driftershunt · 3 months
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Tom Cruise and Christopher McQuarrie at the heliport!
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grandmasinhaler · 2 years
I think that in honor of my birthday she should Breastfeed me
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magicalbats · 1 year
Kinktober Day 9: Lactation
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Rating: R-18+
Word Count: 8971
Afab!reader, noncon, mentioned/implied abduction, lactation, milking machine, medical kinks, injections, human experimentation, breast expansion, breastfeeding, possible body horror elements depending on how you want to look at it, general horror/ psychological horror themes, let me emphasize again that this is VERY non consensual 
A/N: okay, this one is dark. It might be upsetting or uncomfortable to some so PLEASE read the tags and pay attention to your own comfort levels before clicking the read more. It’s Dottore and you should expect the worst, so honestly just multiply that by 5 before you make your decision to read or not ndkvndke
You were hand selected from a group of other women and girls. Neither the oldest or the youngest, you’d fallen somewhere in the middle. It had been a diverse selection, ranging in size and shape, and even physical maturity, but he chose you out of all the rest. You’d watched him summarily dismiss the matrons standing in line with little more than a glance, outright scoff at the ones who hadn’t even hit puberty yet, as if they disgusted him, and then wave off the girls who were thin and malnourished. It was impossible to tell what he was looking for at the time, especially when it had come down to you and a few others who were healthy and ripe; old enough to be of marriageable age but not so on in years that your bodies were showing signs of aging yet … but you’d long since come to realize the answer for yourself. 
After that humiliating selection process and the equally invasive exam that followed, your world receded to a fine, pinprick of existence that consisted almost exclusively of cold metal equipment and him. Sterile and unpleasant, he touched you with impartial hands encased in powdery gloves while he conducted his preliminary experiments in the cold laboratory where he kept you like an animal. When not on his exam table or hooked up to strange, whirring machines that you did not understand the purpose of, you were securely locked inside a cage in the corner. You’d been foolish enough to think it somewhat nice and even comfortable at first, since it was bigger than the one you’d had to share with all the others after those masked deviants took you from your home. He even provided you with a blanket so you wouldn’t catch a chill and expire before he was through with you — or so he’d said —  but the appeal had quickly faded. It was impossible to stay optimistic when you'd been in here so long that you were even starting to forget what the outside world was like. 
You couldn’t tell how much time you’d spent there, unsure if only several weeks had passed or if months had flown by without your noticing. It could have been either, and he never responded when you asked. He never said anything to you, only at you. The Doctor in the frightening bird mask. As cold as any of the steel equipment he touched you with and just as silent as the machines, he merely conducted whatever trial or objective was on the schedule for the day and then left. You weren’t even sure if he had a name, but if he did you certainly didn’t know it. 
He’d also never asked for yours. 
The Doctor called you ‘Specimen’ when he bothered to refer to you at all, sometimes murmuring instructions to the exceedingly rare assistant that would stop in from time to time to help him with tasks. Either to get you hooked up to another set of plugs and monitors, or to strap you down to the table for him. You were much too scared to actually struggle or fight but it seemed to be the way of these things, so you allowed them to secure leather straps over your ankles and wrists without a fuss. He never hurt you beyond temporary discomfort when he’d take stabbing metal pincers to your breasts and notate the measurements with a low hum, or slip an uncomfortable metal device inside your cunt to spread you open. This, you could accept. You tried to tell yourself it was probably still better than what the others were experiencing, wherever they were, and the pain never lasted long anyway. 
But then came the day where he wheeled a small tray over after already securing you in place on the chilly metal slab in the center of the room, and you just caught a glimpse of what was on it. Needles. That wasn’t so strange. He took blood samples from time to time, to do what with you had no idea, but … these syringes were full of something. A mostly clear fluid that looked only slightly murky in the glaring overhead light. He was going to inject you with it. 
You understood this on an intrinsic, innate level of comprehension but still maintain your obedient silence while he putters around with whatever else was on the little tray. It’s not like he would have explained anything to you even if you’d asked. It’s only when he finally turns to you and wipes a cold, faintly clinging swathe over one side of your breast do you start to realize that something is not quite right here. The smell of antiseptic floods your nose all at once and you gasp, jerking against the bindings holding you down. 
It’s no use though. The leather is entirely unrelenting no matter how much you anxiously jostle your wrists, and all you can do is lay there, watching with big, frightened eyes, as he thoroughly wipes the area clean. It was so chilly in the lab that your nipples were already stiffly coiled but the one he’s clinically wiping down with that damp cloth seems to pebble to an even finer point that makes you whimper low in your throat. The Doctor had touched you like this before, many times in fact, so you didn’t understand why your body was reacting like this to him. Almost like it knew something you hadn’t yet realized … 
When he brings the first needle close to your tit you panic even though you try not to. But he merely clicks his tongue at you, murmuring something under his breath about behaving as he reaches out with his other hand to cup the swell of your breast and still you. Your toes curl at the sensation even as you anxiously shake your limbs, so scared and wracked with uncontrollable shudders your chest heaves under his hold but he doesn’t even give it a moment's pause. One second the sharp needle is arching through the air on a sure, steady trajectory, and the next it’s sinking deep into your flesh. 
A hurt, gutted little moan escapes you, hot tears flooding your eyes while you watch him swiftly depress the plunger. It only takes a few seconds for the syringe to empty and he leaves you wildly gasping for breath when he withdraws it from the skin before turning back to the tray. 
You can’t process any of it as he sedately moves around the table to come up on the other side and repeat the process. It’s like you’re suffocating, looking up at him in horrified confusion and disbelief. What the hell was he injecting you with?
“Wait …” It's little more than a timid mouse squeak. 
Softly tutting at you, The Doctor quickly wipes the area down with a second antiseptic wipe and then bends over your chest to bring the next needle close. “Hush now, Specimen. I’ve got you.” 
The sharp point pricks into the meat of your breast and he lets out a low, faltering breath as it sinks in. You lurch on top of the table, too restrained to actually pull away, but it does little to stop you from devolving into hysterical, heaving gasps. You didn’t understand. Couldn’t understand. But if your frantic reaction concerns him in any way he certainly doesn’t show it as he straightens up, eyeing you from under that horrid mask for a long moment before humming a brief sound. 
“Perhaps Specimen needs a sedative for today. We don’t want you hurting yourself carrying on like that, do we?” 
Chuckling faintly at the way you wordlessly squawk and shriek, he steps around you again to dig in a drawer on the far side of the room. You’d never admit it but you were so gripped by wild, mindless panic, very nearly choking on it, that you’re almost a bit relieved when he returns and injects another shot into your pinned arm. Almost immediately a false, manufactured calm starts to wash over you and you readily relax into it, happy to let your mind drift off rather than be forced to face the reality you were living. 
The next day finds you strapped down again, but this time with the upper half of the table propped up so you could sit. You’d woken up sore, your chest aching so fiercely it made you wince and seethe each time you moved, and having the weight of your breasts settle without any support like this was just making it worse. If you could have brought your hands up to elevate them and lessen some of the pressure you would have gladly done that but your wrists remained locked next to your hips. 
The Doctor takes his time giving you the usual examination as he always does, checking your temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, etc until he finally gets to the end and sets his clipboard aside. You cautiously watch him reach out then, twitching when he tentatively prods the underside of one breast with a blunt knuckle. He doesn’t miss your reaction even though you’d tried to conceal it, scared of what he might do with that information, and he noises a brief sound of interest as he brings his other hand up as well. 
Simultaneously, he nudges both of your tits to lift them slightly but not actually support them, and you hiss through tightly clenched teeth. You were already starting to feel lightheaded, a bit nauseous. The deep ache you felt was so close to being unbearable that you can’t help but react even when you know he’s only going to turn it back around on you. 
“My, how interesting,” He murmurs to himself, sounding really quite pleased with this result. “You’re already this tender, Specimen? It must be working even quicker than I thought … looks like I made the right choice when choosing you for this experiment. Aren’t you happy?” 
You want to ask him what experiment, desperate for any information at all, but you bite your tongue, already knowing full well he wasn’t going to explain anything to you. All you can do is helplessly watch as he pokes and prods, and paws at your chest until you can’t hold it back any longer and stinging tears track a wet path down your face. Your chest was so sensitive and sore it felt like he was jabbing you with blunt knives. 
Softly laughing under his breath, The Doctor lifts his hands a little higher and just brushes over your stiff nipples. You choke at the instant, blinding sensation and jerk back against the table so hard it clatters in response. It was all you could do just to keep drawing air into your lungs. You were so oversensitized it hurt! 
“Please,” You somehow manage to grit out. “Stop it!” 
���How precious,” He purrs, low and mean, as he takes delicate hold of the hardened buds between thumb and forefinger. Just holding them for the moment but even that is enough to make you writhe in place, thrashing against the bonds as much as you physically can. “You know, this is the kind of feedback you just can’t get with animal test subjects. All they do is scream and bleat, but you …” 
He leans closer — so close the curved beak of his mask almost touches your face — and you suck in such a ragged, threadbare gasp that it seems to claw at your throat on the way down. Trembling like a leaf now, you just stare at him. Fixated on the spot where his eyes should have been. You can catch only a very small glimpse of the corner of his mouth like this, and you’re more than a little unnerved to find he’s smiling. Delighted. Pleased. 
You just shake even harder. 
“Isn’t it nice that we can communicate like this, Specimen? You can beg me for mercy and I can laugh at you for being stupid enough to try. Why, if I suddenly find myself feeling generous I could even attempt to have a conversation with you.” Pausing, The Doctor appears to give that a moment’s consideration only to softly click his tongue at length. “Probably not, though. I doubt you have anything of interest to say.” 
Before you can even think to respond or formulate a convincing argument for yourself, he abruptly pinches down on your nipples and you shriek. Jerking back against the table only makes your tits bounce and pull at your sore teats where he’s still got them squeezed between his fingers, fresh tears welling behind closed eyes. It was easily the worst thing you’d ever felt. Even worse than the barbaric looking contraption he’d wedged inside your cunt and used to stretch you open when he first brought you here. You’d thought nothing could compare to that discomfort but you were now realizing just how bad it could really be. 
In this manner he spends what feels like many agonizing, endless hours just toying with your breasts; tugging and pulling, and twisting, until the sharp sensitivity somehow exceedes the threshold of comprehension in your mind and dwindles to a dull, mostly numbed but still aching throb. You’re distantly aware of it but too strung out to give it voice anymore. You barely even register the sound he makes when he finally breathes out a quiet sigh of satisfaction and pulls away, leaving your chest screaming in the aftermath. All you knew was that he was stepping away, leaving you to the agony … 
But then he comes back, and a broken little sob bursts out of you when you recognize the two needles in his hand. Whatever this experiment was, it didn’t look like it would be over any time soon. 
