#Future of energy Conference 2024
counselor-nico · 23 days
Gethsemane Enertech ERP Solution: Revolutionizing Energy Efficiency through AI, IoT & Data Science
Overview of Energy Efficiency in Ghana and Africa Energy efficiency is increasingly becoming a focal point in the energy sector, particularly in developing regions like Ghana and Africa, where energy demand is growing rapidly due to economic expansion and population growth. In these regions, energy efficiency is not just about reducing costs but also about enhancing energy security, reducing…
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
Holy crap, I didn't think Biden would be able to get the Climate Corps established without Congress. This is SUCH fantastic news.
"After being thwarted by Congress, President Joe Biden will use his executive authority to create a New Deal-style American Climate Corps that will serve as a major green jobs training program.
In an announcement Wednesday, the White House said the program will employ more than 20,000 young adults who will build trails, plant trees, help install solar panels and do other work to boost conservation and help prevent catastrophic wildfires.
The climate corps had been proposed in early versions of the sweeping climate law approved last year but was jettisoned amid strong opposition from Republicans and concerns about cost.
Democrats and environmental advocacy groups never gave up on the plan and pushed Biden in recent weeks to issue an executive order authorizing what the White House now calls the American Climate Corps.
“After years of demonstrating and fighting for a Climate Corps, we turned a generational rallying cry into a real jobs program that will put a new generation to work stopping the climate crisis,” said Varshini Prakash, executive director of the Sunrise Movement, an environmental group that has led the push for a climate corps.
With the new corps “and the historic climate investments won by our broader movement, the path towards a Green New Deal is beginning to become visible,” Prakash said...
...Environmental activists hailed the new jobs program, which is modeled after the Civilian Conservation Corps, created in the 1930s by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Democrat, as part of the New Deal...
Lawmakers Weigh In
More than 50 Democratic lawmakers, including Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey and New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, had also encouraged Biden to create a climate corps, saying in a letter on Monday that “the climate crisis demands a whole-of-government response at an unprecedented scale.”
The lawmakers cited deadly heat waves in the Southwest and across the nation, as well as dangerous floods in New England and devastating wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui, among recent examples of climate-related disasters.
Democrats called creation of the climate corps “historic” and the first step toward fulfilling the vision of the Green New Deal.
“Today President Biden listened to the (environmental) movement, and he delivered with an American Climate Corps,” a beaming Markey said at a celebratory news conference outside the Capitol.
“We are starting to turn the green dream into a green reality,” added Ocasio-Cortez, who co-sponsored the Green New Deal legislation with Markey four years ago.
“You all are changing the world,” she told young activists.
Program Details and Grant Deadlines
The initiative will provide job training and service opportunities to work on a wide range of projects, including restoring coastal wetlands to protect communities from storm surges and flooding; clean energy projects such as wind and solar power; managing forests to prevent catastrophic wildfires; and energy efficient solutions to cut energy bills for consumers, the White House said.
Creation of the climate corps comes as the Environmental Protection Agency launches a $4.6 billion grant competition for states, municipalities and tribes to cut climate pollution and advance environmental justice. The Climate Pollution Reduction Grants are funded by the 2022 climate law and are intended to drive community-driven solutions to slow climate change.
EPA Administrator Michael Regan said the grants will help “communities so they can chart their own paths toward the clean energy future.”
The deadline for states and municipalities to apply is April 1, with grants expected in late 2024. Tribes and territories must apply by May 1, with grants expected by early 2025."
-via Boston.com, September 21, 2023
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hldailyupdate · 6 months
“It’s an absolute honour, something that’s really hard to put into words. Every live show feels really special and I feel really lucky to be able to be in those situations. But as I said there’s a certain poetry and romance to coming to Mexico. I feel like a long time, I just know when I’m gonna get out with the crowd, every single performance I’ve ever had here— there’s just such an incredible infectious energy in the room. I’m really, really excited to bring the Faith in the Future tour and hopefully you guys like it as well, anyone who’s coming.”
-Louis on performing to such big crowds during his FITF tour stops in Mexico.
Tecate Pa’l Norte Press Conference. (30 March 2024)
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Matt Wuerker
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"We're not weird."
August 10, 2024
Robert B. Hubbell
I am watching the Harris-Walz rally in Arizona as I write this newsletter on Friday evening. The venue is packed, and the crowd is wildly enthusiastic. Tim Walz delivered an even more enthusiastic speech than when he was introduced in Philadelphia on Tuesday. (Who knew? Where has this guy been hiding?)
But the most striking takeaway is the look of pure joy and happiness on Kamala Harris’s face as she delivers her remarks. She is genuinely enjoying herself as she delivers hopeful remarks and plays off the energy of the crowd.
Trump, on the other hand, used his press conference yesterday to predict the “end of days,” including an economic depression and World War III. And on Friday evening, he was reduced to telling his MAGA supporters, “We’re not weird.” It's hardly a compelling campaign slogan, but Trump has to work with what he’s got.
Which message is more likely to motivate voters to turn out at the ballot box? If the trends in the polls and the reaction of crowds at rallies are any indication, the momentum strongly favors Harris and Walz.
Kamala Harris has led the most remarkable political turnaround in American history for which she (and Joe Biden’s immediate endorsement) deserve tremendous credit. But there is much work to be done. We know that Republicans will sow chaos to interfere with a Democratic victory. That is why we must do everything in our power to ensure that Kamala Harris wins the presidency by a wide margin. We must convert enthusiasm into votes.
To state the obvious, converting enthusiasm into votes is a much better problem than fighting a pervasive sense of impending doom. We must not deceive ourselves about the level of effort and organization being demanded of us. But as we engage in the hard work of converting enthusiasm into votes, we should do so with a sense of hope, confidence, and joy.
For the second weekend in a row, we can look to the future unburdened by the anxiety that dragged us down for so long. I will go into the weekend with the image of Kamala Harris’s joyful remarks to an enthusiastic crowd in a swing state that is now back in play. It doesn’t get much better than that!
Coda to yesterday’s press event at Mar-a-Lago.
First, if you have not watched Lawrence O’Donnell’s analysis of the media's collective failure in its reporting on Trump’s press event at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday, I urge you to do so. Lawrence O’Donnell’s segment is destined to become a classic of broadcast television that rivals the statement during the McCarthy hearings by Army lawyer Joseph Welch, “Have you no sense of decency?”
