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greenvillainredemption · 2 years ago
I fucking hate that names are gendered like they’re literally just sounds
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euniexenoblade · 1 month ago
Why do you refer to yourself in your bio as a "biological dysphoric female?"
the short: "biological female" and "dysphoric female" are phrases coined by terfs to be transphobic, and there was a movement for trans women to take them from terfs as our own.
the long: sex is fucking fake. gender is just sex. i know this makes a lot of people, cis and trans, mad, but shit is not real. sex as society uses it is the scientific application of gendered oppression. "biological sex" has been a method of misogyny for a long, long time. (side note, biological sex has also been a used to enforce racist, ableist, homophobic and intersexist thought).
saying something is "scientific" is "bigoted" or "fake" always seems to throw people through a loop. but "science" is not a neutral concept. a scientist with a bigoted agenda will skew results to affirm their bias. the easiest example of this is transphobic/homophobic studies that conservatives point to that when you dig into them you realize it's research done by a right wing think tank that's just making shit up, or did a study that is immoral or flawed specifically to yield their result. the point is, if a scientist goes into their work with a bias, the bias will alter the result. now imagine a scientist from a hundred or two hundred years ago doing gender or race sciences, we look at them like they're stupid and bigoted and we've advanced so far, but a lot of their bullshit still exists, it's just been reworked into something more acceptable.
sex, like actual "biological sex," is a very complicated thing that is more than just genitals. the body can vary in so many ways, but these concepts have been dumbed down into the male/female dichotomy we all know, and even though we know this dichotomy isn't real it still sticks around in low level, basic biology courses, identification stuff, medical stuff, etc, thus enforcing the age old gender separation (and thus oppression).
i know youre rolling your eyes and telling me to get to the point, but the point is that, the separation of gender and sex is new, and frankly i've never enjoyed it. "you're a woman but you're male" isn't true and leads to mistreatment by....everyone.
i refuse to let the world define me and my body. "female" just means "woman" in literally everything. so i define myself, i'm female. im a trans woman and i'm biologically female.
the "dysphoric" angle is a lot quicker to explain. despite my annoyance with the term "dysphoria" it is heavily associated with transhood. I don't define transhood by dysphoria (you don't need dysphoria to be trans) but the world sorta does. and being that terfs confuse their own dysmorphia and whatnot as "gender dysphoria" and coined "dysphoric female" too....I guess "steal" dysphoria from trans people, i decided i, too, am a dysphoric female. the funny thing is, i don't even experience dysphoria really. i used to but i don't really anymore.
but, take both of those, and wa-la, biological dysphoric female.
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lastwave · 7 months ago
me: -and that's why Pentheus isn't being punished for gender experimentation, when Dionysos was the one to give them the idea in the first place. The punishment is still, only, for denying Dionysos's existence and divinity and for denying their mother freedom. Pentheus's punishment also isn't humiliation via gender experimentation, as once Pentheus is in Bacchic dress, they're quite happy with it. They ask if they look like their mother. You could argue this is part of the madness, but Euripides spends half the play establishing Dionysos as a liberator, down to the choice to use the Roman name, Bacchae as the title. Pentheus is established as mad before Dionysos's appearance, proclaimed by Tiresias. Dionysos says he is clearing Pentheus's mind. Pentheus's punishment, and the tragedy, then must lie in the brevity of things. Pentheus is briefly allowed to be free of the constraints of gender- to see themselves as a woman. Neither Dionysos or Pentheus explain why it would make Pentheus happy to see the Maenads. Dionysos knows and Pentheus is ashamed. The sexual element is just an assumption on the audience's part.
my homunculus: but we established Pentheus was so panicked because his mother was involved.
me: right. And Pentheus has a preoccupation with looking like their mother. I don't think there's a sexual element for Pentheus at all. They just want to freely be a woman. The tragedy lies in the almost realization of it. The fact the mother she adores so much is the one to rip her away from realization.
my homunculus: can i go home yet
me: not yet im still on my bullshit
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haveyouseenthisskeleton · 1 year ago
i need angst!!
skellies have a trans S/O / crush thats trans, and was currently aguring with someone. when the fight ends, the other person mumbles 'at least im a reaal boy/girl'
skellies reaction?
Undertale Sans - He gives the person a dark stare before dragging S/O out of there. That's enough for today. He then gently sits S/O's on a bench and assures them everything they said is bullshit and that he loves you.
Undertale Papyrus - He clenches his fists so hard the other person actually takes a step back. Just because the guy is angry doesn't mean they have to be insulting. Papyrus calls them out and asks them to apologize this instant.