The next few days continue in the same manner, repeating the same process over and over again until you almost start to become acclimated to it. The Doctor visits you once in the morning to make note of your vitals and jot down whatever remarks on his clipboard before leaving you to waste away in solitude until midafternoon. Another round of vitals and more note taking, then another session of having him paw at your chest until tears were streaming down your face and, finally, another shot in each breast. He leaves you for the rest of the day until his final check in late in the evening when he makes his final notations and then secures you inside your cage for the night. It all would have been rather humdrum at a certain point except … 
Except that by the end of the first week you start to notice certain changes in your body. You’d thought it was your imagination at first, just a result of the injections and all the brutish pawing he insisted on doing for no reason you could conceive, but your breasts were in fact getting bigger. Swelling to the point that it was noticeable and you couldn’t write it off as a mere flight of fancy. Even worse though was the way your nipples had likewise become puffy and constantly stiff, like they were in a perpetual state of arousal. It was all very strange, to look down at your own chest and see yourself looking like that, but The Doctor was nothing if not pleased. 
He marveled over the results to no end, constantly remarking on how well you were reacting to the treatment and muttering under his breath that it wouldn’t be long now. You didn’t dare to ask until what, really not sure if you even wanted to know, but it’s not as if he would have told you anyway. Utterly helpless, all you could do was try to grin and bear with it for as long as you were able to, hoping that this trial would soon come to a close. 
But of course you’re not quite so lucky, and at the start of the second week he suddenly introduces double dosages of that mysterious substance he was injecting you with. Instead of one in both breasts, you now got two in each and with that increase so too do the results start to speed up. 
Your chest is not only growing bigger, you're more than a little horrified to realize one day, but heavier too. Initially you think they’re one and the same, and you were feeling jittery panic over nothing. But then you’d touched them, lifted them in your palms to lessen some of the strain, and it had occurred to you that your tits weren’t just filling out … they were swelling with an internal pressure, like something was building up under the skin and the resulting inflation was forcing them to expand. You couldn’t make any sense of it. Not only did you just not understand what was even happening in the first place but you couldn’t seem to wrap your head around why he would do this to you. What was his goal? Were these really the results he’d hoped for, or had something gone wrong? 
Trying to tell yourself you were still likely faring better than any of the others you’d shared a cramped little prison cell with or any of the women you’d stood in line with to be evaluated like livestock only goes so far. It soon becomes especially hard to consider your situation a lucky one when the daily breast massages steadily turn into a truly tortuous experience. Where you’d once been simply too sensitive and tender, there was now the added sensation of having too much pressure without any way to relieve it. You sob all throughout these little sessions now, groaning and heaving against the exam table while he squeezes and pinches, tugging on your raw teats until you’re sure you’re going to lose your mind. It gets so bad that even after he leaves you to your own devices you find yourself rubbing your chest in a blithe attempt at easing some of the constant ache there. 
That’s how you eventually figure out what’s really going on. 
It’s the start of the third week (you’d made it a point to keep track from that first injection) and your tits are so heavy and swollen they look like they’re ready to burst. Fighting back harsh, body wracking sobs, you desperately run your hands over them even though it’s done you little in the way of good up until now. It’s like an instinctive urge though, something deep in the primal part of your brain compelling you to massage your breasts even when it just causes you more discomfort. But you can feel something building in them and you’re half delirious with the thought that you would soon find relief if you just kept at it long enough. 
The first wet dribble almost goes unnoticed. You think it’s a mistake. A bead of sweat, perhaps, or maybe even a faint little droplet of blood where your nipples felt so chaffed and sore. But when you look at your fingertip only to find a clear, somewhat thick consistency clinging to the skin, you feel faint with disbelief. Try to convince yourself that it’s not what you think it is, that you were excreting literally anything else — anything at all, but … the proof smacks you across the face when you bring it up to your mouth and take a cautious lick. 
It was sweet and bitter at the same time, and more than just a bit cloying and you’re suddenly left with the crushing realization of what he’s done to you. 
For the first time ever, you fight him tooth and nail when it comes time to strap you down to the table for your midday exam. It’s difficult with your chest so swollen and heavy that every shuddering movement hurts, but you still manage to hold out until he’s forced to call for backup. You feel rather proud of yourself for that up until two sets of hands descend upon you, grappling to get you secured in place, “without harming the Specimen!”, he’d irritably snapped. 
It seems to stretch on for many, many minutes, but at last they manage to buckle a restraint around one of your wrists and it becomes frustratingly easy for them to get the rest. You’re left panting and heaving, shooting daggers at The Doctor as well as his assistant when they step back to sort themselves out. The younger man was nursing a bruised jaw where you’d successfully caught him with your elbow and The Doctor … you’d almost knocked his stupid mask off his face, and you regretted not being able to see him without it as he tersely readjusts it’s placement. Maybe next time though. There was always a next time with him. 
Finally drawing himself up, The Doctor impatiently tugs at the cravat around his neck where it had twisted askew before barking at the other man. “Get the table up. I want the Specimen sitting for this.” 
His assistant rushes to obey and you narrow your eyes at him in warning, still gasping for breath as he comes up next to you. Bending down, he reaches under the table to fiddle with some sort of lever or mechanism and then moves to incline the top half of the table, slowly inching you up until you’re left staring directly at The Doctor. He’s standing at enough of a distance that you can see his mouth under the curved beak, and you’re quite pleased to note he’s scowling at you. Good. A bit of frustration was well deserved after what he’d done to you. 
“Now then,” He finally intones, low and dangerous, as his assistant reaches back under the table to lock it in place. “Might I ask just what it is you think you are doing today? I was so sure you knew better than that.” 
It takes you a moment to realize he hadn’t asked you a rhetorical question for once and was actually expecting an answer. You were so unused to him acknowledging you in any way that for a moment you’re not quite sure how to respond. 
“Why don’t you start by telling me what it is you’re injecting me with.” You finally spit. 
The Doctor tips his head to one side, looking so much like a curious carrion bird in his beaked mask and feathers that it actually sends a chill down your spine. “Do you really think you’d understand if I told you? How ridiculous.” 
Your cheeks start to grow warm, but you pull yourself up as much as you’re able to and try again. “You’re a monster! What did you do to me?” 
“That’s better.” Simpering, he roughly yanks at his coat to straighten it and then strides forward. Your already erratic heartbeat picks up at his approach but you can’t pull away when he comes up alongside you and reaches out to rather disinterestedly grab one of your tits. Sharp splinters of pain immediately shoot through you and you wheeze, looking down at his hand on your chest in dull disbelief. “What I did to you is rather simple, really. If you want my honesty so much then let’s just say I’m a little surprised you didn’t start to figure it out sooner. Even someone with rocks for brains should have noticed the correlation when their body started to undergo sudden change. I mean, really. Are you that oblivious or are you just trying to get under my skin, darling Specimen?” 
He emphasizes that last bit with a tight, incensed squeeze on your chest, and you outright choke when a tiny little spurt of discharge flies from your nipple. Going so completely still it’s disconcerting, The Doctor simply stares down at you for a long, tension filled moment. Then, to your reeling surprise, he abruptly lets you go. 
“I see,” He eventually murmurs, tapping a gloved finger to his chin in thought. “So that’s what finally tipped you off. We’ve already made it this far in the experiment so it simply wouldn’t do to kill you now and have to start over from scratch … but we’ll have to adjust the parameters. Specimen is far too erratic to be left to their own devices anymore. Might even need to be put under permanent sedation until the final test results are obtained.” 
Muttering under his breath, The Doctor turns from you to pace the room in deep consideration and leave you violently shuddering on the exam table. You didn’t want to be permanently sedated … just the thought alone is almost enough to send you spiraling into full blown panic. Although you’d welcomed its comforting embrace once you were far too alert now to willingly slip under like that. You needed to think of something. Quick. 
“I’ll cooperate - -“ 
“Your cooperation means less than nothing to me.” He cuts across you like the crack of a whip, making you cower in place. Suddenly turning on his heel, he stalks towards you again and you can do nothing at all when he slips his hand under the heavy weight of one breast so he can lift it in consideration. “Specimen should be close to full production levels at this rate. Another day or two, I suspect.”
A heavy silence settles over the room, interspersed only by your labored panting and the nervous shuffle of the assistant somewhere behind you. But The Doctor is perfectly still while he seems to weigh the options laid out before him, his blunt thumb brushing idle circles over the straining swell of your tit while he thinks. You’re certain the waiting is going to kill you. 
“Dimitri!” He abruptly snaps, startling both you and his assistant, if the tiny yelp behind you is anything to go by. “Prepare the machine immediately. I know just what to do with this one.” 
With your hands secured behind your back, you’re led from the enclosed section of the lab you were usually kept in and into a different section that housed far more complicated machinery than you could reasonably process. You’d never seen so many different kinds of knobs, buttons, circuits, control panels, hanging wires and thick cable power lines in your life. Half of it you hadn’t even known existed until being brought here, but your relative familiarity with the banks and complicated components in the other room did serve as an effective baseline to at least understand that what you were looking at was far outside your sphere of comprehension. 
Even the tall cylindrical machine The Doctor’s assistant pulls you up to is so far beyond anything you could reasonably wrap your head around that you have no idea what it was supposed to do. You feel a bit like an oblivious sheep being peacefully led to the slaughter, but there wasn’t much you could have done about it even if you did know what was happening. 
Leaving your side, the assistant scurries over to the control bank and starts to fiddle with various levers on the panel, evidently fine tuning the parameters of the output as the strange machine starts to sputter louder. You momentarily consider making a run for it, weighing your odds of escape with your hands tied behind your back, but then The Doctor steps up behind you and takes a pinching hold of your elbow to give you a brief, teeth rattling shake. 
“Did you know,” He says rather amicably, at complete odds with the rough treatment. “Mammalian births are some of the most successful in nature. Even putting aside mankind, they’re among the most common class of animal and for good reason. Tell me, Specimen. Do you happen to know why that is?” 
You give your head a mute shake, a little too unnerved to play this game with him, and he barks out a clipped, humorless laugh. Yanking on your arm, The Doctor drags you closer to the heaving machine until the sound of it seems to swallow you whole and set your guts to vibrate. Suddenly finding yourself more scared than you’d ever been, you instinctively try to backpedal but he all too easily holds you in place. 
“It’s the milk, you silly little nitwit. It promotes growth and development, in addition to a wide variety of benefits to brain functionality.” Grinning a sharp, eager smile under his mask, he reaches up with his unoccupied hand to tug at a clear tube sticking out of the machine. Your mouth drops open when it jerks loose with a loud, forceful suck of air but nothing comes out, not even a peep. You were starting to have strong suspicions what this machine was used for and yet — you didn’t want to believe it. Couldn’t believe it. 
Turning to you again, he holds up the open ended tube piece and tauntingly waggles it at you. “Now, answer me this … do you have any guess as to what happens to developing infants if they’re denied that very milk they need to grow? Say, in the instance of the untimely death of their mother?” 