I guarantee that if you watch the segment, it will deepen your understanding of how the media enabled Trump’s initial rise and continued viability despite an attempted coup, inciting an insurrection, attempted bribery of Ukraine, refusal to return national defense documents, and two impeachments. See Lawrence: 'Stupidest' candidate Trump did not answer reporters' questions (msnbc.com).
Two post-debate developments underscore the bizarre nature of the press event yesterday.
Were reporters mere props at Trump’s press event on Thursday?
Susan Glasser published an analysis in The New Yorker, Does Anyone in America Miss Joe Biden as Much as Donald Trump? Glasser’s analysis included this shocking statement:
Trump summoned handpicked members of the media to Mar-a-Lago for a press conference, the point of which was to change the subject from Harris’s remarkable honeymoon.
If true, the hand-picked journalists were used as props by Trump in a propaganda event. Worse, they knew they were props but played their assigned role nonetheless.
If true, that fact would explain the journalists' odd complacency, the obsequious nature of the questions, and the lack of follow-up in the face of obvious lies.
I say “If true” because I can find no separate confirmation of Glasser’s statement. But someone should pursue that question. If true, it is a scandal, and every reporter who participated in the sham press event owes an apology to the public.
Was Trump involved in an emergency landing of a helicopter with Willie Brown, the former Speaker of California’s State Assembly?
At the press event, Trump claimed he was in an emergency landing of a helicopter on which California Speaker Willie Brown was a passenger. Trump told the story of the near crash in a helicopter to frame a story that Willie Brown told him something negative about Kamala Harris during that helicopter ride. Trump said of Willie Brown, “He told me terrible things about her.” (Kamala Harris and Willie Brown dated in the 1990s. )
Willie Brown told the media that he was not on a helicopter with Trump that was forced to make an emergency landing. The NYTimes published a story on Thursday titled, That Time Trump Nearly Died in a Helicopter Crash? Didn’t Happen. (This article is accessible to all.)
The Times’ story makes clear that “several elements of the story” do not stand up to scrutiny, including the claim that Willie Brown was on the helicopter with Trump.
On Friday, Trump threatened to sue the NYTimes, claiming that he had flight records to back up his story.
So, this is interesting. Trump is either doubling down on his lie, or the NYTimes published a story with false statements.
As of Friday, it appears that Trump is doubling down on his lie—a fact that became clear when another Black politician—Nate Holden—told Politico that he was on the helicopter ride with Trump that was forced to make an emergency landing. See Politico, The other Black politician who says he was with Trump in that near-fatal chopper crash.
So, it appears that Trump has confused two Black politicians from California. And the Black politician who was on the helicopter ride with Trump told Politico the following:
Before he hung up with Politico, Holden assured a reporter that nobody discussed—let alone criticized—Kamala Harris as Trump claimed Brown did.
“He either mixed it up,” Holden said. “Or, he made it up. This was just too big to overlook. This is a big one. Conflating Willie Brown and me? The press is searching for the real story and they didn’t get it. You did.”
The most reasonable inferences are (a) Trump confused two Black politicians from California, and (b) there was no discussion of Kamala Harris on the helicopter ride.
Now that Trump has threatened to sue the Times for defamation over the story, perhaps the Times will show more interest in documenting Trump’s lies.
A final bizarre aspect of this story occurred on Friday. Trump told the New York Times he was going to sue the Times and asserted that he had flight records to prove his story. Here is the Times’ account of the exchange:
“We have the flight records of the helicopter,” Mr. Trump insisted Friday, saying the helicopter had landed “in a field,” and indicating that he intended to release the flight records, before shouting that he was “probably going to sue” over the Times article. When asked to produce the flight records, Mr. Trump responded mockingly, repeating the request in a sing-song voice. As of early Friday evening, he had not provided them.
So, Trump is doubling down on his story that Willie Brown told him “terrible things” about Kamala Harris and has descended into a childish mocking of the Times’ reporter asking for records of some elements of Trump’s story.
While this story may seem overly complicated and like a tempest in a teapot, the fact that Trump has put the Times’ credibility on the line could be a tipping point for the Times to begin holding Trump to a standard for veracity that it applies to all other politicians. That would be a welcome development, indeed!
[Late update: In a Truth Social post late Friday, Trump attacked Maggie Haberman of the New York Times over the story, calling her “Maggot Hagerman.” Looks like the gloves may be coming off.]
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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lingering-sunrise · 2 months
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So let’s assume that Harris would head the ticket. What then? She could make this a very different race in multiple ways.
First, the 59-year-old, fit, energetic Harris would shed the party’s burdens of Biden’s age and health. Nearly 20 years younger than Trump (who would be 82 at the end of a second term), she would finally move the country past the baby boomer generation and embody a fresh, younger generation of Americans. Without Biden attracting questions about his physical and mental fitness, perhaps the media might finally focus on Trump’s unhinged rants, compulsive lying and utter lack of policy knowledge. [...]
Second, instead of a referendum on Biden personally, Harris would shift the campaign to being about making a choice: between the Biden administration’s successful, economically productive, forward-looking, inclusive record, and the scary, paranoid and authoritarian vision set out in Trump speeches and the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, which might guide a second Trump administration. [...]
Third, Harris is far more articulate and succinct than Biden, as she demonstrated in dissecting the Trump agenda during an appearance in North Carolina on Thursday. [...]
Fourth, Harris is uniquely capable, given her prosecutorial background and her role on the Senate Judiciary Committee, to run against a radical Supreme Court that is at the lowest level of approval in history. She has the verbal acuity, for example, to denounce the wide grant of criminal immunity to presidents, the evisceration of voting rights and the substitution of a judge’s discretion for experts’ judgments in the administrative state.
Fifth, to the extent that Biden saw erosion in his support among younger voters (including non-White voters), Harris offers the energy to engage and excite them, as seen on her college tours, where she has spoken to standing-room-only crowds on issues that affect their generation in particular (e.g., gun violence, climate change, abortion rights).
And finally, Harris can inherit the mantle of international leadership (having toured the world, met with leaders and represented the U.S. at international conferences) without Biden’s burden of personal criticism, deserved or not, on some hot-button issues, including the war in Gaza. [...]
