#Fruity Summer Contest
mk-wizard · 3 months
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For context, the pineapples have been skinned and sectioned. Also, watermelons can be yellow. I had so much fun doing this. It for the contest being held by Heart Street here: https://discord.com/events/1165660455826636863/1251986055779979366
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pappydaddy · 1 year
idiot (j.m.)
a/n: ha, i'm baaaack! bet cha didn't think y'all were getting this fic!
tv show/movie: outer banks | pairing: jj maybank x fem!pogue!reader
requested by a lovely anon as part of my 800 follower celebration
synopsis: jj tries to impress his girlfriend, but it doesn't go as well as he planned.
taglist: @luvhann | @thelakespoets  | @lonely-simp | @smarie7543 | @tenaciousperfectionunknown | @k-k0129 | @maybankslover | @taurusvic | @moralina | @verystarfishflower | @4dr1ana | @adr1an4 | @instabull | @poppet05 | @rottenstyx | @boxofsilentwords | @popeheywardssecretgf | @lexi-2004 | @i-always-come-back-xoxo | @rootbeerfaygo | @444lyra *line through your user means i could not tag you lovelies!
warnings: reckless actions, accident, mention of a dislocation, mention of breaking a bone, fluff.
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- not my gif -
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JJ has done stupid and reckless things before. It was expected of him and he liked to live up to expectations. He was the unhinged friend that stressed everyone out. Since meeting him in elementary school, Y/N didn’t know JJ not to be daring which meant that she (being the nervous and apprehensive person she was) often found herself on the verge of a heart attack whenever he pulled his little stunts. Since they started dating two years ago, his chaos and recklessness has decreased, but not by any significant bounds. 
  But the decrease wasn’t from JJ changing, it was from Y/N insisting that he needs to be safe and arguing with him (which actually makes him think first). Even then, it’s a fifty-fifty shot that he actually listens. For instance, there was a new skatepark installed on The Cut, a last-ditch effort to (a) make The Cut look nicer, (b) keep Pogues out of Kook territory, and (c) lower crime rates. Of course, JJ, who has never skateboarded before, was convinced it was just like surfing so, therefore, he believed he would be a pro at it. He was wrong. Horribly wrong. But, thanks to Y/N, he was wearing a helmet and managed to avoid concussing himself on the concrete after he fell off the metal railing (nearly hitting his head on that). 
  Now, the dirt bike track was finally up and running again following the brief closure (three years) due to the owner going to jail for embezzlement. Now, after two former motocross x-game finalists who grew up in The Cut had bought it, it was fixed up and ready to be used again. Of course, JJ was naturally drawn to it, visiting every day so far this summer. Most of the time, Y/N went with him, but she was unable to go the past three weeks because Sarah had pulled her away to the mainland for shopping. 
  “Babe, I am so excited for you to come to the course again,” JJ was nearly bouncing off the walls all day. He even woke up at nine in the morning (and was like this from the start). His breakfast of a mixture of half a box of fruity pebbles and half a box of lucky charms was not helping anything. “I’ve been working on so many neat moves with Nathan, he says that I have enough skill that I could enter comps and win huge cash prizes.” 
  She looked over at him from where she packed things into her tote bag. “Nathan would know, maybe you should enter some contests. You could probably enter some surfing contests too,” She nodded, double checking the contents of her bag. JJ spending every day at the course has led to Nathan (one of the owners) coaching him as a hobby. Completely free and completely spontaneous. “You could really make a career out of these, J.” She reminded him. 
  “I don’t know, Babe,” He shrugged, grabbing the sunscreen and her sunglasses that she forgot on her dresser. “Some of these guys that play these sports come from rich families who pay for only the best training. No way I can compete against that. Their parents buy them wins basically! How can I win against someone who bribes the judges? Or someone who has the best bike?” He pointed out, handing her the items as she started to walk out of their room. 
  “Thanks,” She smiled up at him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “And Nathan has competed against them and won, he can teach you how. Talent is always better than money in the long run. It’s worth a try if you think you’ll be happy,” A honk sound from outside, signalling that the Twinkie was there. “I mean, you asked me out because you thought it would make you happy and look at us now. Living together.” She gestured around at the small cottage-like house they rent. Two-bedroom, one bath, and the floor plan was open concept because it was just a kitchen and living room. 
  “Would you be okay if I started competing,” JJ asked her, his hand reaching out to gently grab her arm when she started to walk towards the front door, another honk sounding from John B. She turned around, seeing him inches away from her, eyes staring down into hers as he waited for her answer. “It’s easy to get hurt in these sports and I don’t want you worrying all the time.” 
  She sighed, smiling at him, hands coming up to cup his face. “I’m always gonna worry about you JJ. What matters is if you’re happy. You sacrifice so much for me, I can sacrifice being scared out of my wits for the length of a competition.” With that, she rolled up to the balls of her feet, pressing a kiss to his lips just when another honk sounded. 
  “I can’t believe you said you would be fine with him competing,” Sarah shook her head as she watched the course. People zipped around, mud flying in every direction. Sarah and Y/N sat on the bleachers, free sodas from the cooler in hand. Y/N looked up from her book, eyes searching for JJ instantly, quickly finding him talking to Nathan off on the side. “I mean, someone wipes out every second. If John B started competing in motocross I would have a nervous breakdown.” 
  Y/N shrugged, eyes leaving JJ to see John B ripping around the course. “It makes him happy and he’s really excited about Nathan telling him he could do well at this,” She took a sip of her soda, the cool liquid helping cool her body temperature. “I’m not going to let my worries ruin this for him.” 
  “You’re braver than me, girl.” Sarah shook her head, taking a drink of her own soda just as Kie and Pope turned the corner, climbing the bleachers with take out containers in their hands from the food truck parked in the parking lot. 
  “We got JJ and John B’s, they are on the bottom to stay warm,” Pope told the two girls, handing them two containers. “Though, I don’t know why I try since they will devour them cold by choice,” Pope shook his head, settling down beside Sarah, picking up his untouched soda. “Are they almost ready for a break anyway? They’ve been at this for hours.” He asked, popping the tab open, the carbonation hissing as it rushed out. 
  Glancing over at the track, Y/N shrugged. “John B will probably be done once he finishes this lap, but JJ is probably gonna take the course once more so Nathan can time him,” She explained. “He’s aiming to break his personal best.” She was proven correct when JJ pulled his helmet over his head, securing it as he nodded along to whatever Nathan was telling him, his face hidden by the dark tinted face shield. 
  Just as John B finished his lap, JJ revved his engine, mud slinging around as his tire spun. Y/N perked up slightly as he drove to the startline. With a flick of Nathan’s thumb, JJ took off, zipping around the track. Y/N wiggled to the edge of her seat, setting her soda and the two containers of fries on the bench beside her. Something told her to keep watching. Maybe it was that she thought he would make a new personal best or maybe JJ had been a little too good about not making reckless decisions as of late. She wasn’t too sure, but here she was hanging off of every mound and every turn as if he were competing for a national title. 
  Then, it all made sense when she noticed Nathan’s hands flying through the air, looking like he was telling JJ to slow down or something as he yelled into the radio that allows him to communicate with JJ. “Is that some kind of signal?” Sarah asked, her nose wrinkling as she watched Nathan’s hand movements in confusion. 
  “They have radio communication, he wouldn’t need to use hand signals unless JJ was training for a race,” John B, who Y/N didn’t notice had joined them, explained. He tipped his uncapped water bottle towards Nathan. “It looks like he’s stressin’. Must think JJ’s pushing himself too hard.” 
  The group watched with worried expressions. From where they sat, they could hear the raised voice of Nathan but they couldn’t hear what he was saying over the roar of JJ’s motor. It was a split second. A tiny movement. But it told Y/N exactly what was going on. As JJ flew by the stands, she could see the way his head stayed tilted towards her for a second too long to not be a coincidence, followed by a sudden surge of speed. “Oh, God, JJ,” She tucked her lip between her teeth. “Please don’t. Listen to Nathan.” She pleaded quietly, hoping he could sense her wishes. 
  “Don’t do what? What’s he doing?” Pope asked, looking at Y/N with nervous eyes. Before Y/N could react, JJ’s bike took the turn too tight, tire hitting the soft mud at such a high speed (nearly double the speed Nathan suggested probably), slinging mud and causing him to lose control. Everyone stood as the bike started to fall, flinging JJ off it, but Y/N was already running down the bleachers while Nathan ran towards him from the ground. 
  “JJ,” Y/N yelled, not caring that her white sneakers were getting covered in sloppy mud. Somehow, she managed to get to JJ before Nathan, dropping to her knees, ignoring the cold, uncomfortable feeling of mud shifting under her. “JJ, does anything hurt? Oh my god.” She muttered, shaking fingers trying to undo his helmet strap to pull it off, but she could barely feel any of her limbs as panic took over. 
  “My shoulder,” JJ’s voice was strained and muffled as Y/N still fumbled with the helmet. Finally pulling it off his head, she could see his face screwed up in pain, his other hand clutching the shoulder he landed on (and was currently laying on). “It really hurts.” He could barely open his eyes as he flopped his head back, mud matting into his blonde hair. 
  “His shoulder hurts, what do we do?” Y/N looked up at Nathan who turned the bike off, handing it off to John B to put away. Crouching down on the other side of JJ, he looked down at him. 
  “I think he popped his shoulder out of place,” Nathan observed, looking up at Y/N as she softly stoked JJ’s hair, feeling rather useless as he groaned in pain, a few tears even slipping from his shut eyes, mixing with the mud laying under him. “Let’s sit him up first, but someone has to take him to the hospital to get it set.”  
  “You’re not gonna go to the hospital?” Y/N asked him, eyes nearly popping out. While all of them were now adults, Nathan was in his early thirties making him more of an adult than the 19-year-olds who currently surrounded him.
  A whimper from JJ made her look down at him, seeing him trying to move. Gently, she placed her hand on his chest, rubbing it to calm him down. “I’ll be right behind you guys, I just don’t have the room to drive him to the hospital comfortably in my two-seater.” He pointed over to the car park where his black Mazda MX-5 sat, backed into the spot next to the Twinkie - a hilarious sight. 
  “We’ll help him to the van, Y/N/N,” John B crouched down, placing his hand on Y/N’s shoulder. Startled, she looked over at him. He could see the tears building in her eyes as she blinked at him, nodding. “He’ll be okay, it’s just a popped shoulder. Remember when he broke his collarbone in freshman year? This is like that but less severe.” 
  He knew she already knew that, but when you see the one you love in unbearable pain, common sense tends to take a backseat. “Okay,” She muttered, looking around - needing something to take her mind off her boyfriend laying there, not being able to open his eyes from the amount of pain he was in. “I'll open the passenger seat and get it set for him-” As she spoke, she slowly took her hands from JJ, moving to stand up but her words were cut off as a hand reached out to grab her wrist. 
  “No, stay,” JJ spoke through clenched teeth, his eyes fluttering open to look at her. His crystal clear blue eyes were clouded by tears and laced with pain as she looked back down at him, kneeling beside him. “I need you.” He whimpered, eyes snapping closed again. 
  “I won’t leave you, J.” She reassured him, pressing a kiss to his cheek softly, hoping it brought him some comfort at least. 
  After a very uncomfortable drive with John B going way over every single speed limit, Y/N and JJ sat in an ER bay, the curtain shielding them from the rest of the ER. “Do you think I just dislocated it?” JJ asked, his voice hoarse. He shifted his head on the pillow, looking at Y/N. He was laying more comfortably after the doctors prescribed some pain meds, but Y/N was still treating him like a porcelain doll. 
  “The tests are just to make sure they aren’t missing anything, J,” She reassured him, rubbing soothing circles on his good arm. “Whatever it is, I will take good care of you.” She smiled, throwing a wink at him knowing flirty innuendos were his favourite thing ever - especially when they came from his insanely hot girlfriend. 
