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18+ no minors please this is an NSFW blog with mature topics discussed,any ageless,blank blogs will be blocked.Sorry not sorry!
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Mun is 40, she/her
Asks and DM's are always open, feel free to ask me anything 
I have 5 muses right now that I can currently RP with (Bio for them will follow) so when sending asks or dms please specify who you're interested in rp'ing with.
I do work (I hate it there) and will try and respond appropriately, so if it seems like it's taking a while for me to reply or answer and ask just feel free to let me know (sometimes notifications get buried too) Do not get mad and or angry
SFW and NSFW are fine and depending on what it is either send it in an ask, or I can be tagged in it. Try to keep the spicer stuff for asks.
No hate, rudeness, homophobia,racism, transphobia or misogyny I will block you and not feel bad about it, again sorry not sorry
If you want to plot something, have an idea for a story line? Send me a DM and we can come up with something
If you want to remain an anon please assign yourself and emoji
Dark/violent story lines can be done just discuss them in DM's first, and both parties have to agree on things.
Limits: scat, watersports,feet, age play and pet play (if you're unsure if something is a limit of mine please ask first)
Story lines will be separate unless both parties agree on it
Do not bring drama,hate,trash talking,ultimatums. No jealousy towards role play partners, not lying and no spamming. Just be smart about things, I do have a life outside of Tumblr but I will try my hardest to reply and answer asks I just ask that everyone be courteous and decent. I will not tolerate any of this and you will be blocked.
Muse list after read more
Dean Winchester
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“I’m Dean Winchester, I’m an Aquarius, like long walks on the beach and frisky women. Me and my brother Sammy hunt the things that go bump in the night, yeah that’s right we’re hunters. Family business and all. There isn’t anything I won’t do to protect my brother, even if it means sacrificing myself. My car Baby is the best Sammy and I  have a lot of memories in it and it's been in some tough situations but it’s always dependable unlike most people, oh and I love pie and classic rock. Remember driver picks the music, shotgun shuts their cake hole. So if you think you have a ghost problem or maybe some ghoul stuff give me a call”
Lloyd Hansen
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“Hello Sunshine! I don’t know why I need to say anything about myself. I should be pretty well known by now, but sure let me tell you about my favorite subject…me. I used to work for the CIA but then I decided why not freelance and be my own boss, which means my own rules. I’m sure everyone wants to know why I left the CIA, well it’s simple. I like doing things in lets say non ethical, non legal ways and that ruffled some feathers I guess, too bad for them I guess. Sent me to do a job to get some flash drive and had the biggest thorn in my ass….Court Gentry, dickhead messed up my hand and well that was my torture and shooting hand. Need something dealt with Sunshine you know how to find me”
Ransom Drysdale
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“I don’t like you and I can guarantee you won’t like me,but you’ll probably love my money, well my family's money. I’ve been called many names, some of my favorite Trust Fund prick, asshole, jerk and many more, but what’s funny is everyone once you find out you have money everyone has their grubby hands out. I’m probably the most interesting, fascinating person you will ever meet and I will make your dull little life exciting. The only person I care about is me, myself and I, and when I found out my grandfather was cutting me out of his will, well I couldn’t let that happen could I did what I had too. And what was that you ask, you didn’t ask? Well too bad I’m telling you anyway, nothing short of murder (twice, wow I know) and I tried to frame the help. Just a normal day when you have money, so if I’m bored I might want to talk depends on my mood.
Rebecca Allen
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Rebecca Allen was a woman with a bright future, that all changed the day she became Pandora Celestia. The day was ordinary until it wasn’t, the explosion should have killed her but instead it turned her into something more. As she lay close to death the terrigen mist enveloped her,keeping death away and giving her powers beyond her knowledge. Visions, terrible and horrible, are always destined to come true. She was able to peer inside of people’s minds and sway them to her will, and after enough practice could hone her powers into a physical weapon.
And thus Pandora Celestia was born, the powers she wielded terrified her and every time she feared she would lose control and either she would be destroyed or the power would over take her. Eventually she learned to hide her powers hoping that one day she could learn to control them and use them for good. Trying to help those she can, she's always vigilant to not over use her powers but to do everything she can to help anyone who needs it.
(art from Pinterest)
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Cassandra Pendragon “Cassie”
Age: 200+ (long life from powerful witchcraft and being a shifter)
Cassandra Pendragon or Cassie as was called by friends, came from a long line of witches going all the way back to King Authur. She was rather proud of that aspect of her family tree, it gave her some credibility in case her skills were ever questioned. And it wasn’t often that her skills were questioned, but mistakes could be made. Speaking of mistakes, the other half of her family was what most people in the witch/magic community deemed “Undesirable” ; it was always thought that being a shifter made magic weak. Cassie on the other hand found that to not be the case, in fact she felt her magic was stronger for it. When she shifted her magic complimented her form, she became what she called a mystic wolf.
Abilities: Powerful spells and hexes, the ability to turn into a wolf or cat
Once witches and shifters alike found out about her she was shunned by both groups, witches feared the amount of power she had, and shifters didn’t normally trust witches so this made them even more wary. After taking various odd jobs, one went south and a witch and shifter were killed.Cassie received the blame and was hunted, always on the run she did what she had to in order to survive. She wasn’t against killing but it was only done if there was no other option. While on the run she realized she could turn into a simple house cat. Being a house cat was great to gather information and hide. Deciding she needs to set her name right she sets out to find the real killers so she can go back to her “normal life”
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Ophelia Deathholme
Age: 40
Abilities: Can resurrect the dead, can communicate with the dead and has the abilities of the dead she encounters.
(dividers made by @saradika-graphics) (art from Pinterest)
Necromancy the practice of communicating with the dead in order to predict the future, that was at least the actual definition of the word.To Ophelia Deathholme it was more than just the plot to a book or movie it was part of her job, she used her talents to raise the dead working as a coroner for the police. The dead needed a voice, someone to get them justice, to help their families move on, to help the departed to move on. Initially she was met with skepticism. People thought she was taking advantage of the families by giving them “false” hope, that changed when she brought back a young woman who had been brutally murdered.
The family and officers were in the room and Ophelia kept trying to tell them all that her story wasn’t over, after being told numerous times to just do her job she took matters into her own hands. Normally the bigger the sacrifice the bigger the return, since all Ophelia needed was the young woman to speak she just used a small amount of her own blood. Speaking the words she knew too well the young woman sat up staring at Ophelia, the family was shocked and one of the cops passed out. Ophelia looked at the woman, her voice soft “Who killed you?” The young woman swallowed hard and paused as if trying to figure out the answer. 
Everyone watched as the woman began to point, suddenly the lights went out and movement could be heard. Suddenly screaming broke out, then nothing, Ophelia backed up until she was touching the dead woman. She felt a whisper in her ear “He will find you little necromancy he wants your power by any means necessary.” Swallowing hard Ophelia the lights turned on and she was shocked at what she saw, everyone in the room was dead and arranged to spell her first name.
The young woman looks at her family sadly before turning back to Ophelia “He has been watching you, watching your power grow until the time is right. He will come for you and try and tempt you, do not allow him to. He will destroy the world and you will be his tool” The young woman coughs hard and smiles “Thank you for giving me justice, my father killed me in a fit of anger and now I can rest” The young woman motions Ophelia to move closer “We the dead wish to help you, we shall lend you our gifts for you will need them.” The air changes and Ophelia gasps as she feels power flowing into her, falling to the floor she passes out.
Waking hours later she feels strangely refreshed,standing she cries out in pain. Finally standing she makes her way to a sink and looks in the mirror at a large jagged wound across her face.
“Great just great” “I recommend cleansing the wound and then applying butterfly bandages to the wound” Looking Ophelia sees a young nurse, quickly realizing that she was a ghost. The ghost smiles and bows and walks over to Ophelia and walks into her, her eyes roll back into her head as she begins taking care of her wounds. Once finished the ghost leaves Ophelia’s body and bows again before leaving, gasping as she sits on the floor, realizing that now not only can she raise the dead  but they can use their skills to help her. Realizing she has this power she uses it to still help the dead but now must figure out who has been watching her and why.
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rebelrebelwrites · 2 years
Fic Friday! ❤️ Rebel’s Weekly Fic Recs
As always, this week's recs are...
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As always, please mind the tags on any recommended story for your own personal preferences.
The Classic You’ve Heard Of But Somehow Haven’t Read Yet: all that bloodshed, crimson clover (my hand was the one you reached for) by allofyourflaws
What you need to know going in:
It’s a “what happened during the ride to Eregion classic,” folks! One of my favorites of the bunch (and a favorite one-shot), it’s brimming with tension and tenderness in equal measure, and what feels like a series of stolen moments between a repressing-her-feelings-and-terror-but-holding-it-together (barely) Galadriel and a genuinely wounded, genuinely besotted, and what reads to me as genuinely guilty-feeling Sauron (can’t convince me otherwise). The narrative is tightly woven and bewitching to read; if you haven’t sought this one out yet, do. You’ll be happy you did.
Complete, Not Rated
Read the story.
Follow the author on AO3.
The AU You Need to Immerse Yourself In Because, Well, Wow: lend me some sugar (I am your neighbor) by @wyrd-syster
What you need to know going in:
Flames engulfed me when I read this; pretty sure I still have the scorch marks.🔥 But really, this fic is so unfairly hot it immediately made its way into my bookmarks even before the, er, very satisfying conclusion. 😂 A 2-chapter Modern AU featuring Gal and Hal as neighbors in an apartment complex that has VERY thin walls, and Hal is not so courteous about keeping it down when he has guests. Despite being with Celeborn, let’s just say that Gal struggles with her rude neighbor’s nighttime activities. In more ways than one… 👀 Featuring a perfectly haughty but pretty well-justified Galadriel, a lightly mean, slutty and way-too-irresistible Halbrand, like I said, you’ll need to be prepared to cool down after you read this fic. Bonus! Hal is a cat dad. It only adds to his irresistibility.
Complete, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr or AO3.
The Complete But Never Forgotten Masterpiece: A Blessing of Eru by @scriberated
What you need to know going in:
Another masterpiece by the lovely @scriberated! A sprawling mini-epic that started off as a one-shot, this story sees Galadriel finding out she’s pregnant just before she learns who Halbrand really is. The devastation of the realization; the resulting anguish… is impeccable, as always with Scriberated’s works. From there, Galadriel tries to find a way forward, but to the surprise of literally no one, once Sauron realizes he’s going to be a dad, our favorite Dark Lord is even more all-in than before on the whole bind me to your light plan. After he learns the truth, he makes it his mission to win Gal over through any means necessary—some savory, others not so much. I don’t want to spoil too much plot, so I’ll just say that in addition to our favorite couple, the standouts here are the world-building and characterization, Gil-Galad and Elrond, especially. It’s truly amazing how much finely-written story gets packed into less than ten chapters, and how much character growth, even for Sauron. A favorite you’ll return to over and over again? Absolutely.
Complete, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr or AO3.
The WIP That Will Wreck You (In the Best Way): Oathbound {Series} by @nenyabusiness
What you need to know going in:
Cheating a little here because Oathbound is a series of standalone fics that you can read independently, but let me tell ya, you’ll want to bask in them all. The initial premise: Galadriel agrees to bind herself to Sauron, but only if they both swear an oath (with a capital O, Feanorian-style—aka irrevocable, or Serious Business in the Tolkien-verse) to linger close to the light as they try to heal Middle-earth together. From there, the series follows Gal and Sauron ruling Pelargir together, seeking an end to Adar and trying to toe the line between what is right, and what is easy. In other words, what the Oath will allow. The characterization, smut, and well, everything in this series is sublime, but I especially love the dynamic between Gal and Sauron here. Their exploration of morality is incredibly compelling, and it builds a recognizable but incredibly unique-feeling bond and partnership between the two of them. The latest installment is especially a testament to that—so go catch up if you’re not already reading it!
WIP, Teen up to Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr or AO3.
The Can’t Stop Consuming No Matter What Time It Is Fic: Lay me down by @orcas86
What you need to know going in:
Mmm, another post-S1 story with all the markers of greatness, which is no surprise coming from @orcas86 (who you’ll definitely see listed here again). It begins with Galadriel giving birth to her and Sauron’s son, and all of the all-encompassing feelings that accompany the life-altering event. It’s a heady start to a story that follows how Galadriel and Sauron will navigate a tenuous future as parents on opposing sides of a war. Again, I don’t want to spoil too many plot details for this semi-slow burn, so I’ll just say that it grips you; draws you in an incredibly immersive, almost stifling way through the broad range of feelings from Galadriel, Sauron, and also Elrond, too. Characterization with a capital C. Pick this baby up when you’ve got hours to kill; you won’t regret it.
WIP, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr or AO3.
Me at all these fics:
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Don’t see your story on this list yet? Keyword: yet. Please don’t fret! I can only recommend so many each week, but I am always looking for more stuff to read, share, and generally shower with love, so please feel free to reply with your own fics or your personal faves. I have plenty more to recommend… ❤️
Until next week!
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warrioreowynofrohan · 3 years
Elrond and His Parents and Guardians
My thoughts on Elrond’s relationships with and sentiments towards Elwing, Eärendil, Maglor, and Maedhros.
Elwing: I simply can’t comprehend why people would think Elrond, either as a child or adolescent or later in life, would be angry with Elwing or feel abandoned by her. After the attack on Sirion, he thinks she’s dead. Everyone thinks she’s dead. She died in the attack; that’s the broad gist of it, I don’t know if Maglor would have mentioned the specifics. Elrond might be expected to be angry at the people who drove her to her death, but not at her.
And the moment he finds out she’s alive and in Valinor is the same moment he finds out that she and Eärendil have spent the intervening years recruiting an army to come to Beleriand to rescue them - and everyone else - from Morgoth. Again, not something you’d expect him to be angry about! If he’s upset that his parents can’t return to Middle-earth, then one could see him plausibly resenting the Valar for that ruling, but not Elwing, who has no choice in the matter.
My headcanon is that when Celebrian went to Valinor to be healed, she soon became close with Elwing, who would be eager to become acquainted with the person who knew her son best, and the mother of her grandkids, and who could empathize with Celebrian over being driven by evil from the family that you love and would have wished to stay with. When Elrond comes to Valinor, there is some initial awkwardness since he hasn’t seen Elwing since he was a little boy, but through Celebrian re-introducing mother and son to each other, the relationship between all three soons becomes close and comfortable.
Eärendil: Elrond’s relationship with Eärendil is more complicated; I am not clear on whether the timelines are consistent. but Eärendil either left before he was born, or when he was very young, and it’s possible, even probable, that Elrond doesn’t remember his father at all. Again, I don’t think he’d be angry at Eärendil for this - Elwing would have told her sons that their father was searching for something that could save them all from Morgoth, and to the best of Elrond’s knowledge the possibilities would have been that Eärendil had either died in the attempt or might still succeed - and he’d have no reason to think Eärendil would have any knowledge of the attack on Sirion, because how could he? “Died on a heroic mission to rescue us all,” isn’t the kind of thing that would generally inspire anger or a sense of abandonment (even if the twins in Sirion were fairly sheltered, their time with the Fëanorians could allow for little doubt of how dangerous Morgoth-ruled Beleriand is and this how vital Eärendil’s mission would be) - nor is succeeding in such a mission and sending an army to rescue everyone. In short, the twins aren’t wondering why their parents don’t come back to rescue them, because they think their mother is dead and their father is either dead or unaware of their fate.
Moreover, I don’t think an adult Elrond would resent Eärendil’s choice of prioritizing saving Middle-earth over being with his family, because Elrond makes that same choice. He makes it again and again. He could have gone to Valinor after the War of Wrath; he doesn’t. When his wife was mortally injured and had to take ship for Valinor, he could have picked up the whole family and gone with her - he’d be with his wife, and his childrens’ decision would be made: he wouldn’t need to fear the chance of them later choosing mortality. He doesn’t do this, despite how hard the parting must be - and neither Galadriel or Celeborn go with their daughter, despite how painful that must be for them. Because they love Middle-earth, and they feel a responsibility to it and its people, and they choose that even at the cost of separation from family. So why would he blame Eärendil for having made that same choice? Elrond’s love of Middle-earth is expressed through two ages of staying in it and working for its good, and Eärendil’s in enduring separation from it for everyone else’s good, but the devotion and committment behind those choices is the same.
When Elrond gets to Valinor, things are more complicated. I have thoughts on how seven millenia as a star would have affected Eärendil, and how that would have affected the relationship between him and Elrond. The short version is that I think that after many millennia, and especially since the Downfall of Númenor, Eärendil has in a sense faded - not into shadow, but into light. The world of Valinor feels distant and unreal to him, and so do its people; he has lost a sense of connection, even with those who were once friends; with everyone except, usually, Elwing; he’s very distant from Elrond and doesn’t always recognize his presence, because like everything else he’s not fulyy perceiving it. This is painful to Elrond, who was looking forward to meeting and getting to know his father. And on top of this, on another level Eärendil feels like he gave up his sons, gave up being a father, when he pled mercy for their (supposed) killers; and even in his more lucid and ‘present’ moments he doesn’t know how to reestablish that connection (especially since he and Elrond have never had a real conversation about Elrond’s sentiments towards the Fëanorians.) Prompted by some later events I have in mind, specifically Elrond petitioning the Valar for Maglor’s return, they do have a real conversation, and their relationship improves as a consequence. (This is the intended setup/context for The Castaway, BTW.)
Maglor: I do take The Silmarillion’s “love grew between them, as little might be thought,” as canon. Maglor’s far from being well, but he’s at his best with the twins; he is desperately tired, and soul-sick, and wants, very badly, this chance to do something good and have someone to be kind to. It’s neither a particularly safe nor stable life - late-First-Age Beleriand is a dangerous place to be; even if (as I think is somewhere indicated) the Fëanorians go south beyond Taur-im-Duinath, where Morgoth’s power is less pervasive, there would still likely be orc-raids and the threat of various Angband-bred monsters to contend with. The twins are captured when they’re six years old, and the Host of the Valar arrive when they’re thirteen: those are formative years, Maglor would be the guardian they remember for most of their childhood. (I don’t know if I’m a representative sample, but I din’t have a lot of memories from before I was five - and based on Dior, Elwing, and Eärendil’s ages when they marry and have kids, I think we can conclude that half-elves age and mature at a human pace until they reach adulthood.) They couldn’t help but be close to him; and six is simply too young to have a strong understanding of what happened at Sirion.
Then we have the question of how long Elrond and Elros remained with Maglor and Maedhros after the War of Wrath started, and I don’t have solid opinions on that, though they’d clearly parted from them before the final demand for the Silmarils. Elrond and Elros would have come of age during the war, and doubtless fought in it. There’s 42 years of war; they’d come of age during it, and grow to what would be middle age by human standards (55) before it was over.
I think that in later Ages Elrond would have wanted to find Maglor; might even have met him a few times, particularly once after the Last Alliance - I think Maglor would at least have come back into the northwest of Middle-earth out of the need to find out in Elrond was still alive - but would never be able to convince Maglor to end his exile.
Maedhros: I don’t think Maedhros was close to Elrond and Elros. I think that, having resisted the push of the Oath for a little over thirty years after the Second Kinslaying, giving into it again was a breaking point; he was scarcely managing to be a person after that, much less a parent. The Silm says that Maglor fostered Elrond and Elros; that Maglor was glad that the Silmaril had become a star for everyone to see; that Maglor wanted, at the end, to forswear the Oath and accept the Darkness rather than kill yet more people in pursuit of the Silmaril. All it says of Maedhros is him reacting to Eärendil’s star with “that’s a Silmaril,” and seeing no hope of being free of the Oath. I see Maedhros’ state of mind and soul during this time always in terms of shadow and flame (and yes, the balrog comparison is deliberate); black melancholies and fiery rages; despair and sharp self-loathing and very little else. Maglor’s had to protect the twins from him more than once. Elrond becomes a great healer as an adult, and would have shown some aptitude for it even as a child, and been strongly empathetic; even at a young age, he can perceive that he’s the company of a soul in torment, and want to ease its suffering, and be unhappy that he can’t. (Maedhros reacts badly to this, usually with even deeper melancholy; he can’t endure this child, this reminder of his guilt, looking at him with sympathetic and compassionate eyes. Why can’t it be a normal child and hate him?) As an adult, when Elrond thinks of Maedhros it’s with pity, and as a formative moment in the life of a healer: the first person he couldn’t save.
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imaginativewriter23 · 3 years
Objects - Daisuke Kambe x Reader
Warning(s): Swearing, slight angst, suggestions of harassments (Not really, but just in case)
Summary: Daisuke thinks he can buy you and you’re not having it. 
© 2021 imaginativewriter23. All rights reserved, do not modify. Reblogs are appreciated! If you’d like to repost on a separate platform please ask for permission!
“Here.” You shoved the box into the multi-millionaires soft hands. He stepped back from the sudden impact but maintained his stoic expression. 
You both stood at the front of the grand staircase in his miraculous mansion. Daisuke loomed over the box in his hands and saw it was filled with the miraculous gifts he’d sent you. 
Although the amount of jewelry and dresses in the box was nothing compared to what he had originally gifted you.
He looked up to see your arms crossed, clearly upset with him. 
“I’m assuming you aren’t content with these specific gifts, I’ll keep that in mind for future reference.” His voice was still as smooth and calm.
You groaned, eyes rolling to the back of your head. “No. I’m not content with any of the gifts you gave me. I never asked you to buy sixty hand-made dresses and I don’t want the buckets of jewelry you bought me either!” 
Daisuke continued with his bored expression despite the confusion in his eyes. “Would you prefer for me to buy you a new house then?”
Your nostrils flared from his proposal, it seemed nothing could get through to him. Most women in your position would have squealed from excitement and accepted his offer. But you weren’t like most women anyways. 
Daisuke made it clear the first day he met you that he wanted you. After all, he asked within the first couple minutes of meeting you ‘how much to court you?’. 
You made the excuse that you don’t date men who smoke and he threw his packet of cigars out the window, then called HEUSC to throw out the packets at home.
Either way, you refused to date a man who thinks he can just put a price on you. 
When you turned him down, he’s taken every opportunity to go on a mission with you or send you gifts. Your house was filled with all the fortuitous items he’s bought you, yet you all traded them for money and used it to donate to multiple charities. 
You decided to be courteous and return the small portions of gifts to the buyer. You soon realized that was a mistake, as you felt your chest bubble up with more frustration. 
You sighed. “No, Daisuke. I don’t want you to buy me a new house. Let’s just be regular coworkers, okay?” 
“I don’t want us just to be coworkers, I want you to be with me.” 
You paused. The words that spilled from his mouth were unexpected of such a stoic man. It’s all just been about money till now. 
You inhaled through your nose and exhaled through your mouth. You’d be lying if you said your heart didn’t flutter in the slightest when he said that. If Daisuke had better morals then you two would have been together by now. 
Looking at his stern blue eyes, you spoke. “Daisuke. There are plenty of other women who would gladly accept all of your gifts and happily be your significant other.” 
Daisuke passed the box to one of his many servants. “But I only want you.”
You stared at him, feeling your shoulder slouch. It wasn’t that you didn’t find him attractive or charming. You just couldn’t agree with the way he viewed the world or how to solve problems. 
He faced you again and took a step closer to your body.
“Why don’t you want me? What do I have to buy to make you say yes? How much?” 
Your shoulder stiffened once again from his questions. There was that annoying question again. ‘how much?’
The frustration in your chest flared up once again. 
Daisuke was a man that viewed everything as a commodity, something that can be bought and sold easily. He couldn’t understand the concept of invaluable things, like friendships, family, love. 
He thought he could buy you. That’s where your attraction to him was thrown out the window. Well, almost thrown out the window. 
You turned your heel and began to make your way out of the mansion. You didn’t want to deal with him right now, or else you would explode. 
Daisuke called out your name and grabbed your wrist. The bomb in your head went off and you flipped yourself around to face him again. You grabbed his collar and yanked him towards you so your faces were inches apart. 
“You can’t just buy me, Daisuke! You can’t just buy someone because you want them! True, the shitty types do exist but I am not one of them! You can’t buy love!” 
You pushed Daisuke away and he only took a small step back from the impact.
“I am not some toy that you can buy because you’re bored! I am not a dog that will run as soon as you give me a treat! I am not an object. If you want me, you have to earn me! Prove to me, you’re worth my time! Show me I’m not just an object to you!” 
With that, you turned around and stormed out of the mansion. Mumbling incoherent sentences as you marched down the trail. 
Daisuke stood there, perplexed by your lecture. He blinked for a couple of moments before slowly bringing his hand up to his ear.
“HEUSC. Cancel all the orders I placed for Ms. (Last Name) this morning.” 
Daisuke smirked, you were right. You were far more expensive than his unlimited balance. 
So, he was going to earn you.
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sugurizz · 3 years
The house is yours
Pairing : Zeke yeager x reader
Rating : explicit
Word count : 2,5k words
Summary : as a broke student, finding an apartment is not easy. But the cute owner decides to help you with it, in a way that you both get to benefit.
Warnings : soft dom! Zeke x sub!fem! reader, oral sex (fem receiving), fingering, nipple play, slight spit play, vaginal sex, slight breeding kink, daddy kink
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(Credits to the owner. I don't own the fanart)
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After months of looking through ads, websites and even newspapers. finding a decent, comfortable and cosy appartment near the university was a dream coming true. After calling the owner and fixing a date to meet toghether and check the place, your roommate wasn't able to make it to the appointment so you had to go there on my own.
Being already anxious for the meeting, you put a pair of black jeans, a grey t-shirt, a hoodie and your white sneakers before taking your backbag and going there.
After ten minutes or so, you were at the spot you agreed to meet at. You couldn't see anyone particular so you got your phone out of your pocket, ready to call the owner again in order to spot him.
It was then when you saw a tall, broad and handsome man- probably in his late twenties- picking his ringing phone from the pocket of his elegant beige trench coat.
A black turtleneck hugging his visibly muscular chest and arms left your mouth nearly open. That's definitely him - you thought to yourself - feeling your face already heating up, you swallowed hardly, prayed that you weren't really blushing,  took your courage and crossed the road walking towards the little coffee shop he was standing next to.
Standing directly in front of him didn't help at all. You were so overwehlmed by him. and to be frank, you didn't really know where to look. His whole presence was doing things to you, is it His charming glance? his icy grey eyes, ornamented with a set of thick blonde lashes shinig softly in the feeble sunlight? Or is it those silky soft blonde locks, joined in a nice haircut making his enchanting appearence even more perfect and complete?
"Hello, I assume you're the new renter. Very nice to meet you. I'm zeke yeager ."
"Likewise, pleased to meet you mr yeager. I'm y/n ".
You tried your best to keep calm and professional by greeting him. But the trembling handshake you gave him was showing the complete opposite.
"Shall we go see the appartment ? This way please."
Were you too infatuated by such grace? Or is he really such a sweet, soft and courteous gentleman? You couldn't really tell.
