#Funny Easter Poems
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srisrisriddd · 7 months ago
Who Invented Whom God Man OR Man God? - Dr Devang H Dattani
Good Morning
Quote / Poem / Poetry / Quotes Of 
Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri
Doctor Devang H Dattani
Infinite SriSriSri DDD
Posted By TheBlissCity DDD Team
See The Media Photo Video For
God Morning
#penguin , #bliss , #TheBlissCity , #philosophy , #mindfulness , #DrDevangHDattani , #nature , #awareness , #InfiniteSriSriSriDDD , #quotes , #life , #art , #zen , #awakening , #quote , #spiritual , #photography , #Video , #meditation , #psychology , #poem , #poetry , #motivation , #inspiration , #quoteoftheday , #love , #words , #thoughts , #joy , #pun , #enlightenment , #mountain , #cloud , #consciousness , #man , #god , #landscape , #funny , #video , #panorama , #ocean , #sunset , #invention , #animals , #birds
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cassowary-rapture · 11 months ago
"The Handsomest Drowned Man In The World" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The first children who saw the dark and slinky bulge approaching through the sea let themselves think it was an enemy ship. Then they saw it had no flags or masts and they thought it was a whale. But when it washed up on the beach, they removed the clumps of seaweed, the jellyfish tentacles, and the remains of fish and flotsam, and only then did they see that it was a drowned man.
They had been playing with him all afternoon, burying him in the sand and digging him up again, when someone chanced to see them and spread the alarm in the village. The men who carried him to the nearest house noticed that he weighed more than any dead man they had ever known, almost as much as a horse, and they said to each other that maybe he'd been floating too long and the water had got into his bones. When they laid him on the floor they said he'd been taller than all other men because there was barely enough room for him in the house, but they thought that maybe the ability to keep on growing after death was part of the nature of certain drowned men. He had the smell of the sea about him and only his shape gave one to suppose that it was the corpse of a human being, because the skin was covered with a crust of mud and scales.
They did not even have to clean off his face to know that the dead man was a stranger. The village was made up of only twenty-odd wooden houses that had stone courtyards with no flowers and which were spread about on the end of a desertlike cape. There was so little land that mothers always went about with the fear that the wind would carry off their children and the few dead that the years had caused among them had to be thrown off the cliffs. But the sea was calm and bountiful and all the men fitted into seven boats. So when they found the drowned man they simply had to look at one another to see that they were all there.
That night they did not go out to work at sea. While the men went to find out if anyone was missing in neighboring villages, the women stayed behind to care for the drowned man. They took the mud off with grass swabs, they removed the underwater stones entangled in his hair, and they scraped the crust off with tools used for scaling fish. As they were doing that they noticed that the vegetation on him came from faraway oceans and deep water and that his clothes were in tatters, as if he had sailed through labyrinths of coral. They noticed too that he bore his death with pride, for he did not have the lonely look of other drowned men who came out of the sea or that haggard, needy look of men who drowned in rivers. But only when they finished cleaning him off did they become aware of the kind of man he was and it left them breathless. Not only was he the tallest, strongest, most virile, and best built man they had ever seen, but even though they were looking at him there was no room for him in their imagination.
They could not find a bed in the village large enough to lay him on nor was there a table solid enough to use for his wake. The tallest men's holiday pants would not fit him, nor the fattest ones' Sunday shirts, nor the shoes of the one with the biggest feet. Fascinated by his huge size and his beauty, the women then decided to make him some pants from a large piece of sail and a shirt from some bridal linen so that he could continue through his death with dignity. As they sewed, sitting in a circle and gazing at the corpse between stitches, it seemed to them that the wind had never been so steady nor the sea so restless as on that night and they supposed that the change had something to do with the dead man. They thought that if that magnificent man had lived in the village, his house would have had the widest doors, the highest ceiling, and the strongest floor, his bedstead would have been made from a midship frame held together by iron bolts, and his wife would have been the happiest woman. They thought that he would have had so much authority that he could have drawn fish out of the sea simply by calling their names and that he would have put so much work into his land that springs would have burst forth from among the rocks so that he would have been able to plant flowers on the cliffs. They secretly compared him to their own men, thinking that for all their lives theirs were incapable of doing what he could do in one night, and they ended up dismissing them deep in their hearts as the weakest, meanest and most useless creatures on earth. They were wandering through that maze of fantasy when the oldest woman, who as the oldest had looked upon the drowned man with more compassion than passion, sighed: 'He has the face of someone called Esteban.'
It was true. Most of them had only to take another look at him to see that he could not have any other name. The more stubborn among them, who were the youngest, still lived for a few hours with the illusion that when they put his clothes on and he lay among the flowers in patent leather shoes his name might be Lautaro. But it was a vain illusion. There had not been enough canvas, the poorly cut and worse sewn pants were too tight, and the hidden strength of his heart popped the buttons on his shirt. After midnight the whistling of the wind died down and the sea fell into its Wednesday drowsiness. The silence put an end to any last doubts: he was Esteban. The women who had dressed him, who had combed his hair, had cut his nails and shaved him were unable to hold back a shudder of pity when they had to resign themselves to his being dragged along the ground. It was then that they understood how unhappy he must have been with that huge body since it bothered him even after death. They could see him in life, condemned to going through doors sideways, cracking his head on crossbeams, remaining on his feet during visits, not knowing what to do with his soft, pink, sea lion hands while the lady of the house looked for her most resistant chair and begged him, frightened to death, sit here, Esteban, please, and he, leaning against the wall, smiling, don't bother, ma'am, I'm fine where I am, his heels raw and his back roasted from having done the same thing so many times whenever he paid a visit, don't bother, ma'am, I'm fine where I am, just to avoid the embarrassment of breaking up the chair, and never knowing perhaps that the ones who said don't go, Esteban, at least wait till the coffee's ready, were the ones who later on would whisper the big boob finally left, how nice, the handsome fool has gone. That was what the women were thinking beside the body a little before dawn. Later, when they covered his face with a handkerchief so that the light would not bother him, he looked so forever dead, so defenseless, so much like their men that the first furrows of tears opened in their hearts. It was one of the younger ones who began the weeping. The others, coming to, went from sighs to wails, and the more they sobbed the more they felt like weeping, because the drowned man was becoming all the more Esteban for them, and so they wept so much, for he was the more destitute, most peaceful, and most obliging man on earth, poor Esteban. So when the men returned with the news that the drowned man was not from the neighboring villages either, the women felt an opening of jubilation in the midst of their tears. 'Praise the Lord,' they sighed, 'he's ours!'
The men thought the fuss was only womanish frivolity. Fatigued because of the difficult nighttime inquiries, all they wanted was to get rid of the bother of the newcomer once and for all before the sun grew strong on that arid, windless day. They improvised a litter with the remains of foremasts and gaffs, tying it together with rigging so that it would bear the weight of the body until they reached the cliffs. They wanted to tie the anchor from a cargo ship to him so that he would sink easily into the deepest waves, where fish are blind and divers die of nostalgia, and bad currents would not bring him back to shore, as had happened with other bodies. But the more they hurried, the more the women thought of ways to waste time. They walked about like startled hens, pecking with the sea charms on their breasts, some interfering on one side to put a scapular of the good wind on the drowned man, some on the other side to put a wrist compass on him , and after a great deal of get away from there, woman, stay out of the way, look, you almost made me fall on top of the dead man, the men began to feel mistrust in their livers and started grumbling about why so many main-altar decorations for a stranger, because no matter how many nails and holy-water jars he had on him, the sharks would chew him all the same, but the women kept piling on their junk relics, running back and forth, stumbling, while they released in sighs what they did not in tears, so that the men finally exploded with since when has there ever been such a fuss over a drifting corpse, a drowned nobody, a piece of cold Wednesday meat. One of the women, mortified by so much lack of care, then removed the handkerchief from the dead man's face and the men were left breathless too.
