#Galadriel is angry but she loves her boy
The Fall and Forgiveness
(Or the waterfall brain rot is real and this fic is evidence of it)
Rings of Power fanfic
Characters: Elrond, Galadriel, Gil-galad
Tags: Minor Hurt/Comfort, Some Angst, References to Silmarillion and Kidnap Parents
Rating: Gen
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A life can pass before one's eyes in the stretch of a handful of seconds. The sounds of happy laughter in a hazy dream of a once real home. Tense conversations between parents, while one tried to keep their brother asleep so he would not worry. War. Death. The flowing hair of his mother as she took one glance behind at him, met his eye, and turned again. Her face had been set. 
The fall. The fall. The fall. 
Outside all of this, a roaring. The water rushing to meet him, the spray coming up at him as if a wave. He saw his father’s ship tossed on it, sparkling. In this moment, between ground and wave, he could have been with him. And what would his father think of the son clutching the pouch to his heart. What would the mother think of his leap - was it as justified as hers? Was hers? And he thought of long nights wiping silent tears off the cheeks of his brother, of turning his own head so the same brother did not see his own. 
Years of pain and neglect and aching, flashed by as a feeling. Nothing concrete to grab onto, nothing to grab onto at all. The years had passed as silently as he had become so. 
And then, the poison had become something else. 
The fierce brothers with the dark and red heads who had taken them prisoner,  had grown, in time, into something almost like a shelter. Some of the aching had become soothed, by the song of the dark one, and the grumbling of the red one, and what was broken had become oddly refitted. 
Then came growth, came becoming, came meeting the elves who had wished over their welfare for years. Joy of becoming one’s own. And then flashing by, he could reach out and touch the choice. The brother, the light of his life, the companion of his youth, the sharer of the pain and suffering and small joys, had reached out his hand for the gift of Illuvatar. 
The pain of that choice blinded him. Robbed him of his breath, sucked the air out of his lungs as he slammed into the unforgiving arms of loss. 
And the angry swirling waters received him into their grasp. 
Death is gentle, I have always imagined her thus. Soft and silent, with cold arms, coming to take you gently into her arms. 
Life is painful. For the mother who births it into the world, to the toil to preserve it, to the pain as the body rebuilds itself from injury, to the agony of staying when all else goes. 
The fall into the arms of the swirling waters is not gentle. I am alive. 
She was angry. So angry at him that when the door burst open she did not try to gentle the guards who marched in. She was still staring out at the darkness before her and the stars shimmering on the lapping water, she could still see the boat. Dimly, she heard them grab his arms, she heard his sharp inhale. 
She was so angry, it almost made her glad. A little punishment might do the peredhel some good. 
He is young. Be patient with him. Her heart ached at the reminder. 
But she had been convinced the salvation of her people lay in the beautiful rings he had bundled up. She had not seen him, until she found out he was missing. She had known then, where the young half-elf had gone. To his king. 
To a king who did not listen to him, that gave her some grim satisfaction. But he had still outmaneuvered them, when his opinion had been cast aside once again. Eyes widening and then hardening into some firm sort of resolve before he turned to jump. 
Her heart had been in her throat. She didn’t know if it were primarily for the young foolish elf she loved like a son, or for the rings she believed were the salvation of Middle Earth. 
It was all over now. 
In this, he had succeeded. 
She turned to look at him. 
Hands splayed out, head bowed, elbows already held tightly in the grip of the guards. 
“I will come willingly” 
He murmured, and she saw his face was strained by the effort, by the embarrassment. 
“That is more than you deserve, Peredhel” spat one of them in anger.
He was moved roughly through the door. Galadriel followed, but she could not bring herself to feel ill at ease for him, not as he shivered in his torn tunic before the king, not as he caught the stares of the other elves who gathered around and lifted his obstinate chin, not when Gil-Galad shook his head and the tones of his remonstration struck Elrond’s face as if it had been a blow from his hand. Not when he was made to mount a horse tethered behind the angry guard. Not even when they arrived in Lindon and he was marched off. As he passed her, he lifted his face and caught her eye, but no word was spoken between them. And still she felt no sympathy. 
The king stood in his hall, waiting. He had not told Galadriel, no other elf was present. No other elf needed to be present. 
He was also angry. 
Angry that his authority had been so willfully ignored. By one whom he had guided and mentored into his service. It was shocking, of all the subjects in elvendom, the least he had expected to do such a thing was the mild-mannered, gentle and somewhat uncertain of his place half-elven. He remembered the orphaned child and young child growing into adulthood. He remembered how Cirdan had recognized his gifts right away and recommended those be put to good use. And put to good use, they had. 
Gil-galad had been surprised how much easier his own burdens became when he had placed them on the shoulders of young Elrond. 
He was kind, quiet, but gifted with wisdom and foresight beyond his years. Underneath the skilled word and soft-spoken respect, Gil-galad had always suspected there was a steely strength. He had not seen it pushed yet. 
Not until he had been at the top of the waterfall. For a moment, the eyes had flashed fearful, like the young orphan child, and then they had flashed with a steely determination, and still, he had not known he would risk life for his conviction. 
He sighed, he loved the half-elf, he also was sovereign over him. 
The door opened, the object of his rumination was marched in again, and the guards bowed and left, closing the door behind them. 
How could you do this? 
He watched as the lips snapped into a thin line. 
“High King”
He expected an explanation. He was wrong. 
“I apologize for the disrespect done to you. It was willful and wrong. I am sorry for it.” 
His eyes were firm as they met his, but wounded, shining almost. As if he were in pain to be in this position. 
Gil-galad’s heart ached. 
“It was wrongly done,” he said instead.
“You speak truly, high king, yet I would do it again” 
Gil-galad measured him. He saw that his face was white, his shoulders seemed strained, almost listing forward. He was still clad in the torn tunic. Face smeared with the mud of the river  and eyes tired and pained. 
Ai, he hated what he would have to do. 
“You know a king can not be thus disrespected with no recompense meted out.”
“I know it”. 
“I intend to call the people to the golden tree in a fortnight to inform them we must pass over the waters - until then, you will be imprisoned in the hall of stone. No feasts nor dinners shall you attend, I will have you work brought to you so that you may not neglect your duties to me. When I call the people you will attend under guard, but after, you will be free to return to your normal positions, and the punishment lifted.” 
He gentled his tone. 
“We will all have to say our goodbyes to Middle Earth. I am sure there are places and people you would bid farewell to.” 
Elrond kept his face set. His eyes were shining when he lifted his bowed head. 
“Thank you high king”. 
One could feast on one’s convictions, but they were a meager meal. When naught but the scribe bringing piles of papers and letters and affairs came to see him. When the sun came only through the two small windows. When there was no walk through the arms of the forest in the evening, when the day had been long, when the sounds of faint singing rose to his window and he ached to be down amongst them, to be a part of it. 
The hall of stone was an old training hall. 
Bed and desk had been placed on one end of the room. In the center were targets for the young archers. But they were now onto another aspect of training. 
He sat and stared at them. 
“Put it down Elros”
He was chasing him across the darkened field, grasses bending beneath their light feet. Maglor had laughed when Elros had asked him for a bow, but Maedhros had instead looked at him thoughtfully. 
Several days later his brother had a bow and had run out to the field when the sun had set. 
A sudden panic had filled him. That his brother was too young and too impetuous and he could not bear the thought of losing him to accident or death. So he had sprung up after him. 
Elros had stopped before they reached the tree line. He was looking up at the sky as he fitted an arrow to his string and loosed it. Elrond knew which star he was fixed on. 
But his brother's face crumpled when the arrow flew straight up and then bent in an arc into the trees. 
“I wanted to send a message to Father. But I shall never have the strength to reach him”
Elrond had nodded, his eyes tracking where in the forest it should have landed. 
“Let us search for it brother, mayhap it has not fallen and the wind will carry it to him for you.” 
They looked far and wide and when Elrond found the errant bolt he tucked the scrawled note into his tunic sleeve and tossed the arrow into the river while his brother's back was still turned so that he did not see it . 
Elros said nothing on the walk back, but his eyes were full of hope. 
He woke up on the ground, in pain. 
There was a dull ache behind his eyes. 
He knew the tenderness of the wrenched shoulder, that pain was familiar. Had been since he slammed into the harsh waters, since the guards had wrenched him up onto the horse. Throbbing as Gil-galad had pronounced his judgment. 
He had more than a cursory knowledge of healing. He had done what he could to assuage the pain. But there were no healing herbs or tonics or salves in the hall of stone. And he would not suffer his king for them. 
He had disregarded his authority in front of the elf who had been his hero since he was a young boy, her eyes widening in shock  as he jumped, her warning cry. He had done so in front of his guards and his subjects. 
He had done so because he must. 
Life is pain. 
It was not the scribe who found him. It was Galadriel who had spoken to a king who did not need to be asked twice to relax his ban on his most beloved herald. She had pushed open the door to find him there, leaning against the cold wall, shaking. 
In one swift movement she was kneeling beside him. 
“Elrond, return to me” 
He woke then, when she laid a hand on his inflamed shoulder and he recoiled, a sharp cry escaping his lips before he was aware. 
“Stubborn orc” 
She hissed, gently touching her hand to his forehead. 
“How could you not let us know of this?”
“Stubborn orc!”
Maglor had said, wrapping his scraped arm in linen. 
“Why did you not let me know of this?”
Eyes filled to the brim with tears. 
“How could you not let me know of this?” 
He had asked Elros, when he had come to him finally after the choosing
They had fought then, bitterly. And then, they had loved one another again. It had taken time. 
When he was released from the healing halls, he thought of this. 
When the king sang his song, and the very rings he had bartered his life over were returned. And his king, friend and counsel had each placed the rings on their fingers and he crashed into waves for a second time. These, more loud and treacherous than the first, they threatened to pull him under. All he felt was the angry and betrayed aching - and the pain. 
To live was pain. 
Ai Elros, is it any wonder you chose the gift of Illuvatar? 
But to live was defiance, to live was to persist. To live was to make right the broken shards and make them into a whole. 
He walked away from the Golden tree. He could not bear to look at it any longer. Could not bear to think of what might come of the implications of their choice. What had come of his mother’s choice clutching the Silmaril to her breast. Time alone would tell if he were the fool or they. Still, his mother had made her choice and where there had once been only pain, there was now love again for her memory. 
He would love them again. 
He would forgive. And perhaps also, they could forgive him. 
It would take time. 
He had time.
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warrioreowynofrohan · 3 years
Elrond and His Parents and Guardians
My thoughts on Elrond’s relationships with and sentiments towards Elwing, Eärendil, Maglor, and Maedhros.
Elwing: I simply can’t comprehend why people would think Elrond, either as a child or adolescent or later in life, would be angry with Elwing or feel abandoned by her. After the attack on Sirion, he thinks she’s dead. Everyone thinks she’s dead. She died in the attack; that’s the broad gist of it, I don’t know if Maglor would have mentioned the specifics. Elrond might be expected to be angry at the people who drove her to her death, but not at her.
And the moment he finds out she’s alive and in Valinor is the same moment he finds out that she and Eärendil have spent the intervening years recruiting an army to come to Beleriand to rescue them - and everyone else - from Morgoth. Again, not something you’d expect him to be angry about! If he’s upset that his parents can’t return to Middle-earth, then one could see him plausibly resenting the Valar for that ruling, but not Elwing, who has no choice in the matter.
My headcanon is that when Celebrian went to Valinor to be healed, she soon became close with Elwing, who would be eager to become acquainted with the person who knew her son best, and the mother of her grandkids, and who could empathize with Celebrian over being driven by evil from the family that you love and would have wished to stay with. When Elrond comes to Valinor, there is some initial awkwardness since he hasn’t seen Elwing since he was a little boy, but through Celebrian re-introducing mother and son to each other, the relationship between all three soons becomes close and comfortable.
Eärendil: Elrond’s relationship with Eärendil is more complicated; I am not clear on whether the timelines are consistent. but Eärendil either left before he was born, or when he was very young, and it’s possible, even probable, that Elrond doesn’t remember his father at all. Again, I don’t think he’d be angry at Eärendil for this - Elwing would have told her sons that their father was searching for something that could save them all from Morgoth, and to the best of Elrond’s knowledge the possibilities would have been that Eärendil had either died in the attempt or might still succeed - and he’d have no reason to think Eärendil would have any knowledge of the attack on Sirion, because how could he? “Died on a heroic mission to rescue us all,” isn’t the kind of thing that would generally inspire anger or a sense of abandonment (even if the twins in Sirion were fairly sheltered, their time with the Fëanorians could allow for little doubt of how dangerous Morgoth-ruled Beleriand is and this how vital Eärendil’s mission would be) - nor is succeeding in such a mission and sending an army to rescue everyone. In short, the twins aren’t wondering why their parents don’t come back to rescue them, because they think their mother is dead and their father is either dead or unaware of their fate.
Moreover, I don’t think an adult Elrond would resent Eärendil’s choice of prioritizing saving Middle-earth over being with his family, because Elrond makes that same choice. He makes it again and again. He could have gone to Valinor after the War of Wrath; he doesn’t. When his wife was mortally injured and had to take ship for Valinor, he could have picked up the whole family and gone with her - he’d be with his wife, and his childrens’ decision would be made: he wouldn’t need to fear the chance of them later choosing mortality. He doesn’t do this, despite how hard the parting must be - and neither Galadriel or Celeborn go with their daughter, despite how painful that must be for them. Because they love Middle-earth, and they feel a responsibility to it and its people, and they choose that even at the cost of separation from family. So why would he blame Eärendil for having made that same choice? Elrond’s love of Middle-earth is expressed through two ages of staying in it and working for its good, and Eärendil’s in enduring separation from it for everyone else’s good, but the devotion and committment behind those choices is the same.
When Elrond gets to Valinor, things are more complicated. I have thoughts on how seven millenia as a star would have affected Eärendil, and how that would have affected the relationship between him and Elrond. The short version is that I think that after many millennia, and especially since the Downfall of Númenor, Eärendil has in a sense faded - not into shadow, but into light. The world of Valinor feels distant and unreal to him, and so do its people; he has lost a sense of connection, even with those who were once friends; with everyone except, usually, Elwing; he’s very distant from Elrond and doesn’t always recognize his presence, because like everything else he’s not fulyy perceiving it. This is painful to Elrond, who was looking forward to meeting and getting to know his father. And on top of this, on another level Eärendil feels like he gave up his sons, gave up being a father, when he pled mercy for their (supposed) killers; and even in his more lucid and ‘present’ moments he doesn’t know how to reestablish that connection (especially since he and Elrond have never had a real conversation about Elrond’s sentiments towards the Fëanorians.) Prompted by some later events I have in mind, specifically Elrond petitioning the Valar for Maglor’s return, they do have a real conversation, and their relationship improves as a consequence. (This is the intended setup/context for The Castaway, BTW.)