Underswap Sans - Welp. You give him no choice. The guy is under arrest. Transphobia is not an opinion, it's a crime. Blue doesn't give a hell about them screaming he's abusing his role. You're not insulting his S/O in front of him.
Underswap Papyrus - He gasps, then simply takes his S/O's hand and walks away. They don't need to have more attention. This is bullshit, and he doesn't want to hear anything coming from their mouth again.
Underfell Sans - Oops. He acted instinctively and headbutted the guy at full force. He has no regret. Don't talk shit about his S/O or cry.
Underfell Papyrus - He growls as a warning. Keep going that way and you will really not like what he will do to you. He also puts a protective hand on his S/O's shoulder. Go on, try to be mean to them again, just to see what will happen.
Horrortale Sans - He lunges at the guy and stops at one inch from their head. They decide to back off, and, uncomfortable, leave. Oak growls at them until they are out of sight. He's mad.
Horrortale Papyrus - "WELL AT LEAST I'M A DECENT PERSON." He takes his S/O's arm and leaves, huffing at them. If you're not able to not be insulting, he's just going to ignore you. You don't worth his time.
Swapfell Sans - He knocks your aggressor in the crotch. See? It doesn't matter what is your gender, everyone is hurting there when you kick hard enough. Nox is very proud of himself.
Swapfell Papyrus - Rus shrugs and takes S/O away. A few minutes later, your aggressor will realize he teleported 2 pounds of dog poop into their bag and maybe you should be both gone when it happens. Rus regrets nothing. Fellswap Gold Sans - The hell you just said, bitch? Go on, say to his face he's not real because he changes his gender when he wants to? No? Why? Because he has his bone right under your carotid? Nah, it's because you're just a coward. Just because you're not feeling happy doesn't mean you have to take revenge on other people. Now leave or pay the price. He won't hesitate.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Coffee gasps, offended and upset. As the guy starts to mock you again, you start to cry. And Coffee is distressed and starts to cry as well. A lot of people in the parc turn towards you, and suddenly your aggressor is getting harrassed by twenty people all screaming at them for being transphobic. Coffee immediately stops crying. Yeah, he did that on purpose. Now good luck with that.
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vegantinatalist · 4 months ago
May i ask why youre anti furry/therian? Im not either of those things, just curious lol
Glad you asked, i have a lot to say about it, skip to the end for a tldr Viewing animals as concepts and visuals that you can make a persona out of contributes to the perception of animals (and others in general) being commodities. It derealizes animals and anthropomorphizes them, it is not a way to respect or portray animals, its the opposite.
I dislike therians for the same reasons and also because its a delusion like any other, and no different from religion, gender ideology, or trans race believers. Its furry taken even further into full blown delusion. They both also often buy leather and real fur and shit for their stupid costumes, especially if they go to ren fairs. i hate that theres more art of anthropomorphized endangered species than there are members of those endangered species. i hate that cows are sexually exploited while people are making "strawberry milk cowsonas uwu" with giant boobs and straw hats and shirts that say "milk!" Need i even mention all the zoophilia coded art. Ive worked as a freelance artist for over a decade, the massive number of furries that request zoophilia porn (art of getting penetrated by or raping animals), sometimes of their real pets which they would send me (normal) images of, made me no longer care that supposedly most furries "only like sfw furry art" (i call absolute bullshit and even if true idc) or "only like anthro furry porn" (thats still zoophilia in my eyes, no im not sorry, it literally is, especially if you cant get off without the animal imagery or you prefer it over human imagery). everytime someone requested a "sfw full body nude ref" they never gave their character human genitals. Always animal genitals. like bruh you literally want animal penis/vagina, you just (supposedly) wouldnt touch a real animal on principle. Buuuut youll also totally kill and eat animals daily, and youre fine with sticking instruments up their cervixes to force impregnate them and shocking their anuses to collect their semen? and you really think everyone is just like "yeah rape for profit is a-okay but raping them for pleasure is unthinkable"? you really think no people ever are like "yeah raping them for pleasure is fine too"? as an animal rescuer let me tell you- youre dead fucking wrong. animal prostitution and bestiality is a real issue, an estimate 2 percent of the population (and thats just whats reported, we all know animals cannot communicate their abuse) are offenders. from cases i myself have seen personally, the offenders were young men, autistic, and guess what else...ding ding ding. again this is of course not the majority of furries but my point is that i dont trust anybodies morals when it comes to the perception and treatment of others, especially those weaker and unable to speak. i have known a shocking amount of "normal" men who admitted to attempting or successfully raping an animal as a teen.
