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stepoffmagazine · 23 days ago
Jag Arreola returns to Step Off! Radio to discuss the release of his latest album ‘Unmasked’, is experience as a member of the Justice 8, & the challenges of losing his job as an educator.
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bullshitopportunist · 5 years ago
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Sometimes the liberation of humanity is all or nothing. There are only 4 of these FUCK WHITE SUPREMACY @abominablepedals, and only 10 “burnt flag” Live Vol. 1 LP’s in existence. 100% of the proceeds from this raffle will be donated to the official @blklivesmatter global network. Winners will be chosen and e-mailed by next Tuesday, June 9th. Head over to A-Frecords.com now to enter & for full details! @afrecords • #antiflag #blacklivesmatter #fuckpolicebrutality #fuckwhitesupremacy (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBELc8tHww1/?igshid=1segzp7yenlam
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wordssplatteredoncement · 5 years ago
The World Is On Fire (and So Am I)
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There are times in your life where you experience things that you know will become a memory that lasts a lifetime. Several of those moments have been pleasant in my experience. A shared moment with a friend where you realized you both inched your bond towards something more. Various parties thrown where you watched the weeks worth of thought, time, and effort payoff in a night that will be talked about for ages. A concert where the band’s connection with the crowd transcends the usual “musician/ audience” role play, and a melding of minds makes the show something unforgettable. This year has been one most won’t soon forget, but for all of the wrong reasons. 
“FUCK 2020!!” A sentiment uttered by many, and one I’ve said more than my share. The reality... 2020 isn’t the problem. The issues that have arisen have occurred due to years of neglect. The change of a calendar isn’t going to bring back the lives of hundreds of people of color who have died at the hands of those pledged to “protect and serve”. The turn of a year won’t suddenly erase a pandemic that has killed a half a million people worldwide, and shows no sign of slowing it’s destruction on any semblance of normalcy we’re yearning for. And, on a personal level, 2021 brings no promise that my body will stop feeling as though it’s trying to burn from the inside-out. Instead of leaning hard into this notion that the turn of the next 365 will somehow cure our sorrows, why don’t we take some responsibility for the moment and do our part today to ensure tomorrow is aimed in a direction of correction and healing?
I’m going to start by reflecting inward. The last time I touched this blog was nearly a year ago. I wrote about the horrible pain I’m experiencing on a daily basis. My asshole feels like Satan decided to relocate Hell inside of it. I truly feel as though like I’m on fire from the inside out. Today marks the 2 year anniversary of this pain that has completely upended up my life. Earlier this week, I had my 4th procedure in hopes of finding some reprieve from this pain and, for 2 days, I thought maybe I was healed to a level I could cope with. The pain had largely subsided... and then yesterday happened. I didn’t really see any fireworks on the 4th, but I felt them. My body ignited from beyond my balloon knot and the pain has lingered to this very moment. I spent a good portion of the day on my couch, partially in hopes of reprieve, but mostly in wallowing over another disappointment. I peeled myself off of the couch and decided to splatter a few more words in hopes that I could inspire those who give the blog a gander, but also to help myself out of a seemingly hopeless situation. 
8 minutes and 46 seconds. My 2 years of asshole-aflame don’t hold a candle to the suffering the neglect, hurt, and tyranny 5 dickheads wearing a badge made to an entire race in our country. In those near-9 minutes, we all witnessed a man completely prone and in constraints, cry out for his mother as he suffocated in cold murder. Immediate responses from cop-defenders shot out with “All Lives Matter”, “Blue Lives Matter”, and “not all cops are bad people”... Here’s the problem with all of those statements, this isn’t a one-off occurrence. This isn’t a singular police officer who went rogue. In this very instance, 4 other cops watched, with hands in pocket, as this man, George Floyd, had his life taken from him. The uprising that came in the wake of this atrocity was a natural response to the oppression of a culture long held down by those in authority. Peaceful protests over the mistreatment of African Americans have existed for years, each met with hostility in the way of thinly veiled racism and clearly falling upon deaf ears, all while more instances of death at the hands of oppressors pile up. Breonna Taylor, a 26 year old black woman, was shot in her sleep when three police officers, in plain clothes mind you, broke into her home with a no-knock warrant... erroneously... AS THEY WERE IN THE WRONG HOUSE. In both of these instances (two of hundreds, I must add), the police were not arrested until met with the pressure of the public in the form of protesting. Sure, some protests have been met with opportunists. Buildings have been burned. Statues brought down by force (and I stand that these statues dedicated to slave-owning southern leaders should have never been erected in the first place), but PEOPLE ARE DYING AT THE HANDS OF THOSE IN AUTHORITY. And yet, I hear more about these buildings and statues from our “leader” on down to people I come in contact with, than the human lives taken. White privilege at its finest, folks. I’d love to hear an “All Lives Matter”-crier, shout “All Cancer Matters” at a breast cancer awareness event to experience the absolute ignorance of that statement. Everyone matters, you dumb fucks, but there are times that call attention to a specific group... this isn’t your time. “Blue Lives Matter!!”.. you aren’t born blue.. you choose that life. You don’t choose to be a person of color. Let’s take a fucking second to recognize that there is a disparity in this world in how we are treated and figure out how we can correct our ways. 