You took a quick glance at his gorgeous profile side. And you completely wished you could take a screenshot with your eyes. His prominent cheekbones added to his manly features. And his fine silver glasses gave him that elegant intellectual aura.
The silence was broken by a deep, gentle :" so.. you're both students.. right?"
" yes. good thing the house is around 10 minutes from the university. That should save us plenty of time ."
" glad to hear that, I actually studied there for more than 6 years, that was before I finally graduated and decided to move to (city name) ."
" I see. May I ask.. why did you move? " you demanded.
" haha don't worry. It hasn't to do with the apartment. It's just that.. You can say I'm an adventurous man." He answered with a bright smile.
" right. I guess it's always tempting to move and see something new..."
You never thought a conversation with a total stranger could be this smooth, warm and relaxing. It unexpectedly didn't feel like a forced out, awkward smalltalk at all. But more like a nice and slow getting to know each other.
"We're finally here." He opened the building's door, Letting you inside and pressed the elevator button.
" I see you like the place already.." He affirmed, a soft smile graced his features, leaving you bewitched.
"Y-yes .. it's pretty welcoming." You added.
Getting out of the elevator, the cute owner took the apartement keys out, opening the door and letting you in.
After checking all the house's functionalities and facilities and discussing the period of your rent. You were ready to pay the first month of the stay until you got surprised by the deposit price. You were so shocked that you had to pay around two thousand five hundrend dollars along with the actual rent.
" I'm not sure we can actually afford that.. " I said, feeling somehow disappointed and lost.
" I know, a lot of people complain about the deposit price. I wish I could make an exeption but the price is fixed by the building's owner. He has the majority of control over that."
" and.. I guess it can't be payed in installments. can it ?"
" i'm afraid not." He retorted, quite concerned by your defeated aura.
" that's really infortunate. I was looking forward to settle here. But anyway, it was good getting to know you mr Yeager."
Hiding your frustration, you were ready to leave when his calm, reassuring voice stopped you . " maybe , we can help each other out after all..."
You turned back, looking for a further explanation when he carried on :" I can get to pay the deposit for you. And you'll have to give me a service in return.."
"okay.. and the service is ...? " you asked, being both curious and excited.
The blonde walked to the door and locked it, his silver eyes never leaving yours.
"Mr yeager..."
" Oh can we stop with the formalities now little one. If we finally agree to make a deal we should get more familiar to each other. Shouldn't we ?" He let out in a deep virile voice, causing your heart to throb numerous times.
Walking closer towards you, he stood and leaned over, whispering in your ear : " If I said I'm feeling sad and lonely today, Would you agree to entertain me ?"
He was so close you could barely register his request. Close enough to notice his irises fixed on yours, staring at your soul and then travelling a little downwards, presumably staring at your lips. You were ready to explode when his big hand landed on your chin, long slender fingers carressing it and driving you so crazy you started babbling some nearly inaudible nonsense.
" i mean.. I.I could ... I don't know.. I-"
" shh, no need to get confused, I'm here with you". a calloused thumb landed on your lips, caressing them with a gentle yet insisting motion.
Your mind shut down, leaving you comptelely blank. God, you got lost in his eyes again. You kept staring like an idiot, letting his thumb make its way through your lips and next thing you knew you were feeling his finger on your sensitive tongue. You never did this before. But why did it feel so natural with him ? Why didn't you resist at all ? How did you agree to this ?  Questions kept bringing on other questions inside your crushed mind. The betraying heat kept rising to your cheeks by the minute, and you couldn't control your intense breathing anymore.
You felt like a fragile leaf caught in a storm. Your consciousness stopped reacting when his face started closing up to yours.
" I believe we got ourselves a deal then? "
" i.. I mean-"
The blonde's delicious lips crushed on yours in a swift motion, his huge hands left to pull you closer pushing you against his large warm chest and making you feel so small and helpless.
It didn't take long for you to feel his soft warm tongue playing with yours. His refreshing minty breath was mixed with a faint hint of cigarette. You couldn't help but enlace your arms around his neck, trying to regain some balance. The sloppy wet kiss  you shared ended with your mouths parting in a wet noise, a glistening string of saliva connecting his dark red tongue to yours, Leaving you breathless.
"You're rather shy and blushy princess... I like it." Zeke leaned close to your sensitive neck, started peppering kisses from your cheeks down your neck and all around your clavicle . His warm breath on your exposed chest made you shiver, feeling your wetness already pooling between your legs. You started rubbing your thighs toghether in a search for some relief. The sudden thought of the rent crossed your mind again.
" Zeke .."
" yes sweetheart, say my name "
" what about the rent ... what should I do now ?"
"little pumpkin is still afraid." You trembled when he leaned over to lick your earlobe before carrying " consider this house yours, princess " .
You couldn't hide your relief after hearing his words. You looked back at him, the perfect pale skin of his cheeks turned into a lovely shade of pink. His cute ears were so red you thought they were about to blow off. His glasses were threatening to fall off the cute tip of his sharp nose. And you felt so proud seeing the mess you left at his golden strands. Some of them falling sexily on his eyes.
" I need this off" he tugged at your shirt , raising your arms gently and sliding it up your shivering body. It was so embarrassing you instantly hid your face. Letting out some insatisfied whines.
"gorgeous" he lets out, eyes contemplating your breasts, still hidden behind your bra. Still closing your eyes, you felt yourself being lifted in a bridal style. Zeke's strong arms placed you on the comfy couch of the living room. He stood up and took of his coat, throwing it away. His black pullover was next, revealing his toned chest, shredded abs and prominent V line . You wished you could keep this addictive view in yout mind forever. His godly body hovered around you like a shield. You leaned back , staring at the enchanting male before you, unbuckling his belt.
You were probabely too distracted by his beauty to notice the huge tent that was forming in his pants. His hand reached beneath his boxers, freeing his massive cock from it's confinements.
" like what you see ?" He winked at you, leaving you speaking gibberish again.
" zeke...it- it's not gonna .."
He cut you out, taking off your jeans in a quick move, leaving you in your black laced panties. " already soaked aren't we? What kind of a slut gets her pussy that wet just from a damn kiss?"
He rubbed his fingers against your clothed cunt before swiping your panties to the side. your clit was swollen and flushed, desperate for attention. The handsome male leaned until he faced your pussy. He spread your legs even wider, adding to your growing embarassment.
" goshh, look at how much slick is between your pussy lips,..filthy.." he slid his fingers between them.
Never leaving your innocent eyes, he puckered his lips, opened his mouth and spat on your naked pussy. You nearly passed out when he started french kissing it. Looking at it with such hunger and lust, he slid his longue tongue in your fluttering hole, driving his index and middle fingers in the process. His thick and now wet beard felt so good stinging your plush thighs.
" zeke ahhh, wait... omg zeke it feels.. Ahhhh " your moans started getting louder and louder. 
"Whine for me baby.."
His experienced fingers massaged your spongey insides, hitting spots you never knew your pussy had. You were drooling like a dumb baby, eyes rolling to the back of your head and breath hitching in your breast.
"Zeeeeke.. uh- i'm ahh i'm gonna cum, it feels so good... so good i'm cumming .."
"Yes baby, cream on my fucking tongue."
It wasn't long until you released all over his hand, his tongue was painted with cum. He shamelessly swallowed it, licking his fingers passionately as if he was tasting an elixir. He leaned to kiss you again, cum and drool still running down his messy beard. Its cute hairs tickling your cheeks and chin made you chuckle.
He took your dripping panties away, threw them somewhere across the room and slid his hands below your back, unclasping your bra.
" I need to take it off, but I really do like the cute ribbons though..." he complimented your cute bra.
" t-thank youu.." the shyness creeped inside you again. But it was replaced with surprise when he buried his head deep between your breasts like a starving baby. growling and grunting, the vibrations sent shivers down your spine. He kept lapping at them, looking at you with burning lust, taking a nipple between his teeth and flicking the other under his fingerpads.
"Are you ready, sweet pie? Wanna take my cock for me ?"
"Yes who ?"
"Yes daddy ."
"It's daddy from now on, little one"
Feeling yourself , yu bent over for him, giving him a perfect view of your bare cunt.
" hurry daddy, I can't wait anymore..."
"As you wish, princess"
Within seconds, you felt his hands settling on your hips, his firm cock sliding slowly past your hungry hole.
" it hurtss, daddy .. it hurts..."
" shh, it's ok princess, you're too tense.. relax for daddy.."
The pain suddenly turned into a pure bliss as he bottomed down, making you moan his name like a lullaby.
"I'm going to move baby.." he said, cupping your cheek in his soft palms. 
His cock was ramming inside you so deliciously you felt your drool dribbling again, his strong silhouette leaning on you, hugging you with one arm and caressing your stomach with the other. Seeing his bulge through your tummy, you felt so full and loved by him.
" look baby, look how deep i'm inside you"
" please cum inside me daddy, I want it pumping in my stomach ."
your words sent him to the edge; hitched breath, loud growls and harsh slaps landing on your ass. It felt so good your tears started gushing along your face.
" hnnghhh wanna take ... fuck ahhh .. take daddy's seed inside you ? Tell me slut " he squeezed your face between his large fingers, earning a whine from you.
" mmhmmm ... ahhhh"
" use your words when you talk to me"
" I want your cum deep inside me, daddy"
His thrusts became hysteric, making you shake. both of you moaning loudly, not caring about anybody hearing.
"Ahhhnghhh shiiiit , fuck yeaaah" the golden daddy came in thick white strings inside you. Shoving it all up your womb. You give up, letting your orgasm wash over you in a shameless moan. All your juices mixed with his sticky huge load, starting to spill from your greedy cunt.
Unable to move anymore, you collapsed on the couch. Trembling and breathing heavily. Zeke doing the same, he went to catch his neglected coat and wrapped it around your naked body, along with his strong arms around you, nuzzling his head in your neck.
" I guess having an expensive rent has its perks after all". He teased, laying a soft gentle kiss on your forehead.
" yup, you get to have a daddy for free". You whispered.
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Note : I would really appreciate the feedback on my work so feel free to comment down.
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hyungieyoongi · 3 years
See You
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Pairing: Professor!Hobi x Professor!Reader
Genre: Enemies to lovers + fluff + angst + Hobi and Reader have some personality conflicts at work but should really just make out or something and stop acting like they dislike each other + this entire fic is inspired by Hobi’s look in that gum commercial I mean he screamed professor with that turtleneck and plaid blazer (thank you @moon-write​ for encouraging this vision)
Word Count: 3.2K+
“No, no, please tell me you’re joking,” you groaned, eyes scanning over the classroom assignment list posted on the faculty board in the hallway over again, hoping you were seeing things wrong. A third look at the paper confirmed that your fears had in fact come true – you and Hoseok were teaching next door to each other the entire fall semester.
Hoseok was the History of Dance Professor in your department. He was hired at the beginning of last year, three years into your career as one of the youngest faculty members in the Music & Arts program at your university. While he was bubbly and energetic, you were the more typical academic – down-to-earth, a little bit serious. He was beloved by his students for his positive personality and passion for teaching; you were well-regarded as being a natural talent who wanted to hone your students’ abilities.  
It wasn’t that your students didn’t like your course. No, it was well-reviewed and relatively popular considering it was an elective. But once Hoseok arrived, you felt like you were competing with the star of the program. Every student, even the ones who didn’t like dance, were lining up for his course, pushing your class and others into smaller classrooms with dwindling numbers. He, of course, got the large lecture hall this year.
He was the pain in your side, constantly flashing his bright smile to get his way in the department, dazzling your colleagues. Students would often be buzzing in the hallways about how they didn’t have to take an exam in Professor Jung’s class like they did in Professor Y/L/N’s. They got to go to a local show instead and analyze the dance performance. Hoseok was creative and intelligent – that much you could agree with – but you rolled your eyes every time you saw another one of his students attempt to flirt with him.
Hoseok and you figured out you got on each other’s nerves pretty quickly. He would always play music too loud in his office while you were grading papers – he timed how long it took you to show up at his door to tell him to turn it down every afternoon. You would make it a point to have your students play samples of their pieces they’d written on the piano while he was in the middle of a lecture, leaving your classroom doors open so the notes of the instrument would float down the hallway to the lecture hall. You’d have a satisfied grin on your face when you heard the telltale noise of the lecture hall doors slamming shut.
The entire department knew about this little game the two of you would play with each other, not to mention the sarcastic comments from you and teasing jokes from him that were on repeat any time you were in the same room. The bickering was bound to get worse with the two of you in such close quarters all semester.
“Y/N!” you heard a loud voice call down the hallway. You hadn’t heard that voice in two and a half months thanks to your summer vacation. You gritted your teeth, turning with a tight-lipped smile toward your least-favorite coworker.
“Hoseok,” you greeted with a nod. As usual, your semi-chilly behavior toward him didn’t faze him.
“Y/N, come on, I thought I told you to call me Hobi!” he said cheerfully, his eyes squinting from his smile. He was wearing a cream turtleneck tucked into his khakis, plaid blazer over his shoulders. He had dyed his hair from the black you were accustomed to, his strands now a platinum blonde. You realized, begrudgingly, that he looked more attractive than he did last year.
“Well would you look at that, we’re neighbors,” Hoseok said after scanning the list on the board.
“Try to keep the gaggle of screaming fans away from the hallway when I’m teaching, would you?” you said sarcastically. Hoseok’s hand flew to his heart, acting like you had personally attacked him.
“Y/N, I cannot believe you would accuse my students of being so frivolous,” he said dramatically. “Just because we have more fun in my class, doesn’t make it any less serious than yours.”
“Oh, please, save the theatrics for the students who signed up thinking your class would be an easy ‘A’. I know for a fact that you gave out four D’s last semester.” Hoseok’s eyes twinkled at your challenging tone.
“And how many did you give out, Professor Y/L/N?” Hoseok asked in a sweet voice.
“None, thank you very much. Since my students actually learn something in my class, I don’t have to give out such low grades,” you quipped. Hoseok chuckled, running a hand through his wavy blonde hair.
“Maybe I should sit in on one of your classes this year. Learn a thing or two,” Hoseok said, stepping toward you. You flushed momentarily at his low tone, immediately stepping back. He smirked at your reaction.
“It’s invite only to audit my class, Jung,” you said before turning on your heel to walk toward your office down the hall, “I would say I’m sorry, but I’m really not!” you yelled over your shoulder.
You heard Hoseok laugh, and you cursed yourself for giving him the satisfaction of knowing that his teasing had gotten to you.
You had promised yourself at the end of the summer not to play into it this year – you were going to be professional, courteous. But the first time you see Hoseok, bam, it goes right out the window. 
You would just have to avoid Hoseok as much as possible.
You sighed once you closed your office door behind you. It was going to be a long semester.
Two months into the semester, the leaves had turned to burnt oranges and red, signaling the return of fall. Hoseok was sitting in one of the auditorium seats, his legs crossed over each other, looking down at his fingers with a soft smile playing at his lips. The delicate notes of the piano were playing from your classroom, the noise piercing the thin walls separating your classroom from his.
His class had been dismissed half an hour ago, and, based on the lack of students having straggling conversations in the hallway, yours had, too. He often waited after he was done teaching to see if you would play when you thought no one was listening. The notes you played sometimes indicated your mood; the music was soft and flowing, other times dark and intense.
Today it was, melancholic? He couldn’t quite place it, but it made him think about the change in seasons. He wondered if that was on your mind. The song was fluid, making him want to choreograph a piece to it, the dancer’s body matching the tempo of the music. He shut his eyes, picturing the movements behind his closed lids.
He’d never admit that he indulged in this as often as he did – he knew you wouldn’t be playing if you found out he was your only audience member. You had been avoiding him this semester. He had tried all of his old tricks – the loud music during office hours, teasing comments during staff meetings. But you wouldn’t blink.
He opened his eyes, the song transitioning into something light and happy. It made him think of sunshine.  
You stopped playing, your hands lifting off the keys like they burned you. You had been playing mindlessly, your fingers starting to pluck away at the keys in the melody that you had thought of when you would think of Hoseok.
The more you avoided Hoseok, the more you seemed to miss his overly positive personality. You would see him at staff meetings, always giving you a big smile. One day you came in late after a meeting with a student ran long, and you came into the room to see that he had saved you a seat next to him, the last one left empty in the room. 
He was still playing his music too loud, but you had stopped bugging him about it, and you noticed that it was gradually getting quieter.
You closed the cover over the keys, willing the thoughts about Hoseok to go away, packing up your papers and laptop. He was just your annoyingly happy colleague; there was no reason he should be taking up this much space in your mind.
“Are you honestly suggesting that the music composition class shouldn’t be considered a prerequisite for all music program students going forward?” you questioned angrily. You and Hoseok were at a standoff in the department meeting, his normally pleasant features tense, arms crossed in front of him.
“If that means that it prevents funding from getting diverted from the dance program to the instrumental students, then, yes, that is what I’m suggesting,” Hoseok countered.
“That’s ridiculous! Music composition is a fundamental building block for all students – including dance, Jung!” your voice had risen, and the department head looked between you both, deciding that the meeting had gotten too out of hand to continue.
“Professor Y/L/N, Professor Jung – why don’t the two of you take a walk around the building, get some fresh air. The rest of you, dismissed. We’ll resume this conversation, civilly, next week,” the department head declared.  
You were fuming, angrily shoving your notebook and pen in your bag before storming out of the building. You felt someone else’s presence, and you turned, groaning when you saw the last person you wanted to see standing behind you, a shit-eating grin on his face.
He opened his mouth to say something, but you held up your hand to stop him.
“Give it a rest, Jung, I’m not in the mood,” you said grumpily.
“I was going to ask if you wanted to go to the bookstore to grab a coffee and put this behind us,” Hoseok scoffed, smile wiped away. “But, I guess not.”
“Not everyone wants to just roll over and play nice when you flash them a smile, Hoseok.”
“Well, not everyone wants to act like they have a superiority complex, either.”
Your lips pursed, hands beginning to fidget with how angry and upset his comment made you. The two of you had been annoying last year, sure, but you had never been mean to each other. Until today.
“You don’t know anything about me,” you said quietly, heated tone still evident despite the low volume.
“The feeling is mutual,” Hoseok said harshly. “It’s not like you’ve even tried to get to know me. You immediately disliked me from day one. You never even gave me a chance!”
“That’s rich coming from you. All that shit with the music and the comments – it’s like you wanted me to dislike you,” you replied.
“I wanted you to talk to me, Y/N,” Hoseok said, exasperated. “Forget it, I can see now that it was useless to try.”
“I was trying to play nice this semester,” you said, glaring at Hoseok. “You came in like a damn bulldozer last year, disrupting everything in the department. And everyone just did what you wanted because you’re ‘mister nice guy’, and you make people laugh and people just think you’re perfect. Well, I don’t buy it.”
You took a deep breath, leveling your gaze at him.
“Stay out of my way, and I’ll stay out of yours,” your voice was stone-cold. Hoseok’s eyes flashed, lips in a thin line before he responded bitterly.
Things had been quiet between you and Hoseok since your fight outside of the building a few weeks ago. You politely nodded at each other in the hallway when you passed by, avoiding eye contact. You would grimace when you heard his laugh during lectures next door to yours, wanting to block the sound out.
You couldn’t get what he said to you out of your thoughts – you really didn’t know Hoseok very well. All you knew is what he presented to the rest of the world. He was bubbly and positive and optimistic; he probably thought you were just some brooding, academic stiff.
Hoseok noticed the songs you were playing lately were rather intense. Sometimes he would hear you smash against the keys like you were angry with the piano for not producing the sounds you wanted to hear.
He knew the feeling. He was spending more time in the dance studio lately, dancing aggressively to loud hip hop music, trying to drown out the frustration he was feeling at not being able to make you crack and talk to him.
That’s where he found himself tonight, trying to get rid of his stress. You were stubborn, but you were also beautiful, intelligent, passionate, tenacious. He turned his music up louder, drowning out the thoughts of you.
You had re-read the same sentence four times, red pen poised in your hand ready to edit the student’s paper. The loud beats were still audible from the practice rooms. It was late, and the building had been closed to students for the past two hours.
You decided to go down there. You weren’t going to get them in trouble for staying past close, but with finals coming up, you were sure the students needed a gentle reminder that sleeping was just as important as practicing.
You walked down the dark hallway, going down the steps to the practice rooms on the floor beneath the faculty offices, finding the one with the light on, music blaring through the glass panes separating the space from the hall.
You glanced into the room, seeing Hoseok dancing. You had never seen him in his element before, and it was captivating. He was wearing a black pair of sweats, an oversized yellow t-shirt adorning his slender frame. The music seemed to be moving through his body. He was grounded in the floor, an intense expression on his face as he hit heavy movements on the beat, fluidly moving through other parts depending on the music. You felt like this was personal, like you weren’t allowed to be watching, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him.
Hoseok looked into the mirror, his eyes looking toward the shadow in the hallway. His eyes met yours, his gaze burning into yours through the glass. You gulped.
He turned, grabbing a bottle of water and pausing the music. You figured that was your cue, opening the door to the studio and stepping inside.
“Was it too loud?” Hoseok asked, voice light despite the obvious tension in the room.
“No, it’s okay uh – I was grading papers, and I thought a student was still down here,” you explained softly. “I thought I’d tell them to go home, get some rest.”
Hoseok had a curious expression on his face. If he was surprised to hear why you were down here, he didn’t mention it. You felt the need to fill the silence, so you spouted the first thing that came to mind.
“You’re really talented, Hobi,” you said quickly. His eyebrows shot up at the sound of the nickname you never called him. “Hoseok – sorry, I meant Hoseok.”
“Watch out, people might think we’re friends,” Hoseok joked, but it came out strained.
“Hoseok – Hobi. I’m sorry about what I said a few weeks ago. I was heated, and I apologize,” you said, looking down at a scuff in the hardwood floors.
“I’m sorry, too. What I said was uncalled for, and I didn’t mean to upset you. Last year, this semester. Anything I’ve done that has made you mad or annoyed. I’m sorry,” Hobi said sincerely. “I-um, well…”
You looked up, waiting for him to continue.
“I just wanted your attention.”
“I wanted your attention. I wanted you to want to talk to me. I wanted you to get to know me. Not the version of me that I show my students. I wanted you to see me. Really see me.”
You gulped, Hobi’s vulnerability making you nervous. He took a step toward you, and you willed yourself to stay in place.
“I know you do the same thing; you hide. Hide behind this persona you’ve created. I think it goes away when you play piano.”
“How do you–what do you mean?” you asked incredulously.
“I hear you play. After class. I never told you because I selfishly wanted to keep listening. Your music it – it tells a story. About your day, your feelings. If you didn’t tell me yourself, at least your music did.”
Your cheeks burned knowing that he was audience to all of the time spent in your classroom, working out your feelings on the piano like it was your therapy.
“Everything goes away when I play,” you stopped, thinking about how distracted you had been lately trying to compose. “Well, most of the time, anyway.”
“That’s how I feel when I dance,” Hobi admitted with a gentle smile. You nodded, realizing that the two of you had this in common, at least.
“I’ll leave you to it,” you said, backing away from Hobi toward the door.
“Wait –,” Hobi said, slightly flustered. “Dance with me.”
Your eyes widened. Hobi laughed, and you hated to admit that you had missed the sound.
“Come on, just trust me, Y/L/N.” You waited while he picked out a song, holding out his hand. You placed your fingers in his, and he pulled you close to him, leading you around the studio floor to the song. He made you feel light on your feet despite your lack of dance experience, his hand tightly gripping yours, his other floating over your waist. Your skin tingled from the contact.
He spun you around twice, your hands landing on his chest as you tried to regain your balance. You looked up at him, genuinely enjoying yourself. His bright smile you used to roll your eyes at lit up his features, causing your smile to match his.
“Can you see me now, Y/N?” Hobi asked, referencing his earlier confession. “Because I see you when you play. When you tell a student crying in your office that everything is going to be okay. And I see you now when you’re dancing with me like this.”
“Yes, I do.”
“Remember when you said I didn’t know anything about you?” You nodded, recognizing his reference to your fight outside of the department building. “I don’t think that’s true. But I know there’s so much more to know. And I want to know everything.”
Hobi’s hand came up to your cheek, softly placing it on the side of your face.
“I want to know you, too, Hobi,” you whispered.
He leaned forward, his breath fanning over your lips, “Want to start now?”
You gripped his t-shirt in your hand, pulling him the last few inches to your lips instead of answering. You felt him smile against your lips, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close to him.
He pulled back, his forehead resting on yours as you caught your breath.
“Does this mean I can start playing my music loudly during office hours again?” Hobi teased, his fingers playing with the hem of your sweater, brushing against your skin.
You made a face at him, causing him to laugh. He kissed you on the forehead, then on the lips again to make you smile before answering.
“Not a chance.”  
Check out my other work! ❤️
Taglist: @alpacaparkaseok​, @delacyrose224​, @moon-write​​
If you’d like to join my permanent taglist, let me know!
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Insatiable. ( Jungkook x Oc) Chapter 3
Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x OC
Rating 18+
Genre : Vampire Au!!!! , DILF! Jungkook ! Bodyguard AU! Babysitter OC!   Age difference!!! [ bet you’ve never seen all of this in one fic before? ]
[ Some notes : Born Vampires stop aging when they turn twenty five.  Turned vampires stop aging when they’re turned. ]
Chapter 1   Chapter 2 
Chapter 3
“So, you guys looked pretty cozy in the garden.” Somi pursed her lips, disapproval evident on her sharp features as she watched me hop around, trying to pull the pantyhose up over the fleshiest part of my thigh. It was just a little past six thirty  and I already wanted the night to end. 
“He was telling me how he wanted me to have babies so his son could play with them.” I snapped. 
Somi blinked. 
“And uh..is he providing the baby batter?” She said drily and I laughed.
“I think..... he’s attracted to me.” I said dreamily, remembering the way he’d definitely gotten hard at breakfast this morning. 
“I mean, he’s a straight guy with eyes? Not surprising....” My sister grinned. 
“No, I mean... like actually physically attracted. I felt it too. it made me want to do something unholy with him.” I muttered, eyes misting over at the idea of being spread out on his bed. Satin sheets underneath my body, the weight of his body on mine. 
“He’s a vampire. Pretty sure anything you do with him is unholy.” She winked. I sighed, running a hand over my face. 
“Are you sure this is the way to go? “ I glanced at the robin blue off shoulder gown. I was wary of drawing attention to my neck, especially with a Kim. 
“It’s beautiful. Besides, it is your color. I want to see the look on Jungkook’s face when he sees you. Want to see him regret all his life choices.”
“i thought you didn’t approve of him.” i said amused. 
“I didn’t at first. But then you told me he rejected you and well, no one does that to my baby sister,” She glared and I hugged her close, placing a kiss on her forehead. 
I hesitated.
“Would it be too terrible if I tried to seduce him?” I bit my lips.
Somi’s eyes widened. 
“Just hear me out.” I said urgently. 
She sighed. 