The sfw art often is extremely self indulgent and very objectifying of animals, drawing them like toys and little fairies that exist solely to bring them joy. i just never liked that kind of thing. i dont like that so many companies even get away with turning that shit into full on dopamine farm gambling addictions for kids. think like, webkins.
My parents used to give me animals like they were toys when i was young. They did not care what happened to them. All the media i was surrounded with as a kid reinforced this idea that animals are toys, toys that exist for self indulgent dopamine farming, even if i never would have said that, even if i would have gotten mad at anyone who outright said it. even if i thought this media made me an animal lover. it did not. and as a result, i saw many animals terribly die. yes, huge blame on my parents of course, but we dont live in a world that respects or cares about animals as it is and this type of content just doesnt help like people think it does. it doesnt teach you respect for animals. it teaches you to love animals the way you love candy. something you play with, and consume. its bad.
I want people to create sonas without using animal body parts as a way to convey tropes and archetypes that harmfully or just incorrectly skew peoples perception of real animals. i want to see animal characters that are neither anthro nor "feral" (toony animal body but anthro behaviors and thoughts) but are instead just written and portrayed like real animals and respected. i am not opposed to anime because while most of it is creepy, depicting toddler faced girls on childrens sexualized bodies, this disturbing objectification element isnt inherent to the style or subject matter and there are plenty of anime that depict people more normally. furry on the other hand is inherently objectifying and i wish drawing furry art was not so socially acceptable. its not like i think everyone should only draw animals exactly the way they look in reality, but you can stylize them in countless ways that arent anthropomorphizing.
i also hate fiction where theres a race of animal people and still a subclass of non anthro animals that are being exploited. it just furthers this idea that real animals dont matter, you can even pretend to be them while you kill and eat them if you want. i just really hate all of it. ive never seen any piece of furry media that doesnt disrespect animals and i think it inherently cannot be respectful to them.
mythical animal characters are a bit of a gray area. if they are depicted like real animals, just different (like a dragon that is clearly cat coded) that doesnt bother me really. the ones that are human coded with no animal parts based on real animals are usually fine too. its the grody and often sexualized blending of human and nonhuman animal that i dont like.
this is a very long and rambly rant but tldr:
-sexual furry art is zoophilia
-sfw furry art is still gratification based in objectification of others (and sfw art still can arouse people which is why its important to be mindful of subject matter no matter how youre drawing it, not a victim blaming thing, just saying accountability as a creator is important)
-therians are the same + delusion (and i oppose all delusions)
-i want to see respectful art/stories that portrays nonhuman animals as the complicated individuals they are, not as a humans costume, sidekick/toy, or human allegory -im sick of artists having 0 accountability in general and im sick of their actually braindead apologist fans (looking at you made in abyss season 2 enjoyers) and i have 0 tolerance for iffy material anymore, we need to start opposing fictional content with more intensity, the world of art has become like 50 percent soft cp and soft zoophilia and i for one hate that
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say-hi-intrepid-heroes · 1 year ago
okay big personal lore drop time, i usually don't get this detailed into my personal life but i'm fuckin mad and also tired rn
so i recently started college/university (higher education where i've moved away to be truly independent for the first time) and there's lots of great stuff like gender presentation, getting to be openly queer, having a good dnd group, etc
but i'm so fucking done with everyone else's romance. it's so fucking lonely.
i've made lots of new friends!! but all of them have/want partners, so they keep spending all their time chasing after people and im just left here doing nothing:
- watching Good Omens for the sixth time because i have nothing to do on a Friday night.
- getting a library card because my Saturday plans got cancelled because my friend is trying to hang out with their romantic interest so all i can do is read books alone on saturday.
- sitting alone at the end of the table because i'm the only one without a partner and they're all sitting across from one another and ive got no one
- listening to every goddamn conversation about "oh he said this and it was so romantic!" or "she wants to hang out soon!" and not being able to participate
listen, i don't want to date. i don't like being in romantic relationships. but god fucking damn it i wish i did so that i wouldn't feel so alone when this is supposed to be the least lonely time of my fucking life. i've finally gotten away from the toxic bullshit of high school but now everyone is pairing off. i'm so sick of this.
i know being aroace doesn't make me broken. i know that. but fuck, it sure feels like i am right now.
