#G.I. Joe Crimson Guards
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simeonscott · 2 years ago
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The Pensive King.
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contac · 3 months ago
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nscafe-firehose · 7 months ago
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"This is Destro, have you found the intruding Tiger Force yet?!"
"Sir, our team has located Duke and Recondo and have engaged them."
"We need them alive!"
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plasticsparkphotos · 2 years ago
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Fred's putting in the 9-5, even on the weekends. 📸 G.I. Joe Classified - Crimson Guard
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nerds-yearbook · 2 years ago
Flint, Footloose, and the Crimson Guard leaders twins Tomax and Xamot made their comic book debut along with the vehichle Armadillo in G.I. Joe 37#, cover date July 1985. ("Twin Brothers", G.I. Joe 37#, Marvel Comic Event)
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hasbr0mniverse · 2 years ago
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero! 1993 - Code Name: Crimson Guard Commander - Cobra Elite Officer - Battle Corps - Even Duke admits they are some of the toughest Cobra soldiers he's ever had the displeasure of dealing with, especially when they are armed with their weapon of choice: modified AK-47 laser assault rifles! They're very good at being very bad, and have participated at all levels of Cobra operations from industrial espionage to full-scale global attacks. Cobra Commander considers them his top officers, and feels safe having them swear their allegiance strictly to him. For if they were to ever turn against him, they would prove to be his second most feared enemy, next to the Joes of course!
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 3 months ago
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 1280×1983 -- Spotlight on back cover art to "G.I Joe: Yearbook" Vol. 1 #1 (with a cover date of March, 1985), artwork by the mighty Michael Golden, and featuring such Cobra villains and assault vehicles such as:
C.L.A.W., Rattler, H.I.S.S., F.A.N.G. (four vehicles), Firefly, Zartan, Storm Shadow, Cobra Commander, the Baroness, Destro, and Major Bludd.
Source: https://readallcomics.com/g-i-joe-yearbook-001.
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coaz-photography · 2 years ago
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dberl · 1 year ago
This is really clever!
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simeonscott · 2 years ago
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Kamakura: "You're a hard snake to reach."
Serpentor: "Indeed, but to what do I owe a visit from G.I. Joe's newest recruit?"
Kamakura: "Well, you know, I just figured, no matter what anyone says, the direct approach is always THE BEST ONE!"
Serpentor: "...Really?"
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cirex101 · 6 months ago
Astoria is behind the war
Okay, so in the Destro miniseries, Destro thinks that the Crimson Twins are behind the attack on his arms faire, while the Twins themselves claim that Destro attacked his own event to justify attacking them. Now, we know that Destro didn't attack his own arms fair. However, it's also very clear that the Crimson Twins aren't behind it either. For starters, they would have attended the event if some last minute business didn't hold them up. Second, and most important, the drones that attacked the arms fair are almost as advanced as MARS' own Battle Android Troopers... except Extensive Enterprises doesn't do advanced tech; their strength is in the manpower of their Crimson Guard forces.
I know that a lot of people have already figured out that there's a third party involved in all of this that is pitting Destro and the Crimson Twins against one another, and they're the ones behind Chameleon. A lot of people theorize that ths third party is probably Cobra Commander.
Personally, while Cobra Commander might be involved, I think the one behind the attack is none other than Asotria Carlton-Ritz, the new CEO of Hybrid Technologies.
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Astoria's inclusion in this comic was certainly a surprise. After all, she's a SUnbow Cartoon original character, and only showed up for one epsiode, "The Girl who loved Powerglide," where she was depiced as a sort of air-headed but good hearted heiress with the curious habit of machines randomly stop functioning in her presence. So yeah, I certainly never expected to see her here in the Energon Universe, let alone attending an illegal arms fair.
Even more curious is that it seems as if her ability to make machines stop working around her has crossoved over with her; during the attack on the Arms Fair, a bomb falls near her and Destro, but it doesn't detonate, which makes the latter write it off as a dud. In Issue #3 though, Scrap-Iron looks over the bomb and discovers that it was fully functioning, and can't explain why it didn't go off.