“Somi, I’ve never been with a man. I just... I can’t get married as a virgin ..I absolutely refuse to. And I sure as hell don’t want to give it up to one of these pompous little brats who act like utter douchebags.  So what am I supposed to do? Now, Jungkook ..” I paused, taking a deep breath to steady my pulse which raced every time I thought about him,. “ ...he’s...he’s so gentle. And nice and I just... I think he’ll make it good for me.”
I felt my face flame, half certain there was steam coming out of my ears. 
Somi looked slightly slack jawed. 
“Oh..um.. okay.” She laughed nervously. “ And how are you goig to get him to agree to this?” 
“Beg? ....  I don’t know...” I groaned. “ What do you think?”
Somi hesitated. 
“I think, for now you should concentrate on showing him that you’re not a child. So , do well tonight. At the dinner. Be polite courteous ... make good conversation... he’s going to be nearby right? Let him see you as an equal... I think he needs to trust that you guys are on equal footing before he will consider anything more ....”
I stared at her, my mind racing.
“You’re right. You’re absolutely right.” I kissed her again.  “i love you. Now get my make up on.”  I said excitedly. 
For all that I wanted Jungkook to be slack jawed when he saw me, it was my own jaw that came unhinged when I opened the door to the hallway at exactly 7.00 PM
I stared, my eyes literally popping out of their sockets when i took in the absolute fucking  vision  he looked like. 
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Tight, fitted leather pants that molded to his legs , putting those deliciously muscled thighs on display, so tight on his crotch that my mouth watered . A dark belt, cinched tight around his ridiculously slim waist and he’d paired it with a  blue silk shirt , that flowed around his torso like water. A thin black and blue striped tie hung around his neck, knotted loose and the end brushing past his waistline and a small silver earring dangled from his earlobes, catching the light of the lamp in the hallway. 
My throat went dry as I stared at him. 
And then i squinted. 
Oh God, was that a   nipple?
Nope. Not doing this today . 
 “Please excuse me!” I said hoarsely, voice cracking and face flushing red as I turned right back around , wrenched the huge oak door open and all but flew into the safety of my room before  slamming the door shut in his face. 
I sank to the floor in a heap, pressing a palm to my heart, trying to calm my pulse which had shot up so much. Somi stared at me from where she was putting away her cosmetics, eyebrows raised in surprise,. 
“What’s wrong?” She asked worried. 
“I think I just came untouched.” I whispered, staring at her with wide eyes.
Her eyes widened and her lips twisted in disgust.
“Oh my god, you horny little pervert!!! Get up from the floor, you’re wrinkling the dress!!”
I breathed rapidly, trying to get my brain to function but the sight of Jeon Jungkook’s nipples covered only by a thin silk shirt was burned into my mind. 
i had never wanted to lick something so bad. 
The knock on the door made me jump.
“Sera? Are you alright?” Jungkook’s voice called from the corridor and I whimpered. 
“I can’t do this... Please... i can’t.... don’t make me..” I begged. 
My sister gave me a glare and stalked over grabbing my arm and dragging me up with ease. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, it’s not like you’ve never seen Jungkook before, how hot could-” She pulled the door open and froze in place, her eyes going wide as saucers, lips parting in surprise as she stared at Jungkook.
“ Fuck me ..” She whispered softly, clearly having lost all her senses at the sight of him. I elbowed her hard, trying not to burst into tears.  .
Jungkook frowned.
“Excuse me?” 
“Nothing!! Nothing...she’s just excited that I’m finally dating again!!” I laughed cheerfully. 
Jungkook glanced between the pair of us, a small frown on his face but he didn’t question me further.
“Should we go?” He prompted and I smiled, wide. 
 Just don’t look at him. Don’t look at him and you’ll be fine.
I kept my gaze straight ahead as we walked down the corridor. 
“You look nice.” He commented casually and I swallowed.
“You look.....” decadent...like the kind of dessert I’d be tasting for hours... please let me lick your nipples...”.different.” I squeezed my eyes, willing myself to calm down but it was impossible. I swelled and ached in all the wrong places and my thighs trembled with the effort not to rub them together. My insides clenched, arousal dampening the bikini briefs I had on and i had to bite my lips to resist the urge to climb him like a tree and grind down on his thighs till I came. 
“ Your father mentioned that it would be better if i blended in with the other patrons. He thinks it would make your date more comfortable if I didn’t hover around in black like a ghoul. “ He laughed. 
“ Ahahahahah....” i laughed shrilly, barely listening to a word he said because I was having a mental breakdown. 
I glanced to the front of his chest again, a quick sharp glance and yup.....those were certainly a pair of nipples, the nub hard and obvious through the silk of his shirt. 
Jungkook left to get the car and i stood at the entrance to the mansion, shivering lightly. The small fur throw i had on my shoulder was more for decoration than to keep warm and the night was chilly. 
By the time Jungkook brought the black Bugatti around, I was shaking. 
“Ooh... That’s a fancy car.” I commented , heart racing with how handsome he looked, gripping the steering wheel and he smiled. 
“It’s Namjoon’s . I thought you’d like to arrive in style today.” He grinned. 
I climbed in quickly, eager to get out of the biting wind. The interior was warm and cozy and i moaned, relaxing into the seats. 
“You look really good.” He said again, gaze flitting over me with a little more intent and I blushed. 
“You mentioned.” I whispered. 
“I see you in those godawful t shirts and stained jeans all the time and you’re usually just cleaning  spill ups or washing baby bottles  at the daycare so i keep forgetting .” He shook his head, thoughtfully, fixing the mirrors and glancing back. 
“Forgetting what?” i asked confused. 
“That you are literally the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” 
He said it casually, no fervent ardor behind his words . 
Just a matter of fact observation and somehow, the words felt like liquid heat being poured into me. 
it stuck me then, that I would give my entire life and soul to be on this date with Jungkook. To have dinner with him, to listen to him talk about himself. To tell him everything about myself. To just sit there, staring into his gorgeous face. Hold his hands over the dinner table and gaze into his eyes. 
 I’m so in love with you. 
“You’re not so bad yourself.” I said softly. 
“Yeah? I clean up good, don’t I?” He tilted his head, hair falling into his eye as he winked at me , a small smirk on his cherry red lips. 
I glanced away quickly, because staring at Jungkook was like staring into the fucking sun. 
staring at him made my eyes hurt. 
And it also broke my heart. 
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, Sera....” Mingyu had a very familiar look on his face. A hungry, lustful , disbelieving look that I was altogether familiar with. 
I managed a weak smile in return, letting him hug me , wincing when he buried his nose into my neck, breathing in my scent like he was starving. And the honest truth was, I didn’t even blame him . Control came with age and Mingyu was way too young to have full control over his instincts. And I knew exactly what my scent did to a vampire’s instincts. 
But still, the grip on my waist was bruising and I was having a hard time breathing. I tried to push him away , a bit but Mingyu merely moaned, nosing in deeper.
“You smell amazing.” He sounded punch drunk . 
Over his shoulders, I caught Jungkook’s gaze as he sat at the table next to us. He was frowning deeply. 
“You okay?” He mouthed and I nodded.  it was way too early to pull the plug on this. We hadn’t even sat down for dinner yet. 
I grabbed the arm around me hard and dug my nails into the skin. That made him recoil, pulling away with a wide eyed look of horror on his face. 
“Oh.,..Oh God... I’m so sorry.. I didn’t mean too... I’m so sorry...” he apologized over and over again but I could see the way his eyes flashed red, every few seconds. His hands trembled and shook like he couldn’t wait to get them on me again and my skin crawled at the very prospect of it. 
The guy had zero control. He couldn’t keep his shit together for a dinner date in public. 
My mind flashed to Jungkook, how he’d barely batted an eyelash even while he was  literally  drinking from me and by contrast Mingyu looked like a snot faced, sniveling brat , desperate to have something he wasn’t entitled too. 
I sighed in defeat, tamping down the urge to cry. 
I hated this. Hated men like Mingyu who couldn’t see past what I was. Who couldn’t think past the idea that they would finally be able to drink from me, if they got me on a date. 
“It’s alright. Should we order?” I said softly, my voice shaking just a little. i jumped when water spilled over my hands, Mingyu having knocked his glass over while reaching for the menu. 
“Oh..Oh no.. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry...” He stood up, trying to grab the glass but the water had already spilled across the table dripping over the edge to my dress.
My brand new, Dior dress. 
I turned, letting my  horrified, miserable eyes flit  to Jungkook.
I blinked, shocked at what I was seeing. 
Jungkook was laughing, hard. 
I fought the urge to grin myself as he grinned, shaking his head in disbelief, fingers pressed against his lips in sheer disbelief. 
Well, I suppose it was a little funny. 
Mingyu was on his feet, bowing over an over again muttering about how beautiful I was and how sorry he was and I decided to put him out of his misery. 
Standing up, I bowed politely and stepped away. 
“Mingyu ssi.... I think we should postpone this to another day.” I said gently.
He glanced at me, his eyes flashing red again and gaze dropping to my neck. Oh, for god’s sake. 
“Can I have a taste though?” He said hopefully, holding a hand out to touch me and I flinched when his fingers closed on my wrist. .He yanked hard and I shrieked when his fangs came out, ready to sink into my skin.  
Jungkook materialized between us like he’d been conjured out of thin air. He grabbed Mingyu’s wrist, squeezing till the younger boy howled in pain and yanked him back so hard I heard something pop in his shoulder. . 
“Hands to yourself, Young Mr. Kim. I believe the lady said she would like to call it a night.” Jungkook growled into his face and Mingyu flushed. 
“Yes..Yes of course.. As you wish, Ms. Hwang. Can I have your number? “ He whispered and oh god, this was just so excruciatingly embarrassing for everyone right now.. 
Jungkook stared down at him like he was an insect he’d accidently stepped on. 
“You have to the count of five to get the fuck out of here kid.” He said drily. 
Mingyu flushed even redder, bowing to me once more before grabbing his jacket and scarpering away. 
I stared after him, completely stunned. 
“Can you believe he’s going to be a lawyer?” I whispered. 
Jungkook’s eyes met mine. 
We both started laughing at the same time.
“This can’t be real. I refuse to believe, that what I witnessed was real.” Jungkook shook his head in disbelief as we waited for the valet to bring the car around.
I chuckled.
“You know what's actually unbelievable?  But true?” I said softly. 
Jungkook stared at me, eyebrows raised. 
“That is actually,  not  the worst first date I’ve had.” I admitted , grimacing. 
“Oh good god. “ He flinched. 
The valet arrived and I watched Jungkook head over to the driver side, before climbing in myself. I scrubbed the water stains on my dress after putting on the seat belt. Jungkook reached over, fixing something on my side of the dashboard and I held my breath as his shoulders brushed my breasts, the scent of his cologne filling my brain and turning it to mush. 
“so, what happened?” He asked settling back and I blinked. 
“Worst first date?” He prompted , pulling the car out into the driveway. 
“Oh... oh yeah. Freshman year of college. Agreed to date one guy...turned up at a hotel, he had three of his friends over.” I swallowed. “ They nearly killed me.”  
The car nearly veered off the pathway, Jungkook having gripped the steering wheel too hard and jolted it to the side.  
“Sera-  what? The sheer horror in his voice was palpable. 
“ They wanted a taste and I was an idiot back then I said okay just a taste for each of you...they were young...couldn’t control themselves .... so they just get drinking and well, I can usually let someone drink from me for a long time because my blood it sort of regenerates fast enough but...three people at the same time... I almost got exsanguinated.” 
“Jesus fuck.! tell me those bastards are dead...” He snarled. 
“My dad got them de-fanged.” I whispered. Jungkook flinched away as well. Being de-fanged was pretty much a death sentence because you couldn’t feed anymore. 
“Serves them right. Three of them...what the fuck.” Jungkook shook his head, jaw clenched. 
i swallowed.
“It’s kind of why I haven’t been with any Vampires. After that my dad got really protective of me and well, he doesn’t like the idea of me meeting  strangers. I was actually pre med back then. I couldn’t handle it. I quit and well, dad hired tutors for me and I got my degree in Childcare. And that’s okay. I love kids..” I laughed.
“You’re amazing with them. I’ve never seen Joowon this happy.” He said gently. 
“Its why I prefer staying with the clan. Only my family gets to feed from me occasionally because I don’t trust strangers to bite me, because they could lose control.”
The moment I said it, I regretted it. Jungkook’s eyes bore into me and i knew exactly what he was thinking. I didn’t trust people. Didn’t let anyone drink from me. 
And yet, I’d let Jungkook drink from me. He wasn’t family. He wasn’t even a friend. 
But he didn’t bring it up. instead he just sighed. 
“It’s not an excuse, you know. “ Jungkook said softly.
“Being young, its no excuse.  I’m not a born vampire which makes my instincts more potent and even dangerous but even in the first few months when I was turned... I never attacked anyone. Self control is a choice. That dude you met today... I doubt he gave a shit about you. Bastard just wanted a taste.... Could fucking see it in his eyes.” Jungkook sounded righteously upset on my behalf. 
“Now you know why I’m attracted to you.” I said softly. 
Jungkook froze. 
“Sera, -”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” I said quickly, hating myself. 
Jungkook didn’t reply. 
Cursing myself for ruining the mood, I cleared my throat.
“I still don’t have to be home for a couple of hours. We could go somewhere else...” I suggested softly.
Jungkook gave me a small smile.
“I’m your bodyguard, Sera. If you choose to go somewhere , I’m kind of obligated to follow you.” He reminded me. 
I flushed.
“Right.....yeah...yeah. of course.” I stumbled over the words, so reminiscent of Mingyu that I felt a little sick. 
“So where to, Ms. Hwang?” He said casually. 
“People can’t stop staring at us tonight .” Jungkook grumbled, glaring at a couple who had stopped their bicycles, just to gawk at him.
I laughed, tugging on his sleeve to pull him to a more secluded spot of the river bank, both of us looking distinctly out of place in a crowd of people dressed in comfortable clothes. 
 I hugged myself, watching the waves lap the river bank as I sat on a rickety wooden bench, a few dozen feet away from the water’s edge . The river looked especially picturesque today, reflecting the incandescent lights from Seoul’s skyline. 
“It’s because we’re dressed like we’re presenting at the Oscars.” I grinned at him and Jungkook’s lips quirked in a small smile. He stood by, glancing around at the people watching by, occasionally at the river as well. 
“This is nice. Do you come here often?” He asked , eyes skimming the city’s skyline , as he stuck his hands into his pockets. 
I hummed. 
“Sometimes. With Somi or Jimin. They like those ice lollies you get down the road.”  I smiled. “ I brought the kids here one weekend and they had a lot of fun.” 
Jungkook laughed.
“I bet they did. I should bring Joowon here someday.” He said thoughtfully. 
“ I could pack you guys some lunch.  Make it a picnic. “ I suggested and his gaze shifted to me thoughtful. 
“That won’t be necessary Ms. Hwang. I’m sure one of the cooks will be able to do it.” He said evenly and I tried not to let the words sting. 
“Of course.” I turned back to the river. 
For a few minutes we didn’t say anything. 
“Where were you? Before moving to Seoul?” I asked quietly. 
Jungkook hesitated before moving around to settle next to me on the bench. 
“Busan.” He said , staring out into the distance. “ I worked for a warlock there . For five decades nearly. His daughter was part vampire , part witch and well... I was lonely. “ His face showed a whole lot of regret, “ She had Joowon five years ago and tried to offer him as a blood sacrifice or something when he was born.” He grimaced. 
“She what?” I said stunned. 
He ran a palm over his face
"I didn’t want to do it but I had to kill her. Joowon was three months old and well, I had to quit my job soon after. Moved to one of the smaller villages nearby. Your father paid for my food and lodging. He wanted me to come over to the clan at once but I didn’t want to be a freeloader. When your father suggested you needed protecting, i thought it would be a good way to pay him back for everything.” He sighed. 
“Did you know who I was?” 
He gave me a look.
“Every Vampire with a dick knows who you are.” He said ith a dry smile and I flushed, looking away. 
“The most desirable of humans. The perfect mate. The unsullied jewel of the Hwang clan.” 
He was laughing now, eyes warm and fond in the fading light of dusk and I found myself completely bewitched. 
“Unsullied....” I shook my head. “ I can’t believe people know I’m a virgin.” 
Next to me Jungkook went completely still. 
I turned to him and there was no mistaking the stunned look on his face. 
“What?!” I said feeling like my face was on fire. “ I told you I’ve never been with a Vampire.” 
“I didn’t think you meant... “ He stopped, swallowing. “ Anyways its none of my business. Let’s talk about something else.” 
Something wicked began to stir inside me.
“I’m saving it for the right man.” I said softly. And then I turned to stare right at him, long enough to get the point across. 
He stiffened a bit more.
So i barreled on. 
“These bumbling fools who can’t string two words together in my presence....They don’t deserve someone like me, don’t you think?” I prompted. 
He swallowed again and I felt a sort of vindictive satisfaction. Just knowing that I affected him possibly just as much as he affected me. It soothed my bruised ego a bit, the way he refused to meet my eyes now, making up for his brutal rejection earlier. . 
“I deserve someone amazing, don’t you think Jungkook?” I pressed on and he finally looked at me, eyes blazing. 
“Only the best for you, princess.” He muttered  holding my gaze. and I tried to ignore the way the nickname made warmth bloom all over my skin. 
“Yes. Only the best. I don’t want any of these younglings with their fumbling hands and stammering words. I want a  man. Someone who knows how to put me  in my place.” 
Jungkook gripped the bench hard the old wood splintering under his strength and I bit my lips. 
“Someone who can be gentle, show me what I’ve been missing out on. Show me how good it can be with the right person, who can get me wet and wanting without even touching me...” 
He exhaled sharply at that 
“We should probably get-” he moved to get up but i was quicker. . 
Not so fast, Mr. Jeon. 
I scrambled over to him, climbing his lap and grinding down on him, before he could fully realize what I was doing. The impact took him by surprise and he grunted, settling back on the neck and hands gripping my thigh to stop me from toppling over. 
“Sera-what” he looked furious but i pressed a palm to his mouth. 
“Are you going to pretend you don’t understand what I’m asking for?” I demanded, heart pounding against my ribcage as I looped his tie over the wrist of my other hand, once , twice, giving it a yank so he had to bend over, his lips inches away from mine. 
“And exactly what are you asking for, princess ?” He whispered, his breath warm against my lips.
“A teacher. Someone who can show me the ropes.” 
“Ropes? For your first time....oh baby, you sure?” His eyes danced with mirth. 
Not entirely sure what he was implying, I just stared back at him.
“You can do it. You can be my  first. “ I brushed my lips against his, softly. it was barely a touch, hardly a kiss. 
Jungkook stared at me, his hands lightly squeezing my thighs  for one second, before falling to his sides again. 
“The only first I’m going to be,  is the first man to toss you into a fucking river, if you don’t get off me right now , Princess.” He said casually. 
I stared at him, refusing to budge and he stood up anyway 
i yelped, nearly landing on my butt before i managed to catch my balance. 
He made to walk away but i grabbed his arm, pulling him close. And it was ridiculous, the fact that he came closer, the fact that he let me grab his wrist, bring them up to my waist. 
“Please kiss me.” I begged. 
“You don’t want this.” He said softly, hands rising up to brush the hair off my forehead and I gripped his shoulders levering myself up to press a kiss to his lips.
It was quick, over before it even began. 
“That’s the only kind of kiss I’ve ever had. “ I said desperately “ It was a boy in college. He kissed me like that and then he asked me if he could bite me. I refused and he never talked to me again....”
“Sera...” He looked stricken and miserable and I let my fingers flutter to his collar, gripping it hard and yanking on it, feeling angry and upset and altogether miserable. 
How ridiculous...that men all over the country tripped over themselves to be with me and yet here I was, reduced to a pathetic begging mess just for one measly kiss from this man..... 
 “ I want to be kissed. I don’t know how it feels to be kissed..to be wanted for something other than the blood that flows in my veins.... I just want someone to kiss me because they want to...because I’m beautiful and precious and i deserve to be kissed and -” 
Fingers clamped over my arms, gipping me hard and almost lifting me off the ground as Jungkook pulled me up, my eyes fluttering shut just as his lips closed over mine, soft and tender and warm and wet and so delicious I couldn’t stop the moan that slipped out. 
I let my hands fall to his chest, the soft smooth silk of his shirt felt like heaven underneath my fingers and through the thin fabric i could feel his heart, pounding against his ribcage. I ran my fingers over his torso, the strong muscles flexing beneath my fingers and my fingers crept up to grip his upper arm, the coiled strength in his bicep making my legs quiver. 
He tasted like mint , his tongue licking the seam of my lips and begging entrance and my lips parted in surprise, the sensation so new and electrifying. 
I gasped when I felt his tongue tangling with mine as he pressed in closer. I groaned , almost forgetting to breathe when Jungkook’s  lower lips brushed mine, his teeth tugging the plump flesh of my lips harshly , biting down gently and my lips parted, giving him better access. He was so warm and strong and big and  i couldn’t get enough of him, my body wanting nothing more than to stay pressed against his for the rest of our lives. 
He used slow, subtle strokes of his tongue to taste me, gentle licks that made my head swim and it felt like I was drowning, in the heady taste of him . I felt weak as a kitten, my fingers scrambling up to grip his hair, tangling in the silky black locks, gripping to ground myself and i accidentally yanked a little too hard making him pull back, a little. 
 He laughed gently, right against my lips, the sound sexy and arousing and I groaned, chasing the taste of him and Jungkook obliged, nipping my lips again with his teeth , soft little pin pricks of pain and pleasure,  before laving the abused skin with his tongue. His hand came up to cup my cheek, holding me in place as he kissed me deeper . 
 I could feel myself go weak in the knees, stumbling into him and he wrapped one arm around my waist holding my body up as he nibbled and teased and drove me insane with his touch. 
Jungkook’s hand slipped, from my cheek, down to my neck, his fingers brushing back and forth on my bare shoulder before moving down, lightly gently brushing my breast . 
I melted, gasping as he shaped the swell of my breast with his hand, thumb rubbing gently against the tip till my nipples pebbled up and I felt a sob build up, pulling away from him to catch my breath, gripping him hard and burying my face in his shoulders, overwhelmed and shaking. 
“Darling... you alright?” Jungkook whispered, hands reaching up to stroke the back of my head and i clung to him, wrecked. 
“Please don’t let me go.” I panicked when he made to move away and he froze at once, drawing me closer, hugging me tighter.
“I’m right here princess. You’re going to be okay.” His voice rumbled through my body and I willed myself to stop shaking but i couldn’t. 
“What did you do to me...?” I asked hoarsely, my body thrumming. 
He laughed, voice low and tinkling. 
“I kissed you. You begged me to kiss you and I obliged.” He teased. 
I shook my head against the fabric of his shirt, clutching his waist harder. 
“That was not a kiss.” I snapped. “ That was...That was....attempted murder.”  
 Jungkook laughed harder at that, 
“Take deep breaths, darling. Relax.... You’re going to be okay. Just catch your breath you’ll be fine.” He kissed the top of my head, gentle and fond and I closed my eyes. 
“I need a few more minutes.” I said softly. 
“ I’m right here. “ He whispered. 
Jungkook turned the car off and we both sat in the silence, staring straight ahead into the murky waters of the river. I was still in shock, my brain rendered entirely useless from one single kiss.
 He had kissed me senseless. 
“I can’t give you what I want.” He said gently. 
I bit my lips.
“I’ll take whatever you’re willing to give.” I whispered. 
He made a sound, a sharp little exhale.
“Fuck, Sera...you’re killing me.” He swore. 
I clenched my fists. I was so scared, that this would be yet another rejection and I just knew that I couldn’t live without his kisses. Not now, when I knew just how amazing they were. 
“I’m serious. I... I won’t ask you to court me or do any of that serious stuff. Just.. Just want you to touch me. Keep touching me. And kissing me. ” I finished stupidly. 
Jungkook laughed a little.
“God, you’re so young... I feel like the worst kind of man for wanting this so fucking much.” 
I felt my heart soar at that. it was the first time he’d acknowledged wanting me and i reveled in it. 
“If we’re going to do this, I need you to understand exactly what you’re getting into.” He said softly. 
I felt my heart begin to pound, a steady thrum that was so loud in my ears that I couldn’t fathom how he couldn’t hear it. 
“This is going to be physical. Only physical. I don’t want you to dream of something that isn't going to happen. “ He said sternly. 
I nodded. 
It sounded like a recipe for a disastrous heartbreak but if i could get more kisses like the one I’d just had.... well, maybe I could deal with it when it happened. 
“I’m the one who gets to decide when , where and how.” He turned to look at me and I met his gaze. “ i won’t have you trying to climb me in the mansion in front of everyone.” 
i flushed. 
“Fine. “ I snapped. 
“You don’t stop meeting your potential suitors. You don’t turn them down without cause.” 
I groaned.
“Jungkook...” i began but he held a hand up. 
“Not all of them are going to be incompetents fools, Sera. There’s a guy out there good enough for you. “ He insisted ,  “  I’ll warm your bed till you find him, because you’re beautiful and I’m fucking weak” He shook his head, laughing without mirth, “ but... I won’t have you ruining your chances of making a worthy match. “ 
I nodded. 
“Alright. Anything you say.” 
He gave me another long look before starting the car. 
“Okay. My room, tomorrow. After 11.00PM. Wear something I can take off easily.” He said drily. 
I felt the grin creeping into my face, wide and shameless and he groaned. 
Author’s Note : Jeon Junkook ssi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A chapter inspired entirely by jeon jungkook’s nipple in that blue shirt. 
293 notes · View notes
hookingminor · 3 years
Can you please write with Pierre Luc Dubois, fluff “have you ever thought about how much worse our lives would be without each other?” and smut “next time we get into an argument, i’m reminding you that i took your virginity.” Thank you 😘😘
43. “Have you ever thought about how much worse our lives would be without each other?”
10. “Next time we get into an argument, i’m reminding you that i took your virginity.”
warnings (18+): mentions of sex/loss of virginity
Pierre had been in your life for as long as you could remember. You two had been inseparable as children and throughout middle school, but the drifting started once you’d reached high school.
You were still friends, though. Your parents hung out frequently and you saw him enough in school, but he was on the path to professional hockey and you were heading towards the local university.
Feelings changed as did bodies. Pierre was no longer the scrawny boy you thought of as a brother but now a man whose figure had definitely filled out. Being sixteen had changed your view of him, painting Pierre in a romantic light rather than a brotherly one, but you were no longer close enough to do anything about it.
You ran in different crowds. He always skipped class, you hated his friends, but there was too much history for you to let him go completely.
When he got drafted and moved to Columbus, you thought your crush would fizzle out if you didn’t have to see him all the time, but it did the exact opposite. Your father made a point to catch every Blue Jackets game, often getting together with Pierre’s father to watch them. You couldn’t forget him if you tried.
You weren’t sure what had changed that first summer after. Pierre came back after his first season with the Eagles and you came back from your first year of college. Without the confines of high school around you anymore, you easily fell back into being friends again. The only difference was that instead of teasing you, Pierre’s chirps turned more flirtatious than normal.