She offers excitement, eloquence, effectiveness on key issues and, most of all, the power to turn attention back on Trump’s substantial character flaws, criminal record and disturbing plans for the future. That is more than Biden can do presently.
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felassan · 1 year
Electronic Arts Q1 2024 Earnings Conference Call (August 1st)
This happened today and Dragon Age was mentioned in the opening Prepared Remarks section of the call (emphasis mine):
"To do more extraordinary things for our people, players and communities, our teams are building the strongest pipeline in the history of EA to drive multi-year growth. Over the next few years, we will launch numerous experiences that grow and deepen the fandom of our legendary IP. Our multi-year targeted investments toward our biggest opportunities include global titles like blockbuster storytelling from Dragon Age, incredible skateboarding gameplay and social connection from skate, and a revival of EA SPORTS College Football that celebrates the action, culture and tradition of the sport like never before. We’re also hard at work on a new experience from The Sims that will transform what players can do with creativity, a sprawling action adventure Iron Man game, a reimagination of Battlefield as a truly connected ecosystem, and the expansion of the Apex Legends universe across platforms, geographies, and modalities of play. The most recent reveal of our Black Panther project — set in a massive, explorable universe — marks the latest chapter in EA’s collaboration with The Walt Disney Company and the Marvel Games team."
[source and full Prepared Remarks transcript]
Dragon Age was then mentioned during the Q&A section of the call (emphasis mine):
Q: "Last quarter it was noted that players were concentrating their spend on major franchises. Just wanted to see first if there was any update to that? And then, Andrew, in your commentary you highlighted a goal for Apex as an experience across platforms, I'm assuming that includes mobile as well, so can you speak to how you envision potentially relaunching that title on phones and how the approach could differ to the prior game? Thank you." A: "Yeah, so let me touch on the first part. I do think we continue to see big titles getting bigger, and live services getting bigger, and certainly as a company with a broad portfolio of large-scale IP and large-scale live services, we believe that we will be long-term beneficiaries of that trend. You know, that doesn't mean that we won't build smaller titles over the course of time. There are these incredible stories that we believe should be told in the context of entertainment. We are focusing our investment so that we can build a cost-base around those that's appropriate, but we're also really getting behind our biggest opportunities, and as we've talked about, our strategy and building these experiences that entertain massive online communities. Our expectation is that will be a large scale growth driver for us. But, you know, when thought about the right way, games like, you know, Dragon Age, and Jedi, can tell truly blockbuster stories and really break into that top category of games. I think what we see today is the mid-tier and lower games that, you know, maybe did pretty well through Covid because people had a lot of spare time - they're the part of the industry that really aren't doing and performing as well. And as we think about our future, you should expect that we'll continue to focus our investments and our energy and our resources against these big opportunities because we do believe that is where the industry is trending."
[source: call audio webcast]
There were no further mentions of Dragon Age, Mass Effect or BioWare during the call.
Here is the latest Existing Live Services & FY24 Title Slate (announced titles), from the call's supporting documents -
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The next EA earnings conference call - for Q2 2024 - is on November 1st 2023 at 2pm PT.
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lastly, when the full transcript of this call becomes available I'll post the link/add it to this post. ^^
Edit: Here is a transcript of the full call.
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kp777 · 4 months
By Olivia Rosane
Common Dreams
May 15, 2024
"It's past time our leaders take this simple step and stop funding activities that are completely at odds with protecting our climate," one advocate said.
More than 200 environmental and climate advocacy groups sent a letter to Congress on Wednesday demanding that lawmakers stop funding the extraction of fossil fuels on public lands and waters.
The letter argues that Congress' annual approval of taxpayer funds to subsidize oil and gas drilling and coal mining "undermine" the international agreement reached at the United Nations COP28 climate conference last year on the need for "transitioning away from fossil fuels."
"Congress has coddled the fossil fuel industry for decades, scarring millions of acres of public lands in the process," Ashley Nunes, public lands policy specialist at the Center for Biological Diversity, said in a statement. "It's past time our leaders take this simple step and stop funding activities that are completely at odds with protecting our climate."
"Every year that Congress keeps supporting status quo drilling on public lands and offshore waters is a missed opportunity that locks us into a hotter and more dangerous future."
The Center for Biological Diversity was one of 234 groups behind the letter, which was addressed to Senate Appropriations Chair Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Appropriations Vice Chair Sen. Susan Collins (R-Me.), House Appropriations Chair Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) and House Appropriations Ranking Member Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.). Specifically, the letter asks that the lawmakers "zero out funding for all fossil fuel extraction on public lands and offshore waters" in the Department of the Interior's budget for the coming fiscal year.
"Despite the urgency of the climate crisis, year after year, and regardless of the which political party retains control of Congress, Congress continues to direct the Department of the Interior to authorize fossil fuel extraction on our public lands and oceans," the letter states. "This zombie funding continues despite its harmful and lasting impacts to tribal nations, frontline communities, and other groups, as well as its harm to public health, public lands, the climate, and wildlife populations."
The FY 2024 budget, for example, directed more than $160 million toward fossil fuel management on public lands and waters. The amount earmarked for oil and gas management on public lands alone jumped by almost 90% from 2016 to 2023, from $59.7 million to $112.9 million.
Despite calling the climate crisis an "existential threat," U.S. President Joe Biden has approved almost 10,000 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in three years, a similar rate to his predecessors and more in his first two years than former President Donald Trump. Under Biden's watch, the U.S. became the leading producer of oil both in the world and in human history. The groups who signed the letter attributed this in part to Congress' "status quo funding" of fossil fuel programs on public lands.
The letter comes as humanity just sweltered through its hottest year on record, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels made a record jump, and a vast majority of top climate scientists recently surveyed said they predicted 2.5°C of warming by 2100, largely because of a lack of "political will" to phase out fossil fuels and embrace the renewable energy transition.
Indeed, the latest Production Gap analysis concludes that governments' plans through 2030 would produce more than twice the amount of fossil fuels that would be compatible with limiting global heating to 1.5°C above preindustrial levels.
"Climate scientists around the world are pleading for change, but Congress continues to let fossil fuel polluters run wild on our public lands," Nunes said. "Every year that Congress keeps supporting status quo drilling on public lands and offshore waters is a missed opportunity that locks us into a hotter and more dangerous future."