Your stomach lurches with an intense, sinking feeling of dread. You did not like this line of questioning and what it would suggest any more than you liked the aggressive shucking noise coming from the machine. Surely you were misunderstanding something and he didn’t really mean what you thought he did. “I — I don’t know. I don’t understand - -“ 
You cut off with a frightened squeak when he gives your arm another tug to drag you closer, nearly pulling you stumbling right into him. Your heavy tits bounce with the sudden motion and bring fresh stabs of discomfort with it, but you’re much too focused on The Doctor to get swept up in the pain. It was all you could do just to stay on your feet instead of collapsing in a dead faint. You’d never been so terribly frightened. 
“They don’t grow.” He hisses, sharp fingers digging mercilessly into your skin. “Not to their full potential, anyway. All the amino acids, antibodies, vitamins and minerals they should have gotten from their mothers milk … gone, just like that. I’d ask you another question but it’s obvious you don’t have the intelligence to even follow along so allow me to spell it out for you instead. A colleague of mine runs an orphanage. Some of the children she takes in are quite young indeed and there is a noticeable difference between those who lost their parents early in development and those who did not. The ultimate goal of this experiment was to determine whether or not a reliable production method could be used to — fill in the gaps, so to speak.” 
He leans down then, putting his face close to yours, but you just stand there, staring up at him in wide eyed terror. It was like he was speaking a foreign language now, every other word so bizarre and incomprehensible that it may as well have been complete gibberish. But somehow you still grasp enough of the meaning to be afraid. You still tremble uncontrollably when he tips his head, and suddenly his breath is intermingling with yours without his mask in the way to block it. 
“And lucky you, our first test subject. Such a resounding success too.” He purrs in a soft, velvety croon that makes your spine snap straight. “Even I wasn’t expecting to see these results so quickly. If only you could have just had the sense to stay nice and docile for me … oh well. It doesn’t really matter now does it, my darling Specimen?” 
You force your constricting lungs to expand, sucking in a harsh, stuttering breath, but he just nudges your right up against him before you can think of something to say. Your blood instantly turns to ice when you feel his coat brush against you as well as the body heat coming off him, and frantically try to twist away. It was much too late though. His hold on your elbow was as good as iron and he now had you standing close enough to the machine that he could direct the suctioning tube towards your chest. So gripped with terror, you desperately try to angle away from it to no avail and you outright shriek when it sucks your nipple up and seals to your breast with a deafening loud schuck. 
Throwing your head back, you scream up at the ceiling until your throat seizes under the stress and you trail off into a gutted, hollowed out groan that seems to echo off the walls. The pressure is so extreme on your swollen, sensitized teat that for a wild moment you actually think it’s going to pull it right off. But when you sway unsteadily, nauseous and sick, then chance a look down, immense relief washes over you when you see the tip of your breast very much intact. That doesn’t make it any less painful though, and you viciously seethe through your teeth as you watch the suction pull at your nipple, stretching the pliant flesh to the point that it hurt just to look at it.
But then, to your groaning horror, you catch a brief jet of milky discharge getting sucked out of you to disappear up inside the tube and whatever it was attached to. You understood perfectly now. This was a milking machine. A horrid creation of The Doctors, no doubt, and it was so powerful that even when his hand falls away it stays suctioned right where it was over your teat. To your surprise, however, the sharp discomfort you’d first felt quickly starts to recede into a dull thrum under that constant pulse and you can’t quite stop yourself from issuing a low, faltering sound of relief. There was still an immense amount of built up pressure inside your breast but somehow the intense suction actually helped make it a bit more bearable. It wasn’t by much, but you were willing to take anything at this point, and your knees violently knock with that realization. 
“O - oh, blessed Archons!” 
Chuckling faintly, The Doctor slowly releases his hold on your arm and you nearly collapse right then and there. The only thing that reminds you to catch yourself is the tube attached to your breast which showed no sign of loosening its hold anytime soon. You stagger and try to reestablish your balance without him there to keep you propped up as he shifts behind you to step up on the other side. From the corner of your eye, you watch him reach out to grab the second suction device, grimacing even when your neglected tit throbs at the prospect. 
“Please, dear Seven, I’m begging - -“
“They aren’t listening, I’m afraid. Such a pity.” Casually, The Doctor curls his unoccupied hand under the weight of your tit and lifts it slightly to better bring the tube down on the nipple. It firmly sucks into place just the same as the first did, and you scream at the initial pain that tears through you. But same as before, it only takes a few moments for the constant, rhythmic sucking to alleviate some of the tension in your chest and, shuddering, you force yourself to relax into it. Easier said than done when it felt like this horrible machine was actively trying to suck the life right out of you but you manage, somehow. 
“How … how long do you intend to leave me like this?” You pant, struggling to swallow around the rock lodged in your throat as you awkwardly shuffle your feet to better ground yourself. 
“Hm?” Crossing his arms, The Doctor puts his head to one side in faux consideration. “What a silly question. As long as it takes for your production levels to reach their maximum output and for you to start milking properly, of course. Your current rate,” He nudges his chin towards the shuddering tubes, still mostly clear save the occasional tiny wet bead moving along their length. “Isn’t even close to being sufficient. Your lactation ducts need to be thoroughly stimulated until they start to trigger your let-down reflex for optimal milk flow. Truth be told, I had wanted to save this for the final step since things could get … messy, but you just had to go and force my hand, didn’t you?”
With a faint click of his tongue, he starts to turn. “No matter. At least now I won’t have to spend quite so much time monitoring your progress to ensure that everything is proceeding as it should. One way or another, that machine will have you sorted out in no time.” 
Gasping, you give a little jerk when he moves to walk away but you manage to catch the subconscious reaction before you can yank on the suction cups and hurt yourself. “Wait! Please don’t actually leave me here! You can’t — nghn! It hurts, you bastard!” 
The Doctor doesn’t even acknowledge your desperate pleas and he disappears further into the lab without so much as a backwards glance, leaving you at the mercy of the machine. 
You’re not sure how long he’s left you like this. All of your careful tracking since that first injection, gone just like that without his clockwork appearances to track the time with. It could have been mere hours or the whole day, a whole night. You never would have known any different. 
Your legs shudder under you, exhausted and sore from standing for the indeterminate period you’ve been hooked up to the machine but the tubes are too short for you to sit. You were effectively tethered to the faintly groaning mechanism with only enough lead to shift from side to side before the powerful suction started to pull and cause a great deal of discomfort. It wasn’t so bad when you just stood there and let it suckle at your raw teats, but that was hardly any comfort to you at this point. 
You’d watched your breasts shudder against the force and slowly, so slowly you hadn’t even realized it was happening at first, let down on the intense pressure that had steadily built in them over the last two weeks. What was initially just an occasional spurt of creamy fluid, shuddering beads sucked up through the tubes and into what you could only guess was a collection unit, had gradually turned into a relatively steady stream of creamy white fluid. Even without any real knowledge on the topic, you still recognized it for what it was and could no longer try to pretend it was something else. You were not only lactating but quite excessively by the looks of it. Whatever he’d been injecting you with had caused such an extreme physiological shift in your body that you were now rapidly producing milk without ever having been pregnant and the output only seemed to be steadily increasing. 
The innate relief that comes with having your tits milked doesn’t do much to pacify you though, and your head slowly comes up when you catch the sound of approaching footsteps. You know it’s The Doctor, so familiar with that slow, confident gait and the unique sound of his boots on the floor that you’d know it anywhere at this point. Shuddering so hard you nearly collapse, you force yourself to straighten from the tired hunch you’d fallen into, hissing when the suction tubes give a stiff jostle over your nipples. You weren’t foolish enough to believe he’d found the capacity for mercy in his twisted soul but a little part of you still hopes … 
“Good morning, Specimen. You look lovely today, don’t you?” He drawls as he comes up behind you, and a hurt little groan bursts out of you when more of the pressure in your tits gives to release a thick, creamy dollop into the sucking machine. You just stare down at the tubes in frozen, slack jawed disbelief. At the sound of his voice? 
He steps up beside you then, startling you, and you snap your attention up to find him grinning under that ugly mask. Waves of deep satisfaction practically roll off him as he halts close enough you can feel his coat brushing your thigh. The two of you just look at one another for what feels like an eternity, your shoulders trembling with every labored breath. 
“I see the machine has served its purpose.” He says at length. 
“Screw you!” 
Clicking his tongue in admonition, The Doctor reaches out and casually — much too casually — slips a gloved hand between your thighs. You jolt so hard the tubes bob with the motion, pulling at your poor tits, but there’s nothing you can do to stop it as he worms his wrist in the tight space even when you try to squeeze him out. Long, blunt fingers find the seam and rudely nudge up into you, nearly knocking you off balance when you give a fierce jolt. 
“My, my, isn’t that interesting?” He croons, baring sharp teeth with a mean, perverse grin as those oppressive digits slip and slide through an obscene amount of slick. You’d been so focused on the continuous suction on your nipples, the stilted relief of pressure, that you hadn’t even noticed how the rest of your body was reacting. 
Your stomach wrenches with this knowledge but you just stand there, thighs quaking around his hand, while he casually pulls soft, wet little clicks out of your cunt with the drag of his fingers. It was horrible and disgusting, and your nausea only increases when you catch a glimpse of yet more creamy white discharge being pulled up through the tubes. 
“Are you enjoying your milking, Specimen? Good. You’re going to be here for a while so it’s probably best if you find some way to entertain yourself.” Chuckling, The Doctor slowly withdraws his hand, much to your shuddering disappointment, but he ignores your quiet whimpering in favor of straightening up. “Dimitri!” 
A sudden bang sounds from somewhere in the lab. Within seconds, the young man rounds the corner at a flustered sprint and you sway unsteadily on your feet when his eyes widen at the sight of you. 
“Lower the settings on the machine,” The Doctor hisses at him, low and dangerous. “Then leave me for the rest of the day. I will oversee the experiment myself from here.” 
He turns back to you as his assistant goes scurrying off to fiddle with the control panel, leering viciously under his mask when he reaches out to palm your hip. You gnash your teeth, chest heaving with fast pumping terror but there’s nothing you can do to stop it when he tugs you closer. Your pelvis bumps his firm thigh and you suck in a harsh breath. He couldn’t be serious … now, after all this time treating you like little more than a slab of meat? 
Seething, you grimace when the suction suddenly lessens to a weak, hollow tug that you can barely feel through your raw teats. The change in pressure is immediately apparent though and your nipples pulse in its absence. You have to fight back the sobs that try to tear their way out of your throat as you watch him slowly reach up to wrap his hand around one of the tubes still clinging to your breast. He doesn’t pull it off though, not yet, and instead just looks at you for a long beat. 
“I suppose you do deserve a reward. After all, you’ve far exceeded my expectations and I’m quite pleased with you, you know.” He purrs at last. “I wasn’t expecting you to take to the drug so quickly, nor did I foresee you reaching this production level so soon. You’ve impressed me a great deal, Specimen, and I always make sure to reward good behavior where I can.” 