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razz-is-queer · 5 months ago
long poem about face ID and being trans:
my phone doesn’t recognize my face anymore
i mean, i set up the face id a year ago but it has worked fine until yesterday
i don’t look significantly different
my hair’s barely changed
neither has my face
but my phone didn’t recognize me
glasses on or off, hair in different places, different angles
nothing worked
my phone doesn’t see me anymore
i don’t know if i see me anymore
a husk of a being
an empty house looking for a resident
ancient, rotting, covered in mold
a face unfamiliar to me
empty eyes, dark spots, hair, nothing seems right
but this is me
i am me
i will always be me
even when i don’t think im me, i am
even when i wish i was someone different, i am and will still always be me
this is how being trans affects me
i barely recognize myself anymore
i see warped features, a different person
is it selfish that i am happier this way?
that i’m “letting down” my parents?
that i am making the decisions that are worsening my mental health because i think ill feel better as this gender than i do as that gender?
is it selfish that i think i look better in clothes made for someone without a penis?
do i find joy in fighting with my parents over hormones or “god”?
did i really just write a whole poem about my fucking phone showing me how different i am now than i was a year ago?
yes i did
sometimes i need to sit and write to deal with my emotions
and sometimes what i write comes out in strange metaphors
sometimes when i feel like everything’s crashing down around me i just need to write
writing lets me express myself in ways i couldn’t otherwise
without writing, who would i be?
a husk?
an empty house?
i’d just be me
i’d be the me that my phone does actually recognize
i’d be the me that was still a boy
i’d be the me that never had to go through any of this bullshit
i’d be the me that was really happy
but i’m not that
i’m the me that has mental issues and is trans and is fighting with her parents and is inadequate and unfit for college or life
i’m the me that can’t even write a fucking college essay out of fear of rejection
i’m the me that doesn’t explicitly want to die, but wouldn’t be opposed or mad if it happened
i’m me
flaws an all
and that’s how i have to live
that’s how i need to learn how to live
so i’ll update my phone’s face id
because i am me
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feminismisstillahatemovement · 11 months ago
isn't it crazy how feminism was basically the open door for gender ideologies and now women are waking up for the bullshit, and going rad fem, without realizing the core issues all over again? i mean i follow some rad fems just to see what they are up to, and also because they are speaking violently against this madness, but its just so sad that we keep missing the point people
idk sorry for venting but i would love to read your thoughts on it because usually im just trying to be "sober" against all this, but sometimes its like the whole world went nuts and it feels awful
The weirdest thing, and the biggest issue, is that pretty much everyone you know is 'waking up' to some aspect of the madness of our present age, whether it's because of the transgender insanity, or the targeted hatred of white people, the demonization of men, or being afraid of speaking out against the spread of Islamism, or the overt one-sided political bias of the corporate media, education system and entertainment world.
The big issue is that most people pick just one of these to fixate and obsess upon, while they still carry on supporting and defending all the others, and attacking anyone who tries to stand up against them. It's only when you acknowledge that the same far-left agenda that supports and aggressively promotes one of them also aggressively supports and promotes all the others that you can start to make any sense as to why any of it is happening.
There are two particular groups of feminist friends I used to hang out with: one of them would rage against Islamism, and the treatment of women in Islamic countries, and were furious that speaking out on behalf of those women would get them silenced or even arrested. The other group is furious against the biological males taking over women's spaces, and the state violence greeting any women speaking out against it.
But both groups will still loudly vote Labour, still read the Guardian, and still believe everything else they hear coming out of the BBC or CNN or Disney or Facebook or fill in the blank. And of course they'll still call themselves feminists. It's just that one little thing they have a problem with, that they view as an entirely separate and disconnected issue from all the other madness, and so are completely at a loss when it comes to trying to explain why the world is seemingly making no sense anymore.
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yanderu-deredere · 2 years ago
hey so weird question: how would your ocs react to a darling that's inexperienced or clumsy when it comes to sex? are there any of them that would prefer it that way?
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a/n: thank you so much for the request! i put it under a read more cus it's explicit but i hope you enjoy! i did the top three of my ocs that would enjoy an inexperienced/clumsy darling most
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warning: there's no mention of reader having a penis but there's several mentions of reader having an 'entrance' (could be an asshole?), gender neutral pronouns for reader
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liam anthony arieh ★ profile
fattest corruption kink in the world
absolutely prefers a darling who doesn't know what the fuck they're doing; the more innocent and clueless, the better
he's never really put stock in the human made concept of virginity. he thinks its a bunch of crock bullshit and he's had partners before that had a body count a mile long
but goddamn theres just something about you
the way you fumble around, looking at him for guidance, for instruction? he's got him chubbing up forreal
Instead of looking up, he only chuckles, large calloused palms forcing your legs further apart. In front of him, your entrance drooled, making his mouth water and his dick hard.
