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I've decided I'm going to slowly buy my computer piece by piece, rather than all at once.
And of course, the GPU I want keeps coming back in stock and then disappearing by the time I click the stock notification link.
Are a lot of people building midrange gaming PCs right now, or is there another stupid crypto boom I have to worry about?
#tech yearning#I'm gonna buy the GPU first since it's the most expensive component#The slightly pricier one I placed as a second choice is still in stock via the manufacturer's newegg page#Whichever one is easily available when I get paid next is what I'm gonna go with#this is annoying af
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yeah im shipping the pc cross country i only got to really worry about the glass breaking most
#my heatsink is only two screws to take off so easy shipment there#and obviously the gpu is easy af to take out of there#and then i just got a m.2 ssd so that is very hard to break really and if it does its only like $50 to replace 🤷♀️#so just get instapak in there? and some anti static bubble wrap im golden#and i kept the cases manufacturers box this time i learned a lesson last time so ultra easy shipping
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The supply chain capitalism of AI. This image partially captures the supply chain of AI as a global and complex phenomenon. Natural resources, components and materials to build AI infrastructure are extracted, shipped, manufactured and produced across the globe. For instance, NVIDIA obtains tungsten from Brazil; gold from Colombia and tantalum from Kazakhstan. Minerals are assembled to manufacture GPUs by TSMC. NVIDIA sells GPUs across data centres in the world. Given the refresh rates of these materials, data centres sent their components to recycle plants or dumps. The human labour wrapped-up in this chain includes, data labellers, logistics drivers, data scientists, miners, data centre operators and electronic waste dismantlers, who are also scattered across different geographies. Source: NVIDIA (2022) and fieldwork.
The supply chain capitalism of AI: a call to (re)think algorithmic harms and resistance through environmental lens
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GPU delivered and amazon slapped a shipping label on the manufacturer box and left it on my front step like that. yeah let everyone outside see i have computer parts laying on the gound. thanks.
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Cybernetics with Chinese Characteristics & why we suck at the real Grand Strategy Game
Part 2 - The Quickening
Back in 2023, I wrote this more blog-like post about the mid 20th century McCarthyite purges of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the knock on effects that had - Namely the inception of the Chinese nuclear program, one-child policy and Chinese computing scene.
Since nothing is new under the sun, we have recently witnessed yet another example of America shooting itself in the foot, yet again, due to it's McCarthyite style purge of Chinese technology.
The release of the Chinese created AI system DeepSeek R1 last week has lead to the largest US stock market loss in history with NVIDIA stock decimated.
A record $465 Billion was wiped off its valuation in a single day. In 2024, the government of Turkey spent this much in a year on it's responsibilities?
Why did this happen?
As always, a lot can be put down to US foreign policy, and the in-intended implications of seemingly positive actions.
Do you want to start a trade war?
Back in the relatively uncontroversial days of the first Trump Presidency (Yes it does feel odd saying that) there were scandals with hardware provided by Chinese company Huawei. This led to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 which explicitly banned Huawei and ZTE's hardware from use in US Government institutions. It also meant the US had to authorise US component manufacturer purchases by these companies.
Crucially this had a 27 month window. This allowed both companies to switch suppliers, and production to domestic suppliers. This actually led to Chinese chip advances. Following on from this came the 2022 move by the US Department of Commerce: "Commerce Implements New Export Controls on Advanced Computing and Semiconductor Manufacturing Items to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) ". This further limited the supply of semiconductor, supercomputer, and similar hardware to the PRC and associated countries.
Ok, well so far this is fairly dry stuff. You might think it would hamper Chinese development and, to some extent, it did.
It also proved to be the main catalyst for one financial quant.
Meet the Quant
Meet Liang Wenfeng (梁文锋). Educated to masters level, Liang was keen to apply machine learning methods to various field, but couldn't get a break. Finally, in the mid 2000's, he settled on a career investigating quantitative trading using machine learning techniques.
He became successful, founding several trading firms based around using machine learning methods, but his interest in base AI never seemed to cease. It was in 2021 that he started purchasing multiple NVIDIA GPUs to create a side project, leading to the creation of DeepSeek in 2023.
Now, due to import limitations, there were limitations on computation. This, however, did not stop DeepSeek's programming team.