He doesn’t warn you before he does it. So abruptly it leaves you reeling in hurt disbelief, he pops the suction tube free with a firm tug and your nipple throbs against the total lack of pressure. It feels like a million tiny pinpricks are stabbing into the sensitive flesh all at once when the air hits it, wafting uncomfortably against hot, swollen skin. Unable to stop yourself, you look down only to instantly wish you hadn’t. 
Not only was the swollen teat so puffy and dark from the suction, fat with milk that beads and dribbles wetly from the tip, it was also humiliatingly engorged. The constant sucking had pulled at the pliant skin for so long that it now stuck straight out in a plaintive, attention grabbing point. Meaty and so starkly different from how it had once looked, you feel bile rise in the back of your throat. 
The Doctor doesn’t allow you enough time to fully process what you’re seeing though, and you helplessly watch him take the remaining tube in hand so he can pull it loose as well. You shudder so violently at the onslaught of sensation that your knees give out but he’s quick to steady you with both hands on your hips. Fingers digging in mercilessly, he pulls your lower body against his own and your mouth drops open at the hard press of his cock on your stomach. 
“That’s a good look for you, Specimen. Much better than all that hissing and kicking you did yesterday.” Casually, like it was the most normal thing in the world for him to do, he lifts a hand from your waist when he’s sure you’re steady enough not to fall and nudges a single finger under one teat. You loose a gutted, broken sound when a fresh bead of milk trickles out to run down his hand and, humming, he idly presses up to make more come out. “Yes, your production levels are excellent. Your let-down reflex seems to be working quite well.” 
You aren’t sure what he’s going to do next when he withdraws his fingers, but the very last thing you expect is for The Doctor to hunch over your chest and seal his mouth around the nipple. Going stock still at the sensation of a hot, wet mouth suckling at your breast rather than the cold, impartial machine, you just stand there and … let him do it. You were horrified with yourself but couldn’t quite find the wherewithal to be disgusted when it felt good. So much better than you could have imagined it would. His tongue laps at the swollen bud to gather the creamy secretion and swallow it down, the suction of his mouth so much less intense than the merciless tubes and yet — somehow far more satisfying. 
A frazzled whimper rattles through you with the sensation of your milk ducts giving out completely, releasing a steady stream into his mouth. The Doctor groans very softly against your skin at the influx of milk and nuzzles deeper into your breast, bringing his teeth down around the puffed up areola to make it squirt at the back of his working throat. Numbly glancing down at yourself, at his face pressed into your chest, you’re more than a little horrified to find a sympathetic dribble coming out of the opposite teat to splatter on the floor below. You didn’t understand how you were making so much milk and you knew even less why your body was reacting to him like this, but all of that seems to get swept up and dissolved in the dreamy haze that slowly comes over you. 
You’d felt it while you were hooked up to the milking machine as well but had written it off as a defense mechanism of some sort … just an old, primal part of your brain trying to make the situation more bearable so it didn’t break you. The physical discomfort as much as the mental strain of watching your body change against your will was taxing enough that it had made sense at the time. But now you knew, innately, that it was a natural response to feeding. As much as the let-down reflex was, this strange sense of peace was just the nature of your mammalian instincts. 
Suddenly his strange questions and even stranger answers made a lot more sense. 
“Goodness,” He groans when he finally comes up off your breast some moments later. A heavy squirt of milk follows after him, splattering across his open mouth but, much to your heaving shame, he just reaches up to wipe it away. “You really are producing more milk than I expected you to at this stage of the experiment. I suspect at this rate you could likely fill almost two gallons in a single day … such a sublime Specimen you are, darling, and a resounding success at that.” 
You can see he’s breathing heavier now, either excited by the results or the act of feeding from your breast, and you bite down on your lower lip to keep quiet as he straightens so he can reach for his slacks. He’d never crossed this line before, had never shown you even so much as a passing interest even when he had you spread out and helpless on his exam table, and you don’t know what to expect. The rigid cock that springs up in the space between you surprises a strangled gasp out of you though, and you try to jerk away from it. He was big. Much bigger than you were prepared to take. 
The Doctor just grabs onto your hips, squeezing so hard you cry out even as he drags your pelvis closer so he can slot himself between your thighs. Wheezing, you shudder uncontrollably when he takes a moment to sedately thrust into the space and drag his stiff length over soaked lips that seem to cling at him. The calm that had mercifully fallen over you while he was suckling is quickly replaced by jittery panic, and you can’t help blubbering like an idiot when he none too gently forces your pelvis into an upward, tilted angle that almost drags you up onto your tip toes. 
You didn’t want him touching you like this. Didn’t want to even think about him moving inside of you, claiming your body for himself. 
But the stiff rope keeping your hands behind your back is unrelenting and there isn’t anything you can do about it as he nudges closer to line himself up with your entrance. “Oh, don’t be like that. I’m sure you’ll like it. Your sweet little cunt is already so very wet and I bet it’s just aching to be filled, isn’t it?” 
Hissing through your teeth, you twist your head around so you won’t have to look at that horrible mask looming over you. But that does absolutely nothing to deter him though, and you cry out when he starts to slowly sink into your hot, squirming guts. Taking him like this is difficult, the slow stretch so much worse than it would have been if you could properly spread your legs. He just forces you to stay upright when you waver, and you let out a hurt little groan as his fingers dig into your hips so hard you can feel bruises blooming under the pressure. Your cunt grants him entry one stilted inch at a time though, welcoming it as much as your mind wants to fight it. 
But you’re completely at his mercy and when he finally settles inside you, as deep as he can reach in this position, you feel something in you snap. Your hips nudge forward of their own accord to weakly rut against the intrusion as you tip your head down, intending to look at where his body connects with yours, but all you see is … your breasts, so swollen and heavy, leaking copious amounts of milk all over your front. Like being penetrated had loosened a faucet and you were now freely dribbling all over the place without the need for any stimulation. The sight alone almost sends you shuddering right over the edge. 
Hunching closer when your eyes start to roll back, The Doctor studies you up close for a long, drawn out beat while your cunt hollowly contracts around him, squeezing his length in pulses. You feel the excited shiver that runs through him as much as you see it, and then he tips his head to just touch his mouth to yours. “Aren’t you being good for me?”
“P - please —!”
He softly shushes you, lips brushing when he speaks again. “You’ll get your reward, not to worry. But tell me something first, Specimen. If you can do that for me I’ll make sure you feel so good you won’t know what to do with yourself.” 
Mewling softly, you sway against his hold while your tits just keep leaking. “What do you want?” 
“Can you tell me your name?” 
You go still, so caught off guard by the question you can’t seem to process it at first. But then a stiff shudder tears down your back and your eyes go big, jerking back as far as you can when he’s got a hold of you like this. A helpless, trapped little animal sound bursts out of you but he just grins at you, his mouth a razor sharp slash under the mask. You didn’t remember. It had been so long since you’d spoken it, since anyone had called you anything other than Specimen … you truly didn’t know anymore. 
Where there once had been a solid, tangible thought there was only ringing silence. An echoing void inside your head, and The Doctor’s leering smile only grows when he sees the horror dawn on your face. 
You weren’t anyone now. 
Just Specimen.
Crossposted: here
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piosplayhouse · 9 months
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blouisparadise · 9 months
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Upon request, today we have a rec list of bottom Louis fics that feature breastfeeding or lactation. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Come Here (And Rescue Me) | General Audiences | 2,139 words
“It’s because of people like you that the world is going to the dogs.” The woman barked with scorn. Her eyes were as dark as her soul and Louis held Apollo closer when he started to whimper, being very in tune with his surroundings. “Breastfeeding in a park? Where do you think you are? We’re not in one of these poorly developed countries where you can act in such a discourteous way and…” “I’m sorry, but could you get lost?”
2) Effervescent Opal, Say My Name | Mature | 3,463 words
Louis has an oversupply of milk after his first pregnancy and Harry wants nothing more than to suck him dry.
3) Stuck On Me, Stuck On You | Not Rated | 8,738 words
It’s not a big deal that Harry and Louis grew up together, and not a big deal that Harry is in love with Louis since he can remember. But it’s a big deal that Louis is pregnant and has no idea who the father is.
4) Could Start A Cult | Explicit | 8,750 words
He lowers down the top that Louis is wearing, successfully unclasping his nursing bra as well, letting Louis’ tits bounce at the sudden movement. Harry massages both breasts to stimulate the milk flow, and he can feel his cock hardening inside his pants.
5) I Don't Want To Close My Eyes (I Don't Want To Miss A Thing) | Explicit | 13,605 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis is married to Liam and pregnant with his child. Liam isn't ready to be a father, but Dr. Harry Styles is more than willing.
6) Three's A Crowd, Four's A Party | Mature | 16,569 words
"Morgan, sweetie, mommy and daddy have something we want to talk to you about." The little girl looks at them confused, having no idea what's about to happen. "First I want to tell you that we love you very much and nothing will ever change that, okay?" "I love you too!" Louis smiles. "What we wanted to talk to you about is that there's going to be some changes around here soon." "Why?" "Because mommy's having a baby."
7) Mob Boss Omega | Mature | 16,786 words
Mafia "any organized group using extortion and other criminal methods" In all definitions, I am in line for the throne. As the son of a mob boss I'm set to inherit everything my father has built up. He's always been set on expanding though and who better to use than his overprotected omega son. That's me in case you're wondering. The crown omega prince of the mob.
8) Baby, Loving You’s The Real Thing | Explicit | 21,011 words
Harry never thought he’d be taking care of a child at the age of twenty-one—well, trying to anyway.
9) Fell For You | Explicit | 26,136 words
A crime investigation fic in which Detective Louis Tomlinson and Detective Harry Styles are tasked to solve a case together where Louis hates Harry Styles or does he?
10) For Your Eyes Only | Not Rated | 26,501 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis likes to feel beautiful and taken care of. Harry is just the person to help. They figure it out together.
11) Just Forget The World | Explicit | 42,861 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis is the last person on earth who can get pregnant after the birthrates decreased then completely stopped twenty years before and in search for someone with good genetics and a family tree Harry is chosen to mate with him.
12) I'm Me When I'm With You | Mature | 86,123 words
AU in which Louis finally is able to attend the University he’s been dreaming off: Queens University. But fate works in mysterious ways and it certainly doesn’t care about your dreams nor your plans. No, fate had a whole other future planned for him the moment he met the popular, gorgeous and mighty Alpha named, Harry Styles who accidentally impregnates him after a one nightstand… Accidents happen, but not all accidents are bad.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
Tis' The Damn Season
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✦ Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Better Man Universe
✦ Group Chat: tis’ the damn season addition
✦Pairing: Father Figure Jake x Single!Mother
✦Word Count: 1.8 k
✦Warnings: Fluffy Jake, Dad!Jake, Maty is an amazing big brother, early Christmas, holiday vibes!
✦A/n: This was quite literally me on the first of November... and I have no regrets
✦Library (Follow for updates! I no longer have a taglist.)
