#Friendship Is Good for Your Health
ae-cha08 · 6 days
When you truly Love Jesus and spend time in Prayer and the Word, the way you Love people changes. You'll become patient and compassionate towards them and you'll start seeing them through the eyes of God.
Only then, it is possible to Love a person unconditionally.
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sisididis · 4 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @reallunargift!
Guess who's using his last cents after a night out to wish you a very happy birthday? I hope you're leaning in extra close, because Port has to make himself heard over the pimba playing in the background!
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early-october-skies · 2 months
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Me when we don't speak anymore by bears in trees
#lizzierants#had a sudden unplanned job interview today. i wanted to cry the whole time but managed to keep it together and now the anxiety has suddenly#caught up to me and it feels BAD the sudden thought of that what if my friends just dont actually like me and they like me purely because#theyre worried for what would become of me if they stopped being friends with me when purely of course id be fine eventually but i worry#that cause im on antidepressants people just think im automatically suicidal when something bad goes wrong which is not the case im doing#good i dont want to die but what if all my friends hate me what if this whole time i have loved them so so much and they just tolerate me#someday my friends will die and i had that i hate that someday we wont be friends even if its decades in the future i love all of them with#my heart that sometimes i feel it is overfilling i love them i love them and what am i without them i am everything i have ever loved i am#overthinking however i cannot stop this what if my own best friend is avoiding me? why am i thinking this? what evidence do i have to back#this up? nothing only for the fact my own brain feels as though i love people too much and they are uncomfortable with it i feel awful wtf#i have learned to keep my emotions from people because i dont want them to worry. i dont want people to do something or not do something bec#ause they think it will upset me i want people do do as they please i want to be open for my friends to share their issues i want to help#and im sitting here wirrying if they hate me so i turn here to shout in the void because the only person i know irl who follows me on here#most likely doesnt read these tags and if you are please ingore this i misjudged your terrible attention span also i love you very much#anyway a few weeks ago i realised my worst fear is no longer death. but the death of my friendship with my beloved friend. and thats fucking#terrifying prospect however if they were to be like yo i dont like you anymore id respect that decision and id be okay because their happine#is the most important thing to me and thats okay but i couldnt bare with the fact that they feel like they had to be ffiends with me because#they have to. i hate the prospect of them feeling trapped in a friendship theh dont want to be in. all the while i feel i cannot communicate#this to anyone because how would i go about it im very anxious i am shaking i am having a bad time very bad time actually im going to start#crying but its okay <3 crying is good for stress and health and its been a while since ive cried so maybe this will help me feel better <3#i will heal and ill be okay <3
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wip: dance with a friend!(/superior/father figure) because taking your friends to a dance is horribly underrated and deserves more attention. platonic affection is still affection!!
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hopefulyellowlamp · 1 year
it really hurts to see the people i trusted and loved more than anything in the world just move on from me as if they never knew me
#lamp vents#aka my exfriend posted on tiktok and i havent unfollowed them yet...#and im still not over how he just... cut me out of his life with no warning#he was like 'yeah i get that youre autistic and has a panic disorder and a severe depression. but also all your symptons for these are unac#ceptable and i hate u' and not only cut me out of his life but also turned several other of my friends against me#like i cant get over the fact that they used moments where i was in distress and having panic attacks or severe sensory overload against me#as if i would have sensory overloads and panic attacks just to manipulate them or make THEM feel bad#jeez im sorry i didnt realize im not allowed to have emotions#i know i snap when im overwhelmed which is why i usually always would deafen/leave call on discord immediately and try to jreathe or calm#and somehow theyd still turn it to be avout them#i was trying my damnedest to be the best friend but jesus christ man they expected me to do SO MUCH when i had two panic disorders and so m#uch mental health issues#most of which i tried to explain to them... they were all neuro spicy ot mentally ill too so i thought theyd understand#i thought theyd at least not think the worst of me when all ive ever done is look up to them#the worst feeling ever is having someone i looked up to and wantef to be like so much it fucking hurt#say everything they hated about me after 4 or so years of friendship where i trusted them enough to tell them anything#it still makes me doubt myself#anytime someone writes to me about how we need to talk i immediately expect loads of pent up anger at me#i always expect my friends to finally be done with my bullshit and tell me theyre tired of me#ive always had doubts about wether or not im a good enough friend or not but lately its just been so much worse#and i keep getting so angry and frustrated because i still miss them and i still wanna try and make it up to them#even tho theyve made it clear they already made up their mind about me being the bad guy#i just feel so helpless and alone#i used to be able to go to him about all my problems but i guess he really saw that as bothersome... i did so much for him and for what#i spent so much time with him and i knew his parents and i knew his pets and i knew his routines#we CUDDLED while sleeping in the same bed multiple times we took naps together and i#i showed him my favourite childhood game#and he bottled up all his emotions until they spilled into hatred for me#for what? for nlthing. and then he teams up with another friend WHICH I INTRODUVED HIM TO#he fucking replaced me after all those nights of quick typing and crying and reassuring him that i loved him and would never replace him
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void-tiger · 11 months
Well…if there’s one (1) good thing about having a crush, it’s that when I’m (for the moment anyway) not worrying about the other person’s boundaries and terror about whether I’ve stomped on them or not + my own frustration at how slow things are to just communicate verbally and directly instead of constantly dancing around nonverbal reads (that are two-way, I suppose but still no substitute, can still mean just about anything)…
…yeah. I do let myself be selfish. Acknowledge what I want instead of burying it so deeply away from my consciousness to not “take up space” I suppose. Finally give myself some damn permission to fall in love with another person “despite” being ace, and “despite” being chronically ill and struggling with my mental health.
