#Gartner 2024
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technews18 · 2 months ago
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tomorrowusa · 10 months ago
« Donald Trump has absolutely no loyalty to the country. In fact, there's a perverse way in which I think he takes pleasure in destroying America. That is a function of his malignant narcissism. I have no doubt Trump would sell America's secrets and likely already has given his psychopathic behavior. Malignant narcissists take joy in destruction. An emotionally and psychologically healthy person can't understand it. »
— Dr. John Gartner, a psychologist and former professor at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School. Quoted at Salon in an interview by Chauncey DeVega.
Dr. Gartner also says...
[A]nybody with an IQ over 90, who isn't brainwashed by Fox News can see that Trump is unwell, dangerously unfit, malignant personality who has reaped massive destruction (have we just forgotten the hundreds of thousands of Covid deaths?) but even "mainstream" news sources have been normalizing Trump's dangerous and aberrant behavior because the corporate owners of the media want the ad money and don’t want to alienate their potential public by telling too much of the truth about the situation. Instead, they waste precious time talking about if President Biden is too old.
Seriously, if you had little kids who exhibited the same sort of behavior as Trump you'd take them to a psychologist for evaluation. Trump is an overgrown demented toddler who has the potential to do much harm if given the reins of power.
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carolinemillerbooks · 10 months ago
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/is-trump-more-to-be-pitied/
Is Trump More To Be Pitied?
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Watching a reporter interview historian Timothy Snyder one evening, I sat up in my chair when he laid out his thoughts about  Donald Trump’s strategy for the current 2024 Presidential election.  Snyder presumed the former president knew he would lose the contest and was taking unpopular positions against Social Security and the Affordable Care Act not to secure victory but to lay the groundwork for a second insurrection. Insane as the idea sounded, I couldn’t dismiss it out of hand.  A distorted mind might seize upon the claim of being victorious in defeat. Trump had tried it before.  The fear that history might repeat itself set my little grey cells spinning.  The media has paid little attention to the state of Trump’s mind, choosing to focus on the age of his opponent, Joe Biden. Those who speculate that the incumbent is too old to run for a second term forget that a scant three-year difference lies between the two contenders.  Reporters would serve the public better by exploring the difference between an aging brain and a demented one. Biden’s speech gaffs, which many hold against him, aren’t entirely due to his age.  As a child, he stuttered. The impediment reasserts itself on occasion. But it is also true that as a man of 81 years, he speaks slowly and takes mental pauses. These are signs of a brain aging normally, not evidence of one that has lost its reason. Bidne’s verbal mistakes are a far cry from Trump’s failure to distinguish Nikki Haley from Nancy Pelosi or for him to speak as though he were running against Barack Obama. Ronald Reagan’s conduct during his final years in office might be a better measuring stick with which to compare  Trump’s behavior.  The  40th U. S. President also exhibited memory gaps and confusion during public appearances.  Alzheimer’s was never confirmed during his time in office, but members of his staff did report they saw signs of the disease before he returned to private life.    Psychologist, Dr. John Gartner makes no bones about Trump’s mental illness.  He warns that the former president’s outbursts aren’t those of a strong leader flexing his muscles.  They are the tantrums of a diseased brain.    Though he was never Trump’s doctor, Gartner insists what he offers is not an opinion but a diagnosis based on reality.  Others in his field agree but few have spoken out so publically. Gartner believes his colleagues have failed to do so because they are intimidated. Like physicians practicing in anti-abortion states, they’ve come to fear there is a good chance they would lose their jobs if they went on the record, not to mention other forms of retaliation… Some journalists may have remained silent for the same reason. Gartner points out that they make little of Trump’s slurred words, invented words, unfinished sentences, and blank, expressionless pauses. Instead, they characterize the Presidential election as a competition between two old men.  When Regan took office at the age of 73, he was the oldest President to that date. Whether the early stages of Alzheimer’s had set in, we shall never know, but he was wise enough to surround himself with honorable men and women. By contrast, the roll-call of Trump’s many cohorts is a list of disreputables. Should Trump return to power, that number is likely to grow, boding ill for the country. Nor can we overlook the many felony counts against the former president. His legal woes have left him strapped for funds. Winning re-election, he could erase the federal charges against him with a presidential pardon, but he has no power to absolve himself from state charges.  Without sufficient funds to defend himself, Trump is vulnerable to opportunists who are ready to give him cash in exchange for undue influence.    Opportunists are the people we should fear, not members of the Christian Right as many have assumed.  