iitroorkee · 4 months
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Valuable insights from the recent workshop, hosted by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at IIT Roorkee in partnership with Indian Council of Social Sciences Research (ICSSR), focusing on "Enhancing Health System Responsiveness through the Digital India Program." Expert discussions centered around innovative strategies aimed at improving healthcare access and quality. The active participation of stakeholders from academia, policy circles, and research communities underscores the collective dedication to advancing healthcare outcomes through evidence-based approaches and creative solutions.
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dronacharyacollege · 7 months
Teams qualifying in the Grand Finale of Smart India Hackathon 2023,
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A resounding applause to the Faculty mentor (Dr. Ashima Mehta & Prof. Renu Narwal) for clinching an impressive teams qualifying in the Grand Finale of Smart India Hackathon 2023, organized by the Ministry of Education, Government of India. Each team's journey to the grand finale is a testament to their unwavering dedication and groundbreaking innovation. 🚀
#SIH2023 #smartindiahackathon #InnovationSeAtmanirbharBharat #PM_ModiAtSIH #JaiAnusandhan #innovation #hackathon #gurugramuniversity #g20 #aicte #mhrd #iic #engineeringcollege #smartindiahackathon2023 #solutions #cbseboard #delhincr #aicte #topprivateengineeringcollegeingurugram #DronacharyaCollegeOfEngineering #BestEngineeringCollege #BestEngineeringCollegeinDelhiNCR #multipleplacement #Gurgaon
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youliveveryday · 9 months
Gabor Mate's, a Jewish holocaust survivor describes Israel for what it is.
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So now what? The PM of this country has started directly attacking a community. I have put the whole thing together because obviously I will have "people" telling me that the majority matters or whatever they say. But are we really this blind to not notice what is happening? The ruling party is clearly using religion and communal tension (which they obviously instigated) to hide their inadequacies from the public. This is a tale as old as time: the ruling government has been using divide and rule policies to exploit and manipulate the public. Even after 10 years of their rule,  is the party's only way to gather votes? By causing division between communities? 
I am scared about the future. The rising tension between communities scares me. I await with bated breath the day it will finally burst. And you know who will be affected by this? Not the government, not the leaders, not those businessmen or celebrities. It will be you and me, no matter which community we belong to. We will be affected. 
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politijohn · 7 months
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scltbvrns · 1 month
right winged indians are so (i don't want to utter that word) when it comes to media literacy but all of them literally grew up in godi media so i cannot blame them either. like no one is saying INDI alliance is good. it's just the lesser evil out of the two.
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Secretariat Building (1952-58) in Chandigarh, India, by Le Corbusier
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meanslackofart · 5 months
indian government sites are the online version of indian government offices, they're equally slow
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nando161mando · 23 days
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Then there are these perverts. Some hindutvadi was talking about applying the 'Israeli' model to Kashmir.
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sinematically · 2 months
talking about a fascist government and setting their elections on the day of diwali and basing ur lead on hanuman…. Dev Patel I’m so proud of u ??????
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taricide · 1 year
Its absolutely terrifying how India is possibly in the beginning stages of a full blown genocide of muslims and dalits and other non Hindus and no one is talking about it. All the major news channels are controlled by the media, the prime minister hasn't given a single press conference in the nine years that he's ruled, one of the major opposition MPs was recently outsed from parliament in a bullshit move and BJP party members and supporters are openly lynching people and raising genocidal slogans publicly. And no one is talking about it
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iitroorkee · 4 months
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IIT Roorkee is proud to announce that 20 researchers from various departments of Science and Engineering at IIT Roorkee have been honoured with the prestigious HORIBA Talent Hunt Scholarship 2023-24. This scholarship, generously supported by HORIBA India under the theme 'Together We Grow', underscores the commitment to fostering academic excellence and innovation. Congratulations to all the awardees for their remarkable achievements, showcasing the spirit of excellence that defines our institution.
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storm-of-feathers · 7 months
There aren't only three genocides happening. By the way. There's been at least ten ongoing. None of you cared about them until you could hate jews about it, though.
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youliveveryday · 1 month
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I don't have any hope left anymore. The reactions of Indians and the so-called "Hindutva army" to the happening genocide were eye-opening. It's not like I didn't know about their viewpoints, but still, I hoped that they were not many in number but rather a small but loud group of brain-dead people. But now, I have realised that the majority of the Indian population has the same view about Palestine. They don't care; rather, they are rejoicing and discussing how they wish they could do the same to Indian Muslims. They don't care about anything or anyone until and unless it fits into their narrative and helps them spread hate on minority communities (which includes all the minority religions and lower castes). They are drunk on hate and their distorted idea of religion. 
I am hopeless; I don't believe anything will change. The country is going down the same path that the colonisers hoped for. We will kill each other over a few man-made, fictitious concepts. Nothing has changed, and nothing will change. I can visualise a near future when history will once again repeat itself and there will be nothing left to do.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 months
So long as we assume (as most people did) that composing poetry and quoting classical literature are the best guides to administrative talent, China can fairly be said to have developed the most rational selection processes for state service known to history.*
*When Britain reorganized its civil service in the 1880s it introduced self-consciously similar examinations, testing bright young men on their knowledge of Greek and Latin classics before sending them off to govern India, and even now British civil servants are still known as mandarins. Nineteenth-century conservatives saw exams as part of a sinister plot to "Chinesify" Britain.
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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