  Just as JJ opened his mouth to retort, the curtain opened with a flourish. In came the doctor, followed by two interns all sporting crisp white coats. “Okay, Mr. Maybank,” The older looking doctor spoke up, eyes on the tablet he held, clicking away on it. “We got your scans back, and it looks like you have a very minor glenoid fracture on top of your treated dislocation. Now that your dislocation has been reduced, you should feel a little more comfortable, but that fracture is gonna give you some issues,” He explained, setting the tablet down and pulling a prescription pad from his coat pocket. “I am going to prescribe you some pain medication, Hydrocodone,” He spoke as he scribbled quickly. “Also known as Vicodin. I am not going to prescribe much as it's highly addictive, I recommend only using what you need along with icing frequently and resting it for a full two weeks,” He explained, handing JJ the prescription before pulling a pamphlet from his chest pocket. “That’s a pamphlet on opioids explaining how they work, major side-effects to watch out for, and tips to avoid getting addicted to them. I like to hand them out to help patients manage their pain safely.” 
  “How long does the recovery take?” Y/N asked, her hand gripping JJ’s in relief. 
  “Typically, recovery takes a total of 12 to 16 months. Like I said, after two weeks you can return to normal activity aside from heavy-lifting, sports, or strenuous activity. Then, after a span of 6 weeks or 3 months, you can resume normal activity if your shoulder permits. I would recommend a physical therapist to help with recovery, but for now, lots of rest and my interns will put your arm in a sling.” He gave them a tight smile, nodding as he turned and left the makeshift room. 
  “Hear that, J. Lots of rest and you’re gonna be fine.” Y/N smiled, letting go of JJ’s hand, standing to move out of the way of the interns as they moved around, getting his arm in a sling. She busied herself with collecting his shoes as the nurses helped her dress him earlier (so she didn’t jostle his shoulder getting his clothes on. John B had been so kind as to run to their place to get him clean clothes. 
  “You’re all set, Mr. Maybank, we will see you in 6 weeks to check on your recovery.” With that, they also left the makeshift room, leaving the curtain open. Y/N knew they were busy people and it was just an ER, but the speed of everything made her head spin slightly. 
  “I think I could get used to my hot girlfriend taking care of me for two whole weeks,” JJ commented as she kneeled down in front of him from where the interns helped him sit up, his legs over the edge of the bed. She looked up at him, shooting him a scornful look. “I think restraining myself will be a little strenuous though-”
  “JJ Maybank, no funny business until you are better, until you are cleared to resume all activity, any funny business is off the table,” She informed him sternly. He narrowed his eyes at her, pouting his lip. “I mean it JJ. Maybe then you will take recovery seriously.” 
  “If recovery means we can’t take part in my favourite pastime, then I am going to take it as serious as hell,” He remarked. “This is going to be the fastest and best recovery the doctors have ever seen. Then, you are going to have the time of your life once I am cleared.” He smirked, watching as she stood up, shaking her head. 
  Her smile she had been trying to fight broke free as she sat beside him, making sure to sit to his left (his uninjured side). “I am sure you will.” She whispered, pressing a kiss to his lips. The sound of multiple approaching footsteps made them pull away to see their friends slipping into the open curtain. 
  “Nathan is talking to your doctor, he said he would cover the medical bill,” Pope explained, pointing over his shoulder. “Good thing it was only a minor fracture, now we just have to make sure JJ actually listens during recovery.” He remarked, shooting a playful glare at the blonde. Everyone knew JJ would be a pain in the ass during recovery, always doing things he shouldn’t be doing. 
  “Not gonna be an issue,” Y/N spoke confidently. “We already talked about it and JJ is gonna take it very seriously,” She looked towards him, almost daring him not to keep his word when her face suddenly changed, looking like she had a question. “Why did you take that turn too fast anyway? Nathan was telling you to slow down and the course looked extra muddy today thanks to that rainstorm we just had.” 
  Suddenly, JJ’s cheeks tinged red in a blush and he dropped his eyes to his lap. “I wanted to impress you.” He muttered bashfully, ashamed because she endlessly told him that he impresses her every single day. 
  “You’re an idiot, JJ! You severely injured yourself to impress the girl who has seen you throw up on yourself.” She rolled her eyes, slightly shaking his hair, the only thing she thought she could do to not cause him more pain. 
  Quickly, the bashfulness was wiped from JJ’s face as a smug smile took over his face. “Well, at least I am your idiot, right?” JJ asked, making her roll her eyes at him, a large smile fighting a way onto her face as she leaned in. 
  “That’s why you’re an idiot for trying to impress me, you’re mine forever - regardless of idiocy.” She pressed another kiss to his lips, smiling into the kiss like a fool in love. 
  Pope and John B groaned at the display of affection, but Sarah and Kie cooed, hugging each other. Pope and John B started to gag as the kiss lingered, the pair of them staring into each other’s eyes intently. “Oh, shut up guys-” Kie rolled her eyes at Pope and John B. 
  “Y’all know you’re the reason I believe in love, ya know?” Sarah cooed, ignoring the other three, watching JJ and Y/N as if they were her favourite ship in a show. John B shot her a look, gesturing to himself before giving up. JJ and Y/N were the reason they all believed in love. 
  “Well, she’s the reason I believe in love.” JJ remarked, pressing another kiss to Y/N’s lips.   
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OC Questionnaire (Part 2)
And here's the rest of them (here are the others)! xdd
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NAME: Liam Amell/Hawke
NICKNAME: Hawke, Prancer, Shorty, Bro (he and Bethy started calling each other bro and sis ironically and then it became unironical)
TAROT CARD:  Three of Swords
HEIGHT: Lower end of average
ORIENTATION: Bi (and maybe demi-ace?)
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Fereldan Human (Marcher/Fereldan parents)
FAVORITE SEASON: Early to mid autumn
FAVORITE SCENT: Nutmeg, freshly cut grass, leather balm
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Coffee (with milk)
DOGS OR CATS: Dogs, no contest lol
DREAM TRIP: None really, he's fine with staying in the south
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 0-1 (smh he keeps sharing beds with blanket stealers....)
RANDOM FACT: Someone tried to insult him once by saying he smells like wet dog. Unfortunately for them, he took it as a compliment
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NAME: Lilian Amell/Hawke
NICKNAME: Lil Bird (don't call her that), Hawke, Champ
GENDER: Female (would probably experiment with gender expression more if there weren't other things on her mind)
TAROT CARD:  Wheel of Fortune or King of Wands
HEIGHT: Tall (def taller than Liam)
ORIENTATION: Demiro bi and poly
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Fereldan Human (Marcher/Fereldan parents)
FAVORITE SCENT: Sea air, dried fish, vanilla, rum
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Hot chocolate, even if she denies it
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 8-ish, up to 10 if she has the chance to (gets grumpy if she gets less)
DREAM TRIP: Rivain (been there, loves it)
RANDOM FACT: Forever mad that Seb outdrinks her at every competition and forever determined to beat him
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NAME: Juniper Margaret June Trevelyan
NICKNAME: Junie (childhood nickname; won't let anyone call her that), Sparker, Bluetit
GENDER: Female
TAROT CARD:  Knight of Wands
HEIGHT: Short (shortest of my human guys, only taller than noya and kala lol)
FAVORITE FRUIT: Cherry tomatoes (they're fruit!) (shes not much of a fruit person)
FAVORITE FLOWER: Doesn't have one
FAVORITE SCENT: Hay, burnt dust, petrol, ozone
DOGS OR CATS: Both but slight dog bias
DREAM TRIP: Minrathous
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 1 (she gets hot easily)
RANDOM FACT: She can make her hair sparkle like snow with ice magic
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NAME: Ari Adaar
NICKNAME: ..Ari is the nickname lolol
GENDER: Agender (presents masc but Qunari gender is funky)
TAROT CARD: The World or Seven of Cups
HEIGHT: Tall (i like to think he is a bit taller than Bull just because it's funny)
ORIENTATION: Pan and some flavour of a-spec
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Marcher Vashoth (Seheron parents)
FAVORITE FRUIT: Pomelo but he's allergic; 2nd choice is woodapple
FAVORITE FLOWER: Elder or Jasmine
FAVORITE SCENT: Cardamon, pine needles, iron
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Black tea (w loads of sugar)
DOGS OR CATS: Neither, really
DREAM TRIP: Antiva, to Josie's place :)
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 1 usually, 2 or one thick one in skyhold/very cold places
RANDOM FACT: He takes an interest in beekeeping and might get into it properly if/when he settles down
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NAME: Adriel (Hawke)
NICKNAME: Addie, Pup, Magpie, Junior
GENDER: Female (has a bit of a gender crisis/ experimentation phase when she learns she's intersex but settles back on to female)
TAROT CARD: The Hermit
HEIGHT: Average to tall-ish (grows up to be about as tall as Fenris)
ORIENTATION: A-spec lesbian
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: ?? Elf (she doesn't know; probably Marcher?)
FAVORITE FRUIT: Pomegranates!
FAVORITE SEASON: Spring to early summer
FAVORITE SCENT: Fresh linen, cats (they smell good!), hot wax
DREAM TRIP: Kind of really curious about Tevinter actually (don't tell pa....)
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 1, preferably fuzzy!
RANDOM FACT: She is scared of horses because the first time she tried to ride one it god spooked by something and threw her off
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maidstew · 2 months
hey lily!!!!! thank u sm for sending me asks whilst i was away, it was a lovely thing to come back to 🫶
so here i'll drop some miscellaneous modern hcs for the fun of it (summer edition!!!!!!)
- every summer coral and mizzen go back to visit ireland for two and a bit weeks. they're from a small seaside town where everyone knows everyone and its so great to be able to see their family again.
- mizzen spends his entire time at the beach and there is a point where there is sand EVERYWHERE in their parents house and there's no way of cleaning it because there's just so much of it.
- coral buys a million pretty souvenirs for lucy gray because she can't pick which one that she'd like the most.
- coral and mizzen go surfboarding at one point and they fall over so many times. there's a video mizzen has on his phone of coral going total wipeout.
- the weather is pretty good but on the ONE DAY that they decide to go swimming/surfing it absolutely pours down to the point they can't tell what's rainwater and what's seawater.
- by the time they come back all of coral and mizzen's clothes are either soaked beyond belief or unchangeably sandy.
- when they come back they do a caravan holiday with tanner and treech (and later lamina and brandy).
- mizzen is great with the 2p machines and has a tactic he uses (brandy helps him later) that allows him to get a ridiculous amount of tickets (like 10,000 or something.)
- treech is terrible at claw machines but tries to win something for lamina every time and continues to do so even after he fails 10 times in a row and wastes all his money.
- lamina however is VERY good at the claw machines and wins treech like a million different plush sonics 💀.
- tanner and coral spend half their time at the bar because they think they're somehow above the festivities of caravan holidays. but then mini golf or hide and seek gets mentioned and they lock in.
- they watch some horrific reality tv show every night (probably love island) and scream at the tv when the contestants r being stupid.
- genie and dennis go on a road trip throughout the summer, both declining to go on extravagant luxury holidays with their families (genie because her father would be paying for it and dennis because his brother would be going.)
- they stop off at all sorts of places, they see art exhibitions and try a bunch of different food that they want. at one point diana and apollo join them but only for a few days.
- they go to parties at night and end up realising that half of the mentors are somehow also there??
- livia cardew is somehow not on a luxury holiday somewhere with her mother which makes them laugh (she leaves the next day for her first class flight and arachne comes with her.)
- persephone has a seaside holiday with clemmie!!!!
- they do a no devices holiday where they stay at the beach half the time and read books together.
- this could be interpreted as clem x pippa or just friendship but either way its adorable.
- panlo and sheaf spend the summer on panlo's parents farm. it's really relaxing to both of them since they rarely get any time off of their intense jobs.