Maglor: I do take The Silmarillion’s “love grew between them, as little might be thought,” as canon. Maglor’s far from being well, but he’s at his best with the twins; he is desperately tired, and soul-sick, and wants, very badly, this chance to do something good and have someone to be kind to. It’s neither a particularly safe nor stable life - late-First-Age Beleriand is a dangerous place to be; even if (as I think is somewhere indicated) the Fëanorians go south beyond Taur-im-Duinath, where Morgoth’s power is less pervasive, there would still likely be orc-raids and the threat of various Angband-bred monsters to contend with. The twins are captured when they’re six years old, and the Host of the Valar arrive when they’re thirteen: those are formative years, Maglor would be the guardian they remember for most of their childhood. (I don’t know if I’m a representative sample, but I din’t have a lot of memories from before I was five - and based on Dior, Elwing, and Eärendil’s ages when they marry and have kids, I think we can conclude that half-elves age and mature at a human pace until they reach adulthood.) They couldn’t help but be close to him; and six is simply too young to have a strong understanding of what happened at Sirion.
Then we have the question of how long Elrond and Elros remained with Maglor and Maedhros after the War of Wrath started, and I don’t have solid opinions on that, though they’d clearly parted from them before the final demand for the Silmarils. Elrond and Elros would have come of age during the war, and doubtless fought in it. There’s 42 years of war; they’d come of age during it, and grow to what would be middle age by human standards (55) before it was over.
I think that in later Ages Elrond would have wanted to find Maglor; might even have met him a few times, particularly once after the Last Alliance - I think Maglor would at least have come back into the northwest of Middle-earth out of the need to find out in Elrond was still alive - but would never be able to convince Maglor to end his exile.
Maedhros: I don’t think Maedhros was close to Elrond and Elros. I think that, having resisted the push of the Oath for a little over thirty years after the Second Kinslaying, giving into it again was a breaking point; he was scarcely managing to be a person after that, much less a parent. The Silm says that Maglor fostered Elrond and Elros; that Maglor was glad that the Silmaril had become a star for everyone to see; that Maglor wanted, at the end, to forswear the Oath and accept the Darkness rather than kill yet more people in pursuit of the Silmaril. All it says of Maedhros is him reacting to Eärendil’s star with “that’s a Silmaril,” and seeing no hope of being free of the Oath. I see Maedhros’ state of mind and soul during this time always in terms of shadow and flame (and yes, the balrog comparison is deliberate); black melancholies and fiery rages; despair and sharp self-loathing and very little else. Maglor’s had to protect the twins from him more than once. Elrond becomes a great healer as an adult, and would have shown some aptitude for it even as a child, and been strongly empathetic; even at a young age, he can perceive that he’s the company of a soul in torment, and want to ease its suffering, and be unhappy that he can’t. (Maedhros reacts badly to this, usually with even deeper melancholy; he can’t endure this child, this reminder of his guilt, looking at him with sympathetic and compassionate eyes. Why can’t it be a normal child and hate him?) As an adult, when Elrond thinks of Maedhros it’s with pity, and as a formative moment in the life of a healer: the first person he couldn’t save.
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kameliabronx · 2 years
a little about Orodreth
Orodreth is very similar to his father. Noble, quiet, soft. Not just character, really. In appearance he is also a small copy of him. That's probably why Arafinve loved him a little more than the others, without admitting it to himself. Artaresto is thin, all like his father, it's even difficult for him to build up muscles, which makes him seem smaller against the background of his brothers, especially the outstanding Aikanáro and Angaráto. He has pale alabaster skin, through which the veins are visible: they are especially visible on the wrists and ankles. And when he is angry or nervous, the veins become well visible on the forehead and neck. His body is strewn with many moles, like a scattering of stars in the sky. Even on the face: a small dark mole on the bridge of the nose near the eye, on the temple, on the cheek near the ear, under the lip on the chin, on the forehead near the hairline on the right. And he also has a mole on his index finger, which is usually not visible. There are especially a lot of them on the back and shoulders. And his hair grows like a widow's peak, charming. Orodreth's hair seemed to be mixed from his father's golden curls and his mother's silver ones - light gold, almost wheat. They are usually straight, but due to humidity or rain they curl in large curls. When he was a child visiting Grandfather Olve, he always ran curly. And after Finrod left Nargothrond, his hair dried up and became lifeless, turned almost into straw from loneliness and constant nerves. Then they began to fall out altogether, causing almost hysteria every time he pulled out a new tuft when combing. Orodreth's eyes are light blue, similar in color to glass blue balls that shine in the sun and are slightly translucent. Artaresto's eyes always shone with some kind of happiness and something naive even during Dagor Bragollah. But when something happened when Angrod and Aegnor died, then when the news of Finrod's death came, the eyes seemed to become really glassy, life completely disappeared in them like a fish thrown ashore. It was even scary, Celebrimbor once compared him to a creepy doll. Perhaps the shining boy and his father's pride really turned into a creepy but beautiful doll at the end of his life: tousled dry hair, faded frozen look, pale skin that was so tender but now even cracked in some places. Orodreth knew that he was not a good king but, to be honest, he never aspired to it. He had to be king by chance and even then he listened to his older brother. When Nargothrond fell into his hands and even with two feanorians at his side, what could he do? He was too kind and gentle, yes, the people love such rulers but politics does not. He lacked cruelty and categoricality. His affection for his cousins was too strong. But the news of the death of his older brother killed the last remnants of that "Artaresto" in him, allowing the "new" to drive the feanorians out of the city. But this did not save Nargothrond, perhaps even made it worse. In recent years he lived in a kind of delirium almost not remembering anything. Yes, he had a sister Galadriel. She even tried to bring him to his senses, but during the war there was no way to help her properly. But, to be honest, Orodreth didn't care about much anymore. He was even a little angry at his sister. He just wanted to go to his father and his dead brothers. Orodreth went into the last battle knowing that he would not come back, that the city would fall - it was obvious even to him. King. Yes, Artaresto thought that the title did not suit him, but he wore it with pride. There were even royal makings in him: Noldor pride, Vanyar majesty, Teleri courage awoke. Orodreth knew that he was not perceived as a king, and had never been perceived. What else can we talk about if in the city created by his elder brother, the feanorians took power first, and then a man? He tried, really tried to do something. But what can a king do who has received a country during the war, who has just lost his king, who has been under the rule of usurpers, but at the same time has no experience of ruling a large realm? And Orodreth also loved his daughter, Finduilas. He rightfully considers her childhood to be the happiest years: he loved to give her gifts, especially to give her different dresses and jewelry for golden hair, which reminded him so much of Valinor, for some reason What did he love? In fact, it's easier to say what Orodreth didn't like. He really loved the whole world. Flowers, sun, gold, silver, birdsong and everything-everything-everything that is good in this world gave him joy. When Orodreth rejoices, dimples appear on his cheeks and his cheeks turn a little red, making him even more charming.  And he does not know how to sunbathe at all, his skin turns a little red and becomes the same pale and velvety again. Artaresto, imitating his father, likes to wear gold and silver clothes, he loves jewelry, especially pearls. He has a lot of silver and white gold with pearls. And the decorations with the symbol of the house are literally one - a ring that he got from his father and stayed with him until death.
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An alphabetized-by-character fan mix! 🥳
Amras & amrod - Identical by Phoenix
Aredhel - nobody's baby by Devon Cole
Aredhel and Eol - churchyard by aurora
Celebrimbor - sloop John b by the beach boys
Celegorm - up the mountain by Regina Spektor
Dior - Poor George by James Supercave
Earwen - angry too by Lola blanc
Elros - Fourth of July by Sufjan Stevens
Eowyn - good for her by mothica
Feanor - Ashes by the longest Johns
Feanor, about Miriel - Carolina, Taylor swift
Finarfin, about his brothers - puppet loosely strung by the correspondents
Finduilas - momento mori rule 21
Fingolfin - Anger by sleeping at last (yeah, him and not feanor for this one, but I stand by it)
Galadriel- king by Florence and the machine
Legolas - Green grass by Cosmo Sheldrake
Legolas and gimli - dear fellow traveler by sea wolf
Luthien - W.I.T.C.H. by Devon Cole
Maedhros - helvegan by wardruna (the way to hel)
Maeglin, to Aredhel - domestic bliss by glass animals
Maglor - Promiseland, Mika
Melian, about Thingol - ain't no sunshine
Meletye (curufin's wife) - the fruits by Paris Paloma
Miriel - Who is She by I, Monster
Nerdanel - where's my love by syml
Sons of feanor - seven devils by Florence and the machine
Thingol, meeting Melian - Fear and Delight by the correspondents
Turin - year of silence by crystal caves
Turgon - Doom Days by Bastille
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inthememetime · 3 years
Do They Text? The Fellowship of the Ring + bonus Elrond, Arwen, Galadriel, Eowyn, Eomer, Faramir, and Thranduil.
See Gandalf's on this post about The Hobbit characters.
Aragorn: 90% of the time, he's out of cell service. Also, sometimes he goes camping and accidentally forgets it. You've got a better chance at reaching him through Arwen or her brothers. He will reliably send pictures of animals and plants from his camping trips though.
Boromir: To his dad? Never. To his brother? Several times a day. To his friends? Once a week or two maybe. He texts very well, just not often unless your name starts with Fara- and ends in -mir.
Legolas: Legolas doesn't talk much, but get to texting him and your phone won't stop beeping at you. That elf sees everything, so along with cool forest and river pictures, you'll get random gossip about people he's petty about. He sends a lot of...risqué texts to Gimli too, so don't scroll through his pictures.
Gimli: He really doesn't like texting. The only exceptions he makes are for Legolas, Gandalf, and the other members of The Fellowship. He has not yet figured out how to send pictures despite Legolas showing him half a dozen times.
Frodo: Yes. If he has the time, he'll respond to you in rhyming poetry or prose formats (if he likes you). If h3 d035n7 h311 r35p0nd l1k3 th15 4nd 1t5 up 2 u 2 f1gur3 0u7 wh47 h35 54y1ng. And no, he will not explain. He'll also send random TikToks and Vines when he should be sleeping.
Sam: Yes, and he sends lots of flower emojis with every text, and doesn't care if you call him gay. He's secure in his masculinity and likes flowers, ok? 🌻🏵🌹🌷🌸
Merry: It's pretty normal for him, and he likes to have whole conversations with Frodo in verse and Vine references. He likes to have whole conversations with Pippin in emojis.
Pippin: 👍💗💣👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👧‍👧📳. 😈🧙‍♂️(Translation: Yes! He loves to blow up people's phones! Especially Gandalf's.) Better learn to speak emoji. He'll spend hours creating giant pictures made out of emojis too. He once recreated the Mona Lisa in emojis while drunk and no one has ever let him live it down or figured out how he did it.
Elrond: He's in 2 of Gandalf's group chats and doesn't regret it. He pretends to be all proper, but he wants to know all the gossip. He transitioned from sending Aragorn helpful little reminders to angry emojis once he started dating Arwen. Secretly, though, he thinks Aragorn is better than 90% of the guys she could be dating.
Arwen: Yes. Tons of selfies too! Somehow, autocorrect has never changed a single word she's texted. She, Eowyn, Eomer, and Aragorn have a group chat titled horses where they just send each other pictures of horses (and occasionally Eomer in a horse mask terrifying his little cousins). Every time Aragorn sends in pics of other animals, they send angry emojis (unless it's a baby animal or dog).
Eowyn: At first, no, but once she got a phone that wasn't a Nokia, yes. Like Aragorn, she can be hard to reach sometimes. She loves to go trail riding and mountain climbing, and mainly sends beautiful landscaped. She thought the group chat would be awkward because of her crush on Aragorn, then she met Faramir and decided she would take that boy on ALL the road trips and get selfies with him on all the famous places. Embarrassingly enough, they didn't realize they were dating until uncle Theoden and her brother Eomer started telling everyone about how nice and polite her boyfriend is.
Eomer: His name keeps autocorrecting to Elmer and he is not happy about it. He's long term military, and sends lots of photos from around the world. He tends to drunk text a lot, and Faramir likes to send him and Eowyn mad libs filled in with his drunken ramblings. He says he hates that... and yet, still texts Faramir every time he drinks and sometimes follows up with him if he doesn't get a Mad Libs after the hangover is gone.
Galadriel: Yes. It's hard to tell when she's texting sometimes. She has all the details on everyone because people tend to forget they've added her to group chats, and she doesn't correct them.
Faramir: Texts his brother every day and his dad never. He was terrified of Eomer when he started dating Eowyn, but Eomer basically said 'new little brother!', and now he's in the group chats. Eomer and Eowyn also text him with alarming frequency that 'hey, I'm at your house, road trip time.' Boromir's not jealous, just super happy his little brother has friends now and goes places instead of staying near their abusive dad all the time.
Thranduil: He has a gossip chat going on with all of his kids, but mainly Legolas since he's the one who goes everywhere most often. He and Gloin mourn about how their sons are dating- not because they're dating men, but because do they really have to date the son of their rival company's CEO? He also drunk texts Galadriel and Elrond a lot, forgets he did it, and gets creeped out by how much they seem to know about him.
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aslanscompass · 2 years
and on to episode 2-Adrift
well, let’s see what’s next. 
Pretty title sequence. Not sure what it’s supposed to represent, but pretty
Pretty ocean ripples too. Sorry, but I still wanna laugh at the idea of Swimming Back from Valinor. 
Meteor Man!
Okay, so teaser seen was interesting. I have no idea who this is supposed to be? None of the Istari are particularly associated with fire, 
I love Poppy and Nori’s conversation here. They’re totally having a discussion we are too. IE who/WHAT is this guy?
Back to Eregion
Durin! Durin! Eep
welp, funny,  rite of seeking ?dwarf  word? Sounds interesting. 
looking forward to seeing a Dwarf Realm in days of full glory. Mirrors for light. Mention of Aule? Hahhh
Very mead-hall esque. Dwarf women, too. 
Elrond’s gonna win, of course. This would be a rather pointless subplot otherwise.
Rhadagast, perhaps? The wildness would fit. But hobbits or pro-hobbits says Gandalf. 
Nori gonna feel guilty now. 
Oh, that’s why it’s being treated so seriously. I suppose a semi-nomadic people would have issues with that.
We gonna get evil fishes? Music says evil fishes. at least she has a knife.
rather rough raft. Very much men.
Okay, sea-dragons. Going. 
They are very not numenoreans. eVIL SHIP. mUSIC SAYS EVIL SHIP.
Galadriel gonna kill evil fishie. I was wrong about the orcs killing her party in ep one, but look, we know Galadriel lives , so no fear about her.
Very big fishie.
Look at Leviathan, which I made. 
mOment of calm before big fishie
looks like fish got the others. Or just broke up the raft. 
need a name for the human. Malran. 