Friends turned into a fleeting summer romance, and after sneaking out late one night to the lake, you woke up tangled in the bed of his truck. Your clothes were strewn in the corners, only your bare skin against each other underneath the thick covers Pierre had decorated the bed with.
He went into the night hoping to take your relationship to the next level, and you had been ready to give him the one thing no one else would ever have.
It was uncomfortable at first, awkward even, but Pierre had eased your nerves and taken his time. He was the perfect gentleman, caring and sweet, wanting to make your first time worth it. And it was.
The rest of the summer was spent rolling around in bed sheets or the back of Pierre’s car, but you knew it wouldn’t last forever. You didn’t ask for more, Pierre didn’t ask you to be his girlfriend, and he was off to Columbus again when autumn came back around.
You weren’t heartbroken or anything. You knew your lives were too different for anything permanent between you two, but that didn’t stop you from falling into his bed every time he came back in the summer. A few months of heated passion. That’s all you had.
Things changed again when Pierre was traded to Winnipeg, and suddenly he was back in your life again. Year round, not just for the summer.
He didn’t treat you like a meaningless fling. You thought he would pull away since he was going to be around more often, but the first hug he pulled you into when you visited him after the trade did the exact opposite. It was middle school all over again except you were ten years older.
The sex became less frequent as you began spending more of your time with him just hanging out rather than ripping each other’s clothes off. You had movie nights, went to his games, chirped his bad fashion taste, and made early morning trips to the market.
The upcoming season sent Pierre’s nerves through the roof.
It was his first full season with the Jets, and he was still in the middle of finding his place on the team. Not to mention his whole family was in Winnipeg, and it felt more stressful trying to impress them when they were just down the road and not hundreds of miles away.
And as his friend, you packed up your father’s truck with all the necessities for a night away: blankets, pillows, cheap beer, favorite snacks, and your bluetooth speaker.
You nearly dragged Pierre out of his house and into the truck, driving him out of the city and to that same lake you used to sneak away to when you were kids. Pierre protested the entire way, claiming he needed to be getting ready for the season, but you only turned the music up louder every time he opened his mouth.
He finally quieted down when you parked the car on the beach.
“I haven’t been here in years,” Pierre said after you opened the tailgate and propped yourself on it. He joined you and took the beer you offered from your hands, cracking it open and taking a long swig.
“I think the last time I was here I was with you,” you nodded.
The lake was quiet, as it usually was after sunset, the only sounds between you were the cicadas and hushed rolling of the waves. Soft music played over your speaker, and you reveled in the silence for a few minutes.
“Have you ever thought about how much worse our lives would be without each other?” Pierre asked after a while.
Cocking your head towards him, you raised your brows. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, I was just thinking,” he shrugged. “You’ve been in my life for as long as I can remember. Not a lot of people would know how to get me out of my own head like you.”
The last part caused a smile to tug at your lips, and you bumped your shoulder against his. “Not a lot of people would be able to put up with me, so I guess I’m pretty glad to have you in my life too.”
“The first time we were out here,” you continued on, “I was so fucking nervous. Like, so jittery and anxious, and you helped me out then. This is me returning the favor.”
“No offense, but I don’t think the situations are comparable,” Pierre chuckled. The first time you were out here, he took your virginity. All he was doing was moving to a new school, basically.
“No,” you agreed, “but you’re my friend, so I’m trying to help.”
“I was nervous that first time too, if you must know,” Pierre commented, and you sent him a curious glance.
“Why? I know that wasn’t your first time,” you wondered.
“It wasn’t, but I’d never…” Pierre paused to try and gather his thoughts. “I didn’t care about the other girls like I cared about you. I wanted you to feel special and I didn’t want to hurt you or anything.”
“Well, if you must know,” you repeated his words. “It was about as perfect as a first time could have been.”
“I thought you were going to hate me when I left,” he added.
“I could never hate you, P,” you said. “You were the first guy I had a crush on, first guy I probably loved, actually. You were my best friend before you were… my first time. I don’t think I’m capable of hating you.”
“You were the first girl I ever loved,” he said. “But it’s good to know you could never hate me since I was your first.” He had a teasing smile on his face when he said that last part, and you bumped his shoulder harder this time, causing him to slosh his beer.
“That’s not what I said.” You rolled your eyes, but his grin didn’t falter.
“Next time we get into an argument, I’m reminding you that I took your virginity,” Pierre said. “Since, you know, you can’t hate me.”
“Never said I couldn’t try to hate you,” you emphasized. “Keep it up or I might be tempted to test that theory.”
Slinging an arm over your shoulders, he pulled you into his side. “I don’t think you’re capable of it,” he said, agreeing with your previous statement. “And because I love you, I’ll let it drop.”
“Wow, so courteous of you.”
“I know. I’m just filled with good manners.”
A few more minutes of silence passed.
“You know, I’m still feeling a little anxious…” Pierre started, nuzzling his nose against your cheek as his lips brushed over your jaw. “Wanna help me calm down?”
And, well, who were you to say no? You did have a favor to return.
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gotnofucks · 4 years
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Paring: dark!August Walker x Reader
Summary: Your surrender to him would ensure the safety of the world.
Words: 2.9k
Warnings: Non-con/Dub-con, smut, violence, blackmail and manipulation, 18+ ONLY
The doorman helped you out of the car, your hand firmly clasped in his gloved one as you steadied your feet in your high heels. The cold made gooseflesh rise on your arms and back, the little hair standing up in the breeze. You clutch your coat closer, following your escort inside the hotel and exhaling deep in the elevator. You were nervous, not something unfamiliar. But you were also scared, something that could prove fatal in your line of work.
As the elevator dinged, announcing the top floor that opened in front of you, you almost didn’t step out. The whole thing felt off, the bodice of your dress hugging you tight and making it difficult to breath. And yet when your escort waved you forward, you followed behind him, the floor length skirt of your dress softly swishing on the marble floors and your heels tick-tocking against them.
The man led you past a number of unmarked doors before stopping before an ornately carved doorway, intricate vines twisting on its surface to form a beautiful design. The man gave three sharp knocks and pushed the door open, bowing a little as you entered but not following. The clicking shut of the door made you flinch, and you looked around at the room in awe.
It was a beautiful room, large with the opposite wall made completely of glass, the night sky twinkling at you as the distant city lights burned small like tiny candle flames. There was a round table in the center of the room, draped in silver and black silk tablecloth and set with two chairs. Against the right wall sat a large four poster bed similarly laid in black sheets and sheer white curtains tied to the posts.
You swallowed uneasily, walking inside with as little noise as possible. The invitation, glittery silver ink on black polished paper burning a hole inside your handbag. It was worded so wisely, disguised as a dinner invitation, and yet bearing the marks of someone who could destroy your life. The code was easy to break, and as you read between the polite lines of invitation and gazed at the secret code for your covert mission, your hands trembled. You don’t tremble much. You learnt not to when you joined this task force as an agent.
And yet, the knowledge that someone knew about you and your mission made your fingers curl up for warmth inside your palm. The future of millions was depending on this mission, and this mission depended on you. If you failed, the world would fall, and you will live the rest of your life bearing the blood of endless lives on your soul.
When he stepped out from the shadows that concealed the door behind them, you gasped. Maybe you shouldn’t be surprised, but you were. The blue green eyes you had looked at everyday for the past few months gazed back at you, amused, analyzing.
“Hello Agent, a fine evening isn’t it?”
August had always been polite, always sincere. He was the one person you thought was innocent in this whole operation. He was just a CIA operative; he was an agent who got recruited into something they didn’t know the truth about. Yet, he stood before you with a smile gracing his lips beneath that bushy mustache and the dimple on his chin barely visible under his beard. He was donning a sharp black suit matching with the room esthetics, and he cocked his head at you, pulling out a chair as an offer.
“You look lovely, let me take that coat.”
You let him remove your coat, rubbing your arms as you silently took the seat he offered. In this large room, with the dark décor, his huge beefy body made him appear sinister, like a dragon who was overlooking his hoard.
“I didn’t expect you.” You commented, taking a sip of the water in front of you. Just like that, your fear was gone. The nerves before the mission vanished as you came back into your element. The field was your battleground, and you knew you owned it. August smiled, sitting across from you.
“Oh, I know, and that was your mistake. Or maybe it was my success. I am not completely innocent but –”
“– you don’t exactly scream a genocidal maniac either.” You completed for him. He was good.
August Walker walked the fine line when it came to being an agent. While he was courteous and polite, he was also easy to anger. You’d seen him in action, fighting off men twice his bulk with barely an effort, the faintest tinge of amusement in his eyes as he watched them bleed. Espionage was a rough life, and many agents went in over their head to deal with the bloodshed and cruelty they witnessed. You didn’t think he was naïve, but you also didn’t think him evil.
“Where did I go wrong?” You asked him, genuinely curious. You were so meticulous with everything; each move you made was calculated. You had to be brilliant to be handed a mission as important as this.
August splayed his hands on the table that was curiously empty of any food, only two glasses of water and two empty wine glasses with a bottle of wine sitting in the center.
“Nowhere truly. You were so fascinating to look at though. In fact, I think that had I not been looking so closely at you, I would have missed the little signs.” His voice was smooth and soft, level. Eyes never leaving yours, but then again, they barely left you before. You knew he was watching you, but you had thought it was natural for someone to keep an eye on the new addition of the team.
“Little signs?”
“The first time I noticed something was when you tapped that tattoo near the crook of your elbow. You did that often, I though it was a nervous tick. I thought it was cute.” He continued, and both your eyes strayed to the small Celtic shield tattoo that was inked over the scarred skin hiding the small chip under your skin. Your eyes met his and he smirked.
He had known all those times you touched it to send out messages in morse code, to send out locations. He had known, but never let on.
“What else?” You wanted to know, if only to stall the rising trepidation in your belly. Did you compromise everyone in your team?
“Your eyes.” He said, almost breathlessly and for a moment it became difficult to maintain the eye contact. “Your eyes were such a lovely shade when I first saw you, sparkling. I love how expressive they are, how they seem to glitter. But when you wore the smart lenses, they seemed different. Maybe not to others, but to me. I knew exactly where you have flecks in your eyes, the lenses shielded them.”
You found yourself gulping as you heard him spoke, the passion in his voice thrilling you as much as it terrified you. His gaze on you had never been just analytical. It was fanciful. It was observant. He didn’t look at you like an agent, he looked at you with the hunger of a wolf.
“What do you want August?” You finally asked him, unsure what he wanted from you.
“First, I want you to take off those earrings and crush them.” He said, sitting back on his chair and raising a brow. You stiffly followed his command, pulling off your earrings and crushing the pearl on top of it with the edge of the glass, including the G.P.S tracker inside. August seemed pleased and he nodded, coming forward to take the bottle of wine and pouring you a generous amount.
“I don’t want to remove the chip as long as you promise not to touch it. The blood, it would ruin the mood wouldn’t it?” He asked while cocking his head, taking his wine glass, and clinking it with yours.
“You did not call me here do drink wine and just talk. What do you want?” You snap at him, irrigation bubbling in your gut. The twitching mustache whenever he smirked, that irked you.
He crossed his hand over his chest, licking his lips as his eyes dropped from your fiery eyes to your pursed lips, and from there to your cleavage.
“I want you to give up your mission” He said. The unsaid ‘and’ in there made you arch your brow in question. “And I want you to surrender to me.”
You leaned your elbows on the table, scrunching your nose as you said with as much venom as you could muster, “No. And no. I’d rather die than let you destroy innocent lives for your misguided idea of peace.”
The flash of teeth told you he expected that answer. Taking a sip of his wine he rolled that gulp in his mouth before swallowing, your eyes following the movement of this Adam’s apple.
“Well then, we negotiate.” He offers and pointedly looks at your wine glass. You touch it lightly with his and gulp in a mouthful, trying to keep your nerves steady. This was still your battlefield; you could still win.
“You want to negotiate a terrorist attack?” You asked him with the smallest of smile, and he returned you a bigger one.
“Call it a proposition. I’ll stand back on the attack as long as you agree to surrender to me”.
You blinked, confused, and caught off guard. You drowned your wine, taking deep breaths to calm yourself.
“And by surrender you mean?”
You knew what he meant. He had admitted to you that he was watching you. He spoke to you like he knew you. His eyes raked over your figure in a way that seemed to go deeper than the skin. You watch him stand up and come over to your side, sitting on the table edge in front of you.
“You know what I mean. I want your complete surrender. You have five minutes to decide.” The amused tilt to his voice raised your hackles and you nervously looked over your shoulder.
“Five minutes?” You asked and he chuckled.
“You had to have known that your wine had poison in it.”
You stood up from your chair so fast it toppled. You glanced at your empty wine glass and then to August. Was he lying? But even as you toyed with that thought you could feel sweat building above your lip and hairline, breathing getting just a tad bit harder. Your eyes widened and you stuck a finger down your throat, trying to vomit.
“Won’t help, its already in your blood. You just need to decide if you’d rather be mine or rather be dead.” August said, just sitting and watching your frantic movements. You panted, eyes closing as you fought to think clearly. It was not a difficult decision to make. You opened your eyes, glaring at him as he played with a small vial of what you were sure was the antidote.
“Well sweetness, what will it be? Me, or the cold arms of death?” He asked.
You walked up to him, taking hold of his lapels to pull him closer and slapped him hard.
“You bastard.” You spat. “Give me the antidote.”
You reached for the small glass bottle, but August pushed you away with a firm hand on your shoulder. He looked mischievous, your suffering a source of amusement for him.
“Not so fast.” He tutted. “You need to surrender sweetness, and the first thing to go will be that pride.”
With that, he unbuckled his belt and quickly undid the button on his pants, eyes on you the whole time. You watched in bafflement as he lowered his boxers to bring out his semi-erect cock from within, a closed fist stroking it slowly.
“On your knees.” He commanded, and with a flick of his finger snapped open the bottle and poured some antidote on his now hard cock. “You don’t have much time. You want to live? Get down on your knees and suck.”
The burning in your lungs increased both with the poison and humiliation as you sank down to your knees, the will to live making you waste little time to come forward and put your mouth around him. Your tongue laved at him, catching the bitter essence of the antidote, and eagerly looking for more. He let you do it your way for a while before fisting your hair and jerking you hard, forcing his tool deep inside your mouth.
You moaned as he stretched your lips around himself, the girth of him too wide for comfort. You tried to breath through your nose, tongue moving around for the left-over antidote sticking on his skin.
“Suck sweetness, suck like you mean it. Your world depends on how good you put that mouth to use.” He said groaning, thrusting in your mouth with vigor. You did as he commanded, hollowing your cheeks, and sucking gently, swirling your tongue as you bobbed your head. You pulled away, gasping, and then poking at his slit with your tongue, tasting his musky precum.
August pulled you up by your neck, pushing and moving behind until you fell and landed on the soft mattress of the bed. He climbed over you, pants discarded and shirt unbuttoned, a maniac gleam in his lust blown eyes.
“Please, the antidote.” You begged. You hated pleading but you love breathing more. As you reached out a hand, August took it in his and kissed your fingers before kissing the inside of your wrist. You shivered, his gentle caresses making you respond despite your revulsion.
He brough the antidote to his own mouth, taking in a mouthful and then lowered his mouth to yours. You parted your lips, allowing him to transfer the life saving liquid into your mouth and you swallowed. His tongue invaded your mouth, swirling inside and your hands grabbed his shoulder and hair, pulling him closer. The possibility of dying had you clinging to the only source in this room that made you feel alive in this moment.
“I hate you!” You mumbled against his lips, pulling on his mustache with your teeth and he chuckled. His hands lowered the straps of your dress, lips following to suck a mark into your skin.
“You can hate me, but you cannot leave me. Your precious world stays intact, as long as you do what I say.”
You let him take control, moans spilling from your mouth unbidden at the pleasure he wrecked on your mind and body. You slyly moved your hand down, letting it drag down your side along the slit in your dress to grasp your thigh holster. August’s hand reached the knife strapped to your thigh just as yours did, his lips smiling against your skin as he grabbed it.
“Oh sweetness, you wring my heart with your strength.” He locked his gaze on yours, using your own knife to cut your dress in the middle and bare you to his eyes. The small scars that you received over the years in your service littered your body, and you groaned when he traced them softly.
As his bare body folded over yours, you let your thoughts fly away. You surrendered to his whims and your basic nature, nails digging in his back as he held you close and entered you slowly. You moved in tandem, meeting every one of hit thrusts with a raise of your hips, lips molded over his and curses flowing between both of you.
The ridges of his cock scratched your walls and made you whimper, the sheer size of him taking away your breath. You felt so full, full of August. In that moment, he occupied your body and your thoughts. Your hands roamed his sweaty body, heels digging in his strong back as he powered into you. The delicious burn of his beard left red scratches around your nipples and neck, his hands holding you tight enough to burn their shape in your body.
You convulsed around him, his finger mashing your clit making you soar over the cliff and fall into a valley of pleasure, lightning bolts racing across your back. He was still thrusting, forcing you to look at him as he emptied inside you. As he rolled over and you caught your breath, he tossed you the remaining antidote which you gulped swiftly.
You watched him pant, his hairy chest glistening with sweat. The raw power of his body, the pleasure he just delivered both embarrassed and excited you. You knew you must surrender, must compromise yourself if that was what would take for the world to survive.
“You may own my body, even my mind at times. But don’t think I’ll ever surrender my heart.” You told him and he laughed, reaching over to hold your arm in his, pressing a soft kiss first to both your cheeks and then lips.
“You know I can’t resist a challenge sweetness.” He said. You watched in fascinated horror as his fingers hovered over your tattoo, looking at you with glittering eyes. He tapped out a short message that made your heart stutter and then your knife was pressed into your skin, digging deep to pull out the chip as your screamed.
She’s Mine
His bloody fingers cupped your face, pulling you closer to nuzzle you in his warmth.
“Just surrender to me, and the world will wake up to see another day.”
Tags: @what-is-your-wish​ @shooting-star-love​ @stanmysoul​ @sweeterthanthis​ @scentedsongrebel​ @muralskins​ @rayofdawnworld @agniavateira​ 
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kandyrezi · 3 years
*slips u a chocolate* spare yan siralos hcs pwease?
[ ♡ / ♢ ] Yandere!Siralos HCs.
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(a/n: thank you for requesting my sun hubby ;o hehe. the god & devil groups are def my favorite characters to write for! ...it's so hot here though (like 34 degrees celsius) i feel a bit delirious writing this tbh.... )
- : - : - : - : - : - : -
» Siralos is a controlling and delusional yandere. It’s rare for him to fall for another, especially someone of lower status than himself. He typically does not mingle with anyone who doesn’t hold his interest for more than three or four minutes, so it can be a challenge to get his attention in the first place - yet, imagine the wonder when the situation is reversed and the sun god keeps trying to slither his way into your personal space, trying to make you pay attention to him.
» He is not modest with prosperity in the slightest. Siralos is convinced he can make you fall for him, he is nothing but relentless in his pursuit to woo you, but in a fair, courteous manner. Nothing seems wrong at first, you wouldn’t even know he was hiding any sinister intentions beneath his charming, polite gestures.
» In contrast to most yanderes, the sun god wouldn’t kidnap you so much as he would simply lure you into his home, disguising it as an invite for you to come sightseeing his world. It’s filled with intricate, mosaic glass windows inside the main palace, one of the many suns reflecting their colors and making a pathway on the marble-tiled flooring. Beautiful stained glass decorated the top, making it even prettier with light pouring in. Stone pillars holding up the ceiling - decorated with engraved ornaments - on both sides of the main entrance halls, and he thinks about how he wants to keep you and your adoration in this moment forever, as he enveloped his gloved hand with your own.
» Do you swear in earnest to stay with him forever? If yes, then you’ve made him so pleased. He promises in return to make you happiest you can be. If not, then... he’s not discouraged in the slightest, he can always try again. What’s a tale of romance after all without some inevitable cracks in the road along its way?
» It’s only after you eventually (and once you’ve gazed at the sun for too long it’s left you blindsighted with enamour) give in to the charismatic god and promise you’ll stay with him in the world of sun forever does something begin to change, bit by bit.
» Gone is suddenly his sweet, endearing demeanor. He becomes instead much more demanding; forcing you to behave exactly how he wants you to, going along with every song and dance without questioning him or his motives. At the beginning of your meeting, he was the one worshipping you, but now he’s somehow turned the tables and essentially turned you into his personal possession. Your relationship is more like one of a master/servant type - while that’s not to say he’s incapable of treating you like you’re on equal level with him, but he already knows his place and expects you to do the same.
» He acts as if taking you in is a privilege he’d granted for you and you should feel honored. He has not a single doubt in his mind you’ll come to agree with him on that. You don’t like his sudden change in personality, but you’ll quickly come to learn he does not like to be questioned.
» “You said it yourself when you promised to be here with me forever…” he taps a patient finger on the table as he looks at you with a steely, stoic gaze, the palace behind eclipses one of the suns behind it, casting shadow over his face, “...Or am I misremembering? Are you really going back on your word now?”
» Siralos would rather have you praising and pampering him, but he also has a way with words, saying how he adores having you here like a poet does with his muse, the romantic mysticism is almost enough to make you forget he isn’t the kind deity he really presents himself as.
» (You couldn’t possibly ever guess how he’s lonely despite having created a beautiful, radiant world and lucent angels to surround him always. Why is it not enough - there are parts of him that’ll remain a concealed mystery even to you.)
» If you go against him, he only gives you a warning not to cross him ever again, and never gives out second chances either - his piercing glare is intimidating enough to get you to submit to him. Siralos is a very “you’d rather die than be with me? then die.” kind of yandere. He has a short fuse concerning your attitude towards him and lets you know as such. He isn’t exactly forgiving of misbehavings, so it’s better to just give in.
» After he’s essentially done threatening to kill you, he turns around to walk away, but not before he tells you, “Now, be sweet and go ask Igls to make some tea for us, so we can sit in the parlor and enjoy the company of one another as lovers should. Maybe that’ll make you stop moping and get those nuanced thoughts out of your head, dear, it doesn’t suit you in the slightest.”
» It’s going to take some work (if your words are believable and actions genuine), but it isn’t impossible to pry out the sun god’s more lenient, gentler side and you’ll be showered with the affection you were momentarily so afraid of receiving before. (‘Whatever for, my evening glow?’ he would ask if you were to voice these thoughts out loud, and you even then hear the subtle threat in your own head.)
» Never would you have guessed sunlight could be so violent - it could warm your skin as much as it could burn it from painful blisters to dust if you were not careful.
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
You writing is soo cool, you're amazing! I don't know if you are taking requests, but what about a famous Y/N and meets professor Harry and he is like "I don't want to teach you, you are famous" and she is like "you are going to teach me and fall in love with me😏" and well, idk the idea just came to my mind and I thought of you to write it hahaha. Love your writing, keep doing it 'cause you are great!
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 Word Count: 9,443 LONG AS SHIIIIT
WARNING: FILTHY SMUT!!!!!!!! (I put ******** before and after the smut so you can skip if you’d like
A/N: Thank you SOO much to @mylittleangel9403 for this request and I’m SOOOO sorry it took so long. Turned out a lot longer than I anticipated. Not sure if you wanted this to be smutty, but I just couldn’t help myself. Also, shoutout to @gwenlovesharrystyles for the help on this imagine! Much appreciated!!Enjoy!
Requests are OPEN! If you have a request for a blurb, oneshot, imagine, whatever, Send me a message HERE!!!
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Professor Styles
“Ma’am, respectfully, I’m not sure this is a good idea,” Harry leaned forward in his chair, fingertips pressed together, aware of the large presence that sat beside him, his voice almost a whisper. “We’re already several classes deep, and as you know, my class is very difficult. She’ll be at a disadvantage going in, not to mention the students already in my class. The distraction isn’t fair for them.”
“Professor Styles, I don’t need to tell you how much this means to our University. I understand your concern, and I have every faith in you to help miss Y/L/N catch up to speed and keep your students in-check.”
He could feel the eyes of the famous singer on him as she uncrossed her legs and sat straighter in her chair. In his peripheral, he could see her burly manager, who stood in the back against a wall, take a step closer behind them like a bodyguard waiting to pounce. But for some reason, Harry had the distinct impression that Y/N could do without protection. He thought she was tough enough.
“Sir,” Y/N spoke softly and respectfully. Harry turned, seeing a reflection of yellow in her eyes as the sun shone through the window onto them, and he couldn’t help but think she was putting on an act for the Dean. “I know that the circumstances are...unusual. But, I promise I will do everything in my power to not cause any distraction in your class. I’ll sit in the back if that helps. Whatever it takes.”
The young professor took a deep breath, taking in her words. He looked around the room in thought, feeling everyone’s attention on him all the while. Some of the rumors about her seemed to ring true. Y/N had this energy about her that made it difficult to focus or think straight. She hardly took her eyes off of him throughout this entire meeting.
Harry sighed in defeat and nodded, “Alright. I trust she’ll be given the syllabus and information on everything she’ll need for my class?” he asked the Dean.
But before the Dean could respond, Y/N chirped, “I’ve already gotten it and I’m prepared to start next week.”
“Well, that’s settled, then,” the Dean grinned, victoriously, “Welcome to our school, Miss Y/L/N. Unless you have any more questions, you are free to go.”
Y/N stood up with a smile, followed by the Dean and professor. She stuck out a hand and shook them, saying, “Thank you so much. I look forward to starting on Tuesday.”
Her burly manager opened the door for her and she began to make her way out. And as Harry collected his things to leave, the Dean quipped, “Oh, Professor Styles. Before you head to your next class, I’d like to speak to you for a moment.”
Harry watched as Y/N closed the door behind her, almost certain he saw a wink, before setting his things back down and taking a seat once more. He listened as the Dean encouraged him to do all that he can to ensure Y/N had a good experience here, explaining how big of a deal this was and how Y/N taking his class might encourage more students to enroll.
Harry listened, respectfully, but wanted nothing more than to roll his eyes. It annoyed him that he was expected to baby Y/N and bend to her will solely because she was a rich and famous singer, and he refused to play a part in that. If she wanted success in his class, she would need to earn it just like the rest of his students.
When they finished their conversation, he was already running late for his next class. Again, he collected his things and made his way out of the office. As he speed-walked through the administration, he was surprised to see Y/N still there, sat on a chair beside her burly manager, talking. When she noticed him, she instantly jumped to her feet and raced up to him.
“Hey,” she said, simply, keeping his pace as they continued out of the administration building and into the main campus.
“I’m running late to my next class, Miss Y/L/N. Did you have a question, or can this wait?”
Her voice was so flippant that it bordered arrogance, “Just wanted to thank you again for letting me join your class this late into the semester.”
“It’s not me you should thank. I don’t agree with it and I won’t baby you. You’ve got a lot of catching up to do. I suggest you start reading your books so you’re not lost in my next class. Your classmates have worked hard to get to where they are and I’d hate for you to be the reason for a halt in their progress.”
“I think you’ll find that not to be the case.”