You glance in the mirror of your car and your gaze meets Mathew. A smile falls on your lips as you watch him play with Josephine, he wiggles the small doll at your 5-month-old, and giggles ring through the car from both of them. Your thumbs tap away on the steering wheel as you drive home, the three of you had gone out for coffee, well Maty got hot chocolate and Jos was still breastfeeding, but the coffee date just what the three of you was needed. How it turned into going to Target, was a completely different story.
Lacey had called after you all had gone out for coffee and claimed that she needed a buddy for Target. Of course, you couldn’t tell her no, Mathew loved Auntie Lace, and you had been missing her as well. School had kept her busy, so the fact that school was off for Friday, almost automatically meant the pair of you would be together.
“Now baby, what do we say if daddy asks where the new decorations came from?”
You might have gone a tad over-bored when you saw the new Christmas decorations and though it was only the 1st of November, you couldn’t help but want to set up early. Lacey had made no objection and had even joined in on the Christmas shopping.
“Mommy found them.”
“Yes, good job!”
It wasn’t a lie, well not a direct lie, you had found the decorations… in Target… You would never have Mathew lie to Jake, but if the man didn’t ask for specifics, then that’s on him.
Jake and the team were busy today helping with fresh recruits and while you would normally be in the office, you were still on maternity leave.
You pull into the house and notice Jake’s missing truck, meaning that he was still on base, and he couldn’t stop you. You absolutely loved the holidays and while it wasn’t exactly normal to start decorating in November, you couldn’t help yourself. You loved Thanksgiving for the food, but Christmas had always been a magical time.
Your family loved to celebrate Christmas and from your first memories of the holiday, it was always filled with joy. You couldn’t wait to do sugar cookies with Josephine, even if she was still little, it was her first Christmas. How could you not be excited! Plus, it usually helped cure your seasonal depression, and that was always a positive.
Getting out of your car, you make quick work of getting Josephine inside, tucked safely in her car seat, while Maty helps you unload the trunk.
“Are we setting up today momma?”
The small box in his hands held a miniature Christmas tree, and you can’t stop the laugh that comes out as he struggles to get it up the steps and into the house. He had been adamant that it was his tree and that he didn’t need any help from you.
“Do you want to bubba?”
You receive a nod in agreement and after you unload the rest of the decorations, as well as the ones you had in the house already, you get to work.
You had put Josephine down for a nap an hour ago after she had spent ample time staring at the different Christmas lights. Mathew had made sure that with each ornament he hung on the tree, he showed them to Jos, who had been stationed in her bouncer and loving the interaction with her brother.
In the past three hours, you had really made progress in transforming the house. The living room was complete with stockings hung and the tree up. The pine garland around the entryways had tiny lights strung throughout them that lit up the house.
You had changed out the fall seasonal blanket and throw pillows, and in their place sat red and white patterns, which filled you with Christmas spirit. The melody of Santa Baby plays through the house, as you hang a row of lights along the staircase. From the corner of your eye, you see Mathew run to the window and then book it out the front door.
His sequel of delight and the echo of Jake’s laugh eases you. Every day when Jake came home was the same; Mathew would wait close enough to the front window, so he wouldn’t miss Jake’s arrival, and then run out to Jake. Who would always pick him up and toss him in the air. You didn’t know how Jake could still throw the 7-year-old, you had a hard enough time even carrying him anymore, but Jake had always made it look easy.
You feel the lights in your hand shift slightly, before turning back to finish putting them up. Tying the bow around it to hold it in place along the banister, the sound of the front door closing signals that Jake and Mathew have made it inside.
“Hi, baby!” The cheerful tone in your voice almost makes Jake laugh, as he stands in the entryway with Mathew on his hip. His eyes slowly move throughout the house, starting with you and so forth. He lands on the Christmas tree, which is only half decorated, before glancing between you and Mathew.
“Sweetheart, what are you doing?”
Your lips pout at his tone of voice and the facial expression makes Jake start laughing while setting Maty down on the floor.
“I was organizing and found decorations…” Your eyes cast to the floor, as Jake’s stare peers at you, and your eyes trace around the room, looking at anything that isn’t Jake. You notice his movement, though don’t look towards it, in hopes of avoiding the question.
Though as Jake comes to rest on the step just below you, his hands settle on your hips and squeeze gently. With the tip you’re your chin, you can no longer avoid his gaze.
The smirk he wears is teasing and you can’t stop the laugh that bubbles from your chest, as Jake’s hands run up and down your sides.
“Yes, Jacob?”
His teeth click at the use of his full name, but his smirk never falters. The hands at your waist gently tug on you, causing you to stumble slightly and land in Jake’s chest.
“I miss you today; give me a kiss.”
You push back from his chest and glance up at him, the green in his eyes stands out against the Christmas lights, and a full smile breaks across your lips. You reach up quickly and wrap your arms around his neck, to pull his lips onto your own.
The kiss is gentle and sweet. Your lips melt together perfectly and though there is always a heat between the two of you, this kiss was different. You loved having heated make-out sessions with Jake, but kisses like this, based on pure unfiltered love for one another, were your favorite.
Jake is the one to pull away, and your hands twist in the white tee shirt he’s wearing as he places another kiss against your brow.
“You gonna answer my question?”
The words are mumbled against your brow, though you hear them clearly. You hum quietly in answer to the question. Jake would never get mad at you for shopping, though you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, of knowing about your addiction to Target.
He teased you about it constantly and the only saving grace was that Robert constantly teased Lacey too. It was a rare event that either of you went alone, it had become a habit to always go together and to bring Natasha when she wasn’t stuck on base.
Your eyes move up to Jake and you met with a wide smile as he tries to hold in a laugh. Your lips pursed in reaction and you shrug your shoulders in silent answer.
“Hey bud, where did momma get the decorations?” the question is thrown over his shoulder to Mathew, who had been placing more ornaments on the tree.
You look over Jake’s shoulder and see Mathew round the corner into the hallway. Jake is still watching you though, Mathew gives you a small smile before glancing at Jake.
“Momma and Auntie Lace took us to target.”
You’re sure that your face fell in slow motion, and the sucking of your teeth only cause the laughing Jake, to laugh harder. His hands still sit on your waist, though he is now bent over and his head rests against your stomach.
“Maty remember, we talked before daddy came home. We weren’t gonna tell him about Target.” Your eyes widen to add emphasis, though he only shrugs his shoulders.
“I tell daddy everything.”
The statement is so simple and sweet coming from the 7-year-old, and before you can reply he’s back to work on the tree. Jake rises and a sweet smile rests on his face. Your reach your hands up to tangle in his hair, softly scratching his scalp. He practically keens in response, though his eyes remain on you.
“Did I ever thank you, for being the best father?”
“A million times baby, but you’ve never needed to.”
You hum quietly before pulling Jake’s lips against yours now and mutter,
“I love you.”
Jake's reaction is to pull you in tighter, as his hand tangles in your hair and lean your head back. Every part of you is touching Jake, and the moan that slips past your lip as he grabs your ass is absolutely sinful. Though before you can go any farther, a harsh cry echoes through the house. You both pull away slightly and rest your foreheads against one another.
“You go shower and all get the princess.”
The soft pat you lay on his chest tells him not to argue, that you knew he had hard days and wanted him to unwind. You press one more kiss to Jake’s lips before you turn and head towards Jos’ room. You look back over your shoulder and call out to Jake before he can get through your bedroom door.
“I got match PJs for us, they’re on the bed. I thought we could watch Home Alone? Only if you want though.”
You’re sure that Jake will say yes, though the small doubt in the back of your mind makes an appearance. Jake can only smile at you, overwhelmed with how madly in love with you he is.
“That sounds perfect Sweets.”
You smile and there’s a small bounce in your steps as you turn to get Josphine, though you stop when Jake calls for you now.
“Darlin’ Merry almost Christmas.”
The wink he sends you makes you giggle slightly, and those butterflies in your stomach, whirl around like they did the first day you met him.
“Merry Christmas Jakey.”
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whentherewerebicycles · 4 months
I am not taking care of the baby totally solo yet but I am doing stretches of 6-7 hours with him alone in the house and I am doing ok! not enough hands and I’m just constantly moving between feeding him and changing him and taking the dogs out and walking the dogs on separate walks with the stroller and pumping (which takes up 4-5 hours a day even on my reduced-for-my-sanity schedule) and cleaning bottles/pump parts but like I’m doing it and I’m still managing to get in my daily shower + walk outside to make myself feel human. I can already tell that eating is going to be the thing I let slide first if I’m not careful once my parents leave, as they are bringing all the meals to me. but my friends made a meal train page and donated a bunch of takeout gift cards so I will just freely spend those down and not worry about $$. it will all be ok!! nights are insane but I need to remember that nights feel most insane at night lol and then a lifetime of insomnia has given me pretty good coping mechanisms for managing a sleep deficit. the sleep stuff won’t be forever! most people I’ve talked to seem to feel that the first 6-8 weeks are the hardest on that front and he’s already almost three weeks old. I can weather this! I think I am also committing to pumping for six weeks while my mom’s here and then I can drop that if something needs to give. he is just not feeling breastfeeding at all but I’m gonna try to go to this virtual support group on tues to ask some more questions about getting him to latch. today he seemed more interested which is great but we just couldn’t seem to connect the dots and make it happen.
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coldfanbou · 2 months
Weekly Update 8/5-8/11
Alright everyone! New week, new fic. I've been thinking about who to write this week, and I think I'll be doing a Chowon Jeewon fic. So, the two groups get some love. Next week, I'll be going back to the Twice Mommy series, which I'll probably call Say You Love Me.
As always Kinktober fic ideas can be sent here. Don't be afraid of getting too kinky lol. A simplified list is below so you see what people have submitted.
Send Here
Loona-Heejin (gangbang)
Lua-Weki Meki (Exhibitionism)
Chaeryeong and Yuna-Itzy (Rimming, Cum eating)
Jennie-Blackpink and Jessi (tentacles)
Sheon-Billlie (roleplay)
Swan-Purple Kiss (stepcest)
Solar-Mamamoo (facial, massage)
Ryujin (GP)
Giselle and Winter (breastfeeding, lesbian)
Hayoung-Fromis 9 (Petplay)
Chaehyun-Kep1er (uniform kink)
Eunha (Humiliation, Impact play)
Hwasa (Body Worship)
IU (Cheating)
Actress Park Bo-Young (Size Kink)
Seulgi (Lesbian)
Jeewon cignature (Stepcest, titplay)
Nayeon Twice (Breeding)
Yubin Oh My Girl (consensual Somno)
Karina, Yeji Itzy (GP, Swingers)
Arin Oh My Girl (Gangbang)
Jiheon Saerom Fromis (Watersports)
Sohee Alice (Gangbang)
Chaeyoung Twice (Pegging)
Sakura (Mommy)
Somi (BDSM)
Jeongyeon and Momo (Lactation)
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twice-inamillion · 2 years
The Beginning
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Parts of TIS(1-16)
1871 Words
(Beginning of the series. Jihyo is pregnant and you need to take responsibility.)