"You said you wanted to be good for me, right?" He muttered, pressing his cheek against your soft thigh while one of his hands moved forward.
Gently, his middle finger teased your entrance, trying to sink into it. As an automatic response, your knee jumped in surprise. Of course, since his head was right there, your leg made contact with his glasses, almost pushing them out of place.
The way you were so nervous and panicked made him laugh. You reminded him of a jittery little doe.
Liam pressed a kiss against your thigh. Though, as his lips lingered, the kiss slowly turned into a little bite that left a noticeable hickey.
"Calm down, angel, don't worry." He tried to soothe you, his finger sinking deeper and deeper into you, the pad of it pressing against something inside of you that made you writhe.
"I'll take good good care of you."
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fujio watanabe ★ profile
defo prefers an inexperienced darling but not for any other reason than he's a possessive bastard lol
basically, he wants to teach you how to make him feel good from the ground up
the thought of his darling not knowing how to fuck anyone else but him? the thought of his darling, completely at his beck and call, following his orders and only his orders?
makes im mad hard for sure
also it makes you easier to manipulate in a way? he wants to teach you thinks most people find kinky and have you believe that it's normal basically
"Oh, that's it, baby." Fujio threw his head back, his hand twitching at the nape of your neck.
All he wanted to do was fuck into your mouth; he wanted to grab you, push you into his groin, bury your face into his pelvis, have his cock hit the back of your throat.
He stopped himself, of course. It's the first blow job you've ever given and he wasn't going to throw you into the deep end.
It was so obvious it was your first time too. He could feel your teeth brushing against the skin of his dick and the way you kept gagging and desperately swallowing was obviously amateur.
He wasn't complaining though. The way you looked up at him, lips stretched around his thick girth, tears clinging to your eyelashes, your hair pulled back by his fist.
It was enough to seriously make him bust. You were going to be the literaly death of him.
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eun-jeong yoo ★ profile
definitely the caregiver type; he likes taking care of and guiding people
he doesn't prefer an inexperienced darling but he definitely would be one of the people that would enjoy it the most
he's very switchy in that like he can be a dom or a sub but when paired with a darling that doesn't really know what they're doing, he's full dom all the time
he's not at all a hard dom either
literally super soft and gentle, moving your hands where they need to go, showing you exactly how to make both you and him feel good, etc
usually, he's not really a very straight forward person but with a darling like this, he doesn't want to beat around the bush so he's very frank
Eun-jeong felt your fingers slowly, hesitantly, close around his cock, your big curious eyes peering up at him through your eyelashes.
He wanted to throw his head back, wanted to buck his hips up, wanted to groan and cum right then and there; he couldn't find it in himself to, though.
You mesmerised him and he couldn't look away. You looked so soft, so innocent, waiting for his words, hanging on to his every instruction.
"Just grip it a bit tighter, puppy." His gloved hand brushes against your wrist, not really holding it but definitely pushing it closer.
When your fist did tense up a bit, a low groan left Eun-jeong's lips. He couldn't stop himself from lifting up a bit, cock thrusting up and down before stopping completely.
You were holding him a bit too tightly but, for some reason (maybe it was how you looked or the fact that it was you), it made him want to shoot his load.
"That's it, puppy." He slurred out when he decided against telling you to lighten up "Just like that, move it up and down like that."
You nod, your big pretty eyes flickering from his cock to his face, back and forth. You seemed just as enraptured by him as he was by you which, honestly, had his heart fluttering.
"Just a little bit more and th-then I'll-- I'll let you cum, okay? I'll show you how to make yourself feel good, I promise..."