The latter’s objectives are too out of step with the majority of voters.  Their brief hour on the stage will be less than a hiccup in the course of history.    When money and the levers of government become too cozy, says John Grey in his book The New Leviathans, it threatens democracy and encourages the rise of more and not less totalitarianism.   ( “Who’s Afraid of Freedom?” by Helena Rosenblatt, Foreign Affairs, March/April 2024, pg. 154.) The dynamic is simple, the author explains.  Like other animals, humans are addicted to pleasure. Money satisfies that addiction but the pursuit of it has consequences. Those with the most wealth imagine they are better than others–a perspective that encourages them to imagine people in lower economic circumstances are less human. From there, Grey posits, it’s a short hop to inhumanity, a place where the poverty of others is a justification for eliminating them.   (Ibid, pg. 154)  Whether that causal connection between money and tyranny is direct, I don’t know.  But, science has affirmed that wealth and compassion exist in an inverse ratio.  In a capitalist society, greed, if left unchecked, could end in a tug-of-war between those with enough money to influence the government and the majority who are governed by it. A 2019  Gallop Poll confirmed that dynamic.  Concerning the federal budget, the wealthy preferred to see service cuts to social security to sustain it.  A majority of Americans disagreed. Money has a loud voice in politics, though most of us wish it weren’t true.  Nonetheless, we must accept that Trump’s financial setbacks put him at the mercy of oligarchs. No longer able to pose as one of them, he suffers the humiliation of a man stripped of his theater.  His delusions are exposed, and he stands naked before us.  The only words to suit the occasion are these. Thou shouldst not have been old till thou hast been wise.   (King Lear, 1, v.)
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jcmarchi · 24 days ago
CFOs Should Embrace Gen AI’s Potential and Encourage Innovation, Not Obsess Over Its Cost or Likely Scale of Impact
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/cfos-should-embrace-gen-ais-potential-and-encourage-innovation-not-obsess-over-its-cost-or-likely-scale-of-impact/
CFOs Should Embrace Gen AI’s Potential and Encourage Innovation, Not Obsess Over Its Cost or Likely Scale of Impact
The breathless publicity surrounding Gen-AI often makes it difficult for CFOs to avoid the conventional approach of obsessing about the costs of Gen-AI adoption or its likely scale of impact in the near-term. However, I believe the time has come for CFOs to break with convention and become advocates for the technology within their organizations, for three reasons:
The role of the CFO is expanding beyond just financial stewardship to strategic leadership
The business case for Gen-AI adoption in Finance has improved
Not embracing Gen-AI now could lead to competitive risk, as Gen-AI could very quickly evolve from a novelty to a necessity, much like Cloud did previously
Role of the CFO
The first reason for CFOs to break with their conventional approach to Gen-AI is the inherent expansion of the CFO’s role in an enterprise. In one recent study, 85% of CFOs said they expect to play a more significant role in shaping business strategy. On average, the study found, financial leaders spend more than four hours each day on nontraditional CFO activities—tech decisions, talent management, strategic planning and more.
CEOs are looking to CFOs to not just manage the financial health of an organization, but also to drive innovation and transformation. Gen-AI will undoubtedly play a critical role in the next wave of enterprise transformation – both from a productivity and innovation perspective, and it would be beneficial for CFOs to gain experience early on with the capabilities of this technology, to play their expanded role more effectively.
Business case for Gen-AI adoption
The business case for Gen-AI adoption has improved recently. The dollar cost of pilot projects today is relatively low in relation to the benefits of testing Gen-AI’s potential. This is due to the large number of Finance use cases that Gen-AI is suited for (e.g., automated data management, contract reviews, forecasting and scenario analysis, report creation, risk & compliance management), and a proliferation of recently launched tools that address several of these use cases.
While these tools are still nascent, recent surveys show that CFOs that have adopted Gen-AI tools are already seeing significant, measurable impact. In a recent survey of 375 CFOs across multiple sectors, over three-quarters (76%) said they have “noted significant gains in efficiency and process speed,” and  68% said they have seen “accuracy and error reduction” due to the adoption of Gen-AI tools. Finally, more than a third (36%) said that “generative AI is already adding value and impacting their revenue streams,” and another 40% said that they were “expecting it to do so within a year.”
Risk of inaction
Not embracing Gen-AI now could lead to competitive risk. It’s important to remember that not all hyped technologies disappoint. Consider cloud, another technology that was hyped early on but went on to become a crucial component of enterprise computing. In 2010, enterprise concerns around cloud adoption included cost and security. By 2015, however, the technology was a business staple, “a safe bet.” The pandemic then cemented the adoption of cloud, spurring companies to exceed their adoption schedule by up to seven years. Gen-AI similarly, could very quickly evolve from a novelty to a necessity, and early adopters will enjoy a competitive advantage.