In particular, the green groups made the following recommendations for FY2025:
Ending Bureau of Land Management (BLM) funding for new oil and gas approvals;
Ending BLM funding for new coal leases and permits;
Ending Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) funding for all new oil and gas exploration, production, and drilling leases;
Ending the provision of the Inflation Reduction Act that requires Interior to put up at least 2 million acres of land and 60 million of water annually for oil and gas leasing before it can install any new wind and solar;
Putting $80 million toward BLM renewable energy programs; and
Putting $80 million toward BOEM renewable energy programs.
"Congress must end business as usual funding of fossil fuel extraction on public lands and waters," the letter concludes. "If Congress fails to change course, it will simply be impossible to limit warming to below 1.5°C and ensure a livable planet for future generations."
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sunshinesmebdy · 4 months
The Moon in Gemini: A Chatty Moon and its Impact on Business and Finance (May 9, 2024)
Greetings, astrology enthusiasts and business minds! Today, we delve into the fascinating dance of the Moon in Gemini and its potential influence on your financial ventures and professional endeavors.
The Moon, in astrology, represents our emotions, intuition, and communication style. When it waltzes into the realm of Gemini, the sign of the twins and the communicator, get ready for a quick-witted and curious lunar phase.
Let’s explore four key astrological aspects the Moon in Gemini forms, and how they might affect your business and financial landscape:
Moon in Gemini Sextile Mars in Aries (Boost of Initiative):
This energetic aspect fuels your drive to get things done. You might feel a surge of creativity and a strong urge to act on your ideas. It’s a prime time for brainstorming sessions, sales pitches, and taking calculated risks. However, the fire of Mars in Aries can be impulsive. Channel this energy productively by planning your actions before diving in.
Business Tip: Organize a team brainstorming session to generate innovative marketing ideas.
Financial Tip: Research new investment opportunities, but carefully analyze risks before committing.
Moon in Gemini Trine Pluto in Aquarius (Transformation Through Communication):
This powerful trine aspect facilitates transformative conversations and collaborations. It’s a fantastic time to network with influential people in your field. Discussions about revolutionary ideas or disruptive technologies could lead to breakthrough partnerships or funding opportunities.
Business Tip: Attend industry conferences or workshops to connect with like-minded individuals.
Financial Tip: Consider unconventional investment strategies, but ensure they align with your long-term goals.
Moon in Gemini Square Saturn in Pisces (Facing Doubts and Delays):
This challenging aspect can bring up feelings of self-doubt or anxieties about the future. You might encounter unexpected delays or roadblocks in your business ventures. However, this is a time for resilience and strategic planning. Use the Moon’s analytical nature in Gemini to address concerns head-on and develop a solid backup plan.
Business Tip: Expect communication breakdowns or delays in projects. Double-check deadlines and maintain clear communication with your team.
Financial Tip: Reassess your budget and identify areas for cost-cutting. Prepare for unexpected financial hurdles.
Overall, the Moon in Gemini presents a dynamic and communication-driven period for business and finance. Embrace the opportunity to connect, explore new ideas, and navigate challenges with a strategic mind. Remember, clear communication, adaptability, and a dash of caution will be your allies during this lunar phase.
Stay tuned for future articles where we delve deeper into the fascinating world of astrology and its influence on your business success!
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mariacallous · 8 months
How many more U.N. climate conferences will it take for the world to admit that the current climate policy path is at a dead end?
Calls by politicians, activists, and journalists to double down ring increasingly hollow in the face of overwhelming evidence that 2024 will be the first year in which average global surface temperature is likely to be more than 1.5 degrees Celsius (or about 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above that of the preindustrial period before 1900. The long-term average increase since that period will pass 1.5 degrees in 2030. Even staying significantly below 2 degrees Celsius—the target that the climate policy community used until 2015 before lowering it in order to galvanize lawmakers—now looks unlikely.
Missing the 1.5 degree target does not mean that we’re all going to boil, bake, and die. Global emissions growth has slowed down enough that the extreme warming scenarios brandished so carelessly in the public debate have become all but impossible. Deaths due to natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, storms, and wildfires, have also declined radically as countries have become richer and more resilient. And economic losses due to climate shocks have decreased fivefold between the 1980s and mid 2000s.
Sticking to an unrealistic temperature target has severe economic and geopolitical effects. Panic over not reaching the target has led to a radical push for an immediate phaseout of fossil fuels, ignoring the fact that they still make up 80 percent of the world’s primary energy supply. That call is being led by rich countries that have become wealthy using fossil fuels and continue to gobble up oil and gas—and which now want to restrict less-developed countries from using these fuels to lift themselves out of energy poverty, a primary reason for their destitution. Development advocates are rightly calling out these unfair policies, enforced through institutions such as the World Bank, as eco-colonialism.
Unrealistic temperature targets combined with continued high consumption of fossil fuels has meant that there is little to no carbon budget available for the poorest countries to grow their energy use. Sticking to the goal of freezing emissions—or even targeting negative emissions to compensate for any overshoot—turns global economic activity into a zero-sum game.
Room for one country to develop, which may require increased use of fossil fuels for the foreseeable future, means that another must shrink its economy. The distribution conflict over emissions rights will be epic and bitter, not just between rich and poor countries but also among poor countries themselves, making any new agreements to reduce emissions even more difficult.
Enter Russia and China, which have made it clear that they will not play by Western rules, including those on climate policy. Since launching the war in Ukraine, the Kremlin has sought to strengthen its ties to OPEC and secure its role in oil and gas markets. China is investing everywhere in resource extraction, including fossil fuels in Africa and the Middle East. The three main Chinese energy companies—CNPC, CNOOC, and Sinopec—have emerged as major investors in Africa’s oil and gas sectors.
Despite these concerns, Western governments refuse to support investments in poor countries’ energy sectors in hopes that starving the developing world of energy will help meet the 1.5-degree target. This has created a huge opening for Russia and China, which they will likely leverage to strengthen autocracy across these regions.