He was Esteban. It was not necessary to repeat it for them to recognize him. If they had been told Sir Walter Raleigh, even they might have been impressed with his gringo accent, the macaw on his shoulder, his cannibal-killing blunderbuss, but there could be only one Esteban in the world and there he was, stretched out like a sperm whale, shoeless, wearing the pants of an undersized child, and with those stony nails that had to be cut with a knife. They only had to take the handkerchief off his face to see that he was ashamed, that it was not his fault that he was so big or so heavy or so handsome, and if he had known that this was going to happen, he would have looked for a more discreet place to drown in, seriously, I even would have tied the anchor off a galleon around my nick and staggered off a cliff like someone who doesn't like things in order not to be upsetting people now with this Wednesday dead body, as you people say, in order not to be bothering anyone with this filthy piece of cold meat that doesn't have anything to do with me. There was so much truth in his manner that even the most mistrustful men, the ones who felt the bitterness of endless nights at sea fearing that their women would tire of dreaming about them and begin to dream of drowned men, even they and others who were harder still shuddered in the marrow of their bones at Esteban's sincerity.
That was how they came to hold the most splendid funeral they could ever conceive of for an abandoned drowned man. Some women who had gone to get flowers in the neighboring villages returned with other women who could not believe what they had been told, and those women went back for more flowers when they saw the dead man, and they brought more and more until there were so many flowers and so many people that it was hard to walk about. At the final moment it pained them to return him to the waters as an orphan and they chose a father and mother from among the best people, and aunts and uncles and cousins, so that through him all the inhabitants of the village became kinsmen. Some sailors who heard the weeping from a distance went off course and people heard of one who had himself tied to the mainmast, remembering ancient fables about sirens. While they fought for the privilege of carrying him on their shoulders along the steep escarpment by the cliffs, men and women became aware for the first time of the desolation of their streets, the dryness of their courtyards, the narrowness of their dreams as they faced the splendor and beauty of their drowned man. They let him go without an anchor so that he could come back if he wished and whenever he wished, and they all held their breath for the fraction of centuries the body took to fall into the abyss. They did not need to look at one another to realize that they were no longer all present, that they would never be. But they also knew that everything would be different from then on, that their houses would have wider doors, higher ceilings, and stronger floors so that Esteban's memory could go everywhere without bumping into beams and so that no one in the future would dare whisper the big boob finally died, too bad, the handsome fool has finally died, because they were going to paint their house fronts gay colors to make Esteban's memory eternal and they were going to break their backs digging for springs among the stones and planting flowers on the cliffs so that in future years at dawn the passengers on great liners would awaken, suffocated by the smell of gardens on the high seas, and the captain would have to come down from the bridge in his dress uniform, with his astrolabe, his pole star, and his row of war medals and, pointing to the promontory of roses on the horizon, he would say in fourteen languages, look there, where the wind is so peaceful now that it's gone to sleep beneath the beds, over there, where the sun's so bright that the sunflowers don't know which way to turn, yes, over there, that's Esteban's village.
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bc-byron · 11 months ago
Easter Trip Review
I met the Easter BunnyOn an island in the sea.He was lined upwith his buddies,He was looking down on me. Then I tried to find his candy,But there wasn't any there,And when I asked about itHe just gave a stony stare. He didn't fill my basket.He had no painted eggs.He didn't hop around much'Cause he hadn't any legs. I don't know what the fuss is'Bout a rabbit made of stone.That bunny's reputationIs…
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cedric-k-rossignol · 24 days ago
We see undertaker dancing with a skeleton on cover of chapter 54, he has a bunch of crosses on his waist and from the size of the skeleton and the strings of corset behind it I assume that it belongs to a female the skeleton also has a crown of thorns ( same as the skeleton on his death scythe) then we have Claudia's locket which also has a crown of thorns on it....I like to imagine that the skeleton he is dancing with belongs to caludia , and we know that crown of thorns symbolises jesus , I don't think that's random and as far as i know yana , she doesn't put things for no reason .. the manga is full of references and symbolising, so even tho I know it sounds stupid but but makes me wondering is there is any connections between jesus and claudia? Like is undertaker religious? Is caludia jesus? I also reqd a crack theory somewhere that Undertaker is judas😂This is starting to sound funny but I really need to know, but unfortunately I will be 80 until these things get revealed in the manga🙂
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Undertaker is Jesus confirmed.
I kid, I kid... Lest?
I don't know if you've read all my theories, but I've referenced Jesus in a loooooot of them, if not all of them, so I'm going to summarize the main points I've hit on Jesus/Christian symbolism in relation to Undertaker below, in no particular order;
Cedric K. Ros- was born on March 25, which is the Day of the Annunciation. This is the day in which the angel Gabriel appeared before Mary to tell her she would become pregnant with the Incarnation of God, aka Jesus.
The medieval French poem 'Floire et Blancheflor' tells the love story of a couple who are represented by roses and white lilies. In this story the lovers are born on the same day - 'Holy Sunday'. Claudia was born on Monday April 5, 1830. In 1830 the day of 'Holy Monday', a part of the holy week preceding Easter, fell on April 5th. I think Undertaker was born on Holy Monday as well - Monday March 25, 1331. Holy Monday is the day on which Jesus cursed the fig tree, cleansed the temple, and responded to the questioning of his authority.
The Campania Arc in which Undertaker's identity as a reaper is revealed takes place over the holy week preceding Easter. The ship departs on Holy Wednesday. The Aurora Society's meeting takes place on Good Friday, and the ship sinks early on the morning of Holy Saturday.
The crown of thorns on Claudia's locket, as you mentioned, as well as the laurel branches. Palm branches are blessed as part of the ritual in 'Holy Sunday', but in France laurel branches are often used as a substitute. There is a custom in which people lay the blessed branches on top of the graves of their loved ones as a sign of hope of resurrection.
The French Monarchy was in possession of the majority of the purported relics of the Crown of Thorns. The thorns were incorporated into several different reliquaries, and some were given/sold to other European monarchies. The 'primary' relic of the Crown of Thorns was held at Notre Dame in 1889, and Notre-Dame is featured heavily in the BOC opening.
In the First Legend of Merlin, a King is told he must sacrifice a half-mortal child to allow for construction of a tower he's attempting to build. The child (Vincent) brought forth to be sacrificed is sometimes referred to as the antichrist, although he has never been portrayed as a malevolent force.
Red roses and white lilies are flowers associated with the Virgin Mary; red roses representing her love of God, and white lilies representing her sexual and spiritual purity.
Undertaker wears a cassock beneath his funeral mute outfit, a piece of clothing usually worn by priests and monks.
If he drowned, him being reborn in water is reminiscent of a baptism.
I guess I associate Undertaker with Jesus moreso than Claudia, though I agree that the skeleton in the cover you're referencing is meant to represent Claudia. I do not see Undertaker as being associated with Judas (though I would like to read that theory if you don't mind sending it to me). I'll discuss the cleansing of the temple more in future theories, as I think it's the most relevant to Undertaker's dislike of Queen Victoria and his rebellion against reaper HQ. I interpret Undertaker as being a righteous figure - or at least, I believe that he sees himself as one. But then, don't we all? Still, I think he rebelled against his superiors because he discovered something he found to be amoral.
It's worth noting in the story Floire et Blancheflor, the girl is a Christian and the boy is a pagan/Muslim (depending on which version you read) who converts to Christianity. There's also something to be said for the first king of the Francs, Clovis I, and his wife Clotilde, who is the patron saint of the lame. As in Floire et Blancheflor, Clovis was a pagan convinced to convert by his Christian wife. As the story goes, an angel appeared before Clotilde and gave her three white lilies, which Clotilde convinced Clovis to use as his insignia in battle. When he won, he converted, and so the fleur-de-lis became a symbol of the French Monarchy and their divine right to rule. Fleur-de-lis have been confirmed to decorate the sides of the ring Undertaker wears, and a fleur-de-lis was painted on the cheek of the doll-maker Drossel Keinz in season 1 anime, a character that I believe was inspired by Polaris (who I believe to be Joker), and who was in position of the other hope diamond ring.
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So, was Undertaker religious? The Breton aristocracy in the 14th century was Roman Catholic, so yes, I do think he was religious. He also committed suicide in a time where it was very firmly viewed as a sin for which you could not repent. I also believe he is the 'Celtic Dragon' i.e. pagan, and I believe John Brown is an angel - soooooo tldr...