* Decided to put some of these chapters together to make easier to read. My parts are on the top and @coldfanbou ‘s comments are on the bottom. Easier to read both to understand. Hopefully this is easier to read.
Part 1 -
You get Jihyo pregnant and now you got to explain it to twice and JYP. How are you going around and explain it to them that you got their member pregnant.
“I'm going to leave a note and runaway with Jihyo”
Part 2
You run away with Jihyo and you have to choose where to go. Your parent's place or Jihyo’s. You will have to explain it to either family you end up going to.
“Now my parents would be more accepting, and I could just tell them over the phone and they'd be fine. So I think it would be better to go to Jihyo's and try to persuade them that I'll be able to support their daughter well.”
Part 3
Jihyo’s parents understand but ask you how you will support their daughter. Now that she is pregnant, how with this affect her career and her future in terms of working? Because you are a foreigner, your opportunities are limited.
“Well she'll need to be out of the spotlight during her pregnancy. IF the company doesn't drop her then they could possibly frame it as a major injury taking her out, keeping her career safe and not affecting it too much as I'd be able to care for the child. I could occasionally leave it with either family meanwhile I get whatever job I can scrounge up. Considering only a few people would know this it would be in the companies best interest to do so as the group is able to continue without scandal. If they let her go then that's where things get difficult and I would need to take on multiple jobs while hoping her parents allow her to live with them at least for a little while.”
Part 4
The rest of the members beg JYP to forgive you two and offer you a job as a manager. JYP agrees but has you on a tight leash. Jihyo is at home with her parents and is looking forward to being a mom. Both of you attend a private clinic to have an ultrasound, and they tell you the gender of the kid. Jihyo’s father wants a boy, and jihyo’s mom wants a girl. Jihyo asks you what gender you would like it to be and tells you to give her a straight answer.
“Oh boy this somehow worked out so far. I am not going to try anything that could be seen as out of line. While I'd be fine with either gender, it doesn't matter too much to me, I guess I'd like a girl, and I'd tell her that.”
Part 5
Both of you are told that the baby is a girl, and Jihyo is overjoyed. She tells you that she would like the baby to be a singer like her but asks you for your opinion. Jihyo tells the members about the baby's gender, and they come to visit her often. Jihyo begins to shop for baby clothes while JYP is working you like a mule.
“While her being a singer would be great, I think that the baby should have the final say in it all. Whatever her dreams are, let her go to them. Also JYP's doing is understandable considering the situation.”
Part 6
Jihyo’s belly is getting bigger, and the members keep visiting her. Nayeon, Sana, and Mina visit more often than the rest. Sana likes to give Jihyo massages and caress her belly and growing boobs. During work, the members ask you if Jihyo is planning on coming back, but you don’t know what to say.
“I'd assume Jihyo would come back a few months after the baby is born, but I'd tell them that I'm not sure, I'd have to ask her.”
Part 7
Jihyo is conflicted about coming back. The members are worried, and Sana keeps on visiting. Jihyo beings to lactate, and you help her. JYP is sending you to scout possible locations for shoots, and you are away for days at a time. You come back and walk into Sana, breastfeeding off of Jihyo since you aren’t home.
“First off that's hot, but I'm going to ask what's going on and if I could join.”
Part 8
You ask what’s going on, and Jihyo tells you that she was hesitant initially, but her breasts were beginning to hurt because of her lactating. Jihyo tried to pump, but they were too rough. Sana offered to help, and after some convincing, she agreed. You were understanding but not entirely convinced. You watch Sana as she sucks jihyo’s nipple and leaves it dry. You confront Sana and ask her what’s going on. Sana tells you that it shouldn’t be too surprising for Jihyo to lactate heavier than usual after all that massaging of jihyo’s breasts.
“You know what? checks out, but I would've preferred to be told before this happened. I'm not too bothered by this, but I would like to have priority when it comes to helping Jihyo.”
Part 9
Sana tells you she can take care of Jihyo when you are gone. She says she even got Mina to help and is teaching her the ropes. You leave for a week overseas at the request of JYP. While you’re there, you receive a text with a photo of Mina breastfeeding off of Jihyo in the background, while Sana in the picture makes hearts in the foreground. What is your reaction?
“Cute, but I hope they don't get too used to this, once the baby is around they won't get the chance to do it. Also this is a solid deal we have going on.”
Part 10
You end up getting a call from Jihyo, and she’s crying. She tells you she’s sexually frustrated and that her toys are just enough. She wants you to come back to relieve her. JYP has you aboard and won’t allow you to return until the job is done. But that she needs someone to go down on her.
“I'm going to try to convince him that Jihyo's going through something and desperately needs me. If that fails then I'm going to leave without his permission as Jihyo takes priority, I'll just have to find another job.”
Part 11
You tell JYP the issue, and he says that if you leave, he will release Jihyo and leak a sandal. Sana calls you and tells you to calm down and that she’ll take care of jihyo’s issue.
“I'm criticizing JYP to Sana for being an idiot that would be willing to ruin one of biggest groups and money makers. He's blind to the fact that this would cause the companies stock to fall and hurt it. I'll let Sana use her finger and that's it.”
Part 12
Jihyo calls you back, happy as can be. She tells you that Sana did her a favor and was able to satisfy her needs. Sana texts you that Jihyo begged her to eat her out. Nayeon calls you, saying to keep in line and not make any problems for Jihyo and the group.
“I'm just going to tell Nayeon to stay out of this, and thank Sana. The next time I see Jihyo I'm doing whatever she asks.”
Part 13
Nayeon is upset, thus making Jeongyeon upset too. You thank Sana, and she says that it’s no problem and that she is getting her kinks satisfied too. You come back from your trip and are excited about Jihyo. You come home to see Mina eating Jihyo out with Sana making out with Jihyo.
“I'm going to take a deep breath, calm down and then tell them calmly to leave the room and leave us for a little bit.”
Part 14
You walk in and ask them to leave. They walk out, and Sana wishes you good luck. You spend a great night pleasuring Jihyo until she cums multiple times. She is a bit upset that she can only give you a blow job or boob job and not enter her. Since her belly is quite big, she doesn’t want to hurt the baby. She asks you if you’re okay with everything going on.
“I tell her that I'm satisfied with what she can give me. It more so about being close to her that I care about. After that I tell her of everything that's happened. I also tell her that I'd rather get a job elsewhere, the money is good and I want to give her what she deserves but working under JYP is infuriating. I turn the focus back to her and ask her how she's been and if she needs anything. ”
Part 15
She’s a bit upset and emotional about everything you have gone through. She wants to go back and join her old group since it’s like family to her. She is upset about JYP but tries to calm you down about getting a new job. Jihyo tells you that both Sana and Mina have been taking care of her really well and have helped her in every way they can. She says she’ll talk to JYP and ask him to keep it down.
“I thank her, and apologize for dumping everything on her. She doesn't need that added stress. I talk about how excited I am for the baby, I can't wait to see them.”
She tells you that she’ll make it up to you. She invites you for dinner and serves you a cup of tea. Within a couple of minutes, you begin to get hot and dizzy. You try to stand up but lose your balance and end up falling as you see an extra 2 pair of feet walking through the door and walking towards you.
“Oh boy this is trouble”
Next Chapter(1-16)
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darkmaga-retard · 10 days
A study published last month found that billions of humans across the globe are dangerously deficient in important vitamins and minerals.
“On the basis of estimates of nutrient intake from food (excluding fortification and supplementation), more than 5 billion people do not consume enough iodine (68% of the global population), vitamin E (67%), and calcium (66%). More than 4 billion people do not consume enough iron (65%), riboflavin (55%), folate (54%), and vitamin C (53%). Within the same country and age groups, estimated inadequate intakes were higher for women than for men for iodine, vitamin B12, iron, and selenium and higher for men than for women for magnesium, vitamin B6, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A, thiamin, and niacin,” the study stated in the ‘Findings’ section of the Summary.
Infowars.com reports: The researchers detailed how lacking these critical micronutrients affects human health.
“Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anaemia, leading to impaired cognition and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of preventable blindness globally, affecting mostly children and pregnant women. Both vitamin A and zinc have a crucial role in immunity, especially for populations facing a high burden of infectious diseases. Folate is needed early in pregnancy to reduce the risk of stillbirths and neural tube defects, and iodine is essential for pregnant and breastfeeding women because of its role in fetal and child cognitive development,” the study said in the ‘Introduction’ section. “Deficiencies in these and other micronutrients collectively contribute to a large burden of morbidity and mortality.”
The researchers estimated the global nutrient deficiencies for various age groups of both genders.
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capybaracorn · 7 months
GENEVA/NEW YORK/ROME, 19 February 2024 – A steep rise in malnutrition among children and pregnant and breastfeeding women in the Gaza strip poses grave threats to their health, according to a comprehensive new analysis released by the Global Nutrition Cluster.
As the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip enters its 20th week, food and safe water have become incredibly scarce and diseases are rife, compromising women and children’s nutrition and immunity and resulting in a surge of acute malnutrition.
The report – Nutrition Vulnerability and Situation Analysis- Gaza – finds that the situation is particularly extreme in the Northern Gaza Strip, which has been almost completely cut off from aid for weeks. Nutrition screenings conducted at shelters and health centres in the north found that 15.6 per cent - or 1 in 6 children under 2 years of age - are acutely malnourished. Of these, almost 3 per cent suffer from severe wasting, the most life-threatening form of malnutrition, which puts young children at highest risk of medical complications and death unless they receive urgent treatment. As the data were collected in January, the situation is likely to be even graver today.
Similar screenings in the Southern Gaza Strip, in Rafah, where aid has been more available, found 5 per cent of children under 2 years are acutely malnourished. This is clear evidence that access to humanitarian aid is needed and can help prevent the worst outcomes. It also reinforces agencies’ calls to protect Rafah from the threat of intensified military operations.
“The Gaza Strip is poised to witness an explosion in preventable child deaths which would compound the already unbearable level of child deaths in Gaza,” said UNICEF Deputy Executive Director for Humanitarian Action and Supply Operations, Ted Chaiban. “We’ve been warning for weeks that the Gaza Strip is on the brink of a nutrition crisis. If the conflict doesn’t end now, children’s nutrition will continue to plummet, leading to preventable deaths or health issues which will affect the children of Gaza for the rest of their lives and have potential intergenerational consequences.”
Before the recent months’ hostilities, wasting in the Gaza Strip was rare with just 0.8 per cent of children under 5 years of age acutely malnourished. The rate of 15.6 percent of wasting among children under 2 in Northern Gaza suggests a serious and rapid decline. Such a decline in a population’s nutritional status in three months is unprecedented globally.
There is a high risk that malnutrition will continue to rise across the Gaza Strip due to the alarming lack of food, water and health and nutrition services:
90 per cent of children under the age of 2 and 95 per cent of pregnant and breastfeeding women face severe food poverty – meaning they have consumed two or less food groups in the previous day - and the food they do have access to is of the lowest nutritional value.
