whatcha-thinkin · 1 year
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nature-hiking · 3 months
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Milky way over the mountains - Alpine Haute Route, June 2021
photo by: nature-hiking
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abbycadoodle · 4 months
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to boldly serve !!!!!!!!!!!
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basoogil · 6 months
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experimenting with funky shapes, look at him go!!
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tossawary · 19 days
The really funny thing about all "Star Trek" "parodies" is that if they take their writing halfway seriously, with somewhat consistent characterization and logical world building and any sense of moral decency, then they usually end up just making "Star Trek" again genuinely.
Like, a parody might go, "Lol, isn't it so funny that the original Star Trek aliens are just humans with forehead bumps? Here's a sapient, space-faring alien species who look like gelatinous cubes! Ha ha!" But if the story goes on for long enough, the "parody" starts saying shit like, "And these cubes deserve the same rights and dignity as any of us, no matter what they look like! This cube died heroically to save us all!" and also, "How's it going, Ensign Wiggles? I'm looking forward to your tambourine recital later!" And then that's pretty much the underlying premise of a lot of "Star Trek" again, in a new world with new structures and new voices with new things to say about it all, and I think that's great.
Also, it's genuinely hard to come up with both problems and solutions stupider than what "Star Trek" has already aired with its full chest. You say shit like, "Ha ha, what if the transporter started turning people into fruit bowls? Wouldn't that be silly?" and I have to squint at you for a minute as I struggle to remember whether or not that was a real episode.
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dustykneed · 30 days
is this how tsfs went? i think this is how tsfs went. source? trust me bro. he chose the danger
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unintentional coincidence but thinking about it this sorta reminds me of this post by @muirmarie! if you enjoyed the comic you should absolutely go read it. i'm insane about it
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youngpettyqueen · 10 months
unironically and genuinely one of my favourite things about Miles and Keiko's relationship is that they have an active sex life and how the writing treats it very casually. they flirt and proposition each other and actively look forward to sleeping together. its very much implied that they do sexy role-play. they're just so completely attracted to each other. Keiko loves Miles with his shirt off. Miles loves Keiko in a fitting dress. it is so so important to me that they find each other sexy
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star-trekster · 3 months
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He hath been a muse….tuvok picmix edits…….
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merrysithmas · 1 year
ok but the scene in the Wrath of Khan where kirk is called down to the radiation chamber bc spock is dying is.... SO SO spousal-coded like my god
the tones everyone uses, the stilted silences, the unwillingness or inability to say those words to kirk's face.
the dread in bone's voice. the doctor. that TONE.
"jim you better get down here. hurry."
god it haunts me ever since the first time i watched it! it was just so REAL. and jim knows it. instantly. just like any loving partner would. it's even in the script that bone's tone scares him.
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the words no one ever wants to hear. he's about to lose his life partner of 20 years. publically. - and everyone knows it.
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he RUNS down to engineering, the way it is filmed it takes so long and it's so horrible like time is stretched out. you dont want to get to the end but you have to - just like jim. and the whole time your heart is pounding just as his is. and the expressions he is met with from bones and scotty... heartbreaking.
like walking into a hospital room where you only need to exchange those horrid expressions.
he is initially angry, barely has any time to register or react before it's over.
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the worst kind of goodbye.
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favvn · 7 months
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Pairing these two scenes together because there's Something about their phrasing that is driving me Insane. (Is it the use of religious imagery turned on its head--purgatory is not a thing to desire much less create for yourself, losing paradise is normally a tragedy to be mourned--to highlight a unifying belief that both Kirk and Spock live by? That both accept the loss of paradise for the uncertainty of life?)
Like. I Know Spock's line about "self-made purgatories" (and what a line! I am gnawing on it like a dog with a bone) is referring both to his Duty to The Enterprise and Kirk as the First Officer vs his experience of love from the plant spores, but it's also referring to him being both human and Vulcan and trying to adhere to one half at the expense of the other and finding himself fitting in nowhere as result (although, I would argue The Enterprise with Kirk is where he fits in as Kirk has consistently shown he doesn't expect Spock to be More Vulcan or More Human but to just be Spock).
And Kirk.... knowing his past on Tarsus IV and how he shouldn't be alive had Kodos had his way.... His dogged determination to beat the odds against him.... Dare I say it's giving Born To Run vibes? The mindset of, "Fine. Paradise is lost, but I'll keep going anyway."
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nature-hiking · 5 months
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Milky Way over the mountains - Alpine Haute Route, June 2021
photo by: nature-hiking
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smileyobrien · 1 year
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T'PRING (Gia Sandhu) + tumblr tags
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Data is the absolute embodiment of "LET ME LOVE YOU!!!" for literally every creature ever and nothing can change my mind about that.
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aristofranes · 2 years
It's taken 3 months of trial and error (mostly error), but...
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... here's Rok Tahk!
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I learned a lot designing and making her; she's definitely the most complicated piece I've crocheted to date. There are still a few things I want to fix - but given that she's only my second attempt at designing a crochet pattern, I think she's turned out pretty well! And Murf agrees.
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isagrimorie · 1 year
I know everyone praises Geordi La Forge and Miles O'Brien up and down as current Legends of Engineering but I'm going to push B'Elanna Torres up that pedestal too.
If Chief O'Brien is praised jury rigging Starfleet tech-Bajoran tech and Cardassian tech together. B'Elanna gets double of that she had to jury rig on the fly: Starfleet Tech, Borg Tech, and some Weird Alien Tech they come across to keep Voyager afloat.
On top of Voyager being the top-of-the-line new tech she hadn't heard of yet when she was in the Maquis.
She had to learn it all on the fly and become head of the Engineering department just like that. And keep Voyager trucking along the Delta Quadrant in great working condition.
And we know how it would look like if Voyager didn't have B'Elanna around: You'd get the Equinox.
Everything's falling apart, they barely have any lights or amenities. Granted Equinox wasn't built for deep space exploration still the difference is literally night and day.
And yeah, B'Elanna had help with Seven of Nine but that also shows how great she is that even though Seven's intrusions annoy her, she still learns and listens. She learned how to work with a team and became damned good at it.
This is also a credit to Captain Janeway who still insisted on running Voyager as a tight ship, if she hadn't... again, Equinox is the example.
So, yeah, Best Engineer for me is B'Elanna Torres.
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