Recent surveys by Gartner highlight the increased competitive risk of inaction. In their survey on Gen-AI adoption in 2023 Gartner found that “other administrative functions such as HR, legal and procurement were twice as likely to be using or scaling AI solutions compared to the finance function.” However, in the same survey conducted in September 2024, “the gap is almost non-existent.” In this poll of 121 finance leaders across industries, Gartner found that “58% of respondents said their teams were using AI, an increase of 21 percentage points from 2023.” Further, Gartner found that “of the 42% of finance functions that aren’t currently using AI, half are planning implementation.”
Next steps
Success factors for any major tech initiative include motivation and methodology. As outlined above, the expanding role of CFOs, the improved business case for Gen-AI adoption in Finance, and the competitive risk of inaction, should serve as sufficient motivation. As for a methodology to help start the organization down a productive gen AI path while also performing their traditional role as fiscal steward, there are several steps CFOs can take now:
Encourage manageable pilot projects: By supporting a small-scale pilot, CFOs can demonstrate their grasp of generative AI’s importance—and set themselves up to help create the budget, adjudicate the project’s success, and, if appropriate, scale the initiative.
Fund useful innovation: There’s always risk that IT groups and others will treat a new technology like a shiny toy. In the case of gen AI, CFOs should ameliorate this risk by rewarding only use cases that genuinely advance the interests of the business.
Find an experienced partner: A global talent shortage is one of the top inhibitors slowing gen AI adoption. CFOs should consider partnering with a tech provider that can provide the skills needed to successfully implement the technology; at this point in the development of generative AI, this will likely prove more affordable and achievable than provisioning talent in-house.
Naturally, CFOs must be mindful of their duties to stakeholders—but where generative AI is concerned, an unconventional approach can encourage experimentation and innovation, drive growth, and serve as a bridge for the expanding role of financial leaders.
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onetechavenue · 2 months ago
Kissflow was named twice in a row as a Sample Vendor for Citizen Developers technology in the Gartner® Hype Cycle™, 2024 Reports
PHILIPPINES – Kissflow, an easy-to-use, low-code platform, has been identified as a Sample Vendor for Citizen Developers technology in three Gartner® Hype Cycle™, 2024 reports. Hype Cycle for the Future of Work, 2024 Hype Cycle for Workforce Transformation, 2024 Hype Cycle for Digital Workplace Applications, 2024 Gartner Hype Cycles provide a graphic representation of the maturity and…
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theninjawriterofficial · 3 months ago
The Gartner Effect
Gartner ITxpo is a premier technology conference organized by Gartner, a leading research and advisory company. The event brings together IT professionals, executives, and industry experts to explore the latest trends, innovations, and best practices in technology and business strategy. At ITxpo, participants engage in keynote sessions, panel discussions, and workshops that cover a wide range of…
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calicojack1718 · 10 months ago
Election 2024: At the Intersection of Three Crises, the Fact-Opinion Guessing Game, the Outrage Industrial Complex, and Trump's Dementia
SUMMARY:  There are three factors that are colliding in our political discourse making our current situation very dangerous. These factors include the inability to distinguish fact from opinion (#ScienceFact), the firehose of disinformation produced by the outrage industrial complex, and the clear evidence of Trump’s worsening dementia. We’ll look at each individually and consider how they come…
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madhumadishetty · 11 months ago
2024 Market Trends Shaped by Emerging Technologies
In the rapidly evolving tech landscape, keeping ahead of the game is vital for businesses aiming to succeed. As we approach 2024, the landscape of technological advancements is set to redefine industries and reshape market dynamics. Let’s delve into the top five technology trends that are poised to influence the market in the upcoming year.
What are the big tech trends for 2024?
Several significant technology trends are anticipated to dominate 2024, shaping various sectors and consumer experiences. From advancements in artificial intelligence to the proliferation of edge computing, the tech arena is buzzing with innovation and transformation.
What will be trending in 2024?
The trends that are expected to gain momentum in 2024 encompass diverse areas such as quantum computing, extended reality (XR), blockchain applications, cybersecurity enhancements, and the Internet of Things (IoT) evolution.
What is the market trend in digital transformation in 2024?
The market trend in digital transformation for 2024 revolves around organizations accelerating their adoption of digital tools and strategies. This shift aims to enhance operational efficiency, improve customer experiences, and drive innovation across industries.