Is anyone's relationship with Catholicism straight forward?
Thanks for the ask anon. The religious symbolism is definitely significant and I will be continuing to explore it in future theories!
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toomanytookas · 11 months ago
Discovering Lit Through Fic: A Rec List
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Created for the Pedro Pascal Fandom Bingo Game from @burntheedges! The challenge was to create a rec list of 3+ fics for a single trope or theme.
It's always fun to find mention of a book, poem, or other literary work that you love in fic, and I also enjoy how such inclusions can lead to finding new things to read!
A bit of a tangent, but there's a fic that I've very frustratingly never been able to re-find in a different fandom that I still will never be able to forget because I have two books on my shelves because of it! Funny how things can stay with us even as they disappear.
This list brings together works that I have encountered in the PPCU fandom that have somehow incorporated mentions of published literature (including poetry, prose, and one play so far!). Some integrations are more central to their tale while others are a passing mention, but each is a fun little easter egg that adds a unique dimension to the characters and stories at hand.
Alpha sorted by character then by author. I will update as I find more!
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Visiting - @ladamedusoif - chaptered (ongoing) Works featured*: War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy; Spielberg, Truffaut and Me: An Actor's Diary by Bob Balaban *I've only just started reading this one today (haven't even gotten a comment off, but I promise I will soon, Rose, sorry to jump the gun and do this first!), but I'm pretty sure there will be more references given that Ben is a lit prof. I'll come back and add once I'm aware of them.
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Below the Line - @prolix-yuy - chaptered (complete) Work featured: Wieland by Charles Brockden Brown
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snowdrop - @5oh5 - part ii of a chaptered work (ongoing) Work featured: A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
All for You - goodwithcheese - chaptered (complete) Works featured: The Big Burn by Timothy Egan; The Book of Delights: Essays by Ross Gay
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Paranoid Heart - @goodwithcheese - chaptered (complete) Work featured: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
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Maintenance Request - @burntheedges - chaptered (ongoing) Works featured: Poetry by Louise Glück, Ross Gay, ee cummings, Anna Akhmatova, and Alexander Pushkin (trans. Babette Deutsch)
Dawn's First Light - @honeyedmiller - oneshot Work featured: No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre (as well as a quote from a letter that he wrote that the internet has widely decided not to identify the source for (sigh), but I think is likely one of the letters he wrote to Simone de Beauvoir... Will update once I've figured it out or someone lets me know!).
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this high of you & me - @kedsandtubesocks - oneshot Work featured: The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo
If you know of or have written works that fit this theme, I'd love to hear about them! Please feel free to shout them out in the comments. Also if you're an author I've read and I accidentally left a work of yours that fits this theme off the list, please forgive my swiss cheese brain and let me know so I can add you!! 💕
Date first published: 5 April 2024 Date updated: 5 April 2024 Images are my own.
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volkswagonblues · 5 months ago
2, 3 and 7?
2. Do you have any easter eggs in your fic?
Oh my god, definitely the bit where Daniel eats a woman in a Halloween costume from Despicable Me. Get it? because she's a minion? ahaha?
There's also tons from the original Devils Minion chapter of QOTD. I've also flipped through The Vampire Armand but gave up because Anne Rice's writing melts my brain lmao.
I'll just point out this bit of chap 4 of LLTR. I basically scrapbooked this entire exchange out of fragments from the original Devil's Minion short story.
(Anne Rice's QOTD)
“You are my teacher,” Armand told him. “You will tell me everything about this century. I am learning secrets already that have eluded me since the beginning. You’ll sleep when the sun rises, if you wish, but the nights are mine.” (p.143 in my ebook)
...vs (LLTR fic Chap 4)
“I’ll show you what your limits are. You can survive much more now, but no vampire is invulnerable. I’ll show you all the gifts that vampires are capable of. My memory is faded, but it’s not gone. I’ll tell you all the secrets I know. There are some buried so deep that even Lestat does not know them. I’ll teach you the lore. We’ll go to the Villa of Mysteries and I will fling the doors open wide for you. I will show you how beautiful and powerful you can become. My fledgling. My beloved Daniel.” “Yes,” Daniel breathes. “You’ll sleep when the sun rises because you must, but the in-between hours we'll spend on your education. The night is yours, but your dawns and dusks will be mine.” Armand stops. He looks a little shy. “As mine will be yours, if you’ll have me.” It’s a grand speech for a man snuggled under a cotton-poly IKEA duvet.
So to break it down:
In QOTD, Daniel visits Pompeii and the Villa of Mysteries and the vampire Armand shows up to lead him in. That's also where canon Daniel and Armand become lovers for the first time.
In QOTD, Armand tells Daniel he's Armand's teacher for the 20th century. In LLTR, the human Armand offers to be Daniel's teacher for vampire lore.
In LLTR, Armand's speech is a remix of what the vampire Armand says to Daniel because I wanted the human fic version of Armand to have a different kind of relationship with Daniel. He's a little shy, a little desperately in love. Daniel doesn't belong to him...they belong to each other...
3. What's something you've researched for your fic?
The daily life of a 16th century painter's apprentice in Venice...oh god...I think Amadeo is such a fun person to write
I also did some research for (lol) the drive between Billy Bishop airport and Niagara Falls and some more Ontario geography, but I also just went "fuck it" and ignored some stuff for fic reasons.
Full admission: I'm pretty sure Daniel will NOT have stopped at an intersection driving out of the airport because you pretty much turn right onto the highway ramp for Queen Elizabeth Way. However the image of Daniel rolling down his window to show his vampire fangs at another driver was too funny for me to take out. Let's pretend there's construction going on in Toronto. Not a stretch of the imagination.
7. What character do you enjoy writing most? Why?
LLTR is essentially a two-man theatre play. Since I really only have 2 characters can I say both of them? Armand because he's so mercurial: in any given moment he can do anything, say anything. I don't even know what he's going to do most of the time until I've written in.
Daniel because he's a tremendously flexible voice to inhabit. I love the show and the writers for giving us this older Daniel <3. Often I'm running against the limits of a character's voice--like, would he really say that? would he really know that? But AMC show Daniel's incredible. He's highbrow, he's lowbrow, he can identify a Rembrandt on sight, he knows what 8chan is and only pretends not to know Gen Z slang. In the fic it's like, he knows politics and history and TS Eliot poems and Madonna lyrics and what's Hindi-Urdu and his conversations with Armand can effortlessly jump between a lot of levels. Writing Daniel is like driving a zippy sport car, if that's not too weird a thing to say.
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years ago
4, 6, 13 (especially 13; love you for the semicolon tattoo Frodo has)
Ooh, great choice >:-D Let’s go!
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(Read the whole comic here!)
4. What part of this piece was the most difficult to draw?
It's exactly what you might expect: Frodo's left arm (the one holding the phone) in the last panel definitely gave me some trouble. I was trying to find a pose that both a) looked natural and b) made Frodo's tattoo visible; you can actually see how many lines I drew and erased in the zoomed-in picture in this reblog.
I also had to try multiple different positions and designs for the tattoo before I found one that I liked. In a few early attempts, the tattoo actually went down the length of his arm! But in the end, I'm glad I kept it contained to the wrist.
6. What is your favorite part of this piece?
Oh man, it's so hard to pick! I love all of the modern designs, and I think most of the drawings turned out really well. (Pippin looks a bit wonky, but that's just because I'm not used to drawing people who are upside down.) In the end, I think my favorite part is just the slew of "Benadryl Cabbagepatch" names. That was a HYSTERICAL day on the Fig Tree Server, and I love seeing everyone's creativity and crazy senses of humor coming together like this! X-D
13. What Easter eggs/small details are hidden in this drawing?
OKAY *cracks knuckles* lemme give you the whole breakdown here.