- lucy gray spends her holiday in scotland with the covey, travelling and playing music. she buys lots for coral and jessup while she's there and somehow ups coral in how many gifts they got eachother.
that's all i have 4 now but i hope u enjoy this and also hope u loved ur holiday!!!!!!
ahhhh oh my gosh bel thank you so much for all of these thoughts <3
mizzen & coral being irish!! mizzen is impossible to pull away from the beach and when you do not only does he bring back all the sand but also any little ‘treasure’ he can find. his mother also makes him turn out his pockets because he’s known to try to sneak in little creatures.
lamina winning all the plushies <3
tanner and coral at the bar…they are sipping their fruity drinks and talking shit….
genie & dennis weirdo road trip!!!!
pippa and clemmie seaside no electronics holiday…it’s giving sapphic….
i love all of this !!
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shakespeareslament · 2 months
summer camp
With wind whistling past and the landscape blurring by underneath, watermeal would fly over the coast to a supposedly fun location he was invited to. Looking around albeit a bit nervous for what’s to come, it inhales some fresh air before continuing on it’s flight path, and as time went on it soon spots an area full of trees, fencing and other wood based constructs like lookouts as well as some tents. He would tilt his wings and angle himself to slowly land a bit away from the crowd. Flapping as he decends, the wind from his wings stirs and whips up dirt, grass, and a bit of grit into the air.
He lands as gently as he could but stumbles briefly before withdrawing his wings and trots over to a medium sized lake to relax for a good while before taking part in a few competitions, fishing, swimming, running, even an eating contest was happening! It was quite fun but also very nerve wracking for the semi aquatic elyvian! After the swimming competition Watermeal would take a break and wander over to a food stall to order some food, fish fillets!
After eating the creature would fluff his wings up a little and stretches them out, flapping them hard to gain some air and to fly back over to the award ceremony later that day, and as he landed a cute little bukkwheat with pretty colorful bows would bound over to him and hand him a peice of candy! Watermeal would tentatively take it and set it into his maw, tasting it for a few moments before discovering it was awful fruity but slightly enjoyable, he would look down and smile upon the pipet, glad to have made a possible new friend! 
After all the beginning festivities, he would happily trot into a makeshift nest and lay down, singling himself into it and slowly closing its eyes, falling asleep. Curling himself around his new friend, he enjoys a good nights rest before waking up at dawn and taking part in a little scavenger hunt around the camp grounds. He would trot around the forested area waving around trees, going through bushes, and even around lakes excitedly finding little trinkets after reading and figuring out the riddles and hints it was given!
After the scavenger hunt, Watermeal would take a break laying on one of the shores of the lake, enjoying the sound of bugs, the lapping of water, and the sights of fish, water, grass, and sand around him. Sighing outwardly the elyvian would smile and stick a paw into the water to swirl it around for a few moments before sighs and getting up. Waking into the water the creature would trill happily as the water moves over his body, his pipet friend running over and hopping onto his head. The creature would continue to swim around the lake for a while, passing fish and other ‘Lon’s as well as plant life and rocks, soon the elyvian would swim to shore, shake himself off, and unfurl his wings to fly off and back home, taking his new friend with him.
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Group Hug (The Fruity Four: Eddie Centric)
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Summary: Eddie Munson struggles to cope when he loses a ‘battle of the bands’ contest. But luckily, Steve, Nancy and Robin are there to support him. 
Word Count: 903 (tis a short one)
Content Warnings: Fluff, platonic hug and kiss, sad Eddie, crying, descriptions of anxiety, competition. 
This is a submission for the @thefreakandthehair spring challenge. I am so sorry I’m posting this so late! I had a busy April, but I still really wanted to write this prompt!
I also want to give a huge thank you and shout out to @eddiemunsonfuxks for helping me come up with this idea! I had major writers block and you really helped me feel motivated again <3
Fifth place goes to… ‘Loud Summer’!
Taking a deep, trembling breath, Eddie Munson bounced his leg as the host declared the rankings of the contest.
He’d been drinking a beer with Gareth when it was announced; a battle of the bands at their local bar. Shooting his drummer a toothy grin across the table, there was no way they weren’t going to enter. Hurrying back to tell the rest of the band, they’d practised every day for the past week, even skipping classes to touch up those more challenging riffs.
Fourth place goes to… ‘Midnight Metalheads’!
His eyes searching the crowd, Eddie locked eyes with his friends. Steve’s brown hues on his own, they shared a look of optimism, the jock waving reassuringly. Nancy and Robin stood beside him, their arms linked and brows furrowed as they listened anxiously to the results, knowing just how badly the dungeon master ached for this.
Third place goes to… ‘Guitar Hounds’!
Puffing his cheeks in a long exhale, Eddie’s nerves only grew. It was the best he’d ever played, adrenaline and drive coursing through him with every beat. Yet, his mind raced, picking apart every strum of his guitar, doubting every note of his solo.
Down the wire here folks. Second place…
His was ready to burst with angst, shuffling and jittering as he stood to the back of the stage alongside his bandmates, his heart almost beating out his chest. You could’ve cut the tension in the room with a knife, as the presenter took his sweet time.
Goes too… ‘Corroded Coffin’!
Two simple words, yet enough to shatter one man’s heart. His stomach dropping to the floor, Eddie took a moment as his emotion’s caught up to him, eyes glossed over in a daze as he looked down to the ground. A firm hand on his shoulder pulled him from his startle, Gareth and Jeff both muttering commiserations as they stepped down from the stage.
And that means first place goes too…
Navigating through the cheering crowd, Eddie didn’t even hear the name of the winning band, his mind foggy and breathing shallow as he searched for his friends in a fluster. Overcome with gut wrenching disappointment, he found himself descending into hopelessness, his vision blurry and legs unstable as he sunk to the floor.
“Eddie. Eddie!” A gentle hand on his forearm, the guitarist barely caught his name as Nancy rushed to his side, the others close behind her. “Hey, it’s okay, you’re okay.” Helping him to his feet, the trio guided him to the back of the bar, a much quieter space for Eddie to gather his composure. His friend’s huddled around him, it was clear how much they cared for the metalhead.
“Talk to us man, what’s going on?” Steve pleaded with him, compassionate eyes finding Eddie’s. Swallowing a lump in his throat, the dungeon master buried his face in his hands, shaking his head in dismay. “Didn’t fuckin win.” He mumbled into the skin of his palms, followed by a deep groan of irritation.
“We know. And that sucks b-but, second place is still amazing!” Robin chimed in, her bubbling optimism a much needed boost of serotonin. Though, her words seemed to go over Eddie’s head, as he merely responded with a frustrated grumble, his tone sharp and resentful as he snapped back. “No. N-No. Y-You don’t understand-“
Sharing glances of concern, the three young adults remained silent; an unspoken decision to give their friend a moment to feel what he needed to feel.
“For a second, I actually thought I stood a chance.” Eddie continued, scoffing at his own foolishness, internally scolding himself for doubting his cynical nature just this one time. “Like a fuckin idiot.” He clenched his fists, years of self-deprecation coming to a head in this one final kick in the teeth. His gaze clouded with unshed tears, he was close to breaking point.
“I was never gonna win.” He declared, pursing his lips to mask their not so subtle wobble. “I’m n-nothing.” A tear slipping down his left cheek, he wiped it with a sniffle. “Trailer trash, Munson scum, Eddie the f-freak.” He spat that final insult, a cry catching in his throat. “Before the contest even started… I- I’d already lost.” And at that, the dam burst, the metalhead sagging his shoulders in defeat as heart-breaking sobs racked his form. Bringing his hands to his face once again, the usually goofy brunette hid his emotions in shame. He couldn’t mask his pain with humour, this time.
“Oh Eddie.” Without hesitation, Nancy enveloped him in a warm embrace, soothing his back as it jolted with each cry.
Following suit, Steve once again placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, this time rubbing reassuring circles on the fabric of Eddie’s jacket. “We’re proud of you man, it’s alright.”
Making her way behind the guitarist and wrapping her hands around his torso, the third companion placed a platonic kiss to the back of his ruffled hair. “We love you, Eddie. We love you so much.” Robin gushed, her voice unusually calm, soft with affection and sympathy.
His sobs eventually fading into small sniffles, Eddie wasn’t sure how long they were stood there in a mournful silence. All he knew, was that in his darkest hour, as his three friends surrounded him with nothing but devotion and closeness, he felt a little less alone in this cruel world.
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vitusxaydin · 1 year
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Task #5: Glorious Summertime
Responses below the cut!
#1 What does your character think about summer? Are they a fan, or do they long for the colder, more temperate months?
Vitus's absolute FAVORITE season is summer. He doesn't just like warm weather; he likes hot weather. Call it a side effect of a childhood spent running and riding bikes and playing with his friends through the concrete streets of Brooklyn. He also visited extended family overseas almost every summer when he was a kid, so he largely associates summer with his paternal grandparents, and the food his nene used to make. As an adult, summer is the season when nightlife is busiest, so his work and social lives are always most engaging this time of year.
#2 Is there a certain food or cold treat that they reach for on a hot night when a regular dinner just won’t work?
He's the type to choose savory over sweet—most of the time. During the summer, Vitus is a sucker for some ice cream. He also turns into a big ol' kid if you give him a watermelon or lemon ice pop. If we're talking dinner, though, he loves a good chilled soup, like gazpacho or corn soup.
#3 What about a beverage they enjoy in the summer?
Please, for the sake of the joints in my hands, do not ask me to list out all the fruity cocktails this man enjoys during the summer. So many. Too, too many. His favorite is probably a good jalapeño margarita, though.
#4 Describe your character’s sense of style / fashion go-tos when it comes to the warm months.
Summer is when his wardrobe truly thrives. He's big on shirts with cut off sleeves, sheer/fishnet/mesh shirts, and florals. He also likes a good button-up if he's going out on the town. Most fabrics are pretty light but still form-fitting, in keeping with his all-year-round preferences. When it comes to ~accessorizing~ Vitus likes to wear necklaces more during the summer, since he's not sporting turtlenecks or other high-cut shirts as often. He also has a few body chains to wrap around his waist or chest for a little extra flair.
#5 What about what they wear to the pool or the beach?
Vitus loves a good pair of tiny swim trunks. Give him those and some sunglasses, and my boy is beach-ready. Like the rest of his wardrobe, his bathing suits are always in earthy or otherwise deep colors.
#6 Speaking of – if they’re at the beach, what is their favorite thing to do?
SUNBATHE. He's like a cat on the beach—fully stretched out on some blanket, soaking up the heat. If he's with friends, he can be persuaded to play frisbee or catch pretty easily.
#7 If your character had to choose, would they rather spend time at the pool, or at the beach?
Beach, 100%, no contest. He loves the sand and the sound of the ocean.
#8 When they’re at the pool, are they a lounge around, soaking up the sun type, or in the water, causing chaos type?
He's usually in the water, leaning on the edge with a drink or his phone in his hand, or chatting with friends. He's not really the type to go to a pool solo, but when he's there with buddies, he follows the crowd to make the most of the quality time.
#9 Outside of pool and beach fun, what is your character’s favorite summer hobby or pastime that they can’t wait to do?
It's cliche, but Vitus loves to sit outside with someone, share drinks, and swap stories. He's a sucker for those late nights out on the back porch, fire escape, or roof. This is also why he likes camping most in the summer. The weather makes it easier to stay up late with people. Mosquitoes be damned, there's no better time than a balmy 3 AM to bare your soul to someone.
#10 Are they big on vacations, or are they more of a staycation kind of person?
Both! He does love to travel, but if he's with the right person/people, a staycation can be just as fun as a vacation.
#11 When it comes to outdoor space, gardening, etc., what does your character do? Do they mow their lawn, do they have a garden, is their home full of plants?