Instead they used it as their strength.
Constrains Breed Innovation
For many years, the Western model of AI releases have focussed on making ever larger and larger models.
Let's break this down from an evolutionary point of view. Modern Western technology companies are largely monopolistic and monolithic. Many of these companies have previously hired staff at higher salaries not to fill roles, but to deny their competitors, and middle market firms, high-flying staff.
They also closely guard trade secrets. What's the training data? What algorithms were used in construction? Guess you'd better chat up some Silicon Valley bros at parties to find out.
For these kinds of firms, having control over large models, housed in data centres makes perfect sense. Controlling model deployment on their own computing systems, and not using local machines, means that they can not only control their systems more carefully, it also means that they can gatekeep access.
If your business model is to allow people to access your models on your servers, and your employees are focussed on making the biggest, best, models, there is no impetus to innovate more efficient, smaller models.
Companies such as OpenAI therefore have the following traits:
Research/Model focus on size over efficiency
Profit driven culture, with emphasis on closed source code
OpenAI's initial focus was as a non-for-profit developing Artificial General Intelligence. This became a for-profit driven company over time. - “I personally chose the price and thought we would make some money.” - Sam Altman
Staff working within paradigm they set in the early 2020's with established code libraries and direct contact with hardware companies creating chips
Significant capital investment - Upwards of several $ billions
DeepSeek, in comparison, is slightly different
For DeepSeek, necessity made innovation necessary. In order to create similar, or better models, than their counterparts, they needed to significantly optimise their code. This requires significantly more work to create, and write, libraries compared to OpenAI.
DeepSeek was started by financial quants, with backgrounds in mainly mathematics and AI. With a focus on mathematics and research, the main drive of many in the company has been exploration of the research space over concerns about profitability.
DeepSeek has also done what OpenAI stopped years ago: actually releasing the code and data for their models. Not only can these models therefore be run via their own gated servers, anyone can replicate their work and make their own system.
For DeepSeek, their traits were:
Research/Model focus on both efficiency and accuracy
Research driven culture, with open nature - “Basic science research rarely offers high returns on investment” - Liang Wenfeng
Strong mathematical background of staff, with ability to work around software, and hardware, constraints
Low capital investment of around $5.5 million
From an evolutionary point of view, DeepSeek's traits have outcompeted those of OpenAI.
More efficient models cost less to run. They also more portable to local machines.
The strong ability of DeepSeek's research focussed staff allowed them to innovate around hardware constraints
Opening up the code to everyone allows anyone (still with the right hardware) to make their own version.
To top it off, the cost to make, and run, DeepSeek R1 is a fraction of the cost of OpenAI's model
House of Cards
Now we can return to today. NVIDIA has lost significant market value. It's not just limited to NVIDIA, but to the entire US technology sector with the most AI adjacent companies losing from 10% to 30% of their valuation in a single day.
The culture, and business model, of OpenAI isn't just limited to OpenAI, but to the entire US technology ecosystem. The US model has been to create rentier-style financial instruments at sky-high valuations.
US tech stocks have been one of the only success stories for America over the past few decades, ever since the offshoring of many manufacturing industries. Like a lost long-unemployed Detroit auto-worker the US has been mainlining technology like Fentanyl, ignoring the anti-trust doctors advice, injecting pure deregulated substances into its veins.
The new AI boom? A new stronger hit, ready for Wall Street, and Private Equity to tie the tourniquet around its arm and pump it right into the arteries.
Like Prometheus, DeepSeek has delved deep and retrieved fire from the algorithmic gods, and shown it's creation to the world. The stock market is on fire, as the traders are coming off of their high, realising they still live in the ruin of barren, decrepit, warehouses and manufactories. The corporate heads, and company leaders reigning over the wreckage like feudal lords, collecting tithes from the serfs working their domain.
A Tale of Two Cities
The rise of DeepSeek isn't just a one-off story of derring-do in the AI world: It's a symbolic representation of the changing world order. DeepSeek is but one company among many who are outcompeting the US, and the world, in innovation.
Where once US free-markets led the world in manufacturing, technology and military capability, now the US is a country devoid of coherent state regulated free-market principles - its place as the singular world power decimated by destroying the very systems which made it great.