Usernames and Avatar Icons
Frodo - DownFromTheDoor (referencing Bilbo's poem) - a book (because he's a nerd)
Pippin - tookursnacks (because he's a Took and he likes to eat) - peace sign (dunno, just felt appropriate)
Sam - taterz (obvious) - a potato (also obvious)
Merry - Herbmaster (because he really likes pipeweed) - the Horn of Rohan
Fatty - BigPapa (because he's. he's big) - plus signs (see previous)
Rosie - RoseGardens (cute play on her name) - a rose (same)
Gimli - Rock-n-Roll (dwarves like rocks) - an axe (obvious)
Aragorn - Telcontar (Elvish for "Strider", the dynasty name Aragorn chooses for himself) - crown surrounded by seven stars (part of the sigil of the King of Gondor)
Legolas - TraLaLally (reference to the 1977 Hobbit movie) - bow and arrow (obvious)
Boromir - TEAMGONDOR (in all caps because he is A LotTM) - the Horn of Gondor (obvious)
Tom Bombadil - Tim Bimbadimdim (I thought it would be funny) - a feather (he has one in the brim of his hat)
Goldberry - 💛🫐 (suggested by someone on the server, unfortunately not at all obvious in a black-and-white art style) - a star (seemed appropriate)
Gandalf - Gandalf (obvious) - wizard's hat (also obvious)
Design Choices
All four of the main hobbits (Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin) have a bracelet with a Single Bead, indicating they are part of the Core Friend Group
Merry wears dog tags and a watch. I imagine he has served in the military in some capacity, or aspires to do so; and the watch is there because he's the kind of detail-oriented person who's very concerned with being on time.
Sam and Rosie have matching bracelets: his is the sun, and hers is the moon. (Someone pointed out that the little thing hanging off her phone also looks like a sun. This is correct, but the bracelets were supposed to be the matching set.)
Rosie is also the only one of the gang to have a decorative phone case and a PopSocket.
Aragorn's mug says "GONDOR U", and the icon on his laptop is the shards of Narsil. It's kinda hard to see, but he also has a ring on his left hand, indicating that he's either engaged or married to Arwen.
Frodo gets the most Easter eggs. He too has a watch, because he's the sort to at least TRY to be on time; he has the tattoo, reading "worth f;ghting for", as aforementioned; and his shirt is a polo from the company Hang Ten, as indicated by the little feet embroidered on the lapel! I chose that one for two reasons: number one, little feet is Very Hobbity, and number two, they're my dad's favorite brand of polo. (He likes the little feet.)
PHONE DETAILS. Merry, Pippin, and Legolas are the only ones to have Extremely Fancy New Phones with three cameras on the back, because they are rich kids who can afford to have that sort of thing. Gimli is also rich, but his phone only has two cameras because he's not an Instagrammer. Sam and Rosie only have two-camera phones because theirs are cheaper older models. Everyone has phone cases except for Legolas. Gimli's phone case is a Particularly Chunky Heavy-Duty OtterBox. Aragorn is the only one with a laptop because he's Old. And, as aforementioned, Rosie is the only one who has a PopSocket.
Initial Conversation
I did actually plan the chat in the first panel very carefully! If you look at the time stamps beside the messages, you can see how the conversation picks up speed. It starts with Frodo declining some kind of an activity that night, saying he's busy with something else. Pippin responds, asking what he's doing. Frodo replies and sends photographic evidence, calling Bilbo "Beebo". Sam thinks this is very funny and repeats "Beebo". Frodo, encouraged by Sam thinking this is funny, doubles down the joke with "Beebo Bongos". Then Merry jumps in with "Blorbo Bagpipes". By this point, messages are coming in within the same minute, and then the rest of the chaos unfolds. X-D
Anyway, thanks for giving me an excuse to ramble about this comic! I had a lot of fun drawing it and I'm delighted to share the Deep Lore LOL
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lol-jackles · 1 year ago
If you were able to give branding advice to Jensen, what three words/descriptors would you recommend that he stick with and what would you tell him to do to manifest that image consistently? (Or tell him to stop doing, that he is doing that is throwing off the wrong signal?)
The 3 words I would recommend are loyal, aspiring, and mysterious. Those are basically positive connotations of complacency, opportunistic, and unpredictable <--- We don't want this. 
We work with what is already out there.  During SPN's run, the AAs' narrative was Jensen turned down Marval roles because he was loyal to SPN's cast and crew.  Okay, let's lean into that.  Loyalty is prized in business because it's opposite of betrayal and right now, Jensen especially needs that after The Winchester marketing debacle.  Jensen has directed a few SPN episodes and 1 Walker episode, that's where the aspiring to learn to improve comes from. Mysterious is a good cover for his reserve nature and lesser habit of not taking the initiative.  I would advise Jensen to be mysterious on social media by liking consistent specific posts of others from time to time, and only posting occasional photo with a brief yet witty or funny caption.  Jensen has the quiet, almost smirking smile which can translate to personal secret inside joke that no one else is aware it.  That adds to the mysterious aura instead of, say, making fun of the other. I would coach on having an air of confidence, which is intriguing to others.  Dry humor can come off as rude on the internet so ditch that otherwise it can come off as arrogant. Then once in a blue moon do something unpredictable that ignite curiosity, like posting a poem he " just wrote" out of spontaneous inspiration but is actually easter egg for his upcoming album. Fans eat that stuff up.
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hostess-of-horror · 2 years ago
I just had a silly idea.
Imagine entering Phantom's changin room and finding plenty of embarassing things. Like pictures of him in ridiculous outfits and newspaper articles with not so flattering photos about how funny it was when he lost his voice.
And of course a calendar dedicated to Peach, obviously.
If there will be his room in the DLC he'll be guarding it with all his might, lol.
This was actually the one place I desperately hope is in the DLC, more so than a possible horror movie set!
(it's a bit of a loooong post, so bare with me!)
In fact, I'm so glad you sent me this, Random, because I was going to talk about it on a whole separate post after watching the entirety of Jacksepticeye's My Friendly Neighborhood gameplay. However that was for his own office, not a dressing room.
Without revealing too much spoilers, there's a section in the game where you venture all throughout the MFN Theatre as a part of the main objective. I like to think if Phantom is the mastermind behind his network, then he would absolutely have an office like this.
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Sean (Jacksepticeye) even mentioned how much it resembles the game, BioShock, what with its classic 30's-40's Silver Screen design.
Within his office would be his own dressing room, which would probably be like a luxurious hotel room considering how massive it would be. Inside the dressing room would be a treasure trove of, in the words of Game Theory, LOOOOOORE!!!!
Before Sparks of Hope, Phantom didn't have much in terms of depth with his character. Yes, we know he's egotistical and lives for theatre, but what about his interests? His reaction towards fans inside and outside the stage? His past relationships? His story of how he got his own network show? @color-cacophony mentioned lore murals for Phantom, so perhaps we'll see that or something similar in his dressing room. Not to mention the LOADS of Easter eggs you could put in such an area!
Can you imagine rummaging through his vanity set and coming across written lyrics to an unfinished song or a love poem dedicated to his golden-haired princess?
There's just so much I wanna know about Phantom ever since the sequel came out. Regardless of what is made canon or not, all I want is to enjoy that sweet, sweet lore...
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wrestlethethistles · 1 year ago
It's the final countdown best-of: top ten films of 2023! I watched over 200 movies this year, so this was pretty wrenching, but I'm happy with my choices. As in past years, the list is unranked, because I can only push myself so far.
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Aftersun (2022) - I started crying in this movie's third act and I maybe haven't stopped since. I don't know if I have the words for how much this film affected me. The performances, the visuals, the raw and bleeding heart at the center of it. Just overwhelming.
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The Age of Innocence (1993) - If I'd known I was going to watch a ton of Scorsese films this year and had bet on which one would make my top ten, it would not have been this. (For the record, GoodFellas, Killers of the Flower Moon, and The Irishman all made the short list when I was deciding on my ten.) I'm not even sure I knew Scorsese directed this film before this year, I'm sad to say. But The Age of Innocence immediately crawled under my skin. The longing in it is unreal. I've been thinking about this one for months.