She was so smug that it caught him off guard. The looming of her large manager two paces behind him as they hustled down the walkway was even more noticeable now, along with the many whispers and stares as they continued. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye, perplexed.
He debated whether to ask, not sure if he wanted to know the answer. Not wanting to show any sign of weakness or that he’d entertain her malarky. But his curiosity got the better of him.
“Miss Y/L/N, why are you taking my class?”
“Why not?” she smirked in response.
He sighed, annoyed that he was even going along with this, “We both know you don’t need to go to school, especially for Advanced Musical Theory. Why are you only taking my class?”
Her voice was softer and more sincere this time as she spoke, “I’ve always been interested in Music Theory and wanted to take it before my career kicked off. And I heard you were one of the best teachers in your field.”
For a split second, in that moment of sincerity, he thought he might have just seen her, the real her, behind all the fame and money and act. But her innocence faltered as she quickly shuffled in front of him, making Harry fumble to a stop.
Her eyes were more seductive now as she hushed, “Besides, I heard about how hot you were and I needed to see it for myself. And I’m not disappointed,” she looked at him through her eyelashes.
Harry could feel the warmth rise to his cheeks, extremely aware of her manager’s presence behind him and the few students nearby, staring. He was sure his face was bright red right now as Y/N’s smirk only seemed to grow.
Harry was aware of his reputation around campus for being the ‘hot teacher’. He wasn’t a stranger to the gossip or the occasional student trying to make a pass at him. And, honestly, his ego enjoyed it. But he’d never crossed that line with a student before and she would be no exception.
He did his best to compose himself and continued past her, Y/N following behind, “I’ll ignore that and just give you fair warning,” he started, “My class is hard and you will not be given special treatment just because you’re famous. I promised the dean I’d get you caught up, and I will. Your class is every Tuesday, and you can meet me in my office after each lesson for an hour for the next few weeks until we get you up-to-date on what you’ve missed. I will not play into your games.”
“Yes, Sir,” she pouted, teasingly, and again, jumped in front of him, holding a hand out and smiling, “Looking forward to next Tuesday.”
Harry looked at her suspiciously, pausing for a moment before ultimately giving in and taking her hand in his. But before he could respond, she pulled herself closer to him. So close that she was practically whispering in his ear.
“But just to warn you, not only will I ace your class, but by the end of the semester, I’ll make you call in love with me.”
Her breath was so hot and her words were so unexpected that he stood there, stunned, while she pulled away, winked, and walked back towards her bodyguard, heading back from where they just came from. She waved to a few students that recognized her, and she looked back once to blow a discreet kiss before she rounded a corner and was out of sight.
Harry watched after her, stunned at her assertiveness while people were watching. But he shook it off and continued to his class, mentally preparing himself to break the news to his students.
The anxiety in the week leading up to the start of Y/N’s first official day in Professor Styles’ class was becoming more frequently accompanied by the Dean’s constant checking in on him to make sure everything was ready, more students visiting or showing up to class, and even more excited whispers. Harry, on the other hand, did his best to push it aside, not getting what all the fuss was about.
He had done his best to prepare his students for their newly joined classmate, even sending out mass reminder emails to those in his class to please be courteous and warning them to avoid distraction. But when he pulled up to the school that day, he noticed more students than normal just hanging around, scanning all over campus like they were scouting for something.
Harry quickly realized that they were waiting to catch a glimpse at the famous singer and he snorted, rolling his eyes. Kids were so predictable. He slipped his lanyard with his ID around his neck, grabbed hold of his coffee and briefcase, and got out of his car, heading towards his classroom.
The Professor smiled and nodded at the students that greeted him in the hallway, proud that he knew each of them by name, continuing to his class. He knew his students would already be there, by now. Harry was usually always a few minutes late and he assumed that it gave his students more than enough time to ogle their new addition to the class.
But, when Harry rounded the corner and saw Y/N leaning up against the wall, arms crossed and alone, his nerves increased.
“Harry,” Y/N beamed when she spotted him, practically skipping over to him.
Harry raised his eyebrows, clearing his throat, “It’s Professor Styles,” he warned, earning a sarcastic nod while he continued, “Why are you not in class?”
“I thought we could go in together since I’m new.”
“I’m your professor, not your babysitter. Go on in next time,” he said as they approached the door. Before turning the knob, he paused and faced her, “While you’re here, I’ll explain to you what I explained to them on the first day. I’m a pretty easy-going teacher because I know how hard this class can be. You can eat in my class, you can have your phones out, you can come in wearing pajamas, I don’t care. However, the biggest rule in my class is that you treat people with kindness. We do not judge in this class. We don’t interrupt people or talk over others, we don’t make others feel inferior. My class is a safe space for people to be their authentic selves and we respect that. Can you do that?”
Y/N’s stance softened and she grinned, nodding, “Yes. I can do that.”
“Good,” Harry nodded, “I’d like you to take a seat towards the back of the class for today if you don’t mind. I’d rather they pay attention to me than the back of your head.”
“Whatever you say, Professor,” Y/N exaggerated his title, her lips twitching up in a lopsided smile.
He looked down at her for a moment, narrowing his eyes, trying to size her up, before he gave in and turned the knob to his class. The buzz from his students loudly chattering amongst each other instantly stopped when he walked in, closely followed by the singer. Harry vaguely noticed that not only was every single one of his students present, but they all looked slightly more put-together than normal. He snorted under his breath, dropping his briefcase on his desk, taking a sip from his coffee cup, and placing that down, as well.
“Morning!” He called out, earning a chorus of greetings in return. He gestured towards Y/N who was making her way up the steps towards the back of the class, “I’m sure you all know who this is. We are incredibly lucky to welcome Y/N in joining us this year.”
Y/N stopped climbing the steps to smile brightly and wave obscurely at everyone, “Hi!”
Harry nodded towards her to keep moving. She rolled her eyes, playfully, and continued while he explained, “I know we’re all excited to have her here, but I want to remind everyone that while we’re in the room, we’re all students, and that includes Y/N. Let’s all focus on what we’re here for, so we don’t get lost when mid-terms get here, yeah?”
After another muttering of agreeance, Harry noticed Y/N getting settled in the back and he nodded, starting the lecture, “Okay, what I’d like to do is a one-minute warm-up on today’s exploration on duple and triple meter. So, I need everyone to stand up.”
The rustling of chairs echoed and screeched as students got to their feet. Soon, they were marching along to Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds by The Beatles, everyone laughing and feet stomping on the ground. He felt proud, seeing all the smiling, attentive faces in his direction and happy that throughout the lesson, nearly everyone had seemed to grasp everything that he was saying.
But, each time he glanced up in Y/N’s direction, he noticed that not only had she not even so much as picked up a pencil or opened her laptop, she had not looked away from him even once. He made a mental note to reprimand her after class and continued on.
When the lesson came to an end, Harry thanked the class for their cooperation and the students began to pack up their belongings. He watched as Y/N was met by a group of kids who were considered to be more ‘popular’ around campus. He saw her friendly smiles, but could barely hear her over the noise.
Once Harry managed to gather his things and toss his now-empty coffee cup in the trash, he approached the group, earning a pleasant round of hello’s by the students. One of the girls, Jesse, made sure to bat her eyelashes a little more and lean closer than necessary as she spoke.
“Great lesson today, Professor Styles. I did have a few questions about musical texture and was wondering if we could meet privately so I could get some more clarity on that?” she asked, twisting a lock of hair around her fingers.
Harry was used to Jesse’s incessant attempts at flirting with him and getting him alone, but he never took the bait, “I’m sorry, Jesse, I have no free office hours available, right now. But please shoot me an email with all of your questions and I’ll gladly help you out.” He heard sniggering from her friends as her face shifted into disappointment and he turned to Y/N, “Miss Y/L/N, when you’re done here, please meet me in my office so I can get you caught up.”
“Yes, Professor, I’ll be right there.”
He waited twenty minutes before he finally heard a knock on the door. He had half a mind to ignore it and let her stand out there, annoyed that he was wasting time trying to help an entitled celebrity who clearly had no interest in his class. What was the point? But, he thought back to the Dean, and reluctantly made his way to the door.
“Your students seem to really like you,” she confidently walked in, taking a seat on top of his desk and tossing her bag on one of the chairs, crossing her legs. “Especially that girl, what’s her name? Jesse?”
Harry blinked and slightly shook her head back before closing the door and rounding the desk she sat on towards his chair, not bothering to give the statement a response. But that didn’t stop her from continuing, “She’s like, in love with you. Well, maybe not in love. But you definitely make her horny.”
“Y/N!” You shoot back at the brassiness.
“She’s hot, I’ll give her that. But she’s definitely got that ‘daddy money’ vibe to her. She and her friends invited me to a party next weekend. And that kid, Mark, gave me his number. He’s pretty hot, too. Looks like some kind of jock.”
Harry nodded, shuffling his papers, “He’s here on a full-ride soccer scholarship.”
“Damn, I’m good,” Y/N leaned back, pressing her palms flat against the top of his desk, impressed with herself.
Harry looked up at her, an eyebrow raised. He wished he could say that her confidence astounded him, but honestly, he wasn’t that surprised. He could hazard a guess that her success was probably all handed to her. She joked about another student being given ‘daddy’s money’, but if he had to guess, she was probably the same.
He set the stack of papers down beside where she sat on his desk and looked up at her with a sigh, “Miss Y/L/N, my desk is not a chair. Please have a seat.”
She slithered down off the desk and plopped in a chair opposite him, scooting it closer and crossing her arms on the top, waiting for him to speak.
He relaxed his shoulders and continued, “You didn’t participate much in class today.”
“Well, you told me not to be a distraction.”
“Yes, but you’re still a part of the class. I expect more participation from you in the next class. And that includes note-taking. You won’t pass my class from memory. For now, I need to get you caught up.
Harry spent the next hour trying to get her caught up on the very first day of his class, which she interrupted every ten minutes, or so, going off-topic or asking very personal questions like ‘do you have a girlfriend?’ or ‘how many students have you been with?’ None of which he answered. When there were about ten minutes left in their time together, Y/N interrupted for the eighth time that hour and Harry groaned, unsure that she had retained any of the information he had provided her so far.
“What made you want to do this? Teach Musical Theory?”
He looked up at her and paused for a moment and she stared at him, her head cocked to the side. She looked genuinely interested, and it wasn’t often that he got asked these questions. He decided he’d entertain her, just this once.
Harry slid the paperwork away from him and sat back in his seat, “I’ve just always been interested in music since I was a kid.”
“Yeah, so have I. That’s why I became a musician. There are so many jobs in the musical field, why music theory?”
“Well, I am a musician. Not as big as you, obviously, but I have a small band and we play gigs around town. But the more I deep dove into music and the history behind it, the more I got into musical theory. It was a hobby and a passion before it was a career. And I guess I just wanted to show people how fun and interesting it could be.”
Y/N nodded, seeming content with his answer before saying, “Well, for what it’s worth, I think you’re a good teacher.”
“You’ve only been in one class,” he chuckled, sitting up again and straightening out his papers once more.
She giggled, “Yes, but it doesn’t take long to know when a teacher is good or not. I see the way you interact with your students and hear the way they talk about you. Everyone seems to love you. It’s part of the reason why I chose to come here.”
“My reputation precedes me?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Something like that,” she grinned, before softly speaking, “You know, we’re not all that different, you and I. I’ve been passionate about music for as long as I remember,” she laughed and said, “I remember when I was seven years old my mom took me to the library and I must have read at least six books, cover to cover, about Chopin. I knew everything about him and even named my pet rabbit after him. Everyone thought I was crazy.”
“Classical music?” Harry questioned, surprised.
She nodded, sitting up, “I’ve played piano since I was two.”
Harry pursed his lips, nodding his head, “Never judge a book by its cover.”
They stared at each other for a moment, silence filling the room. She looked more innocuous now; harmless as she sat with one leg crossed over the other. By this small conversation she had, she could see bits of himself in her eyes and it made him bring his guard down. For a moment, he was fascinated.
But her expression changed, more curious, as she asked, “So, how many lucky girls get the chance to have this one-on-one time with hottie Professor Styles?”
Harry sighed, rubbing his temples, “You exhaust me.”
“Or guys, I’m not judging,” she shrugged, “Though that would totally suck for Jesse. She’s really crushing.”
“I’ve never dated a student and I never will,” he said blandly.
“Never say never,” she smirked, “Why not?”
“Because they’re kids and it’s inappropriate.”
“Kids?” she snorted, “You’re barely four years older than most of your students. And everyone is of legal age.”
“I am not having this conversation with you,” he said, packing his things, “Our time is up. I’ve got to get going. I’ll see you in class next week.”
She grinned, gathering her things together and following him towards the door. As he reached for the door handle, she quickly put a hand on top of his, stopping him from turning it and making him look down at her as she said, “Don’t forget, Professor. Never say never.”
He watched as she opened the door and slipped out, turning her head once to wink back at him before she rounded a corner.
Harry found himself nervous and somehow anxious for the following week to arrive. It was the first time for years he had gotten there before any of his students. Every time the door opened and a student arrived, surprised by his early presence, he noticed he would jump and whip his head in the direction of the door. He tried to tell himself that he was just jittery or had too much coffee this morning, but he knew that wasn’t the reason.
When Y/N walked through the door, he felt his heart start to race.
“Good morning, Professor,” she smirked at him as she made her way up the steps towards the back of the class.
He nodded but didn’t respond. He felt stupid for not knowing what to say. There were so many options; hi, hello, how are you? Nothing. Harry watched out of the corner of her eye as she made a dramatic show of pulling out a notebook and a pen, sitting back in her chair and propping her legs up on the desk, making her short skirt slip up her thigh even more, waiting while she tapped her pen on the paper while the other arm was crossed over her stomach and her thumb grazed against her mouth.
He shook his head, pretending to search his briefcase for something as more students started to arrive, annoyed at himself for letting her get to him. In his four years of teaching, this had never been a problem before. How was she doing it?
Y/N waved as the group of kids she was seen talking to at the end of the last class squeezed in and they all excitedly waved back, making their way back to the seats in the row in front of her, spinning in their seats to talk. He wondered what they were talking about each time he saw her laugh or look down at him and hold eye contact.
The lecture started smoothly. He had them do another goofy exercise to get them ready for the class and was able to keep everyone’s attention as he explained notes and scales. Harry noticed the singer scribbling down in her notebook and was relieved to see she was taking notes this time. But what shocked him, even more, was her participation. The Professor, although known to make teaching and learning fun, was also known to ask a lot of hard questions throughout the class. Most, of which, the students rarely knew the answers to. That’s why he was surprised to see Y/N’s hand raised after nearly every question he asked, and even more taken back when her answers were right. Every single time.
Students began to become amused, automatically looking in between the two when a question would arise, and giggling at the incredulous expression on his face when she had, yet again, gotten the answer right. If he didn’t know any better, he would bet that by next week the class would turn it into some kind of a drinking game. He could have sworn he saw Y/N giggle under her breath and even blow a kiss.
After class, once again, Y/N was grouped on the steps by the rows of desks with Jesse, Mark, and their other friends. Y/N would twirl her hair and smile towards Mark and seemed to have him wrapped around her finger, but Harry also noticed how she’d look over Mark’s shoulder at him and bite her lip. She knew he’d be watching, and he hated himself for it.
Quickly, he packed his things and left the room, heading to his office to wait for her there, wondering what they were talking about. He closed the office door behind him, tossed his briefcase on the floor beside the paper shredder, and decided against turning the lights on. He blamed it on a splitting migraine, but it was really because there were too many intrusive thoughts running through his mind that he was doing everything he could to ease it, including pacing the room.
The attempts, however futile, were short lived. Minutes later there was a soft knock on the door and Y/N emerged, closing the door behind her, strutting right past him, and plopping on top of his desk again.
“How was that for participation, Harry?” she asked, propping a foot on the arm of his chair which made her skirt shimmy up her thigh just enough that if he were to look, he was sure he’d be able to see what she was wearing underneath.
He took a gulp and fought hard not to look down, lightly pushing her leg off of the arm of his chair so that both of her legs now hung down, taking a seat and crossing his arms, “It’s Professor Styles, and you did very well in class today, Miss Y/L/N.”
“Told you that I’d be a good student,” but her smile turned devilish as she spread her legs apart further and bent down closer to him, “But I can be bad if you’d like.”
“Please get off my desk and take a seat, Y/N. We’ve still got a lot of catching up to do.”
“Whatever you say, Professor,” she exaggerated, slowly slipping off of his desk and rounding to the other side.
Again, Harry tried his best to catch her up on lessons she missed, but it hardly seemed to get anywhere with Y/N’s constant interruption of inconsequential questions and arbitrary thoughts that seemed to almost pour out of her mouth without thought. He couldn’t help but chuckle under his breath a few times. She wasn’t boring, he’ll give her that much.
The more she fought against his attempts at teaching her, the more he realized that they weren’t going to get anywhere unless he gave her a little of what she wanted. So when she asked, “Do you have a girlfriend?” he sighed and ran his finger through his hair, giving in.
“No, I don’t. And why do you insist on coming to these meetings if you aren’t going to pay attention?”
“I am paying attention. You were talking about themes and motives of the piano and violin in Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony,” she said, confidently, crossing her arms, “I just think that it would be easier to come to class and learn if I knew my teacher a little better.”
He rolled his eyes at this attempt, but a smile crept on his face anyway, “What do you want to know?”
She smiled, sitting up, eagerly, “Well, it’s good to know you’re single. When was the last time you were in a relationship?”
He sighed, uncertain why he was even taking part in this conversation, “A little over a year.”
“And you haven’t tried again since?”
He shrugged, “I’ve been busy.”
“Or you were heartbroken.”
The response stung a little. She was right. And that annoyed him even more. How did she do this? Get under his skin so easily? Instead of answering that, he retorted with, “Well, what about you? You’re obviously single, otherwise, you wouldn’t be flirting so much with your professor or the soccer star.”
Her smirk stretched wider, “Oh, are we jealous of Mike?”
He scoffed, grabbing the few pieces of paper off of his desk and attempting to organize it in the side filing cabinet, “No, I’m not jealous of a student.”
“Mhmm. Well, for your information we were just talking about the party they’re having this weekend.”
He tried his best to look confused, although he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about that party since she mentioned it last week, “Is that so?”
“Yeah, it’s on Saturday. Not sure if I’m going yet. I’m sure my manager and PR would have my head if I was caught getting sloppy at a college party. Not good for the image,” she whispered, rolling her eyes.
He shrugged, “College parties aren’t all that great, anyway.”
“I’m sure,” she said sarcastically, “Anyway, I have a concert the night before, so I’m usually exhausted by the next day. You should come.”
“To your concert?” he asked.
She raised an eyebrow, skeptically, “Unless you don’t like my music?”
Harry shrugged, “I haven’t really heard much of it,” he lied, “but my sister’s a big fan.”
“Well, I’ll put you down for a plus-one. As long as it’s just your sister.”
Harry felt a lump beginning to form in his throat and he shook his head, “I already have plans for Friday. But thanks, anyway.”
She shook her head, nonchalantly, “Well, offer still stands if your plans fall through.”
He tried his best to reroute the conversation back on topic and was thankful that she seemed to finally go along with it. But as it neared the end of the hour, he felt her eyes on his face more and more. He looked up in the middle of his sentence and froze when he saw her eyes on his. She seemed entranced and almost out of it. And something seemed to pull him into the same trance as her.
It was the first good look at her that he had gotten since their first meeting. Her skin looked soft and her eyes sparkled when the sun’s rays shone on them at just the right angle. He hadn’t noticed until now that the bridge of her nose was slightly elongated and somehow endearing. And her lips. Those lips.
Y/N shook her head and stood up. It was the first time that she seemed to be caught off guard, and that stroked his ego a bit. He glanced down at his watch and noticed that they had run overtime and he gasped. She seemed to realize, too. Hurriedly, they both began to collect their things, but in the frenzy, she accidentally flicked her pen off the desk and it ricocheted on his side, landing on the floor near his briefcase.
“Oh!” he heard her mutter, rounding the desk where they both hastily attempted to grab it.
Harry was the first to grab it and as they both stood up, they were face to face with each other, inches away. They froze, again, unable to move. He saw something in her eyes that he hadn’t seen before; nervousness. Y/N was always such a confident force, and to see her any less than that admittedly made him gratified, like he had obtained a victory. But he, himself, was losing the battle. She was breaking him down one wink at a time, and he had never felt so weak in his life.
He could feel the strain of his desire pulling him closer towards her, the gloss on her lips looked enticing. If no one stopped him soon, he wasn’t sure if he could hold off much longer. He saw her eyes begin to flutter shut as the gap between them closed. Her sweet, minty breath swirled in front of his lips, he could almost taste it. And then a loud knock on the door echoed around his office.
Y/N flew against the wall while Harry awkwardly knocked his elbow against the back filing cabinet just as Jesse haughtily belted into the room. Her wide smile slowly screwed up into trepidation at the awkward tension that filled the room as the professor and singer avoided eye contact with each other.
“Jesse!” Harry quickly spoke, “What can I help you with?”
“I’m sorry, I thought you’d be finished. I just had a few questions about the essay, but I can just email you.”
“No, no, it’s fine, come in. Y/N was just on her way out.”
“Okay, cool,” Jesse smiled, stepping in further and placing her things on the chair opposite his desk.
Harry watched as the two girls exchanged friendly smiles, but he could see the slight embarrassment behind Y/N’s as she made her way towards the door.
“Don’t forget about this weekend!” Jesse called out after her, “I’ve never seen Mark so excited for a party before.”
“Yeah, maybe,” Y/N faked a laugh, sharing one last concerned look with Harry before closing the door behind her on the way out.
All week he found himself analyzing all of the occurrences that led up to him and Y/N almost kissing. He debated his sentiments, trying to logic every feeling of vulnerability and affection away with a simple explanation. It was becoming increasingly more difficult to pay attention to his work, constantly stumbling over his words of forgetting what he was talking about. When his class ended early on Friday afternoon and he sat in silence in his apartment, he stared at the blank television screen, contemplating whether or not he should take up her offer to attend her concert.
He paced the floor, opened and closed the fridge, tried to scroll through his social media apps, or read a book, anything to keep her mind off of her. He picked his phone up and stared at the home screen for a few minutes, constantly unlocking it when it got dark. With a final sigh, he opened it once more and dialed a number, putting it up to her ear.
“Hello, ya nimrod. What’s going on?” He heard his sister’s voice ring through the other end.
“How do you feel about going to a Y/N Y/L/N concert tonight?”
“You serious? Tonight? Bloody hell, yeah, I’ll go!”
“I’ll pick you up in two hours.”
Time only seemed to drag for Harry, left with nothing but his thoughts. It was enough time to go back and forth on whether or not he was making the right decision. Ultimately, he decided to go. He had already invited Gemma and he would feel guilty for bailing after getting her hopes up.
The sun was beginning to set and Gemma was singing loudly to Y/N’s lyrics in the passenger seat beside him. His palms were sweaty, gripped tight against the steering wheel. As the song ended, Gemma turned the volume down and turned to her younger brother.
“How did you get Y/N Y/L/N tickets, anyway? I didn’t know you listened to her like that.”
“I don’t, really. I mean, I’ve heard a few songs. But she’s my student and invited us to come.”
“She’s your student?” Gemma laughed, amused, “Cut the shit, Harry. How? Did you win them on the radio or something?”
“I’m serious. She’s taking my class.”
“What?” Gemma gasped, “And you didn’t tell me?”
“I didn’t think to.”
“You didn’t think to tell me that one of my favorite singers is a student of yours?” Gemma clarified. Eyebrows furrowed, she sat back and huffed, “Some brother you are.”
“Hey, now! I’m bringing you to her concert, aren’t I?”
The walk up to the ticket booth was one of the most humiliating things he had ever experienced as he uncomfortably explained who he was and that he was invited by the singer, herself. It took two people and a member of her staff to vouch for him before he and his sister were escorted through the venue and entered the pain event area through a private entrance that led them towards a VIP barricade towards the front of the stage. Thousands of screaming fans surrounded them, and Gemma looked around, shocked at the scene.
“This is insane!” Gemma shouted in his ear, bouncing on the balls of her toes.
Harry had to admit, it was pretty cool to see all of these people here for Y/N. He felt a sort of pride for her that he wasn’t quite expecting. And it didn’t take long for the lights to dim and the music to start.
He heard her before he saw her, and he felt his heart start to race again. He tried to play it off by the screams and the thumping bass, but when she finally came into view, he felt like he had been bolted to the floor, unable to move or talk or even smile. He was just stunned. Seeing her on stage was surreal. He knew of her, first, but it was hard for him to dissociate ‘student’ Y/N from ‘famous’ Y/N.
When they caught eyes and she realized he had come, a smile stretched across her face behind the microphone. He couldn’t help but mirror her, his shoulders relaxing as he managed a gentle wave. She walked closer to them on the stage, singing down at them, and he could hear his sister repeating ‘Oh my god, oh my god’ beside him as Y/N waved back in their direction.
Y/N was talented, there was no denying it. And the way that she interacted with her fans, you could tell that she was grateful for every second of it. It was touching. She was knocking down his assumptions about her little bit by little bit. He always thought that she’d be a spoiled, ungrateful celebrity, but that seemed to be completely false.
By the end of the concert, he had eased up and began to jump around, goofily, with his sister while Y/N watched, dancing around on stage, laughing and singing. Finally, the burly manager he had seen on the first day of their meeting with the Dean had approached him and his sister, informing them that they were invited backstage and to follow him.
His nerves began to rise in his chest again as they wove down several corridors until eventually, they stood before a door with Y/N’s name taped on it. The manager knocked loudly and waited a moment before they heard her voice on the other side call out, “Come in!”
With a turn of the knob, Y/N was now seen. She was in a new, more casual change of clothes and her hair was now up, but with visible beads of sweat lining her forehead and neck, she took a long swig of water.
“Hi!” she called, capping her drink and beckoning the two in, “Come in, come in! I’m so glad you came!”
“Hi! It’s so nice to meet you,” Gemma tip-toed closer to her, smiling coyly as the door was closed behind them.
“It’s nice to meet you, too!” Y/N grinned, giving Gemma a much-wanted hug, “Please tell me you’re Harry’s sister.”
“Yes, I’m Gemma, his older sister.”
“Oh, thank god. I was worried he’d bring a date,” Y/N said, boldly, “He’s been playing hard-to-get.”
“You’re interested in my brother?” Gemma asked, astounded, “You’re way out of his league.”
Harry’s mouth fell open as Y/N laughed, “Yeah, and you’d think that’d be enough for him, wouldn’t you? But apparently he’s got standards,” she hyperbolized, rolling her eyes.
For an hour, Harry watched and laughed as Y/N and his sister talked and got to know each other more. They made jokes at his expense, and exchanged stories from their childhoods, shocked by how similar they seemed.
“You grew up around here, right?” Gemma asked the singer, taking a sip from her second beer of the night.