Paradoxically, acknowledging the demise of the 1.5-degree target in 2024 could reduce tensions between rich and poor countries—provided that governments seize the opportunity to reset climate goals. This could be the year when unrealistic temperature goals and endless theoretical fights over a phase-down versus a phaseout of fossil fuels are replaced by a focus on the three positive ideas that came out of the most recent U.N. climate conference, COP28, which concluded in Dubai in December.
In the conference’s outcome statement, nearly 200 signatory countries agreed on the need for transition fuels in poor countries—in other words, their use of fossil fuels will grow faster than their ability to transition away from them. Second, the signatories agreed that countries have different resource endowments and will therefore follow very different trajectories to decarbonize. Third, there was a strong commitment that nuclear energy can be an important source of clean and reliable power.
For the first time, COP28 officially recognized that transition fuels—a euphemism for fossil fuels tolerated to prevent economic collapse and allow development if abundant green energy is not yet available—“can play a role in facilitating the energy transition while ensuring energy security.” COP signatories finally acknowledged, albeit implicitly, that poor countries consume only a tiny fraction of the energy gobbled up by rich countries and desperately need more electricity to power homes, schools, hospitals, and factories.
Indeed, the gap between rich and poor is enormous: The average American consumes about 12,000 kilowatt-hours of electric power per year, whereas the average sub-Saharan African consumes only 130 kilowatt-hours. In other words, an African consumes about as much electricity in an entire year as an American consumes in four days. Or, as Todd Moss of the Energy for Growth Hub illustrated in a chart that went viral, many sub-Saharan Africans consume less electricity per person than the average U.S. refrigerator.
Transition fuels are not only critical for development in poor countries, but also for their adaptation to climate change. Natural gas is the best and cheapest feedstock to produce ammonia-based fertilizers, which in turn improves agricultural yields. Gas-fired power plants provide electricity for homes, schools, hospitals, emergency warning systems, air conditioning, and cold storage systems that prevent food losses. Africa’s vast reserves of natural gas can be harnessed for industrial production as well. Clean cooking fuels such as liquid petroleum gas improve the lives of millions of people who suffer from indoor air pollution as the result of cooking with animal dung or biomass. Gas as a backup fuel source allows countries to add unstable wind and solar to their energy systems.
Demonizing gas—as part of a rushed fossil fuel phaseout in service of an unreachable temperature target—is equal to demonizing development, and that will be true for a very long time. For industrial uses, in particular, the technologies to replace gas aren’t even visible on the horizon.
The COP28 statement also acknowledged that countries have “different national circumstances, pathways and approaches,” building on discussions at last year’s G-7 summit in Hiroshima and G-20 summit in New Delhi. In other words, countries lucky enough to have abundant, cheap, nonintermittent renewable energy sources such as geothermal and hydropower can achieve a lower carbon footprint quickly and cheaply. But for those that rely on coal, oil, or gas, the process of decarbonizing is much harder. The “all of the above” approach endorsed at COP suggests that technologies such as carbon capture and storage have a role in lowering emissions.
This is both pragmatic and inclusive: Countries such as India, China, South Africa, and those in Southeast Asia are heavily dependent on coal for electricity, and they will now have options to address emissions in the near term while shifting toward renewable energy sources in the long term. Carbon capture in heavy industry, for example, could abate continued emissions from sectors indispensable for development, including steel, cement, and chemicals.
COP28 made history by treating nuclear power as equal to other renewable energy sources. A declaration to triple nuclear energy by 2050, signed by more than 20 countries, underscores the importance of nuclear power in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Rich countries with significant civilian nuclear sectors, such as France, Japan, and the United States, appear on the list of signatories, but so do Ghana, Jamaica, Mongolia, and Morocco, all of which are eager for reliable sources of clean energy to power their growing economies.
New, smaller reactors, the signatories agreed, “could occupy a small land footprint and can be sited where needed, partner well with renewable energy sources, and have additional flexibilities that support decarbonization beyond the power sector, including hard-to-abate industrial sectors.”
Of course, words by themselves don’t mean much. But the declaration includes a call on the shareholders of the World Bank to include nuclear energy in the portfolio of financed projects. If the bank can overcome the objections of a tiny group of rich countries (centered on Germany) that are ideologically opposed to nuclear power, the bank can play an important role by bringing down the cost for poor countries.
Safety is paramount when it comes to nuclear reactors, and the bank’s richest shareholders can help with newer, safer, and more efficient technologies. The United States is at the forefront of building advanced reactors that use better fuels, require less substantial containment, and need fewer redundant safety systems. These smaller, cheaper reactors function better than their larger, more complex predecessors and suffer fewer construction delays.
Japan, too, is an innovator. Tokyo’s so-called green transformation strategy calls for the development of next-generation innovative reactors, including next-generation light-water reactors, small modular reactors, fast reactors, high-temperature gas reactors, and nuclear fusion, all of which could be at the core of a new, more effective global climate policy that looks far beyond wind and solar to decarbonize.
The catastrophism surrounding the impending failure to reach the 1.5-degree target has generated both panic and distrust of climate science. Governments and civil society should abandon today’s ritualized, performative, and highly politicized discourse—and instead concentrate on the full spectrum of technologies to lower carbon emissions while helping poor countries to develop and become more resilient to climate change.
Investments to improve energy access, expand the roster of low-carbon technologies, and generate abundant, clean, and reliable power are a good starting point.
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takeoffphilippines · 3 days
Building sustainable communities: The future of cities
What makes a city thrive is a combination of how developers create opportunities for movement, synergy, and prosperity. It’s a combination of celebrating life to its fullest capacity with the community at its very heart.
“At SM Prime (SMPHI), we dream big for our shared future. True prosperity transcends financial success. Our commitment to developing sustainable integrated properties is matched by our efforts to foster vibrant, inclusive communities wherever we build legacy properties that weather the challenges of time and that last for generations,” said Ms. Jessica Bianca Sy, Lead Executive for Design, Innovation and Strategy for SMPHI and SM Development Corporation (SMDC).
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The 7th Annual Association of Pacific Rim Universities – Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Conference and Student Symposium 2024 (APRU-SCL 2024) Conference on Advancing Sustainable Cities and Communities through Science, Technology, and Innovations is hosted and organized this year by the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB).