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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) - One of two films I watched twice this year, and honestly, putting this list together made me want to watch it again. An intensely charming blend of found family, heist tropes, and D&D Easter eggs. But, I think most critically for me, while it's funny, it's also totally sincere. I don't think I was aware of how sick I was of irony in action and adventure films until I got my hands on one basically free of it. It made me cry both times. A fantastic surprise of a film.
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Frances Ha (2012) - Friend breakups aren't a wildly common subject in filmmaking: not unheard-of, but certainly not something you see frequently. But Frances Ha hit me directly in the feelings in a way I was unprepared for. Your mileage may vary, since this hits a lot of beats close to, or sometimes exactly like, my own mid-20s experience. But I suspect that even without that, the movie would have moved me. Also a truly great New York City film.
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Ivan's Childhood (1962) - I came into this film already a Tarkovsky fan, but unreal to see how assured and effective he was in his first feature-length film. Those crane shots!! The entire effect is poem-like. Nikolay Burlyaev is also wildly good as Ivan; hinging an entire film on a child's loss of innocence really banks on the right child actor, and Burlyaev is terrific. Full-on tragedy.
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My Dinner With Andre (1981) - I said it when I first watched it and I'll say it now: How does this movie work??? It should not be good! Wallace Shawn and Andre Gregory as versions of themselves, sitting in a restaurant for just under two hours and having a conversation. Yet somehow I was never bored, and I've been turning the film over and over in my mind since I saw it. Gregory and Shawn's talents as writers are on full display, but director Louis Malle pulls a deft magic trick in that it really does feel like a movie and not a recorded play. Wild.
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Oppenheimer (2023) - I fully admit this is an imperfect film (parts of it are baggy; Nolan still has no idea what to do with women; etc.). But it still makes my list. First, the cast is terrific. Obviously Cillian Murphy, whose work I've always enjoyed, but also Robert Downey, Jr., Josh Hartnett (!), David Krumholtz, even the nasty little turn from James D'Arcy as Oppenheimer's professor: so many great moments. And second, the entire Los Alamos test sequence was maybe the most indelible experience I had in a movie theater this year. Overwhelming.
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RRR (2022) - It's about the cones friendship! I watched this movie with friends, and we spent the entire runtime yelling in delight about its maximalist choices, from fight scenes to dance scenes to montages. But the central relationship at the heart of the film is what really made me go feral for it. I am glad I read a bit more afterward about the context (this is a good starting place, if you're interested), most of which I didn't have going in. But on the film's own merits, it's easy to see why RRR achieved such global success.
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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) - Into the Spider-Verse was one of the best superhero movies of all time, so the sequel was always going to have a heavy weight to lift. But while this really does feel like half a story to the predecessor's whole one, I was blown away by the sheer visual beauty of Across the Spider-Verse. It leveled up on the creativity and artistry, but always used them to enrich the story. A gift to all of us.
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Yojimbo (1961) - Wow, Kurosawa never misses, huh? Mifune is, as always, incredible. But I was also dazzled by how ably Kurosawa navigates a variety of tones. Is this movie funny? For sure. Is it melancholy? Yes. Is it bleak? That too. From the score to the camerawork, everything about Yojimbo works beautifully.
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I did my 2022 list, it turns out, slightly too early. I watched The Banshees of Inisherin (2022) on Dec. 30 last year, and it absolutely would have made the top ten if I hadn't already published it. So it gets a special shout-out here instead.
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rottenbrainstuff · 1 year ago
BG3 playthrough: continuing through the underdark
Finished the arcane tower, read all the books and notes, got a hug from the automaton that’s been programmed to comfort Lenore. Dang every single NPC in this game is sad and lonely and haunted. Is there any NPC here that isn’t horribly tortured?... so many sad little notes and journals and books lying around, so many sad little stories that are just footnotes at the bottom of the main plot. And I’ve only just started, the REALLY sad stuff hasn’t even HAPPENED yet. Sigh.
Man. The more I think about it though, the more sad Lenore makes me. All her lonely little notes, the sad little poems she wrote, all the things she lost, lost her partner, her friends, even her dog, so lonely she programmed herself a clockwork friend, and who knows what even happened to her in the end. Oh Lenore. Oh this game.
Kudos to the most confusing corpse I’ve talked to in the game yet! (which would be the half-crushed drow by the wall of mushrooms) After looking around, it was quickly apparent what he was talking about, but I loved the few minutes where I had no fucking clue what the hell he meant about how throwing his backpack caused him to fall because it was too light and mushrooms and things disappearing and what?... I liked the little easter egg journal he was carrying that mentioned Drizzt Do’urden’s mother. And of COURSE all of that mushroom bullshit is Ethel’s doing, even from beyond the grave she’s still messing me up, lmao.
I just realized the lyre I looted from Minthara’s corpse after the siege is the fucking harp that calls Kar’niss in the shadowlands. It was pretty so I equipped it. I’ve just been running around playing my bard tunes on it this whole time lmao. Wouldn’t it have been funny if I only found that out when I went to play it later in the game and suddenly a goddamned drider shows up for my performance? (btw can’t wait to meet him, he sounds absolutely heartbreaking, like, fuck, game. Why are you trying so hard to make me so specifically sad??????)
After backtracking and NOT torching the entire bibberbang field, I decided to give the noblestalk to Derryth. It sounds like I’ll be able to buy more from her later in act 3 if I do that. (dark urge gets some flavour, haha, if you eat it. Apparently you can also give it to Shadowheart, but I wasn't able to... bug? not sure. Will worry about the noblestalk later.)
I’m at the Grymforge now, getting overwhelmed by how much stuff there is and how many areas there are. There continues to be interesting little pepperings of special dark urge dialogue options, but I do wish there were maybe just a litttttttle bit more… closer to the beginning of the game I liked how there was a dark urge option for so many dialogues, it really was like having these horrible intrusive thoughts constantly whispering to you to do the horrible thing. It’s slowed to a simmer now. Still fun though! The duergar are absolutely terrible and it’s hilarious. Once again, I have my murder-is-fun team of Astarion, Shadowheart and Lae’zel with me, who are approving of every mean dialogue option I choose - you guys know I’m NOT really going to buy a slave, right? You’re approving of my clever manipulation of the dialogue, right? RIGHT GUYS???
Couldn’t help but notice though that Astarion is already getting noticeably less cranky about my decisions to help people out, even if he still has to make a token show about disagreeing (ie, his hilarious reaction to me saying I intended to free Nere), and he even approved of me refusing to help Glut attack the myconid colony. I really don’t quite get the people complaining that he’s hard to romance without playing an evil route. What are y’all doing / not doing that’s messing things up? I’m at 97 approval currently and haven’t left act 1 yet and haven’t picked any evil options that I didn’t want to pick. I HAVE sent him back to camp a few times when I knew he wouldn’t like what I was doing, ie agreeing to help the tieflings, but honestly I do that for all the companions. I send Shadowheart and Astarion away when I’m going to agree to help. I send Gale and Karlach away when I’m going to pretend to be the big mean drow in the enemy camp. Even if I didn’t do that, I would still have a high approval for him. Besides a couple specific spots, dialogue disapprovals are almost always just a -1, and that’s not a large enough amount to seriously mess up your romance if you’re not making the effort to switch the team around. I dunno what you guys are doing that makes it so hard?.....
I know everyone talks about how sad it is that Astarion can’t walk in the sun anymore at the end of the game… I dunno. I totally understand missing the sun, but damn if my drow boy isn’t going to try his hardest to show Astarion everything beautiful and colourful and brilliant in the underdark, how beautiful life can be even without the sun.
Shovel is hilarious, 11 out of 10 A+++ would recommend, I wish I tried her scroll ages ago. I have her following around Astarion right now and I’m sure he’s absolutely delighted by his horrible little henchthing.
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characternerdocs · 2 years ago
Tagged by: @icybreaths
Name: Eri Lorewright, you can refer to me as either! (or Eeri, like Eerie, Lol)
Star Sign: Cancer ♋
Height: 5' 7
Middle name: [REDACTED] cause I’m uncomfy revealing it as it’s really gendered, and I’d like to be a non-binary enigma.
Put your itunes/spotify/youtube on shuffle. What are the first 6 songs that popped up?