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ilexdiapason · 8 months ago
i need to hear more about transed gender randy
ok how does this episode actually go. i know it opens on some bullshit; maybe morgan beats randy and howards ddr scores and randys mad because shes getting recognition and preventing them from having the high score on every machine in the game hole. they complain, maybe accuse her that she only won because shes hot, and shes like idk man get good? randy goes to the ninjanomicon for advice and the nomicon says something along the lines of yeah, get good, you cant be the best at everything "wearing too many gold medals will weigh down your neck". randy is like ummm what im HEARING is that the NINJA needs to get that high score so that RANDY isnt the best at everything but *I* still get the praise? and the nomicon does its traditional facepalm of you literally couldnt understand any less. and so he finds some ancient ninja technique of grace that's called like. art of the crane or some shit. and he suits up and maxes out the score on the machine and beats morgan and everyone cheers and hes like haha see this was worth it and will have no long term consequences! and then detransforms and hes a girl. paragraph break here
howard has some kind of unintelligent DUDE YOURE A CHICK response, they both freak out, howard appraises her looks and shes like nothing changed why are you judging my appearance now??? howards like idk i guess it just occured to me. and then some dance themed mcfist robot gets involved and people appraise the entire fight by commenting on the ninjas figure, how she must be inspired by the guy ninja, she doesnt seem as competent, general sexism you see in the average youtube comments section. randys like wtj guys. and eventually she goes to morgan to ask her how to kill this thing and morgan is like absolutely, girls support girls, and they do it together and randy finally learns his lesson that having EVERY gold medal around your neck weighs you down because you just expect to win and cant handle the loss. and then goes back to the nomicon like ok i learned my lesson can i be a dude again now i hate people commenting on my body while im trying to do my job. but same as the art of disguise and the ninja supersenses it's one of those things where you need to master it or it masters you so its like nah you gotta do this one yourself chief. and so the final segment is him watching morgan win her high score back on the ddr machine and genuinely appraising her dance talent without bringing her gender or her looks into it and he pops back to normal and howard is eating nachos like oh thank god i thought you were gonna be a chick forever and we weren't gonna be able to play video games any more and randy is like howard did you learn ANYTHING from this and howards like idk girl ninja would be hot??? and thats the end of the episode
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im-a-simp898 · 4 months ago
Why does everyone hate teenage girls so much??
It's the way a girl can be more in tune with their feminine side & get clowned for 'only caring about looks', 'being stupid', 'being annoying' etc. But then when they are more in touch with their masculine side, 'they're a pick-me', 'they need to dress more girly', 'they just wanna get with their guy friends' etc. This shit is actually so annoying, it's funny.
The criticism teenage girls get for liking “immature” or childish things is part of the reason why so many young girls want to grow up so fast or act/dress older than is appropriate for their age. Society also wants to sexualize us once we reach a certain age.
If a girl shows interest in games she's a fake gamer. Yet people complain there's no girl gamers. Jojo Siwa people complain about her just because she's happy singing and dancing. If a girl likes art "oh how quirky, she thinks shes different" if we show interest in sport we're seen as "trying to get with a guy" WHY CAN'T WE JUST LIKE SOMETHING JUST BECAUSE WE LIKE IT?!
I remember in high school, girls would literally get bullied for being one direction fans...meanwhile guys would never shut up about their fantasy football bullshit. Are teenage girls allowed to enjoy anything?? What girls like is hated by society until men "find it". Just look at the Beatles and Elvis, whose fanbases were first exclusively young women. Now that men like them, they are now considered classic and cool. Along with interests, you know how many times I've felt embarrassed to cry even when I'm by myself out of fear of looking like an "angsty teen girl"
We get insulted for being happy. Then we get insulted for being sad. Then we get insulted for being mad that we were insulted for being sad. Then we get insulted for trying to forget what happened and trying to be happy again. Then we try to be happy again and big shocker we get insulted again. Now we have anxiety but told we are faking it (some are but not everyone). Then we try to tell people to not insult others interests and we get insulted. Then we are insulted for feeling hopeless. Now everything inside of us dies and we will still be insulted.
The hatred for teen girls is so bad that even actors who play on "teen girl movies" get hate for being in said movies and aren't taken seriously, like WTFFFF. Someone I wanted to bring up: Rebecca Black. She was just 13 when she made Friday. Literally got death threats and had to drop out of school just for making a music video. I don't want to sound stupid but i feel like sometimes people forget that teenage girls are teenagers? like we're still technically children??? untill suddenly a 40 year old decides your not or when its an adult bashing you on the internet your not a child your an adult like excuse me i- im confused
And then there’s the whole ‘you’re a 15 year old girl, you must be faking your depression’. It’s so ridiculous. My age and gender doesn’t determine whether I have a mental illness or not. You wouldn’t tell someone they don’t have cancer because they’re a teenage girl. There was a girl that I saw in the comment section of a video about how everyone who listens to billie eilish fakes depression, and she was like ‘no, this is wrong, I’ve spent months in a psychiatric ward with depression and billie gets me through’, and the first comment was a man telling her she was lying and faking for attention. It’s ridiculous.