Vitus's home is full of plants all year round, but he does step it up a bit in the summer. He likes to grow vegetables in little planters by the windows or out on his balcony.
#12 What is their favorite spot to spend time in Merrock that doesn’t include the public pool and the swim beach?
The Hideaway Market is his favorite place to just hang out when he's free. It has the perfect amount of bustle and lots of seating to people-watch while having a little treat. Bonus points if he bumps into a friend or two while he's out there enjoying the weather.
#13 If they had to pick one thing to say that they disliked about summer… what would it be and why?
The traffic. More people out and about means more people clogging up the roads. Vitus isn't one to have road rage, but he does get ticked off when people drive like idiots around him while he has his bike out for the day.
#14 What is your character’s favorite summertime memory? Whether it be from their childhood or their big kid years?
He has two that vie for the top spot down memory lane. The first is an early memory from when he was a boy, over in Turkiye—seated around the table with his parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins. It was a dinner like any other, so mundane that Vitus doesn't even remember what food they ate. But his uncle and father bickered to the point of laughing tears, and the image of that—baba, doubled over in his chair, moisture dewing at his crow's feet—is burned into little Vitus's memory. His father was never more carefree than when he was back home, which is why Vitus clings to his memories from those summers. The second is from when he was a bit older. Vitus fell in love with his first boyfriend, Ali, when he was around the age of seventeen. The summer of that year was when they shared their first kiss in the front seat of Ali's parents' car. It was very much a friends-to-lovers kind of deal, and the night Vitus discovered he could love a boy as much as he could be attracted to one. Not just a fond memory from his favorite season, but one of the most formative nights of his young life.
#15 And lastly… what is one thing that they really hope to do this summer?
Frequent more dining locations by the coast than he had the chance to last year, having moved to Merrock so late in the season.
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noisycowboyglitter · 30 days
Champion Watermelon Eater: Fun Facts About Watermelon Eating Competitions
A champion watermelon eater is a unique breed of competitive eater, specializing in the swift consumption of nature's juiciest fruit. These individuals possess an uncanny ability to devour enormous quantities of watermelon in record time, often leaving spectators in awe and slightly sticky from flying rinds.
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These masters of melon showcase their skills at county fairs, summer festivals, and specialized eating competitions. Their techniques are as varied as they are impressive – some opt for the classic bite-and-spit method, while others have perfected the art of inhaling entire slices, seeds and all.
A true champion watermelon eater combines speed with strategy. They know the perfect ripeness for easy eating and can spot the sweetest part of the melon at a glance. Their training regimens might include jaw exercises, stomach stretching, and endless hours of seed-spitting practice.
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Beyond mere gluttony, these champions embody summer spirit and good-natured competition. They often use their unique talent to raise money for charity or promote healthy eating habits – albeit in an extreme fashion.
While their clothes may be perpetually stained with watermelon juice and their burps might echo with a hint of sweetness, champion watermelon eaters wear their titles with pride, eagerly awaiting the next chance to prove their fruity prowess.
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The watermelon eating game is a quintessential summer competition that combines refreshment with lighthearted fun. Participants gather around tables laden with juicy watermelon slices, eagerly awaiting the starting signal. The objective is simple: devour as much watermelon as possible within a set time limit, typically a few minutes.
Competitors employ various techniques, from strategic nibbling to face-planting into the fruit. The challenge lies in balancing speed with cleanliness, as hands-free eating is often a rule. Spectators cheer on, watching pink juice drip and seeds fly.
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This messy contest isn't just about winning; it's a celebration of summer's bounty and communal joy. Often featured at picnics, fairs, and family gatherings, the watermelon eating game creates lasting memories and plenty of laughs. It's a delicious way to beat the heat and embrace the carefree spirit of the season.
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vapehk1 · 4 months
Exploring Air Bar Vape Flavors: A Fun and Flavorful Adventure
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Welcome to the whimsical world of Air Bar vape flavors, where every puff is a delightful journey through a rainbow of tastes! Whether you're a seasoned vaper or just curious about the hype, this article will tickle your taste buds and tickle your funny bone. We'll explore the delicious diversity of Air Bar vape flavors, diving into the fruity, the sweet, the savory, and the downright surprising. So, grab your vape, sit back, and let's embark on a flavorful adventure that will leave you craving for more! Fruity Fantasies Tropical Paradise Imagine lounging on a beach, sipping a piña colada, and soaking up the sun—except, instead of a cocktail, you have an Air Bar vape in hand. Tropical Paradise is the flavor that brings this dream to life. With notes of juicy pineapple, tangy mango, and creamy coconut, every puff transports you straight to an island getaway. It's like a mini-vacation in your pocket, minus the sunburn and sand in awkward places. If you've ever wanted to vape a vacation, this is your golden ticket. Berry Blast Next up on our fruity flavor tour is Berry Blast, a symphony of strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries that dance on your tongue like a summer festival. This flavor is a berry lover's dream, combining the sweetness of ripe strawberries with the tartness of blueberries and the zing of raspberries. It's like a berry smoothie without the blender mess, perfect for those moments when you need a burst of freshness. Plus, you don't have to worry about seeds getting stuck in your teeth—berry nice, right? Sweet Treats Cotton Candy Cloud Remember those trips to the fair where you devoured cotton candy by the handful? Well, Cotton Candy Cloud brings back all those sugary memories in a single puff. It's sweet, it's fluffy, and it's absolutely delightful. Every inhale is like a trip back to childhood, filled with laughter, sticky fingers, and a sugar high that made you believe you could conquer the world—or at least the Ferris wheel. This flavor is perfect for those with a sweet tooth who want a nostalgic treat without the cavity risk. Bubblegum Bliss Step right up and try Bubblegum Bliss, a flavor that’s as fun as a bubble-blowing contest. This vape flavor captures the essence of classic bubblegum, with its sweet and slightly tangy taste that will have you reminiscing about bubble-blowing battles and sticky fingers. Each puff is like chewing a fresh piece of gum, but without the risk of accidentally swallowing it or getting it stuck in your hair. It’s a blast from the past that will have you grinning from ear to ear. Savory Surprises Cool Mint If you’re craving something refreshing and cool, Cool Mint is the flavor for you. This vape delivers a crisp, clean minty taste that’s as invigorating as a dip in a mountain lake. Perfect for those hot summer days or anytime you need a refreshing pick-me-up, Cool Mint is a breath of fresh air—literally. It’s like brushing your teeth, but way more fun and without the judgmental stares if you do it in public. So go ahead, take a puff and feel the cool breeze of flavor. Creamy Caramel For those moments when you want something a bit richer, Creamy Caramel is here to satisfy your cravings. This flavor combines the buttery sweetness of caramel with a smooth, creamy finish that’s simply decadent. It’s like having a caramel dessert without the extra calories or the sticky fingers. Each puff is a luxurious treat that feels indulgent, making it perfect for those days when you want to pamper yourself a little. Go ahead, you deserve it! Unexpected Delights Mystery Mix Life is full of surprises, and so is Mystery Mix, the vape flavor that keeps you guessing. Each puff is a unique blend of different flavors, creating an ever-changing experience that’s as exciting as it is delicious. It’s like a game of flavor roulette—one moment you’re tasting citrus, the next, a hint of berry, and then maybe a dash of something tropical. If you love a good mystery and enjoy trying new things, this flavor is your perfect match. Just be prepared for anything! Spiced Chai For those who enjoy a bit of spice in their life, Spiced Chai is the flavor that brings the heat. With its blend of warm spices like cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves, this vape is like sipping a cozy chai latte on a crisp autumn day. It’s comforting, it’s aromatic, and it has just the right amount of kick to keep things interesting. Perfect for those chilly days or anytime you want to add a little warmth to your vaping experience, Spiced Chai is the flavor that hugs you from the inside out. Conclusion This article takes you on a whimsical journey through the diverse world of Air Bar vape flavors, highlighting a variety of enticing options from fruity fantasies to savory surprises. You'll discover tropical delights like Tropical Paradise and Berry Blast, sweet treats such as Cotton Candy Cloud and Bubblegum Bliss, refreshing choices like Cool Mint and Creamy Caramel, and unexpected delights like Mystery Mix and Spiced Chai. Each flavor offers a unique and delightful experience, making vaping a fun and flavorful adventure. So, grab your Air Bar vape and explore these tantalizing tastes that promise to tickle your taste buds and bring joy to your vaping sessions. FAQs 1. What Are the Most Popular Air Bar Vape Flavors? The most popular Air Bar vape flavors include Tropical Paradise, Berry Blast, Cotton Candy Cloud, Cool Mint, and Bubblegum Bliss. These flavors are widely loved for their delightful taste profiles, ranging from fruity and refreshing to sweet and nostalgic, offering something for every vaper's palate. 2. How Long Does an Air Bar Vape Last? An Air Bar vape typically lasts for about 500-1000 puffs, depending on the specific model and usage habits. Each device is designed to provide a consistent vaping experience until the e-liquid or battery is depleted, making it a convenient option for both casual and regular vapers. 3. Are Air Bar Vapes Safe to Use? Air Bar vapes are generally considered safe when used as intended and purchased from reputable sources. It's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions, avoid modifying the device, and ensure that you are using genuine products to minimize any potential risks associated with vaping. 4. Can You Refill an Air Bar Vape? No, Air Bar vapes are designed as disposable devices and are not meant to be refilled. Once the e-liquid is depleted, the entire device should be properly disposed of and replaced with a new one. This design ensures convenience and ease of use for vapers. 5. Where Can I Buy Air Bar Vapes? Air Bar vapes can be purchased from a variety of sources, including online vape shops, specialty vape stores, and some convenience stores. It's important to buy from reputable retailers to ensure you receive genuine products. Additionally, checking for customer reviews and ratings can help guide your purchasing decision. Read the full article
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nwbeerguide · 2 years
Parent company Mass. Bay Brewing Company announces the release of Harpoon Juicer Hazy IPA & UFO Florida Citrus. And they're offering tickets to Miami, to one lucky entrant, this May.
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Press Release
Boston, MA ... Mass. Bay Brewing Company – the parent company of Harpoon and UFO Beer – released two new beers – Harpoon Juicer Hazy IPA & UFO Florida Citrus – to provide a taste of sunshine throughout the entire year. The Harpoon Juicer Hazy IPA is full-flavored and packed to the brim with juicy hops. UFO Florida Citrus is a hazy citrus wheat beer that boasts a freshly peeled orange aroma with the right amount of sweet and juicy flavor to match. Both beers are available to consumers and on shelves today and ready to bring the summer feeling up north.
“Fruity, citrusy beers have always been popular in the summer months, providing a refreshing break from the heat and sun. However, what we found is that our consumers are looking for those beers year-round. That’s why we’re so excited to provide two new beers all year long that offer the juicy taste of summer,” said Dan Kenary, CEO and co-founder of Mass. Bay Brewing Company. “The Harpoon Juicer Hazy IPA and UFO Florida Citrus allowed us to really tap into our brewing expertise while providing what our consumers want. The Juicer Hazy IPA is brewed with a unique hopping process and the Florida Citrus includes real Florida oranges.”
Harpoon Juicer Hazy IPA has fruity undertones and intense citrus aromas coming in at a 7.2% ABV. It is brewed with a unique brewing technique called “dip hopping,” which is when the hops are steeped prior to fermentation to amplify the aroma without adding harsh bitterness. The beer is sold in 12oz can 6- and 12-packs, 19.2oz can 12-packs, on draft and in Harpoon’s Summer Vacation Mix Pack To find Harpoon’s Juicer Hazy IPA, visit the beer finder at https://www.harpoonbrewery.com/beer-finder/.