This is Home - Cavetown
Lonely Dance- Set it Off
Everything at Once - Lenka
Bubblegum Bitch - Marinana & the Diamonds
Poison Within from Headless 
Kill the Beast by Aurelio Voltaire
Ever had a poem or song written about you: Not that I am aware
When was the last time you played air guitar: Prolly a week, two weeks ago. And most definitely to Pick up the Pace by The Play Plays
Who is your celebrity crush?: Less of a crush, more gender envy for Scott Shpeley. He is the singer in the Play Plays and plays Edgar Allan in Catalyst’s musical Nevermore
What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?: Velcro, the hate the ripping sound. It makes my spin itchy. I love the sound of keys hitting against one another
Do you believe in ghosts?: Yes, though I don’t feel like I have any legit experiences. Others that I know have some stories. Other than that though I think building I work in is haunted. I repeatedly have the feeling someone was walked into the room while my back’s to the door, but when I look, no one is there.
How about aliens: Yeah, I figure if we can exist on our planet, why can’t other life exist on another planet?
Do you drive?: Yes, and once I was even licensed to drive a forklift!
If so have you ever crashed: Thankfully not.
What was the last book you read?: The Drowning Girls, it’s actually a play though by Beth Graham and Daniela Vlaskalic
Do you like the smell of gasoline: Eeh... sorta?
What was the last movie you saw?: 7 Women and a Murder
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?: I don’t know. Mostly it’s all minor stupid things. Like once I crushed a cone incense with my thumb only to find it had just burned out and severely burn my finger. I was trying to declog the dermal we use at work to 3-hole punch paper when it slipped and I punched a perfect circle into my index and thumb.
Do you have any obsessions right now?: Yes, It’s the Nevermore musical. I Love EVERYTHING ABOUT IT! I cannot rationally explain it. but the costumes and props being made primary out of masking tape, sticks, and landscaping fabric give Catalyst’s production such a unique and darkly quirky feel. It’s a part fact, part fiction telling of Edgar Allan Poe’s life birth to death, using lines and themes from his own stories and poems as the lyrics and lines. Which as a life time Poe fan myself is a fun little easter egg hunt to identify what is being referenced. The music is SO powerful, it just rattles round in my head all the time now, especially Dream within a Dream.  The setup and narrative style of the show had once of the best pay off I could have imagined; no spoilers but it was great. The cast is FANTASTIC! I love Scott Shpeley and I want to be his version of Poe, because honestly Nevermore’s Poe is just Goth boy Heath and I love that. But also I love Beth Graham, who yes wrote the play the Drowning Girls, but she is super funny and a great character actor. She plays three roles in Nevermore, including Fanny Allan, who I love, best mom. But Beth Graham does a great job of giving all three of her characters distinct voices. Love love love. The amount of love and creativity that has gone into this show is incredible. And I know that my passion and love for this show is crossing the line into unhinged, but E. A. Poe said it best, “I was never really insane except upon occasions when my heart was touched.”    
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saturnfairycat · 7 months ago
Archive #6 | copyright to saturnfairycat
Author's Note: Damn, who hurt her- anyway, I found this in my embarrassing amount of 'Untitled Documents' in my google drive. You know when you are cleaning your room and you come across letters/diaries of when you were going through it? Yeah... but why was this so interesting to read HAHA (I don't even remember when I wrote it). Enjoy!
He would’ve read my work. 
Not voluntarily, I would have had to definitely convince him. Though, it didn’t take much teasing— he always complied in the end. So much for his complaints that I “wrote too much” or my work was “too complicated”, he ended up taking extra time and care reading everything I sent through. 
Did he always understand what I wrote? Ha. Absolutely not. 
But he read it anyway, he always did.
I ponder about it, sometimes. I glance down to— nothing, really— and just relive all the little things and memories we shared. It’s definitely bittersweet, but I am not a picky eater; the taste of bitterness accompanied by the honey-suckle kiss on the tongue has soon become a fan favourite. It’s like a logical but irrational balance: good as a thesis, terrible for the heart. All those bitterness-cringing-moments won’t hide the fear of high blood sugar.  
Would he ever miss my writing? 
Really does your head in, doesn’t it? All those rudely blunt questions your mind comes up with when the world goes quiet. 
Does he even remember half of what he read from me? 
To be fair, I don’t even remember what I sent him— I just remember I used to do it all the time. 
Will he ever get to know that I have found a passion to write again?
Poems were my favourite way to convey storytelling. Commitment was miminial, because they are so short (surprise, surprise— my signature 14 paged spiel does take a lot of effort and energy which is not favourable), and I loved my little rabbit-holes of just finding the synonym for every. single. word. Anything that required excessive and proper sentences drained me, it didn’t feel right. But now— I have come to embrace it and oh, enjoy it oh-so-much. 
Funny thing, though— I never felt like my essays were the best. I’m sure the actual concepts and ideas I write within an essay structure have merit, but I never felt like my structural integrity of a normal essay spoke out to me. I also always felt like what I wrote for an essay could have been better— it just felt cheesy. To be fair— I never really got to the point of sitting down and reading poetry, the pieces I picked up were always too cheesy (even for me). But oh, how I loved writing it. 
Don’t get me wrong, I love writing essays. But–
Will he ever know that I found my own sense of writing style? 
My sense of writing is emotive language. I love symbolism, the play on words— I like the puzzling effect, the double take on things. I love to draw people in, make them confused and heart-broken. I want the real message hidden in deciphering, having to go back and reread it just so you can catch the missed hints and easter eggs. I love deep and dark themes— horror has always been my favourite genre, after all. 
And because I love the deep, emotive conception of writing— I want to always incorporate it into my essays. But of course, I don’t have the time to properly plan out which critical sentence to repeat later down the line— what metaphors and personifications really mean. But you’ll be damned to not see me try.   
Would he be damned? 
It doesn’t matter anymore, even if the current isn’t the direction I want to swim against.
Some people might read this and wonder: “Wait, is this about me?”
But the right person will read this and their heart will stop for a beat, because they know it’s about them. Well, if they can remember— of course. Can’t forget the fact his memory of us is so terrible, I would have better luck asking a goldfish to memorise the two times table. 
I did consider a lot of people when thinking about this umbrella of thoughts. Often, I would have left it to mystery and let my readers conclude what they thought I meant (though, I still can’t help but cringe when they butcher the meaning), but in this reality, I have been pondering about the thought of loneliness. 
I’m not alone.
I’m far from it. 
But I guess it's the closeness and intimacy that I crave. I have the people, I have the bonds— but I figure that being an arms length away from most of my friends for so long due to my personal business, I hesitate to be needy. It’s selfish of me to do so, it’s like the poem situation— I can’t just commit to something because it’s the bare minimum. 
Would he miss my face? I wear a mask consistently, sometimes I do believe that some of my classmates don’t remember what I look like. 
And most of all, do I mean mask symbolically, or physically?
Would he remember my face? It makes me want to take off my mask more, but it has become a comfort��� plus, I get sick so easily. 
Every time I got really ill, he was who I talked to. 
He made sickness bearable. He cared and made me laugh. 
What a joke. 
Closure was never the answer, like a mouse that follows a snake— tailing behind the sharp-fanged beast screaming out the question for it to hear.
Why not? Why else? For I will never know. 
Because it is not worth knowing. 
Why would a mouse go back to the very place, the snake’s lair, where they were bitten once already— to ask why they bit the mouse in the first place? 
Does he remember the puncture wounds? 
Would he read my writing if it was about a snake and mouse?
Would he understand it?
A fresh wound appears.