And back to the rocks. Eventually they run out of rocks. bUT HE’S GONNA NEED A NEW axe.
(never mind the capitalization. It gets weird when live blogging.)
okay, so he did lose. wasn’t expecting that. 20 years for dwarf vs elf.
but dwarves have a pretty long lifespan .
dwarf kids! yes please
Dwarf women should be big and beautiful. It is suitable. 
(i need popcorn)
And the same accent. 
Okay, exile bonding
Southlands. Intriguing 
why’s the boy so angry? creepy eye?
water. Underwater  in a cave. Okay
Theo is boy. Okay. He’s alive. 
Still think she’s his sister. Ages are all wrong. why is she hiding in the closest. That just doesn’t seem like a good idea. Orc? spider-like orc
hmm. Skull-headed mole orc.
What’s the bit the boy is hiding in? Wood box?red powder, not blood.Good try, Theo. Good try. Kinda reminds me of hte demodog. 
Well, that’s one way to end the argument. 
what is Galadriel doing? i AM SO CONFUSED. why are they swimming down. this makes no sense. Okay, I get it now. 
and back to meteor man. Takes a lot of fireflies to make a lantern, but very cool all the same.
Arkenstone. Obviously. Show us what’s in the glowy chest
Put down the evil sword, theo. BAD BAD SWORD
Seems Galadriel and human washed up on shore. Or at least by a ship. AH! i BET it’s Elrond with a ship.
And that’s episode two. Hmm.
Think I’ll go to bed now. Hey, I got up at 7:10 am for work, and it’s now 10:05. That’s a long day for me.
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iminye · 3 years
For the headcanon ask, any of these you have thoughts on: finrod and anger/friendships/random, Ecthelion and family/childhood/romance, luthien and friendships/happy/hobbies :D
Hi! I'm so so sorry for the late answer but this one took a lot of time. I hope you like it!
It is very hard to make him angry in the first place though. So if you're not purposefully trying to piss him of its almost impossible but really....
Don't. Make. This. Man. Angry. Seriously. If you have seen Galadriel tempted by the ring, Imagine that but worse and way more frightening.
Celegorm did once and he occasionally still has flashbacks out of nowhere
Firnod personally doesn't like the feeling of anger, he gets hot all over, there's this adrenaline rush in his veines, his blood pressure rises and he loses all control over his composure - yeah he really really dislikes this feeling
Finrod loves making friends! He considers a large part of his family friends, but also his followers and people who admire him. He's very generous with the term friend
as a young child he would ran all-around Alqualondë making friends with fishermen, vendors, guards, Smith's, everyone he came across while driving his parents mad with worry because he managed to escape again
baby Finrod basically believed that he whole world was his friend and oh boy how that changed
Later in life he became fiercely loyal to his friends and the people he considers important to him - we all know where this leads him to so I won't go into further detail here
I just have the feeling that he dislkies all sorts of sweets, something that almost no-one believes until they have seen how he looks at anything sweeter than a melon with disgust and hands it away to Aegnor (who probably inherited the biggest sweet tooth in the family)
He has a fairly large family, not Feanorian sized, but still relatively for elvish standards
He's the oldest out of three boys and two girls and had s huge impact on their upbringing since there was a pretty big age gap between him and his next younger sibling
Out of his siblings his two sisters were the only ones who went with him over the ice and he felt very much responsible for this and swore himself to protect them with all cost
For Ecthelion himself I think that he never married and didn't have any children of his ow
Ecthelion was one of those children who would spent their entire day at the swings on the playground and bother nobody as long as nobody bothers them
his first friend was Glorfindel, who just ignored the "I don't bother you if you don't bother me" thing and just dragged Ecthelion away from whatever he was doing to come play with him
There was no getting out of this anymore
I like Glorthelion a lot as a ship but as most of my ships I like it in a platonic way
Her Maia blood made it very hard for her to make friends as a child because she would shapeshift uncontrollably at times and turn into some eldritch atrocity which quite understandably terrified a lot of children her age
Well except for Mablung who just though that this is the coolest thing and would always ask her what else she could do and together they caused a lot of mischief
They quickly got Beleg and Daeron into their shenanigans as well and became very close friends over the centuries
She feels close friendship to Huan as well and in a way Beren is also her very best friend (and her soulmate, and her lover and the man she would bend heaven and hell for and...)
just like Finrod fiercely loyal towards her friends
Small things make her incredibly happy
Like a small flower that boomed on her favourite clearing? Or a new song Daeron composed? A new dagger Mablung got from his wife? Something cool Beleg discovered? All these things make her incredibly happy and she is not afraid to express this happiness
her parents also make her happy, although her father is sometimes a bit overbearing but she knows he just means well
Beren makes her the happiest and once Dior is born Lúthien just enters a stage of pure bliss, she now knows and understands what her mother feels every day
singing, dancing and horrible attempts at cooking
she doesn't need to eat but she knows that her friends need too but she just really has no talent for cooking
It's fun though and even if she messes up Daeron will always be able to fix it because unlike her he has some culinary talent
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coweggomelet · 3 years
volume 6 lads
from what i remember this one is similar to 4 in that it gives us a bit of an emotional break
don’t get me wrong i know there’s some stuff but i think overall it’s a little less intense
- ahhhh they’re all fighting together againnn it feels so right
- hey. hey yang and blake. i’m gonna need you to stop. cause my little heart can’t take it
- this dude really was challenged once and had a full blown murder tantrum. that’s fragility my guy
- ruby is SO CUTE look at her little happy face
- oh yeah. take a train. you guys have a great track record with trains
- i also keep getting like three versions of the same ad about getting vaccinated and it’s got all these workers from tv & movie sets and it’s so awkward this one guy looks so annoyed during his whole part
- it’s not just the turrets y’all oz is withholding shit once again
- don’t fuckin shove my boy!!
- i love that qrow immediately steps back when ruby comes forward. like he 100% respects not only her authority as a team leader but also her ability to solve situations and talk to people. he knows man. he knows his niece is something else
- uh oh the train crashed. who could’ve seen that coming
- cinder really is just too angry and spite filled to die isn’t she
- hehe maria you’re funny
- it’s so funny that oz is still refusing to tell them everything knowing that everything is revealed in the next episode
- oh oz. i know he was your friend. but all these kids saw was the insane amount of harm and death he caused. trying to defend him to them is not gonna go well
- oscaarrr i love you!! you’re so good!!
- oooo chills
- uuugghh i love jinn she’s so cool
- oz. my dude. the ship has sailed. you can’t stop this anymore
- this, my friends, is what we call a lore episode
- this whole sequence gives me chills it’s so gooood
- eurgh i hate how the god of darkness moves like i get it it’s part of the aesthetic but you really don’t need to do that it’s creepy
- salem was so smart to use a super powerful sibling rivalry to get what she wanted
- she really didn’t deserve to watch the love of her live just get revived and killed over and over again
- jeez the gods are assholes. they’re all oooohh maintain balance and then they torture a woman who just wanted her husband back by making her live forever. for what??? for daring to be smart?? ugh
- c’mon gods you gotta respect the hustle
- you think that making someone immortal will make them realize the importance of life and death?? idiots
- god her face
- she’s so smart what the FUCK
- “the hearts of men are easily swayed” really reminds me of galadriel’s “the hearts of men are easily corrupted” in lotr
- a couple hundred humans attack them and the god of darkness decides “you know what? i’m gonna eliminate all of humanity. that feels like the right choice. yeah. i feel good about this.”
- the fact that salem wasn’t even like… a real villain until she tried to kill herself in order to escape her torture and suffering and the grimm juice made her Big Mad
- like it wasn’t even her, it was the grimm juice. i really do believe that without that she wouldn’t have become salem the Villain
- i’m sorry i don’t know a ‘deathly hallows’ i only know the relics
- ohhh fuck i forgot about this!!! oh rwby’s totally gonna end with the gods judging humanity when the relics are brought together. maybe not end end but it’s definitely gonna be close to the end and it’ll be a Big Thing where they strategize about how to convince the gods that humanity is good
- obviously the first maidens weren’t their kids but boy is there a theme going on here. and maybe even something plot relevant cause their kids could do magic
- all the main characters being able to witness this and us seeing their reactions is such a good touch like god, the impact of this reality is so much heavier because we get to see the characters actually affected by it react to watching it unfold before them
- ohhh my boy. you didn’t deserve this burden before but now that you know fully what it means you really don’t deserve it. i mean look at him!!!
- oh qrow!!! you are doing good! i mean i get it, your whole world’s been shattered and the man you gave your life to lied to you about a lot of important shit but you are doing good i promise!!
- fuck yeah maria use your sassy wise old lady authority
- oh god emerald you poor thing you’re just a babey— oh god i felt salem’s hand on emerald’s shoulder fuck dude this show is so effective
- truly, this is a master class in manipulation
- uh oh salem your ex is back
- i like that weiss is wearing what looks like very thin tights, a strapless dress, a lil jacket thing, and the animators said “here she’s got a scarf she’s warm now”
- ruby didn’t kill torchwood y’all, he got chomped. like a lil bitch
- oh god this episode
- yaaaayyy
- before this episode my friend went “you ready for some horror?” and was grinning
- oh yeeeaaah the corpses. lovely
- god as soon as they opened the door to where the cellar entrance is it immediately started affecting weiss
- oh the DOOR nope no thank you get the fuck OUT
- watching this show with my friend was also the origin of me being sad cause this shit is sad and her going “oh i’m having a great time” and this episode in particular she was enjoying herself WAY TOO MUCH if you ask me
- little jump scares kept getting me and she LAUGHED and said “that got you?!?” YES it DID i’m a WUSS
- oh the journals!!! the way they incorporated that was so interesting and added SUCH good creepiness and suspense without giving it all away or ramping it up too fast
- ruby’s so good i love her!!
- uuugghh it’s getting them already how haven’t they noticed???
- the eyes got me good the first time
- their weird fuckin attitudes were the creepiest part of this episode
- ruby said not my friends you bitches
- mariaaaa i love you you’re so smart
- god when they’re reading from the journal at the very end…
- neo’s so tiny!!
- talk about some girlbosses 
- MARIAAAAA YOURE SUCH A BADASS i love her backstory
- love her outfit too
- OOOO THE FUCKIN CROCODILE CLOCK LADY ooooo this is so cooooool
- the ticking!!!!
- oh maria you poor thing. but also you’re so smart like that was such a good move
- aww haha qrow’s a fan. awww he based his weapon off hers!! we love a fanboy
- “i wanted to be as good as the grimm reaper.” “well, im nothing but a disappointment, so you’re well on your way” DAMN MARIA SAVAGE
- oh nice they made to argus! NOW SHOW ME THE BABY
- “CUTE BOY OZ” me too nora
- and jaune’s sister and her wife!! I LOVE THEIR GAY LIL FAMILY
- yang is good with kids. marry me
- HUN!! god i love saph and terra
- “shut up there’s food!” heh me too ruby
- aahhh cordo
- she and maria are totally exes who had a bad breakup and now they hate each other. a tenzin/lin situation if you will
- jaune… my boy… i know you’re angry but oscar is really trying his best
- “i don’t know anything” me neither ruby
- wait cinder didn’t have her grimm arm yet so how did ruby’s ability trigger?
- uh oh my boy’s missing
- remember when you were having fun being the bad guy emerald. remember that. it’s almost like… it was only fun for you cause cinder was there
- it makes me so sad that not only did emerald actually believe that cinder cared about her, but she actually considered cinder family and her emotional health was so connected to cinder being there
- “all you ever learned was pain and violence and now you’re too afraid to leave it” tyrian excuse me i’m the one with the commentary and analysis that’s rude stay in your lane
- oh god oh fuck. the pyrrha statue is comin up isn’t it
- oh there she is. my love
- i still wanna know who this lady is. like she’s even the same voice actor as pyrrha. and she’s got red hair. i don’t think pyrrha ever talked about family members, but my money’s on her mom
- this moment fuckin got me dude. i was doing the full tearing up, lil sniffles, choked up thing. uuuuggghh
- god they love each other so much
- i am NOT gonna cry again
- oh qrow. you poor thing
- young man!! you scared us half to death! do you know what time it is??
- his lil outfit i i looovveee hiiimm
- oscarrr!! you’re so sweet!!
- qrow’s like… damn. ruby’s right
- here we goooo infiltration time
- oh FUCK yeah they kill adam soon
- adrian what a smart babyyyy i love youu
- hehehehehe maria is luggage
- honestly this is such a good plan it just goes to shit cause these kids can’t catch a fuckin break
- y’all need. to stop. looking. at each other. like that.
- qrow stop being emo
- mariaaaa i love youuuu you’re such a great old lady
- uh ohhhh problems with blake
- i would love it if they used qrow’s semblance strategically. like in some sort of heist/infiltration situation, sending him behind enemy lines to fuck up their luck
- ruby’s so good at speeches
- depressed? feeling bad about yourself? feeling emo and riddled with guilt? just get a Ruby Speech(TM) and you'll be cured!
- qrow’s face
- oh yeaaaahhh big metal guy
- cordo
- hey cordo
- are you uh
- maybe takin it a lil too far
- why are so many atlas military people so fuckin intense with maintaining order and big shows of power and controlling other people???
- yeah you’re a source of trauma for her but GUESS WHAT SHE HAS A SUPPORT SYSTEM
- at this point dude it’s real pathetic how obsessed with blake you are
- thank god for auras or falling damage would be a much bigger problem
- cordo can you maybe chill
- weiss earthbended!!
- jaune you’re so smart
- ren said things may be complicated but boy oh boy do i care about that strong lightning lady
- “rightfully in charge??” shut up cordo and go be gay with maria
- noooo her fun coat!!
- oooo Dramatic waterfalls
- adam i’ll kill you
- aaaaggghh the music holy shit
- i love how the fight scenes progress through the volumes it’s so cool
- the parallels between yang and adam are also really interesting. like their semblances, their tendency to lead with strong emotions. interesting
- ooooo he doesn’t like when they look at each other hehehehehe SHE HAS A GIRLFRIEND NOW BITCH HAHA
- he’s so basic too. like he looks like a frat boy.
- y’all do your jobs. there’s a big water boy coming but you don’t know cause you’re too busy being goddamn bootlickers
- oscar is so smart and ruby is so brave i love themmm
- uh oh cordo it’s a ruby speech watch out
- ya she is nuts
- ya but you’re a bitch adam and yang is fuckin amazing
- yeet the blake
- i fucking love that they killl him with the pieces of blake’s weapon. like there’s something to that. they kill him with the pieces of a thing he destroyed
- if he wasn’t dead enough he got crunched too
- hahahahaaaaa cordo they got you
- yeah cordo!!! argus is danger cause you were more worried about fucking “proving the might of atlas” or whatever against some teenagers you fool
- ohhhh shiiiittt cinder’s atlas outfit!! they’re going to a super cold snowy place and cinder said you know what i should wear short shorts and a sleeveless top with super tall boots and a lil cape. that’ll work. and she’s right. it does. have i mentioned i love cinder?