UFO Florida Citrus is crisp and refreshing, bursting with fresh and juicy orange flavor and a clean finish that is sure to keep you coming back for more. Florida Citrus is made with real Florida oranges, best enjoyed with a Sunshine State of mind. It has an ABV of 5.3% and is sold in 12oz can 6- and 12-packs and on draft. To find UFO’s Florida Citrus, visit the beer finder at https://www.ufobeer.com/ufo-locator/.
To help fight off the winter blues, UFO is giving away a trip to Miami as a part of their UFO Florida Citrus Spring Break Giveaway. One lucky winner will be able to bring a friend. Anyone who is a United States resident and 21+ can enter from now through May 1st at 11:59 p.m EST. The winner will be selected on May 3rd. To learn more about the contest and enter today, visit https://www.ufobeer.com/welcometofloridacitrus/. You can find the full rules & regulations here.
About Mass. Bay Brewing Company
Mass. Bay Brewing Company is a New England brewing pioneer, co-founded by Dan Kenary in 1986, and holder of brewing license 001 from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Mass. Bay expanded to a second brewery in Windsor, VT in 2000 and became employee-owned in 2014.
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noxiatoxia · 3 years
I rewatched Kyoya's reluctant day out it's such a funny episode but i LOVE everyone's gay little outfits in it. I love seeing all their casual clothes outside the host club like they are not NEARLY as fruity as their summer outfits from the refreshment contest episode but i love the little gayass details like mori with his oversized shirt or hikaru deciding to pair two-toned blue with forest green for some ungodly reason
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Also capitalist loving freaks smh
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moldisgoodforyou · 3 years
the screenplay
hello i am splitting these up tried to put them together but wasn't working
one scene wonder !!
wordcount: 2k short n sweet
Sophie had been begging for months now to see the project Rafe had been working on for one of his classes, especially with how often he added to it. He was constantly jotting down notes in his phone when he thought of something to add - at dinner, when they were hanging out, or the second he’d wake up. He’d always shift to the side whenever she tried to peer over and see the screen, nudging her aside.
All she knew was that it was for his screenwriting class in his minor that he took in the spring, and she swore she’d never seen him so invested in school before. He kept editing it after the class finished, working on it a little throughout the summer, but finished it before he went out to see Sophie in Spain.
When they were back to school in mid-August, she’d mainly forgotten about it - until the end of the month, when he strolled into her room and dropped a bound stack of papers on her desk.
She glanced up from her planner, confused. “Hello to you too, Rafe Cameron. Did I know you were coming over?”
“No, I invited myself. It’s done.”
“It?” She picked up the papers and read the first page. It read “UNTITLED,” BY RAFE CAMERON. Once she realized, she lit up, grinning at him. “Is this what I think it is?”
He flopped onto her bed and locked his fingers behind his head, glancing over with a grin. “Dunno, what do you think it is?”
“Your screenplay? Can I read it?”
“Yeah. Go ahead. It’s only twenty minutes or so, just a short film, so don’t expect too much, but.” He shrugged. “You can read it.”
She beamed and moved to the bed to read, facing the opposite of him. As she read, he was buzzing with nervous anticipation, trying to look over when she laughed or grinned at the page, or when she bit her lip - she’d just nudge him away to finish it. When she finished, setting the papers down, she raised her eyebrows at him.
“Do you like it? Is it okay?” He asked eagerly.
Sophie beamed, nodding slowly. “It’s familiar.”
He rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed at being caught. “Is it?”
“I mean -” She laughed, running her finger over the main girl’s name, Sloane. “If you were trying to be more subtle, you probably wouldn’t have used my middle name here. Where’d the guy’s name come from?” She cocked her head curiously, hoping to make him blush yet again.
“Uh.” He scratched his head, giving her a sheepish smile. “My middle name’s Asher, actually.”
A grin spread across her face, slowly. “You told me you had no middle name.”
“No, you asked if I had a middle name, and I said no. I have two. Asher and Clifford. Clifford’s my mom’s maiden name.” He corrected, fishing out his driver’s license and handing it to her, with Rafe A. C. Cameron on it.
She glanced it over, then glanced back at him with a teasing smirk. “Rafe Asher Clifford Cameron. That is the most pretentious name I’ve ever heard -”
“Hey!” He nudged her shoulder. “Watch it, that’s your boyfriend you’re talking to.”
“My boyfriend, who wrote our love story into a screenplay.” She beamed as he blushed even harder. His character had confessed his crush on the girl to his friends much sooner than she began to give way, something she’d always suspected for a while, but never confronted him about it.
He tapped the bound pages again. “Did you make it to the end? You missed my favorite part.”
“Yeah, I finished reading…” She furrowed her brow and flipped back through to what she thought was the end, then one page further. There was a dedication inscribed to her in the middle of the page: “inspired by a true story. for my favorite.” She bit her bottom lip hard, tearing up a little.
“Oh. Rafe.”
“Is that okay?” He took the screenplay out of her hands, gently setting it aside, and rolled on top of her to kiss her, slow. “I know it’s kind of cheesy, and you don’t really do cheesy. But I figured you played a part in this just as much as I did, so I wanted to give you some credit.”
“It’s perfect.” She reached up and threaded her fingers through his hair, smiling as she kissed him back. “My sweet boy.”
“Keep your voice down, you’ll ruin my rep.” He joked, laughing when she scowled and bit his lip gently in retaliation. “Hey! Hey, play nice.”
“Did you get an A?” She asked, kissing him again with a little more heat behind it. “Can I keep it?”
“Not sure yet. Yeah, I bound that copy for you, it’s all yours.”
“It’s really good, Rafe. I’m serious. I know I don’t know about movies like you do, but the writing, the directions - I’m really impressed.” She complimented, loving the way he looked away out of embarrassment and blushed red. “You only started this in April or something, right?”
“Uh...yeah.” He lied, rolling off of her to look up at the ceiling when she narrowed her eyes to catch him. “Okay, fine. Um, you know that navy journal I carry around? I’ve been writing notes in there.”
“But I’ve seen you with that since last December.” She furrowed her brow, confused. “We didn’t say I love you for months after that.”
He shrugged, casting her a grin as she climbed onto him and pressed her head to his chest, snuggling close. He wrapped his arms tight around her, tracing patterns on her back lightly. “When you know, you know, I guess.”
“You sap.” She accused, poking her finger against her chest. “My character’s a bitch for the whole first quarter of the screenplay, I can’t believe you wrote that in.”
He laughed, tugging gently on the ends of her hair. “Asher argues right back, I guess it’s how you look at it. The character growth is important, though, they can’t just fall in love like that without conflict. Rule number one of storytelling.”
“Are you gonna produce it?”
“The screenplay? Nah. Well, I don’t know, my professor picks two out of the ten and then we produce them in the spring semester. He did, um, encourage me to enter it in some contest for students, so I submitted it recently, but yeah. Doubt he’ll pick it though.” He dismissed himself easily.
“Hey.” She flicked his chest. “Be more confident. I want someone really hot to play me. Like Megan Fox-caliber.”
He snorted, rolling his eyes. “Yeah, okay. I’m sure she’s in the film department’s tiny budget.”
“You have money.” She pointed out, smirking, and leaned up to kiss him.
“Not hire-Megan-Fox money. Besides, you’re hotter.” He met her lips first, shifting so his leg fell in between hers.
“We both know that’s not true, baby.” She raised her eyebrows, skeptical.
“It is true. You’re fucking gorgeous.” He kissed her again, hard, smiling against her lips. “Prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. 10/10, would bang.”
“Thanks for the Yelp review.” She giggled and rolled her eyes simultaneously. “For the record, I always thought you were hot, even if you were arrogant and annoying when we were growing up.”
“I’m glad we waited, both of us.” He threaded his fingers through hers and kissed the tip of her nose. “If we had just one hate fuck and then you got over me I think I’d be so sad.”
“You wouldn’t get over me?”
“I haven’t been over you since junior year of high school, sweetheart.” He pointed out, making her blush bright red.
“What happened with Brooklyn then?” She asked point-blank, feeling bold.
He scowled, pressing his hips against hers. “Do we have to talk about her? Because I have other ideas for topics of conversation. Literally anything else.”
“We don’t have to, no. I’m just curious.”
“I dunno. Good timing, I guess. It kind of started out of convenience, knowing both our families would get along, then turned into a little more.” He shrugged, teasing his thumbs over her hip bones and along the hem of her shirt. “Longest mistake of my life.”
“Hey. You didn’t know she was going to end up that way.” Sophie frowned, then her frown gave way to a smug smirk. “It’s fine, I was sleeping around back then anyways -”
“You’ve slept with one other person, Sophie -” He started with an exasperated sigh, laughing when her jaw dropped in indignation. “Technically, your body count is just two.”
“So’s yours!” She retorted, sitting up on top of him and crossing her arms.
“No. Still four.” He corrected. “And I’d like both of ours to stay that way.”
“So that’s a no to a threesome?” She teased, punctuating her question with a roll of her hips.
“If you think I’m letting another person touch you like I get to, you’re delusional.” He scowled, gripping her hips a little tighter to keep her firmly in place. “I don’t even like other guys looking at you at the bar.”
“You’re too jealous.” She chastised with a flip of her hair. “People are gonna look at me. I’m hot. Bangable, in your words.”
“First off, I was joking, and I’m pretty sure I did not say bangable -”
“You absolutely did! Might as well have called me a slut -”
He raised his eyebrows at her teasing tone, unamused. “Why, do you want that? ‘Cause if you do you can just ask.”
“No.” She pouted, moving off of him.
“Where are you going?” He reached out for her, tugging at the hem of her shirt. “C’mere, I want to snuggle.”
She smiled, endeared by the 6’3” boy in her bed asking to cuddle. “Okay. Just that though, we have that dinner reservation soon, the one downtown.”
He grinned when she crawled back into bed. She looped her arm around his waist, spooning him, and he sighed contentedly. “I’m so excited for those fancy drinks.”
“We can make fancy drinks at home, y’know. Just buy the alcohol and we can try it.” She nudged her nose against his neck, making him flinch and wiggle away for a moment.
“Not the same. $18 cocktails in the fancy glasses just hit different.” He flipped over so he was face to face with her and rested his arm over her waist, scratching little circles on her back.
“Mm.” She closed her eyes but gave him a nod. “Are you gonna order a dumb whiskey drink again then drink half my fruity drink?”
“You like whiskey.” He protested. “We were sharing.”
“Free alcohol is free alcohol.” She replied, her voice taking on a sleepy tone. “How fancy do I have to be for this place?”
“You can just throw on a dress.” He continued to scratch her back, loving her little hums of contentment. “We can take a nap before we go. Twenty minutes. You can do eyeliner and lipstick and whatever in the car.”
“Ideal.” She murmured. “Rafe?”
“Yeah, angel?”
“I really love that screenplay. You’re very talented. I mean it.” She squinted one eye open just so she could see his blush and shy smile.
“Yeah, well. I had good inspiration. Thank you, Soph, that means a lot.” He reached out and stroked his thumb over her cheek as he reminded himself how lucky he was to be with her.
“Always my favorite.” She whispered, leaning forward to peck his lips and cuddle closer into him. “I’m gonna sleep.”