"Our merchants and master-manufacturers complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price, and thereby lessening the sale of their goods both at home and abroad. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people." - Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations
By selling the jobs of working class communities to overseas businesses, destroying unions and creating rentier based business models without significant anti-trust measures, US business and political elites have sealed the present fate of the country.
The CCP led, but strongly anti-trust enforcing, China has been able to innovate, ironically, using the free-market principles of Adam Smith to rise up and create some of the world's best innovations. The factories, opened by Western business leaders to avoid union/worker labour costs in their own countries, have led Shenzhen, and similar cities, to become hubs of technological innovation - compounding their ability to determine the future of technologies across the world.
Will America be able to regain its position on top? It's too early to say, but the innovative, talented, people who made America in the 20th century can certainly do it again.
As Franklin D. Roosevelt once said: “The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerated the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself...
We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.
Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred.”
Until then, here's a farewell to the American Century 在那之前, 再见美国世纪
#cybernetics#cybernetic#ai#artificial intelligence#DeepSeek#OpenAI#ai technology#long reads#politics#us politics
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so it turns out some GPU and motherboard manufacturers will just natively overclock them so that they're just slightly overclocked automatically instead of at default stability and you will keep trying to troubleshoot why you're getting random blue screens and game crashes for months until you figure out you can just search 'BOOST' on your fucking BIOS and turn off a bunch of shit and suddenly everything works. this is purely a hypothetical ha ha scenario how's everyone doing
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Az USA korlátozza a fejlett AI chipek Kínába exportálását
Az Egyesült Államok kereskedelmi minisztériuma elrendelte a Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), a világ legnagyobb chipgyártója számára, hogy függessze fel a fejlett mesterséges intelligencia (AI) chipek szállítását kínai ügyfeleknek. A korlátozás a 7 nanométeres és annál fejlettebb technológiával készült chipekre vonatkozik, amelyek AI gyorsítókban és GPU-kban használhatók.

Az ügy hátterében a Kínai és az Egyesült Államok közt évek óta zajló kereskedelmi háború áll, mely során többek között a 2019-ben éppen vezető okostelefon- és hálózati eszköz gyártó Huawei-t minden USA területén bejegyzett licensz használatáról letiltották és az akkor illetve azóta tiltólistára került céggekkel bármely az Egyesült Államokban jegyzett licenszt érintő kereskedelmi kapcsolatot csak külön engedéllyel kaphatnak az aztoka használó vállalatok. Ennek értelmében a TSMC nemrégiben értesítette az amerikai hatóságokat, hogy egyik chipjét a Huawei Ascend 910B AI processzorában találták meg és a TSMC egy vásárlója, a kínai Sophgo chiptervező sértette meg az export korlátozásokat.
Az USA egyre szigorúbban lép fel a Kínába irányuló technológiai exporttal szemben. A hónap elején a GlobalFoundries chipgyártót 500 ezer dolláros büntetéssel sújtották, mert engedély nélkül szállított a kínai SMIC-nek. Az amerikai politikusok további szigorításokat követelnek, és aggodalmukat fejezték ki az exportkorlátozások gyengesége miatt. A Biden-kormány további korlátozásokat tervez, de a törvények módosítása késik.
Kína eközben felkészül a további amerikai szankciókra. Nagy erőkkel vásárolják fel a chipgyártó eszközöket, új szövetségeket kötnek, és szakembereket toboroznak. Olyan országokkal működnének együtt, amelyek nem értenek egyet az USA politikájával, és igyekeznek önfenntartóvá válni a chipgyártásban. Mindezzel együtt a fejlett AI chipek exportjának korlátozása komoly csapást jelenthet Kína technológiai ambícióira, és tovább fokozhatja a két ország közötti feszültséget.
Forrás: Reuters
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Computer q. For otherwise identical monitors, is a 4000:1 contrast ratio noticeably better from 1000:1? I don't mean for fancy art but like if I'm watching a movie, could I see the difference in a dark scene? I looked into oled's, but those are expensive and I think the way I use my stuff would cause burn in.
I hope you don't mind, but I got carried away and answered pretty much every computer monitor question anyone has ever had. And since this turned into a whole thing, I thought I'd share it for everyone to benefit.
For a computer monitor I would say the most important aspect is actually the viewing angle. This is how far off-axis you can look at the monitor before the image degrades.