- uh oh big boy swims watch out
- cordo shut up this your own fuckin hubris
- god cordo’s desperation is so heartbreaking
- when are people gonna learn to trust ruby and her friends man
- their willingness to keep fighting and risk their lives and also a Ruby Speech(TM) made cordo believe in them which i love
- i love jinn she likes lil ruby and her friends
- hi summerrrr
- cordoooo i’m so proud of you. she gave up part of this insane symbol of atlas’s power to help ruby and her friends. like she put aside her own ego and i’m so proud of her
- fuck yeah!!!
- awww such a good uncle
- damnnn atlas is gorgeous
- even mercury is terrified by salem’s weird grimm shit
- the fuckin wicked witch with her flying gorillas
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arofili · 4 years
For the character ask: all the children of Finarfin
How I feel about this character:
Finrod: charming slutty blond twink with a heart of gold. maybe that’s too much fanon and not enough canon but you can tear that characterization from my cold dead hands tbh. like yes this is King “I Killed A Werewolf With Nothing But My Teeth And The Power Of Love” but he’s also Prince “I Rap Battled With Sauron And Lost” and Lord “I Befriended Men and Dwarves Before It Was Cool”
Angrod: of all his siblings i think he’s the most… Angry Boy. he has a temper, but he’s also married with a kid (I subscribe to the Orodreth Angrodion version of canon). i think he’s the ‘oh my god why can’t any of you be NORMAL’ brother. BOTH his mother name and his father name are derived from the word for ‘iron’ - he’s got an iron personality, very strong-willed and stubborn. i also hc that he’s the only arafinwean who has Earwen’s silver hair.
Aegnor: a hopeless romantic. the dreamiest arafinwion (and that’s including artanis!). very particular about his hair (which is a WILD canon detail that i love sjdfhdk) but also has terrible fashion. his head’s always in the clouds, he’s a daydreamer, but he’s also incredibly loyal and a really good friend. he almost always listens to his heart over his head - and the fact that he and andreth never marry is the One Time he listened to logic over emotion, and that haunts him forever.
Galadriel: almost as much of a genius as Feanor and almost as humble about it, which is to say, not at all. she’s proud and stubborn and full of herself, especially in her youth - she’s also gorgeous and smart and right a lot of the time, which doesn’t help her ego. by the time she’s become Lady of Lothlorien she’s been through a lot and is much more humble and wise, but i think that comes not just from her experiences but also from being married to Celeborn the Wise. i think he balances her out very well tbh. (my favorite Galadriel characterization EVER is from this fic by @nerdanelparmandil, check it out!!)
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Finrod: I ship Finrod with anything that moves tbh….. I see him as super super gay, he and Amarie were mutual beards which is why she didn’t follow him to Endore. i am a Known Slut for Finrod/Turgon in particular, they’re kind of endgame for me, but also @raisingcain-onceagain​ has converted me to Finrod/Edrahil!! And while the Nargothrond Disaster Trio are in no way shape or form HEALTHY, i really really enjoy Celegorm/Curufin/Finrod content, that dynamic is delicious. i can also get down on Maedhros/Fingon/Finrod, though not really in a serious way. PLUS Finrod/Beor is very good, as is Finrod/Barahir and Finrod/Beren(/Luthien if we’re feeling spicy), and you KNOW he got busy with some dwarves! I just think he’s very free with his feelings and desires, especially after coming to Beleriand, and he takes full advantage of his freedom and position of authority to get what he wants. (not necessarily in a weird power dynamics way, though he’s into that kind of kinky shit too probably, i mean more in ‘it’s my kingdom i get to make the rules and i say No Homophobia and No Slutshaming’) - and I’m super happy to multiship with Finrod, there are verses where he’s fucking everyone and verses where he’s pining over Turgon and verses where he never even thinks about anyone other than Edrahil and etc etc etc. there’s probably even verses where he and Sauron get up to some funky shit!
Angrod: I don’t have a lot of headcanons about him and Eldalote. She has a Sindarin name, so maybe she came with him to Middle-earth - or maybe not, and he just missed her so much that he wouldn’t shut up about her and so her name was Sindarized to Edhellos. Either way I think they had a very strong relationship that ended in tragedy one way or another. I’ve also seen some fun Angrod/Caranthir enemies-to-lovers stuff, which I can get into, but I think Caranthir is aro so it’s not really my main hc.
Aegnor: i mean how can you NOT ship him and Andreth??? that relationship is just….so tragic and heartbreaking and beautiful. I like the theory that Gil-galad was their child, and he was given to Orodreth to raise because Andreth couldn’t care for an elfling and Aegnor couldn’t publicly claim a son out of wedlock. But also verses where they are just tragically pining after one another are beautiful in their own way. My headcanon is that the thing keeping them apart was less about the war going on and more about Aegnor fearing to lose her - but then he actually dies before her, and Andreth has to live with that pain. (idk if that works out timeline wise but. yeah)
Galadriel: Meladriel is very good and I enjoy that - I’ve also seen some great Galadriel/Luthien and even a Galadriel/Feanor fic I enjoyed. BUT overall i really love that she chose to marry Celeborn, a wise “dark elf” even when she’s completely out of his league - he balances her very well, and I don’t buy depictions of her walking all over him. she cares about him and he’s really good for her!
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Finrod: I ship Finrod/Turgon but also WHAT a great friendship they have!! I love that they go adventuring together :) And Finrod, Maedhros, and Fingon are so fun to imagine growing up together! Plus there’s his relationship with his nephew Orodreth, who he clearly adores, and also the fact that he’s still buddies with the Feanorians even after the first kinslaying (at Alqualonde! his home! where his mom is from!) and he’s so excited to meet new people from the Sindar to the Edain to the Dwarves. Finrod’s just EVERYONE’S friend and i appreciate that!!
Angrod: ….what if he and Caranthir used to be really close, like they are similar ages and grew up together, but then Something Happened and they started hating each other later on. that would be Very fun. also, he and Aegnor were lords together over the same land and died together, which implies they were very close - close like Celegorm and Curufin!
Aegnor: Again, he and Angrod were Best Bros which is great. I also think he’s probably beloved by Andreth’s people, he’s just this huge elf man they all kind of adopted and he’s so honored that they love him so much!
Galadriel: Melian!! obviously!! she stayed in Doriath specifically to learn from her, which is super neat. and then Gandalf in the later ages, i love whatever they have going on in the movies especially. i also think she and Celebrimbor had a weird rival-friendship i the second age, they’re both geniuses but from opposite sides of the family feud…except the family feud has killed pretty much everyone BUT them, so they come together to mourn that.
My unpopular opinion about this character
(this turned into more of ‘what are their negative personality traits’ than ‘unpopular opinions’ but whatever…)
Finrod: i’m sure he did his best but….when he was king of nargothrond he was still gallivanting all over the place. orodreth was probably More In Charge from before he was officially king…
Angrod: he’s a grade-A asshole. just a dick. mean as shit and holds grudges forever. really annoying to be around.
Aegnor: a dumbass. always listens to his heart and gets in trouble for it, until the one time he listens to his head and regrets it forever.
Galadriel: would make an EXCELLENT villain. ‘all shall love me and despair’ ? come on yall. if it had been HER versus sauron instead of Finrod (and…considering she was probably friends with Luthien, it very well could have been) i think she may have won, and im just imagining Sauron working for her, and the second and third ages going very differently with her being a Queen who everyone loves until they look back and realize she’s been corrupted and turned evil.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
so i think canon did mostly a good job with them SO some of these are some AUs!!!
Finrod: …if he had managed to convince Celegorm and Curufin to help with the Silmaril quest–the war could have ended before the Nirnaeth, maybe. or at least gone very differently.
Angrod: im gonna physically fight tolkien over giving us practically NOTHING on the wives of various characters - tell me more about Eldalote you coward!!!!
Aegnor: JUST MARRY ANDRETH PLEASE. i’m a slut for interspecies relationships and the fact that this one is male elf/female human is SO good and frankly unprecedented in Tolkien’s works. PLEASE i need more!!!
Galadriel: FUCK that evil!Artanis AU would be REALLY cool and sexy, wouldn’t it?
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griffinsandpeacocks · 4 years
GET UP & WRITE! Section 5: “If you were logical, you would’ve killed me already.”
Slowly over the years Erestor marvels at how dedicated Glorfindel is with courting him, the elf had sung for him and had lead him out on dates far into secret glades in the valley to lay beneath stars and hold each other as they listened and watched. It was beautiful to see that the elda had not changed. He was still a sweet caring vanya that would dote on those he loved and put his all into his passions. 
Erestor was nervous but had dug out the rings he’d somehow managed to hold onto. The rings that were meant to be worn on their wedding day. He wonders at the possibility. Could he let go of that shadow of fear and fall into Glorfindel’s arms? It wouldn’t ever heal the pain he still had at the fact Ecthelion would not be there, but maybe, just maybe he can swallow that pain and let in this happiness he’d been denied and was now denying himself.
“Erestor there is a diplomatic issue I would like your help with.” Elrond says across from the distracted darkling who blinks looking up to see Elrond he places the rings back in his desk drawer and stands.
“We’ll discuss it in your office?” He asks and the other noldo nods. They walk and Elrond has a dark look on him and Erestor wonders. Elrond rarely looked like this unless something was going on that was terrible. When they enter his office Elrond goes to the window and stares out across the Valley for a long moment.
“I’ve gotten reports that some diplomats we sent out never reached Galadriel. I want you to go the same rout they did and find out what happened. I sent out three of them with two archers as their escort they all had former combat experience and I felt they would be capable. Something happened and I want to know what.” Elrond says turning to look at Erestor who knows what the elf will ask of him he nods and bows.
“I am a arrow ready to loose at your command.” Erestor swears bowing and Elrond sighs looking down.
“I do not ask this lightly, old friend, but please find our missing people, with the mercy of the Valar they’ll be alright.” Elrond sighs and Erestor stands straight and nods and folds his hands behind him.
“I’ll need the route, can you deliver them to me while I prepare to ride out?” Erestor asks and Elrond nods. 
“Shall I send anyone to tail you?” He asks and Erestor paused. 
“Anyone who knows how to hang back and can come back here to gather the needed troops, Glorfindel can’t hear of this he’ll insist on coming with me.” Erestor says and Elrond nods.
“I foresaw that and sent him on a boarder patrol out at the western most boarders. He’ll be no where near you as you pass out of our lands.” Elrond says and Erestor nods pursing his lips and he walks out he let’s his assistant know he’ll be leaving on a task and the younger elf frowns in worry and nods.
“Is it the missing scholars?” He ass and Erestor paused looking at him in shock, “One is my brother.” He answers and Erestor’s hands clench.
“I shall find them, worry not.” Erestor says and he smiles shakily and nods wishing  Erestor swift and safe travels. Erestor hopes so too. He gathers clothes for the journey and hides his smaller hide-able blades on his person and braids a pick low into his hair and hums softly as he removed the circlet and wrote a small note to Glorfindel and left it pinned to the door it was short merely saying he was off on a simple errand for Elrond and would return within a few days all things willing. 
“Erestor this is the route they took.” Elrond says laying the map down before quickly sweeping off to go take care of other matters and Erestor looks over it folding it in his pocket and gathering some simple provisions and taking a nondescript horse of a pale brown coat and he rides out an archer he knows follows on a sable horse. He let’s distance grow between them but he does tell Erestor he’ll be as swift as death should anything go amiss. Knowing the elf Ersetor had smiled and agreed. The elf had been old not one of the few to survive Gondolin but he was a descendant of one.
“I believe you mellon.” He says softly and they follow the trail. Erestor knows it’‘l be outside their lands. He isn’t comfortable as he travels and he can see his shadow but knows a human would not. He does signal they drop back further though as the map is with them. He hopes it is not a group of elves doing this but on the chance he doesn’t want them both caught. 
It’s once he’s far along the road while he’s setting camp they strike. Several bleed out of the shadows and he sighs softly. They’re far from skilled, he wonders how they managed to get the first group. Then again his gut says something is off. They’ve surrounded him yes, but perhaps it was different with the others? He looks around at the humans and grits his teeth wanting to let loose scathing words.
“I see I am out numbered. Is there a reason for this?” Erestor asks having one hand on his sword he’s scanned out the archers of the group but he can see a few hiding in trees. They’re clever enough he’ll give them that much, if their prey was humans. 
“Come with us and no one gets hurt.” The seeming leader says and Erestor hesitantly released his hold on his blade he lifts his hands palm out.
“Lead the way then.” He says and they close in ushering him behind the leader as others gather up the camp site and he whistles and the horse bolts. He gets a sharp blow to his head for that one and hissed but grit his teeth and bears it. He walks on and eventually they reach a campsite nested into a cave he sees the five he looks for at the back all bound and knelt the archers look worse for wear but the scholars seem well enough. Minor bruises on their faces one sports a split lip but that’s all. The archers look like they’ve taken a couple beatings. 
“Lord Erestor!” One gasps sitting up struggling with what Erestor hears are shackles the chains rattling as the elf strains but a sharp kick in his chest sends him sprawling back. Erestor growls low in his throat.
“A lord eh? An who should we make the random out to?” The leader chuckles and Erestor narrows his eyes.
“You lot think being this cruel will help your case once my Lord hears you have me and want payment? Lord Elrond would sooner pin you all with arrows that stand for this.” He hissed pretending to be what humans perceived of elven high standing, arrogant and unskilled in war, more likely to frolic in flowers than properly handle a sword.  
“That so? Then maybe we should make sure he knows any my lads die then it’ll be your head he’ll receive?” The man says and Erestor growls but when one of the scholars cries out Erestor’s attention snaps to see one brigand has the elf by his hair and has a blade to his throat. 
“Calm, if you hurt them we will all die fighting and what good are we dead?” Erestor says looking between the Leader and the blade fearing for the younger elf. The man lowers his blade and the elf’s thrown face first forward into the cave floor. The leader chuckles.
“Smart one. Shackle him with the rest we should look at our options boys. They’ll fetch a fair price on any market for sure, but what can we get out of a lord for another?” The leader asks. Erestor is roughly shoved down onto his knees his sword taken and set aside somewhere and he’s left with the five. The main group walks out to jest leaving only two guards a little ways away. Erestor looks at the other who all look angry and upset.
“How did they get a hold of you?” Erestor asks softly keeping an eye on the guards. The archer that has already spoken up pursed his lips.
“There’s a woman with them, she pleaded for help saying bandits were attacking her home and she begged us for help. We walked into a trap.” He explains softly. Erestor sighs softly. That explained it. They were cocky with him because he was alone. 