i read all dis
its true like its so fucking true
i wouldnt say its as bad as theyve described it tho
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ouidamforeman · 2 years ago
Ppl r inevitably gonna get mad at me for this and im sorry but the reason I largely dislike fictional character genderbends especially male into female ones is that it really just shows you what people think “woman” means in context as opposite to “man” and it’s nearly always super weird binary gender presentation bullshit where the “female” version of the character is now Traditionally Feminine and So Pretty And Hot even if the original male or masc character was gnc or not traditionally attractive in some way in the first place lol. And like ok it’s fine let people do what they want but the amount of stuff I see like this that makes my head hurt and how hard it is to find depictions that Aren’t like this just got to me and im tired. The 13th Dr Who regenerated into being with mascara on you guys. that was crazy right haha
This kind of thing is always going to have different nuances for trans ppl making stuff like this and actually putting awareness and projection into it lol and it’s not about that nor is it about individual people making designs they just personally like it’s about How Much in fandoms a character being made a Woman just means “oh she has flawless makeup and a Lady Magazine Cover outfit and perfect boobs now :)))” so please don’t yell at me on my personal post lol
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aspec-vents · 7 months ago
I'm a aroace woman, and I admire butch and masc women a lot that I have squish (platonic crush/aspec term) but people keep equating that to romantic or sexual attraction when I have stated many times that I don't feel attraction for any gender (very rarely, which is why Im a demigray also) I grew up around mainly men, and only woman I been around has been my mother so I usually admire and used to seeing masc a lot. so seeing masc women just gives me a sense of happiness in a way.
Also just to add Im sick of other sexualities having discourse over aspec and speaking for us it's really fucking annoying and they need to stop. they tell anyone who isn't part of just ace and aro "posers" and that the A-Spectrum isn't real. (esp radfems doing this bullshit) and the annoying part is these are the same folks that sexualize us, erase us, and count us off and then get mad when we don't include cuz were trying make spaces ourselves.
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loverboy1717 · 1 year ago
First, I have not seen it yet and if I end up being wrong I’ll eat my words and say so. So don’t come for me in the comments yeah?
Second, I’m sincerely wondering if the people who are saying Next Goal Wins is transphobic are saying it cus it actually is or because it was honest and portrayed transphobia in sport.
I’m wondering if these peeps have any understanding of how fucked up organized footie is? I wonder if they’ve ever seriously followed international soccer or know it well. Cus anybody who does would not expect there to be no conflict or shitty behavior towards an out queer player.
Im not saying it’s okay at all that it happens. Im just saying a world without gender identities being mishandled in soccer does not exist.The sport itself is beautiful. I started playing at four years old. I played competitively from ten all the way through senior year in high school and then quit when I came out and nobody wanted to change in front of me in the locker room anymore. (Being a cis white queer woman sucked. I can’t imagine how much worse it is/was for a player on the international stage as a gender non conforming person of color.) I found my way back in my mid twenties and still play in competative rec leagues at thirty one. This sport is something I could not live without. There are moments of sheer fucking joy and magic and catharsis and banter and shit housing and community. I truly feel kinship with other people who love this silly game as much as I do. But it can also be a trashcan fire of bullshit and hate. It isn’t fucking Ted Lasso my dudes.
And this movie is about FIFA qualifiers for a low af ranked team. It’s about a supremely underfunded and written off team made up of PoC. It follows a white head coach who is gonna come in and turn them around more for his own redemption than for the teams success. This was never gonna be a completely light hearted romp no matter how it was marketed. Fifa fucking sucks guys. The corporate side of soccer fucking sucks. The coaches trying to make names for themselves or don’t think they will have to pay for their actions fucking suck. That doesn’t mean there are not meaningful stories to tell about players.
What I’m trying to say is I’m curious to see if this is transphobia because it’s transphobia or if it is accurately depicting some transphobic bullshit that happened and people online are mad about that existing in a movie they wanted to be safe and gooey and silly. Basically, I remember when people said Jojo Rabit was antisemitic and it absolutely isn’t. So forgive me for taking some of the bad reviews with a grain of salt.
Like I said I’ll eat my words and own being wrong if I end up being wrong. I just don’t trust media literacy these days and am gonna wait to see for myself because I’ve been jazzed as fuck for this movie for months and months.