We sit very close to our displays and at that distance, even a change in height in your chair can affect the image. Move a little bit left or right and a cheap display could completely wash out and look terrible. And if you get a display that is 27" or above, even if you sit dead center, the edges of the screen will appear dark and washed out with a bad viewing angle.
The two best display technologies to get a good viewing angle are IPS (in-plane switching) and OLED. If you are interested in a display without these technologies, be sure it has a decent viewing angle. You can read more about viewing angles here and here.
IPS has very little concern for burn-in, but it is still a concern with OLED. In recent years OLED has greatly improved and image retention and burn-in can be avoided with regular maintenance. Displays will have pixel shift features and noise modes that work out all the pixels evenly. You can run these features every once in a while to prevent burn-in. You can also play special anti-burn-in videos on YouTube (full screen) to exercise the pixels to uniformity.
So if you don't mind the hassle, you can manage an OLED with low risk.
That said, OLED was almost exclusively for TVs and has only recently been introduced for computer displays. The current options are quite large and fairly expensive, as you alluded to. So if you are trying to stay within a budget, it might be best to seek out an IPS display.
Another consideration is resolution. Everyone is obsessed with everything being 4K now. But I think increasing the resolution brings diminishing returns with regard to increased detail you can actually notice. So if you don't mind going with a 1440p monitor (about 2.5K), you can save some money on resolution and get higher quality in more noticeable areas. Personally, I feel 1440p gives you a nice, noticeable bump in detail over 1080p. Whereas going from 1440p to 4K (2160p) is less noticeable unless you have very good vision.
Another benefit to 1440p is that video games are much easier to run on high quality settings with a reasonable GPU. And you can use technologies like super sampling (Nvidia calls this DLSS) to increase the detail you may lose from not going 4K.
The only concern I'd have with not going 4K is if you edit 4K video. It will be difficult to do a pixel level analysis of your footage otherwise. But other than that, you can still watch 4K content on a 1440p monitor and because it is being downsampled, you will still notice a nice bump in detail.
So if you don't have a reason to get a 4K display, I think 1440p is worth considering.
The next concern would be color. Or color gamut. This is how many colors the display can accurately reproduce. If you don't do any art or video color grading, you'll at least want something that does 95 to 100% of sRGB. That is the color space the entire internet uses. And if you are going to be watching HDR movies, you might want a display with a decent percentage of the P3 color space as well. Doesn't need to be 100%, but the higher the better. And for those who do art, a good percentage of Adobe RGB is recommended.
Also, many manufacturers offer displays that come pre-calibrated from the factory. If color accuracy is important, I would seek out one of these displays with a Delta E rating of 3 or less (lower is better).
A newer factor in displays is peak brightness. This is measured in "nits." In standard dynamic range (SDR), video only needed to reach 100 nits. Most HDR content is mastered to reach 1000 nits. In the future, that number will be 4000. And if micro LED technology ever becomes affordable, we may go up to 10,000 nits. But almost everything is around 1000 at the moment, so that is a good number to shoot for.
HOWEVER, because HDR is tone mapped (the brightness of your display is factored in and the content is adjusted accordingly), you can still get some benefits of HDR, even if you cannot do the full 1000 nits.
All monitors can do 100 nits for SDR content. But with more things being displayed in HDR, having more nits will give you a better experience. This does not mean your display will blind you. Usually bright stuff only takes up a small portion of the screen. But having more nits allows highlights to really pop and feel immersive. A lightsaber might actually feel hot and dangerous on a bright enough screen.
Computer displays are often rated as HDR400 or HDR600 or HDR1000 based on their nits. The HDR400 isn't great for HDR content. If you can do 600 or above within your budget, you'll get a better experience. If you are going to watch movies, this may be a feature you prioritize.
I know you mentioned contrast ratio, but I'm afraid that is a little complicated to answer. It can depend on other aspects of the monitor and the viewing environment. So I'll try to give you the info you need to figure out if the display you select will suit your needs.
Manufacturers can use tricks to fudge their contrast ratio in product descriptions, so it is best to go to an independent review website like RTINGS to see what they measured. (They do good TV and monitor reviews too.) You'll see that OLED displays are said to have "infinite" contrast ratio, due to being able to turn off pixels completely. Which means it is probably time to move to a new metric because that gives very little info on the dynamic range of the display (the difference between the darkest and brightest thing it can show).