“I’ll get us all out of here. If not there’s help on the way already.” Erestor says softly seeing that the one thrown to the ground earlier is crying softly. Erestor takes a deep breath and sighs as right now he holds no sympathy for the humans. He hears a slight commotion and takes the chance. He tilts his head and sits back on his heels he manages to get a hold of the pick and slowly gets it into the lock and manages to click open the cuffs as the guards look away and start towards the cave entrance Erestor unlocks the others swiftly and sees his sword he grabs it and leads them out taking down the guards swiftly from behind before they could respond. Thankfully the other’s are able to arm up with their things as they’d been with Erestor’s sword.
“If you were logical, you would have killed me already.” Erestor states as he emerges from the cave to hear the leader bragging to the group that had come to help that if they got closer he’d signal his men to kill Erestor and the others. He spins around and growls launching at Erestor who does a simple sidestep bringing his blade over the man’s throat in a quick swift motion and he stumbles and falls. The others are all relived and thank Erestor for seeing that the others were rescued and that they’d see them safely to Galadriel’s realm from here and that he could take the mare he’d ridden out on back if he liked. 
Though the scholar that had been beaten the most opted to return with Erestor to Imladris. No one blamed him. He was scuffed up pretty badly not only a split lip but a nasty bruise forming on his forehead and Erestor had a feeling an issue with his wrist and there was a cut on his throat. He found out it was his assistant’s brother. He was younger and had gone to get some training and learn a bit but now was returning and Erestor felt bad. This young elf had training sure but he had no real combat experience. 
“I’ll help tutor you once we return if your anything alike to your brother you’ll do quite well. I can have our librarian Dillothon teach you more as well depending on what you seek to do.” Erestor says and the younger elf flushed and looks down upset.
“You’ve already so many duties you need not trouble yourself teaching me, Lord Erestor.” He says and Erestor snorts and assures him he needed the distraction as he’d had too much free time as of late regardless. When they return the younger elf is whisked away, his assistant, Gloron comes and smiles seeing his brother safe and thanks Erestor and warns him Glorfindel had returned from the patrol as it had been called short due to foul weather and had been pestering him on Erestor’s whereabouts. Erestor thanked him quickly ran to Elrond’s office and gave a verbal report before heading to his rooms and washing up. He isn’t shocked Glorfindel is waiting on the chaise when he comes out.
“I heard from the soldiers you’d gone out to bring back some missing Scholars.” He says and looks tired and Erestor sighs and goes to the other and kneels before him.
“Aye, and all of us are now safe. The others went to Galadriel as they had intended and one, my assistant’s brother, chose to come back with me. I was in no grave danger a scout trailed me and would have gotten help as soon as it was needed. I was captured less than a full day.” Erestor comforts and Glorfindel nods and pulls Erestor into his lap trying to calm the hissing voices in his mind that said Erestor could have been hurt. He wouldn’t damage Erestor’s pride, his meleth was more than capable. He just... Worried. 
Word count: 2,118
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starline148 · 4 years
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I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, but the other day it hit me hard. AU where Fudou’s mother and Kidou’s father start dating and finally marry and have a child. But also KdFd because you know, I’m in love with this ship. I’ll leave some headcanons, maybe someday I’ll write something Idk... if anyone wants to join... is welcome!
-Mr Kidou (whom I’ll name Sadao) and Ms Fudou (whom I’ll name Kikumi) if anyone knows if they actually have a name just tell me meet in the FFI final, and they start a friendship which shortly becomes a relationship. -Akio and Yuuto didn’t know their parents were dating for one year and a half. Like they saw them together a lot, but never thought about them really dating because it’d be too strange.
-Both boys (following OG) were together in High School and one day they kiss and everything is messier because they are emotional stupid and don’t know how to act anymore with the other around. Like a lot of tension and touchs and kisses again.
-Sadao proposes to Kikumi in a romantic trip they go together. She accepts immensely happy.
-Then the boys go to a fancy dinner with their parents. And there Sadao tells them they are not only dating but are going to marry.
-That is huge news. Both boys freeze, like, WTF for them. But they try to congratulate their parents knowing things are going to be even more bizarre.
-They are all start living together and this is so strange but comforting for both teenagers, like, they watch superheroes movies until late in the night but also jump scared when find the other in the bathroom brushing teeths in the morning.
-At first Akio avoids Sadao as must as possible.
-The wedding is a BIG event because Kidou familly is rich and important, and everyone keeps their eyes on it. Yuuto and Akio are stressed about everything a wedding this big needs.
-One night Akio goes to Yuuto’s room because he can’t sleep. They start sleeping together.
-The wedding happens with a lot of things to remember (like Sakuma catching the flower bouquet and everyone laughing at him and smirking at Genda becauseyeahgensakutoo and Endou almost falling at the Wedding Cake by accident).
-Sadao and Kikumi go to their honeymoon to Europe leaving Akio and Yuuto alone. Things happens.
-After a month and a half after the honeymoon there’s another bomb new: a baby is coming.
-Akio starts crying because he is going to have a sibbling. Yuuto almost faints for the same reasson.
-When Haruna knows about this she is super excited and happy.
-The baby is a girl. She is named Himeko because she is going to be everyone’s princess. Yuuto is the one whose names is choosen after everyone gives their suggestions. Akio wanted her to be named “Galadriel” or “Mary Jane”. -Akio starts buying a lot of little baby dresses and Yuuto has to make him stop. Altough instead they both end buying little things together for their sister. Haruna joins them.
-Sadao takes really care of Kikumi while pregnant, she often gets angry because she can do things and her husband doesn’t let her do anything so she doesn’t get hurt.
-Himeko is born and everyone is super happy. She has her father’s hair colour (grey) and her mother’s eyes (sea green).
-Spoiled child of everyone. Akio and Yuuto are so in love with her. But at first they were afraid of holding her, they start relaxing with the time.
-First time Sakuma goes visit Himeko he makes a exhibition of how not to hold a baby and she pukes on him, Sakuma doesn’t want to hold her again. Genda in the other hand seems to have been holding babies all his life.
-Neither Endou or Gouenji are alowed to hold Himeko after they almost drop her. 
-Haruna loves Himeko and she is always visiting her, she usually goes with her for a walking. Akio and Yuuto follow her in the distance beliving she doesn’t know, but of couse she knows.
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esmeraude11 · 4 years
(Flowers are) the Shadows of Stars
Summary: Better to be sad and wistful than angry and miserable. Elwing didn't know if she could bear to part with the gem. For her own sake. If not her people's.
on ao3
It had been a mistake.
She had known it the moment that the words had left her mouth.
The Fëanorian messenger's expression had hardened. Something like pity had flickered in the woman's eyes as she'd given a shallow bow. Low enough to show the minimum of respect warranted by the local realm's reigning monarch. But not so low as to be taken for submission on her own part.
Just enough to be polite in a foreign court.
Her lords, however, had been pleased.
They had argued against the messenger's offer. The Havens had need of the jewel. It kept their waters pure. Its fields fertile. Its people strong and healthy in spite of the Enemy's long shadow.
Her father's gem...the Fëanorians' gem whispered in her mind. Of sweet laughter and flashing eyes. Shining like silver in the moonlight. Of a fierce pride and even fiercer love. A face, pleasant and lovely to look upon, smiling in her mind's eye. Long red-hair drawn up into a messy bun. A woman near as tall as Galadriel herself with greenish-grey eyes like the long slender stalks of the moonlit river-grass that ran along the length of the River Sirion.
She was no true beauty.
None would claim this woman as Lúthien's equal. Nor would they sing songs of her beauty in lamentation for its loss.
Nor was she even as lovely as Dior's queen was said to have been. Elwing could not remember her mother's appearance. Neither the color of her hair or the shape of her brows. Let alone her smile. Celeborn and Oropher had told her stories nevertheless. But this image that the jewel showed her was different. This was something that Elwing could actually see . Not something that she needed to imagine within the confines of her own mind.  Images formed from half remembered conversations with her cousins. Never knowing if the images conjured by her mind were right or not.
There was a warmth in the unknown woman's eyes. An understated beauty in the sweet curve of her smile and the particular way she carried herself. Something that she'd never quite seen directed towards her by the members of her court.
Her lords all thought of her as the child she'd once been still. She was a grown woman now. Young though she was. The price, perhaps, of being half-elven among the Elves. Old enough among Men. Still young enough that if she were not a child of Lúthien and Beren's line she would have been exactly that.
A child.
She was mother to two young boys. But her long-lived lords still saw the tiny rambunctious child that loved to race through river-grass and corn stalks. Fleeing her long-suffering caretakers and giggling all the while. A tiny brilliant spot of happiness for her weary and aching people.
She could not begrudge them this. No matter how it frustrated her to be placated with a smile and fond pat on the hand.
Though....she might have seen the woman's exact expression mirrored in Celeborn's eyes and the subtle flash of white from trailing sleeves as he snuck her pasties before lunch and dinner. In the brightness of Oropher's smile and his outstretched hands.
Elwing couldn't remember her father. The shape of his face. The way he must have smiled. She knew that she shared her coloring with him. With fabled Lúthien and her mother the Queen of Doriath. Her cousins had done their best in the aftermath of Doriath's fall. And...she remembered. She had tried to call them father once. Oropher had paled then. His ever-present smile falling as grief and conflict flickered within cornflower blue eyes. Celeborn had been the one to correct her. Careful and gentle in the way he always was with her. His hands warm and voice sad.
Her father was dead. Long-gone into the Halls of Mandos. Forever lost to them should they remain on this side of the Sundering Seas.
They were her cousins. Nothing more. Nothing less.
She had decided against repeating the experience after that.
Not when it caused Oropher such pain and brought sorrow to Celeborn's eyes.
It wasn't worth it really. She had never had a father. Had no true need of one when she had her cousins to rear her and care for her. To fuss about after her as a child when all she'd wanted was to run through the fields of river-reeds that sheltered their home by the mouth of the river. Better she be their sister in all but name than bring undue pain to the two men that had raised her.
Nevertheless, the things that the jewel showed her made her think of the woman who had born her. Made her wonder for the emptiness that lingered in her mind where memories should have been. Elwing had no personal memory of her parents.
She was motherless and fatherless.
An orphan of Doriath.
The Sindar's lonely little Queen.
She had been three when the Fëanorians had attacked Doriath.
Her human heritage meant that she had been a toddler at that age. Having grown faster than a normal Elven child might. Oh, how that must have worried Celeborn and Oropher. How different she must have been. How much more carefully they must have treated her. For mortal children were delicate creatures. And she was Beren's grand-daughter. Her father's only surviving child. Their last little cousin.
Elven memories were long. But Elwing was of human descent. She'd been far too young to truly remember anything past the fear of displacement. The fear that her retainers and guards had carried that day. The traumatic separation from her nursemaid lingered in her memories where her mother's laughter no longer echoed within the shadowed halls of her mind. Doriath had fallen and Elwing did not even know of the things that had brought her father joy.
But the gem, her father's gem, the Fëanorians' gem, had been her constant companion since infancy. Since the fall of her grandfather's kingdom.
It whispered to her in the darkest of nights. When sheets were drawn over a small head to dim the gem's light and prevent it being seen by a guard or nurse. Of a man, dark-haired and silver eyed, whose greatest love had been a woman with long red hair and broad shoulders. A woman whose strong muscular form was often covered in stone dust. Someone who smiled as easily as she laughed. A babe often on her hip or in her arms as she allowed herself to be brought into the man's embrace. Leaving fond kisses and smearing dust onto his heavy leather apron. Likewise finding herself subjected to soot on her wrinkled clothes as strong hands drew her closer.
It shared with her memories of a happy family.
Of a father: a man who tucked his children into bed. His proud breathtakingly lovely face set in a gentle smile as he peered down into their beloved little faces. A man who painstakingly taught his children crafts and arts that Elwing had not been allowed to learn. The Havens resources were so few. Their manpower so diminished. So few were their people and so very new to their home. None could be spared to teach the young queen. Not when all able hands were needed in the fields and waters or in the haven itself. She was left to lie fallow. To mind herself save when Celeborn and Oropher had time enough to spare for lessons on court politics and statecraft.
The Lords of the Sindar could not claim themselves separate from their own people. Not after the fall of Doriath. Not when every able hand was needed for their people’s survival. They could not spare anyone in those early years. For they were too proud and scared to ask for help from the Noldor that had originally settled the Havens. Could not bear to leave themselves open to even the Noldor's High King Gil-Galad. No matter his friendship with Círdan the Shipwright.
The Lords and Ladies of the Sindar had learned to turn the earth, hunt game, and fish in the rivers same as the lowest of their people. These tasks made all the harder by the differences between the flat marshlands of the Havens and the shadowed forests of Doriath.
Elwing had taught herself needlecraft with painstaking care from the glimpses of lessons the gem allowed her. The servants had given her embroidery needles and used spools of thread when they could so that she might entertain herself. She'd bloodied many of her sheets with pricked fingers before she'd first beheld the fruits of her labor.
A glittering silver-white star in the likeness of her gem.
It had caused faces to pale and eyes to widen. Elwing had returned from wandering and playing in the reeds to find that her sheets had been returned, picked clean of thread. She'd been scolded for it. Half-heartedly. But scolded nevertheless.
She'd learned to hide her works after. It was safer that way.
Elwing had a small chest full of embroidered items that she'd pass onto her sons when they were older. She wanted them to have something of her own making should she die as the rest of their family had. She didn't want them to remember her solely from another's shared memories. Better that they have things they could hold. Items that she'd toiled over and carefully sung words of power into.
She'd made their blankets herself. From choice scraps of embroidered fabrics.
She wanted them to look at the sheets in their hands and know her by her crafts if not by their own memories. She’d spent many hours bent over them. Small hands carefully choosing and sliding squares into place. Filling the blankets with the downy feathers that Eärendil had spent hours hunting waterfowl for. The birds had gone to the kitchens. Their feathers to her. She'd folded the finished products and hidden them away in her chest. For later. For the day the children were too big for the smaller pair of blankets currently taking up their beds. She'd begun making them when the first dreams of laughing grey-eyed boys came to her in her sleep.
She wanted them to look at the sheets in their hands and know her by her crafts if not by their own memories.
She could only hope that Elros and Elrond loved her as much as she loved Celeborn, Oropher, and the beautiful strangers that the Silmaril had given her. She hoped that they would come to cherish the things she'd made them the way she cherished her jewel. For its connection to Dior and to the man that had created it.
Elwing could only hope that her creations might survive her. That the children might be able to have something of hers should she die before she could see them fully grown.
Of a mother: a kind woman who didn't bend quite so easily to her children's whims. Not as her husband did. She had laugh lines at the corners of her eyes. Calluses on her fingers. She brought her little children to sit between her legs and taught them to shape their thoughts on clay. To bring stone to life underneath little hands. Taught them to grind stones, roots, flowers, and shells and mix them into paints.