“I love you too.” He murmured back. “Sweet dreams.”
taglist: @drewstarkey @lemur46 @jjmaybanksbaby @edgeofgr8 @quxxnxfhxll @obxtess @hoodpankow @vtgirl802 @outerbankies @messagesinthesky @nicolecarsley @svechnikolan @ilovejjmaybank @obxtess @abbyj1822 @oopsiedoopsie23 @g4bster @jjmaybankzz @freddymaybank @dontjinx-it @illbesafeforyou @moniamaybank @tovvaa @jailcalledlife @sunshineitsfine44 @randomficsandshit @outerbankspreferences @outerbanksbro @karsinner @kkmaybank @whoeveniskendall @lemur46
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holocene-sims · 2 years
📎 for everyone in Grant’s family? Or at least as many sims as you can answer for? Pretty please 🙊🥺
jdjlskdjkslfs this is so sweet, thank you for the ask! 😭 idk if i can get everybody because the list is pretty extensive but i'll get the main folks at least!!
enjoy the chaos that this ask brings
📎 paperclip - a random fact
general family fact: this family is so incredibly neurodivergent. good luck finding many neurotypicals here
grant: this man who typically listens to classic emo hits and metal also has a ridiculously strong affinity for disco music. disco king! chaotic music taste for the win! like he absolutely loves donna summer, ABBA, boney m, etc. get him just drunk enough on fruity cocktails and he will ignore the fact that he has a terrible singing voice and will provide you with disco karaoke
mother mary: very briefly had a modeling career while she was in college. she might be evil but she is beautiful
dear old dad juhani: he's completely colorblind!
grandma aoife: she's kind of a jack of all trades! she grew up on a dairy farm, was an unofficial but very reliable midwide for a while in her hometown, then she toiled in a factory making cars, worked on a fruit farm...and finally started her own bakery!
grandpa joseph: he built the house he and his wife, miss lovely aoife, have lived in since the mid-1960s! he did it with his own handiwork, alongside the aid of aoife's older brother and a local friend who runs a very small construction company
uncle paddy: for a good few years as a younger man, he was a member of a celtic punk band! he played guitar. iconic, really. the band needs to make a full comeback LMAO
aunt catherine: one time in the early 2000s, she and paddy took their kids to florida, which was a very expensive ordeal they saved up a long time to afford. well, she got terribly sunburnt, then got heatstroke, and had to be treated at the hospital for her near-death experience with the sun. she has since vowed to never touch a single beach except the ones on lake michigan during cloudy days
cousin adam: within the family, he's the practically undefeated champion of monopoly (okay, mr. business degree)
brittany: proud one-time winner of the pie eating contest at the iowa state fair
cousin hannah: obsessed with pinterest, especially pinterest DIY/crafting projects. like unhealthily obsessed.
connor: went skiing one time in connecticut with his family while he was a kid. he broke his collarbone. never again.
cousin chelsea: got an actual honest-to-god terrible concussion because someone closed a car door on her head
jasmine: she was in marching band during middle and high school, also even college. she's an alto saxophone queen. okay, maybe she's mildly embarrassed about her band days, but at the same time, she had a good time, so?
cousin alex: suffers (?) from a very strong fear of crustaceans. the lobster tanks at red lobster definitely traumatized him as a child
lilly: once snuck into a celebrity wedding out of sheer curiosity by pretending to be a waitress for the event. it was boring and the food portions were sad as fuck
aunt bridget: she was a camp counselor as a teenager, which was a great experience, but also spawned the most embarrassing moment of her life. just after midnight, she was uhhhh ~flirting~ with a fellow female counselor in the "privacy" of the woods behind one of the counselor's cabins. everything was going swimmingly until some kids who snuck out of their cabin to go on the hunt for frogs caught them in the act
uncle sean: if a movie is sad, he's 100% going to cry at some point
cousin shannon: wrote and published fanfiction about the sims 2 premades, including a 100000k words angst & hardcore sci-fi story about bella goth's abduction
colm: his long estranged father is quite literally in the mafia. a story for another day is colm's interactions with his father's colleagues trying to chase him down to get him to stop spilling the beans about his father's affiliations
cousin lorcan: cannot sleep without using his airpods to listen to text-to-speech reddit thread videos from youtube. so interesting yet such cheap content with a droning voice. perfect sleep material
sydney: she gives herself stick and poke tattoos when she's bored
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Ever in Your Favor, Chapter Four (Rosnali) - Athena2
Summary: The Games grow closer, and so do Denali and Rosé as they start their plan, finally going public at the interviews.
A/N: I know it's been a while, but I'm so happy to be back to this fic! Thank you all so much for the love and support, not just on this fic but in general, with everything going on lately. It really means a lot to me. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and please leave some feedback if you'd like!
Read on AO3.
Rosé is early to dinner that night, because Denali’s words had gotten to her. She wasn’t just letting Denali down. She was letting herself down, both the younger version of herself who wanted to protect Jan and go home, and herself now, who still wants to go home. She has to help Denali, or it could kill them both. Just because she couldn’t save the tributes she mentored doesn’t mean she can’t save herself now. She can’t go into the Games blind, as much as she wanted to hide behind her sword and snarky comments, and it took Denali—someone Rosé had mentored and given advice to—to help her see it.
And it’s brought them to pretending they’re in love for Capitol favor. It’s a good idea, admittedly. So good Rosé wishes she’d thought of it. There’s nothing the audience loves more than drama, and this is the best you could get.
But alliances are hard, and an alliance with someone she knows is even riskier. Maybe this isn’t a good idea, because what if they work so well together that they’re the last tributes standing? If Denali is the only thing between Rosé and home, can she kill her? Can she kill a friend, someone she’d tried so hard to keep alive in her last Games? Can she--
“Rosé. You’re…early.”
“Don’t sound so surprised,” Rosé mumbles as Denali sits across from her.
“It’s a nice surprise,” Denali says, and Rosé takes it.
“So, about this plan…” Rosé is ready to suggest calling it off. But Denali tucks her hair behind her ears, and it makes her look so young, so hopeful, and Rosé can’t take her hope. Not when the world has taken so much already, leaving the energetic, fun-loving Denali in the dust. However risky the alliance is, they’re stronger together. Her close-combat skills perfectly balance Denali’s bow and speed. Together, they could really do this, and Rosé lets the strangeness of hope bloom in her chest.
“What is it?”
“Nothing,” Rosé says quickly. “I think we’ll be great.”
Denali beams as they browse their menus, food rushing up into the compartment next to them.
Rosé grabs the pickle off her plate. “Want this?”
“Sure.” Denali crunches happily. “Why’d you get it if you don’t like it?”
“Because I was pretty sure you liked them.”
Denali points at Rosé in approval. “See, you’re already doing relationship stuff. We got this.”
Rosé nods, but she wasn’t thinking about the fake relationship. She just wanted to see Denali happy.
Denali goes to meet their stylist with dread pooling in her stomach at what horrible outfits they’ll be forced into. Each district’s outfits represent their industries, which means District 1 glimmers in jewels and District 12, shafted as always, resembles a coal miner. It’s the same every year. Today, though, a new stylist sits among racks of clothes in the dressing room. She’s young, with soft skin that absolutely glows. She introduces herself as Symone, and somehow Denali hopes she might not look like an idiot this year.
“First year as a stylist?” Denali asks while Symone takes her measurements. She does her best not to flinch, reminding herself Symone’s hands aren’t an attacker’s hands.
“Yep,” Symone says. “About damn time. I’ve been trying for years, but sometimes people aren’t ready for real talent, you know?”
Denali laughs despite herself.
“I hope so,” Rosé says. “Because no offense, Symone, if you want me to wear another coal miner outfit, I’ll go out there naked.”
Denali’s cheeks are on fire, brain short-circuiting at the image of Rosé’s words.
Symone just laughs. “Well, as fun as that might be, I’d never put you in something that ugly. I’m breaking the rules a little this year.”
“What do you mean?” Denali asks.
“I think the outfits should be less about the district and more about you, since this year’s Games are about the victors. Let the Capitol see not just where you’re from, but who you are.”
Where she’s from is who Denali is--the coal dust coating everything in town; the hungry eyes of nearly everyone she passes; the harsh winters burrowing in raggedy blankets--but she gets what Symone is saying. Instead of being another faceless statistic from a district the Capitol owns, let them see Denali and everything she is.
“What did you have in mind?”
Symone almost drops her sketchbook in excitement. “Well, you both had animal nicknames in the Games, did you notice? The Lion and the Fox. I want to play with that, do some animal-inspired stuff to reference your history and present you as a union. One, instead of two.”
Denali meets Rosé’s eyes. It’s almost eerie how it worked out, how easy it’ll be to present themselves as a pair in Symone’s outfits. Like it was meant to be.
“Do you not like the idea?” Symone asks in worry, mistaking their silence.
“No, I love it! It’s brilliant, Symone,” Rosé says quickly. She’s such a big sister, Denali thinks fondly. She always praised Jan and Lagoona for their drawings no matter how hideous they were. Symone’s sketches, though, are some of the most beautiful things Denali’s seen, and she has no trouble nodding her approval.
“Great.” Symone beams. “I have samples for you to try on, to test colors and stuff.”
Rosé goes first, disappearing behind a wooden screen and returning in a ruffly pink dress, arms twisting all over to find the zipper among the ruffles.
“I got it,” Denali says. She pulls the zipper, not breathing as her hand runs up the curve of Rosé’s spine, letting her touch linger.
Symone shifts ruffles aside and takes more measurements, continuing as Rosé tries on dress after dress, with sequins and stripes and even more ruffles.
“Do a spin!” Denali says.
Rosé rolls her eyes, but she does, her red hair waving behind her as she twirls.
Rosé laughs and keeps going until she stumbles, and Denali doesn’t even think before reaching out to catch her, running her hands up and down Rosé’s sides.
“No problem,” Denali stammers as Rosé retreats behind the screen.
“This should be illegal,” Rosé mutters, emerging in a hot-pink zebra dress with matching hat.
Denali can’t resist her laughter. “You look like Manila!”
“Shit, Denali, don’t tell me that. Let me pretend it’s not that bad.”
“Trust the process, darling!” Symone says grandly.
“Easy for you to say,” Rosé grumbles.
Denali laughs again.
“Just wait, Denali. It’s your turn, and I can’t wait to call you Manila.” Rosé’s smirk is too adorable for Denali to care about what’s coming.
Sure enough, Denali’s paraded behind the screen and given a bundle of clothes. There’s a neon nightmare, with green pants and a yellow shirt, plus a glittery orange jacket with puffy sleeves. Rosé laughs and teases her and frees her from a skin-tight red dress, and Denali gives in to it. The Games are days away, and who knows if she’ll have fun like this again. It’s nice to have her biggest worry be dresses, and she finds herself striking ridiculous poses to hear Rosé laugh and see her smile. It’s been years since they've laughed or smiled this much, and Denali’s going to treasure each one.
Symone ushers them into a group hug, and Denali can’t believe how good it feels, arms intertwined, warm bodies pressed together. She’s really missed hugs all this time on her own.
“You two are perfect,” Symone says. “With my outfits, you’ll be the talk of the Capitol.”
“As long as there’s no zebra print,” Rosé says, and Denali spends the day wishing she could hug her again.
The days go too fast.
Rosé hates this place, but now she’d give anything to stay at the Training Center, working out and eating with Denali, rather than go to the arena. She feels like a kid dreading being dragged back to school after summer vacation. She’s been talking to Denali more, bantering back and forth, and she’s starting to like it. But this, like summer, has to end.
They prowl around the training room every day, getting stronger, faster, better. When Denali hisses for Rosé to watch her, make the contestants see how in love they are, the command is useless. Because Rosé already can’t look away from her arms pulling the bowstring taut, how she nods to herself as she aims and lets the arrow fly, a bull’s-eye in each target. Her cheer and hug are genuine, and she revels in the surprised looks on the tributes’ faces.
They eat together every day, passing food back and forth for each other to try, working their way down the menu. Denali laughs until she cries after tricking Rosé into eating chicken in a sauce so spicy Rosé gulps down a gallon of water, and Rosé gets revenge by telling Denali to press a shower button that produces fruity bubbles, bursting into laughter when Denali shows up to breakfast smelling like a perfume store exploded on her.
And it continues, day after day, until other tributes watch them in envy, until Rosé doesn’t have to tell Denali to fake laugh at something she said, because she trusts Denali enough to say it, and Denali likes it enough to laugh.