You definitely want a decent contrast ratio for your display, but this can be subjective. If you have a nice bright screen, your brain may feel the contrast is fantastic, even if the actual darkest black point of the monitor isn't great. If something is really bright, then dark things will *seem* darker by comparison. And if you are viewing in a dark environment, the contrast will look even better. So this is where seeking out a professional reviewer's experience of the monitor can be helpful. One monitor's 4000:1 ratio might be a different experience than another with the same measurement.
Because TVs are generally larger and can have more backlighting zones, they can get decent black levels without OLED. But smaller computer displays have more difficulty in reasonable price ranges. So manage your black level expectations if you go with an affordable IPS display. They can get bright, but they aren't great at blacks like OLED. I'm afraid that is just a limitation of the tech. In fact, getting a brighter display might be preferable to a better contrast ratio. And it will be easier to see if you are in a bright environment.
Most IPS displays are going to be between 1000:1 and 5000:1 and while it does make a difference, if you sit it next to an old plasma or an OLED, you're going to be disappointed. So I would not make contrast ratio a super high priority with IPS, because non-OLED computer displays just aren't going to give you inky blacks. I would say 2000:1 or better is going to give you a decent experience. But, again, I would seek out reviews rather than trust the official product specs when it comes to the quality of the blacks.
And one final consideration you may want to factor in is the refresh rate. This is mostly for gaming. Most displays will give you at least 60 Hz or 60 "refreshes" per second. Gamers tend to like 120 Hz or higher. This won't affect movie watching very much as nearly everything except Gemini Man is 24 fps.
TLDR overview...
Get an IPS or OLED display for a good viewing angle. I personally feel this is the most important feature.
Choose a resolution. 1440p can allow you to increase quality in other areas to maximize your budget. Only get 4K if you have a legit reason or you have fighter pilot vision.
Color gamut or number of colors. Try to get 100% of sRGB for web content, 90% or above of Adobe RGB for art/photography, and 90% or above of P3 for HDR movies and video editing.
If color accuracy is important, look for pre-calibrated displays that have a Delta E of 3 or less. (Lower is better)
HDR brightness. If you want to experience good HDR, you'll want the brightest screen possible (measured in nits). HDR600 or HDR1000 are great. If you don't care about HDR, then don't worry about the rating.
Contrast ratio and black levels. It's going to be meh on pretty much anything but OLED. 2000:1 or better is a good goal to shoot for, but be sure to check independent reviews for the subjective experience of the black levels. Dark viewing environments help too.
Refresh rate. 60 Hz is fine for most things. Gamers prefer 120 Hz or faster. And if you are a competitive gamer, you may want to seek out more info on "variable refresh rate" and "pixel response time."
Pick the variables above that seem most important to you and then seek out a display that does those things decently within your budget.
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GPU manufacturer HIS is still stuck in 2005
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funny thing with retro PC hardware is how the further back in history you go, the less you can really expect the mainboard to do for you.
you take a modern mainboard and it'll likely have most functions and features you're likely to need already integrated by default, be it sound, network, WiFi... there's usually even going to be video out from whatever barebones GPU is very likely integrated into the CPU by default, as well as a plethora of USB ports for whatever peripherals or other devices you might possibly want. It's basically almost a complete system in and of itself - just add a CPU, RAM, and some kind of storage medium and off you go. Plenty of boards of today will even have built-in support for plugging in fancy chassis RGB lighting straight into the mainboard itself.
Not so with older mainboards - the one I'm looking at using for my retro build project supports basically the typical two channels of IDE/Parallel ATA for a total of four main drives of whatever combination of hard- and optical, a single floppy drive, two PS/2 ports, one keyboard one mouse, a parallel LPT port, a few serial COM ports, an old AT DIN-5 keyboard port, and - shockingly - two USB ports that I'm guessing are ancient 1.0 standard. And that's it. There's no sound, no graphics, no networking - that's all stuff you have to add via expansion cards. You basically cannot use this computer at all without adding at least a graphics card - the Power On Self Test (or POST) will fail and straight up refuse to boot the system if no graphics card is detected. You go back far enough in history to the original IBM PC and it won't even have integrated hard drive support, necessitating an expansion card just to add fixed storage space.