What will technology look like in 2024?
Technology in 2024 will be characterized by a fusion of cutting-edge innovations. It will bring forth smarter AI-driven solutions, immersive XR experiences, secure blockchain applications, interconnected IoT ecosystems, and the increasing utilization of edge computing for faster data processing.
Now, let’s explore the top five technologies that are set to make a significant impact on the market in 2024:
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Advancements
AI will continue its rapid evolution, offering more sophisticated algorithms and capabilities. It will be integrated into various sectors, enabling predictive analytics, personalized customer experiences, and automation across industries.
2. Extended Reality (XR) Revolution
The convergence of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) will transform how individuals interact with digital content. XR applications will find their way into entertainment, education, healthcare, and enterprise solutions, offering immersive experiences.
3. Blockchain Applications Expansion
Blockchain technology will extend beyond cryptocurrencies, finding applications in supply chain management, secure transactions, digital identities, and decentralized finance (DeFi), promising enhanced transparency and security.
4. Cybersecurity Enhancements
With the increasing digitization of businesses, cybersecurity will remain a critical focus. Innovations in cybersecurity will involve AI-powered threat detection, zero-trust security models, and advanced encryption techniques to safeguard data and systems.
5. Internet of Things (IoT) Evolution
The IoT landscape will continue to grow, connecting devices and systems to enable smarter functionalities in homes, cities, healthcare, and industries. Edge computing will play a pivotal role in processing IoT-generated data closer to the source, ensuring faster and more efficient operations.
The year 2024 promises an exciting trajectory latest information technology trends, where innovation and adaptation will be the cornerstone of success. Keeping abreast of these top tech trends and leveraging the latest advancements will be instrumental for businesses striving to remain competitive and relevant in an ever-evolving market landscape.
Remember, embracing these emerging technologies and staying agile in their implementation will define the success story for businesses venturing into the dynamic realm of 2024’s tech-driven market.
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reddragdiva · 5 months ago
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ericvanderburg · 4 months ago
Check Point Software Named a Visionary in 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Endpoint Protection Platforms
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didanawisgi · 4 months ago
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kennak · 5 months ago
[B! gartner] ガートナージャパンが���日本における未来志向型インフラ・テクノロジのハイプ・サイクル:2024年」発表。Web3やNFTは幻滅期、生成AIは過度な期待、汎用AIは黎明期
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briskwinits · 1 year ago
According to the latest forecast by Gartner in Business Standard, IT Services emerge as top segment in global IT industry spending.
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supremetechnologies · 1 year ago
Why Custom Software Development Is Important
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"Software is a great combination of artistry and engineering." Custom software development epitomizes this blend, offering tailored solutions that cater to a company's unique artistry and engineering needs."
—Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft
In a world where one-size-fits-all solutions are increasingly inadequate, custom software development emerges as a powerful tool that empowers businesses to meet their unique needs and challenges. Unlike off-the-shelf software, custom software development tailors applications and systems precisely to a company's requirements. This approach not only offers a competitive edge but also fosters innovation, agility, and scalability.
Custom software development isn't just about creating a standalone application; it's about crafting a digital ecosystem that seamlessly integrates with your existing processes, enhances user experiences, and adapts to evolving market dynamics. By harnessing the expertise of skilled software developers, businesses can unlock a world of possibilities, streamline operations, and drive growth.
In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to stay competitive and efficient. One such approach that has gained significant traction is custom software development. This article will definitely help you explore the importance of custom software development, uncovering its myriad benefits and why it has become a cornerstone for modern businesses.
Stay tuned!
Key statistics:
According to Gartner, by 2025, 70% of organizations will use low-code development tools to create custom applications, showcasing the growing importance of customization in software development.
A survey by Forrester found that 62% of businesses that adopted custom software solutions reported a significant improvement in their operational efficiency.
Custom software development allows for better data security. A Verizon report reveals that 43% of data breaches occur at small businesses, underlining the importance of robust, customized security measures.
IBM notes that custom software development can result in a 10-20% reduction in operational costs due to improved efficiency and automation.
A Harvard Business Review study found that businesses using customized software solutions have a 35% higher return on investment compared to those relying solely on off-the-shelf software.
In the healthcare industry, custom software is crucial for ensuring patient data privacy and compliance with regulations like HIPAA. Statista reports that healthcare data breaches cost organizations an average of $7.13 million in 2020.
Custom software development plays a vital role in e-commerce, where personalization is key. Econsultancy reports that 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from brands that offer personalized experiences.