95 per cent of households are limiting meals and portion sizes, with 64 per cent of households eating only one meal a day. 
Over 95 per cent of households said they had restricted the amount of food adults received in order to ensure small children had food to eat.
“The steep rise in malnutrition that we are seeing in Gaza is dangerous and entirely preventable”, said WFP Assistant Executive Director for Programme Operations, Valerie Guarnieri. “Children and women, in particular, need continuous access to healthy foods, clean water and health and nutrition services. For that to happen, we need decisive improvements on security and humanitarian access, and additional entry points for aid to enter Gaza.”
Inadequate safe drinking water, as well as insufficient water for cooking and hygiene purposes, are compounding poor nutrition. On average, households surveyed had access to less than one litre of safe water per person per day. According to humanitarian standards, the minimum amount of safe water needed in an emergency is three litres per person per day, while the overall standard is 15 litres per person, which includes sufficient quantities for drinking, washing and cooking.
Hungry, thirsty and weak, more Gazans are falling sick. The report finds at least 90 per cent of children under 5 are affected by one or more infectious disease. Seventy per cent had diarrhoea in the past two weeks, a 23-fold increase compared with the 2022 baseline. 
“Hunger and disease are a deadly combination,” said Dr Mike Ryan, Executive Director of WHO’s Health Emergencies Programme. ”Hungry, weakened and deeply traumatised children are more likely to get sick, and children who are sick, especially with diarrhea, cannot absorb nutrients well. It’s dangerous, and tragic, and happening before our eyes.”
Without more humanitarian assistance, the nutritional situation is likely to continue to deteriorate rapidly and at scale across the Gaza Strip. With the majority of health, water and sanitation services severely degraded, it is essential that those that remain functional are protected and reinforced to stem the spread of diseases and stop malnutrition from worsening.
UNICEF, WFP and WHO call for safe, unimpeded and sustained access to urgently deliver multi-sectoral humanitarian assistance throughout the Gaza Strip. This includes nutritious foods, nutrition supplies and essential services for malnourished and at-risk children and women to safely access health and nutrition care and treatment services, particularly infants and young children under 5. Hospitals and health workers must be protected from attack so they can safely provide critical treatment and care. An immediate humanitarian ceasefire continues to provide the best chance to save lives and end suffering.
Note to the editor:
Due to security and access challenges throughout the Gaza Strip, it is nearly impossible to collect anthropometric data to measure rates of acute malnutrition. Collection of anthropometric data (MUAC) was only possible in two areas (North Gaza and Rafah) among children under 2 years of age. The report therefore used an innovative method of analysis to support this data and determine that acute malnutrition is rising throughout the Gaza Strip. This method analysed data on the drivers of malnutrition – lack of food, rates of disease, lack of access to clean water and lack of available health services – which was collected through telephone and SMS questionnaires. From analysing the key causes, we can conclude that acute malnutrition is rising throughout Gaza at speed.
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coochiequeens · 8 months
“So women with access to emergency care are the ones that live,” she said. “Women that don’t, die.”
JERUSALEM — Walaa didn’t expect the birth of her fourth child to spark abject fear. But by the time her contractions started, the whole family was frantic.
There were no ambulances to be seen in the streets of Gaza’s Rafah City, she said, now so crammed with displaced families that there was barely any food left available for the 27-year-old.
When her uncle Wissam, a doctor, reached the tent where she had lived for weeks in the cold, he said, he could see they had run out of time. “I’m having the baby now,” she kept telling him. It was dark, and she was scared.
His cellphone flashlight was all they had to see by.
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The humanitarian catastrophe caused by Israel’s three-month military campaign against Hamas in Gaza counts some 52,000 pregnant women among its greatest victims. As airstrikes push 1.9 million people into an ever-smaller corner of the besieged enclave, disease is spreading, famine is looming and levels of anemia are so high that the risk of postpartum hemorrhage has soared and breastfeeding is often impossible. Forty percent of pregnancies are high-risk, CARE international estimates.
Prenatal care is almost nonexistent — what remains of Gaza’s hospital network is on its knees, at 250 percent capacity and consumed with treating mass casualties from Israeli bombing. Far more women are giving birth outside of medical facilities — in displacement camps, even in the street — than inside them.
Damage to facilities and communications blackouts — the strip lost cellphone service for a week this month — have left Gaza’s health ministry unable to compilereliable data for infant or maternal mortality during the conflict. But doctors and aid groups say miscarriage and stillbirths have spiked.
“What we know about pregnancy-related complications is that it’s hard to prevent them in any setting, but the way that we save a woman and newborn’s life is we treat the complication quickly,” said Rondi Anderson, a midwifery specialist for the Project HOPE aid group.
“So women with access to emergency care are the ones that live,” she said. “Women that don’t, die.”
The only place that Wissam could find to deliver his terrified niece’s baby was a spot of cold earth between the tents. Aid workers hung bedsheets to give the woman a modicum of privacy. No one had been able to contact Walaa’s husband, and her mother was so scared that at times she had to look away. They cut the boy’s umbilical cord with an unsterilized scalpel and they filled tin cans with hot water to keep him warm. He weighed 7 pounds and Walaa named him Ramzy.
The family spoke on the condition that only their first names be used because they feared for their safety in the event that Israeli troops entered the town.
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Baby Ramzy is 5 days old. (Loay Ayyoub for The Washington Post)
They fled their home in northern Gaza so abruptly that no one thought to grab clothes for the baby. This week, Ramzy was swaddled in a onesie outgrown by another child in the camp. He wailed as Walaa, still in pain from tearing during the birth, gingerly pulled herself upright.
The 16-year blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt after Hamas won control of Gaza had already made pregnancy and childbirth more difficult for expecting mothers. Before the current conflict, hospitals often lacked adequate equipment and training for neonatal staff, according to Medical Aid for Palestinians, and more than half of pregnant women were anemic.
Hamas fighters streamed out of the enclave on Oct. 7 to kill around 1,200 people in Israel and take another 240 hostage. Israel responded with a bombing campaign and ground war to eradicate Hamas, killing almost 25,000 Palestinians, most of them civilians, to date.
The South African legal team that accused Israel before the International Court of Justice this month of committing genocide during the conflict argued that the obstruction of lifesaving treatment since Oct. 7 amounts to preventing births.
A lawyer for Israel called allegations that it is obstructing the delivery of food, water, fuel and other supplies critical for Gaza “tendentious and partial,” and said it was working “around-the-clock” to help scale up the volume of aid making it into the enclave.
Hanaa al-Shawa, 23, gave birth to her first child, Ayla, during the coronavirus pandemic, and the little girl, she said, brought her family a “glimmer of hope.” Shawa and her husband Mustafa, 25, were ecstatic when they learned in July that another child was on the way. The war began in October, and the future they dreamed of fell apart. “I had felt overwhelming joy,” Shawa recalled. “I did not realize that this joy would turn into great suffering.”
Nearly 20,000 babies were born in Gaza during the first 105 days of the war, UNICEF reported Friday. Delays in the delivery of lifesaving supplies, the U.N. children’s agency said, have left some hospitals performing Caesarean sections without anesthetic. Spokeswoman Tess Ingram said she met a nurse at Gaza’s Emirati maternity hospital who had helped with postmortem caesarians on six dead women.
“Seeing newborn babies suffer while some mothers bleed to death should keep us all awake at night,” Ingram told reporters Friday. “In the time it has taken to present this to you, another baby was likely born, but into what?”
“Becoming a mother should be a time of celebration,” she said. “But in Gaza it’s another child delivered into hell.”
For the five pregnant women interviewed by Washington Post reporters, fear that mother or baby might not survive suffused their waking thoughts — and made appearances in nightmares, too.
Shawa and Mustafa left their home in Gaza City’s Yarmouk Street in the second week of October. The Israel Defense Forces had ordered 1.1 million people in northern Gaza to move south for what it described as their own safety.
“I was afraid that I would miscarry because of the power of the rockets,” she said.
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Displaced Palestinian families from the northern and central Gaza Strip evacuate toward southern Gaza on Oct. 13. (Loay Ayyoub for The Washington Post)
Many pregnant women made the 20-mile journey from north to south on foot, their legs swollen and joints heavy as they carried their luggage, three women who made the journey told The Post.
When Ayla was born, her family had a room full of toys ready for her. The room in which Shawa’s second child, a girl, will spend her first weeks, in a friend’s home in the Tel al-Sultan area, is tainted with asbestos, she said.
“We carried Ayla here in just the clothes she was wearing, and we don’t even have anything warm for her,” Shawa said. “If I’m unable to provide for her, what will I do for my next child?”
Rising food scarcity and malnutrition can cause potentially life-threatening complications during childbirth and lead to low birth weight, wasting, failure to thrive and developmental delays.
Shawa said she had only eaten tinned food, with no access to fruit or vegetables, since she left her home three months ago. Doctors have said her iron levels are low and her blood pressure is high. Mustafa searches daily but has found no suitable medication to control it.
Saja Al-Shaer, 19, started to feel like she was too young to become a mother. Her weight had dropped below 110 pounds, she was anemic, and her husband had not managed to get her medication, either. “He spent three days knocking on the doors of pharmacies,” she said. “I do not know if I will see this child or not.”
In late December, doctors at the al-Aqsa Hospital, 11 miles to the north, received a pregnant woman whose high blood pressure caused eclampsia and bleeding to her brain, according to Deborah Harrington, a British obstetrician who volunteered at the hospital with a Medical Aid for Palestinians team.
The baby was delivered by a C-section, Harrington said. The mother was still on life support when the physician left two weeks later.
“These women are presenting it in much more extreme condition,” Harrington said. “They’re just not getting hypertensive treatment. They’re not being screened for diabetes. If they’re diabetic, they’re not getting treatment for their diabetes.
“They know that actually accessing care, as it often is for women in conflict, is really difficult and fraught with danger. At night, there is often no light, so moving around is really difficult. You can’t call an ambulance because there’s no signal. The women I saw were really frightened.”
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Walaa with her uncle Wissam, who helped deliver her newborn son. (Loay Ayyoub for The Washington Post)
From the corner of the damp room where Walaa was tending to Ramzy on Friday, she worried about where they would find clean water or baby formula. Her family had looked everywhere for diapers, but come up empty. In Tel al-Sultan, Shawa was fixating on rumors that Israel’s army would direct them to evacuate again. The walking, the carrying, the sense that nothing around her was hygienic — it all frightened her.
But she had made one decision that no shortage or military orders could change. She would name her daughter after her sister-in-law, killed in an Israeli airstrike weeks earlier while trying to find shelter for her own children.
The girl, she said, would be called Heba. In Arabic, it means blessing from God.
Mahfouz reported from Cairo and Harb reported from London. Loay Ayyoub in Rafah contributed to this report.