And this is basically why the PC is such an inherently flexible platform - it was and is built pretty much grounds up to be extensible, providing the option to add just about whatever functions and features you might require via expansion slots built on open standards, allowing pretty much anyone with the prerequisite know-how and manufacturing capabilities to build their own. With the relative ease and low cost of circuit board manufacture of today combined with the ready access to powerful microcontrollers like the Raspberry Pi Pico, there's a good number of hobbyists making expansion cards that can more or less be programmed to do pretty much whatever.
Though this is technically still possible to do on modern PCs, the relative speed and complexity involved with modern PCI Express interfaces makes it far less accessible than making your own ISA expansion cards.
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For a group of folks that bitch about American hegemony, I don't see the Euros making their own tech shit much. Like sure they have a vibrant electronics industry and native foundries, but like you can't run current year on ST micros and you aren't gonna emulate rayman on CPLDs.
Euros do have ARM at least in some fashion (despite relying on Chinese foundries for that iirc), but y'all should get your own GPU manufacturer. East Germans and Russians were excellent at doing the tech-dance, did y'all squander their abilities? Give some potato techbros a supply of cheap vodka and draniki and you'll have a 4090 clone in six months.
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since you've been saying you want to upgrade your pc, what's the ideal for you? a brand new pre-built, something custom-built, just upgrading certain components?
It's something I have to think about more. I'd be starting (mostly) from scratch, because this PC is old and the motherboard probably would not support the kind of upgrades I'd want to get. Building things yourself is at least somewhat cheaper if the market for individual parts isn't fucked (did the cost of GPUs ever stop being inflated? LOL) and you get better control over what's in it. But I've had issues with some individual parts taking weeks or a month to ship when everything else had already showed up, because the Canadian postal service is a mess. I've had parts that were just dead on arrival before, right out of the package, and they DID get replaced free of charge but that meant more waiting. If it's something that I want set up as quick as possible with minimal hassle there's something to be said for getting a prebuilt, y'know? I've never gotten myself a prebuilt, though, so I'd have to end up doing more research on what manufacturers are any good. This is a long paragraph that mostly amounts to "don't know yet". LOL
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Q: How did the AI hype start? A: OpenAI became the first American company to demonstrate that if you take a snapshot of the whole known internet and all digitized books in existence without worrying too much about copyright law, you can create a model so good that its output would be almost indistinguishable from that of a DC bureaucrat with mediocre intelligence.
Q: How is China involved? A: As a part of its larger effort to contain China, the U.S. government has been on a mission of stopping Chinese companies from becoming leaders in different areas of technology. It has done so by wielding control over global supply chains and protecting American tech companies from competition in the process. The U.S. blocked Huawei’s entry into the United States just as it was overtaking Apple to become the second biggest smartphone manufacturer in the world; it stopped European countries from installing Huawei manufactured 5G infrastructure when it was clearly more economical; and most recently, it passed legislation banning TikTok, a Chinese social media app that had become massively popular in United States and whose recommendation algorithm no American social media app had been able to outperform. The U.S. claim that Huawei and other Chinese tech companies are inextricably linked to China’s geopolitical strategy and put Western companies and people at heightened risk of surveillance and corporate espionage is, of course, grounded in reality. DeepSeek isn’t shy about how much data it collects on its platform, including even your keystrokes ... However, because DeepSeek is open source and can run locally on a separate device, Chairman Xi Jinping’s prying eyes can be shielded. Maintaining global technological dominance is one of the key concerns U.S. policymakers have repeatedly cited, and have identified AI as a crucial technology in maintaining that dominance. In 2018, when the U.S. government was in the process of banning Huawei, it realized that it would need to do the same with downstream technologies like semiconductor chips, the main component used in CPUs and GPUs. The severe chip shortage due to global supply chain disruptions during Covid-19 showed that advanced chips are a global supply chain bottleneck and a scarce resource. By 2022 the Biden administration had put comprehensive sanctions on China, stopping the export of these chips to the country and preventing Chinese AI companies from accessing the latest and most efficient GPUs. At the same time, it passed the CHIPS act, subsidizing national semiconductor manufacturing with over $50 billion.
