#French king
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seamajoor · 1 year ago
« Le Bal des Ardents »
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Finished a seven pages summary of one of my favorite historic moment in French history «  Le Bal des Ardents » ! It is set the 28 January 1389 .
Now some facts I couldn’t put in it !
Charles VI killed four men in a frenzy because he thought they were British soldier send to kill him ! They were in facts, only his close guard. The episode started after a man talked to him in the forest it all took place. He took 8 months to recover from this.
Strangely enough, even though « le Bal des Ardents » was a hugely traumatizing event, it is not the one that granted him his nickname « Le Fol » (the crazy ). It’s only 7 months after his mental health declined again without signs of improvements.
Infos kind of vary there but the event took place in the Hotel Saint-Pol OR the destructed and then reconstructed Hotel de la Reine Blanche.
Louis d’Orléans was 17 when it happened. People did think he did this to kill Charles VI and took the thrones. After the event he build the chapel « Le Couvent des Célestins » to expiate his crimes.
English is not my first languages also , sorry about the mistakes !!
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allegorypaintings · 3 months ago
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Louis XIII Between Two Female Figures Symbolizing France and Navarre
Artist: Simon Vouet (French, 1590–1649)
Date: 17th century
Medium: Oil on canvas
Collection: Louvre Museum, Paris, France
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resplendentoutfit · 1 year ago
The outrageous, extravagant, often humorous, and sometimes beautiful outfits worn by the subjects of old portraits.
Francis I — Fashion Influencer
François I was a fashion-forward monarch. He was fond of dressing in the latest, most lavish clothing, made from the finest fabrics and adorned with elaborate details of beading, gold and silver thread embroidery, and gems. He worked with his favorite designers to create elegant, bespoke garments.
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François I • Jean Clouet • c. 1530
Francois was a Renaissance influencer who brought the latest fashions to his court at Fountainblu, including "slashing" (more on that in an upcoming post), collars, and the codpiece.
Above, he wears a wide-necked doublet with paned sleeves under dark gold jerkin and a satin overgown with turned-back sleeves. His shirt has a tiny frill edged in black at the neck and wide ruffles at the wrist. 
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The Workshop of Joos Van Cleve (1480 or 1490 (ca.) – 1540 or 1541) • Oil on wood applied to the canvas • Château de Fontainebleau, Gallery of Splendours.
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François I (Detail)
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François I (Detail)
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Besides being exquisitely dressed, and perhaps more importantly, Francis I was a great patron of Renaissance architecture and art. During his reign, he built or rebuilt numerous châteaus, including the Louvre in Paris and the magnificent royal residence at Fontainebleau. The king invited the Italian master Leonardo da Vinci to settle in France, and the artist spent his last years there. Francis also collected art works by Renaissance masters such as Raphael, Michelangelo, Titian, and Benvenuto Cellini. His collection of art, including a famous portrait of the king by Titian, became the core of the Louvre museum.
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royalty-nobility · 7 months ago
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Portrait of of Louis Philippe I
Artist: Franz Xaver Winterhalter  (German, 1805–1873)
Title: Louis-Philippe I, King of the French (1773–1850)
Genre: Portrait
Date: 1841
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Collection: Department of Paintings of the Louvre
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alternatehistoryworlds · 1 year ago
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AU: Valois House. Children Francis I and Claude Valois.
Madeleine(1520 - 1583). Queen of Scots. Wife of James V and mother of 9 children: Kenneth IV, Duncan III, Mary, Malcolm, Margaret, Donald, Francis, Claude and Annabel. Madeleine and Jacob's marriage, was a happy one. Was very devout, patronized the church and helped the poor.
Charles(1522 - 1597). Duke of Angouleme. Husband of Anne of Austria. The married life of Anne and Charles was not happy. In marriage 5 children were born: Francis, Etienne, Gerard, Claude and Anne. In 1545 he took part in hostilities against the English and contracted the plague in a military camp, the king feared for the life of his son, but soon the Duke went on the mend. Charles was an ardent lover of literature. His personal library was considered the largest in Europe.
Margaret(1523 - 1593). Empress of the Holy Roman Empire. Wife of Maximilian II and mother of 7 children: Anne, Helena, Franz I, Mary, Matthias, Wenzel and Barbara. Margaret and Maximilian had a happy marriage. She was charitable, and because of this she won the love of her subjects. She was considered the most educated woman of her time
AU: дом Валуа. Дети Франциска I и Клод Валуа.