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brookston · 2 years ago
Holidays 4.10
Black Hole Day
Commodore Perry Day
Day of the Builder (Azerbaijan)
Dust the Ceiling Fan Day
Encourage a Young Writer Day
Every Day Is Earth Day
Frances Perkins Day
Global Work From Home Day
Godfather of Soul Day (South Carolina)
Golfer's Day
Humane Day
Hung Kings Festival (Vietnam)
International Day of Sterilization Sciences
International Safety Pin Day
International Spy Day
Juan Santamaria Day (Costa Rica)
Larry the Lobster Day (SNL)
National Calvin Day
National Farm Animals Day
National Femboy Day
National Hug Your Dog Day
National Love Our Children Day
National Nana Day
National Report IRS Tax Fraud Day
National Siblings Day
National Sprint Car Day
National Tamara Day
National Transplant Financial Coordinator Day
National Youth HIV and AIDS Awareness Day
Ram Navami (India, Nepal)
Rokjesdag (Skirt Day; Netherlands) [Varies, Early Spring]
Safety Pin Day
Salvation Army Founder's Day
Semana Santa (Nicaragua)
Siblings Day
Son-in-Law Day
World Baton Twirling Day
World Homeopathy Day
World Sindhi Language Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cinnamon Crescent Roll Day
Tipopils Day (Italy)
2nd Monday in April
Global Day of Action on Military Spending [2nd Monday]
National Lineman Appreciation Day [2nd Monday]
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Vernum X (Pagan)
Alfredo Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
April 10th Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Bademus (Christian; Saint)
Ben Nicholson (Artology)
Chocolate Overindulgence Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Clicksnizz (Muppetism)
Cybelle's Day (Ancient Roman Great Mother Goddess)
Easter Monday [Monday after Easter] (a.k.a. …
Annandag Påsk (Sweden)
Dyngus Day
Egg Races (Switzerland)
Ellis Island Family History Day
Emaishen (Luxembourg)
Family Day (South Africa)
General Debauchery Day (Pastafarian)
Hallaton Hare Pie Scramble & Bottle Kicking (Leicestershire, UK)
Memorial Day (Republic of Georgia)
Otras Lieldienas (Latvia)
Peeps Day
Seu Harvest Parade (Curacao)
Sint Veroonmars Soldier’s Procession (Lambeek, Belgium)
Smell-the-Breezes Day (Shamm en-Nisīm; Egypt)
Wet Easter Monday (Poland)
White House Easter Egg Roll
Feast of Bau (Ancient Babylonia)
Feast of Rivers and Seas (Ancient Sumerian)
Feast of the Third Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law (Thelema)
Fulbert of Chartres (Christian; Saint)
James, Azadanus and Abdicius (Christian; Saints)
Kenneth Noland (Artology)
Mechtildes (Christian; Saint)
Mikael Agricola (Lutheran)
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (Episcopal Church)
Pytheas (Positivist; Saint)
William of Ockham (Anglicanism)
William Law (Anglicanism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 7 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [7 of 24]
Fatal Day (Pagan) [7 of 24]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [13 of 30]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [20 of 60]
City of Angels (Film; 1998)
Daredevil (TV Series; 2015)
Donald’s Snow Fight (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
East of Eden (Film; 1955)
Elton John, by Elton John (Album; 1970)
Even in the Quietest Moments…, by Supertramp (Album; 1977)
Excalibur (Film; 1981)
Ex Machina (Film; 2015)
Fear of a Black Planet, by Public Enemy (Album; 1990)
Ferngully: The Last Rainforest (Animated Film; 1992)
For the Stars, by Elvis Costello with Anne Sofie Von Otter (Album; 2001)
A German Requiem, by Johannes Brahms (Choral & Orchestral Work; 1868)
The Great Gatsby (Novel; 1925)
Hannah Montana: The Movie (Film; 2009)
House of Wax (Film; 1953) [1st Color 3-D Film]
Kubla Khan (Poem; 1816)
Newsies (Film; 1992)
Observe and Report (Film; 2009)
People Are Funny (Radio Game Show; 1942)
People’s Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm, by A Tribe Called Quest (Album; 1990)
The Player (Film; 1992)
Saint Louis Blues, by W.C. Handy (Song; 1925)
The Secret of My Success (Film; 1987)
Sonic Temple, by The Cult (Album; 1989)
Titanic Requiem, by Robin Gibb (Orchestral Piece; 2012)
12 Angry Men (Film; 1957)
The Two Ronnies (UK TV Series; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Ezechiel, Gernot, Holda (Austria)
Bonifacije, Ezekijel, Magdalena, Sunčica (Croatia)
Darja (Czech Republic)
Ezechiel (Denmark)
Hindrek, Imre, Indrek, Ints (Estonia)
Tero (Finland)
Fulbert (France)
Engelbert, Ezechiel, Gernot, Holda (Germany)
Anaksimenis, Dimosthenes, Dionisis, Epaminondas, Eteoklis, Fokion, Hercules, Herakles, Homer, Ifestion, Isocrates, Maximos, Miltiadis, Parmenion, Pelopidas, Pericles, Philopimin, Pindaros, Polyvios, Promitheas, Socrates, Sofocles, Themistoklis, Theofrastos, Thiseas, Timothy, Xenofon, Zinon (Greece)
Zsolt (Hungary)
Terenzio (Italy)
Anita, Anitra, Turaida, Zīle, Zilite (Latvia)
Agna, Apolonijus, Margarita, Mintautas (Lithuania)
Ingvald, Ingveig (Norway)
Antoni, Apoloniusz, Daniel, Ezechiel, Grodzisław, Henryk, Makary, Małgorzata, Michał, Pompejusz (Poland)
African, Maxim, Pompie, Terentie (Romania)
Igor (Slovakia)
Ezequiel, Miguel (Spain)
Ingvar, Ingvor (Sweden)
Caley, Callie, Cayla, Cayley, Ezechiel, Ezekiel, Ezequiel, Torey, Tori, Torrance, Torrence, Torrey, Tory (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 100 of 2024; 265 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 15 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Second Month 2 (Gui-Mao), Day 20 (Wu-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 19 Nisan 5783
Islamic: 19 Ramadan 1444
J Cal: 9 Aqua; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 28 March 2023
Moon: 79%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 16 Archimedes (4th Month) [Pytheas]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 22 of 90)
Zodiac: Aries (Day 21 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Man (Human Being) [Half-Month 8 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 4.24)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 2 years ago
Holidays 4.10
Black Hole Day
Commodore Perry Day
Day of the Builder (Azerbaijan)
Dust the Ceiling Fan Day
Encourage a Young Writer Day
Every Day Is Earth Day
Frances Perkins Day
Global Work From Home Day
Godfather of Soul Day (South Carolina)
Golfer's Day
Humane Day
Hung Kings Festival (Vietnam)
International Day of Sterilization Sciences
International Safety Pin Day
International Spy Day
Juan Santamaria Day (Costa Rica)
Larry the Lobster Day (SNL)
National Calvin Day
National Farm Animals Day
National Femboy Day
National Hug Your Dog Day
National Love Our Children Day
National Nana Day
National Report IRS Tax Fraud Day
National Siblings Day
National Sprint Car Day
National Tamara Day
National Transplant Financial Coordinator Day
National Youth HIV and AIDS Awareness Day
Ram Navami (India, Nepal)
Rokjesdag (Skirt Day; Netherlands) [Varies, Early Spring]
Safety Pin Day
Salvation Army Founder's Day
Semana Santa (Nicaragua)
Siblings Day
Son-in-Law Day
World Baton Twirling Day
World Homeopathy Day
World Sindhi Language Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cinnamon Crescent Roll Day
Tipopils Day (Italy)
2nd Monday in April
Global Day of Action on Military Spending [2nd Monday]
National Lineman Appreciation Day [2nd Monday]
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Vernum X (Pagan)
Alfredo Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
April 10th Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Bademus (Christian; Saint)
Ben Nicholson (Artology)
Chocolate Overindulgence Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Clicksnizz (Muppetism)
Cybelle's Day (Ancient Roman Great Mother Goddess)
Easter Monday [Monday after Easter] (a.k.a. …
Annandag Påsk (Sweden)
Dyngus Day
Egg Races (Switzerland)
Ellis Island Family History Day
Emaishen (Luxembourg)
Family Day (South Africa)
General Debauchery Day (Pastafarian)
Hallaton Hare Pie Scramble & Bottle Kicking (Leicestershire, UK)
Memorial Day (Republic of Georgia)
Otras Lieldienas (Latvia)
Peeps Day
Seu Harvest Parade (Curacao)
Sint Veroonmars Soldier’s Procession (Lambeek, Belgium)
Smell-the-Breezes Day (Shamm en-Nisīm; Egypt)
Wet Easter Monday (Poland)
White House Easter Egg Roll
Feast of Bau (Ancient Babylonia)
Feast of Rivers and Seas (Ancient Sumerian)