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PlayStation 5 Pro Console - Reveal Trailer
PS5 Pro Technical Presentation hosted by Mark Cerny
PlayStation 5 Pro, an enhanced version of PlayStation 5, will launch on November 7, 2024 for $699.99 / £699.99 / €799.99 / ¥119,980. It will be available as a disc-less console, with the currently available disc drive available as a separate purchase. Pre-orders will begin on September 26, 2024.
First details via The PlayStation Blog
We developed PlayStation 5 Pro with deeply engaged players and game creators in mind—as many have asked for a console that runs even higher fidelity graphics with smoother frame rates at 60 frames per second. We achieved this on PlayStation 5 Pro with several key performance features.
Upgraded GPU – With PlayStation 5 Pro, we are upgrading to a GPU that has 67% more Compute Units than the current PlayStation 5 console and 28% faster memory. Overall, this enables up to 45% faster rendering for gameplay, making the experience much smoother.
Advanced Ray Tracing – We’ve added even more powerful ray tracing that provides more dynamic reflection and refraction of light. This allows the rays to be cast at double, and at times triple, the speeds of the current PlayStation 5 console.
AI-Driven Upscaling – We’re also introducing PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution, an AI-driven upscaling that uses a machine learning-based technology to provide super sharp image clarity by adding an extraordinary amount of detail.
PlayStation 5 Pro provides gamers with amazing graphics at high frame rates. You can hear Mark Cerny, lead architect for PlayStation 5 Pro, discuss the key innovations from PlayStation 5 Pro in the following video presentation. This presentation provides a deep dive into the key performance features that make PlayStation 5 Pro truly special.
Other enhancements include PlayStation 5 Pro Game Boost, which can apply to more than 8,500 backward compatible PlayStation 4 games playable on PlayStation 5 Pro. This feature may stabilize or improve the performance of supported PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 games. Enhanced Image Quality for PlayStation 4 games is also available to improve the resolution on select PlayStation 4 games. PlayStation 5 Pro will also launch with the latest wireless technology, Wi-Fi 7, in territories supporting this standard. VRR and 8K gaming are also supported.
It’s humbling to see how game creators have embraced the latest technology from PlayStation 5 Pro, and several games will be patched with free software updates for gamers to take advantage of PlayStation 5 Pro’s features. These games can be identified with a PlayStation 5 Pro Enhanced label within their title. Some games you can look forward to include blockbuster hits from PlayStation Studios and our third-party partners, such as Alan Wake 2, Assassin’s Creed Shadows, Demon’s Souls, Dragon’s Dogma II, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Gran Turismo 7, Hogwarts Legacy, Horizon Forbidden West, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, The Crew Motorfest, The First Descendant, The Last of Us Part II Remastered, and more.
We kept the look of the PlayStation 5 Pro consistent with the overall PlayStation 5 family of products. You’ll notice the height is the same size as the original PlayStation 5, and the width is the same size as the current PlayStation 5 model to accommodate higher performance specs. Players can add an Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc Drive, or swap out console covers when they become available.

PlayStation 5 Pro fits perfectly within the PlayStation 5 family of products and is compatible with the PlayStation 5 accessories currently available, including PlayStation VR2, PlayStation Portal, DualSense Edge, Access controller, Pulse Elite, and Pulse Explore. The user interface and network services will also remain the same as PlayStation 5.
The PlayStation 5 Pro console will be available this holiday at a manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) of $699.99 USD, £699.99 GBP, €799.99 EUR, and ¥119,980 JPY (includes tax). It will include a 2TB SSD, a DualSense wireless controller, and a copy of ASTRO’s PLAYROOM pre-installed in every PlayStation 5 Pro purchase. PlayStation 5 Pro is available as a disc-less console, with the option to purchase the currently available disc drive for PlayStation 5 separately.
PlayStation 5 Pro will launch on November 7, 2024 and will be available at participating retailers and directly from PlayStation at PlayStation Direct. Preorders will begin on September 26, 2024.
Our PlayStation 5 journey would not be possible without the millions of players that have supported us through the years and have shared with us their love of gaming. Whichever console option players choose, whether it’s PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 5 Pro, we wish to bring everyone the very best gaming experience that fits their needs.
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