The first sign of the end is their private sessions with the Gamemakers, where they show their skills and get a score. The score doesn’t mean much--people average in the sixes, and a lot purposely act mediocre to fly under the radar. The arena is a great equalizer, and Rosé’s seen tributes score a nine and die the first day. She won with a score of seven. Part of her wants to beat that score now. Plus, with her and Denali playing the romance angle, all eyes will be on them anyway. What’s the harm in Rosé showing off, getting a high score that reinforces how good she is?
There’s no point appearing weak on purpose, and Rosé enters the training room confidently. A dozen Gamemakers have a long table set up on the track, food spread from end to end, forks in hand.
“Sorry to interrupt lunch,” Rosé calls to them. “Think you could make me a take-out box?”
The group jumps, and Rosé snorts when one woman spills wine on herself.
“Go ahead,” a man says, his gaze on the basket of rolls.
Rosé sighs, and she takes the anger boiling in her and uses it like Denali said. She annihilates a training dummy with her sword, then grabs three knives and makes three bulls-eye’s on the wall target. She does the same with three spears, the little red circle not even visible around her accuracy.
The same man dismisses her, and Rosé leaves without another word, annoyed and clueless on what her score will be.
Denali paces the hall outside. She looks expectantly at Rosé, who shrugs.
“They’re having lunch,” Rosé says. “They barely paid attention. But you make them pay attention, okay? I believe in you. Good luck.”
Denali smiles and heads in. Rosé can’t hear anything, but Denali comes out much faster than she did, breathing sharply.
“I fucked up,” Denali says, pacing circles and wringing her hands. “Shit, I fucked up.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t that bad,” Rosé soothes. “What happened?”
Denali mumbles something that sounds like shot an arrow at the Gamemakers.
Rosé blinks. “Did you say you shot an arrow at the Gamemakers?”
Denali hums miserably.
“What happened?”
Denali huffs, coming to a stop. “They weren’t paying attention! Someone brought out a roast pig, and they were literally slicing it while I practiced. So I took an arrow and shot the apple out of the pig’s mouth.”
Rosé bursts into laughter. “That’s so badass!”
“No!” Denali shakes her head, and Rosé sees fear in her eyes. “Rosé, I’m sorry. They’re probably gonna punish you because of me and make things extra miserable for us in the arena.”
“Like they aren’t gonna do that already?” Rosé asks, and Denali cracks a smile. Rosé’s touched that she’s Denali’s first concern, but she won’t let her worry. “Look, it’s fine. They’re supposed to watch you, and they didn’t. That’s on them. I’m not worried, Denali. It’ll be okay.”
Denali nods.
“How did they react?” Rosé asks, because Denali needs more cheering up, more reassurance that she hasn’t done any harm.
“Well, one lady dropped her wine glass. One guy spit out his roll. Another actually screamed and tipped over in his chair.” Denali cackles, and Rosé joins her, laughing until their stomachs hurt. It really is okay.
And when they each receive scores of ten that night, Rosé believes it.
Denali’s gotten so used to training that she could pretend the Games weren’t coming. Until it's interview day, with the Games the next morning. The countdown is officially at hours instead of days, and her stomach churns like waves.
She grunts her way through the prep, a trio of people waxing her and fixing her nails, like preparing a doll for the Capitol children. At least it keeps her mind off things. Like how Rosé feels like a friend again, like when Denali and Jan and Lagoona would run up to her after school, babbling about a million things and begging for gossip on the older kids. Like how they both earned the highest tribute scores, labelling them as threats, and how Denali almost likes being seen as a threat. Like how tonight, they’re going to confirm their ‘relationship’ on live television. There’s no turning back, and she almost wishes Rosé was here instead of in her own prep room. At least Denali wouldn’t feel as alone. It’s strange how quickly she’s come to enjoy talking with Rosé again, when they’ve barely talked all their years as mentors, everything they share just too wide a bridge to cross. But they’ve crossed it now, and having Rosé again was worth the journey.
Symone runs in, a beautiful turquoise dress flowing behind her, and helps Denali into her outfit. It’s softer on her skin than the scratchy burlap she’d worn eleven years ago, and Denali hopefully peeks in the mirror.
She’s gorgeous.
The dress is long and white, made of tiny strands of fabric that reflect the light and twinkle in every color of the rainbow, like sun bouncing off gleaming snow. Like the fur of a white fox.
“Do you like it?” Symone asks.
“Holy shit,” Denali mutters, and it’s answer enough.
“I’m gonna get Rosé,” Symone says, but Denali hardly hears her. She can’t look away from how beautiful she looks, with her dress and pale blue eyeshadow and her hair in its familiar braid. She’s the Fox.
And Rosé is the Lion.
Denali gasps when she sees Rosé’s golden dress, the fabric shifting under the light and revealing soft tones of amber. The lion pin over her heart is a little too beat-up to shine, but it does anyway. She’s beautiful, beautiful in a way Denali can’t ignore anymore, beautiful in a way that Denali never wants to look away from again.
“You look amazing,” Rosé says, watching Denali with wondrous eyes.
“So do you.”
Symone hugs them, and they head to their chariot.
Denali hated this last time. Her fellow tribute was bigger than her, and they were stuffed into this thing, Denali crammed against the side trying not to fall out. And she was in a hideous coal miner outfit on top of it.
Tonight, she’s in control, and she's beautiful. The chariots pull through the City Circle one by one, past masses of people. It’s the biggest crowd Denali’s ever seen, a blur of color and cheers. The crowd is screaming when District 1 pulls out, and they don’t let up for District 12. People are already rooting for them, and it’s so bright, so loud. Almost too much. Rosé stiffens beside her and Denali knows she’s thinking the same thing. But they have to do this. Denali squeezes Rosé’s hand, the touch easing the ringing in her ears.
“Don’t let go of me,” Denali whispers.
Rosé doesn’t.
After the chariots, they’re lined up by the stage. District 12 is last of course, and Denali has to listen to 22 other tributes be charming and witty and lovely. Nina West, the Capitol interviewer, is unavoidable in a rainbow dress, and Denali winces against its brightness. She wishes a quiet good luck to Rosé before she takes the stage.
Rosé waltzes on stage with the spin Denali made her do in the dressing room and becomes a star in an instant, joking about how the Capitol just had to have her back, about how she still presses the wrong shower buttons and filled the room with bubbles last night, and everyone rolls with laughter. But when Nina’s face turns serious, Denali knows the tide has turned.
“Now, you volunteered for your sister last time.”
“Right,” Rosé says quietly, and Denali remembers her saying that she didn’t want anyone using Jan against her.
“I see you’re wearing her pin again.”
Rosé nods. “I gave it to her as a birthday gift when she was a kid. When I said goodbye, she gave it to me and made me promise to bring it home to her. To me, it’s...it’s a symbol of love and home.”
It’s quiet enough to hear a pin drop. People volunteering like Rosé is extremely rare. Denali remembers how people back home had whispered about her last time. Some people called her selfish, said she was the oldest daughter and shouldn’t have left her parents. Some said she was an idiot and should have sent her sister to the Games, a pig to the slaughter, and counted herself lucky that she was spared. But many people, Denali included, thought that Rosé was brave, almost certainly saving her sister’s life even at the risk of her own. A kind of brave, a kind of love, that you don’t see much anymore. Everyone in the Capitol held the same belief, and it was why they loved her so much, in awe of her devotion and kindness. Why they love her still, if the adoring gazes are any indication.
“And did you make the same promise this time?” Nina asks.
“I did.”
Nina nods solemnly. “It’s wonderful to hear about your family.” Her smile is genuine, and Denali wonders how someone so nice ended up doing this. “While we're on the subject, is there anyone special back home?”
Denali holds her breath. This is it, practically served on a platter. All Rosé has to do is take it.
And boy, does she.
She smiles mischievously, fixing her hair while the audience holds their breath, wondering if she’s taken or if they somehow have a chance with her.
“Well, Nina, I do have someone. Except she’s not home.”
Nina’s eyes light up. “Are you saying--”
Rosé nods. “Yes. The woman I love came here with me.”
People actually scream. Some gasp, some cheer, while Nina tries to hush them and ask Rosé more questions. Even Denali smiles in surprise and she knows the camera catches it. Rosé is every inch the lovestruck woman she needs to be, and Denali listens as she explains how they’d gotten together.
“Denali was like a little sister to me, you know? She was best friends with my sister Jan, and they were always following me around. Little terrors,” she jokes, and the audience laughs. “She was always so funny, so strong and brave. I saw that firsthand when I mentored her. She’s amazing, isn’t she? Everything she does with her bow--I’d poke my eye out.” Another laugh, more smiles. Rosé’s face softens as she continues. “We lived nearby after the Games, but I always kept my feelings secret. I was just too afraid to tell her. But after the Quell, I had to. We stayed awake all night on the train here, and I finally told her. We agreed to work together for the Games, and Denali...she gives me a lot of hope going into them.”
The crowd is on their feet, clamoring for more, but they’re past the time limit, and Rosé exits to applause that goes on for over a minute.
By the time Denali takes the stage, they’re absolutely rabid. Nina asks her basic questions first, stringing things along and making everyone wait. Denali has no idea what she answers, because she’s still reeling from Rosé’s interview, goosebumps on her arms at how much Rosé admires her. She sounded so genuine. Someone hopelessly in love and afraid to confess her feelings, finally doing so in the face of danger. It didn’t happen, there was no love confession on the train, but Denali almost feels like there was, because Rosé made it that real. But this is just a game; she can’t forget that, no matter how in love Rosé seemed. They’re just friends.
“Now, I have to ask what we’re all waiting for.” Nina’s cheerful voice cuts through her thoughts. “Tell us about you and Rosé!”
Denali puts on a smile. “Well, like she said, me and her sisters followed her around all the time. We probably were little terrors.” Nina smiles, and the crowd follows. “I always admired her. I watched her Games all day and night, because I just had to see her win,” Denali says, heart tingling at the memory of her joy when Rosé won. “And then I had her as a mentor, and she helped me so much, with whatever I needed. She never gave up on me, and that respect and awe I had for her turned to love over the years. I didn’t know she felt the same way.”
The words feel real, simple and close enough to the truth to be believable. Denali smiles and bats her eyelashes, a woman in love. Nothing is a lie except for the love part, and Denali could leave it at that, but a memory pops into her head. One to really seal the deal, a thought she hates an instant later, because Rosé is her friend, not just some pawn.
“When I was eleven, my father got hurt. He was fine, but he was out of work for a few weeks, and things were...hard. I was really upset. And Rosé—I don’t even know if she remembers this—she stuck a cookie in my bag every day on the way to school. Just to help me feel a little better. She never brought it up, never wanted attention or thanks for it. She just wanted to help.”
Denali swallows as the audience awws. The camera is surely panning to Rosé, but Denali can’t look at her. The memory hit harder than she expected. She never lets herself remember it, because she hates even acknowledging that she’d needed charity. But it was never like that with Rosé. She never made it seem like charity, never wanted power over Denali by helping her. Rosé just wanted to help. She’s the only person who ever helped Denali when she was a kid, and real tears prickle in her eyes.
“I never forgot that,” Denali continues. “It shows how kind and caring she is. That’s why I fell in love with her.”
Nina wipes her eyes. Everyone is yelling their names, clapping and blowing kisses, and Denali knows.
They’ve won this round.
Game, set, match.
Rosé can’t sleep.
It should come easy, after how well the interviews went, how beloved they’ve become overnight. Yet it’s 1am and sleep isn’t coming. She can’t spend another minute in this room, staring at the ceiling and suffocating under thousand-thread-count sheets. She heads to the common room on their floor, and she’s not the only one awake.
Denali’s on the couch, watching footage from her Games.
“Can’t sleep either?” Denali guesses, turning off the TV.
Rosé shakes her head. “Okay if I sit?”
Denali nods, and Rosé takes the end of the couch, afraid to breach the gap between them even if she wants to, wants to feel someone human near her before tomorrow. But they’re not on camera, and maybe Denali won’t want that.