And what is it I want?
To feel cared for. Cherished. By someone here. To wake up and have someone greet me with a gentle embrace mindful of the constant chronic pain especially in the mornings to not accidentally pinch things, but not treating me like glass, either. To be given autonomy instead of having it taken away—to do things together, FUN things, without being made to feel guilty about that “taking away” spoons from chores or “well why won’t you just work a job then!” but also respecting my need to rest periodically or take a longer rest after the fact.
To feel heard. To trust that there’s love enough for us to disagree and feel angry and frustrated and sad around eachother and with eachother without judgement, without the risk that things are forever one disagreement or misunderstanding away from falling apart completely or worse.
And please tease me. Teasing is a love language just as much as communication and encouragement and acts of service and finally being held. It’s verbal play, and I trust you to not bully me.
And…I’ve shown as much as I can, I think. I know you’re trying to mirror at least some of it. And I think I’m reading you correctly, but I wish I understood why you seem so terrified to talk directly to me.
#tiger’s musing#screw it. ‘don’t say i’m in love’ or whatever#and well. it will fade eventually. and I am very practiced at Behaving and keeping my feelings to myself#legit always have to do that the very few times I’m liked someone This Ain’t ‘Just’ Platonic Is It#because…guess what. the other person’s comfort and boundaries matters more to me#and friendships aren’t a ‘consolation prize.’ they’re the Good Shit#it’s…just that much harder when there isn’t that Direct Communication With Frequency for me#…bUT!! if he didn’t like me…why does he keep looking at me Like That?!#…right. hang in there for a few more weeks. I did hand over a script as..#…yeah. wonder if he realized /he’s/ the reason I finally found my nerve to write it the way I want#and for all my current ‘will you just RELAX and TALK to me yET?!’ frustration? he’s my muse for joseph!#I needed to see what a GOOD man even remotely looks like just as much as I needed someone like him#to accidentally or intentionally show interest (look. if ya gripe about wanting to do something. PUBLICALLY#(and it’s within my skills to make it available. guess what. I’m gonna call your bluff#(I’m too much of a writer and actress. if I see Checkov’s Gun I’m firing it!)#…does he realize that I basically told everyone off for pressuring him via social media and semi privately?#that the only reason why I started using facebook again was to get people to leave him alone?#(who knows. but that + him…kinda witnessing just How Bad my mental health is? is…when I think there was a turning point. maybe. probably.)#…I suck at socializing in Initial Stages. so much. it’s so uncomfortable#but…screw it. I’ve learned that I’ll use what power I have to change environments and make opportunities#even when it’s (deeply) uncomfortable for me to do so#…because sometimes you gotta blink first to make someone else feel safe. and hopefully latch onto that#and…yeah. guess I am patient. but also griping the entire time
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amischievouscat · 2 years
everyone talks about narcissism being the obsession with oneself, always someone having a massively inflated ego. That's not the only thing narcissism is.
Narcissism is defined as "a self-centered personality style characterized as having an excessive interest in one's physical appearance or image and an excessive preoccupation with one's own needs, often at the expense of others."
People who take every single word as a personal attack (I'm saying even compliments are turned around to look like insults).
The only thing the person ever does is complain about every little thing. Every time they talk to you, someone did this and someone else did this, it's always negative.
You never get to talk about your issues. If it's not about them, they don't want to hear it.
They talk down other people or talk up other people. They're either the absolute best or the absolute worst at every single thing. There is no in-between.
Related to the previous point, they either talk about things they do like they're a celebrity and everyone wants to know, or they talk about things like everyone hates them and is out to get them.
They ignore or act violently when these things are pointed out.
They may continue talking about themselves, or they lash out in anger or with an extreme and unreasonable amount of self-criticism.
Narcissism applies to both people who have a super inflated ego, AND people who have an unreasonably low ego.
People who simply do not like themselves but are not obsessed with being the center of attention (for example, those with depression) ARE NOT the same.
The key factor is the need to be the center of attention, all the time.
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real-fragments7 · 1 month
I hate being anxious. I hate that it has eaten and spat out every single aspect of my life.
I don't fucking want to be anxious about my friendships.