Y/N nodded, “Yeah, about fifteen minutes from here.” Harry’s eyebrows furrowed, knowing the only residential area in a fifteen-mile radius wasn’t exactly known to be the best neighborhood. Y/N seemed to gather his thoughts, further explaining, “It wasn’t always easy. My siblings and I were cramped in a two bedroom apartment and we didn’t have our own phones until well into our teens. I missed out on a lot growing up, but my parents did their best. We had everything we needed. I was lucky to be able to get all this and get them out of that apartment. My parents deserved a big house and a yard. I owed them that much.”
“How did you do it? How did you get to this point?” Harry asked, astounded.
Y/N shrugged, “Right place, right time. I was found singing at the mall for a small gig at a Christmas event. The rest is hard work and history.”
Harry shook his head, speechless. He felt guilty for passing judgment on her before, assuming that it was all handed to her and that she had got her start because of her parents' connections. She was self-made, smart, and deserving of every bit of success that came her way.
After one more round of beers, it was getting time for them to leave. Harry could see the excitement in her sister’s eyes start to be replaced by fatigue, and as much as he wanted to stay and talk some more, he knew he had to get a jump start on grading papers.
He set his empty bottle of beer down and Y/N frowned, “Time to go?”
“Yeah, should probably head out,” Harry nodded, pausing for a moment and taking in the frown on her face. He didn’t have time to think before he blurted out, “Want to join us for the ride?”
Her eyebrows raised and her lips twitched up into a smile, “Yeah, sure.”
Gemma let Y/N take the passenger seat and Harry felt tense as he drove, hand shifting the gears right beside her leg. He smiled every time he heard her laugh, though he couldn’t quite pay attention to what the girls were talking about. He was able to gather that they exchanged phone numbers before he reached Gemma’s house. His sister gave them both kisses on the cheek before bounding up the steps to her home.
The silence was deafening and Harry was certain she could hear him gulp as he turned to her and asked, “Where to?”
He knew what she was going to say. He didn’t need to ask. But to hear it come out of her mouth was something almost too much to handle, “Your place.”
He reversed out of the driveway, barely croaking out, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why?” she asked, turning towards him.
“You’re still my student.”
“So? We can just talk.”
Harry turned and looked at her, giving her a knowing look, “You know it’s not to just talk.”
“Why can’t it be? You don’t have any self-restraint? Is it because you like me?”
Harry felt a blush rise to his cheeks as he fumbled out a, “No.”
“Well then, what’s the problem?”
There wasn’t another word uttered for the rest of the journey to his place and he began to overthink. Was his apartment clean? Had he done the dishes? How messy was his room? Did it smell? He knew he should have gotten that diffuser from the store last week.
His nerves rose as he led her up to his apartment complex, pushing the door open and flicking on the lights, breathing a sigh of relief to see that it was, for the most part, fairly tidy. Y/N walked past him, scanning the scene, and as he locked the door he also held his breath, waiting for her to say something.
“Nice view,” she noted, briefly looking out of the window before turning to face him.
He tossed his keys on the entry table and motioned towards the kitchen to his left, “Drink?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Tea? Coffee? Water?”
“Water’s fine,” she said, making her way towards his living room.
He took the moment to catch his breath, trying to regain control of his thoughts before joining Y/N on his couch, handing her the drink. They both took a swig and he felt her eyes bearing holes into him, again.
When he set his drink down, he turned to her, “You’re very intense, you know.”
She smirked, leaning into the couch some more, “Yeah. I just know what I want.”
“And what’s that.”
The immediate response caught him off-guard, but he wasn’t surprised by the answer. At this point, he knew exactly what she wanted, and was only feeding his ego more. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t intrigued by her and hadn’t thought about the same, but a part of him liked the chase.
He chuckled, sitting back, “You’re my student.”
She moved closer to him, more energetic this time, “I just happen to be into Musical Theory, that’s all.”
“You’re still my student,” he grinned, amused, patting her leg.
“So, what if I drop out? Would that change anything?”
Harry’s grin faded and his hand stayed where it was, resting on her thigh. He stared into her shining eyes again, seeing the seriousness behind them, and he froze, unsure of what to say. Would it change anything if she dropped out of his class? He wasn’t sure it would even need to come to that if she kept looking at him like that any longer.
His eyes flickered from her eyes, to her lips, and back up to her eyes as she waited for a response. He debated whether or not to just give in and kiss her right there. She wanted it, he wanted it, why keep fighting it? There weren’t any rules against relationships with students at his University, not like they’d even fight him on this one; they’re the ones that basically told him to give her everything she wanted.
But when he didn’t respond, Y/N pulled back away. He slumped, kicking himself for not pulling a move sooner. And after a moment of silence, she asked, “Hey, is it okay if I use your shower, real quick? I’m still sweaty from the show and I feel gross. I can take an uber home afterward.”
A million thoughts ran through his mind. Was that a move? Or an invite? Should he ask to join her? Why did she have to leave? He could drive her home, she didn’t need to take an Uber. But the only thing that came out of his mouth was, “Uh, yeah, sure.”
He showed her to the bathroom and went to grab her a towel from the linen closet as she adjusted the knobs and stuck her hand under the flow of water, gauging the temperature. By the time he got back in, she seemed happy with the warmth of the flow and took her hair out of its bun, placing the hair tie on the edge of his sink. He hung the grey towel on the rack beside the shower.
“Let me know if you need anything,” he muttered.
She smiled, “Thanks,” and before he was fully out of the room, she began to pull at the ends of her shirt. Quickly, he scurried out of the bathroom and closed the door to give her privacy.
Once out, his hands shot up to his forehead and he crouched, mumbling to himself a frustrated, “Fuck! What the fuck is wrong with you? Idiot!”
He sat impatiently on his couch, waiting for her to finish. When he heard the screech of the knobs turning and the pressure from the water fade, he shifted his position and quickly forced his attention elsewhere, trying to act casual. But when he heard the creak of the door opening, he turned his attention to see Y/N standing in the doorway, bathroom light glowing behind her, hair rang out and damp, clutching the towel around her body.
His eyes widened a bit as she spoke, “Do you have clothes I can borrow? Mine are still covered in sweat.”
“Uh, yeah, probably. In my room,” he stammered, getting to his feet and leading the way to his bedroom.
She followed, her feet lightly padding the wood floors. He felt almost embarrassed to have her in his bedroom. He wasn’t sure why, it’s not like it was dirty and he didn’t have anything oddities displayed, still, it was an intimate space, and to have her there felt personal.
He opened the bottom drawer of his dresser where he kept his pajamas and motioned towards it, standing up straight, “You can borrow anything from here.”
She bent down in front of him to rummage through, giving him a better look at her back. It looked clean, soft, and supple as droplets of water still lined her back and dripped from the ends of her hair, getting absorbed by the thin white towel she had wrapped around her. When she stood up, he took a step back and she turned, holding one of his oversized white t-shirts and a pair of his plaid pajama pants.
He stood there, unable to move as she stared at him, raising an eyebrow. And still, as she tossed the clothes on the bed behind him, he found himself, once again, rooted to the spot. A smirk started to form on her face and her voice was soft and playful as she spoke.
“How’s that self-restraint going?” she teased.
He didn’t move. He didn’t speak. He just looked at her. And when her playful smile began to shift into something more alluring, he held his breath, watching as she untucked the towel around her chest and let it fall to the ground. His eyes instantly dropped to her exposed chest and he felt his heartbeat pounding rapidly in his chest as she stepped closer to him, barely twelve inches, refusing to take her eyes off of his.
“I know you want to,” she whispered, stroking his arms before taking hold of his hands, lifting them and placing them on her chest, “Touch me.”
He felt his erection becoming uncomfortable as he ran out of room in his pants for growth, massaging her chest. His attention roamed back up, locking eyes with her again. There was no stopping it.
************************************************** In a bout of passion, they threw themselves at each other, hungrily attaching their lips to one another, tongues circling and roaming the other’s mouth. Y/N tore fabric after fabric off of him as they spun, grabbing at each other roughly and without deliberation. Soon, they were both naked and knocking into walls and tripping over clothes.
Harry pushed her up against the dresser as she grabbed hold of his dick, pumping her hands up and down his shaft as he moaned into her mouth.
“Does that feel good, Professor?” she bit his lip with a smile.
“Ungh,” he grunted, pulling away. He spun her around so that her back was to his chest, and forced her down to bend over his dresser, propping one of her legs up on the top of it before he got to his knees, burying his face in her muff.
She cried out, “Yes! Teach me, Professor!”
He flicked his tongue inside of her, lapping up all of her juices while he rubbed himself. He could have kept going for hours, but he could feel her legs start to tremble. When he stood up, he slapped his cock on her ass a couple of times, swiping his tip against her entrance enough to get it lubricated before slipping right into her.
Y/N threw her head back, breathing, “Oh my god, you feel so good, Harry.”
He wrapped an arm around her neck while his other hand clasped over her mouth as he grunted, “Professor Styles,” before sucking on her shoulder blade.
When he loosened his hand from her mouth to take hold of her hip, she whined, “I’m so sorry, Professor Styles. I’m not always bad.”
“No, Y/N,” he pulled out of her, spinning her to face him, tempting her as he walked backwards towards his bed, “You’re my good girl.”
The back of his legs hit his bed and he scooched himself back, letting her climb over top of him, straddling his hips. She bent down, biting his lip again as she lowered herself onto him, gasping as her cunt swallowed him up.
She leaned back, letting him get a better look at her, breasts jumping up and down along with her. He ran a hand from her cleavage down to her navel, grazing her soft skin and watching as her mouth formed an ‘o’, scrunching up her eyebrows in pleasure as she called out his name.
“That’s a good girl,” he breathed, an arm behind his head as he watched, “Make me cum.”
She rode him faster, breathing heavier as he continued to grunt, propping himself up now and suckling on her skin. Her breaths became more shallow and her movements more rigid as she wrapped her arms around his neck, forcing herself onto him even harder. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her down onto him, even more, to go deeper. He could feel her throbbing around him, which only made him more aroused.
“Good girl, Y/N,” he breathed, “Cum on my dick.”
She buried her face into the crook of his neck, and with three more pumps she let out a scream as she said, “Pro-fessor Styles!”
He smirked, quickly flipping her on her back and pumping harder and faster into her as her legs wrapped around his waist. She panted, squeaking as he grunted into her. He looked into her eyes which were full of lust as she stared back into him and he could feel himself start to build up. Even faster now, knowing he was about to finish, he smashed his lips down on her quickly before pulling out and squirting his jizz on her stomach, letting her rub out every last drop.
He collapsed on the bed beside her as they panted, trying to catch their breath before he got the strength to reach down and grab his shirt for them to clean up the mess.
When he turned to face her, she smirked, “Do I need to drop your class? Or can we fuck in your office next time?”
He let out a breathy laugh and mumbled, “That depends. Are you going to the party with Mark tomorrow?”
“Do you want me to?” she retorted.
With a deep breath, Harry shimmied closer to her, nuzzling his head into her chest which made her wrap her arms around him, running her fingers through her hair as he whimpered, “No.”
She laughed, kissing his curly brown locks, “Told you I’d make you fall in love with me.”
@odetostep @mylittleangel9403 @thurhomish @fallingfordolans @gwenlovesharrystyles , @harryswinterberries, @gucciboots, @golden-grande, @ilovedogs1989 @f4llingfairy
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
dwindling, mercurial high
full masterlist
Pairings: Andy Barber x female!reader 
Word count: 2,733
Warning: SMUT!!! infidelity/cheating, age gap, unprotected sex, dirty talk, angst, lots of angst. (MUST BE 18+) 
Summary: based on the song ‘illicit affairs’ by taylor swift. things changed between you and andy, the man you’d been crushing on for the longest time, after you returned home from college. what was born from a single glance & stolen stares turned into a secret addiction, something neither of you could get sober from. 
a/n: the idea piqued my imagination after watching taylor’s folklore long pond studio session and i wondered what it’d be like to be the third person instead of the cheated one, thus this angsty fic was born. reblog & feedback are always appreciated. 
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You closed your eyes as your back hit the wall repeatedly, you held onto him as tight as possible as you moaned in his ear. The bristle of his beard tickled your neck as he nipped your sensitive spot, causing your head to spin. The coil in your abdomen tightened, so did your legs around his waist, and you clenched around him, pushing him to thrust harder into you, chasing your orgasms. Your wailings grew louder and you cried out his name like prayer as his pace become sloppier.
Time became hazy as you plummeted into bliss while he continued to impale you, prolonging your release as well. You wanted the moment to last as long as possible as you presented your body as a vessel for him to obtain pleasure, the kind that he couldn’t get at home from his lovely wife. You didn’t mind that it took him longer to reach his peak, the comforting feeling of him being inside you was like cozying up to your favourite knit sweater and a cup of hot chocolate whilst it was raining outside.
But rains don’t last forever, and the sun was always around the corner, lurking to appear and scorch the planet once more, waking everyone up out of their comfortable place. And that’s what it was like being with Andy.
He groaned as he released deep inside you, resting his face on your shoulder while trying to catch his breath. He kissed you on the lips, claiming your mouth as you ran your fingers through his hair until he needed air. But you didn’t, because he was the air that you needed. Then he set you on your feet gently and he began putting on his clothes. “It’s stopped coming down, I should head back now, Laurie’s going to come home soon and I told her that I’d be working from home today. It’d be suspicious if I left the house without telling her.”
You nodded, “…okay.” But it wasn’t okay, how much longer were you going to have these clandestine meetings? How could you tell him that you wanted him to stay and hold you close just for once?
He slipped his feet into his shoes and untied the lace. You leaned on your hands against your study desk and watched his flushed state longingly as if you were trying to speak with your gaze and you wanted him to get the message because words would hurt both of you. He put on his coat and swung the hood over his head then stood before you, “are you okay, kid?”
No, how could you even ask me that? “Yeah.” He always asked the same question after every time you both made love but never once did you tell him the truth and he believed you. He kissed you on the forehead and there he goes, leaving you with your tears and fury once more without a single weight in his heart.
How did you end up here? It began last summer after you came back home from college. You were going to work in your father’s law firm once you finished law school and obtained your degree. Your father was a lawyer and had a good friendship with the Barbers since you were little. You even watched Jacob being born when Laurie went into labour. Besides living across from each other and worked in the same field, you were like a big sister to Jacob too. He was always a shy, introverted kid who didn’t make friends easily so Andy truly cherished your companion for his son.
You were always happy being a big sister figure to Jacob, you were both the only children so it was easy to bond over that. But what you’d never admit out loud, was also the fact that yous secretly had a crush on Jacob’s dad. What’s not to swoon over? Andy was extremely good looking, a good father and a loving husband. He was a top lawyer, courteous, soft-spoken and always treated you kindly whenever you came over.
It affected your dating life in high school because, despite all the boys asking you out, you never said yes to them. Because there was only one man that you wanted and you couldn’t have him. Even in college, you tried to forget him and seek for someone else, but even college boys couldn’t live up to Andy.
Three years went by and you finally returned home and were ready to start your career as a lawyer. Law and crimes always fascinated you because you believed that justice wasn’t as simple as black or white, or the good guy versus the bad guy so it came naturally for you to follow your father’s footsteps.
Your father invited the Barbers over for dinner to celebrate your homecoming. Laurie asked you about the college life and teased if you might’ve had dated a few boys and you nervously refuted the question by telling her that you were too busy with studying. Andy sat across you and you tried so hard not to make eye contact with him but you couldn’t fight the urge and you swore you saw him glance at you once or twice and he’d quickly look away once you caught him.
One afternoon, a couple of days after the dinner, when your father was at the court, and your mother was at her boutique, you decided to come over to the Barbers’ house. Jacob texted you earlier about his Physics homework and asked for your help on doing it. You were going to start working at the firm on Monday so you had plenty of spare time at home, doing whatever you wished for. You were bored, you had been reading books and watching Netflix all day so you decided to spend time helping Jacob with his homework.
You knocked on the door and texted him, “I’m outside.” You were a little early than the agreed time so Andy opened the door instead of the person you expected.
“Mr. Barber, hi! Is Jacob home yet?” You tried your best to keep your composure.
“No, he said he was staying for Math. He didn’t tell you?”
“Uh, he must’ve forgotten. He asked me earlier to help him with his homework and I thought I could come by early to hang out, but it’s fine, I’ll just come back later. Thanks, Mr. Barber.”
“You could come inside and wait for Jacob here if you want?” He offered.
“Um, are you sure, Mr. Barber? I don’t wanna be a bother.”
“No, please, Laurie hasn’t come home yet, and I’d appreciate the company. And just call me Andy.”
“Okay, yeah, sure. I’ve got no one to talk to at home yet, anyway. Except for my cat who only comes to me when she’s hungry.”
He chuckled at the joke as he closed the door behind you. “You want anything to drink?”
“Coffee would be nice, thank you Mr. Barber.”
He gave you a look at the nickname. “Sorry, I meant, Andy.”
“You’ve really grown since the last time I saw you, ____. You’ve even gotten good-looking.” He nonchalantly said whilst he was making your coffee. “Milk?”
“Huh?” your heart was beating fast at his flattering words. “Do you want some milk in your coffee?”
“Yes, please.” You gulped, mentally screaming at yourself to keep it together. “Are you saying that I was an ugly duckling, Andy?”
He chuckled, “no, what I meant was, your appearance definitely changed and I like it.” He served the coffee on the dining table where he laid a bunch of papers and a laptop and you tried to maintain your distance despite every cell in your body was begging for you to sit closer to him.
You hoped he couldn’t hear the way your breath hitched so you drank your coffee with shaky hands. He asked you about college or shared some advice in becoming a young lawyer. He also caught you up with stories that you missed while you were away. How he found out Jacob was bullied by this kid in his school and how he and Laurie had been arguing a lot lately.
“I’m sorry about that, Andy. But you two will work it out, what marriage doesn’t have its disputes, right? If you both had made it this far, I’m sure you can make it for many more years.”
“Thanks, ____. Be sure to keep that in mind if a guy starts a quarrel with you, okay?” He sipped his own coffee.
“I’ll have to find a guy first, I guess.”
“Are you not seeing anyone?” He gave you a quizzical look.
“No, just haven’t found the time, I guess.”
“Oh, c’mon. You’re an intelligent and attractive young woman. You should go out and explore.”
“And what if I couldn’t find one that I want, Andy?” You stirred your coffee, unable to look him in the eye.
“What do you want, ____?” He inched his face closer to you, making it hard to breathe. His ocean blue eyes bored into yours, with the kind of look that you never saw before. In this proximity, you could see how his pupils had dilated, filling the rim with darkness lust. And you didn’t question his intentions or what he was thinking but at that moment, you had never wanted him more. And you needed him. You needed him to grant your heart’s greatest desire. Him.
“You,” you voice was barely a whisper. “I want… You.”
“Say it, say it louder.”
“I want you, Andy. I’ve wanted you forever.”
Then as if the time had frozen, he slammed his lips onto yours, nearly causing your chair to fall back if only he didn’t catch you. Andy grabbed your face and kissed you with a burning passion. You shut your eyes, reeling from the swirling emotions in your stomach. It wasn’t butterflies but the whole damn zoo. Andy licked your bottom lip and you parted your mouth for him, allowing his tongue to enter and tangle itself with yours.
You whimpered and you felt Andy smirked at the way your body reacted to him. Andy then stood up and lifted you onto the table, and he slightly pulled your hair back, exposing your neck to him. He began trailing kisses there and his right hand roamed around your body until it reached the hem of your off-the-shoulder top and it travelled to your breast and he toyed with it, pinching the nipple and fondle with the globe.
“Andy…” taking your whimpers as a green light, he moved his hand down to the zipper of your jeans, fumbled with the buttons and he pulled them down just enough for his hand to caress your womanhood. Blood rushed to your cheeks when he felt your arousal. He shoved the G-string aside, allowing his fingers to stroke you.
“If I knew how much you wanted me, I would’ve made a move sooner, baby.”
The coalescence of his voice, his plump lips and his hands touching you all over nearly made you forgot where you were until the act was interrupted by Jacob’s voice from the door, “Dad, I’m home!” Andy quickly stopped his assault on you and let you go. You stood on shaky legs as you tried to smooth over your rumpled top and zip up your jeans.
Luckily, when Jacob found you both in the kitchen, he didn’t suspect anything and you followed him to his room, walking away from Andy as if nothing even happened. And that was the beginning of your doomed affair.
His infidelity carried on for months and none of you had found the strength to break it off. You knew it was wrong in so many ways. You always considered The Barbers as your second family despite your latent feelings for Andy. You’d be letting down so many people if they found out about this affair. Each time you both ran off to find escapism in a secluded place, you were consumed by guilt. Every time you told yourself that you can always stop, that he can always stop, you were choked with words. The desire has rooted itself way too deep and none of you could go back now.
It started in your room and once he’d grown weary of the atmosphere, he’d take you to a motel a little outside of town where nobody really knew who you were and it has now taken you to an empty parking lot. Andy laid on the reclined shotgun seat with his clothes off and his pants around his ankles. You leaned your hand on the window as his cock stretched you open from under.
He loved the way your breasts jiggled with each thrust. You had your shirt lifted just enough to display your breasts for him while your shorts and underwear were thrown off to the backseat. His cock was hitting your G-spot repeatedly, creating tantalizing friction. You writhed above him, screaming his name as loud as you possibly could with your mind disarrayed from his thrusts. He had both of his hands gripping your hips solidly, controlling your move as you rode him.
“After all the time I’ve fucked you, you’re still so tight,” He groaned. He moved one of his hands to breast, pinching the nipple and you mewled from the pleasurable sting. He slid his hand up to your throat, cutting off your airway, suffocating you. Your whimpers your muted but it didn’t stop you from moving up and down on him. His other hand slid under your body, he toyed with your wetness and rubbed your clit, causing you to clench around him. “You gonna cum all over my fat cock, baby?”
His filthy words never failed to arouse you. If anyone had told fifteen years old you that the man you had such admired and respect, though from afar, had a foul mouth during sex, you would’ve told them to piss off because they had no idea what the hell were they talking about, but now you had an explicit, front-row seat view of it, you couldn’t look at him any other way.
The way his cock rutted into you and the way his digits worked you over and over again, while his massive hand made you struggle for air, sent your body into overdrive and you cried out his name as if it was your salvation. Your brain was clouded with ecstasy as he continued to ram into you, chasing his own release.
You lost the power to straddle him and collapsed on top of him. Andy’s hands travelled back into your hips, locking you in place as you were pliable with your prolonged orgasm. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum too, baby.”
Then Andy emptied his seed into you, filling you up with his load, and he groaned out loud in your ear. You both tried to abate your breathing while he was still sheathed inside you. The closeness felt intimate and comforting and somehow it felt like you were committing treachery. Your limbs were intertwined and you didn’t wanna untangle yourself from him because you knew if you did, he’d drive you home and take the less travelled by road and that would be it.
There was no post-sex cuddling or aftercare. There was no murmuring soft words under a duvet and exchanging tender kisses while basking in the afterglow with him. Because that’s all this was, an illicit affair. All there was after a steamy rendezvous were quick showers to wash off traces of each other as if you didn’t even exist and a spontaneously fabricated tale so the other person wouldn’t know where the other one had truly been.
You wanted to throw things at him and scream, don’t you fucking call me kid or baby, I’m neither of those things. You wanted to hate him for the godforsaken mess he’d turned you into, but you couldn’t. Because he had shown you colours you couldn’t see with anyone else and you couldn’t erase the secret language he taught you from your mind despite the idiotic fool that he made you.
And no matter how many times you witnessed him kissing his wife like a loving spouse would and how long he made you wait for a call, you knew damn well that you’d do it all over again for him in a heartbeat.
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
-Free Rent- ‘Melted Ice-Cream’-
Hyunsung + fem!reader, ft. Felix
Warnings: nipple play, food play, anal play, anal penetration, creampie, unprotected sex, face-fucking, etc.
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Moving in with the boys was a lot more fun than you had thought. Sure, the day you moved in, Minho and Chan chose to welcome you in the most unconventional way possible...but it had been two days since Chan spent the night with you after that big dinner, and nothing sexual had happened since then.
They were quite kind, and not the reckless hooligans that Mina had made them out to be. The dinner they’d made to celebrate your arrival was probably the most delicious thing you’d ever tasted. They were all very courteous to you, and for the next two days they helped you settle in.
You were currently sitting on the sofa watching a movie along with Felix, who you quickly realized was a bit of a cuddler.
He had his arm around you, pressing your body close to his as he watched. It was a stark contrast to the last time he had his arms around you, holding on to your waist as you rode his cock.
To your knowledge, Changbin and Minho had gone to the grocery store for supplies, while Seungmin and Jeongin had already gone to sleep in their room. Hyunjin and Jisung were also in the living room, but they weren’t paying any attention to the movie; one was sprawled on the floor with his phone while the other was focusing all his concentration on a plate of leftover cheesecake.
You couldn’t deny that originally, you had expected them to not really warm up to you in this way, thinking that some of them would view you as nothing more than a sex object. Your fears were invalid, as they were all quite eager to accommodate you, and you were starting to feel quite comfortable with each and every one of them.
Suddenly you felt Felix’s hand which was around your shoulder sneak down to your breast, softly groping it. You looked up to see him staring at you, biting his lip. “Is this okay?” He whispered. You nodded, shuddering as he let his thumb ghost over your nipple. You looked at Hyunjin and Jisung, but both of their eyes were still trained on the phone and cake, respectively.
Felix softly rubbed your bud through the thin tank top, leaning in lightning quick to suck wetly on your nipple, moving to your other nipple and taking that into his mouth as well. He leaned away, his eyes roving over how his saliva had made the white fabric transparent, your nipples now clearly visible. He went back to drawing circles on your buds with his thumb, his gaze drifting back to the television for a while, chuckling at the way your breathing was laboured.
He leaned in close to your ear. “You have perfect tits, y/n. Maybe you’ll let me fuck them? Let’s go to my room.”
You looked at Jisung. “What about him?” You said, referring to Felix’s roommate. He shook his head. “Trust me, Jisung prefers savouring his cheesecake at a really slow pace.”
You were about to agree when you heard Chan’s voice. Felix’s hand quickly dropped from your boob as the four of you turned around to see a smiling Chan.
“Hi guys. Uh, I’d like to talk to y/n, if that’s fine?”
They all nodded, even Felix, who reluctantly let go of you. You got up and walked over to Chan who grabbed your hand and led you aside to the kitchen.
“Hey, just wanted to tell you that if you do want your room painted, we can get someone to do that. Of course you wouldn’t be able to sleep there for a few nights...it’s alright, Minho and I will sleep on the sofa, and you can take our room.”
You giggled nervously. “Oh, no...please don’t go that trouble. I’ll sleep on the sofa. It’s really more comfortable than my old bed, so-“
Chan cut you off. “No, you can sleep in any of our rooms. The beds can fit three anyway. I was just afraid that you would feel uncomfortable...you’re not sleeping on the sofa.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but Chan spoke before you could say anything. “So...there’s something else. A girl called Mina keeps calling here, but you’re never around when she does. Does the name ring a bell...?”
