice gravelly and hoarse.
The admiral reprimanded her outburst, saying she could either exercise decorum or be physically restrained.
“Mr. Ramirez, when we first spoke, you mentioned a specific meeting on a certain date. If you would, would you please repeat what you said, to the best of your recollection,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.
“It was July 21, 2016. Nancy was in a bad way because Mr. Donald Trump just accepted the Republican nomination. Trump this, Trump that was all she talked about. She paid me, so I listened. She was drinking, of course. Nancy likes to drink. She is a big drinker, a habitual drinker, to say it in a nice way. So, the more she drinks, the more she talks—”
“—While we appreciate your colorful tale, could you please be briefer, come to the point,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.
“The point, yes; she said she wanted to kill Donald Trump,” the witness said.
“Kill or have killed?”
“Well, have killed; she certainly wasn’t doing it herself. Nancy asked me do I know someone, because I am Cuban, I must know someone, she told me. And there I am thinking to myself why I should know a hitman just because I’m Cuban. I thought maybe she joked and asked if she was kidding, but, no, Nancy was dead serious. She offered me $25k cash in advance to find someone. Nancy said if I did, and it got done, I’d get $225K more and the person who kill Trump get $250K. Then she laughs and says to me if Trump has too much protection, she can do the daughter—you know, tall, pretty blonde, Ivanka.”
Vice Admiral asked if Mr. Ramirez had seen or handled the $25,000.
“I saw it come out of her purse. Banded stacks $1000 each. I saw it, I touched it, but I did not take. I told her, ‘You’re Nancy Pelosi, you must have powerful friends. I want nothing to do with this,’ and she tells me, and this I remember very well, ‘This time it has to be an outside party.’ I tell her flatly that’s not why I am here,” Mr. Ramirez explained.
“And I assume, Mr. Ramirez, the ‘services’ you performed for the defendant didn’t cost 25 grand,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.
Mr. Ramirez laughed. “No, I wish, but much less, and she paid me in advance.”
“Did you bring your concerns to the Secret Service, to the police?”
“Are you crazy? No. If she could kill Trump, I could get killed like a fly on the wall. When I left, it was last time I saw her,” Mr. Ramirez said.
“Yet the defendant claims she’s never seen you before today. But we know that’s untrue,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.
He projected onto a large screen television digital images he had obtained from the witness. One clearly showed Pelosi and Mr. Ramirez hugging in a hotel room; another showed them standing side-by-side, smiling at a camera. “These are ‘selfies’ you took in the defendant’s company, is that correct?”
“That’s correct,” Mr. Ramirez said.
“Why did you take them?”
“Bragging rights.”
Vice Adm. Crandall snorted. “I really don’t think that’s something to brag about, Mr. Ramirez. You’re excused.”
The admiral addressed the panel: “This alone is solicitation for murder, which in traditional courts carries up to a 20-year sentence. In this case, we’re talking about a presidential candidate. And we’re by no means done.”
As Soon as I get more I will post it.🤔
It's coming in parts so bear with me.🙏
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