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kayandthegoldendays · 8 months
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the last few days have been spent baby wearing, running through Central Park with my running group, volunteering with the under 5 crowd at the MET, and helping a handful of my clients with different stages of their breastfeeding journeys. recently there was this awareness that these truly are the golden days… never have I experienced a season of life that is so gentle with me. my mental health is a different story but recently the realization came that my external reality is peaceful, my work while always in flux/changing is abundant and anything I could ask for is here. my subconscious is simply vigilant, so I keep repeating to myself “it’s safe” and I firmly believe my mind will catch up one day.
in other exciting news, I met my new acupuncturist who is lovely and waltzed into the room with a tenderness that I recognized so well — postpartum. she expertly traced my body and found the spots that ached or made me recoil from pain, after so many births…my back needs the help. I woke up the next morning pain free and it was revolutionary.
my marathon training is ebbing and flowing, the set backs are mainly my conservative approach to prevent injury but I have decided so long as I finish the marathon, nothing else matters. the real gift this marathon season has been my running group, we run and grab breakfast and I am reminded that runners are a different type of human athlete….so optimistic.
And in jump up and down exciting news — I’ll be in Nicaragua in less than two weeks. I even found surf lessons, well….more like a local man with a board who can teach me and a place I can rent a surf board from but it’s basically the same thing. I wasn’t too keen on signing up for a formal surf school since it felt like I’d be feeding a chain versus the local economy. my dream of riding horses on the beach may even come true and I was so overwhelmed with joy that I practically bursted into tears seeing the website videos. anyways it’s a bit more to go, and I’m grateful for these slow days left here in the city.
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harmonyhealinghub · 10 months
The Unsung Heroes: Postpartum Doulas - Nurturing New Moms and Families
Shaina Tranquilino
December 11, 2023
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Becoming a parent is an incredible journey filled with joy, love, and countless challenges. While the focus often revolves around the miracle of childbirth, we must not overlook the significance of postpartum care for both mothers and their families. In this blog post, we will explore the vital role of postpartum doulas, shedding light on who they are and what their invaluable support entails.
Who are Postpartum Doulas?
Postpartum doulas are trained professionals who provide physical, emotional, and informational assistance to new parents during the delicate post-birth period. They offer compassionate care to nurture not only mothers but also their entire family unit as they navigate through the early weeks or months after childbirth. These skilled individuals are equipped with expertise in breastfeeding support, newborn care education, maternal recovery guidance, and overall postpartum well-being.
The Role of Postpartum Doulas
1. Emotional Support: Postpartum doulas understand that every mother's experience is unique and may be accompanied by feelings of uncertainty, exhaustion, or even overwhelming joy. With empathetic listening skills and non-judgmental attitudes, these doulas create safe spaces where moms can express themselves freely without fear of being judged. Their unwavering emotional support eases anxiety and fosters confidence in parenting abilities.
2. Physical Assistance: The physical demands of caring for a newborn can be daunting for any parent. Postpartum doulas lend a helping hand by assisting with daily household chores such as meal preparation, laundry duties, and light cleaning tasks. By taking on these responsibilities, they alleviate some of the burdensome workload from new moms' shoulders so they can focus on self-care and bonding with their baby.
3. Breastfeeding Support: One significant area where postpartum doulas excel is in providing breastfeeding guidance. They possess extensive knowledge about lactation, positioning techniques, and troubleshooting common nursing challenges. By offering practical advice and reassurance, they empower mothers to establish a successful breastfeeding relationship with their infants.
4. Newborn Care Education: From swaddling techniques to diaper changing tips, postpartum doulas are a treasure trove of newborn care wisdom. They educate parents on the essentials of baby care such as sleep routines, soothing methods, and recognizing signs of infant distress or illness. Armed with this knowledge, new parents gain confidence in meeting their little one's needs effectively.
5. Advocacy and Information Sharing: Postpartum doulas act as bridges between families and the vast network of healthcare professionals and community resources available to them. They help navigate this complex landscape by connecting parents with reliable information related to pediatricians, support groups, mental health services for mothers experiencing postpartum mood disorders, or even local parent-baby activities.
In our society that often focuses solely on the prenatal journey and childbirth experience, we must acknowledge the significance of comprehensive postpartum care. Postpartum doulas play an invaluable role in supporting new moms during this transformative period by providing emotional stability, physical assistance, breastfeeding support, newborn care education, and acting as advocates for their well-being.
As we strive towards nurturing healthier families overall, it is crucial to recognize the incredible dedication of postpartum doulas who work tirelessly behind the scenes. Their unwavering commitment helps new parents transition into parenthood with grace and confidence while fostering a loving environment where both mom and baby can thrive.
With that being said, the journey of welcoming a new life into the world is filled with both joyous anticipation and immense love. However, sadly, not all pregnancies end in the expected celebration. For families who experience the devastating loss of their baby during pregnancy or labour and delivery, navigating through grief can be an overwhelming and isolating experience. In these trying times, postpartum doulas play a crucial role in providing compassionate support and helping bereaved families cope with their grief.
Understanding the Role of Postpartum Doulas: Postpartum doulas are skilled professionals trained to provide emotional, physical, and informational support to families during the postpartum period. Traditionally known for assisting new parents after childbirth, they have now extended their expertise to offer guidance specifically tailored to those experiencing perinatal loss.
Compassionate Emotional Support: Losing a baby is a deeply personal and heart-wrenching experience that often leaves parents feeling isolated and emotionally shattered. Postpartum doulas who specialize in supporting families dealing with perinatal loss understand the unique needs of grieving parents. They possess remarkable empathy and compassion, creating a safe space where families can openly express their emotions without fear of judgment or misunderstanding.
These doulas offer active listening skills, allowing parents to share their stories, memories, hopes, and fears surrounding their lost child. By offering non-judgmental companionship through active mourning rituals such as holding ceremonies or participating in memory-building activities like journaling or creating keepsakes, postpartum doulas help parents process their emotions while honouring their baby's memory.
Physical Care and Recovery Support: In addition to emotional support, postpartum doulas also assist bereaved parents in managing physical aspects related to pregnancy loss. These may include helping mothers recover from labour, providing guidance on self-care practices and nutrition, or assisting with practical tasks such as meal planning, household chores, or arranging for support from family and friends.
Navigating the Complexities of Grief: Grief is a complex journey that affects individuals differently. Postpartum doulas who specialize in perinatal loss possess an understanding of grief's unique dynamics and can help families navigate its complexities. They provide vital resources and information about various grieving processes, counselling services, support groups, and other bereavement resources tailored to the specific needs of each family.
Advocacy and Education: Postpartum doulas also play a crucial role in advocating for bereaved families within healthcare systems. They facilitate communication between parents and medical professionals, ensuring their concerns are understood and addressed sensitively. Additionally, they educate families about their rights, options for memorializing their baby, and assist them in making informed decisions regarding funeral arrangements or obtaining keepsakes like handprints or photographs.
The pain of losing a baby during pregnancy or childbirth is immeasurable, but no parent should have to face this heartbreak alone. During these challenging times, postpartum doulas specializing in perinatal loss offer invaluable support to grieving families by fostering understanding, empathy, and compassion. By acknowledging the significance of their experience, these doulas help parents honour their baby's memory while navigating through grief towards healing and hope.
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stmmumblr · 2 years
I just recently rejoined the breastfeeding subreddit. Last time, 5 years ago, it was such a supportive environment. But this time it's full of misinformation?? I don't know what happened to it! So many people are saying uncontested myths, like "my baby is 2 days old and hungry" (how???) "so we had to supplement." No. Stop that. It seems like American hospitals have gotten worse or something? Almost everyone mentions that their nurse offered them formula. Also the whole nursery system is harmful to breastfeeding. The UK is definitely better in that respect - baby stays with you, breastfeeding encouraged and supported, no formula on site...
Idk I'm really disappointed and miss my positive breastfeeding group that I had there before.
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sydmarch · 2 years
OK I hope my readmore on mobile works. SPOILERS FOR INFINITY PIOL OBVIOUSLY these are just my post initial watch word vomit thoughts.
OK SO FIRST off god the arsthetic. obsessed. he has such an eye for framing. definitely felt extremely similar vibes to possessor with all the saturated blues & the cameras flipping upside down & the doubling scene. definitely similar vibes to the Vos possession scene. & huge similarities with the sex scenes too but that sex scene was ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INSANE???
& god there's nothing like those moments where you get to be like I FUCKING KNEW IT!! he didn't lose his passport. the execution was from the doubles perspective this time around. he was never really one of them. it was a double not the detective under the sheet. kind of insane that it never came up that he couldn't afford more doubling on his own I was SO expecting at some point for it to come up that without em he couldn't afford it.
the fucking. commodification of violence. what are you willing to be complicit in if you can convince yourself what your hands are clean. the identity and personhood. how DO you know its the right one. like was the James who lived ti the end even the original James? it's possible that the dog was the original. he didn't know they had made a other double. they could've been switched out anytime.
& the way that all the "zombies" were so just. NORMAL at the end. compartmentalized everything. like their vacation selves are another kind of double. & how James is just not able to do that ig? even in the end after killing his double he's still not like them and never was. canr move on & go back to normal. at least that's the interpretation I came away with on an initial watch. I'll definitely jave to watch it more times to REALLY dig into it like with all of Brandon's stuff there's sooooo much going on its hard to get it all on one go.
& ok two small things that were just CRAZY to me. the scene w the pee splashing on the ground and then the cum on the ground. BONKERS!! & that fucking weird thing with the nipple during the hallucination coming back around with the bloody breastfeeding near the end. INSANE!!!
& probably a topic I'll dive into more another time but god I am thinking so much about the similarities between Syd & Vos & James. the way Brandon's protagonist are all these like. perpetual outsiders. these people who are just like INCAPABLE of being on the inside maybe not from the start in every case but by the end absolutely. the like. corruption arcs. all 3 of them get worse.
and on a less serious note James absolute candidate for new most pathetic man on earth. Jesus christ. even though I knew what was coming when she was like bring out the dog. Jesus fucking christ.
absolutely have to go see it again. one of the movies of all time. you crazy boatyard LOL I MEANT CRAZY BASTARD rereading whatbi wrote on the train without my glasses on god. you've done it again. my god I can't believe the scene where we we're watching the whole group getting executed and it pans over and we see them in the audience people in the theater were LAUGHING? one thing I think I learned from seeing crimes of the future in theaters 4 or was it 5 times. is that people are uncomfortable with their discomfort. because there was NOTHING funny about that scene it was fucking HARROWING!! that they could witness somwthing like that as if it was like. dinner theater.
the choice to open that scene on the doubles chatting & being dragged out as if they were the originals was just brilliant BRILLIANT GENIUS I CANT GET OVER IT like showing us what it's like from the other side which it seems like they just so easily dismiss. to the doubles it IS like they're the originals just being dragged to their deaths. so fucking crazy one of the best scenes absolutely.
ok I thibk that's all I've got for the moment but god. wow.
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