(L-R): Dr. Jennifer Marie S. Amparo, Dean, CHE, Dr. Jose V. Camacho, Jr. Chancellor, UPLB, Dr. Thomas Schneider, Chief Executive, APRU, Makati Mayor Hon. Abigail Binay, Ms. Jessica Bianca Sy, SMPHI and SMDC Lead Executive for Design, Innovation and Strategy, Dr. Edgar M. Reyes, Jr., Conference Director, ICHSPD, Assoc. Professor, UPLB, and Dr. Yekang Ko, Director, APRU-SCL, Assoc. Professor, University of Oregon.  
Sy joins a list of esteemed local and international professors, climate specialists, and government officials at the 7th Annual Conference of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities – Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Conference and Student Symposium 2024 (APRU-SCL 2024).
The theme for this year’s three-day conference is Advancing Sustainable Cities and Communities through Science, Technology, and Innovation.
As one of Asia’s leading integrated property developers, SM Prime’s strong track record in sustainability and disaster resilience is central to the company’s projects. In a climate-vulnerable country like the Philippines, disaster preparedness and infrastructure resilience are priorities, with a goal to scale efforts to a city level.
The rapid city growth increases energy demand, necessitating innovative and efficient renewable energy solutions. SM Prime has partnered with franchise holders to systematically manage energy use and move towards net-zero emissions.
For future large-scale master planned developments, Sy shares that SM Prime is taking a systems approach to utility infrastructure down to embedding them in the urban design guidelines at the precinct or plot level developments.
“We are developing this living framework together with our knowledge partners. Currently the ambition is to combine our efforts and actionable items under six themes of – transport, energy, water, biodiversity, built form and materials,” she said.
Sy carries this clear vision to heart as an invaluable part of the path forward. “We believe this will be the future of cities in the Philippines and we are committed to delivering it to our future generations,” she said.
SM Prime remains committed to its role as a catalyst for economic growth, delivering innovative and sustainable lifestyle cities, thereby enriching the quality of life of millions of people. SM Prime is pursuing the next horizon on integrated property development and onward to building sustainable cities of the future.  The 7th APRU-SCL 2024 is hosted and organized this year by the University of the Philippines Los Baňos, at the SMX Aura Convention Center, from August 6-8, 2024. For more information, email: [email protected] or visit the website: dcerp.che.uplb.edu.ph/ichspd.
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darkmaga-retard · 29 days
The former President Donald Trump repeatedly accused Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris of pushing a “communist system” during a two-hour Thursday afternoon press conference at Trump’s golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey.
“You’re all going to be thrown into a communist system,” Trump warned. “You will be thrown into a system where everybody gets health care. She’s in favor of the death of the American Dream.”  
The early evening event came only hours after the Trump campaign veteran Corey Lewandowski, along with five other new faces, joined the 2024 team. The announcement comes a day after rumors swirled that Trump was mulling the future of the campaign managers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles.
Standing in front of a long table covered in common grocery items such as cereal and coffee, Trump said Harris was “running on the Maduro plan, something straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union.”
“Thanks to Kamala’s war on American energy, electricity prices are up 32 percent, gasoline prices are up 50 percent and going higher,” Trump read from a notecard on the podium. “If she’s elected, social security will fail. It’ll be a blowup like you’ve never seen before, a bankruptcy of the entire system, probably the nation itself.”
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Intel Unveils Groundbreaking Optical Compute Interconnect Chiplet, Revolutionizing AI Data Transmission
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/intel-unveils-groundbreaking-optical-compute-interconnect-chiplet-revolutionizing-ai-data-transmission/
Intel Unveils Groundbreaking Optical Compute Interconnect Chiplet, Revolutionizing AI Data Transmission
Intel Corporation has reached a revolutionary milestone in integrated photonics technology, Integrated photonics technology involves the integration of photonic devices, such as lasers, modulators, and detectors, onto a single microchip using semiconductor fabrication techniques similar to those used for electronic integrated circuits. This technology allows for the manipulation and transmission of light signals on a micro-scale, offering significant advantages in terms of speed, bandwidth, and energy efficiency compared to traditional electronic circuits.
Today, Intel introduced the first fully integrated optical compute interconnect (OCI) chiplet co-packaged with an Intel CPU at the Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2024. This OCI chiplet, designed for high-speed data transmission, signifies a significant advancement in high-bandwidth interconnects, aimed at enhancing AI infrastructure in data centers and high-performance computing (HPC) applications.
Key Features and Capabilities:
High Bandwidth and Low Power Consumption:
Supports 64 channels of 32 Gbps data transmission in each direction.
Achieves up to 4 terabits per second (Tbps) bidirectional data transfer.
Energy-efficient, consuming only 5 pico-Joules (pJ) per bit compared to pluggable optical transceiver modules at 15 pJ/bit.
Extended Reach and Scalability:
Capable of transmitting data up to 100 meters using fiber optics.
Supports future scalability for CPU/GPU cluster connectivity and new compute architectures, including coherent memory expansion and resource disaggregation.
Enhanced AI Infrastructure:
Addresses the growing demands of AI infrastructure for higher bandwidth, lower power consumption, and longer reach.
Facilitates the scalability of AI platforms, supporting larger processing unit clusters and more efficient resource utilization.
Technical Advancements:
Integrated Silicon Photonics Technology: Combines a silicon photonics integrated circuit (PIC) with an electrical IC, featuring on-chip lasers and optical amplifiers.
High Data Transmission Quality: Demonstrated with a transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) connection over a single-mode fiber (SMF) patch cord, showcasing a 32 Gbps Tx eye diagram with strong signal quality.
Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM): Utilizes eight fiber pairs, each carrying eight DWDM wavelengths, for efficient data transfer.
Impact on AI and Data Centers:
Boosts ML Workload Acceleration: Enables significant performance improvements and energy savings in AI/ML infrastructure.
Addresses Electrical I/O Limitations: Provides a superior alternative to electrical I/O, which is limited in reach and bandwidth density.
Supports Emerging AI Workloads: Essential for the deployment of larger and more efficient machine learning models.
Future Prospects:
Prototype Stage: Intel is currently working with select customers to co-package OCI with their system-on-chips (SoCs) as an optical I/O solution.
Continued Innovation: Intel is developing next-generation 200G/lane PICs for emerging 800 Gbps and 1.6 Tbps applications, along with advancements in on-chip laser and SOA performance.