Feast of the Third Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law (Thelema)
Fulbert of Chartres (Christian; Saint)
James, Azadanus and Abdicius (Christian; Saints)
Kenneth Noland (Artology)
Mechtildes (Christian; Saint)
Mikael Agricola (Lutheran)
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (Episcopal Church)
Pytheas (Positivist; Saint)
William of Ockham (Anglicanism)
William Law (Anglicanism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 7 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [7 of 24]
Fatal Day (Pagan) [7 of 24]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [13 of 30]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [20 of 60]
City of Angels (Film; 1998)
Daredevil (TV Series; 2015)
Donald’s Snow Fight (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
East of Eden (Film; 1955)
Elton John, by Elton John (Album; 1970)
Even in the Quietest Moments…, by Supertramp (Album; 1977)
Excalibur (Film; 1981)
Ex Machina (Film; 2015)
Fear of a Black Planet, by Public Enemy (Album; 1990)
Ferngully: The Last Rainforest (Animated Film; 1992)
For the Stars, by Elvis Costello with Anne Sofie Von Otter (Album; 2001)
A German Requiem, by Johannes Brahms (Choral & Orchestral Work; 1868)
The Great Gatsby (Novel; 1925)
Hannah Montana: The Movie (Film; 2009)
House of Wax (Film; 1953) [1st Color 3-D Film]
Kubla Khan (Poem; 1816)
Newsies (Film; 1992)
Observe and Report (Film; 2009)
People Are Funny (Radio Game Show; 1942)
People’s Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm, by A Tribe Called Quest (Album; 1990)
The Player (Film; 1992)
Saint Louis Blues, by W.C. Handy (Song; 1925)
The Secret of My Success (Film; 1987)
Sonic Temple, by The Cult (Album; 1989)
Titanic Requiem, by Robin Gibb (Orchestral Piece; 2012)
12 Angry Men (Film; 1957)
The Two Ronnies (UK TV Series; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Ezechiel, Gernot, Holda (Austria)
Bonifacije, Ezekijel, Magdalena, Sunčica (Croatia)
Darja (Czech Republic)
Ezechiel (Denmark)
Hindrek, Imre, Indrek, Ints (Estonia)
Tero (Finland)
Fulbert (France)
Engelbert, Ezechiel, Gernot, Holda (Germany)
Anaksimenis, Dimosthenes, Dionisis, Epaminondas, Eteoklis, Fokion, Hercules, Herakles, Homer, Ifestion, Isocrates, Maximos, Miltiadis, Parmenion, Pelopidas, Pericles, Philopimin, Pindaros, Polyvios, Promitheas, Socrates, Sofocles, Themistoklis, Theofrastos, Thiseas, Timothy, Xenofon, Zinon (Greece)
Zsolt (Hungary)
Terenzio (Italy)
Anita, Anitra, Turaida, Zīle, Zilite (Latvia)
Agna, Apolonijus, Margarita, Mintautas (Lithuania)
Ingvald, Ingveig (Norway)
Antoni, Apoloniusz, Daniel, Ezechiel, Grodzisław, Henryk, Makary, Małgorzata, Michał, Pompejusz (Poland)
African, Maxim, Pompie, Terentie (Romania)
Igor (Slovakia)
Ezequiel, Miguel (Spain)
Ingvar, Ingvor (Sweden)
Caley, Callie, Cayla, Cayley, Ezechiel, Ezekiel, Ezequiel, Torey, Tori, Torrance, Torrence, Torrey, Tory (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 100 of 2024; 265 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 15 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Second Month 2 (Gui-Mao), Day 20 (Wu-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 19 Nisan 5783
Islamic: 19 Ramadan 1444
J Cal: 9 Aqua; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 28 March 2023
Moon: 79%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 16 Archimedes (4th Month) [Pytheas]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 22 of 90)
Zodiac: Aries (Day 21 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Man (Human Being) [Half-Month 8 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 4.24)
0 notes
Hi, @just-another-she! So flattered you want my thoughts on this 🥰 and I love your questions!!!
For your first question, a definite yes for Seward. In the May 11th entry, Lucy says that “Mr. Holmwood introduced him to me” when referring to Seward and I definitely think you’re right that this could be a reason she doesn’t outright say Arthur is the suitor she’s in love with. It could also be because Seward looks 5 seconds away from crying himself and when he asks about her liking someone, he does say he doesn’t need to know any details, just if she already likes someone else. If I was in her shoes, I would take that as an unspoken cue of “I don’t want to know who it is”, but maybe that’s just me? Either way, she does make a deliberate effort to not tell Seward about Arthur specifically.
As for Quincey, I believe she also knows him through Arthur, though this is less clear. In the May 25th entry, Quincey references that they’ve traveled to many places together across the globe (along with Seward), so I can’t imagine that there was not also a mutual introduction the way there was with the asylum doctor. A fun Easter egg in the Dracula ballet is that they show Lucy dancing with Quincey and Art together at the Pop (I’ll reblog it if I find it again, it’s very cute). However, since I can’t quote any textual evidence for this, it’s still a theory as of now. I do also think she keeps Art’s name a secret for the same reason, though she does imbue in Quincey a level of trust she doesn’t in Seward by telling him she’s unsure if this suitor reciprocates her feelings!
For your second point, that’s awesome you picked up on this detail!!! I sure didn’t!!!! Lol, you’re right. My best guess is either he got through most of his sentence before he broke off OR a fun theory I thought of is that he came up with a poem or soliloquy to quote from about the unhappiness of unreciprocated love or something, and she recognized it. That is definitely something Seward would do, because a) he’s a cringe loser (I promise I mean this affectionately, I’m also cringe) and b) we’ve already seen him quoting Latin in his first entry and IIRC, this is a running theme with him (I’m trying not to look at future entries to keep it a surprise for myself!). So, take that as you will.
For your third point, yeah this is a hot topic of debate. My theory at first was they didn’t know it was Lucy, but I actually like the idea that they all knew that it was Lucy because yes, they’re all good friends and I imagine they can all tell when they fancy a girl. I go more into my theory about it here, but yes, I think they knew they were proposing to Lucy and it was a “may whoever wins her heart win her hand!” because they’re actually such good guys about it (even Seward, though he’s in the trenches right now, poor dude).
As to your fourth question, I actually don’t know, I think Art going last might’ve been a coincidence (though, who knows with these three). I feel like Seward wanted to go first to get it out of the way for sure. Quincey going after lunch is funny because *high noon* (of course, not intentional on Stoker’s part, but my own little joke). However, I think if anyone knew Art was going to be chosen, it was probably Quincey. He seems very intuitive and I think when Lucy said “I don’t know if he loves me” Quincey probably realized it was Art because a) he might’ve heard from Seward already about his failed proposal and b) Art seems like kind of a private person when it comes to his feelings — not in a bad way, just you can’t read him clearly. He may also have seen how Art and Lucy interacted and figured it as a foregone conclusion (didn’t mean he wasn’t going to shoot his shot though! My cowboy has confidence!!). As for Seward, he probably had his money on the cowboy, but that’s just my silly headcanon.
I hope you enjoy my silly rambling!
@serial-serializednovelreader I appreciate your writings and thoughts so I wanted to ask you a couple questions. This goes back to May 24th, Proposal Day.
Do you think Lucy knows the three men know each other and that is why she doesn't use Art's name when talking to the others.
Lucy says "He was going to tell me how unhappy he would be if I did not care for him." How does she know what he was GOING to say, she isn't psychic?
Did all 3 know the others were going to propose? I can't imagine 3 good friends would do something as life changing as proposing without telling each other.
Did the 3 suitors know that Lucy would choose Art? Could they have chosen him to go last because they wanted to be sure it was Art?
Thanks for any thoughts you have.
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