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simplymekaty · 3 months
Thoughts for a better life
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glitchdollmemoria · 9 months
actually. that post about how its important to have weird kinky queer friends. i think the same is true of really every type of ostracized person but in particular i wanna point it out wrt mentally ill people.
if you watch a movie villainizing DID or schizophrenia or something, and you think, "hey, this seems sort of like its based on what my friend has and theyre just a chill person, why are they making my friends condition seem threatening?" thats good.
if you see someone use narcissist as a synonym for abuser and you think, "what, no, im friends with someone who has NPD and i know theyre a kind person, this isnt true at all," thats good.
if you hear politicians try to frame addicts as violent criminals who should be locked up and you think "no, my buddy sam is just sick, their withdrawals are really painful and they dont have a good support system, they shouldnt be locked up for that," thats good.
being able to counter ableist rhetoric with "i know from experience thats not how these people are" is a good thing. like yeah obviously dont make friends with mentally ill people just for brownie points but also try to make the conscious effort to be open to friendship with people who have stigmatized mental health issues. and maybe even more importantly, be someone who makes it clear to others that youre safe to be open about these things with, because chances are youre ALREADY friends with mentally ill people even if you dont realize it, because a lot of us with more demonized conditions try to hide those conditions out of fear, and it helps a lot to know our friends are allies - and then we might feel safe discussing our experiences, IF we want to, and in turn that can help you better understand the realities and diversities of our situations and be less susceptible to ableist rhetoric.
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ae-cha08 · 15 days
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arolesbianism · 5 months
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It is my new life purpose to add the most questionable song choices to the Jackie section of my oni playlist. Hey at least one of them is a rabbit universe Jackie song so I have sort of an excuse, but spoilers it's not keep your head up so uhhhhh lol
#rat rambles#oni posting#baby days is the rabbit universe one to be clear#oh and the other two are indeed abt canon jackie but in my typical 5d chess sorta way where it's from an incredibly biased pov#smth smth jackie constantly self sabotaging and being oh so shocked when it causes her mental health to spiral and trying to justify it to#herself while also trying to burry it under even more work and isolation that just makes everything even worse#also shes divorced and sad abt it even though shes the one who has been pushing olivia away even pre divorce#and she has absolutely no plans on stopping she is both holding onto hopes of olivia turning around while also actively pushing her away#also kinda unrelated but I keep thinking back to scrapped jackie and olivia#and how fascinating it is that good ol jodi was honestly kind of shitty#well ok olivia is also shitty in many ways but the original divorce™ scene was soooo much worse of a look than the current one#long story short the two started a business immediately after jodi graduated that jackie especially was super excited abt#jackie was also anxious abt it though since she was struggling to get her phd and felt she had to rely on jodi to be taken seriously#but they quickly ran into money issues which eventually lead to jodi leaving after she was given an offer to join a large project#which youd think its like ah I see a conflict between friendship and dreams#which isnt wrong per say but oh my god did jodi fuck up her wording so bad like holy shit#she was all like I think this project would be a better use of my phd than continuing to do this#which Im not saying that feeling that way is bad per say but when your like best friend who you know has issues with personal worth and has#been putting a lot of effort and presumably money into this business that you suggested founding its maybe not the best idea to say#straight to her face that you think this is a waste of your time and abilities even if you probably think youre putting it nicely#thats whats so fascinating to me abt old jackie is that to me shes borderline genuinely sympathetic#which is why I love the idea of her having similar character traits still but in a less justified environment#like I am still in shock that so many of my jackie headcanons actually held water like even my ppl didn't take jackie's ideas seriously#and that being a bonding factor for olivia and jackie was smth that actually existed in the original concepts for the two#again Im glad they were scrapped for a multitude of reasons but its so vindicating that I was actually onto smth#Ive talked abt how I think its good they got scrapped because of the importance of oni's narrative being patchy and vague#but also I am so glad they scrapped pretty much all of jackie's actively sympathetic elements even if I still like sympathising with her#I know I complain abt us not seeing enough of jackie's perspective of things outside of her immediate research but thats mostly on the#grounds that it makes olivia and jackie's old friendship feel too trapped in the implied realm#I want jackie to feel like theres more to her life but I dont want said things to feel like a part of the plot if that makes sense
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mental-space-x · 7 months
My weekend away
As the title suggests, I’m just back from a weekend in town with a friend of mine. She’s been nagging me for weeks to take some time off and spend a weekend at her place and since it was her birthday, we arranged it. It was really nice catching up with her, spending hours sharing war stories from our abuses, comparing notes on how the investigation/evidence gathering/ police process went. I have…
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ea123c · 8 months
"Don't make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever your self up." Thomas J. Watson
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mummer · 9 months
the thing about mat wheeloftime is that he was invented for me in a lab
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forewerinmyheart · 1 year
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3 John 1.2, NIV
Exodus 23.25, NIV
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