Things that she'd taught herself in the quiet of her rooms to the best of her abilities.
Hunting the riverbank for things that she might coax into paints. Sinking small hands into the banks and drawing river clay from its watery depths. A subpar material but one that had allowed Elwing to amuse herself for hours at a time before she needed to return home.
How could she relinquish her father's gem?
The only surviving artifact of her family's keeping that had survived Doriath's destruction?
How could she relinquish the gem that shared images of a family that she'd never known but longed to be part of?
To have a mother that smiled. A patient figure to teach her how to sculpt and mold and smooth. To discern quality paints from the chaff. A kind woman whose love was strong and solid. Unchanging and never-ending. A father to love her and tell stories at her bedside. To run his hand over her hair and tuck into bed. To teach her arts and crafts and sciences. Anything and everything under Anor and Ithil's light.
It was all she'd known of such a thing. She had never needed parents. Not when she had cousins Celeborn and Oropher to care for her all her life. To love and fuss over her children as they'd fussed over her as a child. But she'd wanted them. Wanted someone to love and adore her in the way that Idril and Tuor had Eärendil in those brief honey-sweet years that they had dwelled in the Havens before sailing for Valinor.
She knew who these strangers were.
Knew whose parents they were.
Their children had stolen her parents' lives. Destroyed her people's kingdom.
She had no right to think fondly of the ones who had sired and born them into the world.
But....she could not deny the sweetness of what she'd been shown. The feelings that it had awoken within her.
She had no memory of her parents. Elwing desired to meet them. To see herself in her father's face. To discover for herself if she shared her mother's smile. If the particular way her nose scrunched with emotion did indeed belong to her mother as Oropher swore. To hear them laugh and draw them into her arms. But...she had no true memory of them to cling to.
Had nothing but the shadow of another's memories to show her what parents might look and sound like.
The Silmaril's light was soft and sweet.
It lingered in her heart and settled gently within her mind. Nurturing those secret longings as well as it did the crops in the Havens' fields and the sweet pools of water that split off from the river by their settlement.
It soothed her with the voices and faces of people she'd never met but knew nonetheless.
It had been a mistake to deny the Fëanorians.
But Elwing could not fathom releasing the gem into their care. Her children had no grandfather to love them. No grandmother to teach them. None save the dead and those who haunted her own mind. She wanted to be selfish. Just this once. To keep her children at her side and the precious jewel that her father had died for. To keep its stories of a fallen prince and his beloved.
Of a man that she might call father in the privacy of her mind. Someone she could look to when the emptiness of her losses threatened to swallow her. A woman that she might call mother. People that she'd claimed long ago in the darkest depths of her heart. People either long dead or too far and all the stranger to her. For they did not know her.
But she knew them.
Elwing did not know if she would ever go so far as to call the Fëanorians 'brother'. Not when they'd caused so much pain to the people around her. Not when her own little brothers, those boys who should have been her elder, had died at their peoples hands. But a part of her might call their parents her own. For she knew them. Loved them. If only because of the Silmaril.
She'd grown up watching them raise their own brood of little children.
Elwing knew them as well as she knew the swollen banks of the river in springtime. The mouths of the Haven in the sweetly scented summer humidity. Full of colorful blooms and swaying reeds. Bright chirping birds and chattering otters. She knew them better than she knew her own parents. For what were stories and recollections next to living memories? She could be bitter. Could be cruel. She could even be shrewd. But it took too much energy to be angry. There was no reason to be angry over things that had already come to pass. Things that she had no true recollection of. Not when she could do nothing to change them.
Better to be sad and wistful than angry and miserable.
Elwing didn't know if she could bear to part with the gem.
For her own sake.
If not her people's.
Her choice to refuse the Fëanorian's messenger had been a mistake and it was one that Elwing knew she could not take back. She could not say that she would have chosen differently if given the chance. The gem was too precious. It was all that she had left. Of her father. Of Doriath. Of that wonderful dream that had haunted her all her life. Never quite fulfilled despite the loving presences in her life.
Elwing was thirty-five years old. Young still. But old enough to call herself an adult among Men. Little more than a child in the eyes of the Elves. She wanted to be selfish just this once. To choose and be chosen in return. To cling to the jewel the same as her husband clung to his hopes and dreams. She wanted what Eärendil had once. The jewel had brought her that with those bright crystal-clear images.
How could she be expected to give that away?
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avantegarda · 5 years
The Other Grandfather
Hey @bluedancingkittykat I’m your Secret Santa for the Discord gift exchange! Please enjoy wee Elladan and Elrohir having a strange Yuletide visitor.
And @princess-faelivrin thanks for organizing this babe
At the age of twenty, Elladan and Elrohir considered themselves much too old for excessive excitement over the Midwinter festival. Certainly, the greenery hung around Imladris’ Great Hall was very pretty, but hardly anything to make a fuss over. And the various pies and pastries whose scents wafted out of the kitchens might have smelled delicious, but they weren’t what a soldier ate.
Still, no one could fault the twins for getting excited about having guests. And there were always loads of interesting people visiting Imladris during the midwinter season. Their grandparents always came from Lothlorien with the most wonderful presents imaginable, there were usually a few interesting human diplomats hanging about, and even the mysterious Mithrandir himself would occasionally show up with fireworks.
The person who Elrond introduced them to the day before the solstice feast, however, was not exactly the sort of guest the twins were accustomed to seeing. For one thing, he arrived neither on horseback nor in a carriage, and received no formal announcement. Instead, Elrond simply brought him into the boys’ playroom and announced the arrival of a visitor.
“Boys,” said Elrond briskly, as though there were nothing at all unusual about the situation. “This is your grandfather.”
Elladan frowned suspiciously. “No it isn’t.”
“We’ve already got two grandfathers,” Elrohir put in. “Grandfather Celeborn got here two days ago and Grandfather Earendil is too busy being a star to come visit. No offense,” he added quickly, nodding at the stranger. 
“None taken,” the stranger replied, his low, musical voice betraying just a hint of amusement. “And you are quite correct, I technically am not your grandfather by blood.”
“But really, boys, I’m surprised you’ve forgotten the stories I’ve told you,” said Elrond. “This is your other grandfather, the one who looked after me when my parents left. Your grandfather Maglor.”
“Ohh,” Elladan and Elrohir chorused, eyes wide. They weren’t forgetful babies; of course they remembered Elrond’s stories about his unusual upbringing and the people who’d raised him. But Elrond had always described his foster-father as a brave warrior and brilliant musician, and a prince at that. Whereas the person they were meeting now looked...well. Haggard was putting it nicely. His gray cloak and brown satchel were both heavily patched, and his dark curls vaguely resembled a bird’s nest.
Sensing that no more polite greetings were coming from the twins, Elrond shook his head fondly. “Anyway. Father, these are my children; Elladan on the left, and Elrohir on the right. You may, of course, refer to me if you need any clarification about which is which.”
“I don’t imagine it will take me long to sort it out,” said Maglor, giving the boys a wink. “I always was rather good at telling twins apart.”
“So where have you been for the last few years?” Elrond asked, as the family settled in their private sitting room that evening. Outside, the snow was still falling steadily, coating the valley with a glittering sheet of white powder...with any luck, the twins agreed, the snow would be the right consistency for a snowball fight the next day.
“We haven’t seen you since the twins were babies,” said Celebrian. “In fact, we were starting to get a bit worried about you.”
“Oh, you know. I’ve been here and there,” Maglor said vaguely. “Down south for a bit, mainly in Harad. Interesting country, that. They do some marvelous things with beans. As it happens, I picked up some gifts for the children while I was down there. May I?” At Elrond and Celebrian’s nods, he reached into his satchel and pulled out two small bundles, wrapped in colorfully patterned cloth. “There you are, boys. A couple of early-Midwinter presents for you.”
“Oh!” Elladan exclaimed, eagerly unwrapping his gift and pulling out a small dagger with an exquisitely carved wooden handle, its blade wrapped in a soft leather sheath. “Look, Mother, a knife! And Elrohir got one too!”
“Those are ceremonial daggers that many Haradrim boys receive when they are ten years old,” said Maglor. “Symbolizing maturity. And, of course, they are completely blunt,” he added, shooting a wink at Elrond and Celebrian’s concerned frowns. “Couldn’t cut anything with that except butter.”
“And if I catch you boys sneaking down to the armory to get them sharpened you won’t have any butter on your bread for a year,” Elrond said sternly. “But that’s kind of you, Father. It certainly wasn’t necessary for you to bring any gifts.”
“Nonsense! What else are grandparents for? And I got you something too, of course. Well, not a thing, exactly. A song.” Reaching once again into his satchel, Maglor extracted a battered old fiddle. “Feel free to sing along if you know the words. I wrote this one centuries back.”
At their age, Elladan and Elrohir were hardly seasoned music critics. This, however, did not prevent them from being aware that what they were hearing was extraordinary. --
In keeping with tradition, Elladan and Elrohir awoke at the crack of dawn on the day of the winter solstice, immediately hurrying to wake their parents. 
“Where’s Grandfather Maglor?” asked Elladan eagerly, bouncing up and down on his father’s feet. “Can we wake him up too? I want him to come play outside with us.”
Elrond’s face fell, and he shook his head sorrowfully. “I’m sorry, boys. Your grandfather had to leave earlier this morning.”
“He did? Why?”
“As it happens, he left you a letter. Hopefully he’ll explain himself.”
Dear Elladan and Elrohir,
I am truly sorry that I must leave before today’s celebration. As your father may have explained to you, I made many mistakes in my past, and as a result there are many people in Imladris (including your grandmother) who would be very upset to see me at a party. Leaving early is really the best solution for everyone.
I want to let you know, however, how much I have enjoyed seeing you again. The last time I was in Imladris you were tiny babies, and it’s extraordinary to see how much you’ve grown. You are wonderful, brave, clever children and I can easily understand why your parents are so proud of you.
With love and hope for a bright New Year,
Your grandfather Maglor
PS: The next time I see you, I promise I will tell you the story of the time I met a sea serpent.
“Well,” said Elrohir, when the two boys had finished reading.”I still say it’s too bad he couldn’t stay.”
“But if Grandmother Galadriel was going to be angry with him I understand why he left,” said Elladan. “She’s scary when she’s angry.”
“What does he mean by mistakes?” asked Elrohir. “You haven’t told us very many stories about that.”
Elrond glanced hesitantly at Celebrian, who shook her head. “That’s not a good story for a holiday,” she said firmly. “We’ll talk about it another time. For now, who’s ready for a snowball fight?”
Elladan whooped in delight and leapt off the bed, while Elrohir remained behind, looking up at his father with concerned eyes. “Is Grandfather going to come back?” he asked. “I mean, he’s not gone forever, is he?”
With a fond chuckle, Elrond patted his son on the head. “No, my dear, he’s not gone forever. He’ll be back one of these days. He doesn’t exactly stick to a schedule...but he’ll be back.”
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A Long Goodbye
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The Warrior Queen: The Warrior and The King: Book II
Chapter 7. A Long Goodbye
Thorin and Kaylea spent many idyllic days in Lothlorien. It was hard to say exactly how long they stayed, since time passed so differently in that fair land. It was summer now and the days were pleasant and warm. They took many walks in the woods, rode the horses past the borders where Hector would join them in the foothills of the mountains. Some days they just stayed near their pavillion, eating too much or sparring with their weapons on the lawn. This always seemed to bring a few Elves out to watch. Kaylea would usually invite them to join, and Thorin very much enjoyed using some of the moves Kaylea had taught him, it was rare he did not win a match. There were many of the Fair Folk who lived in Caras Galadhon, the place had a sort of hum about it, the sound of many soft voices and singing was often heard in the evening, but they rarely seemed to come to the ground. Occasionally when they were walking an Elf would hail Kaylea and they would exchange pleasantries, they were always polite to Thorin though they seemed to think of him as a kind of novelty.
Thorin received a letter from Fili with the news that he had a new son. He felt his heart leap with joy, impatient to see the boy, though his wife would not be back in Erebor for many months yet. He looked over at Kaylea, mending the bridle of her horse at the other end of the table, he found himself idly wishing it was her son. But he also had a hard time picturing her as a mother, there was so much steel in her. His son was one of the chief joys in his life, the one thing he did not regret about his marriage.
Kaylea felt his eyes on her. “What news from Erebor, my king?”
“I have another son,” Thorin said. Kaylea looked up at him.
“Congratulations! That is very good news,” she said. Thorin looked at her, his eyes narrowing.
“If I may ask, did you lose your ability to bear children through some injury?”
Kaylea shook her head. “No, I was designed that way…” she paused, shaking her head “I mean I was born that way.” She put down her task and looked at him. “And you can ask me anything, you know that.”
Thorin grinned. “You just refuse to answer most of the time,” he said. “Alright, how old are you?”
Kaylea met his gaze. “I am almost 3000 years old, my king.”
Thorin’s eyebrows shot up. “Are all your people so long-lived?”
“No, most Dorsai live about twice the span of years as Dwarves. There are a very few of us who are much longer lived. Undying, like the Fair Folk.” Kaylea got up and came to sit next to him. “I hope it does not change your opinion of me to find out I am as old as an Elf.”
Thorin smiled, squeezing her hand. “No, I expected you were very much older than you look.” He reached over to brush her hair back from her face. “And in all that time, you have never been married?”
“I have not, though I have been in love three other times,” Kaylea took a long breath, remembering. “Twice to ordinary men who are gone now, once to one of the specials like me. But I have never loved anyone the way I love you, my king. You quite swept me off my feet the first time I set eyes on you. That has never happened to me before.” She ran her fingers down one of his braids. “And what about you? How many times have you been in love?”
Thorin chuckled. “When I was younger, I fell in love a few times,” he said. “Though I never wanted to marry anyone until I met you.” Thorin smiled slyly at her. “If you have not been married, how can you say you will never be? How do you know until you have tried it? You did say I could ask you anything.”
Kaylea laughed. “You are incorrigible!”
“Thank you, my love,” Thorin replied.
 Two mornings later Thorin awoke in the grey before dawn to find himself alone in bed. He looked around and saw Kaylea, dressed in her underclothes sitting in one of the soft chairs. She had a grave, thoughtful look on her face, her mind was far away. Thorin felt his heart sink “You are leaving.”
Kaylea looked over at him and nodded. “War has broken out on the southern borders of my country. It was not unexpected, perhaps I should have stayed but I had a chance to come here and see you, I could not pass that up.”
Thorin had pulled on his undergarments and came to kneel beside her. He saw her slip a flat piece of metal into her saddlebag. He took her hands in his. “I am so glad you came,” he said. “I wish your journey had not been marred by that wound.”