Then there's the mysterious Chameleon (traditionally Baroness' half-sister, who works for G.I. Joe). In the same issue, when Chameleon attacks Destro, all of Destro's tech mysteriously stops working.
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In fact, at one point, when Destro tries to flee on his Despoiler, Chameleon points at it, and then it crashes.
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Now, do I think that Astoria still has an inexplicable "Machines break around me aura?" Not really. Do I think that her company, Hybrid Technologies, has developed some sort of device that stops tech from working, and that Chameleon made use of that device against Destro, as well as the drones? I sure do.
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nscafe-firehose · 7 months ago
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Tiger Force Duke and Tiger Force Recondo find themselves hunted by a Cobra H.I.S.S. - High Speed Sentry and a few Crimson Guards, a B.A.T. and a Crimson B.A.T.
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dberl · 11 months ago
Cobra Commander five minutes after giving this speech:
"What do you MEAN they're not cutting defense spending!? We've denied them untold billions in tax dollars! Where are they getting the money from!? Oh, they're just going to eliminate social programs and rob social security? Damn... this country is going to conquer itself. We're not going to have lift a finger..."
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urbancobrastrikeforce · 4 months ago
Super7 G.I. Joe ULTIMATES! Wave 5 - Már raktáron
A Roadblock, Cover Girl, Crimson Guard és Major Bludd alkotta ötödik hullám többek közt a BBTS-en is azonnal elérhető. Continue reading Super7 G.I. Joe ULTIMATES! Wave 5 – Már raktáron
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nerds-yearbook · 2 months ago
In 1989, Hasbro released their 8th series of G.I. Joe RAH action figures: Alley Vipers (Cobra urban assault troopers), Annihilator (Destro's elite trooper), Backblast (anti-aircraft soldier), Countdown (astronaut), Dee-Jay (Battleforce 2000 comm-tech trooper) Deep Six (v2 deep sea diver), Downtown (mortar man), Frag-Viper (Cobra grenade thrower), Gnawgahyde (Dreadnok poacher), H.E.A.T. Viper (Cobra bazooka man), Night-Viper (Cobra night fighter), Recoil (Long Range Recon Patrol), Rock n Roll (v2 gatling gunner), Scoop (combat information specialist), Snake Eyes (v3 commando), Stalker (v2 tundra ranger), T.A.R.G.A.T. (trans atmospheric rapid global assault trooper), Vehicle Drivers: Aero-Viper (Condor Z-25 pilot), Darklon (Evader driver), Dogfight (Mudfighter pilot), Hot Seat (Raider Driver), Long Range (Thunderclap driver), Payload (v2 astronaut that came with the Crusader space shuttle), Track Viper (H.I.S.S. II driver), Wildboar (Razorback driver), Windchill (Artic Blast driver), Slaughter's Marauders: Barbecue (v2 firefighter), Footloose (v2 infantry trooper), Low Light (v2 night spotter), Mutt (v2 animal control/utilization technician), Sgt Slaughter (v4 commander of Slaughter's Marauders), Spirit (v2 tracker), Python Patrol: Python Copperhead (v2 Python Patrol swamp fighter), Python Crimson Guard (v2 Python Patrol elite trooper), Python Officer (Python Patrol officer), Python Tele Viper (v2 Python Patrol communications), Python Trooper (Python Patrol infantry), Python Viper (v2 Python Patrol assault viper), Night Force: Charbroil (v2 flamethrower), Lightfoot (v2 explosives expert), Muskrat (v2 swamp fighter),Repeater (v2 steadi-cam machine gunner), Shockwave (v2 S.W.A.T. specialist), Spear-Head and Max (v2 point man and bobcat), Mail-in specials: Rampage (Mauler M.B.T. Tank Driver), Starduster (jet pack trooper), and Steel Brigade (a character meant to be personalized by the buyer). (G.I. Joe RAH toys wave 8, G.I. Joe toy event)
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hasbr0mniverse · 2 years ago
The G.I. Joe Gallery - The Crimson Guard By David Michael Beck
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