Intel’s Leadership in Silicon Photonics:
Proven Reliability and Volume Production: Over 8 million PICs shipped, with over 32 million integrated on-chip lasers, showcasing industry-leading reliability.
Advanced Integration Techniques: Hybrid laser-on-wafer technology and direct integration provide superior performance and efficiency.
Intel’s OCI chiplet represents a significant leap forward in high-speed data transmission, poised to revolutionize AI infrastructure and connectivity.
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f1 · 1 year
Hamilton offers fresh Mercedes contract update as he prepares for Monday meeting with Wolff
Lewis Hamilton revealed after his podium finish at the Spanish Grand Prix that he is set for further discussions with Mercedes team boss Toto Wolff on Monday in a bid to get a new contract finalised. Hamilton is in the final year of the latest Mercedes deal he signed back in 2021 and the two parties have been in talks over a fresh agreement for several months. READ MORE: Hamilton hails ‘really mega’ progress for Mercedes after double podium in Spain During Sunday’s post-race press conference in Barcelona, Hamilton discussed the progress Mercedes have been making and his hopes for 2024, at which point he was asked if he would be at the team to drive next year’s car. “I haven’t signed anything yet, but I think we’re meeting with Toto tomorrow, so hopefully we can get something done,” said the seven-time world champion. Asked in a follow-up question about the ‘subtle hint’ he had just dropped, Hamilton added: “It wasn’t a subtle hint. We’ve had so many meetings. It’s just another one of the meetings that we’re having.” Hamilton went on to insist that “my performance is not affected” by the ongoing contract talks with Wolff and Mercedes, but also admitted his mind will be freed up slightly when the process is over. “It’s always something that’s at the back of your mind, so once that’s done, then you’re able to focus more and think about the future,” he commented, before opening up on the positive dynamic inside the team. READ MORE: ‘Our sights are set on victory’ – Russell wants more after terrific drive to third from P12 “I’m working as hard as I can with this team and I see so much strength within the team – I think they’re still so hungry. On the podium today was really, really, really special, to be able to see them in the distance… I saw them at the back, they’re always at the back. “To be able to see the excitement in all the people that I’ve worked with such a long time... And when we go back right now, there’ll be a great energy within the office. “But these guys, they’ll take two seconds to enjoy themselves and be happy and then they’ll be back down into the books, trying to figure out how we can win the next race, so that’s what I love about them.” via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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ausetkmt · 11 hours
The "Facts of Life" for Gen Z: A Party That Has Abandoned Us
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WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 22: Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) gestures while speaking during a news conference on Capitol Hill on May 22, 2024 in Washington, DC. Senate Democrats have revived the bipartisan border bill that was already blocked once earlier this year, and Republicans including Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), who negotiated the immigration package say they will block it again. (Photo by Kent Nishimura/Getty Images)
Republican Senator and Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance recently addressed the tragic school shooting in Georgia, stating, “I don’t like that this is a fact of life.” The “fact of life” he was referring to is the epidemic of gun violence that plagues our schools, communities, and future. What makes his comment truly alarming isn’t just the resignation of this reality but the complete absence of real solutions. Vance may not like that gun violence is a fact of life, but he, along with his party, continues to refuse to act—choosing inaction over protection.
This is the “fact of life” that Gen Z has been forced to accept: one political party has decided that our future does not matter.
Republicans like Senator Vance, instead of confronting the causes of gun violence, have chosen to surrender to it. They’ve accepted mass shootings, the murder of children, and the terror we live with as an inevitable part of American life. They tell us that they don’t like it, but their inaction shows that they are content to leave us to deal with the consequences. It’s as if our safety, our lives, and our futures have become collateral damage in their desperate attempt to hold on to a distorted view of American freedom.
This pattern of resignation is not limited to Vance. Republican Congressman Mike Collins, who represents the district where the recent Apalachee High School shooting took place, posted: “Many others wounded, but not all gun-related or life-threatening injuries, some from efforts to flee danger.“
He tries to downplay the horror of mass shootings by noting that not all injuries were gun-related as if this minimizes the trauma experienced by the survivors. It’s another attempt to explain away the violence and avoid taking responsibility for meaningful action.
Former President Trump echoed this detachment, posting to Truth Social, “Our hearts are with the victims and loved ones of those affected by the tragic event in Winder, GA.”
It’s a familiar refrain, one that has become synonymous with inaction. Every time a tragedy like this happens, we hear the same hollow expression of sympathy with no plans to stop it from happening again. They acknowledge the pain but offer no solutions.
The “fact of life” that Vance, Trump, and Collins are signaling to Gen Z is this: We should expect to live under the constant threat of violence because they have no intention of changing it. They’ve abandoned their responsibility to protect us. Instead, they appease a radical faction of their base and are willing to ignore the Preamble of the United States Constitution, which calls on us to “insure domestic tranquility” and “promote the general Welfare.”
For Black Americans, this crisis of gun violence is nothing new. Black families across generations have, in one way or another, experienced how guns have been wielded to terrorize or control our communities. This violence is personal for me. My grandfather, Dwight Taylor, was the second person shot and killed during the Rodney King civil unrest in 1992. He was killed in a time of political and social unrest that echoes what we are experiencing now.
Today, that violence is protected more fiercely than ever by a political party that refuses to act on gun violence, not because they don’t understand the threat but because they fear the changing world around them. The same energy that drives their defense of guns also fuels their attacks on public schools, their rewriting of American history, their denial of women’s rights, and their refusal to address economic and health disparities. It’s all connected to one fundamental truth: they are terrified of change.
Republicans oppose even the most basic and widely supported common sense gun safety measures, like universal background checks and red flag laws. They twist the Second Amendment to justify this madness. But let’s be clear: the Second Amendment was never meant to create a society where weapons of war are used against children in their schools. The Founders could never have envisioned the terror we face today.
And who bears the brunt of this fear? We do—Gen Z. We are told to spot the signs of troubled peers as if we are the frontline defense against mass murder. We are trained to barricade doors and hide under desks while politicians refuse to tackle the root causes of violence. They are asking teenagers—many of whom cannot even vote—to solve a crisis that they themselves have allowed to fester.