The gaming industry relies heavily on custom software to create immersive and unique experiences. Newzoo estimates that the global games market will reach $218.7 billion by 2024, driven in part by customized gaming software.
In the era of remote work, custom software development for collaboration and communication tools has become indispensable. Buffer found that 98% of remote workers would like to work remotely at least some of the time for the rest of their careers.
Let’s explore this blog post carefully so that it will enable you to understand the significance of custom software development for the unimaginable level of growth of your business. What are waiting for? Let’s move ahead!
Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity
Custom software development allows businesses to automate repetitive tasks, reduce human error, and streamline operations. By designing software that aligns with specific processes, companies can dramatically increase their efficiency and productivity. Tailored User Experiences
Off-the-shelf software may not always meet the unique needs of your customers. Custom software development enables you to create user-friendly interfaces and features that cater to your audience's preferences, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.
Scalability and Adaptability
As your company expands, so will its software requirements. Custom software may be built to grow easily, allowing for higher user loads, new features, and changing business dynamics without causing severe interruptions.
Competitive Advantage
In today's competitive landscape, having a technological edge is crucial. Custom software development allows you to innovate faster, respond to market changes, and stay ahead of competitors who rely on generic solutions.
Data Security and Compliance
Data breaches can be devastating to a business's reputation and finances. Custom software development enables you to implement robust security measures and ensures compliance with industry-specific regulations.
Cost Efficiency in the Long Run
While custom software development may require a higher initial investment, it often results in significant cost savings over time. Streamlined processes, reduced operational costs, and increased revenue generation contribute to a positive return on investment.
Integration with Legacy Systems
Many businesses rely on legacy systems that may not be compatible with off-the-shelf software. Custom solutions can bridge the gap by integrating seamlessly with existing technology infrastructure.
Customer-Centric Approach
Understanding your customers' unique needs and preferences is essential for business success. Custom software development enables you to collect and analyze data for more personalized marketing and product development.
Rapid Problem Solving
In a dynamic business environment, issues and challenges can arise unexpectedly. Custom software development allows you to address these problems quickly and effectively with tailored solutions.
Custom software can be designed with the future in mind. It can adapt to emerging technologies, ensuring your business remains relevant and agile in an ever-evolving digital landscape.
To summarize,
Custom software development has emerged as a critical asset in an era where enterprises are defined by their ability to adapt, innovate, and meet the particular needs of their customers. Its importance cannot be overstated, as it offers enterprises tools to boost efficiency, provide personalized experiences, and protect their data in an increasingly digital environment.
Companies that engage in bespoke software development may obtain a competitive advantage, predict their operations, and effectively handle the complex challenges of today's business climate. Customized software development is a strategic requirement for any forward-thinking firm, not just a technological choice.
Recognize the power of custom software development with Supreme Technologies! 🚀 We're your trusted partner for tailored solutions that supercharge business growth. Unleash your potential today!
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sirloid · 1 year ago
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Cloud storage //
Cloud Storage is the storage of data on the Server and is in the online world that we call the Cloud through an Internet connection to browse and use the data on the Cloud, which may store data on multiple servers by distributing the data into little machine The cloud provider (Host) manages the maintenance of all hardware and software used to store data. This allows users to reduce costs associated with hardware and software.
The technology that responds to the Big Data era with big data is Cloud storage which is Software Defined Storage. The simple principle of software defined storage is to consolidate the control center into one point and Virtualize Storage Layer divided into pools according to points. Desire for desired use
" Difference Between Traditional Storage and Software Defined Storage "
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An overview of the differences between Traditional Storage and Software Defined Storage (SDS).
In terms of traditional architectures, the architecture of each application is clearly separate. Who's lumps it? But with SDS, the storage tier is pooled together with the same management unit across all applications.
In traditional systems, because the control center of each application is separate, the system design must take into account hardware compatibility quite a lot, which may lead to a situation known as Vendor Lock-in. The management center of every application comes in one place. The freedom to choose and expand the number of hardware will be more and not limited anymore.
It's a matter of workload distribution. Traditionally, workload and capacity are overloaded to the point where they are used a lot and it's quite difficult to manage the load. But if it is SDS, we will be able to manage the workload distributed throughout the cluster as shown in Figure 1.
// And here is a summary of the pros and cons of SDS that will solve the problems of today's Cloud Storage Infrastructure design. There is also 1 interesting prediction when Gartner predicts that by 2024 or two. Nearly three years from now, 50% of all storage will be deployed with SDS //
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digitalmore · 10 hours ago
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