“Does it get tiring?” Rosé asks suddenly.
“Watching the Games over and over. Your workouts,” Rosé explains. She never talks about the Games--hell, until this year she’s never talked about anything big with Denali. But something is coming undone in Rosé tonight. Maybe the threat of tomorrow. Maybe how close she and Denali have become. Maybe how everything she said about Denali on stage is lingering in her heart. Maybe how Denali remembered Rosé’s childish attempts to help her with cookies all those years ago, how Rosé’s heart warms at the memory. Whatever the reason, the words are flying out past everything Rosé uses to keep them inside.
“Does it get tiring trying to ignore it all?” Denali doesn’t sound mean, just curious.
“Yes,” Rosé says bluntly. “I just...wouldn’t know what else to do.”
She learned early on that the only way to get out of bed and function was to put all the thoughts and feelings and horrors of the Games deep inside herself, seal them tight, and pretend they weren’t there. They come back sometimes. In nightmares. In certain smells that take her back to the arena, muscles instantly clenching. In the time she got a papercut and was frozen in place when Lagoona found her, because of the blood, the blood. But for the most part, she has a handle on things. Living like Denali--going on runs, watching the footage, talking about it constantly--would just be inviting it in, breaking the seal on the memories. And that’s undoubtedly worse than Rosé’s method of dealing.
“It gets tiring for me too sometimes,” Denali admits, playing with the couch cushion. “I guess I’m trying to fight it. Like if I keep running, memorize the Games, then I’ll beat it and it can’t hurt me.”
“Does it work?”
Denali just shrugs.
“Sometimes I think they want us to forget,” Rosé says. She’s never voiced it to anyone, but she’s safe with Denali.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean …” Rosé tugs on her shirt, exposing her left shoulder. “In my Games, that boy’s axe got me here. I felt it, Denali. My shoulder was torn open, the blood was everywhere. I woke up in the hospital without a mark on me.”
“My knee too,” Denali says quietly. “I saw the bone when it happened, and now there’s nothing. Like it never happened. It just gets stiff sometimes.”
“It’s like the Capitol wants us to fear the Games, but forget how bad they were. They erase the scars and give us nice houses and expect us to be grateful. Perfect little victors,” Rosé spits. There’s an anger there she usually ignores, the deep hurt of the Capitol parading her around as a victor but not actually caring about her.
“I think it’s another way to control us,” Denali says. “Who’s gonna speak out against them when they fixed us up and gave us a nice house with heat and indoor plumbing, y’know?”
Rosé nods. “I guess I just want—“
“You want a life they don’t own. A life that’s yours,” Denali guesses. A guess that flies out so easily because it’s something she wants herself, something no one else understands. When Rosé left for the Games, Denali was still young enough to have that wish. She had the freedom to not know what she wanted to be when she was older. No one dreams of becoming a Hunger Games victor.
But somehow they both did.
“Yeah.” Rosé sighs. It’s something she never really lets herself imagine—a normal life with her family, with easy sleep and no Capitol obligations—but something she longs for just the same. And Denali understands. Rosé wonders if it could’ve been like this all the time if she had the courage to talk to her.
“Are you scared?” Denali asks suddenly.
“Fuck, how could I not be?” Rosé mutters, her honesty continuing. “I mean, I’m scared to go back, sure, but…but I’m also scared that if I come out, I might not be me anymore. I don’t want the Games to make me something I don’t want to be.” She doesn’t know how to explain it, only that she doesn’t want to lose herself to the Games, to what she might have to do. She never wants to become so soaked with blood that she can’t recognize herself.
Denali nods. “You still want to be you at the end. Not just a piece of the Games.”
The words strike Rosé’s heart like she thought them herself. “Yes.”
“It scares me too.”
It shouldn’t do anything. It’s just a simple confirmation that they feel the same way, recognize something in each other. But it proves to Rosé that she’s not alone, that someone understands her, and after she and Denali say goodnight around two, she falls asleep easily.
The sun dawns bright the morning of the Games.
Denali moves in a daze, stomach knotting over a silent breakfast with Rosé.
She needs to focus. She needs to let go of last night, of how real Rosé’s love seemed, of how she let her guard down and talked with her, of how close they’ve gotten. This is a game, and it’s about to start. Time seems to malfunction, and one minute she’s picking at her food and the next Manila’s leading them to the launch room. This is it.
Denali’s heart pounds as they get ready. She’s in all black--boots, pants, shirt, and jacket--and Rosé is dressed the same. Her lion pin roars on her jacket, while Denali has her mother’s necklace. She hopes it protects her.
Manila dabs her tears with a bumblebee handkerchief, and Denali would roll her eyes, but she’s pretty sure it’s genuine.
“Remember,” Rosé says hoarsely, “we get our weapons and run.”
Denali nods as they step on the plates that take them to the arena. Denali closes her eyes as the platform shoots up, her head spinning as she tries to breathe. Everything stops, and the announcer’s voice declares the 75th Hunger Games have begun.
Denali opens her eyes.
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cha-melodius · 3 years
I was tagged by @heytheredeann​, thank you!
night out or night in // icecream in a cone or icecream in a cup // buttered popcorn or caramel popcorn // ocean or forest // dusk or dawn // vanilla or strawberry // fruity cereal or chocolatey cereal // sunlight or starlight // ferris wheel or rollercoaster // daisies or daffodils // fireflies or ladybugs // sky diving or deep sea diving // tea or coffee // pizza or pasta (BUT I’m a pizza snob so this is very location-dependant) // wooden flooring or tile floors // friday or saturday (how is this a contest?) // macarons or cupcakes // hoodies or sweaters // juice or milk // sunny weather or cloudy weather // willow tree or oak tree // chapstick or vaseline (Burt’s Bees, thanks) // dine in or take out // country/pop or alt/rock // spring or summer (excuse me, FALL is the best season I take no criticism)
No-pressure tags: @flipredmonkey, @penntoxide, @dreamycloud, @shewolf-2013 and any one else who wants to do this!
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA Headcanons : Hugs
Hug headcanons! Because we all need a little joy in our lives.
All Might – Swol
Has hugged so many people in various press events he lost count around 2 weeks in.
Very warm, the man puts off heat like a furnace. His beef makes him very pleasant to hug, imbues a great feeling of safety. Various victims of villain attacks jokingly claim that being held by All Might almost made getting half killed worth it.
While he had to do a lot of mushy press stuff, he didn’t really have anyone in his life he could actually hug until UA, so he actually ended up pretty touch starved. It was one of the things he was scared of after Kamino – that all of the kids would think he was too gross to be around in his true form. He was very wrong!
All Might – Smol
Still pumps out heat like a furnace. He might be bony but he gives very comfy hugs, but you have to be careful you don’t smash your nose into his ribcage because its very solid and your nose wont win.
He loves hugs and gives them pretty freely after he becomes more comfortable in himself, likely a holdover from Americas more liberal view of human contact.
Still does mushy press stuff as small might after Kamino, but it feels a little bit more authentic to the people he’s visiting now they know he really does understand what they are going through.
A very emotional hugger – if All Might feels a lot of emotions because of you, you’re probably getting a hug. Positive or negative.
Was a big fan of hugs as a kid, but after his quirk failed to come in he started to associate touch with pain and avoided it when he could. It broke his mum’s heart to see her 8 year old duck out of her arms.
It really wasn’t until the summer break that he could accept hugs without feeling trapped, oddly enough it took even longer for him to be comfortable with hugs from people his own age.
Even though the whole mess with Eri’s quirk gave him a whole new association between touch and pain he pushed past it as best he could because he never wanted to make Eri uncomfortable or upset.
It wasn’t until the joint training exercise that he actually realised he didn’t hate hugs anymore. Even though that whole ordeal was a mess, it made him feel happy.
Very soft, amazing hugger. Constantly smells like sweet fruity body sprays.
Got lots of hugs from her parents and wants to share the love around! She has a lot of love for her friends and wants them all to know it. Has hugged every member of 1A by the licensing arc, definitely kept a tally about it and was very proud of herself when she reached her goal. Izuku was the last one!
 While he’s not exactly a hug-y person, he doesn’t have any strong objections to them. Still, during temperature extremes hes had to get used to the total dog pile of students that cling to him to warm up or cool down. He likes using his quirk in non-fighting ways, so it makes him happy, even if it’s a little annoying sometimes.
The only person in his family who ever really liked hugs is Touya, and that was partly because the guy ran super cold. Also because he just liked hugs but he’d never admit that.
(Bonus: Twice is the villain Chief Hug Giver and will hug anyone he feels needs it. Has no fear, will hug Shigiraki)
Beefy boy! Hugs too strong, will squish you, and you will hurt your nose on his ridiculous pecs but don’t you dare say a word about it.
Tends to give out hugs very impulsively when he’s feeling a particularly strong positive emotion and is easily flustered about his brief lapse in decorum. Everyone knows its been a good day if Iida hugs the person next to him totally out of the blue and then pretends he didn’t do exactly that a few seconds later. He’s trying.
Deep down he knows he’s hugged Aizawa and Yamada as a child and that’s the reason he is not at all afraid of detention. He would be too powerful if he didn’t love following rules.
Tensei used to pick him up and spin him when he hugged him and it was a profoundly depressing moment when Tensei realized he couldn’t do that anymore. Tenya countered by Picking his older brother up and spinning him in a very enthusiastic hug. Tensei maybe cried.
On god he’ll never admit it but he loves hugs. Hes very good at them himself, beefy warm man with very soft clothes makes for a good hug giver.
Super touch-starved when he entered UA, Yamada made it his quest to fix that. Bought him the sleeping bag when they left high school to work in different agencies because he wouldn’t be around to give out as many hugs. Aizawa cried. He insists they were angry tears.
He’s actually a very easy crier. His dry-eye means he overproduces tears, they just don’t work very well. He's gotten pretty good at strategically hiding them but at various points most of 1A has brought him to tears for various reasons. He's cried tears of pure frustration over Midoriya more times than he’ll ever care to admit. A few of sadness, but mostly frustration.
If a student is upset he gets the strong urge to hug them and then kick the crap out of whatever is upsetting him. This is a new impulse and it scares him. He has totally given into it many times.
Once hugged Eri for 2 hours straight because she fell asleep and then he couldn’t move because he couldn’t wake her up. So he just stared into space for 2 hours.
Hug master. Hes the best at hugs and he’ll never back down from a hug challenge. Used to think hugs were lame but his mum managed to convince him they were disguised contests for dominance when he was 5 and that idea still sticks.
He’s very careful to avoid getting nitro-glycerine on people so he wont hug people when he’s hot, which has led to many a pouting Kirishima. Bakugo doesn’t care. (he totally does)
Hasn’t hugged Midoriya in 11 years and counting. They totally will when they graduate, but they don’t know that yet.
Used to get jealous of people that got hugged by All Might on TV. Now he’s gotten a patented All Might Hug ™ he believes his jealousy was totally justified because he felt like he was being hugged by the spirit of heroics and safety, even when it was small might. Imagine the raw power of a buff might hug? Unimaginable.
Hugs are the best thing! Making people feel safe and happy is the manliest thing someone can do, so Kirishima will give out hugs at the drop of a hat. He is very careful to ask first though and will settle for a Manly Shoulder Pat if the hug is refused.
If someone is only jokingly protesting he will totally hold them in place with his quirk, it's very effective, if uncomfortable. The addition of his sleaves to his costume has made him an even better hug-giver.
The only person outside of the big three to have hugged Amajiki. He got so flustered he manifested wings. Mirio was very impressed.
In future he will be known for hugging victims and fans constantly, actually becomes one of the things he’s best known for. “8 Amazing Red Riot Hugs and other Heroics Moments that Will Make You Cry” (‘You’re next’ is number 1, obviously.)
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