So that brings us to the last bit of “2020″, the year is “cursed and doomed”. COVID-19, aka coronavirus. A pandemic that was written off as nothing more to be worried about than a flu by our “genius” leader. Trump compared this pandemic to the number of lives that are taken yearly by the common flu and thus created the great divide in America. Half of our country decided that everything was cool.. our president said “we’re good”. The other half, listening to the CDC, and other health experts, whose literal job is to track and control the spread and containment of disease, followed advice from those who have dedicated their life to the education of well-being. Trump slowly had to cater to those health experts when it became very clear this was something far more serious than a “flu”, and we were ordered to stay indoors. People went into bat-shit-crazy-survival mode. Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and canned goods became the new gold as the masses flocked to stores in droves to ensure their asses were wiped, hands were.. sanitized.. and goods had a shelf life of several months. Hospital ICUs were strained as the number of people needing to be treated met new highs. We were asked to wear masks in public and keep 6 feet away from those we don’t live with. And the response from a wide number of Trump’s supporters.. “THIS IS CRAZY.. YOU’RE INFRINGING ON MY FREEDOMS.. THE ECONOMY!!!!”. As stated earlier in this blog.. human lives > businesses and the economy. Due to this outcry, backed by the moron-in-chief and his plethora of tweets (seriously.. what job have you ever had where you can sit around and call people names through social media all day long??.. certainly not mine..), the shelter-in-place orders were lifted, just as we were starting to see a leveling out in the number of cases our country was dealing with. And Americans, being as stubborn as they’ve proven to be over the years, went out en masse. With this, the number of cases has risen to absurd levels. The president, always one to find a way to suck his own cock, daily gives praise to this being accredited to the great testing he has imposed. Even taking it so far as to say we might be testing “too well” and that if we just test less.. the numbers will go down.... I’ll take a minute to let the absurdity of that statement, which he has doubled down on, sink in. I work in health care. This isn’t a joke. This isn’t a farce. This isn’t the flu. This isn’t a conspiracy. 533,000+ deaths isn’t a joke. Wear a fucking mask. Stop going out for the sake of killing boredom. Start thinking and do your part. Your parents, grandparents, and neighbors count on it.
So there you have it. 2020 hasn’t been kind but, as I’ve stated, this isn’t the problem of a singular year. This is years of neglect and a current state of ignorance. January 1st will come and go. It changes nothing. The only thing that will cure the issues we’re facing is recognizing there is indeed an issue and taking action to improve our current state. Nothing is solved if we don’t accept reality and inflect on how we can do our part to make a change. Stating “Make America Great Again” is a stupid way of saying we’ll revert to a past laced in hatred. Instead of looking over our shoulder the days that we’ve progressed from, let’s focus on a future that provides equality for all. Instead of crying about our freedoms being removed over having to stay indoors or wear a mask, let’s think about those we might be saving by stopping the spread of disease. As for my butthole.. I got off the couch to write this, all while in a fair amount of pain. I can reflect on a time I didn’t feel this, or I can accept what this is and do my part to seek improvemnt. I opt for the latter.
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im-bourgeoisphobic · 7 years ago
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There is no justice in our justice system if officers aren't held accountable. Abuse of power by "law enforcement" is part of the problem. We can and MUST do better. Stephon Clark was shot 20 times because the cops thought his CELL PHONE was a gun. #demilitarizethepolice #marchforourlives #endgunviolence #holdcopsaccountable #fuckpolicebrutality #stephonclark #blacklivesmatter #amerikkka
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darthsmurf · 5 years ago
#fucktrump🖕 #fucktrumpers #fuckrightwingextremists #fuckrightwringrepublicans #fuckpolicebrutality , If you really read who the Americans setting fires, wearing black face as they braking into stores, and starting the riots it's the WHITE PROUD NAZI LOVING BOYS THAT BACK trump! The Republicans are so petty they refuse to believe and blame everything on the #blacklivesmatter protests because the white way of life is fading and their scaried that they will be treated like they treat the non white people , not Human. https://www.instagram.com/p/CFYVpMajrMX/?igshid=vfm2frtgaa2n
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sidxpirate · 5 years ago
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2020 has reminded me of only one thing. Especially with the amount of morons running around refuses to think there's a pandemic and the undeniable racism in this country.Regardless of the ignorance , at least I love myself. Take care ghouls don't be blinded by the madness. #blacklivesmatters #2020vision #2020goals #fuckracism #fucktrump #fuckpolicebrutality #fuckhomophobia #fucksexism #fuckyocouch #ilovemyself #redandblack #pennywisetheclown (at Hollywood Forever) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC9moRdDTsz/?igshid=c7deqwv07ani
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chronsofnon · 5 years ago
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Couldn't NOT show up 🤷🏾‍♂️ #fuckwhitesupremacy #fuckpolicebrutality #BlackLivesMatter #AllBlackLivesMatter https://www.instagram.com/p/CCy_ocMhNiV/?igshid=1ttczkoi4rq1j
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phatsnowbunnyreviews · 5 years ago