Gen Z, and especially Black Gen Z, will not accept politicians and political parties who offer only “thoughts and prayers” while we bury our friends and family. We’ve inherited a system of fear and violence, but we refuse to let it define our future. If you’re not registered to vote or unsure about voting, let Georgia’s events be a wake-up call. Our generation cannot afford to sit this out. It’s our responsibility to ensure the next generation doesn’t endure the same.
We’re tired of being sick and tired. It’s time for real change—for us, the next generation, and the country we all want to live in.
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autoini · 2 days
Indonesia's EV Communities: Powering the Future of Electric Mobility
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The Indonesian Electric Car Community, known as Koleksi, recently celebrated three years of championing the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in the country. Founded on May 21, 2021, Koleksi has made remarkable strides in promoting green energy and sustainable transportation in Indonesia.
Fast-Growing Community
Since its establishment, Koleksi has rapidly expanded across the nation, now boasting over 200 active members. A significant portion of the community, more than 90%, resides in the Jabodetabek area, which includes Banten and Bandung. These members come from various backgrounds, driving a range of EV brands and models. Koleksi stands as the first and largest EV user association in Indonesia, playing a crucial role in advocating for sustainable energy in the transportation sector.
Despite the early stages of EV adoption in Indonesia, Koleksi has quickly positioned itself as a leading force in the movement. It brings together EV owners from all walks of life, united by a shared vision: creating a greener, more sustainable future for the country’s transportation infrastructure. The community is driven by the goal of making a positive impact on both the environment and the nation's energy landscape.
Official Recognition and Support
One of Koleksi's proudest accomplishments is being officially recognized by the Indonesian Motor Association (IMI). This endorsement has elevated the community’s credibility and strengthened its role as the leading EV association in Indonesia. Recognition from IMI is not just a badge of honor but also a vital step in advancing Koleksi’s mission to accelerate EV adoption nationwide.
With IMI’s support, Koleksi has become a powerful voice in the growing EV ecosystem in Indonesia. This recognition helps the community influence key decisions and policies aimed at expanding the country’s electric vehicle infrastructure. Koleksi’s efforts are paving the way for a future where electric vehicles are a common sight on Indonesian roads.
Program Innovations Driving Impact
Beyond its growing membership, Koleksi has been actively engaging with key stakeholders from various sectors. The community’s initiatives focus on legal, technological, educational, and environmental aspects, fostering collaboration between the public and private sectors. These programs aim to create a holistic approach to promoting sustainable transportation and responsible energy use.
Koleksi has launched several impactful initiatives, including awareness campaigns that highlight the importance of clean energy and proper waste management. One of the community’s key focuses is educating the public on the responsible disposal of electronic waste, particularly EV batteries, to ensure that the shift to green energy does not create new environmental challenges.
By working closely with government agencies, private companies, and other organizations, Koleksi is ensuring that its efforts extend far beyond just promoting electric cars. Their work encompasses a broader goal of integrating sustainable practices into the nation’s transportation and energy systems. This forward-thinking approach has made Koleksi a pioneer in the push for a cleaner, more eco-friendly Indonesia.
Key Milestone – 3rd Anniversary Celebration
Koleksi marked its third anniversary with a grand celebration at the Ibis Style Hotel in BSD, Tangerang, last Sunday. The event not only commemorated the community’s achievements but also served as a rallying call for all stakeholders in the EV industry to join the green energy movement. The event's theme, "Small Step, Big Impact," emphasized that even small efforts can lead to significant environmental change.
Coinciding with the anniversary celebration, Koleksi held its first National Conference (Munas), where new leaders were elected to serve from 2024 to 2027. This gathering underscored the community’s growth and the need for stronger leadership as it continues to expand. The new leaders are expected to guide Koleksi through its next phase, ensuring that the community remains at the forefront of Indonesia’s EV movement.
Partnership with the Government and Private Sector
A key factor in Koleksi's success has been its collaboration with both government institutions and private enterprises. The community’s initiatives are aligned with national sustainability objectives, making it a crucial player in Indonesia’s journey toward widespread EV adoption.
Koleksi’s partnerships with government agencies allow them to work directly with policymakers to advocate for favorable regulations and policies that support the use of electric vehicles. These interactions are essential for creating an environment where EVs can thrive, ensuring that the necessary infrastructure, incentives, and legal frameworks are in place to facilitate growth.
In addition to government collaborations, Koleksi has formed strong partnerships with automobile manufacturers, green energy providers, and waste management companies. These relationships ensure that the community’s impact extends beyond just driving EVs; they are contributing to the development of an integrated system that supports sustainable transportation and responsible resource use.
By working hand-in-hand with both public and private sectors, Koleksi is laying the groundwork for a future where electric vehicles are not only common but also a key part of Indonesia’s push toward environmental sustainability.
Road to Success – A Greener Future Ahead
As it celebrates three years of progress, Koleksi has already made significant contributions to the adoption of electric vehicles in Indonesia. The community has grown in both size and influence, establishing itself as a key player in the nation’s green energy movement.
Looking ahead, Koleksi is committed to continuing its advocacy for policies that promote the EV industry. The community plans to deepen its partnerships with the government, private sector, and the public to ensure that electric vehicles become a central part of Indonesia’s transportation network. Their long-term vision is clear: to get more people on the road with electric vehicles, driving the country toward a greener, more sustainable future.
With a strong foundation built over the past three years, Koleksi is poised for even greater success in the coming years. The community’s efforts are not just about promoting electric vehicles but about creating lasting change in the way Indonesia approaches transportation and energy use.
In the years to come, Koleksi aims to be a driving force in making electric vehicles accessible to all Indonesians. Their work is far from over, but with the momentum they’ve built so far, the future looks bright for both the community and the nation’s journey toward a cleaner, greener tomorrow.
For more updated information about the automotive market, the latest cars & bikes, Please visit our website https://www.autoini.com
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konradnews · 5 days
JICA/JST Session at the 9th Global Energy and Water Cycle Project (GEWEX) International Conference | News & Media
summary Session Title: SATREPS International Joint Research on Global Issues with Developing Countries: Achievements and Future Perspectives on Climate Change and Water Date and Time: July 11, 2024, 13:00-17:00 Location: Sapporo, Hokkaido (Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo) background At the 9th Global Energy and Water Cycle Project (GEWEX) International Conference, a session titled “International Joint…
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