Mina. Fuck. You hadn’t spoken to her since she told you about this whole thing. You felt guilt settle itself in your heart, promising yourself that you would call her tomorrow, since you knew she never kept her phone with her after 8 PM. Some weird “mindfulness” thing. You sighed. It had only been about three days, but you missed Mina and her inclination for yoga and smoothies that she claimed were ‘healthy’...(when you knew they consisted of just oranges, peaches and a shit ton of sugar.)
“Yeah, she’s my best friend.”
Chan widened his eyes. “Ah, okay then. Anyway, I’ll let you get back to what you were doing. Wouldn’t wanna let Felix down, right?” You gasped, as he winked at you. So he did see what was happening.
He left the kitchen, presumably to go back to his room. It was about 10 PM. You weren’t feeling very sleepy, but you knew it was time to go to bed, since you needed to wake up early tomorrow. Even though it was a Saturday, you knew that Mina had to go to an environmental club meeting in the afternoon, so you had to meet her before then.
You went back to the living room, searching the room for Felix only to see him absent. You frowned, going to sit down on the sofa. “Guys, where’s Felix?”
Hyunjin scoffed. “Oh, so now we exist?”
You raised your eyebrows. “Wait, what?”
Jisung rolled his eyes, setting down his empty plate on the table and coming over to sit beside you, leaning forward, his face hovering in front of yours. “You think we didn’t notice? We’re not blind.” He gestured to the two wet spots on your shirt, and you mentally smacked yourself for forgetting. So that’s how Chan came to know. You felt a blush spread across your cheeks, embarrassed.
Hyunjin finally tore his eyes away from his phone, getting up off the floor to sit on your other side, his hand firmly gripping your thigh.
“Felix went to his room to sleep right after you left with Chan.”
Ah. So that’s why he left. He probably thought that Chan was taking you away to spend the night with him. You shook your head. If only he’d waited a few more minutes...
You jolted back to reality when Hyunjin’s fingers now crept up your thigh, pressing against your underwear. His graceful fingers pressed your clit, as Jisung pulled the sleeve of your tank top down, exposing your boob. His finger came up to touch your nipple, which was still slightly wet from what Felix had done earlier.
“You really seemed to enjoy what Felix was doing to your nipples...” He pinched one, a squeal ripping from you when he did so. “Felix loves your boobs. It’s the first observation he made about you.” Jisung leaned in to lick a stripe over your nipple, looking over at Hyunjin.
“Not gonna join?”
“I’m more of an ass guy myself.”
Jisung grinned. “So am I.”
Jisung paused for a minute, seemingly deep in thought, before his eyes widened and he stood up.
“I have an idea.”
He left the room and you looked at Hyunjin, confused. He shrugged, pulling you onto his lap. He tugged at the hem of your top, pulling it off of you. He pulled down your shorts next, and put his hands on your ass cheeks. He stretched them apart as he looked up at you, his eyes filled with ardor.
“God, y/n, you drive me crazy. I’ve been waiting to have my way with you again since that day we all fucked you. Truth be told, I wish Jisung wasn’t a part of this right now, but we’ll get our alone time later. After all, you’re not leaving any time soon, right?”
You nodded, and he spoke again. “There’s just something about you. I think it’s the way your innocence co-exists with your sexiness...we all noticed it. It was why we chose you almost immediately. A lot of candidates came by, you know? None of them had that je ne sais quoi...the spark.”
He put his finger in his mouth and wet it. You moaned, because as he was speaking he had pulled your thong to the side, his saliva-covered finger tracing your rim.
Jisung came back into the room just then, holding a bottle of lube and...a tub of ice-cream?
You looked on, confused, as he set down the things on the table. Just then Hyunjin’s finger slipped into your anus and you gasped. He moved it in and out shallowly.
Jisung suddenly came over and lifted you off of Hyunjin, carrying you and placing you on the armchair instead. You heard Hyunjin let out an indignant sound, which he ignored. Jisung smirked up at you as he lifted the lid off the tub of ice cream. There was only a little bit left, enough for about a scoop or so, and it was all melted. Jisung used a spoon to take some and drip it all over your stomach, some of it pooling in your belly button. Though it was melted, it was still cold, and the sensation was making you dizzy. He drizzled some over your boobs as well. Throwing the spoon on the floor, he leaned in to lick the cream off you slowly.
He was taking his time, his tongue laving over your skin. Through half-open eyes you saw Hyunjin come over, leaning in to lick the ice-cream off your boobs as Jisung paid attention to your belly button, his tongue swirling around it.
Your wetness was gushing out of you by now, and you wanted to press your thighs together...but Jisung kept them spread apart. His fingers were hovering near your center...the attention you were being given was nice, but you were getting impatient.
Finally, you let out a load moan. “Just fuck me already!” The two boys stopped, looking at you. That was a mistake. There was anger flashing across their eyes now.
Jisung picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder and taking you to Hyunjin’s room, which was close to the kitchen. Changbin still hadn’t come back from the grocery store, so it was currently empty. When he reached, he threw you down on the bed with a lot more force than necessary, and you whimpered as he crawled over you. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Hyunjin close the door behind him.
“Fucking whore. Can’t you just take what we’re giving you without any complaints?”
You felt the bed dip as Hyunjin moved onto it, settling above you. From your position, you could only see his face upside-down...but the frown on his face was still clear.
You closed your eyes. Jisung lifted your leg up over his shoulder as he pulled your thong off. His fingers went to your ass.
He looked up at Hyunjin. “You got to have her ass last time, so it’s my turn now. I bet she’s tight as hell...”
He squirted some lube onto his fingers, and applied it to your anus, two of his fingers slipping in at once, causing you to throw your head back and open your mouth in a loud moan. Just as you opened your mouth, you felt someone shove their cock in between your lips, sliding in. You choked, tears slipping down as your eyes shot open. Hyunjin pulled you up slightly so he could fuck your throat easier.
Meanwhile Jisung pulled his fingers out, pulling down his sweatpants enough so his cock could come out. He stroked it a few times before aligning it with your anus.
“You said you wanted to get fucked, slut? Here you go.”
His cock rammed into your ass and you cried out, gagging around Hyunjin’s length.
The pain quickly gave way to pleasure as the two of them worked up a rhythm. Hyunjin let his hands drift over your sticky skin, pinching from time to time. The slight, sudden bursts of pain made you clench around Jisung each time, causing him to groan loudly.
Jisung pulled out, followed by Hyunjin. He flipped you around so you were on your stomach, and Hyunjin moved up so that you could suck his cock more comfortably. You opened your mouth to take him in just as you felt Jisung slam back into you, his length moving in and out of you rapidly.
His grip on your hips was so tight, that you were sure bruises would form. You looked up at Hyunjin who gazed at you with a serious look on his face, absent-mindedly rubbing circles on your shoulder as he face-fucked you.
Jisung’s cock twitched in you, and you knew he was getting close. His hands reached down to rub on your clit furiously, and you hit your high quickly. He came almost right after, pulling out and watching his cum leak down your ass to your pussy.
Hyunjin’s thrusts were getting sloppy too. He pulled out, and told you to sit up. You did. He groaned as he stroked his cock, cumming all over your boobs. Hyunjin sighed, leaning back and pressing his face to his pillow, falling asleep quickly.
You turned around to face Jisung, who bit his lip as he surveyed you, covered with white fluid that could either be cum or ice-cream. He leaned forward all of a sudden and scooped you up into his arms, getting up and kicking the door open with his feet.
Baffled, you stared up at him.
He saw your expression and laughed. “Oh look at you, y/n. Your nipples are literally covered with cum...so wet and erect. I think I’d be a pretty shitty friend if I didn’t take you to Felix.”
You blushed as you remembered Felix’s intentions. Jisung smiled down at you as he stepped out of Hyunjin’s room to take you to his...only to bump into someone.
The two of you looked up to see Changbin, his hands holding grocery bags.
He took one look at you and glared.
“Now, just where do you think you’re going without me? Cause whatever this is, I want to be a part of it.”
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amayensis · 3 years
Draw me a Horse - tutorial project - looking for submissions!
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Greetings everyone! It's May 2021 and I've had a new idea recently. I want to help you guys learn animal anatomy, namely one of the hardest to comprehend: horses!
I'm not an art teacher or anything, but i've noticed many people struggled with basics of animal anatomy, so I'd like to try and share my knowledge if it can be useful to some artists and aspiring artists out there.
The idea is to create a tutorial or a page with drawing tips that would be based on drawings made by various artists. So for this I'll need you to send me your horse drawings so I can build my tutorial around them!
If you want to participate, here are some criteria/explanation:
 - send me, submit, or post one or more drawings of horses you made yourself, tag me if needed. You can also add the mention "Draw me a horse" in the description.  - this tutorial will be for beginner/intermediate artists, so all artistic levels are encouraged to partake! Especially beginners!  - the art can be a sketch, studies, finished artwork... It's okay if it's not polished!  - try to make the artwork seriously and put a little bit of effort. It's okay if you don't succeed at drawing exactly what you want despite that, the purpose is to learn!  - the horse can be stylistic but keep in mind the tutorial will mostly focus on 'realistic' horse anatomy.  - your art can be made with or without references. Please specify! Also feel free to send the references along with the drawing if applicable.  - your art must be sfw, respectful etc.  - no need to be a follower or anything, but a follow will be greatly appreciated nonetheless!
If you submit one or more drawings, you agree with the following:
 - I can use your submitted artwork(s) in this tutorial. I won't use it in any other context without your permission.  - depending on the number of people participating, I may not be able to use all the submitted drawings, so don't be sad if I can't/won't use yours!  - I will (try to) give constructive criticism on your art, compare it with references, point out what I think looks right/wrong etc, so you must not be afraid of that! (I will stay courteous and benevolent of course x3 )  - I'll credit all the artworks to their respective owners unless specified. So if you want to participate but don't want your name to appear with your artwork, please let me know, and I'll credit the artwork to  'anonymous'.
When the tutorial is ready, it will be free and open for everyone to look at!
I don't have a real deadline to give, so I'll say you can send drawings until the middle of June 2021 or something. I'll edit this post when I decide to stop the submissions.
If possible please comment or write in the reblog tags if you think you'll participate! Don't hesitate to tell me your thoughts and ask questions as well.
29 notes · View notes
Dragon Three
F/M Pairing: Y/N x Felix (SKZ)
Warnings: mentions of violence, mentions of blood and gore, lots of sexy times with Felix, explicit smut, language, and alcohol use
Word Count: 7.8K
Genre: Game of Thrones AU; Fantasy AU
Summary: In order to stake her claim to the throne, Y/N must cross the narrow sea and destroy an enemy who has an endless barrage of assassins tracking her every movement. But at least she has her faithful advisor, Felix, by her side, and an intimidating army of Dragons who only serve their queen.
A/N: The title comes from a 3racha song which is totally cool and you should listen to it while reading this! 
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Spring was a time of rebirth and renewal - an opportunity for second chances and new discoveries. But for me it was different. Because I was destined for something greater, and it was nothing short of intoxicating.
You see, I sought redemption - and there was only one thing left standing in my path.
My remaining obstacle was a wealthy land across the narrow sea - and the final battle meant that I would need to conquer a distant kingdom with an army of skilled warriors by my side. It also meant finding the very best people to serve me, and there weren’t many who planned to turn against a woman with three powerful and very loyal dragons who served at her behest.
But there was still time for distractions - consider it a stress reliever - and I sighed in pleasure, eyelids fluttering when I looked at the flash of silver between my legs - a pair of blue eyes pronounced with desire. “Felix,” I whispered, tracing my fingers across the swollen lines of his lips.
“My queen,” Felix murmured softly in return, looking up at me from his place between my thighs, mouth glistening with the smeared mess of my wet arousal.
“Aren’t you going to finish what you started?” I asked him, hardening my gaze because it was delightful to see the way he submitted to me.
“I’ll do anything you want,” Felix promised, and I could feel his tongue lapping at my wet folds, sinking into my tight cunt with practiced skill.
I hummed in agreement, relaxing my head back against my pillows. When I met Felix for the first time, back when I wasn’t nearly as influential, he was nothing but a little boy who lusted after something that he could never have. But he still agreed to serve me, and his loyalty was nothing short of profound. Perhaps that’s why I eventually succumbed to his advances - agreeing to share my bed with him.
“Can I fuck you?” Felix asked, pulling me out of my thoughts with a guttural groan.
I smirked at him, pretending to think about his request while I made of show of lowering my gaze to the obvious bulge of his erection. “Are those new pants?”
Felix was taken aback by my random comment, but he swallowed hard before responding: “Yeah.”
“They certainly make your cock look bigger,” I said, reaching down to trace the outline. “But you and I both know that your little cock isn’t good enough, so I’m hesitating because I don’t know if it can satisfy me.”
The degradation brought tears to Felix’s eyes, but I knew they weren’t out of grief but rather pleasure. “Please, Y/N,” he cried. “I can make you feel good.”
“You’re just desperate to fuck your cock into anything, aren’t you?” I asked with a snarl.
Felix nodded his head, holding onto my thighs with clenched fingers. Truthfully, Felix’s cock was actually rather good - it wasn’t very girthy, but it was long and always managed to rub against my g-spot perfectly. But he didn’t need to know that - especially when he loved to hear me talk down to him, and his eyes were beautiful and bright with tears filling the corners. “I want to be good for you.”
“You always try for me, Felix,” I placated him, holding up my hand to wipe away some of his tears. “I’m a fair ruler, aren’t I?”
Felix nodded again. “The Seven Kingdoms will be pleased to have you as their queen.”
I smiled at his words. “Well, I want you to show me your best effort, Felix. Can you do that for me? Take out your little cock and please me like you promised.”
“Thank you, Y/N,” Felix panted, and his fingers shook when he removed his belt, shoving down his pants and boxers before tossing them aside. 
I eyed his cock with interest, licking my lips while he wrapped a loose fist around the base, moving his hand up and down while choking around a moan. Meanwhile, I spread my legs wider for him, watching the way his eyes glued themselves to my empty cunt. “Go ahead, Felix,” I said. “Show me what your cock can do.”
“I will,” he promised, looking at me with so much affection that it was almost suffocating. But in the next moment, he was moving himself closer, inserting just the tip as he fought to contain his emotions.
“Why are you holding yourself back?” I asked him with a frown. “Show me how these hips move,” I added while squeezing at his thin waist.
Felix nodded with a quiet groan, throwing back his head to reveal an expanse of beautiful, tanned skin. It was an ethereal appearance, and I could spend the rest of my days studying the shape of him. He was an elegant man with delicate features and a lithe figure that betrayed the impressive strength and resolve of his character - his desire to please the ones he respected the most. 
“Y/N,” Felix said, brushing our lips together in a light kiss. His arms were shaking with the effort of holding himself up over me, releasing low grunts whenever he pressed himself inside. I melted at his ministrations - watching the sweat as it trickled down the sides of his temples, shimmering in contrast to his skin. Because this close, I could see every pore and defining feature - fighting to keep my eyes open to enjoy the delightful vision of his focused expression while his hips rolled in long, sensual patterns. Brushing my clit and filling my tight walls with his thick erection. Pulsating to the beat of his movements, and grazing my g-spot when he angled himself just right - using my thighs as leverage to keep us both as close as possible.
I hummed in delight when one of his hands came up to caress the side of my face - a light touch that contrasted to the quick motions of his deep thrusts. Penetrating my cunt with the same kind of desperation that Felix always seemed to reserve for these intimate moments together - like he wanted to prove a point to me. It wasn’t obvious, whatever it was, but the mystery of Felix was part of the reason why he appealed so much to me. 
“I’m close,” I warned him because I could tell that he was straining to hold back his own orgasm. He was a selfless lover, always ensuring that my pleasure was obtained before he could even consider the possibility of his own release.
In return, his fingers teased my clitoris, and there was a proud smirk on his face as if he was enjoying the quick manner in which he had broken me down. “Come for me,” he said, but it was less of a command and more of a courteous request, and I finally let go of all my accumulating stresses, arching my back against the sudden pressure in my lower back - a tight knot that was slowly becoming undone around me.
And in the afterglow of my orgasm, I listened to Felix’s pretty sounds until something warm started to leak out of the place where he pulled out - leaving behind a mess that we would both ignore. Instead, he collapsed next to me on his back, breathing heavy while he turned around to face me. “Was that good for you?”
I grinned at his neediness, but I nodded my head because I knew that he considered his performances inside the bedroom just as important as the advice he gave outside of our personal affairs. “Of course it was,” I said, pecking his lips. “You’re always so perfect for me, Felix.”
His accompanying smile was brighter than sunshine, and I closed my eyes to the sound of a distant roar outside of our fortress.
It was a triumphant sound because it meant that my dragons had returned.
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The stars were beginning to fade at the steady emergence of the sun, and I was walking across the bridge outside of the fortress to approach the sleeping forms of my dragons. They had arrived sometime the previous evening - making their anticipated return after journeying far away at my direction. I always worried about them when they were gone, but they had an uncanny ability to return to me even after weeks passed with no sign of their massive bodies creating brilliant shadows among the blue of the sky.
“There you are,” I remarked, smiling when Chan - my oldest and largest dragon - perked up at the sound of my voice. His scales bristled around a heavy yawn, reflecting a liquid black under the sunlight. “Chan,” I said, watching as he turned his giant head in my direction. “I missed you.” He grunted in return, attracting the attention of Changbin and Jisung who both startled awake at the sound of their older brother’s interruption. 
In comparison to Chan, Changbin was the second oldest, and his blue coloring reminded me of the ocean. Then, there was Jisung who might be the smallest of his brothers, but his scales reflected a sharp silver color that made him appear constantly alert. Still, I laughed at their expressions, wondering how anyone could ever be cruel to these magnificent animals when they expressed themselves so completely with a subtle blinking of their eyes or a single noise to demonstrate their opinion. 
But I carefully navigated around their powerful forms, pausing when I noticed the evidence of their last mission. “I’m very proud of you,” I said, running a hand along Chan’s spine as the eldest dragon purred at my praise. “Let’s have a proper reunion,” I suggested, taking several steps back so that they could dismiss the remnants of their slumber.
Meanwhile, I noticed the approach of Felix from my peripheral, and he looked unbelievably beautiful under the lingering effects of the dawning morning. “My queen,” he greeted me, pausing as he studied the three Dragons stretching their wings. “They’ve returned.”
“Yes,” I agreed, holding out one hand to gently caress the side of Chan’s muzzle. He gurgled in response before affectionately returning my gesture. “I think they made their point.”
I pointed to the side where the skeletal remains of the assassin waited on the cold, unforgiving ground. It was the third one this month, and I had grown tired of living in fear of them. But I also understood that it was a good thing - it meant that the Queen across the sea was afraid of me.
“I’m surprised they brought back anything,” Felix remarked, and he was suddenly next to my side.
“Well, I’m sure they wanted to show me that they did a good job,” I said, grinning when Changbin started nipping at Jisung’s wings. “Play nice, boys.”
Changbin turned to me in an instant, releasing a whining sound as if to show me his displeasure. “They obey you remarkably well,” Felix said. “After all, at their core, we’re talking about wild animals.”
“Oh, but they have good hearts,” I said, smiling when Jisung sniffled at my outstretched hand and I allowed myself to give him several pats on the neck. “Did you have something to tell me?”
Felix sighed as if he was burdened by the information he wished to share with me. “Y/N, we don’t have enough ships to cross the narrow sea, and our armies are growing bored with waiting around the city.”
“Hmmm,” I acknowledged him. “What do you suggest?”
“We could attempt to approach the iron bank,” Felix said. “They could give us the gold to build our own ships.”
“I suppose,” I agreed. “That might take more time than I’m willing to give” 
“Well, we can always negotiate with the lords in the next city,” Felix suggested. “Perhaps we can offer them some of our overstocked resources. And I’m sure they’ll never say no to someone who rides on the backs of Dragons.”
“If that’s what you think will work,” I said, turning to look at him before placing a delicate kiss on his lips. “I trust your logic.”
Felix smiled, clearly pleased by my show of adoration. “Shall I find someone with a disposable navy?”
“Thank you, Felix,” I said, reaching into my pocket for a small treat, holding it out for Jisung who happily lapped it up with clear delight. “I think I’ll pay a visit to the iron bank tomorrow. We can try to convince them that investing their resources into our army will be of the utmost importance.”
“I’ll make the arrangements myself,” Felix said before offering me a polite nod of his head. “Will you spend more time with them?”
I grinned. “I have another mission for my Dragons, but I’ll join you inside before noon.”
Felix gave a noise of acknowledgment before I watched him disappear into our carefully guarded fortress.
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Braavos was an intimidating city, and there were richly-clad men and women walking along the main roads touting their impressive assets and keeping themselves surrounded by the best that money could afford. I sneered at their ostentatious displays, choosing to travel with a few willing soldiers and Felix without all the ornament. The entire city was a complicated maze but the Iron Bank was, perhaps, the most impressive institution, and I studied the outline of the cathedral as it towered over our surroundings.
Felix managed to arrange a meeting with the most influential bankers, and I was rehearsing what I planned to say to those men in order to convince them that it was in their best interests to support my cause. The Iron Bank was notorious in its reputation, and the men who financed the institution didn’t just hand out loans to anyone unless it was certain they could be repayed. The expectation was pressuring, but perhaps this would be an objective opportunity for me to truly discern what everyone else thought about my cause and whether or not they believed in my success.
Yet, I was still unprepared for the apparent signs of hostility: “What is your business here?” 
I blinked once at the aggressive question, tilting my head at the sole guardian who stood at the doors to the Iron Bank. “My name is Y/N,” I said. “Perhaps this can answer your inquiry.”
The guardian waited for another moment before bowing low at the waist. “Wait here,” he instructed me before disappearing inside the building.
I scoffed and turned to the side to glance at Felix. “Are they always this hostile?”
“They’re unkind to outsiders,” Felix answered, and I pondered over his words even after the guardian returned to lead us into a massive room where three men sat before us on golden thrones.
My first impression was rather hackneyed because the men were all older, clearly aged and experienced, and they wore matching haughty expressions of contempt. In the past, I might’ve felt intimidated by such a reception, but I wasn’t a scared little girl anymore. “Y/N,” one of the men spoke up over the others. “Welcome to the Iron Bank.”
“It’s just as impressive as I’ve heard through rumors,” I remarked, allowing my eyes to peruse the surrounding decor - noting the domed ceiling and pristine floors. “I can feel its history.”
“Is that so?” he asked. “Well, we’re honored to meet with someone who has caused quite a stir in our free city.”
“My reputations precedes me,” I said. “I’m very grateful.”
“We’re also quite curious,” a second man said. “What can we do for you?”
“Of course,” I acknowledged. “As my advisor has likely revealed to you, I’m in need of funding for a fleet of ships to carry myself and my army across the narrow sea.”
“How unexpected,” the second man remarked. “The last time somebody challenged for the throne, they couldn’t even make it to the walls of King’s Landing before they were obliterated.”
I shivered at his casual tone. “I have something different.”
“Yes,” the second man agreed. “But differences aren’t necessarily equal to guaranteed success.”
“Regardless,” I countered, “I see this is as a mutual opportunity. When I conquer Westeros, I will repay my debt and more.”
“Such grand promises,” the second man said. “But why should we believe you?”
“I’ve already conquered most of Essos,” I said. “Men have cowered in my presence, and the ones who tried to cross me have paid the ultimate price.” I grinned while chancing another step closer to the bankers. “This is an advantage for the Iron Bank. You’ll already have access to the next ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.”
“Yes, but we still don’t see it as an investment that will benefit the bank,” the first man said. “I’d consider your proposal a dangerous liability.”
“Because you don’t believe in my cause,” I said. “How foolish.”
“The current regime has reigned for decades,” the man said. “There’s a reason for its continued success, and that perseverance overshadows a grassroots rebellion.”
I huffed at his assessment. “What fails to convince you? The army serving me with a thousand men? My reputation across Essos? The three Dragons who fight at my side?”
“Even if you are successful,” the first man interrupted. “There’s no guarantee that you’d pay back the debt you will accrue.”  
“My word is not enough?”
“Words can be deceiving,” he replied. “Actions are objective. They speak much louder.”
“Very well,” I said, resigning myself to failure. “But I will always remember your faithlessness.”
“Threats don’t intimidate us, Y/N,” the first man cautioned. “You’d be wise to remember this because you may need us again in the future.”
“We’ll see about that,” I said, and I turned my back on the Iron Bank because I would need to search for alternative means if I wanted to cross the narrow sea.
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It was late when I finished my meetings with the people of Braavos, listening to their concerns and addressing grievances. It was tiring work, especially when I encountered situations where there wasn’t such a thing as an easy solution. I was exhausted, but there was nothing better to resolve my overflowing tension than arriving back in my room to find a naked Felix arranging a bath.
“Were you waiting for me?” I asked him, allowing my hand to skim across the skin stretching around his jutting hip bone before walking out onto the balcony outside.
It was bitterly cold, and I supported my chin against my upturned palm as my arm rested against the balcony - quietly observing my Dragons sleeping around the shelter of the forest. “You’re thinking hard,” Felix said, shameless as he walked out to stand next to me. 
“I knew there were other options,” I said. “But today was the first time someone has dared to reject me.”
“I see.” Felix nodded, allowing strands of his silver hair to ruffle in the breeze. “I wouldn’t take offense to a bunch of old assholes who have nothing better to do with their lives than play with people like we’re puppets.”
“But isn’t the point of becoming queen to control those strings?” I asked him. “Otherwise, how will I lead the Kingdoms?”
“By being yourself,” Felix said, drawing my attention by using a finger underneath my chin to direct my head. “I believe in you, Y/N. You’ll do great things for the Kingdoms. Nobody will ever doubt you again.”
“But it still stings,” I said, lowering my gaze to his flaccid cock. “I suppose you had other plans for tonight besides consoling your queen.”
“I wanted to please you,” Felix said. “As always.”
“Well,” I said, trailing my fingers sensually down the bare skin of his chest. “Show me what you had planned.”
“It’s nothing extravagant,” Felix said, taking my hand before leading me back inside. “Take off your clothes.”
“Are you giving out the orders tonight?” I asked, although I was already undoing the intricate lacing holding my gown together.
“If you’ll allow me,” Felix said, and I watched him lower his body into the steaming bath water, groaning in delight at the sensation.
 “I’m always grateful,” I told him, removing my gown while pretending like I wasn’t glad to feel his eyes on me the entire time. I joined him with a sigh of content, falling back into his embrace as we both silently enjoyed the water and one another’s company. 
“Can I wash you?” Felix asked, and I nodded before laving a kiss across his jutting collarbone.
In the meantime, Felix reached for the soap and started to slide the bar across my skin, rubbing it between his hands to create extra suds. “What shall we do about the ships?” I asked around a moan, feeling him squeeze my breasts. 
“Leave that to me,” Felix replied, rubbing his thumbs in sensual circles around my nipples. 
“You know that I trust you with my life,” I said, and I could feel his cock growing erect against my lower back. “Who can we approach?”