Kaylea shook her head. “There are a hundred ways to die every day, to die in battle in defense of something you believe in is a good death.” She looked at Thorin. “I am happy I got to spend so much time with the man I love.” She reached over to touch his face, Thorin put a hand over hers.
“When must you leave?”
Kaylea considered for a moment. “By noon tomorrow. I must send word to Celeborn and Galadriel and let them know, I have not yet spoken with them.”
“Can I ride to the coast with you?” Thorin asked, he knew what she would say but he had to ask.
“You should ride to Erebor to see your son,” Kaylea said gravely. “Not prolong the inevitable.”
“It is true my heart does very much desire to see him, even as it is breaking to part from you,” Thorin said heavily. “You must promise to return to me, my love.”
“I will return,” Kaylea said gravely, meeting his eyes. “You have my word.”
Kaylea and Thorin spent the day making sure everything was ready to leave. Bags were packed, the horses groomed and tack repaired. Kaylea had sent word to the Lord and Lady but had heard nothing from them. That evening, after dinner they were sitting in their pavilion enjoying some of Kaylea’s Dorsai liquor when Thorin looked up and saw the Lady Galadriel approaching. It was almost full dark but she seemed to glow with soft silver light, her white dress shining in the moonlight. As she came closer Kaylea stepped outside and bent her knee, bowing her head. Thorin stood beside her and bowed low. The Lady looked from one to the other of them with a smile, then without speaking she beckoned them to follow her. They followed her to the slopes of Caras Galadhrim and down a long flight of stairs to a small enclosed garden. Here she stopped and bade Kaylea tell her all she had discovered in Mordor. As Kaylea told the tale she stopped her often to ask questions. They spoke also of the palantir, Kaylea said she would take it with her as such a thing should not remain in Lothlorien. As they were talking Thorin looked around the grassy green hollow. It was treeless and open to the starry sky, the little stream from the fountain in front of their pavilion ran through the lawn, in the center was a pedestal carved like a tree and topped with a wide, shallow silver basin. Thorin looked at the two women and suddenly realized that Kaylea looked very similar to the Lady of Lorien. The shape of her face, her mouth, the color of her hair. They were such different personalities Thorin had not noticed it until he saw them together. He smiled to himself, yet another mystery about Kaylea Wolf for him to ponder. After Lady Galadriel was satisfied she had heard all Kaylea had to tell she shook her head sadly.
“These are grave tidings, but it is as we expected. This matter of the palantirs does concern me greatly, but it is good to know for certain we have many years yet to prepare,” she said. Then she turned to Thorin. “Thorin, son of Thrain, you came here with such a heavy heart, and burdened with so many questions. Before you leave this land I may be able to ease your mind a little.” She stood beside the silver basin and, dipping a silver ewer into the stream, filled it with water. Then she breathed upon the water and when it was still, she turned back to the king. “This is the Mirror of Galadriel. Will you look upon it?”
“What will I see, my lady?” Thorin asked. He looked around for Kaylea but she was just passing through the hedge, leaving him alone with the Elf Lord.
“The Mirror reveals many things. Things from the past, from the present and things that may happen in the future,” Galadriel smiled at him. “I can command it to reveal the answer to a question you want answered, or if you leave it free to work you may see other more profitable things.”
“I will look,” Thorin said. “There is one question in my mind I very much want answered, but I will let your Mirror choose.”
He approached the water, first all he saw was reflected stars then the water seemed to cloud and change. He saw a great battle, orcs and Men and Dwarves. He realized it was the Battle of the Five Armies, he saw the great white orc that had wounded him taken down by Beorn. The scene shifted and he saw a baby, smiling and happy, his new son! He saw his wife carrying him in her arms, walking down a corridor in Erebor, talking softly to him. When the scene shifted again he saw a huge city of white stone climbing up the side of a mountain, a great battle had been fought before it, the field strewn with corpses. The view moved to the side and Thorin saw a group of hard looking fighters dressed in the same black clothes as Kaylea always wore riding past him away from the city on black horses. The Mirror became cloudy for a moment then Thorin felt himself standing in the Woodland Realm, he turned to see King Thranduil, the Elven King was angry, he was speaking but Thorin could not hear the words. He saw the king gesture towards him and he suddenly felt like he was falling, the Mirror turned to stars again. Then there was a quick succession of images: a group of robed figures with long weapons on their backs walking in an endless red desert, a table surrounded by dark haired Men, holding glasses up as in a toast, a great city made of crystal, a large cat with oddly-shaped ears looking curiously at him, a white wolf running into battle beside him against a horde of orcs. Then Thorin felt himself standing on a grassy meadow, a mountain behind him falling steeply to the sea. The scene seemed familiar but he knew he had never been there. The sun was shining, he was formally dressed and felt his heart overflowing with happiness. He felt someone behind him, knew it was Kaylea. He almost felt her slip her arms around him, he put his hands on hers and turned his head to feel her kiss on his cheek, see her smile. She was wearing an ice-blue dress, her hair elaborately braided. In the vision he looked down at her hands in his, then he saw it. Kaylea was wearing the ring he had given her, but on her left hand and with it the matching wedding band he had made. And on his hand the ring he had made for himself to match it. He gasped involuntarily.
“Do not disturb the water!” He heard Galadriel warn, but his sharp exhale had caused a ripple and the mirror showed only stars again. He turned quickly to look at her.  
“Does this Mirror show the truth?”
Galadriel nodded. “The future is never quite set, but many things the Mirror shows do come to pass.” She smiled at him. “It was that particularly I wished to show you, as I know it weighs on your heart. I also want to tell you, I cannot see the end of your life. It is strange, it seems to me at one time there was an end, and now there is not. You will live longer than even Durin the Deathless, and I believe you have many interesting adventures in store for you, though what form they will take a cannot say. I wish you good luck and good fortune, King Under the Mountain.”
Thorin bowed low to the Lady Galadriel. “Thank you, Lady Galadriel, for allowing me this look in your Mirror, your kind words and all that you have done. If this is to be my future, I know it would not be possible without the aid you gave to Kaylea Wolf when we came here. May there be goodwill between our peoples in the future!”
The Lady inclined her head in agreement, but did not speak. Thorin could see the audience was at an end and took his leave, his heart as light as a feather as he climbed the stairs. He remembered suddenly where he had seen that meadow with the mountain behind it, the portrait Kaylea had given him. She had been standing in the same spot. He wondered at the other things he had seen, and what they could mean. The sight of Thranduil irritated him, why would he be talking to him? He found Kaylea waiting for him, standing outside the pavilion. He rushed to her, eager to tell her what he had seen, but she put a finger on his lips to silence him.
“What you saw was for you alone. Do not speak of it.”
Thorin was astonished. “Surely I can tell you!”
Kaylea shook her head. “If you tell me something you saw in a possible future you risk a change in that future.” She smiled at his disappointment. “That was the parting gift of the Lady Galadriel to you, it is not a thing she often allows. I can see it was good news, that is enough for me.”
 The next morning Kaylea and Thorin rode out of Caras Galadhon. They would have two more nights together on the road and part ways at the southern end of Mirkwood, Kaylea heading south and Thorin north to Erebor. It was a beautiful summer day, warm with a slight breeze blowing from the south. It was cool and pleasant under the tall trees, the horses ready to travel again, sleek and rested after the trials of their previous journey. They camped along the Anduin the first night, outside the borders of Lorien. Hector joined them and caught several fat trout for dinner, pulling them out of the river and flipping them up on the bank for Kaylea to clean. After dinner Kaylea sat leaning against Thorin watching the fire burn down. They had not talked much during the evening, just enjoyed being in each other’s company. Kaylea relaxed into Thorin’s strong arms, laying her head back on his chest wishing she could stretch this moment out forever. She still wondered what it was about this man that just felt so right, it was like nothing she had ever experienced before. As the stars started to come out she looked for Dorsai, as she always did. In Middle Earth it was in the north sky, in the constellation the Elves named after Luthien Tinuviel.
“Do Dwarves have names for the constellations in the sky?” She asked.
“Of course,” Thorin replied. They spent the evening comparing Dwarvish and Elvish names for the stars until it was quite late, they did not get to sleep until it was well past midnight.
 The second night from Lorien they camped under the trees at the south end of Mirkwood. The skies were threatening rain and this part of the forest was much less threatening than the dark center. It did rain lightly for a few hours, causing Thorin and Kaylea to get off to a late start the next day, which neither minded. As they were drying the bedroll in the morning enjoying the pink sunrise and some Dorsai coffee, Kaylea and Thorin sat side by side, leaning on each other.
“Ah, I almost forgot!” Kaylea exclaimed. She reached into her coat and drew out a small fabric pouch and handed it to Thorin. “A gift for your sons, I found them when we were packing the other night.” Thorin shook the pouch out in his hand, two small silver pendants. A stylized hammer and a spear. “These are an old Dorsai tradition, they are the talismans of our old gods. The spear is for the chief of our gods, god of wisdom and war. The hammer is his son, god of strength and thunder, strongest and greatest fighter among the gods. They are given to newborns to protect them and to ensure they grow to be great warriors. I am glad I brought two.” What she did not say is the pendants contained slow-release concentrations of antivirals and antibiotics, Thorin’s children would be well protected from illness for their first ten years.
Thorin nodded gratefully, turning the pendants over in his hand wondering at the silver. “Thank you. I still wish they were our children, but that was not to be.”
 Thorin and Kaylea came to the road where they would part ways at mid-morning. They stopped in the shade of some tall trees beside the road to say their goodbyes, kissing each other for a long time. Every time one of them would pull back, the other would pull them close again, not wanting the moment to end. At length they stood, foreheads pressed together.
“You take care, my love,” Thorin said. “Do not get yourself killed in this war.”
“I will come back to you, my king,” Kaylea said. They kissed each other again, knowing it would be the last time for many years. Thorin felt such emptiness in his heart, but this time there was also hope. Kaylea had left and returned once, now he knew for certain she would return to him again. And there was the future Galadriel had shown him, his heart raced whenever he thought of it. They parted and mounted their horses, heading in opposite directions. Hector gave Thorin a long stare and he felt a sudden feeling of gratitude; the wolf must be thanking him for helping Kaylea. Thorin nodded to him, thinking he was actually going to miss the big animal. Then he turned his horse north, urging her into a canter. He had travelled some distance when he felt he just had to look back and reined his horse in. As he brought his horse’s head around he saw Kaylea also stopped on the road. They looked at each other for a long moment before turning their horses to follow their separate paths.
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Next: Part II, where Thorin learns where Kaylea Wolf really comes from. Now that he is free to make her his Queen, will the discovery change his mind? 
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deadmomjokes · 7 years
So I finally got to watch the Extended Edition Lord of the Rings
First of all, I had no idea how rushed the theatricals felt until I saw what the Extendeds did for pacing and development. They felt like completely different films, and looking back on the theatricals (which I love/loved) I’m surprised things made sense given what the extendeds added.
(tons more under the cut, I have Too Many Thoughts and Feelings rn)
Second, there were some things I could have lived without:
-The Entwine scene was cute, I suppose, as was the food/pipeweed-finding scene, but I felt personally that it didn’t add too much in terms of development and narrative. Sure, it shows Merry and Pippin being funloving cousins together. But it just felt a bit off in terms of pacing and feel in the surrounding scenes.
-I was ambivalent on the extra scenes inside the Paths of the Dead. The skull avalanche was just... Ok? (I enjoyed the part immediately after they got out and saw the ships, that was fine.)
-I really didn’t appreciate or enjoy the scene of the Witchking shattering Gandalf’s staff, either; I get they were trying to give Gandalf reason to doubt himself and his judgement, but really? It makes ZERO sense for the Witchking to be stronger than Gandalf the White. They don’t bring it up later at all, or say why it’s so significant, and it throws off the timing. The Witchking flies off from Gandalf because he see’s Rohan’s approach; but then it takes another 10 minutes for him to show up at the battle and get Theoden? Did he take a Starbucks break? Who could have possibly delayed him, if he was so much stronger than Gandalf? Altogether a bad scene (and makes no sense because Gandalf is a reincarnated Angel at this point so... Yeah, not happy).
-The discussion with Saruman at Isengard was great, but the utter overkill of him impaling on the wheel was just bizarre. It was almost comical, and not in a way it should have been. Also, way, WAY overkill. Too much. In a film full of death, that was excessive. I loved having the talk with him, and him dying was fine, but the spiky wheel and subsequent drowning just seemed out of place.
-I also didn’t care for the additions to the battle action scenes (not the aftermath parts, those were stunning). For the most part, they felt a bit superfluous. The one exception to that was the battle of Pelennor, and all they added with Eowyn and Merry. Those were great!
Third, and more importantly, there were TONS of scenes I adored, aka everything else. And I am SO angry they took it all out. I would give up whole battles if they had left in these scenes. I mean REALLY, who decided which ones to cut, because they clearly didn’t see the same film I did. They cut all the best parts, all the best acting, things that made everything come together, and most importantly, scenes of massively important character building. Here are some of the ones I loved most, and why I’m angry they cut them:
-The one I’m most angry about, all the Faramir scenes. They chopped the one scene that explained literally EVERYTHING he did and why. That family scene not only developed Boromir posthumously, it showed why Faramir acted like such a jerk, and why he ultimately turned. That was not at all explained in the theatricals. In the theatricals, he’s a random, shallow jerk who turns for no reason. With just the 5 minutes that scene took, he is shown to be complex and a deeply damaged child of abuse who lost the one person who believed in him. And it also explains the “A chance for Faramir, Captain of Gondor, to show is quality” line. Which was odd without context. Also, the end scene of TT where Faramir talks to the hobbits and Gollum about their next steps. Dang that was good. I’m just angry that literally every good, important Faramir scene got cut.
-All the scenes in early Fellowship they cut. The bits showing Bilbo was acting out-of-character. Frodo is worried, Gandalf is worried, Bilbo has a panic attack over the ring. All great stuff that made things make more sense (if you aren’t going into it with background knowledge).
-The scenes they cut of Boromir acting like a normal person, making his betrayal more upsetting. In the theatricals, he is reduced to an annoying, prideful jerk who is taken by the Ring from day one. With the new scenes, he is shown to be a truly complex character who is really trying to do the right thing, but is just misguided and scared. Especially the scenes of him talking with Aragorn. I love the argument they have for another reason, too, which ties in with this next one
-Just that little bit of Galadriel showing Nenya to Frodo. It shows that she knows what it’s like being a Ringbearer. So Frodo is more likely to take her advice, and think she knows what’s best. She tells him he has to be alone, and that his presence will break the Fellowship and ruin the people he cares about. And then we see that stuff happening. Frodo tries to shut himself off from the others, but he can tell Sam is hurt by it. And then he hears Aragorn and Boromir arguing and the Fellowship starting to break. That cements his decision to go alone, especially after the previously kind Boromir attacks him and is clearly under the Ring’s influence.