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💯🧐🖕🏻 #fuckthefacists #FUCKTRUMP #fuckrepublikkkans #fuckpolicebrutality #staystrong #standwitheachother #dothedamnthing #fuckthishate (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBe0z6UpGJr/?igshid=5nktswqt79hr
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otdadetonator · 5 years ago
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Shout out to #angeladavis #intelligent #blackwomen #politicalactivist #blackpantherparty #fuckpolicebrutality. https://www.instagram.com/p/CBJNLM5DQxPSkjlwOWQhMRDXyWFxY8nwJNhhLE0/?igshid=hcp7b09qk83g
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rosieriott · 5 years ago
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Here, piggy piggy.. 😈😈 - - Ps. I bought this last December as a funny Christmas gift to myself. Seems quite fitting these days.. Don’t cha think.. 💥 - - - #BLM #FuckPoliceBrutality #FuckSystemicRacism (at Santa Cruz, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBHBN__ADvH/?igshid=1tnmq24zo7vca
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crsmob-blog · 5 years ago
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From day one I supported his cause. & Still do. #colinkaepernick #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #fuckpolicebrutality 💯💯💯 (at Colorado Springs, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBAQTWGDFY_/?igshid=1sh11o8im0w7e
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voncrobead · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @ttm_yarn #BlackLivesMatter 🖤 They always have and they always will! #IStandWithMinneapolis 🤘🏿For far too long cops have been able to get away with persecution, brutality and murder against undeserving POC and minorities. George Floyd is by no means the first to lose his life at the hands of the law,and unless action is taken, he won’t be the last either. In the US in 2019 alone, over 1000 people were murdered by police. The sad thing about the cop that killed Floyd being charged with murder, is that this kind of prosecution isn’t the rule, but just the exception. Too many cops have been given amnesty simply for being law enforcement. #ServeAndProtectMyAss 👮‍♀️🚫 The so called “good officers” aren’t off Scott free either; if you have one bad cop and 100 “good” cops, and the 1 bad cop murders a civilian, and the 100 “good” cops don’t stand up against it then you really have 101 bad cops. #StandUp or #StepAside ‼️ In my opinion, the #MinneapolisRiots are long over due. For far too long have people stood back and kept quiet. For far too long have police been able to get away with lethal action with little to no consequences. If this is what it takes to bring upon a new era, where minorities don’t have to be afraid of the police for fear of not living to see another day due to the sickening discrimination still rampant in today’s society, when murder by cops is not only rare, (ideally non-existent, but a person can only dream), but actually taken as seriously as they would if the roles were reversed and followed by a murder conviction EVERY time, then I fully support these riots and I seriously hope that they achieve what they have set out to do without violent backlash from the authorities. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for the brave people out there that real progress and real change comes from their actions!🤞🏼#BLM #FuckPoliceBrutality #HowManyMoreHaveToDie #RiotsBringChange #RiotNotQuiet - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/CA2vaQoJe_K/?igshid=1cqp13o6psugs
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sidxpirate · 5 years ago
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Haven't been to optimistic or really concerned with much since #blacklivesmatter✊🏾 has been an issue and I think should be more important than what we're eating or wearing. I think as people we should use our platforms to promote positive enforcements and teach equality before we can go on as a human race. I think its pathetic that race is still an issue in this country to be honest and we need to show that it will never have a chance to rise again. I am beyond words with what I'm seeing today and ill continue to put more of my time and effort into this cause before I can in good conscience pull out my old hat of trick again. Its near and dear to me. Anyways here an old #mermay2020 I did but never bothered posting. I love it ,but i think it needs a do over on thee ol' digital tablet. Ill try and post more, but like I said I'm more concerned about the tragedy in this world. Stay safe ghouls #mermay2020 #blacklivesmatter #fuckpolicebrutality #equality #evilmermaid #fucktrump https://www.instagram.com/p/CBmbtdkhPtx/?igshid=15ndl4xheg1n9
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joshyconker909 · 5 years ago
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#BlackLivesMatter #justiceforgeorgefloyd #nojusticenopeace #FuckPoliceBrutality #ItNeedsToStop (at San Bernardino, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA1AvUGFSdf/?igshid=t7lx8rh97a22
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thenehemiahproject · 5 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @chains.are.broken So apparently cops are in the crowd doing this and saying it’s all protestors 😞 😡(swipe) #nojusticenopeace #minneapolis #georgefloyd #nojusticejustus #fuckthepolice #racisminamerica #prisoners #prisonbreakedit #crookedcops #prisonwife #amerikkka #lastdays #realgangsta #felon #wewantjustice #martiallaw #policeshooting #fuckpolicebrutality #justiceforgeorgefloyd https://www.instagram.com/p/CAybz5EjeKd/?igshid=1ghpsj75pq6u5
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bighairgirls · 7 years ago
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Saturday in Harlem ✊🏾✊🏾 📽by @700x * * * * * #blacklivesmatter #blm #movement #resist #fuckpolicebrutality #standup #solidarity #love #unity #peacefulprotest #vibratehigher #constantelevation #tolerance #nojusticenopeace #lovetrumpshate
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