“I have someone in mind,” Felix murmured softly, and he was unceasing in the gentle kisses that he was leaving across my shoulders.
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His name was Lord Park, and there were rumors that his wealth surpassed even that of the Iron Bank. 
“He’s our man,” Felix assured me as we stood outside of his lavish estate - waiting for someone to greet us at the front door.
“It seems like this gentleman has more money than he knows what to do with,” I remarked.
“He also has ships,” Felix said, trailing his fingers across the back of my hand. “If he agrees to help us, then we’ll be ready to sail before our deadline.”
“Good,” I said, smiling when I sought Felix from my peripheral vision. “You’ve done well.” 
Felix beamed at the compliment while the gates of the estate abruptly opened, and an older man with graying hair and a thick beard stepped out to greet us. “My distinguished guests,” he said. “Lord Park is expecting you in the great room.”
“The honor is ours,” I replied with a bow - nodding at the soldiers I had brought with me as we stepped onto the impressive grounds.
My first impression was quite unforgettable - admiring the enormous columns and the elegant statues lining the path leading to the main entrance of a notable mansion. The doors of which were wide open, revealing a foyer with broad walls and an overarching ceiling that stretched to the heavens above. ”The mansion was constructed in the early ages,” our guide explained. “My esteemed patron had the chandelier installed himself.”
“How interesting,” I remarked, exchanging a quick glance with Felix.
“You may enter at your own convenience,” the guide said, pausing outside of a set of double doors. “Lord Park only asks that you leave your men here with me.”
I hesitated at the request, but Felix squeezed my hand in reassurance, and I took a deep breath before reaching out for the door handle. The room that I had entered reminded me of an office: bookshelves lining the walls with ancient texts, and an enormous table occupying the center of the room. “Close the door behind you,” an unfamiliar man said, and he stood next to the large window overlooking the grounds.
“Of course,” I agreed, and I followed his orders before walking in the direction of the table. “The pleasure is mine, Lord Park.”
The older man chuckled, and he turned around to reveal himself to me - fairly young, but with signs of his aging in the light peppering of gray in his dark brown hair. His grayish-colored eyes were narrowed, and he looked me over like I was a piece of meant on display for him. “I’ve heard many things about you,” Lord Park said. “Have a seat.”
I nodded my head to show my thanks before pulling out one of the chairs - watching Lord Park choose a spot across from me. “Your estate is beautiful,” I told him, and he smiled as he reached for two glasses and a pitcher.
“This wine,” he said while pouring me a generous amount. “It was made from the freshest produce in my vineyards.”
I accepted the glass from him with a careful hand - bringing it to my lips to drink a tentative sip. “It’s very sweet,” I said.
“It reminds me of you,” Lord Park remarked as he drank from his own glass. “You see, the wine is deceiving. It’s taste is quite sweet, but it’s made from a very rare ingredient known for its hard interior.” He paused for a moment, meeting my gaze from across the table. “You appear that way to me as well, Y/N. Your overall impression is sweet and innocent - you must know this because you have such a delicate body. Yet, underneath that facade is someone who is capable of destroying her worst enemies.”
“Hmmm...” I trailed off with a sigh was I traced the top of my glass with one finger. “I quite like the sound of that, Lord Park.”
“You’re a very beautiful woman,” he continued, raising his glass to me before finishing the remainder of its contents. “I’ve been told that you have a pressing need for my resources.”
“Your ships in particular,” I agreed. “I’m willing to repay you, of course. If you agree to let me use those ships, then I’ll try to accommodate whatever you might need.”
“There’s not really much that I do need,” Lord Park said, and he waved his hand around as if indicating the general grandeur of his property.
“You could consider this as a potential partnership,” I said. “I have an army, and you have ships without crews.”
“Yes, but I expect something in return,” Lord Park said, and he was wearing a lascivious smile. “What do you think a single man like myself could need?”
I chose to ignore his implications. “I have Dragons, sir. That usually convinces most men.”
“Dragons that serve you,” Lord Park remarked. “What good will that do for me?”
“They follow my direction,” I agreed. “But I could command them to assist you in other ways. Perhaps if there’s someone you would wish to see...vanish?”
Lord Park chuckled. “I have no such enemies, Y/N. However, I do have a rather notable lack of a suitable heir. Perhaps you could help me with that.”
“I see,” I said, nodding my head while tasting the wine once again - faintly recognizing the bitter taste under all of the embellishment.
“Of course, marriage is my price for complete access to my ships,” Lord Park said. “I hope that is no problem for you.”
“No problem at all,” I said, even though my stomach churned uncomfortably at the mere idea.
“Then it’s settled,” Lord Park said. “I’ll have your hand, and you can use my ships for your command.”
I forced myself to smile, even though I couldn’t help but feel trapped by the prospect. Still, I had to admit that it made sense considering his circumstances, and I desperately needed his ships. It was a fair trade on the surface, but deep down inside, I couldn’t help but feel cheated.
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Despite the fact that I had tried to withhold my bargain from Felix, I knew that he would eventually corner me and demand the results. Thus, it wasn’t very surprising to see him storm into my bedroom that evening - eyes reminding me of a dangerous storm over the ocean. I trembled from where I sat in front of my mirror, gliding a comb through my hair as I greeted him with brusque tone. 
“My queen,” Felix said, but the sentiment lacked his usual affection. “Don’t you think it’s unfair to keep me in the dark?”
“What are you referring to, Felix?” 
He scoffed at my obvious evasion. “Lord Park ordered his hand to make arrangements with me for his ships, but I’m no fool, Y/N. What did he ask for in return?”
I carefully lowered my comb, looking down at my hands folded in my lap as I mustered enough confidence to reveal the truth. “I may have to marry myself to that Lord,” I said, and I glanced up in time to notice the hurt flash across his expression. “Oh, Felix, don’t be like that. You probably knew this from the very start. It was your idea. You told me that we needed to negotiate for new ships.”
“My idea?” Felix repeated. “Y/N, at such a high price, I would’ve sought alternative sources.”
“But I can’t take that risk,” I said. “Someone else might want something even more onerous, and this is a worthy sacrifice for our cause.”
“But I hate it,” Felix said, and there was a raw emotion that exposed his very soul. 
“That’s a very dangerous thing for you to say,” I told him. “We both knew that those ships would cost us more than we might be willing to give.”
“Yes, but to bind yourself to him forever!” Felix decried, and I was so very upset to see his eyes gloss over. “Y/N, I’ve given you advice,” Felix whispered. “I helped negotiate for your armies! We raised your Dragons together!”
“Oh, Felix.” I sighed. “It disappoints me to hear you speak this way. I warned you at the very start of our affair that you should keep your feelings guarded.”
“Well, I couldn’t help it,” Felix snapped. “I love you, Y/N, and I won’t see you marry another man.”
“Then you won’t see me at all,” I rebuffed, steeling my gaze. 
I knew that the threat was harsh, and Felix was obviously taken aback. “You don’t mean that,” he said, but I also detected a slight hint of uncertainty.
“Perhaps you underestimate my resolve,” I said. “Those ships mean everything to me, and they’re certainly worth more than your cock.”
My heart twisted painfully at the lie, but I was convinced that marrying Lord Park was the only way to earn my crown. And I couldn’t have Felix standing in the way because of his affections for me - no matter how I might feel about him in return. This was the cold reality of a true ruler, and I would have to get used to making these sacrifices for the betterment of my people. 
“Do you really think of our arrangement as nothing more than a means to satisfy your own urges?” Felix questioned. “How can I believe that, after all this time, you only used me because I was able to fill your greedy little cunt?”
“I thought it was mutual,” I said. “Feelings are too complicated, Felix. Can’t you see how they’re breaking us down?”
“Because you’re allowing our relationship to amount to nothing more than fucking,” Felix countered. “I know that you don’t mean these things, Y/N. But I’m furious that you would lie to me for the sake of a potential marriage to Lord Park of all men. I’ll always stand by your side, even after everything you’ve said tonight, but you should be careful who you allow in such close intimacy.”
“I’ll consider your advice as always,” I said, and I returned my gaze back to the mirror just in time to see the reflection of Felix’s retreating figure.
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The next evening, I wasn’t surprised to receive an invitation to dine with Lord Park at his estate. Apparently, he desired to understand his future wife and her aspirations, which brought me to my present situation: walking next to a stoically unmoved Felix as we greeted two servants at the entrance to the dining room. The man in question was already inside, and he walked around the table to greet me with a formal kiss to the top of my hand. “Our future queen,” he said with a sultry tone. “You look ravishing.”
“Thank you, kind sir,” I said, ignoring the way Felix glared at our touching hands.
“Please have a seat,” he said, gesturing to the place right next to the head of the table. “Felix, you can occupy the chair next to mine.”
“How gracious,” Felix muttered, but our host was generous enough to forgive Felix’s dismissive tone. 
“Let’s begin,” Lord Park announced, and we all situated ourselves around the table as several servants entered the room with delicious-smelling platters and dishes full of delectable offerings. “I’ve prepared the best,” Lord Park said. “Help yourselves.”
I smiled in his direction before perusing the vast selections. “It all looks amazing.”
“Thank you,” Lord Park said before briefly glancing in Felix’s direction. “Felix, my dearest boy, you are more than welcome to your share.”
I shot a glare in Felix’s direction because he refused to accept any of Lord Park’s hospitality. “I’m not hungry,” he grumbled.
“Not hungry!” Lord Park exclaimed. “I shall be offended if you sit there while the rest of us enjoy ourselves.”
“Felix,” I snapped - growing more and more irritated since he refused to look at me. “Don’t behave this way.”
“I’m not hungry!” Felix insisted with a far more aggressive tone.
“My word,” Lord Park said. “Will you let him get away with this?”
“It’s been a long week,” I tried to explain. “Felix has been stressed from making arrangements with our armies.”
“It’s still unacceptable behavior from someone in his position,” Lord Park remarked, and Felix’s hand tightened around his fork.
“He’ll improve,” I said, but I knew that Felix’s infamous fits of passionate rage could last for weeks at a time. “Please, Lord Park, tell us more about your daily affairs.”
“I would be glad to lead the conversation,” Lord Park said, and he started launching himself into a retelling of his dealings with a rather mischievous servant who had returned to work that day after nearly a week of constant absences. “Who does he think he is?” Lord Park scoffed. “Of course, I immediately sent him home without pay. We can’t have such actions go unpunished. It sets a bad example for the others.”
“Perhaps he has a good reason for staying away,” I said.
“Oh, he was going on about his wife,” Lord Park said with a roll of his eyes. “But it’s not of my concern. After all, I must keep this place in good condition for my future wife. I’ve been busy renovating a private shelter just for your dragons.”
“Oh, how fascinating,” I lied, dropping my hand on top of his and ignoring the way Felix flinched from the corner of my eye.
“Tell me about the beasts,” he requested. “Are they well-trained?”
“Of course,” I said. “They are quite obedient.”
“It’s just remarkable to me,” Lord Park continued. “They’re such a rare species. How did you find three perfectly good dragon eggs?”
I hesitated at his question, and my eyes met Felix’s for the first time that evening. Because my precious dragons had been a gift from Felix - back when I was still very young and afraid of the world. My aspirations seemed far too ambitious at the time, and I lamented to Felix that I had nothing to support my claim to the throne other than an unverifiable family tree. I told him that I wanted something to make me look powerful, and he had spent days following nothing more than a whispered rumor - until he found what he was looking for in the three dragon eggs hidden away in the mountains. When he brought them to me that night, we made love for the very first time - both young and inexperienced virgins - while the eggs sat next to the fireplace all night long.
But the next morning, the egg shells were in pieces, and three very tiny dragon hatch-lings greeted me with innocent eyes and adorable features.
“It’s a long story,” I told Lord Park before clearing my throat. “Please excuse me for a moment.”
“Take your time,” Lord Park said, but he was clearly at ease while drinking his second glass of wine.
I bowed my head in gratitude before rushing out of the dining room - entering the next chamber where a small window allowed me a discreet view of Lord Park. I could feel my stomach churn while looking at the horrible man - and I desperately wanted to blame the wine but I recognized the bitter sensation of guilt as it sunk against my chest. 
“Do you remember when I fucked you for the very first time?”
I turned around with a start at the unexpected sound of Felix’s voice - spotting him standing at the entrance to the room. “Felix,” I whispered, feeling my heart flutter against my sternum.
“You became my entire world, Y/N,” Felix said, approaching me with measured steps as I forced myself to meet his impenetrable gaze. “I feel like I’ve loved you for my whole life, and I know that I’m the only man who could ever make you truly happy.”
“Felix,” I repeated, but my confidence was in shambles, and there were tears falling in streaks because I was horrified by the idea of marrying Lord Park and losing Felix’s touch forever.
“Tell me again, Y/N,” Felix said, and he was so close that I could see the way his chest heaved with every deep breath. “If you can find the nerve to lie to me like the rat sitting in the next room, then please refuse my heart and end my misery.”
I sniffled because I was close to hysteria as I shook my head, reaching out to wrap my arms around Felix’s neck. “I love you,” I told him. “I don’t know what I would do without your presence by my side.”
“Then we’re the same,” Felix said, and I gasped when he unwound my arms and spun me around - shoving me up against the counter. “Do you think your war is worth that cruel bastard?” Felix asked, and his fingers kept a harsh grip in my hair as he forced my head back against his shoulder - whispers low and seductive in my ear. “Perhaps it might seem like it to you, but you’ll be miserable with him. And do you know why?”
“No,” I said in return. “I don’t know.”
I guess my response wasn’t enough. Because it was like my words had triggered something primal, and I was left at the mercy of Felix as he jerked my hips back away from the counter - only to bend me over as he quickly reached down to bundle the hem of my gown between one hand. And I shivered when nothing but cold air touched my most intimate place - shaking like a leaf when he tugged my panties down my legs. 
“What did those stupid assholes at the Iron Bank tell you?” Felix snarled, spreading my legs and resuming his place in the empty space - pressing the front of his erection against my heat. “Actions speak louder than words, isn’t that right?”
“Yes!” I cried because it was hard to keep myself together in the presence of this unfiltered Felix - listening to the sounds of his zipper as he tugged down his pants. His cock was warm and rigid when he used his free hand to guide the tip along my folds, moving himself up and down but never penetrating inside.
“What would those people think if they saw their queen begging for my cock?” Felix asked. “Would Lord Park think less of you if he knew that your adviser could take you whenever he pleased?”
I moaned at the rhetorical question - knowing that Lord Park was just on the other side of the glass. It fed my growing arousal, and my mouth opened around a scream when Felix started to push his cock into my sensitive pussy. “Oh!” I cried - a broken sound that only continued to increase in volume as Felix pushed down against my lower back and started pounding his cock between my tight walls.
“I’ll treat you like a slut,” Felix said. “If that’s what you really think of our relationship.”
“Nothing I said was true!” I whimpered. “I love you, Felix.”
“Yeah?” Felix purred, and it was a complete contradiction to his earlier tone. “Will you finally admit your feelings for me, Y/N? Only after I’m forced to make an example of this little cunt.”
“Please, Felix,” I said, sobbing against my forearms as both of his hands moved down to grab my waist - using it as leverage to force his cock as deep as possible. 
“Look at him while I’m fucking you,” Felix growled, holding even tighter to my waist as he fucked me like it might be the last time he would ever have the honor and privilege. “You think he could ever be this good for you?”
“Nobody can ever match you, Felix,” I told him earnestly while trying to support myself against the counter.
“This pussy belongs to me,” Felix said, snapping his hips as if trying to make a point. “It can only be satisfied by my cock.”
“You’re right,” I whined, looking up through the window where Lord Park remained seated at the table - calmly attending to his own business without any idea that the woman he was trying to seduce was getting fucked in the next room.
“You might marry that bastard,” Felix continued, anchoring my thigh around his waist to find an even better angle - hitting my g-spot with every upstroke. “But you won’t share his bed, do you understand? That privilege will remain with me!”
“Felix,” I whispered, closing my eyes when I felt my orgasm approaching - the familiar heat burning inside of me. Hotter than any dragon fire.
“My queen,” Felix said. “Say my name, Y/N. Let him hear how good my cock makes you feel.”
“Shit, Felix,” I moaned, even though I had no idea what I was actually begging him to do for me. But I knew that Felix would always do his best to give me whatever I wanted. 
“Come for me,” Felix grunted, pounding his hips into mine as he knocked my waist against the edge of the table. “I can tell that you’re close.”
But it was still the first time that I had ever come on command, and I screamed his name when I fell apart around his pulsating erection, feeling him continue to move inside of me until he was satisfied as well - cum dripping down my thighs. 
“Remember this moment,” Felix said. “Because I know you aren’t attracted to him, and I know that you aren’t serious about an engagement.”
“I’m not,” I said, leaning back into his weight as he brought us to the floor, allowing my dress to fall into place as he held me tightly in his arms. “Nobody could ever replace you, Felix.” 
“Because you’re mine,” Felix purred, and he was more pliant after being sated, sharing his deepest feelings as we resigned ourselves to the undeniable love that had followed us ever since our very first meeting on a warm, spring afternoon. 
It was such a beautiful recollection, and I found myself crying in Felix’s arms as he shushed me quietly. “I don’t want to marry him,” I said. “But what else can I do?”
“I know, my love,” Felix said, and he was so gentle as he carded his fingers through my hair - knotted from his rough touches earlier. “It pains me to see you like this, but I might have a way to prevent your suffering.”
“It’s never easy,” I said, and Felix smiled when he wiped away my tears. “I can’t turn down his ships.”
“Then marry him, Y/N,” he said, ignoring the way that I shivered. “I’ll handle the rest.”
I swallowed hard at his ominous promise. “What will you do to him?”
“It won’t involve your hand,” Felix said. “Leave it to me, my sweet queen. I’ll make sure that your heart never hurts this way again.”
I lifted my head to meet his familiar gaze, and I saw the determination right in front of me. It was reassuring, and I carefully nodded because I would always trust Felix with my life.
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One Month Later
I would always recall the winter’s morning when I set sail across the narrow sea to meet my destiny in King’s Landing.
Our enormous fleet of ships proved to be an imposing force as we started sailing across the waters - leaving behind Essos with my armies attending to their duties. The departure of our forces marked an entire month since I had married Lord Park in a private ceremony in view of the officials and his close friends and family. He had whispered to me during our first dance together - talking about how he was going to put a child inside me. 
Yet, that very same night, he could only penetrate the tip of his disgusting cock before a familiar hand was slicing across his throat - using a knife made of Valyrian steel to end Lord Park’s life. I remembered that there had been so much blood - draining from the terrible man in rivulets of crimson until he collapsed next to me face-down into the mattress. He continued to convulse as he struggled while Felix knelt in his place - wiping the blood from his skin and looking down at me with a desperate hunger. 
The news of Lord Park’s death traveled quickly, and I played the part of a distraught housewife who described the masked assassin who had snuck into our room and killed my poor husband. There was nobody to doubt me, especially when I called my dragons to the official hearing, and their intimidating presence was enough to cement my lie. And since all of Lord Park’s estate belonged to me, I could still claim his ships and wealth - using everything to catalyze my impending journey across the narrow sea. 
I was the ruthless queen who had survived death itself, and my reputation was even more formidable than it was before. There was nothing left to stop me, and I breathed in the scent of the ocean as I leaned against the banister of the impressive warship. From next to me, Felix stood tall with his long, silver hair billowing in the breeze.
“We’ll be there before sunrise,” I said, closing my eyes as I envisioned my arrival.
“Its yours for the taking, my queen,” Felix replied, and I trembled when his fingers followed the path of my spine. 
“Yes,” I agreed. “It’s all mine!” 
Felix smirked at my audacious declaration, and I held my head high as the land grew closer in the distance. Meanwhile, my dragons soared high above my ships and the army that would fight for their new queen and secure my rightful place on the Iron Throne.
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212 notes · View notes
sixth-light · 4 years
Man, prior probabilities anon here, you have described the bulletproof kink sequel of my dreams and I shall never get to read it! Alas, the life of a fangirl is tragedy. ;D To mend my broken heart I guess I'll have to reread Good Enough to Be True, which got me through a rough day today, so thank you very much for that. Your writing is a joy & you deserve good things. Thanks for answering my ask!!!
this is...uh...probably not the bulletproof kink sequel of your dreams but you are fully responsible for it existing at all, so: 
After all the trouble with Nicolò’s betrothed running away, and finding a man in the ocean, and getting attacked, and then the man they found in the ocean turning out to be Nicolò’s runaway betrothed – not to mention the part in the middle where Nicolò bedded him and very nearly gravely insulted his betrothed’s family, who didn’t know that said betrothed was still alive, much less with Nicolò – Marco tried not to think about his youngest brother’s marriage, because the whole thing gave him a headache. He told everybody as much when he returned to Genoa.
“Yes, but do you think it will go well?” his wife asked.
“I don’t see how it can’t,” Marco said. He was too busy trying to coax their son to walk towards him to explain it again. “Nicolò was three-quarters in love with him before he even knew who he was. It’s like one of those fairytale things.”
“I suppose,” Anna said, “but it also sounds as if there may have been hurt feelings.”
“Give them a couple of years,” Marco said. “Yes, that’s right, towards me…what a good job!” He picked up Tomaso, who was giggling, and tossed him gently in the air. He had got so big while Marco had been away. It was amazing how children grew. He said as much to Anna, and thankfully, that changed the subject.
Unfortunately, every other member of his family – at least the ones who still lived in Genoa – had the same question for him. The problem, as Marco saw it, was that Nicolò was the baby of the family and they all thought he needed looking after. They hadn’t seen Nicolò in a fight, that was the trouble. He tried telling his second-oldest sister Giovanna this – she had married a nobleman of the city, unlike Bernadetta, and so was still here – but she just looked at him blankly. “What does that have to do with whether he is happy in his marriage, Marco?”
“Well, the prince turned out to be very good with a sword too,” Marco tried to explain, “so they have that in common.” Giovanna was not convinced.
“It concerns me,” Godfrey, Marco’s oldest brother, told him. “This sort of alliance only holds if there is respect between them, since they won’t have children of their own.”
“I don’t know why you’re talking to me about it again,” Marco said. “Isn’t Nicolò writing?”
“Yes, but he isn’t writing about his husband, and that is its own sort of message,” Godfrey said. “I want you to visit.”
“Visit Malta?” Marco threw up his hands. “But Anna is pregnant again, and –”
“It’s a week’s voyage away! Two at most,” Godfrey said. “You will be back well before she is confined. Besides, Marco, I am counting on you.”
“Of course I will do whatever you need,” Marco said hastily; it pleased him when his brother the Count relied on him, even if in this case he strongly suspected that the instruction originated from his mother. She had been Godfrey’s regent for many years, and although she was diligent in not being seen to rule him now he was of age, Godfrey still looked to her for advice. As well he should, of course. And this whole marriage alliance had been something she had cooked up with the queen of Tunis, because of their old friendship.
“Very good,” Godfrey said. “We have an agreement to send them ships, anyway. Just go along, and make sure everything is as it should be.”
It did not take long at all for Marco to realise, once he was in Malta, that everything was not as it should be. Nicolò greeted him with pleasure, and his husband was genial, but Marco knew what it looked like when Nicolò was truly relaxed with somebody; this was not it. Yusuf and Nicolò were courteous towards each other, and respectful, but not at ease. And they watched each other, all the time, when they thought the other one was not looking.
Marco consulted Captain Nile, who had sailed with them on that original voyage, and knew the entire saga. He did so by buying her a glass of wine in an inn down by the docks. She groaned, and put her head in her hands. “Oh, don’t get me started.”
“But it was going so well between them,” Marco said, truly confused. “Nicolò was at least half in love with him! And the prince did not seem to mind it. At least, he bedded him, and agreed to marry him. What more did they need?”
“Don’t ask me,” said the captain. “They’ve been like this for months. It’s driving everybody mad. And it’s distracting both of them.”
“I can see that,” agreed Marco, because Nicolò had missed at least two things Marco had said already, and both times because he had been watching Yusuf. “I know my brother has great respect for your counsel. Have you not tried telling him this?”
“Of course.” She rolled her eyes. “And he says, everything is very well, and he appreciates my concern, but surely there are more important things we could be speaking of.”
That last thing was something Godfrey would say. If Marco wanted to annoy Nicolò he would go back and point that out, because Nicolò did not like thinking he was anything like their eldest brother even when he was. But he didn’t want to annoy him; he wanted to be able to go back to Genoa and report that everything was absolutely fine in Malta, which he could still do if Nicolò was annoyed, but not if Nicolò was – like this.
Of course, he could try speaking with his brother directly, but he knew exactly how that conversation would go: as the captain had reported, with the addition of suspicious questions about whether their mother had sent him. Which she had not. Directly. Although she had of course told Marco to convey her best wishes to Nicolò and his new husband.
So he didn’t do that. Instead, he went and found the prince.
“Yusuf, called al-Tayyib,” he greeted him. “It still feels strange knowing you had another name all along.”
The prince winced, but only a little. “I think you understand why I did that.”
“No, not really,” Marco said, “but your family didn’t seem all that surprised and they would know you best.”
He laughed. “No, they were a little surprised, I promise you. I have not made a habit of running away from anything. Though I thought I was running towards, at first. But I have not said, it is good of you to visit – I know Nicolò misses his family, as I do mine.”
Marco knew he was not accounted the brightest mind of his family – that was probably Giovanna, in a fair weighing up – but he could not miss that change of topic. Unfortunately for the prince, he had something to accomplish here. “Ah, so you are talking, that is good. You really did not want to marry him, that was obvious, and my family are all concerned that it will not prove to be a contented match.”
“Not at all!” the prince protested. “Not in the slightest. Nicolò is extremely gracious, and kind, and I do not think I could find a better man to rule beside me, here or when I take the throne – which will be some day far in the future, God willing, my mother being in excellent health. I know it might not seem it from your point of view, but I promise it was not Nicolò in himself I ever objected to. How could it be, when I had not met him?”
“I am very pleased to hear that,” Marco said, “and if you have not told him these things yourself, you should, because he is very badly in love with you and it would please him to hear it.”
The prince went a little red around the ears, which was not what Marco would expect, in a man who had faced his own lover with a sword in hand, unflinching. “I think you must be mistaken. This is a political marriage; neither of us is unaware of that.”
“He’s my brother,” said Marco. “I’m not mistaken. He is pining after you and frankly if you were both in Genoa it would be a bit tiresome. You should speak to him about it.” He clapped Tayyib – no, Yusuf, it was so hard to keep that straight in his head – on the shoulder, and left, so he would not have to listen to the prince protesting. Having lived through the courtships of several of his siblings, he knew that sort of thing could go on for hours. Still, he was quite pleased with himself; that had been a much better choice than trying to talk to Nicolò again.  
He felt less pleased with himself when he walked in on them three separate times in the two days before he returned to Genoa, because there were some things he did not need to know or see about his younger brother. But outside of that, Nicolò had stopped being so stiff, and the prince kept smiling, and on the whole, Marco thought, he didn’t mind it so much, these things he had to do for his family.
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