-All the extra scenes of Frodo. It rounds him out even more, and shows how the Ring affects him emotionally as well as physically. Also all the early scenes make Frodo into a strong, caring, perceptive character; in the theatricals, he goes from happy party boy to depressed child in 3 scenes flat. All the new extended and added scenes show a more complex person, and smooth the transition in a way that makes it feel more organic. Also it showcases some of Elijah Wood’s best acting. I’m salty at how many truly great scenes they cut.
-The scenes that show more of how Aragorn is afraid to accept his destiny. The bit with his mom’s grave was especially powerful. It’s a beautiful arc, and it’s just not utilized that well (really at all) in the theatricals.
-The scene of Frodo and Sam in Mordor. Even while the Ring is actively trying to get found, and is doing everything it can to break Frodo, Frodo still has enough presence of mind to think his way out of the situation. It just underscores how dangerous the Ring is, and how truly strong Frodo is, making it all the more shocking and upsetting and heartbreaking when he ultimately gets taken by it. A lot of scenes showed how strong, smart, and deeply emotional Frodo was, but this one in particular just clinches it for me. I’m so mad they took it out.
-Eomer finding Eowyn. DANG talk about acting. Good grief that about killed me. Eomer doesn’t get much in the way of development (not everyone can), but that was next-level, and gave a lot to him in terms of rounding. Especially after that scene where he’s talking to Eowyn about Merry, but really meaning it for her because he knows her.
The more I think about everything I just witnessed, the harder it is getting to pick out exactly which scenes were most important and impactful for me, because they really make it a completely different experience. Certain arcs and themes are more fully developed (Aragorn becoming who he was born to be, Faramir escaping the toxic cycle that ultimately killed Boromir, Pippin finding his courage, Frodo clinging to hope with Gollum as his own sanity and health start slipping, Sam’s important position as an anchor for Frodo, Eowyn clinging to Aragorn and learning to pull herself away from her past fantasies and ideas of valor, Frodo remaining as strong as humanly/hobbitly possible even far into Mordor... All the things). There were very, VERY few scenes comparatively speaking that I wasn’t angry as heck about their removal. Every single scene with the exception of the few I mentioned at the beginning was, in my opinion, necessary for the full, complete story and experience. I am shocked at how I went this long without having the whole picture. I honestly don’t plan on watching the theatricals anymore. They’re just not complete to me now that I’ve seen everything else.
Also, a few highlights from this binge watch with the husband:
-Lots of pausing at every new scene and hollering about how mad we are that it was cut.
-Too many jokes about Weed.
-Smacking each other in the leg every time an extended or added scene comes on and going “OOH, NEW!!!”
-Choking on a croissant when Frodo asked Gandalf which direction Mordor was I DIE it was so cute!
-Being personally offended that they took out Boromir’s Lorien scenes.
-Having to get up and walk away when we heard the “show his quality” line in the TT scene with Faramir and Denathor. I literally went into the kitchen to scream into a dish towel.
-“Well Frodo just basically spends the whole third movie in a state of dissociation, and this is where it starts.” -My husband’s very astute analysis when they get to Osgiliath. Have dissociated, can confirm.
-Huddled together on the couch screeching loudly at Sam’s line to Faramir about showing his quality (we had Too Many Faramir Feels, y’all).
-Gasping so hard at Sam pulling Frodo out of a #Moment where he realizes he’s probably going to die that I gave myself an asthma attack
-Staying up til midnight last night griping over and over again at how they DARED TAKE THESE SCENES OUT I know I keep saying it but I am never going to be over it
-My husband recoiling in shock and both of us scooby-doo-style-clinging to each other when Eomer screams upon finding Eowyn.
-Going full-scale football-fan cheering and hollering when Aragorn goes to face down the Palantir and taunt Sauron. Followed quickly by panicked shrieking when the necklace shatters.
-Legit gagging at the Mouth of Sauron scene. Homeboy need some Ultrabrite and about 12 gallons of Listerine. I swear I could smell it. I see why they took it out, no theater worker deserves to clean up pools of patron vomit.
-Totally lost it at “Smeagol Lied.”
-I have not cried at these films in 15 years but dang if it didn’t get me this time around hoo boy
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Updated Masterlist
So I don’t crowd your dash, this list is under the cut ;)
(And can also be found in my page header)
Random one-shots/Stories
Most of these are Dwelf-Verse standalones, though they're meant for world-building and can be read as standalones.
A kitten in Rivendell - fluffy and cute, aka. all children love Bifur and his toys, even Elves. Tumblr link
The Axe, the Guard and the Song - Life of Bifur, before and after the Axe - Tumblr link
Leaving Home – the last night before the Quest for each Company member(+ the Fellowship of Dwarrowdams Remaining Behind - Manaddadâna Khazdâna Binganugâl Ôra):  Glóin  Gimli  Vár  Óin  Dori  Ori  Nori  Bifur Bofur  Bombur  Athalrún  Balin Dwalin  Kíli  Fíli  Dís  Thorin
Thorn, the transgender Hobbit - Bilbo comes to your rescue
Shadows and Mirrors - Thorin’s meeting with Gandalf in Bree [part2]
Nori’s job interview (The Black Owl) - The reason Thorin trusted Nori to come along on the Quest and eventually named him Spymaster of Erebor… Tumblr link
Dáin, Lord of the Iron Hills - That meeting Thorin went to just before showing up in Bag End.
Diamonds and Iron - the parents of Dáin had different expectations of life together… can they find a bit of happiness instead?  [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] Complete!
Permission?! - When Thorin is caught wanting Dwalin's baby sister, tempers run high ;)
The Birth of Madness - Thrór lost his head… in more ways than one. A post-Moria fic. (flangst) tumblr link
The lost pebble - When Thorin’s mother got lost in Mirkwood and was found by Elves, events were set in motion that would shape the future of her whole family aka Legolas adopts a Dwarfling Tumblr link
A Piece of History - Dís getting ready for her wedding(based on Lucife56’s art)
Mama Dís - a regular day in Ered Luin
Of Dwobbits and Dwarrow - the story of Svari and Adaldrida, the dwarf/hobbit couple who are the ancestors of Bombur’s wife, Athalrún. [C1]  [C2]
Welcome to this Day - Bombur’s wife was pregnant when he left; this is the story of the birth of their youngest daughter (fluffy) - Tumblr link
Silver and Amethyst - In Erebor, years before Smaug, Thrór’s spymaster saves a young dam from a terrible ordeal. Personal HC about the ri-parents ;) (some angst, some fluff, and a baby Dori) - Chapter [1]   [2]   [3]
King under the Mountain - grandpa!Thrór w Thorin (Fluffy feels)
Inshêt Zahrar, The Dwelf-Verse Longfic:
Full fic - so far ;) -> Inshêt Zahrar - Ao3    Chaptered view
Chapter 1 - Tumblr
Chapter 2 - Tumblr
Dworin stuff: listed by Dworin week prompts/titles
Youth - A day in TA 2753 in the lives of Dwalin and Thorin
Despair & hope - Excerpt from Dwelf (angsty stream of consciousness)
Healing - D&T at Beorns; excerpt from Dwelf - some smut
Seeking safety - Not everyone is pleased with Thorin’s rule in Ered Luin
When Thorin rants… - Dwalin’s thoughts; some smut TL
Old Age - In Erebor and in the Halls of Waiting TL
Mind - battle dreams and comfort TL
Body - tattoos and remembrances TL
Good times - baby F&K and raiding of cookie jars! TL
Bad times - Winters are cold, but hearts are warm TL
Fur - the story of one of Dwalin’s scars TL1   TL2
Meeting - the Battle of Azanulbizar and its aftermath TL
Parting - Lament for Frerin
The Erebor Years - When Thorin met Dwalin and the years that followed TL
Caught in the Act - A Smutty Sunday fic from the road. You are Dwalin.
Daring to Dream - the follow-up to Shadows and Mirrors.
Silverslate (Celebrimbor/Narví):
Doors of Durin - Beginning in SA 1325: How they met, how they loved, how they lived and how they were parted… TL: C1    C2    C3    C4
Song of Souls - In SA1697, Celebrimbor's spirit departs his body in a desperate attempt to convey a warning to the on who holds his heart. [One]  [Two]  [Three]  [Four]  [Five]  [Six]  [Seven]  [Eight]
Devil in Disguise - Halloween Nwalin (smuffy), with Dwalin discovering a new kink
The Purple Dress (alternate C1 with born female Nori) + chapter 2 - Nwalin in Erebor, based on drawing by @asparklethatisblue … (Fluff, smut and angst)
A Labour of Love - More Nwalin in Erebor for Sparkle. Love letters, poetry and illiteracy all combine into a massive bundle of feels!
Heists and Humbug - Nori is sneaky, but sometimes he needs a little help from the good Captain.
Prince of Greenwood: The story of Thranduil and his Queen, from Second Age onwards
The Burned Prince - [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] First meetings
Pre-Dagorlad - the last night before the War of the Last Alliance began
Throne-Thoughts - TA ~2 (smutty)
Sing me a song of the Queen who is gone - TA ~6 onwards
Grey Havens
Woodland Woes
Crown of Winter (fluff-ish)
The Blue Butterfly - the slow darkening of Mirkwood
Sapling - Baby/youngster Legolas fics (baby elf fluff! Woop!) Promptable
Small crowns
Elk riding
Fíli-Ficlets: a bunch of ficlets featuring Fíli at all ages.
Mostly it’s fluffy, with a ton of family feels. Promptable
Moustache braids
Career Day
Fashion sense
Ravenhill confessions (angsty movie canon)
Kili in love
Mother’s Day in Ered Luin
Pickup lines
Birthday party
Full list to be found at Ao3 (I won’t update the Masterlist that often)
Renewed Hope - Beorn & reader, kinship drabble.
The Power of Potions - HP crossover with baby Durins C2   C3  C4  C5  C6  C7
Flower Crown - Elrond and Family
The Hobbit-Musical fics: Characters from the Hobbit do musical songs… unapologetic crack-fics.
Shiny – Smaug + song from Moana
I Just Can’t Wait to be King - Fíli, Kíli, Thorin & Balin
x/reader drabbles:
Pockets of Silence
Winter’s Chill
Flirting - lame pick-up lines and Bofur's stupid hat... no, he's NOT adorable, what are you talking about?
Gold of Erebor - You are a Princess coming to Erebor to enter an arranged marriage with Fíli - Tumblr link
Silver Secrets - You are Mjoll, Fíli’s old flame, a warrior who came along for the Quest - C1  C2  C3  C4  C5  C6  C7  C8  C9  C10
Braids and Broken Bones - Thorin’s jealousy leads to confessions by the Carrock.
Cultural Differences - pre-Thorin/human!reader - The Pixie cut in a Dwarven society can lead to hair-raising assumptions...
Braids for best friends - You braid Kíli’s hair to prove a point with unexpected consequences.
Kíli's Curls - smut in Erebor ;)
Song of Nimrodel - You are Galadriel’s favourite singer - Begins ~TA 2200
Chapter [1]
Chapter [2]
Chapter [2.5]
Chapter [3]
Chapter [4]
Chapter [5]
Chapter [6]
Chapter [7]
Haldir dying at Helm’s Deep - a possible ending for Song of Nimrodel - angsty, of course ;)
Guard-Recruit – Dwalin (chapter 2 is NSFW) Tumblr C1 C2
Apple Pie - You’re a little insecure, and Dwalin is a little oblivious. Also, a pie. For reasons.
Motorcycle Club – Modern AU Biker/teacher. There’s a bunch of feels in this, as well as some fairly explicit smut( E-rating).
School’s Out
Lazy Sunday (smut)
Touching (fluff, smut and angst)
Sweetness to Tears(angst and family feels)
Daydreams and Reality (smut)
Growth (fluff - with a bit of angst)
Announcements (mostly fluffy, also smut)
Lullabies (fluff and humour)
The Sleeping One - You are a barmaid who finds herself accidentally waking up in the arms of Lord Dwalin while on the Quest. (Angst, fluff, a bit of light gore - medical type) Complete.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - epilogue (explicitly smutty)
Cuddles – reader/(crush) -
undecided crush in part 1, will be continued with different members of the Company as inspiration dictates.
Part 1 - The Cuddling Incident
Part 2 (Thorin) - Thorin puts his foot in it
Part 3 (Thorin) - Thorin continues to be a fool; now with Elves around OR Part 3 (Dwalin) - In Erebor! Complete!
Part 4 (Thorin) - Playing in Fountains may lead to revelations
Part 5 (Thorin) - Thorin decides to be is an overprotective idiot
Part 6 (Thorin) - You are not the only one angry with Thorin
Part 7 (Thorin) - Meeting with the Elvenking… and Thorin in prison
Part 8 (Thorin) - The Company leaves for Laketown and you keep a bargain
Part 9 (Thorin) - The Arkenstone and BotFA
Part 10 (Thorin) - Mahal intervenes… or does He?
Part 11 (Thorin) - Aftermath - Complete!
Beorn: The Skinchanger Chronicles
In a mountain village by a clear lake, surrounded by forests, a small boy was born. He was a special boy, however, for he could change his skin and become a bear like the rest of his Clan. In a different mountain valley overlooking grasslands, a girl was born in a Pride of lynxes. The boy grew up to be a strong man, a warrior and protector of his people. Then his people were taken from him, one by one, until he was the only one left. The girl grew up to be a slave, forced to serve the whims of the Dark master who had slaughtered everyone she had ever known, destined for a purpose she never dared guess. This is their story.
Discontinued due to becoming an original novel.
Power of a Name - Cub!Beorn: Life before Azog
Little Red - Beorn finds a baby and a new friend
The Walkers - the Story of Ullrae; a Skinwalker of the Lynx Clan
The Walkers pt 2 - mentions of torture perpetrated by Orcs
The Walkers pt 3
The Walkers pt 4
The Walkers pt 5
The Walkers pt 6
The Walkers pt 7
The Bear’s Lady - Meeting the Company
The Bear’s Offspring - you and Beorn and raising cubs… what could happen?
Nori’s little secret - interconnected Nori drabbles.
Your name is Brynhilda.
Part 1 - in the cells of Mirkwood
Part 2 - taking care of your hair after arriving in Laketown
Part 3 - nicknames and bizarre attractions
Part 4 - bail-outs and proposals
Part 5 - A Stolen Heart
GiME: A humourous take on my least favourite trope?
Coming soon:
Christmas in the Biker AU(Dwalin/reader)
Nwalin Gift Exchange fic
Hobbit Holiday Gift Fic
Tolkien Secret Santa fic
Parts of the First Age seen through the eyes of the Falmari who eventually becomes the mother of Thranduil.
Chapter 6 of Potions
Chapter 9 + 10 of Song of Souls
Chapter four of Doors of Durin
random oneshots of a Christmas-esque nature ;)
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