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strwffy · 10 months ago
i’m really angry at everything and anything lately. it’s just all political stuff, and self stuff ig
i had a friend, who isn’t my friend anymore since i unfriend her. for political views and such.
first of all, for some contexts:
a couple of years ago, 2019, i think? i came out as pansexual on twitter and also to my close friends only, and my sister. today, idk if i define myself as pansexual anymore, im more like, hey i’m queer.
i’m, today, questioning a lot of things. i wonder if i could be asexual, but also, i’m questioning my gender identity.
that friend i had, i knew her for 5 years. met in college and all. we had the same views politically, and just on everything tbh. i can’t be friends with people who don’t share the same political views, especially if it’s about human rights and all. so yeah, i did came out to her, at the time about me being pansexual. she was very supportive. in her discourse through the years, she even was a trans ally.
but, more than a month ago we met and she basically told me she was transphobic (she didn’t use that term tho) and that she is a gender critical.
i was very shocked by her sayings, and she said that she wanted to tell me because she knew that subject was important to me. i’m not gonna lie, i wanted to cry in front of her at some point, bc hearing her just hurt.
after 2 hours of honest debate, she said that we should keep on with our day bc we aren’t agreeing but that she wanted me to know. i told her that i was shocked and that it was very transphobic.
i came back home, thinking about that conversation for a month. and, i guess i was very naive. i thought that if she change her mind maybe i can debate more and she could actually understand, yk?
so, i made some research to debunk every shitty and fake things my "friend" said, and i linked her everything and blabla, it took me like a week of full reading on the subject and all. i was mentally very tired tbh. i sent my message, and we didn’t even debate since she didn’t want to lol.
to make it "short", she didn’t want to debate bc she won’t change her mind. and that she felt sorry if she hurt me with her words when we met. but that she still want to be friends and that she thinks we could actually stay friends.
it’s funny, because years ago i went to a shop to buy a book about trans identity and gender identity, when i was with her. she didn’t question it, and i didn’t say anything. i just felt like i could buy these stuff without explaining or whatever because it WAS a safe place to me. because i thought she was safe.
so, during my confrontation with her, i told her about me questioning my gender identity, about how i trusted her. about how could i be friend with her when she is against trans people, isn’t an ally, and also how can she be friend with me if one day i do a coming out.
it really hurt to read her saying that, she kinda knew i was questioning my gender identy, because at that moment, reading all her bullshit, i knew she just wouldn’t see me for who i am if i ever came out as non binary or anything actually.
so yeah, i am not sad about unfriending her actually, but i’m just really, really fucking mad since then and i can’t get away of that feeling. and now, while questioning my gender identity, i keep hearing her voice saying shitty things, and it hurts, it’s very hard.
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macaroni-and-pebbles · 11 months ago
•Hello! My name is Macaroni but I usually use Critter, so you can use either :) I’ll also use just about any name you come up with for me(I got that any name trans swag).
•he/they/it pronouns. I am a transmasc-genderfaun person, and am still experimenting with names and pronouns, so forgive me if anything changes. Gender is a construct and by god am I a wrecking ball. •I’m over 18. Sexual stuff is fine just don’t sexualize me or people I know👍.
also! Please be aware, my memory is jackshit awful. If I forget to answer something or interact with you in a way that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to stop me or block me immediately.
I am canonically married to @polteergeistt<33
@yourlocalskyadmirer is my sky appreciation blog its basically just a big catalog of all my sky pics rn but you are encouraged to submit some urself :33
some of my tags are a little funky too so have a little explanation under the cut because this post is long now lmao
#nonsensical rambling - my general post tags. This is usually just me saying whatever :P
#nonsensical ranting - like the rambling tag but for things that make me mad or upset; literally just my rant tag lmao
#critter creates - my creating tag! Usually for art, but I’ll use it whenever I make something
#the critter touches a keyboard - For the rare occasion when I end up writing something :3
#critter chirps - just my asks tag!
#critter adventures - for my little out of the house adventures :33
#critter storytime - literally storytime lolz usually random or weird things that happen to me
#Irl critter jumpscare - whenever I include a picture of me that’s more than just my hands lol
#critter in da kitchen - for whenever I’m cooking/baking!
#bug in a rug - this is when it’s past my “bedtime” lmao (ps i cannot be held accountable for anything i post after this tag starts applying because by then i am. delusional.)
#hubby x2 - for my darling dearest lovely husband☺️☺️
#random critter fun fact - this is me randomly lore dropping, can range from silly goofy to mildly ominous and ‘wtf why did this happen/why can you do this’
#random pretty pictures - I take lots of photos and need places to put them so. basically a catalog of pictures ive taken that i enjoy :33 mostly scenic stuff and sky pics!
#lunchtime rants - school sucks and i get overstimmed and pissed off frequently, so this is when im posting at lunch and angry
#back on my creaturing bullshit - I like turning people and characters into creatures from Creatures of Sonaria :33
#this is my naughty tag - general nsfw/nsft/general suggestive stuff idk
all that being said,
silly :P
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