Мадлен(1520 - 1583). Королева Шотландии. Жена Якова V и мать 9 детей: Кеннет IV, Дункан III, Мария, Малькольм, Маргарита, Дональд, Фрэнсис, Клод и Аннабель. Брак Мадлен и Якова был счастливым. Была очень набожной, покровительствовала церкви и помогала бедным.
Карл(1522 - 1597). Герцог Ангулемский. Муж Анны Австрийской. Супружеская жизнь Анны и Карла была не счастливой. В браке родилось 5 детей: Франциск, Этьен, Жерар, Клод и Анна. В 1545 году принимал участие в боевых действиях против англичан и заразился чумой в военном лагере, кароль опасался за жизнь своего сына, но вскоре герцог пошёл на поправку. К��рл был ярым любителем литературы. Его личная библиотека считалась самой большой в Европе.
Маргарита(1523 - 1593). Императрица Священной римской империи. Жена Максимилиана II и мать 7 детей: Анна, Хелена, Франц I, Мария, Маттиас, Венцель и Барбара. У Маргариты и Максимилиана был счастливый брак. Была милосердной, благодаря этому и завоевала любовь подданных. Считалась самой образованной женщиной своего времени.
Part 2.
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317-is-here-won · 9 months ago
The French king who believed he was made of glass! (Featuring @Bad-Janet)
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la-belle-histoire · 7 months ago
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Guinevere and Iseult: Cartoon for Stained Glass, William Morris. 1862.
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cathianemelian · 2 years ago
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I don't make the rules
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jaynuu · 8 months ago
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lululocomo · 3 months ago
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First part of a small comic I'm making for my au! (click on the images for better quality) next
Au masterpost context: When MK lift the staff, Wukong was finally free. He was surprise to see a human who can lift his staff, and since he was tired of being alone, he decided to take MK as his sucessor. So they got on their way to FFM to train, where they will see an old acquaintance of the Monkey King.
Btw it's my first time making a comic! it's very small since it's focus on a single scene, but I will make others!
(I may not make all comics in colors it take a lot of time)
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vivelafranceblog · 3 months ago
Fireworks display, Eiffel Tower, Paris: The Eiffel Tower and fireworks have a long history. The July 14 fireworks at the Eiffel Tower have been an institution since 1888, when the 1st fireworks display, signed by Ruggieri, was launched from the 2nd floor of the Tower, which had just been built. The year the Eiffel Tower opened, in 1889, the July 14th fireworks were launched from the Tower again, signed by the fireworks maker Ruggieri... You will be able to see the fireworks show from any point in Paris where you can see the Eiffel Tower.. The Eiffel Tower is named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower from 1887 to 1889. Wikipedia
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azzzryel · 5 months ago
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Et la version couleur pour le lol :D
(Je viens de réaliser qu'Audrey ressemble étrangement à Princesse Bubblegum-)
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ligbi · 2 years ago
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So there was a french animated film about the friendship between Icarus and the Minotaur last year and I was supposed to hear about it on the bird app?
I mean it’s literally not streaming anywhere yet nor does it have a home media release at this time but I would like to get hyped in hopes of one of those things happening eventually.
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It has a good style! I would like to see the tragedy! 
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royalty-nobility · 5 months ago
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Charles X (1757–1836), King of France, after Gérard
Artist: Henry Bone (British, 1755-1834)
Date: 1829
Medium: Enamel
Collection: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, NY, United States
Charles X, King of France
Charles X (Charles Philippe; 9 October 1757 – 6 November 1836) was King of France from 16 September 1824 until 2 August 1830. An uncle of the uncrowned Louis XVII and younger brother of reigning kings Louis XVI and Louis XVIII, he supported the latter in exile. After the Bourbon Restoration in 1814, Charles (as heir-presumptive) became the leader of the ultra-royalists, a radical monarchist faction within the French court that affirmed absolute monarchy by divine right and opposed the constitutional monarchy concessions towards liberals and the guarantees of civil liberties granted by the Charter of 1814. Charles gained influence within the French court after the assassination of his son Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Berry, in 1820 and succeeded his brother Louis XVIII in 1824.
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thefourofdiamondsart · 9 months ago
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The king ran to embrace him;
more than a hundred times
he hugs and kisses him.
As soon as he got a chance
he gave him back all of his land;
he gave him more than I’m telling you.
“Bisclavret” by Marie de France, 12th C.
Prints available here!
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atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year ago
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The King and the Mockingbird (1980)
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